2024-01-19 10:51:33 +01:00
< template >
< div class = "lg:flex items-start justify-center mt-4" >
< FormSheet class = "mx-2 mb-4 lg:w-3/4" >
< ClientOnly >
< Vueform
v - if = "!formSubmitted"
ref = "form$"
validate - on = "change"
: form - data = "(form$) => form$.requestData"
@ response = "handleResponse"
endpoint = "farmer"
< div class = "text-xl mb-1 col-span-12" >
< div class = "border-b border-gray-300 pb-2" >
Farmer onboarding survey
< / div >
< / div >
< TextElement
name = "phone"
label = "What is your primary phone number?"
description = "Enter a valid Kenyan phone number starting with 07 or 01 that you registered with."
rules = "required|phone"
/ >
< div class = "text mb-1 mt-1 col-span-12" >
< div class = "border-b border-gray-300 pb-2" > Farm Details < / div >
< / div >
< GroupElement name = "farm_details" >
< SelectElement
name = "county"
label = "What county are you located in?"
: native = "false"
: items = " {
kirinyaga : 'Kirinyaga' ,
muranga : 'Muranga' ,
nakuru : 'Nakuru' ,
meru : 'Meru' ,
uasin _gishu : 'Uasin Gishu' ,
kajiado : 'Kajiado' ,
2024-04-03 13:41:30 +02:00
kericho : 'Kericho' ,
elgeyo _marakwet : 'Elgeyo Marakwet' ,
kakamega : 'Kakamega' ,
bungoma : 'Bungoma' ,
nyandarua : 'Nyandarua' ,
2024-01-19 10:51:33 +01:00
} "
rules = "required"
/ >
< TextElement
name = "sub_county"
label = "What sub-county are you located in?"
rules = "required|max:50"
/ >
< TextElement
name = "farming_area_acres"
input - type = "number"
label = "How many acres of land are you currently farming?"
rules = "required|min:1|numeric"
/ >
< TagsElement
name = "planned_crops"
label = "Which crops do you plan to grow in the coming season?"
: items = " {
rice : 'Rice' ,
coffee : 'Coffee' ,
tea : 'Tea' ,
sugarcane : 'Sugarcane' ,
miraa : 'Miraa' ,
avocados : 'Avocados' ,
maize : 'Maize' ,
potatoes : 'Potatoes' ,
sorghum : 'Sorghum' ,
2024-02-21 18:47:35 +01:00
dragonfruit : 'Dragon Fruit' ,
2024-04-26 06:05:18 +02:00
hay : 'Hay' ,
beans : 'Beans' ,
soya : 'Soya' ,
2024-01-19 10:51:33 +01:00
other _fruits : 'Other fruits' ,
other _vegetables : 'Other vegetables' ,
other _grains : 'Other grains' ,
} "
rules = "required"
description = "Select all options that apply."
/ >
< / GroupElement >
< div class = "text mt-4 col-span-12" >
< div class = "border-b border-gray-300 pb-2" >
Past Harvest Details
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "col-span-12" >
< Notice
2024-02-27 06:41:09 +01:00
subtitle = "Select all the crops that you have planted in the last 3 years, the average harvest you have gotten (in bags/acre) and how much you have earned (in ksh/kg) on selling each crop."
2024-01-19 10:51:33 +01:00
/ >
< / div >
< ListElement
name = "past_harvest_details"
label = "Harvest details for the last 3 years"
: min = "1"
< template # default = "{ index }" >
< p > Crop { { index + 1 } } < / p >
< ObjectElement :name ="index" >
< SelectElement
name = "crop_type"
rules = "required"
: search = "true"
: items = " {
rice : 'Rice' ,
coffee : 'Coffee' ,
tea : 'Tea' ,
sugarcane : 'Sugarcane' ,
miraa : 'Miraa' ,
avocados : 'Avocados' ,
maize : 'Maize' ,
potatoes : 'Potatoes' ,
sorghum : 'Sorghum' ,
2024-02-21 18:47:35 +01:00
dragonfruit : 'Dragon Fruit' ,
2024-04-26 06:05:18 +02:00
hay : 'Hay' ,
beans : 'Beans' ,
soya : 'Soya' ,
2024-01-19 10:51:33 +01:00
other _fruits : 'Other fruits' ,
other _vegetables : 'Other vegetables' ,
other _grains : 'Other grains' ,
} "
/ >
< TextElement
name = "average_harvest"
label = "Average harvest"
2024-02-27 06:41:09 +01:00
description = "Average yield/output in bags/acre."
2024-01-19 10:51:33 +01:00
rules = "required|min:1|numeric"
/ >
< TextElement
name = "average_earning"
label = "Average earning"
2024-03-18 06:25:34 +01:00
description = "Average yield/output in bags/acre."
2024-01-19 10:51:33 +01:00
rules = "required|min:1|numeric"
/ >
< div class = "col-span-12" >
< div class = "border-t border-gray-300 mt-1" > < / div >
< / div >
< / ObjectElement >
< / template >
< / ListElement >
< div class = "text mt-4 col-span-12" >
< div class = "border-b border-gray-300 pb-2" >
Budget and Expenditure Details
< / div >
< / div >
< TextElement
name = "total_expenditure"
input - type = "number"
label = "On average, how much do you spend on seeds, fertilizers, and crop protection (herbicides, pesticides, etc.) for a year?"
description = "Average in ksh. per year"
rules = "required|min:1|numeric"
/ >
< GroupElement name = "expenditure_details" >
< StaticElement
name = "static"
description = "Total percentage should add upto 100%"
> How would you say your budget is split between seeds ,
fertilizers , and crop protection ? < / S t a t i c E l e m e n t
< TextElement
columns = "4"
name = "seeds_expenditure_percentage"
input - type = "number"
label = "Seeds %"
rules = "required|min:0|numeric|max:100"
/ >
< TextElement
columns = "4"
name = "fertilizer_expenditure_percentage"
input - type = "number"
label = "Fertilizer %"
rules = "required|min:0|numeric|max:100"
/ >
< TextElement
columns = "4"
name = "crops_protection_expenditure_percentage"
input - type = "number"
label = "Crops Protection %"
rules = "required|min:0|numeric|max:100"
/ >
< / GroupElement >
< GroupElement name = "fertilizer_expenditure_details" >
< StaticElement
name = "static"
description = "Total percentage should add upto 100%"
> How is your spend on fertilizers split between
synthetic / inorganic fertilizers ( like DAP , NPK , etc . ) and
organic / natural fertilizers ( like manure , compost ,
etc . ) < / S t a t i c E l e m e n t
< TextElement
columns = "6"
name = "synthetic_fertilizers_expenditure_percentage"
input - type = "number"
label = "Synthetic Fertilizers %"
rules = "required|min:0|numeric|max:100"
/ >
< TextElement
columns = "6"
name = "natural_fertilizers_expenditure_percentage"
input - type = "number"
label = "Natural Fertilizers %"
rules = "required|min:0|numeric|max:100"
/ >
< / GroupElement >
< StaticElement
name = "static"
description = "You can add upto 3 expenses."
> Which input — seeds , fertilizers , or crop protection — has increased
the most in cost for you over the past 3 years ? < / S t a t i c E l e m e n t
< ListElement name = "increased_expenses" :min ="0" >
< template # default = "{ index }" >
< p > Expense < / p >
< ObjectElement :name ="index" >
< SelectElement
rules = "required"
name = "expense_type"
: native = "false"
: items = " {
fertilizers : 'Fertilizers' ,
seeds : 'Seeds' ,
crop _protection : 'Crop Protection' ,
} "
/ >
< TagsElement
rules = "required"
name = "increased_expense_actions"
label = "How have you dealt with the cost increase?"
: items = " {
no _change : 'No Change' ,
cheap _alternative : 'Purchased and used cheaper alternative' ,
less _quantity : 'Purchased and used less quantity' ,
more _quantity : 'Purchased more' ,
other : 'Other' ,
} "
description = "Select all options that apply."
/ >
< SelectElement
name = "expense_action_overall_effect"
label = "Have these changes affected how much you harvest?"
: native = "false"
rules = "required"
: items = " {
increased _yields : 'Increased yields' ,
no _change _yields : 'No change to yields' ,
decreased _yields : 'Decreased yields' ,
other : 'Other' ,
} "
/ >
< div class = "col-span-12" >
< div class = "border-t border-gray-300 mt-1" > < / div >
< / div >
< / ObjectElement >
< / template >
< / ListElement >
< div class = "text mt-4 col-span-12" >
< div class = "border-b border-gray-300 pb-2" > EverGrow < / div >
< / div >
< SelectElement
name = "evergrow_past"
: native = "false"
label = "Have you used EverGrow before?"
rules = "required"
: items = " {
yes : 'Yes' ,
no : 'No' ,
} "
/ >
< TextElement
name = "evergrow_first"
label = "What year did you first begin using EverGrow?"
: conditions = "[['evergrow_past', 'yes']]"
input - type = "number"
rules = "required|min:2018|numeric"
/ >
< TextElement
name = "evergrow_application"
label = "What is your typical application rate of EverGrow?"
2024-02-28 06:28:26 +01:00
description = "Average in kg/acre."
2024-01-19 10:51:33 +01:00
: conditions = "[['evergrow_past', 'yes']]"
input - type = "number"
rules = "required|min:1|numeric"
/ >
< TagsElement
name = "evergrow_crops"
label = "What crops have you seen the most success with using EverGrow?"
: items = " {
rice : 'Rice' ,
coffee : 'Coffee' ,
tea : 'Tea' ,
sugarcane : 'Sugarcane' ,
miraa : 'Miraa' ,
avocados : 'Avocados' ,
maize : 'Maize' ,
potatoes : 'Potatoes' ,
sorghum : 'Sorghum' ,
2024-02-21 18:47:35 +01:00
dragonfruit : 'Dragon Fruit' ,
2024-04-26 06:05:18 +02:00
hay : 'Hay' ,
beans : 'Beans' ,
soya : 'Soya' ,
2024-01-19 10:51:33 +01:00
other _fruits : 'Other fruits' ,
other _vegetables : 'Other vegetables' ,
other _grains : 'Other grains' ,
} "
: conditions = "[['evergrow_past', 'yes']]"
description = "Select all options that apply."
rules = "required"
/ >
< TextElement
columns = "12"
name = "evergrow_yield"
input - type = "number"
label = "How much have your yields typically improved by when using EverGrow (vs. when not)?"
description = "Enter a percentage value"
: conditions = "[['evergrow_past', 'yes']]"
rules = "required|min:0|max:100|numeric"
/ >
< div class = "text mt-4 col-span-12" >
< div class = "border-b border-gray-300 pb-2" > Other Fertilizers < / div >
< / div >
< SelectElement
label = "Do you use any other types of fertilizer on your land?"
name = "other_fertilizers"
: native = "false"
: items = " {
yes : 'Yes' ,
no : 'No' ,
not _sure : 'Not Sure' ,
} "
rules = "required"
/ >
< StaticElement
: conditions = "[['other_fertilizers', 'yes']]"
name = "static"
description = "You can add upto 3 other fertilizer types."
> Select all other fertilizer types that you have used in the
past ? < / S t a t i c E l e m e n t
< ListElement
name = "other_fertilizers_details"
: conditions = "[['other_fertilizers', 'yes']]"
rules = "required"
< template # default = "{ index }" >
< p > Fertilizer < / p >
< ObjectElement :name ="index" >
< SelectElement
rules = "required"
name = "other_fertilizer_type"
: native = "false"
: items = " {
synthetic : 'Synthetic Fertilizer' ,
commercial _organic : 'Commercial Organic Fertilizer' ,
self _made : 'Self-made fertilizer/manure' ,
} "
/ >
< TextElement
name = "other_fertilizer_application"
input - type = "number"
label = "What is your typical application rate of this type of fertilizer?"
2024-02-28 06:28:26 +01:00
description = "Average in kg/acre."
2024-01-19 10:51:33 +01:00
rules = "required|min:1|numeric"
/ >
< TagsElement
rules = "required"
name = "other_fertilizer_crops"
label = "What crops have you seen the most success with using this type of fertilizer"
: items = " {
rice : 'Rice' ,
coffee : 'Coffee' ,
tea : 'Tea' ,
sugarcane : 'Sugarcane' ,
miraa : 'Miraa' ,
avocados : 'Avocados' ,
maize : 'Maize' ,
potatoes : 'Potatoes' ,
sorghum : 'Sorghum' ,
2024-02-21 18:47:35 +01:00
dragonfruit : 'Dragon Fruit' ,
2024-04-26 06:05:18 +02:00
hay : 'Hay' ,
beans : 'Beans' ,
soya : 'Soya' ,
2024-01-19 10:51:33 +01:00
other _fruits : 'Other fruits' ,
other _vegetables : 'Other vegetables' ,
other _grains : 'Other grains' ,
} "
description = "Select all options that apply."
/ >
< div class = "col-span-12" >
< div class = "border-t border-gray-300 mt-1" > < / div >
< / div >
< / ObjectElement >
< / template >
< / ListElement >
< div class = "text mt-4 col-span-12" >
< div class = "border-b border-gray-300 pb-2" >
Fertilizer Purchase Details
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "col-span-12" >
< Notice
subtitle = "This applies for all types of fertilizers you purchase including Evergrow. "
/ >
< / div >
< TagsElement
name = "purchase_channels"
rules = "required"
label = "Where do you typically purchase your fertilizer from?"
: items = " {
manufacturers : 'Direct from manufacturers' ,
distributors : 'Distributors' ,
resellers : 'Resellers' ,
farmers : 'Fellow farmers' ,
2024-03-18 06:23:48 +01:00
ncpb : 'NCPB' ,
2024-01-19 10:51:33 +01:00
other : 'Other' ,
} "
description = "Select all options that apply."
/ >
< ButtonElement name = "submit" add -class = " mt -2 " submits >
< / ButtonElement >
< / Vueform >
< SuccessAlert
v - else
title = "Submission Successful"
subtitle = "Thank you for submitting the form."
link = "/"
action = "Home"
/ >
< / ClientOnly >
< / FormSheet >
< / div >
< / template >
< script setup >
const form$ = ref ( null ) ;
const formSubmitted = ref ( false ) ;
const handleResponse = async ( response , form$ ) => {
if ( response . status <= 201 ) {
formSubmitted . value = true ;
2024-02-05 15:26:24 +01:00
} else if ( response . status >= 400 ) {
form$ . messageBag . append ( response . data ? . message ) ;
2024-01-19 10:51:33 +01:00
form$ . messageBag . append ( response . data ? . error ) ;
if ( Object . keys ( response . data . data ) [ 0 ] ? . message ) {
form$ . messageBag . append (
Object . keys ( response . data . data ) [ 0 ] +
": " +
Object . values ( response . data . data ) [ 0 ] ? . message
) ;
} ;
< / script >