2021-12-06 18:55:36 +01:00

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# standard imports
import socket
import os
import logging
import enum
import re
import json
import base64
from urllib.request import (
from urllib.error import URLError
# local imports
from .jsonrpc import (
from .http import PreemptiveBasicAuthHandler
from .error import (
from .auth import Auth
logg = logging.getLogger(__name__)
error_parser = ErrorParser()
class ConnType(enum.Enum):
"""Describe the underlying RPC connection type.
CUSTOM = 0x00
HTTP = 0x100
HTTP_SSL = 0x101
UNIX = 0x1000
re_http = '^http(s)?://'
re_ws = '^ws(s)?://'
re_unix = '^ipc://'
def str_to_connspec(s):
"""Determine the connection type from a connection string.
:param s: Connection string
:type d: str
:rtype: chainlib.connection.ConnType
:returns: Connection type value
if s == 'custom':
return ConnType.CUSTOM
m = re.match(re_http, s)
if m != None:
if != None:
return ConnType.HTTP_SSL
return ConnType.HTTP
m = re.match(re_ws, s)
if m != None:
if != None:
return ConnType.WEBSOCKET_SSL
return ConnType.WEBSOCKET
m = re.match(re_unix, s)
if m != None:
return ConnType.UNIX
raise ValueError('unknown connection type {}'.format(s))
class RPCConnection:
"""Base class for defining an RPC connection to a chain node.
This class may be instantiated directly, or used as an object factory to provide a thread-safe RPC connection mechanism to a single RPC node.
:param url: A valid URL connection string for the RPC connection
:type url: str
:param chain_spec: The chain spec of
:type chain_spec: chainlib.chain.ChainSpec
:param auth: Authentication settings to use when connecting
:type auth: chainlib.auth.Auth
:todo: basic auth is currently parsed from the connection string, should be auth object instead. auth object effectively not in use.
__locations = {}
__constructors = {
'default': {
__constructors_for_chains = {}
def __init__(self, url=None, chain_spec=None, auth=None, verify_identity=True):
self.chain_spec = chain_spec
self.location = None
self.basic = None
self.verify_identity = verify_identity
if not self.verify_identity:
logg.warning('RPC host identity verification is OFF. Beware, you will be easy to cheat')
if url == None:
self.auth = auth
if self.auth != None and not isinstance(self.auth, Auth):
raise TypeError('auth parameter needs to be subclass of chainlib.auth.Auth')
url_parsed = urlparse(url)
logg.debug('creating connection {} -> {}'.format(url, url_parsed))
# TODO: temporary basic auth parse
basic = url_parsed.netloc.split('@')
location = None
if len(basic) == 1:
location = url_parsed.netloc
location = basic[1]
self.basic = basic[0].split(':')
#if url_parsed.port != None:
# location += ':' + str(url_parsed.port)
self.location = os.path.join('{}://'.format(url_parsed.scheme), location)
self.location = urljoin(self.location, url_parsed.path)
logg.debug('parsed url {} to location {}'.format(url, self.location))
def from_conntype(t, tag='default'):
"""Retrieve a connection constructor from the given tag and connection type.
:param t: Connection type
:type t: chainlib.connection.ConnType
:param tag: The connection selector tag
:type tag:
return RPCConnection.__constructors[tag][t]
def register_constructor(conntype, c, tag='default'):
"""Associate a connection constructor for a given tag and connection type.
The constructor must be a chainlib.connection.RPCConnection object or an object of a subclass thereof.
:param conntype: Connection type of constructor
:type conntype: chainlib.connection.ConnType
:param c: Constructor
:type c: chainlib.connection.RPCConnection
:param tag: Tag to store the connection constructor under
:type tag: str
if RPCConnection.__constructors.get(tag) == None:
RPCConnection.__constructors[tag] = {}
RPCConnection.__constructors[tag][conntype] = c'registered RPC connection constructor {} for type {} tag {}'.format(c, conntype, tag))
# TODO: constructor needs to be constructor-factory, that itself can select on url type
def register_location(location, chain_spec, tag='default', exist_ok=False):
"""Associate a URL for a given tag and chain spec.
:param location: URL of RPC connection
:type location: str
:param chain_spec: Chain spec describing the chain behind the RPC connection
:type chain_spec: chainlib.chain.ChainSpec
:param tag: Tag to store the connection location under
:type tag: str
:param exist_ok: Overwrite existing record
:type exist_ok: bool
:raises ValueError: Record already exists, and exist_ok is not set
chain_str = str(chain_spec)
if RPCConnection.__locations.get(chain_str) == None:
RPCConnection.__locations[chain_str] = {}
elif not exist_ok:
v = RPCConnection.__locations[chain_str].get(tag)
if v != None:
raise ValueError('duplicate registration of tag {}:{}, requested {} already had {}'.format(chain_str, tag, location, v))
conntype = str_to_connspec(location)
RPCConnection.__locations[chain_str][tag] = (conntype, location)'registered rpc connection {} ({}/{}) as {}'.format(location, chain_str, tag, conntype))
def connect(chain_spec, tag='default'):
"""Connect to the location defined by the given tag and chain spec, using the associated constructor.
Location must first be registered using the RPCConnection.register_location method.
Constructor must first be registered using the RPCConnection.register_constructor method.
:param chain_spec: Chain spec part of the location record
:type chain_spec: chainlib.chain.ChainSpec
:param tag: Tag part of the location record
:type tag: str
:rtype: chainlib.connection.RPCConnection
:returns: Instantiation of the matching registered constructor
chain_str = str(chain_spec)
c = RPCConnection.__locations[chain_str][tag]
constructor = RPCConnection.from_conntype(c[0], tag=tag)
logg.debug('rpc connect {} {} {}'.format(constructor, c, tag))
return constructor(url=c[1], chain_spec=chain_spec)
def disconnect(self):
"""Should be overridden to clean up any resources bound by the connect method.
def __del__(self):
class HTTPConnection(RPCConnection):
"""Generic HTTP connection subclass of RPCConnection
class UnixConnection(RPCConnection):
"""Generic Unix socket connection subclass of RPCConnection
class JSONRPCHTTPConnection(HTTPConnection):
"""Generic JSON-RPC specific HTTP connection wrapper.
def check_rpc(self):
"""Check if RPC connection is a valid JSON-RPC endpoint.
:raises Exception: Invalid connection.
j = JSONRPCRequest()
req = j.template()
req['method'] = 'ping'
except JSONRPCException:
def check(self):
"""Check if endpoint is reachable.
:rtype: bool
:returns: True if reachable
except URLError as e:
logg.error('cannot connect to node {}; {}'.format(self.location, e))
return False
return True
def do(self, o, error_parser=error_parser):
"""Execute a JSON-RPC query, from dict as generated by chainlib.jsonrpc.JSONRPCRequest:finalize.
If connection was created with an auth object, the auth object will be used to authenticate the query.
If connection was created with a basic url string, the corresponding basic auth credentials will be used to authenticate the query.
:param o: JSON-RPC query object
:type o: dict
:param error_parser: Error parser object to process JSON-RPC error response with.
:type error_parser: chainlib.jsonrpc.ErrorParser
:raises ValueError: Invalid response from JSON-RPC endpoint
:raises URLError: Endpoint could not be reached
:rtype: any
:returns: Result value part of JSON RPC response
:todo: Invalid response exception from invalid json response
ssl_ctx = None
if not self.verify_identity:
import ssl
ssl_ctx = ssl.SSLContext()
ssl_ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
req = Request(
req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
# use specific auth if present
if self.auth != None:
p = self.auth.urllib_header()
req.add_header(p[0], p[1])
data = json.dumps(o)
logg.debug('(HTTP) send {}'.format(data))
# use basic auth if present
if self.basic != None:
handler = PreemptiveBasicAuthHandler()
ho = build_opener(handler)
r = urlopen(
except URLError as e:
raise RPCException(e)
result = json.load(r)
logg.debug('(HTTP) recv {}'.format(result))
if o['id'] != result['id']:
raise ValueError('RPC id mismatch; sent {} received {}'.format(o['id'], result['id']))
return jsonrpc_result(result, error_parser)
class JSONRPCUnixConnection(UnixConnection):
"""Execute a JSON-RPC query, from dict as generated by chainlib.jsonrpc.JSONRPCRequest:finalize.
:param o: JSON-RPC query object
:type o: dict
:param error_parser: Error parser object to process JSON-RPC error response with.
:type error_parser: chainlib.jsonrpc.ErrorParser
:raises ValueError: Invalid response from JSON-RPC endpoint
:raises IOError: Endpoint could not be reached
:rtype: any
:returns: Result value part of JSON RPC response
:todo: Invalid response exception from invalid json response
def do(self, o, error_parser=error_parser):
conn = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_UNIX, type=socket.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0)
data = json.dumps(o)
logg.debug('unix socket send {}'.format(data))
l = len(data)
n = 0
while n < l:
c = conn.send(data.encode('utf-8'))
if c == 0:
raise IOError('unix socket ({}/{}) {}'.format(n, l, data))
n += c
r = b''
while True:
b = conn.recv(4096)
if len(b) == 0:
r += b
logg.debug('unix socket recv {}'.format(r.decode('utf-8')))
result = json.loads(r)
if result['id'] != o['id']:
raise ValueError('RPC id mismatch; sent {} received {}'.format(o['id'], result['id']))
return jsonrpc_result(result, error_parser)
# TODO: Automatic creation should be hidden behind symbol, in the spirit of no unsolicited side-effects. (perhaps connection should be module dir, and jsonrpc a submodule)
RPCConnection.register_constructor(ConnType.HTTP, JSONRPCHTTPConnection, tag='default')
RPCConnection.register_constructor(ConnType.HTTP_SSL, JSONRPCHTTPConnection, tag='default')
RPCConnection.register_constructor(ConnType.UNIX, JSONRPCUnixConnection, tag='default')