# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # standard imports import io import sys import os import json import argparse import logging import urllib # external imports import chainlib.eth.cli from crypto_dev_signer.eth.signer import ReferenceSigner as EIP155Signer from crypto_dev_signer.keystore.dict import DictKeystore from hexathon import ( add_0x, strip_0x, ) # local imports from chainlib.eth.address import to_checksum from chainlib.eth.connection import EthHTTPConnection from chainlib.jsonrpc import ( JSONRPCRequest, IntSequenceGenerator, ) from chainlib.eth.nonce import ( RPCNonceOracle, OverrideNonceOracle, ) from chainlib.eth.gas import ( RPCGasOracle, OverrideGasOracle, ) from chainlib.eth.tx import ( TxFactory, raw, ) from chainlib.error import SignerMissingException from chainlib.chain import ChainSpec from chainlib.eth.runnable.util import decode_for_puny_humans from chainlib.eth.jsonrpc import to_blockheight_param logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING) logg = logging.getLogger() script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) config_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, '..', 'data', 'config') arg_flags = chainlib.eth.cli.argflag_std_write | chainlib.eth.cli.Flag.EXEC argparser = chainlib.eth.cli.ArgumentParser(arg_flags) argparser.add_argument('--deploy', action='store_true', help='Deploy data as contract') argparser.add_positional('data', type=str, help='Transaction data') args = argparser.parse_args() config = chainlib.eth.cli.Config.from_args(args, arg_flags, default_config_dir=config_dir) block_all = args.ww block_last = args.w or block_all wallet = chainlib.eth.cli.Wallet(EIP155Signer) wallet.from_config(config) rpc = chainlib.eth.cli.Rpc(wallet=wallet) conn = rpc.connect_by_config(config) send = config.true('_RPC_SEND') chain_spec = None try: chain_spec = ChainSpec.from_chain_str(config.get('CHAIN_SPEC')) except AttributeError: pass def main(): signer_address = None try: signer = rpc.get_signer() signer_address = rpc.get_signer_address() except SignerMissingException: pass if config.get('_EXEC_ADDRESS') != None or args.deploy: exec_address = None if config.get('_EXEC_ADDRESS') != None: exec_address = add_0x(to_checksum(config.get('_EXEC_ADDRESS'))) #if not args.u and exec_address != add_0x(exec_address): if not args.u and exec_address != exec_address: raise ValueError('invalid checksum address') if signer_address == None: j = JSONRPCRequest(id_generator=rpc.id_generator) o = j.template() o['method'] = 'eth_call' o['params'].append({ 'to': exec_address, 'from': signer_address, 'value': '0x00', 'gas': add_0x(int.to_bytes(8000000, 8, byteorder='big').hex()), # TODO: better get of network gas limit 'gasPrice': '0x01', 'data': add_0x(args.data), }) height = to_blockheight_param(config.get('_HEIGHT')) o['params'].append(height) o = j.finalize(o) r = conn.do(o) try: print(strip_0x(r)) except ValueError: sys.stderr.write('query returned an empty value ({})\n'.format(r)) sys.exit(1) else: if chain_spec == None: raise ValueError('chain spec must be specified') g = TxFactory(chain_spec, signer=rpc.get_signer(), gas_oracle=rpc.get_gas_oracle(), nonce_oracle=rpc.get_nonce_oracle()) tx = g.template(signer_address, exec_address, use_nonce=True) if args.data != None: tx = g.set_code(tx, add_0x(args.data)) (tx_hash_hex, o) = g.finalize(tx, id_generator=rpc.id_generator) if send: r = conn.do(o) print(r) else: print(o) else: o = raw(args.data, id_generator=rpc.id_generator) if send: r = conn.do(o) print(r) else: print(o) if __name__ == '__main__': main()