


Provides an instance of the token registry contract. Allows querying of tokens that have been registered as valid tokens in the network.

This is our interface to the token registry contract.




constructor(contractAddress: string, signerAddress?: string)

Create a connection to the deployed token registry contract.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
contractAddress string No
  • The deployed token registry contract's address.
signerAddress string Yes
  • The account address of the account that deployed the token registry contract.


Type : any

The instance of the token registry contract.

Type : string

The deployed token registry contract's address.

Type : string

The account address of the account that deployed the token registry contract.


Public Async addressOf
addressOf(identifier: string)

Returns the address of the token with a given identifier.

Prints the address of the token with the identifier 'sarafu':

console.log(await addressOf('sarafu'));
Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
identifier string No
  • The name or identifier of the token to be fetched from the token registry.
Example :
Prints the address of the token with the identifier &#39;sarafu&#39;:</p>
<pre><code class="language-typescript">console.log(await addressOf(&#39;sarafu&#39;));
Returns : Promise<string>

The address of the token assigned the specified identifier in the token registry.

Public Async entry
entry(serial: number)

Returns the address of a token with the given serial in the token registry.

Prints the address of the token with the serial '2':

console.log(await entry(2));
Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
serial number No
  • The serial number of the token to be fetched.
Example :
Prints the address of the token with the serial &#39;2&#39;:</p>
<pre><code class="language-typescript">console.log(await entry(2));
Returns : Promise<string>

The address of the token with the specified serial number.

Public Async totalTokens

Returns the total number of tokens that have been registered in the network.

Prints the total number of registered tokens:

console.log(await totalTokens());
Example :
Prints the total number of registered tokens:</p>
<pre><code class="language-typescript">console.log(await totalTokens());
Returns : Promise<number>

The total number of registered tokens.

import Web3 from 'web3';

// Application imports
import { environment } from '@src/environments/environment';
import { Web3Service } from '@app/_services/web3.service';

/** Fetch the token registry contract's ABI. */
const abi: Array<any> = require('@src/assets/js/block-sync/data/TokenUniqueSymbolIndex.json');
/** Establish a connection to the blockchain network. */
const web3: Web3 = Web3Service.getInstance();

 * Provides an instance of the token registry contract.
 * Allows querying of tokens that have been registered as valid tokens in the network.
 * @remarks
 * This is our interface to the token registry contract.
export class TokenRegistry {
  /** The instance of the token registry contract. */
  contract: any;
  /** The deployed token registry contract's address. */
  contractAddress: string;
  /** The account address of the account that deployed the token registry contract. */
  signerAddress: string;

   * Create a connection to the deployed token registry contract.
   * @param contractAddress - The deployed token registry contract's address.
   * @param signerAddress - The account address of the account that deployed the token registry contract.
  constructor(contractAddress: string, signerAddress?: string) {
    this.contractAddress = contractAddress;
    this.contract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, this.contractAddress);
    if (signerAddress) {
      this.signerAddress = signerAddress;
    } else {
      this.signerAddress = web3.eth.accounts[0];

   * Returns the address of the token with a given identifier.
   * @async
   * @example
   * Prints the address of the token with the identifier 'sarafu':
   * ```typescript
   * console.log(await addressOf('sarafu'));
   * ```
   * @param identifier - The name or identifier of the token to be fetched from the token registry.
   * @returns The address of the token assigned the specified identifier in the token registry.
  public async addressOf(identifier: string): Promise<string> {
    const id: string = web3.eth.abi.encodeParameter('bytes32', web3.utils.toHex(identifier));
    return await this.contract.methods.addressOf(id).call();

   * Returns the address of a token with the given serial in the token registry.
   * @async
   * @example
   * Prints the address of the token with the serial '2':
   * ```typescript
   * console.log(await entry(2));
   * ```
   * @param serial - The serial number of the token to be fetched.
   * @return The address of the token with the specified serial number.
  public async entry(serial: number): Promise<string> {
    return await this.contract.methods.entry(serial).call();

   * Returns the total number of tokens that have been registered in the network.
   * @async
   * @example
   * Prints the total number of registered tokens:
   * ```typescript
   * console.log(await totalTokens());
   * ```
   * @returns The total number of registered tokens.
  public async totalTokens(): Promise<number> {
    return await this.contract.methods.entryCount().call();

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