import { ArgPair, Syncable } from 'cic-client-meta'; import * as Automerge from 'automerge'; export function updateSyncable( changes: Array, changesDescription: string, syncable: Syncable ): any { syncable.m = Automerge.change(syncable.m, changesDescription, (m) => { changes.forEach((c) => { const path = c.k.split('.'); let target = m['data']; while (path.length > 1) { const part = path.shift(); target = target[part]; } try { target[path[0]] = c.v; } catch (error) { if ( !error.message.includes( 'Cannot assign an object that already belongs to an Automerge document.' ) ) { throw new Error(error); } } }); m['timestamp'] = Math.floor( / 1000); }); }