2021-02-03 20:55:39 +01:00
# standard imports
import logging
# local imports
2021-02-03 21:10:08 +01:00
from cic_syncer . db . models . sync import BlockchainSync
from cic_syncer . db . models . base import SessionBase
2021-02-03 20:55:39 +01:00
logg = logging . getLogger ( )
class SyncerBackend :
""" Interface to block and transaction sync state.
: param chain_spec : Chain spec for the chain that syncer is running for .
: type chain_spec : cic_registry . chain . ChainSpec
: param object_id : Unique id for the syncer session .
: type object_id : number
def __init__ ( self , chain_spec , object_id ) :
self . db_session = None
self . db_object = None
self . chain_spec = chain_spec
self . object_id = object_id
self . connect ( )
self . disconnect ( )
def connect ( self ) :
""" Loads the state of the syncer session with the given id.
self . db_session = SessionBase . create_session ( )
q = self . db_session . query ( BlockchainSync )
q = q . filter ( BlockchainSync . id == self . object_id )
self . db_object = q . first ( )
if self . db_object == None :
raise ValueError ( ' sync entry with id {} not found ' . format ( self . object_id ) )
def disconnect ( self ) :
""" Commits state of sync to backend.
self . db_session . add ( self . db_object )
self . db_session . commit ( )
self . db_session . close ( )
def chain ( self ) :
""" Returns chain spec for syncer
: returns : Chain spec
: rtype chain_spec : cic_registry . chain . ChainSpec
return self . chain_spec
def get ( self ) :
""" Get the current state of the syncer cursor.
: returns : Block and block transaction height , respectively
: rtype : tuple
self . connect ( )
pair = self . db_object . cursor ( )
self . disconnect ( )
return pair
def set ( self , block_height , tx_height ) :
""" Update the state of the syncer cursor
: param block_height : Block height of cursor
: type block_height : number
: param tx_height : Block transaction height of cursor
: type tx_height : number
: returns : Block and block transaction height , respectively
: rtype : tuple
self . connect ( )
pair = self . db_object . set ( block_height , tx_height )
self . disconnect ( )
return pair
def start ( self ) :
""" Get the initial state of the syncer cursor.
: returns : Initial block and block transaction height , respectively
: rtype : tuple
self . connect ( )
pair = self . db_object . start ( )
self . disconnect ( )
return pair
def target ( self ) :
""" Get the target state (upper bound of sync) of the syncer cursor.
: returns : Target block height
: rtype : number
self . connect ( )
target = self . db_object . target ( )
self . disconnect ( )
return target
def first ( chain ) :
""" Returns the model object of the most recent syncer in backend.
: param chain : Chain spec of chain that syncer is running for .
: type chain : cic_registry . chain . ChainSpec
: returns : Last syncer object
: rtype : cic_eth . db . models . BlockchainSync
return BlockchainSync . first ( chain )
def initial ( chain , block_height ) :
""" Creates a new syncer session and commit its initial state to backend.
: param chain : Chain spec of chain that syncer is running for .
: type chain : cic_registry . chain . ChainSpec
: param block_height : Target block height
: type block_height : number
: returns : New syncer object
: rtype : cic_eth . db . models . BlockchainSync
object_id = None
session = SessionBase . create_session ( )
o = BlockchainSync ( chain , 0 , 0 , block_height )
session . add ( o )
session . commit ( )
object_id = o . id
session . close ( )
return SyncerBackend ( chain , object_id )
def resume ( chain , block_height ) :
""" Retrieves and returns all previously unfinished syncer sessions.
: param chain : Chain spec of chain that syncer is running for .
: type chain : cic_registry . chain . ChainSpec
: param block_height : Target block height
: type block_height : number
: returns : Syncer objects of unfinished syncs
: rtype : list of cic_eth . db . models . BlockchainSync
syncers = [ ]
session = SessionBase . create_session ( )
object_id = None
for object_id in BlockchainSync . get_unsynced ( session = session ) :
logg . debug ( ' block syncer resume added previously unsynced sync entry id {} ' . format ( object_id ) )
syncers . append ( SyncerBackend ( chain , object_id ) )
( block_resume , tx_resume ) = BlockchainSync . get_last_live_height ( block_height , session = session )
if block_height != block_resume :
o = BlockchainSync ( chain , block_resume , tx_resume , block_height )
session . add ( o )
session . commit ( )
object_id = o . id
syncers . append ( SyncerBackend ( chain , object_id ) )
logg . debug ( ' block syncer resume added new sync entry from previous run id {} , start {} : {} target {} ' . format ( object_id , block_resume , tx_resume , block_height ) )
session . close ( )
return syncers
def live ( chain , block_height ) :
""" Creates a new open-ended syncer session starting at the given block height.
: param chain : Chain spec of chain that syncer is running for .
: type chain : cic_registry . chain . ChainSpec
: param block_height : Target block height
: type block_height : number
: returns : " Live " syncer object
: rtype : cic_eth . db . models . BlockchainSync
object_id = None
session = SessionBase . create_session ( )
o = BlockchainSync ( chain , block_height , 0 , None )
session . add ( o )
session . commit ( )
object_id = o . id
session . close ( )
return SyncerBackend ( chain , object_id )