# Author: Louis Holbrook 0826EDA1702D1E87C6E2875121D2E7BB88C2A746 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # File-version: 1 # Description: Python interface to abi and bin files for faucet contracts # standard imports import logging import json import os import hashlib # external imports from hexathon import ( strip_0x, add_0x, ) from chainlib.eth.tx import ( TxFormat, TxFactory, ) from chainlib.eth.contract import ( ABIContractEncoder, ABIContractType, abi_decode_single, ) from chainlib.eth.constant import ZERO_ADDRESS # local imports from eth_address_declarator import Declarator logg = logging.getLogger(__name__) moddir = os.path.dirname(__file__) datadir = os.path.join(moddir, 'data') def to_declarator_key(declarator_address_hex, declaration_address_hex): h = hashlib.new('sha256') h.update(bytes.fromhex(strip_0x(declaration_address_hex))) h.update(bytes.fromhex(strip_0x(declarator_address_hex))) return h.digest() class AddressDeclarator(Declarator): __abi = None __bytecode = None @staticmethod def abi(): if AddressDeclarator.__abi == None: f = open(os.path.join(datadir, 'AddressDeclarator.json'), 'r') AddressDeclarator.__abi = json.load(f) f.close() return AddressDeclarator.__abi @staticmethod def bytecode(): if AddressDeclarator.__bytecode == None: f = open(os.path.join(datadir, 'AddressDeclarator.bin')) AddressDeclarator.__bytecode = f.read() f.close() return AddressDeclarator.__bytecode @staticmethod def gas(code=None): return 2000000 def constructor(self, sender_address, description): code = AddressDeclarator.bytecode() enc = ABIContractEncoder() enc.bytes32(description) code += enc.get() tx = self.template(sender_address, None, use_nonce=True) tx = self.set_code(tx, code) return self.build(tx)