Enable the management and customer support personnel of the CIC platform to track platform usage by end users and provide troubleshooting capabilities.
* Assign personnel permissions - A super admin will be able to assign permissions to other personnel based on their clearance level (Viewer | Enroller | Admin | Super Admin) pursuant to the[Platform Roles Spec](https://gitlab.com/grassrootseconomics/cic-docs/-/blob/master/spec/004_Platform_Roles.md).
* View users - Get all users in the system and filter according to user categories.
* View user details - View a user's details and all their transactions.
* Create new users - Add users to the system and set user type - see [Platform Smoke Testing Spec](https://gitlab.com/grassrootseconomics/cic-docs/-/blob/master/spec/005_Platform_Smoke_Testing.md), User Types section.
* Set user token - Create a token for Chama accounts only (requires admin privileges) or set a user's community token - see [Self Service Token Spec](https://gitlab.com/grassrootseconomics/cic-docs/-/blob/master/spec/006_Self_Service_Token.md), token creation and join token sections.
* Change user details - Set new details for users such as roles (group), locations, default tokens, auto-conversion, e.t.c.
* Delete users - Delete or cancel users.
* Reset user pin - Change a user's pin on request. Eventually the user will be able to set a recovery account with which the pin can be reset from (preferably a friend or family member as a guarantor).
* Disburse and reclaim tokens - Disburse tokens to users on registering for the platform, referrals or meeting certain parameters and reclaiming tokens for dormant accounts - see [Platform Incentives Spec](https://gitlab.com/grassrootseconomics/cic-docs/-/blob/master/spec/001_platform_incentives.md).
* Convert tokens - Convert a user's tokens from one community token to another on request.
* View transactions - Get all transactions in the system and filter according to the transaction category.
* View transaction details - View an individual transaction, and the users who participated in the transaction.
* Donor interface - A dashboard showing platform usage metadata such as transaction volume and user registration against time. The dashboard will contain public data only.
* Mpesa integration - Initiate transactions from and to Mpesa allowing for minting of new tokens by adding to the reserve or redemption of tokens for local currency.