#!/usr/bin/python3 import logging import os import sys import argparse import tempfile import shutil from hexathon import strip_0x, add_0x from chainlib.cli.man import ( EnvDocGenerator, DocGenerator, apply_groff, ) from chainlib.cli.base import ( argflag_std_base, flag_names, ) from chainlib.cli.arg import ArgumentParser as ChainlibArgumentParser from chainlib.cli.config import Config logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING) logg = logging.getLogger() configuration_description = """ .SH CONFIGURATION All configuration settings may be overriden both by environment variables, or by overriding settings with the contents of ini-files in the directory defined by the \\fB-c\\fP option. The active configuration, with values assigned from environment and arguments, can be output using the \\fB--dumpconfig\\fP \\fIformat\\fP option. Note that entries having keys prefixed with underscore (e.g. _SEQ) are not actual configuration settings, and thus cannot be overridden with environment variables. To refer to a configuration setting by environment variables, the \\fIsection\\fP and \\fIkey\\fP are concatenated together with an underscore, and transformed to upper-case. For example, the configuration variable \\fIFOO_BAZ_BAR\\fP refers to an ini-file entry as follows: .EX [foo] bar_baz = xyzzy .EE In the \\fBENVIRONMENT\\fP section below, the relevant configuration settings for this tool is listed along with a short description of its meaning. Some configuration settings may also be overriden by command line options. Also note that the use of the \\fB-n\\fP and \\fB--env-prefix\\fP options affect how environment and configuration is read. The effects of options on how configuration settings are affective is described in the respective \\fBOPTIONS\\fP section. """ seealso_description = """ .SH SEE ALSO .BP confini-dump(1), eth-keyfile(1) """ legal_description = """ .SH LICENSE This documentation and its source is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 4.0 International license. The source code of the tool this documentation describes is licensed under the GNU General Public License 3.0. .SH COPYRIGHT Louis Holbrook (https://holbrook.no) PGP: 59A844A484AC11253D3A3E9DCDCBD24DD1D0E001 """ source_description = """ .SH SOURCE CODE https://git.defalsify.org """ argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser() argparser.add_argument('-b', default=add_0x(hex(argflag_std_base)), help='argument flag bitmask') argparser.add_argument('-c', help='config override directory') argparser.add_argument('-n', required=True, help='tool name to use for man filename') argparser.add_argument('-d', default='.', help='output directory') argparser.add_argument('-v', action='store_true', help='turn on debug logging') #argparser.add_argument('--overrides-dir', dest='overrides_dir', help='load options description override from file') argparser.add_argument('--overrides-env-dir', dest='overrides_env_dir', help='load envionment description override config from directory') argparser.add_argument('--overrides-config-file', dest='overrides_config_file', help='load configuration text from file') argparser.add_argument('source_dir', help='directory containing sources for the tool man page') args = argparser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if args.v: logg.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) b = bytes.fromhex(strip_0x(args.b)) flags = int.from_bytes(b, byteorder='big') flags_debug= flag_names(flags) logg.debug('apply arg flags {}: {}'.format(flags, ', '.join(flags_debug))) g = DocGenerator(flags) toolname = args.n #if toolname == None: # parts = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.header_file)) # toolname = parts[0] g.process() def apply_override(g, override_dir): #if args.overrides_dir != None: overrides_file = os.path.join(override_dir, toolname + '.overrides') override = True f = None try: f = open(overrides_file, 'r') except FileNotFoundError: logg.debug('no overrides found for {}'.format(toolname)) override = False if override: while True: s = f.readline() if len(s) == 0: break v = s.split('\t', maxsplit=2) fargs = None try: fargs = v[2].rstrip().split(',') except IndexError: fargs = [] g.override_arg(v[0], v[1], fargs) f.close() return g g = apply_override(g, args.source_dir) ge = EnvDocGenerator(flags, override=args.overrides_env_dir) ge.process() def get_head(tool_name, source_dir): header_file = os.path.join(source_dir, tool_name + '.head.groff') f = open(header_file, 'r') head = f.read() f.close() return head head = get_head(toolname, args.source_dir) if args.overrides_config_file != None: f = open(args.overrides_config_file, 'r') configuration_description = f.read() f.close() (fd, fp) = tempfile.mkstemp() f = os.fdopen(fd, 'w') f.write(head) f.write(str(g)) f.write(configuration_description) f.write(".SH ENVIRONMENT\n\n") f.write(str(ge)) f.write(legal_description) f.write(source_description) f.write(seealso_description) f.close() dest = os.path.join(args.d, toolname + '.1') shutil.copyfile(fp, dest) os.unlink(fp)