This commit is contained in:
Will Ruddick 2021-01-19 07:06:20 +00:00
parent 2c2b9ec66f
commit b139442aea

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ The Transaction csv fields:
1. id - internal transaction ID number 1. id - internal transaction ID number
1. timeset - date and time of transaction 1. timeset - date and time of transaction
1. transfer_subtype - internal typing: DISBURSMENT = from Grassroots Economics, RECLAMATION = Back to GE, STANDARD = a trade between users, AGENT = when a group account is cashing out (see held_roles) below 1. transfer_subtype - internal typing: DISBURSMENT = from Grassroots Economics Foundation, RECLAMATION = Back to GE, STANDARD = a trade between users, AGENT = when a group account is cashing out (see held_roles) below
1. source - wallet ID of sender 1. source - wallet ID of sender
1. target - wallet ID of recipent 1. target - wallet ID of recipent
1. token_name - the token that was traded 1. token_name - the token that was traded
@ -28,27 +28,28 @@ The Transaction csv fields:
The user summary csv fields: The user summary csv fields:
1. id - Internal user id number 1. id - Internal user id number
1. start - day and time of first transaction (when the user account was setup)
1. xDAI_blockchain_address - Wallet ID on POA xDAI Blockchain 1. xDAI_blockchain_address - Wallet ID on POA xDAI Blockchain
1. old_POA__blockchain_address - Wallet ID on the older POA Blockchain (pre 2020) if they had one 1. old_POA__blockchain_address - Wallet ID on the older POA Blockchain (pre 2020) if they had one
1. bal - current balance of Sarafu as of file date 1. final_bal - current balance of Sarafu as of file date
1. area_name - Regional area in Kenya (generalized from private user data) 1. area_name - Regional area in Kenya (generalized from private user data)
1. area_type - Rural, Peri urban or Urban (generalized from private user data) 1. area_type - Rural, Peri urban or Urban (generalized from private user data)
1. held_roles - Standard transactions are between Beneficiaries, anything to an Admin is a Reclamation or from and Admin is a Disbursment and anything to a Agent is a Agent_out 1. held_roles - Standard transactions are between Beneficiaries, anything to an Admin is a Reclamation or from and Admin is a Disbursment and anything to a Agent is a Agent_out
1. gender - user input gender 1. gender - user input gender
1. business_type - Input by GE staff based on what the users sell 1. business_type - Input by GE staff based on what the users sell
1. ovol_in - total number of tokens that came into this account from non-STANDARD transactions 1. ovol_in - total number of tokens that came into this account from non-STANDARD transactions
1. ovol_out 1. ovol_out - total number of tokens that left this account from non-STANDARD transactions
1. otxns_in - number of transactions incomming from non-STANDARD transactions 1. otxns_in - number of transactions incomming from non-STANDARD transactions
1. otxns_out 1. otxns_out
1. ounique_in - number of uniquie transactions incomming from non-STANDARD transactions 1. ounique_in - number of uniquie transactions incomming from non-STANDARD transactions
1. ounique_in 1. ounique_out
1. svol_in - total number of tokens that came into this account from STANDARD transactions 1. svol_in - total number of tokens that came into this account from STANDARD transactions
1. svol_out 1. svol_out
1. stxns_in - number of transactions incomming from STANDARD transactions 1. stxns_in - number of transactions incomming from STANDARD transactions
1. stxns_out 1. stxns_out
1. sunique_in - number of uniquie transactions incomming from STANDARD transactions 1. sunique_in - number of uniquie transactions incomming from STANDARD transactions
1. sunique_in 1. sunique_out
1. start - day and time of first transaction (when the user account was setup)
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