Mohammed Sohail cf1f9f34c3
refactor: task handlers, emitter, tx signer, et.c.
* fallback to custom ethereum checksum validator ->
* decouple jetsream emitter to separate package
* refactor task handlers into individual files
* add error handler for echo to capture unexpected errors and log them
* move handler dependencies into single struct container -> custodialContainer
* replace signer to use EIP 1559 signer -> celoutils v1
* Add 1 minutes timeout to all custodial tasks
2023-02-20 09:56:30 +00:00

88 lines
1.9 KiB

package events
import (
const (
StreamName string = "CUSTODIAL"
StreamSubjects string = "CUSTODIAL.*"
// Subjects
AccountNewNonce string = "CUSTODIAL.accountNewNonce"
AccountRegister string = "CUSTODIAL.accountRegister"
AccountGiftGas string = "CUSTODIAL.systemNewAccountGas"
AccountGiftVoucher string = "CUSTODIAL.systemNewAccountVoucher"
AccountRefillGas string = "CUSTODIAL.systemRefillAccountGas"
DispatchFail string = "CUSTODIAL.dispatchFail"
DispatchSuccess string = "CUSTODIAL.dispatchSuccess"
SignTransfer string = "CUSTODIAL.signTransfer"
type JetStreamOpts struct {
ServerUrl string
PersistDuration time.Duration
DedupDuration time.Duration
type JetStream struct {
jsCtx nats.JetStreamContext
nc *nats.Conn
func NewJetStreamEventEmitter(o JetStreamOpts) (EventEmitter, error) {
natsConn, err := nats.Connect(o.ServerUrl)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
js, err := natsConn.JetStream()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Bootstrap stream if it doesn't exist.
stream, _ := js.StreamInfo(StreamName)
if stream == nil {
_, err = js.AddStream(&nats.StreamConfig{
Name: StreamName,
MaxAge: o.PersistDuration,
Storage: nats.FileStorage,
Subjects: []string{StreamSubjects},
Duplicates: o.DedupDuration,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &JetStream{
jsCtx: js,
nc: natsConn,
}, nil
// Close gracefully shutdowns the JetStream connection.
func (js *JetStream) Close() {
if != nil {
// Publish publishes the JSON data to the NATS stream.
func (js *JetStream) Publish(subject string, dedupId string, eventPayload interface{}) error {
jsonData, err := json.Marshal(eventPayload)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = js.jsCtx.Publish(subject, jsonData, nats.MsgId(dedupId))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil