batch txns

This commit is contained in:
Will Ruddick 2021-09-09 10:58:21 +00:00
parent b09d349425
commit 0b9e922ec1

View File

@ -44,4 +44,36 @@ giftable-token-gift -p http://localhost:63545 -y /home/wor/src/ge/cic-internal-
(venv) wor@gecon:~/src/ge/erc20-demurrage-token/python$ erc20-balance -p http://localhost:63545 -a 0x6Ca3cB14aA6F761712E1C18646AfBA4d5Ae249E8 0xEb3907eCad74a0013c259D5874AE7f22DcBcC95C
Chama Token (CHM): 0.000100
# Batch Transactions
1. Start or connect to your node: sudo docker-compose up eth
1. Contract Migration: sudo COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD=1 DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 RUN_MASK=1 docker-compose up --build contract-migration
git clone
cd chaind
python -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install --extra-index-url -r requirements.txt
# the following will set up your database in ~/.local/share/chaind/eth/chaind.sqlite
PYTHONPATH=. CHAIND_DOMAIN=eth DATABASE_ENGINE=sqlite python scripts/ #creates the db for the querer syncer and chaind
1. Create a file:
set +a
export DATABASE_ENGINE=sqlite
export RPC_PROVIDER=http://localhost:63545
export RPC_HTTP_PROVIDER=http://localhost:63545
export CHAIN_SPEC=evm:bloxberg:8996
set -a
1. Start: chaind-eth-server --session-id testsession -vv
1. Start syncer: chaind-eth-syncer
#testing key file with no password
> test.json
export WALLET_KEY_FILE=test.json
#address of the registry for token index (on my computer)
eth-token-index-list -e 0xa579d6AbE59a87f5b23f674cD4967A55754A0864