# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # standard imports import datetime import sys import os import json import argparse import logging # external imports from chainlib.chain import ChainSpec from hexathon import ( add_0x, strip_0x, even, ) import sha3 from funga.eth.signer import EIP155Signer # local imports from chainlib.eth.address import AddressChecksum from chainlib.eth.chain import network_id from chainlib.eth.block import ( block_latest, block_by_number, syncing, Block, ) from chainlib.eth.tx import count from chainlib.eth.connection import EthHTTPConnection from chainlib.eth.gas import ( OverrideGasOracle, balance, price, ) import chainlib.eth.cli from chainlib.eth.cli.arg import ( Arg, ArgFlag, process_args, ) from chainlib.eth.cli.config import ( Config, process_config, ) from chainlib.eth.cli.log import process_log BLOCK_SAMPLES = 10 logg = logging.getLogger() script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) config_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, '..', 'data', 'config') results_translation = { 'network_id': 'Network Id', 'block': 'Block', 'syncing': 'Syncing', 'gas_limit': 'Gas Limit', 'gas_price': 'Gas Price', 'block_time': 'Block time', } def process_config_local(config, arg, args, flags): config.add(args.local, '_LOCAL', False) config.add(args.long, '_LONG', False) config.add(args.entry, '_ENTRY', False) return config arg_flags = ArgFlag() arg = Arg(arg_flags) flags = arg_flags.STD_READ | arg_flags.ENV argparser = chainlib.eth.cli.ArgumentParser() argparser = process_args(argparser, arg, flags) argparser.add_argument('--long', action='store_true', help='Calculate averages through sampling of blocks and txs') argparser.add_argument('--local', action='store_true', help='Include local info') argparser.add_argument('entry', nargs='?', help='Output single item') args = argparser.parse_args() logg = process_log(args, logg) config = Config() config = process_config(config, arg, args, flags) config = process_config_local(config, arg, args, flags) logg.debug('config loaded:\n{}'.format(config)) if config.get('_ENTRY') != None: if config.get('_ENTRY') not in results_translation.keys(): raise ValueError('Unknown entry {}'.format(config.get('_ENTRY'))) rpc = chainlib.eth.cli.Rpc() conn = rpc.connect_by_config(config) token_symbol = 'eth' chain_spec = ChainSpec.from_chain_str(config.get('CHAIN_SPEC')) human = not config.true('_RAW') longmode = config.true('_LONG') def set_result(results, k, v, w=sys.stdout): kt = results_translation[k] if str(config.get('_ENTRY')) == k: w.write('{}'.format(v)) return True logg.info('{}: {}\n'.format(kt, v)) results[k] = v return False def main(): results = {} o = network_id(id_generator=rpc.id_generator) r = conn.do(o) #if human: # n = format(n, ',') if set_result(results, 'network_id', r): return o = block_latest(id_generator=rpc.id_generator) r = conn.do(o) try: n = int(r, 16) except ValueError: n = int(r) first_block_number = n if human: n = format(n, ',') if set_result(results, 'block', n): return o = block_by_number(first_block_number, False, id_generator=rpc.id_generator) r = conn.do(o) last_block = Block(r) last_timestamp = last_block.timestamp if longmode: aggr_time = 0.0 aggr_gas = 0 for i in range(BLOCK_SAMPLES): o = block_by_number(first_block_number-i, False, id_generator=rpc.id_generator) r = conn.do(o) block = Block(r) aggr_time += last_block.timestamp - block.timestamp gas_limit = int(r['gasLimit'], 16) aggr_gas += gas_limit last_block = block last_timestamp = block.timestamp n = int(aggr_gas / BLOCK_SAMPLES) if human: n = format(n, ',') if set_result(results, 'gas_limit', n): return if set_result(results, 'block_time', aggr_time / BLOCK_SAMPLES): return o = price(id_generator=rpc.id_generator) r = conn.do(o) n = int(r, 16) if human: n = format(n, ',') if set_result(results, 'gas_price', n): return if config.get('_LOCAL'): o = syncing() r = conn.do(o) if set_result(results, 'syncing', r): return if config.get('_ENTRY') != None: raise RuntimeError('entry {} ({}) not processed, please review the flag settings'.format(config.get('_ENTRY'), results_translation[config.get('_ENTRY')])) for k in results.keys(): kt = results_translation[k] sys.stdout.write('{}: {}\n'.format(kt, results[k])) if __name__ == '__main__': main()