# Title * Authors: Firstname Lastname (url) * Date: YYYY.MM.DD * Version: 1 * Status: Pre-draft ## Rationale ## Before ## After ## Implementation ## Outline 1. Community Inclusion Currencies 1. Introduction 1. History 1. Examples (paper and mobile phones) 1. Your Economy 1. Circular trade 1. Under utilized potential 1. Stronger local markets 1. Creating a CIC 1. Who should create a CIC? 1. Resource Mapping 2. Issuer Commitments 1. How many CICs to create? 2. Issuer Backing and Redemption 3. Reserves - CIC Collateral 1. Introducing CICs to the rest of community 1. Establishing a solid foundation 1. Good Communication 1. Spreading CICs 2. Airdrops 1. Rewards 1. Spending 1. Sharing 2. ## Testing ## Changelog