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synced 2025-03-20 11:39:49 +01:00
* fallback to custom ethereum checksum validator -> https://github.com/go-playground/validator/issues/1073 * decouple jetsream emitter to separate package * refactor task handlers into individual files * add error handler for echo to capture unexpected errors and log them * move handler dependencies into single struct container -> custodialContainer * replace signer to use EIP 1559 signer -> celoutils v1 * Add 1 minutes timeout to all custodial tasks
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package main
import (
// Load logger.
func initLogger(debug bool) logf.Logger {
loggOpts := logg.LoggOpts{
Color: true,
if debug {
loggOpts.Caller = true
loggOpts.Debug = true
return logg.NewLogg(loggOpts)
// Load config file.
func initConfig(configFilePath string) *koanf.Koanf {
var (
ko = koanf.New(".")
confFile := file.Provider(configFilePath)
if err := ko.Load(confFile, toml.Parser()); err != nil {
lo.Fatal("Could not load config file", "error", err)
if err := ko.Load(env.Provider("", ".", func(s string) string {
return strings.ReplaceAll(strings.ToLower(
strings.TrimPrefix(s, "")), "_", ".")
}), nil); err != nil {
lo.Fatal("Could not override config from env vars", "error", err)
return ko
// Load Celo chain provider.
func initCeloProvider() (*celoutils.Provider, error) {
providerOpts := celoutils.ProviderOpts{
RpcEndpoint: ko.MustString("chain.rpc_endpoint"),
if ko.Bool("chain.testnet") {
providerOpts.ChainId = celoutils.TestnetChainId
} else {
providerOpts.ChainId = celoutils.MainnetChainId
provider, err := celoutils.NewProvider(providerOpts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return provider, nil
// Load postgres pool.
func initPostgresPool() (*pgxpool.Pool, error) {
poolOpts := postgres.PostgresPoolOpts{
DSN: ko.MustString("postgres.dsn"),
pool, err := postgres.NewPostgresPool(poolOpts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return pool, nil
// Load separate redis connection for the tasker on a reserved db namespace.
func initAsynqRedisPool() (*redis.RedisPool, error) {
poolOpts := redis.RedisPoolOpts{
DSN: ko.MustString("asynq.dsn"),
MinIdleConns: ko.MustInt("redis.min_idle_conn"),
pool, err := redis.NewRedisPool(poolOpts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return pool, nil
// Common redis connection on a different db namespace from the takser.
func initCommonRedisPool() (*redis.RedisPool, error) {
poolOpts := redis.RedisPoolOpts{
DSN: ko.MustString("redis.dsn"),
MinIdleConns: ko.MustInt("redis.min_idle_conn"),
pool, err := redis.NewRedisPool(poolOpts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return pool, nil
// Load SQL statements into struct.
func initQueries(queriesPath string) (*queries.Queries, error) {
parsedQueries, err := goyesql.ParseFile(queriesPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
loadedQueries, err := queries.LoadQueries(parsedQueries)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return loadedQueries, nil
// Load postgres based keystore.
func initPostgresKeystore(postgresPool *pgxpool.Pool, queries *queries.Queries) (keystore.Keystore, error) {
keystore := keystore.NewPostgresKeytore(keystore.Opts{
PostgresPool: postgresPool,
Queries: queries,
return keystore, nil
// Load redis backed noncestore.
func initRedisNoncestore(redisPool *redis.RedisPool, celoProvider *celoutils.Provider) nonce.Noncestore {
return nonce.NewRedisNoncestore(nonce.Opts{
RedisPool: redisPool,
CeloProvider: celoProvider,
// Load global lock provider.
func initLockProvider(redisPool redislock.RedisClient) *redislock.Client {
return redislock.New(redisPool)
// Load tasker client.
func initTaskerClient(redisPool *redis.RedisPool) *tasker.TaskerClient {
return tasker.NewTaskerClient(tasker.TaskerClientOpts{
RedisPool: redisPool,
TaskRetention: time.Duration(ko.MustInt64("asynq.task_retention_hrs")) * time.Hour,
// Load Postgres store
func initPostgresStore(postgresPool *pgxpool.Pool, queries *queries.Queries) store.Store {
return store.NewPostgresStore(store.Opts{
PostgresPool: postgresPool,
Queries: queries,
// Init JetStream context for tasker events.
func initJetStream() (events.EventEmitter, error) {
jsEmitter, err := events.NewJetStreamEventEmitter(events.JetStreamOpts{
ServerUrl: ko.MustString("jetstream.endpoint"),
PersistDuration: time.Duration(ko.MustInt("jetstream.persist_duration_hours")) * time.Hour,
DedupDuration: time.Duration(ko.MustInt("jetstream.dedup_duration_hours")) * time.Hour,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return jsEmitter, nil