mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 08:29:32 +01:00
Merge branch 'lash/safe-decay' into 'master'
Add burn method + minor bug fixes See merge request cicnet/erc20-demurrage-token!12
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
The contract is intended for slow rates of decay (e.g. 2% per month). Very high levels of decay (2% per minute) will lead to overflows, and will need a more flexible implementation to support it.
The contract is written with frequent usage in mind. If used for tokens with low usage freqency (e.g. several days idle), it is recommended to run a continuous process triggering the changePeriod() contract call, to reduce the amount of exponential calculation the application of demurrage will trigger.
When changing the period, the supply for the consecutive period will be taken at the time of code execution, and thus not necessarily at the time when the redistribution period threshold was crossed.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
- 0.1.3
* Snapshot supply for crossed redistribution thresholds before minting new tokens.
- 0.1.4
* Implement natural logarithm
- 0.1.5
* Port changes from SingleNocap to SingleCap
- 0.2.0
* Make decay resolutions configurable, to support high levels of decay.
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
- 0.2.0
* Add token burn function
* Fix gas leak when calculating decay on period change
* Remove all but SingleNocap contract in make install
* Make approve explicitly set value
* Add increaseAllowance and decreaseAllowance methods
- 0.1.1
* Settable demurrage steps for apply demurrage cli tool
- 0.1.0
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ from chainlib.eth.constant import ZERO_ADDRESS
# local imports
from .token import DemurrageToken
logg = logging.getLogger()
logg = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class DemurrageCalculator:
@ -16,17 +16,7 @@ import math
# external imports
import confini
from funga.eth.signer import EIP155Signer
from funga.eth.keystore.dict import DictKeystore
from chainlib.chain import ChainSpec
from chainlib.eth.nonce import (
from chainlib.eth.gas import (
import chainlib.eth.cli
from chainlib.eth.block import (
@ -35,8 +25,20 @@ from chainlib.eth.block import (
from chainlib.eth.connection import EthHTTPConnection
from chainlib.eth.tx import receipt
from chainlib.eth.constant import ZERO_ADDRESS
import chainlib.eth.cli
from hexathon import to_int as hex_to_int
import chainlib.eth.cli
from chainlib.eth.settings import process_settings
from chainlib.settings import ChainSettings
from chainlib.eth.cli.arg import (
from chainlib.eth.cli.config import (
from chainlib.eth.cli.log import process_log
# local imports
import erc20_demurrage_token
@ -45,32 +47,38 @@ from erc20_demurrage_token import (
logg = logging.getLogger()
script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
data_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, '..', 'data')
config_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'config')
def process_config_local(config, arg, args, flags):
config.add(args.steps, '_STEPS', False)
return config
arg_flags = chainlib.eth.cli.argflag_std_write | chainlib.eth.cli.Flag.EXEC
argparser = chainlib.eth.cli.ArgumentParser(arg_flags)
arg_flags = ArgFlag()
arg = Arg(arg_flags)
flags = arg_flags.STD_WRITE | arg_flags.EXEC | arg_flags.WALLET
argparser = chainlib.eth.cli.ArgumentParser()
argparser = process_args(argparser, arg, flags)
argparser.add_argument('--steps', type=int, default=0, help='Max demurrage steps to apply per round')
args = argparser.parse_args()
config = chainlib.eth.cli.Config.from_args(args, arg_flags, default_fee_limit=DemurrageToken.gas(), base_config_dir=config_dir)
config.add(args.steps, '_STEPS', False)
logg = process_log(args, logg)
config = Config()
config = process_config(config, arg, args, flags)
config = process_config_local(config, arg, args, flags)
logg.debug('config loaded:\n{}'.format(config))
wallet = chainlib.eth.cli.Wallet()
rpc = chainlib.eth.cli.Rpc(wallet=wallet)
conn = rpc.connect_by_config(config)
chain_spec = ChainSpec.from_chain_str(config.get('CHAIN_SPEC'))
settings = ChainSettings()
settings = process_settings(settings, config)
logg.debug('settings loaded:\n{}'.format(settings))
def main():
chain_spec = settings.get('CHAIN_SPEC')
conn = settings.get('CONN')
o = block_latest()
r = conn.do(o)
@ -87,9 +95,9 @@ def main():
block_start_timestamp = block_start.timestamp
block_start_datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(block_start_timestamp)
gas_oracle = rpc.get_gas_oracle()
gas_oracle = settings.get('FEE_ORACLE')
c = DemurrageToken(chain_spec, gas_oracle=gas_oracle)
o = c.demurrage_timestamp(config.get('_EXEC_ADDRESS'))
o = c.demurrage_timestamp(settings.get('EXEC'))
r = conn.do(o)
demurrage_timestamp = None
@ -120,17 +128,17 @@ def main():
last_tx_hash = None
for i in range(rounds):
signer = rpc.get_signer()
signer_address = rpc.get_sender_address()
signer = settings.get('SIGNER')
signer_address = settings.get('SENDER_ADDRESS')
nonce_oracle = rpc.get_nonce_oracle()
nonce_oracle = settings.get('NONCE_ORACLE')
c = DemurrageToken(chain_spec, signer=signer, gas_oracle=gas_oracle, nonce_oracle=nonce_oracle)
(tx_hash_hex, o) = c.apply_demurrage(config.get('_EXEC_ADDRESS'), signer_address, limit=config.get('_STEPS'))
if config.get('_RPC_SEND'):
if settings.get('RPC_SEND'):
if config.get('_WAIT_ALL') or (i == rounds - 1 and config.get('_WAIT')):
if config.true('_WAIT_ALL') or (i == rounds - 1 and config.true('_WAIT')):
r = conn.wait(tx_hash_hex)
if r['status'] == 0:
sys.stderr.write('EVM revert while deploying contract. Wish I had more to tell you')
@ -14,21 +14,22 @@ import logging
# external imports
import confini
from funga.eth.signer import EIP155Signer
from funga.eth.keystore.dict import DictKeystore
from chainlib.chain import ChainSpec
from chainlib.eth.nonce import (
from chainlib.eth.gas import (
from chainlib.eth.connection import EthHTTPConnection
from chainlib.eth.tx import receipt
from chainlib.eth.constant import ZERO_ADDRESS
import chainlib.eth.cli
from chainlib.eth.settings import process_settings
from chainlib.settings import ChainSettings
from chainlib.eth.cli.arg import (
from chainlib.eth.cli.config import (
from chainlib.eth.cli.log import process_log
# local imports
import erc20_demurrage_token
@ -37,84 +38,75 @@ from erc20_demurrage_token import (
logg = logging.getLogger()
script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
data_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, '..', 'data')
config_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'config')
def process_config_local(config, arg, args, flags):
config.add(args.token_name, 'TOKEN_NAME', False)
config.add(args.token_symbol, 'TOKEN_SYMBOL', False)
config.add(args.token_decimals, 'TOKEN_DECIMALS', False)
config.add(args.sink_address, 'TOKEN_SINK_ADDRESS', False)
config.add(args.redistribution_period, 'TOKEN_REDISTRIBUTION_PERIOD', False)
config.add(args.demurrage_level, 'TOKEN_DEMURRAGE_LEVEL', False)
config.add(0, 'TOKEN_SUPPLY_LIMIT', False)
return config
arg_flags = chainlib.eth.cli.argflag_std_write
argparser = chainlib.eth.cli.ArgumentParser(arg_flags)
arg_flags = ArgFlag()
arg = Arg(arg_flags)
flags = arg_flags.STD_WRITE | arg_flags.EXEC | arg_flags.WALLET
argparser = chainlib.eth.cli.ArgumentParser()
argparser = process_args(argparser, arg, flags)
argparser.add_argument('--name', dest='token_name', type=str, help='Token name')
argparser.add_argument('--symbol', dest='token_symbol', required=True, type=str, help='Token symbol')
argparser.add_argument('--decimals', dest='token_decimals', type=int, help='Token decimals')
argparser.add_argument('--sink-address', dest='sink_address', type=str, help='demurrage level,ppm per minute')
argparser.add_argument('--supply-limit', dest='supply_limit', type=int, help='token supply limit (0 = no limit)')
argparser.add_argument('--redistribution-period', type=int, help='redistribution period, minutes (0 = deactivate)') # default 10080 = week
argparser.add_argument('--multi', action='store_true', help='automatic redistribution')
#argparser.add_argument('--supply-limit', dest='supply_limit', type=int, help='token supply limit (0 = no limit)')
argparser.add_argument('--redistribution-period', dest='redistribution_period', type=int, help='redistribution period, minutes (0 = deactivate)') # default 10080 = week
#argparser.add_argument('--multi', action='store_true', help='automatic redistribution')
argparser.add_argument('--demurrage-level', dest='demurrage_level', type=int, help='demurrage level, ppm per minute')
args = argparser.parse_args()
arg_flags = chainlib.eth.cli.argflag_std_write
logg = process_log(args, logg)
extra_args = {
'redistribution_period': 'TOKEN_REDISTRIBUTION_PERIOD',
'demurrage_level': 'TOKEN_DEMURRAGE_LEVEL',
'supply_limit': 'TOKEN_SUPPLY_LIMIT',
'token_name': 'TOKEN_NAME',
'token_symbol': 'TOKEN_SYMBOL',
'token_decimals': 'TOKEN_DECIMALS',
'sink_address': 'TOKEN_SINK_ADDRESS',
'multi': None,
config = chainlib.eth.cli.Config.from_args(args, arg_flags, extra_args=extra_args, default_fee_limit=DemurrageToken.gas(), base_config_dir=config_dir)
if not bool(config.get('TOKEN_NAME')):
logg.info('token name not set, using symbol {} as name'.format(config.get('TOKEN_SYMBOL')))
config.add(config.get('TOKEN_SYMBOL'), 'TOKEN_NAME', True)
if config.get('TOKEN_SUPPLY_LIMIT') == None:
config.add(0, 'TOKEN_SUPPLY_LIMIT', True)
if config.get('TOKEN_REDISTRIBUTION_PERIOD') == None:
config.add(10800, 'TOKEN_REDISTRIBUTION_PERIOD', True)
config = Config()
config = process_config(config, arg, args, flags)
config = process_config_local(config, arg, args, flags)
logg.debug('config loaded:\n{}'.format(config))
wallet = chainlib.eth.cli.Wallet()
settings = ChainSettings()
settings = process_settings(settings, config)
logg.debug('settings loaded:\n{}'.format(settings))
rpc = chainlib.eth.cli.Rpc(wallet=wallet)
conn = rpc.connect_by_config(config)
chain_spec = ChainSpec.from_chain_str(config.get('CHAIN_SPEC'))
def main():
signer = rpc.get_signer()
signer_address = rpc.get_sender_address()
chain_spec = settings.get('CHAIN_SPEC')
conn = settings.get('CONN')
signer = settings.get('SIGNER')
signer_address = settings.get('SENDER_ADDRESS')
gas_oracle = rpc.get_gas_oracle()
nonce_oracle = rpc.get_nonce_oracle()
gas_oracle = settings.get('FEE_ORACLE')
nonce_oracle = settings.get('NONCE_ORACLE')
c = DemurrageToken(chain_spec, signer=signer, gas_oracle=gas_oracle, nonce_oracle=nonce_oracle)
settings = DemurrageTokenSettings()
settings.name = config.get('TOKEN_NAME')
settings.symbol = config.get('TOKEN_SYMBOL')
settings.decimals = int(config.get('TOKEN_DECIMALS'))
settings.demurrage_level = int(config.get('TOKEN_DEMURRAGE_LEVEL'))
settings.period_minutes = int(config.get('TOKEN_REDISTRIBUTION_PERIOD'))
settings.sink_address = config.get('TOKEN_SINK_ADDRESS')
token_settings = DemurrageTokenSettings()
token_settings.name = config.get('TOKEN_NAME')
token_settings.symbol = config.get('TOKEN_SYMBOL')
token_settings.decimals = int(config.get('TOKEN_DECIMALS'))
token_settings.demurrage_level = int(config.get('TOKEN_DEMURRAGE_LEVEL'))
token_settings.period_minutes = int(config.get('TOKEN_REDISTRIBUTION_PERIOD'))
token_settings.sink_address = config.get('TOKEN_SINK_ADDRESS')
(tx_hash_hex, o) = c.constructor(
if config.get('_RPC_SEND'):
if settings.get('RPC_SEND'):
if config.get('_WAIT'):
if config.true('_WAIT'):
r = conn.wait(tx_hash_hex)
if r['status'] == 0:
sys.stderr.write('EVM revert while deploying contract. Wish I had more to tell you')
@ -117,6 +117,34 @@ class DemurrageToken(ERC20):
return DemurrageToken.__bytecode[name]
def increase_allowance(self, contract_address, sender_address, address, value, tx_format=TxFormat.JSONRPC):
enc = ABIContractEncoder()
data = enc.get()
tx = self.template(sender_address, contract_address, use_nonce=True)
tx = self.set_code(tx, data)
tx = self.finalize(tx, tx_format)
return tx
def decrease_allowance(self, contract_address, sender_address, address, value, tx_format=TxFormat.JSONRPC):
enc = ABIContractEncoder()
data = enc.get()
tx = self.template(sender_address, contract_address, use_nonce=True)
tx = self.set_code(tx, data)
tx = self.finalize(tx, tx_format)
return tx
def add_minter(self, contract_address, sender_address, address, tx_format=TxFormat.JSONRPC):
enc = ABIContractEncoder()
@ -155,6 +183,33 @@ class DemurrageToken(ERC20):
return tx
def burn(self, contract_address, sender_address, value, tx_format=TxFormat.JSONRPC):
enc = ABIContractEncoder()
data = enc.get()
tx = self.template(sender_address, contract_address, use_nonce=True)
tx = self.set_code(tx, data)
tx = self.finalize(tx, tx_format)
return tx
def total_burned(self, contract_address, sender_address=ZERO_ADDRESS, id_generator=None):
j = JSONRPCRequest(id_generator)
o = j.template()
o['method'] = 'eth_call'
enc = ABIContractEncoder()
data = add_0x(enc.get())
tx = self.template(sender_address, contract_address)
tx = self.set_code(tx, data)
o = j.finalize(o)
return o
def to_base_amount(self, contract_address, value, sender_address=ZERO_ADDRESS, id_generator=None):
j = JSONRPCRequest(id_generator)
o = j.template()
@ -526,6 +581,7 @@ class DemurrageToken(ERC20):
def parse_supply_cap(self, v):
return abi_decode_single(ABIContractType.UINT256, v)
def parse_grow_by(self, v):
return abi_decode_single(ABIContractType.UINT256, v)
@ -549,3 +605,8 @@ class DemurrageToken(ERC20):
def parse_resolution_factor(self, v):
return abi_decode_single(ABIContractType.UINT256, v)
def parse_total_burned(self, v):
return abi_decode_single(ABIContractType.UINT256, v)
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from erc20_demurrage_token import (
logg = logging.getLogger()
logg = logging.getLogger(__name__)
#BLOCKTIME = 5 # seconds
TAX_LEVEL = int(10000 * 2) # 2%
@ -95,13 +95,6 @@ class TestDemurrage(EthTesterCase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestDemurrage, self).setUp()
# token_deploy = TestTokenDeploy()
# self.settings = token_deploy.settings
# self.sink_address = token_deploy.sink_address
# self.start_block = token_deploy.start_block
# self.start_time = token_deploy.start_time
# self.default_supply = self.default_supply
# self.default_supply_cap = self.default_supply_cap
period = PERIOD
period = getattr(self, 'period')
@ -133,6 +126,13 @@ class TestDemurrage(EthTesterCase):
logg.debug('asserted within lower {} <= {} <= {}'.format(lower_target, v, target))
def assert_within_greater(self, v, target, tolerance_ppm):
higher_target = target + (target * (tolerance_ppm / 1000000))
self.assertLessEqual(v, higher_target)
self.assertGreaterEqual(v, target)
logg.debug('asserted within lower {} <= {} <= {}'.format(target, v, higher_target))
def tearDown(self):
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
@ -6,15 +6,18 @@ set -e
#modes=(MultiNocap MultiCap SingleCap SingleNocap)
modes=(SingleCap SingleNocap) # other contracts need to be updted
#modes=(SingleCap SingleNocap) # other contracts need to be updted
modes=(SingleNocap) # other contracts need to be updted
for m in ${modes[@]}; do
ERC20_DEMURRAGE_TOKEN_TEST_MODE=$m python tests/test_basic.py
ERC20_DEMURRAGE_TOKEN_TEST_MODE=$m python tests/test_growth.py
ERC20_DEMURRAGE_TOKEN_TEST_MODE=$m python tests/test_amounts.py
ERC20_DEMURRAGE_TOKEN_TEST_MODE=$m python tests/test_single.py
ERC20_DEMURRAGE_TOKEN_TEST_MODE=$m python tests/test_burn.py
modes=(SingleCap) # other contracts need to be updted
#modes=(SingleCap) # other contracts need to be updted
for m in ${modes[@]}; do
ERC20_DEMURRAGE_TOKEN_TEST_MODE=$m python tests/test_period.py
@ -25,7 +28,8 @@ for m in ${modes[@]}; do
ERC20_DEMURRAGE_TOKEN_TEST_MODE=$m python tests/test_redistribution_single.py
modes=(MultiCap SingleCap)
#modes=(MultiCap SingleCap)
for m in ${modes[@]}; do
ERC20_DEMURRAGE_TOKEN_TEST_MODE=$m python tests/test_cap.py
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = erc20-demurrage-token
version = 0.1.1
version = 0.2.0
description = ERC20 token with redistributed continual demurrage
author = Louis Holbrook
author_email = dev@holbrook.no
@ -276,7 +276,52 @@ class TestBasic(TestDemurrageDefault):
r = self.rpc.do(o)
self.assertEqual(r['status'], 1)
def test_approve(self):
nonce_oracle = RPCNonceOracle(self.accounts[0], self.rpc)
c = DemurrageToken(self.chain_spec, signer=self.signer, nonce_oracle=nonce_oracle)
(tx_hash, o) = c.approve(self.address, self.accounts[0], self.accounts[1], 500)
o = receipt(tx_hash)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
self.assertEqual(r['status'], 1)
(tx_hash, o) = c.approve(self.address, self.accounts[0], self.accounts[1], 600)
o = receipt(tx_hash)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
self.assertEqual(r['status'], 0)
(tx_hash, o) = c.approve(self.address, self.accounts[0], self.accounts[1], 0)
o = receipt(tx_hash)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
self.assertEqual(r['status'], 1)
(tx_hash, o) = c.approve(self.address, self.accounts[0], self.accounts[1], 600)
o = receipt(tx_hash)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
self.assertEqual(r['status'], 1)
(tx_hash, o) = c.increase_allowance(self.address, self.accounts[0], self.accounts[1], 200)
o = receipt(tx_hash)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
self.assertEqual(r['status'], 1)
(tx_hash, o) = c.decrease_allowance(self.address, self.accounts[0], self.accounts[1], 800)
o = receipt(tx_hash)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
self.assertEqual(r['status'], 1)
(tx_hash, o) = c.approve(self.address, self.accounts[0], self.accounts[1], 42)
o = receipt(tx_hash)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
self.assertEqual(r['status'], 1)
def test_transfer_from(self):
nonce_oracle = RPCNonceOracle(self.accounts[0], self.rpc)
@ -315,6 +360,12 @@ class TestBasic(TestDemurrageDefault):
balance = c.parse_balance_of(r)
self.assertEqual(balance, 500)
(tx_hash, o) = c.transfer_from(self.address, self.accounts[2], self.accounts[1], self.accounts[3], 1)
o = receipt(tx_hash)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
self.assertEqual(r['status'], 0)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
# standard imports
import os
import unittest
import json
import logging
import datetime
# external imports
from chainlib.eth.constant import ZERO_ADDRESS
from chainlib.eth.nonce import RPCNonceOracle
from chainlib.eth.tx import receipt
from chainlib.eth.block import (
# local imports
from erc20_demurrage_token import DemurrageToken
# test imports
from erc20_demurrage_token.unittest.base import TestDemurrage
logg = logging.getLogger()
testdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
class TestBurn(TestDemurrage):
def setUp(self):
super(TestBurn, self).setUp()
def deploy(self, tax_level=None):
nonce_oracle = RPCNonceOracle(self.accounts[0], self.rpc)
c = DemurrageToken(self.chain_spec, signer=self.signer, nonce_oracle=nonce_oracle)
self.mode = os.environ.get('ERC20_DEMURRAGE_TOKEN_TEST_MODE')
if self.mode == None:
self.mode = 'MultiNocap'
logg.debug('executing test setup default mode {}'.format(self.mode))
if tax_level != None:
self.deployer.settings.demurrage_level = tax_level * (10 ** 32)
self.deployer.settings.sink_address = self.accounts[9]
self.deployer.sink_address = self.accounts[9]
super(TestBurn, self).deploy(c, self.mode)
logg.info('deployed with mode {}'.format(self.mode))
# Burn tokens and immediately check balances and supply
def test_burn_basic(self):
nonce_oracle = RPCNonceOracle(self.accounts[0], self.rpc)
c = DemurrageToken(self.chain_spec, signer=self.signer, nonce_oracle=nonce_oracle)
(tx_hash, o) = c.mint_to(self.address, self.accounts[0], self.accounts[1], 1000000)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
nonce_oracle = RPCNonceOracle(self.accounts[1], self.rpc)
c = DemurrageToken(self.chain_spec, signer=self.signer, nonce_oracle=nonce_oracle)
(tx_hash, o) = c.burn(self.address, self.accounts[1], 600000)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
o = receipt(tx_hash)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
self.assertEqual(r['status'], 0)
nonce_oracle = RPCNonceOracle(self.accounts[0], self.rpc)
c = DemurrageToken(self.chain_spec, signer=self.signer, nonce_oracle=nonce_oracle)
(tx_hash, o) = c.add_minter(self.address, self.accounts[0], self.accounts[1])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
nonce_oracle = RPCNonceOracle(self.accounts[1], self.rpc)
c = DemurrageToken(self.chain_spec, signer=self.signer, nonce_oracle=nonce_oracle)
(tx_hash, o) = c.burn(self.address, self.accounts[1], 600000)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
o = receipt(tx_hash)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
self.assertEqual(r['status'], 1)
o = c.total_supply(self.address, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
new_supply = c.parse_total_supply(r)
self.assertEqual(new_supply, 400000)
o = c.total_burned(self.address, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
burned = c.parse_total_burned(r)
self.assertEqual(burned, 600000)
# burn tokens and check sink balance and supply after first redistribution period
def test_burned_redistribution(self):
nonce_oracle = RPCNonceOracle(self.accounts[0], self.rpc)
c = DemurrageToken(self.chain_spec, signer=self.signer, nonce_oracle=nonce_oracle)
(tx_hash, o) = c.mint_to(self.address, self.accounts[0], self.accounts[0], 1000000000)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
(tx_hash, o) = c.burn(self.address, self.accounts[0], 500000000)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
(tx_hash, o) = c.transfer(self.address, self.accounts[0], self.sink_address, 500000000)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
self.backend.time_travel(self.start_time + self.period_seconds)
o = c.balance(self.address, self.sink_address, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
bal = c.parse_balance(r)
self.assertEqual(bal, 416873881) # 9 periods demurrage
(tx_hash, o) = c.change_period(self.address, self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
o = receipt(tx_hash)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
self.assertEqual(r['status'], 1)
o = c.total_supply(self.address, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
new_supply = c.parse_total_supply(r)
self.assertEqual(new_supply, 500000000)
o = c.balance(self.address, self.sink_address, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
bal = c.parse_balance(r)
self.assert_within_lower(bal, 500000000, 0.0025)
self.backend.time_travel(self.start_time + (self.period_seconds * 2))
(tx_hash, o) = c.change_period(self.address, self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
o = receipt(tx_hash)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
self.assertEqual(r['status'], 1)
o = c.total_supply(self.address, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
new_supply = c.parse_total_supply(r)
self.assertEqual(new_supply, 500000000)
# if we don't burn anything more it should be the same
o = c.balance(self.address, self.sink_address, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
bal = c.parse_balance(r)
self.assert_within_lower(bal, 500000000, 0.0025)
# burn tokens and check sink and taxed balance and supply after first redistribution period
def test_burned_other_redistribution(self):
nonce_oracle = RPCNonceOracle(self.accounts[0], self.rpc)
c = DemurrageToken(self.chain_spec, signer=self.signer, nonce_oracle=nonce_oracle)
(tx_hash, o) = c.mint_to(self.address, self.accounts[0], self.accounts[0], 1000000000)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
(tx_hash, o) = c.burn(self.address, self.accounts[0], 500000000)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
(tx_hash, o) = c.transfer(self.address, self.accounts[0], self.accounts[1], 500000000)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
self.backend.time_travel(self.start_time + self.period_seconds)
o = c.balance(self.address, self.accounts[1], sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
bal = c.parse_balance(r)
self.assertEqual(bal, 416873881) # 9 periods demurrage
(tx_hash, o) = c.change_period(self.address, self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
o = receipt(tx_hash)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
self.assertEqual(r['status'], 1)
o = c.total_supply(self.address, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
new_supply = c.parse_total_supply(r)
self.assertEqual(new_supply, 500000000)
o = c.balance(self.address, self.accounts[1], sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
bal = c.parse_balance(r)
self.assertEqual(bal, 408536403) # 9 periods demurrage
o = c.balance(self.address, self.sink_address, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
sink_bal = c.parse_balance(r)
self.assert_within_lower(sink_bal, 500000000 - 408536403, 0.09) # TODO is this ok variance, 1.0 is ppm?
self.backend.time_travel(self.start_time + (self.period_seconds * 2))
(tx_hash, o) = c.change_period(self.address, self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
o = receipt(tx_hash)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
self.assertEqual(r['status'], 1)
o = c.total_supply(self.address, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
new_supply = c.parse_total_supply(r)
self.assertEqual(new_supply, 500000000)
o = c.balance(self.address, self.accounts[1], sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
next_bal = c.parse_balance(r)
self.assertEqual(next_bal, 333803985) # 9 periods demurrage
o = c.balance(self.address, self.sink_address, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
prev_sink_bal = sink_bal
bal = prev_sink_bal + (bal - next_bal)
sink_bal = c.parse_balance(r)
self.assert_within_lower(sink_bal, bal, 0.09) # TODO is this ok variance, 1.0 is ppm?
# verify expected results of balance and supply after multiple redistribution periods
def test_burn_accumulate(self):
nonce_oracle = RPCNonceOracle(self.accounts[0], self.rpc)
c = DemurrageToken(self.chain_spec, signer=self.signer, nonce_oracle=nonce_oracle)
(tx_hash, o) = c.add_minter(self.address, self.accounts[0], self.sink_address)
o = receipt(tx_hash)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
self.assertEqual(r['status'], 1)
(tx_hash, o) = c.mint_to(self.address, self.accounts[0], self.sink_address, self.default_supply)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
balance_share = int(self.default_supply / 2)
nonce_oracle = RPCNonceOracle(self.sink_address, self.rpc)
c = DemurrageToken(self.chain_spec, signer=self.signer, nonce_oracle=nonce_oracle)
(tx_hash, o) = c.transfer(self.address, self.sink_address, self.accounts[1], balance_share)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
new_supply = None
burn_rate = 1000
sink_bal = None
bob_bal = None
bob_refund = None
o = c.balance(self.address, self.accounts[1], sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
bob_bal = c.parse_balance(r)
prev_bob_bal = bob_bal
iterations = 100
for i in range(1, iterations + 1):
nonce_oracle = RPCNonceOracle(self.sink_address, self.rpc)
c = DemurrageToken(self.chain_spec, signer=self.signer, nonce_oracle=nonce_oracle)
if bob_refund != None:
(tx_hash, o) = c.transfer(self.address, self.sink_address, self.accounts[1], bob_refund)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
o = receipt(tx_hash)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
self.assertEqual(r['status'], 1)
(tx_hash, o) = c.burn(self.address, self.sink_address, burn_rate)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
o = receipt(tx_hash)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
self.assertEqual(r['status'], 1)
nonce_oracle = RPCNonceOracle(self.accounts[0], self.rpc)
c = DemurrageToken(self.chain_spec, signer=self.signer, nonce_oracle=nonce_oracle)
o = c.total_supply(self.address, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
new_supply = c.parse_total_supply(r)
self.backend.time_travel(self.start_time + (self.period_seconds * i))
(tx_hash, o) = c.change_period(self.address, self.accounts[0])
o = c.balance(self.address, self.accounts[1], sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
bob_bal = c.parse_balance(r)
bob_refund = prev_bob_bal - bob_bal
o = c.balance(self.address, self.sink_address, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
burner_bal = c.parse_balance(r)
sum_supply = bob_bal + burner_bal
o = c.total_burned(self.address, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
total_burned = c.parse_balance(r)
o = c.to_base_amount(self.address, total_burned, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
total_burned_base = c.parse_balance(r)
expected_supply = self.default_supply - (burn_rate * i)
logg.info('checking burn round {} balance burner {} bob {} supply {} expected {} summed {} burned {} base {}'.format(i, burner_bal, bob_bal, new_supply, expected_supply, sum_supply, total_burned, total_burned_base))
self.assertEqual(new_supply, expected_supply)
sum_supply = burner_bal + bob_bal
logg.debug('balances sink {} bob {} total {} supply real {} original {}'.format(sink_bal, bob_bal, sum_supply, new_supply, self.default_supply))
self.assert_within_lower(sum_supply, new_supply, 0.00001)
self.assert_within_greater(burner_bal, balance_share - total_burned, 0.1)
bob_delta = self.default_supply * ((2 / 1000000) / 1000)
self.assert_within_lower(bob_bal, balance_share - bob_delta, 0.1)
self.assertEqual(total_burned, iterations * burn_rate)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
# standard imports
import datetime
import unittest
import logging
import os
# external imports
from chainlib.eth.nonce import RPCNonceOracle
from chainlib.eth.tx import receipt
# local imports
from erc20_demurrage_token import DemurrageToken
from erc20_demurrage_token.demurrage import DemurrageCalculator
# test imports
from erc20_demurrage_token.unittest.base import TestDemurrage
logg = logging.getLogger()
class TestDemurragePeriods(TestDemurrage):
def setUp(self):
super(TestDemurragePeriods, self).setUp()
nonce_oracle = RPCNonceOracle(self.accounts[0], self.rpc)
c = DemurrageToken(self.chain_spec, signer=self.signer, nonce_oracle=nonce_oracle)
self.mode = os.environ.get('ERC20_DEMURRAGE_TOKEN_TEST_MODE')
if self.mode == None:
self.mode = 'MultiNocap'
logg.debug('executing test setup default mode {}'.format(self.mode))
self.deployer.settings.demurrage_level = (2 / 1000) * (10 ** 32)
self.deployer.settings.sink_address = self.accounts[9]
self.deployer.sink_address = self.accounts[9]
self.deploy(c, self.mode)
logg.info('deployed with mode {}'.format(self.mode))
# verify that tax level calculation is in ppm as expected
def test_ppm(self):
nonce_oracle = RPCNonceOracle(self.accounts[0], self.rpc)
c = DemurrageToken(self.chain_spec, signer=self.signer, nonce_oracle=nonce_oracle)
(tx_hash, o) = c.mint_to(self.address, self.accounts[0], self.accounts[1], self.default_supply)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
self.backend.time_travel(self.start_time + 60)
(tx_hash, o) = c.apply_demurrage(self.address, self.accounts[0])
o = receipt(tx_hash)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
self.assertEqual(r['status'], 1)
o = c.balance(self.address, self.accounts[1], sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
bob_bal = c.parse_balance(r)
o = c.balance(self.address, self.sink_address, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
sink_bal = c.parse_balance(r)
o = c.total_supply(self.address, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
new_supply = c.parse_total_supply(r)
balance_delta = self.default_supply * ((2 / 1000000) / 1000)
self.assertEqual(bob_bal, self.default_supply - balance_delta)
# verify balances and supply after multiple demurrage periods
def test_over_time(self):
nonce_oracle = RPCNonceOracle(self.accounts[0], self.rpc)
c = DemurrageToken(self.chain_spec, signer=self.signer, nonce_oracle=nonce_oracle)
(tx_hash, o) = c.mint_to(self.address, self.accounts[0], self.accounts[1], self.default_supply)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
o = c.balance(self.address, self.accounts[1], sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
bob_bal = c.parse_balance(r)
prev_bob_bal = bob_bal
nonce_oracle = RPCNonceOracle(self.sink_address, self.rpc)
c = DemurrageToken(self.chain_spec, signer=self.signer, nonce_oracle=nonce_oracle)
iterations = 100
for i in range(1, iterations + 1):
self.backend.time_travel(self.start_time + (self.period_seconds * i))
(tx_hash, o) = c.transfer(self.address, self.sink_address, self.accounts[1], prev_bob_bal - bob_bal)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
o = receipt(tx_hash)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
self.assertEqual(r['status'], 1)
(tx_hash, o) = c.apply_demurrage(self.address, self.sink_address)
o = receipt(tx_hash)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
self.assertEqual(r['status'], 1)
o = c.balance(self.address, self.accounts[1], sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
bob_bal = c.parse_balance(r)
o = c.balance(self.address, self.sink_address, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
sink_bal = c.parse_balance(r)
o = c.total_supply(self.address, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
new_supply = c.parse_total_supply(r)
logg.info('round {} supply {} balance sink {} bob {}'.format(i, new_supply, sink_bal, bob_bal))
sum_supply = sink_bal + bob_bal
bob_delta = self.default_supply * ((2 / 1000000) / 100)
self.assert_within_lower(sum_supply, new_supply, 0.00001)
self.assert_within_greater(bob_bal, self.default_supply - bob_delta, 0.001)
self.assert_within_lower(sink_bal, bob_delta, 1000)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ from erc20_demurrage_token import DemurrageToken
# test imports
from erc20_demurrage_token.unittest.base import TestDemurrageDefault
logg = logging.getLogger()
testdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
@ -88,18 +88,31 @@ class TestRedistribution(TestDemurrageDefault):
(tx_hash, o) = c.mint_to(self.address, self.accounts[0], self.accounts[0], supply)
self.backend.time_travel(self.start_time + (self.period_seconds * 10))
self.backend.time_travel(self.start_time + (self.period_seconds * 100))
for i in range(1, 11):
logg.debug('checking period {}'.format(i))
balance_minter = None
balance_sink = None
real_supply = None
for i in range(1, 101):
(tx_hash, o) = c.change_period(self.address, self.accounts[0])
o = receipt(tx_hash)
r = self.rpc.do(o)
self.assertEqual(r['status'], 1)
i = 10
o = c.balance_of(self.address, self.sink_address, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
balance_sink = c.parse_balance(r)
o = c.balance_of(self.address, self.accounts[0], sender_address=self.accounts[0])
r = self.rpc.do(o)
balance_minter = c.parse_balance(r)
real_supply = balance_sink + balance_minter
logg.info('period {} testing sink {} mint {} adds up to supply {} of original {} (delta {})'.format(i, balance_sink, balance_minter, real_supply, supply, supply - real_supply))
i = 100
o = c.redistributions(self.address, i, sender_address=self.accounts[0])
redistribution = self.rpc.do(o)
@ -122,7 +135,7 @@ class TestRedistribution(TestDemurrageDefault):
r = self.rpc.do(o)
balance_minter = c.parse_balance(r)
logg.debug('testing sink {} mint {} adds up to supply {} with demurrage between {} and {}'.format(balance_sink, balance_minter, supply, demurrage_previous, demurrage))
logg.debug('testing sink {} mint {} adds up to supply {} with demurrage between {} and {}'.format(balance_sink, balance_minter, real_supply, demurrage_previous, demurrage))
self.assert_within_lower(balance_minter + balance_sink, supply, 0.001)
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
pragma solidity > 0.6.11;
pragma solidity >= 0.8.0;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
contract DemurrageTokenSingleCap {
// Redistribution bit field, with associated shifts and masks
@ -12,7 +11,7 @@ contract DemurrageTokenSingleCap {
uint8 constant shiftRedistributionValue = 32;
uint256 constant maskRedistributionValue = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffff00000000; // ((1 << 72) - 1) << 32
uint8 constant shiftRedistributionDemurrage = 104;
uint256 constant maskRedistributionDemurrage = 0x0000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00000000000000000000000000; // ((1 << 20) - 1) << 140
uint256 constant maskRedistributionDemurrage = 0x0000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00000000000000000000000000; // ((1 << 36) - 1) << 140
// Account balances
mapping (address => uint256) account;
@ -38,7 +37,8 @@ contract DemurrageTokenSingleCap {
uint256 public decimals;
// Implements ERC20
uint256 public totalSupply;
//uint256 public totalSupply;
uint256 supply;
// Last executed period
uint256 public lastPeriod;
@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ contract DemurrageTokenSingleCap {
// Last sink redistribution amount
uint256 public totalSink;
// Value of burnt tokens (burnt tokens do not decay)
uint256 public burned;
// 128 bit resolution of the demurrage divisor
// (this constant x 1000000 is contained within 128 bits)
uint256 constant nanoDivider = 100000000000000000000000000; // now nanodivider, 6 zeros less
@ -95,6 +98,9 @@ contract DemurrageTokenSingleCap {
// Temporary event used in development, will be removed on prod
event Debug(bytes32 _foo);
// Emitted when tokens are burned
event Burn(address indexed _burner, uint256 _value);
// EIP173
event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner); // EIP173
@ -206,7 +212,7 @@ contract DemurrageTokenSingleCap {
baseAmount = toBaseAmount(_amount);
totalSupply += _amount;
supply += _amount;
increaseBaseBalance(_beneficiary, baseAmount);
emit Mint(msg.sender, _beneficiary, _amount);
@ -249,7 +255,7 @@ contract DemurrageTokenSingleCap {
uint256 currentRedistribution;
uint256 grownSupply;
grownSupply = totalSupply;
grownSupply = totalSupply();
currentRedistribution = uint256(redistributions[redistributions.length-1]);
currentRedistribution &= (~maskRedistributionValue);
currentRedistribution |= (grownSupply << shiftRedistributionValue);
@ -263,7 +269,7 @@ contract DemurrageTokenSingleCap {
return uint128((block.timestamp - periodStart) / periodDuration + 1);
// Add an entered demurrage period to the redistribution array
// Retrieve next redistribution if the period threshold has been crossed
function checkPeriod() private view returns (bytes32) {
bytes32 lastRedistribution;
uint256 currentPeriod;
@ -349,14 +355,15 @@ contract DemurrageTokenSingleCap {
// Recalculate the demurrage modifier for the new period
// Note that the supply for the consecutive period will be taken at the time of code execution, and thus not necessarily at the time when the redistribution period threshold was crossed.
function changePeriod() public returns (bool) {
bytes32 currentRedistribution;
bytes32 nextRedistribution;
uint256 currentPeriod;
uint256 currentDemurrageAmount;
uint256 lastDemurrageAmount;
bytes32 lastRedistribution;
uint256 nextRedistributionDemurrage;
uint256 demurrageCounts;
uint256 periodTimestamp;
uint256 nextPeriod;
@ -365,20 +372,15 @@ contract DemurrageTokenSingleCap {
return false;
// calculate the decay from previous redistributino
lastRedistribution = redistributions[lastPeriod];
currentPeriod = toRedistributionPeriod(currentRedistribution);
nextPeriod = currentPeriod + 1;
periodTimestamp = getPeriodTimeDelta(currentPeriod);
currentDemurrageAmount = demurrageAmount;
demurrageCounts = demurrageCycles(periodTimestamp);
if (demurrageCounts > 0) {
nextRedistributionDemurrage = growBy(currentDemurrageAmount, demurrageCounts);
} else {
nextRedistributionDemurrage = currentDemurrageAmount;
nextRedistribution = toRedistribution(0, nextRedistributionDemurrage, totalSupply, nextPeriod);
lastDemurrageAmount = toRedistributionDemurrageModifier(lastRedistribution);
demurrageCounts = periodDuration / 60;
nextRedistributionDemurrage = decayBy(lastDemurrageAmount, demurrageCounts);
nextRedistribution = toRedistribution(0, nextRedistributionDemurrage, totalSupply(), nextPeriod);
@ -423,14 +425,45 @@ contract DemurrageTokenSingleCap {
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) {
uint256 baseValue;
if (allowance[msg.sender][_spender] > 0) {
require(_value == 0, 'ZERO_FIRST');
baseValue = toBaseAmount(_value);
allowance[msg.sender][_spender] += baseValue;
allowance[msg.sender][_spender] = baseValue;
emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value);
return true;
// Reduce allowance by amount
function decreaseAllowance(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) {
uint256 baseValue;
baseValue = toBaseAmount(_value);
require(allowance[msg.sender][_spender] >= baseValue);
allowance[msg.sender][_spender] -= baseValue;
emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, allowance[msg.sender][_spender]);
return true;
// Increase allowance by amount
function increaseAllowance(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) {
uint256 baseValue;
baseValue = toBaseAmount(_value);
allowance[msg.sender][_spender] += baseValue;
emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, allowance[msg.sender][_spender]);
return true;
// Implements ERC20, triggers tax and/or redistribution
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) {
uint256 baseValue;
@ -454,7 +487,9 @@ contract DemurrageTokenSingleCap {
baseValue = toBaseAmount(_value);
require(allowance[_from][msg.sender] >= baseValue);
allowance[_from][msg.sender] -= baseValue;
result = transferBase(_from, _to, baseValue);
emit Transfer(_from, _to, _value);
return result;
@ -486,6 +521,29 @@ contract DemurrageTokenSingleCap {
emit OwnershipTransferred(oldOwner, owner);
// Explicitly and irretrievably burn tokens
// Only token minters can burn tokens
function burn(uint256 _value) public {
require(_value <= account[msg.sender]);
uint256 _delta = toBaseAmount(_value);
decreaseBaseBalance(msg.sender, _delta);
burned += _value;
emit Burn(msg.sender, _value);
// Implements ERC20
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) {
return supply - burned;
// Return total number of burned tokens
function totalBurned() public view returns (uint256) {
return burned;
// Implements EIP165
function supportsInterface(bytes4 _sum) public pure returns (bool) {
if (_sum == 0xc6bb4b70) { // ERC20
@ -33,6 +33,10 @@ test: all
python ../python/tests/test_pure.py
install: all
#cp -v DemurrageToken*.{json,bin} ../python/erc20_demurrage_token/data/
cp -v DemurrageTokenSingleNocap.{json,bin} ../python/erc20_demurrage_token/data/
install-broken: all
cp -v DemurrageToken*.{json,bin} ../python/erc20_demurrage_token/data/
.PHONY: test install
Reference in New Issue
Block a user