# standard imports import logging import binascii # third-party imports from rlp import encode as rlp_encode # local imports from crypto_dev_signer.common import strip_hex_prefix, add_hex_prefix logg = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Transaction: def rlp_serialize(self): raise NotImplementedError def serialize(self): raise NotImplementedError class EIP155Transaction: def __init__(self, tx, nonce, chainId=1): to = binascii.unhexlify(strip_hex_prefix(tx['to'])) data = binascii.unhexlify(strip_hex_prefix(tx['data'])) self.nonce = nonce self.gas_price = int(tx['gasPrice']) self.start_gas = int(tx['gas']) self.to = to self.value = int(tx['value']) self.data = data self.v = chainId self.r = b'' self.s = b'' self.sender = strip_hex_prefix(tx['from']) def rlp_serialize(self): b = self.nonce.to_bytes(8, byteorder='little') s = [ self.nonce, self.gas_price, self.start_gas, self.to, self.value, self.data, self.v, self.r, self.s, ] return rlp_encode(s) def serialize(self): return { 'nonce': add_hex_prefix(hex(self.nonce)), 'gasPrice': add_hex_prefix(hex(self.gas_price)), 'gas': add_hex_prefix(hex(self.start_gas)), 'to': add_hex_prefix(self.to.hex()), 'value': add_hex_prefix(hex(self.value)), 'data': add_hex_prefix(self.data.hex()), 'v': add_hex_prefix(hex(self.v)), 'r': add_hex_prefix(self.r.hex()), 's': add_hex_prefix(self.s.hex()), }