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synced 2025-03-25 07:39:12 +01:00
Keep cumulative sink total in state and deduct from upcoming demurrage
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -454,16 +454,14 @@ class DemurrageToken(ERC20):
return o
def get_distribution_from_redistribution(self, contract_address, redistribution, redistribution_previous, sender_address=ZERO_ADDRESS, id_generator=None):
def get_distribution_from_redistribution(self, contract_address, redistribution, sender_address=ZERO_ADDRESS, id_generator=None):
j = JSONRPCRequest(id_generator)
o = j.template()
o['method'] = 'eth_call'
enc = ABIContractEncoder()
data = add_0x(enc.get())
tx = self.template(sender_address, contract_address)
tx = self.set_code(tx, data)
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ testdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
class TestRedistribution(TestDemurrageDefault):
def test_redistribution_boundaries(self):
def test_redistribution_periods(self):
nonce_oracle = RPCNonceOracle(self.accounts[0], self.rpc)
c = DemurrageToken(self.chain_spec, signer=self.signer, nonce_oracle=nonce_oracle)
@ -42,48 +42,93 @@ class TestRedistribution(TestDemurrageDefault):
(tx_hash, o) = c.mint_to(self.address, self.accounts[0], self.accounts[0], supply)
o = c.balance_of(self.address, self.sink_address, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
balance = c.parse_balance(r)
logg.debug('balance before {} supply {}'.format(balance, supply))
for i in range(1, 10):
logg.debug('execute time travel to period {}'.format(i))
self.backend.time_travel(self.start_time + (self.period_seconds * i))
(tx_hash, o) = c.change_period(self.address, self.accounts[0])
o = receipt(tx_hash)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
self.assertEqual(r['status'], 1)
self.backend.time_travel(self.start_time + self.period_seconds)
(tx_hash, o) = c.change_period(self.address, self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
o = c.redistributions(self.address, i, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
redistribution = self.rpc.do(o)
o = receipt(tx_hash)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
self.assertEqual(r['status'], 1)
o = c.to_redistribution_demurrage_modifier(self.address, redistribution, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
demurrage = c.parse_to_redistribution_item(r)
o = c.redistributions(self.address, 1, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
oo = c.to_redistribution_supply(self.address, r, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
rr = self.rpc.do(oo)
oo = c.to_redistribution_demurrage_modifier(self.address, r, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
rr = self.rpc.do(oo)
o = c.redistributions(self.address, i-1, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
redistribution = self.rpc.do(o)
o = c.balance_of(self.address, self.sink_address, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
balance = c.parse_balance(r)
o = c.to_redistribution_demurrage_modifier(self.address, redistribution, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
demurrage_previous = c.parse_to_redistribution_item(r)
self.backend.time_travel(self.start_time + self.period_seconds * 2 + 1)
(tx_hash, o) = c.change_period(self.address, self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
o = c.balance_of(self.address, self.sink_address, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
balance_sink = c.parse_balance(r)
o = receipt(tx_hash)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
self.assertEqual(r['status'], 1)
o = c.balance_of(self.address, self.accounts[0], sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
balance_minter = c.parse_balance(r)
o = c.redistributions(self.address, 2, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
oo = c.to_redistribution_supply(self.address, r, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
rr = self.rpc.do(oo)
oo = c.to_redistribution_demurrage_modifier(self.address, r, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
rr = self.rpc.do(oo)
logg.debug('testing sink {} mint {} adds up to supply {} with demurrage between {} and {}'.format(balance_sink, balance_minter, supply, demurrage_previous, demurrage))
o = c.balance_of(self.address, self.sink_address, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
balance = c.parse_balance(r)
self.assert_within_lower(balance_minter + balance_sink, supply, 0.001)
# def test_redistribution_boundaries(self):
# nonce_oracle = RPCNonceOracle(self.accounts[0], self.rpc)
# c = DemurrageToken(self.chain_spec, signer=self.signer, nonce_oracle=nonce_oracle)
# demurrage = (1 - (self.tax_level / 1000000)) * (10**28)
# supply = self.default_supply
# (tx_hash, o) = c.mint_to(self.address, self.accounts[0], self.accounts[0], supply)
# self.rpc.do(o)
# o = c.balance_of(self.address, self.sink_address, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
# r = self.rpc.do(o)
# balance = c.parse_balance(r)
# logg.debug('balance before {} supply {}'.format(balance, supply))
# self.backend.time_travel(self.start_time + self.period_seconds)
# (tx_hash, o) = c.change_period(self.address, self.accounts[0])
# r = self.rpc.do(o)
# o = receipt(tx_hash)
# r = self.rpc.do(o)
# self.assertEqual(r['status'], 1)
# o = c.redistributions(self.address, 1, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
# r = self.rpc.do(o)
# oo = c.to_redistribution_supply(self.address, r, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
# rr = self.rpc.do(oo)
# oo = c.to_redistribution_demurrage_modifier(self.address, r, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
# rr = self.rpc.do(oo)
# o = c.balance_of(self.address, self.sink_address, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
# r = self.rpc.do(o)
# balance = c.parse_balance(r)
# self.backend.time_travel(self.start_time + self.period_seconds * 2 + 1)
# (tx_hash, o) = c.change_period(self.address, self.accounts[0])
# r = self.rpc.do(o)
# o = receipt(tx_hash)
# r = self.rpc.do(o)
# self.assertEqual(r['status'], 1)
# o = c.redistributions(self.address, 2, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
# r = self.rpc.do(o)
# oo = c.to_redistribution_supply(self.address, r, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
# rr = self.rpc.do(oo)
# oo = c.to_redistribution_demurrage_modifier(self.address, r, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
# rr = self.rpc.do(oo)
# o = c.balance_of(self.address, self.sink_address, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
# r = self.rpc.do(o)
# balance = c.parse_balance(r)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -51,22 +51,19 @@ class TestRedistribution(TestDemurrageUnit):
nonce_oracle = RPCNonceOracle(self.accounts[0], self.rpc)
c = DemurrageToken(self.chain_spec, signer=self.signer, nonce_oracle=nonce_oracle)
demurrage_previous = (1 - (self.tax_level / 100000)) * (10**28)
demurrage = (1 - ((self.tax_level * 1.33) / 100000)) * (10**28)
demurrage = (1 - (self.tax_level / 100000)) * (10**28)
logg.debug('demurrage then {} now {}'.format(demurrage_previous, demurrage))
logg.debug('demurrage {}'.format(demurrage))
supply = self.default_supply
o = c.to_redistribution(self.address, 0, demurrage_previous, supply, 1, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
redistribution_previous = self.rpc.do(o)
o = c.to_redistribution(self.address, 0, demurrage, supply, 2, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
redistribution = self.rpc.do(o)
o = c.get_distribution_from_redistribution(self.address, redistribution, redistribution_previous, self.accounts[0])
o = c.get_distribution_from_redistribution(self.address, redistribution, self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
distribution = c.parse_get_distribution(r)
expected_distribution = self.default_supply * (((self.tax_level * 1.33) - self.tax_level) / 100000)
#expected_distribution = self.default_supply * (((self.tax_level * 1.33) - self.tax_level) / 100000)
expected_distribution = (self.default_supply * self.tax_level) / 100000
logg.debug('distribution {} supply {}'.format(distribution, self.default_supply))
self.assert_within_lower(distribution, expected_distribution, 1000)
@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ contract DemurrageTokenSingleCap {
uint256 public demurrageStart;
// Cached demurrage period; the period for which demurrageAmount was calculated
//uint128 public demurragePeriod;
// Cached demurrage timestamp; the timestamp for which demurrageAmount was last calculated
uint256 public demurrageTimestamp;
@ -47,8 +45,8 @@ contract DemurrageTokenSingleCap {
// Last executed period
uint256 public lastPeriod;
// Minimum amount of (demurraged) tokens an account must spend to participate in redistribution for a particular period
//uint256 public minimumParticipantSpend;
// Last sink redistribution amount
uint256 public totalSink;
// 128 bit resolution of the demurrage divisor
// (this constant x 1000000 is contained within 128 bits)
@ -116,19 +114,14 @@ contract DemurrageTokenSingleCap {
demurrageTimestamp = block.timestamp;
periodStart = demurrageTimestamp;
periodDuration = _periodMinutes * 60;
//demurrageAmount = 100000000000000000000000000000000000000 - _taxLevelMinute; // Represents 38 decimal places, same as resolutionFactor
//demurrageAmount = 100000000000000000000000000000000000000;
//demurrageAmount = 10000000000000000000000000000;
demurrageAmount = uint128(nanoDivider) * 100;
demurrageStart = demurrageAmount;
//demurragePeriod = 1;
taxLevel = _taxLevelMinute; // Represents 38 decimal places
bytes32 initialRedistribution = toRedistribution(0, demurrageAmount, 0, 1);
// Misc settings
sinkAddress = _defaultSinkAddress;
//minimumParticipantSpend = 10 ** uint256(_decimals);
@ -160,10 +153,8 @@ contract DemurrageTokenSingleCap {
baseBalance = baseBalanceOf(_account);
//periodCount = actualPeriod() - demurragePeriod;
periodCount = getMinutesDelta(demurrageTimestamp);
//currentDemurragedAmount = uint128(decayBy(demurrageAmount, periodCount));
currentDemurragedAmount = uint128(decayBy(demurrageAmount * 10000000000, periodCount));
return (baseBalance * currentDemurragedAmount) / (nanoDivider * 1000000000000);
@ -281,7 +272,6 @@ contract DemurrageTokenSingleCap {
bytes32 lastRedistribution;
uint256 currentPeriod;
//lastRedistribution = redistributions[redistributions.length-1];
lastRedistribution = redistributions[lastPeriod];
currentPeriod = this.actualPeriod();
if (currentPeriod <= toRedistributionPeriod(lastRedistribution)) {
@ -293,30 +283,29 @@ contract DemurrageTokenSingleCap {
function getDistribution(uint256 _supply, uint256 _demurrageAmount) public view returns (uint256) {
uint256 difference;
//difference = _supply * (resolutionFactor - _demurrageAmount); //(nanoDivider - ((resolutionFactor - _demurrageAmount) / nanoDivider));
difference = _supply * (resolutionFactor - (_demurrageAmount * 10000000000)); //(nanoDivider - ((resolutionFactor - _demurrageAmount) / nanoDivider));
difference = _supply * (resolutionFactor - (_demurrageAmount * 10000000000));
return difference / resolutionFactor;
function getDistributionFromRedistribution(bytes32 _redistribution, bytes32 _redistributionPrevious) public returns (uint256) {
function getDistributionFromRedistribution(bytes32 _redistribution) public returns (uint256) {
uint256 redistributionSupply;
uint256 redistributionDemurrage;
uint256 redistributionDemurragePrevious;
redistributionSupply = toRedistributionSupply(_redistribution);
redistributionDemurrage = toRedistributionDemurrageModifier(_redistribution);
redistributionDemurragePrevious = toRedistributionDemurrageModifier(_redistributionPrevious);
redistributionDemurrage = demurrageStart - (redistributionDemurragePrevious - redistributionDemurrage);
return getDistribution(redistributionSupply, redistributionDemurrage);
// Returns the amount sent to the sink address
function applyDefaultRedistribution(bytes32 _redistribution, bytes32 _redistributionPrevious) private returns (uint256) {
function applyDefaultRedistribution(bytes32 _redistribution) private returns (uint256) {
uint256 unit;
uint256 baseUnit;
unit = getDistributionFromRedistribution(_redistribution, _redistributionPrevious);
increaseBaseBalance(sinkAddress, toBaseAmount(unit));
unit = getDistributionFromRedistribution(_redistribution);
baseUnit = toBaseAmount(unit) - totalSink;
increaseBaseBalance(sinkAddress, baseUnit);
lastPeriod += 1;
totalSink += baseUnit;
return unit;
@ -331,13 +320,9 @@ contract DemurrageTokenSingleCap {
function applyDemurrageLimited(uint256 _rounds) public returns (bool) {
//uint128 epochPeriodCount;
uint256 periodCount;
uint256 lastDemurrageAmount;
//epochPeriodCount = actualPeriod();
//periodCount = epochPeriodCount - demurragePeriod;
periodCount = getMinutesDelta(demurrageTimestamp);
if (periodCount == 0) {
return false;
@ -400,7 +385,7 @@ contract DemurrageTokenSingleCap {
nextRedistribution = toRedistribution(0, nextRedistributionDemurrage, totalSupply, nextPeriod);
applyDefaultRedistribution(nextRedistribution, currentRedistribution);
emit Period(nextPeriod);
return true;
@ -435,7 +420,6 @@ contract DemurrageTokenSingleCap {
// Inflates the given amount according to the current demurrage modifier
function toBaseAmount(uint256 _value) public view returns (uint256) {
//return (_value * resolutionFactor) / demurrageAmount;
return (_value * resolutionFactor) / (demurrageAmount * 10000000000);
@ -486,7 +470,6 @@ contract DemurrageTokenSingleCap {
decreaseBaseBalance(_from, _value);
increaseBaseBalance(_to, _value);
//period = actualPeriod();
return true;
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