[service] address = ":5005" # Exposes Prometheus metrics # /metrics endpoint metrics = true [chain] rpc_endpoint = "https://rpc.alfajores.celo.grassecon.net" testnet = true # System default values # Valus are in wei unless otherwise stated [system] # The giftable token is a training voucher # Every new user is given 5 DGFT gas_faucet = "0xf2a1fc19Ad275A0EAe3445798761FeD1Eea725d5" giftable_token_address = "0xB92463E2262E700e29c16416270c9Fdfa17934D7" giftable_token_value = 5000000 gas_refill_threshold = 20000000000000000 gas_refill_value = 10000000000000000 # Every custodial account is given 2 KES worth of CELO giftable_gas_value = 10000000000000000 # System private key # Should always be toped up private_key = "95f04bc8321cbf693db9cc2bc063411bbd8bee0e4a03dea096c755d8bcca42c6" lock_prefix = "lock:" public_key = "0x0577AE5A3547AC753aC499E282557CE0275a4942" token_decimals = 6 token_transfer_gas_limit = 200000 account_index = "0x1e041282695C66944BfC53cabce947cf35CEaf87" [postgres] debug = false dsn = "postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/cic_custodial" [redis] debug = false dsn = "redis://localhost:6379/1" min_idle_conn = 5 [asynq] worker_count = 15 debug = false dsn = "redis://localhost:6379/0" task_retention_hrs = 24 # https://docs.nats.io/ [jetstream] endpoint = "nats://localhost:4222" # Duration JetStream should keep the message before remocing it from the persistent store persist_duration_hours = 48 # Duration to ignore duplicate transactions (e.g. due to restart) dedup_duration_hours = 6