-- fdw extension for remote link CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS postgres_fdw; -- cic_ussd CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS cic_ussd; CREATE SERVER IF NOT EXISTS cic_ussd_remote FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw OPTIONS (host '{{.remote_db_host }}', port '{{.remote_db_port }}', dbname 'cic_ussd'); CREATE USER MAPPING IF NOT EXISTS FOR postgres SERVER cic_ussd_remote OPTIONS (user '{{.remote_db_user }}', password '{{.remote_db_password }}'); IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA public LIMIT TO (account) FROM SERVER cic_ussd_remote INTO cic_ussd; -- cic_cache CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS cic_cache; CREATE SERVER IF NOT EXISTS cic_cache_remote FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw OPTIONS (host '{{.remote_db_host }}', port '{{.remote_db_port }}', dbname 'cic_cache'); CREATE USER MAPPING IF NOT EXISTS FOR postgres SERVER cic_cache_remote OPTIONS (user '{{.remote_db_user }}', password '{{.remote_db_password }}'); IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA public LIMIT TO (tag, tag_tx_link, tx) FROM SERVER cic_cache_remote INTO cic_cache;