import logging import os import json import hashlib import web3 import eth_tester logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) logg = logging.getLogger() eth_params = eth_tester.backends.pyevm.main.get_default_genesis_params({ 'gas_limit': 9000000, }) backend = eth_tester.PyEVMBackend(eth_params) instance = eth_tester.EthereumTester(backend) provider = web3.Web3.EthereumTesterProvider(instance) w3 = web3.Web3(provider) f = open('AddressDeclarator.bin', 'r') bytecode = f.close() f = open('AddressDeclarator.json', 'r') abi = json.load(f) f.close() #token_address = web3.Web3.toChecksumAddress('0x' + os.urandom(20).hex()) c = w3.eth.contract(abi=abi, bytecode=bytecode) #tx_hash = c.constructor().transact({'from': w3.eth.accounts[0]}) declarations = [ ['0x' + os.urandom(32).hex(), '0x' + os.urandom(32).hex()], ['0x' + os.urandom(32).hex(), '0x' + os.urandom(32).hex()], ['0x' + os.urandom(32).hex(), '0x' + os.urandom(32).hex()], ['0x' + os.urandom(32).hex(), '0x' + os.urandom(32).hex()], ] # Deployment is a self-signed declaration tx_hash = c.constructor(declarations[0][0]).transact({'from': w3.eth.accounts[0]}) r = w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx_hash) logg.debug('contract {}'.format(r.contractAddress)) c = w3.eth.contract(abi=abi, address=r.contractAddress) r = c.functions.declaratorCount(w3.eth.accounts[0]).call() assert r == 1 r = c.functions.declaratorAddressAt(w3.eth.accounts[0], 0).call() assert r == w3.eth.accounts[0] r = c.functions.declaration(w3.eth.accounts[0], w3.eth.accounts[0]).call() assert r[0].hex() == declarations[0][0][2:] # Add first declaration for 0 by 2 c.functions.addDeclaration(w3.eth.accounts[0], declarations[1][0]).transact({'from': w3.eth.accounts[2]}) r = c.functions.declaratorCount(w3.eth.accounts[0]).call() assert r == 2 r = c.functions.declaratorAddressAt(w3.eth.accounts[0], 1).call() assert r == w3.eth.accounts[2] r = c.functions.declaration(w3.eth.accounts[2], w3.eth.accounts[0]).call() assert r[0].hex() == declarations[1][0][2:] # Add second declaration for 0 by 2 c.functions.addDeclaration(w3.eth.accounts[0], declarations[1][1]).transact({'from': w3.eth.accounts[2]}) r = c.functions.declaratorCount(w3.eth.accounts[0]).call() assert r == 2 r = c.functions.declaration(w3.eth.accounts[2], w3.eth.accounts[0]).call() assert r[0].hex() == declarations[1][0][2:] assert r[1].hex() == declarations[1][1][2:] # Add first declaration for 1 by 2 c.functions.addDeclaration(w3.eth.accounts[1], declarations[2][0]).transact({'from': w3.eth.accounts[2]}) r = c.functions.declaratorCount(w3.eth.accounts[0]).call() assert r == 2 r = c.functions.declaratorCount(w3.eth.accounts[1]).call() assert r == 1 r = c.functions.declaratorAddressAt(w3.eth.accounts[1], 0).call() assert r == w3.eth.accounts[2] r = c.functions.declaration(w3.eth.accounts[2], w3.eth.accounts[1]).call() assert r[0].hex() == declarations[2][0][2:] # Add declaration for 0 by 3 c.functions.addDeclaration(w3.eth.accounts[0], declarations[3][0]).transact({'from': w3.eth.accounts[3]}) # 0 declared itself and 1 r = c.functions.declarationCount(w3.eth.accounts[0]).call() assert r == 1 # 0 was declared by itself, 1 and 3 r = c.functions.declaratorCount(w3.eth.accounts[0]).call() assert r == 3 # 1 declared noone r = c.functions.declarationCount(w3.eth.accounts[1]).call() assert r == 0 # 1 was declared by 2 r = c.functions.declaratorCount(w3.eth.accounts[1]).call() assert r == 1 # 2 declared 0 and 1 r = c.functions.declarationCount(w3.eth.accounts[2]).call() assert r == 2 # 2 was declared by noone r = c.functions.declaratorCount(w3.eth.accounts[2]).call() assert r == 0 # 3 declared 0 r = c.functions.declarationCount(w3.eth.accounts[3]).call() assert r == 1 # 3 was declared by noone r = c.functions.declaratorCount(w3.eth.accounts[3]).call() assert r == 0