# Token Info * Authors: Will Ruddick (grassecon.org) * Date: 2021.07.16 * Version: 1 * Status: Pre-draft ## Rationale Enabeling users to query the info for a particular token. e.g. after choosing it as their active token. ## Intro * Users should have some information about the tokens they are using and holding ## Token-Info – User Flow: 1. A user is sent or given a new token for the first time - even during registration or when choosing to change token. 1. The user gets a USSD message showing the following info: 1. Token 1. name, 1. symbol 1. holding fee (% aggregated to monthly), 1. Stats: 1. total supply, 1. Circulation (total minus the supply of balance of the issuer) 1. # holders 1. GINI Coefficent (against all holders including the issuer balance) 1. Issuer (this is the sink account holder) 1. name 1. phone number 1. product offering, ## ex: 1. Give It Up For Sally, GIUFS, holding fee: 2% monthly, 1. Supply: 100,000 1. Circulation: 20,000 1. Holders: 24 1. GINI: .30 1. Sally Chama, +254727865533, Group Farm ## USSD Menu 1. Token Info (can be selected under Help) The info also comes whenever a new token is send to a receipent for the first time. ## Testing 1. Check info is correct ## Action items ## Implementation A service would need to update this information daily? for each token. ### Workflow ### Variables ### Interface ## Security 1. Liquidity pool supply and value Alerts 1. For bonded pools: Whenever the token is converted to another token and the price changes more than 10% an alter is sent to the token issuer 1. For Bonded Pools: 1. Message Alert your excahnge value of TOKEN_NAME tokens have changed in +X% / -X% value 1. Note that the receipt messages for token transfers that include a conversion should also show the tokens exchange value ## Changelog