[metrics] # Exposes Prometheus metrics # /metrics endpoint go_process = true # API server [api] # Host and port address = ":8080" # Geth API endpoints [chain] graphql_endpoint = "https://rpc.celo.grassecon.net/graphql" ws_endpoint = "wss://socket.celo.grassecon.net" [syncer] # Number of goroutines assigned to the janitor worker pool janitor_concurrency = 5 # Syncer start block initial_lower_bound = 17269000 # Max blocks in worker queue awaiting processing janitor_queue_size = 500 # Janitor sweep interval janitor_sweep_interval = 5 [postgres] # Default is the Docker container DSN dsn = "postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/cic_chain_events" # https://docs.nats.io/ [jetstream] endpoint = "nats://localhost:4222" stream_name = "CHAIN" # Duration JetStream should keep the message before remocing it from the persistent store persist_duration_hours = 48 # Duration to ignore duplicate transactions (e.g. due to restart) dedup_duration_hours = 6 # Stream subjects stream_subjects = [ "CHAIN.transfer", "CHAIN.transferFrom", "CHAIN.mintTo" ]