330 lines
15 KiB
330 lines
15 KiB
# standard imports
import logging
import argparse
#import enum
#import os
#import select
import sys
#import re
# external imports
from aiee.arg import (
ArgFlag as BaseArgFlag,
Arg as BaseArg,
# local imports
#from .base import (
# default_config_dir,
# Flag,
# argflag_std_target,
# )
logg = logging.getLogger(__name__)
#def stdin_arg():
# """Retreive input arguments from stdin if they exist.
# Method does not block, and expects arguments to be ready on stdin before being called.
# :rtype: str
# :returns: Input arguments string
# """
# h = select.select([sys.stdin], [], [], 0)
# if len(h[0]) > 0:
# v = h[0][0].read()
# return v.rstrip()
# return None
#_default_long_args = {
# '-a': '--recipient',
# '-e': '--executable-address',
# '-s': '--send',
# '-y': '--key-file',
# }
#_default_dest = {
# '-a': 'recipient',
# '-e': 'executable_address',
# }
#_default_fmt = 'human'
class ArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
def parse_args(self, argv=sys.argv[1:]):
if '--dumpconfig' in argv:
argv = [argv[0], '--dumpconfig']
return super(ArgumentParser, self).parse_args(args=argv)
#class ArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
# """Extends the standard library argument parser to construct arguments based on configuration flags.
# The extended class is set up to facilitate piping of single positional arguments via stdin. For this reason, positional arguments should be added using the locally defined add_positional method instead of add_argument.
# Long flag aliases for short flags are editable using the arg_long argument. Editing a non-existent short flag will produce no error and have no effect. Adding a long flag for a short flag that does not have an alias will also not have effect.
# Calls chainlib.cli.args.ArgumentParser.process_flags with arg_flags and env arguments, see the method's documentation for further details.
# :param arg_flags: Argument flag bit vector to generate configuration values for.
# :type arg_flags: chainlib.cli.Flag
# :param arg_long: Change long flag alias for given short flags. Example value: {'-a': '--addr', '-e': '--contract'}
# :type arg_long: dict
# :param env: Environment variables
# :type env: dict
# :param usage: Usage string, passed to parent
# :type usage: str
# :param description: Description string, passed to parent
# :type description: str
# :param epilog: Epilog string, passed to parent
# :type epilog: str
# """
# def __init__(self, arg_flags=0x0f, arg_long={}, env=os.environ, usage=None, description=None, epilog=None, default_format=_default_fmt, *args, **kwargs):
# super(ArgumentParser, self).__init__(usage=usage, description=description, epilog=epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, *args, **kwargs)
# self.pos_args = []
# self.long_args = _default_long_args
# self.arg_dest = _default_dest
# self.default_format = default_format
# re_long = r'^--[a-z\-]+$'
# for k in arg_long.keys():
# if re.match(re_long, arg_long[k]) == None:
# raise ValueError('invalid long arg {}'.format(arg_long[k]))
# self.long_args[k] = arg_long[k]
# dest = arg_long[k][2:]
# dest = dest.replace('-', '_')
# self.arg_dest[k] = dest
# self.process_flags(arg_flags, env)
# def add_positional(self, name, type=str, help=None, append=False, required=True):
# """Add a positional argument.
# Stdin piping will only be possible in the event a single positional argument is defined.
# If the "required" is set, the resulting parsed arguments must have provided a value either from stdin or excplicitly on the command line.
# :param name: Attribute name of argument
# :type name: str
# :param type: Argument type
# :type type: str
# :param help: Help string
# :type help: str
# :param required: If true, argument will be set to required
# :type required: bool
# """
# self.pos_args.append((name, type, help, required, append,))
# def parse_args(self, argv=sys.argv[1:]):
# """Overrides the argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args method.
# Implements reading arguments from stdin if a single positional argument is defined (and not set to required).
# If the "required" was set for the single positional argument, the resulting parsed arguments must have provided a value either from stdin or excplicitly on the command line.
# :param argv: Argument vector to process
# :type argv: list
# """
# if len(self.pos_args) == 1:
# arg = self.pos_args[0]
# if arg[4]:
# self.add_argument(arg[0], nargs='*', type=arg[1], default=stdin_arg(), help=arg[2])
# else:
# self.add_argument(arg[0], nargs='?', type=arg[1], default=stdin_arg(), help=arg[2])
# else:
# for arg in self.pos_args:
# if arg[3]:
# if arg[4]:
# self.add_argument(arg[0], nargs='+', type=arg[1], help=arg[2])
# else:
# self.add_argument(arg[0], type=arg[1], help=arg[2])
# else:
# if arg[4]:
# self.add_argument(arg[0], nargs='*', type=arg[1], help=arg[2])
# else:
# self.add_argument(arg[0], type=arg[1], help=arg[2])
# args = super(ArgumentParser, self).parse_args(args=argv)
# if getattr(args, 'dumpconfig', None) != None:
# return args
# if len(self.pos_args) == 1:
# arg = self.pos_args[0]
# argname = arg[0]
# required = arg[3]
# if getattr(args, arg[0], None) == None:
# argp = stdin_arg()
# if argp == None and required:
# self.error('need first positional argument or value from stdin')
# setattr(args, arg[0], argp)
# return args
# def process_flags(self, arg_flags, env):
# """Configures the arguments of the parser using the provided flags.
# Environment variables are used for default values for:
# CONFINI_DIR: -c, --config
# CONFINI_ENV_PREFIX: --env-prefix
# This method is called by the constructor, and is not intended to be called directly.
# :param arg_flags: Argument flag bit vector to generate configuration values for.
# :type arg_flags: chainlib.cli.Flag
# :param env: Environment variables
# :type env: dict
# """
# if arg_flags & Flag.VERBOSE:
# self.add_argument('--no-logs', dest='no_logs',action='store_true', help='Turn off all logging')
# self.add_argument('-v', action='store_true', help='Be verbose')
# self.add_argument('-vv', action='store_true', help='Be more verbose')
# if arg_flags & Flag.CONFIG:
# self.add_argument('-c', '--config', type=str, default=env.get('CONFINI_DIR'), help='Configuration directory')
# self.add_argument('-n', '--namespace', type=str, help='Configuration namespace')
# self.add_argument('--dumpconfig', type=str, choices=['env', 'ini'], help='Output configuration and quit. Use with --raw to omit values and output schema only.')
# if arg_flags & Flag.WAIT:
# self.add_argument('-w', action='store_true', help='Wait for the last transaction to be confirmed')
# self.add_argument('-ww', action='store_true', help='Wait for every transaction to be confirmed')
# if arg_flags & Flag.ENV_PREFIX:
# self.add_argument('--env-prefix', default=env.get('CONFINI_ENV_PREFIX'), dest='env', type=str, help='environment prefix for variables to overwrite configuration')
# if arg_flags & Flag.PROVIDER:
# self.add_argument('-p', '--rpc-provider', dest='p', type=str, help='RPC HTTP(S) provider url')
# self.add_argument('--rpc-dialect', dest='rpc_dialect', type=str, help='RPC HTTP(S) backend dialect')
# if arg_flags & Flag.NO_TARGET == 0:
# self.add_argument('--height', default='latest', help='Block height to execute against')
# if arg_flags & Flag.RPC_AUTH:
# self.add_argument('--rpc-auth', dest='rpc_auth', type=str, help='RPC autentication scheme')
# self.add_argument('--rpc-credentials', dest='rpc_credentials', type=str, help='RPC autentication credential values')
# if arg_flags & Flag.CHAIN_SPEC:
# self.add_argument('-i', '--chain-spec', dest='i', type=str, help='Chain specification string')
# if arg_flags & Flag.UNSAFE:
# self.add_argument('-u', '--unsafe', dest='u', action='store_true', help='Do not verify address checksums')
# if arg_flags & Flag.SEQ:
# self.add_argument('--seq', action='store_true', help='Use sequential rpc ids')
# if arg_flags & Flag.KEY_FILE:
# self.add_argument('-y', self.long_args['-y'], dest='y', type=str, help='Keystore file to use for signing or address')
# self.add_argument('--passphrase-file', dest='passphrase_file', type=str, help='File containing passphrase for keystore')
# if arg_flags & Flag.SEND:
# self.add_argument('-s', self.long_args['-s'], dest='s', action='store_true', help='Send to network')
# if arg_flags & Flag.RAW:
# self.add_argument('--raw', action='store_true', help='Do not decode output')
# if arg_flags & (Flag.SIGN | Flag.NONCE):
# self.add_argument('--nonce', type=int, help='override nonce')
# if arg_flags & (Flag.SIGN | Flag.FEE):
# self.add_argument('--fee-price', dest='fee_price', type=int, help='override fee price')
# self.add_argument('--fee-limit', dest='fee_limit', type=int, help='override fee limit')
# # wtf?
# #if arg_flags & argflag_std_target == 0:
# # arg_flags |= Flag.WALLET
# if arg_flags & Flag.EXEC:
# self.add_argument('-e', self.long_args['-e'], dest=self.arg_dest['-e'], type=str, help='contract address')
# if arg_flags & Flag.WALLET:
# self.add_argument('-a', self.long_args['-a'], dest=self.arg_dest['-a'], type=str, help='recipient address')
# if arg_flags & (Flag.FMT_HUMAN | Flag.FMT_WIRE | Flag.FMT_RPC):
# format_choices = []
# if arg_flags & Flag.FMT_HUMAN:
# format_choices.append('human')
# if arg_flags & Flag.FMT_WIRE:
# format_choices.append('bin')
# if arg_flags & Flag.FMT_RPC:
# format_choices.append('rpc')
# self.add_argument('-f', '--format', type=str, choices=format_choices, help='output formatting (default: {})'.format(self.default_format))
class ArgFlag(BaseArgFlag):
def __init__(self):
super(ArgFlag, self).__init__()
self.alias('std_base', 'verbose', 'config', 'raw', 'env', 'no_target')
self.alias('std_base_read', 'verbose', 'config', 'raw', 'env', 'provider', 'chain_spec', 'seq')
self.alias('std_read', 'std_base', 'provider', 'chain_spec', 'unsafe', 'seq', 'key_file', 'fee', 'no_target')
self.alias('std_write', 'provider', 'chain_spec', 'unsafe', 'seq', 'key_file', 'sign', 'no_target', 'wait', 'wait_all', 'send', 'rpc_auth')
self.alias('std_target', 'no_target', 'exec', 'wallet')
class Arg(BaseArg):
def __init__(self, flags):
super(Arg, self).__init__(flags)
self.add_long('no-logs', 'verbose', typ=bool, help='Turn off all logging')
self.add('v', 'verbose', typ=bool, help='Be verbose')
self.add('vv', 'verbose', check=False, typ=bool, help='Be more verbose')
self.add('vvv', 'veryverbose', check=False, typ=bool, help='Be morse verbose with custom tracing')
self.add('n', 'config', help='Configuration namespace')
self.set_long('n', 'namespace', dest='namespace')
self.add('c', 'config', dest='config', help='Configuration directory')
self.set_long('c', 'config')
self.add_long('dumpconfig', 'config', help='Output configuration and quit. Use with --raw to omit values and output schema only.')
self.add('w', 'wait', typ=bool, help='Wait for the last transaction to be confirmed')
self.add('ww', 'wait', check=False, typ=bool, help='Wait for every transaction to be confirmed')
self.add_long('env-prefix', 'env', help='environment prefix for variables to overwrite configuration')
self.add('p', 'provider', help='RPC HTTP(S) provider url')
self.set_long('p', 'provider')
self.add_long('rpc-dialect', 'provider', help='RPC HTTP(S) backend dialect')
self.add_long('height', 'no_target', default='latest', help='Block height to execute against')
self.add_long('rpc-auth', 'rpc_auth', help='RPC autentication scheme')
self.add_long('rpc-credentials', 'rpc_auth', help='RPC autentication credential values')
self.add('i', 'chain_spec', help='Chain specification string')
self.set_long('i', 'chain-spec')
self.add('u', 'unsafe', help='Do not verify address checksums')
self.set_long('u', 'unsafe')
self.add_long('seq', 'seq', typ=bool, help='Use sequential rpc ids')
self.add('y', 'key_file', help='Keystore file to use for signing or address')
self.set_long('y', 'key-file')
self.add_long('passphrase-file', 'key_file', help='Keystore file to use for signing or address')
self.add('s', 'send', typ=bool, help='Send to network')
self.set_long('s', 'send')
self.add_long('raw', 'raw', typ=bool, help='Do not decode output')
self.add('0', 'raw', typ=bool, help='Omit newline to output')
self.add_long('nonce', 'nonce', typ=int, help='override nonce')
self.add_long('fee-price', 'fee', typ=int, help='override fee price')
self.add_long('fee-limit', 'fee', typ=int, help='override fee limit')