# API EXTENSIONS FOR EXTERNALLY CREATED BLOCKCHAIN RESOURCES At time of writing, apis are registered under `/api/v2`. This will change. ## NOMENCLATURE Values enclosed with `<>` are _required_. Values enclosed with `[]` means _optional_. No enclosure means _literal_. ## CHANGED METHODS Endpoints _modified_ are found under /api/v1/ Changes will be submitted upstream. ### `/api/v1/organisation` ### **POST** One item is added to data payload: ``` { account_address: [address], } ``` If specified, the organisation will be bound to the specified blockchain account, and _will not_ create a new account on instantiation. ## ADDED METHODS Endpoints _added_ are found under /api/ext/ ### `/api/ext/exchange/register` #### **POST** Creates a new entry in `exchange_contract` table in database. Requires token addresses to be registered in advance on `/api/v1/token/` Request payload: ``` { reserve_address:
, token_address:
, converter_address:
, registry_address:
, connector_weight: , } ``` Response payload on success: ``` { message: 'Exchange added', data: { exchange: (exchange schema dump, TODO specify) } } ``` Returns: ``` 201 - exchange record created 400 - token addresses not known to platform ```