Update to the 2020 xDAI dataset definitions

This commit is contained in:
Will Ruddick 2021-01-19 05:48:27 +00:00
parent 9aa350cba8
commit 7a2b23c9cc

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@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
# TransactionDatasets
Data Sets from Blockchain Transactions and User Demographics found at
Data Sets from Blockchain Transactions and User Meta Data found at
[grassecon.org/research](http://grassecon.org/research) in csv format and also shown on [dashboard.sarafu.network](https://dashboard.sarafu.network)
Datasets prior to 2020 are pulled from the POA blockchain for each user ex. https://blockscout.com/poa/core/address/0xcb55fc893000a984a5ad73011f93d1540a5f0895/tokens
As well as user generated data and field surveys collected in Kenya. Fields described below.
Datasets Starting 2020 are pulled from the POA (xDAI) blockchain for each user ex. https://blockscout.com/poa/core/address/0xcb55fc893000a984a5ad73011f93d1540a5f0895/tokens
Datasets Starting 2020 are pulled from the xDAI blockchain for each user ex. https://blockscout.com/poa/core/address/0xcb55fc893000a984a5ad73011f93d1540a5f0895/tokens
As well as user generated data and field surveys collected in Kenya. Fields described below.
Brief description: Using a simple feature phone interface with USSD each user (people living below the poverty line in Kenya) starts with 400 Tokens and adverstises what they sell on a digital market place avalaible on the same interface. There are no transaction fees. The tokens are used often as a top-up to missing Kenyan shillings. Certian users / vendors were allowed to send 50% of their tokens to Grassroots Economics (GE) in return for Kenyan Shillings on a monthly basis (see Agent transactions). Each user only has one token assigned to them by GE based on where they live (Currently we have moved all users to the Sarafu token while we prepare for the next phase). When a user sends a token to another user that holds a different token a conversion is made automatically after receipt. This conversion uses a bonding curve (based on the Bancor Protocol) to adjust the token prices relative to eachother. Conversions can be seen as transactions to a contract address then that contract address sending the new token to the user. While the exchange rate information is avaliable to users, practially all the tokens are curently considered ~1:1 with the national currency as well as with eachother. For more information please contact us https://www.grassrootseconomics.org/contact
Brief description: Using a simple feature phone interface with USSD each user (people living below the poverty line in Kenya) starts with an allottment of initial tokens and adverstises what they sell to neighbors and on a digital market place avalaible on the same interface (USSD). There are no transaction fees. The tokens are used often as a top-up to missing Kenyan shillings. Pre 2020 - each user only has one token assigned to them by GE based on where they live. Post 2020 all users moved to the Sarafu token while we prepare for user generated tokens again. Pre 2020 with multiple tokens - When a user sends a token to another user that holds a different token a conversion is made automatically after receipt. This conversion uses a bonding curve (based on the Bancor Protocol) to adjust the token prices relative to eachother. Conversions can be seen as transactions to a contract address then that contract address sending the new token to the user. In 2020 the Sarafu token which all users held is considered ~1:1 with the national currency. For more information please contact us https://www.grassrootseconomics.org/contact
@ -19,12 +19,8 @@ The Transaction csv fields:
1. id - internal transaction ID number
1. timeset - date and time of transaction
1. transfer_subtype - internal typing: DISBURSMENT = from Grassroots Economics, RECLAMATION = Back to GE, STANDARD = a trade between users, AGENT = when a group account is cashing out (see held_roles) below
1. transfer_use - The category the sender marked the transaction as - used for 'confidence' later for the user category - note this will be changed to boolean
1. tx_hash - hashed transaction address on blockchain (not currently shown)
1. source - wallet ID of sender
1. s_comm_tkn - Short name of Token that the source uses (each user should only have 1 token) - note that currently all users have Sarafu only
1. target - wallet ID of recipent
1. t_comm_tkn
1. token_name - the token that was traded
1. token_address - the blockchain address of token that was traded
1. weight - How many tokens were traded
@ -33,13 +29,11 @@ The user summary csv fields:
1. id - Internal user id number
1. xDAI_blockchain_address - Wallet ID on POA xDAI Blockchain
1. old_POA__blockchain_address - Wallet ID on POA Blockchain if they had one
1. comm_tkn - Their token name (each user only has 1 token) currenlty only Sarafu
1. bal - current balance of [comm_tkn] as of file date
1. location_path - The smallest to largest region names on Open Street Maps for that users physical location
1. location_lat - The smallest region latitude
1. location_lon - The smallest region longitude
1. held_roles - Standard transactions are between Beneficiaries, anything to an Admin is a Reclemation or from and Admin is a Disbursment and anything to a Agent is a Agent_out
1. old_POA__blockchain_address - Wallet ID on the older POA Blockchain (pre 2020) if they had one
1. bal - current balance of Sarafu as of file date
1. area_name - Regional area in Kenya (generalized from private user data)
1. area_type - Rural, Peri urban or Urban (generalized from private user data)
1. held_roles - Standard transactions are between Beneficiaries, anything to an Admin is a Reclamation or from and Admin is a Disbursment and anything to a Agent is a Agent_out
1. gender - user input gender
1. business_type - Input by GE staff based on what the users sell
1. ovol_in - total number of tokens that came into this account from non-STANDARD transactions