# standard imports import os import logging import sys import json import argparse import getpass # external impors import coincurve from hexathon import strip_0x # local imports from funga.error import DecryptError from funga.eth.keystore.keyfile import ( from_file, to_dict, ) from funga.eth.encoding import ( private_key_to_address, private_key_from_bytes, ) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING) logg = logging.getLogger() argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser() argparser.add_argument('-d', '--decrypt', dest='d', type=str, help='decrypt file') argparser.add_argument('--private-key', dest='private_key', action='store_true', help='output private key instead of address') argparser.add_argument('-0', dest='nonl', action='store_true', help='no newline at end of output') argparser.add_argument('-z', action='store_true', help='zero-length password') argparser.add_argument('-k', type=str, help='load key from file') argparser.add_argument('-v', action='store_true', help='be verbose') args = argparser.parse_args() if args.v: logg.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) mode = 'create' secret = False if args.d: mode = 'decrypt' if args.private_key: secret = True pk_hex = os.environ.get('PRIVATE_KEY') if args.k != None: f = open(args.k, 'r') pk_hex = f.read(66) f.close() def main(): global pk_hex passphrase = os.environ.get('WALLET_PASSPHRASE', os.environ.get('PASSPHRASE')) if args.z: passphrase = '' r = None if mode == 'decrypt': if passphrase == None: passphrase = getpass.getpass('decryption phrase: ') try: r = from_file(args.d, passphrase).hex() except DecryptError: sys.stderr.write('Invalid passphrase\n') sys.exit(1) if not secret: pk = private_key_from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(r)) r = private_key_to_address(pk) elif mode == 'create': if passphrase == None: passphrase = getpass.getpass('encryption phrase: ') pk_bytes = None if pk_hex != None: pk_hex = strip_0x(pk_hex) pk_bytes = bytes.fromhex(pk_hex) else: pk_bytes = os.urandom(32) pk = coincurve.PrivateKey(secret=pk_bytes) o = to_dict(pk_bytes, passphrase=passphrase) r = json.dumps(o) if not args.nonl: r += "\n" sys.stdout.write(r) if __name__ == '__main__': main()