2023-08-01 14:50:25 +01:00

62 lines
2.9 KiB

pragma solidity >=0.6.12;
// Author: Louis Holbrook <> 0826EDA1702D1E87C6E2875121D2E7BB88C2A746
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
// File-version: 2
interface ITokenVote {
// A new proposal has been created.
event ProposalAdded(uint256 indexed _blockDeadline, uint256 indexed voteTargetPpm, uint256 indexed _proposalIdx);
// A proposal vote has been completed.
// The proposal is identified by the serial number in _proposalIdx. It is up to the implementer to define how the proposal should be retrieved by index.
// The proposal result may be in one of three states:
// * Ratified (_cancelled == false, _insufficient == false)
// * Cancelled (_cancelled == true, _insufficient == false)
// * Not reached quorum (_cancelled == false, _insufficient == true)
event ProposalCompleted(uint256 indexed _proposalIdx, bool indexed _cancelled, bool indexed _insufficient, uint256 _totalVote);
// Propose a new vote.
// Voting is active until one of:
// * total cancel vote reach quorum (_targetVotePpm, ppm = parts-per-million).
// * _blockWait blocks from now.
function propose(bytes32 _description, uint256 _blockWait, uint24 _targetVotePpm) external returns (uint256);
// Add a voting option to a proposal
function addOption(uint256 _proposalIdx, bytes32 _description) external;
// Get number of options available for the proposal.
// This decides the boundary of the index that can be used with voteOptions(...)
// If the result is 0, vote(...) can be used aswell.
function optionCount(uint256 _proposalIdx) external view returns(uint256);
// Get proposal option. Assumes that proposal was created with proposeMulti(...)
function getOption(uint256 _proposalIdx, uint256 _optionIdx) external view returns (bytes32);
// Get vote count for the given option.
// If proposal has no options, it should be called with _optionIdx = 0
function voteCount(uint256 _proposalIdx, uint256 _optionIdx) external view returns(uint256);
// Vote on a proposal without options.
// Assumes that proposal was created with propose(...) and will fail otherwise.
function vote(uint256 _value) external returns (bool);
// Vote on a proposal option. Assumes that proposal was created with proposeMulti(...).
// Must work with a non-option proposal if _optionIndex is 0.
function voteOption(uint256 _optionIndex, uint256 _value) external returns (bool);
// Vote to cancel a proposal.
// If cancel has the majority:
// * A vote without options will have rejected the proposal description.
// * A vote with options will have rejected the proposal description as well as all option descriptions.
function voteCancel(uint256 _value) external returns (bool);
// Finalize the vote for a proposal.
// May be called if deadline has been passed, or if:
// * quorum has been reached with cancel votes.
// * quorum has been reached and proposal has no/only one option.
function finalize() external returns (bool);