import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { first } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { BehaviorSubject, Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { environment } from '@src/environments/environment'; import { Envelope, User } from 'cic-client-meta'; import { UserService } from '@app/_services/user.service'; import { Keccak } from 'sha3'; import { utils } from 'ethers'; import { add0x, fromHex, strip0x, toHex } from '@src/assets/js/ethtx/dist/hex'; import { Tx } from '@src/assets/js/ethtx/dist'; import { toValue } from '@src/assets/js/ethtx/dist/tx'; import * as secp256k1 from 'secp256k1'; import { defaultAccount } from '@app/_models'; import { LoggingService } from '@app/_services/logging.service'; import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; import { CICRegistry } from '@cicnet/cic-client'; import { RegistryService } from '@app/_services/registry.service'; import Web3 from 'web3'; import { Web3Service } from '@app/_services/web3.service'; import { KeystoreService } from '@app/_services/keystore.service'; const vCard = require('vcard-parser'); @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root', }) export class TransactionService { transactions: any[] = []; private transactionList = new BehaviorSubject(this.transactions); transactionsSubject = this.transactionList.asObservable(); web3: Web3; registry: CICRegistry; constructor( private httpClient: HttpClient, private userService: UserService, private loggingService: LoggingService ) { this.web3 = Web3Service.getInstance(); } async init(): Promise { this.registry = await RegistryService.getRegistry(); } getAllTransactions(offset: number, limit: number): Observable { return this.httpClient.get(`${environment.cicCacheUrl}/tx/${offset}/${limit}`); } getAddressTransactions(address: string, offset: number, limit: number): Observable { return this.httpClient.get(`${environment.cicCacheUrl}/tx/user/${address}/${offset}/${limit}`); } async setTransaction(transaction, cacheSize: number): Promise { if (this.transactions.find((cachedTx) => cachedTx.tx.txHash === transaction.tx.txHash)) { return; } transaction.value = Number(transaction.value); transaction.type = 'transaction'; try { if (transaction.from === environment.trustedDeclaratorAddress) { transaction.sender = defaultAccount; this.userService.addAccount(defaultAccount, cacheSize); } else { this.userService .getAccountDetailsFromMeta(await User.toKey(transaction.from)) .pipe(first()) .subscribe( (res) => { transaction.sender = this.getAccountInfo(res, cacheSize); }, (error) => { this.loggingService.sendErrorLevelMessage( `Account with address ${transaction.from} not found`, this, { error } ); } ); } if ( === environment.trustedDeclaratorAddress) { transaction.recipient = defaultAccount; this.userService.addAccount(defaultAccount, cacheSize); } else { this.userService .getAccountDetailsFromMeta(await User.toKey( .pipe(first()) .subscribe( (res) => { transaction.recipient = this.getAccountInfo(res, cacheSize); }, (error) => { this.loggingService.sendErrorLevelMessage( `Account with address ${} not found`, this, { error } ); } ); } } finally { this.addTransaction(transaction, cacheSize); } } async setConversion(conversion, cacheSize): Promise { if (this.transactions.find((cachedTx) => cachedTx.tx.txHash === conversion.tx.txHash)) { return; } conversion.type = 'conversion'; conversion.fromValue = Number(conversion.fromValue); conversion.toValue = Number(conversion.toValue); try { if (conversion.trader === environment.trustedDeclaratorAddress) { conversion.sender = conversion.recipient = defaultAccount; this.userService.addAccount(defaultAccount, cacheSize); } else { this.userService .getAccountDetailsFromMeta(await User.toKey(conversion.trader)) .pipe(first()) .subscribe( (res) => { conversion.sender = conversion.recipient = this.getAccountInfo(res); }, (error) => { this.loggingService.sendErrorLevelMessage( `Account with address ${conversion.trader} not found`, this, { error } ); } ); } } finally { this.addTransaction(conversion, cacheSize); } } addTransaction(transaction, cacheSize: number): void { const savedIndex = this.transactions.findIndex((tx) => tx.tx.txHash === transaction.tx.txHash); if (savedIndex === 0) { return; } if (savedIndex > 0) { this.transactions.splice(savedIndex, 1); } this.transactions.unshift(transaction); if (this.transactions.length > cacheSize) { this.transactions.length = Math.min(this.transactions.length, cacheSize); }; } resetTransactionsList(): void { this.transactions = [];; } getAccountInfo(account: string, cacheSize: number = 100): any { const accountInfo = Envelope.fromJSON(JSON.stringify(account)).unwrap(); accountInfo.vcard = vCard.parse(atob(accountInfo.vcard)); this.userService.addAccount(accountInfo, cacheSize); return accountInfo; } async transferRequest( tokenAddress: string, senderAddress: string, recipientAddress: string, value: number ): Promise { const transferAuthAddress = await this.registry.getContractAddressByName( 'TransferAuthorization' ); const hashFunction = new Keccak(256); hashFunction.update('createRequest(address,address,address,uint256)'); const hash = hashFunction.digest(); const methodSignature = hash.toString('hex').substring(0, 8); const abiCoder = new utils.AbiCoder(); const abi = await abiCoder.encode( ['address', 'address', 'address', 'uint256'], [senderAddress, recipientAddress, tokenAddress, value] ); const data = fromHex(methodSignature + strip0x(abi)); const tx = new Tx(environment.bloxbergChainId); tx.nonce = await this.web3.eth.getTransactionCount(senderAddress); tx.gasPrice = Number(await this.web3.eth.getGasPrice()); tx.gasLimit = 8000000; = fromHex(strip0x(transferAuthAddress)); tx.value = toValue(value); = data; const txMsg = tx.message(); const keystore = await KeystoreService.getKeystore(); const privateKey = keystore.getPrivateKey(); if (!privateKey.isDecrypted()) { const password = window.prompt('password'); await privateKey.decrypt(password); } const signatureObject = secp256k1.ecdsaSign(txMsg, privateKey.keyPacket.privateParams.d); const r = signatureObject.signature.slice(0, 32); const s = signatureObject.signature.slice(32); const v = signatureObject.recid; tx.setSignature(r, s, v); const txWire = add0x(toHex(tx.serializeRLP())); const result = await this.web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(txWire); this.loggingService.sendInfoLevelMessage(`Result: ${result}`); const transaction = await this.web3.eth.getTransaction(result.transactionHash); this.loggingService.sendInfoLevelMessage(`Transaction: ${transaction}`); } }