from __future__ import annotations # standard import import importlib import json import logging import os from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List import requests # external imports from chainlib.chain import ChainSpec # local imports from cic import Proof from cic.actions.deploy import deploy from cic.actions.types import Contract, Options from cic.attachment import Attachment from cic.meta import Meta from import Network from cic.token import Token if TYPE_CHECKING: from chainlib.cli.config import Config log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def process_args(argparser): argparser.add_argument( "--skip-gen", action="store_true", default=False, help="Skip Generation" ) argparser.add_argument( "--skip-deploy", action="store_true", help="Skip Deployment", ) argparser.add_argument( "--target", default="eth", help="Contract Target (eth)", ) argparser.add_argument( "path", type=str, help="Path to generate/use contract deployment info", ) argparser.add_argument( "-p", type=str, help="RPC Provider (http://localhost:8545)", ) argparser.add_argument( "-y", type=str, help="Wallet Keystore", ) def validate_args(_args): pass CONTRACTS = [ { "url": "", "name": "Giftable Token", }, { "url": "", "name": "Demurrage Token Single No Cap", }, ] # Download File from Url def download_file(url: str, directory: str, filename=None) -> (str, bytes): os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) filename = filename if filename else url.split("/")[-1] path = os.path.join(directory, filename) if not os.path.exists(path): log.debug(f"Downloading {filename}") r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True) open(path, "wb").write(r.content) return path return path def get_contract_args(data: list): for item in data: if item["type"] == "constructor": return item["inputs"] raise Exception("No constructor found in contract") def print_contract_args(json_path: str): json_data = json.load(open(json_path, encoding="utf-8")) print("Contract Args:") for contract_arg in get_contract_args(json_data): print( f"\t{contract_arg.get('name', '')} - {contract_arg.get('type', '')}" ) def select_contract(): print("Contracts:") print("\t C - Custom (path/url to contract)") for idx, contract in enumerate(CONTRACTS): print(f"\t {idx} - {contract['name']}") val = input("Select contract (C,0,1..): ") if val.isdigit() and int(val) < len(CONTRACTS): contract = CONTRACTS[int(val)] directory = f"./contracts/{contract['name']}" bin_path = os.path.abspath(download_file(contract["url"] + ".bin", directory)) json_path = download_file(contract["url"] + ".json", directory) elif val == "C": possible_bin_location = input("Enter path/url to contract: ") # possible_bin_location is path if possible_bin_location[0] == "." or possible_bin_location[0] == "/": if os.path.exists(possible_bin_location): bin_path = os.path.abspath(possible_bin_location) else: raise Exception(f"File {possible_bin_location} does not exist") possible_json_path = val.replace(".bin", ".json") if os.path.exists(possible_json_path): json_path = possible_json_path # possible_bin_location is url else: bin_path = download_file(possible_bin_location, directory) else: print("Invalid selection") exit(1) contract_extra_args = [] contract_extra_args_types = [] if os.path.exists(json_path): json_data = json.load(open(json_path, encoding="utf-8")) for contract_arg in get_contract_args(json_data): arg_name = contract_arg.get("name") arg_type = contract_arg.get("type") if arg_name not in ["_decimals", "_name", "_symbol"]: val = input(f"Enter value for {arg_name} ({arg_type}): ") contract_extra_args.append(val) if arg_type == "uint128": contract_extra_args_types.append("uint256") else: contract_extra_args_types.append(arg_type) return { "bin_path": bin_path, "json_path": json_path, "extra_args": contract_extra_args, "extra_args_types": contract_extra_args_types, } def init_token(directory: str, code=""): contract = select_contract() code = contract["bin_path"] contract_extra_args = contract["extra_args"] contract_extra_args_types = contract["extra_args_types"] name = input("Enter Token Name (Foo Token): ") or "Foo Token" symbol = input("Enter Token Symbol (FOO): ") or "FOO" precision = input("Enter Token Precision (6): ") or 6 supply = input("Enter Token Supply (0): ") or 0 contract_token = Token( directory, name=name, symbol=symbol, precision=precision, extra_args=contract_extra_args, extra_args_types=contract_extra_args_types, supply=supply, code=code, ) contract_token.start() return contract_token def init_proof(directory): description = input("Enter Proof Description (None): ") or None namespace = input("Enter Proof Namespace (ge): ") or "ge" issuer = input("Enter Proof Issuer (None): ") or None contract_proof = Proof(directory, description, namespace, issuer) contract_proof.start() return contract_proof def init_meta(directory): name = input("Enter Name (None): ") or "" country_code = input("Enter Country Code (KE): ") or "KE" location = input("Enter Location (None): ") or "" adding_contact_info = True contact = {} while adding_contact_info: value = input("Enter contact info (e.g 'phone: +254723522718'): ") or None if value: data = value.split(":") if len(data) != 2: print("Invalid contact info, you must enter in the format 'key: value'") continue contact[data[0].strip()] = data[1].strip() else: adding_contact_info = False contract_meta = Meta( directory, name=name, country_code=country_code, location=location, contact=contact, ) contract_meta.start() return contract_meta def init_attachment(directory): contract_attchment = Attachment(directory) contract_attchment.start() input( f"Please add attachment files to '{os.path.abspath(os.path.join(directory,'attachments'))}' and then press ENTER to continue" ) contract_attchment.load() return contract_attchment def load_contract(directory) -> Contract: token = Token(path=directory) proof = Proof(path=directory) meta = Meta(path=directory) attachment = Attachment(path=directory) network = Network(directory) token.load() proof.load() meta.load() attachment.load() network.load() return Contract( token=token, proof=proof, meta=meta, attachment=attachment, network=network ) def init_network( directory, options: Options, targets: List[str], ): contract_network = Network(directory, targets=targets) contract_network.start() for target in targets: m = importlib.import_module(f"cic.ext.{target}.start") m.extension_start( contract_network, registry_address=options.contract_registry, chain_spec=options.chain_spec, rpc_provider=options.rpc_provider, key_account_address=options.key_account, ) contract_network.load() return contract_network def generate(directory: str, target: str, options: Options) -> Contract: if os.path.exists(directory): contine = input( "Directory already exists, Would you like to delete it? (y/n): " ) if contine.lower() != "y": print("Exiting") exit(1) else: print(f"Deleted {directory}") os.system(f"rm -rf {directory}") os.makedirs(directory) token = init_token(directory) proof = init_proof(directory) meta = init_meta(directory) attachment = init_attachment(directory) network = init_network( directory, options, targets=[target], ) return Contract( token=token, proof=proof, meta=meta, attachment=attachment, network=network ) def get_options(config: Config, eargs) -> Options: # Defaults default_contract_registry = config.get( "CIC_REGISTRY_ADDRESS" ) # Comes from /home/will/grassroots/cic-staff-installer/var/cic-staff-client/CIC_REGISTRY_ADDRESS default_key_account = config.get("AUTH_KEY") # # Authenticated Meta default_metadata_endpoint = config.get("META_URL") # Keyring folder needs to be dumped out as a private key file from $HOME/.config/cic/staff-client/.gnupg default_wallet_keyfile = eargs.y or config.get( "WALLET_KEY_FILE" ) # Show possible wallet keys # Should be an input??? default_wallet_passphrase = config.get("WALLET_PASSPHRASE", "merman") default_chain_spec = config.get("CHAIN_SPEC") default_rpc_provider = config.get("RPC_PROVIDER") contract_registry = ( input(f"Enter Contract Registry ({default_contract_registry}): ") or default_contract_registry ) rpc_provider = ( input(f"Enter RPC Provider ({default_rpc_provider}): ") or default_rpc_provider ) chain_spec = ChainSpec.from_chain_str( (input(f"Enter ChainSpec ({default_chain_spec}): ") or default_chain_spec) ) key_account = ( input(f"Enter KeyAccount ({default_key_account}): ") or default_key_account ) metadata_endpoint = ( input(f"Enter Metadata Endpoint ({default_metadata_endpoint}): ") or default_metadata_endpoint ) auth_passphrase = config.get("AUTH_PASSPHRASE") auth_keyfile_path = config.get("AUTH_KEYFILE_PATH") auth_db_path = config.get("AUTH_DB_PATH") options = Options( auth_db_path, auth_keyfile_path, auth_passphrase, contract_registry, key_account, chain_spec, rpc_provider, metadata_endpoint, default_wallet_keyfile, default_wallet_passphrase, ) print(options) return options ExtraArgs = {"skip_gen": str, "skip_deploy": str, "target": str, "path": str, "p": str} def execute(config, eargs: ExtraArgs): print(f"eargs: {eargs}") directory = eargs.path target = skip_gen = eargs.skip_gen skip_deploy = eargs.skip_deploy options = get_options(config, eargs) if not skip_gen: contract = generate(directory, target, options) else: contract = load_contract(directory) print_contract(contract) if not skip_deploy: ready_to_deploy = input("Ready to deploy? (y/n): ") if ready_to_deploy == "y": deploy( config=config, contract_directory=directory, options=options, target=target, ) print("Deployed") else: print("Not deploying") if __name__ == "__main__": # execute() print("Not Implemented")