import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, HostListener, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { AuthService, BlockSyncService, ErrorDialogService, LoggingService, TokenService, TransactionService, UserService, } from '@app/_services'; import { SwUpdate } from '@angular/service-worker'; import { NavigationEnd, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { filter } from 'rxjs/operators'; @Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss'], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, }) export class AppComponent implements OnInit { title = 'CICADA'; mediaQuery: MediaQueryList = window.matchMedia('(max-width: 768px)'); url: string; accountDetailsRegex = '/accounts/[a-z,A-Z,0-9]{40}'; constructor( private authService: AuthService, private blockSyncService: BlockSyncService, private errorDialogService: ErrorDialogService, private loggingService: LoggingService, private tokenService: TokenService, private transactionService: TransactionService, private userService: UserService, private swUpdate: SwUpdate, private router: Router ) { this.mediaQuery.addEventListener('change', this.onResize); this.onResize(this.mediaQuery); } async ngOnInit(): Promise { await this.authService.init(); await this.tokenService.init(); await this.userService.init(); await this.transactionService.init(); await .pipe(filter((e) => e instanceof NavigationEnd)) .forEach(async (routeInfo) => { if (routeInfo instanceof NavigationEnd) { this.url = routeInfo.url; if (!this.url.match(this.accountDetailsRegex) || !this.url.includes('tx')) { await this.blockSyncService.blockSync(); } if (!this.url.includes('accounts')) { try { // TODO it feels like this should be in the onInit handler await this.userService.loadAccounts(100); } catch (error) { this.loggingService.sendErrorLevelMessage('Failed to load accounts', this, { error }); } } if (!this.url.includes('tokens')) { this.tokenService.load.subscribe(async (status: boolean) => { if (status) { await this.tokenService.getTokens(); } }); } } }); try { const publicKeys = await this.authService.getPublicKeys(); await this.authService.mutableKeyStore.importPublicKey(publicKeys); this.authService.getTrustedUsers(); } catch (error) { this.errorDialogService.openDialog({ message: 'Trusted keys endpoint cannot be reached. Please try again later.', }); // TODO do something to halt user a sad cicada page 🦗? } if (!this.swUpdate.isEnabled) { this.swUpdate.available.subscribe(() => { if (confirm('New Version available. Load New Version?')) { window.location.reload(); } }); } } // Load resize onResize(e): void { const sidebar: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('sidebar'); const content: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('content'); const sidebarCollapse: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('sidebarCollapse'); if (sidebarCollapse?.classList.contains('active')) { sidebarCollapse?.classList.remove('active'); } if (e.matches) { if (!sidebar?.classList.contains('active')) { sidebar?.classList.add('active'); } if (!content?.classList.contains('active')) { content?.classList.add('active'); } } else { if (sidebar?.classList.contains('active')) { sidebar?.classList.remove('active'); } if (content?.classList.contains('active')) { content?.classList.remove('active'); } } } @HostListener('window:cic_transfer', ['$event']) async cicTransfer(event: CustomEvent): Promise { const transaction: any = event.detail.tx; await this.transactionService.setTransaction(transaction, 100); } @HostListener('window:cic_convert', ['$event']) async cicConvert(event: CustomEvent): Promise { const conversion: any = event.detail.tx; await this.transactionService.setConversion(conversion, 100); } }