Useful for rebuilding the nonce cache automatically.
* uses otx_sign as the first source
* can fallback to chain nonce value of the 1st source is corrupted
* All postgres related functions now live in internal/store.
* Updated queries.sql file to match struct order (readibility)
* Moved keystore -> store
* Moved queries -> store
* Removed pkg/postgres
* remove uncessary tasks and task handlers
* reafctor custodial container
* refactor gas refiller. Gas refiller can queue at a later time to match cooldown
* refactor sub handler to process chain events
* fallback to custom ethereum checksum validator ->
* decouple jetsream emitter to separate package
* refactor task handlers into individual files
* add error handler for echo to capture unexpected errors and log them
* move handler dependencies into single struct container -> custodialContainer
* replace signer to use EIP 1559 signer -> celoutils v1
* Add 1 minutes timeout to all custodial tasks