# standard imports import logging # external imports import celery from chainlib.chain import ChainSpec from chainlib.connection import RPCConnection from chainlib.eth.tx import ( unpack, TxFactory, ) from chainlib.eth.gas import OverrideGasOracle from chainqueue.sql.query import get_tx from chainqueue.sql.state import set_cancel from chainqueue.db.models.otx import Otx from chainqueue.db.models.tx import TxCache from hexathon import strip_0x from potaahto.symbols import snake_and_camel # local imports from cic_eth.db.models.base import SessionBase from cic_eth.db.models.nonce import Nonce from cic_eth.admin.ctrl import ( lock_send, unlock_send, lock_queue, unlock_queue, ) from cic_eth.queue.tx import queue_create from cic_eth.eth.gas import create_check_gas_task from cic_eth.task import BaseTask celery_app = celery.current_app logg = logging.getLogger() @celery_app.task(bind=True, base=BaseTask) def shift_nonce(self, chainspec_dict, tx_hash_orig_hex, delta=1): """Shift all transactions with nonces higher than the offset by the provided position delta. Transactions who are replaced by transactions that move nonces will be marked as OVERRIDDEN. :param chainstr: Chain specification string representation :type chainstr: str :param tx_hash_orig_hex: Transaction hash to resolve to sender and nonce to use as shift offset :type tx_hash_orig_hex: str, 0x-hex :param delta: Amount """ chain_spec = ChainSpec.from_dict(chainspec_dict) rpc = RPCConnection.connect(chain_spec, 'default') rpc_signer = RPCConnection.connect(chain_spec, 'signer') queue = None try: queue = self.request.delivery_info.get('routing_key') except AttributeError: pass session = BaseTask.session_func() tx_brief = get_tx(chain_spec, tx_hash_orig_hex, session=session) tx_raw = bytes.fromhex(strip_0x(tx_brief['signed_tx'])) tx = unpack(tx_raw, chain_spec) nonce = tx_brief['nonce'] address = tx['from'] logg.debug('shifting nonce {} position(s) for address {}, offset {}, hash {}'.format(delta, address, nonce, tx['hash'])) lock_queue(None, chain_spec.asdict(), address=address) lock_send(None, chain_spec.asdict(), address=address) set_cancel(chain_spec, strip_0x(tx['hash']), manual=True, session=session) q = session.query(Otx) q = q.join(TxCache) q = q.filter(TxCache.sender==address) q = q.filter(Otx.nonce>=nonce+delta) q = q.order_by(Otx.nonce.asc()) otxs = q.all() tx_hashes = [] txs = [] for otx in otxs: tx_raw = bytes.fromhex(strip_0x(otx.signed_tx)) tx_new = unpack(tx_raw, chain_spec) tx_new = snake_and_camel(tx_new) tx_previous_hash_hex = tx_new['hash'] tx_previous_nonce = tx_new['nonce'] tx_new['gas_price'] += 1 tx_new['gasPrice'] = tx_new['gas_price'] tx_new['nonce'] -= delta logg.debug('tx_new {}'.format(tx_new)) del(tx_new['hash']) del(tx_new['hash_unsigned']) del(tx_new['hashUnsigned']) gas_oracle = OverrideGasOracle(limit=tx_new['gas'], price=tx_new['gas_price'] + 1) # TODO: it should be possible to merely set this price here and if missing in the existing struct then fill it in (chainlib.eth.tx) c = TxFactory(chain_spec, signer=rpc_signer, gas_oracle=gas_oracle) (tx_hash_hex, tx_signed_raw_hex) = c.build_raw(tx_new) logg.debug('tx {} -> {} nonce {} -> {}'.format(tx_previous_hash_hex, tx_hash_hex, tx_previous_nonce, tx_new['nonce'])) otx = Otx( tx_new['nonce'], tx_hash_hex, tx_signed_raw_hex, ) session.add(otx) # TODO: cancel all first, then replace. Otherwise we risk two non-locked states for two different nonces. set_cancel(chain_spec, strip_0x(tx_previous_hash_hex), manual=True, session=session) TxCache.clone(tx_previous_hash_hex, tx_hash_hex, session=session) tx_hashes.append(tx_hash_hex) txs.append(tx_signed_raw_hex) session.commit() session.close() s = create_check_gas_task( txs, chain_spec, tx_new['from'], gas=tx_new['gas'], tx_hashes_hex=tx_hashes, queue=queue, ) s_unlock_send = celery.signature( 'cic_eth.admin.ctrl.unlock_send', [ chain_spec.asdict(), tx_new['from'], ], queue=queue, ) s_unlock_direct = celery.signature( 'cic_eth.admin.ctrl.unlock_queue', [ chain_spec.asdict(), tx_new['from'], ], queue=queue, ) s_unlocks = celery.group(s_unlock_send, s_unlock_direct) s.link(s_unlocks) s.apply_async()