# standard imports import logging # third-party imports from web3.exceptions import BlockNotFound from .error import LoopDone # local imports from .mined import MinedSyncer from .base import Syncer from cic_eth.db.models.base import SessionBase logg = logging.getLogger() class HistorySyncer(MinedSyncer): """Implements the get method in Syncer for retrieving all blocks between last processed block before previous shutdown and block height at time of syncer start. :param bc_cache: Retrieves block cache cursors for chain head and latest processed block. :type bc_cache: Object implementing methods from cic_eth.sync.SyncerBackend :param mx: Maximum number of blocks to return in one call :type mx: int """ def __init__(self, bc_cache, mx=20): super(HistorySyncer, self).__init__(bc_cache) self.max = mx self.target = bc_cache.target() logg.info('History syncer target block number {}'.format(self.target)) session_offset = self.bc_cache.get() self.block_offset = session_offset[0] self.tx_offset = session_offset[1] logg.info('History syncer starting at {}:{}'.format(session_offset[0], session_offset[1])) self.filter = [] """Implements Syncer.get BUG: Should also raise LoopDone when block array is empty after loop. :param w3: Web3 object :type w3: web3.Web3 :raises LoopDone: If a block is not found. :return: Return a batch of blocks to process :rtype: list of str, 0x-hex """ def get(self, w3): sync_db = self.bc_cache height = self.bc_cache.get() logg.debug('height {}'.format(height)) block_last = height[0] tx_last = height[1] if not self.running: raise LoopDone((block_last, tx_last)) b = [] block_target = block_last + self.max if block_target > self.target: block_target = self.target logg.debug('target {} last {} max {}'.format(block_target, block_last, self.max)) for i in range(block_last, block_target): if i == self.target: logg.info('reached target {}, exiting'.format(i)) self.running = False break bhash = w3.eth.getBlock(i).hash b.append(bhash) logg.debug('appending block {} {}'.format(i, bhash.hex())) if block_last == block_target: logg.info('aleady reached target {}, exiting'.format(self.target)) self.running = False return b