!(function (e, t) { 'object' == typeof exports && 'object' == typeof module ? (module.exports = t()) : 'function' == typeof define && define.amd ? define([], t) : 'object' == typeof exports ? (exports.Web3 = t()) : (e.Web3 = t()); })(window, function () { return (function (e) { var t = {}; function r(n) { if (t[n]) return t[n].exports; var i = (t[n] = { i: n, l: !1, exports: {} }); return e[n].call(i.exports, i, i.exports, r), (i.l = !0), i.exports; } return ( (r.m = e), (r.c = t), (r.d = function (e, t, n) { r.o(e, t) || Object.defineProperty(e, t, { enumerable: !0, get: n }); }), (r.r = function (e) { 'undefined' != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }), Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); }), (r.t = function (e, t) { if ((1 & t && (e = r(e)), 8 & t)) return e; if (4 & t && 'object' == typeof e && e && e.__esModule) return e; var n = Object.create(null); if ( (r.r(n), Object.defineProperty(n, 'default', { enumerable: !0, value: e }), 2 & t && 'string' != typeof e) ) for (var i in e) r.d( n, i, function (t) { return e[t]; }.bind(null, i) ); return n; }), (r.n = function (e) { var t = e && e.__esModule ? function () { return e.default; } : function () { return e; }; return r.d(t, 'a', t), t; }), (r.o = function (e, t) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t); }), (r.p = ''), r((r.s = 171)) ); })([ function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; function n(t) { return ( 'function' == typeof Symbol && 'symbol' == typeof Symbol.iterator ? (e.exports = n = function (e) { return typeof e; }) : (e.exports = n = function (e) { return e && 'function' == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? 'symbol' : typeof e; }), n(t) ); } e.exports = n; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (e) { /*! * The buffer module from node.js, for the browser. * * @author Feross Aboukhadijeh * @license MIT */ var n = r(178), i = r(179), o = r(90); function a() { return u.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? 2147483647 : 1073741823; } function s(e, t) { if (a() < t) throw new RangeError('Invalid typed array length'); return ( u.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? ((e = new Uint8Array(t)).__proto__ = u.prototype) : (null === e && (e = new u(t)), (e.length = t)), e ); } function u(e, t, r) { if (!(u.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT || this instanceof u)) return new u(e, t, r); if ('number' == typeof e) { if ('string' == typeof t) throw new Error('If encoding is specified then the first argument must be a string'); return h(this, e); } return f(this, e, t, r); } function f(e, t, r, n) { if ('number' == typeof t) throw new TypeError('"value" argument must not be a number'); return 'undefined' != typeof ArrayBuffer && t instanceof ArrayBuffer ? (function (e, t, r, n) { if ((t.byteLength, r < 0 || t.byteLength < r)) throw new RangeError("'offset' is out of bounds"); if (t.byteLength < r + (n || 0)) throw new RangeError("'length' is out of bounds"); t = void 0 === r && void 0 === n ? new Uint8Array(t) : void 0 === n ? new Uint8Array(t, r) : new Uint8Array(t, r, n); u.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? ((e = t).__proto__ = u.prototype) : (e = d(e, t)); return e; })(e, t, r, n) : 'string' == typeof t ? (function (e, t, r) { ('string' == typeof r && '' !== r) || (r = 'utf8'); if (!u.isEncoding(r)) throw new TypeError('"encoding" must be a valid string encoding'); var n = 0 | p(t, r), i = (e = s(e, n)).write(t, r); i !== n && (e = e.slice(0, i)); return e; })(e, t, r) : (function (e, t) { if (u.isBuffer(t)) { var r = 0 | l(t.length); return 0 === (e = s(e, r)).length || t.copy(e, 0, 0, r), e; } if (t) { if ( ('undefined' != typeof ArrayBuffer && t.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) || 'length' in t ) return 'number' != typeof t.length || (n = t.length) != n ? s(e, 0) : d(e, t); if ('Buffer' === t.type && o(t.data)) return d(e, t.data); } var n; throw new TypeError( 'First argument must be a string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or array-like object.' ); })(e, t); } function c(e) { if ('number' != typeof e) throw new TypeError('"size" argument must be a number'); if (e < 0) throw new RangeError('"size" argument must not be negative'); } function h(e, t) { if ((c(t), (e = s(e, t < 0 ? 0 : 0 | l(t))), !u.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT)) for (var r = 0; r < t; ++r) e[r] = 0; return e; } function d(e, t) { var r = t.length < 0 ? 0 : 0 | l(t.length); e = s(e, r); for (var n = 0; n < r; n += 1) e[n] = 255 & t[n]; return e; } function l(e) { if (e >= a()) throw new RangeError( 'Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x' + a().toString(16) + ' bytes' ); return 0 | e; } function p(e, t) { if (u.isBuffer(e)) return e.length; if ( 'undefined' != typeof ArrayBuffer && 'function' == typeof ArrayBuffer.isView && (ArrayBuffer.isView(e) || e instanceof ArrayBuffer) ) return e.byteLength; 'string' != typeof e && (e = '' + e); var r = e.length; if (0 === r) return 0; for (var n = !1; ; ) switch (t) { case 'ascii': case 'latin1': case 'binary': return r; case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': case void 0: return D(e).length; case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': return 2 * r; case 'hex': return r >>> 1; case 'base64': return q(e).length; default: if (n) return D(e).length; (t = ('' + t).toLowerCase()), (n = !0); } } function b(e, t, r) { var n = !1; if (((void 0 === t || t < 0) && (t = 0), t > this.length)) return ''; if (((void 0 === r || r > this.length) && (r = this.length), r <= 0)) return ''; if ((r >>>= 0) <= (t >>>= 0)) return ''; for (e || (e = 'utf8'); ; ) switch (e) { case 'hex': return O(this, t, r); case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': return x(this, t, r); case 'ascii': return M(this, t, r); case 'latin1': case 'binary': return I(this, t, r); case 'base64': return E(this, t, r); case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': return C(this, t, r); default: if (n) throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + e); (e = (e + '').toLowerCase()), (n = !0); } } function m(e, t, r) { var n = e[t]; (e[t] = e[r]), (e[r] = n); } function y(e, t, r, n, i) { if (0 === e.length) return -1; if ( ('string' == typeof r ? ((n = r), (r = 0)) : r > 2147483647 ? (r = 2147483647) : r < -2147483648 && (r = -2147483648), (r = +r), isNaN(r) && (r = i ? 0 : e.length - 1), r < 0 && (r = e.length + r), r >= e.length) ) { if (i) return -1; r = e.length - 1; } else if (r < 0) { if (!i) return -1; r = 0; } if (('string' == typeof t && (t = u.from(t, n)), u.isBuffer(t))) return 0 === t.length ? -1 : v(e, t, r, n, i); if ('number' == typeof t) return ( (t &= 255), u.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT && 'function' == typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf ? i ? Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf.call(e, t, r) : Uint8Array.prototype.lastIndexOf.call(e, t, r) : v(e, [t], r, n, i) ); throw new TypeError('val must be string, number or Buffer'); } function v(e, t, r, n, i) { var o, a = 1, s = e.length, u = t.length; if ( void 0 !== n && ('ucs2' === (n = String(n).toLowerCase()) || 'ucs-2' === n || 'utf16le' === n || 'utf-16le' === n) ) { if (e.length < 2 || t.length < 2) return -1; (a = 2), (s /= 2), (u /= 2), (r /= 2); } function f(e, t) { return 1 === a ? e[t] : e.readUInt16BE(t * a); } if (i) { var c = -1; for (o = r; o < s; o++) if (f(e, o) === f(t, -1 === c ? 0 : o - c)) { if ((-1 === c && (c = o), o - c + 1 === u)) return c * a; } else -1 !== c && (o -= o - c), (c = -1); } else for (r + u > s && (r = s - u), o = r; o >= 0; o--) { for (var h = !0, d = 0; d < u; d++) if (f(e, o + d) !== f(t, d)) { h = !1; break; } if (h) return o; } return -1; } function g(e, t, r, n) { r = Number(r) || 0; var i = e.length - r; n ? (n = Number(n)) > i && (n = i) : (n = i); var o = t.length; if (o % 2 != 0) throw new TypeError('Invalid hex string'); n > o / 2 && (n = o / 2); for (var a = 0; a < n; ++a) { var s = parseInt(t.substr(2 * a, 2), 16); if (isNaN(s)) return a; e[r + a] = s; } return a; } function w(e, t, r, n) { return z(D(t, e.length - r), e, r, n); } function _(e, t, r, n) { return z( (function (e) { for (var t = [], r = 0; r < e.length; ++r) t.push(255 & e.charCodeAt(r)); return t; })(t), e, r, n ); } function k(e, t, r, n) { return _(e, t, r, n); } function A(e, t, r, n) { return z(q(t), e, r, n); } function S(e, t, r, n) { return z( (function (e, t) { for (var r, n, i, o = [], a = 0; a < e.length && !((t -= 2) < 0); ++a) (r = e.charCodeAt(a)), (n = r >> 8), (i = r % 256), o.push(i), o.push(n); return o; })(t, e.length - r), e, r, n ); } function E(e, t, r) { return 0 === t && r === e.length ? n.fromByteArray(e) : n.fromByteArray(e.slice(t, r)); } function x(e, t, r) { r = Math.min(e.length, r); for (var n = [], i = t; i < r; ) { var o, a, s, u, f = e[i], c = null, h = f > 239 ? 4 : f > 223 ? 3 : f > 191 ? 2 : 1; if (i + h <= r) switch (h) { case 1: f < 128 && (c = f); break; case 2: 128 == (192 & (o = e[i + 1])) && (u = ((31 & f) << 6) | (63 & o)) > 127 && (c = u); break; case 3: (o = e[i + 1]), (a = e[i + 2]), 128 == (192 & o) && 128 == (192 & a) && (u = ((15 & f) << 12) | ((63 & o) << 6) | (63 & a)) > 2047 && (u < 55296 || u > 57343) && (c = u); break; case 4: (o = e[i + 1]), (a = e[i + 2]), (s = e[i + 3]), 128 == (192 & o) && 128 == (192 & a) && 128 == (192 & s) && (u = ((15 & f) << 18) | ((63 & o) << 12) | ((63 & a) << 6) | (63 & s)) > 65535 && u < 1114112 && (c = u); } null === c ? ((c = 65533), (h = 1)) : c > 65535 && ((c -= 65536), n.push(((c >>> 10) & 1023) | 55296), (c = 56320 | (1023 & c))), n.push(c), (i += h); } return (function (e) { var t = e.length; if (t <= 4096) return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, e); var r = '', n = 0; for (; n < t; ) r += String.fromCharCode.apply(String, e.slice(n, (n += 4096))); return r; })(n); } (t.Buffer = u), (t.SlowBuffer = function (e) { +e != e && (e = 0); return u.alloc(+e); }), (t.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES = 50), (u.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT = void 0 !== e.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? e.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT : (function () { try { var e = new Uint8Array(1); return ( (e.__proto__ = { __proto__: Uint8Array.prototype, foo: function () { return 42; }, }), 42 === e.foo() && 'function' == typeof e.subarray && 0 === e.subarray(1, 1).byteLength ); } catch (e) { return !1; } })()), (t.kMaxLength = a()), (u.poolSize = 8192), (u._augment = function (e) { return (e.__proto__ = u.prototype), e; }), (u.from = function (e, t, r) { return f(null, e, t, r); }), u.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT && ((u.prototype.__proto__ = Uint8Array.prototype), (u.__proto__ = Uint8Array), 'undefined' != typeof Symbol && Symbol.species && u[Symbol.species] === u && Object.defineProperty(u, Symbol.species, { value: null, configurable: !0 })), (u.alloc = function (e, t, r) { return (function (e, t, r, n) { return ( c(t), t <= 0 ? s(e, t) : void 0 !== r ? 'string' == typeof n ? s(e, t).fill(r, n) : s(e, t).fill(r) : s(e, t) ); })(null, e, t, r); }), (u.allocUnsafe = function (e) { return h(null, e); }), (u.allocUnsafeSlow = function (e) { return h(null, e); }), (u.isBuffer = function (e) { return !(null == e || !e._isBuffer); }), (u.compare = function (e, t) { if (!u.isBuffer(e) || !u.isBuffer(t)) throw new TypeError('Arguments must be Buffers'); if (e === t) return 0; for (var r = e.length, n = t.length, i = 0, o = Math.min(r, n); i < o; ++i) if (e[i] !== t[i]) { (r = e[i]), (n = t[i]); break; } return r < n ? -1 : n < r ? 1 : 0; }), (u.isEncoding = function (e) { switch (String(e).toLowerCase()) { case 'hex': case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': case 'ascii': case 'latin1': case 'binary': case 'base64': case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': return !0; default: return !1; } }), (u.concat = function (e, t) { if (!o(e)) throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers'); if (0 === e.length) return u.alloc(0); var r; if (void 0 === t) for (t = 0, r = 0; r < e.length; ++r) t += e[r].length; var n = u.allocUnsafe(t), i = 0; for (r = 0; r < e.length; ++r) { var a = e[r]; if (!u.isBuffer(a)) throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers'); a.copy(n, i), (i += a.length); } return n; }), (u.byteLength = p), (u.prototype._isBuffer = !0), (u.prototype.swap16 = function () { var e = this.length; if (e % 2 != 0) throw new RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits'); for (var t = 0; t < e; t += 2) m(this, t, t + 1); return this; }), (u.prototype.swap32 = function () { var e = this.length; if (e % 4 != 0) throw new RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits'); for (var t = 0; t < e; t += 4) m(this, t, t + 3), m(this, t + 1, t + 2); return this; }), (u.prototype.swap64 = function () { var e = this.length; if (e % 8 != 0) throw new RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits'); for (var t = 0; t < e; t += 8) m(this, t, t + 7), m(this, t + 1, t + 6), m(this, t + 2, t + 5), m(this, t + 3, t + 4); return this; }), (u.prototype.toString = function () { var e = 0 | this.length; return 0 === e ? '' : 0 === arguments.length ? x(this, 0, e) : b.apply(this, arguments); }), (u.prototype.equals = function (e) { if (!u.isBuffer(e)) throw new TypeError('Argument must be a Buffer'); return this === e || 0 === u.compare(this, e); }), (u.prototype.inspect = function () { var e = '', r = t.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES; return ( this.length > 0 && ((e = this.toString('hex', 0, r).match(/.{2}/g).join(' ')), this.length > r && (e += ' ... ')), '' ); }), (u.prototype.compare = function (e, t, r, n, i) { if (!u.isBuffer(e)) throw new TypeError('Argument must be a Buffer'); if ( (void 0 === t && (t = 0), void 0 === r && (r = e ? e.length : 0), void 0 === n && (n = 0), void 0 === i && (i = this.length), t < 0 || r > e.length || n < 0 || i > this.length) ) throw new RangeError('out of range index'); if (n >= i && t >= r) return 0; if (n >= i) return -1; if (t >= r) return 1; if (this === e) return 0; for ( var o = (i >>>= 0) - (n >>>= 0), a = (r >>>= 0) - (t >>>= 0), s = Math.min(o, a), f = this.slice(n, i), c = e.slice(t, r), h = 0; h < s; ++h ) if (f[h] !== c[h]) { (o = f[h]), (a = c[h]); break; } return o < a ? -1 : a < o ? 1 : 0; }), (u.prototype.includes = function (e, t, r) { return -1 !== this.indexOf(e, t, r); }), (u.prototype.indexOf = function (e, t, r) { return y(this, e, t, r, !0); }), (u.prototype.lastIndexOf = function (e, t, r) { return y(this, e, t, r, !1); }), (u.prototype.write = function (e, t, r, n) { if (void 0 === t) (n = 'utf8'), (r = this.length), (t = 0); else if (void 0 === r && 'string' == typeof t) (n = t), (r = this.length), (t = 0); else { if (!isFinite(t)) throw new Error( 'Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported' ); (t |= 0), isFinite(r) ? ((r |= 0), void 0 === n && (n = 'utf8')) : ((n = r), (r = void 0)); } var i = this.length - t; if ( ((void 0 === r || r > i) && (r = i), (e.length > 0 && (r < 0 || t < 0)) || t > this.length) ) throw new RangeError('Attempt to write outside buffer bounds'); n || (n = 'utf8'); for (var o = !1; ; ) switch (n) { case 'hex': return g(this, e, t, r); case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': return w(this, e, t, r); case 'ascii': return _(this, e, t, r); case 'latin1': case 'binary': return k(this, e, t, r); case 'base64': return A(this, e, t, r); case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': return S(this, e, t, r); default: if (o) throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + n); (n = ('' + n).toLowerCase()), (o = !0); } }), (u.prototype.toJSON = function () { return { type: 'Buffer', data: Array.prototype.slice.call(this._arr || this, 0) }; }); function M(e, t, r) { var n = ''; r = Math.min(e.length, r); for (var i = t; i < r; ++i) n += String.fromCharCode(127 & e[i]); return n; } function I(e, t, r) { var n = ''; r = Math.min(e.length, r); for (var i = t; i < r; ++i) n += String.fromCharCode(e[i]); return n; } function O(e, t, r) { var n = e.length; (!t || t < 0) && (t = 0), (!r || r < 0 || r > n) && (r = n); for (var i = '', o = t; o < r; ++o) i += F(e[o]); return i; } function C(e, t, r) { for (var n = e.slice(t, r), i = '', o = 0; o < n.length; o += 2) i += String.fromCharCode(n[o] + 256 * n[o + 1]); return i; } function P(e, t, r) { if (e % 1 != 0 || e < 0) throw new RangeError('offset is not uint'); if (e + t > r) throw new RangeError('Trying to access beyond buffer length'); } function T(e, t, r, n, i, o) { if (!u.isBuffer(e)) throw new TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a Buffer instance'); if (t > i || t < o) throw new RangeError('"value" argument is out of bounds'); if (r + n > e.length) throw new RangeError('Index out of range'); } function U(e, t, r, n) { t < 0 && (t = 65535 + t + 1); for (var i = 0, o = Math.min(e.length - r, 2); i < o; ++i) e[r + i] = (t & (255 << (8 * (n ? i : 1 - i)))) >>> (8 * (n ? i : 1 - i)); } function B(e, t, r, n) { t < 0 && (t = 4294967295 + t + 1); for (var i = 0, o = Math.min(e.length - r, 4); i < o; ++i) e[r + i] = (t >>> (8 * (n ? i : 3 - i))) & 255; } function R(e, t, r, n, i, o) { if (r + n > e.length) throw new RangeError('Index out of range'); if (r < 0) throw new RangeError('Index out of range'); } function N(e, t, r, n, o) { return o || R(e, 0, r, 4), i.write(e, t, r, n, 23, 4), r + 4; } function j(e, t, r, n, o) { return o || R(e, 0, r, 8), i.write(e, t, r, n, 52, 8), r + 8; } (u.prototype.slice = function (e, t) { var r, n = this.length; if ( ((e = ~~e) < 0 ? (e += n) < 0 && (e = 0) : e > n && (e = n), (t = void 0 === t ? n : ~~t) < 0 ? (t += n) < 0 && (t = 0) : t > n && (t = n), t < e && (t = e), u.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) ) (r = this.subarray(e, t)).__proto__ = u.prototype; else { var i = t - e; r = new u(i, void 0); for (var o = 0; o < i; ++o) r[o] = this[o + e]; } return r; }), (u.prototype.readUIntLE = function (e, t, r) { (e |= 0), (t |= 0), r || P(e, t, this.length); for (var n = this[e], i = 1, o = 0; ++o < t && (i *= 256); ) n += this[e + o] * i; return n; }), (u.prototype.readUIntBE = function (e, t, r) { (e |= 0), (t |= 0), r || P(e, t, this.length); for (var n = this[e + --t], i = 1; t > 0 && (i *= 256); ) n += this[e + --t] * i; return n; }), (u.prototype.readUInt8 = function (e, t) { return t || P(e, 1, this.length), this[e]; }), (u.prototype.readUInt16LE = function (e, t) { return t || P(e, 2, this.length), this[e] | (this[e + 1] << 8); }), (u.prototype.readUInt16BE = function (e, t) { return t || P(e, 2, this.length), (this[e] << 8) | this[e + 1]; }), (u.prototype.readUInt32LE = function (e, t) { return ( t || P(e, 4, this.length), (this[e] | (this[e + 1] << 8) | (this[e + 2] << 16)) + 16777216 * this[e + 3] ); }), (u.prototype.readUInt32BE = function (e, t) { return ( t || P(e, 4, this.length), 16777216 * this[e] + ((this[e + 1] << 16) | (this[e + 2] << 8) | this[e + 3]) ); }), (u.prototype.readIntLE = function (e, t, r) { (e |= 0), (t |= 0), r || P(e, t, this.length); for (var n = this[e], i = 1, o = 0; ++o < t && (i *= 256); ) n += this[e + o] * i; return n >= (i *= 128) && (n -= Math.pow(2, 8 * t)), n; }), (u.prototype.readIntBE = function (e, t, r) { (e |= 0), (t |= 0), r || P(e, t, this.length); for (var n = t, i = 1, o = this[e + --n]; n > 0 && (i *= 256); ) o += this[e + --n] * i; return o >= (i *= 128) && (o -= Math.pow(2, 8 * t)), o; }), (u.prototype.readInt8 = function (e, t) { return t || P(e, 1, this.length), 128 & this[e] ? -1 * (255 - this[e] + 1) : this[e]; }), (u.prototype.readInt16LE = function (e, t) { t || P(e, 2, this.length); var r = this[e] | (this[e + 1] << 8); return 32768 & r ? 4294901760 | r : r; }), (u.prototype.readInt16BE = function (e, t) { t || P(e, 2, this.length); var r = this[e + 1] | (this[e] << 8); return 32768 & r ? 4294901760 | r : r; }), (u.prototype.readInt32LE = function (e, t) { return ( t || P(e, 4, this.length), this[e] | (this[e + 1] << 8) | (this[e + 2] << 16) | (this[e + 3] << 24) ); }), (u.prototype.readInt32BE = function (e, t) { return ( t || P(e, 4, this.length), (this[e] << 24) | (this[e + 1] << 16) | (this[e + 2] << 8) | this[e + 3] ); }), (u.prototype.readFloatLE = function (e, t) { return t || P(e, 4, this.length), i.read(this, e, !0, 23, 4); }), (u.prototype.readFloatBE = function (e, t) { return t || P(e, 4, this.length), i.read(this, e, !1, 23, 4); }), (u.prototype.readDoubleLE = function (e, t) { return t || P(e, 8, this.length), i.read(this, e, !0, 52, 8); }), (u.prototype.readDoubleBE = function (e, t) { return t || P(e, 8, this.length), i.read(this, e, !1, 52, 8); }), (u.prototype.writeUIntLE = function (e, t, r, n) { ((e = +e), (t |= 0), (r |= 0), n) || T(this, e, t, r, Math.pow(2, 8 * r) - 1, 0); var i = 1, o = 0; for (this[t] = 255 & e; ++o < r && (i *= 256); ) this[t + o] = (e / i) & 255; return t + r; }), (u.prototype.writeUIntBE = function (e, t, r, n) { ((e = +e), (t |= 0), (r |= 0), n) || T(this, e, t, r, Math.pow(2, 8 * r) - 1, 0); var i = r - 1, o = 1; for (this[t + i] = 255 & e; --i >= 0 && (o *= 256); ) this[t + i] = (e / o) & 255; return t + r; }), (u.prototype.writeUInt8 = function (e, t, r) { return ( (e = +e), (t |= 0), r || T(this, e, t, 1, 255, 0), u.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT || (e = Math.floor(e)), (this[t] = 255 & e), t + 1 ); }), (u.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function (e, t, r) { return ( (e = +e), (t |= 0), r || T(this, e, t, 2, 65535, 0), u.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? ((this[t] = 255 & e), (this[t + 1] = e >>> 8)) : U(this, e, t, !0), t + 2 ); }), (u.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function (e, t, r) { return ( (e = +e), (t |= 0), r || T(this, e, t, 2, 65535, 0), u.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? ((this[t] = e >>> 8), (this[t + 1] = 255 & e)) : U(this, e, t, !1), t + 2 ); }), (u.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function (e, t, r) { return ( (e = +e), (t |= 0), r || T(this, e, t, 4, 4294967295, 0), u.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? ((this[t + 3] = e >>> 24), (this[t + 2] = e >>> 16), (this[t + 1] = e >>> 8), (this[t] = 255 & e)) : B(this, e, t, !0), t + 4 ); }), (u.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function (e, t, r) { return ( (e = +e), (t |= 0), r || T(this, e, t, 4, 4294967295, 0), u.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? ((this[t] = e >>> 24), (this[t + 1] = e >>> 16), (this[t + 2] = e >>> 8), (this[t + 3] = 255 & e)) : B(this, e, t, !1), t + 4 ); }), (u.prototype.writeIntLE = function (e, t, r, n) { if (((e = +e), (t |= 0), !n)) { var i = Math.pow(2, 8 * r - 1); T(this, e, t, r, i - 1, -i); } var o = 0, a = 1, s = 0; for (this[t] = 255 & e; ++o < r && (a *= 256); ) e < 0 && 0 === s && 0 !== this[t + o - 1] && (s = 1), (this[t + o] = (((e / a) >> 0) - s) & 255); return t + r; }), (u.prototype.writeIntBE = function (e, t, r, n) { if (((e = +e), (t |= 0), !n)) { var i = Math.pow(2, 8 * r - 1); T(this, e, t, r, i - 1, -i); } var o = r - 1, a = 1, s = 0; for (this[t + o] = 255 & e; --o >= 0 && (a *= 256); ) e < 0 && 0 === s && 0 !== this[t + o + 1] && (s = 1), (this[t + o] = (((e / a) >> 0) - s) & 255); return t + r; }), (u.prototype.writeInt8 = function (e, t, r) { return ( (e = +e), (t |= 0), r || T(this, e, t, 1, 127, -128), u.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT || (e = Math.floor(e)), e < 0 && (e = 255 + e + 1), (this[t] = 255 & e), t + 1 ); }), (u.prototype.writeInt16LE = function (e, t, r) { return ( (e = +e), (t |= 0), r || T(this, e, t, 2, 32767, -32768), u.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? ((this[t] = 255 & e), (this[t + 1] = e >>> 8)) : U(this, e, t, !0), t + 2 ); }), (u.prototype.writeInt16BE = function (e, t, r) { return ( (e = +e), (t |= 0), r || T(this, e, t, 2, 32767, -32768), u.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? ((this[t] = e >>> 8), (this[t + 1] = 255 & e)) : U(this, e, t, !1), t + 2 ); }), (u.prototype.writeInt32LE = function (e, t, r) { return ( (e = +e), (t |= 0), r || T(this, e, t, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), u.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? ((this[t] = 255 & e), (this[t + 1] = e >>> 8), (this[t + 2] = e >>> 16), (this[t + 3] = e >>> 24)) : B(this, e, t, !0), t + 4 ); }), (u.prototype.writeInt32BE = function (e, t, r) { return ( (e = +e), (t |= 0), r || T(this, e, t, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), e < 0 && (e = 4294967295 + e + 1), u.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? ((this[t] = e >>> 24), (this[t + 1] = e >>> 16), (this[t + 2] = e >>> 8), (this[t + 3] = 255 & e)) : B(this, e, t, !1), t + 4 ); }), (u.prototype.writeFloatLE = function (e, t, r) { return N(this, e, t, !0, r); }), (u.prototype.writeFloatBE = function (e, t, r) { return N(this, e, t, !1, r); }), (u.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function (e, t, r) { return j(this, e, t, !0, r); }), (u.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function (e, t, r) { return j(this, e, t, !1, r); }), (u.prototype.copy = function (e, t, r, n) { if ( (r || (r = 0), n || 0 === n || (n = this.length), t >= e.length && (t = e.length), t || (t = 0), n > 0 && n < r && (n = r), n === r) ) return 0; if (0 === e.length || 0 === this.length) return 0; if (t < 0) throw new RangeError('targetStart out of bounds'); if (r < 0 || r >= this.length) throw new RangeError('sourceStart out of bounds'); if (n < 0) throw new RangeError('sourceEnd out of bounds'); n > this.length && (n = this.length), e.length - t < n - r && (n = e.length - t + r); var i, o = n - r; if (this === e && r < t && t < n) for (i = o - 1; i >= 0; --i) e[i + t] = this[i + r]; else if (o < 1e3 || !u.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) for (i = 0; i < o; ++i) e[i + t] = this[i + r]; else Uint8Array.prototype.set.call(e, this.subarray(r, r + o), t); return o; }), (u.prototype.fill = function (e, t, r, n) { if ('string' == typeof e) { if ( ('string' == typeof t ? ((n = t), (t = 0), (r = this.length)) : 'string' == typeof r && ((n = r), (r = this.length)), 1 === e.length) ) { var i = e.charCodeAt(0); i < 256 && (e = i); } if (void 0 !== n && 'string' != typeof n) throw new TypeError('encoding must be a string'); if ('string' == typeof n && !u.isEncoding(n)) throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + n); } else 'number' == typeof e && (e &= 255); if (t < 0 || this.length < t || this.length < r) throw new RangeError('Out of range index'); if (r <= t) return this; var o; if ( ((t >>>= 0), (r = void 0 === r ? this.length : r >>> 0), e || (e = 0), 'number' == typeof e) ) for (o = t; o < r; ++o) this[o] = e; else { var a = u.isBuffer(e) ? e : D(new u(e, n).toString()), s = a.length; for (o = 0; o < r - t; ++o) this[o + t] = a[o % s]; } return this; }); var L = /[^+\/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g; function F(e) { return e < 16 ? '0' + e.toString(16) : e.toString(16); } function D(e, t) { var r; t = t || 1 / 0; for (var n = e.length, i = null, o = [], a = 0; a < n; ++a) { if ((r = e.charCodeAt(a)) > 55295 && r < 57344) { if (!i) { if (r > 56319) { (t -= 3) > -1 && o.push(239, 191, 189); continue; } if (a + 1 === n) { (t -= 3) > -1 && o.push(239, 191, 189); continue; } i = r; continue; } if (r < 56320) { (t -= 3) > -1 && o.push(239, 191, 189), (i = r); continue; } r = 65536 + (((i - 55296) << 10) | (r - 56320)); } else i && (t -= 3) > -1 && o.push(239, 191, 189); if (((i = null), r < 128)) { if ((t -= 1) < 0) break; o.push(r); } else if (r < 2048) { if ((t -= 2) < 0) break; o.push((r >> 6) | 192, (63 & r) | 128); } else if (r < 65536) { if ((t -= 3) < 0) break; o.push((r >> 12) | 224, ((r >> 6) & 63) | 128, (63 & r) | 128); } else { if (!(r < 1114112)) throw new Error('Invalid code point'); if ((t -= 4) < 0) break; o.push( (r >> 18) | 240, ((r >> 12) & 63) | 128, ((r >> 6) & 63) | 128, (63 & r) | 128 ); } } return o; } function q(e) { return n.toByteArray( (function (e) { if ( (e = (function (e) { return e.trim ? e.trim() : e.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); })(e).replace(L, '')).length < 2 ) return ''; for (; e.length % 4 != 0; ) e += '='; return e; })(e) ); } function z(e, t, r, n) { for (var i = 0; i < n && !(i + r >= t.length || i >= e.length); ++i) t[i + r] = e[i]; return i; } }.call(this, r(8))); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; 'function' == typeof Object.create ? (e.exports = function (e, t) { (e.super_ = t), (e.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 }, })); }) : (e.exports = function (e, t) { e.super_ = t; var r = function () {}; (r.prototype = t.prototype), (e.prototype = new r()), (e.prototype.constructor = e); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(2), i = n.Buffer; function o(e, t) { for (var r in e) t[r] = e[r]; } function a(e, t, r) { return i(e, t, r); } i.from && i.alloc && i.allocUnsafe && i.allocUnsafeSlow ? (e.exports = n) : (o(n, t), (t.Buffer = a)), o(i, a), (a.from = function (e, t, r) { if ('number' == typeof e) throw new TypeError('Argument must not be a number'); return i(e, t, r); }), (a.alloc = function (e, t, r) { if ('number' != typeof e) throw new TypeError('Argument must be a number'); var n = i(e); return void 0 !== t ? ('string' == typeof r ? n.fill(t, r) : n.fill(t)) : n.fill(0), n; }), (a.allocUnsafe = function (e) { if ('number' != typeof e) throw new TypeError('Argument must be a number'); return i(e); }), (a.allocUnsafeSlow = function (e) { if ('number' != typeof e) throw new TypeError('Argument must be a number'); return n.SlowBuffer(e); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (e) { var t = r(0)(r(1)); !(function (e, n) { function i(e, t) { if (!e) throw new Error(t || 'Assertion failed'); } function o(e, t) { e.super_ = t; var r = function () {}; (r.prototype = t.prototype), (e.prototype = new r()), (e.prototype.constructor = e); } function a(e, t, r) { if (a.isBN(e)) return e; (this.negative = 0), (this.words = null), (this.length = 0), (this.red = null), null !== e && (('le' !== t && 'be' !== t) || ((r = t), (t = 10)), this._init(e || 0, t || 10, r || 'be')); } var s; 'object' === (0, t.default)(e) ? (e.exports = a) : ((void 0).BN = a), (a.BN = a), (a.wordSize = 26); try { s = r(181).Buffer; } catch (e) {} function u(e, t, r) { for (var n = 0, i = Math.min(e.length, r), o = t; o < i; o++) { var a = e.charCodeAt(o) - 48; (n <<= 4), (n |= a >= 49 && a <= 54 ? a - 49 + 10 : a >= 17 && a <= 22 ? a - 17 + 10 : 15 & a); } return n; } function f(e, t, r, n) { for (var i = 0, o = Math.min(e.length, r), a = t; a < o; a++) { var s = e.charCodeAt(a) - 48; (i *= n), (i += s >= 49 ? s - 49 + 10 : s >= 17 ? s - 17 + 10 : s); } return i; } (a.isBN = function (e) { return ( e instanceof a || (null !== e && 'object' === (0, t.default)(e) && e.constructor.wordSize === a.wordSize && Array.isArray(e.words)) ); }), (a.max = function (e, t) { return e.cmp(t) > 0 ? e : t; }), (a.min = function (e, t) { return e.cmp(t) < 0 ? e : t; }), (a.prototype._init = function (e, r, n) { if ('number' == typeof e) return this._initNumber(e, r, n); if ('object' === (0, t.default)(e)) return this._initArray(e, r, n); 'hex' === r && (r = 16), i(r === (0 | r) && r >= 2 && r <= 36); var o = 0; '-' === (e = e.toString().replace(/\s+/g, ''))[0] && o++, 16 === r ? this._parseHex(e, o) : this._parseBase(e, r, o), '-' === e[0] && (this.negative = 1), this.strip(), 'le' === n && this._initArray(this.toArray(), r, n); }), (a.prototype._initNumber = function (e, t, r) { e < 0 && ((this.negative = 1), (e = -e)), e < 67108864 ? ((this.words = [67108863 & e]), (this.length = 1)) : e < 4503599627370496 ? ((this.words = [67108863 & e, (e / 67108864) & 67108863]), (this.length = 2)) : (i(e < 9007199254740992), (this.words = [67108863 & e, (e / 67108864) & 67108863, 1]), (this.length = 3)), 'le' === r && this._initArray(this.toArray(), t, r); }), (a.prototype._initArray = function (e, t, r) { if ((i('number' == typeof e.length), e.length <= 0)) return (this.words = [0]), (this.length = 1), this; (this.length = Math.ceil(e.length / 3)), (this.words = new Array(this.length)); for (var n = 0; n < this.length; n++) this.words[n] = 0; var o, a, s = 0; if ('be' === r) for (n = e.length - 1, o = 0; n >= 0; n -= 3) (a = e[n] | (e[n - 1] << 8) | (e[n - 2] << 16)), (this.words[o] |= (a << s) & 67108863), (this.words[o + 1] = (a >>> (26 - s)) & 67108863), (s += 24) >= 26 && ((s -= 26), o++); else if ('le' === r) for (n = 0, o = 0; n < e.length; n += 3) (a = e[n] | (e[n + 1] << 8) | (e[n + 2] << 16)), (this.words[o] |= (a << s) & 67108863), (this.words[o + 1] = (a >>> (26 - s)) & 67108863), (s += 24) >= 26 && ((s -= 26), o++); return this.strip(); }), (a.prototype._parseHex = function (e, t) { (this.length = Math.ceil((e.length - t) / 6)), (this.words = new Array(this.length)); for (var r = 0; r < this.length; r++) this.words[r] = 0; var n, i, o = 0; for (r = e.length - 6, n = 0; r >= t; r -= 6) (i = u(e, r, r + 6)), (this.words[n] |= (i << o) & 67108863), (this.words[n + 1] |= (i >>> (26 - o)) & 4194303), (o += 24) >= 26 && ((o -= 26), n++); r + 6 !== t && ((i = u(e, t, r + 6)), (this.words[n] |= (i << o) & 67108863), (this.words[n + 1] |= (i >>> (26 - o)) & 4194303)), this.strip(); }), (a.prototype._parseBase = function (e, t, r) { (this.words = [0]), (this.length = 1); for (var n = 0, i = 1; i <= 67108863; i *= t) n++; n--, (i = (i / t) | 0); for ( var o = e.length - r, a = o % n, s = Math.min(o, o - a) + r, u = 0, c = r; c < s; c += n ) (u = f(e, c, c + n, t)), this.imuln(i), this.words[0] + u < 67108864 ? (this.words[0] += u) : this._iaddn(u); if (0 !== a) { var h = 1; for (u = f(e, c, e.length, t), c = 0; c < a; c++) h *= t; this.imuln(h), this.words[0] + u < 67108864 ? (this.words[0] += u) : this._iaddn(u); } }), (a.prototype.copy = function (e) { e.words = new Array(this.length); for (var t = 0; t < this.length; t++) e.words[t] = this.words[t]; (e.length = this.length), (e.negative = this.negative), (e.red = this.red); }), (a.prototype.clone = function () { var e = new a(null); return this.copy(e), e; }), (a.prototype._expand = function (e) { for (; this.length < e; ) this.words[this.length++] = 0; return this; }), (a.prototype.strip = function () { for (; this.length > 1 && 0 === this.words[this.length - 1]; ) this.length--; return this._normSign(); }), (a.prototype._normSign = function () { return 1 === this.length && 0 === this.words[0] && (this.negative = 0), this; }), (a.prototype.inspect = function () { return (this.red ? ''; }); var c = [ '', '0', '00', '000', '0000', '00000', '000000', '0000000', '00000000', '000000000', '0000000000', '00000000000', '000000000000', '0000000000000', '00000000000000', '000000000000000', '0000000000000000', '00000000000000000', '000000000000000000', '0000000000000000000', '00000000000000000000', '000000000000000000000', '0000000000000000000000', '00000000000000000000000', '000000000000000000000000', '0000000000000000000000000', ], h = [ 0, 0, 25, 16, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, ], d = [ 0, 0, 33554432, 43046721, 16777216, 48828125, 60466176, 40353607, 16777216, 43046721, 1e7, 19487171, 35831808, 62748517, 7529536, 11390625, 16777216, 24137569, 34012224, 47045881, 64e6, 4084101, 5153632, 6436343, 7962624, 9765625, 11881376, 14348907, 17210368, 20511149, 243e5, 28629151, 33554432, 39135393, 45435424, 52521875, 60466176, ]; function l(e, t, r) { r.negative = t.negative ^ e.negative; var n = (e.length + t.length) | 0; (r.length = n), (n = (n - 1) | 0); var i = 0 | e.words[0], o = 0 | t.words[0], a = i * o, s = 67108863 & a, u = (a / 67108864) | 0; r.words[0] = s; for (var f = 1; f < n; f++) { for ( var c = u >>> 26, h = 67108863 & u, d = Math.min(f, t.length - 1), l = Math.max(0, f - e.length + 1); l <= d; l++ ) { var p = (f - l) | 0; (c += ((a = (i = 0 | e.words[p]) * (o = 0 | t.words[l]) + h) / 67108864) | 0), (h = 67108863 & a); } (r.words[f] = 0 | h), (u = 0 | c); } return 0 !== u ? (r.words[f] = 0 | u) : r.length--, r.strip(); } (a.prototype.toString = function (e, t) { var r; if (((t = 0 | t || 1), 16 === (e = e || 10) || 'hex' === e)) { r = ''; for (var n = 0, o = 0, a = 0; a < this.length; a++) { var s = this.words[a], u = (16777215 & ((s << n) | o)).toString(16); (r = 0 !== (o = (s >>> (24 - n)) & 16777215) || a !== this.length - 1 ? c[6 - u.length] + u + r : u + r), (n += 2) >= 26 && ((n -= 26), a--); } for (0 !== o && (r = o.toString(16) + r); r.length % t != 0; ) r = '0' + r; return 0 !== this.negative && (r = '-' + r), r; } if (e === (0 | e) && e >= 2 && e <= 36) { var f = h[e], l = d[e]; r = ''; var p = this.clone(); for (p.negative = 0; !p.isZero(); ) { var b = p.modn(l).toString(e); r = (p = p.idivn(l)).isZero() ? b + r : c[f - b.length] + b + r; } for (this.isZero() && (r = '0' + r); r.length % t != 0; ) r = '0' + r; return 0 !== this.negative && (r = '-' + r), r; } i(!1, 'Base should be between 2 and 36'); }), (a.prototype.toNumber = function () { var e = this.words[0]; return ( 2 === this.length ? (e += 67108864 * this.words[1]) : 3 === this.length && 1 === this.words[2] ? (e += 4503599627370496 + 67108864 * this.words[1]) : this.length > 2 && i(!1, 'Number can only safely store up to 53 bits'), 0 !== this.negative ? -e : e ); }), (a.prototype.toJSON = function () { return this.toString(16); }), (a.prototype.toBuffer = function (e, t) { return i(void 0 !== s), this.toArrayLike(s, e, t); }), (a.prototype.toArray = function (e, t) { return this.toArrayLike(Array, e, t); }), (a.prototype.toArrayLike = function (e, t, r) { var n = this.byteLength(), o = r || Math.max(1, n); i(n <= o, 'byte array longer than desired length'), i(o > 0, 'Requested array length <= 0'), this.strip(); var a, s, u = 'le' === t, f = new e(o), c = this.clone(); if (u) { for (s = 0; !c.isZero(); s++) (a = c.andln(255)), c.iushrn(8), (f[s] = a); for (; s < o; s++) f[s] = 0; } else { for (s = 0; s < o - n; s++) f[s] = 0; for (s = 0; !c.isZero(); s++) (a = c.andln(255)), c.iushrn(8), (f[o - s - 1] = a); } return f; }), Math.clz32 ? (a.prototype._countBits = function (e) { return 32 - Math.clz32(e); }) : (a.prototype._countBits = function (e) { var t = e, r = 0; return ( t >= 4096 && ((r += 13), (t >>>= 13)), t >= 64 && ((r += 7), (t >>>= 7)), t >= 8 && ((r += 4), (t >>>= 4)), t >= 2 && ((r += 2), (t >>>= 2)), r + t ); }), (a.prototype._zeroBits = function (e) { if (0 === e) return 26; var t = e, r = 0; return ( 0 == (8191 & t) && ((r += 13), (t >>>= 13)), 0 == (127 & t) && ((r += 7), (t >>>= 7)), 0 == (15 & t) && ((r += 4), (t >>>= 4)), 0 == (3 & t) && ((r += 2), (t >>>= 2)), 0 == (1 & t) && r++, r ); }), (a.prototype.bitLength = function () { var e = this.words[this.length - 1], t = this._countBits(e); return 26 * (this.length - 1) + t; }), (a.prototype.zeroBits = function () { if (this.isZero()) return 0; for (var e = 0, t = 0; t < this.length; t++) { var r = this._zeroBits(this.words[t]); if (((e += r), 26 !== r)) break; } return e; }), (a.prototype.byteLength = function () { return Math.ceil(this.bitLength() / 8); }), (a.prototype.toTwos = function (e) { return 0 !== this.negative ? this.abs().inotn(e).iaddn(1) : this.clone(); }), (a.prototype.fromTwos = function (e) { return this.testn(e - 1) ? this.notn(e).iaddn(1).ineg() : this.clone(); }), (a.prototype.isNeg = function () { return 0 !== this.negative; }), (a.prototype.neg = function () { return this.clone().ineg(); }), (a.prototype.ineg = function () { return this.isZero() || (this.negative ^= 1), this; }), (a.prototype.iuor = function (e) { for (; this.length < e.length; ) this.words[this.length++] = 0; for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) this.words[t] = this.words[t] | e.words[t]; return this.strip(); }), (a.prototype.ior = function (e) { return i(0 == (this.negative | e.negative)), this.iuor(e); }), (a.prototype.or = function (e) { return this.length > e.length ? this.clone().ior(e) : e.clone().ior(this); }), (a.prototype.uor = function (e) { return this.length > e.length ? this.clone().iuor(e) : e.clone().iuor(this); }), (a.prototype.iuand = function (e) { var t; t = this.length > e.length ? e : this; for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) this.words[r] = this.words[r] & e.words[r]; return (this.length = t.length), this.strip(); }), (a.prototype.iand = function (e) { return i(0 == (this.negative | e.negative)), this.iuand(e); }), (a.prototype.and = function (e) { return this.length > e.length ? this.clone().iand(e) : e.clone().iand(this); }), (a.prototype.uand = function (e) { return this.length > e.length ? this.clone().iuand(e) : e.clone().iuand(this); }), (a.prototype.iuxor = function (e) { var t, r; this.length > e.length ? ((t = this), (r = e)) : ((t = e), (r = this)); for (var n = 0; n < r.length; n++) this.words[n] = t.words[n] ^ r.words[n]; if (this !== t) for (; n < t.length; n++) this.words[n] = t.words[n]; return (this.length = t.length), this.strip(); }), (a.prototype.ixor = function (e) { return i(0 == (this.negative | e.negative)), this.iuxor(e); }), (a.prototype.xor = function (e) { return this.length > e.length ? this.clone().ixor(e) : e.clone().ixor(this); }), (a.prototype.uxor = function (e) { return this.length > e.length ? this.clone().iuxor(e) : e.clone().iuxor(this); }), (a.prototype.inotn = function (e) { i('number' == typeof e && e >= 0); var t = 0 | Math.ceil(e / 26), r = e % 26; this._expand(t), r > 0 && t--; for (var n = 0; n < t; n++) this.words[n] = 67108863 & ~this.words[n]; return ( r > 0 && (this.words[n] = ~this.words[n] & (67108863 >> (26 - r))), this.strip() ); }), (a.prototype.notn = function (e) { return this.clone().inotn(e); }), (a.prototype.setn = function (e, t) { i('number' == typeof e && e >= 0); var r = (e / 26) | 0, n = e % 26; return ( this._expand(r + 1), (this.words[r] = t ? this.words[r] | (1 << n) : this.words[r] & ~(1 << n)), this.strip() ); }), (a.prototype.iadd = function (e) { var t, r, n; if (0 !== this.negative && 0 === e.negative) return ( (this.negative = 0), (t = this.isub(e)), (this.negative ^= 1), this._normSign() ); if (0 === this.negative && 0 !== e.negative) return (e.negative = 0), (t = this.isub(e)), (e.negative = 1), t._normSign(); this.length > e.length ? ((r = this), (n = e)) : ((r = e), (n = this)); for (var i = 0, o = 0; o < n.length; o++) (t = (0 | r.words[o]) + (0 | n.words[o]) + i), (this.words[o] = 67108863 & t), (i = t >>> 26); for (; 0 !== i && o < r.length; o++) (t = (0 | r.words[o]) + i), (this.words[o] = 67108863 & t), (i = t >>> 26); if (((this.length = r.length), 0 !== i)) (this.words[this.length] = i), this.length++; else if (r !== this) for (; o < r.length; o++) this.words[o] = r.words[o]; return this; }), (a.prototype.add = function (e) { var t; return 0 !== e.negative && 0 === this.negative ? ((e.negative = 0), (t = this.sub(e)), (e.negative ^= 1), t) : 0 === e.negative && 0 !== this.negative ? ((this.negative = 0), (t = e.sub(this)), (this.negative = 1), t) : this.length > e.length ? this.clone().iadd(e) : e.clone().iadd(this); }), (a.prototype.isub = function (e) { if (0 !== e.negative) { e.negative = 0; var t = this.iadd(e); return (e.negative = 1), t._normSign(); } if (0 !== this.negative) return (this.negative = 0), this.iadd(e), (this.negative = 1), this._normSign(); var r, n, i = this.cmp(e); if (0 === i) return (this.negative = 0), (this.length = 1), (this.words[0] = 0), this; i > 0 ? ((r = this), (n = e)) : ((r = e), (n = this)); for (var o = 0, a = 0; a < n.length; a++) (o = (t = (0 | r.words[a]) - (0 | n.words[a]) + o) >> 26), (this.words[a] = 67108863 & t); for (; 0 !== o && a < r.length; a++) (o = (t = (0 | r.words[a]) + o) >> 26), (this.words[a] = 67108863 & t); if (0 === o && a < r.length && r !== this) for (; a < r.length; a++) this.words[a] = r.words[a]; return ( (this.length = Math.max(this.length, a)), r !== this && (this.negative = 1), this.strip() ); }), (a.prototype.sub = function (e) { return this.clone().isub(e); }); var p = function (e, t, r) { var n, i, o, a = e.words, s = t.words, u = r.words, f = 0, c = 0 | a[0], h = 8191 & c, d = c >>> 13, l = 0 | a[1], p = 8191 & l, b = l >>> 13, m = 0 | a[2], y = 8191 & m, v = m >>> 13, g = 0 | a[3], w = 8191 & g, _ = g >>> 13, k = 0 | a[4], A = 8191 & k, S = k >>> 13, E = 0 | a[5], x = 8191 & E, M = E >>> 13, I = 0 | a[6], O = 8191 & I, C = I >>> 13, P = 0 | a[7], T = 8191 & P, U = P >>> 13, B = 0 | a[8], R = 8191 & B, N = B >>> 13, j = 0 | a[9], L = 8191 & j, F = j >>> 13, D = 0 | s[0], q = 8191 & D, z = D >>> 13, H = 0 | s[1], K = 8191 & H, V = H >>> 13, G = 0 | s[2], W = 8191 & G, Y = G >>> 13, $ = 0 | s[3], J = 8191 & $, Z = $ >>> 13, X = 0 | s[4], Q = 8191 & X, ee = X >>> 13, te = 0 | s[5], re = 8191 & te, ne = te >>> 13, ie = 0 | s[6], oe = 8191 & ie, ae = ie >>> 13, se = 0 | s[7], ue = 8191 & se, fe = se >>> 13, ce = 0 | s[8], he = 8191 & ce, de = ce >>> 13, le = 0 | s[9], pe = 8191 & le, be = le >>> 13; (r.negative = e.negative ^ t.negative), (r.length = 19); var me = (((f + (n = Math.imul(h, q))) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = Math.imul(h, z)) + Math.imul(d, q)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = Math.imul(d, z)) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (me >>> 26)) | 0), (me &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(p, q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(p, z)) + Math.imul(b, q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(b, z)); var ye = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(h, K)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(h, V)) | 0) + Math.imul(d, K)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(d, V)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (ye >>> 26)) | 0), (ye &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(y, q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(y, z)) + Math.imul(v, q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(v, z)), (n = (n + Math.imul(p, K)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(p, V)) | 0) + Math.imul(b, K)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(b, V)) | 0); var ve = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(h, W)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(h, Y)) | 0) + Math.imul(d, W)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(d, Y)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (ve >>> 26)) | 0), (ve &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(w, q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(w, z)) + Math.imul(_, q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(_, z)), (n = (n + Math.imul(y, K)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(y, V)) | 0) + Math.imul(v, K)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(v, V)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(p, W)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(p, Y)) | 0) + Math.imul(b, W)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(b, Y)) | 0); var ge = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(h, J)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(h, Z)) | 0) + Math.imul(d, J)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(d, Z)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (ge >>> 26)) | 0), (ge &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(A, q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(A, z)) + Math.imul(S, q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(S, z)), (n = (n + Math.imul(w, K)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(w, V)) | 0) + Math.imul(_, K)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(_, V)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(y, W)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(y, Y)) | 0) + Math.imul(v, W)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(v, Y)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(p, J)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(p, Z)) | 0) + Math.imul(b, J)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(b, Z)) | 0); var we = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(h, Q)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(h, ee)) | 0) + Math.imul(d, Q)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(d, ee)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (we >>> 26)) | 0), (we &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(x, q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(x, z)) + Math.imul(M, q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(M, z)), (n = (n + Math.imul(A, K)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(A, V)) | 0) + Math.imul(S, K)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(S, V)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(w, W)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(w, Y)) | 0) + Math.imul(_, W)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(_, Y)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(y, J)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(y, Z)) | 0) + Math.imul(v, J)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(v, Z)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(p, Q)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(p, ee)) | 0) + Math.imul(b, Q)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(b, ee)) | 0); var _e = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(h, re)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(h, ne)) | 0) + Math.imul(d, re)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(d, ne)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (_e >>> 26)) | 0), (_e &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(O, q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(O, z)) + Math.imul(C, q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(C, z)), (n = (n + Math.imul(x, K)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(x, V)) | 0) + Math.imul(M, K)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(M, V)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(A, W)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(A, Y)) | 0) + Math.imul(S, W)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(S, Y)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(w, J)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(w, Z)) | 0) + Math.imul(_, J)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(_, Z)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(y, Q)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(y, ee)) | 0) + Math.imul(v, Q)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(v, ee)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(p, re)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(p, ne)) | 0) + Math.imul(b, re)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(b, ne)) | 0); var ke = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(h, oe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(h, ae)) | 0) + Math.imul(d, oe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(d, ae)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (ke >>> 26)) | 0), (ke &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(T, q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(T, z)) + Math.imul(U, q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(U, z)), (n = (n + Math.imul(O, K)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(O, V)) | 0) + Math.imul(C, K)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(C, V)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(x, W)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(x, Y)) | 0) + Math.imul(M, W)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(M, Y)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(A, J)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(A, Z)) | 0) + Math.imul(S, J)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(S, Z)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(w, Q)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(w, ee)) | 0) + Math.imul(_, Q)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(_, ee)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(y, re)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(y, ne)) | 0) + Math.imul(v, re)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(v, ne)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(p, oe)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(p, ae)) | 0) + Math.imul(b, oe)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(b, ae)) | 0); var Ae = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(h, ue)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(h, fe)) | 0) + Math.imul(d, ue)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(d, fe)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Ae >>> 26)) | 0), (Ae &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(R, q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(R, z)) + Math.imul(N, q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(N, z)), (n = (n + Math.imul(T, K)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(T, V)) | 0) + Math.imul(U, K)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(U, V)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(O, W)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(O, Y)) | 0) + Math.imul(C, W)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(C, Y)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(x, J)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(x, Z)) | 0) + Math.imul(M, J)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(M, Z)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(A, Q)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(A, ee)) | 0) + Math.imul(S, Q)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(S, ee)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(w, re)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(w, ne)) | 0) + Math.imul(_, re)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(_, ne)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(y, oe)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(y, ae)) | 0) + Math.imul(v, oe)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(v, ae)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(p, ue)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(p, fe)) | 0) + Math.imul(b, ue)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(b, fe)) | 0); var Se = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(h, he)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(h, de)) | 0) + Math.imul(d, he)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(d, de)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Se >>> 26)) | 0), (Se &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(L, q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, z)) + Math.imul(F, q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(F, z)), (n = (n + Math.imul(R, K)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(R, V)) | 0) + Math.imul(N, K)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(N, V)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(T, W)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(T, Y)) | 0) + Math.imul(U, W)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(U, Y)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(O, J)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(O, Z)) | 0) + Math.imul(C, J)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(C, Z)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(x, Q)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(x, ee)) | 0) + Math.imul(M, Q)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(M, ee)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(A, re)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(A, ne)) | 0) + Math.imul(S, re)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(S, ne)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(w, oe)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(w, ae)) | 0) + Math.imul(_, oe)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(_, ae)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(y, ue)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(y, fe)) | 0) + Math.imul(v, ue)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(v, fe)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(p, he)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(p, de)) | 0) + Math.imul(b, he)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(b, de)) | 0); var Ee = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(h, pe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(h, be)) | 0) + Math.imul(d, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(d, be)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Ee >>> 26)) | 0), (Ee &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(L, K)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, V)) + Math.imul(F, K)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(F, V)), (n = (n + Math.imul(R, W)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(R, Y)) | 0) + Math.imul(N, W)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(N, Y)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(T, J)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(T, Z)) | 0) + Math.imul(U, J)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(U, Z)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(O, Q)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(O, ee)) | 0) + Math.imul(C, Q)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(C, ee)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(x, re)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(x, ne)) | 0) + Math.imul(M, re)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(M, ne)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(A, oe)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(A, ae)) | 0) + Math.imul(S, oe)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(S, ae)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(w, ue)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(w, fe)) | 0) + Math.imul(_, ue)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(_, fe)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(y, he)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(y, de)) | 0) + Math.imul(v, he)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(v, de)) | 0); var xe = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(p, pe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(p, be)) | 0) + Math.imul(b, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(b, be)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (xe >>> 26)) | 0), (xe &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(L, W)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, Y)) + Math.imul(F, W)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(F, Y)), (n = (n + Math.imul(R, J)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(R, Z)) | 0) + Math.imul(N, J)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(N, Z)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(T, Q)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(T, ee)) | 0) + Math.imul(U, Q)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(U, ee)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(O, re)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(O, ne)) | 0) + Math.imul(C, re)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(C, ne)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(x, oe)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(x, ae)) | 0) + Math.imul(M, oe)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(M, ae)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(A, ue)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(A, fe)) | 0) + Math.imul(S, ue)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(S, fe)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(w, he)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(w, de)) | 0) + Math.imul(_, he)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(_, de)) | 0); var Me = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(y, pe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(y, be)) | 0) + Math.imul(v, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(v, be)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Me >>> 26)) | 0), (Me &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(L, J)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, Z)) + Math.imul(F, J)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(F, Z)), (n = (n + Math.imul(R, Q)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(R, ee)) | 0) + Math.imul(N, Q)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(N, ee)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(T, re)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(T, ne)) | 0) + Math.imul(U, re)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(U, ne)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(O, oe)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(O, ae)) | 0) + Math.imul(C, oe)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(C, ae)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(x, ue)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(x, fe)) | 0) + Math.imul(M, ue)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(M, fe)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(A, he)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(A, de)) | 0) + Math.imul(S, he)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(S, de)) | 0); var Ie = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(w, pe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(w, be)) | 0) + Math.imul(_, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(_, be)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Ie >>> 26)) | 0), (Ie &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(L, Q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, ee)) + Math.imul(F, Q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(F, ee)), (n = (n + Math.imul(R, re)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(R, ne)) | 0) + Math.imul(N, re)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(N, ne)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(T, oe)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(T, ae)) | 0) + Math.imul(U, oe)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(U, ae)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(O, ue)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(O, fe)) | 0) + Math.imul(C, ue)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(C, fe)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(x, he)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(x, de)) | 0) + Math.imul(M, he)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(M, de)) | 0); var Oe = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(A, pe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(A, be)) | 0) + Math.imul(S, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(S, be)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Oe >>> 26)) | 0), (Oe &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(L, re)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, ne)) + Math.imul(F, re)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(F, ne)), (n = (n + Math.imul(R, oe)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(R, ae)) | 0) + Math.imul(N, oe)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(N, ae)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(T, ue)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(T, fe)) | 0) + Math.imul(U, ue)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(U, fe)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(O, he)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(O, de)) | 0) + Math.imul(C, he)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(C, de)) | 0); var Ce = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(x, pe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(x, be)) | 0) + Math.imul(M, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(M, be)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Ce >>> 26)) | 0), (Ce &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(L, oe)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, ae)) + Math.imul(F, oe)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(F, ae)), (n = (n + Math.imul(R, ue)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(R, fe)) | 0) + Math.imul(N, ue)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(N, fe)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(T, he)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(T, de)) | 0) + Math.imul(U, he)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(U, de)) | 0); var Pe = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(O, pe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(O, be)) | 0) + Math.imul(C, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(C, be)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Pe >>> 26)) | 0), (Pe &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(L, ue)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, fe)) + Math.imul(F, ue)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(F, fe)), (n = (n + Math.imul(R, he)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(R, de)) | 0) + Math.imul(N, he)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(N, de)) | 0); var Te = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(T, pe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(T, be)) | 0) + Math.imul(U, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(U, be)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Te >>> 26)) | 0), (Te &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(L, he)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, de)) + Math.imul(F, he)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(F, de)); var Ue = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(R, pe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(R, be)) | 0) + Math.imul(N, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(N, be)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Ue >>> 26)) | 0), (Ue &= 67108863); var Be = (((f + (n = Math.imul(L, pe))) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, be)) + Math.imul(F, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; return ( (f = ((((o = Math.imul(F, be)) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Be >>> 26)) | 0), (Be &= 67108863), (u[0] = me), (u[1] = ye), (u[2] = ve), (u[3] = ge), (u[4] = we), (u[5] = _e), (u[6] = ke), (u[7] = Ae), (u[8] = Se), (u[9] = Ee), (u[10] = xe), (u[11] = Me), (u[12] = Ie), (u[13] = Oe), (u[14] = Ce), (u[15] = Pe), (u[16] = Te), (u[17] = Ue), (u[18] = Be), 0 !== f && ((u[19] = f), r.length++), r ); }; function b(e, t, r) { return new m().mulp(e, t, r); } function m(e, t) { (this.x = e), (this.y = t); } Math.imul || (p = l), (a.prototype.mulTo = function (e, t) { var r = this.length + e.length; return 10 === this.length && 10 === e.length ? p(this, e, t) : r < 63 ? l(this, e, t) : r < 1024 ? (function (e, t, r) { (r.negative = t.negative ^ e.negative), (r.length = e.length + t.length); for (var n = 0, i = 0, o = 0; o < r.length - 1; o++) { var a = i; i = 0; for ( var s = 67108863 & n, u = Math.min(o, t.length - 1), f = Math.max(0, o - e.length + 1); f <= u; f++ ) { var c = o - f, h = (0 | e.words[c]) * (0 | t.words[f]), d = 67108863 & h; (s = 67108863 & (d = (d + s) | 0)), (i += (a = ((a = (a + ((h / 67108864) | 0)) | 0) + (d >>> 26)) | 0) >>> 26), (a &= 67108863); } (r.words[o] = s), (n = a), (a = i); } return 0 !== n ? (r.words[o] = n) : r.length--, r.strip(); })(this, e, t) : b(this, e, t); }), (m.prototype.makeRBT = function (e) { for (var t = new Array(e), r = a.prototype._countBits(e) - 1, n = 0; n < e; n++) t[n] = this.revBin(n, r, e); return t; }), (m.prototype.revBin = function (e, t, r) { if (0 === e || e === r - 1) return e; for (var n = 0, i = 0; i < t; i++) (n |= (1 & e) << (t - i - 1)), (e >>= 1); return n; }), (m.prototype.permute = function (e, t, r, n, i, o) { for (var a = 0; a < o; a++) (n[a] = t[e[a]]), (i[a] = r[e[a]]); }), (m.prototype.transform = function (e, t, r, n, i, o) { this.permute(o, e, t, r, n, i); for (var a = 1; a < i; a <<= 1) for ( var s = a << 1, u = Math.cos((2 * Math.PI) / s), f = Math.sin((2 * Math.PI) / s), c = 0; c < i; c += s ) for (var h = u, d = f, l = 0; l < a; l++) { var p = r[c + l], b = n[c + l], m = r[c + l + a], y = n[c + l + a], v = h * m - d * y; (y = h * y + d * m), (m = v), (r[c + l] = p + m), (n[c + l] = b + y), (r[c + l + a] = p - m), (n[c + l + a] = b - y), l !== s && ((v = u * h - f * d), (d = u * d + f * h), (h = v)); } }), (m.prototype.guessLen13b = function (e, t) { var r = 1 | Math.max(t, e), n = 1 & r, i = 0; for (r = (r / 2) | 0; r; r >>>= 1) i++; return 1 << (i + 1 + n); }), (m.prototype.conjugate = function (e, t, r) { if (!(r <= 1)) for (var n = 0; n < r / 2; n++) { var i = e[n]; (e[n] = e[r - n - 1]), (e[r - n - 1] = i), (i = t[n]), (t[n] = -t[r - n - 1]), (t[r - n - 1] = -i); } }), (m.prototype.normalize13b = function (e, t) { for (var r = 0, n = 0; n < t / 2; n++) { var i = 8192 * Math.round(e[2 * n + 1] / t) + Math.round(e[2 * n] / t) + r; (e[n] = 67108863 & i), (r = i < 67108864 ? 0 : (i / 67108864) | 0); } return e; }), (m.prototype.convert13b = function (e, t, r, n) { for (var o = 0, a = 0; a < t; a++) (o += 0 | e[a]), (r[2 * a] = 8191 & o), (o >>>= 13), (r[2 * a + 1] = 8191 & o), (o >>>= 13); for (a = 2 * t; a < n; ++a) r[a] = 0; i(0 === o), i(0 == (-8192 & o)); }), (m.prototype.stub = function (e) { for (var t = new Array(e), r = 0; r < e; r++) t[r] = 0; return t; }), (m.prototype.mulp = function (e, t, r) { var n = 2 * this.guessLen13b(e.length, t.length), i = this.makeRBT(n), o = this.stub(n), a = new Array(n), s = new Array(n), u = new Array(n), f = new Array(n), c = new Array(n), h = new Array(n), d = r.words; (d.length = n), this.convert13b(e.words, e.length, a, n), this.convert13b(t.words, t.length, f, n), this.transform(a, o, s, u, n, i), this.transform(f, o, c, h, n, i); for (var l = 0; l < n; l++) { var p = s[l] * c[l] - u[l] * h[l]; (u[l] = s[l] * h[l] + u[l] * c[l]), (s[l] = p); } return ( this.conjugate(s, u, n), this.transform(s, u, d, o, n, i), this.conjugate(d, o, n), this.normalize13b(d, n), (r.negative = e.negative ^ t.negative), (r.length = e.length + t.length), r.strip() ); }), (a.prototype.mul = function (e) { var t = new a(null); return (t.words = new Array(this.length + e.length)), this.mulTo(e, t); }), (a.prototype.mulf = function (e) { var t = new a(null); return (t.words = new Array(this.length + e.length)), b(this, e, t); }), (a.prototype.imul = function (e) { return this.clone().mulTo(e, this); }), (a.prototype.imuln = function (e) { i('number' == typeof e), i(e < 67108864); for (var t = 0, r = 0; r < this.length; r++) { var n = (0 | this.words[r]) * e, o = (67108863 & n) + (67108863 & t); (t >>= 26), (t += (n / 67108864) | 0), (t += o >>> 26), (this.words[r] = 67108863 & o); } return 0 !== t && ((this.words[r] = t), this.length++), this; }), (a.prototype.muln = function (e) { return this.clone().imuln(e); }), (a.prototype.sqr = function () { return this.mul(this); }), (a.prototype.isqr = function () { return this.imul(this.clone()); }), (a.prototype.pow = function (e) { var t = (function (e) { for (var t = new Array(e.bitLength()), r = 0; r < t.length; r++) { var n = (r / 26) | 0, i = r % 26; t[r] = (e.words[n] & (1 << i)) >>> i; } return t; })(e); if (0 === t.length) return new a(1); for (var r = this, n = 0; n < t.length && 0 === t[n]; n++, r = r.sqr()); if (++n < t.length) for (var i = r.sqr(); n < t.length; n++, i = i.sqr()) 0 !== t[n] && (r = r.mul(i)); return r; }), (a.prototype.iushln = function (e) { i('number' == typeof e && e >= 0); var t, r = e % 26, n = (e - r) / 26, o = (67108863 >>> (26 - r)) << (26 - r); if (0 !== r) { var a = 0; for (t = 0; t < this.length; t++) { var s = this.words[t] & o, u = ((0 | this.words[t]) - s) << r; (this.words[t] = u | a), (a = s >>> (26 - r)); } a && ((this.words[t] = a), this.length++); } if (0 !== n) { for (t = this.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) this.words[t + n] = this.words[t]; for (t = 0; t < n; t++) this.words[t] = 0; this.length += n; } return this.strip(); }), (a.prototype.ishln = function (e) { return i(0 === this.negative), this.iushln(e); }), (a.prototype.iushrn = function (e, t, r) { var n; i('number' == typeof e && e >= 0), (n = t ? (t - (t % 26)) / 26 : 0); var o = e % 26, a = Math.min((e - o) / 26, this.length), s = 67108863 ^ ((67108863 >>> o) << o), u = r; if (((n -= a), (n = Math.max(0, n)), u)) { for (var f = 0; f < a; f++) u.words[f] = this.words[f]; u.length = a; } if (0 === a); else if (this.length > a) for (this.length -= a, f = 0; f < this.length; f++) this.words[f] = this.words[f + a]; else (this.words[0] = 0), (this.length = 1); var c = 0; for (f = this.length - 1; f >= 0 && (0 !== c || f >= n); f--) { var h = 0 | this.words[f]; (this.words[f] = (c << (26 - o)) | (h >>> o)), (c = h & s); } return ( u && 0 !== c && (u.words[u.length++] = c), 0 === this.length && ((this.words[0] = 0), (this.length = 1)), this.strip() ); }), (a.prototype.ishrn = function (e, t, r) { return i(0 === this.negative), this.iushrn(e, t, r); }), (a.prototype.shln = function (e) { return this.clone().ishln(e); }), (a.prototype.ushln = function (e) { return this.clone().iushln(e); }), (a.prototype.shrn = function (e) { return this.clone().ishrn(e); }), (a.prototype.ushrn = function (e) { return this.clone().iushrn(e); }), (a.prototype.testn = function (e) { i('number' == typeof e && e >= 0); var t = e % 26, r = (e - t) / 26, n = 1 << t; return !(this.length <= r) && !!(this.words[r] & n); }), (a.prototype.imaskn = function (e) { i('number' == typeof e && e >= 0); var t = e % 26, r = (e - t) / 26; if ( (i(0 === this.negative, 'imaskn works only with positive numbers'), this.length <= r) ) return this; if ((0 !== t && r++, (this.length = Math.min(r, this.length)), 0 !== t)) { var n = 67108863 ^ ((67108863 >>> t) << t); this.words[this.length - 1] &= n; } return this.strip(); }), (a.prototype.maskn = function (e) { return this.clone().imaskn(e); }), (a.prototype.iaddn = function (e) { return ( i('number' == typeof e), i(e < 67108864), e < 0 ? this.isubn(-e) : 0 !== this.negative ? 1 === this.length && (0 | this.words[0]) < e ? ((this.words[0] = e - (0 | this.words[0])), (this.negative = 0), this) : ((this.negative = 0), this.isubn(e), (this.negative = 1), this) : this._iaddn(e) ); }), (a.prototype._iaddn = function (e) { this.words[0] += e; for (var t = 0; t < this.length && this.words[t] >= 67108864; t++) (this.words[t] -= 67108864), t === this.length - 1 ? (this.words[t + 1] = 1) : this.words[t + 1]++; return (this.length = Math.max(this.length, t + 1)), this; }), (a.prototype.isubn = function (e) { if ((i('number' == typeof e), i(e < 67108864), e < 0)) return this.iaddn(-e); if (0 !== this.negative) return (this.negative = 0), this.iaddn(e), (this.negative = 1), this; if (((this.words[0] -= e), 1 === this.length && this.words[0] < 0)) (this.words[0] = -this.words[0]), (this.negative = 1); else for (var t = 0; t < this.length && this.words[t] < 0; t++) (this.words[t] += 67108864), (this.words[t + 1] -= 1); return this.strip(); }), (a.prototype.addn = function (e) { return this.clone().iaddn(e); }), (a.prototype.subn = function (e) { return this.clone().isubn(e); }), (a.prototype.iabs = function () { return (this.negative = 0), this; }), (a.prototype.abs = function () { return this.clone().iabs(); }), (a.prototype._ishlnsubmul = function (e, t, r) { var n, o, a = e.length + r; this._expand(a); var s = 0; for (n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { o = (0 | this.words[n + r]) + s; var u = (0 | e.words[n]) * t; (s = ((o -= 67108863 & u) >> 26) - ((u / 67108864) | 0)), (this.words[n + r] = 67108863 & o); } for (; n < this.length - r; n++) (s = (o = (0 | this.words[n + r]) + s) >> 26), (this.words[n + r] = 67108863 & o); if (0 === s) return this.strip(); for (i(-1 === s), s = 0, n = 0; n < this.length; n++) (s = (o = -(0 | this.words[n]) + s) >> 26), (this.words[n] = 67108863 & o); return (this.negative = 1), this.strip(); }), (a.prototype._wordDiv = function (e, t) { var r = (this.length, e.length), n = this.clone(), i = e, o = 0 | i.words[i.length - 1]; 0 !== (r = 26 - this._countBits(o)) && ((i = i.ushln(r)), n.iushln(r), (o = 0 | i.words[i.length - 1])); var s, u = n.length - i.length; if ('mod' !== t) { ((s = new a(null)).length = u + 1), (s.words = new Array(s.length)); for (var f = 0; f < s.length; f++) s.words[f] = 0; } var c = n.clone()._ishlnsubmul(i, 1, u); 0 === c.negative && ((n = c), s && (s.words[u] = 1)); for (var h = u - 1; h >= 0; h--) { var d = 67108864 * (0 | n.words[i.length + h]) + (0 | n.words[i.length + h - 1]); for ( d = Math.min((d / o) | 0, 67108863), n._ishlnsubmul(i, d, h); 0 !== n.negative; ) d--, (n.negative = 0), n._ishlnsubmul(i, 1, h), n.isZero() || (n.negative ^= 1); s && (s.words[h] = d); } return ( s && s.strip(), n.strip(), 'div' !== t && 0 !== r && n.iushrn(r), { div: s || null, mod: n } ); }), (a.prototype.divmod = function (e, t, r) { return ( i(!e.isZero()), this.isZero() ? { div: new a(0), mod: new a(0) } : 0 !== this.negative && 0 === e.negative ? ((s = this.neg().divmod(e, t)), 'mod' !== t && (n = s.div.neg()), 'div' !== t && ((o = s.mod.neg()), r && 0 !== o.negative && o.iadd(e)), { div: n, mod: o }) : 0 === this.negative && 0 !== e.negative ? ((s = this.divmod(e.neg(), t)), 'mod' !== t && (n = s.div.neg()), { div: n, mod: s.mod }) : 0 != (this.negative & e.negative) ? ((s = this.neg().divmod(e.neg(), t)), 'div' !== t && ((o = s.mod.neg()), r && 0 !== o.negative && o.isub(e)), { div: s.div, mod: o }) : e.length > this.length || this.cmp(e) < 0 ? { div: new a(0), mod: this } : 1 === e.length ? 'div' === t ? { div: this.divn(e.words[0]), mod: null } : 'mod' === t ? { div: null, mod: new a(this.modn(e.words[0])) } : { div: this.divn(e.words[0]), mod: new a(this.modn(e.words[0])) } : this._wordDiv(e, t) ); var n, o, s; }), (a.prototype.div = function (e) { return this.divmod(e, 'div', !1).div; }), (a.prototype.mod = function (e) { return this.divmod(e, 'mod', !1).mod; }), (a.prototype.umod = function (e) { return this.divmod(e, 'mod', !0).mod; }), (a.prototype.divRound = function (e) { var t = this.divmod(e); if (t.mod.isZero()) return t.div; var r = 0 !== t.div.negative ? t.mod.isub(e) : t.mod, n = e.ushrn(1), i = e.andln(1), o = r.cmp(n); return o < 0 || (1 === i && 0 === o) ? t.div : 0 !== t.div.negative ? t.div.isubn(1) : t.div.iaddn(1); }), (a.prototype.modn = function (e) { i(e <= 67108863); for (var t = (1 << 26) % e, r = 0, n = this.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) r = (t * r + (0 | this.words[n])) % e; return r; }), (a.prototype.idivn = function (e) { i(e <= 67108863); for (var t = 0, r = this.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) { var n = (0 | this.words[r]) + 67108864 * t; (this.words[r] = (n / e) | 0), (t = n % e); } return this.strip(); }), (a.prototype.divn = function (e) { return this.clone().idivn(e); }), (a.prototype.egcd = function (e) { i(0 === e.negative), i(!e.isZero()); var t = this, r = e.clone(); t = 0 !== t.negative ? t.umod(e) : t.clone(); for ( var n = new a(1), o = new a(0), s = new a(0), u = new a(1), f = 0; t.isEven() && r.isEven(); ) t.iushrn(1), r.iushrn(1), ++f; for (var c = r.clone(), h = t.clone(); !t.isZero(); ) { for (var d = 0, l = 1; 0 == (t.words[0] & l) && d < 26; ++d, l <<= 1); if (d > 0) for (t.iushrn(d); d-- > 0; ) (n.isOdd() || o.isOdd()) && (n.iadd(c), o.isub(h)), n.iushrn(1), o.iushrn(1); for (var p = 0, b = 1; 0 == (r.words[0] & b) && p < 26; ++p, b <<= 1); if (p > 0) for (r.iushrn(p); p-- > 0; ) (s.isOdd() || u.isOdd()) && (s.iadd(c), u.isub(h)), s.iushrn(1), u.iushrn(1); t.cmp(r) >= 0 ? (t.isub(r), n.isub(s), o.isub(u)) : (r.isub(t), s.isub(n), u.isub(o)); } return { a: s, b: u, gcd: r.iushln(f) }; }), (a.prototype._invmp = function (e) { i(0 === e.negative), i(!e.isZero()); var t = this, r = e.clone(); t = 0 !== t.negative ? t.umod(e) : t.clone(); for ( var n, o = new a(1), s = new a(0), u = r.clone(); t.cmpn(1) > 0 && r.cmpn(1) > 0; ) { for (var f = 0, c = 1; 0 == (t.words[0] & c) && f < 26; ++f, c <<= 1); if (f > 0) for (t.iushrn(f); f-- > 0; ) o.isOdd() && o.iadd(u), o.iushrn(1); for (var h = 0, d = 1; 0 == (r.words[0] & d) && h < 26; ++h, d <<= 1); if (h > 0) for (r.iushrn(h); h-- > 0; ) s.isOdd() && s.iadd(u), s.iushrn(1); t.cmp(r) >= 0 ? (t.isub(r), o.isub(s)) : (r.isub(t), s.isub(o)); } return (n = 0 === t.cmpn(1) ? o : s).cmpn(0) < 0 && n.iadd(e), n; }), (a.prototype.gcd = function (e) { if (this.isZero()) return e.abs(); if (e.isZero()) return this.abs(); var t = this.clone(), r = e.clone(); (t.negative = 0), (r.negative = 0); for (var n = 0; t.isEven() && r.isEven(); n++) t.iushrn(1), r.iushrn(1); for (;;) { for (; t.isEven(); ) t.iushrn(1); for (; r.isEven(); ) r.iushrn(1); var i = t.cmp(r); if (i < 0) { var o = t; (t = r), (r = o); } else if (0 === i || 0 === r.cmpn(1)) break; t.isub(r); } return r.iushln(n); }), (a.prototype.invm = function (e) { return this.egcd(e).a.umod(e); }), (a.prototype.isEven = function () { return 0 == (1 & this.words[0]); }), (a.prototype.isOdd = function () { return 1 == (1 & this.words[0]); }), (a.prototype.andln = function (e) { return this.words[0] & e; }), (a.prototype.bincn = function (e) { i('number' == typeof e); var t = e % 26, r = (e - t) / 26, n = 1 << t; if (this.length <= r) return this._expand(r + 1), (this.words[r] |= n), this; for (var o = n, a = r; 0 !== o && a < this.length; a++) { var s = 0 | this.words[a]; (o = (s += o) >>> 26), (s &= 67108863), (this.words[a] = s); } return 0 !== o && ((this.words[a] = o), this.length++), this; }), (a.prototype.isZero = function () { return 1 === this.length && 0 === this.words[0]; }), (a.prototype.cmpn = function (e) { var t, r = e < 0; if (0 !== this.negative && !r) return -1; if (0 === this.negative && r) return 1; if ((this.strip(), this.length > 1)) t = 1; else { r && (e = -e), i(e <= 67108863, 'Number is too big'); var n = 0 | this.words[0]; t = n === e ? 0 : n < e ? -1 : 1; } return 0 !== this.negative ? 0 | -t : t; }), (a.prototype.cmp = function (e) { if (0 !== this.negative && 0 === e.negative) return -1; if (0 === this.negative && 0 !== e.negative) return 1; var t = this.ucmp(e); return 0 !== this.negative ? 0 | -t : t; }), (a.prototype.ucmp = function (e) { if (this.length > e.length) return 1; if (this.length < e.length) return -1; for (var t = 0, r = this.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) { var n = 0 | this.words[r], i = 0 | e.words[r]; if (n !== i) { n < i ? (t = -1) : n > i && (t = 1); break; } } return t; }), (a.prototype.gtn = function (e) { return 1 === this.cmpn(e); }), (a.prototype.gt = function (e) { return 1 === this.cmp(e); }), (a.prototype.gten = function (e) { return this.cmpn(e) >= 0; }), (a.prototype.gte = function (e) { return this.cmp(e) >= 0; }), (a.prototype.ltn = function (e) { return -1 === this.cmpn(e); }), (a.prototype.lt = function (e) { return -1 === this.cmp(e); }), (a.prototype.lten = function (e) { return this.cmpn(e) <= 0; }), (a.prototype.lte = function (e) { return this.cmp(e) <= 0; }), (a.prototype.eqn = function (e) { return 0 === this.cmpn(e); }), (a.prototype.eq = function (e) { return 0 === this.cmp(e); }), (a.red = function (e) { return new A(e); }), (a.prototype.toRed = function (e) { return ( i(!this.red, 'Already a number in reduction context'), i(0 === this.negative, 'red works only with positives'), e.convertTo(this)._forceRed(e) ); }), (a.prototype.fromRed = function () { return ( i(this.red, 'fromRed works only with numbers in reduction context'), this.red.convertFrom(this) ); }), (a.prototype._forceRed = function (e) { return (this.red = e), this; }), (a.prototype.forceRed = function (e) { return i(!this.red, 'Already a number in reduction context'), this._forceRed(e); }), (a.prototype.redAdd = function (e) { return i(this.red, 'redAdd works only with red numbers'), this.red.add(this, e); }), (a.prototype.redIAdd = function (e) { return i(this.red, 'redIAdd works only with red numbers'), this.red.iadd(this, e); }), (a.prototype.redSub = function (e) { return i(this.red, 'redSub works only with red numbers'), this.red.sub(this, e); }), (a.prototype.redISub = function (e) { return i(this.red, 'redISub works only with red numbers'), this.red.isub(this, e); }), (a.prototype.redShl = function (e) { return i(this.red, 'redShl works only with red numbers'), this.red.shl(this, e); }), (a.prototype.redMul = function (e) { return ( i(this.red, 'redMul works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify2(this, e), this.red.mul(this, e) ); }), (a.prototype.redIMul = function (e) { return ( i(this.red, 'redMul works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify2(this, e), this.red.imul(this, e) ); }), (a.prototype.redSqr = function () { return ( i(this.red, 'redSqr works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.sqr(this) ); }), (a.prototype.redISqr = function () { return ( i(this.red, 'redISqr works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.isqr(this) ); }), (a.prototype.redSqrt = function () { return ( i(this.red, 'redSqrt works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.sqrt(this) ); }), (a.prototype.redInvm = function () { return ( i(this.red, 'redInvm works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.invm(this) ); }), (a.prototype.redNeg = function () { return ( i(this.red, 'redNeg works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.neg(this) ); }), (a.prototype.redPow = function (e) { return ( i(this.red && !e.red, 'redPow(normalNum)'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.pow(this, e) ); }); var y = { k256: null, p224: null, p192: null, p25519: null }; function v(e, t) { (this.name = e), (this.p = new a(t, 16)), (this.n = this.p.bitLength()), (this.k = new a(1).iushln(this.n).isub(this.p)), (this.tmp = this._tmp()); } function g() { v.call( this, 'k256', 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f' ); } function w() { v.call(this, 'p224', 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001'); } function _() { v.call(this, 'p192', 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff'); } function k() { v.call( this, '25519', '7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed' ); } function A(e) { if ('string' == typeof e) { var t = a._prime(e); (this.m = t.p), (this.prime = t); } else i(e.gtn(1), 'modulus must be greater than 1'), (this.m = e), (this.prime = null); } function S(e) { A.call(this, e), (this.shift = this.m.bitLength()), this.shift % 26 != 0 && (this.shift += 26 - (this.shift % 26)), (this.r = new a(1).iushln(this.shift)), (this.r2 = this.imod(this.r.sqr())), (this.rinv = this.r._invmp(this.m)), (this.minv = this.rinv.mul(this.r).isubn(1).div(this.m)), (this.minv = this.minv.umod(this.r)), (this.minv = this.r.sub(this.minv)); } (v.prototype._tmp = function () { var e = new a(null); return (e.words = new Array(Math.ceil(this.n / 13))), e; }), (v.prototype.ireduce = function (e) { var t, r = e; do { this.split(r, this.tmp), (t = (r = (r = this.imulK(r)).iadd(this.tmp)).bitLength()); } while (t > this.n); var n = t < this.n ? -1 : r.ucmp(this.p); return ( 0 === n ? ((r.words[0] = 0), (r.length = 1)) : n > 0 ? r.isub(this.p) : void 0 !== r.strip ? r.strip() : r._strip(), r ); }), (v.prototype.split = function (e, t) { e.iushrn(this.n, 0, t); }), (v.prototype.imulK = function (e) { return e.imul(this.k); }), o(g, v), (g.prototype.split = function (e, t) { for (var r = Math.min(e.length, 9), n = 0; n < r; n++) t.words[n] = e.words[n]; if (((t.length = r), e.length <= 9)) return (e.words[0] = 0), void (e.length = 1); var i = e.words[9]; for (t.words[t.length++] = 4194303 & i, n = 10; n < e.length; n++) { var o = 0 | e.words[n]; (e.words[n - 10] = ((4194303 & o) << 4) | (i >>> 22)), (i = o); } (i >>>= 22), (e.words[n - 10] = i), 0 === i && e.length > 10 ? (e.length -= 10) : (e.length -= 9); }), (g.prototype.imulK = function (e) { (e.words[e.length] = 0), (e.words[e.length + 1] = 0), (e.length += 2); for (var t = 0, r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { var n = 0 | e.words[r]; (t += 977 * n), (e.words[r] = 67108863 & t), (t = 64 * n + ((t / 67108864) | 0)); } return ( 0 === e.words[e.length - 1] && (e.length--, 0 === e.words[e.length - 1] && e.length--), e ); }), o(w, v), o(_, v), o(k, v), (k.prototype.imulK = function (e) { for (var t = 0, r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { var n = 19 * (0 | e.words[r]) + t, i = 67108863 & n; (n >>>= 26), (e.words[r] = i), (t = n); } return 0 !== t && (e.words[e.length++] = t), e; }), (a._prime = function (e) { if (y[e]) return y[e]; var t; if ('k256' === e) t = new g(); else if ('p224' === e) t = new w(); else if ('p192' === e) t = new _(); else { if ('p25519' !== e) throw new Error('Unknown prime ' + e); t = new k(); } return (y[e] = t), t; }), (A.prototype._verify1 = function (e) { i(0 === e.negative, 'red works only with positives'), i(e.red, 'red works only with red numbers'); }), (A.prototype._verify2 = function (e, t) { i(0 == (e.negative | t.negative), 'red works only with positives'), i(e.red && e.red === t.red, 'red works only with red numbers'); }), (A.prototype.imod = function (e) { return this.prime ? this.prime.ireduce(e)._forceRed(this) : e.umod(this.m)._forceRed(this); }), (A.prototype.neg = function (e) { return e.isZero() ? e.clone() : this.m.sub(e)._forceRed(this); }), (A.prototype.add = function (e, t) { this._verify2(e, t); var r = e.add(t); return r.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && r.isub(this.m), r._forceRed(this); }), (A.prototype.iadd = function (e, t) { this._verify2(e, t); var r = e.iadd(t); return r.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && r.isub(this.m), r; }), (A.prototype.sub = function (e, t) { this._verify2(e, t); var r = e.sub(t); return r.cmpn(0) < 0 && r.iadd(this.m), r._forceRed(this); }), (A.prototype.isub = function (e, t) { this._verify2(e, t); var r = e.isub(t); return r.cmpn(0) < 0 && r.iadd(this.m), r; }), (A.prototype.shl = function (e, t) { return this._verify1(e), this.imod(e.ushln(t)); }), (A.prototype.imul = function (e, t) { return this._verify2(e, t), this.imod(e.imul(t)); }), (A.prototype.mul = function (e, t) { return this._verify2(e, t), this.imod(e.mul(t)); }), (A.prototype.isqr = function (e) { return this.imul(e, e.clone()); }), (A.prototype.sqr = function (e) { return this.mul(e, e); }), (A.prototype.sqrt = function (e) { if (e.isZero()) return e.clone(); var t = this.m.andln(3); if ((i(t % 2 == 1), 3 === t)) { var r = this.m.add(new a(1)).iushrn(2); return this.pow(e, r); } for (var n = this.m.subn(1), o = 0; !n.isZero() && 0 === n.andln(1); ) o++, n.iushrn(1); i(!n.isZero()); var s = new a(1).toRed(this), u = s.redNeg(), f = this.m.subn(1).iushrn(1), c = this.m.bitLength(); for (c = new a(2 * c * c).toRed(this); 0 !== this.pow(c, f).cmp(u); ) c.redIAdd(u); for ( var h = this.pow(c, n), d = this.pow(e, n.addn(1).iushrn(1)), l = this.pow(e, n), p = o; 0 !== l.cmp(s); ) { for (var b = l, m = 0; 0 !== b.cmp(s); m++) b = b.redSqr(); i(m < p); var y = this.pow(h, new a(1).iushln(p - m - 1)); (d = d.redMul(y)), (h = y.redSqr()), (l = l.redMul(h)), (p = m); } return d; }), (A.prototype.invm = function (e) { var t = e._invmp(this.m); return 0 !== t.negative ? ((t.negative = 0), this.imod(t).redNeg()) : this.imod(t); }), (A.prototype.pow = function (e, t) { if (t.isZero()) return new a(1).toRed(this); if (0 === t.cmpn(1)) return e.clone(); var r = new Array(16); (r[0] = new a(1).toRed(this)), (r[1] = e); for (var n = 2; n < r.length; n++) r[n] = this.mul(r[n - 1], e); var i = r[0], o = 0, s = 0, u = t.bitLength() % 26; for (0 === u && (u = 26), n = t.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) { for (var f = t.words[n], c = u - 1; c >= 0; c--) { var h = (f >> c) & 1; i !== r[0] && (i = this.sqr(i)), 0 !== h || 0 !== o ? ((o <<= 1), (o |= h), (4 === ++s || (0 === n && 0 === c)) && ((i = this.mul(i, r[o])), (s = 0), (o = 0))) : (s = 0); } u = 26; } return i; }), (A.prototype.convertTo = function (e) { var t = e.umod(this.m); return t === e ? t.clone() : t; }), (A.prototype.convertFrom = function (e) { var t = e.clone(); return (t.red = null), t; }), (a.mont = function (e) { return new S(e); }), o(S, A), (S.prototype.convertTo = function (e) { return this.imod(e.ushln(this.shift)); }), (S.prototype.convertFrom = function (e) { var t = this.imod(e.mul(this.rinv)); return (t.red = null), t; }), (S.prototype.imul = function (e, t) { if (e.isZero() || t.isZero()) return (e.words[0] = 0), (e.length = 1), e; var r = e.imul(t), n = r.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), i = r.isub(n).iushrn(this.shift), o = i; return ( i.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? (o = i.isub(this.m)) : i.cmpn(0) < 0 && (o = i.iadd(this.m)), o._forceRed(this) ); }), (S.prototype.mul = function (e, t) { if (e.isZero() || t.isZero()) return new a(0)._forceRed(this); var r = e.mul(t), n = r.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), i = r.isub(n).iushrn(this.shift), o = i; return ( i.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? (o = i.isub(this.m)) : i.cmpn(0) < 0 && (o = i.iadd(this.m)), o._forceRed(this) ); }), (S.prototype.invm = function (e) { return this.imod(e._invmp(this.m).mul(this.r2))._forceRed(this); }); })(e); }.call(this, r(22)(e))); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = function (e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; function n(e, t) { for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) { var n = t[r]; (n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1), (n.configurable = !0), 'value' in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, n.key, n); } } e.exports = function (e, t, r) { return t && n(e.prototype, t), r && n(e, r), e; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n, i = r(0)(r(1)); n = (function () { return this; })(); try { n = n || new Function('return this')(); } catch (e) { 'object' === ('undefined' == typeof window ? 'undefined' : (0, i.default)(window)) && (n = window); } e.exports = n; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(175), i = r(176); e.exports = { errors: n, formatters: i }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (e, n) { var i, o = r(0)(r(1)); !(function () { var r = ('object' == ('undefined' == typeof self ? 'undefined' : (0, o.default)(self)) && self.self === self && self) || ('object' == (void 0 === e ? 'undefined' : (0, o.default)(e)) && e.global === e && e) || this || {}, a = r._, s = Array.prototype, u = Object.prototype, f = 'undefined' != typeof Symbol ? Symbol.prototype : null, c = s.push, h = s.slice, d = u.toString, l = u.hasOwnProperty, p = Array.isArray, b = Object.keys, m = Object.create, y = function () {}, v = function e(t) { return t instanceof e ? t : this instanceof e ? void (this._wrapped = t) : new e(t); }; t.nodeType ? (r._ = v) : (!n.nodeType && n.exports && (t = n.exports = v), (t._ = v)), (v.VERSION = '1.9.1'); var g, w = function (e, t, r) { if (void 0 === t) return e; switch (null == r ? 3 : r) { case 1: return function (r) { return e.call(t, r); }; case 3: return function (r, n, i) { return e.call(t, r, n, i); }; case 4: return function (r, n, i, o) { return e.call(t, r, n, i, o); }; } return function () { return e.apply(t, arguments); }; }, _ = function (e, t, r) { return v.iteratee !== g ? v.iteratee(e, t) : null == e ? v.identity : v.isFunction(e) ? w(e, t, r) : v.isObject(e) && !v.isArray(e) ? v.matcher(e) : v.property(e); }; v.iteratee = g = function (e, t) { return _(e, t, 1 / 0); }; var k = function (e, t) { return ( (t = null == t ? e.length - 1 : +t), function () { for (var r = Math.max(arguments.length - t, 0), n = Array(r), i = 0; i < r; i++) n[i] = arguments[i + t]; switch (t) { case 0: return e.call(this, n); case 1: return e.call(this, arguments[0], n); case 2: return e.call(this, arguments[0], arguments[1], n); } var o = Array(t + 1); for (i = 0; i < t; i++) o[i] = arguments[i]; return (o[t] = n), e.apply(this, o); } ); }, A = function (e) { if (!v.isObject(e)) return {}; if (m) return m(e); y.prototype = e; var t = new y(); return (y.prototype = null), t; }, S = function (e) { return function (t) { return null == t ? void 0 : t[e]; }; }, E = function (e, t) { return null != e && l.call(e, t); }, x = function (e, t) { for (var r = t.length, n = 0; n < r; n++) { if (null == e) return; e = e[t[n]]; } return r ? e : void 0; }, M = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1, I = S('length'), O = function (e) { var t = I(e); return 'number' == typeof t && t >= 0 && t <= M; }; (v.each = v.forEach = function (e, t, r) { var n, i; if (((t = w(t, r)), O(e))) for (n = 0, i = e.length; n < i; n++) t(e[n], n, e); else { var o = v.keys(e); for (n = 0, i = o.length; n < i; n++) t(e[o[n]], o[n], e); } return e; }), (v.map = v.collect = function (e, t, r) { t = _(t, r); for ( var n = !O(e) && v.keys(e), i = (n || e).length, o = Array(i), a = 0; a < i; a++ ) { var s = n ? n[a] : a; o[a] = t(e[s], s, e); } return o; }); var C = function (e) { var t = function (t, r, n, i) { var o = !O(t) && v.keys(t), a = (o || t).length, s = e > 0 ? 0 : a - 1; for (i || ((n = t[o ? o[s] : s]), (s += e)); s >= 0 && s < a; s += e) { var u = o ? o[s] : s; n = r(n, t[u], u, t); } return n; }; return function (e, r, n, i) { var o = arguments.length >= 3; return t(e, w(r, i, 4), n, o); }; }; (v.reduce = v.foldl = v.inject = C(1)), (v.reduceRight = v.foldr = C(-1)), (v.find = v.detect = function (e, t, r) { var n = (O(e) ? v.findIndex : v.findKey)(e, t, r); if (void 0 !== n && -1 !== n) return e[n]; }), (v.filter = v.select = function (e, t, r) { var n = []; return ( (t = _(t, r)), v.each(e, function (e, r, i) { t(e, r, i) && n.push(e); }), n ); }), (v.reject = function (e, t, r) { return v.filter(e, v.negate(_(t)), r); }), (v.every = v.all = function (e, t, r) { t = _(t, r); for (var n = !O(e) && v.keys(e), i = (n || e).length, o = 0; o < i; o++) { var a = n ? n[o] : o; if (!t(e[a], a, e)) return !1; } return !0; }), (v.some = v.any = function (e, t, r) { t = _(t, r); for (var n = !O(e) && v.keys(e), i = (n || e).length, o = 0; o < i; o++) { var a = n ? n[o] : o; if (t(e[a], a, e)) return !0; } return !1; }), (v.contains = v.includes = v.include = function (e, t, r, n) { return ( O(e) || (e = v.values(e)), ('number' != typeof r || n) && (r = 0), v.indexOf(e, t, r) >= 0 ); }), (v.invoke = k(function (e, t, r) { var n, i; return ( v.isFunction(t) ? (i = t) : v.isArray(t) && ((n = t.slice(0, -1)), (t = t[t.length - 1])), v.map(e, function (e) { var o = i; if (!o) { if ((n && n.length && (e = x(e, n)), null == e)) return; o = e[t]; } return null == o ? o : o.apply(e, r); }) ); })), (v.pluck = function (e, t) { return v.map(e, v.property(t)); }), (v.where = function (e, t) { return v.filter(e, v.matcher(t)); }), (v.findWhere = function (e, t) { return v.find(e, v.matcher(t)); }), (v.max = function (e, t, r) { var n, i, a = -1 / 0, s = -1 / 0; if ( null == t || ('number' == typeof t && 'object' != (0, o.default)(e[0]) && null != e) ) for (var u = 0, f = (e = O(e) ? e : v.values(e)).length; u < f; u++) null != (n = e[u]) && n > a && (a = n); else (t = _(t, r)), v.each(e, function (e, r, n) { ((i = t(e, r, n)) > s || (i === -1 / 0 && a === -1 / 0)) && ((a = e), (s = i)); }); return a; }), (v.min = function (e, t, r) { var n, i, a = 1 / 0, s = 1 / 0; if ( null == t || ('number' == typeof t && 'object' != (0, o.default)(e[0]) && null != e) ) for (var u = 0, f = (e = O(e) ? e : v.values(e)).length; u < f; u++) null != (n = e[u]) && n < a && (a = n); else (t = _(t, r)), v.each(e, function (e, r, n) { ((i = t(e, r, n)) < s || (i === 1 / 0 && a === 1 / 0)) && ((a = e), (s = i)); }); return a; }), (v.shuffle = function (e) { return v.sample(e, 1 / 0); }), (v.sample = function (e, t, r) { if (null == t || r) return O(e) || (e = v.values(e)), e[v.random(e.length - 1)]; var n = O(e) ? v.clone(e) : v.values(e), i = I(n); t = Math.max(Math.min(t, i), 0); for (var o = i - 1, a = 0; a < t; a++) { var s = v.random(a, o), u = n[a]; (n[a] = n[s]), (n[s] = u); } return n.slice(0, t); }), (v.sortBy = function (e, t, r) { var n = 0; return ( (t = _(t, r)), v.pluck( v .map(e, function (e, r, i) { return { value: e, index: n++, criteria: t(e, r, i) }; }) .sort(function (e, t) { var r = e.criteria, n = t.criteria; if (r !== n) { if (r > n || void 0 === r) return 1; if (r < n || void 0 === n) return -1; } return e.index - t.index; }), 'value' ) ); }); var P = function (e, t) { return function (r, n, i) { var o = t ? [[], []] : {}; return ( (n = _(n, i)), v.each(r, function (t, i) { var a = n(t, i, r); e(o, t, a); }), o ); }; }; (v.groupBy = P(function (e, t, r) { E(e, r) ? e[r].push(t) : (e[r] = [t]); })), (v.indexBy = P(function (e, t, r) { e[r] = t; })), (v.countBy = P(function (e, t, r) { E(e, r) ? e[r]++ : (e[r] = 1); })); var T = /[^\ud800-\udfff]|[\ud800-\udbff][\udc00-\udfff]|[\ud800-\udfff]/g; (v.toArray = function (e) { return e ? v.isArray(e) ? h.call(e) : v.isString(e) ? e.match(T) : O(e) ? v.map(e, v.identity) : v.values(e) : []; }), (v.size = function (e) { return null == e ? 0 : O(e) ? e.length : v.keys(e).length; }), (v.partition = P(function (e, t, r) { e[r ? 0 : 1].push(t); }, !0)), (v.first = v.head = v.take = function (e, t, r) { return null == e || e.length < 1 ? null == t ? void 0 : [] : null == t || r ? e[0] : v.initial(e, e.length - t); }), (v.initial = function (e, t, r) { return h.call(e, 0, Math.max(0, e.length - (null == t || r ? 1 : t))); }), (v.last = function (e, t, r) { return null == e || e.length < 1 ? null == t ? void 0 : [] : null == t || r ? e[e.length - 1] : v.rest(e, Math.max(0, e.length - t)); }), (v.rest = v.tail = v.drop = function (e, t, r) { return h.call(e, null == t || r ? 1 : t); }), (v.compact = function (e) { return v.filter(e, Boolean); }); var U = function e(t, r, n, i) { for (var o = (i = i || []).length, a = 0, s = I(t); a < s; a++) { var u = t[a]; if (O(u) && (v.isArray(u) || v.isArguments(u))) if (r) for (var f = 0, c = u.length; f < c; ) i[o++] = u[f++]; else e(u, r, n, i), (o = i.length); else n || (i[o++] = u); } return i; }; (v.flatten = function (e, t) { return U(e, t, !1); }), (v.without = k(function (e, t) { return v.difference(e, t); })), (v.uniq = v.unique = function (e, t, r, n) { v.isBoolean(t) || ((n = r), (r = t), (t = !1)), null != r && (r = _(r, n)); for (var i = [], o = [], a = 0, s = I(e); a < s; a++) { var u = e[a], f = r ? r(u, a, e) : u; t && !r ? ((a && o === f) || i.push(u), (o = f)) : r ? v.contains(o, f) || (o.push(f), i.push(u)) : v.contains(i, u) || i.push(u); } return i; }), (v.union = k(function (e) { return v.uniq(U(e, !0, !0)); })), (v.intersection = function (e) { for (var t = [], r = arguments.length, n = 0, i = I(e); n < i; n++) { var o = e[n]; if (!v.contains(t, o)) { var a; for (a = 1; a < r && v.contains(arguments[a], o); a++); a === r && t.push(o); } } return t; }), (v.difference = k(function (e, t) { return ( (t = U(t, !0, !0)), v.filter(e, function (e) { return !v.contains(t, e); }) ); })), (v.unzip = function (e) { for (var t = (e && v.max(e, I).length) || 0, r = Array(t), n = 0; n < t; n++) r[n] = v.pluck(e, n); return r; }), (v.zip = k(v.unzip)), (v.object = function (e, t) { for (var r = {}, n = 0, i = I(e); n < i; n++) t ? (r[e[n]] = t[n]) : (r[e[n][0]] = e[n][1]); return r; }); var B = function (e) { return function (t, r, n) { r = _(r, n); for (var i = I(t), o = e > 0 ? 0 : i - 1; o >= 0 && o < i; o += e) if (r(t[o], o, t)) return o; return -1; }; }; (v.findIndex = B(1)), (v.findLastIndex = B(-1)), (v.sortedIndex = function (e, t, r, n) { for (var i = (r = _(r, n, 1))(t), o = 0, a = I(e); o < a; ) { var s = Math.floor((o + a) / 2); r(e[s]) < i ? (o = s + 1) : (a = s); } return o; }); var R = function (e, t, r) { return function (n, i, o) { var a = 0, s = I(n); if ('number' == typeof o) e > 0 ? (a = o >= 0 ? o : Math.max(o + s, a)) : (s = o >= 0 ? Math.min(o + 1, s) : o + s + 1); else if (r && o && s) return n[(o = r(n, i))] === i ? o : -1; if (i != i) return (o = t(h.call(n, a, s), v.isNaN)) >= 0 ? o + a : -1; for (o = e > 0 ? a : s - 1; o >= 0 && o < s; o += e) if (n[o] === i) return o; return -1; }; }; (v.indexOf = R(1, v.findIndex, v.sortedIndex)), (v.lastIndexOf = R(-1, v.findLastIndex)), (v.range = function (e, t, r) { null == t && ((t = e || 0), (e = 0)), r || (r = t < e ? -1 : 1); for ( var n = Math.max(Math.ceil((t - e) / r), 0), i = Array(n), o = 0; o < n; o++, e += r ) i[o] = e; return i; }), (v.chunk = function (e, t) { if (null == t || t < 1) return []; for (var r = [], n = 0, i = e.length; n < i; ) r.push(h.call(e, n, (n += t))); return r; }); var N = function (e, t, r, n, i) { if (!(n instanceof t)) return e.apply(r, i); var o = A(e.prototype), a = e.apply(o, i); return v.isObject(a) ? a : o; }; (v.bind = k(function (e, t, r) { if (!v.isFunction(e)) throw new TypeError('Bind must be called on a function'); var n = k(function (i) { return N(e, n, t, this, r.concat(i)); }); return n; })), (v.partial = k(function (e, t) { var r = v.partial.placeholder; return function n() { for (var i = 0, o = t.length, a = Array(o), s = 0; s < o; s++) a[s] = t[s] === r ? arguments[i++] : t[s]; for (; i < arguments.length; ) a.push(arguments[i++]); return N(e, n, this, this, a); }; })), (v.partial.placeholder = v), (v.bindAll = k(function (e, t) { var r = (t = U(t, !1, !1)).length; if (r < 1) throw new Error('bindAll must be passed function names'); for (; r--; ) { var n = t[r]; e[n] = v.bind(e[n], e); } })), (v.memoize = function (e, t) { var r = function r(n) { var i = r.cache, o = '' + (t ? t.apply(this, arguments) : n); return E(i, o) || (i[o] = e.apply(this, arguments)), i[o]; }; return (r.cache = {}), r; }), (v.delay = k(function (e, t, r) { return setTimeout(function () { return e.apply(null, r); }, t); })), (v.defer = v.partial(v.delay, v, 1)), (v.throttle = function (e, t, r) { var n, i, o, a, s = 0; r || (r = {}); var u = function () { (s = !1 === r.leading ? 0 : v.now()), (n = null), (a = e.apply(i, o)), n || (i = o = null); }, f = function () { var f = v.now(); s || !1 !== r.leading || (s = f); var c = t - (f - s); return ( (i = this), (o = arguments), c <= 0 || c > t ? (n && (clearTimeout(n), (n = null)), (s = f), (a = e.apply(i, o)), n || (i = o = null)) : n || !1 === r.trailing || (n = setTimeout(u, c)), a ); }; return ( (f.cancel = function () { clearTimeout(n), (s = 0), (n = i = o = null); }), f ); }), (v.debounce = function (e, t, r) { var n, i, o = function (t, r) { (n = null), r && (i = e.apply(t, r)); }, a = k(function (a) { if ((n && clearTimeout(n), r)) { var s = !n; (n = setTimeout(o, t)), s && (i = e.apply(this, a)); } else n = v.delay(o, t, this, a); return i; }); return ( (a.cancel = function () { clearTimeout(n), (n = null); }), a ); }), (v.wrap = function (e, t) { return v.partial(t, e); }), (v.negate = function (e) { return function () { return !e.apply(this, arguments); }; }), (v.compose = function () { var e = arguments, t = e.length - 1; return function () { for (var r = t, n = e[t].apply(this, arguments); r--; ) n = e[r].call(this, n); return n; }; }), (v.after = function (e, t) { return function () { if (--e < 1) return t.apply(this, arguments); }; }), (v.before = function (e, t) { var r; return function () { return --e > 0 && (r = t.apply(this, arguments)), e <= 1 && (t = null), r; }; }), (v.once = v.partial(v.before, 2)), (v.restArguments = k); var j = !{ toString: null }.propertyIsEnumerable('toString'), L = [ 'valueOf', 'isPrototypeOf', 'toString', 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'hasOwnProperty', 'toLocaleString', ], F = function (e, t) { var r = L.length, n = e.constructor, i = (v.isFunction(n) && n.prototype) || u, o = 'constructor'; for (E(e, o) && !v.contains(t, o) && t.push(o); r--; ) (o = L[r]) in e && e[o] !== i[o] && !v.contains(t, o) && t.push(o); }; (v.keys = function (e) { if (!v.isObject(e)) return []; if (b) return b(e); var t = []; for (var r in e) E(e, r) && t.push(r); return j && F(e, t), t; }), (v.allKeys = function (e) { if (!v.isObject(e)) return []; var t = []; for (var r in e) t.push(r); return j && F(e, t), t; }), (v.values = function (e) { for (var t = v.keys(e), r = t.length, n = Array(r), i = 0; i < r; i++) n[i] = e[t[i]]; return n; }), (v.mapObject = function (e, t, r) { t = _(t, r); for (var n = v.keys(e), i = n.length, o = {}, a = 0; a < i; a++) { var s = n[a]; o[s] = t(e[s], s, e); } return o; }), (v.pairs = function (e) { for (var t = v.keys(e), r = t.length, n = Array(r), i = 0; i < r; i++) n[i] = [t[i], e[t[i]]]; return n; }), (v.invert = function (e) { for (var t = {}, r = v.keys(e), n = 0, i = r.length; n < i; n++) t[e[r[n]]] = r[n]; return t; }), (v.functions = v.methods = function (e) { var t = []; for (var r in e) v.isFunction(e[r]) && t.push(r); return t.sort(); }); var D = function (e, t) { return function (r) { var n = arguments.length; if ((t && (r = Object(r)), n < 2 || null == r)) return r; for (var i = 1; i < n; i++) for (var o = arguments[i], a = e(o), s = a.length, u = 0; u < s; u++) { var f = a[u]; (t && void 0 !== r[f]) || (r[f] = o[f]); } return r; }; }; (v.extend = D(v.allKeys)), (v.extendOwn = v.assign = D(v.keys)), (v.findKey = function (e, t, r) { t = _(t, r); for (var n, i = v.keys(e), o = 0, a = i.length; o < a; o++) if (t(e[(n = i[o])], n, e)) return n; }); var q, z, H = function (e, t, r) { return t in r; }; (v.pick = k(function (e, t) { var r = {}, n = t[0]; if (null == e) return r; v.isFunction(n) ? (t.length > 1 && (n = w(n, t[1])), (t = v.allKeys(e))) : ((n = H), (t = U(t, !1, !1)), (e = Object(e))); for (var i = 0, o = t.length; i < o; i++) { var a = t[i], s = e[a]; n(s, a, e) && (r[a] = s); } return r; })), (v.omit = k(function (e, t) { var r, n = t[0]; return ( v.isFunction(n) ? ((n = v.negate(n)), t.length > 1 && (r = t[1])) : ((t = v.map(U(t, !1, !1), String)), (n = function (e, r) { return !v.contains(t, r); })), v.pick(e, n, r) ); })), (v.defaults = D(v.allKeys, !0)), (v.create = function (e, t) { var r = A(e); return t && v.extendOwn(r, t), r; }), (v.clone = function (e) { return v.isObject(e) ? (v.isArray(e) ? e.slice() : v.extend({}, e)) : e; }), (v.tap = function (e, t) { return t(e), e; }), (v.isMatch = function (e, t) { var r = v.keys(t), n = r.length; if (null == e) return !n; for (var i = Object(e), o = 0; o < n; o++) { var a = r[o]; if (t[a] !== i[a] || !(a in i)) return !1; } return !0; }), (q = function (e, t, r, n) { if (e === t) return 0 !== e || 1 / e == 1 / t; if (null == e || null == t) return !1; if (e != e) return t != t; var i = (0, o.default)(e); return ( ('function' === i || 'object' === i || 'object' == (0, o.default)(t)) && z(e, t, r, n) ); }), (z = function (e, t, r, n) { e instanceof v && (e = e._wrapped), t instanceof v && (t = t._wrapped); var i = d.call(e); if (i !== d.call(t)) return !1; switch (i) { case '[object RegExp]': case '[object String]': return '' + e == '' + t; case '[object Number]': return +e != +e ? +t != +t : 0 == +e ? 1 / +e == 1 / t : +e == +t; case '[object Date]': case '[object Boolean]': return +e == +t; case '[object Symbol]': return f.valueOf.call(e) === f.valueOf.call(t); } var a = '[object Array]' === i; if (!a) { if ('object' != (0, o.default)(e) || 'object' != (0, o.default)(t)) return !1; var s = e.constructor, u = t.constructor; if ( s !== u && !(v.isFunction(s) && s instanceof s && v.isFunction(u) && u instanceof u) && 'constructor' in e && 'constructor' in t ) return !1; } n = n || []; for (var c = (r = r || []).length; c--; ) if (r[c] === e) return n[c] === t; if ((r.push(e), n.push(t), a)) { if ((c = e.length) !== t.length) return !1; for (; c--; ) if (!q(e[c], t[c], r, n)) return !1; } else { var h, l = v.keys(e); if (((c = l.length), v.keys(t).length !== c)) return !1; for (; c--; ) if (((h = l[c]), !E(t, h) || !q(e[h], t[h], r, n))) return !1; } return r.pop(), n.pop(), !0; }), (v.isEqual = function (e, t) { return q(e, t); }), (v.isEmpty = function (e) { return ( null == e || (O(e) && (v.isArray(e) || v.isString(e) || v.isArguments(e)) ? 0 === e.length : 0 === v.keys(e).length) ); }), (v.isElement = function (e) { return !(!e || 1 !== e.nodeType); }), (v.isArray = p || function (e) { return '[object Array]' === d.call(e); }), (v.isObject = function (e) { var t = (0, o.default)(e); return 'function' === t || ('object' === t && !!e); }), v.each( [ 'Arguments', 'Function', 'String', 'Number', 'Date', 'RegExp', 'Error', 'Symbol', 'Map', 'WeakMap', 'Set', 'WeakSet', ], function (e) { v['is' + e] = function (t) { return d.call(t) === '[object ' + e + ']'; }; } ), v.isArguments(arguments) || (v.isArguments = function (e) { return E(e, 'callee'); }); var K = r.document && r.document.childNodes; 'object' != ('undefined' == typeof Int8Array ? 'undefined' : (0, o.default)(Int8Array)) && 'function' != typeof K && (v.isFunction = function (e) { return 'function' == typeof e || !1; }), (v.isFinite = function (e) { return !v.isSymbol(e) && isFinite(e) && !isNaN(parseFloat(e)); }), (v.isNaN = function (e) { return v.isNumber(e) && isNaN(e); }), (v.isBoolean = function (e) { return !0 === e || !1 === e || '[object Boolean]' === d.call(e); }), (v.isNull = function (e) { return null === e; }), (v.isUndefined = function (e) { return void 0 === e; }), (v.has = function (e, t) { if (!v.isArray(t)) return E(e, t); for (var r = t.length, n = 0; n < r; n++) { var i = t[n]; if (null == e || !l.call(e, i)) return !1; e = e[i]; } return !!r; }), (v.noConflict = function () { return (r._ = a), this; }), (v.identity = function (e) { return e; }), (v.constant = function (e) { return function () { return e; }; }), (v.noop = function () {}), (v.property = function (e) { return v.isArray(e) ? function (t) { return x(t, e); } : S(e); }), (v.propertyOf = function (e) { return null == e ? function () {} : function (t) { return v.isArray(t) ? x(e, t) : e[t]; }; }), (v.matcher = v.matches = function (e) { return ( (e = v.extendOwn({}, e)), function (t) { return v.isMatch(t, e); } ); }), (v.times = function (e, t, r) { var n = Array(Math.max(0, e)); t = w(t, r, 1); for (var i = 0; i < e; i++) n[i] = t(i); return n; }), (v.random = function (e, t) { return null == t && ((t = e), (e = 0)), e + Math.floor(Math.random() * (t - e + 1)); }), (v.now = Date.now || function () { return new Date().getTime(); }); var V = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', "'": ''', '`': '`', }, G = v.invert(V), W = function (e) { var t = function (t) { return e[t]; }, r = '(?:' + v.keys(e).join('|') + ')', n = RegExp(r), i = RegExp(r, 'g'); return function (e) { return (e = null == e ? '' : '' + e), n.test(e) ? e.replace(i, t) : e; }; }; (v.escape = W(V)), (v.unescape = W(G)), (v.result = function (e, t, r) { v.isArray(t) || (t = [t]); var n = t.length; if (!n) return v.isFunction(r) ? r.call(e) : r; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var o = null == e ? void 0 : e[t[i]]; void 0 === o && ((o = r), (i = n)), (e = v.isFunction(o) ? o.call(e) : o); } return e; }); var Y = 0; (v.uniqueId = function (e) { var t = ++Y + ''; return e ? e + t : t; }), (v.templateSettings = { evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g, interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g, escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g, }); var $ = /(.)^/, J = { "'": "'", '\\': '\\', '\r': 'r', '\n': 'n', '\u2028': 'u2028', '\u2029': 'u2029', }, Z = /\\|'|\r|\n|\u2028|\u2029/g, X = function (e) { return '\\' + J[e]; }; (v.template = function (e, t, r) { !t && r && (t = r), (t = v.defaults({}, t, v.templateSettings)); var n, i = RegExp( [ (t.escape || $).source, (t.interpolate || $).source, (t.evaluate || $).source, ].join('|') + '|$', 'g' ), o = 0, a = "__p+='"; e.replace(i, function (t, r, n, i, s) { return ( (a += e.slice(o, s).replace(Z, X)), (o = s + t.length), r ? (a += "'+\n((__t=(" + r + "))==null?'':_.escape(__t))+\n'") : n ? (a += "'+\n((__t=(" + n + "))==null?'':__t)+\n'") : i && (a += "';\n" + i + "\n__p+='"), t ); }), (a += "';\n"), t.variable || (a = 'with(obj||{}){\n' + a + '}\n'), (a = "var __t,__p='',__j=Array.prototype.join,print=function(){__p+=__j.call(arguments,'');};\n" + a + 'return __p;\n'); try { n = new Function(t.variable || 'obj', '_', a); } catch (e) { throw ((e.source = a), e); } var s = function (e) { return n.call(this, e, v); }, u = t.variable || 'obj'; return (s.source = 'function(' + u + '){\n' + a + '}'), s; }), (v.chain = function (e) { var t = v(e); return (t._chain = !0), t; }); var Q = function (e, t) { return e._chain ? v(t).chain() : t; }; (v.mixin = function (e) { return ( v.each(v.functions(e), function (t) { var r = (v[t] = e[t]); v.prototype[t] = function () { var e = [this._wrapped]; return c.apply(e, arguments), Q(this, r.apply(v, e)); }; }), v ); }), v.mixin(v), v.each(['pop', 'push', 'reverse', 'shift', 'sort', 'splice', 'unshift'], function (e) { var t = s[e]; v.prototype[e] = function () { var r = this._wrapped; return ( t.apply(r, arguments), ('shift' !== e && 'splice' !== e) || 0 !== r.length || delete r[0], Q(this, r) ); }; }), v.each(['concat', 'join', 'slice'], function (e) { var t = s[e]; v.prototype[e] = function () { return Q(this, t.apply(this._wrapped, arguments)); }; }), (v.prototype.value = function () { return this._wrapped; }), (v.prototype.valueOf = v.prototype.toJSON = v.prototype.value), (v.prototype.toString = function () { return String(this._wrapped); }), void 0 === (i = function () { return v; }.apply(t, [])) || (n.exports = i); })(); }.call(this, r(8), r(22)(e))); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n, i, o = (e.exports = {}); function a() { throw new Error('setTimeout has not been defined'); } function s() { throw new Error('clearTimeout has not been defined'); } function u(e) { if (n === setTimeout) return setTimeout(e, 0); if ((n === a || !n) && setTimeout) return (n = setTimeout), setTimeout(e, 0); try { return n(e, 0); } catch (t) { try { return n.call(null, e, 0); } catch (t) { return n.call(this, e, 0); } } } !(function () { try { n = 'function' == typeof setTimeout ? setTimeout : a; } catch (e) { n = a; } try { i = 'function' == typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : s; } catch (e) { i = s; } })(); var f, c = [], h = !1, d = -1; function l() { h && f && ((h = !1), f.length ? (c = f.concat(c)) : (d = -1), c.length && p()); } function p() { if (!h) { var e = u(l); h = !0; for (var t = c.length; t; ) { for (f = c, c = []; ++d < t; ) f && f[d].run(); (d = -1), (t = c.length); } (f = null), (h = !1), (function (e) { if (i === clearTimeout) return clearTimeout(e); if ((i === s || !i) && clearTimeout) return (i = clearTimeout), clearTimeout(e); try { i(e); } catch (t) { try { return i.call(null, e); } catch (t) { return i.call(this, e); } } })(e); } } function b(e, t) { (this.fun = e), (this.array = t); } function m() {} (o.nextTick = function (e) { var t = new Array(arguments.length - 1); if (arguments.length > 1) for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) t[r - 1] = arguments[r]; c.push(new b(e, t)), 1 !== c.length || h || u(p); }), (b.prototype.run = function () { this.fun.apply(null, this.array); }), (o.title = 'browser'), (o.browser = !0), (o.env = {}), (o.argv = []), (o.version = ''), (o.versions = {}), (o.on = m), (o.addListener = m), (o.once = m), (o.off = m), (o.removeListener = m), (o.removeAllListeners = m), (o.emit = m), (o.prependListener = m), (o.prependOnceListener = m), (o.listeners = function (e) { return []; }), (o.binding = function (e) { throw new Error('process.binding is not supported'); }), (o.cwd = function () { return '/'; }), (o.chdir = function (e) { throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported'); }), (o.umask = function () { return 0; }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.isBytesLike = u), (t.isBytes = f), (t.arrayify = c), (t.concat = h), (t.stripZeros = function (e) { var t = c(e); if (0 === t.length) return t; var r = 0; for (; r < t.length && 0 === t[r]; ) r++; r && (t = t.slice(r)); return t; }), (t.zeroPad = d), (t.isHexString = l), (t.hexlify = p), (t.hexDataLength = function (e) { if ('string' != typeof e) e = p(e); else if (!l(e) || e.length % 2) return null; return (e.length - 2) / 2; }), (t.hexDataSlice = function (e, t, r) { 'string' != typeof e ? (e = p(e)) : (!l(e) || e.length % 2) && o.throwArgumentError('invalid hexData', 'value', e); if (((t = 2 + 2 * t), null != r)) return '0x' + e.substring(t, 2 + 2 * r); return '0x' + e.substring(t); }), (t.hexConcat = function (e) { var t = '0x'; return ( e.forEach(function (e) { t += p(e).substring(2); }), t ); }), (t.hexValue = function (e) { var t = b(p(e, { hexPad: 'left' })); if ('0x' === t) return '0x0'; return t; }), (t.hexStripZeros = b), (t.hexZeroPad = m), (t.splitSignature = y), (t.joinSignature = function (e) { return p(h([(e = y(e)).r, e.s, e.recoveryParam ? '0x1c' : '0x1b'])); }); var n = r(14), i = r(227), o = new n.Logger(i.version); function a(e) { return !!e.toHexString; } function s(e) { return ( e.slice || (e.slice = function () { var t = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); return s(new Uint8Array(Array.prototype.slice.apply(e, t))); }), e ); } function u(e) { return (l(e) && !(e.length % 2)) || f(e); } function f(e) { if (null == e) return !1; if (e.constructor === Uint8Array) return !0; if ('string' == typeof e) return !1; if (null == e.length) return !1; for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) { var r = e[t]; if (r < 0 || r >= 256 || r % 1) return !1; } return !0; } function c(e, t) { if ((t || (t = {}), 'number' == typeof e)) { o.checkSafeUint53(e, 'invalid arrayify value'); for (var r = []; e; ) r.unshift(255 & e), (e = parseInt(String(e / 256))); return 0 === r.length && r.push(0), s(new Uint8Array(r)); } if ( (t.allowMissingPrefix && 'string' == typeof e && '0x' !== e.substring(0, 2) && (e = '0x' + e), a(e) && (e = e.toHexString()), l(e)) ) { var n = e.substring(2); n.length % 2 && ('left' === t.hexPad ? (n = '0x0' + n.substring(2)) : 'right' === t.hexPad ? (n += '0') : o.throwArgumentError('hex data is odd-length', 'value', e)); for (var i = [], u = 0; u < n.length; u += 2) i.push(parseInt(n.substring(u, u + 2), 16)); return s(new Uint8Array(i)); } return f(e) ? s(new Uint8Array(e)) : o.throwArgumentError('invalid arrayify value', 'value', e); } function h(e) { var t = e.map(function (e) { return c(e); }), r = t.reduce(function (e, t) { return e + t.length; }, 0), n = new Uint8Array(r); return ( t.reduce(function (e, t) { return n.set(t, e), e + t.length; }, 0), s(n) ); } function d(e, t) { (e = c(e)).length > t && o.throwArgumentError('value out of range', 'value', arguments[0]); var r = new Uint8Array(t); return r.set(e, t - e.length), s(r); } function l(e, t) { return ( !('string' != typeof e || !e.match(/^0x[0-9A-Fa-f]*$/)) && (!t || e.length === 2 + 2 * t) ); } function p(e, t) { if ((t || (t = {}), 'number' == typeof e)) { o.checkSafeUint53(e, 'invalid hexlify value'); for (var r = ''; e; ) (r = '0123456789abcdef'[15 & e] + r), (e = Math.floor(e / 16)); return r.length ? (r.length % 2 && (r = '0' + r), '0x' + r) : '0x00'; } if ( (t.allowMissingPrefix && 'string' == typeof e && '0x' !== e.substring(0, 2) && (e = '0x' + e), a(e)) ) return e.toHexString(); if (l(e)) return ( e.length % 2 && ('left' === t.hexPad ? (e = '0x0' + e.substring(2)) : 'right' === t.hexPad ? (e += '0') : o.throwArgumentError('hex data is odd-length', 'value', e)), e.toLowerCase() ); if (f(e)) { for (var n = '0x', i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { var s = e[i]; n += '0123456789abcdef'[(240 & s) >> 4] + '0123456789abcdef'[15 & s]; } return n; } return o.throwArgumentError('invalid hexlify value', 'value', e); } function b(e) { 'string' != typeof e && (e = p(e)), l(e) || o.throwArgumentError('invalid hex string', 'value', e), (e = e.substring(2)); for (var t = 0; t < e.length && '0' === e[t]; ) t++; return '0x' + e.substring(t); } function m(e, t) { for ( 'string' != typeof e ? (e = p(e)) : l(e) || o.throwArgumentError('invalid hex string', 'value', e), e.length > 2 * t + 2 && o.throwArgumentError('value out of range', 'value', arguments[1]); e.length < 2 * t + 2; ) e = '0x0' + e.substring(2); return e; } function y(e) { var t = { r: '0x', s: '0x', _vs: '0x', recoveryParam: 0, v: 0 }; if (u(e)) { var r = c(e); 65 !== r.length && o.throwArgumentError('invalid signature string; must be 65 bytes', 'signature', e), (t.r = p(r.slice(0, 32))), (t.s = p(r.slice(32, 64))), (t.v = r[64]), t.v < 27 && (0 === t.v || 1 === t.v ? (t.v += 27) : o.throwArgumentError('signature invalid v byte', 'signature', e)), (t.recoveryParam = 1 - (t.v % 2)), t.recoveryParam && (r[32] |= 128), (t._vs = p(r.slice(32, 64))); } else { if ( ((t.r = e.r), (t.s = e.s), (t.v = e.v), (t.recoveryParam = e.recoveryParam), (t._vs = e._vs), null != t._vs) ) { var n = d(c(t._vs), 32); t._vs = p(n); var i = n[0] >= 128 ? 1 : 0; null == t.recoveryParam ? (t.recoveryParam = i) : t.recoveryParam !== i && o.throwArgumentError('signature recoveryParam mismatch _vs', 'signature', e), (n[0] &= 127); var a = p(n); null == t.s ? (t.s = a) : t.s !== a && o.throwArgumentError('signature v mismatch _vs', 'signature', e); } null == t.recoveryParam ? null == t.v ? o.throwArgumentError('signature missing v and recoveryParam', 'signature', e) : (t.recoveryParam = 1 - (t.v % 2)) : null == t.v ? (t.v = 27 + t.recoveryParam) : t.recoveryParam !== 1 - (t.v % 2) && o.throwArgumentError('signature recoveryParam mismatch v', 'signature', e), null != t.r && l(t.r) ? (t.r = m(t.r, 32)) : o.throwArgumentError('signature missing or invalid r', 'signature', e), null != t.s && l(t.s) ? (t.s = m(t.s, 32)) : o.throwArgumentError('signature missing or invalid s', 'signature', e); var s = c(t.s); s[0] >= 128 && o.throwArgumentError('signature s out of range', 'signature', e), t.recoveryParam && (s[0] |= 128); var f = p(s); t._vs && (l(t._vs) || o.throwArgumentError('signature invalid _vs', 'signature', e), (t._vs = m(t._vs, 32))), null == t._vs ? (t._vs = f) : t._vs !== f && o.throwArgumentError('signature _vs mismatch v and s', 'signature', e); } return t; } }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = t; (n.version = r(358).version), (n.utils = r(359)), (n.rand = r(51)), (n.curve = r(58)), (n.curves = r(364)), (n.ec = r(366)), (n.eddsa = r(369)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0); Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.Logger = t.ErrorCode = t.LogLevel = void 0); var i = n(r(6)), o = n(r(7)), a = r(226), s = !1, u = !1, f = { debug: 1, default: 2, info: 2, warning: 3, error: 4, off: 5 }, c = f.default, h = null; var d, l, p = (function () { try { var e = []; if ( (['NFD', 'NFC', 'NFKD', 'NFKC'].forEach(function (t) { try { if ('test' !== 'test'.normalize(t)) throw new Error('bad normalize'); } catch (r) { e.push(t); } }), e.length) ) throw new Error('missing ' + e.join(', ')); if (String.fromCharCode(233).normalize('NFD') !== String.fromCharCode(101, 769)) throw new Error('broken implementation'); } catch (e) { return e.message; } return null; })(); (t.LogLevel = d), (function (e) { (e.DEBUG = 'DEBUG'), (e.INFO = 'INFO'), (e.WARNING = 'WARNING'), (e.ERROR = 'ERROR'), (e.OFF = 'OFF'); })(d || (t.LogLevel = d = {})), (t.ErrorCode = l), (function (e) { (e.UNKNOWN_ERROR = 'UNKNOWN_ERROR'), (e.NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 'NOT_IMPLEMENTED'), (e.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION = 'UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION'), (e.NETWORK_ERROR = 'NETWORK_ERROR'), (e.SERVER_ERROR = 'SERVER_ERROR'), (e.TIMEOUT = 'TIMEOUT'), (e.BUFFER_OVERRUN = 'BUFFER_OVERRUN'), (e.NUMERIC_FAULT = 'NUMERIC_FAULT'), (e.MISSING_NEW = 'MISSING_NEW'), (e.INVALID_ARGUMENT = 'INVALID_ARGUMENT'), (e.MISSING_ARGUMENT = 'MISSING_ARGUMENT'), (e.UNEXPECTED_ARGUMENT = 'UNEXPECTED_ARGUMENT'), (e.CALL_EXCEPTION = 'CALL_EXCEPTION'), (e.INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS = 'INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS'), (e.NONCE_EXPIRED = 'NONCE_EXPIRED'), (e.REPLACEMENT_UNDERPRICED = 'REPLACEMENT_UNDERPRICED'), (e.UNPREDICTABLE_GAS_LIMIT = 'UNPREDICTABLE_GAS_LIMIT'); })(l || (t.ErrorCode = l = {})); var b = (function () { function e(t) { (0, i.default)(this, e), Object.defineProperty(this, 'version', { enumerable: !0, value: t, writable: !1 }); } return ( (0, o.default)( e, [ { key: '_log', value: function (e, t) { var r = e.toLowerCase(); null == f[r] && this.throwArgumentError('invalid log level name', 'logLevel', e), c > f[r] || console.log.apply(console, t); }, }, { key: 'debug', value: function () { for (var t = arguments.length, r = new Array(t), n = 0; n < t; n++) r[n] = arguments[n]; this._log(e.levels.DEBUG, r); }, }, { key: 'info', value: function () { for (var t = arguments.length, r = new Array(t), n = 0; n < t; n++) r[n] = arguments[n]; this._log(e.levels.INFO, r); }, }, { key: 'warn', value: function () { for (var t = arguments.length, r = new Array(t), n = 0; n < t; n++) r[n] = arguments[n]; this._log(e.levels.WARNING, r); }, }, { key: 'makeError', value: function (t, r, n) { if (u) return this.makeError('censored error', r, {}); r || (r = e.errors.UNKNOWN_ERROR), n || (n = {}); var i = []; Object.keys(n).forEach(function (e) { try { i.push(e + '=' + JSON.stringify(n[e])); } catch (t) { i.push(e + '=' + JSON.stringify(n[e].toString())); } }), i.push('code='.concat(r)), i.push('version='.concat(this.version)); var o = t; i.length && (t += ' (' + i.join(', ') + ')'); var a = new Error(t); return ( (a.reason = o), (a.code = r), Object.keys(n).forEach(function (e) { a[e] = n[e]; }), a ); }, }, { key: 'throwError', value: function (e, t, r) { throw this.makeError(e, t, r); }, }, { key: 'throwArgumentError', value: function (t, r, n) { return this.throwError(t, e.errors.INVALID_ARGUMENT, { argument: r, value: n }); }, }, { key: 'assert', value: function (e, t, r, n) { e || this.throwError(t, r, n); }, }, { key: 'assertArgument', value: function (e, t, r, n) { e || this.throwArgumentError(t, r, n); }, }, { key: 'checkNormalize', value: function (t) { null == t && (t = 'platform missing String.prototype.normalize'), p && this.throwError( 'platform missing String.prototype.normalize', e.errors.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, { operation: 'String.prototype.normalize', form: p } ); }, }, { key: 'checkSafeUint53', value: function (t, r) { 'number' == typeof t && (null == r && (r = 'value not safe'), (t < 0 || t >= 9007199254740991) && this.throwError(r, e.errors.NUMERIC_FAULT, { operation: 'checkSafeInteger', fault: 'out-of-safe-range', value: t, }), t % 1 && this.throwError(r, e.errors.NUMERIC_FAULT, { operation: 'checkSafeInteger', fault: 'non-integer', value: t, })); }, }, { key: 'checkArgumentCount', value: function (t, r, n) { (n = n ? ': ' + n : ''), t < r && this.throwError('missing argument' + n, e.errors.MISSING_ARGUMENT, { count: t, expectedCount: r, }), t > r && this.throwError('too many arguments' + n, e.errors.UNEXPECTED_ARGUMENT, { count: t, expectedCount: r, }); }, }, { key: 'checkNew', value: function (t, r) { (t !== Object && null != t) || this.throwError('missing new', e.errors.MISSING_NEW, { name: r.name }); }, }, { key: 'checkAbstract', value: function (t, r) { t === r ? this.throwError( 'cannot instantiate abstract class ' + JSON.stringify(r.name) + ' directly; use a sub-class', e.errors.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, { name: t.name, operation: 'new' } ) : (t !== Object && null != t) || this.throwError('missing new', e.errors.MISSING_NEW, { name: r.name }); }, }, ], [ { key: 'globalLogger', value: function () { return h || (h = new e(a.version)), h; }, }, { key: 'setCensorship', value: function (t, r) { if ( (!t && r && this.globalLogger().throwError( 'cannot permanently disable censorship', e.errors.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, { operation: 'setCensorship' } ), s) ) { if (!t) return; this.globalLogger().throwError( 'error censorship permanent', e.errors.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, { operation: 'setCensorship' } ); } (u = !!t), (s = !!r); }, }, { key: 'setLogLevel', value: function (t) { var r = f[t.toLowerCase()]; null != r ? (c = r) : e.globalLogger().warn('invalid log level - ' + t); }, }, ] ), e ); })(); (t.Logger = b), (b.errors = l), (b.levels = d); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; function n(t) { return ( (e.exports = n = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (e) { return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e); }), n(t) ); } e.exports = n; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = r(10), o = r(177), a = r(92), s = r(188), u = r(26), f = r(5), c = function e(t, r) { var o = []; return ( r.forEach(function (r) { if ('object' === (0, n.default)(r.components)) { if ('tuple' !== r.type.substring(0, 5)) throw new Error('components found but type is not tuple; report on GitHub'); var a = '', s = r.type.indexOf('['); s >= 0 && (a = r.type.substring(s)); var u = e(t, r.components); i.isArray(u) && t ? o.push('tuple(' + u.join(',') + ')' + a) : t ? o.push('(' + u + ')') : o.push('(' + u.join(',') + ')' + a); } else o.push(r.type); }), o ); }, h = function (e) { if (!a.isHexStrict(e)) throw new Error('The parameter must be a valid HEX string.'); var t = '', r = 0, n = e.length; for ('0x' === e.substring(0, 2) && (r = 2); r < n; r += 2) { var i = parseInt(e.substr(r, 2), 16); t += String.fromCharCode(i); } return t; }, d = function (e) { if (!e) return '0x00'; for (var t = '', r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { var n = e.charCodeAt(r).toString(16); t += n.length < 2 ? '0' + n : n; } return '0x' + t; }, l = function (e) { if (((e = e ? e.toLowerCase() : 'ether'), !o.unitMap[e])) throw new Error( 'This unit "' + e + '" doesn\'t exist, please use the one of the following units' + JSON.stringify(o.unitMap, null, 2) ); return e; }; e.exports = { _fireError: function (e, t, r, n, o) { return ( !i.isObject(e) || e instanceof Error || !e.data || ((i.isObject(e.data) || i.isArray(e.data)) && (e.data = JSON.stringify(e.data, null, 2)), (e = e.message + '\n' + e.data)), i.isString(e) && (e = new Error(e)), i.isFunction(n) && n(e, o), i.isFunction(r) && (((t && i.isFunction(t.listeners) && t.listeners('error').length) || i.isFunction(n)) && t.catch(function () {}), setTimeout(function () { r(e); }, 1)), t && i.isFunction(t.emit) && setTimeout(function () { t.emit('error', e, o), t.removeAllListeners(); }, 1), t ); }, _jsonInterfaceMethodToString: function (e) { return i.isObject(e) && e.name && -1 !== e.name.indexOf('(') ? e.name : e.name + '(' + c(!1, e.inputs).join(',') + ')'; }, _flattenTypes: c, randomHex: function (e) { return '0x' + u(e).toString('hex'); }, _: i, BN: a.BN, isBN: a.isBN, isBigNumber: a.isBigNumber, isHex: a.isHex, isHexStrict: a.isHexStrict, sha3: a.sha3, sha3Raw: a.sha3Raw, keccak256: a.sha3, soliditySha3: s.soliditySha3, soliditySha3Raw: s.soliditySha3Raw, encodePacked: s.encodePacked, isAddress: a.isAddress, checkAddressChecksum: a.checkAddressChecksum, toChecksumAddress: function (e) { if (void 0 === e) return ''; if (!/^(0x)?[0-9a-f]{40}$/i.test(e)) throw new Error('Given address "' + e + '" is not a valid Ethereum address.'); e = e.toLowerCase().replace(/^0x/i, ''); for (var t = a.sha3(e).replace(/^0x/i, ''), r = '0x', n = 0; n < e.length; n++) parseInt(t[n], 16) > 7 ? (r += e[n].toUpperCase()) : (r += e[n]); return r; }, toHex: a.toHex, toBN: a.toBN, bytesToHex: a.bytesToHex, hexToBytes: a.hexToBytes, hexToNumberString: a.hexToNumberString, hexToNumber: a.hexToNumber, toDecimal: a.hexToNumber, numberToHex: a.numberToHex, fromDecimal: a.numberToHex, hexToUtf8: a.hexToUtf8, hexToString: a.hexToUtf8, toUtf8: a.hexToUtf8, utf8ToHex: a.utf8ToHex, stringToHex: a.utf8ToHex, fromUtf8: a.utf8ToHex, hexToAscii: h, toAscii: h, asciiToHex: d, fromAscii: d, unitMap: o.unitMap, toWei: function (e, t) { if (((t = l(t)), !a.isBN(e) && !i.isString(e))) throw new Error( 'Please pass numbers as strings or BN objects to avoid precision errors.' ); return a.isBN(e) ? o.toWei(e, t) : o.toWei(e, t).toString(10); }, fromWei: function (e, t) { if (((t = l(t)), !a.isBN(e) && !i.isString(e))) throw new Error( 'Please pass numbers as strings or BN objects to avoid precision errors.' ); return a.isBN(e) ? o.fromWei(e, t) : o.fromWei(e, t).toString(10); }, padLeft: a.leftPad, leftPad: a.leftPad, padRight: a.rightPad, rightPad: a.rightPad, toTwosComplement: a.toTwosComplement, isBloom: a.isBloom, isUserEthereumAddressInBloom: a.isUserEthereumAddressInBloom, isContractAddressInBloom: a.isContractAddressInBloom, isTopic: a.isTopic, isTopicInBloom: a.isTopicInBloom, isInBloom: a.isInBloom, compareBlockNumbers: function (e, t) { if (e == t) return 0; if ( ('genesis' != e && 'earliest' != e && 0 != e) || ('genesis' != t && 'earliest' != t && 0 != t) ) { if ('genesis' == e || 'earliest' == e) return -1; if ('genesis' == t || 'earliest' == t) return 1; if ('latest' == e) return 'pending' == t ? -1 : 1; if ('latest' === t) return 'pending' == e ? 1 : -1; if ('pending' == e) return 1; if ('pending' == t) return -1; var r = new f(e), n = new f(t); return r.lt(n) ? -1 : r.eq(n) ? 0 : 1; } return 0; }, }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; function n(e, t) { if (!e) throw new Error(t || 'Assertion failed'); } (e.exports = n), (n.equal = function (e, t, r) { if (e != t) throw new Error(r || 'Assertion failed: ' + e + ' != ' + t); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(117); e.exports = function (e, t) { if ('function' != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError('Super expression must either be null or a function'); (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 }, })), t && n(e, t); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(1), i = r(118); e.exports = function (e, t) { return !t || ('object' !== n(t) && 'function' != typeof t) ? i(e) : t; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = t, i = r(5), o = r(17), a = r(72); (n.assert = o), (n.toArray = a.toArray), (n.zero2 = a.zero2), (n.toHex = a.toHex), (n.encode = a.encode), (n.getNAF = function (e, t, r) { var n = new Array(Math.max(e.bitLength(), r) + 1); n.fill(0); for (var i = 1 << (t + 1), o = e.clone(), a = 0; a < n.length; a++) { var s, u = o.andln(i - 1); o.isOdd() ? ((s = u > (i >> 1) - 1 ? (i >> 1) - u : u), o.isubn(s)) : (s = 0), (n[a] = s), o.iushrn(1); } return n; }), (n.getJSF = function (e, t) { var r = [[], []]; (e = e.clone()), (t = t.clone()); for (var n = 0, i = 0; e.cmpn(-n) > 0 || t.cmpn(-i) > 0; ) { var o, a, s, u = (e.andln(3) + n) & 3, f = (t.andln(3) + i) & 3; if ((3 === u && (u = -1), 3 === f && (f = -1), 0 == (1 & u))) o = 0; else o = (3 !== (s = (e.andln(7) + n) & 7) && 5 !== s) || 2 !== f ? u : -u; if ((r[0].push(o), 0 == (1 & f))) a = 0; else a = (3 !== (s = (t.andln(7) + i) & 7) && 5 !== s) || 2 !== u ? f : -f; r[1].push(a), 2 * n === o + 1 && (n = 1 - n), 2 * i === a + 1 && (i = 1 - i), e.iushrn(1), t.iushrn(1); } return r; }), (n.cachedProperty = function (e, t, r) { var n = '_' + t; e.prototype[t] = function () { return void 0 !== this[n] ? this[n] : (this[n] = r.call(this)); }; }), (n.parseBytes = function (e) { return 'string' == typeof e ? n.toArray(e, 'hex') : e; }), (n.intFromLE = function (e) { return new i(e, 'hex', 'le'); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0); Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.checkResultErrors = function (e) { var t = []; return ( (function e(r, n) { if (!Array.isArray(n)) return; for (var i in n) { var o = r.slice(); o.push(i); try { e(o, n[i]); } catch (e) { t.push({ path: o, error: e }); } } })([], e), t ); }), (t.Reader = t.Writer = t.Coder = void 0); var i = n(r(6)), o = n(r(7)), a = r(12), s = r(29), u = r(31), f = r(14), c = r(38), h = new f.Logger(c.version); var d = (function () { function e(t, r, n, o) { (0, i.default)(this, e), (this.name = t), (this.type = r), (this.localName = n), (this.dynamic = o); } return ( (0, o.default)(e, [ { key: '_throwError', value: function (e, t) { h.throwArgumentError(e, this.localName, t); }, }, ]), e ); })(); t.Coder = d; var l = (function () { function e(t) { (0, i.default)(this, e), (0, u.defineReadOnly)(this, 'wordSize', t || 32), (this._data = (0, a.arrayify)([])), (this._padding = new Uint8Array(t)); } return ( (0, o.default)(e, [ { key: '_writeData', value: function (e) { return (this._data = (0, a.concat)([this._data, e])), e.length; }, }, { key: 'writeBytes', value: function (e) { var t = (0, a.arrayify)(e); return ( t.length % this.wordSize && (t = (0, a.concat)([t, this._padding.slice(t.length % this.wordSize)])), this._writeData(t) ); }, }, { key: '_getValue', value: function (e) { var t = (0, a.arrayify)(s.BigNumber.from(e)); return ( t.length > this.wordSize && h.throwError('value out-of-bounds', f.Logger.errors.BUFFER_OVERRUN, { length: this.wordSize, offset: t.length, }), t.length % this.wordSize && (t = (0, a.concat)([this._padding.slice(t.length % this.wordSize), t])), t ); }, }, { key: 'writeValue', value: function (e) { return this._writeData(this._getValue(e)); }, }, { key: 'writeUpdatableValue', value: function () { var e = this, t = this.length; return ( this.writeValue(0), function (r) { e._data.set(e._getValue(r), t); } ); }, }, { key: 'data', get: function () { return (0, a.hexlify)(this._data); }, }, { key: 'length', get: function () { return this._data.length; }, }, ]), e ); })(); t.Writer = l; var p = (function () { function e(t, r, n) { (0, i.default)(this, e), (0, u.defineReadOnly)(this, '_data', (0, a.arrayify)(t)), (0, u.defineReadOnly)(this, 'wordSize', r || 32), (0, u.defineReadOnly)(this, '_coerceFunc', n), (this._offset = 0); } return ( (0, o.default)( e, [ { key: 'coerce', value: function (t, r) { return this._coerceFunc ? this._coerceFunc(t, r) : e.coerce(t, r); }, }, { key: '_peekBytes', value: function (e, t) { var r = Math.ceil(t / this.wordSize) * this.wordSize; return ( this._offset + r > this._data.length && h.throwError('data out-of-bounds', f.Logger.errors.BUFFER_OVERRUN, { length: this._data.length, offset: this._offset + r, }), this._data.slice(this._offset, this._offset + r) ); }, }, { key: 'subReader', value: function (t) { return new e(this._data.slice(this._offset + t), this.wordSize, this._coerceFunc); }, }, { key: 'readBytes', value: function (e) { var t = this._peekBytes(0, e); return (this._offset += t.length), t.slice(0, e); }, }, { key: 'readValue', value: function () { return s.BigNumber.from(this.readBytes(this.wordSize)); }, }, { key: 'data', get: function () { return (0, a.hexlify)(this._data); }, }, { key: 'consumed', get: function () { return this._offset; }, }, ], [ { key: 'coerce', value: function (e, t) { var r = e.match('^u?int([0-9]+)$'); return r && parseInt(r[1]) <= 48 && (t = t.toNumber()), t; }, }, ] ), e ); })(); t.Reader = p; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = function (e) { return ( e.webpackPolyfill || ((e.deprecate = function () {}), (e.paths = []), e.children || (e.children = []), Object.defineProperty(e, 'loaded', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return e.l; }, }), Object.defineProperty(e, 'id', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return e.i; }, }), (e.webpackPolyfill = 1)), e ); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(17), i = r(3); function o(e, t) { return ( 55296 == (64512 & e.charCodeAt(t)) && !(t < 0 || t + 1 >= e.length) && 56320 == (64512 & e.charCodeAt(t + 1)) ); } function a(e) { return ((e >>> 24) | ((e >>> 8) & 65280) | ((e << 8) & 16711680) | ((255 & e) << 24)) >>> 0; } function s(e) { return 1 === e.length ? '0' + e : e; } function u(e) { return 7 === e.length ? '0' + e : 6 === e.length ? '00' + e : 5 === e.length ? '000' + e : 4 === e.length ? '0000' + e : 3 === e.length ? '00000' + e : 2 === e.length ? '000000' + e : 1 === e.length ? '0000000' + e : e; } (t.inherits = i), (t.toArray = function (e, t) { if (Array.isArray(e)) return e.slice(); if (!e) return []; var r = []; if ('string' == typeof e) if (t) { if ('hex' === t) for ( (e = e.replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/gi, '')).length % 2 != 0 && (e = '0' + e), i = 0; i < e.length; i += 2 ) r.push(parseInt(e[i] + e[i + 1], 16)); } else for (var n = 0, i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { var a = e.charCodeAt(i); a < 128 ? (r[n++] = a) : a < 2048 ? ((r[n++] = (a >> 6) | 192), (r[n++] = (63 & a) | 128)) : o(e, i) ? ((a = 65536 + ((1023 & a) << 10) + (1023 & e.charCodeAt(++i))), (r[n++] = (a >> 18) | 240), (r[n++] = ((a >> 12) & 63) | 128), (r[n++] = ((a >> 6) & 63) | 128), (r[n++] = (63 & a) | 128)) : ((r[n++] = (a >> 12) | 224), (r[n++] = ((a >> 6) & 63) | 128), (r[n++] = (63 & a) | 128)); } else for (i = 0; i < e.length; i++) r[i] = 0 | e[i]; return r; }), (t.toHex = function (e) { for (var t = '', r = 0; r < e.length; r++) t += s(e[r].toString(16)); return t; }), (t.htonl = a), (t.toHex32 = function (e, t) { for (var r = '', n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var i = e[n]; 'little' === t && (i = a(i)), (r += u(i.toString(16))); } return r; }), (t.zero2 = s), (t.zero8 = u), (t.join32 = function (e, t, r, i) { var o = r - t; n(o % 4 == 0); for (var a = new Array(o / 4), s = 0, u = t; s < a.length; s++, u += 4) { var f; (f = 'big' === i ? (e[u] << 24) | (e[u + 1] << 16) | (e[u + 2] << 8) | e[u + 3] : (e[u + 3] << 24) | (e[u + 2] << 16) | (e[u + 1] << 8) | e[u]), (a[s] = f >>> 0); } return a; }), (t.split32 = function (e, t) { for (var r = new Array(4 * e.length), n = 0, i = 0; n < e.length; n++, i += 4) { var o = e[n]; 'big' === t ? ((r[i] = o >>> 24), (r[i + 1] = (o >>> 16) & 255), (r[i + 2] = (o >>> 8) & 255), (r[i + 3] = 255 & o)) : ((r[i + 3] = o >>> 24), (r[i + 2] = (o >>> 16) & 255), (r[i + 1] = (o >>> 8) & 255), (r[i] = 255 & o)); } return r; }), (t.rotr32 = function (e, t) { return (e >>> t) | (e << (32 - t)); }), (t.rotl32 = function (e, t) { return (e << t) | (e >>> (32 - t)); }), (t.sum32 = function (e, t) { return (e + t) >>> 0; }), (t.sum32_3 = function (e, t, r) { return (e + t + r) >>> 0; }), (t.sum32_4 = function (e, t, r, n) { return (e + t + r + n) >>> 0; }), (t.sum32_5 = function (e, t, r, n, i) { return (e + t + r + n + i) >>> 0; }), (t.sum64 = function (e, t, r, n) { var i = e[t], o = (n + e[t + 1]) >>> 0, a = (o < n ? 1 : 0) + r + i; (e[t] = a >>> 0), (e[t + 1] = o); }), (t.sum64_hi = function (e, t, r, n) { return (((t + n) >>> 0 < t ? 1 : 0) + e + r) >>> 0; }), (t.sum64_lo = function (e, t, r, n) { return (t + n) >>> 0; }), (t.sum64_4_hi = function (e, t, r, n, i, o, a, s) { var u = 0, f = t; return ( (u += (f = (f + n) >>> 0) < t ? 1 : 0), (u += (f = (f + o) >>> 0) < o ? 1 : 0), (e + r + i + a + (u += (f = (f + s) >>> 0) < s ? 1 : 0)) >>> 0 ); }), (t.sum64_4_lo = function (e, t, r, n, i, o, a, s) { return (t + n + o + s) >>> 0; }), (t.sum64_5_hi = function (e, t, r, n, i, o, a, s, u, f) { var c = 0, h = t; return ( (c += (h = (h + n) >>> 0) < t ? 1 : 0), (c += (h = (h + o) >>> 0) < o ? 1 : 0), (c += (h = (h + s) >>> 0) < s ? 1 : 0), (e + r + i + a + u + (c += (h = (h + f) >>> 0) < f ? 1 : 0)) >>> 0 ); }), (t.sum64_5_lo = function (e, t, r, n, i, o, a, s, u, f) { return (t + n + o + s + f) >>> 0; }), (t.rotr64_hi = function (e, t, r) { return ((t << (32 - r)) | (e >>> r)) >>> 0; }), (t.rotr64_lo = function (e, t, r) { return ((e << (32 - r)) | (t >>> r)) >>> 0; }), (t.shr64_hi = function (e, t, r) { return e >>> r; }), (t.shr64_lo = function (e, t, r) { return ((e << (32 - r)) | (t >>> r)) >>> 0; }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(4).Buffer, i = r(42).Transform, o = r(67).StringDecoder; function a(e) { i.call(this), (this.hashMode = 'string' == typeof e), this.hashMode ? (this[e] = this._finalOrDigest) : (this.final = this._finalOrDigest), this._final && ((this.__final = this._final), (this._final = null)), (this._decoder = null), (this._encoding = null); } r(3)(a, i), (a.prototype.update = function (e, t, r) { 'string' == typeof e && (e = n.from(e, t)); var i = this._update(e); return this.hashMode ? this : (r && (i = this._toString(i, r)), i); }), (a.prototype.setAutoPadding = function () {}), (a.prototype.getAuthTag = function () { throw new Error('trying to get auth tag in unsupported state'); }), (a.prototype.setAuthTag = function () { throw new Error('trying to set auth tag in unsupported state'); }), (a.prototype.setAAD = function () { throw new Error('trying to set aad in unsupported state'); }), (a.prototype._transform = function (e, t, r) { var n; try { this.hashMode ? this._update(e) : this.push(this._update(e)); } catch (e) { n = e; } finally { r(n); } }), (a.prototype._flush = function (e) { var t; try { this.push(this.__final()); } catch (e) { t = e; } e(t); }), (a.prototype._finalOrDigest = function (e) { var t = this.__final() || n.alloc(0); return e && (t = this._toString(t, e, !0)), t; }), (a.prototype._toString = function (e, t, r) { if ( (this._decoder || ((this._decoder = new o(t)), (this._encoding = t)), this._encoding !== t) ) throw new Error("can't switch encodings"); var n = this._decoder.write(e); return r && (n += this._decoder.end()), n; }), (e.exports = a); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(173), i = r(221); e.exports = { packageInit: function (e, t) { if (((t = Array.prototype.slice.call(t)), !e)) throw new Error('You need to instantiate using the "new" keyword.'); Object.defineProperty(e, 'currentProvider', { get: function () { return e._provider; }, set: function (t) { return e.setProvider(t); }, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, }), t[0] && t[0]._requestManager ? (e._requestManager = t[0]._requestManager) : (e._requestManager = new n.Manager(t[0], t[1])), (e.givenProvider = n.Manager.givenProvider), (e.providers = n.Manager.providers), (e._provider = e._requestManager.provider), e.setProvider || (e.setProvider = function (t, r) { return ( e._requestManager.setProvider(t, r), (e._provider = e._requestManager.provider), !0 ); }), (e.setRequestManager = function (t) { (e._requestManager = t), (e._provider = t.provider); }), (e.BatchRequest = n.BatchManager.bind(null, e._requestManager)), (e.extend = i(e)); }, addProviders: function (e) { (e.givenProvider = n.Manager.givenProvider), (e.providers = n.Manager.providers); }, }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (t, n) { var i = r(4).Buffer, o = t.crypto || t.msCrypto; o && o.getRandomValues ? (e.exports = function (e, t) { if (e > 4294967295) throw new RangeError('requested too many random bytes'); var r = i.allocUnsafe(e); if (e > 0) if (e > 65536) for (var a = 0; a < e; a += 65536) o.getRandomValues(r.slice(a, a + 65536)); else o.getRandomValues(r); if ('function' == typeof t) return n.nextTick(function () { t(null, r); }); return r; }) : (e.exports = function () { throw new Error( 'Secure random number generation is not supported by this browser.\nUse Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11' ); }); }.call(this, r(8), r(11))); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(46), i = Object.keys || function (e) { var t = []; for (var r in e) t.push(r); return t; }; e.exports = h; var o = r(35); o.inherits = r(3); var a = r(98), s = r(66); o.inherits(h, a); for (var u = i(s.prototype), f = 0; f < u.length; f++) { var c = u[f]; h.prototype[c] || (h.prototype[c] = s.prototype[c]); } function h(e) { if (!(this instanceof h)) return new h(e); a.call(this, e), s.call(this, e), e && !1 === e.readable && (this.readable = !1), e && !1 === e.writable && (this.writable = !1), (this.allowHalfOpen = !0), e && !1 === e.allowHalfOpen && (this.allowHalfOpen = !1), this.once('end', d); } function d() { this.allowHalfOpen || this._writableState.ended || n.nextTick(l, this); } function l(e) { e.end(); } Object.defineProperty(h.prototype, 'writableHighWaterMark', { enumerable: !1, get: function () { return this._writableState.highWaterMark; }, }), Object.defineProperty(h.prototype, 'destroyed', { get: function () { return ( void 0 !== this._readableState && void 0 !== this._writableState && this._readableState.destroyed && this._writableState.destroyed ); }, set: function (e) { void 0 !== this._readableState && void 0 !== this._writableState && ((this._readableState.destroyed = e), (this._writableState.destroyed = e)); }, }), (h.prototype._destroy = function (e, t) { this.push(null), this.end(), n.nextTick(t, e); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0), i = n(r(47)), o = n(r(69)), a = r(10), s = r(9).errors, u = r(9).formatters, f = r(16), c = r(48), h = r(49).subscriptions, d = r(224), l = function (e) { if (!e.call || !e.name) throw new Error( 'When creating a method you need to provide at least the "name" and "call" property.' ); (this.name = e.name), (this.call = e.call), (this.params = e.params || 0), (this.inputFormatter = e.inputFormatter), (this.outputFormatter = e.outputFormatter), (this.transformPayload = e.transformPayload), (this.extraFormatters = e.extraFormatters), (this.abiCoder = e.abiCoder), (this.requestManager = e.requestManager), (this.accounts = e.accounts), (this.defaultBlock = e.defaultBlock || 'latest'), (this.defaultAccount = e.defaultAccount || null), (this.transactionBlockTimeout = e.transactionBlockTimeout || 50), (this.transactionConfirmationBlocks = e.transactionConfirmationBlocks || 24), (this.transactionPollingTimeout = e.transactionPollingTimeout || 750), (this.defaultCommon = e.defaultCommon), (this.defaultChain = e.defaultChain), (this.defaultHardfork = e.defaultHardfork), (this.handleRevert = e.handleRevert); }; (l.prototype.setRequestManager = function (e, t) { (this.requestManager = e), t && (this.accounts = t); }), (l.prototype.createFunction = function (e, t) { var r = this.buildCall(); return ( (r.call = this.call), this.setRequestManager(e || this.requestManager, t || this.accounts), r ); }), (l.prototype.attachToObject = function (e) { var t = this.buildCall(); t.call = this.call; var r = this.name.split('.'); r.length > 1 ? ((e[r[0]] = e[r[0]] || {}), (e[r[0]][r[1]] = t)) : (e[r[0]] = t); }), (l.prototype.getCall = function (e) { return a.isFunction(this.call) ? this.call(e) : this.call; }), (l.prototype.extractCallback = function (e) { if (a.isFunction(e[e.length - 1])) return e.pop(); }), (l.prototype.validateArgs = function (e) { if (e.length !== this.params) throw s.InvalidNumberOfParams(e.length, this.params, this.name); }), (l.prototype.formatInput = function (e) { var t = this; return this.inputFormatter ? this.inputFormatter.map(function (r, n) { return r ? r.call(t, e[n]) : e[n]; }) : e; }), (l.prototype.formatOutput = function (e) { var t = this; return a.isArray(e) ? e.map(function (e) { return t.outputFormatter && e ? t.outputFormatter(e) : e; }) : this.outputFormatter && e ? this.outputFormatter(e) : e; }), (l.prototype.toPayload = function (e) { var t = this.getCall(e), r = this.extractCallback(e), n = this.formatInput(e); this.validateArgs(n); var i = { method: t, params: n, callback: r }; return this.transformPayload && (i = this.transformPayload(i)), i; }), (l.prototype._confirmTransaction = function (e, t, r) { var n = this, p = !1, b = !0, m = 0, y = 0, v = null, g = null, w = a.isObject(r.params[0]) && r.params[0].gas ? r.params[0].gas : null, _ = a.isObject(r.params[0]) && r.params[0].data && r.params[0].from && !r.params[0].to, k = _ && r.params[0].data.length > 2, A = [ new l({ name: 'getBlockByNumber', call: 'eth_getBlockByNumber', params: 2, inputFormatter: [ u.inputBlockNumberFormatter, function (e) { return !!e; }, ], outputFormatter: u.outputBlockFormatter, }), new l({ name: 'getTransactionReceipt', call: 'eth_getTransactionReceipt', params: 1, inputFormatter: [null], outputFormatter: u.outputTransactionReceiptFormatter, }), new l({ name: 'getCode', call: 'eth_getCode', params: 2, inputFormatter: [u.inputAddressFormatter, u.inputDefaultBlockNumberFormatter], }), new l({ name: 'getTransactionByHash', call: 'eth_getTransactionByHash', params: 1, inputFormatter: [null], outputFormatter: u.outputTransactionFormatter, }), new h({ name: 'subscribe', type: 'eth', subscriptions: { newBlockHeaders: { subscriptionName: 'newHeads', params: 0, outputFormatter: u.outputBlockFormatter, }, }, }), ], S = {}; a.each(A, function (e) { e.attachToObject(S), (e.requestManager = n.requestManager); }); var E = function (a, h, l, A, E) { if (!l) return ( E || (E = { unsubscribe: function () { clearInterval(v); }, }), (a ? c.resolve(a) : S.getTransactionReceipt(t)) .catch(function (t) { E.unsubscribe(), (p = !0), f._fireError( { message: 'Failed to check for transaction receipt:', data: t }, e.eventEmitter, e.reject ); }) .then( (function () { var t = (0, o.default)( i.default.mark(function t(r) { var o, s, u; return i.default.wrap(function (t) { for (;;) switch ((t.prev = t.next)) { case 0: if (r && r.blockHash) { t.next = 2; break; } throw new Error('Receipt missing or blockHash null'); case 2: if ( (n.extraFormatters && n.extraFormatters.receiptFormatter && (r = n.extraFormatters.receiptFormatter(r)), !(e.eventEmitter.listeners('confirmation').length > 0)) ) { t.next = 28; break; } if (void 0 !== a && 0 === y) { t.next = 25; break; } return (t.next = 7), S.getBlockByNumber('latest'); case 7: if (((s = t.sent), (u = s ? s.hash : null), !h)) { t.next = 24; break; } if (!g) { t.next = 17; break; } return (t.next = 13), S.getBlockByNumber(g.number + 1); case 13: (o = t.sent) && ((g = o), e.eventEmitter.emit('confirmation', y, r, u)), (t.next = 22); break; case 17: return (t.next = 19), S.getBlockByNumber(r.blockNumber); case 19: (o = t.sent), (g = o), e.eventEmitter.emit('confirmation', y, r, u); case 22: t.next = 25; break; case 24: e.eventEmitter.emit('confirmation', y, r, u); case 25: ((h && o) || !h) && y++, (b = !1), y === n.transactionConfirmationBlocks + 1 && (E.unsubscribe(), e.eventEmitter.removeAllListeners()); case 28: return t.abrupt('return', r); case 29: case 'end': return t.stop(); } }, t); }) ); return function (e) { return t.apply(this, arguments); }; })() ) .then( (function () { var t = (0, o.default)( i.default.mark(function t(r) { var o; return i.default.wrap( function (t) { for (;;) switch ((t.prev = t.next)) { case 0: if (!_ || p) { t.next = 19; break; } if (r.contractAddress) { t.next = 5; break; } return ( b && (E.unsubscribe(), (p = !0)), f._fireError( s.NoContractAddressFoundError(r), e.eventEmitter, e.reject, null, r ), t.abrupt('return') ); case 5: return ( (t.prev = 5), (t.next = 8), S.getCode(r.contractAddress) ); case 8: (o = t.sent), (t.next = 13); break; case 11: (t.prev = 11), (t.t0 = t.catch(5)); case 13: if (o) { t.next = 15; break; } return t.abrupt('return'); case 15: (!0 === r.status && k) || o.length > 2 ? (e.eventEmitter.emit('receipt', r), n.extraFormatters && n.extraFormatters.contractDeployFormatter ? e.resolve( n.extraFormatters.contractDeployFormatter(r) ) : e.resolve(r), b && e.eventEmitter.removeAllListeners()) : f._fireError( s.ContractCodeNotStoredError(r), e.eventEmitter, e.reject, null, r ), b && E.unsubscribe(), (p = !0); case 19: return t.abrupt('return', r); case 20: case 'end': return t.stop(); } }, t, null, [[5, 11]] ); }) ); return function (e) { return t.apply(this, arguments); }; })() ) .then( (function () { var t = (0, o.default)( i.default.mark(function t(o) { var a, c, h, l; return i.default.wrap( function (t) { for (;;) switch ((t.prev = t.next)) { case 0: if (_ || p) { t.next = 35; break; } if ( o.outOfGas || (w && w === o.gasUsed) || (!0 !== o.status && '0x1' !== o.status && void 0 !== o.status) ) { t.next = 7; break; } e.eventEmitter.emit('receipt', o), e.resolve(o), b && e.eventEmitter.removeAllListeners(), (t.next = 33); break; case 7: if ( (JSON.stringify(o, null, 2), !1 !== o.status && '0x0' !== o.status) ) { t.next = 32; break; } if ( ((t.prev = 9), (a = null), !n.handleRevert || ('eth_sendTransaction' !== n.call && 'eth_sendRawTransaction' !== n.call)) ) { t.next = 24; break; } return ( (c = r.params[0]), 'eth_sendRawTransaction' === n.call && ((h = r.params[0]), (l = d.parse(h)), (c = u.inputTransactionFormatter({ data: l.data, to: l.to, from: l.from, gas: l.gasLimit.toHexString(), gasPrice: l.gasPrice.toHexString(), value: l.value.toHexString(), }))), (t.next = 16), n.getRevertReason(c, o.blockNumber) ); case 16: if (!(a = t.sent)) { t.next = 21; break; } f._fireError( s.TransactionRevertInstructionError( a.reason, a.signature, o ), e.eventEmitter, e.reject, null, o ), (t.next = 22); break; case 21: throw !1; case 22: t.next = 25; break; case 24: throw !1; case 25: t.next = 30; break; case 27: (t.prev = 27), (t.t0 = t.catch(9)), f._fireError( s.TransactionRevertedWithoutReasonError(o), e.eventEmitter, e.reject, null, o ); case 30: t.next = 33; break; case 32: f._fireError( s.TransactionOutOfGasError(o), e.eventEmitter, e.reject, null, o ); case 33: b && E.unsubscribe(), (p = !0); case 35: case 'end': return t.stop(); } }, t, null, [[9, 27]] ); }) ); return function (e) { return t.apply(this, arguments); }; })() ) .catch(function () { m++, h ? m - 1 >= n.transactionPollingTimeout && (E.unsubscribe(), (p = !0), f._fireError( s.TransactionError( 'Transaction was not mined within ' + n.transactionPollingTimeout + ' seconds, please make sure your transaction was properly sent. Be aware that it might still be mined!' ), e.eventEmitter, e.reject )) : m - 1 >= n.transactionBlockTimeout && (E.unsubscribe(), (p = !0), f._fireError( s.TransactionError( 'Transaction was not mined within ' + n.transactionBlockTimeout + ' blocks, please make sure your transaction was properly sent. Be aware that it might still be mined!' ), e.eventEmitter, e.reject )); }) ); E.unsubscribe(), (p = !0), f._fireError( { message: 'Failed to subscribe to new newBlockHeaders to confirm the transaction receipts.', data: l, }, e.eventEmitter, e.reject ); }, x = function (e) { var t = function () { v = setInterval(E.bind(null, e, !0), 1e3); }; this.requestManager.provider.on ? S.subscribe('newBlockHeaders', function (r, n, i) { r || !n ? t() : E(e, !1, r, 0, i); }) : t(); }.bind(this); S.getTransactionReceipt(t) .then(function (t) { t && t.blockHash ? (e.eventEmitter.listeners('confirmation').length > 0 && x(t), E(t, !1)) : p || x(); }) .catch(function () { p || x(); }); }); var p = function (e, t) { return a.isNumber(e) ? t.wallet[e] : a.isObject(e) && e.address && e.privateKey ? e : t.wallet[e.toLowerCase()]; }; (l.prototype.buildCall = function () { var e = this, t = 'eth_sendTransaction' === e.call || 'eth_sendRawTransaction' === e.call, r = 'eth_call' === e.call, n = function () { var n = c(!t), i = e.toPayload(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)), o = function (o, a) { var u; if ( e.handleRevert && r && e.abiCoder && (!o && e.isRevertReasonString(a) ? (u = a.substring(10)) : o && o.data && (u = o.data.substring(10)), u) ) { var c = e.abiCoder.decodeParameter('string', '0x' + u); return void f._fireError( s.RevertInstructionError(c, 'Error(String)'), n.eventEmitter, n.reject, i.callback, { reason: c, signature: 'Error(String)' } ); } try { a = e.formatOutput(a); } catch (e) { o = e; } if ((a instanceof Error && (o = a), o)) return ( o.error && (o = o.error), f._fireError(o, n.eventEmitter, n.reject, i.callback) ); i.callback && i.callback(null, a), t ? (n.eventEmitter.emit('transactionHash', a), e._confirmTransaction(n, a, i)) : o || n.resolve(a); }, u = function (t) { var r = a.extend({}, i, { method: 'eth_sendRawTransaction', params: [t.rawTransaction], }); e.requestManager.send(r, o); }, h = function (e, t) { var r; if (t && t.accounts && t.accounts.wallet && t.accounts.wallet.length) if ('eth_sendTransaction' === e.method) { var i = e.params[0]; if ((r = p(a.isObject(i) ? i.from : null, t.accounts)) && r.privateKey) { var s = a.omit(i, 'from'); return ( t.defaultChain && !s.chain && (s.chain = t.defaultChain), t.defaultHardfork && !s.hardfork && (s.hardfork = t.defaultHardfork), t.defaultCommon && !s.common && (s.common = t.defaultCommon), t.accounts .signTransaction(s, r.privateKey) .then(u) .catch(function (e) { a.isFunction(n.eventEmitter.listeners) && n.eventEmitter.listeners('error').length && (n.eventEmitter.emit('error', e), n.eventEmitter.removeAllListeners(), n.eventEmitter.catch(function () {})), n.reject(e); }) ); } } else if ('eth_sign' === e.method) { var f = e.params[1]; if ((r = p(e.params[0], t.accounts)) && r.privateKey) { var c = t.accounts.sign(f, r.privateKey); return ( e.callback && e.callback(null, c.signature), void n.resolve(c.signature) ); } } return t.requestManager.send(e, o); }; if (t && a.isObject(i.params[0]) && void 0 === i.params[0].gasPrice) { var d = new l({ name: 'getGasPrice', call: 'eth_gasPrice', params: 0, }).createFunction(e.requestManager); d(function (r, o) { o && (i.params[0].gasPrice = o), t && setTimeout(function () { n.eventEmitter.emit('sending', i); }, 0), h(i, e); }); } else t && setTimeout(function () { n.eventEmitter.emit('sending', i); }, 0), h(i, e); return ( t && setTimeout(function () { n.eventEmitter.emit('sent', i); }, 0), n.eventEmitter ); }; return (n.method = e), (n.request = this.request.bind(this)), n; }), (l.prototype.getRevertReason = function (e, t) { var r = this; return new Promise(function (n, i) { new l({ name: 'call', call: 'eth_call', params: 2, abiCoder: r.abiCoder, handleRevert: !0, }) .createFunction(r.requestManager)(e, f.numberToHex(t)) .then(function () { n(!1); }) .catch(function (e) { e.reason ? n({ reason: e.reason, signature: e.signature }) : i(e); }); }); }), (l.prototype.isRevertReasonString = function (e) { return ( a.isString(e) && ((e.length - 2) / 2) % 32 == 4 && '0x08c379a0' === e.substring(0, 10) ); }), (l.prototype.request = function () { var e = this.toPayload(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); return (e.format = this.formatOutput.bind(this)), e; }), (e.exports = l); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t, 'BigNumber', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return n.BigNumber; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, 'formatFixed', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return i.formatFixed; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, 'FixedFormat', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return i.FixedFormat; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, 'FixedNumber', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return i.FixedNumber; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, 'parseFixed', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return i.parseFixed; }, }); var n = r(105), i = r(228); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(3), i = r(78), o = r(79), a = r(80), s = r(24); function u(e) { s.call(this, 'digest'), (this._hash = e); } n(u, s), (u.prototype._update = function (e) { this._hash.update(e); }), (u.prototype._final = function () { return this._hash.digest(); }), (e.exports = function (e) { return 'md5' === (e = e.toLowerCase()) ? new i() : 'rmd160' === e || 'ripemd160' === e ? new o() : new u(a(e)); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0); Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.defineReadOnly = h), (t.getStatic = function (e, t) { for (var r = 0; r < 32; r++) { if (e[t]) return e[t]; if (!e.prototype || 'object' !== (0, a.default)(e.prototype)) break; e = Object.getPrototypeOf(e.prototype).constructor; } return null; }), (t.resolveProperties = function (e) { return f( this, void 0, void 0, o.default.mark(function t() { var r, n; return o.default.wrap(function (t) { for (;;) switch ((t.prev = t.next)) { case 0: return ( (r = Object.keys(e).map(function (t) { var r = e[t]; return Promise.resolve(r).then(function (e) { return { key: t, value: e }; }); })), (t.next = 3), Promise.all(r) ); case 3: return ( (n = t.sent), t.abrupt( 'return', n.reduce(function (e, t) { return (e[t.key] = t.value), e; }, {}) ) ); case 5: case 'end': return t.stop(); } }, t); }) ); }), (t.checkProperties = function (e, t) { (e && 'object' === (0, a.default)(e)) || c.throwArgumentError('invalid object', 'object', e); Object.keys(e).forEach(function (r) { t[r] || c.throwArgumentError('invalid object key - ' + r, 'transaction:' + r, e); }); }), (t.shallowCopy = function (e) { var t = {}; for (var r in e) t[r] = e[r]; return t; }), (t.deepCopy = p), (t.Description = void 0); var i = n(r(6)), o = n(r(47)), a = n(r(1)), s = r(14), u = r(232), f = function (e, t, r, n) { return new (r || (r = Promise))(function (i, o) { function a(e) { try { u(n.next(e)); } catch (e) { o(e); } } function s(e) { try { u(n.throw(e)); } catch (e) { o(e); } } function u(e) { var t; e.done ? i(e.value) : ((t = e.value), t instanceof r ? t : new r(function (e) { e(t); })).then(a, s); } u((n = n.apply(e, t || [])).next()); }); }, c = new s.Logger(u.version); function h(e, t, r) { Object.defineProperty(e, t, { enumerable: !0, value: r, writable: !1 }); } var d = { bigint: !0, boolean: !0, function: !0, number: !0, string: !0 }; function l(e) { if ( (function e(t) { if (null == t || d[(0, a.default)(t)]) return !0; if (Array.isArray(t) || 'object' === (0, a.default)(t)) { if (!Object.isFrozen(t)) return !1; for (var r = Object.keys(t), n = 0; n < r.length; n++) if (!e(t[r[n]])) return !1; return !0; } return c.throwArgumentError('Cannot deepCopy '.concat((0, a.default)(t)), 'object', t); })(e) ) return e; if (Array.isArray(e)) return Object.freeze( e.map(function (e) { return p(e); }) ); if ('object' === (0, a.default)(e)) { var t = {}; for (var r in e) { var n = e[r]; void 0 !== n && h(t, r, p(n)); } return t; } return c.throwArgumentError('Cannot deepCopy '.concat((0, a.default)(e)), 'object', e); } function p(e) { return l(e); } t.Description = function e(t) { for (var r in ((0, i.default)(this, e), t)) this[r] = p(t[r]); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(4).Buffer; function i(e, t) { (this._block = n.alloc(e)), (this._finalSize = t), (this._blockSize = e), (this._len = 0); } (i.prototype.update = function (e, t) { 'string' == typeof e && ((t = t || 'utf8'), (e = n.from(e, t))); for ( var r = this._block, i = this._blockSize, o = e.length, a = this._len, s = 0; s < o; ) { for (var u = a % i, f = Math.min(o - s, i - u), c = 0; c < f; c++) r[u + c] = e[s + c]; (s += f), (a += f) % i == 0 && this._update(r); } return (this._len += o), this; }), (i.prototype.digest = function (e) { var t = this._len % this._blockSize; (this._block[t] = 128), this._block.fill(0, t + 1), t >= this._finalSize && (this._update(this._block), this._block.fill(0)); var r = 8 * this._len; if (r <= 4294967295) this._block.writeUInt32BE(r, this._blockSize - 4); else { var n = (4294967295 & r) >>> 0, i = (r - n) / 4294967296; this._block.writeUInt32BE(i, this._blockSize - 8), this._block.writeUInt32BE(n, this._blockSize - 4); } this._update(this._block); var o = this._hash(); return e ? o.toString(e) : o; }), (i.prototype._update = function () { throw new Error('_update must be implemented by subclass'); }), (e.exports = i); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = r(95), o = r(193); function a() { (this.protocol = null), (this.slashes = null), (this.auth = null), (this.host = null), (this.port = null), (this.hostname = null), (this.hash = null), (this.search = null), (this.query = null), (this.pathname = null), (this.path = null), (this.href = null); } (t.parse = w), (t.resolve = function (e, t) { return w(e, !1, !0).resolve(t); }), (t.resolveObject = function (e, t) { return e ? w(e, !1, !0).resolveObject(t) : t; }), (t.format = function (e) { o.isString(e) && (e = w(e)); return e instanceof a ? e.format() : a.prototype.format.call(e); }), (t.Url = a); var s = /^([a-z0-9.+-]+:)/i, u = /:[0-9]*$/, f = /^(\/\/?(?!\/)[^\?\s]*)(\?[^\s]*)?$/, c = ['{', '}', '|', '\\', '^', '`'].concat(['<', '>', '"', '`', ' ', '\r', '\n', '\t']), h = ["'"].concat(c), d = ['%', '/', '?', ';', '#'].concat(h), l = ['/', '?', '#'], p = /^[+a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63}$/, b = /^([+a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63})(.*)$/, m = { javascript: !0, 'javascript:': !0 }, y = { javascript: !0, 'javascript:': !0 }, v = { http: !0, https: !0, ftp: !0, gopher: !0, file: !0, 'http:': !0, 'https:': !0, 'ftp:': !0, 'gopher:': !0, 'file:': !0, }, g = r(194); function w(e, t, r) { if (e && o.isObject(e) && e instanceof a) return e; var n = new a(); return n.parse(e, t, r), n; } (a.prototype.parse = function (e, t, r) { if (!o.isString(e)) throw new TypeError("Parameter 'url' must be a string, not " + (0, n.default)(e)); var a = e.indexOf('?'), u = -1 !== a && a < e.indexOf('#') ? '?' : '#', c = e.split(u); c[0] = c[0].replace(/\\/g, '/'); var w = (e = c.join(u)); if (((w = w.trim()), !r && 1 === e.split('#').length)) { var _ = f.exec(w); if (_) return ( (this.path = w), (this.href = w), (this.pathname = _[1]), _[2] ? ((this.search = _[2]), (this.query = t ? g.parse(this.search.substr(1)) : this.search.substr(1))) : t && ((this.search = ''), (this.query = {})), this ); } var k = s.exec(w); if (k) { var A = (k = k[0]).toLowerCase(); (this.protocol = A), (w = w.substr(k.length)); } if (r || k || w.match(/^\/\/[^@\/]+@[^@\/]+/)) { var S = '//' === w.substr(0, 2); !S || (k && y[k]) || ((w = w.substr(2)), (this.slashes = !0)); } if (!y[k] && (S || (k && !v[k]))) { for (var E, x, M = -1, I = 0; I < l.length; I++) { -1 !== (O = w.indexOf(l[I])) && (-1 === M || O < M) && (M = O); } -1 !== (x = -1 === M ? w.lastIndexOf('@') : w.lastIndexOf('@', M)) && ((E = w.slice(0, x)), (w = w.slice(x + 1)), (this.auth = decodeURIComponent(E))), (M = -1); for (I = 0; I < d.length; I++) { var O; -1 !== (O = w.indexOf(d[I])) && (-1 === M || O < M) && (M = O); } -1 === M && (M = w.length), (this.host = w.slice(0, M)), (w = w.slice(M)), this.parseHost(), (this.hostname = this.hostname || ''); var C = '[' === this.hostname[0] && ']' === this.hostname[this.hostname.length - 1]; if (!C) for (var P = this.hostname.split(/\./), T = ((I = 0), P.length); I < T; I++) { var U = P[I]; if (U && !U.match(p)) { for (var B = '', R = 0, N = U.length; R < N; R++) U.charCodeAt(R) > 127 ? (B += 'x') : (B += U[R]); if (!B.match(p)) { var j = P.slice(0, I), L = P.slice(I + 1), F = U.match(b); F && (j.push(F[1]), L.unshift(F[2])), L.length && (w = '/' + L.join('.') + w), (this.hostname = j.join('.')); break; } } } this.hostname.length > 255 ? (this.hostname = '') : (this.hostname = this.hostname.toLowerCase()), C || (this.hostname = i.toASCII(this.hostname)); var D = this.port ? ':' + this.port : '', q = this.hostname || ''; (this.host = q + D), (this.href += this.host), C && ((this.hostname = this.hostname.substr(1, this.hostname.length - 2)), '/' !== w[0] && (w = '/' + w)); } if (!m[A]) for (I = 0, T = h.length; I < T; I++) { var z = h[I]; if (-1 !== w.indexOf(z)) { var H = encodeURIComponent(z); H === z && (H = escape(z)), (w = w.split(z).join(H)); } } var K = w.indexOf('#'); -1 !== K && ((this.hash = w.substr(K)), (w = w.slice(0, K))); var V = w.indexOf('?'); if ( (-1 !== V ? ((this.search = w.substr(V)), (this.query = w.substr(V + 1)), t && (this.query = g.parse(this.query)), (w = w.slice(0, V))) : t && ((this.search = ''), (this.query = {})), w && (this.pathname = w), v[A] && this.hostname && !this.pathname && (this.pathname = '/'), this.pathname || this.search) ) { D = this.pathname || ''; var G = this.search || ''; this.path = D + G; } return (this.href = this.format()), this; }), (a.prototype.format = function () { var e = this.auth || ''; e && ((e = (e = encodeURIComponent(e)).replace(/%3A/i, ':')), (e += '@')); var t = this.protocol || '', r = this.pathname || '', n = this.hash || '', i = !1, a = ''; this.host ? (i = e + this.host) : this.hostname && ((i = e + (-1 === this.hostname.indexOf(':') ? this.hostname : '[' + this.hostname + ']')), this.port && (i += ':' + this.port)), this.query && o.isObject(this.query) && Object.keys(this.query).length && (a = g.stringify(this.query)); var s = this.search || (a && '?' + a) || ''; return ( t && ':' !== t.substr(-1) && (t += ':'), this.slashes || ((!t || v[t]) && !1 !== i) ? ((i = '//' + (i || '')), r && '/' !== r.charAt(0) && (r = '/' + r)) : i || (i = ''), n && '#' !== n.charAt(0) && (n = '#' + n), s && '?' !== s.charAt(0) && (s = '?' + s), t + i + (r = r.replace(/[?#]/g, function (e) { return encodeURIComponent(e); })) + (s = s.replace('#', '%23')) + n ); }), (a.prototype.resolve = function (e) { return this.resolveObject(w(e, !1, !0)).format(); }), (a.prototype.resolveObject = function (e) { if (o.isString(e)) { var t = new a(); t.parse(e, !1, !0), (e = t); } for (var r = new a(), n = Object.keys(this), i = 0; i < n.length; i++) { var s = n[i]; r[s] = this[s]; } if (((r.hash = e.hash), '' === e.href)) return (r.href = r.format()), r; if (e.slashes && !e.protocol) { for (var u = Object.keys(e), f = 0; f < u.length; f++) { var c = u[f]; 'protocol' !== c && (r[c] = e[c]); } return ( v[r.protocol] && r.hostname && !r.pathname && (r.path = r.pathname = '/'), (r.href = r.format()), r ); } if (e.protocol && e.protocol !== r.protocol) { if (!v[e.protocol]) { for (var h = Object.keys(e), d = 0; d < h.length; d++) { var l = h[d]; r[l] = e[l]; } return (r.href = r.format()), r; } if (((r.protocol = e.protocol), e.host || y[e.protocol])) r.pathname = e.pathname; else { for (var p = (e.pathname || '').split('/'); p.length && !(e.host = p.shift()); ); e.host || (e.host = ''), e.hostname || (e.hostname = ''), '' !== p[0] && p.unshift(''), p.length < 2 && p.unshift(''), (r.pathname = p.join('/')); } if ( ((r.search = e.search), (r.query = e.query), (r.host = e.host || ''), (r.auth = e.auth), (r.hostname = e.hostname || e.host), (r.port = e.port), r.pathname || r.search) ) { var b = r.pathname || '', m = r.search || ''; r.path = b + m; } return (r.slashes = r.slashes || e.slashes), (r.href = r.format()), r; } var g = r.pathname && '/' === r.pathname.charAt(0), w = e.host || (e.pathname && '/' === e.pathname.charAt(0)), _ = w || g || (r.host && e.pathname), k = _, A = (r.pathname && r.pathname.split('/')) || [], S = ((p = (e.pathname && e.pathname.split('/')) || []), r.protocol && !v[r.protocol]); if ( (S && ((r.hostname = ''), (r.port = null), r.host && ('' === A[0] ? (A[0] = r.host) : A.unshift(r.host)), (r.host = ''), e.protocol && ((e.hostname = null), (e.port = null), e.host && ('' === p[0] ? (p[0] = e.host) : p.unshift(e.host)), (e.host = null)), (_ = _ && ('' === p[0] || '' === A[0]))), w) ) (r.host = e.host || '' === e.host ? e.host : r.host), (r.hostname = e.hostname || '' === e.hostname ? e.hostname : r.hostname), (r.search = e.search), (r.query = e.query), (A = p); else if (p.length) A || (A = []), A.pop(), (A = A.concat(p)), (r.search = e.search), (r.query = e.query); else if (!o.isNullOrUndefined(e.search)) { if (S) (r.hostname = r.host = A.shift()), (O = !!(r.host && r.host.indexOf('@') > 0) && r.host.split('@')) && ((r.auth = O.shift()), (r.host = r.hostname = O.shift())); return ( (r.search = e.search), (r.query = e.query), (o.isNull(r.pathname) && o.isNull(r.search)) || (r.path = (r.pathname ? r.pathname : '') + (r.search ? r.search : '')), (r.href = r.format()), r ); } if (!A.length) return ( (r.pathname = null), r.search ? (r.path = '/' + r.search) : (r.path = null), (r.href = r.format()), r ); for ( var E = A.slice(-1)[0], x = ((r.host || e.host || A.length > 1) && ('.' === E || '..' === E)) || '' === E, M = 0, I = A.length; I >= 0; I-- ) '.' === (E = A[I]) ? A.splice(I, 1) : '..' === E ? (A.splice(I, 1), M++) : M && (A.splice(I, 1), M--); if (!_ && !k) for (; M--; M) A.unshift('..'); !_ || '' === A[0] || (A[0] && '/' === A[0].charAt(0)) || A.unshift(''), x && '/' !== A.join('/').substr(-1) && A.push(''); var O, C = '' === A[0] || (A[0] && '/' === A[0].charAt(0)); S && ((r.hostname = r.host = C ? '' : A.length ? A.shift() : ''), (O = !!(r.host && r.host.indexOf('@') > 0) && r.host.split('@')) && ((r.auth = O.shift()), (r.host = r.hostname = O.shift()))); return ( (_ = _ || (r.host && A.length)) && !C && A.unshift(''), A.length ? (r.pathname = A.join('/')) : ((r.pathname = null), (r.path = null)), (o.isNull(r.pathname) && o.isNull(r.search)) || (r.path = (r.pathname ? r.pathname : '') + (r.search ? r.search : '')), (r.auth = e.auth || r.auth), (r.slashes = r.slashes || e.slashes), (r.href = r.format()), r ); }), (a.prototype.parseHost = function () { var e = this.host, t = u.exec(e); t && (':' !== (t = t[0]) && (this.port = t.substr(1)), (e = e.substr(0, e.length - t.length))), e && (this.hostname = e); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; ((t = e.exports = r(98)).Stream = t), (t.Readable = t), (t.Writable = r(66)), (t.Duplex = r(27)), (t.Transform = r(102)), (t.PassThrough = r(211)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (e) { var n = r(0)(r(1)); function i(e) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(e); } (t.isArray = function (e) { return Array.isArray ? Array.isArray(e) : '[object Array]' === i(e); }), (t.isBoolean = function (e) { return 'boolean' == typeof e; }), (t.isNull = function (e) { return null === e; }), (t.isNullOrUndefined = function (e) { return null == e; }), (t.isNumber = function (e) { return 'number' == typeof e; }), (t.isString = function (e) { return 'string' == typeof e; }), (t.isSymbol = function (e) { return 'symbol' === (0, n.default)(e); }), (t.isUndefined = function (e) { return void 0 === e; }), (t.isRegExp = function (e) { return '[object RegExp]' === i(e); }), (t.isObject = function (e) { return 'object' === (0, n.default)(e) && null !== e; }), (t.isDate = function (e) { return '[object Date]' === i(e); }), (t.isError = function (e) { return '[object Error]' === i(e) || e instanceof Error; }), (t.isFunction = function (e) { return 'function' == typeof e; }), (t.isPrimitive = function (e) { return ( null === e || 'boolean' == typeof e || 'number' == typeof e || 'string' == typeof e || 'symbol' === (0, n.default)(e) || void 0 === e ); }), (t.isBuffer = e.isBuffer); }.call(this, r(2).Buffer)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = t; (n.utils = r(23)), (n.common = r(37)), (n.sha = r(240)), (n.ripemd = r(244)), (n.hmac = r(245)), (n.sha1 = n.sha.sha1), (n.sha256 = n.sha.sha256), (n.sha224 = n.sha.sha224), (n.sha384 = n.sha.sha384), (n.sha512 = n.sha.sha512), (n.ripemd160 = n.ripemd.ripemd160); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(23), i = r(17); function o() { (this.pending = null), (this.pendingTotal = 0), (this.blockSize = this.constructor.blockSize), (this.outSize = this.constructor.outSize), (this.hmacStrength = this.constructor.hmacStrength), (this.padLength = this.constructor.padLength / 8), (this.endian = 'big'), (this._delta8 = this.blockSize / 8), (this._delta32 = this.blockSize / 32); } (t.BlockHash = o), (o.prototype.update = function (e, t) { if ( ((e = n.toArray(e, t)), this.pending ? (this.pending = this.pending.concat(e)) : (this.pending = e), (this.pendingTotal += e.length), this.pending.length >= this._delta8) ) { var r = (e = this.pending).length % this._delta8; (this.pending = e.slice(e.length - r, e.length)), 0 === this.pending.length && (this.pending = null), (e = n.join32(e, 0, e.length - r, this.endian)); for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i += this._delta32) this._update(e, i, i + this._delta32); } return this; }), (o.prototype.digest = function (e) { return this.update(this._pad()), i(null === this.pending), this._digest(e); }), (o.prototype._pad = function () { var e = this.pendingTotal, t = this._delta8, r = t - ((e + this.padLength) % t), n = new Array(r + this.padLength); n[0] = 128; for (var i = 1; i < r; i++) n[i] = 0; if (((e <<= 3), 'big' === this.endian)) { for (var o = 8; o < this.padLength; o++) n[i++] = 0; (n[i++] = 0), (n[i++] = 0), (n[i++] = 0), (n[i++] = 0), (n[i++] = (e >>> 24) & 255), (n[i++] = (e >>> 16) & 255), (n[i++] = (e >>> 8) & 255), (n[i++] = 255 & e); } else for ( n[i++] = 255 & e, n[i++] = (e >>> 8) & 255, n[i++] = (e >>> 16) & 255, n[i++] = (e >>> 24) & 255, n[i++] = 0, n[i++] = 0, n[i++] = 0, n[i++] = 0, o = 8; o < this.padLength; o++ ) n[i++] = 0; return n; }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.version = void 0); t.version = 'abi/5.0.0-beta.153'; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = { encode: r(283), decode: r(284), encodingLength: r(285) }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(289), i = r(290), o = r(126), a = r(291); e.exports = function (e, t) { return n(e) || i(e, t) || o(e, t) || a(); }; }, function (e) { e.exports = JSON.parse( 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); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = i; var n = r(65).EventEmitter; function i() { n.call(this); } r(3)(i, n), (i.Readable = r(34)), (i.Writable = r(325)), (i.Duplex = r(326)), (i.Transform = r(327)), (i.PassThrough = r(328)), (i.Stream = i), (i.prototype.pipe = function (e, t) { var r = this; function i(t) { e.writable && !1 === e.write(t) && r.pause && r.pause(); } function o() { r.readable && r.resume && r.resume(); } r.on('data', i), e.on('drain', o), e._isStdio || (t && !1 === t.end) || (r.on('end', s), r.on('close', u)); var a = !1; function s() { a || ((a = !0), e.end()); } function u() { a || ((a = !0), 'function' == typeof e.destroy && e.destroy()); } function f(e) { if ((c(), 0 === n.listenerCount(this, 'error'))) throw e; } function c() { r.removeListener('data', i), e.removeListener('drain', o), r.removeListener('end', s), r.removeListener('close', u), r.removeListener('error', f), e.removeListener('error', f), r.removeListener('end', c), r.removeListener('close', c), e.removeListener('close', c); } return ( r.on('error', f), e.on('error', f), r.on('end', c), r.on('close', c), e.on('close', c), e.emit('pipe', r), e ); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (t) { e.exports = function (e, r) { for (var n = Math.min(e.length, r.length), i = new t(n), o = 0; o < n; ++o) i[o] = e[o] ^ r[o]; return i; }; }.call(this, r(2).Buffer)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = t; (n.bignum = r(5)), (n.define = r(373).define), (n.base = r(45)), (n.constants = r(150)), (n.decoders = r(378)), (n.encoders = r(380)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = t; (n.Reporter = r(375).Reporter), (n.DecoderBuffer = r(149).DecoderBuffer), (n.EncoderBuffer = r(149).EncoderBuffer), (n.Node = r(376)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (t) { !t.version || 0 === t.version.indexOf('v0.') || (0 === t.version.indexOf('v1.') && 0 !== t.version.indexOf('v1.8.')) ? (e.exports = { nextTick: function (e, r, n, i) { if ('function' != typeof e) throw new TypeError('"callback" argument must be a function'); var o, a, s = arguments.length; switch (s) { case 0: case 1: return t.nextTick(e); case 2: return t.nextTick(function () { e.call(null, r); }); case 3: return t.nextTick(function () { e.call(null, r, n); }); case 4: return t.nextTick(function () { e.call(null, r, n, i); }); default: for (o = new Array(s - 1), a = 0; a < o.length; ) o[a++] = arguments[a]; return t.nextTick(function () { e.apply(null, o); }); } }, }) : (e.exports = t); }.call(this, r(11))); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = r(222); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(63), i = function (e) { var t, r, i = new Promise(function () { (t = arguments[0]), (r = arguments[1]); }); if (e) return { resolve: t, reject: r, eventEmitter: i }; var o = new n(); return ( (i._events = o._events), (i.emit = o.emit), (i.on = o.on), (i.once = o.once), (i.off = o.off), (i.listeners = o.listeners), (i.addListener = o.addListener), (i.removeListener = o.removeListener), (i.removeAllListeners = o.removeAllListeners), { resolve: t, reject: r, eventEmitter: i } ); }; (i.resolve = function (e) { var t = i(!0); return t.resolve(e), t.eventEmitter; }), (e.exports = i); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(223), i = function (e) { (this.name = e.name), (this.type = e.type), (this.subscriptions = e.subscriptions || {}), (this.requestManager = null); }; (i.prototype.setRequestManager = function (e) { this.requestManager = e; }), (i.prototype.attachToObject = function (e) { var t = this.buildCall(), r = this.name.split('.'); r.length > 1 ? ((e[r[0]] = e[r[0]] || {}), (e[r[0]][r[1]] = t)) : (e[r[0]] = t); }), (i.prototype.buildCall = function () { var e = this; return function () { e.subscriptions[arguments[0]] || console.warn( 'Subscription ' + JSON.stringify(arguments[0]) + " doesn't exist. Subscribing anyway." ); var t = new n({ subscription: e.subscriptions[arguments[0]] || {}, requestManager: e.requestManager, type: e.type, }); return t.subscribe.apply(t, arguments); }; }), (e.exports = { subscriptions: i, subscription: n }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0); Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.keccak256 = function (e) { return '0x' + i.default.keccak_256((0, o.arrayify)(e)); }); var i = n(r(229)), o = r(12); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n, i = r(0)(r(1)); function o(e) { this.rand = e; } if ( ((e.exports = function (e) { return n || (n = new o(null)), n.generate(e); }), (e.exports.Rand = o), (o.prototype.generate = function (e) { return this._rand(e); }), (o.prototype._rand = function (e) { if (this.rand.getBytes) return this.rand.getBytes(e); for (var t = new Uint8Array(e), r = 0; r < t.length; r++) t[r] = this.rand.getByte(); return t; }), 'object' === ('undefined' == typeof self ? 'undefined' : (0, i.default)(self))) ) self.crypto && self.crypto.getRandomValues ? (o.prototype._rand = function (e) { var t = new Uint8Array(e); return self.crypto.getRandomValues(t), t; }) : self.msCrypto && self.msCrypto.getRandomValues ? (o.prototype._rand = function (e) { var t = new Uint8Array(e); return self.msCrypto.getRandomValues(t), t; }) : 'object' === ('undefined' == typeof window ? 'undefined' : (0, i.default)(window)) && (o.prototype._rand = function () { throw new Error('Not implemented yet'); }); else try { var a = r(236); if ('function' != typeof a.randomBytes) throw new Error('Not supported'); o.prototype._rand = function (e) { return a.randomBytes(e); }; } catch (e) {} }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(5), i = r(20), o = i.getNAF, a = i.getJSF, s = i.assert; function u(e, t) { (this.type = e), (this.p = new n(t.p, 16)), (this.red = t.prime ? n.red(t.prime) : n.mont(this.p)), (this.zero = new n(0).toRed(this.red)), (this.one = new n(1).toRed(this.red)), (this.two = new n(2).toRed(this.red)), (this.n = t.n && new n(t.n, 16)), (this.g = t.g && this.pointFromJSON(t.g, t.gRed)), (this._wnafT1 = new Array(4)), (this._wnafT2 = new Array(4)), (this._wnafT3 = new Array(4)), (this._wnafT4 = new Array(4)), (this._bitLength = this.n ? this.n.bitLength() : 0); var r = this.n && this.p.div(this.n); !r || r.cmpn(100) > 0 ? (this.redN = null) : ((this._maxwellTrick = !0), (this.redN = this.n.toRed(this.red))); } function f(e, t) { (this.curve = e), (this.type = t), (this.precomputed = null); } (e.exports = u), (u.prototype.point = function () { throw new Error('Not implemented'); }), (u.prototype.validate = function () { throw new Error('Not implemented'); }), (u.prototype._fixedNafMul = function (e, t) { s(e.precomputed); var r = e._getDoubles(), n = o(t, 1, this._bitLength), i = (1 << (r.step + 1)) - (r.step % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 1); i /= 3; for (var a = [], u = 0; u < n.length; u += r.step) { var f = 0; for (t = u + r.step - 1; t >= u; t--) f = (f << 1) + n[t]; a.push(f); } for ( var c = this.jpoint(null, null, null), h = this.jpoint(null, null, null), d = i; d > 0; d-- ) { for (u = 0; u < a.length; u++) { (f = a[u]) === d ? (h = h.mixedAdd(r.points[u])) : f === -d && (h = h.mixedAdd(r.points[u].neg())); } c = c.add(h); } return c.toP(); }), (u.prototype._wnafMul = function (e, t) { var r = 4, n = e._getNAFPoints(r); r = n.wnd; for ( var i = n.points, a = o(t, r, this._bitLength), u = this.jpoint(null, null, null), f = a.length - 1; f >= 0; f-- ) { for (t = 0; f >= 0 && 0 === a[f]; f--) t++; if ((f >= 0 && t++, (u = u.dblp(t)), f < 0)) break; var c = a[f]; s(0 !== c), (u = 'affine' === e.type ? c > 0 ? u.mixedAdd(i[(c - 1) >> 1]) : u.mixedAdd(i[(-c - 1) >> 1].neg()) : c > 0 ? u.add(i[(c - 1) >> 1]) : u.add(i[(-c - 1) >> 1].neg())); } return 'affine' === e.type ? u.toP() : u; }), (u.prototype._wnafMulAdd = function (e, t, r, n, i) { for (var s = this._wnafT1, u = this._wnafT2, f = this._wnafT3, c = 0, h = 0; h < n; h++) { var d = (E = t[h])._getNAFPoints(e); (s[h] = d.wnd), (u[h] = d.points); } for (h = n - 1; h >= 1; h -= 2) { var l = h - 1, p = h; if (1 === s[l] && 1 === s[p]) { var b = [t[l], null, null, t[p]]; 0 === t[l].y.cmp(t[p].y) ? ((b[1] = t[l].add(t[p])), (b[2] = t[l].toJ().mixedAdd(t[p].neg()))) : 0 === t[l].y.cmp(t[p].y.redNeg()) ? ((b[1] = t[l].toJ().mixedAdd(t[p])), (b[2] = t[l].add(t[p].neg()))) : ((b[1] = t[l].toJ().mixedAdd(t[p])), (b[2] = t[l].toJ().mixedAdd(t[p].neg()))); var m = [-3, -1, -5, -7, 0, 7, 5, 1, 3], y = a(r[l], r[p]); (c = Math.max(y[0].length, c)), (f[l] = new Array(c)), (f[p] = new Array(c)); for (var v = 0; v < c; v++) { var g = 0 | y[0][v], w = 0 | y[1][v]; (f[l][v] = m[3 * (g + 1) + (w + 1)]), (f[p][v] = 0), (u[l] = b); } } else (f[l] = o(r[l], s[l], this._bitLength)), (f[p] = o(r[p], s[p], this._bitLength)), (c = Math.max(f[l].length, c)), (c = Math.max(f[p].length, c)); } var _ = this.jpoint(null, null, null), k = this._wnafT4; for (h = c; h >= 0; h--) { for (var A = 0; h >= 0; ) { var S = !0; for (v = 0; v < n; v++) (k[v] = 0 | f[v][h]), 0 !== k[v] && (S = !1); if (!S) break; A++, h--; } if ((h >= 0 && A++, (_ = _.dblp(A)), h < 0)) break; for (v = 0; v < n; v++) { var E, x = k[v]; 0 !== x && (x > 0 ? (E = u[v][(x - 1) >> 1]) : x < 0 && (E = u[v][(-x - 1) >> 1].neg()), (_ = 'affine' === E.type ? _.mixedAdd(E) : _.add(E))); } } for (h = 0; h < n; h++) u[h] = null; return i ? _ : _.toP(); }), (u.BasePoint = f), (f.prototype.eq = function () { throw new Error('Not implemented'); }), (f.prototype.validate = function () { return this.curve.validate(this); }), (u.prototype.decodePoint = function (e, t) { e = i.toArray(e, t); var r = this.p.byteLength(); if ((4 === e[0] || 6 === e[0] || 7 === e[0]) && e.length - 1 == 2 * r) return ( 6 === e[0] ? s(e[e.length - 1] % 2 == 0) : 7 === e[0] && s(e[e.length - 1] % 2 == 1), this.point(e.slice(1, 1 + r), e.slice(1 + r, 1 + 2 * r)) ); if ((2 === e[0] || 3 === e[0]) && e.length - 1 === r) return this.pointFromX(e.slice(1, 1 + r), 3 === e[0]); throw new Error('Unknown point format'); }), (f.prototype.encodeCompressed = function (e) { return this.encode(e, !0); }), (f.prototype._encode = function (e) { var t = this.curve.p.byteLength(), r = this.getX().toArray('be', t); return e ? [this.getY().isEven() ? 2 : 3].concat(r) : [4].concat(r, this.getY().toArray('be', t)); }), (f.prototype.encode = function (e, t) { return i.encode(this._encode(t), e); }), (f.prototype.precompute = function (e) { if (this.precomputed) return this; var t = { doubles: null, naf: null, beta: null }; return ( (t.naf = this._getNAFPoints(8)), (t.doubles = this._getDoubles(4, e)), (t.beta = this._getBeta()), (this.precomputed = t), this ); }), (f.prototype._hasDoubles = function (e) { if (!this.precomputed) return !1; var t = this.precomputed.doubles; return !!t && t.points.length >= Math.ceil((e.bitLength() + 1) / t.step); }), (f.prototype._getDoubles = function (e, t) { if (this.precomputed && this.precomputed.doubles) return this.precomputed.doubles; for (var r = [this], n = this, i = 0; i < t; i += e) { for (var o = 0; o < e; o++) n = n.dbl(); r.push(n); } return { step: e, points: r }; }), (f.prototype._getNAFPoints = function (e) { if (this.precomputed && this.precomputed.naf) return this.precomputed.naf; for (var t = [this], r = (1 << e) - 1, n = 1 === r ? null : this.dbl(), i = 1; i < r; i++) t[i] = t[i - 1].add(n); return { wnd: e, points: t }; }), (f.prototype._getBeta = function () { return null; }), (f.prototype.dblp = function (e) { for (var t = this, r = 0; r < e; r++) t = t.dbl(); return t; }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(25), i = r(28), o = r(16), a = function () { var e = this; n.packageInit(this, arguments), [ new i({ name: 'getId', call: 'net_version', params: 0, outputFormatter: parseInt }), new i({ name: 'isListening', call: 'net_listening', params: 0 }), new i({ name: 'getPeerCount', call: 'net_peerCount', params: 0, outputFormatter: o.hexToNumber, }), ].forEach(function (t) { t.attachToObject(e), t.setRequestManager(e._requestManager); }); }; n.addProviders(a), (e.exports = a); }, function (e) { e.exports = JSON.parse( 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); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (t.randomBytes = t.rng = t.pseudoRandomBytes = t.prng = r(26)), (t.createHash = t.Hash = r(30)), (t.createHmac = t.Hmac = r(135)); var n = r(334), i = Object.keys(n), o = ['sha1', 'sha224', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512', 'md5', 'rmd160'].concat(i); t.getHashes = function () { return o; }; var a = r(138); (t.pbkdf2 = a.pbkdf2), (t.pbkdf2Sync = a.pbkdf2Sync); var s = r(336); (t.Cipher = s.Cipher), (t.createCipher = s.createCipher), (t.Cipheriv = s.Cipheriv), (t.createCipheriv = s.createCipheriv), (t.Decipher = s.Decipher), (t.createDecipher = s.createDecipher), (t.Decipheriv = s.Decipheriv), (t.createDecipheriv = s.createDecipheriv), (t.getCiphers = s.getCiphers), (t.listCiphers = s.listCiphers); var u = r(353); (t.DiffieHellmanGroup = u.DiffieHellmanGroup), (t.createDiffieHellmanGroup = u.createDiffieHellmanGroup), (t.getDiffieHellman = u.getDiffieHellman), (t.createDiffieHellman = u.createDiffieHellman), (t.DiffieHellman = u.DiffieHellman); var f = r(356); (t.createSign = f.createSign), (t.Sign = f.Sign), (t.createVerify = f.createVerify), (t.Verify = f.Verify), (t.createECDH = r(386)); var c = r(387); (t.publicEncrypt = c.publicEncrypt), (t.privateEncrypt = c.privateEncrypt), (t.publicDecrypt = c.publicDecrypt), (t.privateDecrypt = c.privateDecrypt); var h = r(390); (t.randomFill = h.randomFill), (t.randomFillSync = h.randomFillSync), (t.createCredentials = function () { throw new Error( [ 'sorry, createCredentials is not implemented yet', 'we accept pull requests', 'https://github.com/crypto-browserify/crypto-browserify', ].join('\n') ); }), (t.constants = { DH_CHECK_P_NOT_SAFE_PRIME: 2, DH_CHECK_P_NOT_PRIME: 1, DH_UNABLE_TO_CHECK_GENERATOR: 4, DH_NOT_SUITABLE_GENERATOR: 8, NPN_ENABLED: 1, ALPN_ENABLED: 1, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING: 1, RSA_SSLV23_PADDING: 2, RSA_NO_PADDING: 3, RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING: 4, RSA_X931_PADDING: 5, RSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING: 6, POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED: 2, POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED: 4, POINT_CONVERSION_HYBRID: 6, }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(4).Buffer; function i(e) { n.isBuffer(e) || (e = n.from(e)); for (var t = (e.length / 4) | 0, r = new Array(t), i = 0; i < t; i++) r[i] = e.readUInt32BE(4 * i); return r; } function o(e) { for (; 0 < e.length; e++) e[0] = 0; } function a(e, t, r, n, i) { for ( var o, a, s, u, f = r[0], c = r[1], h = r[2], d = r[3], l = e[0] ^ t[0], p = e[1] ^ t[1], b = e[2] ^ t[2], m = e[3] ^ t[3], y = 4, v = 1; v < i; v++ ) (o = f[l >>> 24] ^ c[(p >>> 16) & 255] ^ h[(b >>> 8) & 255] ^ d[255 & m] ^ t[y++]), (a = f[p >>> 24] ^ c[(b >>> 16) & 255] ^ h[(m >>> 8) & 255] ^ d[255 & l] ^ t[y++]), (s = f[b >>> 24] ^ c[(m >>> 16) & 255] ^ h[(l >>> 8) & 255] ^ d[255 & p] ^ t[y++]), (u = f[m >>> 24] ^ c[(l >>> 16) & 255] ^ h[(p >>> 8) & 255] ^ d[255 & b] ^ t[y++]), (l = o), (p = a), (b = s), (m = u); return ( (o = ((n[l >>> 24] << 24) | (n[(p >>> 16) & 255] << 16) | (n[(b >>> 8) & 255] << 8) | n[255 & m]) ^ t[y++]), (a = ((n[p >>> 24] << 24) | (n[(b >>> 16) & 255] << 16) | (n[(m >>> 8) & 255] << 8) | n[255 & l]) ^ t[y++]), (s = ((n[b >>> 24] << 24) | (n[(m >>> 16) & 255] << 16) | (n[(l >>> 8) & 255] << 8) | n[255 & p]) ^ t[y++]), (u = ((n[m >>> 24] << 24) | (n[(l >>> 16) & 255] << 16) | (n[(p >>> 8) & 255] << 8) | n[255 & b]) ^ t[y++]), [(o >>>= 0), (a >>>= 0), (s >>>= 0), (u >>>= 0)] ); } var s = [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 27, 54], u = (function () { for (var e = new Array(256), t = 0; t < 256; t++) e[t] = t < 128 ? t << 1 : (t << 1) ^ 283; for ( var r = [], n = [], i = [[], [], [], []], o = [[], [], [], []], a = 0, s = 0, u = 0; u < 256; ++u ) { var f = s ^ (s << 1) ^ (s << 2) ^ (s << 3) ^ (s << 4); (f = (f >>> 8) ^ (255 & f) ^ 99), (r[a] = f), (n[f] = a); var c = e[a], h = e[c], d = e[h], l = (257 * e[f]) ^ (16843008 * f); (i[0][a] = (l << 24) | (l >>> 8)), (i[1][a] = (l << 16) | (l >>> 16)), (i[2][a] = (l << 8) | (l >>> 24)), (i[3][a] = l), (l = (16843009 * d) ^ (65537 * h) ^ (257 * c) ^ (16843008 * a)), (o[0][f] = (l << 24) | (l >>> 8)), (o[1][f] = (l << 16) | (l >>> 16)), (o[2][f] = (l << 8) | (l >>> 24)), (o[3][f] = l), 0 === a ? (a = s = 1) : ((a = c ^ e[e[e[d ^ c]]]), (s ^= e[e[s]])); } return { SBOX: r, INV_SBOX: n, SUB_MIX: i, INV_SUB_MIX: o }; })(); function f(e) { (this._key = i(e)), this._reset(); } (f.blockSize = 16), (f.keySize = 32), (f.prototype.blockSize = f.blockSize), (f.prototype.keySize = f.keySize), (f.prototype._reset = function () { for ( var e = this._key, t = e.length, r = t + 6, n = 4 * (r + 1), i = [], o = 0; o < t; o++ ) i[o] = e[o]; for (o = t; o < n; o++) { var a = i[o - 1]; o % t == 0 ? ((a = (a << 8) | (a >>> 24)), (a = (u.SBOX[a >>> 24] << 24) | (u.SBOX[(a >>> 16) & 255] << 16) | (u.SBOX[(a >>> 8) & 255] << 8) | u.SBOX[255 & a]), (a ^= s[(o / t) | 0] << 24)) : t > 6 && o % t == 4 && (a = (u.SBOX[a >>> 24] << 24) | (u.SBOX[(a >>> 16) & 255] << 16) | (u.SBOX[(a >>> 8) & 255] << 8) | u.SBOX[255 & a]), (i[o] = i[o - t] ^ a); } for (var f = [], c = 0; c < n; c++) { var h = n - c, d = i[h - (c % 4 ? 0 : 4)]; f[c] = c < 4 || h <= 4 ? d : u.INV_SUB_MIX[0][u.SBOX[d >>> 24]] ^ u.INV_SUB_MIX[1][u.SBOX[(d >>> 16) & 255]] ^ u.INV_SUB_MIX[2][u.SBOX[(d >>> 8) & 255]] ^ u.INV_SUB_MIX[3][u.SBOX[255 & d]]; } (this._nRounds = r), (this._keySchedule = i), (this._invKeySchedule = f); }), (f.prototype.encryptBlockRaw = function (e) { return a((e = i(e)), this._keySchedule, u.SUB_MIX, u.SBOX, this._nRounds); }), (f.prototype.encryptBlock = function (e) { var t = this.encryptBlockRaw(e), r = n.allocUnsafe(16); return ( r.writeUInt32BE(t[0], 0), r.writeUInt32BE(t[1], 4), r.writeUInt32BE(t[2], 8), r.writeUInt32BE(t[3], 12), r ); }), (f.prototype.decryptBlock = function (e) { var t = (e = i(e))[1]; (e[1] = e[3]), (e[3] = t); var r = a(e, this._invKeySchedule, u.INV_SUB_MIX, u.INV_SBOX, this._nRounds), o = n.allocUnsafe(16); return ( o.writeUInt32BE(r[0], 0), o.writeUInt32BE(r[3], 4), o.writeUInt32BE(r[2], 8), o.writeUInt32BE(r[1], 12), o ); }), (f.prototype.scrub = function () { o(this._keySchedule), o(this._invKeySchedule), o(this._key); }), (e.exports.AES = f); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(4).Buffer, i = r(78); e.exports = function (e, t, r, o) { if ( (n.isBuffer(e) || (e = n.from(e, 'binary')), t && (n.isBuffer(t) || (t = n.from(t, 'binary')), 8 !== t.length)) ) throw new RangeError('salt should be Buffer with 8 byte length'); for (var a = r / 8, s = n.alloc(a), u = n.alloc(o || 0), f = n.alloc(0); a > 0 || o > 0; ) { var c = new i(); c.update(f), c.update(e), t && c.update(t), (f = c.digest()); var h = 0; if (a > 0) { var d = s.length - a; (h = Math.min(a, f.length)), f.copy(s, d, 0, h), (a -= h); } if (h < f.length && o > 0) { var l = u.length - o, p = Math.min(o, f.length - h); f.copy(u, l, h, h + p), (o -= p); } } return f.fill(0), { key: s, iv: u }; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = t; (n.base = r(360)), (n.short = r(361)), (n.mont = r(362)), (n.edwards = r(363)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = r(372), o = r(383), a = r(384), s = r(82), u = r(138), f = r(4).Buffer; function c(e) { var t; 'object' !== (0, n.default)(e) || f.isBuffer(e) || ((t = e.passphrase), (e = e.key)), 'string' == typeof e && (e = f.from(e)); var r, c, h = a(e, t), d = h.tag, l = h.data; switch (d) { case 'CERTIFICATE': c = i.certificate.decode(l, 'der').tbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo; case 'PUBLIC KEY': switch ( (c || (c = i.PublicKey.decode(l, 'der')), (r = c.algorithm.algorithm.join('.'))) ) { case '1.2.840.113549.1.1.1': return i.RSAPublicKey.decode(c.subjectPublicKey.data, 'der'); case '1.2.840.10045.2.1': return (c.subjectPrivateKey = c.subjectPublicKey), { type: 'ec', data: c }; case '1.2.840.10040.4.1': return ( (c.algorithm.params.pub_key = i.DSAparam.decode(c.subjectPublicKey.data, 'der')), { type: 'dsa', data: c.algorithm.params } ); default: throw new Error('unknown key id ' + r); } throw new Error('unknown key type ' + d); case 'ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY': l = (function (e, t) { var r = e.algorithm.decrypt.kde.kdeparams.salt, n = parseInt(e.algorithm.decrypt.kde.kdeparams.iters.toString(), 10), i = o[e.algorithm.decrypt.cipher.algo.join('.')], a = e.algorithm.decrypt.cipher.iv, c = e.subjectPrivateKey, h = parseInt(i.split('-')[1], 10) / 8, d = u.pbkdf2Sync(t, r, n, h, 'sha1'), l = s.createDecipheriv(i, d, a), p = []; return p.push(l.update(c)), p.push(l.final()), f.concat(p); })((l = i.EncryptedPrivateKey.decode(l, 'der')), t); case 'PRIVATE KEY': switch ((r = (c = i.PrivateKey.decode(l, 'der')).algorithm.algorithm.join('.'))) { case '1.2.840.113549.1.1.1': return i.RSAPrivateKey.decode(c.subjectPrivateKey, 'der'); case '1.2.840.10045.2.1': return { curve: c.algorithm.curve, privateKey: i.ECPrivateKey.decode(c.subjectPrivateKey, 'der').privateKey, }; case '1.2.840.10040.4.1': return ( (c.algorithm.params.priv_key = i.DSAparam.decode(c.subjectPrivateKey, 'der')), { type: 'dsa', params: c.algorithm.params } ); default: throw new Error('unknown key id ' + r); } throw new Error('unknown key type ' + d); case 'RSA PUBLIC KEY': return i.RSAPublicKey.decode(l, 'der'); case 'RSA PRIVATE KEY': return i.RSAPrivateKey.decode(l, 'der'); case 'DSA PRIVATE KEY': return { type: 'dsa', params: i.DSAPrivateKey.decode(l, 'der') }; case 'EC PRIVATE KEY': return { curve: (l = i.ECPrivateKey.decode(l, 'der')).parameters.value, privateKey: l.privateKey, }; default: throw new Error('unknown key type ' + d); } } (e.exports = c), (c.signature = i.signature); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(91); e.exports = function (e) { return 'string' != typeof e ? e : n(e) ? e.slice(2) : e; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = '0123456789abcdef'.split(''), i = [1, 256, 65536, 16777216], o = [0, 8, 16, 24], a = [ 1, 0, 32898, 0, 32906, 2147483648, 2147516416, 2147483648, 32907, 0, 2147483649, 0, 2147516545, 2147483648, 32777, 2147483648, 138, 0, 136, 0, 2147516425, 0, 2147483658, 0, 2147516555, 0, 139, 2147483648, 32905, 2147483648, 32771, 2147483648, 32770, 2147483648, 128, 2147483648, 32778, 0, 2147483658, 2147483648, 2147516545, 2147483648, 32896, 2147483648, 2147483649, 0, 2147516424, 2147483648, ], s = function (e) { var t, r, n, i, o, s, u, f, c, h, d, l, p, b, m, y, v, g, w, _, k, A, S, E, x, M, I, O, C, P, T, U, B, R, N, j, L, F, D, q, z, H, K, V, G, W, Y, $, J, Z, X, Q, ee, te, re, ne, ie, oe, ae, se, ue, fe, ce; for (n = 0; n < 48; n += 2) (i = e[0] ^ e[10] ^ e[20] ^ e[30] ^ e[40]), (o = e[1] ^ e[11] ^ e[21] ^ e[31] ^ e[41]), (s = e[2] ^ e[12] ^ e[22] ^ e[32] ^ e[42]), (u = e[3] ^ e[13] ^ e[23] ^ e[33] ^ e[43]), (f = e[4] ^ e[14] ^ e[24] ^ e[34] ^ e[44]), (c = e[5] ^ e[15] ^ e[25] ^ e[35] ^ e[45]), (h = e[6] ^ e[16] ^ e[26] ^ e[36] ^ e[46]), (d = e[7] ^ e[17] ^ e[27] ^ e[37] ^ e[47]), (t = (l = e[8] ^ e[18] ^ e[28] ^ e[38] ^ e[48]) ^ ((s << 1) | (u >>> 31))), (r = (p = e[9] ^ e[19] ^ e[29] ^ e[39] ^ e[49]) ^ ((u << 1) | (s >>> 31))), (e[0] ^= t), (e[1] ^= r), (e[10] ^= t), (e[11] ^= r), (e[20] ^= t), (e[21] ^= r), (e[30] ^= t), (e[31] ^= r), (e[40] ^= t), (e[41] ^= r), (t = i ^ ((f << 1) | (c >>> 31))), (r = o ^ ((c << 1) | (f >>> 31))), (e[2] ^= t), (e[3] ^= r), (e[12] ^= t), (e[13] ^= r), (e[22] ^= t), (e[23] ^= r), (e[32] ^= t), (e[33] ^= r), (e[42] ^= t), (e[43] ^= r), (t = s ^ ((h << 1) | (d >>> 31))), (r = u ^ ((d << 1) | (h >>> 31))), (e[4] ^= t), (e[5] ^= r), (e[14] ^= t), (e[15] ^= r), (e[24] ^= t), (e[25] ^= r), (e[34] ^= t), (e[35] ^= r), (e[44] ^= t), (e[45] ^= r), (t = f ^ ((l << 1) | (p >>> 31))), (r = c ^ ((p << 1) | (l >>> 31))), (e[6] ^= t), (e[7] ^= r), (e[16] ^= t), (e[17] ^= r), (e[26] ^= t), (e[27] ^= r), (e[36] ^= t), (e[37] ^= r), (e[46] ^= t), (e[47] ^= r), (t = h ^ ((i << 1) | (o >>> 31))), (r = d ^ ((o << 1) | (i >>> 31))), (e[8] ^= t), (e[9] ^= r), (e[18] ^= t), (e[19] ^= r), (e[28] ^= t), (e[29] ^= r), (e[38] ^= t), (e[39] ^= r), (e[48] ^= t), (e[49] ^= r), (b = e[0]), (m = e[1]), (W = (e[11] << 4) | (e[10] >>> 28)), (Y = (e[10] << 4) | (e[11] >>> 28)), (O = (e[20] << 3) | (e[21] >>> 29)), (C = (e[21] << 3) | (e[20] >>> 29)), (se = (e[31] << 9) | (e[30] >>> 23)), (ue = (e[30] << 9) | (e[31] >>> 23)), (H = (e[40] << 18) | (e[41] >>> 14)), (K = (e[41] << 18) | (e[40] >>> 14)), (R = (e[2] << 1) | (e[3] >>> 31)), (N = (e[3] << 1) | (e[2] >>> 31)), (y = (e[13] << 12) | (e[12] >>> 20)), (v = (e[12] << 12) | (e[13] >>> 20)), ($ = (e[22] << 10) | (e[23] >>> 22)), (J = (e[23] << 10) | (e[22] >>> 22)), (P = (e[33] << 13) | (e[32] >>> 19)), (T = (e[32] << 13) | (e[33] >>> 19)), (fe = (e[42] << 2) | (e[43] >>> 30)), (ce = (e[43] << 2) | (e[42] >>> 30)), (te = (e[5] << 30) | (e[4] >>> 2)), (re = (e[4] << 30) | (e[5] >>> 2)), (j = (e[14] << 6) | (e[15] >>> 26)), (L = (e[15] << 6) | (e[14] >>> 26)), (g = (e[25] << 11) | (e[24] >>> 21)), (w = (e[24] << 11) | (e[25] >>> 21)), (Z = (e[34] << 15) | (e[35] >>> 17)), (X = (e[35] << 15) | (e[34] >>> 17)), (U = (e[45] << 29) | (e[44] >>> 3)), (B = (e[44] << 29) | (e[45] >>> 3)), (E = (e[6] << 28) | (e[7] >>> 4)), (x = (e[7] << 28) | (e[6] >>> 4)), (ne = (e[17] << 23) | (e[16] >>> 9)), (ie = (e[16] << 23) | (e[17] >>> 9)), (F = (e[26] << 25) | (e[27] >>> 7)), (D = (e[27] << 25) | (e[26] >>> 7)), (_ = (e[36] << 21) | (e[37] >>> 11)), (k = (e[37] << 21) | (e[36] >>> 11)), (Q = (e[47] << 24) | (e[46] >>> 8)), (ee = (e[46] << 24) | (e[47] >>> 8)), (V = (e[8] << 27) | (e[9] >>> 5)), (G = (e[9] << 27) | (e[8] >>> 5)), (M = (e[18] << 20) | (e[19] >>> 12)), (I = (e[19] << 20) | (e[18] >>> 12)), (oe = (e[29] << 7) | (e[28] >>> 25)), (ae = (e[28] << 7) | (e[29] >>> 25)), (q = (e[38] << 8) | (e[39] >>> 24)), (z = (e[39] << 8) | (e[38] >>> 24)), (A = (e[48] << 14) | (e[49] >>> 18)), (S = (e[49] << 14) | (e[48] >>> 18)), (e[0] = b ^ (~y & g)), (e[1] = m ^ (~v & w)), (e[10] = E ^ (~M & O)), (e[11] = x ^ (~I & C)), (e[20] = R ^ (~j & F)), (e[21] = N ^ (~L & D)), (e[30] = V ^ (~W & $)), (e[31] = G ^ (~Y & J)), (e[40] = te ^ (~ne & oe)), (e[41] = re ^ (~ie & ae)), (e[2] = y ^ (~g & _)), (e[3] = v ^ (~w & k)), (e[12] = M ^ (~O & P)), (e[13] = I ^ (~C & T)), (e[22] = j ^ (~F & q)), (e[23] = L ^ (~D & z)), (e[32] = W ^ (~$ & Z)), (e[33] = Y ^ (~J & X)), (e[42] = ne ^ (~oe & se)), (e[43] = ie ^ (~ae & ue)), (e[4] = g ^ (~_ & A)), (e[5] = w ^ (~k & S)), (e[14] = O ^ (~P & U)), (e[15] = C ^ (~T & B)), (e[24] = F ^ (~q & H)), (e[25] = D ^ (~z & K)), (e[34] = $ ^ (~Z & Q)), (e[35] = J ^ (~X & ee)), (e[44] = oe ^ (~se & fe)), (e[45] = ae ^ (~ue & ce)), (e[6] = _ ^ (~A & b)), (e[7] = k ^ (~S & m)), (e[16] = P ^ (~U & E)), (e[17] = T ^ (~B & x)), (e[26] = q ^ (~H & R)), (e[27] = z ^ (~K & N)), (e[36] = Z ^ (~Q & V)), (e[37] = X ^ (~ee & G)), (e[46] = se ^ (~fe & te)), (e[47] = ue ^ (~ce & re)), (e[8] = A ^ (~b & y)), (e[9] = S ^ (~m & v)), (e[18] = U ^ (~E & M)), (e[19] = B ^ (~x & I)), (e[28] = H ^ (~R & j)), (e[29] = K ^ (~N & L)), (e[38] = Q ^ (~V & W)), (e[39] = ee ^ (~G & Y)), (e[48] = fe ^ (~te & ne)), (e[49] = ce ^ (~re & ie)), (e[0] ^= a[n]), (e[1] ^= a[n + 1]); }, u = function (e) { return function (t) { var r; if ('0x' === t.slice(0, 2)) { r = []; for (var a = 2, u = t.length; a < u; a += 2) r.push(parseInt(t.slice(a, a + 2), 16)); } else r = t; return (function (e, t) { for ( var r, a = t.length, u = e.blocks, f = e.blockCount << 2, c = e.blockCount, h = e.outputBlocks, d = e.s, l = 0; l < a; ) { if (e.reset) for (e.reset = !1, u[0] = e.block, m = 1; m < c + 1; ++m) u[m] = 0; if ('string' != typeof t) for (m = e.start; l < a && m < f; ++l) u[m >> 2] |= t[l] << o[3 & m++]; else for (m = e.start; l < a && m < f; ++l) (r = t.charCodeAt(l)) < 128 ? (u[m >> 2] |= r << o[3 & m++]) : r < 2048 ? ((u[m >> 2] |= (192 | (r >> 6)) << o[3 & m++]), (u[m >> 2] |= (128 | (63 & r)) << o[3 & m++])) : r < 55296 || r >= 57344 ? ((u[m >> 2] |= (224 | (r >> 12)) << o[3 & m++]), (u[m >> 2] |= (128 | ((r >> 6) & 63)) << o[3 & m++]), (u[m >> 2] |= (128 | (63 & r)) << o[3 & m++])) : ((r = 65536 + (((1023 & r) << 10) | (1023 & t.charCodeAt(++l)))), (u[m >> 2] |= (240 | (r >> 18)) << o[3 & m++]), (u[m >> 2] |= (128 | ((r >> 12) & 63)) << o[3 & m++]), (u[m >> 2] |= (128 | ((r >> 6) & 63)) << o[3 & m++]), (u[m >> 2] |= (128 | (63 & r)) << o[3 & m++])); if (((e.lastByteIndex = m), m >= f)) { for (e.start = m - f, e.block = u[c], m = 0; m < c; ++m) d[m] ^= u[m]; s(d), (e.reset = !0); } else e.start = m; } if (((u[(m = e.lastByteIndex) >> 2] |= i[3 & m]), e.lastByteIndex === f)) for (u[0] = u[c], m = 1; m < c + 1; ++m) u[m] = 0; for (u[c - 1] |= 2147483648, m = 0; m < c; ++m) d[m] ^= u[m]; s(d); for (var p, b = '', m = 0, y = 0; y < h; ) { for (m = 0; m < c && y < h; ++m, ++y) (p = d[m]), (b += n[(p >> 4) & 15] + n[15 & p] + n[(p >> 12) & 15] + n[(p >> 8) & 15] + n[(p >> 20) & 15] + n[(p >> 16) & 15] + n[(p >> 28) & 15] + n[(p >> 24) & 15]); y % c == 0 && (s(d), (m = 0)); } return '0x' + b; })( (function (e) { return { blocks: [], reset: !0, block: 0, start: 0, blockCount: (1600 - (e << 1)) >> 5, outputBlocks: e >> 5, s: ((t = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), [].concat(t, t, t, t, t)), }; var t; })(e), r ); }; }; e.exports = { keccak256: u(256), keccak512: u(512), keccak256s: u(256), keccak512s: u(512) }; }, function (e, t) { (function (t) { e.exports = t; }.call(this, {})); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, i = '~'; function o() {} function a(e, t, r) { (this.fn = e), (this.context = t), (this.once = r || !1); } function s(e, t, r, n, o) { if ('function' != typeof r) throw new TypeError('The listener must be a function'); var s = new a(r, n || e, o), u = i ? i + t : t; return ( e._events[u] ? e._events[u].fn ? (e._events[u] = [e._events[u], s]) : e._events[u].push(s) : ((e._events[u] = s), e._eventsCount++), e ); } function u(e, t) { 0 == --e._eventsCount ? (e._events = new o()) : delete e._events[t]; } function f() { (this._events = new o()), (this._eventsCount = 0); } Object.create && ((o.prototype = Object.create(null)), new o().__proto__ || (i = !1)), (f.prototype.eventNames = function () { var e, t, r = []; if (0 === this._eventsCount) return r; for (t in (e = this._events)) n.call(e, t) && r.push(i ? t.slice(1) : t); return Object.getOwnPropertySymbols ? r.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e)) : r; }), (f.prototype.listeners = function (e) { var t = i ? i + e : e, r = this._events[t]; if (!r) return []; if (r.fn) return [r.fn]; for (var n = 0, o = r.length, a = new Array(o); n < o; n++) a[n] = r[n].fn; return a; }), (f.prototype.listenerCount = function (e) { var t = i ? i + e : e, r = this._events[t]; return r ? (r.fn ? 1 : r.length) : 0; }), (f.prototype.emit = function (e, t, r, n, o, a) { var s = i ? i + e : e; if (!this._events[s]) return !1; var u, f, c = this._events[s], h = arguments.length; if (c.fn) { switch ((c.once && this.removeListener(e, c.fn, void 0, !0), h)) { case 1: return c.fn.call(c.context), !0; case 2: return c.fn.call(c.context, t), !0; case 3: return c.fn.call(c.context, t, r), !0; case 4: return c.fn.call(c.context, t, r, n), !0; case 5: return c.fn.call(c.context, t, r, n, o), !0; case 6: return c.fn.call(c.context, t, r, n, o, a), !0; } for (f = 1, u = new Array(h - 1); f < h; f++) u[f - 1] = arguments[f]; c.fn.apply(c.context, u); } else { var d, l = c.length; for (f = 0; f < l; f++) switch ((c[f].once && this.removeListener(e, c[f].fn, void 0, !0), h)) { case 1: c[f].fn.call(c[f].context); break; case 2: c[f].fn.call(c[f].context, t); break; case 3: c[f].fn.call(c[f].context, t, r); break; case 4: c[f].fn.call(c[f].context, t, r, n); break; default: if (!u) for (d = 1, u = new Array(h - 1); d < h; d++) u[d - 1] = arguments[d]; c[f].fn.apply(c[f].context, u); } } return !0; }), (f.prototype.on = function (e, t, r) { return s(this, e, t, r, !1); }), (f.prototype.once = function (e, t, r) { return s(this, e, t, r, !0); }), (f.prototype.removeListener = function (e, t, r, n) { var o = i ? i + e : e; if (!this._events[o]) return this; if (!t) return u(this, o), this; var a = this._events[o]; if (a.fn) a.fn !== t || (n && !a.once) || (r && a.context !== r) || u(this, o); else { for (var s = 0, f = [], c = a.length; s < c; s++) (a[s].fn !== t || (n && !a[s].once) || (r && a[s].context !== r)) && f.push(a[s]); f.length ? (this._events[o] = 1 === f.length ? f[0] : f) : u(this, o); } return this; }), (f.prototype.removeAllListeners = function (e) { var t; return ( e ? ((t = i ? i + e : e), this._events[t] && u(this, t)) : ((this._events = new o()), (this._eventsCount = 0)), this ); }), (f.prototype.off = f.prototype.removeListener), (f.prototype.addListener = f.prototype.on), (f.prefixed = i), (f.EventEmitter = f), (e.exports = f); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (e) { var n = r(204), i = r(97), o = r(103), a = r(213), s = r(33), u = t; (u.request = function (t, r) { t = 'string' == typeof t ? s.parse(t) : o(t); var i = -1 === e.location.protocol.search(/^https?:$/) ? 'http:' : '', a = t.protocol || i, u = t.hostname || t.host, f = t.port, c = t.path || '/'; u && -1 !== u.indexOf(':') && (u = '[' + u + ']'), (t.url = (u ? a + '//' + u : '') + (f ? ':' + f : '') + c), (t.method = (t.method || 'GET').toUpperCase()), (t.headers = t.headers || {}); var h = new n(t); return r && h.on('response', r), h; }), (u.get = function (e, t) { var r = u.request(e, t); return r.end(), r; }), (u.ClientRequest = n), (u.IncomingMessage = i.IncomingMessage), (u.Agent = function () {}), (u.Agent.defaultMaxSockets = 4), (u.globalAgent = new u.Agent()), (u.STATUS_CODES = a), (u.METHODS = [ 'CHECKOUT', 'CONNECT', 'COPY', 'DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'LOCK', 'M-SEARCH', 'MERGE', 'MKACTIVITY', 'MKCOL', 'MOVE', 'NOTIFY', 'OPTIONS', 'PATCH', 'POST', 'PROPFIND', 'PROPPATCH', 'PURGE', 'PUT', 'REPORT', 'SEARCH', 'SUBSCRIBE', 'TRACE', 'UNLOCK', 'UNSUBSCRIBE', ]); }.call(this, r(8))); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n, i = r(0)(r(1)), o = 'object' === ('undefined' == typeof Reflect ? 'undefined' : (0, i.default)(Reflect)) ? Reflect : null, a = o && 'function' == typeof o.apply ? o.apply : function (e, t, r) { return Function.prototype.apply.call(e, t, r); }; n = o && 'function' == typeof o.ownKeys ? o.ownKeys : Object.getOwnPropertySymbols ? function (e) { return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e)); } : function (e) { return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e); }; var s = Number.isNaN || function (e) { return e != e; }; function u() { u.init.call(this); } (e.exports = u), (u.EventEmitter = u), (u.prototype._events = void 0), (u.prototype._eventsCount = 0), (u.prototype._maxListeners = void 0); var f = 10; function c(e) { if ('function' != typeof e) throw new TypeError( 'The "listener" argument must be of type Function. Received type ' + (0, i.default)(e) ); } function h(e) { return void 0 === e._maxListeners ? u.defaultMaxListeners : e._maxListeners; } function d(e, t, r, n) { var i, o, a, s; if ( (c(r), void 0 === (o = e._events) ? ((o = e._events = Object.create(null)), (e._eventsCount = 0)) : (void 0 !== o.newListener && (e.emit('newListener', t, r.listener ? r.listener : r), (o = e._events)), (a = o[t])), void 0 === a) ) (a = o[t] = r), ++e._eventsCount; else if ( ('function' == typeof a ? (a = o[t] = n ? [r, a] : [a, r]) : n ? a.unshift(r) : a.push(r), (i = h(e)) > 0 && a.length > i && !a.warned) ) { a.warned = !0; var u = new Error( 'Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. ' + a.length + ' ' + String(t) + ' listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit' ); (u.name = 'MaxListenersExceededWarning'), (u.emitter = e), (u.type = t), (u.count = a.length), (s = u), console && console.warn && console.warn(s); } return e; } function l() { if (!this.fired) return ( this.target.removeListener(this.type, this.wrapFn), (this.fired = !0), 0 === arguments.length ? this.listener.call(this.target) : this.listener.apply(this.target, arguments) ); } function p(e, t, r) { var n = { fired: !1, wrapFn: void 0, target: e, type: t, listener: r }, i = l.bind(n); return (i.listener = r), (n.wrapFn = i), i; } function b(e, t, r) { var n = e._events; if (void 0 === n) return []; var i = n[t]; return void 0 === i ? [] : 'function' == typeof i ? r ? [i.listener || i] : [i] : r ? (function (e) { for (var t = new Array(e.length), r = 0; r < t.length; ++r) t[r] = e[r].listener || e[r]; return t; })(i) : y(i, i.length); } function m(e) { var t = this._events; if (void 0 !== t) { var r = t[e]; if ('function' == typeof r) return 1; if (void 0 !== r) return r.length; } return 0; } function y(e, t) { for (var r = new Array(t), n = 0; n < t; ++n) r[n] = e[n]; return r; } Object.defineProperty(u, 'defaultMaxListeners', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return f; }, set: function (e) { if ('number' != typeof e || e < 0 || s(e)) throw new RangeError( 'The value of "defaultMaxListeners" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received ' + e + '.' ); f = e; }, }), (u.init = function () { (void 0 !== this._events && this._events !== Object.getPrototypeOf(this)._events) || ((this._events = Object.create(null)), (this._eventsCount = 0)), (this._maxListeners = this._maxListeners || void 0); }), (u.prototype.setMaxListeners = function (e) { if ('number' != typeof e || e < 0 || s(e)) throw new RangeError( 'The value of "n" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received ' + e + '.' ); return (this._maxListeners = e), this; }), (u.prototype.getMaxListeners = function () { return h(this); }), (u.prototype.emit = function (e) { for (var t = [], r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) t.push(arguments[r]); var n = 'error' === e, i = this._events; if (void 0 !== i) n = n && void 0 === i.error; else if (!n) return !1; if (n) { var o; if ((t.length > 0 && (o = t[0]), o instanceof Error)) throw o; var s = new Error('Unhandled error.' + (o ? ' (' + o.message + ')' : '')); throw ((s.context = o), s); } var u = i[e]; if (void 0 === u) return !1; if ('function' == typeof u) a(u, this, t); else { var f = u.length, c = y(u, f); for (r = 0; r < f; ++r) a(c[r], this, t); } return !0; }), (u.prototype.addListener = function (e, t) { return d(this, e, t, !1); }), (u.prototype.on = u.prototype.addListener), (u.prototype.prependListener = function (e, t) { return d(this, e, t, !0); }), (u.prototype.once = function (e, t) { return c(t), this.on(e, p(this, e, t)), this; }), (u.prototype.prependOnceListener = function (e, t) { return c(t), this.prependListener(e, p(this, e, t)), this; }), (u.prototype.removeListener = function (e, t) { var r, n, i, o, a; if ((c(t), void 0 === (n = this._events))) return this; if (void 0 === (r = n[e])) return this; if (r === t || r.listener === t) 0 == --this._eventsCount ? (this._events = Object.create(null)) : (delete n[e], n.removeListener && this.emit('removeListener', e, r.listener || t)); else if ('function' != typeof r) { for (i = -1, o = r.length - 1; o >= 0; o--) if (r[o] === t || r[o].listener === t) { (a = r[o].listener), (i = o); break; } if (i < 0) return this; 0 === i ? r.shift() : (function (e, t) { for (; t + 1 < e.length; t++) e[t] = e[t + 1]; e.pop(); })(r, i), 1 === r.length && (n[e] = r[0]), void 0 !== n.removeListener && this.emit('removeListener', e, a || t); } return this; }), (u.prototype.off = u.prototype.removeListener), (u.prototype.removeAllListeners = function (e) { var t, r, n; if (void 0 === (r = this._events)) return this; if (void 0 === r.removeListener) return ( 0 === arguments.length ? ((this._events = Object.create(null)), (this._eventsCount = 0)) : void 0 !== r[e] && (0 == --this._eventsCount ? (this._events = Object.create(null)) : delete r[e]), this ); if (0 === arguments.length) { var i, o = Object.keys(r); for (n = 0; n < o.length; ++n) 'removeListener' !== (i = o[n]) && this.removeAllListeners(i); return ( this.removeAllListeners('removeListener'), (this._events = Object.create(null)), (this._eventsCount = 0), this ); } if ('function' == typeof (t = r[e])) this.removeListener(e, t); else if (void 0 !== t) for (n = t.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) this.removeListener(e, t[n]); return this; }), (u.prototype.listeners = function (e) { return b(this, e, !0); }), (u.prototype.rawListeners = function (e) { return b(this, e, !1); }), (u.listenerCount = function (e, t) { return 'function' == typeof e.listenerCount ? e.listenerCount(t) : m.call(e, t); }), (u.prototype.listenerCount = m), (u.prototype.eventNames = function () { return this._eventsCount > 0 ? n(this._events) : []; }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (t, n, i) { var o = r(46); function a(e) { var t = this; (this.next = null), (this.entry = null), (this.finish = function () { !(function (e, t, r) { var n = e.entry; e.entry = null; for (; n; ) { var i = n.callback; t.pendingcb--, i(r), (n = n.next); } t.corkedRequestsFree ? (t.corkedRequestsFree.next = e) : (t.corkedRequestsFree = e); })(t, e); }); } e.exports = v; var s, u = !t.browser && ['v0.10', 'v0.9.'].indexOf(t.version.slice(0, 5)) > -1 ? n : o.nextTick; v.WritableState = y; var f = r(35); f.inherits = r(3); var c = { deprecate: r(209) }, h = r(99), d = r(4).Buffer, l = i.Uint8Array || function () {}; var p, b = r(100); function m() {} function y(e, t) { (s = s || r(27)), (e = e || {}); var n = t instanceof s; (this.objectMode = !!e.objectMode), n && (this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!e.writableObjectMode); var i = e.highWaterMark, f = e.writableHighWaterMark, c = this.objectMode ? 16 : 16384; (this.highWaterMark = i || 0 === i ? i : n && (f || 0 === f) ? f : c), (this.highWaterMark = Math.floor(this.highWaterMark)), (this.finalCalled = !1), (this.needDrain = !1), (this.ending = !1), (this.ended = !1), (this.finished = !1), (this.destroyed = !1); var h = !1 === e.decodeStrings; (this.decodeStrings = !h), (this.defaultEncoding = e.defaultEncoding || 'utf8'), (this.length = 0), (this.writing = !1), (this.corked = 0), (this.sync = !0), (this.bufferProcessing = !1), (this.onwrite = function (e) { !(function (e, t) { var r = e._writableState, n = r.sync, i = r.writecb; if ( ((function (e) { (e.writing = !1), (e.writecb = null), (e.length -= e.writelen), (e.writelen = 0); })(r), t) ) !(function (e, t, r, n, i) { --t.pendingcb, r ? (o.nextTick(i, n), o.nextTick(S, e, t), (e._writableState.errorEmitted = !0), e.emit('error', n)) : (i(n), (e._writableState.errorEmitted = !0), e.emit('error', n), S(e, t)); })(e, r, n, t, i); else { var a = k(r); a || r.corked || r.bufferProcessing || !r.bufferedRequest || _(e, r), n ? u(w, e, r, a, i) : w(e, r, a, i); } })(t, e); }), (this.writecb = null), (this.writelen = 0), (this.bufferedRequest = null), (this.lastBufferedRequest = null), (this.pendingcb = 0), (this.prefinished = !1), (this.errorEmitted = !1), (this.bufferedRequestCount = 0), (this.corkedRequestsFree = new a(this)); } function v(e) { if (((s = s || r(27)), !(p.call(v, this) || this instanceof s))) return new v(e); (this._writableState = new y(e, this)), (this.writable = !0), e && ('function' == typeof e.write && (this._write = e.write), 'function' == typeof e.writev && (this._writev = e.writev), 'function' == typeof e.destroy && (this._destroy = e.destroy), 'function' == typeof e.final && (this._final = e.final)), h.call(this); } function g(e, t, r, n, i, o, a) { (t.writelen = n), (t.writecb = a), (t.writing = !0), (t.sync = !0), r ? e._writev(i, t.onwrite) : e._write(i, o, t.onwrite), (t.sync = !1); } function w(e, t, r, n) { r || (function (e, t) { 0 === t.length && t.needDrain && ((t.needDrain = !1), e.emit('drain')); })(e, t), t.pendingcb--, n(), S(e, t); } function _(e, t) { t.bufferProcessing = !0; var r = t.bufferedRequest; if (e._writev && r && r.next) { var n = t.bufferedRequestCount, i = new Array(n), o = t.corkedRequestsFree; o.entry = r; for (var s = 0, u = !0; r; ) (i[s] = r), r.isBuf || (u = !1), (r = r.next), (s += 1); (i.allBuffers = u), g(e, t, !0, t.length, i, '', o.finish), t.pendingcb++, (t.lastBufferedRequest = null), o.next ? ((t.corkedRequestsFree = o.next), (o.next = null)) : (t.corkedRequestsFree = new a(t)), (t.bufferedRequestCount = 0); } else { for (; r; ) { var f = r.chunk, c = r.encoding, h = r.callback; if ( (g(e, t, !1, t.objectMode ? 1 : f.length, f, c, h), (r = r.next), t.bufferedRequestCount--, t.writing) ) break; } null === r && (t.lastBufferedRequest = null); } (t.bufferedRequest = r), (t.bufferProcessing = !1); } function k(e) { return ( e.ending && 0 === e.length && null === e.bufferedRequest && !e.finished && !e.writing ); } function A(e, t) { e._final(function (r) { t.pendingcb--, r && e.emit('error', r), (t.prefinished = !0), e.emit('prefinish'), S(e, t); }); } function S(e, t) { var r = k(t); return ( r && (!(function (e, t) { t.prefinished || t.finalCalled || ('function' == typeof e._final ? (t.pendingcb++, (t.finalCalled = !0), o.nextTick(A, e, t)) : ((t.prefinished = !0), e.emit('prefinish'))); })(e, t), 0 === t.pendingcb && ((t.finished = !0), e.emit('finish'))), r ); } f.inherits(v, h), (y.prototype.getBuffer = function () { for (var e = this.bufferedRequest, t = []; e; ) t.push(e), (e = e.next); return t; }), (function () { try { Object.defineProperty(y.prototype, 'buffer', { get: c.deprecate( function () { return this.getBuffer(); }, '_writableState.buffer is deprecated. Use _writableState.getBuffer instead.', 'DEP0003' ), }); } catch (e) {} })(), 'function' == typeof Symbol && Symbol.hasInstance && 'function' == typeof Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance] ? ((p = Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance]), Object.defineProperty(v, Symbol.hasInstance, { value: function (e) { return !!p.call(this, e) || (this === v && e && e._writableState instanceof y); }, })) : (p = function (e) { return e instanceof this; }), (v.prototype.pipe = function () { this.emit('error', new Error('Cannot pipe, not readable')); }), (v.prototype.write = function (e, t, r) { var n, i = this._writableState, a = !1, s = !i.objectMode && ((n = e), d.isBuffer(n) || n instanceof l); return ( s && !d.isBuffer(e) && (e = (function (e) { return d.from(e); })(e)), 'function' == typeof t && ((r = t), (t = null)), s ? (t = 'buffer') : t || (t = i.defaultEncoding), 'function' != typeof r && (r = m), i.ended ? (function (e, t) { var r = new Error('write after end'); e.emit('error', r), o.nextTick(t, r); })(this, r) : (s || (function (e, t, r, n) { var i = !0, a = !1; return ( null === r ? (a = new TypeError('May not write null values to stream')) : 'string' == typeof r || void 0 === r || t.objectMode || (a = new TypeError('Invalid non-string/buffer chunk')), a && (e.emit('error', a), o.nextTick(n, a), (i = !1)), i ); })(this, i, e, r)) && (i.pendingcb++, (a = (function (e, t, r, n, i, o) { if (!r) { var a = (function (e, t, r) { e.objectMode || !1 === e.decodeStrings || 'string' != typeof t || (t = d.from(t, r)); return t; })(t, n, i); n !== a && ((r = !0), (i = 'buffer'), (n = a)); } var s = t.objectMode ? 1 : n.length; t.length += s; var u = t.length < t.highWaterMark; u || (t.needDrain = !0); if (t.writing || t.corked) { var f = t.lastBufferedRequest; (t.lastBufferedRequest = { chunk: n, encoding: i, isBuf: r, callback: o, next: null, }), f ? (f.next = t.lastBufferedRequest) : (t.bufferedRequest = t.lastBufferedRequest), (t.bufferedRequestCount += 1); } else g(e, t, !1, s, n, i, o); return u; })(this, i, s, e, t, r))), a ); }), (v.prototype.cork = function () { this._writableState.corked++; }), (v.prototype.uncork = function () { var e = this._writableState; e.corked && (e.corked--, e.writing || e.corked || e.finished || e.bufferProcessing || !e.bufferedRequest || _(this, e)); }), (v.prototype.setDefaultEncoding = function (e) { if ( ('string' == typeof e && (e = e.toLowerCase()), !( [ 'hex', 'utf8', 'utf-8', 'ascii', 'binary', 'base64', 'ucs2', 'ucs-2', 'utf16le', 'utf-16le', 'raw', ].indexOf((e + '').toLowerCase()) > -1 )) ) throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + e); return (this._writableState.defaultEncoding = e), this; }), Object.defineProperty(v.prototype, 'writableHighWaterMark', { enumerable: !1, get: function () { return this._writableState.highWaterMark; }, }), (v.prototype._write = function (e, t, r) { r(new Error('_write() is not implemented')); }), (v.prototype._writev = null), (v.prototype.end = function (e, t, r) { var n = this._writableState; 'function' == typeof e ? ((r = e), (e = null), (t = null)) : 'function' == typeof t && ((r = t), (t = null)), null != e && this.write(e, t), n.corked && ((n.corked = 1), this.uncork()), n.ending || n.finished || (function (e, t, r) { (t.ending = !0), S(e, t), r && (t.finished ? o.nextTick(r) : e.once('finish', r)); (t.ended = !0), (e.writable = !1); })(this, n, r); }), Object.defineProperty(v.prototype, 'destroyed', { get: function () { return void 0 !== this._writableState && this._writableState.destroyed; }, set: function (e) { this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = e); }, }), (v.prototype.destroy = b.destroy), (v.prototype._undestroy = b.undestroy), (v.prototype._destroy = function (e, t) { this.end(), t(e); }); }.call(this, r(11), r(101).setImmediate, r(8))); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(210).Buffer, i = n.isEncoding || function (e) { switch ((e = '' + e) && e.toLowerCase()) { case 'hex': case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': case 'ascii': case 'binary': case 'base64': case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': case 'raw': return !0; default: return !1; } }; function o(e) { var t; switch ( ((this.encoding = (function (e) { var t = (function (e) { if (!e) return 'utf8'; for (var t; ; ) switch (e) { case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': return 'utf8'; case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': return 'utf16le'; case 'latin1': case 'binary': return 'latin1'; case 'base64': case 'ascii': case 'hex': return e; default: if (t) return; (e = ('' + e).toLowerCase()), (t = !0); } })(e); if ('string' != typeof t && (n.isEncoding === i || !i(e))) throw new Error('Unknown encoding: ' + e); return t || e; })(e)), this.encoding) ) { case 'utf16le': (this.text = u), (this.end = f), (t = 4); break; case 'utf8': (this.fillLast = s), (t = 4); break; case 'base64': (this.text = c), (this.end = h), (t = 3); break; default: return (this.write = d), void (this.end = l); } (this.lastNeed = 0), (this.lastTotal = 0), (this.lastChar = n.allocUnsafe(t)); } function a(e) { return e <= 127 ? 0 : e >> 5 == 6 ? 2 : e >> 4 == 14 ? 3 : e >> 3 == 30 ? 4 : e >> 6 == 2 ? -1 : -2; } function s(e) { var t = this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed, r = (function (e, t, r) { if (128 != (192 & t[0])) return (e.lastNeed = 0), '�'; if (e.lastNeed > 1 && t.length > 1) { if (128 != (192 & t[1])) return (e.lastNeed = 1), '�'; if (e.lastNeed > 2 && t.length > 2 && 128 != (192 & t[2])) return (e.lastNeed = 2), '�'; } })(this, e); return void 0 !== r ? r : this.lastNeed <= e.length ? (e.copy(this.lastChar, t, 0, this.lastNeed), this.lastChar.toString(this.encoding, 0, this.lastTotal)) : (e.copy(this.lastChar, t, 0, e.length), void (this.lastNeed -= e.length)); } function u(e, t) { if ((e.length - t) % 2 == 0) { var r = e.toString('utf16le', t); if (r) { var n = r.charCodeAt(r.length - 1); if (n >= 55296 && n <= 56319) return ( (this.lastNeed = 2), (this.lastTotal = 4), (this.lastChar[0] = e[e.length - 2]), (this.lastChar[1] = e[e.length - 1]), r.slice(0, -1) ); } return r; } return ( (this.lastNeed = 1), (this.lastTotal = 2), (this.lastChar[0] = e[e.length - 1]), e.toString('utf16le', t, e.length - 1) ); } function f(e) { var t = e && e.length ? this.write(e) : ''; if (this.lastNeed) { var r = this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed; return t + this.lastChar.toString('utf16le', 0, r); } return t; } function c(e, t) { var r = (e.length - t) % 3; return 0 === r ? e.toString('base64', t) : ((this.lastNeed = 3 - r), (this.lastTotal = 3), 1 === r ? (this.lastChar[0] = e[e.length - 1]) : ((this.lastChar[0] = e[e.length - 2]), (this.lastChar[1] = e[e.length - 1])), e.toString('base64', t, e.length - r)); } function h(e) { var t = e && e.length ? this.write(e) : ''; return this.lastNeed ? t + this.lastChar.toString('base64', 0, 3 - this.lastNeed) : t; } function d(e) { return e.toString(this.encoding); } function l(e) { return e && e.length ? this.write(e) : ''; } (t.StringDecoder = o), (o.prototype.write = function (e) { if (0 === e.length) return ''; var t, r; if (this.lastNeed) { if (void 0 === (t = this.fillLast(e))) return ''; (r = this.lastNeed), (this.lastNeed = 0); } else r = 0; return r < e.length ? (t ? t + this.text(e, r) : this.text(e, r)) : t || ''; }), (o.prototype.end = function (e) { var t = e && e.length ? this.write(e) : ''; return this.lastNeed ? t + '�' : t; }), (o.prototype.text = function (e, t) { var r = (function (e, t, r) { var n = t.length - 1; if (n < r) return 0; var i = a(t[n]); if (i >= 0) return i > 0 && (e.lastNeed = i - 1), i; if (--n < r || -2 === i) return 0; if ((i = a(t[n])) >= 0) return i > 0 && (e.lastNeed = i - 2), i; if (--n < r || -2 === i) return 0; if ((i = a(t[n])) >= 0) return i > 0 && (2 === i ? (i = 0) : (e.lastNeed = i - 3)), i; return 0; })(this, e, t); if (!this.lastNeed) return e.toString('utf8', t); this.lastTotal = r; var n = e.length - (r - this.lastNeed); return e.copy(this.lastChar, 0, n), e.toString('utf8', t, n); }), (o.prototype.fillLast = function (e) { if (this.lastNeed <= e.length) return ( e.copy(this.lastChar, this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed, 0, this.lastNeed), this.lastChar.toString(this.encoding, 0, this.lastTotal) ); e.copy(this.lastChar, this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed, 0, e.length), (this.lastNeed -= e.length); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); var n = (function () { function e() { this.listeners = {}; } return ( (e.prototype.addEventListener = function (e, t) { (e = e.toLowerCase()), (this.listeners[e] = this.listeners[e] || []), this.listeners[e].push(t.handleEvent || t); }), (e.prototype.removeEventListener = function (e, t) { if (((e = e.toLowerCase()), this.listeners[e])) { var r = this.listeners[e].indexOf(t.handleEvent || t); r < 0 || this.listeners[e].splice(r, 1); } }), (e.prototype.dispatchEvent = function (e) { var t = e.type.toLowerCase(); if (((e.target = this), this.listeners[t])) for (var r = 0, n = this.listeners[t]; r < n.length; r++) { n[r].call(this, e); } var i = this['on' + t]; return i && i.call(this, e), !0; }), e ); })(); t.XMLHttpRequestEventTarget = n; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; function n(e, t, r, n, i, o, a) { try { var s = e[o](a), u = s.value; } catch (e) { return void r(e); } s.done ? t(u) : Promise.resolve(u).then(n, i); } e.exports = function (e) { return function () { var t = this, r = arguments; return new Promise(function (i, o) { var a = e.apply(t, r); function s(e) { n(a, i, o, s, u, 'next', e); } function u(e) { n(a, i, o, s, u, 'throw', e); } s(void 0); }); }; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.getAddress = v), (t.isAddress = function (e) { try { return v(e), !0; } catch (e) {} return !1; }), (t.getIcapAddress = function (e) { var t = new n.BN(v(e).substring(2), 16).toString(36).toUpperCase(); for (; t.length < 30; ) t = '0' + t; return 'XE' + y('XE00' + t) + t; }), (t.getContractAddress = function (e) { var t = null; try { t = v(e.from); } catch (t) { c.throwArgumentError('missing from address', 'transaction', e); } var r = (0, i.stripZeros)((0, i.arrayify)(o.BigNumber.from(e.nonce).toHexString())); return v((0, i.hexDataSlice)((0, a.keccak256)((0, s.encode)([t, r])), 12)); }), (t.getCreate2Address = function (e, t, r) { 32 !== (0, i.hexDataLength)(t) && c.throwArgumentError('salt must be 32 bytes', 'salt', t); 32 !== (0, i.hexDataLength)(r) && c.throwArgumentError('initCodeHash must be 32 bytes', 'initCodeHash', r); return v((0, i.hexDataSlice)((0, a.keccak256)((0, i.concat)(['0xff', v(e), t, r])), 12)); }); var n = r(5), i = r(12), o = r(29), a = r(50), s = r(107), u = r(14), f = r(231), c = new u.Logger(f.version); function h(e) { (0, i.isHexString)(e, 20) || c.throwArgumentError('invalid address', 'address', e); for ( var t = (e = e.toLowerCase()).substring(2).split(''), r = new Uint8Array(40), n = 0; n < 40; n++ ) r[n] = t[n].charCodeAt(0); for (var o = (0, i.arrayify)((0, a.keccak256)(r)), s = 0; s < 40; s += 2) o[s >> 1] >> 4 >= 8 && (t[s] = t[s].toUpperCase()), (15 & o[s >> 1]) >= 8 && (t[s + 1] = t[s + 1].toUpperCase()); return '0x' + t.join(''); } for (var d = {}, l = 0; l < 10; l++) d[String(l)] = String(l); for (var p = 0; p < 26; p++) d[String.fromCharCode(65 + p)] = String(10 + p); var b, m = Math.floor( ((b = 9007199254740991), Math.log10 ? Math.log10(b) : Math.log(b) / Math.LN10) ); function y(e) { for ( var t = (e = (e = e.toUpperCase()).substring(4) + e.substring(0, 2) + '00') .split('') .map(function (e) { return d[e]; }) .join(''); t.length >= m; ) { var r = t.substring(0, m); t = (parseInt(r, 10) % 97) + t.substring(r.length); } for (var n = String(98 - (parseInt(t, 10) % 97)); n.length < 2; ) n = '0' + n; return n; } function v(e) { var t = null; if ( ('string' != typeof e && c.throwArgumentError('invalid address', 'address', e), e.match(/^(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$/)) ) '0x' !== e.substring(0, 2) && (e = '0x' + e), (t = h(e)), e.match(/([A-F].*[a-f])|([a-f].*[A-F])/) && t !== e && c.throwArgumentError('bad address checksum', 'address', e); else if (e.match(/^XE[0-9]{2}[0-9A-Za-z]{30,31}$/)) { for ( e.substring(2, 4) !== y(e) && c.throwArgumentError('bad icap checksum', 'address', e), t = new n.BN(e.substring(4), 36).toString(16); t.length < 40; ) t = '0' + t; t = h('0x' + t); } else c.throwArgumentError('invalid address', 'address', e); return t; } }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.MaxUint256 = t.WeiPerEther = t.Two = t.One = t.Zero = t.NegativeOne = t.EtherSymbol = t.HashZero = t.AddressZero = void 0); var n = r(29); t.AddressZero = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; t.HashZero = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; t.EtherSymbol = 'Ξ'; var i = n.BigNumber.from(-1); t.NegativeOne = i; var o = n.BigNumber.from(0); t.Zero = o; var a = n.BigNumber.from(1); t.One = a; var s = n.BigNumber.from(2); t.Two = s; var u = n.BigNumber.from('1000000000000000000'); t.WeiPerEther = u; var f = n.BigNumber.from( '0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff' ); t.MaxUint256 = f; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = t; function i(e) { return 1 === e.length ? '0' + e : e; } function o(e) { for (var t = '', r = 0; r < e.length; r++) t += i(e[r].toString(16)); return t; } (n.toArray = function (e, t) { if (Array.isArray(e)) return e.slice(); if (!e) return []; var r = []; if ('string' != typeof e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) r[n] = 0 | e[n]; return r; } if ('hex' === t) { (e = e.replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/gi, '')).length % 2 != 0 && (e = '0' + e); for (n = 0; n < e.length; n += 2) r.push(parseInt(e[n] + e[n + 1], 16)); } else for (n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var i = e.charCodeAt(n), o = i >> 8, a = 255 & i; o ? r.push(o, a) : r.push(a); } return r; }), (n.zero2 = i), (n.toHex = o), (n.encode = function (e, t) { return 'hex' === t ? o(e) : e; }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n, i = t, o = r(36), a = r(108), s = r(20).assert; function u(e) { 'short' === e.type ? (this.curve = new a.short(e)) : 'edwards' === e.type ? (this.curve = new a.edwards(e)) : (this.curve = new a.mont(e)), (this.g = this.curve.g), (this.n = this.curve.n), (this.hash = e.hash), s(this.g.validate(), 'Invalid curve'), s(this.g.mul(this.n).isInfinity(), 'Invalid curve, G*N != O'); } function f(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(i, e, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, get: function () { var r = new u(t); return Object.defineProperty(i, e, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, value: r }), r; }, }); } (i.PresetCurve = u), f('p192', { type: 'short', prime: 'p192', p: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff', a: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff fffffffc', b: '64210519 e59c80e7 0fa7e9ab 72243049 feb8deec c146b9b1', n: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 99def836 146bc9b1 b4d22831', hash: o.sha256, gRed: !1, g: [ '188da80e b03090f6 7cbf20eb 43a18800 f4ff0afd 82ff1012', '07192b95 ffc8da78 631011ed 6b24cdd5 73f977a1 1e794811', ], }), f('p224', { type: 'short', prime: 'p224', p: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001', a: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe', b: 'b4050a85 0c04b3ab f5413256 5044b0b7 d7bfd8ba 270b3943 2355ffb4', n: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffff16a2 e0b8f03e 13dd2945 5c5c2a3d', hash: o.sha256, gRed: !1, g: [ 'b70e0cbd 6bb4bf7f 321390b9 4a03c1d3 56c21122 343280d6 115c1d21', 'bd376388 b5f723fb 4c22dfe6 cd4375a0 5a074764 44d58199 85007e34', ], }), f('p256', { type: 'short', prime: null, p: 'ffffffff 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff', a: 'ffffffff 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff fffffffc', b: '5ac635d8 aa3a93e7 b3ebbd55 769886bc 651d06b0 cc53b0f6 3bce3c3e 27d2604b', n: 'ffffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff bce6faad a7179e84 f3b9cac2 fc632551', hash: o.sha256, gRed: !1, g: [ '6b17d1f2 e12c4247 f8bce6e5 63a440f2 77037d81 2deb33a0 f4a13945 d898c296', '4fe342e2 fe1a7f9b 8ee7eb4a 7c0f9e16 2bce3357 6b315ece cbb64068 37bf51f5', ], }), f('p384', { type: 'short', prime: null, p: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff 00000000 00000000 ffffffff', a: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff 00000000 00000000 fffffffc', b: 'b3312fa7 e23ee7e4 988e056b e3f82d19 181d9c6e fe814112 0314088f 5013875a c656398d 8a2ed19d 2a85c8ed d3ec2aef', n: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff c7634d81 f4372ddf 581a0db2 48b0a77a ecec196a ccc52973', hash: o.sha384, gRed: !1, g: [ 'aa87ca22 be8b0537 8eb1c71e f320ad74 6e1d3b62 8ba79b98 59f741e0 82542a38 5502f25d bf55296c 3a545e38 72760ab7', '3617de4a 96262c6f 5d9e98bf 9292dc29 f8f41dbd 289a147c e9da3113 b5f0b8c0 0a60b1ce 1d7e819d 7a431d7c 90ea0e5f', ], }), f('p521', { type: 'short', prime: null, p: '000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff', a: '000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffc', b: '00000051 953eb961 8e1c9a1f 929a21a0 b68540ee a2da725b 99b315f3 b8b48991 8ef109e1 56193951 ec7e937b 1652c0bd 3bb1bf07 3573df88 3d2c34f1 ef451fd4 6b503f00', n: '000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffa 51868783 bf2f966b 7fcc0148 f709a5d0 3bb5c9b8 899c47ae bb6fb71e 91386409', hash: o.sha512, gRed: !1, g: [ '000000c6 858e06b7 0404e9cd 9e3ecb66 2395b442 9c648139 053fb521 f828af60 6b4d3dba a14b5e77 efe75928 fe1dc127 a2ffa8de 3348b3c1 856a429b f97e7e31 c2e5bd66', '00000118 39296a78 9a3bc004 5c8a5fb4 2c7d1bd9 98f54449 579b4468 17afbd17 273e662c 97ee7299 5ef42640 c550b901 3fad0761 353c7086 a272c240 88be9476 9fd16650', ], }), f('curve25519', { type: 'mont', prime: 'p25519', p: '7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed', a: '76d06', b: '1', n: '1000000000000000 0000000000000000 14def9dea2f79cd6 5812631a5cf5d3ed', hash: o.sha256, gRed: !1, g: ['9'], }), f('ed25519', { type: 'edwards', prime: 'p25519', p: '7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed', a: '-1', c: '1', d: '52036cee2b6ffe73 8cc740797779e898 00700a4d4141d8ab 75eb4dca135978a3', n: '1000000000000000 0000000000000000 14def9dea2f79cd6 5812631a5cf5d3ed', hash: o.sha256, gRed: !1, g: [ '216936d3cd6e53fec0a4e231fdd6dc5c692cc7609525a7b2c9562d608f25d51a', '6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666658', ], }); try { n = r(246); } catch (e) { n = void 0; } f('secp256k1', { type: 'short', prime: 'k256', p: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f', a: '0', b: '7', n: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe baaedce6 af48a03b bfd25e8c d0364141', h: '1', hash: o.sha256, beta: '7ae96a2b657c07106e64479eac3434e99cf0497512f58995c1396c28719501ee', lambda: '5363ad4cc05c30e0a5261c028812645a122e22ea20816678df02967c1b23bd72', basis: [ { a: '3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15', b: '-e4437ed6010e88286f547fa90abfe4c3' }, { a: '114ca50f7a8e2f3f657c1108d9d44cfd8', b: '3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15' }, ], gRed: !1, g: [ '79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798', '483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8', n, ], }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0); Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.FunctionFragment = t.ConstructorFragment = t.EventFragment = t.Fragment = t.ParamType = t.FormatTypes = void 0); var i = n(r(18)), o = n(r(19)), a = n(r(15)), s = n(r(6)), u = n(r(7)), f = r(29), c = r(31), h = r(14), d = r(38); function l(e) { var t = (function () { if ('undefined' == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ('function' == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return Date.prototype.toString.call(Reflect.construct(Date, [], function () {})), !0; } catch (e) { return !1; } })(); return function () { var r, n = (0, a.default)(e); if (t) { var i = (0, a.default)(this).constructor; r = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, i); } else r = n.apply(this, arguments); return (0, o.default)(this, r); }; } var p = new h.Logger(d.version), b = {}, m = { calldata: !0, memory: !0, storage: !0 }, y = { calldata: !0, memory: !0 }; function v(e, t) { if ('bytes' === e || 'string' === e) { if (m[t]) return !0; } else if ('address' === e) { if ('payable' === t) return !0; } else if ((e.indexOf('[') >= 0 || 'tuple' === e) && y[t]) return !0; return (m[t] || 'payable' === t) && p.throwArgumentError('invalid modifier', 'name', t), !1; } function g(e, t) { for (var r in t) (0, c.defineReadOnly)(e, r, t[r]); } var w = Object.freeze({ sighash: 'sighash', minimal: 'minimal', full: 'full', json: 'json' }); t.FormatTypes = w; var _ = new RegExp(/^(.*)\[([0-9]*)\]$/), k = (function () { function e(t, r) { (0, s.default)(this, e), t !== b && p.throwError('use fromString', h.Logger.errors.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, { operation: 'new ParamType()', }), g(this, r); var n = this.type.match(_); g( this, n ? { arrayLength: parseInt(n[2] || '-1'), arrayChildren: e.fromObject({ type: n[1], components: this.components }), baseType: 'array', } : { arrayLength: null, arrayChildren: null, baseType: null != this.components ? 'tuple' : this.type, } ), (this._isParamType = !0), Object.freeze(this); } return ( (0, u.default)( e, [ { key: 'format', value: function (e) { if ( (e || (e = w.sighash), w[e] || p.throwArgumentError('invalid format type', 'format', e), e === w.json) ) { var t = { type: 'tuple' === this.baseType ? 'tuple' : this.type, name: this.name || void 0, }; return ( 'boolean' == typeof this.indexed && (t.indexed = this.indexed), this.components && (t.components = this.components.map(function (t) { return JSON.parse(t.format(e)); })), JSON.stringify(t) ); } var r = ''; return ( 'array' === this.baseType ? ((r += this.arrayChildren.format(e)), (r += '[' + (this.arrayLength < 0 ? '' : String(this.arrayLength)) + ']')) : 'tuple' === this.baseType ? (e !== w.sighash && (r += this.type), (r += '(' + this.components .map(function (t) { return t.format(e); }) .join(e === w.full ? ', ' : ',') + ')')) : (r += this.type), e !== w.sighash && (!0 === this.indexed && (r += ' indexed'), e === w.full && this.name && (r += ' ' + this.name)), r ); }, }, ], [ { key: 'from', value: function (t, r) { return 'string' == typeof t ? e.fromString(t, r) : e.fromObject(t); }, }, { key: 'fromObject', value: function (t) { return e.isParamType(t) ? t : new e(b, { name: t.name || null, type: P(t.type), indexed: null == t.indexed ? null : !!t.indexed, components: t.components ? t.components.map(e.fromObject) : null, }); }, }, { key: 'fromString', value: function (t, r) { return (function (t) { return e.fromObject({ name: t.name, type: t.type, indexed: t.indexed, components: t.components, }); })( (function (e, t) { var r = e; function n(t) { p.throwArgumentError( 'unexpected character at position '.concat(t), 'param', e ); } function i(e) { var r = { type: '', name: '', parent: e, state: { allowType: !0 } }; return t && (r.indexed = !1), r; } e = e.replace(/\s/g, ' '); for ( var o = { type: '', name: '', state: { allowType: !0 } }, a = o, s = 0; s < e.length; s++ ) { var u = e[s]; switch (u) { case '(': a.state.allowType && '' === a.type ? (a.type = 'tuple') : a.state.allowParams || n(s), (a.state.allowType = !1), (a.type = P(a.type)), (a.components = [i(a)]), (a = a.components[0]); break; case ')': delete a.state, 'indexed' === a.name && (t || n(s), (a.indexed = !0), (a.name = '')), v(a.type, a.name) && (a.name = ''), (a.type = P(a.type)); var f = a; (a = a.parent) || n(s), delete f.parent, (a.state.allowParams = !1), (a.state.allowName = !0), (a.state.allowArray = !0); break; case ',': delete a.state, 'indexed' === a.name && (t || n(s), (a.indexed = !0), (a.name = '')), v(a.type, a.name) && (a.name = ''), (a.type = P(a.type)); var c = i(a.parent); a.parent.components.push(c), delete a.parent, (a = c); break; case ' ': a.state.allowType && '' !== a.type && ((a.type = P(a.type)), delete a.state.allowType, (a.state.allowName = !0), (a.state.allowParams = !0)), a.state.allowName && '' !== a.name && ('indexed' === a.name ? (t || n(s), a.indexed && n(s), (a.indexed = !0), (a.name = '')) : v(a.type, a.name) ? (a.name = '') : (a.state.allowName = !1)); break; case '[': a.state.allowArray || n(s), (a.type += u), (a.state.allowArray = !1), (a.state.allowName = !1), (a.state.readArray = !0); break; case ']': a.state.readArray || n(s), (a.type += u), (a.state.readArray = !1), (a.state.allowArray = !0), (a.state.allowName = !0); break; default: a.state.allowType ? ((a.type += u), (a.state.allowParams = !0), (a.state.allowArray = !0)) : a.state.allowName ? ((a.name += u), delete a.state.allowArray) : a.state.readArray ? (a.type += u) : n(s); } } return ( a.parent && p.throwArgumentError('unexpected eof', 'param', e), delete o.state, 'indexed' === a.name ? (t || n(r.length - 7), a.indexed && n(r.length - 7), (a.indexed = !0), (a.name = '')) : v(a.type, a.name) && (a.name = ''), (o.type = P(o.type)), o ); })(t, !!r) ); }, }, { key: 'isParamType', value: function (e) { return !(null == e || !e._isParamType); }, }, ] ), e ); })(); function A(e, t) { return (function (e) { e = e.trim(); for (var t = [], r = '', n = 0, i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { var o = e[i]; ',' === o && 0 === n ? (t.push(r), (r = '')) : ((r += o), '(' === o ? n++ : ')' === o && -1 === --n && p.throwArgumentError('unbalanced parenthesis', 'value', e)); } r && t.push(r); return t; })(e).map(function (e) { return k.fromString(e, t); }); } t.ParamType = k; var S = (function () { function e(t, r) { (0, s.default)(this, e), t !== b && p.throwError('use a static from method', h.Logger.errors.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, { operation: 'new Fragment()', }), g(this, r), (this._isFragment = !0), Object.freeze(this); } return ( (0, u.default)(e, null, [ { key: 'from', value: function (t) { return e.isFragment(t) ? t : 'string' == typeof t ? e.fromString(t) : e.fromObject(t); }, }, { key: 'fromObject', value: function (t) { if (e.isFragment(t)) return t; switch (t.type) { case 'function': return C.fromObject(t); case 'event': return E.fromObject(t); case 'constructor': return O.fromObject(t); case 'fallback': case 'receive': return null; } return p.throwArgumentError('invalid fragment object', 'value', t); }, }, { key: 'fromString', value: function (e) { return 'event' === (e = (e = (e = e.replace(/\s/g, ' ')) .replace(/\(/g, ' (') .replace(/\)/g, ') ') .replace(/\s+/g, ' ')).trim()).split(' ')[0] ? E.fromString(e.substring(5).trim()) : 'function' === e.split(' ')[0] ? C.fromString(e.substring(8).trim()) : 'constructor' === e.split('(')[0].trim() ? O.fromString(e.trim()) : p.throwArgumentError('unsupported fragment', 'value', e); }, }, { key: 'isFragment', value: function (e) { return !(!e || !e._isFragment); }, }, ]), e ); })(); t.Fragment = S; var E = (function (e) { (0, i.default)(r, e); var t = l(r); function r() { return (0, s.default)(this, r), t.apply(this, arguments); } return ( (0, u.default)( r, [ { key: 'format', value: function (e) { if ( (e || (e = w.sighash), w[e] || p.throwArgumentError('invalid format type', 'format', e), e === w.json) ) return JSON.stringify({ type: 'event', anonymous: this.anonymous, name: this.name, inputs: this.inputs.map(function (t) { return JSON.parse(t.format(e)); }), }); var t = ''; return ( e !== w.sighash && (t += 'event '), (t += this.name + '(' + this.inputs .map(function (t) { return t.format(e); }) .join(e === w.full ? ', ' : ',') + ') '), e !== w.sighash && this.anonymous && (t += 'anonymous '), t.trim() ); }, }, ], [ { key: 'from', value: function (e) { return 'string' == typeof e ? r.fromString(e) : r.fromObject(e); }, }, { key: 'fromObject', value: function (e) { if (r.isEventFragment(e)) return e; 'event' !== e.type && p.throwArgumentError('invalid event object', 'value', e); var t = { name: U(e.name), anonymous: e.anonymous, inputs: e.inputs ? e.inputs.map(k.fromObject) : [], type: 'event', }; return new r(b, t); }, }, { key: 'fromString', value: function (e) { var t = e.match(B); t || p.throwArgumentError('invalid event string', 'value', e); var n = !1; return ( t[3].split(' ').forEach(function (e) { switch (e.trim()) { case 'anonymous': n = !0; break; case '': break; default: p.warn('unknown modifier: ' + e); } }), r.fromObject({ name: t[1].trim(), anonymous: n, inputs: A(t[2], !0), type: 'event', }) ); }, }, { key: 'isEventFragment', value: function (e) { return e && e._isFragment && 'event' === e.type; }, }, ] ), r ); })(S); function x(e, t) { t.gas = null; var r = e.split('@'); return 1 !== r.length ? (r.length > 2 && p.throwArgumentError('invalid human-readable ABI signature', 'value', e), r[1].match(/^[0-9]+$/) || p.throwArgumentError('invalid human-readable ABI signature gas', 'value', e), (t.gas = f.BigNumber.from(r[1])), r[0]) : e; } function M(e, t) { (t.constant = !1), (t.payable = !1), (t.stateMutability = 'nonpayable'), e.split(' ').forEach(function (e) { switch (e.trim()) { case 'constant': t.constant = !0; break; case 'payable': (t.payable = !0), (t.stateMutability = 'payable'); break; case 'pure': (t.constant = !0), (t.stateMutability = 'pure'); break; case 'view': (t.constant = !0), (t.stateMutability = 'view'); break; case 'external': case 'public': case '': break; default: console.log('unknown modifier: ' + e); } }); } function I(e) { var t = { constant: !1, payable: !0, stateMutability: 'payable' }; return ( null != e.stateMutability ? ((t.stateMutability = e.stateMutability), (t.constant = 'view' === t.stateMutability || 'pure' === t.stateMutability), null != e.constant && !!e.constant !== t.constant && p.throwArgumentError( 'cannot have constant function with mutability ' + t.stateMutability, 'value', e ), (t.payable = 'payable' === t.stateMutability), null != e.payable && !!e.payable !== t.payable && p.throwArgumentError( 'cannot have payable function with mutability ' + t.stateMutability, 'value', e )) : null != e.payable ? ((t.payable = !!e.payable), null != e.constant || t.payable || 'constructor' === e.type || p.throwArgumentError('unable to determine stateMutability', 'value', e), (t.constant = !!e.constant), t.constant ? (t.stateMutability = 'view') : (t.stateMutability = t.payable ? 'payable' : 'nonpayable'), t.payable && t.constant && p.throwArgumentError('cannot have constant payable function', 'value', e)) : null != e.constant ? ((t.constant = !!e.constant), (t.payable = !t.constant), (t.stateMutability = t.constant ? 'view' : 'payable')) : 'constructor' !== e.type && p.throwArgumentError('unable to determine stateMutability', 'value', e), t ); } t.EventFragment = E; var O = (function (e) { (0, i.default)(r, e); var t = l(r); function r() { return (0, s.default)(this, r), t.apply(this, arguments); } return ( (0, u.default)( r, [ { key: 'format', value: function (e) { if ( (e || (e = w.sighash), w[e] || p.throwArgumentError('invalid format type', 'format', e), e === w.json) ) return JSON.stringify({ type: 'constructor', stateMutability: 'nonpayable' !== this.stateMutability ? this.stateMutability : void 0, payble: this.payable, gas: this.gas ? this.gas.toNumber() : void 0, inputs: this.inputs.map(function (t) { return JSON.parse(t.format(e)); }), }); e === w.sighash && p.throwError( 'cannot format a constructor for sighash', h.Logger.errors.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, { operation: 'format(sighash)' } ); var t = 'constructor(' + this.inputs .map(function (t) { return t.format(e); }) .join(e === w.full ? ', ' : ',') + ') '; return ( this.stateMutability && 'nonpayable' !== this.stateMutability && (t += this.stateMutability + ' '), t.trim() ); }, }, ], [ { key: 'from', value: function (e) { return 'string' == typeof e ? r.fromString(e) : r.fromObject(e); }, }, { key: 'fromObject', value: function (e) { if (r.isConstructorFragment(e)) return e; 'constructor' !== e.type && p.throwArgumentError('invalid constructor object', 'value', e); var t = I(e); t.constant && p.throwArgumentError('constructor cannot be constant', 'value', e); var n = { name: null, type: e.type, inputs: e.inputs ? e.inputs.map(k.fromObject) : [], payable: t.payable, stateMutability: t.stateMutability, gas: e.gas ? f.BigNumber.from(e.gas) : null, }; return new r(b, n); }, }, { key: 'fromString', value: function (e) { var t = { type: 'constructor' }, n = (e = x(e, t)).match(B); return ( (n && 'constructor' === n[1].trim()) || p.throwArgumentError('invalid constructor string', 'value', e), (t.inputs = A(n[2].trim(), !1)), M(n[3].trim(), t), r.fromObject(t) ); }, }, { key: 'isConstructorFragment', value: function (e) { return e && e._isFragment && 'constructor' === e.type; }, }, ] ), r ); })(S); t.ConstructorFragment = O; var C = (function (e) { (0, i.default)(r, e); var t = l(r); function r() { return (0, s.default)(this, r), t.apply(this, arguments); } return ( (0, u.default)( r, [ { key: 'format', value: function (e) { if ( (e || (e = w.sighash), w[e] || p.throwArgumentError('invalid format type', 'format', e), e === w.json) ) return JSON.stringify({ type: 'function', name: this.name, constant: this.constant, stateMutability: 'nonpayable' !== this.stateMutability ? this.stateMutability : void 0, payble: this.payable, gas: this.gas ? this.gas.toNumber() : void 0, inputs: this.inputs.map(function (t) { return JSON.parse(t.format(e)); }), ouputs: this.outputs.map(function (t) { return JSON.parse(t.format(e)); }), }); var t = ''; return ( e !== w.sighash && (t += 'function '), (t += this.name + '(' + this.inputs .map(function (t) { return t.format(e); }) .join(e === w.full ? ', ' : ',') + ') '), e !== w.sighash && (this.stateMutability ? 'nonpayable' !== this.stateMutability && (t += this.stateMutability + ' ') : this.constant && (t += 'view '), this.outputs && this.outputs.length && (t += 'returns (' + this.outputs .map(function (t) { return t.format(e); }) .join(', ') + ') '), null != this.gas && (t += '@' + this.gas.toString() + ' ')), t.trim() ); }, }, ], [ { key: 'from', value: function (e) { return 'string' == typeof e ? r.fromString(e) : r.fromObject(e); }, }, { key: 'fromObject', value: function (e) { if (r.isFunctionFragment(e)) return e; 'function' !== e.type && p.throwArgumentError('invalid function object', 'value', e); var t = I(e), n = { type: e.type, name: U(e.name), constant: t.constant, inputs: e.inputs ? e.inputs.map(k.fromObject) : [], outputs: e.outputs ? e.outputs.map(k.fromObject) : [], payable: t.payable, stateMutability: t.stateMutability, gas: e.gas ? f.BigNumber.from(e.gas) : null, }; return new r(b, n); }, }, { key: 'fromString', value: function (e) { var t = { type: 'function' }, n = (e = x(e, t)).split(' returns '); n.length > 2 && p.throwArgumentError('invalid function string', 'value', e); var i = n[0].match(B); if ( (i || p.throwArgumentError('invalid function signature', 'value', e), (t.name = i[1].trim()), t.name && U(t.name), (t.inputs = A(i[2], !1)), M(i[3].trim(), t), n.length > 1) ) { var o = n[1].match(B); ('' == o[1].trim() && '' == o[3].trim()) || p.throwArgumentError('unexpected tokens', 'value', e), (t.outputs = A(o[2], !1)); } else t.outputs = []; return r.fromObject(t); }, }, { key: 'isFunctionFragment', value: function (e) { return e && e._isFragment && 'function' === e.type; }, }, ] ), r ); })(O); function P(e) { return ( e.match(/^uint($|[^1-9])/) ? (e = 'uint256' + e.substring(4)) : e.match(/^int($|[^1-9])/) && (e = 'int256' + e.substring(3)), e ); } t.FunctionFragment = C; var T = new RegExp('^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*$'); function U(e) { return ( (e && e.match(T)) || p.throwArgumentError('invalid identifier "'.concat(e, '"'), 'value', e), e ); } var B = new RegExp('^([^)(]*)\\((.*)\\)([^)(]*)$'); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.toUtf8Bytes = d), (t._toEscapedUtf8String = function (e, t) { return ( '"' + h(e, t) .map(function (e) { if (e < 256) { switch (e) { case 8: return '\\b'; case 9: return '\\t'; case 10: return '\\n'; case 13: return '\\r'; case 34: return '\\"'; case 92: return '\\\\'; } if (e >= 32 && e < 127) return String.fromCharCode(e); } return e <= 65535 ? l(e) : l(55296 + (((e -= 65536) >> 10) & 1023)) + l(56320 + (1023 & e)); }) .join('') + '"' ); }), (t._toUtf8String = p), (t.toUtf8String = function (e, t) { return p(h(e, t)); }), (t.toUtf8CodePoints = function (e) { var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : n.current; return h(d(e, t)); }), (t.Utf8ErrorFuncs = t.Utf8ErrorReason = t.UnicodeNormalizationForm = void 0); var n, i, o = r(12), a = r(14), s = r(268), u = new a.Logger(s.version); function f(e, t, r, n, o) { if (e === i.BAD_PREFIX || e === i.UNEXPECTED_CONTINUE) { for (var a = 0, s = t + 1; s < r.length && r[s] >> 6 == 2; s++) a++; return a; } return e === i.OVERRUN ? r.length - t - 1 : 0; } (t.UnicodeNormalizationForm = n), (function (e) { (e.current = ''), (e.NFC = 'NFC'), (e.NFD = 'NFD'), (e.NFKC = 'NFKC'), (e.NFKD = 'NFKD'); })(n || (t.UnicodeNormalizationForm = n = {})), (t.Utf8ErrorReason = i), (function (e) { (e.UNEXPECTED_CONTINUE = 'unexpected continuation byte'), (e.BAD_PREFIX = 'bad codepoint prefix'), (e.OVERRUN = 'string overrun'), (e.MISSING_CONTINUE = 'missing continuation byte'), (e.OUT_OF_RANGE = 'out of UTF-8 range'), (e.UTF16_SURROGATE = 'UTF-16 surrogate'), (e.OVERLONG = 'overlong representation'); })(i || (t.Utf8ErrorReason = i = {})); var c = Object.freeze({ error: function (e, t, r, n, i) { return u.throwArgumentError( 'invalid codepoint at offset '.concat(t, '; ').concat(e), 'bytes', r ); }, ignore: f, replace: function (e, t, r, n, o) { return e === i.OVERLONG ? (n.push(o), 0) : (n.push(65533), f(e, t, r)); }, }); function h(e, t) { null == t && (t = c.error), (e = (0, o.arrayify)(e)); for (var r = [], n = 0; n < e.length; ) { var a = e[n++]; if (a >> 7 != 0) { var s = null, u = null; if (192 == (224 & a)) (s = 1), (u = 127); else if (224 == (240 & a)) (s = 2), (u = 2047); else { if (240 != (248 & a)) { n += t(128 == (192 & a) ? i.UNEXPECTED_CONTINUE : i.BAD_PREFIX, n - 1, e, r); continue; } (s = 3), (u = 65535); } if (n - 1 + s >= e.length) n += t(i.OVERRUN, n - 1, e, r); else { for (var f = a & ((1 << (8 - s - 1)) - 1), h = 0; h < s; h++) { var d = e[n]; if (128 != (192 & d)) { (n += t(i.MISSING_CONTINUE, n, e, r)), (f = null); break; } (f = (f << 6) | (63 & d)), n++; } null !== f && (f > 1114111 ? (n += t(i.OUT_OF_RANGE, n - 1 - s, e, r, f)) : f >= 55296 && f <= 57343 ? (n += t(i.UTF16_SURROGATE, n - 1 - s, e, r, f)) : f <= u ? (n += t(i.OVERLONG, n - 1 - s, e, r, f)) : r.push(f)); } } else r.push(a); } return r; } function d(e) { var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : n.current; t != n.current && (u.checkNormalize(), (e = e.normalize(t))); for (var r = [], i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { var a = e.charCodeAt(i); if (a < 128) r.push(a); else if (a < 2048) r.push((a >> 6) | 192), r.push((63 & a) | 128); else if (55296 == (64512 & a)) { i++; var s = e.charCodeAt(i); if (i >= e.length || 56320 != (64512 & s)) throw new Error('invalid utf-8 string'); var f = 65536 + ((1023 & a) << 10) + (1023 & s); r.push((f >> 18) | 240), r.push(((f >> 12) & 63) | 128), r.push(((f >> 6) & 63) | 128), r.push((63 & f) | 128); } else r.push((a >> 12) | 224), r.push(((a >> 6) & 63) | 128), r.push((63 & a) | 128); } return (0, o.arrayify)(r); } function l(e) { var t = '0000' + e.toString(16); return '\\u' + t.substring(t.length - 4); } function p(e) { return e .map(function (e) { return e <= 65535 ? String.fromCharCode(e) : ((e -= 65536), String.fromCharCode(55296 + ((e >> 10) & 1023), 56320 + (1023 & e))); }) .join(''); } t.Utf8ErrorFuncs = c; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(2).Buffer, i = r(294), o = r(39), a = r(300); function s(e) { t.decode(e); } (t.names = a.names), (t.codes = a.codes), (t.defaultLengths = a.defaultLengths), (t.toHexString = function (e) { if (!n.isBuffer(e)) throw new Error('must be passed a buffer'); return e.toString('hex'); }), (t.fromHexString = function (e) { return n.from(e, 'hex'); }), (t.toB58String = function (e) { if (!n.isBuffer(e)) throw new Error('must be passed a buffer'); return i.encode('base58btc', e).toString().slice(1); }), (t.fromB58String = function (e) { var t = e; return n.isBuffer(e) && (t = e.toString()), i.decode('z' + t); }), (t.decode = function (e) { if (!n.isBuffer(e)) throw new Error('multihash must be a Buffer'); if (e.length < 2) throw new Error('multihash too short. must be > 2 bytes.'); var r = o.decode(e); if (!t.isValidCode(r)) throw new Error('multihash unknown function code: 0x'.concat(r.toString(16))); e = e.slice(o.decode.bytes); var i = o.decode(e); if (i < 0) throw new Error('multihash invalid length: '.concat(i)); if ((e = e.slice(o.decode.bytes)).length !== i) throw new Error('multihash length inconsistent: 0x'.concat(e.toString('hex'))); return { code: r, name: a.codes[r], length: i, digest: e }; }), (t.encode = function (e, r, i) { if (!e || void 0 === r) throw new Error('multihash encode requires at least two args: digest, code'); var a = t.coerceCode(r); if (!n.isBuffer(e)) throw new Error('digest should be a Buffer'); if ((null == i && (i = e.length), i && e.length !== i)) throw new Error('digest length should be equal to specified length.'); return n.concat([n.from(o.encode(a)), n.from(o.encode(i)), e]); }), (t.coerceCode = function (e) { var r = e; if ('string' == typeof e) { if (void 0 === a.names[e]) throw new Error('Unrecognized hash function named: '.concat(e)); r = a.names[e]; } if ('number' != typeof r) throw new Error('Hash function code should be a number. Got: '.concat(r)); if (void 0 === a.codes[r] && !t.isAppCode(r)) throw new Error('Unrecognized function code: '.concat(r)); return r; }), (t.isAppCode = function (e) { return e > 0 && e < 16; }), (t.isValidCode = function (e) { return !!t.isAppCode(e) || !!a.codes[e]; }), (t.validate = s), (t.prefix = function (e) { return s(e), e.slice(0, 2); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; r(324); var n = function (e, t) { return parseInt(e.slice(2 * t + 2, 2 * t + 4), 16); }, i = function (e) { return (e.length - 2) / 2; }, o = function (e) { for (var t = [], r = 2, n = e.length; r < n; r += 2) t.push(parseInt(e.slice(r, r + 2), 16)); return t; }, a = function (e) { for (var t = '0x', r = 0, n = e.length; r < n; ++r) { var i = e[r]; t += (i < 16 ? '0' : '') + i.toString(16); } return t; }; e.exports = { random: function (e) { var t; t = 'undefined' != typeof window && window.crypto && window.crypto.getRandomValues ? window.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(e)) : r(55).randomBytes(e); for (var n = '0x', i = 0; i < e; ++i) n += ('00' + t[i].toString(16)).slice(-2); return n; }, length: i, concat: function (e, t) { return e.concat(t.slice(2)); }, flatten: function (e) { return ( '0x' + e.reduce(function (e, t) { return e + t.slice(2); }, '') ); }, slice: function (e, t, r) { return '0x' + r.slice(2 * e + 2, 2 * t + 2); }, reverse: function (e) { for (var t = '0x', r = 0, n = i(e); r < n; ++r) t += e.slice(2 * (n - r), 2 * (n - r + 1)); return t; }, pad: function e(t, r) { return r.length === 2 * t + 2 ? r : e(t, '0x0' + r.slice(2)); }, padRight: function e(t, r) { return r.length === 2 * t + 2 ? r : e(t, r + '0'); }, fromAscii: function (e) { for (var t = '0x', r = 0; r < e.length; ++r) t += ('00' + e.charCodeAt(r).toString(16)).slice(-2); return t; }, toAscii: function (e) { for (var t = '', r = 2; r < e.length; r += 2) t += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e.slice(r, r + 2), 16)); return t; }, fromString: function (e) { for ( var t = function (e) { var t = e.toString(16); return t.length < 2 ? '0' + t : t; }, r = '0x', n = 0; n != e.length; n++ ) { var i = e.charCodeAt(n); if (i < 128) r += t(i); else { if (i < 2048) r += t((i >> 6) | 192); else { if (i > 55295 && i < 56320) { if (++n == e.length) return null; var o = e.charCodeAt(n); if (o < 56320 || o > 57343) return null; (r += t(((i = 65536 + ((1023 & i) << 10) + (1023 & o)) >> 18) | 240)), (r += t(((i >> 12) & 63) | 128)); } else r += t((i >> 12) | 224); r += t(((i >> 6) & 63) | 128); } r += t((63 & i) | 128); } } return r; }, toString: function (e) { for (var t = '', r = 0, o = i(e); r < o; ) { var a = n(e, r++); if (a > 127) { if (a > 191 && a < 224) { if (r >= o) return null; a = ((31 & a) << 6) | (63 & n(e, r)); } else if (a > 223 && a < 240) { if (r + 1 >= o) return null; a = ((15 & a) << 12) | ((63 & n(e, r)) << 6) | (63 & n(e, ++r)); } else { if (!(a > 239 && a < 248)) return null; if (r + 2 >= o) return null; a = ((7 & a) << 18) | ((63 & n(e, r)) << 12) | ((63 & n(e, ++r)) << 6) | (63 & n(e, ++r)); } ++r; } if (a <= 65535) t += String.fromCharCode(a); else { if (!(a <= 1114111)) return null; (a -= 65536), (t += String.fromCharCode((a >> 10) | 55296)), (t += String.fromCharCode((1023 & a) | 56320)); } } return t; }, fromNumber: function (e) { var t = e.toString(16); return t.length % 2 == 0 ? '0x' + t : '0x0' + t; }, toNumber: function (e) { return parseInt(e.slice(2), 16); }, fromNat: function (e) { return '0x0' === e ? '0x' : e.length % 2 == 0 ? e : '0x0' + e.slice(2); }, toNat: function (e) { return '0' === e[2] ? '0x' + e.slice(3) : e; }, fromArray: a, toArray: o, fromUint8Array: function (e) { return a([].slice.call(e, 0)); }, toUint8Array: function (e) { return new Uint8Array(o(e)); }, }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(3), i = r(132), o = r(4).Buffer, a = new Array(16); function s() { i.call(this, 64), (this._a = 1732584193), (this._b = 4023233417), (this._c = 2562383102), (this._d = 271733878); } function u(e, t) { return (e << t) | (e >>> (32 - t)); } function f(e, t, r, n, i, o, a) { return (u((e + ((t & r) | (~t & n)) + i + o) | 0, a) + t) | 0; } function c(e, t, r, n, i, o, a) { return (u((e + ((t & n) | (r & ~n)) + i + o) | 0, a) + t) | 0; } function h(e, t, r, n, i, o, a) { return (u((e + (t ^ r ^ n) + i + o) | 0, a) + t) | 0; } function d(e, t, r, n, i, o, a) { return (u((e + (r ^ (t | ~n)) + i + o) | 0, a) + t) | 0; } n(s, i), (s.prototype._update = function () { for (var e = a, t = 0; t < 16; ++t) e[t] = this._block.readInt32LE(4 * t); var r = this._a, n = this._b, i = this._c, o = this._d; (r = f(r, n, i, o, e[0], 3614090360, 7)), (o = f(o, r, n, i, e[1], 3905402710, 12)), (i = f(i, o, r, n, e[2], 606105819, 17)), (n = f(n, i, o, r, e[3], 3250441966, 22)), (r = f(r, n, i, o, e[4], 4118548399, 7)), (o = f(o, r, n, i, e[5], 1200080426, 12)), (i = f(i, o, r, n, e[6], 2821735955, 17)), (n = f(n, i, o, r, e[7], 4249261313, 22)), (r = f(r, n, i, o, e[8], 1770035416, 7)), (o = f(o, r, n, i, e[9], 2336552879, 12)), (i = f(i, o, r, n, e[10], 4294925233, 17)), (n = f(n, i, o, r, e[11], 2304563134, 22)), (r = f(r, n, i, o, e[12], 1804603682, 7)), (o = f(o, r, n, i, e[13], 4254626195, 12)), (i = f(i, o, r, n, e[14], 2792965006, 17)), (r = c(r, (n = f(n, i, o, r, e[15], 1236535329, 22)), i, o, e[1], 4129170786, 5)), (o = c(o, r, n, i, e[6], 3225465664, 9)), (i = c(i, o, r, n, e[11], 643717713, 14)), (n = c(n, i, o, r, e[0], 3921069994, 20)), (r = c(r, n, i, o, e[5], 3593408605, 5)), (o = c(o, r, n, i, e[10], 38016083, 9)), (i = c(i, o, r, n, e[15], 3634488961, 14)), (n = c(n, i, o, r, e[4], 3889429448, 20)), (r = c(r, n, i, o, e[9], 568446438, 5)), (o = c(o, r, n, i, e[14], 3275163606, 9)), (i = c(i, o, r, n, e[3], 4107603335, 14)), (n = c(n, i, o, r, e[8], 1163531501, 20)), (r = c(r, n, i, o, e[13], 2850285829, 5)), (o = c(o, r, n, i, e[2], 4243563512, 9)), (i = c(i, o, r, n, e[7], 1735328473, 14)), (r = h(r, (n = c(n, i, o, r, e[12], 2368359562, 20)), i, o, e[5], 4294588738, 4)), (o = h(o, r, n, i, e[8], 2272392833, 11)), (i = h(i, o, r, n, e[11], 1839030562, 16)), (n = h(n, i, o, r, e[14], 4259657740, 23)), (r = h(r, n, i, o, e[1], 2763975236, 4)), (o = h(o, r, n, i, e[4], 1272893353, 11)), (i = h(i, o, r, n, e[7], 4139469664, 16)), (n = h(n, i, o, r, e[10], 3200236656, 23)), (r = h(r, n, i, o, e[13], 681279174, 4)), (o = h(o, r, n, i, e[0], 3936430074, 11)), (i = h(i, o, r, n, e[3], 3572445317, 16)), (n = h(n, i, o, r, e[6], 76029189, 23)), (r = h(r, n, i, o, e[9], 3654602809, 4)), (o = h(o, r, n, i, e[12], 3873151461, 11)), (i = h(i, o, r, n, e[15], 530742520, 16)), (r = d(r, (n = h(n, i, o, r, e[2], 3299628645, 23)), i, o, e[0], 4096336452, 6)), (o = d(o, r, n, i, e[7], 1126891415, 10)), (i = d(i, o, r, n, e[14], 2878612391, 15)), (n = d(n, i, o, r, e[5], 4237533241, 21)), (r = d(r, n, i, o, e[12], 1700485571, 6)), (o = d(o, r, n, i, e[3], 2399980690, 10)), (i = d(i, o, r, n, e[10], 4293915773, 15)), (n = d(n, i, o, r, e[1], 2240044497, 21)), (r = d(r, n, i, o, e[8], 1873313359, 6)), (o = d(o, r, n, i, e[15], 4264355552, 10)), (i = d(i, o, r, n, e[6], 2734768916, 15)), (n = d(n, i, o, r, e[13], 1309151649, 21)), (r = d(r, n, i, o, e[4], 4149444226, 6)), (o = d(o, r, n, i, e[11], 3174756917, 10)), (i = d(i, o, r, n, e[2], 718787259, 15)), (n = d(n, i, o, r, e[9], 3951481745, 21)), (this._a = (this._a + r) | 0), (this._b = (this._b + n) | 0), (this._c = (this._c + i) | 0), (this._d = (this._d + o) | 0); }), (s.prototype._digest = function () { (this._block[this._blockOffset++] = 128), this._blockOffset > 56 && (this._block.fill(0, this._blockOffset, 64), this._update(), (this._blockOffset = 0)), this._block.fill(0, this._blockOffset, 56), this._block.writeUInt32LE(this._length[0], 56), this._block.writeUInt32LE(this._length[1], 60), this._update(); var e = o.allocUnsafe(16); return ( e.writeInt32LE(this._a, 0), e.writeInt32LE(this._b, 4), e.writeInt32LE(this._c, 8), e.writeInt32LE(this._d, 12), e ); }), (e.exports = s); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(2).Buffer, i = r(3), o = r(132), a = new Array(16), s = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 7, 4, 13, 1, 10, 6, 15, 3, 12, 0, 9, 5, 2, 14, 11, 8, 3, 10, 14, 4, 9, 15, 8, 1, 2, 7, 0, 6, 13, 11, 5, 12, 1, 9, 11, 10, 0, 8, 12, 4, 13, 3, 7, 15, 14, 5, 6, 2, 4, 0, 5, 9, 7, 12, 2, 10, 14, 1, 3, 8, 11, 6, 15, 13, ], u = [ 5, 14, 7, 0, 9, 2, 11, 4, 13, 6, 15, 8, 1, 10, 3, 12, 6, 11, 3, 7, 0, 13, 5, 10, 14, 15, 8, 12, 4, 9, 1, 2, 15, 5, 1, 3, 7, 14, 6, 9, 11, 8, 12, 2, 10, 0, 4, 13, 8, 6, 4, 1, 3, 11, 15, 0, 5, 12, 2, 13, 9, 7, 10, 14, 12, 15, 10, 4, 1, 5, 8, 7, 6, 2, 13, 14, 0, 3, 9, 11, ], f = [ 11, 14, 15, 12, 5, 8, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 6, 7, 9, 8, 7, 6, 8, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 7, 12, 15, 9, 11, 7, 13, 12, 11, 13, 6, 7, 14, 9, 13, 15, 14, 8, 13, 6, 5, 12, 7, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 14, 15, 9, 8, 9, 14, 5, 6, 8, 6, 5, 12, 9, 15, 5, 11, 6, 8, 13, 12, 5, 12, 13, 14, 11, 8, 5, 6, ], c = [ 8, 9, 9, 11, 13, 15, 15, 5, 7, 7, 8, 11, 14, 14, 12, 6, 9, 13, 15, 7, 12, 8, 9, 11, 7, 7, 12, 7, 6, 15, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 11, 8, 6, 6, 14, 12, 13, 5, 14, 13, 13, 7, 5, 15, 5, 8, 11, 14, 14, 6, 14, 6, 9, 12, 9, 12, 5, 15, 8, 8, 5, 12, 9, 12, 5, 14, 6, 8, 13, 6, 5, 15, 13, 11, 11, ], h = [0, 1518500249, 1859775393, 2400959708, 2840853838], d = [1352829926, 1548603684, 1836072691, 2053994217, 0]; function l() { o.call(this, 64), (this._a = 1732584193), (this._b = 4023233417), (this._c = 2562383102), (this._d = 271733878), (this._e = 3285377520); } function p(e, t) { return (e << t) | (e >>> (32 - t)); } function b(e, t, r, n, i, o, a, s) { return (p((e + (t ^ r ^ n) + o + a) | 0, s) + i) | 0; } function m(e, t, r, n, i, o, a, s) { return (p((e + ((t & r) | (~t & n)) + o + a) | 0, s) + i) | 0; } function y(e, t, r, n, i, o, a, s) { return (p((e + ((t | ~r) ^ n) + o + a) | 0, s) + i) | 0; } function v(e, t, r, n, i, o, a, s) { return (p((e + ((t & n) | (r & ~n)) + o + a) | 0, s) + i) | 0; } function g(e, t, r, n, i, o, a, s) { return (p((e + (t ^ (r | ~n)) + o + a) | 0, s) + i) | 0; } i(l, o), (l.prototype._update = function () { for (var e = a, t = 0; t < 16; ++t) e[t] = this._block.readInt32LE(4 * t); for ( var r = 0 | this._a, n = 0 | this._b, i = 0 | this._c, o = 0 | this._d, l = 0 | this._e, w = 0 | this._a, _ = 0 | this._b, k = 0 | this._c, A = 0 | this._d, S = 0 | this._e, E = 0; E < 80; E += 1 ) { var x, M; E < 16 ? ((x = b(r, n, i, o, l, e[s[E]], h[0], f[E])), (M = g(w, _, k, A, S, e[u[E]], d[0], c[E]))) : E < 32 ? ((x = m(r, n, i, o, l, e[s[E]], h[1], f[E])), (M = v(w, _, k, A, S, e[u[E]], d[1], c[E]))) : E < 48 ? ((x = y(r, n, i, o, l, e[s[E]], h[2], f[E])), (M = y(w, _, k, A, S, e[u[E]], d[2], c[E]))) : E < 64 ? ((x = v(r, n, i, o, l, e[s[E]], h[3], f[E])), (M = m(w, _, k, A, S, e[u[E]], d[3], c[E]))) : ((x = g(r, n, i, o, l, e[s[E]], h[4], f[E])), (M = b(w, _, k, A, S, e[u[E]], d[4], c[E]))), (r = l), (l = o), (o = p(i, 10)), (i = n), (n = x), (w = S), (S = A), (A = p(k, 10)), (k = _), (_ = M); } var I = (this._b + i + A) | 0; (this._b = (this._c + o + S) | 0), (this._c = (this._d + l + w) | 0), (this._d = (this._e + r + _) | 0), (this._e = (this._a + n + k) | 0), (this._a = I); }), (l.prototype._digest = function () { (this._block[this._blockOffset++] = 128), this._blockOffset > 56 && (this._block.fill(0, this._blockOffset, 64), this._update(), (this._blockOffset = 0)), this._block.fill(0, this._blockOffset, 56), this._block.writeUInt32LE(this._length[0], 56), this._block.writeUInt32LE(this._length[1], 60), this._update(); var e = n.alloc ? n.alloc(20) : new n(20); return ( e.writeInt32LE(this._a, 0), e.writeInt32LE(this._b, 4), e.writeInt32LE(this._c, 8), e.writeInt32LE(this._d, 12), e.writeInt32LE(this._e, 16), e ); }), (e.exports = l); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = (e.exports = function (e) { e = e.toLowerCase(); var t = n[e]; if (!t) throw new Error(e + ' is not supported (we accept pull requests)'); return new t(); }); (n.sha = r(329)), (n.sha1 = r(330)), (n.sha224 = r(331)), (n.sha256 = r(133)), (n.sha384 = r(332)), (n.sha512 = r(134)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (t.utils = r(338)), (t.Cipher = r(339)), (t.DES = r(340)), (t.CBC = r(341)), (t.EDE = r(342)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(343), i = r(351), o = r(144); (t.createCipher = t.Cipher = n.createCipher), (t.createCipheriv = t.Cipheriv = n.createCipheriv), (t.createDecipher = t.Decipher = i.createDecipher), (t.createDecipheriv = t.Decipheriv = i.createDecipheriv), (t.listCiphers = t.getCiphers = function () { return Object.keys(o); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = { ECB: r(344), CBC: r(345), CFB: r(346), CFB8: r(347), CFB1: r(348), OFB: r(349), CTR: r(142), GCM: r(142), }, i = r(144); for (var o in i) i[o].module = n[i[o].mode]; e.exports = i; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (t) { var n = r(5), i = r(26); function o(e, r) { var i = (function (e) { var t = a(e); return { blinder: t.toRed(n.mont(e.modulus)).redPow(new n(e.publicExponent)).fromRed(), unblinder: t.invm(e.modulus), }; })(r), o = r.modulus.byteLength(), s = (n.mont(r.modulus), new n(e).mul(i.blinder).umod(r.modulus)), u = s.toRed(n.mont(r.prime1)), f = s.toRed(n.mont(r.prime2)), c = r.coefficient, h = r.prime1, d = r.prime2, l = u.redPow(r.exponent1), p = f.redPow(r.exponent2); (l = l.fromRed()), (p = p.fromRed()); var b = l.isub(p).imul(c).umod(h); return b.imul(d), p.iadd(b), new t(p.imul(i.unblinder).umod(r.modulus).toArray(!1, o)); } function a(e) { for ( var t = e.modulus.byteLength(), r = new n(i(t)); r.cmp(e.modulus) >= 0 || !r.umod(e.prime1) || !r.umod(e.prime2); ) r = new n(i(t)); return r; } (e.exports = o), (o.getr = a); }.call(this, r(2).Buffer)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; /* object-assign (c) Sindre Sorhus @license MIT */ var n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, i = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, o = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; function a(e) { if (null == e) throw new TypeError('Object.assign cannot be called with null or undefined'); return Object(e); } e.exports = (function () { try { if (!Object.assign) return !1; var e = new String('abc'); if (((e[5] = 'de'), '5' === Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e)[0])) return !1; for (var t = {}, r = 0; r < 10; r++) t['_' + String.fromCharCode(r)] = r; if ( '0123456789' !== Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t) .map(function (e) { return t[e]; }) .join('') ) return !1; var n = {}; return ( 'abcdefghijklmnopqrst'.split('').forEach(function (e) { n[e] = e; }), 'abcdefghijklmnopqrst' === Object.keys(Object.assign({}, n)).join('') ); } catch (e) { return !1; } })() ? Object.assign : function (e, t) { for (var r, s, u = a(e), f = 1; f < arguments.length; f++) { for (var c in (r = Object(arguments[f]))) i.call(r, c) && (u[c] = r[c]); if (n) { s = n(r); for (var h = 0; h < s.length; h++) o.call(r, s[h]) && (u[s[h]] = r[s[h]]); } } return u; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(445); e.exports = Function.prototype.bind || n; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = Function.prototype.toString, o = /^\s*class\b/, a = function (e) { try { var t = i.call(e); return o.test(t); } catch (e) { return !1; } }, s = Object.prototype.toString, u = 'function' == typeof Symbol && 'symbol' === (0, n.default)(Symbol.toStringTag); e.exports = function (e) { if (!e) return !1; if ('function' != typeof e && 'object' !== (0, n.default)(e)) return !1; if ('function' == typeof e && !e.prototype) return !0; if (u) return (function (e) { try { return !a(e) && (i.call(e), !0); } catch (e) { return !1; } })(e); if (a(e)) return !1; var t = s.call(e); return '[object Function]' === t || '[object GeneratorFunction]' === t; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (e) { var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors || function (e) { for (var t = Object.keys(e), r = {}, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) r[t[n]] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t[n]); return r; }, o = /%[sdj%]/g; (t.format = function (e) { if (!v(e)) { for (var t = [], r = 0; r < arguments.length; r++) t.push(u(arguments[r])); return t.join(' '); } r = 1; for ( var n = arguments, i = n.length, a = String(e).replace(o, function (e) { if ('%%' === e) return '%'; if (r >= i) return e; switch (e) { case '%s': return String(n[r++]); case '%d': return Number(n[r++]); case '%j': try { return JSON.stringify(n[r++]); } catch (e) { return '[Circular]'; } default: return e; } }), s = n[r]; r < i; s = n[++r] ) m(s) || !_(s) ? (a += ' ' + s) : (a += ' ' + u(s)); return a; }), (t.deprecate = function (r, n) { if (void 0 !== e && !0 === e.noDeprecation) return r; if (void 0 === e) return function () { return t.deprecate(r, n).apply(this, arguments); }; var i = !1; return function () { if (!i) { if (e.throwDeprecation) throw new Error(n); e.traceDeprecation ? console.trace(n) : console.error(n), (i = !0); } return r.apply(this, arguments); }; }); var a, s = {}; function u(e, r) { var n = { seen: [], stylize: c }; return ( arguments.length >= 3 && (n.depth = arguments[2]), arguments.length >= 4 && (n.colors = arguments[3]), b(r) ? (n.showHidden = r) : r && t._extend(n, r), g(n.showHidden) && (n.showHidden = !1), g(n.depth) && (n.depth = 2), g(n.colors) && (n.colors = !1), g(n.customInspect) && (n.customInspect = !0), n.colors && (n.stylize = f), h(n, e, n.depth) ); } function f(e, t) { var r = u.styles[t]; return r ? '[' + u.colors[r][0] + 'm' + e + '[' + u.colors[r][1] + 'm' : e; } function c(e, t) { return e; } function h(e, r, n) { if ( e.customInspect && r && S(r.inspect) && r.inspect !== t.inspect && (!r.constructor || r.constructor.prototype !== r) ) { var i = r.inspect(n, e); return v(i) || (i = h(e, i, n)), i; } var o = (function (e, t) { if (g(t)) return e.stylize('undefined', 'undefined'); if (v(t)) { var r = "'" + JSON.stringify(t).replace(/^"|"$/g, '').replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(/\\"/g, '"') + "'"; return e.stylize(r, 'string'); } if (y(t)) return e.stylize('' + t, 'number'); if (b(t)) return e.stylize('' + t, 'boolean'); if (m(t)) return e.stylize('null', 'null'); })(e, r); if (o) return o; var a = Object.keys(r), s = (function (e) { var t = {}; return ( e.forEach(function (e, r) { t[e] = !0; }), t ); })(a); if ( (e.showHidden && (a = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(r)), A(r) && (a.indexOf('message') >= 0 || a.indexOf('description') >= 0)) ) return d(r); if (0 === a.length) { if (S(r)) { var u = r.name ? ': ' + r.name : ''; return e.stylize('[Function' + u + ']', 'special'); } if (w(r)) return e.stylize(RegExp.prototype.toString.call(r), 'regexp'); if (k(r)) return e.stylize(Date.prototype.toString.call(r), 'date'); if (A(r)) return d(r); } var f, c = '', _ = !1, E = ['{', '}']; (p(r) && ((_ = !0), (E = ['[', ']'])), S(r)) && (c = ' [Function' + (r.name ? ': ' + r.name : '') + ']'); return ( w(r) && (c = ' ' + RegExp.prototype.toString.call(r)), k(r) && (c = ' ' + Date.prototype.toUTCString.call(r)), A(r) && (c = ' ' + d(r)), 0 !== a.length || (_ && 0 != r.length) ? n < 0 ? w(r) ? e.stylize(RegExp.prototype.toString.call(r), 'regexp') : e.stylize('[Object]', 'special') : (e.seen.push(r), (f = _ ? (function (e, t, r, n, i) { for (var o = [], a = 0, s = t.length; a < s; ++a) O(t, String(a)) ? o.push(l(e, t, r, n, String(a), !0)) : o.push(''); return ( i.forEach(function (i) { i.match(/^\d+$/) || o.push(l(e, t, r, n, i, !0)); }), o ); })(e, r, n, s, a) : a.map(function (t) { return l(e, r, n, s, t, _); })), e.seen.pop(), (function (e, t, r) { if ( e.reduce(function (e, t) { return ( t.indexOf('\n') >= 0 && 0, e + t.replace(/\u001b\[\d\d?m/g, '').length + 1 ); }, 0) > 60 ) return ( r[0] + ('' === t ? '' : t + '\n ') + ' ' + e.join(',\n ') + ' ' + r[1] ); return r[0] + t + ' ' + e.join(', ') + ' ' + r[1]; })(f, c, E)) : E[0] + c + E[1] ); } function d(e) { return '[' + Error.prototype.toString.call(e) + ']'; } function l(e, t, r, n, i, o) { var a, s, u; if ( ((u = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, i) || { value: t[i] }).get ? (s = u.set ? e.stylize('[Getter/Setter]', 'special') : e.stylize('[Getter]', 'special')) : u.set && (s = e.stylize('[Setter]', 'special')), O(n, i) || (a = '[' + i + ']'), s || (e.seen.indexOf(u.value) < 0 ? (s = m(r) ? h(e, u.value, null) : h(e, u.value, r - 1)).indexOf('\n') > -1 && (s = o ? s .split('\n') .map(function (e) { return ' ' + e; }) .join('\n') .substr(2) : '\n' + s .split('\n') .map(function (e) { return ' ' + e; }) .join('\n')) : (s = e.stylize('[Circular]', 'special'))), g(a)) ) { if (o && i.match(/^\d+$/)) return s; (a = JSON.stringify('' + i)).match(/^"([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)"$/) ? ((a = a.substr(1, a.length - 2)), (a = e.stylize(a, 'name'))) : ((a = a .replace(/'/g, "\\'") .replace(/\\"/g, '"') .replace(/(^"|"$)/g, "'")), (a = e.stylize(a, 'string'))); } return a + ': ' + s; } function p(e) { return Array.isArray(e); } function b(e) { return 'boolean' == typeof e; } function m(e) { return null === e; } function y(e) { return 'number' == typeof e; } function v(e) { return 'string' == typeof e; } function g(e) { return void 0 === e; } function w(e) { return _(e) && '[object RegExp]' === E(e); } function _(e) { return 'object' === (0, n.default)(e) && null !== e; } function k(e) { return _(e) && '[object Date]' === E(e); } function A(e) { return _(e) && ('[object Error]' === E(e) || e instanceof Error); } function S(e) { return 'function' == typeof e; } function E(e) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(e); } function x(e) { return e < 10 ? '0' + e.toString(10) : e.toString(10); } (t.debuglog = function (r) { if ((g(a) && (a = e.env.NODE_DEBUG || ''), (r = r.toUpperCase()), !s[r])) if (new RegExp('\\b' + r + '\\b', 'i').test(a)) { var n = e.pid; s[r] = function () { var e = t.format.apply(t, arguments); console.error('%s %d: %s', r, n, e); }; } else s[r] = function () {}; return s[r]; }), (t.inspect = u), (u.colors = { bold: [1, 22], italic: [3, 23], underline: [4, 24], inverse: [7, 27], white: [37, 39], grey: [90, 39], black: [30, 39], blue: [34, 39], cyan: [36, 39], green: [32, 39], magenta: [35, 39], red: [31, 39], yellow: [33, 39], }), (u.styles = { special: 'cyan', number: 'yellow', boolean: 'yellow', undefined: 'grey', null: 'bold', string: 'green', date: 'magenta', regexp: 'red', }), (t.isArray = p), (t.isBoolean = b), (t.isNull = m), (t.isNullOrUndefined = function (e) { return null == e; }), (t.isNumber = y), (t.isString = v), (t.isSymbol = function (e) { return 'symbol' === (0, n.default)(e); }), (t.isUndefined = g), (t.isRegExp = w), (t.isObject = _), (t.isDate = k), (t.isError = A), (t.isFunction = S), (t.isPrimitive = function (e) { return ( null === e || 'boolean' == typeof e || 'number' == typeof e || 'string' == typeof e || 'symbol' === (0, n.default)(e) || void 0 === e ); }), (t.isBuffer = r(174)); var M = [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec', ]; function I() { var e = new Date(), t = [x(e.getHours()), x(e.getMinutes()), x(e.getSeconds())].join(':'); return [e.getDate(), M[e.getMonth()], t].join(' '); } function O(e, t) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t); } (t.log = function () { console.log('%s - %s', I(), t.format.apply(t, arguments)); }), (t.inherits = r(3)), (t._extend = function (e, t) { if (!t || !_(t)) return e; for (var r = Object.keys(t), n = r.length; n--; ) e[r[n]] = t[r[n]]; return e; }); var C = 'undefined' != typeof Symbol ? Symbol('util.promisify.custom') : void 0; function P(e, t) { if (!e) { var r = new Error('Promise was rejected with a falsy value'); (r.reason = e), (e = r); } return t(e); } (t.promisify = function (e) { if ('function' != typeof e) throw new TypeError('The "original" argument must be of type Function'); if (C && e[C]) { var t; if ('function' != typeof (t = e[C])) throw new TypeError('The "util.promisify.custom" argument must be of type Function'); return ( Object.defineProperty(t, C, { value: t, enumerable: !1, writable: !1, configurable: !0, }), t ); } function t() { for ( var t, r, n = new Promise(function (e, n) { (t = e), (r = n); }), i = [], o = 0; o < arguments.length; o++ ) i.push(arguments[o]); i.push(function (e, n) { e ? r(e) : t(n); }); try { e.apply(this, i); } catch (e) { r(e); } return n; } return ( Object.setPrototypeOf(t, Object.getPrototypeOf(e)), C && Object.defineProperty(t, C, { value: t, enumerable: !1, writable: !1, configurable: !0, }), Object.defineProperties(t, i(e)) ); }), (t.promisify.custom = C), (t.callbackify = function (t) { if ('function' != typeof t) throw new TypeError('The "original" argument must be of type Function'); function r() { for (var r = [], n = 0; n < arguments.length; n++) r.push(arguments[n]); var i = r.pop(); if ('function' != typeof i) throw new TypeError('The last argument must be of type Function'); var o = this, a = function () { return i.apply(o, arguments); }; t.apply(this, r).then( function (t) { e.nextTick(a, null, t); }, function (t) { e.nextTick(P, t, a); } ); } return ( Object.setPrototypeOf(r, Object.getPrototypeOf(t)), Object.defineProperties(r, i(t)), r ); }); }.call(this, r(11))); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (e) { var t = r(0)(r(1)); !(function (e, n) { function i(e, t) { if (!e) throw new Error(t || 'Assertion failed'); } function o(e, t) { e.super_ = t; var r = function () {}; (r.prototype = t.prototype), (e.prototype = new r()), (e.prototype.constructor = e); } function a(e, t, r) { if (a.isBN(e)) return e; (this.negative = 0), (this.words = null), (this.length = 0), (this.red = null), null !== e && (('le' !== t && 'be' !== t) || ((r = t), (t = 10)), this._init(e || 0, t || 10, r || 'be')); } var s; 'object' === (0, t.default)(e) ? (e.exports = a) : ((void 0).BN = a), (a.BN = a), (a.wordSize = 26); try { s = r(2).Buffer; } catch (e) {} function u(e, t, r) { for (var n = 0, i = Math.min(e.length, r), o = t; o < i; o++) { var a = e.charCodeAt(o) - 48; (n <<= 4), (n |= a >= 49 && a <= 54 ? a - 49 + 10 : a >= 17 && a <= 22 ? a - 17 + 10 : 15 & a); } return n; } function f(e, t, r, n) { for (var i = 0, o = Math.min(e.length, r), a = t; a < o; a++) { var s = e.charCodeAt(a) - 48; (i *= n), (i += s >= 49 ? s - 49 + 10 : s >= 17 ? s - 17 + 10 : s); } return i; } (a.isBN = function (e) { return ( e instanceof a || (null !== e && 'object' === (0, t.default)(e) && e.constructor.wordSize === a.wordSize && Array.isArray(e.words)) ); }), (a.max = function (e, t) { return e.cmp(t) > 0 ? e : t; }), (a.min = function (e, t) { return e.cmp(t) < 0 ? e : t; }), (a.prototype._init = function (e, r, n) { if ('number' == typeof e) return this._initNumber(e, r, n); if ('object' === (0, t.default)(e)) return this._initArray(e, r, n); 'hex' === r && (r = 16), i(r === (0 | r) && r >= 2 && r <= 36); var o = 0; '-' === (e = e.toString().replace(/\s+/g, ''))[0] && o++, 16 === r ? this._parseHex(e, o) : this._parseBase(e, r, o), '-' === e[0] && (this.negative = 1), this.strip(), 'le' === n && this._initArray(this.toArray(), r, n); }), (a.prototype._initNumber = function (e, t, r) { e < 0 && ((this.negative = 1), (e = -e)), e < 67108864 ? ((this.words = [67108863 & e]), (this.length = 1)) : e < 4503599627370496 ? ((this.words = [67108863 & e, (e / 67108864) & 67108863]), (this.length = 2)) : (i(e < 9007199254740992), (this.words = [67108863 & e, (e / 67108864) & 67108863, 1]), (this.length = 3)), 'le' === r && this._initArray(this.toArray(), t, r); }), (a.prototype._initArray = function (e, t, r) { if ((i('number' == typeof e.length), e.length <= 0)) return (this.words = [0]), (this.length = 1), this; (this.length = Math.ceil(e.length / 3)), (this.words = new Array(this.length)); for (var n = 0; n < this.length; n++) this.words[n] = 0; var o, a, s = 0; if ('be' === r) for (n = e.length - 1, o = 0; n >= 0; n -= 3) (a = e[n] | (e[n - 1] << 8) | (e[n - 2] << 16)), (this.words[o] |= (a << s) & 67108863), (this.words[o + 1] = (a >>> (26 - s)) & 67108863), (s += 24) >= 26 && ((s -= 26), o++); else if ('le' === r) for (n = 0, o = 0; n < e.length; n += 3) (a = e[n] | (e[n + 1] << 8) | (e[n + 2] << 16)), (this.words[o] |= (a << s) & 67108863), (this.words[o + 1] = (a >>> (26 - s)) & 67108863), (s += 24) >= 26 && ((s -= 26), o++); return this.strip(); }), (a.prototype._parseHex = function (e, t) { (this.length = Math.ceil((e.length - t) / 6)), (this.words = new Array(this.length)); for (var r = 0; r < this.length; r++) this.words[r] = 0; var n, i, o = 0; for (r = e.length - 6, n = 0; r >= t; r -= 6) (i = u(e, r, r + 6)), (this.words[n] |= (i << o) & 67108863), (this.words[n + 1] |= (i >>> (26 - o)) & 4194303), (o += 24) >= 26 && ((o -= 26), n++); r + 6 !== t && ((i = u(e, t, r + 6)), (this.words[n] |= (i << o) & 67108863), (this.words[n + 1] |= (i >>> (26 - o)) & 4194303)), this.strip(); }), (a.prototype._parseBase = function (e, t, r) { (this.words = [0]), (this.length = 1); for (var n = 0, i = 1; i <= 67108863; i *= t) n++; n--, (i = (i / t) | 0); for ( var o = e.length - r, a = o % n, s = Math.min(o, o - a) + r, u = 0, c = r; c < s; c += n ) (u = f(e, c, c + n, t)), this.imuln(i), this.words[0] + u < 67108864 ? (this.words[0] += u) : this._iaddn(u); if (0 !== a) { var h = 1; for (u = f(e, c, e.length, t), c = 0; c < a; c++) h *= t; this.imuln(h), this.words[0] + u < 67108864 ? (this.words[0] += u) : this._iaddn(u); } }), (a.prototype.copy = function (e) { e.words = new Array(this.length); for (var t = 0; t < this.length; t++) e.words[t] = this.words[t]; (e.length = this.length), (e.negative = this.negative), (e.red = this.red); }), (a.prototype.clone = function () { var e = new a(null); return this.copy(e), e; }), (a.prototype._expand = function (e) { for (; this.length < e; ) this.words[this.length++] = 0; return this; }), (a.prototype.strip = function () { for (; this.length > 1 && 0 === this.words[this.length - 1]; ) this.length--; return this._normSign(); }), (a.prototype._normSign = function () { return 1 === this.length && 0 === this.words[0] && (this.negative = 0), this; }), (a.prototype.inspect = function () { return (this.red ? ''; }); var c = [ '', '0', '00', '000', '0000', '00000', '000000', '0000000', '00000000', '000000000', '0000000000', '00000000000', '000000000000', '0000000000000', '00000000000000', '000000000000000', '0000000000000000', '00000000000000000', '000000000000000000', '0000000000000000000', '00000000000000000000', '000000000000000000000', '0000000000000000000000', '00000000000000000000000', '000000000000000000000000', '0000000000000000000000000', ], h = [ 0, 0, 25, 16, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, ], d = [ 0, 0, 33554432, 43046721, 16777216, 48828125, 60466176, 40353607, 16777216, 43046721, 1e7, 19487171, 35831808, 62748517, 7529536, 11390625, 16777216, 24137569, 34012224, 47045881, 64e6, 4084101, 5153632, 6436343, 7962624, 9765625, 11881376, 14348907, 17210368, 20511149, 243e5, 28629151, 33554432, 39135393, 45435424, 52521875, 60466176, ]; function l(e, t, r) { r.negative = t.negative ^ e.negative; var n = (e.length + t.length) | 0; (r.length = n), (n = (n - 1) | 0); var i = 0 | e.words[0], o = 0 | t.words[0], a = i * o, s = 67108863 & a, u = (a / 67108864) | 0; r.words[0] = s; for (var f = 1; f < n; f++) { for ( var c = u >>> 26, h = 67108863 & u, d = Math.min(f, t.length - 1), l = Math.max(0, f - e.length + 1); l <= d; l++ ) { var p = (f - l) | 0; (c += ((a = (i = 0 | e.words[p]) * (o = 0 | t.words[l]) + h) / 67108864) | 0), (h = 67108863 & a); } (r.words[f] = 0 | h), (u = 0 | c); } return 0 !== u ? (r.words[f] = 0 | u) : r.length--, r.strip(); } (a.prototype.toString = function (e, t) { var r; if (((t = 0 | t || 1), 16 === (e = e || 10) || 'hex' === e)) { r = ''; for (var n = 0, o = 0, a = 0; a < this.length; a++) { var s = this.words[a], u = (16777215 & ((s << n) | o)).toString(16); (r = 0 !== (o = (s >>> (24 - n)) & 16777215) || a !== this.length - 1 ? c[6 - u.length] + u + r : u + r), (n += 2) >= 26 && ((n -= 26), a--); } for (0 !== o && (r = o.toString(16) + r); r.length % t != 0; ) r = '0' + r; return 0 !== this.negative && (r = '-' + r), r; } if (e === (0 | e) && e >= 2 && e <= 36) { var f = h[e], l = d[e]; r = ''; var p = this.clone(); for (p.negative = 0; !p.isZero(); ) { var b = p.modn(l).toString(e); r = (p = p.idivn(l)).isZero() ? b + r : c[f - b.length] + b + r; } for (this.isZero() && (r = '0' + r); r.length % t != 0; ) r = '0' + r; return 0 !== this.negative && (r = '-' + r), r; } i(!1, 'Base should be between 2 and 36'); }), (a.prototype.toNumber = function () { var e = this.words[0]; return ( 2 === this.length ? (e += 67108864 * this.words[1]) : 3 === this.length && 1 === this.words[2] ? (e += 4503599627370496 + 67108864 * this.words[1]) : this.length > 2 && i(!1, 'Number can only safely store up to 53 bits'), 0 !== this.negative ? -e : e ); }), (a.prototype.toJSON = function () { return this.toString(16); }), (a.prototype.toBuffer = function (e, t) { return i(void 0 !== s), this.toArrayLike(s, e, t); }), (a.prototype.toArray = function (e, t) { return this.toArrayLike(Array, e, t); }), (a.prototype.toArrayLike = function (e, t, r) { var n = this.byteLength(), o = r || Math.max(1, n); i(n <= o, 'byte array longer than desired length'), i(o > 0, 'Requested array length <= 0'), this.strip(); var a, s, u = 'le' === t, f = new e(o), c = this.clone(); if (u) { for (s = 0; !c.isZero(); s++) (a = c.andln(255)), c.iushrn(8), (f[s] = a); for (; s < o; s++) f[s] = 0; } else { for (s = 0; s < o - n; s++) f[s] = 0; for (s = 0; !c.isZero(); s++) (a = c.andln(255)), c.iushrn(8), (f[o - s - 1] = a); } return f; }), Math.clz32 ? (a.prototype._countBits = function (e) { return 32 - Math.clz32(e); }) : (a.prototype._countBits = function (e) { var t = e, r = 0; return ( t >= 4096 && ((r += 13), (t >>>= 13)), t >= 64 && ((r += 7), (t >>>= 7)), t >= 8 && ((r += 4), (t >>>= 4)), t >= 2 && ((r += 2), (t >>>= 2)), r + t ); }), (a.prototype._zeroBits = function (e) { if (0 === e) return 26; var t = e, r = 0; return ( 0 == (8191 & t) && ((r += 13), (t >>>= 13)), 0 == (127 & t) && ((r += 7), (t >>>= 7)), 0 == (15 & t) && ((r += 4), (t >>>= 4)), 0 == (3 & t) && ((r += 2), (t >>>= 2)), 0 == (1 & t) && r++, r ); }), (a.prototype.bitLength = function () { var e = this.words[this.length - 1], t = this._countBits(e); return 26 * (this.length - 1) + t; }), (a.prototype.zeroBits = function () { if (this.isZero()) return 0; for (var e = 0, t = 0; t < this.length; t++) { var r = this._zeroBits(this.words[t]); if (((e += r), 26 !== r)) break; } return e; }), (a.prototype.byteLength = function () { return Math.ceil(this.bitLength() / 8); }), (a.prototype.toTwos = function (e) { return 0 !== this.negative ? this.abs().inotn(e).iaddn(1) : this.clone(); }), (a.prototype.fromTwos = function (e) { return this.testn(e - 1) ? this.notn(e).iaddn(1).ineg() : this.clone(); }), (a.prototype.isNeg = function () { return 0 !== this.negative; }), (a.prototype.neg = function () { return this.clone().ineg(); }), (a.prototype.ineg = function () { return this.isZero() || (this.negative ^= 1), this; }), (a.prototype.iuor = function (e) { for (; this.length < e.length; ) this.words[this.length++] = 0; for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) this.words[t] = this.words[t] | e.words[t]; return this.strip(); }), (a.prototype.ior = function (e) { return i(0 == (this.negative | e.negative)), this.iuor(e); }), (a.prototype.or = function (e) { return this.length > e.length ? this.clone().ior(e) : e.clone().ior(this); }), (a.prototype.uor = function (e) { return this.length > e.length ? this.clone().iuor(e) : e.clone().iuor(this); }), (a.prototype.iuand = function (e) { var t; t = this.length > e.length ? e : this; for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) this.words[r] = this.words[r] & e.words[r]; return (this.length = t.length), this.strip(); }), (a.prototype.iand = function (e) { return i(0 == (this.negative | e.negative)), this.iuand(e); }), (a.prototype.and = function (e) { return this.length > e.length ? this.clone().iand(e) : e.clone().iand(this); }), (a.prototype.uand = function (e) { return this.length > e.length ? this.clone().iuand(e) : e.clone().iuand(this); }), (a.prototype.iuxor = function (e) { var t, r; this.length > e.length ? ((t = this), (r = e)) : ((t = e), (r = this)); for (var n = 0; n < r.length; n++) this.words[n] = t.words[n] ^ r.words[n]; if (this !== t) for (; n < t.length; n++) this.words[n] = t.words[n]; return (this.length = t.length), this.strip(); }), (a.prototype.ixor = function (e) { return i(0 == (this.negative | e.negative)), this.iuxor(e); }), (a.prototype.xor = function (e) { return this.length > e.length ? this.clone().ixor(e) : e.clone().ixor(this); }), (a.prototype.uxor = function (e) { return this.length > e.length ? this.clone().iuxor(e) : e.clone().iuxor(this); }), (a.prototype.inotn = function (e) { i('number' == typeof e && e >= 0); var t = 0 | Math.ceil(e / 26), r = e % 26; this._expand(t), r > 0 && t--; for (var n = 0; n < t; n++) this.words[n] = 67108863 & ~this.words[n]; return ( r > 0 && (this.words[n] = ~this.words[n] & (67108863 >> (26 - r))), this.strip() ); }), (a.prototype.notn = function (e) { return this.clone().inotn(e); }), (a.prototype.setn = function (e, t) { i('number' == typeof e && e >= 0); var r = (e / 26) | 0, n = e % 26; return ( this._expand(r + 1), (this.words[r] = t ? this.words[r] | (1 << n) : this.words[r] & ~(1 << n)), this.strip() ); }), (a.prototype.iadd = function (e) { var t, r, n; if (0 !== this.negative && 0 === e.negative) return ( (this.negative = 0), (t = this.isub(e)), (this.negative ^= 1), this._normSign() ); if (0 === this.negative && 0 !== e.negative) return (e.negative = 0), (t = this.isub(e)), (e.negative = 1), t._normSign(); this.length > e.length ? ((r = this), (n = e)) : ((r = e), (n = this)); for (var i = 0, o = 0; o < n.length; o++) (t = (0 | r.words[o]) + (0 | n.words[o]) + i), (this.words[o] = 67108863 & t), (i = t >>> 26); for (; 0 !== i && o < r.length; o++) (t = (0 | r.words[o]) + i), (this.words[o] = 67108863 & t), (i = t >>> 26); if (((this.length = r.length), 0 !== i)) (this.words[this.length] = i), this.length++; else if (r !== this) for (; o < r.length; o++) this.words[o] = r.words[o]; return this; }), (a.prototype.add = function (e) { var t; return 0 !== e.negative && 0 === this.negative ? ((e.negative = 0), (t = this.sub(e)), (e.negative ^= 1), t) : 0 === e.negative && 0 !== this.negative ? ((this.negative = 0), (t = e.sub(this)), (this.negative = 1), t) : this.length > e.length ? this.clone().iadd(e) : e.clone().iadd(this); }), (a.prototype.isub = function (e) { if (0 !== e.negative) { e.negative = 0; var t = this.iadd(e); return (e.negative = 1), t._normSign(); } if (0 !== this.negative) return (this.negative = 0), this.iadd(e), (this.negative = 1), this._normSign(); var r, n, i = this.cmp(e); if (0 === i) return (this.negative = 0), (this.length = 1), (this.words[0] = 0), this; i > 0 ? ((r = this), (n = e)) : ((r = e), (n = this)); for (var o = 0, a = 0; a < n.length; a++) (o = (t = (0 | r.words[a]) - (0 | n.words[a]) + o) >> 26), (this.words[a] = 67108863 & t); for (; 0 !== o && a < r.length; a++) (o = (t = (0 | r.words[a]) + o) >> 26), (this.words[a] = 67108863 & t); if (0 === o && a < r.length && r !== this) for (; a < r.length; a++) this.words[a] = r.words[a]; return ( (this.length = Math.max(this.length, a)), r !== this && (this.negative = 1), this.strip() ); }), (a.prototype.sub = function (e) { return this.clone().isub(e); }); var p = function (e, t, r) { var n, i, o, a = e.words, s = t.words, u = r.words, f = 0, c = 0 | a[0], h = 8191 & c, d = c >>> 13, l = 0 | a[1], p = 8191 & l, b = l >>> 13, m = 0 | a[2], y = 8191 & m, v = m >>> 13, g = 0 | a[3], w = 8191 & g, _ = g >>> 13, k = 0 | a[4], A = 8191 & k, S = k >>> 13, E = 0 | a[5], x = 8191 & E, M = E >>> 13, I = 0 | a[6], O = 8191 & I, C = I >>> 13, P = 0 | a[7], T = 8191 & P, U = P >>> 13, B = 0 | a[8], R = 8191 & B, N = B >>> 13, j = 0 | a[9], L = 8191 & j, F = j >>> 13, D = 0 | s[0], q = 8191 & D, z = D >>> 13, H = 0 | s[1], K = 8191 & H, V = H >>> 13, G = 0 | s[2], W = 8191 & G, Y = G >>> 13, $ = 0 | s[3], J = 8191 & $, Z = $ >>> 13, X = 0 | s[4], Q = 8191 & X, ee = X >>> 13, te = 0 | s[5], re = 8191 & te, ne = te >>> 13, ie = 0 | s[6], oe = 8191 & ie, ae = ie >>> 13, se = 0 | s[7], ue = 8191 & se, fe = se >>> 13, ce = 0 | s[8], he = 8191 & ce, de = ce >>> 13, le = 0 | s[9], pe = 8191 & le, be = le >>> 13; (r.negative = e.negative ^ t.negative), (r.length = 19); var me = (((f + (n = Math.imul(h, q))) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = Math.imul(h, z)) + Math.imul(d, q)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = Math.imul(d, z)) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (me >>> 26)) | 0), (me &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(p, q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(p, z)) + Math.imul(b, q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(b, z)); var ye = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(h, K)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(h, V)) | 0) + Math.imul(d, K)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(d, V)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (ye >>> 26)) | 0), (ye &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(y, q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(y, z)) + Math.imul(v, q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(v, z)), (n = (n + Math.imul(p, K)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(p, V)) | 0) + Math.imul(b, K)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(b, V)) | 0); var ve = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(h, W)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(h, Y)) | 0) + Math.imul(d, W)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(d, Y)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (ve >>> 26)) | 0), (ve &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(w, q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(w, z)) + Math.imul(_, q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(_, z)), (n = (n + Math.imul(y, K)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(y, V)) | 0) + Math.imul(v, K)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(v, V)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(p, W)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(p, Y)) | 0) + Math.imul(b, W)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(b, Y)) | 0); var ge = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(h, J)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(h, Z)) | 0) + Math.imul(d, J)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(d, Z)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (ge >>> 26)) | 0), (ge &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(A, q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(A, z)) + Math.imul(S, q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(S, z)), (n = (n + Math.imul(w, K)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(w, V)) | 0) + Math.imul(_, K)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(_, V)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(y, W)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(y, Y)) | 0) + Math.imul(v, W)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(v, Y)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(p, J)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(p, Z)) | 0) + Math.imul(b, J)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(b, Z)) | 0); var we = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(h, Q)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(h, ee)) | 0) + Math.imul(d, Q)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(d, ee)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (we >>> 26)) | 0), (we &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(x, q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(x, z)) + Math.imul(M, q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(M, z)), (n = (n + Math.imul(A, K)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(A, V)) | 0) + Math.imul(S, K)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(S, V)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(w, W)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(w, Y)) | 0) + Math.imul(_, W)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(_, Y)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(y, J)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(y, Z)) | 0) + Math.imul(v, J)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(v, Z)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(p, Q)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(p, ee)) | 0) + Math.imul(b, Q)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(b, ee)) | 0); var _e = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(h, re)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(h, ne)) | 0) + Math.imul(d, re)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(d, ne)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (_e >>> 26)) | 0), (_e &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(O, q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(O, z)) + Math.imul(C, q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(C, z)), (n = (n + Math.imul(x, K)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(x, V)) | 0) + Math.imul(M, K)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(M, V)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(A, W)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(A, Y)) | 0) + Math.imul(S, W)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(S, Y)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(w, J)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(w, Z)) | 0) + Math.imul(_, J)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(_, Z)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(y, Q)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(y, ee)) | 0) + Math.imul(v, Q)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(v, ee)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(p, re)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(p, ne)) | 0) + Math.imul(b, re)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(b, ne)) | 0); var ke = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(h, oe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(h, ae)) | 0) + Math.imul(d, oe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(d, ae)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (ke >>> 26)) | 0), (ke &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(T, q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(T, z)) + Math.imul(U, q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(U, z)), (n = (n + Math.imul(O, K)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(O, V)) | 0) + Math.imul(C, K)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(C, V)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(x, W)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(x, Y)) | 0) + Math.imul(M, W)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(M, Y)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(A, J)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(A, Z)) | 0) + Math.imul(S, J)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(S, Z)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(w, Q)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(w, ee)) | 0) + Math.imul(_, Q)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(_, ee)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(y, re)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(y, ne)) | 0) + Math.imul(v, re)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(v, ne)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(p, oe)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(p, ae)) | 0) + Math.imul(b, oe)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(b, ae)) | 0); var Ae = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(h, ue)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(h, fe)) | 0) + Math.imul(d, ue)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(d, fe)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Ae >>> 26)) | 0), (Ae &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(R, q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(R, z)) + Math.imul(N, q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(N, z)), (n = (n + Math.imul(T, K)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(T, V)) | 0) + Math.imul(U, K)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(U, V)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(O, W)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(O, Y)) | 0) + Math.imul(C, W)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(C, Y)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(x, J)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(x, Z)) | 0) + Math.imul(M, J)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(M, Z)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(A, Q)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(A, ee)) | 0) + Math.imul(S, Q)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(S, ee)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(w, re)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(w, ne)) | 0) + Math.imul(_, re)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(_, ne)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(y, oe)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(y, ae)) | 0) + Math.imul(v, oe)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(v, ae)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(p, ue)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(p, fe)) | 0) + Math.imul(b, ue)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(b, fe)) | 0); var Se = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(h, he)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(h, de)) | 0) + Math.imul(d, he)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(d, de)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Se >>> 26)) | 0), (Se &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(L, q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, z)) + Math.imul(F, q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(F, z)), (n = (n + Math.imul(R, K)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(R, V)) | 0) + Math.imul(N, K)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(N, V)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(T, W)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(T, Y)) | 0) + Math.imul(U, W)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(U, Y)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(O, J)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(O, Z)) | 0) + Math.imul(C, J)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(C, Z)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(x, Q)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(x, ee)) | 0) + Math.imul(M, Q)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(M, ee)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(A, re)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(A, ne)) | 0) + Math.imul(S, re)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(S, ne)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(w, oe)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(w, ae)) | 0) + Math.imul(_, oe)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(_, ae)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(y, ue)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(y, fe)) | 0) + Math.imul(v, ue)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(v, fe)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(p, he)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(p, de)) | 0) + Math.imul(b, he)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(b, de)) | 0); var Ee = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(h, pe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(h, be)) | 0) + Math.imul(d, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(d, be)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Ee >>> 26)) | 0), (Ee &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(L, K)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, V)) + Math.imul(F, K)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(F, V)), (n = (n + Math.imul(R, W)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(R, Y)) | 0) + Math.imul(N, W)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(N, Y)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(T, J)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(T, Z)) | 0) + Math.imul(U, J)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(U, Z)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(O, Q)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(O, ee)) | 0) + Math.imul(C, Q)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(C, ee)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(x, re)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(x, ne)) | 0) + Math.imul(M, re)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(M, ne)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(A, oe)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(A, ae)) | 0) + Math.imul(S, oe)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(S, ae)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(w, ue)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(w, fe)) | 0) + Math.imul(_, ue)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(_, fe)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(y, he)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(y, de)) | 0) + Math.imul(v, he)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(v, de)) | 0); var xe = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(p, pe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(p, be)) | 0) + Math.imul(b, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(b, be)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (xe >>> 26)) | 0), (xe &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(L, W)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, Y)) + Math.imul(F, W)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(F, Y)), (n = (n + Math.imul(R, J)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(R, Z)) | 0) + Math.imul(N, J)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(N, Z)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(T, Q)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(T, ee)) | 0) + Math.imul(U, Q)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(U, ee)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(O, re)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(O, ne)) | 0) + Math.imul(C, re)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(C, ne)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(x, oe)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(x, ae)) | 0) + Math.imul(M, oe)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(M, ae)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(A, ue)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(A, fe)) | 0) + Math.imul(S, ue)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(S, fe)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(w, he)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(w, de)) | 0) + Math.imul(_, he)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(_, de)) | 0); var Me = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(y, pe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(y, be)) | 0) + Math.imul(v, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(v, be)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Me >>> 26)) | 0), (Me &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(L, J)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, Z)) + Math.imul(F, J)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(F, Z)), (n = (n + Math.imul(R, Q)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(R, ee)) | 0) + Math.imul(N, Q)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(N, ee)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(T, re)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(T, ne)) | 0) + Math.imul(U, re)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(U, ne)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(O, oe)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(O, ae)) | 0) + Math.imul(C, oe)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(C, ae)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(x, ue)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(x, fe)) | 0) + Math.imul(M, ue)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(M, fe)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(A, he)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(A, de)) | 0) + Math.imul(S, he)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(S, de)) | 0); var Ie = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(w, pe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(w, be)) | 0) + Math.imul(_, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(_, be)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Ie >>> 26)) | 0), (Ie &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(L, Q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, ee)) + Math.imul(F, Q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(F, ee)), (n = (n + Math.imul(R, re)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(R, ne)) | 0) + Math.imul(N, re)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(N, ne)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(T, oe)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(T, ae)) | 0) + Math.imul(U, oe)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(U, ae)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(O, ue)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(O, fe)) | 0) + Math.imul(C, ue)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(C, fe)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(x, he)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(x, de)) | 0) + Math.imul(M, he)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(M, de)) | 0); var Oe = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(A, pe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(A, be)) | 0) + Math.imul(S, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(S, be)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Oe >>> 26)) | 0), (Oe &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(L, re)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, ne)) + Math.imul(F, re)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(F, ne)), (n = (n + Math.imul(R, oe)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(R, ae)) | 0) + Math.imul(N, oe)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(N, ae)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(T, ue)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(T, fe)) | 0) + Math.imul(U, ue)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(U, fe)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(O, he)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(O, de)) | 0) + Math.imul(C, he)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(C, de)) | 0); var Ce = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(x, pe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(x, be)) | 0) + Math.imul(M, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(M, be)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Ce >>> 26)) | 0), (Ce &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(L, oe)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, ae)) + Math.imul(F, oe)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(F, ae)), (n = (n + Math.imul(R, ue)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(R, fe)) | 0) + Math.imul(N, ue)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(N, fe)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(T, he)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(T, de)) | 0) + Math.imul(U, he)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(U, de)) | 0); var Pe = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(O, pe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(O, be)) | 0) + Math.imul(C, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(C, be)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Pe >>> 26)) | 0), (Pe &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(L, ue)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, fe)) + Math.imul(F, ue)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(F, fe)), (n = (n + Math.imul(R, he)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(R, de)) | 0) + Math.imul(N, he)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(N, de)) | 0); var Te = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(T, pe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(T, be)) | 0) + Math.imul(U, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(U, be)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Te >>> 26)) | 0), (Te &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(L, he)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, de)) + Math.imul(F, he)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(F, de)); var Ue = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(R, pe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(R, be)) | 0) + Math.imul(N, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(N, be)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Ue >>> 26)) | 0), (Ue &= 67108863); var Be = (((f + (n = Math.imul(L, pe))) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, be)) + Math.imul(F, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; return ( (f = ((((o = Math.imul(F, be)) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Be >>> 26)) | 0), (Be &= 67108863), (u[0] = me), (u[1] = ye), (u[2] = ve), (u[3] = ge), (u[4] = we), (u[5] = _e), (u[6] = ke), (u[7] = Ae), (u[8] = Se), (u[9] = Ee), (u[10] = xe), (u[11] = Me), (u[12] = Ie), (u[13] = Oe), (u[14] = Ce), (u[15] = Pe), (u[16] = Te), (u[17] = Ue), (u[18] = Be), 0 !== f && ((u[19] = f), r.length++), r ); }; function b(e, t, r) { return new m().mulp(e, t, r); } function m(e, t) { (this.x = e), (this.y = t); } Math.imul || (p = l), (a.prototype.mulTo = function (e, t) { var r = this.length + e.length; return 10 === this.length && 10 === e.length ? p(this, e, t) : r < 63 ? l(this, e, t) : r < 1024 ? (function (e, t, r) { (r.negative = t.negative ^ e.negative), (r.length = e.length + t.length); for (var n = 0, i = 0, o = 0; o < r.length - 1; o++) { var a = i; i = 0; for ( var s = 67108863 & n, u = Math.min(o, t.length - 1), f = Math.max(0, o - e.length + 1); f <= u; f++ ) { var c = o - f, h = (0 | e.words[c]) * (0 | t.words[f]), d = 67108863 & h; (s = 67108863 & (d = (d + s) | 0)), (i += (a = ((a = (a + ((h / 67108864) | 0)) | 0) + (d >>> 26)) | 0) >>> 26), (a &= 67108863); } (r.words[o] = s), (n = a), (a = i); } return 0 !== n ? (r.words[o] = n) : r.length--, r.strip(); })(this, e, t) : b(this, e, t); }), (m.prototype.makeRBT = function (e) { for (var t = new Array(e), r = a.prototype._countBits(e) - 1, n = 0; n < e; n++) t[n] = this.revBin(n, r, e); return t; }), (m.prototype.revBin = function (e, t, r) { if (0 === e || e === r - 1) return e; for (var n = 0, i = 0; i < t; i++) (n |= (1 & e) << (t - i - 1)), (e >>= 1); return n; }), (m.prototype.permute = function (e, t, r, n, i, o) { for (var a = 0; a < o; a++) (n[a] = t[e[a]]), (i[a] = r[e[a]]); }), (m.prototype.transform = function (e, t, r, n, i, o) { this.permute(o, e, t, r, n, i); for (var a = 1; a < i; a <<= 1) for ( var s = a << 1, u = Math.cos((2 * Math.PI) / s), f = Math.sin((2 * Math.PI) / s), c = 0; c < i; c += s ) for (var h = u, d = f, l = 0; l < a; l++) { var p = r[c + l], b = n[c + l], m = r[c + l + a], y = n[c + l + a], v = h * m - d * y; (y = h * y + d * m), (m = v), (r[c + l] = p + m), (n[c + l] = b + y), (r[c + l + a] = p - m), (n[c + l + a] = b - y), l !== s && ((v = u * h - f * d), (d = u * d + f * h), (h = v)); } }), (m.prototype.guessLen13b = function (e, t) { var r = 1 | Math.max(t, e), n = 1 & r, i = 0; for (r = (r / 2) | 0; r; r >>>= 1) i++; return 1 << (i + 1 + n); }), (m.prototype.conjugate = function (e, t, r) { if (!(r <= 1)) for (var n = 0; n < r / 2; n++) { var i = e[n]; (e[n] = e[r - n - 1]), (e[r - n - 1] = i), (i = t[n]), (t[n] = -t[r - n - 1]), (t[r - n - 1] = -i); } }), (m.prototype.normalize13b = function (e, t) { for (var r = 0, n = 0; n < t / 2; n++) { var i = 8192 * Math.round(e[2 * n + 1] / t) + Math.round(e[2 * n] / t) + r; (e[n] = 67108863 & i), (r = i < 67108864 ? 0 : (i / 67108864) | 0); } return e; }), (m.prototype.convert13b = function (e, t, r, n) { for (var o = 0, a = 0; a < t; a++) (o += 0 | e[a]), (r[2 * a] = 8191 & o), (o >>>= 13), (r[2 * a + 1] = 8191 & o), (o >>>= 13); for (a = 2 * t; a < n; ++a) r[a] = 0; i(0 === o), i(0 == (-8192 & o)); }), (m.prototype.stub = function (e) { for (var t = new Array(e), r = 0; r < e; r++) t[r] = 0; return t; }), (m.prototype.mulp = function (e, t, r) { var n = 2 * this.guessLen13b(e.length, t.length), i = this.makeRBT(n), o = this.stub(n), a = new Array(n), s = new Array(n), u = new Array(n), f = new Array(n), c = new Array(n), h = new Array(n), d = r.words; (d.length = n), this.convert13b(e.words, e.length, a, n), this.convert13b(t.words, t.length, f, n), this.transform(a, o, s, u, n, i), this.transform(f, o, c, h, n, i); for (var l = 0; l < n; l++) { var p = s[l] * c[l] - u[l] * h[l]; (u[l] = s[l] * h[l] + u[l] * c[l]), (s[l] = p); } return ( this.conjugate(s, u, n), this.transform(s, u, d, o, n, i), this.conjugate(d, o, n), this.normalize13b(d, n), (r.negative = e.negative ^ t.negative), (r.length = e.length + t.length), r.strip() ); }), (a.prototype.mul = function (e) { var t = new a(null); return (t.words = new Array(this.length + e.length)), this.mulTo(e, t); }), (a.prototype.mulf = function (e) { var t = new a(null); return (t.words = new Array(this.length + e.length)), b(this, e, t); }), (a.prototype.imul = function (e) { return this.clone().mulTo(e, this); }), (a.prototype.imuln = function (e) { i('number' == typeof e), i(e < 67108864); for (var t = 0, r = 0; r < this.length; r++) { var n = (0 | this.words[r]) * e, o = (67108863 & n) + (67108863 & t); (t >>= 26), (t += (n / 67108864) | 0), (t += o >>> 26), (this.words[r] = 67108863 & o); } return 0 !== t && ((this.words[r] = t), this.length++), this; }), (a.prototype.muln = function (e) { return this.clone().imuln(e); }), (a.prototype.sqr = function () { return this.mul(this); }), (a.prototype.isqr = function () { return this.imul(this.clone()); }), (a.prototype.pow = function (e) { var t = (function (e) { for (var t = new Array(e.bitLength()), r = 0; r < t.length; r++) { var n = (r / 26) | 0, i = r % 26; t[r] = (e.words[n] & (1 << i)) >>> i; } return t; })(e); if (0 === t.length) return new a(1); for (var r = this, n = 0; n < t.length && 0 === t[n]; n++, r = r.sqr()); if (++n < t.length) for (var i = r.sqr(); n < t.length; n++, i = i.sqr()) 0 !== t[n] && (r = r.mul(i)); return r; }), (a.prototype.iushln = function (e) { i('number' == typeof e && e >= 0); var t, r = e % 26, n = (e - r) / 26, o = (67108863 >>> (26 - r)) << (26 - r); if (0 !== r) { var a = 0; for (t = 0; t < this.length; t++) { var s = this.words[t] & o, u = ((0 | this.words[t]) - s) << r; (this.words[t] = u | a), (a = s >>> (26 - r)); } a && ((this.words[t] = a), this.length++); } if (0 !== n) { for (t = this.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) this.words[t + n] = this.words[t]; for (t = 0; t < n; t++) this.words[t] = 0; this.length += n; } return this.strip(); }), (a.prototype.ishln = function (e) { return i(0 === this.negative), this.iushln(e); }), (a.prototype.iushrn = function (e, t, r) { var n; i('number' == typeof e && e >= 0), (n = t ? (t - (t % 26)) / 26 : 0); var o = e % 26, a = Math.min((e - o) / 26, this.length), s = 67108863 ^ ((67108863 >>> o) << o), u = r; if (((n -= a), (n = Math.max(0, n)), u)) { for (var f = 0; f < a; f++) u.words[f] = this.words[f]; u.length = a; } if (0 === a); else if (this.length > a) for (this.length -= a, f = 0; f < this.length; f++) this.words[f] = this.words[f + a]; else (this.words[0] = 0), (this.length = 1); var c = 0; for (f = this.length - 1; f >= 0 && (0 !== c || f >= n); f--) { var h = 0 | this.words[f]; (this.words[f] = (c << (26 - o)) | (h >>> o)), (c = h & s); } return ( u && 0 !== c && (u.words[u.length++] = c), 0 === this.length && ((this.words[0] = 0), (this.length = 1)), this.strip() ); }), (a.prototype.ishrn = function (e, t, r) { return i(0 === this.negative), this.iushrn(e, t, r); }), (a.prototype.shln = function (e) { return this.clone().ishln(e); }), (a.prototype.ushln = function (e) { return this.clone().iushln(e); }), (a.prototype.shrn = function (e) { return this.clone().ishrn(e); }), (a.prototype.ushrn = function (e) { return this.clone().iushrn(e); }), (a.prototype.testn = function (e) { i('number' == typeof e && e >= 0); var t = e % 26, r = (e - t) / 26, n = 1 << t; return !(this.length <= r) && !!(this.words[r] & n); }), (a.prototype.imaskn = function (e) { i('number' == typeof e && e >= 0); var t = e % 26, r = (e - t) / 26; if ( (i(0 === this.negative, 'imaskn works only with positive numbers'), this.length <= r) ) return this; if ((0 !== t && r++, (this.length = Math.min(r, this.length)), 0 !== t)) { var n = 67108863 ^ ((67108863 >>> t) << t); this.words[this.length - 1] &= n; } return this.strip(); }), (a.prototype.maskn = function (e) { return this.clone().imaskn(e); }), (a.prototype.iaddn = function (e) { return ( i('number' == typeof e), i(e < 67108864), e < 0 ? this.isubn(-e) : 0 !== this.negative ? 1 === this.length && (0 | this.words[0]) < e ? ((this.words[0] = e - (0 | this.words[0])), (this.negative = 0), this) : ((this.negative = 0), this.isubn(e), (this.negative = 1), this) : this._iaddn(e) ); }), (a.prototype._iaddn = function (e) { this.words[0] += e; for (var t = 0; t < this.length && this.words[t] >= 67108864; t++) (this.words[t] -= 67108864), t === this.length - 1 ? (this.words[t + 1] = 1) : this.words[t + 1]++; return (this.length = Math.max(this.length, t + 1)), this; }), (a.prototype.isubn = function (e) { if ((i('number' == typeof e), i(e < 67108864), e < 0)) return this.iaddn(-e); if (0 !== this.negative) return (this.negative = 0), this.iaddn(e), (this.negative = 1), this; if (((this.words[0] -= e), 1 === this.length && this.words[0] < 0)) (this.words[0] = -this.words[0]), (this.negative = 1); else for (var t = 0; t < this.length && this.words[t] < 0; t++) (this.words[t] += 67108864), (this.words[t + 1] -= 1); return this.strip(); }), (a.prototype.addn = function (e) { return this.clone().iaddn(e); }), (a.prototype.subn = function (e) { return this.clone().isubn(e); }), (a.prototype.iabs = function () { return (this.negative = 0), this; }), (a.prototype.abs = function () { return this.clone().iabs(); }), (a.prototype._ishlnsubmul = function (e, t, r) { var n, o, a = e.length + r; this._expand(a); var s = 0; for (n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { o = (0 | this.words[n + r]) + s; var u = (0 | e.words[n]) * t; (s = ((o -= 67108863 & u) >> 26) - ((u / 67108864) | 0)), (this.words[n + r] = 67108863 & o); } for (; n < this.length - r; n++) (s = (o = (0 | this.words[n + r]) + s) >> 26), (this.words[n + r] = 67108863 & o); if (0 === s) return this.strip(); for (i(-1 === s), s = 0, n = 0; n < this.length; n++) (s = (o = -(0 | this.words[n]) + s) >> 26), (this.words[n] = 67108863 & o); return (this.negative = 1), this.strip(); }), (a.prototype._wordDiv = function (e, t) { var r = (this.length, e.length), n = this.clone(), i = e, o = 0 | i.words[i.length - 1]; 0 !== (r = 26 - this._countBits(o)) && ((i = i.ushln(r)), n.iushln(r), (o = 0 | i.words[i.length - 1])); var s, u = n.length - i.length; if ('mod' !== t) { ((s = new a(null)).length = u + 1), (s.words = new Array(s.length)); for (var f = 0; f < s.length; f++) s.words[f] = 0; } var c = n.clone()._ishlnsubmul(i, 1, u); 0 === c.negative && ((n = c), s && (s.words[u] = 1)); for (var h = u - 1; h >= 0; h--) { var d = 67108864 * (0 | n.words[i.length + h]) + (0 | n.words[i.length + h - 1]); for ( d = Math.min((d / o) | 0, 67108863), n._ishlnsubmul(i, d, h); 0 !== n.negative; ) d--, (n.negative = 0), n._ishlnsubmul(i, 1, h), n.isZero() || (n.negative ^= 1); s && (s.words[h] = d); } return ( s && s.strip(), n.strip(), 'div' !== t && 0 !== r && n.iushrn(r), { div: s || null, mod: n } ); }), (a.prototype.divmod = function (e, t, r) { return ( i(!e.isZero()), this.isZero() ? { div: new a(0), mod: new a(0) } : 0 !== this.negative && 0 === e.negative ? ((s = this.neg().divmod(e, t)), 'mod' !== t && (n = s.div.neg()), 'div' !== t && ((o = s.mod.neg()), r && 0 !== o.negative && o.iadd(e)), { div: n, mod: o }) : 0 === this.negative && 0 !== e.negative ? ((s = this.divmod(e.neg(), t)), 'mod' !== t && (n = s.div.neg()), { div: n, mod: s.mod }) : 0 != (this.negative & e.negative) ? ((s = this.neg().divmod(e.neg(), t)), 'div' !== t && ((o = s.mod.neg()), r && 0 !== o.negative && o.isub(e)), { div: s.div, mod: o }) : e.length > this.length || this.cmp(e) < 0 ? { div: new a(0), mod: this } : 1 === e.length ? 'div' === t ? { div: this.divn(e.words[0]), mod: null } : 'mod' === t ? { div: null, mod: new a(this.modn(e.words[0])) } : { div: this.divn(e.words[0]), mod: new a(this.modn(e.words[0])) } : this._wordDiv(e, t) ); var n, o, s; }), (a.prototype.div = function (e) { return this.divmod(e, 'div', !1).div; }), (a.prototype.mod = function (e) { return this.divmod(e, 'mod', !1).mod; }), (a.prototype.umod = function (e) { return this.divmod(e, 'mod', !0).mod; }), (a.prototype.divRound = function (e) { var t = this.divmod(e); if (t.mod.isZero()) return t.div; var r = 0 !== t.div.negative ? t.mod.isub(e) : t.mod, n = e.ushrn(1), i = e.andln(1), o = r.cmp(n); return o < 0 || (1 === i && 0 === o) ? t.div : 0 !== t.div.negative ? t.div.isubn(1) : t.div.iaddn(1); }), (a.prototype.modn = function (e) { i(e <= 67108863); for (var t = (1 << 26) % e, r = 0, n = this.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) r = (t * r + (0 | this.words[n])) % e; return r; }), (a.prototype.idivn = function (e) { i(e <= 67108863); for (var t = 0, r = this.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) { var n = (0 | this.words[r]) + 67108864 * t; (this.words[r] = (n / e) | 0), (t = n % e); } return this.strip(); }), (a.prototype.divn = function (e) { return this.clone().idivn(e); }), (a.prototype.egcd = function (e) { i(0 === e.negative), i(!e.isZero()); var t = this, r = e.clone(); t = 0 !== t.negative ? t.umod(e) : t.clone(); for ( var n = new a(1), o = new a(0), s = new a(0), u = new a(1), f = 0; t.isEven() && r.isEven(); ) t.iushrn(1), r.iushrn(1), ++f; for (var c = r.clone(), h = t.clone(); !t.isZero(); ) { for (var d = 0, l = 1; 0 == (t.words[0] & l) && d < 26; ++d, l <<= 1); if (d > 0) for (t.iushrn(d); d-- > 0; ) (n.isOdd() || o.isOdd()) && (n.iadd(c), o.isub(h)), n.iushrn(1), o.iushrn(1); for (var p = 0, b = 1; 0 == (r.words[0] & b) && p < 26; ++p, b <<= 1); if (p > 0) for (r.iushrn(p); p-- > 0; ) (s.isOdd() || u.isOdd()) && (s.iadd(c), u.isub(h)), s.iushrn(1), u.iushrn(1); t.cmp(r) >= 0 ? (t.isub(r), n.isub(s), o.isub(u)) : (r.isub(t), s.isub(n), u.isub(o)); } return { a: s, b: u, gcd: r.iushln(f) }; }), (a.prototype._invmp = function (e) { i(0 === e.negative), i(!e.isZero()); var t = this, r = e.clone(); t = 0 !== t.negative ? t.umod(e) : t.clone(); for ( var n, o = new a(1), s = new a(0), u = r.clone(); t.cmpn(1) > 0 && r.cmpn(1) > 0; ) { for (var f = 0, c = 1; 0 == (t.words[0] & c) && f < 26; ++f, c <<= 1); if (f > 0) for (t.iushrn(f); f-- > 0; ) o.isOdd() && o.iadd(u), o.iushrn(1); for (var h = 0, d = 1; 0 == (r.words[0] & d) && h < 26; ++h, d <<= 1); if (h > 0) for (r.iushrn(h); h-- > 0; ) s.isOdd() && s.iadd(u), s.iushrn(1); t.cmp(r) >= 0 ? (t.isub(r), o.isub(s)) : (r.isub(t), s.isub(o)); } return (n = 0 === t.cmpn(1) ? o : s).cmpn(0) < 0 && n.iadd(e), n; }), (a.prototype.gcd = function (e) { if (this.isZero()) return e.abs(); if (e.isZero()) return this.abs(); var t = this.clone(), r = e.clone(); (t.negative = 0), (r.negative = 0); for (var n = 0; t.isEven() && r.isEven(); n++) t.iushrn(1), r.iushrn(1); for (;;) { for (; t.isEven(); ) t.iushrn(1); for (; r.isEven(); ) r.iushrn(1); var i = t.cmp(r); if (i < 0) { var o = t; (t = r), (r = o); } else if (0 === i || 0 === r.cmpn(1)) break; t.isub(r); } return r.iushln(n); }), (a.prototype.invm = function (e) { return this.egcd(e).a.umod(e); }), (a.prototype.isEven = function () { return 0 == (1 & this.words[0]); }), (a.prototype.isOdd = function () { return 1 == (1 & this.words[0]); }), (a.prototype.andln = function (e) { return this.words[0] & e; }), (a.prototype.bincn = function (e) { i('number' == typeof e); var t = e % 26, r = (e - t) / 26, n = 1 << t; if (this.length <= r) return this._expand(r + 1), (this.words[r] |= n), this; for (var o = n, a = r; 0 !== o && a < this.length; a++) { var s = 0 | this.words[a]; (o = (s += o) >>> 26), (s &= 67108863), (this.words[a] = s); } return 0 !== o && ((this.words[a] = o), this.length++), this; }), (a.prototype.isZero = function () { return 1 === this.length && 0 === this.words[0]; }), (a.prototype.cmpn = function (e) { var t, r = e < 0; if (0 !== this.negative && !r) return -1; if (0 === this.negative && r) return 1; if ((this.strip(), this.length > 1)) t = 1; else { r && (e = -e), i(e <= 67108863, 'Number is too big'); var n = 0 | this.words[0]; t = n === e ? 0 : n < e ? -1 : 1; } return 0 !== this.negative ? 0 | -t : t; }), (a.prototype.cmp = function (e) { if (0 !== this.negative && 0 === e.negative) return -1; if (0 === this.negative && 0 !== e.negative) return 1; var t = this.ucmp(e); return 0 !== this.negative ? 0 | -t : t; }), (a.prototype.ucmp = function (e) { if (this.length > e.length) return 1; if (this.length < e.length) return -1; for (var t = 0, r = this.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) { var n = 0 | this.words[r], i = 0 | e.words[r]; if (n !== i) { n < i ? (t = -1) : n > i && (t = 1); break; } } return t; }), (a.prototype.gtn = function (e) { return 1 === this.cmpn(e); }), (a.prototype.gt = function (e) { return 1 === this.cmp(e); }), (a.prototype.gten = function (e) { return this.cmpn(e) >= 0; }), (a.prototype.gte = function (e) { return this.cmp(e) >= 0; }), (a.prototype.ltn = function (e) { return -1 === this.cmpn(e); }), (a.prototype.lt = function (e) { return -1 === this.cmp(e); }), (a.prototype.lten = function (e) { return this.cmpn(e) <= 0; }), (a.prototype.lte = function (e) { return this.cmp(e) <= 0; }), (a.prototype.eqn = function (e) { return 0 === this.cmpn(e); }), (a.prototype.eq = function (e) { return 0 === this.cmp(e); }), (a.red = function (e) { return new A(e); }), (a.prototype.toRed = function (e) { return ( i(!this.red, 'Already a number in reduction context'), i(0 === this.negative, 'red works only with positives'), e.convertTo(this)._forceRed(e) ); }), (a.prototype.fromRed = function () { return ( i(this.red, 'fromRed works only with numbers in reduction context'), this.red.convertFrom(this) ); }), (a.prototype._forceRed = function (e) { return (this.red = e), this; }), (a.prototype.forceRed = function (e) { return i(!this.red, 'Already a number in reduction context'), this._forceRed(e); }), (a.prototype.redAdd = function (e) { return i(this.red, 'redAdd works only with red numbers'), this.red.add(this, e); }), (a.prototype.redIAdd = function (e) { return i(this.red, 'redIAdd works only with red numbers'), this.red.iadd(this, e); }), (a.prototype.redSub = function (e) { return i(this.red, 'redSub works only with red numbers'), this.red.sub(this, e); }), (a.prototype.redISub = function (e) { return i(this.red, 'redISub works only with red numbers'), this.red.isub(this, e); }), (a.prototype.redShl = function (e) { return i(this.red, 'redShl works only with red numbers'), this.red.shl(this, e); }), (a.prototype.redMul = function (e) { return ( i(this.red, 'redMul works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify2(this, e), this.red.mul(this, e) ); }), (a.prototype.redIMul = function (e) { return ( i(this.red, 'redMul works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify2(this, e), this.red.imul(this, e) ); }), (a.prototype.redSqr = function () { return ( i(this.red, 'redSqr works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.sqr(this) ); }), (a.prototype.redISqr = function () { return ( i(this.red, 'redISqr works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.isqr(this) ); }), (a.prototype.redSqrt = function () { return ( i(this.red, 'redSqrt works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.sqrt(this) ); }), (a.prototype.redInvm = function () { return ( i(this.red, 'redInvm works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.invm(this) ); }), (a.prototype.redNeg = function () { return ( i(this.red, 'redNeg works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.neg(this) ); }), (a.prototype.redPow = function (e) { return ( i(this.red && !e.red, 'redPow(normalNum)'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.pow(this, e) ); }); var y = { k256: null, p224: null, p192: null, p25519: null }; function v(e, t) { (this.name = e), (this.p = new a(t, 16)), (this.n = this.p.bitLength()), (this.k = new a(1).iushln(this.n).isub(this.p)), (this.tmp = this._tmp()); } function g() { v.call( this, 'k256', 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f' ); } function w() { v.call(this, 'p224', 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001'); } function _() { v.call(this, 'p192', 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff'); } function k() { v.call( this, '25519', '7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed' ); } function A(e) { if ('string' == typeof e) { var t = a._prime(e); (this.m = t.p), (this.prime = t); } else i(e.gtn(1), 'modulus must be greater than 1'), (this.m = e), (this.prime = null); } function S(e) { A.call(this, e), (this.shift = this.m.bitLength()), this.shift % 26 != 0 && (this.shift += 26 - (this.shift % 26)), (this.r = new a(1).iushln(this.shift)), (this.r2 = this.imod(this.r.sqr())), (this.rinv = this.r._invmp(this.m)), (this.minv = this.rinv.mul(this.r).isubn(1).div(this.m)), (this.minv = this.minv.umod(this.r)), (this.minv = this.r.sub(this.minv)); } (v.prototype._tmp = function () { var e = new a(null); return (e.words = new Array(Math.ceil(this.n / 13))), e; }), (v.prototype.ireduce = function (e) { var t, r = e; do { this.split(r, this.tmp), (t = (r = (r = this.imulK(r)).iadd(this.tmp)).bitLength()); } while (t > this.n); var n = t < this.n ? -1 : r.ucmp(this.p); return ( 0 === n ? ((r.words[0] = 0), (r.length = 1)) : n > 0 ? r.isub(this.p) : r.strip(), r ); }), (v.prototype.split = function (e, t) { e.iushrn(this.n, 0, t); }), (v.prototype.imulK = function (e) { return e.imul(this.k); }), o(g, v), (g.prototype.split = function (e, t) { for (var r = Math.min(e.length, 9), n = 0; n < r; n++) t.words[n] = e.words[n]; if (((t.length = r), e.length <= 9)) return (e.words[0] = 0), void (e.length = 1); var i = e.words[9]; for (t.words[t.length++] = 4194303 & i, n = 10; n < e.length; n++) { var o = 0 | e.words[n]; (e.words[n - 10] = ((4194303 & o) << 4) | (i >>> 22)), (i = o); } (i >>>= 22), (e.words[n - 10] = i), 0 === i && e.length > 10 ? (e.length -= 10) : (e.length -= 9); }), (g.prototype.imulK = function (e) { (e.words[e.length] = 0), (e.words[e.length + 1] = 0), (e.length += 2); for (var t = 0, r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { var n = 0 | e.words[r]; (t += 977 * n), (e.words[r] = 67108863 & t), (t = 64 * n + ((t / 67108864) | 0)); } return ( 0 === e.words[e.length - 1] && (e.length--, 0 === e.words[e.length - 1] && e.length--), e ); }), o(w, v), o(_, v), o(k, v), (k.prototype.imulK = function (e) { for (var t = 0, r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { var n = 19 * (0 | e.words[r]) + t, i = 67108863 & n; (n >>>= 26), (e.words[r] = i), (t = n); } return 0 !== t && (e.words[e.length++] = t), e; }), (a._prime = function (e) { if (y[e]) return y[e]; var t; if ('k256' === e) t = new g(); else if ('p224' === e) t = new w(); else if ('p192' === e) t = new _(); else { if ('p25519' !== e) throw new Error('Unknown prime ' + e); t = new k(); } return (y[e] = t), t; }), (A.prototype._verify1 = function (e) { i(0 === e.negative, 'red works only with positives'), i(e.red, 'red works only with red numbers'); }), (A.prototype._verify2 = function (e, t) { i(0 == (e.negative | t.negative), 'red works only with positives'), i(e.red && e.red === t.red, 'red works only with red numbers'); }), (A.prototype.imod = function (e) { return this.prime ? this.prime.ireduce(e)._forceRed(this) : e.umod(this.m)._forceRed(this); }), (A.prototype.neg = function (e) { return e.isZero() ? e.clone() : this.m.sub(e)._forceRed(this); }), (A.prototype.add = function (e, t) { this._verify2(e, t); var r = e.add(t); return r.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && r.isub(this.m), r._forceRed(this); }), (A.prototype.iadd = function (e, t) { this._verify2(e, t); var r = e.iadd(t); return r.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && r.isub(this.m), r; }), (A.prototype.sub = function (e, t) { this._verify2(e, t); var r = e.sub(t); return r.cmpn(0) < 0 && r.iadd(this.m), r._forceRed(this); }), (A.prototype.isub = function (e, t) { this._verify2(e, t); var r = e.isub(t); return r.cmpn(0) < 0 && r.iadd(this.m), r; }), (A.prototype.shl = function (e, t) { return this._verify1(e), this.imod(e.ushln(t)); }), (A.prototype.imul = function (e, t) { return this._verify2(e, t), this.imod(e.imul(t)); }), (A.prototype.mul = function (e, t) { return this._verify2(e, t), this.imod(e.mul(t)); }), (A.prototype.isqr = function (e) { return this.imul(e, e.clone()); }), (A.prototype.sqr = function (e) { return this.mul(e, e); }), (A.prototype.sqrt = function (e) { if (e.isZero()) return e.clone(); var t = this.m.andln(3); if ((i(t % 2 == 1), 3 === t)) { var r = this.m.add(new a(1)).iushrn(2); return this.pow(e, r); } for (var n = this.m.subn(1), o = 0; !n.isZero() && 0 === n.andln(1); ) o++, n.iushrn(1); i(!n.isZero()); var s = new a(1).toRed(this), u = s.redNeg(), f = this.m.subn(1).iushrn(1), c = this.m.bitLength(); for (c = new a(2 * c * c).toRed(this); 0 !== this.pow(c, f).cmp(u); ) c.redIAdd(u); for ( var h = this.pow(c, n), d = this.pow(e, n.addn(1).iushrn(1)), l = this.pow(e, n), p = o; 0 !== l.cmp(s); ) { for (var b = l, m = 0; 0 !== b.cmp(s); m++) b = b.redSqr(); i(m < p); var y = this.pow(h, new a(1).iushln(p - m - 1)); (d = d.redMul(y)), (h = y.redSqr()), (l = l.redMul(h)), (p = m); } return d; }), (A.prototype.invm = function (e) { var t = e._invmp(this.m); return 0 !== t.negative ? ((t.negative = 0), this.imod(t).redNeg()) : this.imod(t); }), (A.prototype.pow = function (e, t) { if (t.isZero()) return new a(1); if (0 === t.cmpn(1)) return e.clone(); var r = new Array(16); (r[0] = new a(1).toRed(this)), (r[1] = e); for (var n = 2; n < r.length; n++) r[n] = this.mul(r[n - 1], e); var i = r[0], o = 0, s = 0, u = t.bitLength() % 26; for (0 === u && (u = 26), n = t.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) { for (var f = t.words[n], c = u - 1; c >= 0; c--) { var h = (f >> c) & 1; i !== r[0] && (i = this.sqr(i)), 0 !== h || 0 !== o ? ((o <<= 1), (o |= h), (4 === ++s || (0 === n && 0 === c)) && ((i = this.mul(i, r[o])), (s = 0), (o = 0))) : (s = 0); } u = 26; } return i; }), (A.prototype.convertTo = function (e) { var t = e.umod(this.m); return t === e ? t.clone() : t; }), (A.prototype.convertFrom = function (e) { var t = e.clone(); return (t.red = null), t; }), (a.mont = function (e) { return new S(e); }), o(S, A), (S.prototype.convertTo = function (e) { return this.imod(e.ushln(this.shift)); }), (S.prototype.convertFrom = function (e) { var t = this.imod(e.mul(this.rinv)); return (t.red = null), t; }), (S.prototype.imul = function (e, t) { if (e.isZero() || t.isZero()) return (e.words[0] = 0), (e.length = 1), e; var r = e.imul(t), n = r.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), i = r.isub(n).iushrn(this.shift), o = i; return ( i.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? (o = i.isub(this.m)) : i.cmpn(0) < 0 && (o = i.iadd(this.m)), o._forceRed(this) ); }), (S.prototype.mul = function (e, t) { if (e.isZero() || t.isZero()) return new a(0)._forceRed(this); var r = e.mul(t), n = r.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), i = r.isub(n).iushrn(this.shift), o = i; return ( i.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? (o = i.isub(this.m)) : i.cmpn(0) < 0 && (o = i.iadd(this.m)), o._forceRed(this) ); }), (S.prototype.invm = function (e) { return this.imod(e._invmp(this.m).mul(this.r2))._forceRed(this); }); })(e); }.call(this, r(22)(e))); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = {}.toString; e.exports = Array.isArray || function (e) { return '[object Array]' == n.call(e); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)); e.exports = function (e) { if ('string' != typeof e) throw new Error( "[is-hex-prefixed] value must be type 'string', is currently type " + (0, n.default)(e) + ', while checking isHexPrefixed.' ); return '0x' === e.slice(0, 2); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (t) { var n = r(10), i = r(5), o = r(182), a = r(184), s = r(61), u = r(185), f = function (e) { return i.isBN(e); }, c = function (e) { return e && e.constructor && 'BigNumber' === e.constructor.name; }, h = function (e) { try { return o.apply(null, arguments); } catch (t) { throw new Error(t + ' Given value: "' + e + '"'); } }, d = function (e) { return ( !!/^(0x)?[0-9a-f]{40}$/i.test(e) && (!(!/^(0x|0X)?[0-9a-f]{40}$/.test(e) && !/^(0x|0X)?[0-9A-F]{40}$/.test(e)) || l(e)) ); }, l = function (e) { e = e.replace(/^0x/i, ''); for (var t = g(e.toLowerCase()).replace(/^0x/i, ''), r = 0; r < 40; r++) if ( (parseInt(t[r], 16) > 7 && e[r].toUpperCase() !== e[r]) || (parseInt(t[r], 16) <= 7 && e[r].toLowerCase() !== e[r]) ) return !1; return !0; }, p = function (e) { var t = ''; e = (e = (e = (e = (e = a.encode(e)).replace(/^(?:\u0000)*/, '')) .split('') .reverse() .join('')).replace(/^(?:\u0000)*/, '')) .split('') .reverse() .join(''); for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { var n = e.charCodeAt(r).toString(16); t += n.length < 2 ? '0' + n : n; } return '0x' + t; }, b = function (e) { if (n.isNull(e) || n.isUndefined(e)) return e; if (!isFinite(e) && !y(e)) throw new Error('Given input "' + e + '" is not a number.'); var t = h(e), r = t.toString(16); return t.lt(new i(0)) ? '-0x' + r.substr(1) : '0x' + r; }, m = function (e) { if (((e = e.toString(16)), !y(e))) throw new Error('Given value "' + e + '" is not a valid hex string.'); e = e.replace(/^0x/i, ''); for (var t = [], r = 0; r < e.length; r += 2) t.push(parseInt(e.substr(r, 2), 16)); return t; }, y = function (e) { return (n.isString(e) || n.isNumber(e)) && /^(-)?0x[0-9a-f]*$/i.test(e); }, v = '0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470', g = function (e) { f(e) && (e = e.toString()), y(e) && /^0x/i.test(e.toString()) && (e = m(e)); var t = s.keccak256(e); return t === v ? null : t; }; g._Hash = s; e.exports = { BN: i, isBN: f, isBigNumber: c, toBN: h, isAddress: d, isBloom: function (e) { return u.isBloom(e); }, isUserEthereumAddressInBloom: function (e, t) { return u.isUserEthereumAddressInBloom(e, t); }, isContractAddressInBloom: function (e, t) { return u.isContractAddressInBloom(e, t); }, isTopic: function (e) { return u.isTopic(e); }, isTopicInBloom: function (e, t) { return u.isTopicInBloom(e, t); }, isInBloom: function (e, t) { return u.isInBloom(e, t); }, checkAddressChecksum: l, utf8ToHex: p, hexToUtf8: function (e) { if (!y(e)) throw new Error('The parameter "' + e + '" must be a valid HEX string.'); for ( var t = '', r = 0, n = (e = (e = (e = (e = (e = e.replace(/^0x/i, '')).replace(/^(?:00)*/, '')) .split('') .reverse() .join('')).replace(/^(?:00)*/, '')) .split('') .reverse() .join('')).length, i = 0; i < n; i += 2 ) (r = parseInt(e.substr(i, 2), 16)), (t += String.fromCharCode(r)); return a.decode(t); }, hexToNumber: function (e) { if (!e) return e; if (n.isString(e) && !y(e)) throw new Error('Given value "' + e + '" is not a valid hex string.'); return h(e).toNumber(); }, hexToNumberString: function (e) { if (!e) return e; if (n.isString(e) && !y(e)) throw new Error('Given value "' + e + '" is not a valid hex string.'); return h(e).toString(10); }, numberToHex: b, toHex: function (e, r) { if (d(e)) return r ? 'address' : '0x' + e.toLowerCase().replace(/^0x/i, ''); if (n.isBoolean(e)) return r ? 'bool' : e ? '0x01' : '0x00'; if (t.isBuffer(e)) return '0x' + e.toString('hex'); if (n.isObject(e) && !c(e) && !f(e)) return r ? 'string' : p(JSON.stringify(e)); if (n.isString(e)) { if (0 === e.indexOf('-0x') || 0 === e.indexOf('-0X')) return r ? 'int256' : b(e); if (0 === e.indexOf('0x') || 0 === e.indexOf('0X')) return r ? 'bytes' : e; if (!isFinite(e)) return r ? 'string' : p(e); } return r ? (e < 0 ? 'int256' : 'uint256') : b(e); }, hexToBytes: m, bytesToHex: function (e) { for (var t = [], r = 0; r < e.length; r++) t.push((e[r] >>> 4).toString(16)), t.push((15 & e[r]).toString(16)); return '0x' + t.join(''); }, isHex: function (e) { return (n.isString(e) || n.isNumber(e)) && /^(-0x|0x)?[0-9a-f]*$/i.test(e); }, isHexStrict: y, leftPad: function (e, t, r) { var n = /^0x/i.test(e) || 'number' == typeof e, i = t - (e = e.toString(16).replace(/^0x/i, '')).length + 1 >= 0 ? t - e.length + 1 : 0; return (n ? '0x' : '') + new Array(i).join(r || '0') + e; }, rightPad: function (e, t, r) { var n = /^0x/i.test(e) || 'number' == typeof e, i = t - (e = e.toString(16).replace(/^0x/i, '')).length + 1 >= 0 ? t - e.length + 1 : 0; return (n ? '0x' : '') + e + new Array(i).join(r || '0'); }, toTwosComplement: function (e) { return '0x' + h(e).toTwos(256).toString(16, 64); }, sha3: g, sha3Raw: function (e) { return null === (e = g(e)) ? v : e; }, }; }.call(this, r(2).Buffer)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(16), i = r(5), o = function (e) { var t = 'A'.charCodeAt(0), r = 'Z'.charCodeAt(0); return (e = (e = e.toUpperCase()).substr(4) + e.substr(0, 4)) .split('') .map(function (e) { var n = e.charCodeAt(0); return n >= t && n <= r ? n - t + 10 : e; }) .join(''); }, a = function (e) { for (var t, r = e; r.length > 2; ) (t = r.slice(0, 9)), (r = (parseInt(t, 10) % 97) + r.slice(t.length)); return parseInt(r, 10) % 97; }, s = function (e) { this._iban = e; }; (s.toAddress = function (e) { if (!(e = new s(e)).isDirect()) throw new Error("IBAN is indirect and can't be converted"); return e.toAddress(); }), (s.toIban = function (e) { return s.fromAddress(e).toString(); }), (s.fromAddress = function (e) { if (!n.isAddress(e)) throw new Error('Provided address is not a valid address: ' + e); e = e.replace('0x', '').replace('0X', ''); var t = (function (e, t) { for (var r = e; r.length < 2 * t; ) r = '0' + r; return r; })(new i(e, 16).toString(36), 15); return s.fromBban(t.toUpperCase()); }), (s.fromBban = function (e) { var t = ('0' + (98 - a(o('XE00' + e)))).slice(-2); return new s('XE' + t + e); }), (s.createIndirect = function (e) { return s.fromBban('ETH' + e.institution + e.identifier); }), (s.isValid = function (e) { return new s(e).isValid(); }), (s.prototype.isValid = function () { return ( /^XE[0-9]{2}(ETH[0-9A-Z]{13}|[0-9A-Z]{30,31})$/.test(this._iban) && 1 === a(o(this._iban)) ); }), (s.prototype.isDirect = function () { return 34 === this._iban.length || 35 === this._iban.length; }), (s.prototype.isIndirect = function () { return 20 === this._iban.length; }), (s.prototype.checksum = function () { return this._iban.substr(2, 2); }), (s.prototype.institution = function () { return this.isIndirect() ? this._iban.substr(7, 4) : ''; }), (s.prototype.client = function () { return this.isIndirect() ? this._iban.substr(11) : ''; }), (s.prototype.toAddress = function () { if (this.isDirect()) { var e = this._iban.substr(4), t = new i(e, 36); return n.toChecksumAddress(t.toString(16, 20)); } return ''; }), (s.prototype.toString = function () { return this._iban; }), (e.exports = s); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = { messageId: 0, toPayload: function (e, t) { if (!e) throw new Error( 'JSONRPC method should be specified for params: "' + JSON.stringify(t) + '"!' ); return n.messageId++, { jsonrpc: '2.0', id: n.messageId, method: e, params: t || [] }; }, isValidResponse: function (e) { return Array.isArray(e) ? e.every(t) : t(e); function t(e) { return !( !e || e.error || '2.0' !== e.jsonrpc || ('number' != typeof e.id && 'string' != typeof e.id) || void 0 === e.result ); } }, toBatchPayload: function (e) { return e.map(function (e) { return n.toPayload(e.method, e.params); }); }, }; e.exports = n; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (e, n) { var i, o = r(0)(r(1)); !(function (a) { var s = 'object' == (0, o.default)(t) && t && !t.nodeType && t, u = 'object' == (0, o.default)(e) && e && !e.nodeType && e, f = 'object' == (void 0 === n ? 'undefined' : (0, o.default)(n)) && n; (f.global !== f && f.window !== f && f.self !== f) || (a = f); var c, h, d = 2147483647, l = /^xn--/, p = /[^\x20-\x7E]/, b = /[\x2E\u3002\uFF0E\uFF61]/g, m = { overflow: 'Overflow: input needs wider integers to process', 'not-basic': 'Illegal input >= 0x80 (not a basic code point)', 'invalid-input': 'Invalid input', }, y = Math.floor, v = String.fromCharCode; function g(e) { throw new RangeError(m[e]); } function w(e, t) { for (var r = e.length, n = []; r--; ) n[r] = t(e[r]); return n; } function _(e, t) { var r = e.split('@'), n = ''; return ( r.length > 1 && ((n = r[0] + '@'), (e = r[1])), n + w((e = e.replace(b, '.')).split('.'), t).join('.') ); } function k(e) { for (var t, r, n = [], i = 0, o = e.length; i < o; ) (t = e.charCodeAt(i++)) >= 55296 && t <= 56319 && i < o ? 56320 == (64512 & (r = e.charCodeAt(i++))) ? n.push(((1023 & t) << 10) + (1023 & r) + 65536) : (n.push(t), i--) : n.push(t); return n; } function A(e) { return w(e, function (e) { var t = ''; return ( e > 65535 && ((t += v((((e -= 65536) >>> 10) & 1023) | 55296)), (e = 56320 | (1023 & e))), (t += v(e)) ); }).join(''); } function S(e, t) { return e + 22 + 75 * (e < 26) - ((0 != t) << 5); } function E(e, t, r) { var n = 0; for (e = r ? y(e / 700) : e >> 1, e += y(e / t); e > 455; n += 36) e = y(e / 35); return y(n + (36 * e) / (e + 38)); } function x(e) { var t, r, n, i, o, a, s, u, f, c, h, l = [], p = e.length, b = 0, m = 128, v = 72; for ((r = e.lastIndexOf('-')) < 0 && (r = 0), n = 0; n < r; ++n) e.charCodeAt(n) >= 128 && g('not-basic'), l.push(e.charCodeAt(n)); for (i = r > 0 ? r + 1 : 0; i < p; ) { for ( o = b, a = 1, s = 36; i >= p && g('invalid-input'), ((u = (h = e.charCodeAt(i++)) - 48 < 10 ? h - 22 : h - 65 < 26 ? h - 65 : h - 97 < 26 ? h - 97 : 36) >= 36 || u > y((d - b) / a)) && g('overflow'), (b += u * a), !(u < (f = s <= v ? 1 : s >= v + 26 ? 26 : s - v)); s += 36 ) a > y(d / (c = 36 - f)) && g('overflow'), (a *= c); (v = E(b - o, (t = l.length + 1), 0 == o)), y(b / t) > d - m && g('overflow'), (m += y(b / t)), (b %= t), l.splice(b++, 0, m); } return A(l); } function M(e) { var t, r, n, i, o, a, s, u, f, c, h, l, p, b, m, w = []; for (l = (e = k(e)).length, t = 128, r = 0, o = 72, a = 0; a < l; ++a) (h = e[a]) < 128 && w.push(v(h)); for (n = i = w.length, i && w.push('-'); n < l; ) { for (s = d, a = 0; a < l; ++a) (h = e[a]) >= t && h < s && (s = h); for ( s - t > y((d - r) / (p = n + 1)) && g('overflow'), r += (s - t) * p, t = s, a = 0; a < l; ++a ) if (((h = e[a]) < t && ++r > d && g('overflow'), h == t)) { for (u = r, f = 36; !(u < (c = f <= o ? 1 : f >= o + 26 ? 26 : f - o)); f += 36) (m = u - c), (b = 36 - c), w.push(v(S(c + (m % b), 0))), (u = y(m / b)); w.push(v(S(u, 0))), (o = E(r, p, n == i)), (r = 0), ++n; } ++r, ++t; } return w.join(''); } if ( ((c = { version: '1.4.1', ucs2: { decode: k, encode: A }, decode: x, encode: M, toASCII: function (e) { return _(e, function (e) { return p.test(e) ? 'xn--' + M(e) : e; }); }, toUnicode: function (e) { return _(e, function (e) { return l.test(e) ? x(e.slice(4).toLowerCase()) : e; }); }, }), 'object' == (0, o.default)(r(62)) && r(62)) ) void 0 === (i = function () { return c; }.call(t, r, t, e)) || (e.exports = i); else if (s && u) if (e.exports == s) u.exports = c; else for (h in c) c.hasOwnProperty(h) && (s[h] = c[h]); else a.punycode = c; })(void 0); }.call(this, r(22)(e), r(8))); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (e) { (t.fetch = s(e.fetch) && s(e.ReadableStream)), (t.writableStream = s(e.WritableStream)), (t.abortController = s(e.AbortController)), (t.blobConstructor = !1); try { new Blob([new ArrayBuffer(1)]), (t.blobConstructor = !0); } catch (e) {} var r; function n() { if (void 0 !== r) return r; if (e.XMLHttpRequest) { r = new e.XMLHttpRequest(); try { r.open('GET', e.XDomainRequest ? '/' : 'https://example.com'); } catch (e) { r = null; } } else r = null; return r; } function i(e) { var t = n(); if (!t) return !1; try { return (t.responseType = e), t.responseType === e; } catch (e) {} return !1; } var o = void 0 !== e.ArrayBuffer, a = o && s(e.ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice); function s(e) { return 'function' == typeof e; } (t.arraybuffer = t.fetch || (o && i('arraybuffer'))), (t.msstream = !t.fetch && a && i('ms-stream')), (t.mozchunkedarraybuffer = !t.fetch && o && i('moz-chunked-arraybuffer')), (t.overrideMimeType = t.fetch || (!!n() && s(n().overrideMimeType))), (t.vbArray = s(e.VBArray)), (r = null); }.call(this, r(8))); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (e, n, i) { var o = r(96), a = r(3), s = r(34), u = (t.readyStates = { UNSENT: 0, OPENED: 1, HEADERS_RECEIVED: 2, LOADING: 3, DONE: 4 }), f = (t.IncomingMessage = function (t, r, a, u) { var f = this; if ( (s.Readable.call(f), (f._mode = a), (f.headers = {}), (f.rawHeaders = []), (f.trailers = {}), (f.rawTrailers = []), f.on('end', function () { e.nextTick(function () { f.emit('close'); }); }), 'fetch' === a) ) { if ( ((f._fetchResponse = r), (f.url = r.url), (f.statusCode = r.status), (f.statusMessage = r.statusText), r.headers.forEach(function (e, t) { (f.headers[t.toLowerCase()] = e), f.rawHeaders.push(t, e); }), o.writableStream) ) { var c = new WritableStream({ write: function (e) { return new Promise(function (t, r) { f._destroyed ? r() : f.push(new i(e)) ? t() : (f._resumeFetch = t); }); }, close: function () { n.clearTimeout(u), f._destroyed || f.push(null); }, abort: function (e) { f._destroyed || f.emit('error', e); }, }); try { return void r.body.pipeTo(c).catch(function (e) { n.clearTimeout(u), f._destroyed || f.emit('error', e); }); } catch (e) {} } var h = r.body.getReader(); !(function e() { h.read() .then(function (t) { if (!f._destroyed) { if (t.done) return n.clearTimeout(u), void f.push(null); f.push(new i(t.value)), e(); } }) .catch(function (e) { n.clearTimeout(u), f._destroyed || f.emit('error', e); }); })(); } else { if ( ((f._xhr = t), (f._pos = 0), (f.url = t.responseURL), (f.statusCode = t.status), (f.statusMessage = t.statusText), t .getAllResponseHeaders() .split(/\r?\n/) .forEach(function (e) { var t = e.match(/^([^:]+):\s*(.*)/); if (t) { var r = t[1].toLowerCase(); 'set-cookie' === r ? (void 0 === f.headers[r] && (f.headers[r] = []), f.headers[r].push(t[2])) : void 0 !== f.headers[r] ? (f.headers[r] += ', ' + t[2]) : (f.headers[r] = t[2]), f.rawHeaders.push(t[1], t[2]); } }), (f._charset = 'x-user-defined'), !o.overrideMimeType) ) { var d = f.rawHeaders['mime-type']; if (d) { var l = d.match(/;\s*charset=([^;])(;|$)/); l && (f._charset = l[1].toLowerCase()); } f._charset || (f._charset = 'utf-8'); } } }); a(f, s.Readable), (f.prototype._read = function () { var e = this._resumeFetch; e && ((this._resumeFetch = null), e()); }), (f.prototype._onXHRProgress = function () { var e = this, t = e._xhr, r = null; switch (e._mode) { case 'text:vbarray': if (t.readyState !== u.DONE) break; try { r = new n.VBArray(t.responseBody).toArray(); } catch (e) {} if (null !== r) { e.push(new i(r)); break; } case 'text': try { r = t.responseText; } catch (t) { e._mode = 'text:vbarray'; break; } if (r.length > e._pos) { var o = r.substr(e._pos); if ('x-user-defined' === e._charset) { for (var a = new i(o.length), s = 0; s < o.length; s++) a[s] = 255 & o.charCodeAt(s); e.push(a); } else e.push(o, e._charset); e._pos = r.length; } break; case 'arraybuffer': if (t.readyState !== u.DONE || !t.response) break; (r = t.response), e.push(new i(new Uint8Array(r))); break; case 'moz-chunked-arraybuffer': if (((r = t.response), t.readyState !== u.LOADING || !r)) break; e.push(new i(new Uint8Array(r))); break; case 'ms-stream': if (((r = t.response), t.readyState !== u.LOADING)) break; var f = new n.MSStreamReader(); (f.onprogress = function () { f.result.byteLength > e._pos && (e.push(new i(new Uint8Array(f.result.slice(e._pos)))), (e._pos = f.result.byteLength)); }), (f.onload = function () { e.push(null); }), f.readAsArrayBuffer(r); } e._xhr.readyState === u.DONE && 'ms-stream' !== e._mode && e.push(null); }); }.call(this, r(11), r(8), r(2).Buffer)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (t, n) { var i = r(46); e.exports = g; var o, a = r(90); g.ReadableState = v; r(65).EventEmitter; var s = function (e, t) { return e.listeners(t).length; }, u = r(99), f = r(4).Buffer, c = t.Uint8Array || function () {}; var h = r(35); h.inherits = r(3); var d = r(205), l = void 0; l = d && d.debuglog ? d.debuglog('stream') : function () {}; var p, b = r(206), m = r(100); h.inherits(g, u); var y = ['error', 'close', 'destroy', 'pause', 'resume']; function v(e, t) { e = e || {}; var n = t instanceof (o = o || r(27)); (this.objectMode = !!e.objectMode), n && (this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!e.readableObjectMode); var i = e.highWaterMark, a = e.readableHighWaterMark, s = this.objectMode ? 16 : 16384; (this.highWaterMark = i || 0 === i ? i : n && (a || 0 === a) ? a : s), (this.highWaterMark = Math.floor(this.highWaterMark)), (this.buffer = new b()), (this.length = 0), (this.pipes = null), (this.pipesCount = 0), (this.flowing = null), (this.ended = !1), (this.endEmitted = !1), (this.reading = !1), (this.sync = !0), (this.needReadable = !1), (this.emittedReadable = !1), (this.readableListening = !1), (this.resumeScheduled = !1), (this.destroyed = !1), (this.defaultEncoding = e.defaultEncoding || 'utf8'), (this.awaitDrain = 0), (this.readingMore = !1), (this.decoder = null), (this.encoding = null), e.encoding && (p || (p = r(67).StringDecoder), (this.decoder = new p(e.encoding)), (this.encoding = e.encoding)); } function g(e) { if (((o = o || r(27)), !(this instanceof g))) return new g(e); (this._readableState = new v(e, this)), (this.readable = !0), e && ('function' == typeof e.read && (this._read = e.read), 'function' == typeof e.destroy && (this._destroy = e.destroy)), u.call(this); } function w(e, t, r, n, i) { var o, a = e._readableState; null === t ? ((a.reading = !1), (function (e, t) { if (t.ended) return; if (t.decoder) { var r = t.decoder.end(); r && r.length && (t.buffer.push(r), (t.length += t.objectMode ? 1 : r.length)); } (t.ended = !0), A(e); })(e, a)) : (i || (o = (function (e, t) { var r; (n = t), f.isBuffer(n) || n instanceof c || 'string' == typeof t || void 0 === t || e.objectMode || (r = new TypeError('Invalid non-string/buffer chunk')); var n; return r; })(a, t)), o ? e.emit('error', o) : a.objectMode || (t && t.length > 0) ? ('string' == typeof t || a.objectMode || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) === f.prototype || (t = (function (e) { return f.from(e); })(t)), n ? a.endEmitted ? e.emit('error', new Error('stream.unshift() after end event')) : _(e, a, t, !0) : a.ended ? e.emit('error', new Error('stream.push() after EOF')) : ((a.reading = !1), a.decoder && !r ? ((t = a.decoder.write(t)), a.objectMode || 0 !== t.length ? _(e, a, t, !1) : E(e, a)) : _(e, a, t, !1))) : n || (a.reading = !1)); return (function (e) { return !e.ended && (e.needReadable || e.length < e.highWaterMark || 0 === e.length); })(a); } function _(e, t, r, n) { t.flowing && 0 === t.length && !t.sync ? (e.emit('data', r), e.read(0)) : ((t.length += t.objectMode ? 1 : r.length), n ? t.buffer.unshift(r) : t.buffer.push(r), t.needReadable && A(e)), E(e, t); } Object.defineProperty(g.prototype, 'destroyed', { get: function () { return void 0 !== this._readableState && this._readableState.destroyed; }, set: function (e) { this._readableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = e); }, }), (g.prototype.destroy = m.destroy), (g.prototype._undestroy = m.undestroy), (g.prototype._destroy = function (e, t) { this.push(null), t(e); }), (g.prototype.push = function (e, t) { var r, n = this._readableState; return ( n.objectMode ? (r = !0) : 'string' == typeof e && ((t = t || n.defaultEncoding) !== n.encoding && ((e = f.from(e, t)), (t = '')), (r = !0)), w(this, e, t, !1, r) ); }), (g.prototype.unshift = function (e) { return w(this, e, null, !0, !1); }), (g.prototype.isPaused = function () { return !1 === this._readableState.flowing; }), (g.prototype.setEncoding = function (e) { return ( p || (p = r(67).StringDecoder), (this._readableState.decoder = new p(e)), (this._readableState.encoding = e), this ); }); function k(e, t) { return e <= 0 || (0 === t.length && t.ended) ? 0 : t.objectMode ? 1 : e != e ? t.flowing && t.length ? t.buffer.head.data.length : t.length : (e > t.highWaterMark && (t.highWaterMark = (function (e) { return ( e >= 8388608 ? (e = 8388608) : (e--, (e |= e >>> 1), (e |= e >>> 2), (e |= e >>> 4), (e |= e >>> 8), (e |= e >>> 16), e++), e ); })(e)), e <= t.length ? e : t.ended ? t.length : ((t.needReadable = !0), 0)); } function A(e) { var t = e._readableState; (t.needReadable = !1), t.emittedReadable || (l('emitReadable', t.flowing), (t.emittedReadable = !0), t.sync ? i.nextTick(S, e) : S(e)); } function S(e) { l('emit readable'), e.emit('readable'), O(e); } function E(e, t) { t.readingMore || ((t.readingMore = !0), i.nextTick(x, e, t)); } function x(e, t) { for ( var r = t.length; !t.reading && !t.flowing && !t.ended && t.length < t.highWaterMark && (l('maybeReadMore read 0'), e.read(0), r !== t.length); ) r = t.length; t.readingMore = !1; } function M(e) { l('readable nexttick read 0'), e.read(0); } function I(e, t) { t.reading || (l('resume read 0'), e.read(0)), (t.resumeScheduled = !1), (t.awaitDrain = 0), e.emit('resume'), O(e), t.flowing && !t.reading && e.read(0); } function O(e) { var t = e._readableState; for (l('flow', t.flowing); t.flowing && null !== e.read(); ); } function C(e, t) { return 0 === t.length ? null : (t.objectMode ? (r = t.buffer.shift()) : !e || e >= t.length ? ((r = t.decoder ? t.buffer.join('') : 1 === t.buffer.length ? t.buffer.head.data : t.buffer.concat(t.length)), t.buffer.clear()) : (r = (function (e, t, r) { var n; e < t.head.data.length ? ((n = t.head.data.slice(0, e)), (t.head.data = t.head.data.slice(e))) : (n = e === t.head.data.length ? t.shift() : r ? (function (e, t) { var r = t.head, n = 1, i = r.data; e -= i.length; for (; (r = r.next); ) { var o = r.data, a = e > o.length ? o.length : e; if ( (a === o.length ? (i += o) : (i += o.slice(0, e)), 0 === (e -= a)) ) { a === o.length ? (++n, r.next ? (t.head = r.next) : (t.head = t.tail = null)) : ((t.head = r), (r.data = o.slice(a))); break; } ++n; } return (t.length -= n), i; })(e, t) : (function (e, t) { var r = f.allocUnsafe(e), n = t.head, i = 1; n.data.copy(r), (e -= n.data.length); for (; (n = n.next); ) { var o = n.data, a = e > o.length ? o.length : e; if ((o.copy(r, r.length - e, 0, a), 0 === (e -= a))) { a === o.length ? (++i, n.next ? (t.head = n.next) : (t.head = t.tail = null)) : ((t.head = n), (n.data = o.slice(a))); break; } ++i; } return (t.length -= i), r; })(e, t)); return n; })(e, t.buffer, t.decoder)), r); var r; } function P(e) { var t = e._readableState; if (t.length > 0) throw new Error('"endReadable()" called on non-empty stream'); t.endEmitted || ((t.ended = !0), i.nextTick(T, t, e)); } function T(e, t) { e.endEmitted || 0 !== e.length || ((e.endEmitted = !0), (t.readable = !1), t.emit('end')); } function U(e, t) { for (var r = 0, n = e.length; r < n; r++) if (e[r] === t) return r; return -1; } (g.prototype.read = function (e) { l('read', e), (e = parseInt(e, 10)); var t = this._readableState, r = e; if ( (0 !== e && (t.emittedReadable = !1), 0 === e && t.needReadable && (t.length >= t.highWaterMark || t.ended)) ) return ( l('read: emitReadable', t.length, t.ended), 0 === t.length && t.ended ? P(this) : A(this), null ); if (0 === (e = k(e, t)) && t.ended) return 0 === t.length && P(this), null; var n, i = t.needReadable; return ( l('need readable', i), (0 === t.length || t.length - e < t.highWaterMark) && l('length less than watermark', (i = !0)), t.ended || t.reading ? l('reading or ended', (i = !1)) : i && (l('do read'), (t.reading = !0), (t.sync = !0), 0 === t.length && (t.needReadable = !0), this._read(t.highWaterMark), (t.sync = !1), t.reading || (e = k(r, t))), null === (n = e > 0 ? C(e, t) : null) ? ((t.needReadable = !0), (e = 0)) : (t.length -= e), 0 === t.length && (t.ended || (t.needReadable = !0), r !== e && t.ended && P(this)), null !== n && this.emit('data', n), n ); }), (g.prototype._read = function (e) { this.emit('error', new Error('_read() is not implemented')); }), (g.prototype.pipe = function (e, t) { var r = this, o = this._readableState; switch (o.pipesCount) { case 0: o.pipes = e; break; case 1: o.pipes = [o.pipes, e]; break; default: o.pipes.push(e); } (o.pipesCount += 1), l('pipe count=%d opts=%j', o.pipesCount, t); var u = (!t || !1 !== t.end) && e !== n.stdout && e !== n.stderr ? c : g; function f(t, n) { l('onunpipe'), t === r && n && !1 === n.hasUnpiped && ((n.hasUnpiped = !0), l('cleanup'), e.removeListener('close', y), e.removeListener('finish', v), e.removeListener('drain', h), e.removeListener('error', m), e.removeListener('unpipe', f), r.removeListener('end', c), r.removeListener('end', g), r.removeListener('data', b), (d = !0), !o.awaitDrain || (e._writableState && !e._writableState.needDrain) || h()); } function c() { l('onend'), e.end(); } o.endEmitted ? i.nextTick(u) : r.once('end', u), e.on('unpipe', f); var h = (function (e) { return function () { var t = e._readableState; l('pipeOnDrain', t.awaitDrain), t.awaitDrain && t.awaitDrain--, 0 === t.awaitDrain && s(e, 'data') && ((t.flowing = !0), O(e)); }; })(r); e.on('drain', h); var d = !1; var p = !1; function b(t) { l('ondata'), (p = !1), !1 !== e.write(t) || p || (((1 === o.pipesCount && o.pipes === e) || (o.pipesCount > 1 && -1 !== U(o.pipes, e))) && !d && (l('false write response, pause', r._readableState.awaitDrain), r._readableState.awaitDrain++, (p = !0)), r.pause()); } function m(t) { l('onerror', t), g(), e.removeListener('error', m), 0 === s(e, 'error') && e.emit('error', t); } function y() { e.removeListener('finish', v), g(); } function v() { l('onfinish'), e.removeListener('close', y), g(); } function g() { l('unpipe'), r.unpipe(e); } return ( r.on('data', b), (function (e, t, r) { if ('function' == typeof e.prependListener) return e.prependListener(t, r); e._events && e._events[t] ? a(e._events[t]) ? e._events[t].unshift(r) : (e._events[t] = [r, e._events[t]]) : e.on(t, r); })(e, 'error', m), e.once('close', y), e.once('finish', v), e.emit('pipe', r), o.flowing || (l('pipe resume'), r.resume()), e ); }), (g.prototype.unpipe = function (e) { var t = this._readableState, r = { hasUnpiped: !1 }; if (0 === t.pipesCount) return this; if (1 === t.pipesCount) return ( (e && e !== t.pipes) || (e || (e = t.pipes), (t.pipes = null), (t.pipesCount = 0), (t.flowing = !1), e && e.emit('unpipe', this, r)), this ); if (!e) { var n = t.pipes, i = t.pipesCount; (t.pipes = null), (t.pipesCount = 0), (t.flowing = !1); for (var o = 0; o < i; o++) n[o].emit('unpipe', this, r); return this; } var a = U(t.pipes, e); return ( -1 === a || (t.pipes.splice(a, 1), (t.pipesCount -= 1), 1 === t.pipesCount && (t.pipes = t.pipes[0]), e.emit('unpipe', this, r)), this ); }), (g.prototype.on = function (e, t) { var r = u.prototype.on.call(this, e, t); if ('data' === e) !1 !== this._readableState.flowing && this.resume(); else if ('readable' === e) { var n = this._readableState; n.endEmitted || n.readableListening || ((n.readableListening = n.needReadable = !0), (n.emittedReadable = !1), n.reading ? n.length && A(this) : i.nextTick(M, this)); } return r; }), (g.prototype.addListener = g.prototype.on), (g.prototype.resume = function () { var e = this._readableState; return ( e.flowing || (l('resume'), (e.flowing = !0), (function (e, t) { t.resumeScheduled || ((t.resumeScheduled = !0), i.nextTick(I, e, t)); })(this, e)), this ); }), (g.prototype.pause = function () { return ( l('call pause flowing=%j', this._readableState.flowing), !1 !== this._readableState.flowing && (l('pause'), (this._readableState.flowing = !1), this.emit('pause')), this ); }), (g.prototype.wrap = function (e) { var t = this, r = this._readableState, n = !1; for (var i in (e.on('end', function () { if ((l('wrapped end'), r.decoder && !r.ended)) { var e = r.decoder.end(); e && e.length && t.push(e); } t.push(null); }), e.on('data', function (i) { (l('wrapped data'), r.decoder && (i = r.decoder.write(i)), r.objectMode && null == i) || ((r.objectMode || (i && i.length)) && (t.push(i) || ((n = !0), e.pause()))); }), e)) void 0 === this[i] && 'function' == typeof e[i] && (this[i] = (function (t) { return function () { return e[t].apply(e, arguments); }; })(i)); for (var o = 0; o < y.length; o++) e.on(y[o], this.emit.bind(this, y[o])); return ( (this._read = function (t) { l('wrapped _read', t), n && ((n = !1), e.resume()); }), this ); }), Object.defineProperty(g.prototype, 'readableHighWaterMark', { enumerable: !1, get: function () { return this._readableState.highWaterMark; }, }), (g._fromList = C); }.call(this, r(8), r(11))); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = r(65).EventEmitter; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(46); function i(e, t) { e.emit('error', t); } e.exports = { destroy: function (e, t) { var r = this, o = this._readableState && this._readableState.destroyed, a = this._writableState && this._writableState.destroyed; return o || a ? (t ? t(e) : !e || (this._writableState && this._writableState.errorEmitted) || n.nextTick(i, this, e), this) : (this._readableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = !0), this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = !0), this._destroy(e || null, function (e) { !t && e ? (n.nextTick(i, r, e), r._writableState && (r._writableState.errorEmitted = !0)) : t && t(e); }), this); }, undestroy: function () { this._readableState && ((this._readableState.destroyed = !1), (this._readableState.reading = !1), (this._readableState.ended = !1), (this._readableState.endEmitted = !1)), this._writableState && ((this._writableState.destroyed = !1), (this._writableState.ended = !1), (this._writableState.ending = !1), (this._writableState.finished = !1), (this._writableState.errorEmitted = !1)); }, }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (e) { var n = (void 0 !== e && e) || ('undefined' != typeof self && self) || window, i = Function.prototype.apply; function o(e, t) { (this._id = e), (this._clearFn = t); } (t.setTimeout = function () { return new o(i.call(setTimeout, n, arguments), clearTimeout); }), (t.setInterval = function () { return new o(i.call(setInterval, n, arguments), clearInterval); }), (t.clearTimeout = t.clearInterval = function (e) { e && e.close(); }), (o.prototype.unref = o.prototype.ref = function () {}), (o.prototype.close = function () { this._clearFn.call(n, this._id); }), (t.enroll = function (e, t) { clearTimeout(e._idleTimeoutId), (e._idleTimeout = t); }), (t.unenroll = function (e) { clearTimeout(e._idleTimeoutId), (e._idleTimeout = -1); }), (t._unrefActive = t.active = function (e) { clearTimeout(e._idleTimeoutId); var t = e._idleTimeout; t >= 0 && (e._idleTimeoutId = setTimeout(function () { e._onTimeout && e._onTimeout(); }, t)); }), r(208), (t.setImmediate = ('undefined' != typeof self && self.setImmediate) || (void 0 !== e && e.setImmediate) || void 0), (t.clearImmediate = ('undefined' != typeof self && self.clearImmediate) || (void 0 !== e && e.clearImmediate) || void 0); }.call(this, r(8))); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = a; var n = r(27), i = r(35); function o(e, t) { var r = this._transformState; r.transforming = !1; var n = r.writecb; if (!n) return this.emit('error', new Error('write callback called multiple times')); (r.writechunk = null), (r.writecb = null), null != t && this.push(t), n(e); var i = this._readableState; (i.reading = !1), (i.needReadable || i.length < i.highWaterMark) && this._read(i.highWaterMark); } function a(e) { if (!(this instanceof a)) return new a(e); n.call(this, e), (this._transformState = { afterTransform: o.bind(this), needTransform: !1, transforming: !1, writecb: null, writechunk: null, writeencoding: null, }), (this._readableState.needReadable = !0), (this._readableState.sync = !1), e && ('function' == typeof e.transform && (this._transform = e.transform), 'function' == typeof e.flush && (this._flush = e.flush)), this.on('prefinish', s); } function s() { var e = this; 'function' == typeof this._flush ? this._flush(function (t, r) { u(e, t, r); }) : u(this, null, null); } function u(e, t, r) { if (t) return e.emit('error', t); if ((null != r && e.push(r), e._writableState.length)) throw new Error('Calling transform done when ws.length != 0'); if (e._transformState.transforming) throw new Error('Calling transform done when still transforming'); return e.push(null); } (i.inherits = r(3)), i.inherits(a, n), (a.prototype.push = function (e, t) { return (this._transformState.needTransform = !1), n.prototype.push.call(this, e, t); }), (a.prototype._transform = function (e, t, r) { throw new Error('_transform() is not implemented'); }), (a.prototype._write = function (e, t, r) { var n = this._transformState; if (((n.writecb = r), (n.writechunk = e), (n.writeencoding = t), !n.transforming)) { var i = this._readableState; (n.needTransform || i.needReadable || i.length < i.highWaterMark) && this._read(i.highWaterMark); } }), (a.prototype._read = function (e) { var t = this._transformState; null !== t.writechunk && t.writecb && !t.transforming ? ((t.transforming = !0), this._transform(t.writechunk, t.writeencoding, t.afterTransform)) : (t.needTransform = !0); }), (a.prototype._destroy = function (e, t) { var r = this; n.prototype._destroy.call(this, e, function (e) { t(e), r.emit('close'); }); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = function () { for (var e = {}, t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) { var r = arguments[t]; for (var i in r) n.call(r, i) && (e[i] = r[i]); } return e; }; var n = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(64), i = r(33), o = e.exports; for (var a in n) n.hasOwnProperty(a) && (o[a] = n[a]); function s(e) { if ( ('string' == typeof e && (e = i.parse(e)), e.protocol || (e.protocol = 'https:'), 'https:' !== e.protocol) ) throw new Error('Protocol "' + e.protocol + '" not supported. Expected "https:"'); return e; } (o.request = function (e, t) { return (e = s(e)), n.request.call(this, e, t); }), (o.get = function (e, t) { return (e = s(e)), n.get.call(this, e, t); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0); Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.isBigNumberish = function (e) { return ( null != e && (d.isBigNumber(e) || ('number' == typeof e && e % 1 == 0) || ('string' == typeof e && !!e.match(/^-?[0-9]+$/)) || (0, s.isHexString)(e) || 'bigint' == typeof e || (0, s.isBytes)(e)) ); }), (t.BigNumber = void 0); var i = n(r(6)), o = n(r(7)), a = r(5), s = r(12), u = r(14), f = r(106), c = new u.Logger(f.version), h = {}; var d = (function () { function e(t, r) { (0, i.default)(this, e), c.checkNew(this instanceof e ? this.constructor : void 0, e), t !== h && c.throwError( 'cannot call constructor directly; use BigNumber.from', u.Logger.errors.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, { operation: 'new (BigNumber)' } ), (this._hex = r), (this._isBigNumber = !0), Object.freeze(this); } return ( (0, o.default)( e, [ { key: 'fromTwos', value: function (e) { return p(b(this).fromTwos(e)); }, }, { key: 'toTwos', value: function (e) { return p(b(this).toTwos(e)); }, }, { key: 'abs', value: function () { return '-' === this._hex[0] ? e.from(this._hex.substring(1)) : this; }, }, { key: 'add', value: function (e) { return p(b(this).add(b(e))); }, }, { key: 'sub', value: function (e) { return p(b(this).sub(b(e))); }, }, { key: 'div', value: function (t) { return e.from(t).isZero() && m('division by zero', 'div'), p(b(this).div(b(t))); }, }, { key: 'mul', value: function (e) { return p(b(this).mul(b(e))); }, }, { key: 'mod', value: function (e) { var t = b(e); return t.isNeg() && m('cannot modulo negative values', 'mod'), p(b(this).umod(t)); }, }, { key: 'pow', value: function (e) { var t = b(e); return ( t.isNeg() && m('cannot raise to negative values', 'pow'), p(b(this).pow(t)) ); }, }, { key: 'and', value: function (e) { var t = b(e); return ( (this.isNegative() || t.isNeg()) && m("cannot 'and' negative values", 'and'), p(b(this).and(t)) ); }, }, { key: 'or', value: function (e) { var t = b(e); return ( (this.isNegative() || t.isNeg()) && m("cannot 'or' negative values", 'or'), p(b(this).or(t)) ); }, }, { key: 'xor', value: function (e) { var t = b(e); return ( (this.isNegative() || t.isNeg()) && m("cannot 'xor' negative values", 'xor'), p(b(this).xor(t)) ); }, }, { key: 'mask', value: function (e) { return ( (this.isNegative() || e < 0) && m('cannot mask negative values', 'mask'), p(b(this).maskn(e)) ); }, }, { key: 'shl', value: function (e) { return ( (this.isNegative() || e < 0) && m('cannot shift negative values', 'shl'), p(b(this).shln(e)) ); }, }, { key: 'shr', value: function (e) { return ( (this.isNegative() || e < 0) && m('cannot shift negative values', 'shr'), p(b(this).shrn(e)) ); }, }, { key: 'eq', value: function (e) { return b(this).eq(b(e)); }, }, { key: 'lt', value: function (e) { return b(this).lt(b(e)); }, }, { key: 'lte', value: function (e) { return b(this).lte(b(e)); }, }, { key: 'gt', value: function (e) { return b(this).gt(b(e)); }, }, { key: 'gte', value: function (e) { return b(this).gte(b(e)); }, }, { key: 'isNegative', value: function () { return '-' === this._hex[0]; }, }, { key: 'isZero', value: function () { return b(this).isZero(); }, }, { key: 'toNumber', value: function () { try { return b(this).toNumber(); } catch (e) { m('overflow', 'toNumber', this.toString()); } return null; }, }, { key: 'toString', value: function () { return ( 0 !== arguments.length && c.throwError( 'bigNumber.toString does not accept parameters', u.Logger.errors.UNEXPECTED_ARGUMENT, {} ), b(this).toString(10) ); }, }, { key: 'toHexString', value: function () { return this._hex; }, }, ], [ { key: 'from', value: function (t) { return t instanceof e ? t : 'string' == typeof t ? t.match(/^-?0x[0-9a-f]+$/i) ? new e(h, l(t)) : t.match(/^-?[0-9]+$/) ? new e(h, l(new a.BN(t))) : c.throwArgumentError('invalid BigNumber string', 'value', t) : 'number' == typeof t ? (t % 1 && m('underflow', 'BigNumber.from', t), (t >= 9007199254740991 || t <= -9007199254740991) && m('overflow', 'BigNumber.from', t), e.from(String(t))) : 'bigint' == typeof t ? e.from(t.toString()) : (0, s.isBytes)(t) ? e.from((0, s.hexlify)(t)) : t._hex && (0, s.isHexString)(t._hex) ? e.from(t._hex) : t.toHexString && 'string' == typeof (t = t.toHexString()) ? e.from(t) : c.throwArgumentError('invalid BigNumber value', 'value', t); }, }, { key: 'isBigNumber', value: function (e) { return !(!e || !e._isBigNumber); }, }, ] ), e ); })(); function l(e) { if ('string' != typeof e) return l(e.toString(16)); if ('-' === e[0]) return ( '-' === (e = e.substring(1))[0] && c.throwArgumentError('invalid hex', 'value', e), '0x00' === (e = l(e)) ? e : '-' + e ); if (('0x' !== e.substring(0, 2) && (e = '0x' + e), '0x' === e)) return '0x00'; for ( e.length % 2 && (e = '0x0' + e.substring(2)); e.length > 4 && '0x00' === e.substring(0, 4); ) e = '0x' + e.substring(4); return e; } function p(e) { return d.from(l(e)); } function b(e) { var t = d.from(e).toHexString(); return '-' === t[0] ? new a.BN('-' + t.substring(3), 16) : new a.BN(t.substring(2), 16); } function m(e, t, r) { var n = { fault: e, operation: t }; return null != r && (n.value = r), c.throwError(e, u.Logger.errors.NUMERIC_FAULT, n); } t.BigNumber = d; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.version = void 0); t.version = 'bignumber/5.0.5'; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.encode = function (e) { return (0, n.hexlify)( (function e(t) { if (Array.isArray(t)) { var r = []; if ( (t.forEach(function (t) { r = r.concat(e(t)); }), r.length <= 55) ) return r.unshift(192 + r.length), r; var i = s(r.length); return i.unshift(247 + i.length), i.concat(r); } (0, n.isBytesLike)(t) || a.throwArgumentError('RLP object must be BytesLike', 'object', t); var o = Array.prototype.slice.call((0, n.arrayify)(t)); if (1 === o.length && o[0] <= 127) return o; if (o.length <= 55) return o.unshift(128 + o.length), o; var u = s(o.length); return u.unshift(183 + u.length), u.concat(o); })(e) ); }), (t.decode = function (e) { var t = (0, n.arrayify)(e), r = c(t, 0); r.consumed !== t.length && a.throwArgumentError('invalid rlp data', 'data', e); return r.result; }); var n = r(12), i = r(14), o = r(230), a = new i.Logger(o.version); function s(e) { for (var t = []; e; ) t.unshift(255 & e), (e >>= 8); return t; } function u(e, t, r) { for (var n = 0, i = 0; i < r; i++) n = 256 * n + e[t + i]; return n; } function f(e, t, r, n) { for (var o = []; r < t + 1 + n; ) { var s = c(e, r); o.push(s.result), (r += s.consumed) > t + 1 + n && a.throwError('child data too short', i.Logger.errors.BUFFER_OVERRUN, {}); } return { consumed: 1 + n, result: o }; } function c(e, t) { if ( (0 === e.length && a.throwError('data too short', i.Logger.errors.BUFFER_OVERRUN, {}), e[t] >= 248) ) { var r = e[t] - 247; t + 1 + r > e.length && a.throwError('data short segment too short', i.Logger.errors.BUFFER_OVERRUN, {}); var o = u(e, t + 1, r); return ( t + 1 + r + o > e.length && a.throwError('data long segment too short', i.Logger.errors.BUFFER_OVERRUN, {}), f(e, t, t + 1 + r, r + o) ); } if (e[t] >= 192) { var s = e[t] - 192; return ( t + 1 + s > e.length && a.throwError('data array too short', i.Logger.errors.BUFFER_OVERRUN, {}), f(e, t, t + 1, s) ); } if (e[t] >= 184) { var c = e[t] - 183; t + 1 + c > e.length && a.throwError('data array too short', i.Logger.errors.BUFFER_OVERRUN, {}); var h = u(e, t + 1, c); return ( t + 1 + c + h > e.length && a.throwError('data array too short', i.Logger.errors.BUFFER_OVERRUN, {}), { consumed: 1 + c + h, result: (0, n.hexlify)(e.slice(t + 1 + c, t + 1 + c + h)) } ); } if (e[t] >= 128) { var d = e[t] - 128; return ( t + 1 + d > e.length && a.throwError('data too short', i.Logger.errors.BUFFER_OVERRUN, {}), { consumed: 1 + d, result: (0, n.hexlify)(e.slice(t + 1, t + 1 + d)) } ); } return { consumed: 1, result: (0, n.hexlify)(e[t]) }; } }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = t; (n.base = r(52)), (n.short = r(237)), (n.mont = r(238)), (n.edwards = r(239)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(23).rotr32; function i(e, t, r) { return (e & t) ^ (~e & r); } function o(e, t, r) { return (e & t) ^ (e & r) ^ (t & r); } function a(e, t, r) { return e ^ t ^ r; } (t.ft_1 = function (e, t, r, n) { return 0 === e ? i(t, r, n) : 1 === e || 3 === e ? a(t, r, n) : 2 === e ? o(t, r, n) : void 0; }), (t.ch32 = i), (t.maj32 = o), (t.p32 = a), (t.s0_256 = function (e) { return n(e, 2) ^ n(e, 13) ^ n(e, 22); }), (t.s1_256 = function (e) { return n(e, 6) ^ n(e, 11) ^ n(e, 25); }), (t.g0_256 = function (e) { return n(e, 7) ^ n(e, 18) ^ (e >>> 3); }), (t.g1_256 = function (e) { return n(e, 17) ^ n(e, 19) ^ (e >>> 10); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(23), i = r(37), o = r(109), a = r(17), s = n.sum32, u = n.sum32_4, f = n.sum32_5, c = o.ch32, h = o.maj32, d = o.s0_256, l = o.s1_256, p = o.g0_256, b = o.g1_256, m = i.BlockHash, y = [ 1116352408, 1899447441, 3049323471, 3921009573, 961987163, 1508970993, 2453635748, 2870763221, 3624381080, 310598401, 607225278, 1426881987, 1925078388, 2162078206, 2614888103, 3248222580, 3835390401, 4022224774, 264347078, 604807628, 770255983, 1249150122, 1555081692, 1996064986, 2554220882, 2821834349, 2952996808, 3210313671, 3336571891, 3584528711, 113926993, 338241895, 666307205, 773529912, 1294757372, 1396182291, 1695183700, 1986661051, 2177026350, 2456956037, 2730485921, 2820302411, 3259730800, 3345764771, 3516065817, 3600352804, 4094571909, 275423344, 430227734, 506948616, 659060556, 883997877, 958139571, 1322822218, 1537002063, 1747873779, 1955562222, 2024104815, 2227730452, 2361852424, 2428436474, 2756734187, 3204031479, 3329325298, ]; function v() { if (!(this instanceof v)) return new v(); m.call(this), (this.h = [ 1779033703, 3144134277, 1013904242, 2773480762, 1359893119, 2600822924, 528734635, 1541459225, ]), (this.k = y), (this.W = new Array(64)); } n.inherits(v, m), (e.exports = v), (v.blockSize = 512), (v.outSize = 256), (v.hmacStrength = 192), (v.padLength = 64), (v.prototype._update = function (e, t) { for (var r = this.W, n = 0; n < 16; n++) r[n] = e[t + n]; for (; n < r.length; n++) r[n] = u(b(r[n - 2]), r[n - 7], p(r[n - 15]), r[n - 16]); var i = this.h[0], o = this.h[1], m = this.h[2], y = this.h[3], v = this.h[4], g = this.h[5], w = this.h[6], _ = this.h[7]; for (a(this.k.length === r.length), n = 0; n < r.length; n++) { var k = f(_, l(v), c(v, g, w), this.k[n], r[n]), A = s(d(i), h(i, o, m)); (_ = w), (w = g), (g = v), (v = s(y, k)), (y = m), (m = o), (o = i), (i = s(k, A)); } (this.h[0] = s(this.h[0], i)), (this.h[1] = s(this.h[1], o)), (this.h[2] = s(this.h[2], m)), (this.h[3] = s(this.h[3], y)), (this.h[4] = s(this.h[4], v)), (this.h[5] = s(this.h[5], g)), (this.h[6] = s(this.h[6], w)), (this.h[7] = s(this.h[7], _)); }), (v.prototype._digest = function (e) { return 'hex' === e ? n.toHex32(this.h, 'big') : n.split32(this.h, 'big'); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(23), i = r(37), o = r(17), a = n.rotr64_hi, s = n.rotr64_lo, u = n.shr64_hi, f = n.shr64_lo, c = n.sum64, h = n.sum64_hi, d = n.sum64_lo, l = n.sum64_4_hi, p = n.sum64_4_lo, b = n.sum64_5_hi, m = n.sum64_5_lo, y = i.BlockHash, v = [ 1116352408, 3609767458, 1899447441, 602891725, 3049323471, 3964484399, 3921009573, 2173295548, 961987163, 4081628472, 1508970993, 3053834265, 2453635748, 2937671579, 2870763221, 3664609560, 3624381080, 2734883394, 310598401, 1164996542, 607225278, 1323610764, 1426881987, 3590304994, 1925078388, 4068182383, 2162078206, 991336113, 2614888103, 633803317, 3248222580, 3479774868, 3835390401, 2666613458, 4022224774, 944711139, 264347078, 2341262773, 604807628, 2007800933, 770255983, 1495990901, 1249150122, 1856431235, 1555081692, 3175218132, 1996064986, 2198950837, 2554220882, 3999719339, 2821834349, 766784016, 2952996808, 2566594879, 3210313671, 3203337956, 3336571891, 1034457026, 3584528711, 2466948901, 113926993, 3758326383, 338241895, 168717936, 666307205, 1188179964, 773529912, 1546045734, 1294757372, 1522805485, 1396182291, 2643833823, 1695183700, 2343527390, 1986661051, 1014477480, 2177026350, 1206759142, 2456956037, 344077627, 2730485921, 1290863460, 2820302411, 3158454273, 3259730800, 3505952657, 3345764771, 106217008, 3516065817, 3606008344, 3600352804, 1432725776, 4094571909, 1467031594, 275423344, 851169720, 430227734, 3100823752, 506948616, 1363258195, 659060556, 3750685593, 883997877, 3785050280, 958139571, 3318307427, 1322822218, 3812723403, 1537002063, 2003034995, 1747873779, 3602036899, 1955562222, 1575990012, 2024104815, 1125592928, 2227730452, 2716904306, 2361852424, 442776044, 2428436474, 593698344, 2756734187, 3733110249, 3204031479, 2999351573, 3329325298, 3815920427, 3391569614, 3928383900, 3515267271, 566280711, 3940187606, 3454069534, 4118630271, 4000239992, 116418474, 1914138554, 174292421, 2731055270, 289380356, 3203993006, 460393269, 320620315, 685471733, 587496836, 852142971, 1086792851, 1017036298, 365543100, 1126000580, 2618297676, 1288033470, 3409855158, 1501505948, 4234509866, 1607167915, 987167468, 1816402316, 1246189591, ]; function g() { if (!(this instanceof g)) return new g(); y.call(this), (this.h = [ 1779033703, 4089235720, 3144134277, 2227873595, 1013904242, 4271175723, 2773480762, 1595750129, 1359893119, 2917565137, 2600822924, 725511199, 528734635, 4215389547, 1541459225, 327033209, ]), (this.k = v), (this.W = new Array(160)); } function w(e, t, r, n, i) { var o = (e & r) ^ (~e & i); return o < 0 && (o += 4294967296), o; } function _(e, t, r, n, i, o) { var a = (t & n) ^ (~t & o); return a < 0 && (a += 4294967296), a; } function k(e, t, r, n, i) { var o = (e & r) ^ (e & i) ^ (r & i); return o < 0 && (o += 4294967296), o; } function A(e, t, r, n, i, o) { var a = (t & n) ^ (t & o) ^ (n & o); return a < 0 && (a += 4294967296), a; } function S(e, t) { var r = a(e, t, 28) ^ a(t, e, 2) ^ a(t, e, 7); return r < 0 && (r += 4294967296), r; } function E(e, t) { var r = s(e, t, 28) ^ s(t, e, 2) ^ s(t, e, 7); return r < 0 && (r += 4294967296), r; } function x(e, t) { var r = a(e, t, 14) ^ a(e, t, 18) ^ a(t, e, 9); return r < 0 && (r += 4294967296), r; } function M(e, t) { var r = s(e, t, 14) ^ s(e, t, 18) ^ s(t, e, 9); return r < 0 && (r += 4294967296), r; } function I(e, t) { var r = a(e, t, 1) ^ a(e, t, 8) ^ u(e, t, 7); return r < 0 && (r += 4294967296), r; } function O(e, t) { var r = s(e, t, 1) ^ s(e, t, 8) ^ f(e, t, 7); return r < 0 && (r += 4294967296), r; } function C(e, t) { var r = a(e, t, 19) ^ a(t, e, 29) ^ u(e, t, 6); return r < 0 && (r += 4294967296), r; } function P(e, t) { var r = s(e, t, 19) ^ s(t, e, 29) ^ f(e, t, 6); return r < 0 && (r += 4294967296), r; } n.inherits(g, y), (e.exports = g), (g.blockSize = 1024), (g.outSize = 512), (g.hmacStrength = 192), (g.padLength = 128), (g.prototype._prepareBlock = function (e, t) { for (var r = this.W, n = 0; n < 32; n++) r[n] = e[t + n]; for (; n < r.length; n += 2) { var i = C(r[n - 4], r[n - 3]), o = P(r[n - 4], r[n - 3]), a = r[n - 14], s = r[n - 13], u = I(r[n - 30], r[n - 29]), f = O(r[n - 30], r[n - 29]), c = r[n - 32], h = r[n - 31]; (r[n] = l(i, o, a, s, u, f, c, h)), (r[n + 1] = p(i, o, a, s, u, f, c, h)); } }), (g.prototype._update = function (e, t) { this._prepareBlock(e, t); var r = this.W, n = this.h[0], i = this.h[1], a = this.h[2], s = this.h[3], u = this.h[4], f = this.h[5], l = this.h[6], p = this.h[7], y = this.h[8], v = this.h[9], g = this.h[10], I = this.h[11], O = this.h[12], C = this.h[13], P = this.h[14], T = this.h[15]; o(this.k.length === r.length); for (var U = 0; U < r.length; U += 2) { var B = P, R = T, N = x(y, v), j = M(y, v), L = w(y, v, g, I, O), F = _(y, v, g, I, O, C), D = this.k[U], q = this.k[U + 1], z = r[U], H = r[U + 1], K = b(B, R, N, j, L, F, D, q, z, H), V = m(B, R, N, j, L, F, D, q, z, H); (B = S(n, i)), (R = E(n, i)), (N = k(n, i, a, s, u)), (j = A(n, i, a, s, u, f)); var G = h(B, R, N, j), W = d(B, R, N, j); (P = O), (T = C), (O = g), (C = I), (g = y), (I = v), (y = h(l, p, K, V)), (v = d(p, p, K, V)), (l = u), (p = f), (u = a), (f = s), (a = n), (s = i), (n = h(K, V, G, W)), (i = d(K, V, G, W)); } c(this.h, 0, n, i), c(this.h, 2, a, s), c(this.h, 4, u, f), c(this.h, 6, l, p), c(this.h, 8, y, v), c(this.h, 10, g, I), c(this.h, 12, O, C), c(this.h, 14, P, T); }), (g.prototype._digest = function (e) { return 'hex' === e ? n.toHex32(this.h, 'big') : n.split32(this.h, 'big'); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(36), i = r(72), o = r(17); function a(e) { if (!(this instanceof a)) return new a(e); (this.hash = e.hash), (this.predResist = !!e.predResist), (this.outLen = this.hash.outSize), (this.minEntropy = e.minEntropy || this.hash.hmacStrength), (this._reseed = null), (this.reseedInterval = null), (this.K = null), (this.V = null); var t = i.toArray(e.entropy, e.entropyEnc || 'hex'), r = i.toArray(e.nonce, e.nonceEnc || 'hex'), n = i.toArray(e.pers, e.persEnc || 'hex'); o( t.length >= this.minEntropy / 8, 'Not enough entropy. Minimum is: ' + this.minEntropy + ' bits' ), this._init(t, r, n); } (e.exports = a), (a.prototype._init = function (e, t, r) { var n = e.concat(t).concat(r); (this.K = new Array(this.outLen / 8)), (this.V = new Array(this.outLen / 8)); for (var i = 0; i < this.V.length; i++) (this.K[i] = 0), (this.V[i] = 1); this._update(n), (this._reseed = 1), (this.reseedInterval = 281474976710656); }), (a.prototype._hmac = function () { return new n.hmac(this.hash, this.K); }), (a.prototype._update = function (e) { var t = this._hmac().update(this.V).update([0]); e && (t = t.update(e)), (this.K = t.digest()), (this.V = this._hmac().update(this.V).digest()), e && ((this.K = this._hmac().update(this.V).update([1]).update(e).digest()), (this.V = this._hmac().update(this.V).digest())); }), (a.prototype.reseed = function (e, t, r, n) { 'string' != typeof t && ((n = r), (r = t), (t = null)), (e = i.toArray(e, t)), (r = i.toArray(r, n)), o( e.length >= this.minEntropy / 8, 'Not enough entropy. Minimum is: ' + this.minEntropy + ' bits' ), this._update(e.concat(r || [])), (this._reseed = 1); }), (a.prototype.generate = function (e, t, r, n) { if (this._reseed > this.reseedInterval) throw new Error('Reseed is required'); 'string' != typeof t && ((n = r), (r = t), (t = null)), r && ((r = i.toArray(r, n || 'hex')), this._update(r)); for (var o = []; o.length < e; ) (this.V = this._hmac().update(this.V).digest()), (o = o.concat(this.V)); var a = o.slice(0, e); return this._update(r), this._reseed++, i.encode(a, t); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = { addresses: { main: '0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e', ropsten: '0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e', rinkeby: '0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e', goerli: '0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e', }, interfaceIds: { addr: '0x3b3b57de', setAddr: '0x3b3b57de', pubkey: '0xc8690233', setPubkey: '0xc8690233', contenthash: '0xbc1c58d1', setContenthash: '0xbc1c58d1', content: '0xd8389dc5', setContent: '0xd8389dc5', }, }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(10), i = r(25), o = r(28), a = r(16), s = r(49).subscription, u = r(9).formatters, f = r(9).errors, c = r(48), h = r(115), d = function e(t, r, o) { var s = this, c = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); if (!(this instanceof e)) throw new Error( 'Please use the "new" keyword to instantiate a web3.eth.Contract() object!' ); if ( ((this.setProvider = function () { i.packageInit(s, arguments), (s.clearSubscriptions = s._requestManager.clearSubscriptions); }), i.packageInit(this, [this.constructor]), (this.clearSubscriptions = this._requestManager.clearSubscriptions), !t || !Array.isArray(t)) ) throw f.ContractMissingABIError(); this.options = {}; var d = c[c.length - 1]; n.isObject(d) && !n.isArray(d) && ((o = d), (this.options = n.extend(this.options, this._getOrSetDefaultOptions(o))), n.isObject(r) && (r = null)), Object.defineProperty(this.options, 'address', { set: function (e) { e && (s._address = a.toChecksumAddress(u.inputAddressFormatter(e))); }, get: function () { return s._address; }, enumerable: !0, }), Object.defineProperty(this.options, 'jsonInterface', { set: function (e) { return ( (s.methods = {}), (s.events = {}), (s._jsonInterface = e.map(function (e) { var t, r; if ( ((e.constant = 'view' === e.stateMutability || 'pure' === e.stateMutability || e.constant), (e.payable = 'payable' === e.stateMutability || e.payable), e.name && (r = a._jsonInterfaceMethodToString(e)), 'function' === e.type) ) { if ( ((e.signature = h.encodeFunctionSignature(r)), (t = s._createTxObject.bind({ method: e, parent: s })), s.methods[e.name]) ) { var n = s._createTxObject.bind({ method: e, parent: s, nextMethod: s.methods[e.name], }); s.methods[e.name] = n; } else s.methods[e.name] = t; (s.methods[e.signature] = t), (s.methods[r] = t); } else if ('event' === e.type) { e.signature = h.encodeEventSignature(r); var i = s._on.bind(s, e.signature); (s.events[e.name] && 'bound ' !== s.events[e.name].name) || (s.events[e.name] = i), (s.events[e.signature] = i), (s.events[r] = i); } return e; })), (s.events.allEvents = s._on.bind(s, 'allevents')), s._jsonInterface ); }, get: function () { return s._jsonInterface; }, enumerable: !0, }); var l = this.constructor.defaultAccount, p = this.constructor.defaultBlock || 'latest'; Object.defineProperty(this, 'handleRevert', { get: function () { return !1 === s.options.handleRevert || !0 === s.options.handleRevert ? s.options.handleRevert : this.constructor.handleRevert; }, set: function (e) { s.options.handleRevert = e; }, enumerable: !0, }), Object.defineProperty(this, 'defaultCommon', { get: function () { return s.options.common || this.constructor.defaultCommon; }, set: function (e) { s.options.common = e; }, enumerable: !0, }), Object.defineProperty(this, 'defaultHardfork', { get: function () { return s.options.hardfork || this.constructor.defaultHardfork; }, set: function (e) { s.options.hardfork = e; }, enumerable: !0, }), Object.defineProperty(this, 'defaultChain', { get: function () { return s.options.chain || this.constructor.defaultChain; }, set: function (e) { s.options.chain = e; }, enumerable: !0, }), Object.defineProperty(this, 'transactionPollingTimeout', { get: function () { return 0 === s.options.transactionPollingTimeout ? s.options.transactionPollingTimeout : s.options.transactionPollingTimeout || this.constructor.transactionPollingTimeout; }, set: function (e) { s.options.transactionPollingTimeout = e; }, enumerable: !0, }), Object.defineProperty(this, 'transactionConfirmationBlocks', { get: function () { return 0 === s.options.transactionConfirmationBlocks ? s.options.transactionConfirmationBlocks : s.options.transactionConfirmationBlocks || this.constructor.transactionConfirmationBlocks; }, set: function (e) { s.options.transactionConfirmationBlocks = e; }, enumerable: !0, }), Object.defineProperty(this, 'transactionBlockTimeout', { get: function () { return 0 === s.options.transactionBlockTimeout ? s.options.transactionBlockTimeout : s.options.transactionBlockTimeout || this.constructor.transactionBlockTimeout; }, set: function (e) { s.options.transactionBlockTimeout = e; }, enumerable: !0, }), Object.defineProperty(this, 'defaultAccount', { get: function () { return l; }, set: function (e) { return e && (l = a.toChecksumAddress(u.inputAddressFormatter(e))), e; }, enumerable: !0, }), Object.defineProperty(this, 'defaultBlock', { get: function () { return p; }, set: function (e) { return (p = e), e; }, enumerable: !0, }), (this.methods = {}), (this.events = {}), (this._address = null), (this._jsonInterface = []), (this.options.address = r), (this.options.jsonInterface = t); }; (d.setProvider = function (e, t) { i.packageInit(this, [e]), (this._ethAccounts = t); }), (d.prototype._getCallback = function (e) { if (e && n.isFunction(e[e.length - 1])) return e.pop(); }), (d.prototype._checkListener = function (e, t) { if (t === e) throw f.ContractReservedEventError(e); }), (d.prototype._getOrSetDefaultOptions = function (e) { var t = e.gasPrice ? String(e.gasPrice) : null, r = e.from ? a.toChecksumAddress(u.inputAddressFormatter(e.from)) : null; return ( (e.data = e.data || this.options.data), (e.from = r || this.options.from), (e.gasPrice = t || this.options.gasPrice), (e.gas = e.gas || e.gasLimit || this.options.gas), delete e.gasLimit, e ); }), (d.prototype._encodeEventABI = function (e, t) { var r = (t = t || {}).filter || {}, i = {}; if ( (['fromBlock', 'toBlock'] .filter(function (e) { return void 0 !== t[e]; }) .forEach(function (e) { i[e] = u.inputBlockNumberFormatter(t[e]); }), n.isArray(t.topics)) ) i.topics = t.topics; else { if ( ((i.topics = []), e && !e.anonymous && 'ALLEVENTS' !== e.name && i.topics.push(e.signature), 'ALLEVENTS' !== e.name) ) { var o = e.inputs .filter(function (e) { return !0 === e.indexed; }) .map(function (e) { var t = r[e.name]; return t ? n.isArray(t) ? t.map(function (t) { return h.encodeParameter(e.type, t); }) : h.encodeParameter(e.type, t) : null; }); i.topics = i.topics.concat(o); } i.topics.length || delete i.topics; } return this.options.address && (i.address = this.options.address.toLowerCase()), i; }), (d.prototype._decodeEventABI = function (e) { var t = this; (e.data = e.data || ''), (e.topics = e.topics || []); var r = u.outputLogFormatter(e); if ( ('ALLEVENTS' === t.name && (t = t.jsonInterface.find(function (t) { return t.signature === e.topics[0]; }) || { anonymous: !0 }), (t.inputs = t.inputs || []), !t.anonymous) ) { var n = 0; t.inputs.forEach(function (e) { return e.indexed ? n++ : null; }), n > 0 && e.topics.length !== n + 1 && (t = { anonymous: !0, inputs: [] }); } var i = t.anonymous ? e.topics : e.topics.slice(1); return ( (r.returnValues = h.decodeLog(t.inputs, e.data, i)), delete r.returnValues.__length__, (r.event = t.name), (r.signature = t.anonymous || !e.topics[0] ? null : e.topics[0]), (r.raw = { data: r.data, topics: r.topics }), delete r.data, delete r.topics, r ); }), (d.prototype._encodeMethodABI = function () { var e = this._method.signature, t = this.arguments || [], r = !1, i = this._parent.options.jsonInterface .filter(function (t) { return ( ('constructor' === e && t.type === e) || ((t.signature === e || t.signature === e.replace('0x', '') || t.name === e) && 'function' === t.type) ); }) .map(function (e) { var i = n.isArray(e.inputs) ? e.inputs.length : 0; if (i !== t.length) throw new Error( 'The number of arguments is not matching the methods required number. You need to pass ' + i + ' arguments.' ); return ( 'function' === e.type && (r = e.signature), n.isArray(e.inputs) ? e.inputs : [] ); }) .map(function (e) { return h.encodeParameters(e, t).replace('0x', ''); })[0] || ''; if ('constructor' === e) { if (!this._deployData) throw new Error( 'The contract has no contract data option set. This is necessary to append the constructor parameters.' ); return ( this._deployData.startsWith('0x') || (this._deployData = '0x' + this._deployData), this._deployData + i ); } var o = r ? r + i : i; if (!o) throw new Error( 'Couldn\'t find a matching contract method named "' + this._method.name + '".' ); return o; }), (d.prototype._decodeMethodReturn = function (e, t) { if (!t) return null; t = t.length >= 2 ? t.slice(2) : t; var r = h.decodeParameters(e, t); return 1 === r.__length__ ? r[0] : (delete r.__length__, r); }), (d.prototype.deploy = function (e, t) { if ( (((e = e || {}).arguments = e.arguments || []), !(e = this._getOrSetDefaultOptions(e)).data) ) { if ('function' == typeof t) return t(f.ContractMissingDeployDataError()); throw f.ContractMissingDeployDataError(); } var r = n.find(this.options.jsonInterface, function (e) { return 'constructor' === e.type; }) || {}; return ( (r.signature = 'constructor'), this._createTxObject.apply( { method: r, parent: this, deployData: e.data, _ethAccounts: this.constructor._ethAccounts, }, e.arguments ) ); }), (d.prototype._generateEventOptions = function () { var e = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), t = this._getCallback(e), r = n.isObject(e[e.length - 1]) ? e.pop() : {}, i = n.isString(e[0]) ? e[0] : 'allevents', o = 'allevents' === i.toLowerCase() ? { name: 'ALLEVENTS', jsonInterface: this.options.jsonInterface } : this.options.jsonInterface.find(function (e) { return ( 'event' === e.type && (e.name === i || e.signature === '0x' + i.replace('0x', '')) ); }); if (!o) throw f.ContractEventDoesNotExistError(i); if (!a.isAddress(this.options.address)) throw f.ContractNoAddressDefinedError(); return { params: this._encodeEventABI(o, r), event: o, callback: t }; }), (d.prototype.clone = function () { return new this.constructor( this.options.jsonInterface, this.options.address, this.options ); }), (d.prototype.once = function (e, t, r) { var i = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); if (!(r = this._getCallback(i))) throw f.ContractOnceRequiresCallbackError(); t && delete t.fromBlock, this._on(e, t, function (e, t, i) { i.unsubscribe(), n.isFunction(r) && r(e, t, i); }); }), (d.prototype._on = function () { var e = this._generateEventOptions.apply(this, arguments); e.params && e.params.toBlock && (delete e.params.toBlock, console.warn('Invalid option: toBlock. Use getPastEvents for specific range.')), this._checkListener('newListener', e.event.name), this._checkListener('removeListener', e.event.name); var t = new s({ subscription: { params: 1, inputFormatter: [u.inputLogFormatter], outputFormatter: this._decodeEventABI.bind(e.event), subscriptionHandler: function (e) { e.removed ? this.emit('changed', e) : this.emit('data', e), n.isFunction(this.callback) && this.callback(null, e, this); }, }, type: 'eth', requestManager: this._requestManager, }); return t.subscribe('logs', e.params, e.callback || function () {}), t; }), (d.prototype.getPastEvents = function () { var e = this._generateEventOptions.apply(this, arguments), t = new o({ name: 'getPastLogs', call: 'eth_getLogs', params: 1, inputFormatter: [u.inputLogFormatter], outputFormatter: this._decodeEventABI.bind(e.event), }); t.setRequestManager(this._requestManager); var r = t.buildCall(); return (t = null), r(e.params, e.callback); }), (d.prototype._createTxObject = function () { var e = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), t = {}; if ( ('function' === this.method.type && ((t.call = this.parent._executeMethod.bind(t, 'call')), (t.call.request = this.parent._executeMethod.bind(t, 'call', !0))), (t.send = this.parent._executeMethod.bind(t, 'send')), (t.send.request = this.parent._executeMethod.bind(t, 'send', !0)), (t.encodeABI = this.parent._encodeMethodABI.bind(t)), (t.estimateGas = this.parent._executeMethod.bind(t, 'estimate')), e && this.method.inputs && e.length !== this.method.inputs.length) ) { if (this.nextMethod) return this.nextMethod.apply(null, e); throw f.InvalidNumberOfParams(e.length, this.method.inputs.length, this.method.name); } return ( (t.arguments = e || []), (t._method = this.method), (t._parent = this.parent), (t._ethAccounts = this.parent.constructor._ethAccounts || this._ethAccounts), this.deployData && (t._deployData = this.deployData), t ); }), (d.prototype._processExecuteArguments = function (e, t) { var r = {}; if ( ((r.type = e.shift()), (r.callback = this._parent._getCallback(e)), 'call' === r.type && !0 !== e[e.length - 1] && (n.isString(e[e.length - 1]) || isFinite(e[e.length - 1])) && (r.defaultBlock = e.pop()), (r.options = n.isObject(e[e.length - 1]) ? e.pop() : {}), (r.generateRequest = !0 === e[e.length - 1] && e.pop()), (r.options = this._parent._getOrSetDefaultOptions(r.options)), (r.options.data = this.encodeABI()), !this._deployData && !a.isAddress(this._parent.options.address)) ) throw f.ContractNoAddressDefinedError(); return ( this._deployData || (r.options.to = this._parent.options.address), r.options.data ? r : a._fireError( new Error( "Couldn't find a matching contract method, or the number of parameters is wrong." ), t.eventEmitter, t.reject, r.callback ) ); }), (d.prototype._executeMethod = function () { var e = this, t = this._parent._processExecuteArguments.call( this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), r ), r = c('send' !== t.type), i = e.constructor._ethAccounts || e._ethAccounts; if (t.generateRequest) { var s = { params: [u.inputCallFormatter.call(this._parent, t.options)], callback: t.callback, }; return ( 'call' === t.type ? (s.params.push( u.inputDefaultBlockNumberFormatter.call(this._parent, t.defaultBlock) ), (s.method = 'eth_call'), (s.format = this._parent._decodeMethodReturn.bind(null, this._method.outputs))) : (s.method = 'eth_sendTransaction'), s ); } switch (t.type) { case 'estimate': var d = new o({ name: 'estimateGas', call: 'eth_estimateGas', params: 1, inputFormatter: [u.inputCallFormatter], outputFormatter: a.hexToNumber, requestManager: e._parent._requestManager, accounts: i, defaultAccount: e._parent.defaultAccount, defaultBlock: e._parent.defaultBlock, }).createFunction(); return d(t.options, t.callback); case 'call': var l = new o({ name: 'call', call: 'eth_call', params: 2, inputFormatter: [u.inputCallFormatter, u.inputDefaultBlockNumberFormatter], outputFormatter: function (t) { return e._parent._decodeMethodReturn(e._method.outputs, t); }, requestManager: e._parent._requestManager, accounts: i, defaultAccount: e._parent.defaultAccount, defaultBlock: e._parent.defaultBlock, handleRevert: e._parent.handleRevert, abiCoder: h, }).createFunction(); return l(t.options, t.defaultBlock, t.callback); case 'send': if (!a.isAddress(t.options.from)) return a._fireError( f.ContractNoFromAddressDefinedError(), r.eventEmitter, r.reject, t.callback ); if ( n.isBoolean(this._method.payable) && !this._method.payable && t.options.value && t.options.value > 0 ) return a._fireError( new Error('Can not send value to non-payable contract method or constructor'), r.eventEmitter, r.reject, t.callback ); var p = { receiptFormatter: function (t) { if (n.isArray(t.logs)) { var r = n.map(t.logs, function (t) { return e._parent._decodeEventABI.call( { name: 'ALLEVENTS', jsonInterface: e._parent.options.jsonInterface }, t ); }); t.events = {}; var i = 0; r.forEach(function (e) { e.event ? t.events[e.event] ? Array.isArray(t.events[e.event]) ? t.events[e.event].push(e) : (t.events[e.event] = [t.events[e.event], e]) : (t.events[e.event] = e) : ((t.events[i] = e), i++); }), delete t.logs; } return t; }, contractDeployFormatter: function (t) { var r = e._parent.clone(); return (r.options.address = t.contractAddress), r; }, }, b = new o({ name: 'sendTransaction', call: 'eth_sendTransaction', params: 1, inputFormatter: [u.inputTransactionFormatter], requestManager: e._parent._requestManager, accounts: e.constructor._ethAccounts || e._ethAccounts, defaultAccount: e._parent.defaultAccount, defaultBlock: e._parent.defaultBlock, transactionBlockTimeout: e._parent.transactionBlockTimeout, transactionConfirmationBlocks: e._parent.transactionConfirmationBlocks, transactionPollingTimeout: e._parent.transactionPollingTimeout, defaultCommon: e._parent.defaultCommon, defaultChain: e._parent.defaultChain, defaultHardfork: e._parent.defaultHardfork, handleRevert: e._parent.handleRevert, extraFormatters: p, abiCoder: h, }).createFunction(); return b(t.options, t.callback); default: throw new Error('Method "' + t.type + '" not implemented.'); } }), (e.exports = d); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = r(2).Buffer, o = r(10), a = r(16), s = r(116).AbiCoder, u = r(116).ParamType, f = new s(function (e, t) { return !e.match(/^u?int/) || o.isArray(t) || (o.isObject(t) && 'BN' === t.constructor.name) ? t : t.toString(); }); function c() {} var h = function () {}; (h.prototype.encodeFunctionSignature = function (e) { return o.isObject(e) && (e = a._jsonInterfaceMethodToString(e)), a.sha3(e).slice(0, 10); }), (h.prototype.encodeEventSignature = function (e) { return o.isObject(e) && (e = a._jsonInterfaceMethodToString(e)), a.sha3(e); }), (h.prototype.encodeParameter = function (e, t) { return this.encodeParameters([e], [t]); }), (h.prototype.encodeParameters = function (e, t) { var r = this; return ( (e = r.mapTypes(e)), (t = t.map(function (t, i) { var o = e[i]; if ( ('object' === (0, n.default)(o) && o.type && (o = o.type), (t = r.formatParam(o, t)), 'string' == typeof o && o.includes('tuple')) ) { !(function e(t, n) { if ('array' === t.name) return n.map(function (r) { return e(f._getCoder(u.from(t.type.replace('[]', ''))), r); }); t.coders.forEach(function (t, i) { 'tuple' === t.name ? e(t, n[i]) : (n[i] = r.formatParam(t.name, n[i])); }); })(f._getCoder(u.from(o)), t); } return t; })), f.encode(e, t) ); }), (h.prototype.mapTypes = function (e) { var t = this, r = []; return ( e.forEach(function (e) { if ( ('object' === (0, n.default)(e) && 'function' === e.type && (e.type = 'bytes24'), t.isSimplifiedStructFormat(e)) ) { var i = Object.keys(e)[0]; r.push( Object.assign(t.mapStructNameAndType(i), { components: t.mapStructToCoderFormat(e[i]), }) ); } else r.push(e); }), r ); }), (h.prototype.isSimplifiedStructFormat = function (e) { return 'object' === (0, n.default)(e) && void 0 === e.components && void 0 === e.name; }), (h.prototype.mapStructNameAndType = function (e) { var t = 'tuple'; return ( e.indexOf('[]') > -1 && ((t = 'tuple[]'), (e = e.slice(0, -2))), { type: t, name: e } ); }), (h.prototype.mapStructToCoderFormat = function (e) { var t = this, r = []; return ( Object.keys(e).forEach(function (i) { 'object' !== (0, n.default)(e[i]) ? r.push({ name: i, type: e[i] }) : r.push( Object.assign(t.mapStructNameAndType(i), { components: t.mapStructToCoderFormat(e[i]), }) ); }), r ); }), (h.prototype.formatParam = function (e, t) { var r = this, n = new RegExp(/^bytes([0-9]*)$/), o = new RegExp(/^bytes([0-9]*)\[\]$/), s = new RegExp(/^(u?int)([0-9]*)$/), u = new RegExp(/^(u?int)([0-9]*)\[\]$/); if (a.isBN(t) || a.isBigNumber(t)) return t.toString(10); if (e.match(o) || e.match(u)) return t.map(function (t) { return r.formatParam(e.replace('[]', ''), t); }); var f = e.match(s); if (f) { var c = parseInt(f[2] || '256'); c / 8 < t.length && (t = a.leftPad(t, c)); } if ((f = e.match(n))) { i.isBuffer(t) && (t = a.toHex(t)); var h = parseInt(f[1]); if (h) { var d = 2 * h; '0x' === t.substring(0, 2) && (d += 2), t.length < d && (t = a.rightPad(t, 2 * h)); } t.length % 2 == 1 && (t = '0x0' + t.substring(2)); } return t; }), (h.prototype.encodeFunctionCall = function (e, t) { return ( this.encodeFunctionSignature(e) + this.encodeParameters(e.inputs, t).replace('0x', '') ); }), (h.prototype.decodeParameter = function (e, t) { return this.decodeParameters([e], t)[0]; }), (h.prototype.decodeParameters = function (e, t) { if (e.length > 0 && (!t || '0x' === t || '0X' === t)) throw new Error( "Returned values aren't valid, did it run Out of Gas? You might also see this error if you are not using the correct ABI for the contract you are retrieving data from, requesting data from a block number that does not exist, or querying a node which is not fully synced." ); var r = f.decode(this.mapTypes(e), '0x' + t.replace(/0x/i, '')), n = new c(); return ( (n.__length__ = 0), e.forEach(function (e, t) { var i = r[n.__length__]; (i = '0x' === i ? null : i), (n[t] = i), o.isObject(e) && e.name && (n[e.name] = i), n.__length__++; }), n ); }), (h.prototype.decodeLog = function (e, t, r) { var n = this; (r = o.isArray(r) ? r : [r]), (t = t || ''); var i = [], a = [], s = 0; e.forEach(function (e, t) { e.indexed ? ((a[t] = ['bool', 'int', 'uint', 'address', 'fixed', 'ufixed'].find(function (t) { return -1 !== e.type.indexOf(t); }) ? n.decodeParameter(e.type, r[s]) : r[s]), s++) : (i[t] = e); }); var u = t, f = u ? this.decodeParameters(i, u) : [], h = new c(); return ( (h.__length__ = 0), e.forEach(function (e, t) { (h[t] = 'string' === e.type ? '' : null), void 0 !== f[t] && (h[t] = f[t]), void 0 !== a[t] && (h[t] = a[t]), e.name && (h[e.name] = h[t]), h.__length__++; }), h ); }); var d = new h(); e.exports = d; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t, 'ConstructorFragment', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return n.ConstructorFragment; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, 'EventFragment', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return n.EventFragment; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, 'FormatTypes', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return n.FormatTypes; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, 'Fragment', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return n.Fragment; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, 'FunctionFragment', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return n.FunctionFragment; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, 'ParamType', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return n.ParamType; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, 'AbiCoder', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return i.AbiCoder; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, 'defaultAbiCoder', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return i.defaultAbiCoder; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, 'checkResultErrors', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return o.checkResultErrors; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, 'Indexed', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return o.Indexed; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, 'Interface', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return o.Interface; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, 'LogDescription', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return o.LogDescription; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, 'TransactionDescription', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return o.TransactionDescription; }, }); var n = r(74), i = r(119), o = r(271); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; function n(t, r) { return ( (e.exports = n = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (e, t) { return (e.__proto__ = t), e; }), n(t, r) ); } e.exports = n; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = function (e) { if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return e; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0); Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.defaultAbiCoder = t.AbiCoder = void 0); var i = n(r(6)), o = n(r(7)), a = r(12), s = r(31), u = r(14), f = r(38), c = r(21), h = r(259), d = r(120), l = r(261), p = r(121), b = r(263), m = r(264), y = r(265), v = r(266), g = r(270), w = r(74), _ = new u.Logger(f.version), k = new RegExp(/^bytes([0-9]*)$/), A = new RegExp(/^(u?int)([0-9]*)$/), S = (function () { function e(t) { (0, i.default)(this, e), _.checkNew(this instanceof e ? this.constructor : void 0, e), (0, s.defineReadOnly)(this, 'coerceFunc', t || null); } return ( (0, o.default)(e, [ { key: '_getCoder', value: function (e) { var t = this; switch (e.baseType) { case 'address': return new h.AddressCoder(e.name); case 'bool': return new l.BooleanCoder(e.name); case 'string': return new v.StringCoder(e.name); case 'bytes': return new p.BytesCoder(e.name); case 'array': return new d.ArrayCoder( this._getCoder(e.arrayChildren), e.arrayLength, e.name ); case 'tuple': return new g.TupleCoder( (e.components || []).map(function (e) { return t._getCoder(e); }), e.name ); case '': return new m.NullCoder(e.name); } var r = e.type.match(A); if (r) { var n = parseInt(r[2] || '256'); return ( (0 === n || n > 256 || n % 8 != 0) && _.throwArgumentError('invalid ' + r[1] + ' bit length', 'param', e), new y.NumberCoder(n / 8, 'int' === r[1], e.name) ); } if ((r = e.type.match(k))) { var i = parseInt(r[1]); return ( (0 === i || i > 32) && _.throwArgumentError('invalid bytes length', 'param', e), new b.FixedBytesCoder(i, e.name) ); } return _.throwArgumentError('invalid type', 'type', e.type); }, }, { key: '_getWordSize', value: function () { return 32; }, }, { key: '_getReader', value: function (e) { return new c.Reader(e, this._getWordSize(), this.coerceFunc); }, }, { key: '_getWriter', value: function () { return new c.Writer(this._getWordSize()); }, }, { key: 'encode', value: function (e, t) { var r = this; e.length !== t.length && _.throwError('types/values length mismatch', u.Logger.errors.INVALID_ARGUMENT, { count: { types: e.length, values: t.length }, value: { types: e, values: t }, }); var n = e.map(function (e) { return r._getCoder(w.ParamType.from(e)); }), i = new g.TupleCoder(n, '_'), o = this._getWriter(); return i.encode(o, t), o.data; }, }, { key: 'decode', value: function (e, t) { var r = this, n = e.map(function (e) { return r._getCoder(w.ParamType.from(e)); }); return new g.TupleCoder(n, '_').decode(this._getReader((0, a.arrayify)(t))); }, }, ]), e ); })(); t.AbiCoder = S; var E = new S(); t.defaultAbiCoder = E; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0); Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.pack = m), (t.unpack = y), (t.ArrayCoder = void 0); var i = n(r(6)), o = n(r(7)), a = n(r(18)), s = n(r(19)), u = n(r(15)), f = n(r(1)), c = r(14), h = r(38), d = r(21), l = r(260); function p(e) { var t = (function () { if ('undefined' == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ('function' == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return Date.prototype.toString.call(Reflect.construct(Date, [], function () {})), !0; } catch (e) { return !1; } })(); return function () { var r, n = (0, u.default)(e); if (t) { var i = (0, u.default)(this).constructor; r = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, i); } else r = n.apply(this, arguments); return (0, s.default)(this, r); }; } var b = new c.Logger(h.version); function m(e, t, r) { if (Array.isArray(r)); else if (r && 'object' === (0, f.default)(r)) { var n = []; t.forEach(function (e) { n.push(r[e.localName]); }), (r = n); } else b.throwArgumentError('invalid tuple value', 'tuple', r); t.length !== r.length && b.throwArgumentError('types/value length mismatch', 'tuple', r); var i = new d.Writer(e.wordSize), o = new d.Writer(e.wordSize), a = []; t.forEach(function (e, t) { var n = r[t]; if (e.dynamic) { var s = o.length; e.encode(o, n); var u = i.writeUpdatableValue(); a.push(function (e) { u(e + s); }); } else e.encode(i, n); }), a.forEach(function (e) { e(i.length); }); var s = e.writeBytes(i.data); return (s += e.writeBytes(o.data)); } function y(e, t) { var r = [], n = e.subReader(0), i = 0; t.forEach(function (t) { var o = null; if (t.dynamic) { var a = e.readValue(), s = n.subReader(a.toNumber()); try { o = t.decode(s); } catch (e) { if (e.code === c.Logger.errors.BUFFER_OVERRUN) throw e; ((o = e).baseType = t.name), (o.name = t.localName), (o.type = t.type); } i += s.consumed; } else try { o = t.decode(e); } catch (e) { if (e.code === c.Logger.errors.BUFFER_OVERRUN) throw e; ((o = e).baseType = t.name), (o.name = t.localName), (o.type = t.type); } null != o && r.push(o); }), e.readBytes(i), t.forEach(function (e, t) { var n = e.localName; if (n && ('length' === n && (n = '_length'), null == r[n])) { var i = r[t]; i instanceof Error ? Object.defineProperty(r, n, { get: function () { throw i; }, }) : (r[n] = i); } }); for ( var o = function (e) { var t = r[e]; t instanceof Error && Object.defineProperty(r, e, { get: function () { throw t; }, }); }, a = 0; a < r.length; a++ ) o(a); return Object.freeze(r); } var v = (function (e) { (0, a.default)(r, e); var t = p(r); function r(e, n, o) { var a; (0, i.default)(this, r); var s = e.type + '[' + (n >= 0 ? n : '') + ']', u = -1 === n || e.dynamic; return ((a = t.call(this, 'array', s, o, u)).coder = e), (a.length = n), a; } return ( (0, o.default)(r, [ { key: 'encode', value: function (e, t) { Array.isArray(t) || this._throwError('expected array value', t); var r = this.length; -1 === r && ((r = t.length), e.writeValue(t.length)), b.checkArgumentCount( r, t.length, 'coder array' + (this.localName ? ' ' + this.localName : '') ); for (var n = [], i = 0; i < t.length; i++) n.push(this.coder); return m(e, n, t); }, }, { key: 'decode', value: function (e) { var t = this.length; -1 === t && (t = e.readValue().toNumber()); for (var r = [], n = 0; n < t; n++) r.push(new l.AnonymousCoder(this.coder)); return e.coerce(this.name, y(e, r)); }, }, ]), r ); })(d.Coder); t.ArrayCoder = v; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0); Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.BytesCoder = t.DynamicBytesCoder = void 0); var i = n(r(122)), o = n(r(6)), a = n(r(7)), s = n(r(18)), u = n(r(19)), f = n(r(15)), c = r(12); function h(e) { var t = (function () { if ('undefined' == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ('function' == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return Date.prototype.toString.call(Reflect.construct(Date, [], function () {})), !0; } catch (e) { return !1; } })(); return function () { var r, n = (0, f.default)(e); if (t) { var i = (0, f.default)(this).constructor; r = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, i); } else r = n.apply(this, arguments); return (0, u.default)(this, r); }; } var d = (function (e) { (0, s.default)(r, e); var t = h(r); function r(e, n) { return (0, o.default)(this, r), t.call(this, e, e, n, !0); } return ( (0, a.default)(r, [ { key: 'encode', value: function (e, t) { t = (0, c.arrayify)(t); var r = e.writeValue(t.length); return (r += e.writeBytes(t)); }, }, { key: 'decode', value: function (e) { return e.readBytes(e.readValue().toNumber()); }, }, ]), r ); })(r(21).Coder); t.DynamicBytesCoder = d; var l = (function (e) { (0, s.default)(r, e); var t = h(r); function r(e) { return (0, o.default)(this, r), t.call(this, 'bytes', e); } return ( (0, a.default)(r, [ { key: 'decode', value: function (e) { return e.coerce( this.name, (0, c.hexlify)( (0, i.default)((0, f.default)(r.prototype), 'decode', this).call(this, e) ) ); }, }, ]), r ); })(d); t.BytesCoder = l; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(262); function i(t, r, o) { return ( 'undefined' != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? (e.exports = i = Reflect.get) : (e.exports = i = function (e, t, r) { var i = n(e, t); if (i) { var o = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(i, t); return o.get ? o.get.call(r) : o.value; } }), i(t, r, o || t) ); } e.exports = i; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t, 'formatBytes32String', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return n.formatBytes32String; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, 'parseBytes32String', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return n.parseBytes32String; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, 'nameprep', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return i.nameprep; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, '_toEscapedUtf8String', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return o._toEscapedUtf8String; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, 'toUtf8Bytes', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return o.toUtf8Bytes; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, 'toUtf8CodePoints', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return o.toUtf8CodePoints; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, 'toUtf8String', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return o.toUtf8String; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, 'UnicodeNormalizationForm', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return o.UnicodeNormalizationForm; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, 'Utf8ErrorFuncs', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return o.Utf8ErrorFuncs; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, 'Utf8ErrorReason', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return o.Utf8ErrorReason; }, }); var n = r(267), i = r(269), o = r(75); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (e) { var n = r(274).keccak_256, i = r(275); function o(e) { return e ? i.toUnicode(e, { useStd3ASCII: !0, transitional: !1 }) : e; } (t.hash = function (t) { for (var r = '', i = 0; i < 32; i++) r += '00'; if (((name = o(t)), name)) { var a = name.split('.'); for (i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var s = n(a[i]); r = n(new e(r + s, 'hex')); } } return '0x' + r; }), (t.normalize = o); }.call(this, r(2).Buffer)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (t) { var n = r(39); function i(e) { return parseInt(e.toString('hex'), 16); } function o(e) { var r = e.toString(16); return r.length % 2 == 1 && (r = '0' + r), t.from(r, 'hex'); } e.exports = { numberToBuffer: o, bufferToNumber: i, varintBufferEncode: function (e) { return t.from(n.encode(i(e))); }, varintBufferDecode: function (e) { return o(n.decode(e)); }, varintEncode: function (e) { return t.from(n.encode(e)); }, }; }.call(this, r(2).Buffer)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(127); e.exports = function (e, t) { if (e) { if ('string' == typeof e) return n(e, t); var r = Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8, -1); return ( 'Object' === r && e.constructor && (r = e.constructor.name), 'Map' === r || 'Set' === r ? Array.from(e) : 'Arguments' === r || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(r) ? n(e, t) : void 0 ); } }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = function (e, t) { (null == t || t > e.length) && (t = e.length); for (var r = 0, n = new Array(t); r < t; r++) n[r] = e[r]; return n; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0), i = n(r(6)), o = n(r(7)), a = r(2).Buffer, s = r(76), u = r(301), f = r(307), c = r(41), h = r(312), d = r(313)( (function () { function e(t, r, n, o) { if (((0, i.default)(this, e), d.isCID(t))) { var c = t; return ( (this.version = c.version), (this.codec = c.codec), (this.multihash = a.from(c.multihash)), void (this.multibaseName = c.multibaseName || (0 === c.version ? 'base58btc' : 'base32')) ); } if ('string' == typeof t) { var h = u.isEncoded(t); if (h) { var l = u.decode(t); (this.version = parseInt(l.slice(0, 1).toString('hex'), 16)), (this.codec = f.getCodec(l.slice(1))), (this.multihash = f.rmPrefix(l.slice(1))), (this.multibaseName = h); } else (this.version = 0), (this.codec = 'dag-pb'), (this.multihash = s.fromB58String(t)), (this.multibaseName = 'base58btc'); return ( e.validateCID(this), void Object.defineProperty(this, 'string', { value: t }) ); } if (a.isBuffer(t)) { var p = t.slice(0, 1), b = parseInt(p.toString('hex'), 16); if (1 === b) { var m = t; (this.version = b), (this.codec = f.getCodec(m.slice(1))), (this.multihash = f.rmPrefix(m.slice(1))), (this.multibaseName = 'base32'); } else (this.version = 0), (this.codec = 'dag-pb'), (this.multihash = t), (this.multibaseName = 'base58btc'); e.validateCID(this); } else (this.version = t), (this.codec = r), (this.multihash = n), (this.multibaseName = o || (0 === t ? 'base58btc' : 'base32')), e.validateCID(this); } return ( (0, o.default)( e, [ { key: 'toV0', value: function () { if ('dag-pb' !== this.codec) throw new Error('Cannot convert a non dag-pb CID to CIDv0'); var e = s.decode(this.multihash), t = e.name, r = e.length; if ('sha2-256' !== t) throw new Error('Cannot convert non sha2-256 multihash CID to CIDv0'); if (32 !== r) throw new Error('Cannot convert non 32 byte multihash CID to CIDv0'); return new d(0, this.codec, this.multihash); }, }, { key: 'toV1', value: function () { return new d(1, this.codec, this.multihash); }, }, { key: 'toBaseEncodedString', value: function () { var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : this.multibaseName; if (this.string && e === this.multibaseName) return this.string; var t = null; if (0 === this.version) { if ('base58btc' !== e) throw new Error( 'not supported with CIDv0, to support different bases, please migrate the instance do CIDv1, you can do that through cid.toV1()' ); t = s.toB58String(this.multihash); } else { if (1 !== this.version) throw new Error('unsupported version'); t = u.encode(e, this.buffer).toString(); } return ( e === this.multibaseName && Object.defineProperty(this, 'string', { value: t }), t ); }, }, { key: Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom'), value: function () { return 'CID(' + this.toString() + ')'; }, }, { key: 'toString', value: function (e) { return this.toBaseEncodedString(e); }, }, { key: 'toJSON', value: function () { return { codec: this.codec, version: this.version, hash: this.multihash }; }, }, { key: 'equals', value: function (e) { return ( this.codec === e.codec && this.version === e.version && this.multihash.equals(e.multihash) ); }, }, { key: 'buffer', get: function () { var e = this._buffer; if (!e) { if (0 === this.version) e = this.multihash; else { if (1 !== this.version) throw new Error('unsupported version'); e = a.concat([ a.from('01', 'hex'), f.getCodeVarint(this.codec), this.multihash, ]); } Object.defineProperty(this, '_buffer', { value: e }); } return e; }, }, { key: 'prefix', get: function () { return a.concat([ a.from('0'.concat(this.version), 'hex'), f.getCodeVarint(this.codec), s.prefix(this.multihash), ]); }, }, ], [ { key: 'validateCID', value: function (e) { var t = h.checkCIDComponents(e); if (t) throw new Error(t); }, }, ] ), e ); })(), { className: 'CID', symbolName: '@ipld/js-cid/CID' } ); (d.codecs = c), (e.exports = d); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(4).Buffer; e.exports = function (e) { if (e.length >= 255) throw new TypeError('Alphabet too long'); for (var t = new Uint8Array(256), r = 0; r < t.length; r++) t[r] = 255; for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { var o = e.charAt(i), a = o.charCodeAt(0); if (255 !== t[a]) throw new TypeError(o + ' is ambiguous'); t[a] = i; } var s = e.length, u = e.charAt(0), f = Math.log(s) / Math.log(256), c = Math.log(256) / Math.log(s); function h(e) { if ('string' != typeof e) throw new TypeError('Expected String'); if (0 === e.length) return n.alloc(0); var r = 0; if (' ' !== e[r]) { for (var i = 0, o = 0; e[r] === u; ) i++, r++; for (var a = ((e.length - r) * f + 1) >>> 0, c = new Uint8Array(a); e[r]; ) { var h = t[e.charCodeAt(r)]; if (255 === h) return; for (var d = 0, l = a - 1; (0 !== h || d < o) && -1 !== l; l--, d++) (h += (s * c[l]) >>> 0), (c[l] = h % 256 >>> 0), (h = (h / 256) >>> 0); if (0 !== h) throw new Error('Non-zero carry'); (o = d), r++; } if (' ' !== e[r]) { for (var p = a - o; p !== a && 0 === c[p]; ) p++; var b = n.allocUnsafe(i + (a - p)); b.fill(0, 0, i); for (var m = i; p !== a; ) b[m++] = c[p++]; return b; } } } return { encode: function (t) { if (((Array.isArray(t) || t instanceof Uint8Array) && (t = n.from(t)), !n.isBuffer(t))) throw new TypeError('Expected Buffer'); if (0 === t.length) return ''; for (var r = 0, i = 0, o = 0, a = t.length; o !== a && 0 === t[o]; ) o++, r++; for (var f = ((a - o) * c + 1) >>> 0, h = new Uint8Array(f); o !== a; ) { for (var d = t[o], l = 0, p = f - 1; (0 !== d || l < i) && -1 !== p; p--, l++) (d += (256 * h[p]) >>> 0), (h[p] = d % s >>> 0), (d = (d / s) >>> 0); if (0 !== d) throw new Error('Non-zero carry'); (i = l), o++; } for (var b = f - i; b !== f && 0 === h[b]; ) b++; for (var m = u.repeat(r); b < f; ++b) m += e.charAt(h[b]); return m; }, decodeUnsafe: h, decode: function (e) { var t = h(e); if (t) return t; throw new Error('Non-base' + s + ' character'); }, }; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(39), i = r(2).Buffer; function o(e) { return parseInt(e.toString('hex'), 16); } function a(e) { var t = e.toString(16); return t.length % 2 == 1 && (t = '0' + t), i.from(t, 'hex'); } e.exports = { numberToBuffer: a, bufferToNumber: o, varintBufferEncode: function (e) { return i.from(n.encode(o(e))); }, varintBufferDecode: function (e) { return a(n.decode(e)); }, varintEncode: function (e) { return i.from(n.encode(e)); }, }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(25), i = r(28), o = r(16), a = r(53), s = r(9).formatters, u = function () { var e = this; n.packageInit(this, arguments), (this.net = new a(this)); var t = null, r = 'latest'; Object.defineProperty(this, 'defaultAccount', { get: function () { return t; }, set: function (e) { return ( e && (t = o.toChecksumAddress(s.inputAddressFormatter(e))), u.forEach(function (e) { e.defaultAccount = t; }), e ); }, enumerable: !0, }), Object.defineProperty(this, 'defaultBlock', { get: function () { return r; }, set: function (e) { return ( (r = e), u.forEach(function (e) { e.defaultBlock = r; }), e ); }, enumerable: !0, }); var u = [ new i({ name: 'getAccounts', call: 'personal_listAccounts', params: 0, outputFormatter: o.toChecksumAddress, }), new i({ name: 'newAccount', call: 'personal_newAccount', params: 1, inputFormatter: [null], outputFormatter: o.toChecksumAddress, }), new i({ name: 'unlockAccount', call: 'personal_unlockAccount', params: 3, inputFormatter: [s.inputAddressFormatter, null, null], }), new i({ name: 'lockAccount', call: 'personal_lockAccount', params: 1, inputFormatter: [s.inputAddressFormatter], }), new i({ name: 'importRawKey', call: 'personal_importRawKey', params: 2 }), new i({ name: 'sendTransaction', call: 'personal_sendTransaction', params: 2, inputFormatter: [s.inputTransactionFormatter, null], }), new i({ name: 'signTransaction', call: 'personal_signTransaction', params: 2, inputFormatter: [s.inputTransactionFormatter, null], }), new i({ name: 'sign', call: 'personal_sign', params: 3, inputFormatter: [s.inputSignFormatter, s.inputAddressFormatter, null], }), new i({ name: 'ecRecover', call: 'personal_ecRecover', params: 2, inputFormatter: [s.inputSignFormatter, null], }), ]; u.forEach(function (t) { t.attachToObject(e), t.setRequestManager(e._requestManager), (t.defaultBlock = e.defaultBlock), (t.defaultAccount = e.defaultAccount); }); }; n.addProviders(u), (e.exports = u); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(4).Buffer, i = r(42).Transform; function o(e) { i.call(this), (this._block = n.allocUnsafe(e)), (this._blockSize = e), (this._blockOffset = 0), (this._length = [0, 0, 0, 0]), (this._finalized = !1); } r(3)(o, i), (o.prototype._transform = function (e, t, r) { var n = null; try { this.update(e, t); } catch (e) { n = e; } r(n); }), (o.prototype._flush = function (e) { var t = null; try { this.push(this.digest()); } catch (e) { t = e; } e(t); }), (o.prototype.update = function (e, t) { if ( ((function (e, t) { if (!n.isBuffer(e) && 'string' != typeof e) throw new TypeError(t + ' must be a string or a buffer'); })(e, 'Data'), this._finalized) ) throw new Error('Digest already called'); n.isBuffer(e) || (e = n.from(e, t)); for (var r = this._block, i = 0; this._blockOffset + e.length - i >= this._blockSize; ) { for (var o = this._blockOffset; o < this._blockSize; ) r[o++] = e[i++]; this._update(), (this._blockOffset = 0); } for (; i < e.length; ) r[this._blockOffset++] = e[i++]; for (var a = 0, s = 8 * e.length; s > 0; ++a) (this._length[a] += s), (s = (this._length[a] / 4294967296) | 0) > 0 && (this._length[a] -= 4294967296 * s); return this; }), (o.prototype._update = function () { throw new Error('_update is not implemented'); }), (o.prototype.digest = function (e) { if (this._finalized) throw new Error('Digest already called'); this._finalized = !0; var t = this._digest(); void 0 !== e && (t = t.toString(e)), this._block.fill(0), (this._blockOffset = 0); for (var r = 0; r < 4; ++r) this._length[r] = 0; return t; }), (o.prototype._digest = function () { throw new Error('_digest is not implemented'); }), (e.exports = o); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(3), i = r(32), o = r(4).Buffer, a = [ 1116352408, 1899447441, 3049323471, 3921009573, 961987163, 1508970993, 2453635748, 2870763221, 3624381080, 310598401, 607225278, 1426881987, 1925078388, 2162078206, 2614888103, 3248222580, 3835390401, 4022224774, 264347078, 604807628, 770255983, 1249150122, 1555081692, 1996064986, 2554220882, 2821834349, 2952996808, 3210313671, 3336571891, 3584528711, 113926993, 338241895, 666307205, 773529912, 1294757372, 1396182291, 1695183700, 1986661051, 2177026350, 2456956037, 2730485921, 2820302411, 3259730800, 3345764771, 3516065817, 3600352804, 4094571909, 275423344, 430227734, 506948616, 659060556, 883997877, 958139571, 1322822218, 1537002063, 1747873779, 1955562222, 2024104815, 2227730452, 2361852424, 2428436474, 2756734187, 3204031479, 3329325298, ], s = new Array(64); function u() { this.init(), (this._w = s), i.call(this, 64, 56); } function f(e, t, r) { return r ^ (e & (t ^ r)); } function c(e, t, r) { return (e & t) | (r & (e | t)); } function h(e) { return ((e >>> 2) | (e << 30)) ^ ((e >>> 13) | (e << 19)) ^ ((e >>> 22) | (e << 10)); } function d(e) { return ((e >>> 6) | (e << 26)) ^ ((e >>> 11) | (e << 21)) ^ ((e >>> 25) | (e << 7)); } function l(e) { return ((e >>> 7) | (e << 25)) ^ ((e >>> 18) | (e << 14)) ^ (e >>> 3); } n(u, i), (u.prototype.init = function () { return ( (this._a = 1779033703), (this._b = 3144134277), (this._c = 1013904242), (this._d = 2773480762), (this._e = 1359893119), (this._f = 2600822924), (this._g = 528734635), (this._h = 1541459225), this ); }), (u.prototype._update = function (e) { for ( var t, r = this._w, n = 0 | this._a, i = 0 | this._b, o = 0 | this._c, s = 0 | this._d, u = 0 | this._e, p = 0 | this._f, b = 0 | this._g, m = 0 | this._h, y = 0; y < 16; ++y ) r[y] = e.readInt32BE(4 * y); for (; y < 64; ++y) r[y] = 0 | (((((t = r[y - 2]) >>> 17) | (t << 15)) ^ ((t >>> 19) | (t << 13)) ^ (t >>> 10)) + r[y - 7] + l(r[y - 15]) + r[y - 16]); for (var v = 0; v < 64; ++v) { var g = (m + d(u) + f(u, p, b) + a[v] + r[v]) | 0, w = (h(n) + c(n, i, o)) | 0; (m = b), (b = p), (p = u), (u = (s + g) | 0), (s = o), (o = i), (i = n), (n = (g + w) | 0); } (this._a = (n + this._a) | 0), (this._b = (i + this._b) | 0), (this._c = (o + this._c) | 0), (this._d = (s + this._d) | 0), (this._e = (u + this._e) | 0), (this._f = (p + this._f) | 0), (this._g = (b + this._g) | 0), (this._h = (m + this._h) | 0); }), (u.prototype._hash = function () { var e = o.allocUnsafe(32); return ( e.writeInt32BE(this._a, 0), e.writeInt32BE(this._b, 4), e.writeInt32BE(this._c, 8), e.writeInt32BE(this._d, 12), e.writeInt32BE(this._e, 16), e.writeInt32BE(this._f, 20), e.writeInt32BE(this._g, 24), e.writeInt32BE(this._h, 28), e ); }), (e.exports = u); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(3), i = r(32), o = r(4).Buffer, a = [ 1116352408, 3609767458, 1899447441, 602891725, 3049323471, 3964484399, 3921009573, 2173295548, 961987163, 4081628472, 1508970993, 3053834265, 2453635748, 2937671579, 2870763221, 3664609560, 3624381080, 2734883394, 310598401, 1164996542, 607225278, 1323610764, 1426881987, 3590304994, 1925078388, 4068182383, 2162078206, 991336113, 2614888103, 633803317, 3248222580, 3479774868, 3835390401, 2666613458, 4022224774, 944711139, 264347078, 2341262773, 604807628, 2007800933, 770255983, 1495990901, 1249150122, 1856431235, 1555081692, 3175218132, 1996064986, 2198950837, 2554220882, 3999719339, 2821834349, 766784016, 2952996808, 2566594879, 3210313671, 3203337956, 3336571891, 1034457026, 3584528711, 2466948901, 113926993, 3758326383, 338241895, 168717936, 666307205, 1188179964, 773529912, 1546045734, 1294757372, 1522805485, 1396182291, 2643833823, 1695183700, 2343527390, 1986661051, 1014477480, 2177026350, 1206759142, 2456956037, 344077627, 2730485921, 1290863460, 2820302411, 3158454273, 3259730800, 3505952657, 3345764771, 106217008, 3516065817, 3606008344, 3600352804, 1432725776, 4094571909, 1467031594, 275423344, 851169720, 430227734, 3100823752, 506948616, 1363258195, 659060556, 3750685593, 883997877, 3785050280, 958139571, 3318307427, 1322822218, 3812723403, 1537002063, 2003034995, 1747873779, 3602036899, 1955562222, 1575990012, 2024104815, 1125592928, 2227730452, 2716904306, 2361852424, 442776044, 2428436474, 593698344, 2756734187, 3733110249, 3204031479, 2999351573, 3329325298, 3815920427, 3391569614, 3928383900, 3515267271, 566280711, 3940187606, 3454069534, 4118630271, 4000239992, 116418474, 1914138554, 174292421, 2731055270, 289380356, 3203993006, 460393269, 320620315, 685471733, 587496836, 852142971, 1086792851, 1017036298, 365543100, 1126000580, 2618297676, 1288033470, 3409855158, 1501505948, 4234509866, 1607167915, 987167468, 1816402316, 1246189591, ], s = new Array(160); function u() { this.init(), (this._w = s), i.call(this, 128, 112); } function f(e, t, r) { return r ^ (e & (t ^ r)); } function c(e, t, r) { return (e & t) | (r & (e | t)); } function h(e, t) { return ((e >>> 28) | (t << 4)) ^ ((t >>> 2) | (e << 30)) ^ ((t >>> 7) | (e << 25)); } function d(e, t) { return ((e >>> 14) | (t << 18)) ^ ((e >>> 18) | (t << 14)) ^ ((t >>> 9) | (e << 23)); } function l(e, t) { return ((e >>> 1) | (t << 31)) ^ ((e >>> 8) | (t << 24)) ^ (e >>> 7); } function p(e, t) { return ((e >>> 1) | (t << 31)) ^ ((e >>> 8) | (t << 24)) ^ ((e >>> 7) | (t << 25)); } function b(e, t) { return ((e >>> 19) | (t << 13)) ^ ((t >>> 29) | (e << 3)) ^ (e >>> 6); } function m(e, t) { return ((e >>> 19) | (t << 13)) ^ ((t >>> 29) | (e << 3)) ^ ((e >>> 6) | (t << 26)); } function y(e, t) { return e >>> 0 < t >>> 0 ? 1 : 0; } n(u, i), (u.prototype.init = function () { return ( (this._ah = 1779033703), (this._bh = 3144134277), (this._ch = 1013904242), (this._dh = 2773480762), (this._eh = 1359893119), (this._fh = 2600822924), (this._gh = 528734635), (this._hh = 1541459225), (this._al = 4089235720), (this._bl = 2227873595), (this._cl = 4271175723), (this._dl = 1595750129), (this._el = 2917565137), (this._fl = 725511199), (this._gl = 4215389547), (this._hl = 327033209), this ); }), (u.prototype._update = function (e) { for ( var t = this._w, r = 0 | this._ah, n = 0 | this._bh, i = 0 | this._ch, o = 0 | this._dh, s = 0 | this._eh, u = 0 | this._fh, v = 0 | this._gh, g = 0 | this._hh, w = 0 | this._al, _ = 0 | this._bl, k = 0 | this._cl, A = 0 | this._dl, S = 0 | this._el, E = 0 | this._fl, x = 0 | this._gl, M = 0 | this._hl, I = 0; I < 32; I += 2 ) (t[I] = e.readInt32BE(4 * I)), (t[I + 1] = e.readInt32BE(4 * I + 4)); for (; I < 160; I += 2) { var O = t[I - 30], C = t[I - 30 + 1], P = l(O, C), T = p(C, O), U = b((O = t[I - 4]), (C = t[I - 4 + 1])), B = m(C, O), R = t[I - 14], N = t[I - 14 + 1], j = t[I - 32], L = t[I - 32 + 1], F = (T + N) | 0, D = (P + R + y(F, T)) | 0; (D = ((D = (D + U + y((F = (F + B) | 0), B)) | 0) + j + y((F = (F + L) | 0), L)) | 0), (t[I] = D), (t[I + 1] = F); } for (var q = 0; q < 160; q += 2) { (D = t[q]), (F = t[q + 1]); var z = c(r, n, i), H = c(w, _, k), K = h(r, w), V = h(w, r), G = d(s, S), W = d(S, s), Y = a[q], $ = a[q + 1], J = f(s, u, v), Z = f(S, E, x), X = (M + W) | 0, Q = (g + G + y(X, M)) | 0; Q = ((Q = ((Q = (Q + J + y((X = (X + Z) | 0), Z)) | 0) + Y + y((X = (X + $) | 0), $)) | 0) + D + y((X = (X + F) | 0), F)) | 0; var ee = (V + H) | 0, te = (K + z + y(ee, V)) | 0; (g = v), (M = x), (v = u), (x = E), (u = s), (E = S), (s = (o + Q + y((S = (A + X) | 0), A)) | 0), (o = i), (A = k), (i = n), (k = _), (n = r), (_ = w), (r = (Q + te + y((w = (X + ee) | 0), X)) | 0); } (this._al = (this._al + w) | 0), (this._bl = (this._bl + _) | 0), (this._cl = (this._cl + k) | 0), (this._dl = (this._dl + A) | 0), (this._el = (this._el + S) | 0), (this._fl = (this._fl + E) | 0), (this._gl = (this._gl + x) | 0), (this._hl = (this._hl + M) | 0), (this._ah = (this._ah + r + y(this._al, w)) | 0), (this._bh = (this._bh + n + y(this._bl, _)) | 0), (this._ch = (this._ch + i + y(this._cl, k)) | 0), (this._dh = (this._dh + o + y(this._dl, A)) | 0), (this._eh = (this._eh + s + y(this._el, S)) | 0), (this._fh = (this._fh + u + y(this._fl, E)) | 0), (this._gh = (this._gh + v + y(this._gl, x)) | 0), (this._hh = (this._hh + g + y(this._hl, M)) | 0); }), (u.prototype._hash = function () { var e = o.allocUnsafe(64); function t(t, r, n) { e.writeInt32BE(t, n), e.writeInt32BE(r, n + 4); } return ( t(this._ah, this._al, 0), t(this._bh, this._bl, 8), t(this._ch, this._cl, 16), t(this._dh, this._dl, 24), t(this._eh, this._el, 32), t(this._fh, this._fl, 40), t(this._gh, this._gl, 48), t(this._hh, this._hl, 56), e ); }), (e.exports = u); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(3), i = r(333), o = r(24), a = r(4).Buffer, s = r(136), u = r(79), f = r(80), c = a.alloc(128); function h(e, t) { o.call(this, 'digest'), 'string' == typeof t && (t = a.from(t)); var r = 'sha512' === e || 'sha384' === e ? 128 : 64; ((this._alg = e), (this._key = t), t.length > r) ? (t = ('rmd160' === e ? new u() : f(e)).update(t).digest()) : t.length < r && (t = a.concat([t, c], r)); for ( var n = (this._ipad = a.allocUnsafe(r)), i = (this._opad = a.allocUnsafe(r)), s = 0; s < r; s++ ) (n[s] = 54 ^ t[s]), (i[s] = 92 ^ t[s]); (this._hash = 'rmd160' === e ? new u() : f(e)), this._hash.update(n); } n(h, o), (h.prototype._update = function (e) { this._hash.update(e); }), (h.prototype._final = function () { var e = this._hash.digest(); return ('rmd160' === this._alg ? new u() : f(this._alg)) .update(this._opad) .update(e) .digest(); }), (e.exports = function (e, t) { return 'rmd160' === (e = e.toLowerCase()) || 'ripemd160' === e ? new h('rmd160', t) : 'md5' === e ? new i(s, t) : new h(e, t); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(78); e.exports = function (e) { return new n().update(e).digest(); }; }, function (e) { e.exports = JSON.parse( '{"sha224WithRSAEncryption":{"sign":"rsa","hash":"sha224","id":"302d300d06096086480165030402040500041c"},"RSA-SHA224":{"sign":"ecdsa/rsa","hash":"sha224","id":"302d300d06096086480165030402040500041c"},"sha256WithRSAEncryption":{"sign":"rsa","hash":"sha256","id":"3031300d060960864801650304020105000420"},"RSA-SHA256":{"sign":"ecdsa/rsa","hash":"sha256","id":"3031300d060960864801650304020105000420"},"sha384WithRSAEncryption":{"sign":"rsa","hash":"sha384","id":"3041300d060960864801650304020205000430"},"RSA-SHA384":{"sign":"ecdsa/rsa","hash":"sha384","id":"3041300d060960864801650304020205000430"},"sha512WithRSAEncryption":{"sign":"rsa","hash":"sha512","id":"3051300d060960864801650304020305000440"},"RSA-SHA512":{"sign":"ecdsa/rsa","hash":"sha512","id":"3051300d060960864801650304020305000440"},"RSA-SHA1":{"sign":"rsa","hash":"sha1","id":"3021300906052b0e03021a05000414"},"ecdsa-with-SHA1":{"sign":"ecdsa","hash":"sha1","id":""},"sha256":{"sign":"ecdsa","hash":"sha256","id":""},"sha224":{"sign":"ecdsa","hash":"sha224","id":""},"sha384":{"sign":"ecdsa","hash":"sha384","id":""},"sha512":{"sign":"ecdsa","hash":"sha512","id":""},"DSA-SHA":{"sign":"dsa","hash":"sha1","id":""},"DSA-SHA1":{"sign":"dsa","hash":"sha1","id":""},"DSA":{"sign":"dsa","hash":"sha1","id":""},"DSA-WITH-SHA224":{"sign":"dsa","hash":"sha224","id":""},"DSA-SHA224":{"sign":"dsa","hash":"sha224","id":""},"DSA-WITH-SHA256":{"sign":"dsa","hash":"sha256","id":""},"DSA-SHA256":{"sign":"dsa","hash":"sha256","id":""},"DSA-WITH-SHA384":{"sign":"dsa","hash":"sha384","id":""},"DSA-SHA384":{"sign":"dsa","hash":"sha384","id":""},"DSA-WITH-SHA512":{"sign":"dsa","hash":"sha512","id":""},"DSA-SHA512":{"sign":"dsa","hash":"sha512","id":""},"DSA-RIPEMD160":{"sign":"dsa","hash":"rmd160","id":""},"ripemd160WithRSA":{"sign":"rsa","hash":"rmd160","id":"3021300906052b2403020105000414"},"RSA-RIPEMD160":{"sign":"rsa","hash":"rmd160","id":"3021300906052b2403020105000414"},"md5WithRSAEncryption":{"sign":"rsa","hash":"md5","id":"3020300c06082a864886f70d020505000410"},"RSA-MD5":{"sign":"rsa","hash":"md5","id":"3020300c06082a864886f70d020505000410"}}' ); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (t.pbkdf2 = r(335)), (t.pbkdf2Sync = r(141)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (t) { var r = Math.pow(2, 30) - 1; function n(e, r) { if ('string' != typeof e && !t.isBuffer(e)) throw new TypeError(r + ' must be a buffer or string'); } e.exports = function (e, t, i, o) { if ((n(e, 'Password'), n(t, 'Salt'), 'number' != typeof i)) throw new TypeError('Iterations not a number'); if (i < 0) throw new TypeError('Bad iterations'); if ('number' != typeof o) throw new TypeError('Key length not a number'); if (o < 0 || o > r || o != o) throw new TypeError('Bad key length'); }; }.call(this, r(2).Buffer)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (t) { var r; t.browser ? (r = 'utf-8') : (r = parseInt(t.version.split('.')[0].slice(1), 10) >= 6 ? 'utf-8' : 'binary'); e.exports = r; }.call(this, r(11))); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(136), i = r(79), o = r(80), a = r(139), s = r(140), u = r(4).Buffer, f = u.alloc(128), c = { md5: 16, sha1: 20, sha224: 28, sha256: 32, sha384: 48, sha512: 64, rmd160: 20, ripemd160: 20, }; function h(e, t, r) { var a = (function (e) { function t(t) { return o(e).update(t).digest(); } return 'rmd160' === e || 'ripemd160' === e ? function (e) { return new i().update(e).digest(); } : 'md5' === e ? n : t; })(e), s = 'sha512' === e || 'sha384' === e ? 128 : 64; t.length > s ? (t = a(t)) : t.length < s && (t = u.concat([t, f], s)); for (var h = u.allocUnsafe(s + c[e]), d = u.allocUnsafe(s + c[e]), l = 0; l < s; l++) (h[l] = 54 ^ t[l]), (d[l] = 92 ^ t[l]); var p = u.allocUnsafe(s + r + 4); h.copy(p, 0, 0, s), (this.ipad1 = p), (this.ipad2 = h), (this.opad = d), (this.alg = e), (this.blocksize = s), (this.hash = a), (this.size = c[e]); } (h.prototype.run = function (e, t) { return ( e.copy(t, this.blocksize), this.hash(t).copy(this.opad, this.blocksize), this.hash(this.opad) ); }), (e.exports = function (e, t, r, n, i) { a(e, t, r, n), u.isBuffer(e) || (e = u.from(e, s)), u.isBuffer(t) || (t = u.from(t, s)); var o = new h((i = i || 'sha1'), e, t.length), f = u.allocUnsafe(n), d = u.allocUnsafe(t.length + 4); t.copy(d, 0, 0, t.length); for (var l = 0, p = c[i], b = Math.ceil(n / p), m = 1; m <= b; m++) { d.writeUInt32BE(m, t.length); for (var y = o.run(d, o.ipad1), v = y, g = 1; g < r; g++) { v = o.run(v, o.ipad2); for (var w = 0; w < p; w++) y[w] ^= v[w]; } y.copy(f, l), (l += p); } return f; }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(43), i = r(4).Buffer, o = r(143); function a(e) { var t = e._cipher.encryptBlockRaw(e._prev); return o(e._prev), t; } t.encrypt = function (e, t) { var r = Math.ceil(t.length / 16), o = e._cache.length; e._cache = i.concat([e._cache, i.allocUnsafe(16 * r)]); for (var s = 0; s < r; s++) { var u = a(e), f = o + 16 * s; e._cache.writeUInt32BE(u[0], f + 0), e._cache.writeUInt32BE(u[1], f + 4), e._cache.writeUInt32BE(u[2], f + 8), e._cache.writeUInt32BE(u[3], f + 12); } var c = e._cache.slice(0, t.length); return (e._cache = e._cache.slice(t.length)), n(t, c); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = function (e) { for (var t, r = e.length; r--; ) { if (255 !== (t = e.readUInt8(r))) { t++, e.writeUInt8(t, r); break; } e.writeUInt8(0, r); } }; }, function (e) { e.exports = JSON.parse( '{"aes-128-ecb":{"cipher":"AES","key":128,"iv":0,"mode":"ECB","type":"block"},"aes-192-ecb":{"cipher":"AES","key":192,"iv":0,"mode":"ECB","type":"block"},"aes-256-ecb":{"cipher":"AES","key":256,"iv":0,"mode":"ECB","type":"block"},"aes-128-cbc":{"cipher":"AES","key":128,"iv":16,"mode":"CBC","type":"block"},"aes-192-cbc":{"cipher":"AES","key":192,"iv":16,"mode":"CBC","type":"block"},"aes-256-cbc":{"cipher":"AES","key":256,"iv":16,"mode":"CBC","type":"block"},"aes128":{"cipher":"AES","key":128,"iv":16,"mode":"CBC","type":"block"},"aes192":{"cipher":"AES","key":192,"iv":16,"mode":"CBC","type":"block"},"aes256":{"cipher":"AES","key":256,"iv":16,"mode":"CBC","type":"block"},"aes-128-cfb":{"cipher":"AES","key":128,"iv":16,"mode":"CFB","type":"stream"},"aes-192-cfb":{"cipher":"AES","key":192,"iv":16,"mode":"CFB","type":"stream"},"aes-256-cfb":{"cipher":"AES","key":256,"iv":16,"mode":"CFB","type":"stream"},"aes-128-cfb8":{"cipher":"AES","key":128,"iv":16,"mode":"CFB8","type":"stream"},"aes-192-cfb8":{"cipher":"AES","key":192,"iv":16,"mode":"CFB8","type":"stream"},"aes-256-cfb8":{"cipher":"AES","key":256,"iv":16,"mode":"CFB8","type":"stream"},"aes-128-cfb1":{"cipher":"AES","key":128,"iv":16,"mode":"CFB1","type":"stream"},"aes-192-cfb1":{"cipher":"AES","key":192,"iv":16,"mode":"CFB1","type":"stream"},"aes-256-cfb1":{"cipher":"AES","key":256,"iv":16,"mode":"CFB1","type":"stream"},"aes-128-ofb":{"cipher":"AES","key":128,"iv":16,"mode":"OFB","type":"stream"},"aes-192-ofb":{"cipher":"AES","key":192,"iv":16,"mode":"OFB","type":"stream"},"aes-256-ofb":{"cipher":"AES","key":256,"iv":16,"mode":"OFB","type":"stream"},"aes-128-ctr":{"cipher":"AES","key":128,"iv":16,"mode":"CTR","type":"stream"},"aes-192-ctr":{"cipher":"AES","key":192,"iv":16,"mode":"CTR","type":"stream"},"aes-256-ctr":{"cipher":"AES","key":256,"iv":16,"mode":"CTR","type":"stream"},"aes-128-gcm":{"cipher":"AES","key":128,"iv":12,"mode":"GCM","type":"auth"},"aes-192-gcm":{"cipher":"AES","key":192,"iv":12,"mode":"GCM","type":"auth"},"aes-256-gcm":{"cipher":"AES","key":256,"iv":12,"mode":"GCM","type":"auth"}}' ); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(56), i = r(4).Buffer, o = r(24), a = r(3), s = r(350), u = r(43), f = r(143); function c(e, t, r, a) { o.call(this); var u = i.alloc(4, 0); this._cipher = new n.AES(t); var c = this._cipher.encryptBlock(u); (this._ghash = new s(c)), (r = (function (e, t, r) { if (12 === t.length) return ( (e._finID = i.concat([t, i.from([0, 0, 0, 1])])), i.concat([t, i.from([0, 0, 0, 2])]) ); var n = new s(r), o = t.length, a = o % 16; n.update(t), a && ((a = 16 - a), n.update(i.alloc(a, 0))), n.update(i.alloc(8, 0)); var u = 8 * o, c = i.alloc(8); c.writeUIntBE(u, 0, 8), n.update(c), (e._finID = n.state); var h = i.from(e._finID); return f(h), h; })(this, r, c)), (this._prev = i.from(r)), (this._cache = i.allocUnsafe(0)), (this._secCache = i.allocUnsafe(0)), (this._decrypt = a), (this._alen = 0), (this._len = 0), (this._mode = e), (this._authTag = null), (this._called = !1); } a(c, o), (c.prototype._update = function (e) { if (!this._called && this._alen) { var t = 16 - (this._alen % 16); t < 16 && ((t = i.alloc(t, 0)), this._ghash.update(t)); } this._called = !0; var r = this._mode.encrypt(this, e); return ( this._decrypt ? this._ghash.update(e) : this._ghash.update(r), (this._len += e.length), r ); }), (c.prototype._final = function () { if (this._decrypt && !this._authTag) throw new Error('Unsupported state or unable to authenticate data'); var e = u( this._ghash.final(8 * this._alen, 8 * this._len), this._cipher.encryptBlock(this._finID) ); if ( this._decrypt && (function (e, t) { var r = 0; e.length !== t.length && r++; for (var n = Math.min(e.length, t.length), i = 0; i < n; ++i) r += e[i] ^ t[i]; return r; })(e, this._authTag) ) throw new Error('Unsupported state or unable to authenticate data'); (this._authTag = e), this._cipher.scrub(); }), (c.prototype.getAuthTag = function () { if (this._decrypt || !i.isBuffer(this._authTag)) throw new Error('Attempting to get auth tag in unsupported state'); return this._authTag; }), (c.prototype.setAuthTag = function (e) { if (!this._decrypt) throw new Error('Attempting to set auth tag in unsupported state'); this._authTag = e; }), (c.prototype.setAAD = function (e) { if (this._called) throw new Error('Attempting to set AAD in unsupported state'); this._ghash.update(e), (this._alen += e.length); }), (e.exports = c); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(56), i = r(4).Buffer, o = r(24); function a(e, t, r, a) { o.call(this), (this._cipher = new n.AES(t)), (this._prev = i.from(r)), (this._cache = i.allocUnsafe(0)), (this._secCache = i.allocUnsafe(0)), (this._decrypt = a), (this._mode = e); } r(3)(a, o), (a.prototype._update = function (e) { return this._mode.encrypt(this, e, this._decrypt); }), (a.prototype._final = function () { this._cipher.scrub(); }), (e.exports = a); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(26); (e.exports = v), (v.simpleSieve = m), (v.fermatTest = y); var i = r(5), o = new i(24), a = new (r(148))(), s = new i(1), u = new i(2), f = new i(5), c = (new i(16), new i(8), new i(10)), h = new i(3), d = (new i(7), new i(11)), l = new i(4), p = (new i(12), null); function b() { if (null !== p) return p; var e = []; e[0] = 2; for (var t = 1, r = 3; r < 1048576; r += 2) { for (var n = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(r)), i = 0; i < t && e[i] <= n && r % e[i] != 0; i++); (t !== i && e[i] <= n) || (e[t++] = r); } return (p = e), e; } function m(e) { for (var t = b(), r = 0; r < t.length; r++) if (0 === e.modn(t[r])) return 0 === e.cmpn(t[r]); return !0; } function y(e) { var t = i.mont(e); return 0 === u.toRed(t).redPow(e.subn(1)).fromRed().cmpn(1); } function v(e, t) { if (e < 16) return new i(2 === t || 5 === t ? [140, 123] : [140, 39]); var r, p; for (t = new i(t); ; ) { for (r = new i(n(Math.ceil(e / 8))); r.bitLength() > e; ) r.ishrn(1); if ((r.isEven() && r.iadd(s), r.testn(1) || r.iadd(u), t.cmp(u))) { if (!t.cmp(f)) for (; r.mod(c).cmp(h); ) r.iadd(l); } else for (; r.mod(o).cmp(d); ) r.iadd(l); if (m((p = r.shrn(1))) && m(r) && y(p) && y(r) && a.test(p) && a.test(r)) return r; } } }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(5), i = r(51); function o(e) { this.rand = e || new i.Rand(); } (e.exports = o), (o.create = function (e) { return new o(e); }), (o.prototype._randbelow = function (e) { var t = e.bitLength(), r = Math.ceil(t / 8); do { var i = new n(this.rand.generate(r)); } while (i.cmp(e) >= 0); return i; }), (o.prototype._randrange = function (e, t) { var r = t.sub(e); return e.add(this._randbelow(r)); }), (o.prototype.test = function (e, t, r) { var i = e.bitLength(), o = n.mont(e), a = new n(1).toRed(o); t || (t = Math.max(1, (i / 48) | 0)); for (var s = e.subn(1), u = 0; !s.testn(u); u++); for (var f = e.shrn(u), c = s.toRed(o); t > 0; t--) { var h = this._randrange(new n(2), s); r && r(h); var d = h.toRed(o).redPow(f); if (0 !== d.cmp(a) && 0 !== d.cmp(c)) { for (var l = 1; l < u; l++) { if (0 === (d = d.redSqr()).cmp(a)) return !1; if (0 === d.cmp(c)) break; } if (l === u) return !1; } } return !0; }), (o.prototype.getDivisor = function (e, t) { var r = e.bitLength(), i = n.mont(e), o = new n(1).toRed(i); t || (t = Math.max(1, (r / 48) | 0)); for (var a = e.subn(1), s = 0; !a.testn(s); s++); for (var u = e.shrn(s), f = a.toRed(i); t > 0; t--) { var c = this._randrange(new n(2), a), h = e.gcd(c); if (0 !== h.cmpn(1)) return h; var d = c.toRed(i).redPow(u); if (0 !== d.cmp(o) && 0 !== d.cmp(f)) { for (var l = 1; l < s; l++) { if (0 === (d = d.redSqr()).cmp(o)) return d.fromRed().subn(1).gcd(e); if (0 === d.cmp(f)) break; } if (l === s) return (d = d.redSqr()).fromRed().subn(1).gcd(e); } } return !1; }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = r(3), o = r(45).Reporter, a = r(2).Buffer; function s(e, t) { o.call(this, t), a.isBuffer(e) ? ((this.base = e), (this.offset = 0), (this.length = e.length)) : this.error('Input not Buffer'); } function u(e, t) { if (Array.isArray(e)) (this.length = 0), (this.value = e.map(function (e) { return e instanceof u || (e = new u(e, t)), (this.length += e.length), e; }, this)); else if ('number' == typeof e) { if (!(0 <= e && e <= 255)) return t.error('non-byte EncoderBuffer value'); (this.value = e), (this.length = 1); } else if ('string' == typeof e) (this.value = e), (this.length = a.byteLength(e)); else { if (!a.isBuffer(e)) return t.error('Unsupported type: ' + (0, n.default)(e)); (this.value = e), (this.length = e.length); } } i(s, o), (t.DecoderBuffer = s), (s.prototype.save = function () { return { offset: this.offset, reporter: o.prototype.save.call(this) }; }), (s.prototype.restore = function (e) { var t = new s(this.base); return ( (t.offset = e.offset), (t.length = this.offset), (this.offset = e.offset), o.prototype.restore.call(this, e.reporter), t ); }), (s.prototype.isEmpty = function () { return this.offset === this.length; }), (s.prototype.readUInt8 = function (e) { return this.offset + 1 <= this.length ? this.base.readUInt8(this.offset++, !0) : this.error(e || 'DecoderBuffer overrun'); }), (s.prototype.skip = function (e, t) { if (!(this.offset + e <= this.length)) return this.error(t || 'DecoderBuffer overrun'); var r = new s(this.base); return ( (r._reporterState = this._reporterState), (r.offset = this.offset), (r.length = this.offset + e), (this.offset += e), r ); }), (s.prototype.raw = function (e) { return this.base.slice(e ? e.offset : this.offset, this.length); }), (t.EncoderBuffer = u), (u.prototype.join = function (e, t) { return ( e || (e = new a(this.length)), t || (t = 0), 0 === this.length || (Array.isArray(this.value) ? this.value.forEach(function (r) { r.join(e, t), (t += r.length); }) : ('number' == typeof this.value ? (e[t] = this.value) : 'string' == typeof this.value ? e.write(this.value, t) : a.isBuffer(this.value) && this.value.copy(e, t), (t += this.length))), e ); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = t; (n._reverse = function (e) { var t = {}; return ( Object.keys(e).forEach(function (r) { (0 | r) == r && (r |= 0); var n = e[r]; t[n] = r; }), t ); }), (n.der = r(377)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(3), i = r(44), o = i.base, a = i.bignum, s = i.constants.der; function u(e) { (this.enc = 'der'), (this.name = e.name), (this.entity = e), (this.tree = new f()), this.tree._init(e.body); } function f(e) { o.Node.call(this, 'der', e); } function c(e, t) { var r = e.readUInt8(t); if (e.isError(r)) return r; var n = s.tagClass[r >> 6], i = 0 == (32 & r); if (31 == (31 & r)) { var o = r; for (r = 0; 128 == (128 & o); ) { if (((o = e.readUInt8(t)), e.isError(o))) return o; (r <<= 7), (r |= 127 & o); } } else r &= 31; return { cls: n, primitive: i, tag: r, tagStr: s.tag[r] }; } function h(e, t, r) { var n = e.readUInt8(r); if (e.isError(n)) return n; if (!t && 128 === n) return null; if (0 == (128 & n)) return n; var i = 127 & n; if (i > 4) return e.error('length octect is too long'); n = 0; for (var o = 0; o < i; o++) { n <<= 8; var a = e.readUInt8(r); if (e.isError(a)) return a; n |= a; } return n; } (e.exports = u), (u.prototype.decode = function (e, t) { return ( e instanceof o.DecoderBuffer || (e = new o.DecoderBuffer(e, t)), this.tree._decode(e, t) ); }), n(f, o.Node), (f.prototype._peekTag = function (e, t, r) { if (e.isEmpty()) return !1; var n = e.save(), i = c(e, 'Failed to peek tag: "' + t + '"'); return e.isError(i) ? i : (e.restore(n), i.tag === t || i.tagStr === t || i.tagStr + 'of' === t || r); }), (f.prototype._decodeTag = function (e, t, r) { var n = c(e, 'Failed to decode tag of "' + t + '"'); if (e.isError(n)) return n; var i = h(e, n.primitive, 'Failed to get length of "' + t + '"'); if (e.isError(i)) return i; if (!r && n.tag !== t && n.tagStr !== t && n.tagStr + 'of' !== t) return e.error('Failed to match tag: "' + t + '"'); if (n.primitive || null !== i) return e.skip(i, 'Failed to match body of: "' + t + '"'); var o = e.save(), a = this._skipUntilEnd(e, 'Failed to skip indefinite length body: "' + this.tag + '"'); return e.isError(a) ? a : ((i = e.offset - o.offset), e.restore(o), e.skip(i, 'Failed to match body of: "' + t + '"')); }), (f.prototype._skipUntilEnd = function (e, t) { for (;;) { var r = c(e, t); if (e.isError(r)) return r; var n, i = h(e, r.primitive, t); if (e.isError(i)) return i; if ( ((n = r.primitive || null !== i ? e.skip(i) : this._skipUntilEnd(e, t)), e.isError(n)) ) return n; if ('end' === r.tagStr) break; } }), (f.prototype._decodeList = function (e, t, r, n) { for (var i = []; !e.isEmpty(); ) { var o = this._peekTag(e, 'end'); if (e.isError(o)) return o; var a = r.decode(e, 'der', n); if (e.isError(a) && o) break; i.push(a); } return i; }), (f.prototype._decodeStr = function (e, t) { if ('bitstr' === t) { var r = e.readUInt8(); return e.isError(r) ? r : { unused: r, data: e.raw() }; } if ('bmpstr' === t) { var n = e.raw(); if (n.length % 2 == 1) return e.error('Decoding of string type: bmpstr length mismatch'); for (var i = '', o = 0; o < n.length / 2; o++) i += String.fromCharCode(n.readUInt16BE(2 * o)); return i; } if ('numstr' === t) { var a = e.raw().toString('ascii'); return this._isNumstr(a) ? a : e.error('Decoding of string type: numstr unsupported characters'); } if ('octstr' === t) return e.raw(); if ('objDesc' === t) return e.raw(); if ('printstr' === t) { var s = e.raw().toString('ascii'); return this._isPrintstr(s) ? s : e.error('Decoding of string type: printstr unsupported characters'); } return /str$/.test(t) ? e.raw().toString() : e.error('Decoding of string type: ' + t + ' unsupported'); }), (f.prototype._decodeObjid = function (e, t, r) { for (var n, i = [], o = 0; !e.isEmpty(); ) { var a = e.readUInt8(); (o <<= 7), (o |= 127 & a), 0 == (128 & a) && (i.push(o), (o = 0)); } 128 & a && i.push(o); var s = (i[0] / 40) | 0, u = i[0] % 40; if (((n = r ? i : [s, u].concat(i.slice(1))), t)) { var f = t[n.join(' ')]; void 0 === f && (f = t[n.join('.')]), void 0 !== f && (n = f); } return n; }), (f.prototype._decodeTime = function (e, t) { var r = e.raw().toString(); if ('gentime' === t) var n = 0 | r.slice(0, 4), i = 0 | r.slice(4, 6), o = 0 | r.slice(6, 8), a = 0 | r.slice(8, 10), s = 0 | r.slice(10, 12), u = 0 | r.slice(12, 14); else { if ('utctime' !== t) return e.error('Decoding ' + t + ' time is not supported yet'); (n = 0 | r.slice(0, 2)), (i = 0 | r.slice(2, 4)), (o = 0 | r.slice(4, 6)), (a = 0 | r.slice(6, 8)), (s = 0 | r.slice(8, 10)), (u = 0 | r.slice(10, 12)); n = n < 70 ? 2e3 + n : 1900 + n; } return Date.UTC(n, i - 1, o, a, s, u, 0); }), (f.prototype._decodeNull = function (e) { return null; }), (f.prototype._decodeBool = function (e) { var t = e.readUInt8(); return e.isError(t) ? t : 0 !== t; }), (f.prototype._decodeInt = function (e, t) { var r = e.raw(), n = new a(r); return t && (n = t[n.toString(10)] || n), n; }), (f.prototype._use = function (e, t) { return 'function' == typeof e && (e = e(t)), e._getDecoder('der').tree; }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(3), i = r(2).Buffer, o = r(44), a = o.base, s = o.constants.der; function u(e) { (this.enc = 'der'), (this.name = e.name), (this.entity = e), (this.tree = new f()), this.tree._init(e.body); } function f(e) { a.Node.call(this, 'der', e); } function c(e) { return e < 10 ? '0' + e : e; } (e.exports = u), (u.prototype.encode = function (e, t) { return this.tree._encode(e, t).join(); }), n(f, a.Node), (f.prototype._encodeComposite = function (e, t, r, n) { var o, a = (function (e, t, r, n) { var i; 'seqof' === e ? (e = 'seq') : 'setof' === e && (e = 'set'); if (s.tagByName.hasOwnProperty(e)) i = s.tagByName[e]; else { if ('number' != typeof e || (0 | e) !== e) return n.error('Unknown tag: ' + e); i = e; } if (i >= 31) return n.error('Multi-octet tag encoding unsupported'); t || (i |= 32); return (i |= s.tagClassByName[r || 'universal'] << 6); })(e, t, r, this.reporter); if (n.length < 128) return ((o = new i(2))[0] = a), (o[1] = n.length), this._createEncoderBuffer([o, n]); for (var u = 1, f = n.length; f >= 256; f >>= 8) u++; ((o = new i(2 + u))[0] = a), (o[1] = 128 | u); f = 1 + u; for (var c = n.length; c > 0; f--, c >>= 8) o[f] = 255 & c; return this._createEncoderBuffer([o, n]); }), (f.prototype._encodeStr = function (e, t) { if ('bitstr' === t) return this._createEncoderBuffer([0 | e.unused, e.data]); if ('bmpstr' === t) { for (var r = new i(2 * e.length), n = 0; n < e.length; n++) r.writeUInt16BE(e.charCodeAt(n), 2 * n); return this._createEncoderBuffer(r); } return 'numstr' === t ? this._isNumstr(e) ? this._createEncoderBuffer(e) : this.reporter.error( 'Encoding of string type: numstr supports only digits and space' ) : 'printstr' === t ? this._isPrintstr(e) ? this._createEncoderBuffer(e) : this.reporter.error( 'Encoding of string type: printstr supports only latin upper and lower case letters, digits, space, apostrophe, left and rigth parenthesis, plus sign, comma, hyphen, dot, slash, colon, equal sign, question mark' ) : /str$/.test(t) || 'objDesc' === t ? this._createEncoderBuffer(e) : this.reporter.error('Encoding of string type: ' + t + ' unsupported'); }), (f.prototype._encodeObjid = function (e, t, r) { if ('string' == typeof e) { if (!t) return this.reporter.error('string objid given, but no values map found'); if (!t.hasOwnProperty(e)) return this.reporter.error('objid not found in values map'); e = t[e].split(/[\s\.]+/g); for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) e[n] |= 0; } else if (Array.isArray(e)) { e = e.slice(); for (n = 0; n < e.length; n++) e[n] |= 0; } if (!Array.isArray(e)) return this.reporter.error( 'objid() should be either array or string, got: ' + JSON.stringify(e) ); if (!r) { if (e[1] >= 40) return this.reporter.error('Second objid identifier OOB'); e.splice(0, 2, 40 * e[0] + e[1]); } var o = 0; for (n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var a = e[n]; for (o++; a >= 128; a >>= 7) o++; } var s = new i(o), u = s.length - 1; for (n = e.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) { a = e[n]; for (s[u--] = 127 & a; (a >>= 7) > 0; ) s[u--] = 128 | (127 & a); } return this._createEncoderBuffer(s); }), (f.prototype._encodeTime = function (e, t) { var r, n = new Date(e); return ( 'gentime' === t ? (r = [ c(n.getFullYear()), c(n.getUTCMonth() + 1), c(n.getUTCDate()), c(n.getUTCHours()), c(n.getUTCMinutes()), c(n.getUTCSeconds()), 'Z', ].join('')) : 'utctime' === t ? (r = [ c(n.getFullYear() % 100), c(n.getUTCMonth() + 1), c(n.getUTCDate()), c(n.getUTCHours()), c(n.getUTCMinutes()), c(n.getUTCSeconds()), 'Z', ].join('')) : this.reporter.error('Encoding ' + t + ' time is not supported yet'), this._encodeStr(r, 'octstr') ); }), (f.prototype._encodeNull = function () { return this._createEncoderBuffer(''); }), (f.prototype._encodeInt = function (e, t) { if ('string' == typeof e) { if (!t) return this.reporter.error('String int or enum given, but no values map'); if (!t.hasOwnProperty(e)) return this.reporter.error("Values map doesn't contain: " + JSON.stringify(e)); e = t[e]; } if ('number' != typeof e && !i.isBuffer(e)) { var r = e.toArray(); !e.sign && 128 & r[0] && r.unshift(0), (e = new i(r)); } if (i.isBuffer(e)) { var n = e.length; 0 === e.length && n++; var o = new i(n); return e.copy(o), 0 === e.length && (o[0] = 0), this._createEncoderBuffer(o); } if (e < 128) return this._createEncoderBuffer(e); if (e < 256) return this._createEncoderBuffer([0, e]); n = 1; for (var a = e; a >= 256; a >>= 8) n++; for (a = (o = new Array(n)).length - 1; a >= 0; a--) (o[a] = 255 & e), (e >>= 8); return 128 & o[0] && o.unshift(0), this._createEncoderBuffer(new i(o)); }), (f.prototype._encodeBool = function (e) { return this._createEncoderBuffer(e ? 255 : 0); }), (f.prototype._use = function (e, t) { return 'function' == typeof e && (e = e(t)), e._getEncoder('der').tree; }), (f.prototype._skipDefault = function (e, t, r) { var n, i = this._baseState; if (null === i.default) return !1; var o = e.join(); if ( (void 0 === i.defaultBuffer && (i.defaultBuffer = this._encodeValue(i.default, t, r).join()), o.length !== i.defaultBuffer.length) ) return !1; for (n = 0; n < o.length; n++) if (o[n] !== i.defaultBuffer[n]) return !1; return !0; }); }, function (e) { e.exports = JSON.parse( '{"":"secp256k1","":"p224","1.2.840.10045.3.1.1":"p192","1.2.840.10045.3.1.7":"p256","":"p384","":"p521"}' ); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(30), i = r(4).Buffer; function o(e) { var t = i.allocUnsafe(4); return t.writeUInt32BE(e, 0), t; } e.exports = function (e, t) { for (var r, a = i.alloc(0), s = 0; a.length < t; ) (r = o(s++)), (a = i.concat([a, n('sha1').update(e).update(r).digest()])); return a.slice(0, t); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = function (e, t) { for (var r = e.length, n = -1; ++n < r; ) e[n] ^= t[n]; return e; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(5), i = r(4).Buffer; e.exports = function (e, t) { return i.from( e.toRed(n.mont(t.modulus)).redPow(new n(t.publicExponent)).fromRed().toArray() ); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = { encode: function (e) { var t = function (e) { return (t = e.toString(16)).length % 2 == 0 ? t : '0' + t; var t; }, r = function (e, r) { return e < 56 ? t(r + e) : t(r + t(e).length / 2 + 55) + t(e); }; return ( '0x' + (function e(t) { if ('string' == typeof t) { var n = t.slice(2); return (2 != n.length || n >= '80' ? r(n.length / 2, 128) : '') + n; } var i = t.map(e).join(''); return r(i.length / 2, 192) + i; })(e) ); }, decode: function (e) { var t = 2, r = function () { if (t >= e.length) throw ''; var r = e.slice(t, t + 2); return r < '80' ? ((t += 2), '0x' + r) : r < 'c0' ? i() : o(); }, n = function () { var r = parseInt(e.slice(t, (t += 2)), 16) % 64; return r < 56 ? r : parseInt(e.slice(t, (t += 2 * (r - 55))), 16); }, i = function () { var r = n(); return '0x' + e.slice(t, (t += 2 * r)); }, o = function () { for (var e = 2 * n() + t, i = []; t < e; ) i.push(r()); return i; }; try { return r(); } catch (e) { return []; } }, }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = ('undefined' != typeof crypto && crypto.getRandomValues && crypto.getRandomValues.bind(crypto)) || ('undefined' != typeof msCrypto && 'function' == typeof window.msCrypto.getRandomValues && msCrypto.getRandomValues.bind(msCrypto)); if (n) { var i = new Uint8Array(16); e.exports = function () { return n(i), i; }; } else { var o = new Array(16); e.exports = function () { for (var e, t = 0; t < 16; t++) 0 == (3 & t) && (e = 4294967296 * Math.random()), (o[t] = (e >>> ((3 & t) << 3)) & 255); return o; }; } }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; for (var n = [], i = 0; i < 256; ++i) n[i] = (i + 256).toString(16).substr(1); e.exports = function (e, t) { var r = t || 0, i = n; return [ i[e[r++]], i[e[r++]], i[e[r++]], i[e[r++]], '-', i[e[r++]], i[e[r++]], '-', i[e[r++]], i[e[r++]], '-', i[e[r++]], i[e[r++]], '-', i[e[r++]], i[e[r++]], i[e[r++]], i[e[r++]], i[e[r++]], i[e[r++]], ].join(''); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = function () { return (n = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++) for (var i in (t = arguments[r])) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e; }).apply(this, arguments); }; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); var i = r(161), o = r(163), a = r(2), s = new i.BN('7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff5d576e7357a4501ddfe92f46681b20a0', 16), u = (function () { function e(e, t) { if ((void 0 === e && (e = {}), void 0 === t && (t = {}), t.common)) { if (t.chain || t.hardfork) throw new Error( 'Instantiation with both opts.common, and opts.chain and opts.hardfork parameter not allowed!' ); this._common = t.common; } else { var r = t.chain ? t.chain : 'mainnet', n = t.hardfork ? t.hardfork : 'petersburg'; this._common = new o.default(r, n); } var s = [ { name: 'nonce', length: 32, allowLess: !0, default: new a.Buffer([]) }, { name: 'gasPrice', length: 32, allowLess: !0, default: new a.Buffer([]) }, { name: 'gasLimit', alias: 'gas', length: 32, allowLess: !0, default: new a.Buffer([]), }, { name: 'to', allowZero: !0, length: 20, default: new a.Buffer([]) }, { name: 'value', length: 32, allowLess: !0, default: new a.Buffer([]) }, { name: 'data', alias: 'input', allowZero: !0, default: new a.Buffer([]) }, { name: 'v', allowZero: !0, default: new a.Buffer([]) }, { name: 'r', length: 32, allowZero: !0, allowLess: !0, default: new a.Buffer([]) }, { name: 's', length: 32, allowZero: !0, allowLess: !0, default: new a.Buffer([]) }, ]; i.defineProperties(this, s, e), Object.defineProperty(this, 'from', { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, get: this.getSenderAddress.bind(this), }), this._validateV(this.v), this._overrideVSetterWithValidation(); } return ( (e.prototype.toCreationAddress = function () { return '' === this.to.toString('hex'); }), (e.prototype.hash = function (e) { var t; return ( void 0 === e && (e = !0), (t = e ? this.raw : this._implementsEIP155() ? this.raw .slice(0, 6) .concat([ i.toBuffer(this.getChainId()), i.stripZeros(i.toBuffer(0)), i.stripZeros(i.toBuffer(0)), ]) : this.raw.slice(0, 6)), i.rlphash(t) ); }), (e.prototype.getChainId = function () { return this._common.chainId(); }), (e.prototype.getSenderAddress = function () { if (this._from) return this._from; var e = this.getSenderPublicKey(); return (this._from = i.publicToAddress(e)), this._from; }), (e.prototype.getSenderPublicKey = function () { if (!this.verifySignature()) throw new Error('Invalid Signature'); return this._senderPubKey; }), (e.prototype.verifySignature = function () { var e = this.hash(!1); if (this._common.gteHardfork('homestead') && 1 === new i.BN(this.s).cmp(s)) return !1; try { var t = i.bufferToInt(this.v), r = t >= 2 * this.getChainId() + 35 && this._common.gteHardfork('spuriousDragon'); this._senderPubKey = i.ecrecover( e, t, this.r, this.s, r ? this.getChainId() : void 0 ); } catch (e) { return !1; } return !!this._senderPubKey; }), (e.prototype.sign = function (e) { (this.v = new a.Buffer([])), (this.s = new a.Buffer([])), (this.r = new a.Buffer([])); var t = this.hash(!1), r = i.ecsign(t, e); this._implementsEIP155() && (r.v += 2 * this.getChainId() + 8), Object.assign(this, r); }), (e.prototype.getDataFee = function () { for (var e = this.raw[5], t = new i.BN(0), r = 0; r < e.length; r++) 0 === e[r] ? t.iaddn(this._common.param('gasPrices', 'txDataZero')) : t.iaddn(this._common.param('gasPrices', 'txDataNonZero')); return t; }), (e.prototype.getBaseFee = function () { var e = this.getDataFee().iaddn(this._common.param('gasPrices', 'tx')); return ( this._common.gteHardfork('homestead') && this.toCreationAddress() && e.iaddn(this._common.param('gasPrices', 'txCreation')), e ); }), (e.prototype.getUpfrontCost = function () { return new i.BN(this.gasLimit) .imul(new i.BN(this.gasPrice)) .iadd(new i.BN(this.value)); }), (e.prototype.validate = function (e) { void 0 === e && (e = !1); var t = []; return ( this.verifySignature() || t.push('Invalid Signature'), this.getBaseFee().cmp(new i.BN(this.gasLimit)) > 0 && t.push(['gas limit is too low. Need at least ' + this.getBaseFee()]), !1 === e ? 0 === t.length : t.join(' ') ); }), (e.prototype.serialize = function () { return i.rlp.encode(this.raw); }), (e.prototype.toJSON = function (e) { return void 0 === e && (e = !1), {}; }), (e.prototype._validateV = function (e) { if (void 0 !== e && 0 !== e.length && this._common.gteHardfork('spuriousDragon')) { var t = i.bufferToInt(e); if (27 !== t && 28 !== t) if (!(t === 2 * this.getChainId() + 35 || t === 2 * this.getChainId() + 36)) throw new Error( 'Incompatible EIP155-based V ' + t + ' and chain id ' + this.getChainId() + '. See the second parameter of the Transaction constructor to set the chain id.' ); } }), (e.prototype._isSigned = function () { return this.v.length > 0 && this.r.length > 0 && this.s.length > 0; }), (e.prototype._overrideVSetterWithValidation = function () { var e = this, t = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this, 'v'); Object.defineProperty( this, 'v', n({}, t, { set: function (r) { void 0 !== r && e._validateV(i.toBuffer(r)), t.set(r); }, }) ); }), (e.prototype._implementsEIP155 = function () { var e = this._common.gteHardfork('spuriousDragon'); if (!this._isSigned()) return e; var t = i.bufferToInt(this.v); return (t === 2 * this.getChainId() + 35 || t === 2 * this.getChainId() + 36) && e; }), e ); })(); t.default = u; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)); Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); var i = r(5); t.BN = i; var o = r(397); t.rlp = o; var a = r(398), s = r(404); t.secp256k1 = s; var u = r(410), f = r(30), c = r(4).Buffer, h = r(411); function d(e, t) { return t ? e - (2 * t + 35) : e - 27; } function l(e) { return 0 === e || 1 === e; } Object.assign(t, h), (t.MAX_INTEGER = new i( 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff', 16 )), (t.TWO_POW256 = new i( '10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 16 )), (t.KECCAK256_NULL_S = 'c5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470'), (t.KECCAK256_NULL = c.from(t.KECCAK256_NULL_S, 'hex')), (t.KECCAK256_RLP_ARRAY_S = '1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347'), (t.KECCAK256_RLP_ARRAY = c.from(t.KECCAK256_RLP_ARRAY_S, 'hex')), (t.KECCAK256_RLP_S = '56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421'), (t.KECCAK256_RLP = c.from(t.KECCAK256_RLP_S, 'hex')), (t.zeros = function (e) { return c.allocUnsafe(e).fill(0); }), (t.zeroAddress = function () { var e = t.zeros(20); return t.bufferToHex(e); }), (t.setLengthLeft = function (e, r, n) { void 0 === n && (n = !1); var i = t.zeros(r); return ( (e = t.toBuffer(e)), n ? e.length < r ? (e.copy(i), i) : e.slice(0, r) : e.length < r ? (e.copy(i, r - e.length), i) : e.slice(-r) ); }), (t.setLength = t.setLengthLeft), (t.setLengthRight = function (e, r) { return t.setLength(e, r, !0); }), (t.unpad = function (e) { for (var t = (e = h.stripHexPrefix(e))[0]; e.length > 0 && '0' === t.toString(); ) t = (e = e.slice(1))[0]; return e; }), (t.stripZeros = t.unpad), (t.toBuffer = function (e) { if (!c.isBuffer(e)) if (Array.isArray(e)) e = c.from(e); else if ('string' == typeof e) e = t.isHexString(e) ? c.from(t.padToEven(t.stripHexPrefix(e)), 'hex') : c.from(e); else if ('number' == typeof e) e = t.intToBuffer(e); else if (null == e) e = c.allocUnsafe(0); else if (i.isBN(e)) e = e.toArrayLike(c); else { if (!e.toArray) throw new Error('invalid type'); e = c.from(e.toArray()); } return e; }), (t.bufferToInt = function (e) { return new i(t.toBuffer(e)).toNumber(); }), (t.bufferToHex = function (e) { return '0x' + (e = t.toBuffer(e)).toString('hex'); }), (t.fromSigned = function (e) { return new i(e).fromTwos(256); }), (t.toUnsigned = function (e) { return c.from(e.toTwos(256).toArray()); }), (t.keccak = function (e, r) { return ( void 0 === r && (r = 256), (e = t.toBuffer(e)), r || (r = 256), a('keccak' + r) .update(e) .digest() ); }), (t.keccak256 = function (e) { return t.keccak(e); }), (t.sha256 = function (e) { return (e = t.toBuffer(e)), f('sha256').update(e).digest(); }), (t.ripemd160 = function (e, r) { e = t.toBuffer(e); var n = f('rmd160').update(e).digest(); return !0 === r ? t.setLength(n, 32) : n; }), (t.rlphash = function (e) { return t.keccak(o.encode(e)); }), (t.isValidPrivate = function (e) { return s.privateKeyVerify(e); }), (t.isValidPublic = function (e, t) { return ( void 0 === t && (t = !1), 64 === e.length ? s.publicKeyVerify(c.concat([c.from([4]), e])) : !!t && s.publicKeyVerify(e) ); }), (t.pubToAddress = function (e, r) { return ( void 0 === r && (r = !1), (e = t.toBuffer(e)), r && 64 !== e.length && (e = s.publicKeyConvert(e, !1).slice(1)), u(64 === e.length), t.keccak(e).slice(-20) ); }), (t.publicToAddress = t.pubToAddress), (t.privateToPublic = function (e) { return (e = t.toBuffer(e)), s.publicKeyCreate(e, !1).slice(1); }), (t.importPublic = function (e) { return 64 !== (e = t.toBuffer(e)).length && (e = s.publicKeyConvert(e, !1).slice(1)), e; }), (t.ecsign = function (e, t, r) { var n = s.sign(e, t), i = n.recovery; return { r: n.signature.slice(0, 32), s: n.signature.slice(32, 64), v: r ? i + (2 * r + 35) : i + 27, }; }), (t.hashPersonalMessage = function (e) { var r = t.toBuffer('Ethereum Signed Message:\n' + e.length.toString()); return t.keccak(c.concat([r, e])); }), (t.ecrecover = function (e, r, n, i, o) { var a = c.concat([t.setLength(n, 32), t.setLength(i, 32)], 64), u = d(r, o); if (!l(u)) throw new Error('Invalid signature v value'); var f = s.recover(e, a, u); return s.publicKeyConvert(f, !1).slice(1); }), (t.toRpcSig = function (e, r, n, i) { if (!l(d(e, i))) throw new Error('Invalid signature v value'); return t.bufferToHex( c.concat([t.setLengthLeft(r, 32), t.setLengthLeft(n, 32), t.toBuffer(e)]) ); }), (t.fromRpcSig = function (e) { var r = t.toBuffer(e); if (65 !== r.length) throw new Error('Invalid signature length'); var n = r[64]; return n < 27 && (n += 27), { v: n, r: r.slice(0, 32), s: r.slice(32, 64) }; }), (t.privateToAddress = function (e) { return t.publicToAddress(t.privateToPublic(e)); }), (t.isValidAddress = function (e) { return /^0x[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$/.test(e); }), (t.isZeroAddress = function (e) { return t.zeroAddress() === t.addHexPrefix(e); }), (t.toChecksumAddress = function (e) { e = h.stripHexPrefix(e).toLowerCase(); for (var r = t.keccak(e).toString('hex'), n = '0x', i = 0; i < e.length; i++) parseInt(r[i], 16) >= 8 ? (n += e[i].toUpperCase()) : (n += e[i]); return n; }), (t.isValidChecksumAddress = function (e) { return t.isValidAddress(e) && t.toChecksumAddress(e) === e; }), (t.generateAddress = function (e, r) { e = t.toBuffer(e); var n = new i(r); return n.isZero() ? t.rlphash([e, null]).slice(-20) : t.rlphash([e, c.from(n.toArray())]).slice(-20); }), (t.generateAddress2 = function (e, r, n) { var i = t.toBuffer(e), o = t.toBuffer(r), a = t.toBuffer(n); return ( u(20 === i.length), u(32 === o.length), t.keccak256(c.concat([c.from('ff', 'hex'), i, o, t.keccak256(a)])).slice(-20) ); }), (t.isPrecompiled = function (e) { var r = t.unpad(e); return 1 === r.length && r[0] >= 1 && r[0] <= 8; }), (t.addHexPrefix = function (e) { return 'string' != typeof e || h.isHexPrefixed(e) ? e : '0x' + e; }), (t.isValidSignature = function (e, t, r, n, o) { void 0 === n && (n = !0); var a = new i('7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff5d576e7357a4501ddfe92f46681b20a0', 16), s = new i('fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141', 16); if (32 !== t.length || 32 !== r.length) return !1; if (!l(d(e, o))) return !1; var u = new i(t), f = new i(r); return !(u.isZero() || u.gt(s) || f.isZero() || f.gt(s)) && (!n || 1 !== f.cmp(a)); }), (t.baToJSON = function (e) { if (c.isBuffer(e)) return '0x' + e.toString('hex'); if (e instanceof Array) { for (var r = [], n = 0; n < e.length; n++) r.push(t.baToJSON(e[n])); return r; } }), (t.defineProperties = function (e, r, i) { if ( ((e.raw = []), (e._fields = []), (e.toJSON = function (r) { if ((void 0 === r && (r = !1), r)) { var n = {}; return ( e._fields.forEach(function (t) { n[t] = '0x' + e[t].toString('hex'); }), n ); } return t.baToJSON(e.raw); }), (e.serialize = function () { return o.encode(e.raw); }), r.forEach(function (r, n) { function i() { return e.raw[n]; } function o(i) { '00' !== (i = t.toBuffer(i)).toString('hex') || r.allowZero || (i = c.allocUnsafe(0)), r.allowLess && r.length ? ((i = t.stripZeros(i)), u( r.length >= i.length, 'The field ' + r.name + ' must not have more ' + r.length + ' bytes' )) : (r.allowZero && 0 === i.length) || !r.length || u( r.length === i.length, 'The field ' + r.name + ' must have byte length of ' + r.length ), (e.raw[n] = i); } e._fields.push(r.name), Object.defineProperty(e, r.name, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, get: i, set: o, }), r.default && (e[r.name] = r.default), r.alias && Object.defineProperty(e, r.alias, { enumerable: !1, configurable: !0, set: o, get: i, }); }), i) ) if ( ('string' == typeof i && (i = c.from(h.stripHexPrefix(i), 'hex')), c.isBuffer(i) && (i = o.decode(i)), Array.isArray(i)) ) { if (i.length > e._fields.length) throw new Error('wrong number of fields in data'); i.forEach(function (r, n) { e[e._fields[n]] = t.toBuffer(r); }); } else { if ('object' !== (0, n.default)(i)) throw new Error('invalid data'); var a = Object.keys(i); r.forEach(function (t) { -1 !== a.indexOf(t.name) && (e[t.name] = i[t.name]), -1 !== a.indexOf(t.alias) && (e[t.alias] = i[t.alias]); }); } }); }, function (e) { e.exports = JSON.parse( '{"COMPRESSED_TYPE_INVALID":"compressed should be a boolean","EC_PRIVATE_KEY_TYPE_INVALID":"private key should be a Buffer","EC_PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH_INVALID":"private key length is invalid","EC_PRIVATE_KEY_RANGE_INVALID":"private key range is invalid","EC_PRIVATE_KEY_TWEAK_ADD_FAIL":"tweak out of range or resulting private key is invalid","EC_PRIVATE_KEY_TWEAK_MUL_FAIL":"tweak out of range","EC_PRIVATE_KEY_EXPORT_DER_FAIL":"couldn\'t export to DER format","EC_PRIVATE_KEY_IMPORT_DER_FAIL":"couldn\'t import from DER format","EC_PUBLIC_KEYS_TYPE_INVALID":"public keys should be an Array","EC_PUBLIC_KEYS_LENGTH_INVALID":"public keys Array should have at least 1 element","EC_PUBLIC_KEY_TYPE_INVALID":"public key should be a Buffer","EC_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH_INVALID":"public key length is invalid","EC_PUBLIC_KEY_PARSE_FAIL":"the public key could not be parsed or is invalid","EC_PUBLIC_KEY_CREATE_FAIL":"private was invalid, try again","EC_PUBLIC_KEY_TWEAK_ADD_FAIL":"tweak out of range or resulting public key is invalid","EC_PUBLIC_KEY_TWEAK_MUL_FAIL":"tweak out of range","EC_PUBLIC_KEY_COMBINE_FAIL":"the sum of the public keys is not valid","ECDH_FAIL":"scalar was invalid (zero or overflow)","ECDSA_SIGNATURE_TYPE_INVALID":"signature should be a Buffer","ECDSA_SIGNATURE_LENGTH_INVALID":"signature length is invalid","ECDSA_SIGNATURE_PARSE_FAIL":"couldn\'t parse signature","ECDSA_SIGNATURE_PARSE_DER_FAIL":"couldn\'t parse DER signature","ECDSA_SIGNATURE_SERIALIZE_DER_FAIL":"couldn\'t serialize signature to DER format","ECDSA_SIGN_FAIL":"nonce generation function failed or private key is invalid","ECDSA_RECOVER_FAIL":"couldn\'t recover public key from signature","MSG32_TYPE_INVALID":"message should be a Buffer","MSG32_LENGTH_INVALID":"message length is invalid","OPTIONS_TYPE_INVALID":"options should be an Object","OPTIONS_DATA_TYPE_INVALID":"options.data should be a Buffer","OPTIONS_DATA_LENGTH_INVALID":"options.data length is invalid","OPTIONS_NONCEFN_TYPE_INVALID":"options.noncefn should be a Function","RECOVERY_ID_TYPE_INVALID":"recovery should be a Number","RECOVERY_ID_VALUE_INVALID":"recovery should have value between -1 and 4","TWEAK_TYPE_INVALID":"tweak should be a Buffer","TWEAK_LENGTH_INVALID":"tweak length is invalid"}' ); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = function () { return (i = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++) for (var i in (t = arguments[r])) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e; }).apply(this, arguments); }; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); var o = r(412), a = r(418), s = (function () { function e(e, t, r) { (this._chainParams = this.setChain(e)), (this._hardfork = null), (this._supportedHardforks = void 0 === r ? [] : r), t && this.setHardfork(t); } return ( (e.forCustomChain = function (t, r, n, o) { var a = e._getChainParams(t); return new e(i({}, a, r), n, o); }), (e._getChainParams = function (e) { if ('number' == typeof e) { if (o.chains.names[e]) return o.chains[o.chains.names[e]]; throw new Error('Chain with ID ' + e + ' not supported'); } if (o.chains[e]) return o.chains[e]; throw new Error('Chain with name ' + e + ' not supported'); }), (e.prototype.setChain = function (t) { if ('number' == typeof t || 'string' == typeof t) this._chainParams = e._getChainParams(t); else { if ('object' !== (0, n.default)(t)) throw new Error('Wrong input format'); for ( var r = 0, i = ['networkId', 'genesis', 'hardforks', 'bootstrapNodes']; r < i.length; r++ ) { var o = i[r]; if (void 0 === t[o]) throw new Error('Missing required chain parameter: ' + o); } this._chainParams = t; } return this._chainParams; }), (e.prototype.setHardfork = function (e) { if (!this._isSupportedHardfork(e)) throw new Error('Hardfork ' + e + ' not set as supported in supportedHardforks'); for (var t = !1, r = 0, n = a.hardforks; r < n.length; r++) { n[r][0] === e && ((this._hardfork = e), (t = !0)); } if (!t) throw new Error('Hardfork with name ' + e + ' not supported'); }), (e.prototype._chooseHardfork = function (e, t) { if (((t = void 0 === t || t), e)) { if (t && !this._isSupportedHardfork(e)) throw new Error('Hardfork ' + e + ' not set as supported in supportedHardforks'); } else { if (!this._hardfork) throw new Error( 'Method called with neither a hardfork set nor provided by param' ); e = this._hardfork; } return e; }), (e.prototype._getHardfork = function (e) { for (var t = 0, r = this.hardforks(); t < r.length; t++) { var n = r[t]; if (n.name === e) return n; } throw new Error('Hardfork ' + e + ' not defined for chain ' + this.chainName()); }), (e.prototype._isSupportedHardfork = function (e) { if (!(this._supportedHardforks.length > 0)) return !0; for (var t = 0, r = this._supportedHardforks; t < r.length; t++) { if (e === r[t]) return !0; } return !1; }), (e.prototype.param = function (e, t, r) { var n; r = this._chooseHardfork(r); for (var i = 0, o = a.hardforks; i < o.length; i++) { var s = o[i]; if (!s[1][e]) throw new Error('Topic ' + e + ' not defined'); if ((void 0 !== s[1][e][t] && (n = s[1][e][t].v), s[0] === r)) break; } if (void 0 === n) throw new Error(e + ' value for ' + t + ' not found'); return n; }), (e.prototype.paramByBlock = function (e, t, r) { var n = this.activeHardforks(r), i = n[n.length - 1].name; return this.param(e, t, i); }), (e.prototype.hardforkIsActiveOnBlock = function (e, t, r) { var n = void 0 !== (r = void 0 !== r ? r : {}).onlySupported && r.onlySupported; e = this._chooseHardfork(e, n); var i = this.hardforkBlock(e); return null !== i && t >= i; }), (e.prototype.activeOnBlock = function (e, t) { return this.hardforkIsActiveOnBlock(null, e, t); }), (e.prototype.hardforkGteHardfork = function (e, t, r) { var n = void 0 !== (r = void 0 !== r ? r : {}).onlyActive && r.onlyActive; e = this._chooseHardfork(e, r.onlySupported); for ( var i = -1, o = -1, a = 0, s = 0, u = n ? this.activeHardforks(null, r) : this.hardforks(); s < u.length; s++ ) { var f = u[s]; f.name === e && (i = a), f.name === t && (o = a), (a += 1); } return i >= o; }), (e.prototype.gteHardfork = function (e, t) { return this.hardforkGteHardfork(null, e, t); }), (e.prototype.hardforkIsActiveOnChain = function (e, t) { var r = void 0 !== (t = void 0 !== t ? t : {}).onlySupported && t.onlySupported; e = this._chooseHardfork(e, r); for (var n = 0, i = this.hardforks(); n < i.length; n++) { var o = i[n]; if (o.name === e && null !== o.block) return !0; } return !1; }), (e.prototype.activeHardforks = function (e, t) { t = void 0 !== t ? t : {}; for (var r = [], n = 0, i = this.hardforks(); n < i.length; n++) { var o = i[n]; if (null !== o.block) { if (null != e && e < o.block) break; (t.onlySupported && !this._isSupportedHardfork(o.name)) || r.push(o); } } return r; }), (e.prototype.activeHardfork = function (e, t) { t = void 0 !== t ? t : {}; var r = this.activeHardforks(e, t); if (r.length > 0) return r[r.length - 1].name; throw new Error('No (supported) active hardfork found'); }), (e.prototype.hardforkBlock = function (e) { return (e = this._chooseHardfork(e, !1)), this._getHardfork(e).block; }), (e.prototype.isHardforkBlock = function (e, t) { return (t = this._chooseHardfork(t, !1)), this.hardforkBlock(t) === e; }), (e.prototype.consensus = function (e) { return (e = this._chooseHardfork(e)), this._getHardfork(e).consensus; }), (e.prototype.finality = function (e) { return (e = this._chooseHardfork(e)), this._getHardfork(e).finality; }), (e.prototype.genesis = function () { return this._chainParams.genesis; }), (e.prototype.hardforks = function () { return this._chainParams.hardforks; }), (e.prototype.bootstrapNodes = function () { return this._chainParams.bootstrapNodes; }), (e.prototype.hardfork = function () { return this._hardfork; }), (e.prototype.chainId = function () { return this._chainParams.chainId; }), (e.prototype.chainName = function () { return o.chains.names[this.chainId()] || this._chainParams.name; }), (e.prototype.networkId = function () { return this._chainParams.networkId; }), e ); })(); t.default = s; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = r(446), o = 'function' == typeof Symbol && 'symbol' === (0, n.default)(Symbol('foo')), a = Object.prototype.toString, s = Array.prototype.concat, u = Object.defineProperty, f = u && (function () { var e = {}; try { for (var t in (u(e, 'x', { enumerable: !1, value: e }), e)) return !1; return e.x === e; } catch (e) { return !1; } })(), c = function (e, t, r, n) { var i; (!(t in e) || ('function' == typeof (i = n) && '[object Function]' === a.call(i) && n())) && (f ? u(e, t, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !1, value: r, writable: !0 }) : (e[t] = r)); }, h = function (e, t) { var r = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : {}, n = i(t); o && (n = s.call(n, Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t))); for (var a = 0; a < n.length; a += 1) c(e, n[a], t[n[a]], r[n[a]]); }; (h.supportsDescriptors = !!f), (e.exports = h); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = Object.prototype.toString; e.exports = function (e) { var t = i.call(e), r = '[object Arguments]' === t; return ( r || (r = '[object Array]' !== t && null !== e && 'object' === (0, n.default)(e) && 'number' == typeof e.length && e.length >= 0 && '[object Function]' === i.call(e.callee)), r ); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(86), i = r(448), o = n.call(Function.call, String.prototype.replace), a = /^[\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20\xA0\u1680\u180E\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000\u2028\u2029\uFEFF]+/, s = /[\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20\xA0\u1680\u180E\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000\u2028\u2029\uFEFF]+$/; e.exports = function () { var e = i.ToString(i.CheckObjectCoercible(this)); return o(o(e, a, ''), s, ''); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor ? (function () { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(arguments, 'callee').get; })() : function () { throw new TypeError(); }, o = 'function' == typeof Symbol && 'symbol' === (0, n.default)(Symbol.iterator), a = Object.getPrototypeOf || function (e) { return e.__proto__; }, s = void 0, u = 'undefined' == typeof Uint8Array ? void 0 : a(Uint8Array), f = { '$ %Array%': Array, '$ %ArrayBuffer%': 'undefined' == typeof ArrayBuffer ? void 0 : ArrayBuffer, '$ %ArrayBufferPrototype%': 'undefined' == typeof ArrayBuffer ? void 0 : ArrayBuffer.prototype, '$ %ArrayIteratorPrototype%': o ? a([][Symbol.iterator]()) : void 0, '$ %ArrayPrototype%': Array.prototype, '$ %ArrayProto_entries%': Array.prototype.entries, '$ %ArrayProto_forEach%': Array.prototype.forEach, '$ %ArrayProto_keys%': Array.prototype.keys, '$ %ArrayProto_values%': Array.prototype.values, '$ %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%': void 0, '$ %AsyncFunction%': void 0, '$ %AsyncFunctionPrototype%': void 0, '$ %AsyncGenerator%': void 0, '$ %AsyncGeneratorFunction%': void 0, '$ %AsyncGeneratorPrototype%': void 0, '$ %AsyncIteratorPrototype%': s && o && Symbol.asyncIterator ? s[Symbol.asyncIterator]() : void 0, '$ %Atomics%': 'undefined' == typeof Atomics ? void 0 : Atomics, '$ %Boolean%': Boolean, '$ %BooleanPrototype%': Boolean.prototype, '$ %DataView%': 'undefined' == typeof DataView ? void 0 : DataView, '$ %DataViewPrototype%': 'undefined' == typeof DataView ? void 0 : DataView.prototype, '$ %Date%': Date, '$ %DatePrototype%': Date.prototype, '$ %decodeURI%': decodeURI, '$ %decodeURIComponent%': decodeURIComponent, '$ %encodeURI%': encodeURI, '$ %encodeURIComponent%': encodeURIComponent, '$ %Error%': Error, '$ %ErrorPrototype%': Error.prototype, '$ %eval%': eval, '$ %EvalError%': EvalError, '$ %EvalErrorPrototype%': EvalError.prototype, '$ %Float32Array%': 'undefined' == typeof Float32Array ? void 0 : Float32Array, '$ %Float32ArrayPrototype%': 'undefined' == typeof Float32Array ? void 0 : Float32Array.prototype, '$ %Float64Array%': 'undefined' == typeof Float64Array ? void 0 : Float64Array, '$ %Float64ArrayPrototype%': 'undefined' == typeof Float64Array ? void 0 : Float64Array.prototype, '$ %Function%': Function, '$ %FunctionPrototype%': Function.prototype, '$ %Generator%': void 0, '$ %GeneratorFunction%': void 0, '$ %GeneratorPrototype%': void 0, '$ %Int8Array%': 'undefined' == typeof Int8Array ? void 0 : Int8Array, '$ %Int8ArrayPrototype%': 'undefined' == typeof Int8Array ? void 0 : Int8Array.prototype, '$ %Int16Array%': 'undefined' == typeof Int16Array ? void 0 : Int16Array, '$ %Int16ArrayPrototype%': 'undefined' == typeof Int16Array ? void 0 : Int8Array.prototype, '$ %Int32Array%': 'undefined' == typeof Int32Array ? void 0 : Int32Array, '$ %Int32ArrayPrototype%': 'undefined' == typeof Int32Array ? void 0 : Int32Array.prototype, '$ %isFinite%': isFinite, '$ %isNaN%': isNaN, '$ %IteratorPrototype%': o ? a(a([][Symbol.iterator]())) : void 0, '$ %JSON%': JSON, '$ %JSONParse%': JSON.parse, '$ %Map%': 'undefined' == typeof Map ? void 0 : Map, '$ %MapIteratorPrototype%': 'undefined' != typeof Map && o ? a(new Map()[Symbol.iterator]()) : void 0, '$ %MapPrototype%': 'undefined' == typeof Map ? void 0 : Map.prototype, '$ %Math%': Math, '$ %Number%': Number, '$ %NumberPrototype%': Number.prototype, '$ %Object%': Object, '$ %ObjectPrototype%': Object.prototype, '$ %ObjProto_toString%': Object.prototype.toString, '$ %ObjProto_valueOf%': Object.prototype.valueOf, '$ %parseFloat%': parseFloat, '$ %parseInt%': parseInt, '$ %Promise%': 'undefined' == typeof Promise ? void 0 : Promise, '$ %PromisePrototype%': 'undefined' == typeof Promise ? void 0 : Promise.prototype, '$ %PromiseProto_then%': 'undefined' == typeof Promise ? void 0 : Promise.prototype.then, '$ %Promise_all%': 'undefined' == typeof Promise ? void 0 : Promise.all, '$ %Promise_reject%': 'undefined' == typeof Promise ? void 0 : Promise.reject, '$ %Promise_resolve%': 'undefined' == typeof Promise ? void 0 : Promise.resolve, '$ %Proxy%': 'undefined' == typeof Proxy ? void 0 : Proxy, '$ %RangeError%': RangeError, '$ %RangeErrorPrototype%': RangeError.prototype, '$ %ReferenceError%': ReferenceError, '$ %ReferenceErrorPrototype%': ReferenceError.prototype, '$ %Reflect%': 'undefined' == typeof Reflect ? void 0 : Reflect, '$ %RegExp%': RegExp, '$ %RegExpPrototype%': RegExp.prototype, '$ %Set%': 'undefined' == typeof Set ? void 0 : Set, '$ %SetIteratorPrototype%': 'undefined' != typeof Set && o ? a(new Set()[Symbol.iterator]()) : void 0, '$ %SetPrototype%': 'undefined' == typeof Set ? void 0 : Set.prototype, '$ %SharedArrayBuffer%': 'undefined' == typeof SharedArrayBuffer ? void 0 : SharedArrayBuffer, '$ %SharedArrayBufferPrototype%': 'undefined' == typeof SharedArrayBuffer ? void 0 : SharedArrayBuffer.prototype, '$ %String%': String, '$ %StringIteratorPrototype%': o ? a(''[Symbol.iterator]()) : void 0, '$ %StringPrototype%': String.prototype, '$ %Symbol%': o ? Symbol : void 0, '$ %SymbolPrototype%': o ? Symbol.prototype : void 0, '$ %SyntaxError%': SyntaxError, '$ %SyntaxErrorPrototype%': SyntaxError.prototype, '$ %ThrowTypeError%': i, '$ %TypedArray%': u, '$ %TypedArrayPrototype%': u ? u.prototype : void 0, '$ %TypeError%': TypeError, '$ %TypeErrorPrototype%': TypeError.prototype, '$ %Uint8Array%': 'undefined' == typeof Uint8Array ? void 0 : Uint8Array, '$ %Uint8ArrayPrototype%': 'undefined' == typeof Uint8Array ? void 0 : Uint8Array.prototype, '$ %Uint8ClampedArray%': 'undefined' == typeof Uint8ClampedArray ? void 0 : Uint8ClampedArray, '$ %Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype%': 'undefined' == typeof Uint8ClampedArray ? void 0 : Uint8ClampedArray.prototype, '$ %Uint16Array%': 'undefined' == typeof Uint16Array ? void 0 : Uint16Array, '$ %Uint16ArrayPrototype%': 'undefined' == typeof Uint16Array ? void 0 : Uint16Array.prototype, '$ %Uint32Array%': 'undefined' == typeof Uint32Array ? void 0 : Uint32Array, '$ %Uint32ArrayPrototype%': 'undefined' == typeof Uint32Array ? void 0 : Uint32Array.prototype, '$ %URIError%': URIError, '$ %URIErrorPrototype%': URIError.prototype, '$ %WeakMap%': 'undefined' == typeof WeakMap ? void 0 : WeakMap, '$ %WeakMapPrototype%': 'undefined' == typeof WeakMap ? void 0 : WeakMap.prototype, '$ %WeakSet%': 'undefined' == typeof WeakSet ? void 0 : WeakSet, '$ %WeakSetPrototype%': 'undefined' == typeof WeakSet ? void 0 : WeakSet.prototype, }; e.exports = function (e, t) { if (arguments.length > 1 && 'boolean' != typeof t) throw new TypeError('"allowMissing" argument must be a boolean'); var r = '$ ' + e; if (!(r in f)) throw new SyntaxError('intrinsic ' + e + ' does not exist!'); if (void 0 === f[r] && !t) throw new TypeError( 'intrinsic ' + e + ' exists, but is not available. Please file an issue!' ); return f[r]; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(86); e.exports = n.call(Function.call, Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(166); e.exports = function () { return String.prototype.trim && '​' === '​'.trim() ? String.prototype.trim : n; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; r(459); var n = function (e, t) { return parseInt(e.slice(2 * t + 2, 2 * t + 4), 16); }, i = function (e) { return (e.length - 2) / 2; }, o = function (e) { for (var t = [], r = 2, n = e.length; r < n; r += 2) t.push(parseInt(e.slice(r, r + 2), 16)); return t; }, a = function (e) { for (var t = '0x', r = 0, n = e.length; r < n; ++r) { var i = e[r]; t += (i < 16 ? '0' : '') + i.toString(16); } return t; }; e.exports = { random: function (e) { var t = void 0; t = 'undefined' != typeof window && window.crypto && window.crypto.getRandomValues ? window.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(e)) : r(55).randomBytes(e); for (var n = '0x', i = 0; i < e; ++i) n += ('00' + t[i].toString(16)).slice(-2); return n; }, length: i, concat: function (e, t) { return e.concat(t.slice(2)); }, flatten: function (e) { return ( '0x' + e.reduce(function (e, t) { return e + t.slice(2); }, '') ); }, slice: function (e, t, r) { return '0x' + r.slice(2 * e + 2, 2 * t + 2); }, reverse: function (e) { for (var t = '0x', r = 0, n = i(e); r < n; ++r) t += e.slice(2 * (n - r), 2 * (n - r + 1)); return t; }, pad: function e(t, r) { return r.length === 2 * t + 2 ? r : e(t, '0x0' + r.slice(2)); }, padRight: function e(t, r) { return r.length === 2 * t + 2 ? r : e(t, r + '0'); }, fromAscii: function (e) { for (var t = '0x', r = 0; r < e.length; ++r) t += ('00' + e.charCodeAt(r).toString(16)).slice(-2); return t; }, toAscii: function (e) { for (var t = '', r = 2; r < e.length; r += 2) t += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e.slice(r, r + 2), 16)); return t; }, fromString: function (e) { for ( var t = function (e) { var t = e.toString(16); return t.length < 2 ? '0' + t : t; }, r = '0x', n = 0; n != e.length; n++ ) { var i = e.charCodeAt(n); if (i < 128) r += t(i); else { if (i < 2048) r += t((i >> 6) | 192); else { if (i > 55295 && i < 56320) { if (++n == e.length) return null; var o = e.charCodeAt(n); if (o < 56320 || o > 57343) return null; (r += t(((i = 65536 + ((1023 & i) << 10) + (1023 & o)) >> 18) | 240)), (r += t(((i >> 12) & 63) | 128)); } else r += t((i >> 12) | 224); r += t(((i >> 6) & 63) | 128); } r += t((63 & i) | 128); } } return r; }, toString: function (e) { for (var t = '', r = 0, o = i(e); r < o; ) { var a = n(e, r++); if (a > 127) { if (a > 191 && a < 224) { if (r >= o) return null; a = ((31 & a) << 6) | (63 & n(e, r)); } else if (a > 223 && a < 240) { if (r + 1 >= o) return null; a = ((15 & a) << 12) | ((63 & n(e, r)) << 6) | (63 & n(e, ++r)); } else { if (!(a > 239 && a < 248)) return null; if (r + 2 >= o) return null; a = ((7 & a) << 18) | ((63 & n(e, r)) << 12) | ((63 & n(e, ++r)) << 6) | (63 & n(e, ++r)); } ++r; } if (a <= 65535) t += String.fromCharCode(a); else { if (!(a <= 1114111)) return null; (a -= 65536), (t += String.fromCharCode((a >> 10) | 55296)), (t += String.fromCharCode((1023 & a) | 56320)); } } return t; }, fromNumber: function (e) { var t = e.toString(16); return t.length % 2 == 0 ? '0x' + t : '0x0' + t; }, toNumber: function (e) { return parseInt(e.slice(2), 16); }, fromNat: function (e) { return '0x0' === e ? '0x' : e.length % 2 == 0 ? e : '0x0' + e.slice(2); }, toNat: function (e) { return '0' === e[2] ? '0x' + e.slice(3) : e; }, fromArray: a, toArray: o, fromUint8Array: function (e) { return a([].slice.call(e, 0)); }, toUint8Array: function (e) { return new Uint8Array(o(e)); }, }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(172).version, i = r(25), o = r(255), a = r(53), s = r(131), u = r(430), f = r(431), c = r(16), h = function () { var e = this; i.packageInit(this, arguments), (this.version = n), (this.utils = c), (this.eth = new o(this)), (this.shh = new u(this)), (this.bzz = new f(this)); var t = this.setProvider; this.setProvider = function (r, n) { return ( t.apply(e, arguments), e.eth.setRequestManager(e._requestManager), e.shh.setRequestManager(e._requestManager), e.bzz.setProvider(r), !0 ); }; }; (h.version = n), (h.utils = c), (h.modules = { Eth: o, Net: a, Personal: s, Shh: u, Bzz: f }), i.addProviders(h), (e.exports = h); }, function (e) { e.exports = JSON.parse( '{"name":"web3","version":"1.3.0","description":"Ethereum JavaScript API","repository":"https://github.com/ethereum/web3.js","license":"LGPL-3.0","engines":{"node":">=8.0.0"},"main":"lib/index.js","bugs":{"url":"https://github.com/ethereum/web3.js/issues"},"keywords":["Ethereum","JavaScript","API"],"author":"ethereum.org","types":"types/index.d.ts","scripts":{"tsc":"tsc -b tsconfig.json","dtslint":"dtslint --localTs ../../node_modules/typescript/lib types","postinstall":"node angular-patch.js"},"authors":[{"name":"Fabian Vogelsteller","email":"fabian@ethereum.org","homepage":"http://frozeman.de"},{"name":"Marek Kotewicz","email":"marek@parity.io","url":"https://github.com/debris"},{"name":"Marian Oancea","url":"https://github.com/cubedro"},{"name":"Gav Wood","email":"g@parity.io","homepage":"http://gavwood.com"},{"name":"Jeffery Wilcke","email":"jeffrey.wilcke@ethereum.org","url":"https://github.com/obscuren"}],"dependencies":{"web3-bzz":"1.3.0","web3-core":"1.3.0","web3-eth":"1.3.0","web3-eth-personal":"1.3.0","web3-net":"1.3.0","web3-shh":"1.3.0","web3-utils":"1.3.0"},"devDependencies":{"@types/node":"^12.12.6","dtslint":"^3.4.1","typescript":"^3.9.5"}}' ); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = r(88).callbackify, o = r(10), a = r(9).errors, s = r(94), u = r(189), f = r(190), c = function e(t, r) { (this.provider = null), (this.providers = e.providers), this.setProvider(t, r), (this.subscriptions = new Map()); }; (c.givenProvider = f), (c.providers = { WebsocketProvider: r(191), HttpProvider: r(201), IpcProvider: r(219) }), (c.prototype.setProvider = function (e, t) { var r = this; if (e && 'string' == typeof e && this.providers) if (/^http(s)?:\/\//i.test(e)) e = new this.providers.HttpProvider(e); else if (/^ws(s)?:\/\//i.test(e)) e = new this.providers.WebsocketProvider(e); else if (e && 'object' === (0, n.default)(t) && 'function' == typeof t.connect) e = new this.providers.IpcProvider(e, t); else if (e) throw new Error('Can\'t autodetect provider for "' + e + '"'); this.provider && this.provider.connected && this.clearSubscriptions(), (this.provider = e || null), this.provider && this.provider.on && (this.provider.on('data', function (e, t) { (e = e || t).method && e.params && e.params.subscription && r.subscriptions.has(e.params.subscription) && r.subscriptions.get(e.params.subscription).callback(null, e.params.result); }), this.provider.on('connect', function () { r.subscriptions.forEach(function (e) { e.subscription.resubscribe(); }); }), this.provider.on('error', function (e) { r.subscriptions.forEach(function (t) { t.callback(e); }); }), this.provider.on('close', function (e) { (r._isCleanCloseEvent(e) && !r._isIpcCloseError(e)) || (r.subscriptions.forEach(function (t) { t.callback(a.ConnectionCloseError(e)), r.subscriptions.delete(t.subscription.id); }), r.provider && r.provider.emit && r.provider.emit('error', a.ConnectionCloseError(e))), r.provider && r.provider.emit && r.provider.emit('end', e); })); }), (c.prototype.send = function (e, t) { if (((t = t || function () {}), !this.provider)) return t(a.InvalidProvider()); var r = e.method, n = e.params, o = s.toPayload(r, n), u = this._jsonrpcResultCallback(t, o); if (this.provider.request) i(this.provider.request)({ method: r, params: n }, t); else if (this.provider.sendAsync) this.provider.sendAsync(o, u); else { if (!this.provider.send) throw new Error('Provider does not have a request or send method to use.'); this.provider.send(o, u); } }), (c.prototype.sendBatch = function (e, t) { if (!this.provider) return t(a.InvalidProvider()); var r = s.toBatchPayload(e); this.provider[this.provider.sendAsync ? 'sendAsync' : 'send'](r, function (e, r) { return e ? t(e) : o.isArray(r) ? void t(null, r) : t(a.InvalidResponse(r)); }); }), (c.prototype.addSubscription = function (e, t) { if (!this.provider.on) throw new Error( "The provider doesn't support subscriptions: " + this.provider.constructor.name ); this.subscriptions.set(e.id, { callback: t, subscription: e }); }), (c.prototype.removeSubscription = function (e, t) { if (this.subscriptions.has(e)) { var r = this.subscriptions.get(e).subscription.options.type; return ( this.subscriptions.delete(e), void this.send({ method: r + '_unsubscribe', params: [e] }, t) ); } 'function' == typeof t && t(null); }), (c.prototype.clearSubscriptions = function (e) { try { var t = this; return ( this.subscriptions.size > 0 && this.subscriptions.forEach(function (r, n) { (e && 'syncing' === r.name) || t.removeSubscription(n); }), this.provider.reset && this.provider.reset(), !0 ); } catch (e) { throw new Error('Error while clearing subscriptions: '.concat(e)); } }), (c.prototype._isCleanCloseEvent = function (e) { return 'object' === (0, n.default)(e) && ([1e3].includes(e.code) || !0 === e.wasClean); }), (c.prototype._isIpcCloseError = function (e) { return 'boolean' == typeof e && e; }), (c.prototype._jsonrpcResultCallback = function (e, t) { return function (r, n) { return n && n.id && t.id !== n.id ? e( new Error( 'Wrong response id ' .concat(n.id, ' (expected: ') .concat(t.id, ') in ') .concat(JSON.stringify(t)) ) ) : r ? e(r) : n && n.error ? e(a.ErrorResponse(n)) : s.isValidResponse(n) ? void e(null, n.result) : e(a.InvalidResponse(n)); }; }), (e.exports = { Manager: c, BatchManager: u }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)); e.exports = function (e) { return ( e && 'object' === (0, n.default)(e) && 'function' == typeof e.copy && 'function' == typeof e.fill && 'function' == typeof e.readUInt8 ); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)); e.exports = { ErrorResponse: function (e) { var t = e && e.error && e.error.message ? e.error.message : JSON.stringify(e), r = e.error && e.error.data ? e.error.data : null, n = new Error('Returned error: ' + t); return (n.data = r), n; }, InvalidNumberOfParams: function (e, t, r) { return new Error( 'Invalid number of parameters for "' + r + '". Got ' + e + ' expected ' + t + '!' ); }, InvalidConnection: function (e, t) { return this.ConnectionError("CONNECTION ERROR: Couldn't connect to node " + e + '.', t); }, InvalidProvider: function () { return new Error('Provider not set or invalid'); }, InvalidResponse: function (e) { var t = e && e.error && e.error.message ? e.error.message : 'Invalid JSON RPC response: ' + JSON.stringify(e); return new Error(t); }, ConnectionTimeout: function (e) { return new Error('CONNECTION TIMEOUT: timeout of ' + e + ' ms achived'); }, ConnectionNotOpenError: function (e) { return this.ConnectionError('connection not open on send()', e); }, ConnectionCloseError: function (e) { return 'object' === (0, n.default)(e) && e.code && e.reason ? this.ConnectionError( 'CONNECTION ERROR: The connection got closed with the close code `' + e.code + '` and the following reason string `' + e.reason + '`', e ) : new Error('CONNECTION ERROR: The connection closed unexpectedly'); }, MaxAttemptsReachedOnReconnectingError: function () { return new Error('Maximum number of reconnect attempts reached!'); }, PendingRequestsOnReconnectingError: function () { return new Error( 'CONNECTION ERROR: Provider started to reconnect before the response got received!' ); }, ConnectionError: function (e, t) { var r = new Error(e); return t && ((r.code = t.code), (r.reason = t.reason)), r; }, RevertInstructionError: function (e, t) { var r = new Error('Your request got reverted with the following reason string: ' + e); return (r.reason = e), (r.signature = t), r; }, TransactionRevertInstructionError: function (e, t, r) { var n = new Error( 'Transaction has been reverted by the EVM:\n' + JSON.stringify(r, null, 2) ); return (n.reason = e), (n.signature = t), (n.receipt = r), n; }, TransactionError: function (e, t) { var r = new Error(e); return (r.receipt = t), r; }, NoContractAddressFoundError: function (e) { return this.TransactionError( "The transaction receipt didn't contain a contract address.", e ); }, ContractCodeNotStoredError: function (e) { return this.TransactionError( "The contract code couldn't be stored, please check your gas limit.", e ); }, TransactionRevertedWithoutReasonError: function (e) { return this.TransactionError( 'Transaction has been reverted by the EVM:\n' + JSON.stringify(e, null, 2), e ); }, TransactionOutOfGasError: function (e) { return this.TransactionError( 'Transaction ran out of gas. Please provide more gas:\n' + JSON.stringify(e, null, 2), e ); }, ResolverMethodMissingError: function (e, t) { return new Error( 'The resolver at ' + e + 'does not implement requested method: "' + t + '".' ); }, ContractMissingABIError: function () { return new Error( 'You must provide the json interface of the contract when instantiating a contract object.' ); }, ContractOnceRequiresCallbackError: function () { return new Error('Once requires a callback as the second parameter.'); }, ContractEventDoesNotExistError: function (e) { return new Error('Event "' + e + '" doesn\'t exist in this contract.'); }, ContractReservedEventError: function (e) { return new Error('The event "' + e + '" is a reserved event name, you can\'t use it.'); }, ContractMissingDeployDataError: function () { return new Error( 'No "data" specified in neither the given options, nor the default options.' ); }, ContractNoAddressDefinedError: function () { return new Error( "This contract object doesn't have address set yet, please set an address first." ); }, ContractNoFromAddressDefinedError: function () { return new Error( 'No "from" address specified in neither the given options, nor the default options.' ); }, }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = r(10), o = r(16), a = r(93), s = function (e) { return o.toBN(e).toString(10); }, u = function (e) { if (void 0 !== e) return (function (e) { return 'latest' === e || 'pending' === e || 'earliest' === e; })(e) ? e : 'genesis' === e ? '0x0' : o.isHexStrict(e) ? i.isString(e) ? e.toLowerCase() : e : o.numberToHex(e); }, f = function (e) { if ((e.to && (e.to = d(e.to)), e.data && e.input)) throw new Error( 'You can\'t have "data" and "input" as properties of transactions at the same time, please use either "data" or "input" instead.' ); if ( (!e.data && e.input && ((e.data = e.input), delete e.input), e.data && !e.data.startsWith('0x') && (e.data = '0x' + e.data), e.data && !o.isHex(e.data)) ) throw new Error('The data field must be HEX encoded data.'); return ( (e.gas || e.gasLimit) && (e.gas = e.gas || e.gasLimit), ['gasPrice', 'gas', 'value', 'nonce'] .filter(function (t) { return void 0 !== e[t]; }) .forEach(function (t) { e[t] = o.numberToHex(e[t]); }), e ); }, c = function (e) { return ( null !== e.blockNumber && (e.blockNumber = o.hexToNumber(e.blockNumber)), null !== e.transactionIndex && (e.transactionIndex = o.hexToNumber(e.transactionIndex)), (e.nonce = o.hexToNumber(e.nonce)), (e.gas = o.hexToNumber(e.gas)), (e.gasPrice = s(e.gasPrice)), (e.value = s(e.value)), e.to && o.isAddress(e.to) ? (e.to = o.toChecksumAddress(e.to)) : (e.to = null), e.from && (e.from = o.toChecksumAddress(e.from)), e ); }, h = function (e) { if ( 'string' == typeof e.blockHash && 'string' == typeof e.transactionHash && 'string' == typeof e.logIndex ) { var t = o.sha3( e.blockHash.replace('0x', '') + e.transactionHash.replace('0x', '') + e.logIndex.replace('0x', '') ); e.id = 'log_' + t.replace('0x', '').substr(0, 8); } else e.id || (e.id = null); return ( null !== e.blockNumber && (e.blockNumber = o.hexToNumber(e.blockNumber)), null !== e.transactionIndex && (e.transactionIndex = o.hexToNumber(e.transactionIndex)), null !== e.logIndex && (e.logIndex = o.hexToNumber(e.logIndex)), e.address && (e.address = o.toChecksumAddress(e.address)), e ); }, d = function (e) { var t = new a(e); if (t.isValid() && t.isDirect()) return t.toAddress().toLowerCase(); if (o.isAddress(e)) return '0x' + e.toLowerCase().replace('0x', ''); throw new Error( 'Provided address "' + e + '" is invalid, the capitalization checksum test failed, or its an indrect IBAN address which can\'t be converted.' ); }; e.exports = { inputDefaultBlockNumberFormatter: function (e) { return u(this && null == e ? this.defaultBlock : e); }, inputBlockNumberFormatter: u, inputCallFormatter: function (e) { var t = (e = f(e)).from || (this ? this.defaultAccount : null); return t && (e.from = d(t)), e; }, inputTransactionFormatter: function (e) { if (((e = f(e)), !i.isNumber(e.from) && !i.isObject(e.from))) { if ( ((e.from = e.from || (this ? this.defaultAccount : null)), !e.from && !i.isNumber(e.from)) ) throw new Error('The send transactions "from" field must be defined!'); e.from = d(e.from); } return e; }, inputAddressFormatter: d, inputPostFormatter: function (e) { return ( e.ttl && (e.ttl = o.numberToHex(e.ttl)), e.workToProve && (e.workToProve = o.numberToHex(e.workToProve)), e.priority && (e.priority = o.numberToHex(e.priority)), i.isArray(e.topics) || (e.topics = e.topics ? [e.topics] : []), (e.topics = e.topics.map(function (e) { return 0 === e.indexOf('0x') ? e : o.fromUtf8(e); })), e ); }, inputLogFormatter: function (e) { var t = function (e) { return null == e ? null : 0 === (e = String(e)).indexOf('0x') ? e : o.fromUtf8(e); }; return ( (e.fromBlock || 0 === e.fromBlock) && (e.fromBlock = u(e.fromBlock)), (e.toBlock || 0 === e.toBlock) && (e.toBlock = u(e.toBlock)), (e.topics = e.topics || []), (e.topics = e.topics.map(function (e) { return i.isArray(e) ? e.map(t) : t(e); })), (t = null), e.address && (e.address = i.isArray(e.address) ? e.address.map(function (e) { return d(e); }) : d(e.address)), e ); }, inputSignFormatter: function (e) { return o.isHexStrict(e) ? e : o.utf8ToHex(e); }, inputStorageKeysFormatter: function (e) { return e.map(o.numberToHex); }, outputProofFormatter: function (e) { return ( (e.address = o.toChecksumAddress(e.address)), (e.nonce = o.hexToNumberString(e.nonce)), (e.balance = o.hexToNumberString(e.balance)), e ); }, outputBigNumberFormatter: s, outputTransactionFormatter: c, outputTransactionReceiptFormatter: function (e) { if ('object' !== (0, n.default)(e)) throw new Error('Received receipt is invalid: ' + e); return ( null !== e.blockNumber && (e.blockNumber = o.hexToNumber(e.blockNumber)), null !== e.transactionIndex && (e.transactionIndex = o.hexToNumber(e.transactionIndex)), (e.cumulativeGasUsed = o.hexToNumber(e.cumulativeGasUsed)), (e.gasUsed = o.hexToNumber(e.gasUsed)), i.isArray(e.logs) && (e.logs = e.logs.map(h)), e.contractAddress && (e.contractAddress = o.toChecksumAddress(e.contractAddress)), void 0 !== e.status && null !== e.status && (e.status = Boolean(parseInt(e.status))), e ); }, outputBlockFormatter: function (e) { return ( (e.gasLimit = o.hexToNumber(e.gasLimit)), (e.gasUsed = o.hexToNumber(e.gasUsed)), (e.size = o.hexToNumber(e.size)), (e.timestamp = o.hexToNumber(e.timestamp)), null !== e.number && (e.number = o.hexToNumber(e.number)), e.difficulty && (e.difficulty = s(e.difficulty)), e.totalDifficulty && (e.totalDifficulty = s(e.totalDifficulty)), i.isArray(e.transactions) && e.transactions.forEach(function (e) { if (!i.isString(e)) return c(e); }), e.miner && (e.miner = o.toChecksumAddress(e.miner)), e ); }, outputLogFormatter: h, outputPostFormatter: function (e) { return ( (e.expiry = o.hexToNumber(e.expiry)), (e.sent = o.hexToNumber(e.sent)), (e.ttl = o.hexToNumber(e.ttl)), (e.workProved = o.hexToNumber(e.workProved)), e.topics || (e.topics = []), (e.topics = e.topics.map(function (e) { return o.toUtf8(e); })), e ); }, outputSyncingFormatter: function (e) { return ( (e.startingBlock = o.hexToNumber(e.startingBlock)), (e.currentBlock = o.hexToNumber(e.currentBlock)), (e.highestBlock = o.hexToNumber(e.highestBlock)), e.knownStates && ((e.knownStates = o.hexToNumber(e.knownStates)), (e.pulledStates = o.hexToNumber(e.pulledStates))), e ); }, }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = r(89), o = r(180), a = new i(0), s = new i(-1), u = { noether: '0', wei: '1', kwei: '1000', Kwei: '1000', babbage: '1000', femtoether: '1000', mwei: '1000000', Mwei: '1000000', lovelace: '1000000', picoether: '1000000', gwei: '1000000000', Gwei: '1000000000', shannon: '1000000000', nanoether: '1000000000', nano: '1000000000', szabo: '1000000000000', microether: '1000000000000', micro: '1000000000000', finney: '1000000000000000', milliether: '1000000000000000', milli: '1000000000000000', ether: '1000000000000000000', kether: '1000000000000000000000', grand: '1000000000000000000000', mether: '1000000000000000000000000', gether: '1000000000000000000000000000', tether: '1000000000000000000000000000000', }; function f(e) { var t = e ? e.toLowerCase() : 'ether', r = u[t]; if ('string' != typeof r) throw new Error( '[ethjs-unit] the unit provided ' + e + " doesn't exists, please use the one of the following units " + JSON.stringify(u, null, 2) ); return new i(r, 10); } function c(e) { if ('string' == typeof e) { if (!e.match(/^-?[0-9.]+$/)) throw new Error( "while converting number to string, invalid number value '" + e + "', should be a number matching (^-?[0-9.]+)." ); return e; } if ('number' == typeof e) return String(e); if ('object' === (0, n.default)(e) && e.toString && (e.toTwos || e.dividedToIntegerBy)) return e.toPrecision ? String(e.toPrecision()) : e.toString(10); throw new Error( "while converting number to string, invalid number value '" + e + "' type " + (0, n.default)(e) + '.' ); } e.exports = { unitMap: u, numberToString: c, getValueOfUnit: f, fromWei: function (e, t, r) { var n = o(e), i = n.lt(a), c = f(t), h = u[t].length - 1 || 1, d = r || {}; i && (n = n.mul(s)); for (var l = n.mod(c).toString(10); l.length < h; ) l = '0' + l; d.pad || (l = l.match(/^([0-9]*[1-9]|0)(0*)/)[1]); var p = n.div(c).toString(10); d.commify && (p = p.replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ',')); var b = p + ('0' == l ? '' : '.' + l); return i && (b = '-' + b), b; }, toWei: function (e, t) { var r = c(e), n = f(t), o = u[t].length - 1 || 1, a = '-' === r.substring(0, 1); if ((a && (r = r.substring(1)), '.' === r)) throw new Error('[ethjs-unit] while converting number ' + e + ' to wei, invalid value'); var h = r.split('.'); if (h.length > 2) throw new Error( '[ethjs-unit] while converting number ' + e + ' to wei, too many decimal points' ); var d = h[0], l = h[1]; if ((d || (d = '0'), l || (l = '0'), l.length > o)) throw new Error( '[ethjs-unit] while converting number ' + e + ' to wei, too many decimal places' ); for (; l.length < o; ) l += '0'; (d = new i(d)), (l = new i(l)); var p = d.mul(n).add(l); return a && (p = p.mul(s)), new i(p.toString(10), 10); }, }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (t.byteLength = function (e) { var t = f(e), r = t[0], n = t[1]; return (3 * (r + n)) / 4 - n; }), (t.toByteArray = function (e) { for ( var t, r = f(e), n = r[0], a = r[1], s = new o( (function (e, t, r) { return (3 * (t + r)) / 4 - r; })(0, n, a) ), u = 0, c = a > 0 ? n - 4 : n, h = 0; h < c; h += 4 ) (t = (i[e.charCodeAt(h)] << 18) | (i[e.charCodeAt(h + 1)] << 12) | (i[e.charCodeAt(h + 2)] << 6) | i[e.charCodeAt(h + 3)]), (s[u++] = (t >> 16) & 255), (s[u++] = (t >> 8) & 255), (s[u++] = 255 & t); 2 === a && ((t = (i[e.charCodeAt(h)] << 2) | (i[e.charCodeAt(h + 1)] >> 4)), (s[u++] = 255 & t)); 1 === a && ((t = (i[e.charCodeAt(h)] << 10) | (i[e.charCodeAt(h + 1)] << 4) | (i[e.charCodeAt(h + 2)] >> 2)), (s[u++] = (t >> 8) & 255), (s[u++] = 255 & t)); return s; }), (t.fromByteArray = function (e) { for (var t, r = e.length, i = r % 3, o = [], a = 0, s = r - i; a < s; a += 16383) o.push(c(e, a, a + 16383 > s ? s : a + 16383)); 1 === i ? ((t = e[r - 1]), o.push(n[t >> 2] + n[(t << 4) & 63] + '==')) : 2 === i && ((t = (e[r - 2] << 8) + e[r - 1]), o.push(n[t >> 10] + n[(t >> 4) & 63] + n[(t << 2) & 63] + '=')); return o.join(''); }); for ( var n = [], i = [], o = 'undefined' != typeof Uint8Array ? Uint8Array : Array, a = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/', s = 0, u = a.length; s < u; ++s ) (n[s] = a[s]), (i[a.charCodeAt(s)] = s); function f(e) { var t = e.length; if (t % 4 > 0) throw new Error('Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4'); var r = e.indexOf('='); return -1 === r && (r = t), [r, r === t ? 0 : 4 - (r % 4)]; } function c(e, t, r) { for (var i, o, a = [], s = t; s < r; s += 3) (i = ((e[s] << 16) & 16711680) + ((e[s + 1] << 8) & 65280) + (255 & e[s + 2])), a.push(n[((o = i) >> 18) & 63] + n[(o >> 12) & 63] + n[(o >> 6) & 63] + n[63 & o]); return a.join(''); } (i['-'.charCodeAt(0)] = 62), (i['_'.charCodeAt(0)] = 63); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (t.read = function (e, t, r, n, i) { var o, a, s = 8 * i - n - 1, u = (1 << s) - 1, f = u >> 1, c = -7, h = r ? i - 1 : 0, d = r ? -1 : 1, l = e[t + h]; for ( h += d, o = l & ((1 << -c) - 1), l >>= -c, c += s; c > 0; o = 256 * o + e[t + h], h += d, c -= 8 ); for ( a = o & ((1 << -c) - 1), o >>= -c, c += n; c > 0; a = 256 * a + e[t + h], h += d, c -= 8 ); if (0 === o) o = 1 - f; else { if (o === u) return a ? NaN : (1 / 0) * (l ? -1 : 1); (a += Math.pow(2, n)), (o -= f); } return (l ? -1 : 1) * a * Math.pow(2, o - n); }), (t.write = function (e, t, r, n, i, o) { var a, s, u, f = 8 * o - i - 1, c = (1 << f) - 1, h = c >> 1, d = 23 === i ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0, l = n ? 0 : o - 1, p = n ? 1 : -1, b = t < 0 || (0 === t && 1 / t < 0) ? 1 : 0; for ( t = Math.abs(t), isNaN(t) || t === 1 / 0 ? ((s = isNaN(t) ? 1 : 0), (a = c)) : ((a = Math.floor(Math.log(t) / Math.LN2)), t * (u = Math.pow(2, -a)) < 1 && (a--, (u *= 2)), (t += a + h >= 1 ? d / u : d * Math.pow(2, 1 - h)) * u >= 2 && (a++, (u /= 2)), a + h >= c ? ((s = 0), (a = c)) : a + h >= 1 ? ((s = (t * u - 1) * Math.pow(2, i)), (a += h)) : ((s = t * Math.pow(2, h - 1) * Math.pow(2, i)), (a = 0))); i >= 8; e[r + l] = 255 & s, l += p, s /= 256, i -= 8 ); for (a = (a << i) | s, f += i; f > 0; e[r + l] = 255 & a, l += p, a /= 256, f -= 8); e[r + l - p] |= 128 * b; }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = r(89), o = r(60); e.exports = function (e) { if ('string' == typeof e || 'number' == typeof e) { var t = new i(1), r = String(e).toLowerCase().trim(), a = '0x' === r.substr(0, 2) || '-0x' === r.substr(0, 3), s = o(r); if ( ('-' === s.substr(0, 1) && ((s = o(s.slice(1))), (t = new i(-1, 10))), (!(s = '' === s ? '0' : s).match(/^-?[0-9]+$/) && s.match(/^[0-9A-Fa-f]+$/)) || s.match(/^[a-fA-F]+$/) || (!0 === a && s.match(/^[0-9A-Fa-f]+$/))) ) return new i(s, 16).mul(t); if ((s.match(/^-?[0-9]+$/) || '' === s) && !1 === a) return new i(s, 10).mul(t); } else if ( 'object' === (0, n.default)(e) && e.toString && !e.pop && !e.push && e.toString(10).match(/^-?[0-9]+$/) && (e.mul || e.dividedToIntegerBy) ) return new i(e.toString(10), 10); throw new Error( '[number-to-bn] while converting number ' + JSON.stringify(e) + ' to BN.js instance, error: invalid number value. Value must be an integer, hex string, BN or BigNumber instance. Note, decimals are not supported.' ); }; }, function (e, t) {}, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = r(183), o = r(60); e.exports = function (e) { if ('string' == typeof e || 'number' == typeof e) { var t = new i(1), r = String(e).toLowerCase().trim(), a = '0x' === r.substr(0, 2) || '-0x' === r.substr(0, 3), s = o(r); if ( ('-' === s.substr(0, 1) && ((s = o(s.slice(1))), (t = new i(-1, 10))), (!(s = '' === s ? '0' : s).match(/^-?[0-9]+$/) && s.match(/^[0-9A-Fa-f]+$/)) || s.match(/^[a-fA-F]+$/) || (!0 === a && s.match(/^[0-9A-Fa-f]+$/))) ) return new i(s, 16).mul(t); if ((s.match(/^-?[0-9]+$/) || '' === s) && !1 === a) return new i(s, 10).mul(t); } else if ( 'object' === (0, n.default)(e) && e.toString && !e.pop && !e.push && e.toString(10).match(/^-?[0-9]+$/) && (e.mul || e.dividedToIntegerBy) ) return new i(e.toString(10), 10); throw new Error( '[number-to-bn] while converting number ' + JSON.stringify(e) + ' to BN.js instance, error: invalid number value. Value must be an integer, hex string, BN or BigNumber instance. Note, decimals are not supported.' ); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (e) { var t = r(0)(r(1)); !(function (e, n) { function i(e, t) { if (!e) throw new Error(t || 'Assertion failed'); } function o(e, t) { e.super_ = t; var r = function () {}; (r.prototype = t.prototype), (e.prototype = new r()), (e.prototype.constructor = e); } function a(e, t, r) { if (a.isBN(e)) return e; (this.negative = 0), (this.words = null), (this.length = 0), (this.red = null), null !== e && (('le' !== t && 'be' !== t) || ((r = t), (t = 10)), this._init(e || 0, t || 10, r || 'be')); } var s; 'object' === (0, t.default)(e) ? (e.exports = a) : ((void 0).BN = a), (a.BN = a), (a.wordSize = 26); try { s = r(2).Buffer; } catch (e) {} function u(e, t, r) { for (var n = 0, i = Math.min(e.length, r), o = t; o < i; o++) { var a = e.charCodeAt(o) - 48; (n <<= 4), (n |= a >= 49 && a <= 54 ? a - 49 + 10 : a >= 17 && a <= 22 ? a - 17 + 10 : 15 & a); } return n; } function f(e, t, r, n) { for (var i = 0, o = Math.min(e.length, r), a = t; a < o; a++) { var s = e.charCodeAt(a) - 48; (i *= n), (i += s >= 49 ? s - 49 + 10 : s >= 17 ? s - 17 + 10 : s); } return i; } (a.isBN = function (e) { return ( e instanceof a || (null !== e && 'object' === (0, t.default)(e) && e.constructor.wordSize === a.wordSize && Array.isArray(e.words)) ); }), (a.max = function (e, t) { return e.cmp(t) > 0 ? e : t; }), (a.min = function (e, t) { return e.cmp(t) < 0 ? e : t; }), (a.prototype._init = function (e, r, n) { if ('number' == typeof e) return this._initNumber(e, r, n); if ('object' === (0, t.default)(e)) return this._initArray(e, r, n); 'hex' === r && (r = 16), i(r === (0 | r) && r >= 2 && r <= 36); var o = 0; '-' === (e = e.toString().replace(/\s+/g, ''))[0] && o++, 16 === r ? this._parseHex(e, o) : this._parseBase(e, r, o), '-' === e[0] && (this.negative = 1), this.strip(), 'le' === n && this._initArray(this.toArray(), r, n); }), (a.prototype._initNumber = function (e, t, r) { e < 0 && ((this.negative = 1), (e = -e)), e < 67108864 ? ((this.words = [67108863 & e]), (this.length = 1)) : e < 4503599627370496 ? ((this.words = [67108863 & e, (e / 67108864) & 67108863]), (this.length = 2)) : (i(e < 9007199254740992), (this.words = [67108863 & e, (e / 67108864) & 67108863, 1]), (this.length = 3)), 'le' === r && this._initArray(this.toArray(), t, r); }), (a.prototype._initArray = function (e, t, r) { if ((i('number' == typeof e.length), e.length <= 0)) return (this.words = [0]), (this.length = 1), this; (this.length = Math.ceil(e.length / 3)), (this.words = new Array(this.length)); for (var n = 0; n < this.length; n++) this.words[n] = 0; var o, a, s = 0; if ('be' === r) for (n = e.length - 1, o = 0; n >= 0; n -= 3) (a = e[n] | (e[n - 1] << 8) | (e[n - 2] << 16)), (this.words[o] |= (a << s) & 67108863), (this.words[o + 1] = (a >>> (26 - s)) & 67108863), (s += 24) >= 26 && ((s -= 26), o++); else if ('le' === r) for (n = 0, o = 0; n < e.length; n += 3) (a = e[n] | (e[n + 1] << 8) | (e[n + 2] << 16)), (this.words[o] |= (a << s) & 67108863), (this.words[o + 1] = (a >>> (26 - s)) & 67108863), (s += 24) >= 26 && ((s -= 26), o++); return this.strip(); }), (a.prototype._parseHex = function (e, t) { (this.length = Math.ceil((e.length - t) / 6)), (this.words = new Array(this.length)); for (var r = 0; r < this.length; r++) this.words[r] = 0; var n, i, o = 0; for (r = e.length - 6, n = 0; r >= t; r -= 6) (i = u(e, r, r + 6)), (this.words[n] |= (i << o) & 67108863), (this.words[n + 1] |= (i >>> (26 - o)) & 4194303), (o += 24) >= 26 && ((o -= 26), n++); r + 6 !== t && ((i = u(e, t, r + 6)), (this.words[n] |= (i << o) & 67108863), (this.words[n + 1] |= (i >>> (26 - o)) & 4194303)), this.strip(); }), (a.prototype._parseBase = function (e, t, r) { (this.words = [0]), (this.length = 1); for (var n = 0, i = 1; i <= 67108863; i *= t) n++; n--, (i = (i / t) | 0); for ( var o = e.length - r, a = o % n, s = Math.min(o, o - a) + r, u = 0, c = r; c < s; c += n ) (u = f(e, c, c + n, t)), this.imuln(i), this.words[0] + u < 67108864 ? (this.words[0] += u) : this._iaddn(u); if (0 !== a) { var h = 1; for (u = f(e, c, e.length, t), c = 0; c < a; c++) h *= t; this.imuln(h), this.words[0] + u < 67108864 ? (this.words[0] += u) : this._iaddn(u); } }), (a.prototype.copy = function (e) { e.words = new Array(this.length); for (var t = 0; t < this.length; t++) e.words[t] = this.words[t]; (e.length = this.length), (e.negative = this.negative), (e.red = this.red); }), (a.prototype.clone = function () { var e = new a(null); return this.copy(e), e; }), (a.prototype._expand = function (e) { for (; this.length < e; ) this.words[this.length++] = 0; return this; }), (a.prototype.strip = function () { for (; this.length > 1 && 0 === this.words[this.length - 1]; ) this.length--; return this._normSign(); }), (a.prototype._normSign = function () { return 1 === this.length && 0 === this.words[0] && (this.negative = 0), this; }), (a.prototype.inspect = function () { return (this.red ? ''; }); var c = [ '', '0', '00', '000', '0000', '00000', '000000', '0000000', '00000000', '000000000', '0000000000', '00000000000', '000000000000', '0000000000000', '00000000000000', '000000000000000', '0000000000000000', '00000000000000000', '000000000000000000', '0000000000000000000', '00000000000000000000', '000000000000000000000', '0000000000000000000000', '00000000000000000000000', '000000000000000000000000', '0000000000000000000000000', ], h = [ 0, 0, 25, 16, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, ], d = [ 0, 0, 33554432, 43046721, 16777216, 48828125, 60466176, 40353607, 16777216, 43046721, 1e7, 19487171, 35831808, 62748517, 7529536, 11390625, 16777216, 24137569, 34012224, 47045881, 64e6, 4084101, 5153632, 6436343, 7962624, 9765625, 11881376, 14348907, 17210368, 20511149, 243e5, 28629151, 33554432, 39135393, 45435424, 52521875, 60466176, ]; function l(e, t, r) { r.negative = t.negative ^ e.negative; var n = (e.length + t.length) | 0; (r.length = n), (n = (n - 1) | 0); var i = 0 | e.words[0], o = 0 | t.words[0], a = i * o, s = 67108863 & a, u = (a / 67108864) | 0; r.words[0] = s; for (var f = 1; f < n; f++) { for ( var c = u >>> 26, h = 67108863 & u, d = Math.min(f, t.length - 1), l = Math.max(0, f - e.length + 1); l <= d; l++ ) { var p = (f - l) | 0; (c += ((a = (i = 0 | e.words[p]) * (o = 0 | t.words[l]) + h) / 67108864) | 0), (h = 67108863 & a); } (r.words[f] = 0 | h), (u = 0 | c); } return 0 !== u ? (r.words[f] = 0 | u) : r.length--, r.strip(); } (a.prototype.toString = function (e, t) { var r; if (((t = 0 | t || 1), 16 === (e = e || 10) || 'hex' === e)) { r = ''; for (var n = 0, o = 0, a = 0; a < this.length; a++) { var s = this.words[a], u = (16777215 & ((s << n) | o)).toString(16); (r = 0 !== (o = (s >>> (24 - n)) & 16777215) || a !== this.length - 1 ? c[6 - u.length] + u + r : u + r), (n += 2) >= 26 && ((n -= 26), a--); } for (0 !== o && (r = o.toString(16) + r); r.length % t != 0; ) r = '0' + r; return 0 !== this.negative && (r = '-' + r), r; } if (e === (0 | e) && e >= 2 && e <= 36) { var f = h[e], l = d[e]; r = ''; var p = this.clone(); for (p.negative = 0; !p.isZero(); ) { var b = p.modn(l).toString(e); r = (p = p.idivn(l)).isZero() ? b + r : c[f - b.length] + b + r; } for (this.isZero() && (r = '0' + r); r.length % t != 0; ) r = '0' + r; return 0 !== this.negative && (r = '-' + r), r; } i(!1, 'Base should be between 2 and 36'); }), (a.prototype.toNumber = function () { var e = this.words[0]; return ( 2 === this.length ? (e += 67108864 * this.words[1]) : 3 === this.length && 1 === this.words[2] ? (e += 4503599627370496 + 67108864 * this.words[1]) : this.length > 2 && i(!1, 'Number can only safely store up to 53 bits'), 0 !== this.negative ? -e : e ); }), (a.prototype.toJSON = function () { return this.toString(16); }), (a.prototype.toBuffer = function (e, t) { return i(void 0 !== s), this.toArrayLike(s, e, t); }), (a.prototype.toArray = function (e, t) { return this.toArrayLike(Array, e, t); }), (a.prototype.toArrayLike = function (e, t, r) { var n = this.byteLength(), o = r || Math.max(1, n); i(n <= o, 'byte array longer than desired length'), i(o > 0, 'Requested array length <= 0'), this.strip(); var a, s, u = 'le' === t, f = new e(o), c = this.clone(); if (u) { for (s = 0; !c.isZero(); s++) (a = c.andln(255)), c.iushrn(8), (f[s] = a); for (; s < o; s++) f[s] = 0; } else { for (s = 0; s < o - n; s++) f[s] = 0; for (s = 0; !c.isZero(); s++) (a = c.andln(255)), c.iushrn(8), (f[o - s - 1] = a); } return f; }), Math.clz32 ? (a.prototype._countBits = function (e) { return 32 - Math.clz32(e); }) : (a.prototype._countBits = function (e) { var t = e, r = 0; return ( t >= 4096 && ((r += 13), (t >>>= 13)), t >= 64 && ((r += 7), (t >>>= 7)), t >= 8 && ((r += 4), (t >>>= 4)), t >= 2 && ((r += 2), (t >>>= 2)), r + t ); }), (a.prototype._zeroBits = function (e) { if (0 === e) return 26; var t = e, r = 0; return ( 0 == (8191 & t) && ((r += 13), (t >>>= 13)), 0 == (127 & t) && ((r += 7), (t >>>= 7)), 0 == (15 & t) && ((r += 4), (t >>>= 4)), 0 == (3 & t) && ((r += 2), (t >>>= 2)), 0 == (1 & t) && r++, r ); }), (a.prototype.bitLength = function () { var e = this.words[this.length - 1], t = this._countBits(e); return 26 * (this.length - 1) + t; }), (a.prototype.zeroBits = function () { if (this.isZero()) return 0; for (var e = 0, t = 0; t < this.length; t++) { var r = this._zeroBits(this.words[t]); if (((e += r), 26 !== r)) break; } return e; }), (a.prototype.byteLength = function () { return Math.ceil(this.bitLength() / 8); }), (a.prototype.toTwos = function (e) { return 0 !== this.negative ? this.abs().inotn(e).iaddn(1) : this.clone(); }), (a.prototype.fromTwos = function (e) { return this.testn(e - 1) ? this.notn(e).iaddn(1).ineg() : this.clone(); }), (a.prototype.isNeg = function () { return 0 !== this.negative; }), (a.prototype.neg = function () { return this.clone().ineg(); }), (a.prototype.ineg = function () { return this.isZero() || (this.negative ^= 1), this; }), (a.prototype.iuor = function (e) { for (; this.length < e.length; ) this.words[this.length++] = 0; for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) this.words[t] = this.words[t] | e.words[t]; return this.strip(); }), (a.prototype.ior = function (e) { return i(0 == (this.negative | e.negative)), this.iuor(e); }), (a.prototype.or = function (e) { return this.length > e.length ? this.clone().ior(e) : e.clone().ior(this); }), (a.prototype.uor = function (e) { return this.length > e.length ? this.clone().iuor(e) : e.clone().iuor(this); }), (a.prototype.iuand = function (e) { var t; t = this.length > e.length ? e : this; for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) this.words[r] = this.words[r] & e.words[r]; return (this.length = t.length), this.strip(); }), (a.prototype.iand = function (e) { return i(0 == (this.negative | e.negative)), this.iuand(e); }), (a.prototype.and = function (e) { return this.length > e.length ? this.clone().iand(e) : e.clone().iand(this); }), (a.prototype.uand = function (e) { return this.length > e.length ? this.clone().iuand(e) : e.clone().iuand(this); }), (a.prototype.iuxor = function (e) { var t, r; this.length > e.length ? ((t = this), (r = e)) : ((t = e), (r = this)); for (var n = 0; n < r.length; n++) this.words[n] = t.words[n] ^ r.words[n]; if (this !== t) for (; n < t.length; n++) this.words[n] = t.words[n]; return (this.length = t.length), this.strip(); }), (a.prototype.ixor = function (e) { return i(0 == (this.negative | e.negative)), this.iuxor(e); }), (a.prototype.xor = function (e) { return this.length > e.length ? this.clone().ixor(e) : e.clone().ixor(this); }), (a.prototype.uxor = function (e) { return this.length > e.length ? this.clone().iuxor(e) : e.clone().iuxor(this); }), (a.prototype.inotn = function (e) { i('number' == typeof e && e >= 0); var t = 0 | Math.ceil(e / 26), r = e % 26; this._expand(t), r > 0 && t--; for (var n = 0; n < t; n++) this.words[n] = 67108863 & ~this.words[n]; return ( r > 0 && (this.words[n] = ~this.words[n] & (67108863 >> (26 - r))), this.strip() ); }), (a.prototype.notn = function (e) { return this.clone().inotn(e); }), (a.prototype.setn = function (e, t) { i('number' == typeof e && e >= 0); var r = (e / 26) | 0, n = e % 26; return ( this._expand(r + 1), (this.words[r] = t ? this.words[r] | (1 << n) : this.words[r] & ~(1 << n)), this.strip() ); }), (a.prototype.iadd = function (e) { var t, r, n; if (0 !== this.negative && 0 === e.negative) return ( (this.negative = 0), (t = this.isub(e)), (this.negative ^= 1), this._normSign() ); if (0 === this.negative && 0 !== e.negative) return (e.negative = 0), (t = this.isub(e)), (e.negative = 1), t._normSign(); this.length > e.length ? ((r = this), (n = e)) : ((r = e), (n = this)); for (var i = 0, o = 0; o < n.length; o++) (t = (0 | r.words[o]) + (0 | n.words[o]) + i), (this.words[o] = 67108863 & t), (i = t >>> 26); for (; 0 !== i && o < r.length; o++) (t = (0 | r.words[o]) + i), (this.words[o] = 67108863 & t), (i = t >>> 26); if (((this.length = r.length), 0 !== i)) (this.words[this.length] = i), this.length++; else if (r !== this) for (; o < r.length; o++) this.words[o] = r.words[o]; return this; }), (a.prototype.add = function (e) { var t; return 0 !== e.negative && 0 === this.negative ? ((e.negative = 0), (t = this.sub(e)), (e.negative ^= 1), t) : 0 === e.negative && 0 !== this.negative ? ((this.negative = 0), (t = e.sub(this)), (this.negative = 1), t) : this.length > e.length ? this.clone().iadd(e) : e.clone().iadd(this); }), (a.prototype.isub = function (e) { if (0 !== e.negative) { e.negative = 0; var t = this.iadd(e); return (e.negative = 1), t._normSign(); } if (0 !== this.negative) return (this.negative = 0), this.iadd(e), (this.negative = 1), this._normSign(); var r, n, i = this.cmp(e); if (0 === i) return (this.negative = 0), (this.length = 1), (this.words[0] = 0), this; i > 0 ? ((r = this), (n = e)) : ((r = e), (n = this)); for (var o = 0, a = 0; a < n.length; a++) (o = (t = (0 | r.words[a]) - (0 | n.words[a]) + o) >> 26), (this.words[a] = 67108863 & t); for (; 0 !== o && a < r.length; a++) (o = (t = (0 | r.words[a]) + o) >> 26), (this.words[a] = 67108863 & t); if (0 === o && a < r.length && r !== this) for (; a < r.length; a++) this.words[a] = r.words[a]; return ( (this.length = Math.max(this.length, a)), r !== this && (this.negative = 1), this.strip() ); }), (a.prototype.sub = function (e) { return this.clone().isub(e); }); var p = function (e, t, r) { var n, i, o, a = e.words, s = t.words, u = r.words, f = 0, c = 0 | a[0], h = 8191 & c, d = c >>> 13, l = 0 | a[1], p = 8191 & l, b = l >>> 13, m = 0 | a[2], y = 8191 & m, v = m >>> 13, g = 0 | a[3], w = 8191 & g, _ = g >>> 13, k = 0 | a[4], A = 8191 & k, S = k >>> 13, E = 0 | a[5], x = 8191 & E, M = E >>> 13, I = 0 | a[6], O = 8191 & I, C = I >>> 13, P = 0 | a[7], T = 8191 & P, U = P >>> 13, B = 0 | a[8], R = 8191 & B, N = B >>> 13, j = 0 | a[9], L = 8191 & j, F = j >>> 13, D = 0 | s[0], q = 8191 & D, z = D >>> 13, H = 0 | s[1], K = 8191 & H, V = H >>> 13, G = 0 | s[2], W = 8191 & G, Y = G >>> 13, $ = 0 | s[3], J = 8191 & $, Z = $ >>> 13, X = 0 | s[4], Q = 8191 & X, ee = X >>> 13, te = 0 | s[5], re = 8191 & te, ne = te >>> 13, ie = 0 | s[6], oe = 8191 & ie, ae = ie >>> 13, se = 0 | s[7], ue = 8191 & se, fe = se >>> 13, ce = 0 | s[8], he = 8191 & ce, de = ce >>> 13, le = 0 | s[9], pe = 8191 & le, be = le >>> 13; (r.negative = e.negative ^ t.negative), (r.length = 19); var me = (((f + (n = Math.imul(h, q))) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = Math.imul(h, z)) + Math.imul(d, q)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = Math.imul(d, z)) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (me >>> 26)) | 0), (me &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(p, q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(p, z)) + Math.imul(b, q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(b, z)); var ye = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(h, K)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(h, V)) | 0) + Math.imul(d, K)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(d, V)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (ye >>> 26)) | 0), (ye &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(y, q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(y, z)) + Math.imul(v, q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(v, z)), (n = (n + Math.imul(p, K)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(p, V)) | 0) + Math.imul(b, K)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(b, V)) | 0); var ve = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(h, W)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(h, Y)) | 0) + Math.imul(d, W)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(d, Y)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (ve >>> 26)) | 0), (ve &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(w, q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(w, z)) + Math.imul(_, q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(_, z)), (n = (n + Math.imul(y, K)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(y, V)) | 0) + Math.imul(v, K)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(v, V)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(p, W)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(p, Y)) | 0) + Math.imul(b, W)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(b, Y)) | 0); var ge = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(h, J)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(h, Z)) | 0) + Math.imul(d, J)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(d, Z)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (ge >>> 26)) | 0), (ge &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(A, q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(A, z)) + Math.imul(S, q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(S, z)), (n = (n + Math.imul(w, K)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(w, V)) | 0) + Math.imul(_, K)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(_, V)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(y, W)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(y, Y)) | 0) + Math.imul(v, W)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(v, Y)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(p, J)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(p, Z)) | 0) + Math.imul(b, J)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(b, Z)) | 0); var we = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(h, Q)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(h, ee)) | 0) + Math.imul(d, Q)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(d, ee)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (we >>> 26)) | 0), (we &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(x, q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(x, z)) + Math.imul(M, q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(M, z)), (n = (n + Math.imul(A, K)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(A, V)) | 0) + Math.imul(S, K)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(S, V)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(w, W)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(w, Y)) | 0) + Math.imul(_, W)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(_, Y)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(y, J)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(y, Z)) | 0) + Math.imul(v, J)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(v, Z)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(p, Q)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(p, ee)) | 0) + Math.imul(b, Q)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(b, ee)) | 0); var _e = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(h, re)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(h, ne)) | 0) + Math.imul(d, re)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(d, ne)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (_e >>> 26)) | 0), (_e &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(O, q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(O, z)) + Math.imul(C, q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(C, z)), (n = (n + Math.imul(x, K)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(x, V)) | 0) + Math.imul(M, K)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(M, V)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(A, W)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(A, Y)) | 0) + Math.imul(S, W)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(S, Y)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(w, J)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(w, Z)) | 0) + Math.imul(_, J)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(_, Z)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(y, Q)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(y, ee)) | 0) + Math.imul(v, Q)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(v, ee)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(p, re)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(p, ne)) | 0) + Math.imul(b, re)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(b, ne)) | 0); var ke = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(h, oe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(h, ae)) | 0) + Math.imul(d, oe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(d, ae)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (ke >>> 26)) | 0), (ke &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(T, q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(T, z)) + Math.imul(U, q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(U, z)), (n = (n + Math.imul(O, K)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(O, V)) | 0) + Math.imul(C, K)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(C, V)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(x, W)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(x, Y)) | 0) + Math.imul(M, W)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(M, Y)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(A, J)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(A, Z)) | 0) + Math.imul(S, J)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(S, Z)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(w, Q)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(w, ee)) | 0) + Math.imul(_, Q)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(_, ee)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(y, re)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(y, ne)) | 0) + Math.imul(v, re)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(v, ne)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(p, oe)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(p, ae)) | 0) + Math.imul(b, oe)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(b, ae)) | 0); var Ae = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(h, ue)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(h, fe)) | 0) + Math.imul(d, ue)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(d, fe)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Ae >>> 26)) | 0), (Ae &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(R, q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(R, z)) + Math.imul(N, q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(N, z)), (n = (n + Math.imul(T, K)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(T, V)) | 0) + Math.imul(U, K)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(U, V)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(O, W)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(O, Y)) | 0) + Math.imul(C, W)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(C, Y)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(x, J)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(x, Z)) | 0) + Math.imul(M, J)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(M, Z)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(A, Q)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(A, ee)) | 0) + Math.imul(S, Q)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(S, ee)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(w, re)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(w, ne)) | 0) + Math.imul(_, re)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(_, ne)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(y, oe)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(y, ae)) | 0) + Math.imul(v, oe)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(v, ae)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(p, ue)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(p, fe)) | 0) + Math.imul(b, ue)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(b, fe)) | 0); var Se = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(h, he)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(h, de)) | 0) + Math.imul(d, he)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(d, de)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Se >>> 26)) | 0), (Se &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(L, q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, z)) + Math.imul(F, q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(F, z)), (n = (n + Math.imul(R, K)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(R, V)) | 0) + Math.imul(N, K)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(N, V)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(T, W)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(T, Y)) | 0) + Math.imul(U, W)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(U, Y)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(O, J)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(O, Z)) | 0) + Math.imul(C, J)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(C, Z)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(x, Q)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(x, ee)) | 0) + Math.imul(M, Q)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(M, ee)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(A, re)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(A, ne)) | 0) + Math.imul(S, re)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(S, ne)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(w, oe)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(w, ae)) | 0) + Math.imul(_, oe)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(_, ae)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(y, ue)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(y, fe)) | 0) + Math.imul(v, ue)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(v, fe)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(p, he)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(p, de)) | 0) + Math.imul(b, he)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(b, de)) | 0); var Ee = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(h, pe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(h, be)) | 0) + Math.imul(d, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(d, be)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Ee >>> 26)) | 0), (Ee &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(L, K)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, V)) + Math.imul(F, K)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(F, V)), (n = (n + Math.imul(R, W)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(R, Y)) | 0) + Math.imul(N, W)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(N, Y)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(T, J)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(T, Z)) | 0) + Math.imul(U, J)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(U, Z)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(O, Q)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(O, ee)) | 0) + Math.imul(C, Q)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(C, ee)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(x, re)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(x, ne)) | 0) + Math.imul(M, re)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(M, ne)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(A, oe)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(A, ae)) | 0) + Math.imul(S, oe)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(S, ae)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(w, ue)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(w, fe)) | 0) + Math.imul(_, ue)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(_, fe)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(y, he)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(y, de)) | 0) + Math.imul(v, he)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(v, de)) | 0); var xe = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(p, pe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(p, be)) | 0) + Math.imul(b, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(b, be)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (xe >>> 26)) | 0), (xe &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(L, W)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, Y)) + Math.imul(F, W)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(F, Y)), (n = (n + Math.imul(R, J)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(R, Z)) | 0) + Math.imul(N, J)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(N, Z)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(T, Q)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(T, ee)) | 0) + Math.imul(U, Q)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(U, ee)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(O, re)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(O, ne)) | 0) + Math.imul(C, re)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(C, ne)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(x, oe)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(x, ae)) | 0) + Math.imul(M, oe)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(M, ae)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(A, ue)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(A, fe)) | 0) + Math.imul(S, ue)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(S, fe)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(w, he)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(w, de)) | 0) + Math.imul(_, he)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(_, de)) | 0); var Me = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(y, pe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(y, be)) | 0) + Math.imul(v, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(v, be)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Me >>> 26)) | 0), (Me &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(L, J)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, Z)) + Math.imul(F, J)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(F, Z)), (n = (n + Math.imul(R, Q)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(R, ee)) | 0) + Math.imul(N, Q)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(N, ee)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(T, re)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(T, ne)) | 0) + Math.imul(U, re)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(U, ne)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(O, oe)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(O, ae)) | 0) + Math.imul(C, oe)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(C, ae)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(x, ue)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(x, fe)) | 0) + Math.imul(M, ue)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(M, fe)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(A, he)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(A, de)) | 0) + Math.imul(S, he)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(S, de)) | 0); var Ie = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(w, pe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(w, be)) | 0) + Math.imul(_, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(_, be)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Ie >>> 26)) | 0), (Ie &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(L, Q)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, ee)) + Math.imul(F, Q)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(F, ee)), (n = (n + Math.imul(R, re)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(R, ne)) | 0) + Math.imul(N, re)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(N, ne)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(T, oe)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(T, ae)) | 0) + Math.imul(U, oe)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(U, ae)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(O, ue)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(O, fe)) | 0) + Math.imul(C, ue)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(C, fe)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(x, he)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(x, de)) | 0) + Math.imul(M, he)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(M, de)) | 0); var Oe = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(A, pe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(A, be)) | 0) + Math.imul(S, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(S, be)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Oe >>> 26)) | 0), (Oe &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(L, re)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, ne)) + Math.imul(F, re)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(F, ne)), (n = (n + Math.imul(R, oe)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(R, ae)) | 0) + Math.imul(N, oe)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(N, ae)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(T, ue)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(T, fe)) | 0) + Math.imul(U, ue)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(U, fe)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(O, he)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(O, de)) | 0) + Math.imul(C, he)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(C, de)) | 0); var Ce = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(x, pe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(x, be)) | 0) + Math.imul(M, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(M, be)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Ce >>> 26)) | 0), (Ce &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(L, oe)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, ae)) + Math.imul(F, oe)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(F, ae)), (n = (n + Math.imul(R, ue)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(R, fe)) | 0) + Math.imul(N, ue)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(N, fe)) | 0), (n = (n + Math.imul(T, he)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(T, de)) | 0) + Math.imul(U, he)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(U, de)) | 0); var Pe = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(O, pe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(O, be)) | 0) + Math.imul(C, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(C, be)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Pe >>> 26)) | 0), (Pe &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(L, ue)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, fe)) + Math.imul(F, ue)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(F, fe)), (n = (n + Math.imul(R, he)) | 0), (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(R, de)) | 0) + Math.imul(N, he)) | 0), (o = (o + Math.imul(N, de)) | 0); var Te = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(T, pe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(T, be)) | 0) + Math.imul(U, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(U, be)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Te >>> 26)) | 0), (Te &= 67108863), (n = Math.imul(L, he)), (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, de)) + Math.imul(F, he)) | 0), (o = Math.imul(F, de)); var Ue = (((f + (n = (n + Math.imul(R, pe)) | 0)) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = (i + Math.imul(R, be)) | 0) + Math.imul(N, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; (f = ((((o = (o + Math.imul(N, be)) | 0) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Ue >>> 26)) | 0), (Ue &= 67108863); var Be = (((f + (n = Math.imul(L, pe))) | 0) + ((8191 & (i = ((i = Math.imul(L, be)) + Math.imul(F, pe)) | 0)) << 13)) | 0; return ( (f = ((((o = Math.imul(F, be)) + (i >>> 13)) | 0) + (Be >>> 26)) | 0), (Be &= 67108863), (u[0] = me), (u[1] = ye), (u[2] = ve), (u[3] = ge), (u[4] = we), (u[5] = _e), (u[6] = ke), (u[7] = Ae), (u[8] = Se), (u[9] = Ee), (u[10] = xe), (u[11] = Me), (u[12] = Ie), (u[13] = Oe), (u[14] = Ce), (u[15] = Pe), (u[16] = Te), (u[17] = Ue), (u[18] = Be), 0 !== f && ((u[19] = f), r.length++), r ); }; function b(e, t, r) { return new m().mulp(e, t, r); } function m(e, t) { (this.x = e), (this.y = t); } Math.imul || (p = l), (a.prototype.mulTo = function (e, t) { var r = this.length + e.length; return 10 === this.length && 10 === e.length ? p(this, e, t) : r < 63 ? l(this, e, t) : r < 1024 ? (function (e, t, r) { (r.negative = t.negative ^ e.negative), (r.length = e.length + t.length); for (var n = 0, i = 0, o = 0; o < r.length - 1; o++) { var a = i; i = 0; for ( var s = 67108863 & n, u = Math.min(o, t.length - 1), f = Math.max(0, o - e.length + 1); f <= u; f++ ) { var c = o - f, h = (0 | e.words[c]) * (0 | t.words[f]), d = 67108863 & h; (s = 67108863 & (d = (d + s) | 0)), (i += (a = ((a = (a + ((h / 67108864) | 0)) | 0) + (d >>> 26)) | 0) >>> 26), (a &= 67108863); } (r.words[o] = s), (n = a), (a = i); } return 0 !== n ? (r.words[o] = n) : r.length--, r.strip(); })(this, e, t) : b(this, e, t); }), (m.prototype.makeRBT = function (e) { for (var t = new Array(e), r = a.prototype._countBits(e) - 1, n = 0; n < e; n++) t[n] = this.revBin(n, r, e); return t; }), (m.prototype.revBin = function (e, t, r) { if (0 === e || e === r - 1) return e; for (var n = 0, i = 0; i < t; i++) (n |= (1 & e) << (t - i - 1)), (e >>= 1); return n; }), (m.prototype.permute = function (e, t, r, n, i, o) { for (var a = 0; a < o; a++) (n[a] = t[e[a]]), (i[a] = r[e[a]]); }), (m.prototype.transform = function (e, t, r, n, i, o) { this.permute(o, e, t, r, n, i); for (var a = 1; a < i; a <<= 1) for ( var s = a << 1, u = Math.cos((2 * Math.PI) / s), f = Math.sin((2 * Math.PI) / s), c = 0; c < i; c += s ) for (var h = u, d = f, l = 0; l < a; l++) { var p = r[c + l], b = n[c + l], m = r[c + l + a], y = n[c + l + a], v = h * m - d * y; (y = h * y + d * m), (m = v), (r[c + l] = p + m), (n[c + l] = b + y), (r[c + l + a] = p - m), (n[c + l + a] = b - y), l !== s && ((v = u * h - f * d), (d = u * d + f * h), (h = v)); } }), (m.prototype.guessLen13b = function (e, t) { var r = 1 | Math.max(t, e), n = 1 & r, i = 0; for (r = (r / 2) | 0; r; r >>>= 1) i++; return 1 << (i + 1 + n); }), (m.prototype.conjugate = function (e, t, r) { if (!(r <= 1)) for (var n = 0; n < r / 2; n++) { var i = e[n]; (e[n] = e[r - n - 1]), (e[r - n - 1] = i), (i = t[n]), (t[n] = -t[r - n - 1]), (t[r - n - 1] = -i); } }), (m.prototype.normalize13b = function (e, t) { for (var r = 0, n = 0; n < t / 2; n++) { var i = 8192 * Math.round(e[2 * n + 1] / t) + Math.round(e[2 * n] / t) + r; (e[n] = 67108863 & i), (r = i < 67108864 ? 0 : (i / 67108864) | 0); } return e; }), (m.prototype.convert13b = function (e, t, r, n) { for (var o = 0, a = 0; a < t; a++) (o += 0 | e[a]), (r[2 * a] = 8191 & o), (o >>>= 13), (r[2 * a + 1] = 8191 & o), (o >>>= 13); for (a = 2 * t; a < n; ++a) r[a] = 0; i(0 === o), i(0 == (-8192 & o)); }), (m.prototype.stub = function (e) { for (var t = new Array(e), r = 0; r < e; r++) t[r] = 0; return t; }), (m.prototype.mulp = function (e, t, r) { var n = 2 * this.guessLen13b(e.length, t.length), i = this.makeRBT(n), o = this.stub(n), a = new Array(n), s = new Array(n), u = new Array(n), f = new Array(n), c = new Array(n), h = new Array(n), d = r.words; (d.length = n), this.convert13b(e.words, e.length, a, n), this.convert13b(t.words, t.length, f, n), this.transform(a, o, s, u, n, i), this.transform(f, o, c, h, n, i); for (var l = 0; l < n; l++) { var p = s[l] * c[l] - u[l] * h[l]; (u[l] = s[l] * h[l] + u[l] * c[l]), (s[l] = p); } return ( this.conjugate(s, u, n), this.transform(s, u, d, o, n, i), this.conjugate(d, o, n), this.normalize13b(d, n), (r.negative = e.negative ^ t.negative), (r.length = e.length + t.length), r.strip() ); }), (a.prototype.mul = function (e) { var t = new a(null); return (t.words = new Array(this.length + e.length)), this.mulTo(e, t); }), (a.prototype.mulf = function (e) { var t = new a(null); return (t.words = new Array(this.length + e.length)), b(this, e, t); }), (a.prototype.imul = function (e) { return this.clone().mulTo(e, this); }), (a.prototype.imuln = function (e) { i('number' == typeof e), i(e < 67108864); for (var t = 0, r = 0; r < this.length; r++) { var n = (0 | this.words[r]) * e, o = (67108863 & n) + (67108863 & t); (t >>= 26), (t += (n / 67108864) | 0), (t += o >>> 26), (this.words[r] = 67108863 & o); } return 0 !== t && ((this.words[r] = t), this.length++), this; }), (a.prototype.muln = function (e) { return this.clone().imuln(e); }), (a.prototype.sqr = function () { return this.mul(this); }), (a.prototype.isqr = function () { return this.imul(this.clone()); }), (a.prototype.pow = function (e) { var t = (function (e) { for (var t = new Array(e.bitLength()), r = 0; r < t.length; r++) { var n = (r / 26) | 0, i = r % 26; t[r] = (e.words[n] & (1 << i)) >>> i; } return t; })(e); if (0 === t.length) return new a(1); for (var r = this, n = 0; n < t.length && 0 === t[n]; n++, r = r.sqr()); if (++n < t.length) for (var i = r.sqr(); n < t.length; n++, i = i.sqr()) 0 !== t[n] && (r = r.mul(i)); return r; }), (a.prototype.iushln = function (e) { i('number' == typeof e && e >= 0); var t, r = e % 26, n = (e - r) / 26, o = (67108863 >>> (26 - r)) << (26 - r); if (0 !== r) { var a = 0; for (t = 0; t < this.length; t++) { var s = this.words[t] & o, u = ((0 | this.words[t]) - s) << r; (this.words[t] = u | a), (a = s >>> (26 - r)); } a && ((this.words[t] = a), this.length++); } if (0 !== n) { for (t = this.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) this.words[t + n] = this.words[t]; for (t = 0; t < n; t++) this.words[t] = 0; this.length += n; } return this.strip(); }), (a.prototype.ishln = function (e) { return i(0 === this.negative), this.iushln(e); }), (a.prototype.iushrn = function (e, t, r) { var n; i('number' == typeof e && e >= 0), (n = t ? (t - (t % 26)) / 26 : 0); var o = e % 26, a = Math.min((e - o) / 26, this.length), s = 67108863 ^ ((67108863 >>> o) << o), u = r; if (((n -= a), (n = Math.max(0, n)), u)) { for (var f = 0; f < a; f++) u.words[f] = this.words[f]; u.length = a; } if (0 === a); else if (this.length > a) for (this.length -= a, f = 0; f < this.length; f++) this.words[f] = this.words[f + a]; else (this.words[0] = 0), (this.length = 1); var c = 0; for (f = this.length - 1; f >= 0 && (0 !== c || f >= n); f--) { var h = 0 | this.words[f]; (this.words[f] = (c << (26 - o)) | (h >>> o)), (c = h & s); } return ( u && 0 !== c && (u.words[u.length++] = c), 0 === this.length && ((this.words[0] = 0), (this.length = 1)), this.strip() ); }), (a.prototype.ishrn = function (e, t, r) { return i(0 === this.negative), this.iushrn(e, t, r); }), (a.prototype.shln = function (e) { return this.clone().ishln(e); }), (a.prototype.ushln = function (e) { return this.clone().iushln(e); }), (a.prototype.shrn = function (e) { return this.clone().ishrn(e); }), (a.prototype.ushrn = function (e) { return this.clone().iushrn(e); }), (a.prototype.testn = function (e) { i('number' == typeof e && e >= 0); var t = e % 26, r = (e - t) / 26, n = 1 << t; return !(this.length <= r) && !!(this.words[r] & n); }), (a.prototype.imaskn = function (e) { i('number' == typeof e && e >= 0); var t = e % 26, r = (e - t) / 26; if ( (i(0 === this.negative, 'imaskn works only with positive numbers'), this.length <= r) ) return this; if ((0 !== t && r++, (this.length = Math.min(r, this.length)), 0 !== t)) { var n = 67108863 ^ ((67108863 >>> t) << t); this.words[this.length - 1] &= n; } return this.strip(); }), (a.prototype.maskn = function (e) { return this.clone().imaskn(e); }), (a.prototype.iaddn = function (e) { return ( i('number' == typeof e), i(e < 67108864), e < 0 ? this.isubn(-e) : 0 !== this.negative ? 1 === this.length && (0 | this.words[0]) < e ? ((this.words[0] = e - (0 | this.words[0])), (this.negative = 0), this) : ((this.negative = 0), this.isubn(e), (this.negative = 1), this) : this._iaddn(e) ); }), (a.prototype._iaddn = function (e) { this.words[0] += e; for (var t = 0; t < this.length && this.words[t] >= 67108864; t++) (this.words[t] -= 67108864), t === this.length - 1 ? (this.words[t + 1] = 1) : this.words[t + 1]++; return (this.length = Math.max(this.length, t + 1)), this; }), (a.prototype.isubn = function (e) { if ((i('number' == typeof e), i(e < 67108864), e < 0)) return this.iaddn(-e); if (0 !== this.negative) return (this.negative = 0), this.iaddn(e), (this.negative = 1), this; if (((this.words[0] -= e), 1 === this.length && this.words[0] < 0)) (this.words[0] = -this.words[0]), (this.negative = 1); else for (var t = 0; t < this.length && this.words[t] < 0; t++) (this.words[t] += 67108864), (this.words[t + 1] -= 1); return this.strip(); }), (a.prototype.addn = function (e) { return this.clone().iaddn(e); }), (a.prototype.subn = function (e) { return this.clone().isubn(e); }), (a.prototype.iabs = function () { return (this.negative = 0), this; }), (a.prototype.abs = function () { return this.clone().iabs(); }), (a.prototype._ishlnsubmul = function (e, t, r) { var n, o, a = e.length + r; this._expand(a); var s = 0; for (n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { o = (0 | this.words[n + r]) + s; var u = (0 | e.words[n]) * t; (s = ((o -= 67108863 & u) >> 26) - ((u / 67108864) | 0)), (this.words[n + r] = 67108863 & o); } for (; n < this.length - r; n++) (s = (o = (0 | this.words[n + r]) + s) >> 26), (this.words[n + r] = 67108863 & o); if (0 === s) return this.strip(); for (i(-1 === s), s = 0, n = 0; n < this.length; n++) (s = (o = -(0 | this.words[n]) + s) >> 26), (this.words[n] = 67108863 & o); return (this.negative = 1), this.strip(); }), (a.prototype._wordDiv = function (e, t) { var r = (this.length, e.length), n = this.clone(), i = e, o = 0 | i.words[i.length - 1]; 0 !== (r = 26 - this._countBits(o)) && ((i = i.ushln(r)), n.iushln(r), (o = 0 | i.words[i.length - 1])); var s, u = n.length - i.length; if ('mod' !== t) { ((s = new a(null)).length = u + 1), (s.words = new Array(s.length)); for (var f = 0; f < s.length; f++) s.words[f] = 0; } var c = n.clone()._ishlnsubmul(i, 1, u); 0 === c.negative && ((n = c), s && (s.words[u] = 1)); for (var h = u - 1; h >= 0; h--) { var d = 67108864 * (0 | n.words[i.length + h]) + (0 | n.words[i.length + h - 1]); for ( d = Math.min((d / o) | 0, 67108863), n._ishlnsubmul(i, d, h); 0 !== n.negative; ) d--, (n.negative = 0), n._ishlnsubmul(i, 1, h), n.isZero() || (n.negative ^= 1); s && (s.words[h] = d); } return ( s && s.strip(), n.strip(), 'div' !== t && 0 !== r && n.iushrn(r), { div: s || null, mod: n } ); }), (a.prototype.divmod = function (e, t, r) { return ( i(!e.isZero()), this.isZero() ? { div: new a(0), mod: new a(0) } : 0 !== this.negative && 0 === e.negative ? ((s = this.neg().divmod(e, t)), 'mod' !== t && (n = s.div.neg()), 'div' !== t && ((o = s.mod.neg()), r && 0 !== o.negative && o.iadd(e)), { div: n, mod: o }) : 0 === this.negative && 0 !== e.negative ? ((s = this.divmod(e.neg(), t)), 'mod' !== t && (n = s.div.neg()), { div: n, mod: s.mod }) : 0 != (this.negative & e.negative) ? ((s = this.neg().divmod(e.neg(), t)), 'div' !== t && ((o = s.mod.neg()), r && 0 !== o.negative && o.isub(e)), { div: s.div, mod: o }) : e.length > this.length || this.cmp(e) < 0 ? { div: new a(0), mod: this } : 1 === e.length ? 'div' === t ? { div: this.divn(e.words[0]), mod: null } : 'mod' === t ? { div: null, mod: new a(this.modn(e.words[0])) } : { div: this.divn(e.words[0]), mod: new a(this.modn(e.words[0])) } : this._wordDiv(e, t) ); var n, o, s; }), (a.prototype.div = function (e) { return this.divmod(e, 'div', !1).div; }), (a.prototype.mod = function (e) { return this.divmod(e, 'mod', !1).mod; }), (a.prototype.umod = function (e) { return this.divmod(e, 'mod', !0).mod; }), (a.prototype.divRound = function (e) { var t = this.divmod(e); if (t.mod.isZero()) return t.div; var r = 0 !== t.div.negative ? t.mod.isub(e) : t.mod, n = e.ushrn(1), i = e.andln(1), o = r.cmp(n); return o < 0 || (1 === i && 0 === o) ? t.div : 0 !== t.div.negative ? t.div.isubn(1) : t.div.iaddn(1); }), (a.prototype.modn = function (e) { i(e <= 67108863); for (var t = (1 << 26) % e, r = 0, n = this.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) r = (t * r + (0 | this.words[n])) % e; return r; }), (a.prototype.idivn = function (e) { i(e <= 67108863); for (var t = 0, r = this.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) { var n = (0 | this.words[r]) + 67108864 * t; (this.words[r] = (n / e) | 0), (t = n % e); } return this.strip(); }), (a.prototype.divn = function (e) { return this.clone().idivn(e); }), (a.prototype.egcd = function (e) { i(0 === e.negative), i(!e.isZero()); var t = this, r = e.clone(); t = 0 !== t.negative ? t.umod(e) : t.clone(); for ( var n = new a(1), o = new a(0), s = new a(0), u = new a(1), f = 0; t.isEven() && r.isEven(); ) t.iushrn(1), r.iushrn(1), ++f; for (var c = r.clone(), h = t.clone(); !t.isZero(); ) { for (var d = 0, l = 1; 0 == (t.words[0] & l) && d < 26; ++d, l <<= 1); if (d > 0) for (t.iushrn(d); d-- > 0; ) (n.isOdd() || o.isOdd()) && (n.iadd(c), o.isub(h)), n.iushrn(1), o.iushrn(1); for (var p = 0, b = 1; 0 == (r.words[0] & b) && p < 26; ++p, b <<= 1); if (p > 0) for (r.iushrn(p); p-- > 0; ) (s.isOdd() || u.isOdd()) && (s.iadd(c), u.isub(h)), s.iushrn(1), u.iushrn(1); t.cmp(r) >= 0 ? (t.isub(r), n.isub(s), o.isub(u)) : (r.isub(t), s.isub(n), u.isub(o)); } return { a: s, b: u, gcd: r.iushln(f) }; }), (a.prototype._invmp = function (e) { i(0 === e.negative), i(!e.isZero()); var t = this, r = e.clone(); t = 0 !== t.negative ? t.umod(e) : t.clone(); for ( var n, o = new a(1), s = new a(0), u = r.clone(); t.cmpn(1) > 0 && r.cmpn(1) > 0; ) { for (var f = 0, c = 1; 0 == (t.words[0] & c) && f < 26; ++f, c <<= 1); if (f > 0) for (t.iushrn(f); f-- > 0; ) o.isOdd() && o.iadd(u), o.iushrn(1); for (var h = 0, d = 1; 0 == (r.words[0] & d) && h < 26; ++h, d <<= 1); if (h > 0) for (r.iushrn(h); h-- > 0; ) s.isOdd() && s.iadd(u), s.iushrn(1); t.cmp(r) >= 0 ? (t.isub(r), o.isub(s)) : (r.isub(t), s.isub(o)); } return (n = 0 === t.cmpn(1) ? o : s).cmpn(0) < 0 && n.iadd(e), n; }), (a.prototype.gcd = function (e) { if (this.isZero()) return e.abs(); if (e.isZero()) return this.abs(); var t = this.clone(), r = e.clone(); (t.negative = 0), (r.negative = 0); for (var n = 0; t.isEven() && r.isEven(); n++) t.iushrn(1), r.iushrn(1); for (;;) { for (; t.isEven(); ) t.iushrn(1); for (; r.isEven(); ) r.iushrn(1); var i = t.cmp(r); if (i < 0) { var o = t; (t = r), (r = o); } else if (0 === i || 0 === r.cmpn(1)) break; t.isub(r); } return r.iushln(n); }), (a.prototype.invm = function (e) { return this.egcd(e).a.umod(e); }), (a.prototype.isEven = function () { return 0 == (1 & this.words[0]); }), (a.prototype.isOdd = function () { return 1 == (1 & this.words[0]); }), (a.prototype.andln = function (e) { return this.words[0] & e; }), (a.prototype.bincn = function (e) { i('number' == typeof e); var t = e % 26, r = (e - t) / 26, n = 1 << t; if (this.length <= r) return this._expand(r + 1), (this.words[r] |= n), this; for (var o = n, a = r; 0 !== o && a < this.length; a++) { var s = 0 | this.words[a]; (o = (s += o) >>> 26), (s &= 67108863), (this.words[a] = s); } return 0 !== o && ((this.words[a] = o), this.length++), this; }), (a.prototype.isZero = function () { return 1 === this.length && 0 === this.words[0]; }), (a.prototype.cmpn = function (e) { var t, r = e < 0; if (0 !== this.negative && !r) return -1; if (0 === this.negative && r) return 1; if ((this.strip(), this.length > 1)) t = 1; else { r && (e = -e), i(e <= 67108863, 'Number is too big'); var n = 0 | this.words[0]; t = n === e ? 0 : n < e ? -1 : 1; } return 0 !== this.negative ? 0 | -t : t; }), (a.prototype.cmp = function (e) { if (0 !== this.negative && 0 === e.negative) return -1; if (0 === this.negative && 0 !== e.negative) return 1; var t = this.ucmp(e); return 0 !== this.negative ? 0 | -t : t; }), (a.prototype.ucmp = function (e) { if (this.length > e.length) return 1; if (this.length < e.length) return -1; for (var t = 0, r = this.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) { var n = 0 | this.words[r], i = 0 | e.words[r]; if (n !== i) { n < i ? (t = -1) : n > i && (t = 1); break; } } return t; }), (a.prototype.gtn = function (e) { return 1 === this.cmpn(e); }), (a.prototype.gt = function (e) { return 1 === this.cmp(e); }), (a.prototype.gten = function (e) { return this.cmpn(e) >= 0; }), (a.prototype.gte = function (e) { return this.cmp(e) >= 0; }), (a.prototype.ltn = function (e) { return -1 === this.cmpn(e); }), (a.prototype.lt = function (e) { return -1 === this.cmp(e); }), (a.prototype.lten = function (e) { return this.cmpn(e) <= 0; }), (a.prototype.lte = function (e) { return this.cmp(e) <= 0; }), (a.prototype.eqn = function (e) { return 0 === this.cmpn(e); }), (a.prototype.eq = function (e) { return 0 === this.cmp(e); }), (a.red = function (e) { return new A(e); }), (a.prototype.toRed = function (e) { return ( i(!this.red, 'Already a number in reduction context'), i(0 === this.negative, 'red works only with positives'), e.convertTo(this)._forceRed(e) ); }), (a.prototype.fromRed = function () { return ( i(this.red, 'fromRed works only with numbers in reduction context'), this.red.convertFrom(this) ); }), (a.prototype._forceRed = function (e) { return (this.red = e), this; }), (a.prototype.forceRed = function (e) { return i(!this.red, 'Already a number in reduction context'), this._forceRed(e); }), (a.prototype.redAdd = function (e) { return i(this.red, 'redAdd works only with red numbers'), this.red.add(this, e); }), (a.prototype.redIAdd = function (e) { return i(this.red, 'redIAdd works only with red numbers'), this.red.iadd(this, e); }), (a.prototype.redSub = function (e) { return i(this.red, 'redSub works only with red numbers'), this.red.sub(this, e); }), (a.prototype.redISub = function (e) { return i(this.red, 'redISub works only with red numbers'), this.red.isub(this, e); }), (a.prototype.redShl = function (e) { return i(this.red, 'redShl works only with red numbers'), this.red.shl(this, e); }), (a.prototype.redMul = function (e) { return ( i(this.red, 'redMul works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify2(this, e), this.red.mul(this, e) ); }), (a.prototype.redIMul = function (e) { return ( i(this.red, 'redMul works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify2(this, e), this.red.imul(this, e) ); }), (a.prototype.redSqr = function () { return ( i(this.red, 'redSqr works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.sqr(this) ); }), (a.prototype.redISqr = function () { return ( i(this.red, 'redISqr works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.isqr(this) ); }), (a.prototype.redSqrt = function () { return ( i(this.red, 'redSqrt works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.sqrt(this) ); }), (a.prototype.redInvm = function () { return ( i(this.red, 'redInvm works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.invm(this) ); }), (a.prototype.redNeg = function () { return ( i(this.red, 'redNeg works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.neg(this) ); }), (a.prototype.redPow = function (e) { return ( i(this.red && !e.red, 'redPow(normalNum)'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.pow(this, e) ); }); var y = { k256: null, p224: null, p192: null, p25519: null }; function v(e, t) { (this.name = e), (this.p = new a(t, 16)), (this.n = this.p.bitLength()), (this.k = new a(1).iushln(this.n).isub(this.p)), (this.tmp = this._tmp()); } function g() { v.call( this, 'k256', 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f' ); } function w() { v.call(this, 'p224', 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001'); } function _() { v.call(this, 'p192', 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff'); } function k() { v.call( this, '25519', '7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed' ); } function A(e) { if ('string' == typeof e) { var t = a._prime(e); (this.m = t.p), (this.prime = t); } else i(e.gtn(1), 'modulus must be greater than 1'), (this.m = e), (this.prime = null); } function S(e) { A.call(this, e), (this.shift = this.m.bitLength()), this.shift % 26 != 0 && (this.shift += 26 - (this.shift % 26)), (this.r = new a(1).iushln(this.shift)), (this.r2 = this.imod(this.r.sqr())), (this.rinv = this.r._invmp(this.m)), (this.minv = this.rinv.mul(this.r).isubn(1).div(this.m)), (this.minv = this.minv.umod(this.r)), (this.minv = this.r.sub(this.minv)); } (v.prototype._tmp = function () { var e = new a(null); return (e.words = new Array(Math.ceil(this.n / 13))), e; }), (v.prototype.ireduce = function (e) { var t, r = e; do { this.split(r, this.tmp), (t = (r = (r = this.imulK(r)).iadd(this.tmp)).bitLength()); } while (t > this.n); var n = t < this.n ? -1 : r.ucmp(this.p); return ( 0 === n ? ((r.words[0] = 0), (r.length = 1)) : n > 0 ? r.isub(this.p) : r.strip(), r ); }), (v.prototype.split = function (e, t) { e.iushrn(this.n, 0, t); }), (v.prototype.imulK = function (e) { return e.imul(this.k); }), o(g, v), (g.prototype.split = function (e, t) { for (var r = Math.min(e.length, 9), n = 0; n < r; n++) t.words[n] = e.words[n]; if (((t.length = r), e.length <= 9)) return (e.words[0] = 0), void (e.length = 1); var i = e.words[9]; for (t.words[t.length++] = 4194303 & i, n = 10; n < e.length; n++) { var o = 0 | e.words[n]; (e.words[n - 10] = ((4194303 & o) << 4) | (i >>> 22)), (i = o); } (i >>>= 22), (e.words[n - 10] = i), 0 === i && e.length > 10 ? (e.length -= 10) : (e.length -= 9); }), (g.prototype.imulK = function (e) { (e.words[e.length] = 0), (e.words[e.length + 1] = 0), (e.length += 2); for (var t = 0, r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { var n = 0 | e.words[r]; (t += 977 * n), (e.words[r] = 67108863 & t), (t = 64 * n + ((t / 67108864) | 0)); } return ( 0 === e.words[e.length - 1] && (e.length--, 0 === e.words[e.length - 1] && e.length--), e ); }), o(w, v), o(_, v), o(k, v), (k.prototype.imulK = function (e) { for (var t = 0, r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { var n = 19 * (0 | e.words[r]) + t, i = 67108863 & n; (n >>>= 26), (e.words[r] = i), (t = n); } return 0 !== t && (e.words[e.length++] = t), e; }), (a._prime = function (e) { if (y[e]) return y[e]; var t; if ('k256' === e) t = new g(); else if ('p224' === e) t = new w(); else if ('p192' === e) t = new _(); else { if ('p25519' !== e) throw new Error('Unknown prime ' + e); t = new k(); } return (y[e] = t), t; }), (A.prototype._verify1 = function (e) { i(0 === e.negative, 'red works only with positives'), i(e.red, 'red works only with red numbers'); }), (A.prototype._verify2 = function (e, t) { i(0 == (e.negative | t.negative), 'red works only with positives'), i(e.red && e.red === t.red, 'red works only with red numbers'); }), (A.prototype.imod = function (e) { return this.prime ? this.prime.ireduce(e)._forceRed(this) : e.umod(this.m)._forceRed(this); }), (A.prototype.neg = function (e) { return e.isZero() ? e.clone() : this.m.sub(e)._forceRed(this); }), (A.prototype.add = function (e, t) { this._verify2(e, t); var r = e.add(t); return r.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && r.isub(this.m), r._forceRed(this); }), (A.prototype.iadd = function (e, t) { this._verify2(e, t); var r = e.iadd(t); return r.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && r.isub(this.m), r; }), (A.prototype.sub = function (e, t) { this._verify2(e, t); var r = e.sub(t); return r.cmpn(0) < 0 && r.iadd(this.m), r._forceRed(this); }), (A.prototype.isub = function (e, t) { this._verify2(e, t); var r = e.isub(t); return r.cmpn(0) < 0 && r.iadd(this.m), r; }), (A.prototype.shl = function (e, t) { return this._verify1(e), this.imod(e.ushln(t)); }), (A.prototype.imul = function (e, t) { return this._verify2(e, t), this.imod(e.imul(t)); }), (A.prototype.mul = function (e, t) { return this._verify2(e, t), this.imod(e.mul(t)); }), (A.prototype.isqr = function (e) { return this.imul(e, e.clone()); }), (A.prototype.sqr = function (e) { return this.mul(e, e); }), (A.prototype.sqrt = function (e) { if (e.isZero()) return e.clone(); var t = this.m.andln(3); if ((i(t % 2 == 1), 3 === t)) { var r = this.m.add(new a(1)).iushrn(2); return this.pow(e, r); } for (var n = this.m.subn(1), o = 0; !n.isZero() && 0 === n.andln(1); ) o++, n.iushrn(1); i(!n.isZero()); var s = new a(1).toRed(this), u = s.redNeg(), f = this.m.subn(1).iushrn(1), c = this.m.bitLength(); for (c = new a(2 * c * c).toRed(this); 0 !== this.pow(c, f).cmp(u); ) c.redIAdd(u); for ( var h = this.pow(c, n), d = this.pow(e, n.addn(1).iushrn(1)), l = this.pow(e, n), p = o; 0 !== l.cmp(s); ) { for (var b = l, m = 0; 0 !== b.cmp(s); m++) b = b.redSqr(); i(m < p); var y = this.pow(h, new a(1).iushln(p - m - 1)); (d = d.redMul(y)), (h = y.redSqr()), (l = l.redMul(h)), (p = m); } return d; }), (A.prototype.invm = function (e) { var t = e._invmp(this.m); return 0 !== t.negative ? ((t.negative = 0), this.imod(t).redNeg()) : this.imod(t); }), (A.prototype.pow = function (e, t) { if (t.isZero()) return new a(1); if (0 === t.cmpn(1)) return e.clone(); var r = new Array(16); (r[0] = new a(1).toRed(this)), (r[1] = e); for (var n = 2; n < r.length; n++) r[n] = this.mul(r[n - 1], e); var i = r[0], o = 0, s = 0, u = t.bitLength() % 26; for (0 === u && (u = 26), n = t.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) { for (var f = t.words[n], c = u - 1; c >= 0; c--) { var h = (f >> c) & 1; i !== r[0] && (i = this.sqr(i)), 0 !== h || 0 !== o ? ((o <<= 1), (o |= h), (4 === ++s || (0 === n && 0 === c)) && ((i = this.mul(i, r[o])), (s = 0), (o = 0))) : (s = 0); } u = 26; } return i; }), (A.prototype.convertTo = function (e) { var t = e.umod(this.m); return t === e ? t.clone() : t; }), (A.prototype.convertFrom = function (e) { var t = e.clone(); return (t.red = null), t; }), (a.mont = function (e) { return new S(e); }), o(S, A), (S.prototype.convertTo = function (e) { return this.imod(e.ushln(this.shift)); }), (S.prototype.convertFrom = function (e) { var t = this.imod(e.mul(this.rinv)); return (t.red = null), t; }), (S.prototype.imul = function (e, t) { if (e.isZero() || t.isZero()) return (e.words[0] = 0), (e.length = 1), e; var r = e.imul(t), n = r.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), i = r.isub(n).iushrn(this.shift), o = i; return ( i.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? (o = i.isub(this.m)) : i.cmpn(0) < 0 && (o = i.iadd(this.m)), o._forceRed(this) ); }), (S.prototype.mul = function (e, t) { if (e.isZero() || t.isZero()) return new a(0)._forceRed(this); var r = e.mul(t), n = r.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), i = r.isub(n).iushrn(this.shift), o = i; return ( i.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? (o = i.isub(this.m)) : i.cmpn(0) < 0 && (o = i.iadd(this.m)), o._forceRed(this) ); }), (S.prototype.invm = function (e) { return this.imod(e._invmp(this.m).mul(this.r2))._forceRed(this); }); })(e); }.call(this, r(22)(e))); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; /*! https://mths.be/utf8js v3.0.0 by @mathias */ !(function (e) { var t, r, n, i = String.fromCharCode; function o(e) { for (var t, r, n = [], i = 0, o = e.length; i < o; ) (t = e.charCodeAt(i++)) >= 55296 && t <= 56319 && i < o ? 56320 == (64512 & (r = e.charCodeAt(i++))) ? n.push(((1023 & t) << 10) + (1023 & r) + 65536) : (n.push(t), i--) : n.push(t); return n; } function a(e) { if (e >= 55296 && e <= 57343) throw Error( 'Lone surrogate U+' + e.toString(16).toUpperCase() + ' is not a scalar value' ); } function s(e, t) { return i(((e >> t) & 63) | 128); } function u(e) { if (0 == (4294967168 & e)) return i(e); var t = ''; return ( 0 == (4294965248 & e) ? (t = i(((e >> 6) & 31) | 192)) : 0 == (4294901760 & e) ? (a(e), (t = i(((e >> 12) & 15) | 224)), (t += s(e, 6))) : 0 == (4292870144 & e) && ((t = i(((e >> 18) & 7) | 240)), (t += s(e, 12)), (t += s(e, 6))), (t += i((63 & e) | 128)) ); } function f() { if (n >= r) throw Error('Invalid byte index'); var e = 255 & t[n]; if ((n++, 128 == (192 & e))) return 63 & e; throw Error('Invalid continuation byte'); } function c() { var e, i; if (n > r) throw Error('Invalid byte index'); if (n == r) return !1; if (((e = 255 & t[n]), n++, 0 == (128 & e))) return e; if (192 == (224 & e)) { if ((i = ((31 & e) << 6) | f()) >= 128) return i; throw Error('Invalid continuation byte'); } if (224 == (240 & e)) { if ((i = ((15 & e) << 12) | (f() << 6) | f()) >= 2048) return a(i), i; throw Error('Invalid continuation byte'); } if ( 240 == (248 & e) && (i = ((7 & e) << 18) | (f() << 12) | (f() << 6) | f()) >= 65536 && i <= 1114111 ) return i; throw Error('Invalid UTF-8 detected'); } (e.version = '3.0.0'), (e.encode = function (e) { for (var t = o(e), r = t.length, n = -1, i = ''; ++n < r; ) i += u(t[n]); return i; }), (e.decode = function (e) { (t = o(e)), (r = t.length), (n = 0); for (var a, s = []; !1 !== (a = c()); ) s.push(a); return (function (e) { for (var t, r = e.length, n = -1, o = ''; ++n < r; ) (t = e[n]) > 65535 && ((o += i((((t -= 65536) >>> 10) & 1023) | 55296)), (t = 56320 | (1023 & t))), (o += i(t)); return o; })(s); }); })(t); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)); Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); var i = r(186); function o(e) { return ( 'string' == typeof e && !!/^(0x)?[0-9a-f]{512}$/i.test(e) && !(!/^(0x)?[0-9a-f]{512}$/.test(e) && !/^(0x)?[0-9A-F]{512}$/.test(e)) ); } function a(e, t) { 'object' === (0, n.default)(t) && t.constructor === Uint8Array && (t = i.bytesToHex(t)); for (var r = i.keccak256(t).replace('0x', ''), o = 0; o < 12; o += 4) { var a = ((parseInt(r.substr(o, 2), 16) << 8) + parseInt(r.substr(o + 2, 2), 16)) & 2047, u = 1 << a % 4; if ((s(e.charCodeAt(e.length - 1 - Math.floor(a / 4))) & u) !== u) return !1; } return !0; } function s(e) { if (e >= 48 && e <= 57) return e - 48; if (e >= 65 && e <= 70) return e - 55; if (e >= 97 && e <= 102) return e - 87; throw new Error('invalid bloom'); } function u(e) { return ( 'string' == typeof e && !!/^(0x)?[0-9a-f]{64}$/i.test(e) && !(!/^(0x)?[0-9a-f]{64}$/.test(e) && !/^(0x)?[0-9A-F]{64}$/.test(e)) ); } function f(e) { return ( 'string' == typeof e && (!!e.match(/^(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$/) || !!e.match(/^XE[0-9]{2}[0-9A-Za-z]{30,31}$/)) ); } (t.isBloom = o), (t.isInBloom = a), (t.isUserEthereumAddressInBloom = function (e, t) { if (!o(e)) throw new Error('Invalid bloom given'); if (!f(t)) throw new Error('Invalid ethereum address given: "'.concat(t, '"')); return a(e, i.padLeft(t, 64)); }), (t.isContractAddressInBloom = function (e, t) { if (!o(e)) throw new Error('Invalid bloom given'); if (!f(t)) throw new Error('Invalid contract address given: "'.concat(t, '"')); return a(e, t); }), (t.isTopicInBloom = function (e, t) { if (!o(e)) throw new Error('Invalid bloom given'); if (!u(t)) throw new Error('Invalid topic'); return a(e, t); }), (t.isTopic = u), (t.isAddress = f); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); var n = r(187); function i(e) { if (null == e) throw new Error('cannot convert null value to array'); if ('string' == typeof e) { var t = e.match(/^(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]*$/); if (!t) throw new Error('invalid hexidecimal string'); if ('0x' !== t[1]) throw new Error('hex string must have 0x prefix'); (e = e.substring(2)).length % 2 && (e = '0' + e); for (var r = [], n = 0; n < e.length; n += 2) r.push(parseInt(e.substr(n, 2), 16)); return o(new Uint8Array(r)); } if ( (function (e) { if (!e || parseInt(String(e.length)) != e.length || 'string' == typeof e) return !1; for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) { var r = e[t]; if (r < 0 || r >= 256 || parseInt(String(r)) != r) return !1; } return !0; })(e) ) return o(new Uint8Array(e)); throw new Error('invalid arrayify value'); } function o(e) { return ( e.slice || (e.slice = function () { var t = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); return o(new Uint8Array(Array.prototype.slice.apply(e, t))); }), e ); } (t.keccak256 = function (e) { return '0x' + n.keccak_256(i(e)); }), (t.padLeft = function (e, t) { var r = /^0x/i.test(e) || 'number' == typeof e, n = t - (e = e.toString().replace(/^0x/i, '')).length + 1 >= 0 ? t - e.length + 1 : 0; return (r ? '0x' : '') + new Array(n).join('0') + e; }), (t.bytesToHex = function (e) { for (var t = [], r = 0; r < e.length; r++) t.push((e[r] >>> 4).toString(16)), t.push((15 & e[r]).toString(16)); return '0x'.concat(t.join('').replace(/^0+/, '')); }), (t.toByteArray = i); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (e, n, i) { var o, a = r(0)(r(1)); /** * [js-sha3]{@link https://github.com/emn178/js-sha3} * * @version 0.8.0 * @author Chen, Yi-Cyuan [emn178@gmail.com] * @copyright Chen, Yi-Cyuan 2015-2018 * @license MIT */ !(function () { var s = 'input is invalid type', u = 'object' === ('undefined' == typeof window ? 'undefined' : (0, a.default)(window)), f = u ? window : {}; f.JS_SHA3_NO_WINDOW && (u = !1); var c = !u && 'object' === ('undefined' == typeof self ? 'undefined' : (0, a.default)(self)); !f.JS_SHA3_NO_NODE_JS && 'object' === (void 0 === e ? 'undefined' : (0, a.default)(e)) && e.versions && e.versions.node ? (f = n) : c && (f = self); var h = !f.JS_SHA3_NO_COMMON_JS && 'object' === (0, a.default)(i) && i.exports, d = r(62), l = !f.JS_SHA3_NO_ARRAY_BUFFER && 'undefined' != typeof ArrayBuffer, p = '0123456789abcdef'.split(''), b = [4, 1024, 262144, 67108864], m = [0, 8, 16, 24], y = [ 1, 0, 32898, 0, 32906, 2147483648, 2147516416, 2147483648, 32907, 0, 2147483649, 0, 2147516545, 2147483648, 32777, 2147483648, 138, 0, 136, 0, 2147516425, 0, 2147483658, 0, 2147516555, 0, 139, 2147483648, 32905, 2147483648, 32771, 2147483648, 32770, 2147483648, 128, 2147483648, 32778, 0, 2147483658, 2147483648, 2147516545, 2147483648, 32896, 2147483648, 2147483649, 0, 2147516424, 2147483648, ], v = [224, 256, 384, 512], g = [128, 256], w = ['hex', 'buffer', 'arrayBuffer', 'array', 'digest'], _ = { 128: 168, 256: 136 }; (!f.JS_SHA3_NO_NODE_JS && Array.isArray) || (Array.isArray = function (e) { return '[object Array]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(e); }), !l || (!f.JS_SHA3_NO_ARRAY_BUFFER_IS_VIEW && ArrayBuffer.isView) || (ArrayBuffer.isView = function (e) { return ( 'object' === (0, a.default)(e) && e.buffer && e.buffer.constructor === ArrayBuffer ); }); for ( var k = function (e, t, r) { return function (n) { return new j(e, t, e).update(n)[r](); }; }, A = function (e, t, r) { return function (n, i) { return new j(e, t, i).update(n)[r](); }; }, S = function (e, t, r) { return function (t, n, i, o) { return O['cshake' + e].update(t, n, i, o)[r](); }; }, E = function (e, t, r) { return function (t, n, i, o) { return O['kmac' + e].update(t, n, i, o)[r](); }; }, x = function (e, t, r, n) { for (var i = 0; i < w.length; ++i) { var o = w[i]; e[o] = t(r, n, o); } return e; }, M = function (e, t) { var r = k(e, t, 'hex'); return ( (r.create = function () { return new j(e, t, e); }), (r.update = function (e) { return r.create().update(e); }), x(r, k, e, t) ); }, I = [ { name: 'keccak', padding: [1, 256, 65536, 16777216], bits: v, createMethod: M }, { name: 'sha3', padding: [6, 1536, 393216, 100663296], bits: v, createMethod: M }, { name: 'shake', padding: [31, 7936, 2031616, 520093696], bits: g, createMethod: function (e, t) { var r = A(e, t, 'hex'); return ( (r.create = function (r) { return new j(e, t, r); }), (r.update = function (e, t) { return r.create(t).update(e); }), x(r, A, e, t) ); }, }, { name: 'cshake', padding: b, bits: g, createMethod: function (e, t) { var r = _[e], n = S(e, 0, 'hex'); return ( (n.create = function (n, i, o) { return i || o ? new j(e, t, n).bytepad([i, o], r) : O['shake' + e].create(n); }), (n.update = function (e, t, r, i) { return n.create(t, r, i).update(e); }), x(n, S, e, t) ); }, }, { name: 'kmac', padding: b, bits: g, createMethod: function (e, t) { var r = _[e], n = E(e, 0, 'hex'); return ( (n.create = function (n, i, o) { return new L(e, t, i).bytepad(['KMAC', o], r).bytepad([n], r); }), (n.update = function (e, t, r, i) { return n.create(e, r, i).update(t); }), x(n, E, e, t) ); }, }, ], O = {}, C = [], P = 0; P < I.length; ++P ) for (var T = I[P], U = T.bits, B = 0; B < U.length; ++B) { var R = T.name + '_' + U[B]; if ((C.push(R), (O[R] = T.createMethod(U[B], T.padding)), 'sha3' !== T.name)) { var N = T.name + U[B]; C.push(N), (O[N] = O[R]); } } function j(e, t, r) { (this.blocks = []), (this.s = []), (this.padding = t), (this.outputBits = r), (this.reset = !0), (this.finalized = !1), (this.block = 0), (this.start = 0), (this.blockCount = (1600 - (e << 1)) >> 5), (this.byteCount = this.blockCount << 2), (this.outputBlocks = r >> 5), (this.extraBytes = (31 & r) >> 3); for (var n = 0; n < 50; ++n) this.s[n] = 0; } function L(e, t, r) { j.call(this, e, t, r); } (j.prototype.update = function (e) { if (this.finalized) throw new Error('finalize already called'); var t, r = (0, a.default)(e); if ('string' !== r) { if ('object' !== r) throw new Error(s); if (null === e) throw new Error(s); if (l && e.constructor === ArrayBuffer) e = new Uint8Array(e); else if (!(Array.isArray(e) || (l && ArrayBuffer.isView(e)))) throw new Error(s); t = !0; } for ( var n, i, o = this.blocks, u = this.byteCount, f = e.length, c = this.blockCount, h = 0, d = this.s; h < f; ) { if (this.reset) for (this.reset = !1, o[0] = this.block, n = 1; n < c + 1; ++n) o[n] = 0; if (t) for (n = this.start; h < f && n < u; ++h) o[n >> 2] |= e[h] << m[3 & n++]; else for (n = this.start; h < f && n < u; ++h) (i = e.charCodeAt(h)) < 128 ? (o[n >> 2] |= i << m[3 & n++]) : i < 2048 ? ((o[n >> 2] |= (192 | (i >> 6)) << m[3 & n++]), (o[n >> 2] |= (128 | (63 & i)) << m[3 & n++])) : i < 55296 || i >= 57344 ? ((o[n >> 2] |= (224 | (i >> 12)) << m[3 & n++]), (o[n >> 2] |= (128 | ((i >> 6) & 63)) << m[3 & n++]), (o[n >> 2] |= (128 | (63 & i)) << m[3 & n++])) : ((i = 65536 + (((1023 & i) << 10) | (1023 & e.charCodeAt(++h)))), (o[n >> 2] |= (240 | (i >> 18)) << m[3 & n++]), (o[n >> 2] |= (128 | ((i >> 12) & 63)) << m[3 & n++]), (o[n >> 2] |= (128 | ((i >> 6) & 63)) << m[3 & n++]), (o[n >> 2] |= (128 | (63 & i)) << m[3 & n++])); if (((this.lastByteIndex = n), n >= u)) { for (this.start = n - u, this.block = o[c], n = 0; n < c; ++n) d[n] ^= o[n]; F(d), (this.reset = !0); } else this.start = n; } return this; }), (j.prototype.encode = function (e, t) { var r = 255 & e, n = 1, i = [r]; for (r = 255 & (e >>= 8); r > 0; ) i.unshift(r), (r = 255 & (e >>= 8)), ++n; return t ? i.push(n) : i.unshift(n), this.update(i), i.length; }), (j.prototype.encodeString = function (e) { var t, r = (0, a.default)(e); if ('string' !== r) { if ('object' !== r) throw new Error(s); if (null === e) throw new Error(s); if (l && e.constructor === ArrayBuffer) e = new Uint8Array(e); else if (!(Array.isArray(e) || (l && ArrayBuffer.isView(e)))) throw new Error(s); t = !0; } var n = 0, i = e.length; if (t) n = i; else for (var o = 0; o < e.length; ++o) { var u = e.charCodeAt(o); u < 128 ? (n += 1) : u < 2048 ? (n += 2) : u < 55296 || u >= 57344 ? (n += 3) : ((u = 65536 + (((1023 & u) << 10) | (1023 & e.charCodeAt(++o)))), (n += 4)); } return (n += this.encode(8 * n)), this.update(e), n; }), (j.prototype.bytepad = function (e, t) { for (var r = this.encode(t), n = 0; n < e.length; ++n) r += this.encodeString(e[n]); var i = t - (r % t), o = []; return (o.length = i), this.update(o), this; }), (j.prototype.finalize = function () { if (!this.finalized) { this.finalized = !0; var e = this.blocks, t = this.lastByteIndex, r = this.blockCount, n = this.s; if (((e[t >> 2] |= this.padding[3 & t]), this.lastByteIndex === this.byteCount)) for (e[0] = e[r], t = 1; t < r + 1; ++t) e[t] = 0; for (e[r - 1] |= 2147483648, t = 0; t < r; ++t) n[t] ^= e[t]; F(n); } }), (j.prototype.toString = j.prototype.hex = function () { this.finalize(); for ( var e, t = this.blockCount, r = this.s, n = this.outputBlocks, i = this.extraBytes, o = 0, a = 0, s = ''; a < n; ) { for (o = 0; o < t && a < n; ++o, ++a) (e = r[o]), (s += p[(e >> 4) & 15] + p[15 & e] + p[(e >> 12) & 15] + p[(e >> 8) & 15] + p[(e >> 20) & 15] + p[(e >> 16) & 15] + p[(e >> 28) & 15] + p[(e >> 24) & 15]); a % t == 0 && (F(r), (o = 0)); } return ( i && ((e = r[o]), (s += p[(e >> 4) & 15] + p[15 & e]), i > 1 && (s += p[(e >> 12) & 15] + p[(e >> 8) & 15]), i > 2 && (s += p[(e >> 20) & 15] + p[(e >> 16) & 15])), s ); }), (j.prototype.arrayBuffer = function () { this.finalize(); var e, t = this.blockCount, r = this.s, n = this.outputBlocks, i = this.extraBytes, o = 0, a = 0, s = this.outputBits >> 3; e = i ? new ArrayBuffer((n + 1) << 2) : new ArrayBuffer(s); for (var u = new Uint32Array(e); a < n; ) { for (o = 0; o < t && a < n; ++o, ++a) u[a] = r[o]; a % t == 0 && F(r); } return i && ((u[o] = r[o]), (e = e.slice(0, s))), e; }), (j.prototype.buffer = j.prototype.arrayBuffer), (j.prototype.digest = j.prototype.array = function () { this.finalize(); for ( var e, t, r = this.blockCount, n = this.s, i = this.outputBlocks, o = this.extraBytes, a = 0, s = 0, u = []; s < i; ) { for (a = 0; a < r && s < i; ++a, ++s) (e = s << 2), (t = n[a]), (u[e] = 255 & t), (u[e + 1] = (t >> 8) & 255), (u[e + 2] = (t >> 16) & 255), (u[e + 3] = (t >> 24) & 255); s % r == 0 && F(n); } return ( o && ((e = s << 2), (t = n[a]), (u[e] = 255 & t), o > 1 && (u[e + 1] = (t >> 8) & 255), o > 2 && (u[e + 2] = (t >> 16) & 255)), u ); }), (L.prototype = new j()), (L.prototype.finalize = function () { return this.encode(this.outputBits, !0), j.prototype.finalize.call(this); }); var F = function (e) { var t, r, n, i, o, a, s, u, f, c, h, d, l, p, b, m, v, g, w, _, k, A, S, E, x, M, I, O, C, P, T, U, B, R, N, j, L, F, D, q, z, H, K, V, G, W, Y, $, J, Z, X, Q, ee, te, re, ne, ie, oe, ae, se, ue, fe, ce; for (n = 0; n < 48; n += 2) (i = e[0] ^ e[10] ^ e[20] ^ e[30] ^ e[40]), (o = e[1] ^ e[11] ^ e[21] ^ e[31] ^ e[41]), (a = e[2] ^ e[12] ^ e[22] ^ e[32] ^ e[42]), (s = e[3] ^ e[13] ^ e[23] ^ e[33] ^ e[43]), (u = e[4] ^ e[14] ^ e[24] ^ e[34] ^ e[44]), (f = e[5] ^ e[15] ^ e[25] ^ e[35] ^ e[45]), (c = e[6] ^ e[16] ^ e[26] ^ e[36] ^ e[46]), (h = e[7] ^ e[17] ^ e[27] ^ e[37] ^ e[47]), (t = (d = e[8] ^ e[18] ^ e[28] ^ e[38] ^ e[48]) ^ ((a << 1) | (s >>> 31))), (r = (l = e[9] ^ e[19] ^ e[29] ^ e[39] ^ e[49]) ^ ((s << 1) | (a >>> 31))), (e[0] ^= t), (e[1] ^= r), (e[10] ^= t), (e[11] ^= r), (e[20] ^= t), (e[21] ^= r), (e[30] ^= t), (e[31] ^= r), (e[40] ^= t), (e[41] ^= r), (t = i ^ ((u << 1) | (f >>> 31))), (r = o ^ ((f << 1) | (u >>> 31))), (e[2] ^= t), (e[3] ^= r), (e[12] ^= t), (e[13] ^= r), (e[22] ^= t), (e[23] ^= r), (e[32] ^= t), (e[33] ^= r), (e[42] ^= t), (e[43] ^= r), (t = a ^ ((c << 1) | (h >>> 31))), (r = s ^ ((h << 1) | (c >>> 31))), (e[4] ^= t), (e[5] ^= r), (e[14] ^= t), (e[15] ^= r), (e[24] ^= t), (e[25] ^= r), (e[34] ^= t), (e[35] ^= r), (e[44] ^= t), (e[45] ^= r), (t = u ^ ((d << 1) | (l >>> 31))), (r = f ^ ((l << 1) | (d >>> 31))), (e[6] ^= t), (e[7] ^= r), (e[16] ^= t), (e[17] ^= r), (e[26] ^= t), (e[27] ^= r), (e[36] ^= t), (e[37] ^= r), (e[46] ^= t), (e[47] ^= r), (t = c ^ ((i << 1) | (o >>> 31))), (r = h ^ ((o << 1) | (i >>> 31))), (e[8] ^= t), (e[9] ^= r), (e[18] ^= t), (e[19] ^= r), (e[28] ^= t), (e[29] ^= r), (e[38] ^= t), (e[39] ^= r), (e[48] ^= t), (e[49] ^= r), (p = e[0]), (b = e[1]), (W = (e[11] << 4) | (e[10] >>> 28)), (Y = (e[10] << 4) | (e[11] >>> 28)), (O = (e[20] << 3) | (e[21] >>> 29)), (C = (e[21] << 3) | (e[20] >>> 29)), (se = (e[31] << 9) | (e[30] >>> 23)), (ue = (e[30] << 9) | (e[31] >>> 23)), (H = (e[40] << 18) | (e[41] >>> 14)), (K = (e[41] << 18) | (e[40] >>> 14)), (R = (e[2] << 1) | (e[3] >>> 31)), (N = (e[3] << 1) | (e[2] >>> 31)), (m = (e[13] << 12) | (e[12] >>> 20)), (v = (e[12] << 12) | (e[13] >>> 20)), ($ = (e[22] << 10) | (e[23] >>> 22)), (J = (e[23] << 10) | (e[22] >>> 22)), (P = (e[33] << 13) | (e[32] >>> 19)), (T = (e[32] << 13) | (e[33] >>> 19)), (fe = (e[42] << 2) | (e[43] >>> 30)), (ce = (e[43] << 2) | (e[42] >>> 30)), (te = (e[5] << 30) | (e[4] >>> 2)), (re = (e[4] << 30) | (e[5] >>> 2)), (j = (e[14] << 6) | (e[15] >>> 26)), (L = (e[15] << 6) | (e[14] >>> 26)), (g = (e[25] << 11) | (e[24] >>> 21)), (w = (e[24] << 11) | (e[25] >>> 21)), (Z = (e[34] << 15) | (e[35] >>> 17)), (X = (e[35] << 15) | (e[34] >>> 17)), (U = (e[45] << 29) | (e[44] >>> 3)), (B = (e[44] << 29) | (e[45] >>> 3)), (E = (e[6] << 28) | (e[7] >>> 4)), (x = (e[7] << 28) | (e[6] >>> 4)), (ne = (e[17] << 23) | (e[16] >>> 9)), (ie = (e[16] << 23) | (e[17] >>> 9)), (F = (e[26] << 25) | (e[27] >>> 7)), (D = (e[27] << 25) | (e[26] >>> 7)), (_ = (e[36] << 21) | (e[37] >>> 11)), (k = (e[37] << 21) | (e[36] >>> 11)), (Q = (e[47] << 24) | (e[46] >>> 8)), (ee = (e[46] << 24) | (e[47] >>> 8)), (V = (e[8] << 27) | (e[9] >>> 5)), (G = (e[9] << 27) | (e[8] >>> 5)), (M = (e[18] << 20) | (e[19] >>> 12)), (I = (e[19] << 20) | (e[18] >>> 12)), (oe = (e[29] << 7) | (e[28] >>> 25)), (ae = (e[28] << 7) | (e[29] >>> 25)), (q = (e[38] << 8) | (e[39] >>> 24)), (z = (e[39] << 8) | (e[38] >>> 24)), (A = (e[48] << 14) | (e[49] >>> 18)), (S = (e[49] << 14) | (e[48] >>> 18)), (e[0] = p ^ (~m & g)), (e[1] = b ^ (~v & w)), (e[10] = E ^ (~M & O)), (e[11] = x ^ (~I & C)), (e[20] = R ^ (~j & F)), (e[21] = N ^ (~L & D)), (e[30] = V ^ (~W & $)), (e[31] = G ^ (~Y & J)), (e[40] = te ^ (~ne & oe)), (e[41] = re ^ (~ie & ae)), (e[2] = m ^ (~g & _)), (e[3] = v ^ (~w & k)), (e[12] = M ^ (~O & P)), (e[13] = I ^ (~C & T)), (e[22] = j ^ (~F & q)), (e[23] = L ^ (~D & z)), (e[32] = W ^ (~$ & Z)), (e[33] = Y ^ (~J & X)), (e[42] = ne ^ (~oe & se)), (e[43] = ie ^ (~ae & ue)), (e[4] = g ^ (~_ & A)), (e[5] = w ^ (~k & S)), (e[14] = O ^ (~P & U)), (e[15] = C ^ (~T & B)), (e[24] = F ^ (~q & H)), (e[25] = D ^ (~z & K)), (e[34] = $ ^ (~Z & Q)), (e[35] = J ^ (~X & ee)), (e[44] = oe ^ (~se & fe)), (e[45] = ae ^ (~ue & ce)), (e[6] = _ ^ (~A & p)), (e[7] = k ^ (~S & b)), (e[16] = P ^ (~U & E)), (e[17] = T ^ (~B & x)), (e[26] = q ^ (~H & R)), (e[27] = z ^ (~K & N)), (e[36] = Z ^ (~Q & V)), (e[37] = X ^ (~ee & G)), (e[46] = se ^ (~fe & te)), (e[47] = ue ^ (~ce & re)), (e[8] = A ^ (~p & m)), (e[9] = S ^ (~b & v)), (e[18] = U ^ (~E & M)), (e[19] = B ^ (~x & I)), (e[28] = H ^ (~R & j)), (e[29] = K ^ (~N & L)), (e[38] = Q ^ (~V & W)), (e[39] = ee ^ (~G & Y)), (e[48] = fe ^ (~te & ne)), (e[49] = ce ^ (~re & ie)), (e[0] ^= y[n]), (e[1] ^= y[n + 1]); }; if (h) i.exports = O; else { for (P = 0; P < C.length; ++P) f[C[P]] = O[C[P]]; d && (void 0 === (o = function () { return O; }.call(t, r, t, i)) || (i.exports = o)); } })(); }.call(this, r(11), r(8), r(22)(e))); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = r(10), o = r(5), a = r(92), s = function (e) { var t = (0, n.default)(e); if ('string' === t) return a.isHexStrict(e) ? new o(e.replace(/0x/i, ''), 16) : new o(e, 10); if ('number' === t) return new o(e); if (a.isBigNumber(e)) return new o(e.toString(10)); if (a.isBN(e)) return e; throw new Error(e + ' is not a number'); }, u = function (e, t, r) { var n, i; if ( 'bytes' === (e = (function (e) { return e.startsWith('int[') ? 'int256' + e.slice(3) : 'int' === e ? 'int256' : e.startsWith('uint[') ? 'uint256' + e.slice(4) : 'uint' === e ? 'uint256' : e.startsWith('fixed[') ? 'fixed128x128' + e.slice(5) : 'fixed' === e ? 'fixed128x128' : e.startsWith('ufixed[') ? 'ufixed128x128' + e.slice(6) : 'ufixed' === e ? 'ufixed128x128' : e; })(e)) ) { if (t.replace(/^0x/i, '').length % 2 != 0) throw new Error('Invalid bytes characters ' + t.length); return t; } if ('string' === e) return a.utf8ToHex(t); if ('bool' === e) return t ? '01' : '00'; if (e.startsWith('address')) { if (((n = r ? 64 : 40), !a.isAddress(t))) throw new Error(t + ' is not a valid address, or the checksum is invalid.'); return a.leftPad(t.toLowerCase(), n); } if ( ((n = (function (e) { var t = /^\D+(\d+).*$/.exec(e); return t ? parseInt(t[1], 10) : null; })(e)), e.startsWith('bytes')) ) { if (!n) throw new Error('bytes[] not yet supported in solidity'); if ((r && (n = 32), n < 1 || n > 32 || n < t.replace(/^0x/i, '').length / 2)) throw new Error('Invalid bytes' + n + ' for ' + t); return a.rightPad(t, 2 * n); } if (e.startsWith('uint')) { if (n % 8 || n < 8 || n > 256) throw new Error('Invalid uint' + n + ' size'); if ((i = s(t)).bitLength() > n) throw new Error('Supplied uint exceeds width: ' + n + ' vs ' + i.bitLength()); if (i.lt(new o(0))) throw new Error('Supplied uint ' + i.toString() + ' is negative'); return n ? a.leftPad(i.toString('hex'), (n / 8) * 2) : i; } if (e.startsWith('int')) { if (n % 8 || n < 8 || n > 256) throw new Error('Invalid int' + n + ' size'); if ((i = s(t)).bitLength() > n) throw new Error('Supplied int exceeds width: ' + n + ' vs ' + i.bitLength()); return i.lt(new o(0)) ? i.toTwos(n).toString('hex') : n ? a.leftPad(i.toString('hex'), (n / 8) * 2) : i; } throw new Error('Unsupported or invalid type: ' + e); }, f = function (e) { if (i.isArray(e)) throw new Error('Autodetection of array types is not supported.'); var t, r, n = ''; if ( (i.isObject(e) && (e.hasOwnProperty('v') || e.hasOwnProperty('t') || e.hasOwnProperty('value') || e.hasOwnProperty('type')) ? ((t = e.hasOwnProperty('t') ? e.t : e.type), (n = e.hasOwnProperty('v') ? e.v : e.value)) : ((t = a.toHex(e, !0)), (n = a.toHex(e)), t.startsWith('int') || t.startsWith('uint') || (t = 'bytes')), (!t.startsWith('int') && !t.startsWith('uint')) || 'string' != typeof n || /^(-)?0x/i.test(n) || (n = new o(n)), i.isArray(n)) ) { if ( (r = (function (e) { var t = /^\D+\d*\[(\d+)\]$/.exec(e); return t ? parseInt(t[1], 10) : null; })(t)) && n.length !== r ) throw new Error(t + ' is not matching the given array ' + JSON.stringify(n)); r = n.length; } return i.isArray(n) ? n .map(function (e) { return u(t, e, r).toString('hex').replace('0x', ''); }) .join('') : u(t, n, r).toString('hex').replace('0x', ''); }; e.exports = { soliditySha3: function () { var e = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), t = i.map(e, f); return a.sha3('0x' + t.join('')); }, soliditySha3Raw: function () { return a.sha3Raw('0x' + i.map(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), f).join('')); }, encodePacked: function () { var e = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), t = i.map(e, f); return '0x' + t.join('').toLowerCase(); }, }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(94), i = r(9).errors, o = function (e) { (this.requestManager = e), (this.requests = []); }; (o.prototype.add = function (e) { this.requests.push(e); }), (o.prototype.execute = function () { var e = this.requests; this.requestManager.sendBatch(e, function (t, r) { (r = r || []), e .map(function (e, t) { return r[t] || {}; }) .forEach(function (t, r) { if (e[r].callback) { if (t && t.error) return e[r].callback(i.ErrorResponse(t)); if (!n.isValidResponse(t)) return e[r].callback(i.InvalidResponse(t)); try { e[r].callback(null, e[r].format ? e[r].format(t.result) : t.result); } catch (t) { e[r].callback(t); } } }); }); }), (e.exports = o); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n, i = null; try { n = Function('return this')(); } catch (e) { n = window; } void 0 !== n.ethereum ? (i = n.ethereum) : void 0 !== n.web3 && n.web3.currentProvider && (n.web3.currentProvider.sendAsync && ((n.web3.currentProvider.send = n.web3.currentProvider.sendAsync), delete n.web3.currentProvider.sendAsync), !n.web3.currentProvider.on && n.web3.currentProvider.connection && 'ipcProviderWrapper' === n.web3.currentProvider.connection.constructor.name && (n.web3.currentProvider.on = function (e, t) { if ('function' != typeof t) throw new Error('The second parameter callback must be a function.'); switch (e) { case 'data': this.connection.on('data', function (e) { var r = ''; e = e.toString(); try { r = JSON.parse(e); } catch (r) { return t(new Error("Couldn't parse response data" + e)); } r.id || -1 === r.method.indexOf('_subscription') || t(null, r); }); break; default: this.connection.on(e, t); } }), (i = n.web3.currentProvider)), (e.exports = i); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(63), i = r(192), o = r(9).errors, a = r(197).w3cwebsocket, s = function (e, t) { n.call(this), (t = t || {}), (this.url = e), (this._customTimeout = t.timeout || 15e3), (this.headers = t.headers || {}), (this.protocol = t.protocol || void 0), (this.reconnectOptions = Object.assign( { auto: !1, delay: 5e3, maxAttempts: !1, onTimeout: !1 }, t.reconnect )), (this.clientConfig = t.clientConfig || void 0), (this.requestOptions = t.requestOptions || void 0), (this.DATA = 'data'), (this.CLOSE = 'close'), (this.ERROR = 'error'), (this.CONNECT = 'connect'), (this.RECONNECT = 'reconnect'), (this.connection = null), (this.requestQueue = new Map()), (this.responseQueue = new Map()), (this.reconnectAttempts = 0), (this.reconnecting = !1); var r = i.parseURL(e); r.username && r.password && (this.headers.authorization = 'Basic ' + i.btoa(r.username + ':' + r.password)), r.auth && (this.headers.authorization = 'Basic ' + i.btoa(r.auth)), Object.defineProperty(this, 'connected', { get: function () { return this.connection && this.connection.readyState === this.connection.OPEN; }, enumerable: !0, }), this.connect(); }; ((s.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype)).constructor = s), (s.prototype.connect = function () { (this.connection = new a( this.url, this.protocol, void 0, this.headers, this.requestOptions, this.clientConfig )), this._addSocketListeners(); }), (s.prototype._onMessage = function (e) { var t = this; this._parseResponse('string' == typeof e.data ? e.data : '').forEach(function (e) { if (e.method && -1 !== e.method.indexOf('_subscription')) t.emit(t.DATA, e); else { var r = e.id; Array.isArray(e) && (r = e[0].id), t.responseQueue.has(r) && (void 0 !== t.responseQueue.get(r).callback && t.responseQueue.get(r).callback(!1, e), t.responseQueue.delete(r)); } }); }), (s.prototype._onConnect = function () { if ( (this.emit(this.CONNECT), (this.reconnectAttempts = 0), (this.reconnecting = !1), this.requestQueue.size > 0) ) { var e = this; this.requestQueue.forEach(function (t, r) { e.send(t.payload, t.callback), e.requestQueue.delete(r); }); } }), (s.prototype._onClose = function (e) { var t = this; !this.reconnectOptions.auto || ([1e3, 1001].includes(e.code) && !1 !== e.wasClean) ? (this.emit(this.CLOSE, e), this.requestQueue.size > 0 && this.requestQueue.forEach(function (r, n) { r.callback(o.ConnectionNotOpenError(e)), t.requestQueue.delete(n); }), this.responseQueue.size > 0 && this.responseQueue.forEach(function (r, n) { r.callback(o.InvalidConnection('on WS', e)), t.responseQueue.delete(n); }), this._removeSocketListeners(), this.removeAllListeners()) : this.reconnect(); }), (s.prototype._addSocketListeners = function () { this.connection.addEventListener('message', this._onMessage.bind(this)), this.connection.addEventListener('open', this._onConnect.bind(this)), this.connection.addEventListener('close', this._onClose.bind(this)); }), (s.prototype._removeSocketListeners = function () { this.connection.removeEventListener('message', this._onMessage), this.connection.removeEventListener('open', this._onConnect), this.connection.removeEventListener('close', this._onClose); }), (s.prototype._parseResponse = function (e) { var t = this, r = []; return ( e .replace(/\}[\n\r]?\{/g, '}|--|{') .replace(/\}\][\n\r]?\[\{/g, '}]|--|[{') .replace(/\}[\n\r]?\[\{/g, '}|--|[{') .replace(/\}\][\n\r]?\{/g, '}]|--|{') .split('|--|') .forEach(function (e) { t.lastChunk && (e = t.lastChunk + e); var n = null; try { n = JSON.parse(e); } catch (r) { return ( (t.lastChunk = e), clearTimeout(t.lastChunkTimeout), void (t.lastChunkTimeout = setTimeout(function () { t.reconnectOptions.auto && t.reconnectOptions.onTimeout ? t.reconnect() : (t.emit(t.ERROR, o.ConnectionTimeout(t._customTimeout)), t.requestQueue.size > 0 && t.requestQueue.forEach(function (e, r) { e.callback(o.ConnectionTimeout(t._customTimeout)), t.requestQueue.delete(r); })); }, t._customTimeout)) ); } clearTimeout(t.lastChunkTimeout), (t.lastChunk = null), n && r.push(n); }), r ); }), (s.prototype.send = function (e, t) { var r = e.id, n = { payload: e, callback: t }; if ( (Array.isArray(e) && (r = e[0].id), this.connection.readyState === this.connection.CONNECTING || this.reconnecting) ) this.requestQueue.set(r, n); else { if (this.connection.readyState !== this.connection.OPEN) return ( this.requestQueue.delete(r), this.emit(this.ERROR, o.ConnectionNotOpenError()), void n.callback(o.ConnectionNotOpenError()) ); this.responseQueue.set(r, n), this.requestQueue.delete(r); try { this.connection.send(JSON.stringify(n.payload)); } catch (e) { n.callback(e), this.responseQueue.delete(r); } } }), (s.prototype.reset = function () { this.responseQueue.clear(), this.requestQueue.clear(), this.removeAllListeners(), this._removeSocketListeners(), this._addSocketListeners(); }), (s.prototype.disconnect = function (e, t) { this._removeSocketListeners(), this.connection.close(e || 1e3, t); }), (s.prototype.supportsSubscriptions = function () { return !0; }), (s.prototype.reconnect = function () { var e = this; (this.reconnecting = !0), this.responseQueue.size > 0 && this.responseQueue.forEach(function (t, r) { t.callback(o.PendingRequestsOnReconnectingError()), e.responseQueue.delete(r); }), !this.reconnectOptions.maxAttempts || this.reconnectAttempts < this.reconnectOptions.maxAttempts ? setTimeout(function () { e.reconnectAttempts++, e._removeSocketListeners(), e.emit(e.RECONNECT, e.reconnectAttempts), e.connect(); }, this.reconnectOptions.delay) : (this.emit(this.ERROR, o.MaxAttemptsReachedOnReconnectingError()), (this.reconnecting = !1), this.requestQueue.size > 0 && this.requestQueue.forEach(function (t, r) { t.callback(o.MaxAttemptsReachedOnReconnectingError()), e.requestQueue.delete(r); })); }), (e.exports = s); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (t, n) { var i = '[object process]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(void 0 !== t ? t : 0), o = 'undefined' != typeof navigator && 'ReactNative' === navigator.product, a = null, s = null; if (i || o) { a = function (e) { return n.from(e).toString('base64'); }; var u = r(33); if (u.URL) { var f = u.URL; s = function (e) { return new f(e); }; } else s = r(33).parse; } else (a = btoa.bind(window)), (s = function (e) { return new URL(e); }); e.exports = { parseURL: s, btoa: a }; }.call(this, r(11), r(2).Buffer)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)); e.exports = { isString: function (e) { return 'string' == typeof e; }, isObject: function (e) { return 'object' === (0, n.default)(e) && null !== e; }, isNull: function (e) { return null === e; }, isNullOrUndefined: function (e) { return null == e; }, }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (t.decode = t.parse = r(195)), (t.encode = t.stringify = r(196)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; function n(e, t) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t); } e.exports = function (e, t, r, o) { (t = t || '&'), (r = r || '='); var a = {}; if ('string' != typeof e || 0 === e.length) return a; var s = /\+/g; e = e.split(t); var u = 1e3; o && 'number' == typeof o.maxKeys && (u = o.maxKeys); var f = e.length; u > 0 && f > u && (f = u); for (var c = 0; c < f; ++c) { var h, d, l, p, b = e[c].replace(s, '%20'), m = b.indexOf(r); m >= 0 ? ((h = b.substr(0, m)), (d = b.substr(m + 1))) : ((h = b), (d = '')), (l = decodeURIComponent(h)), (p = decodeURIComponent(d)), n(a, l) ? (i(a[l]) ? a[l].push(p) : (a[l] = [a[l], p])) : (a[l] = p); } return a; }; var i = Array.isArray || function (e) { return '[object Array]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(e); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = function (e) { switch ((0, n.default)(e)) { case 'string': return e; case 'boolean': return e ? 'true' : 'false'; case 'number': return isFinite(e) ? e : ''; default: return ''; } }; e.exports = function (e, t, r, u) { return ( (t = t || '&'), (r = r || '='), null === e && (e = void 0), 'object' === (0, n.default)(e) ? a(s(e), function (n) { var s = encodeURIComponent(i(n)) + r; return o(e[n]) ? a(e[n], function (e) { return s + encodeURIComponent(i(e)); }).join(t) : s + encodeURIComponent(i(e[n])); }).join(t) : u ? encodeURIComponent(i(u)) + r + encodeURIComponent(i(e)) : '' ); }; var o = Array.isArray || function (e) { return '[object Array]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(e); }; function a(e, t) { if (e.map) return e.map(t); for (var r = [], n = 0; n < e.length; n++) r.push(t(e[n], n)); return r; } var s = Object.keys || function (e) { var t = []; for (var r in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) && t.push(r); return t; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n; try { n = r(198); } catch (e) { } finally { if ((n || 'undefined' == typeof window || (n = window), !n)) throw new Error('Could not determine global this'); } var i = n.WebSocket || n.MozWebSocket, o = r(199); function a(e, t) { return t ? new i(e, t) : new i(e); } i && ['CONNECTING', 'OPEN', 'CLOSING', 'CLOSED'].forEach(function (e) { Object.defineProperty(a, e, { get: function () { return i[e]; }, }); }), (e.exports = { w3cwebsocket: i ? a : null, version: o }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = (function () { if (this) return this; Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, '__global__', { get: function () { return this; }, configurable: !0, }); try { return __global__; } finally { delete Object.prototype.__global__; } })(); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = r(200).version; }, function (e) { e.exports = JSON.parse( '{"_from":"websocket","_id":"websocket@1.0.32","_inBundle":false,"_integrity":"sha512-i4yhcllSP4wrpoPMU2N0TQ/q0O94LRG/eUQjEAamRltjQ1oT1PFFKOG4i877OlJgCG8rw6LrrowJp+TYCEWF7Q==","_location":"/websocket","_phantomChildren":{},"_requested":{"type":"tag","registry":true,"raw":"websocket","name":"websocket","escapedName":"websocket","rawSpec":"","saveSpec":null,"fetchSpec":"latest"},"_requiredBy":["#USER","/","/web3-providers-ws"],"_resolved":"https://registry.npmjs.org/websocket/-/websocket-1.0.32.tgz","_shasum":"1f16ddab3a21a2d929dec1687ab21cfdc6d3dbb1","_spec":"websocket","_where":"/home/greg/code/github.com/ethereum/web3.js","author":{"name":"Brian McKelvey","email":"theturtle32@gmail.com","url":"https://github.com/theturtle32"},"browser":"lib/browser.js","bugs":{"url":"https://github.com/theturtle32/WebSocket-Node/issues"},"bundleDependencies":false,"config":{"verbose":false},"contributors":[{"name":"Iñaki Baz Castillo","email":"ibc@aliax.net","url":"http://dev.sipdoc.net"}],"dependencies":{"bufferutil":"^4.0.1","debug":"^2.2.0","es5-ext":"^0.10.50","typedarray-to-buffer":"^3.1.5","utf-8-validate":"^5.0.2","yaeti":"^0.0.6"},"deprecated":false,"description":"Websocket Client & Server Library implementing the WebSocket protocol as specified in RFC 6455.","devDependencies":{"buffer-equal":"^1.0.0","gulp":"^4.0.2","gulp-jshint":"^2.0.4","jshint":"^2.0.0","jshint-stylish":"^2.2.1","tape":"^4.9.1"},"directories":{"lib":"./lib"},"engines":{"node":">=4.0.0"},"homepage":"https://github.com/theturtle32/WebSocket-Node","keywords":["websocket","websockets","socket","networking","comet","push","RFC-6455","realtime","server","client"],"license":"Apache-2.0","main":"index","name":"websocket","repository":{"type":"git","url":"git+https://github.com/theturtle32/WebSocket-Node.git"},"scripts":{"gulp":"gulp","test":"tape test/unit/*.js"},"version":"1.0.32"}' ); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(9).errors, i = r(202).XMLHttpRequest, o = r(64), a = r(104), s = function (e, t) { (t = t || {}), (this.withCredentials = t.withCredentials || !1), (this.timeout = t.timeout || 0), (this.headers = t.headers), (this.agent = t.agent), (this.connected = !1); var r = !1 !== t.keepAlive; (this.host = e || 'http://localhost:8545'), this.agent || ('https' === this.host.substring(0, 5) ? (this.httpsAgent = new a.Agent({ keepAlive: r })) : (this.httpAgent = new o.Agent({ keepAlive: r }))); }; (s.prototype._prepareRequest = function () { var e; if ('undefined' != typeof XMLHttpRequest) e = new XMLHttpRequest(); else { e = new i(); var t = { httpsAgent: this.httpsAgent, httpAgent: this.httpAgent, baseUrl: this.baseUrl }; this.agent && ((t.httpsAgent = this.agent.https), (t.httpAgent = this.agent.http), (t.baseUrl = this.agent.baseUrl)), e.nodejsSet(t); } return ( e.open('POST', this.host, !0), e.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'), (e.timeout = this.timeout), (e.withCredentials = this.withCredentials), this.headers && this.headers.forEach(function (t) { e.setRequestHeader(t.name, t.value); }), e ); }), (s.prototype.send = function (e, t) { var r = this, i = this._prepareRequest(); (i.onreadystatechange = function () { if (4 === i.readyState && 1 !== i.timeout) { var e = i.responseText, o = null; try { e = JSON.parse(e); } catch (e) { o = n.InvalidResponse(i.responseText); } (r.connected = !0), t(o, e); } }), (i.ontimeout = function () { (r.connected = !1), t(n.ConnectionTimeout(this.timeout)); }); try { i.send(JSON.stringify(e)); } catch (e) { (this.connected = !1), t(n.InvalidConnection(this.host)); } }), (s.prototype.disconnect = function () {}), (s.prototype.supportsSubscriptions = function () { return !1; }), (e.exports = s); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (function (e) { for (var r in e) t.hasOwnProperty(r) || (t[r] = e[r]); })(r(203)); var n = r(68); t.XMLHttpRequestEventTarget = n.XMLHttpRequestEventTarget; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (e, n) { var i, o = ((i = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (e, t) { e.__proto__ = t; }) || function (e, t) { for (var r in t) t.hasOwnProperty(r) && (e[r] = t[r]); }), function (e, t) { function r() { this.constructor = e; } i(e, t), (e.prototype = null === t ? Object.create(t) : ((r.prototype = t.prototype), new r())); }), a = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++) for (var i in (t = arguments[r])) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e; }; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); var s = r(64), u = r(104), f = r(214), c = r(33), h = r(215), d = r(216), l = r(68), p = r(217), b = r(218), m = (function (t) { function r(n) { void 0 === n && (n = {}); var i = t.call(this) || this; return ( (i.UNSENT = r.UNSENT), (i.OPENED = r.OPENED), (i.HEADERS_RECEIVED = r.HEADERS_RECEIVED), (i.LOADING = r.LOADING), (i.DONE = r.DONE), (i.onreadystatechange = null), (i.readyState = r.UNSENT), (i.response = null), (i.responseText = ''), (i.responseType = ''), (i.status = 0), (i.statusText = ''), (i.timeout = 0), (i.upload = new p.XMLHttpRequestUpload()), (i.responseUrl = ''), (i.withCredentials = !1), (i._method = null), (i._url = null), (i._sync = !1), (i._headers = {}), (i._loweredHeaders = {}), (i._mimeOverride = null), (i._request = null), (i._response = null), (i._responseParts = null), (i._responseHeaders = null), (i._aborting = null), (i._error = null), (i._loadedBytes = 0), (i._totalBytes = 0), (i._lengthComputable = !1), (i._restrictedMethods = { CONNECT: !0, TRACE: !0, TRACK: !0 }), (i._restrictedHeaders = { 'accept-charset': !0, 'accept-encoding': !0, 'access-control-request-headers': !0, 'access-control-request-method': !0, connection: !0, 'content-length': !0, cookie: !0, cookie2: !0, date: !0, dnt: !0, expect: !0, host: !0, 'keep-alive': !0, origin: !0, referer: !0, te: !0, trailer: !0, 'transfer-encoding': !0, upgrade: !0, 'user-agent': !0, via: !0, }), (i._privateHeaders = { 'set-cookie': !0, 'set-cookie2': !0 }), (i._userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (' + f.type() + ' ' + f.arch() + ') node.js/' + e.versions.node + ' v8/' + e.versions.v8), (i._anonymous = n.anon || !1), i ); } return ( o(r, t), (r.prototype.open = function (e, t, n, i, o) { if ((void 0 === n && (n = !0), (e = e.toUpperCase()), this._restrictedMethods[e])) throw new r.SecurityError('HTTP method ' + e + ' is not allowed in XHR'); var a = this._parseUrl(t, i, o); this.readyState === r.HEADERS_RECEIVED || (this.readyState, r.LOADING), (this._method = e), (this._url = a), (this._sync = !n), (this._headers = {}), (this._loweredHeaders = {}), (this._mimeOverride = null), this._setReadyState(r.OPENED), (this._request = null), (this._response = null), (this.status = 0), (this.statusText = ''), (this._responseParts = []), (this._responseHeaders = null), (this._loadedBytes = 0), (this._totalBytes = 0), (this._lengthComputable = !1); }), (r.prototype.setRequestHeader = function (e, t) { if (this.readyState !== r.OPENED) throw new r.InvalidStateError('XHR readyState must be OPENED'); var n = e.toLowerCase(); this._restrictedHeaders[n] || /^sec-/.test(n) || /^proxy-/.test(n) ? console.warn('Refused to set unsafe header "' + e + '"') : ((t = t.toString()), null != this._loweredHeaders[n] ? ((e = this._loweredHeaders[n]), (this._headers[e] = this._headers[e] + ', ' + t)) : ((this._loweredHeaders[n] = e), (this._headers[e] = t))); }), (r.prototype.send = function (e) { if (this.readyState !== r.OPENED) throw new r.InvalidStateError('XHR readyState must be OPENED'); if (this._request) throw new r.InvalidStateError('send() already called'); switch (this._url.protocol) { case 'file:': return this._sendFile(e); case 'http:': case 'https:': return this._sendHttp(e); default: throw new r.NetworkError('Unsupported protocol ' + this._url.protocol); } }), (r.prototype.abort = function () { null != this._request && (this._request.abort(), this._setError(), this._dispatchProgress('abort'), this._dispatchProgress('loadend')); }), (r.prototype.getResponseHeader = function (e) { if (null == this._responseHeaders || null == e) return null; var t = e.toLowerCase(); return this._responseHeaders.hasOwnProperty(t) ? this._responseHeaders[e.toLowerCase()] : null; }), (r.prototype.getAllResponseHeaders = function () { var e = this; return null == this._responseHeaders ? '' : Object.keys(this._responseHeaders) .map(function (t) { return t + ': ' + e._responseHeaders[t]; }) .join('\r\n'); }), (r.prototype.overrideMimeType = function (e) { if (this.readyState === r.LOADING || this.readyState === r.DONE) throw new r.InvalidStateError( 'overrideMimeType() not allowed in LOADING or DONE' ); this._mimeOverride = e.toLowerCase(); }), (r.prototype.nodejsSet = function (e) { if ( ((this.nodejsHttpAgent = e.httpAgent || this.nodejsHttpAgent), (this.nodejsHttpsAgent = e.httpsAgent || this.nodejsHttpsAgent), e.hasOwnProperty('baseUrl')) ) { if (null != e.baseUrl) if (!c.parse(e.baseUrl, !1, !0).protocol) throw new r.SyntaxError('baseUrl must be an absolute URL'); this.nodejsBaseUrl = e.baseUrl; } }), (r.nodejsSet = function (e) { r.prototype.nodejsSet(e); }), (r.prototype._setReadyState = function (e) { (this.readyState = e), this.dispatchEvent(new h.ProgressEvent('readystatechange')); }), (r.prototype._sendFile = function (e) { throw new Error('Protocol file: not implemented'); }), (r.prototype._sendHttp = function (e) { if (this._sync) throw new Error('Synchronous XHR processing not implemented'); !e || ('GET' !== this._method && 'HEAD' !== this._method) ? (e = e || '') : (console.warn('Discarding entity body for ' + this._method + ' requests'), (e = null)), this.upload._setData(e), this._finalizeHeaders(), this._sendHxxpRequest(); }), (r.prototype._sendHxxpRequest = function () { var e = this; if (this.withCredentials) { var t = r.cookieJar .getCookies( b.CookieAccessInfo( this._url.hostname, this._url.pathname, 'https:' === this._url.protocol ) ) .toValueString(); this._headers.cookie = this._headers.cookie2 = t; } var n = 'http:' === this._url.protocol ? [s, this.nodejsHttpAgent] : [u, this.nodejsHttpsAgent], i = n[0], o = n[1], a = i.request.bind(i)({ hostname: this._url.hostname, port: +this._url.port, path: this._url.path, auth: this._url.auth, method: this._method, headers: this._headers, agent: o, }); (this._request = a), this.timeout && a.setTimeout(this.timeout, function () { return e._onHttpTimeout(a); }), a.on('response', function (t) { return e._onHttpResponse(a, t); }), a.on('error', function (t) { return e._onHttpRequestError(a, t); }), this.upload._startUpload(a), this._request === a && this._dispatchProgress('loadstart'); }), (r.prototype._finalizeHeaders = function () { (this._headers = a( {}, this._headers, { Connection: 'keep-alive', Host: this._url.host, 'User-Agent': this._userAgent }, this._anonymous ? { Referer: 'about:blank' } : {} )), this.upload._finalizeHeaders(this._headers, this._loweredHeaders); }), (r.prototype._onHttpResponse = function (e, t) { var n = this; if (this._request === e) { if ( (this.withCredentials && (t.headers['set-cookie'] || t.headers['set-cookie2']) && r.cookieJar.setCookies(t.headers['set-cookie'] || t.headers['set-cookie2']), [301, 302, 303, 307, 308].indexOf(t.statusCode) >= 0) ) return ( (this._url = this._parseUrl(t.headers.location)), (this._method = 'GET'), this._loweredHeaders['content-type'] && (delete this._headers[this._loweredHeaders['content-type']], delete this._loweredHeaders['content-type']), null != this._headers['Content-Type'] && delete this._headers['Content-Type'], delete this._headers['Content-Length'], this.upload._reset(), this._finalizeHeaders(), void this._sendHxxpRequest() ); (this._response = t), this._response.on('data', function (e) { return n._onHttpResponseData(t, e); }), this._response.on('end', function () { return n._onHttpResponseEnd(t); }), this._response.on('close', function () { return n._onHttpResponseClose(t); }), (this.responseUrl = this._url.href.split('#')[0]), (this.status = t.statusCode), (this.statusText = s.STATUS_CODES[this.status]), this._parseResponseHeaders(t); var i = this._responseHeaders['content-length'] || ''; (this._totalBytes = +i), (this._lengthComputable = !!i), this._setReadyState(r.HEADERS_RECEIVED); } }), (r.prototype._onHttpResponseData = function (e, t) { this._response === e && (this._responseParts.push(new n(t)), (this._loadedBytes += t.length), this.readyState !== r.LOADING && this._setReadyState(r.LOADING), this._dispatchProgress('progress')); }), (r.prototype._onHttpResponseEnd = function (e) { this._response === e && (this._parseResponse(), (this._request = null), (this._response = null), this._setReadyState(r.DONE), this._dispatchProgress('load'), this._dispatchProgress('loadend')); }), (r.prototype._onHttpResponseClose = function (e) { if (this._response === e) { var t = this._request; this._setError(), t.abort(), this._setReadyState(r.DONE), this._dispatchProgress('error'), this._dispatchProgress('loadend'); } }), (r.prototype._onHttpTimeout = function (e) { this._request === e && (this._setError(), e.abort(), this._setReadyState(r.DONE), this._dispatchProgress('timeout'), this._dispatchProgress('loadend')); }), (r.prototype._onHttpRequestError = function (e, t) { this._request === e && (this._setError(), e.abort(), this._setReadyState(r.DONE), this._dispatchProgress('error'), this._dispatchProgress('loadend')); }), (r.prototype._dispatchProgress = function (e) { var t = new r.ProgressEvent(e); (t.lengthComputable = this._lengthComputable), (t.loaded = this._loadedBytes), (t.total = this._totalBytes), this.dispatchEvent(t); }), (r.prototype._setError = function () { (this._request = null), (this._response = null), (this._responseHeaders = null), (this._responseParts = null); }), (r.prototype._parseUrl = function (e, t, r) { var n = null == this.nodejsBaseUrl ? e : c.resolve(this.nodejsBaseUrl, e), i = c.parse(n, !1, !0); i.hash = null; var o = (i.auth || '').split(':'), a = o[0], s = o[1]; return (a || s || t || r) && (i.auth = (t || a || '') + ':' + (r || s || '')), i; }), (r.prototype._parseResponseHeaders = function (e) { for (var t in ((this._responseHeaders = {}), e.headers)) { var r = t.toLowerCase(); this._privateHeaders[r] || (this._responseHeaders[r] = e.headers[t]); } null != this._mimeOverride && (this._responseHeaders['content-type'] = this._mimeOverride); }), (r.prototype._parseResponse = function () { var e = n.concat(this._responseParts); switch (((this._responseParts = null), this.responseType)) { case 'json': this.responseText = null; try { this.response = JSON.parse(e.toString('utf-8')); } catch (e) { this.response = null; } return; case 'buffer': return (this.responseText = null), void (this.response = e); case 'arraybuffer': this.responseText = null; for ( var t = new ArrayBuffer(e.length), r = new Uint8Array(t), i = 0; i < e.length; i++ ) r[i] = e[i]; return void (this.response = t); case 'text': default: try { this.responseText = e.toString(this._parseResponseEncoding()); } catch (t) { this.responseText = e.toString('binary'); } this.response = this.responseText; } }), (r.prototype._parseResponseEncoding = function () { return ( /;\s*charset=(.*)$/.exec(this._responseHeaders['content-type'] || '')[1] || 'utf-8' ); }), (r.ProgressEvent = h.ProgressEvent), (r.InvalidStateError = d.InvalidStateError), (r.NetworkError = d.NetworkError), (r.SecurityError = d.SecurityError), (r.SyntaxError = d.SyntaxError), (r.XMLHttpRequestUpload = p.XMLHttpRequestUpload), (r.UNSENT = 0), (r.OPENED = 1), (r.HEADERS_RECEIVED = 2), (r.LOADING = 3), (r.DONE = 4), (r.cookieJar = b.CookieJar()), r ); })(l.XMLHttpRequestEventTarget); (t.XMLHttpRequest = m), (m.prototype.nodejsHttpAgent = s.globalAgent), (m.prototype.nodejsHttpsAgent = u.globalAgent), (m.prototype.nodejsBaseUrl = null); }.call(this, r(11), r(2).Buffer)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (t, n, i) { var o = r(96), a = r(3), s = r(97), u = r(34), f = r(212), c = s.IncomingMessage, h = s.readyStates; var d = (e.exports = function (e) { var r, n = this; u.Writable.call(n), (n._opts = e), (n._body = []), (n._headers = {}), e.auth && n.setHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ' + new t(e.auth).toString('base64')), Object.keys(e.headers).forEach(function (t) { n.setHeader(t, e.headers[t]); }); var i = !0; if ('disable-fetch' === e.mode || ('requestTimeout' in e && !o.abortController)) (i = !1), (r = !0); else if ('prefer-streaming' === e.mode) r = !1; else if ('allow-wrong-content-type' === e.mode) r = !o.overrideMimeType; else { if (e.mode && 'default' !== e.mode && 'prefer-fast' !== e.mode) throw new Error('Invalid value for opts.mode'); r = !0; } (n._mode = (function (e, t) { return o.fetch && t ? 'fetch' : o.mozchunkedarraybuffer ? 'moz-chunked-arraybuffer' : o.msstream ? 'ms-stream' : o.arraybuffer && e ? 'arraybuffer' : o.vbArray && e ? 'text:vbarray' : 'text'; })(r, i)), (n._fetchTimer = null), n.on('finish', function () { n._onFinish(); }); }); a(d, u.Writable), (d.prototype.setHeader = function (e, t) { var r = e.toLowerCase(); -1 === l.indexOf(r) && (this._headers[r] = { name: e, value: t }); }), (d.prototype.getHeader = function (e) { var t = this._headers[e.toLowerCase()]; return t ? t.value : null; }), (d.prototype.removeHeader = function (e) { delete this._headers[e.toLowerCase()]; }), (d.prototype._onFinish = function () { var e = this; if (!e._destroyed) { var r = e._opts, a = e._headers, s = null; 'GET' !== r.method && 'HEAD' !== r.method && (s = o.arraybuffer ? f(t.concat(e._body)) : o.blobConstructor ? new n.Blob( e._body.map(function (e) { return f(e); }), { type: (a['content-type'] || {}).value || '' } ) : t.concat(e._body).toString()); var u = []; if ( (Object.keys(a).forEach(function (e) { var t = a[e].name, r = a[e].value; Array.isArray(r) ? r.forEach(function (e) { u.push([t, e]); }) : u.push([t, r]); }), 'fetch' === e._mode) ) { var c = null; if (o.abortController) { var d = new AbortController(); (c = d.signal), (e._fetchAbortController = d), 'requestTimeout' in r && 0 !== r.requestTimeout && (e._fetchTimer = n.setTimeout(function () { e.emit('requestTimeout'), e._fetchAbortController && e._fetchAbortController.abort(); }, r.requestTimeout)); } n.fetch(e._opts.url, { method: e._opts.method, headers: u, body: s || void 0, mode: 'cors', credentials: r.withCredentials ? 'include' : 'same-origin', signal: c, }).then( function (t) { (e._fetchResponse = t), e._connect(); }, function (t) { n.clearTimeout(e._fetchTimer), e._destroyed || e.emit('error', t); } ); } else { var l = (e._xhr = new n.XMLHttpRequest()); try { l.open(e._opts.method, e._opts.url, !0); } catch (t) { return void i.nextTick(function () { e.emit('error', t); }); } 'responseType' in l && (l.responseType = e._mode.split(':')[0]), 'withCredentials' in l && (l.withCredentials = !!r.withCredentials), 'text' === e._mode && 'overrideMimeType' in l && l.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined'), 'requestTimeout' in r && ((l.timeout = r.requestTimeout), (l.ontimeout = function () { e.emit('requestTimeout'); })), u.forEach(function (e) { l.setRequestHeader(e[0], e[1]); }), (e._response = null), (l.onreadystatechange = function () { switch (l.readyState) { case h.LOADING: case h.DONE: e._onXHRProgress(); } }), 'moz-chunked-arraybuffer' === e._mode && (l.onprogress = function () { e._onXHRProgress(); }), (l.onerror = function () { e._destroyed || e.emit('error', new Error('XHR error')); }); try { l.send(s); } catch (t) { return void i.nextTick(function () { e.emit('error', t); }); } } } }), (d.prototype._onXHRProgress = function () { (function (e) { try { var t = e.status; return null !== t && 0 !== t; } catch (e) { return !1; } })(this._xhr) && !this._destroyed && (this._response || this._connect(), this._response._onXHRProgress()); }), (d.prototype._connect = function () { var e = this; e._destroyed || ((e._response = new c(e._xhr, e._fetchResponse, e._mode, e._fetchTimer)), e._response.on('error', function (t) { e.emit('error', t); }), e.emit('response', e._response)); }), (d.prototype._write = function (e, t, r) { this._body.push(e), r(); }), (d.prototype.abort = d.prototype.destroy = function () { (this._destroyed = !0), n.clearTimeout(this._fetchTimer), this._response && (this._response._destroyed = !0), this._xhr ? this._xhr.abort() : this._fetchAbortController && this._fetchAbortController.abort(); }), (d.prototype.end = function (e, t, r) { 'function' == typeof e && ((r = e), (e = void 0)), u.Writable.prototype.end.call(this, e, t, r); }), (d.prototype.flushHeaders = function () {}), (d.prototype.setTimeout = function () {}), (d.prototype.setNoDelay = function () {}), (d.prototype.setSocketKeepAlive = function () {}); var l = [ 'accept-charset', 'accept-encoding', 'access-control-request-headers', 'access-control-request-method', 'connection', 'content-length', 'cookie', 'cookie2', 'date', 'dnt', 'expect', 'host', 'keep-alive', 'origin', 'referer', 'te', 'trailer', 'transfer-encoding', 'upgrade', 'via', ]; }.call(this, r(2).Buffer, r(8), r(11))); }, function (e, t) {}, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(4).Buffer, i = r(207); (e.exports = (function () { function e() { !(function (e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); })(this, e), (this.head = null), (this.tail = null), (this.length = 0); } return ( (e.prototype.push = function (e) { var t = { data: e, next: null }; this.length > 0 ? (this.tail.next = t) : (this.head = t), (this.tail = t), ++this.length; }), (e.prototype.unshift = function (e) { var t = { data: e, next: this.head }; 0 === this.length && (this.tail = t), (this.head = t), ++this.length; }), (e.prototype.shift = function () { if (0 !== this.length) { var e = this.head.data; return ( 1 === this.length ? (this.head = this.tail = null) : (this.head = this.head.next), --this.length, e ); } }), (e.prototype.clear = function () { (this.head = this.tail = null), (this.length = 0); }), (e.prototype.join = function (e) { if (0 === this.length) return ''; for (var t = this.head, r = '' + t.data; (t = t.next); ) r += e + t.data; return r; }), (e.prototype.concat = function (e) { if (0 === this.length) return n.alloc(0); if (1 === this.length) return this.head.data; for (var t, r, i, o = n.allocUnsafe(e >>> 0), a = this.head, s = 0; a; ) (t = a.data), (r = o), (i = s), t.copy(r, i), (s += a.data.length), (a = a.next); return o; }), e ); })()), i && i.inspect && i.inspect.custom && (e.exports.prototype[i.inspect.custom] = function () { var e = i.inspect({ length: this.length }); return this.constructor.name + ' ' + e; }); }, function (e, t) {}, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (e, t) { !(function (e, r) { if (!e.setImmediate) { var n, i, o, a, s, u = 1, f = {}, c = !1, h = e.document, d = Object.getPrototypeOf && Object.getPrototypeOf(e); (d = d && d.setTimeout ? d : e), '[object process]' === {}.toString.call(e.process) ? (n = function () { var e = l(arguments); return t.nextTick(p(b, e)), e; }) : !(function () { if (e.postMessage && !e.importScripts) { var t = !0, r = e.onmessage; return ( (e.onmessage = function () { t = !1; }), e.postMessage('', '*'), (e.onmessage = r), t ); } })() ? e.MessageChannel ? (((o = new MessageChannel()).port1.onmessage = function (e) { b(e.data); }), (n = function () { var e = l(arguments); return o.port2.postMessage(e), e; })) : h && 'onreadystatechange' in h.createElement('script') ? ((i = h.documentElement), (n = function () { var e = l(arguments), t = h.createElement('script'); return ( (t.onreadystatechange = function () { b(e), (t.onreadystatechange = null), i.removeChild(t), (t = null); }), i.appendChild(t), e ); })) : (n = function () { var e = l(arguments); return setTimeout(p(b, e), 0), e; }) : ((a = 'setImmediate$' + Math.random() + '$'), (s = function (t) { t.source === e && 'string' == typeof t.data && 0 === t.data.indexOf(a) && b(+t.data.slice(a.length)); }), e.addEventListener ? e.addEventListener('message', s, !1) : e.attachEvent('onmessage', s), (n = function () { var t = l(arguments); return e.postMessage(a + t, '*'), t; })), (d.setImmediate = n), (d.clearImmediate = m); } function l(e) { return (f[u] = p.apply(void 0, e)), u++; } function p(e) { var t = [].slice.call(arguments, 1); return function () { 'function' == typeof e ? e.apply(void 0, t) : new Function('' + e)(); }; } function b(e) { if (c) setTimeout(p(b, e), 0); else { var t = f[e]; if (t) { c = !0; try { t(); } finally { m(e), (c = !1); } } } } function m(e) { delete f[e]; } })('undefined' == typeof self ? (void 0 === e ? void 0 : e) : self); }.call(this, r(8), r(11))); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (t) { function r(e) { try { if (!t.localStorage) return !1; } catch (e) { return !1; } var r = t.localStorage[e]; return null != r && 'true' === String(r).toLowerCase(); } e.exports = function (e, t) { if (r('noDeprecation')) return e; var n = !1; return function () { if (!n) { if (r('throwDeprecation')) throw new Error(t); r('traceDeprecation') ? console.trace(t) : console.warn(t), (n = !0); } return e.apply(this, arguments); }; }; }.call(this, r(8))); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(2), i = n.Buffer; function o(e, t) { for (var r in e) t[r] = e[r]; } function a(e, t, r) { return i(e, t, r); } i.from && i.alloc && i.allocUnsafe && i.allocUnsafeSlow ? (e.exports = n) : (o(n, t), (t.Buffer = a)), (a.prototype = Object.create(i.prototype)), o(i, a), (a.from = function (e, t, r) { if ('number' == typeof e) throw new TypeError('Argument must not be a number'); return i(e, t, r); }), (a.alloc = function (e, t, r) { if ('number' != typeof e) throw new TypeError('Argument must be a number'); var n = i(e); return void 0 !== t ? ('string' == typeof r ? n.fill(t, r) : n.fill(t)) : n.fill(0), n; }), (a.allocUnsafe = function (e) { if ('number' != typeof e) throw new TypeError('Argument must be a number'); return i(e); }), (a.allocUnsafeSlow = function (e) { if ('number' != typeof e) throw new TypeError('Argument must be a number'); return n.SlowBuffer(e); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = o; var n = r(102), i = r(35); function o(e) { if (!(this instanceof o)) return new o(e); n.call(this, e); } (i.inherits = r(3)), i.inherits(o, n), (o.prototype._transform = function (e, t, r) { r(null, e); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(2).Buffer; e.exports = function (e) { if (e instanceof Uint8Array) { if (0 === e.byteOffset && e.byteLength === e.buffer.byteLength) return e.buffer; if ('function' == typeof e.buffer.slice) return e.buffer.slice(e.byteOffset, e.byteOffset + e.byteLength); } if (n.isBuffer(e)) { for (var t = new Uint8Array(e.length), r = e.length, i = 0; i < r; i++) t[i] = e[i]; return t.buffer; } throw new Error('Argument must be a Buffer'); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = { 100: 'Continue', 101: 'Switching Protocols', 102: 'Processing', 200: 'OK', 201: 'Created', 202: 'Accepted', 203: 'Non-Authoritative Information', 204: 'No Content', 205: 'Reset Content', 206: 'Partial Content', 207: 'Multi-Status', 208: 'Already Reported', 226: 'IM Used', 300: 'Multiple Choices', 301: 'Moved Permanently', 302: 'Found', 303: 'See Other', 304: 'Not Modified', 305: 'Use Proxy', 307: 'Temporary Redirect', 308: 'Permanent Redirect', 400: 'Bad Request', 401: 'Unauthorized', 402: 'Payment Required', 403: 'Forbidden', 404: 'Not Found', 405: 'Method Not Allowed', 406: 'Not Acceptable', 407: 'Proxy Authentication Required', 408: 'Request Timeout', 409: 'Conflict', 410: 'Gone', 411: 'Length Required', 412: 'Precondition Failed', 413: 'Payload Too Large', 414: 'URI Too Long', 415: 'Unsupported Media Type', 416: 'Range Not Satisfiable', 417: 'Expectation Failed', 418: "I'm a teapot", 421: 'Misdirected Request', 422: 'Unprocessable Entity', 423: 'Locked', 424: 'Failed Dependency', 425: 'Unordered Collection', 426: 'Upgrade Required', 428: 'Precondition Required', 429: 'Too Many Requests', 431: 'Request Header Fields Too Large', 451: 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 500: 'Internal Server Error', 501: 'Not Implemented', 502: 'Bad Gateway', 503: 'Service Unavailable', 504: 'Gateway Timeout', 505: 'HTTP Version Not Supported', 506: 'Variant Also Negotiates', 507: 'Insufficient Storage', 508: 'Loop Detected', 509: 'Bandwidth Limit Exceeded', 510: 'Not Extended', 511: 'Network Authentication Required', }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (t.endianness = function () { return 'LE'; }), (t.hostname = function () { return 'undefined' != typeof location ? location.hostname : ''; }), (t.loadavg = function () { return []; }), (t.uptime = function () { return 0; }), (t.freemem = function () { return Number.MAX_VALUE; }), (t.totalmem = function () { return Number.MAX_VALUE; }), (t.cpus = function () { return []; }), (t.type = function () { return 'Browser'; }), (t.release = function () { return 'undefined' != typeof navigator ? navigator.appVersion : ''; }), (t.networkInterfaces = t.getNetworkInterfaces = function () { return {}; }), (t.arch = function () { return 'javascript'; }), (t.platform = function () { return 'browser'; }), (t.tmpdir = t.tmpDir = function () { return '/tmp'; }), (t.EOL = '\n'), (t.homedir = function () { return '/'; }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); var n = function (e) { (this.type = e), (this.bubbles = !1), (this.cancelable = !1), (this.loaded = 0), (this.lengthComputable = !1), (this.total = 0); }; t.ProgressEvent = n; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n, i = ((n = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (e, t) { e.__proto__ = t; }) || function (e, t) { for (var r in t) t.hasOwnProperty(r) && (e[r] = t[r]); }), function (e, t) { function r() { this.constructor = e; } n(e, t), (e.prototype = null === t ? Object.create(t) : ((r.prototype = t.prototype), new r())); }); Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); var o = (function (e) { function t() { return (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; } return i(t, e), t; })(Error); t.SecurityError = o; var a = (function (e) { function t() { return (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; } return i(t, e), t; })(Error); t.InvalidStateError = a; var s = (function (e) { function t() { return (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; } return i(t, e), t; })(Error); t.NetworkError = s; var u = (function (e) { function t() { return (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; } return i(t, e), t; })(Error); t.SyntaxError = u; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (e) { var n, i = ((n = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (e, t) { e.__proto__ = t; }) || function (e, t) { for (var r in t) t.hasOwnProperty(r) && (e[r] = t[r]); }), function (e, t) { function r() { this.constructor = e; } n(e, t), (e.prototype = null === t ? Object.create(t) : ((r.prototype = t.prototype), new r())); }); Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); var o = (function (t) { function r() { var e = t.call(this) || this; return (e._contentType = null), (e._body = null), e._reset(), e; } return ( i(r, t), (r.prototype._reset = function () { (this._contentType = null), (this._body = null); }), (r.prototype._setData = function (t) { if (null != t) if ('string' == typeof t) 0 !== t.length && (this._contentType = 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'), (this._body = new e(t, 'utf-8')); else if (e.isBuffer(t)) this._body = t; else if (t instanceof ArrayBuffer) { for ( var r = new e(t.byteLength), n = new Uint8Array(t), i = 0; i < t.byteLength; i++ ) r[i] = n[i]; this._body = r; } else { if (!(t.buffer && t.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer)) throw new Error('Unsupported send() data ' + t); r = new e(t.byteLength); var o = t.byteOffset; for (n = new Uint8Array(t.buffer), i = 0; i < t.byteLength; i++) r[i] = n[i + o]; this._body = r; } }), (r.prototype._finalizeHeaders = function (e, t) { this._contentType && !t['content-type'] && (e['Content-Type'] = this._contentType), this._body && (e['Content-Length'] = this._body.length.toString()); }), (r.prototype._startUpload = function (e) { this._body && e.write(this._body), e.end(); }), r ); })(r(68).XMLHttpRequestEventTarget); t.XMLHttpRequestUpload = o; }.call(this, r(2).Buffer)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; !(function () { function e(t, r, n, i) { return this instanceof e ? ((this.domain = t || void 0), (this.path = r || '/'), (this.secure = !!n), (this.script = !!i), this) : new e(t, r, n, i); } function r(e, t, n) { return e instanceof r ? e : this instanceof r ? ((this.name = null), (this.value = null), (this.expiration_date = 1 / 0), (this.path = String(n || '/')), (this.explicit_path = !1), (this.domain = t || null), (this.explicit_domain = !1), (this.secure = !1), (this.noscript = !1), e && this.parse(e, t, n), this) : new r(e, t, n); } (e.All = Object.freeze(Object.create(null))), (t.CookieAccessInfo = e), (t.Cookie = r), (r.prototype.toString = function () { var e = [this.name + '=' + this.value]; return ( this.expiration_date !== 1 / 0 && e.push('expires=' + new Date(this.expiration_date).toGMTString()), this.domain && e.push('domain=' + this.domain), this.path && e.push('path=' + this.path), this.secure && e.push('secure'), this.noscript && e.push('httponly'), e.join('; ') ); }), (r.prototype.toValueString = function () { return this.name + '=' + this.value; }); var n = /[:](?=\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+\s*[=])/g; function i() { var e, t; return this instanceof i ? ((e = Object.create(null)), (this.setCookie = function (n, i, o) { var a, s; if ( ((a = (n = new r(n, i, o)).expiration_date <= Date.now()), void 0 !== e[n.name]) ) { for (t = e[n.name], s = 0; s < t.length; s += 1) if (t[s].collidesWith(n)) return a ? (t.splice(s, 1), 0 === t.length && delete e[n.name], !1) : ((t[s] = n), n); return !a && (t.push(n), n); } return !a && ((e[n.name] = [n]), e[n.name]); }), (this.getCookie = function (r, n) { var i, o; if ((t = e[r])) for (o = 0; o < t.length; o += 1) if ((i = t[o]).expiration_date <= Date.now()) 0 === t.length && delete e[i.name]; else if (i.matches(n)) return i; }), (this.getCookies = function (t) { var r, n, i = []; for (r in e) (n = this.getCookie(r, t)) && i.push(n); return ( (i.toString = function () { return i.join(':'); }), (i.toValueString = function () { return i .map(function (e) { return e.toValueString(); }) .join(';'); }), i ); }), this) : new i(); } (r.prototype.parse = function (e, t, n) { if (this instanceof r) { var i, o = e.split(';').filter(function (e) { return !!e; }), a = o[0].match(/([^=]+)=([\s\S]*)/); if (!a) return void console.warn("Invalid cookie header encountered. Header: '" + e + "'"); var s = a[1], u = a[2]; if ('string' != typeof s || 0 === s.length || 'string' != typeof u) return void console.warn( "Unable to extract values from cookie header. Cookie: '" + e + "'" ); for (this.name = s, this.value = u, i = 1; i < o.length; i += 1) switch ( ((s = (a = o[i].match(/([^=]+)(?:=([\s\S]*))?/))[1].trim().toLowerCase()), (u = a[2]), s) ) { case 'httponly': this.noscript = !0; break; case 'expires': this.expiration_date = u ? Number(Date.parse(u)) : 1 / 0; break; case 'path': (this.path = u ? u.trim() : ''), (this.explicit_path = !0); break; case 'domain': (this.domain = u ? u.trim() : ''), (this.explicit_domain = !!this.domain); break; case 'secure': this.secure = !0; } return ( this.explicit_path || (this.path = n || '/'), this.explicit_domain || (this.domain = t), this ); } return new r().parse(e, t, n); }), (r.prototype.matches = function (t) { return ( t === e.All || !((this.noscript && t.script) || (this.secure && !t.secure) || !this.collidesWith(t)) ); }), (r.prototype.collidesWith = function (e) { if ((this.path && !e.path) || (this.domain && !e.domain)) return !1; if (this.path && 0 !== e.path.indexOf(this.path)) return !1; if (this.explicit_path && 0 !== e.path.indexOf(this.path)) return !1; var t = e.domain && e.domain.replace(/^[\.]/, ''), r = this.domain && this.domain.replace(/^[\.]/, ''); if (r === t) return !0; if (r) { if (!this.explicit_domain) return !1; var n = t.indexOf(r); return -1 !== n && n === t.length - r.length; } return !0; }), (t.CookieJar = i), (i.prototype.setCookies = function (e, t, i) { var o, a, s = []; for ( e = (e = Array.isArray(e) ? e : e.split(n)).map(function (e) { return new r(e, t, i); }), o = 0; o < e.length; o += 1 ) (a = e[o]), this.setCookie(a, t, i) && s.push(a); return s; }); })(); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(10), i = r(9).errors, o = r(220), a = function (e, t) { var r = this; (this.responseCallbacks = {}), (this.notificationCallbacks = []), (this.path = e), (this.connected = !1), (this.connection = t.connect({ path: this.path })), this.addDefaultEvents(); var i = function (e) { var t = null; n.isArray(e) ? e.forEach(function (e) { r.responseCallbacks[e.id] && (t = e.id); }) : (t = e.id), t || -1 === e.method.indexOf('_subscription') ? r.responseCallbacks[t] && (r.responseCallbacks[t](null, e), delete r.responseCallbacks[t]) : r.notificationCallbacks.forEach(function (t) { n.isFunction(t) && t(e); }); }; 'Socket' === t.constructor.name ? o(this.connection).done(i) : this.connection.on('data', function (e) { r._parseResponse(e.toString()).forEach(i); }); }; (a.prototype.addDefaultEvents = function () { var e = this; this.connection.on('connect', function () { e.connected = !0; }), this.connection.on('close', function () { e.connected = !1; }), this.connection.on('error', function () { e._timeout(); }), this.connection.on('end', function () { e._timeout(); }), this.connection.on('timeout', function () { e._timeout(); }); }), (a.prototype._parseResponse = function (e) { var t = this, r = []; return ( e .replace(/\}[\n\r]?\{/g, '}|--|{') .replace(/\}\][\n\r]?\[\{/g, '}]|--|[{') .replace(/\}[\n\r]?\[\{/g, '}|--|[{') .replace(/\}\][\n\r]?\{/g, '}]|--|{') .split('|--|') .forEach(function (e) { t.lastChunk && (e = t.lastChunk + e); var n = null; try { n = JSON.parse(e); } catch (r) { return ( (t.lastChunk = e), clearTimeout(t.lastChunkTimeout), void (t.lastChunkTimeout = setTimeout(function () { throw (t._timeout(), i.InvalidResponse(e)); }, 15e3)) ); } clearTimeout(t.lastChunkTimeout), (t.lastChunk = null), n && r.push(n); }), r ); }), (a.prototype._addResponseCallback = function (e, t) { var r = e.id || e[0].id, n = e.method || e[0].method; (this.responseCallbacks[r] = t), (this.responseCallbacks[r].method = n); }), (a.prototype._timeout = function () { for (var e in this.responseCallbacks) this.responseCallbacks.hasOwnProperty(e) && (this.responseCallbacks[e](i.InvalidConnection('on IPC')), delete this.responseCallbacks[e]); }), (a.prototype.reconnect = function () { this.connection.connect({ path: this.path }); }), (a.prototype.send = function (e, t) { this.connection.writable || this.connection.connect({ path: this.path }), this.connection.write(JSON.stringify(e)), this._addResponseCallback(e, t); }), (a.prototype.on = function (e, t) { if ('function' != typeof t) throw new Error('The second parameter callback must be a function.'); switch (e) { case 'data': this.notificationCallbacks.push(t); break; default: this.connection.on(e, t); } }), (a.prototype.once = function (e, t) { if ('function' != typeof t) throw new Error('The second parameter callback must be a function.'); this.connection.once(e, t); }), (a.prototype.removeListener = function (e, t) { var r = this; switch (e) { case 'data': this.notificationCallbacks.forEach(function (e, n) { e === t && r.notificationCallbacks.splice(n, 1); }); break; default: this.connection.removeListener(e, t); } }), (a.prototype.removeAllListeners = function (e) { switch (e) { case 'data': this.notificationCallbacks = []; break; default: this.connection.removeAllListeners(e); } }), (a.prototype.reset = function () { this._timeout(), (this.notificationCallbacks = []), this.connection.removeAllListeners('error'), this.connection.removeAllListeners('end'), this.connection.removeAllListeners('timeout'), this.addDefaultEvents(); }), (a.prototype.supportsSubscriptions = function () { return !0; }), (e.exports = a); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (e) { var n, i, o, a, s = r(0)(r(1)); 'undefined' != typeof self && self, /*! * v2.1.4-104-gc868b3a * */ (a = function () { return (function (e) { var t = {}; function r(n) { if (t[n]) return t[n].exports; var i = (t[n] = { i: n, l: !1, exports: {} }); return e[n].call(i.exports, i, i.exports, r), (i.l = !0), i.exports; } return ( (r.m = e), (r.c = t), (r.d = function (e, t, n) { r.o(e, t) || Object.defineProperty(e, t, { configurable: !1, enumerable: !0, get: n }); }), (r.n = function (e) { var t = e && e.__esModule ? function () { return e.default; } : function () { return e; }; return r.d(t, 'a', t), t; }), (r.o = function (e, t) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t); }), (r.p = ''), r((r.s = 7)) ); })([ function (e, t, r) { r.d(t, 'j', function () { return i; }), r.d(t, 'd', function () { return o; }), r.d(t, 'c', function () { return a; }), r.d(t, 'h', function () { return s; }), r.d(t, 'b', function () { return u; }), r.d(t, 'k', function () { return f; }), r.d(t, 'e', function () { return c; }), r.d(t, 'g', function () { return h; }), r.d(t, 'i', function () { return d; }), r.d(t, 'a', function () { return l; }), r.d(t, 'f', function () { return p; }); var n = r(1), i = f(function (e, t) { var r = t.length; return f(function (n) { for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) t[r + i] = n[i]; return (t.length = r + n.length), e.apply(this, t); }); }); function o(e, t) { return function () { return e.call(this, t.apply(this, arguments)); }; } function a(e) { return function (t) { return t[e]; }; } f(function (e) { var t = Object(n.c)(e); function r(e, t) { return [u(e, t)]; } return f(function (e) { return Object(n.f)(r, e, t)[0]; }); }); var s = f(function (e) { return f(function (t) { for (var r, n = 0; n < a('length')(e); n++) if ((r = u(t, e[n]))) return r; }); }); function u(e, t) { return t.apply(void 0, e); } function f(e) { var t = e.length - 1, r = Array.prototype.slice; if (0 === t) return function () { return e.call(this, r.call(arguments)); }; if (1 === t) return function () { return e.call(this, arguments[0], r.call(arguments, 1)); }; var n = Array(e.length); return function () { for (var i = 0; i < t; i++) n[i] = arguments[i]; return (n[t] = r.call(arguments, t)), e.apply(this, n); }; } function c(e) { return function (t, r) { return e(r, t); }; } function h(e, t) { return function (r) { return e(r) && t(r); }; } function d() {} function l() { return !0; } function p(e) { return function () { return e; }; } }, function (e, t, r) { r.d(t, 'd', function () { return i; }), r.d(t, 'g', function () { return o; }), r.d(t, 'l', function () { return a; }), r.d(t, 'c', function () { return s; }), r.d(t, 'h', function () { return u; }), r.d(t, 'i', function () { return f; }), r.d(t, 'j', function () { return c; }), r.d(t, 'f', function () { return h; }), r.d(t, 'm', function () { return d; }), r.d(t, 'a', function () { return l; }), r.d(t, 'b', function () { return p; }), r.d(t, 'k', function () { return b; }), r.d(t, 'e', function () { return m; }); var n = r(0); function i(e, t) { return [e, t]; } var o = Object(n.c)(0), a = Object(n.c)(1); function s(e) { return b(e.reduce(Object(n.e)(i), null)); } var u = Object(n.k)(s); function f(e) { return h( function (e, t) { return e.unshift(t), e; }, [], e ); } function c(e, t) { return t ? i(e(o(t)), c(e, a(t))) : null; } function h(e, t, r) { return r ? e(h(e, t, a(r)), o(r)) : t; } function d(e, t, r) { return (function e(r, n) { return r ? (t(o(r)) ? (n(o(r)), a(r)) : i(o(r), e(a(r), n))) : null; })(e, r || n.i); } function l(e, t) { return !t || (e(o(t)) && l(e, a(t))); } function p(e, t) { e && (o(e).apply(null, t), p(a(e), t)); } function b(e) { return (function e(t, r) { return t ? e(a(t), i(o(t), r)) : r; })(e, null); } function m(e, t) { return t && (e(o(t)) ? o(t) : m(e, a(t))); } }, function (e, t, r) { r.d(t, 'c', function () { return o; }), r.d(t, 'e', function () { return a; }), r.d(t, 'd', function () { return s; }), r.d(t, 'a', function () { return u; }), r.d(t, 'b', function () { return f; }); var n = r(1), i = r(0); function o(e, t) { return t && t.constructor === e; } var a = Object(i.c)('length'), s = Object(i.j)(o, String); function u(e) { return void 0 !== e; } function f(e, t) { return ( t instanceof Object && Object(n.a)(function (e) { return e in t; }, e) ); } }, function (e, t, r) { r.d(t, 'f', function () { return i; }), r.d(t, 'd', function () { return o; }), r.d(t, 'g', function () { return a; }), r.d(t, 'e', function () { return s; }), r.d(t, 'b', function () { return u; }), r.d(t, 'h', function () { return f; }), r.d(t, 'i', function () { return c; }), r.d(t, 'c', function () { return h; }), r.d(t, 'm', function () { return d; }), r.d(t, 'n', function () { return l; }), r.d(t, 'a', function () { return p; }), r.d(t, 'j', function () { return b; }), r.d(t, 'l', function () { return m; }), r.d(t, 'k', function () { return y; }), r.d(t, 'o', function () { return v; }); var n = 1, i = n++, o = n++, a = n++, s = n++, u = 'fail', f = n++, c = n++, h = 'start', d = 'data', l = 'end', p = n++, b = n++, m = n++, y = n++; function v(e, t, r) { try { var n = JSON.parse(t); } catch (e) {} return { statusCode: e, body: t, jsonBody: n, thrown: r }; } }, function (e, t, r) { r.d(t, 'b', function () { return i; }), r.d(t, 'a', function () { return o; }), r.d(t, 'c', function () { return a; }); var n = r(0); function i(e, t) { return { key: e, node: t }; } var o = Object(n.c)('key'), a = Object(n.c)('node'); }, function (e, t, r) { r.d(t, 'a', function () { return u; }); var n = r(1), i = r(0), o = r(2), a = r(8), s = r(9); function u(e) { var t = Object(n.h)('resume', 'pause', 'pipe'), r = Object(i.j)(o.b, t); return e ? r(e) || Object(o.d)(e) ? Object(a.a)(s.a, e) : Object(a.a)( s.a, e.url, e.method, e.body, e.headers, e.withCredentials, e.cached ) : Object(s.a)(); } u.drop = function () { return u.drop; }; }, function (e, t, r) { r.d(t, 'b', function () { return u; }), r.d(t, 'a', function () { return s; }); var n = r(3), i = r(4), o = r(2), a = r(1), s = {}; function u(e) { var t = e(n.f).emit, r = e(n.d).emit, u = e(n.i).emit, f = e(n.h).emit; function c(e, t, r) { Object(i.c)(Object(a.g)(e))[t] = r; } function h(e, r, n) { e && c(e, r, n); var o = Object(a.d)(Object(i.b)(r, n), e); return t(o), o; } var d = {}; return ( (d[n.l] = function (e, t) { if (!e) return u(t), h(e, s, t); var r = (function (e, t) { var r = Object(i.c)(Object(a.g)(e)); return Object(o.c)(Array, r) ? h(e, Object(o.e)(r), t) : e; })(e, t), n = Object(a.l)(r), f = Object(i.a)(Object(a.g)(r)); return c(n, f, t), Object(a.d)(Object(i.b)(f, t), n); }), (d[n.k] = function (e) { return r(e), Object(a.l)(e) || f(Object(i.c)(Object(a.g)(e))); }), (d[n.j] = h), d ); } }, function (e, t, r) { Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); var n = r(5); t.default = n.a; }, function (e, t, r) { r.d(t, 'a', function () { return i; }); var n = r(2); function i(e, t, r, i, o, a, s) { return ( (o = o ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(o)) : {}), i ? (Object(n.d)(i) || ((i = JSON.stringify(i)), (o['Content-Type'] = o['Content-Type'] || 'application/json')), (o['Content-Length'] = o['Content-Length'] || i.length)) : (i = null), e( r || 'GET', (function (e, t) { return ( !1 === t && (-1 === e.indexOf('?') ? (e += '?') : (e += '&'), (e += '_=' + new Date().getTime())), e ); })(t, s), i, o, a || !1 ) ); } }, function (e, t, r) { r.d(t, 'a', function () { return h; }); var n = r(10), i = r(12), o = r(6), a = r(13), s = r(14), u = r(16), f = r(17), c = r(18); function h(e, t, r, h, d) { var l = Object(n.a)(); return ( t && Object(c.b)(l, Object(c.a)(), e, t, r, h, d), Object(f.a)(l), Object(i.a)(l, Object(o.b)(l)), Object(a.a)(l, s.a), Object(u.a)(l, t) ); } }, function (e, t, r) { r.d(t, 'a', function () { return o; }); var n = r(11), i = r(0); function o() { var e = {}, t = o('newListener'), r = o('removeListener'); function o(i) { return (e[i] = Object(n.a)(i, t, r)), e[i]; } function a(t) { return e[t] || o(t); } return ( ['emit', 'on', 'un'].forEach(function (e) { a[e] = Object(i.k)(function (t, r) { Object(i.b)(r, a(t)[e]); }); }), a ); } }, function (e, t, r) { r.d(t, 'a', function () { return a; }); var n = r(1), i = r(2), o = r(0); function a(e, t, r) { var a, s; function u(e) { return function (t) { return t.id === e; }; } return { on: function (r, i) { var o = { listener: r, id: i || r }; return ( t && t.emit(e, r, o.id), (a = Object(n.d)(o, a)), (s = Object(n.d)(r, s)), this ); }, emit: function () { Object(n.b)(s, arguments); }, un: function (t) { var i; (a = Object(n.m)(a, u(t), function (e) { i = e; })), i && ((s = Object(n.m)(s, function (e) { return e === i.listener; })), r && r.emit(e, i.listener, i.id)); }, listeners: function () { return s; }, hasListener: function (e) { var t = e ? u(e) : o.a; return Object(i.a)(Object(n.e)(t, a)); }, }; } }, function (e, t, r) { r.d(t, 'a', function () { return a; }); var n = r(4), i = r(3), o = r(1); function a(e, t) { var r, a = {}; function s(e) { return function (t) { r = e(r, t); }; } for (var u in t) e(u).on(s(t[u]), a); e(i.g).on(function (e) { var t = Object(o.g)(r), i = Object(n.a)(t), a = Object(o.l)(r); a && (Object(n.c)(Object(o.g)(a))[i] = e); }), e(i.e).on(function () { var e = Object(o.g)(r), t = Object(n.a)(e), i = Object(o.l)(r); i && delete Object(n.c)(Object(o.g)(i))[t]; }), e(i.a).on(function () { for (var r in t) e(r).un(a); }); } }, function (e, t, r) { r.d(t, 'a', function () { return a; }); var n = r(3), i = r(1), o = r(4); function a(e, t) { var r = { node: e(n.d), path: e(n.f) }; function a(t, r, n) { var a = e(t).emit; r.on(function (e) { var t = n(e); !1 !== t && (function (e, t, r) { var n = Object(i.k)(r); e( t, Object(i.i)(Object(i.l)(Object(i.j)(o.a, n))), Object(i.i)(Object(i.j)(o.c, n)) ); })(a, Object(o.c)(t), e); }, t), e('removeListener').on(function (n) { n === t && (e(n).listeners() || r.un(t)); }); } e('newListener').on(function (e) { var n = /(node|path):(.*)/.exec(e); if (n) { var i = r[n[1]]; i.hasListener(e) || a(e, i, t(n[2])); } }); } }, function (e, t, r) { r.d(t, 'a', function () { return f; }); var n = r(0), i = r(1), o = r(4), a = r(2), s = r(6), u = r(15), f = Object(u.a)(function (e, t, r, u, f) { var c = Object(n.d)(o.a, i.g), h = Object(n.d)(o.c, i.g); function d(e, t) { return t[1] ? Object(n.g)(e, i.g) : e; } function l(e) { return e === n.a ? n.a : Object(n.g)(function (e) { return c(e) !== s.a; }, Object(n.d)(e, i.l)); } function p() { return function (e) { return c(e) === s.a; }; } function b(e, t, r, n, o) { var s = e(r); if (s) { var u = (function (e, t, r) { return Object(i.f)( function (e, t) { return t(e, r); }, t, e ); })(t, n, s); return o(r.substr(Object(a.e)(s[0])), u); } } function m(e, t) { return Object(n.j)(b, e, t); } var y = Object(n.h)( m( e, Object(i.h)( d, function (e, t) { var r = t[3]; if (!r) return e; var o = Object(n.j)(a.b, Object(i.c)(r.split(/\W+/))), s = Object(n.d)(o, h); return Object(n.g)(s, e); }, function (e, t) { var r = t[2], i = r && '*' !== r ? function (e) { return String(c(e)) === r; } : n.a; return Object(n.g)(i, e); }, l ) ), m( t, Object(i.h)(function (e) { if (e === n.a) return n.a; var t = p(), r = e, i = l(function (e) { return o(e); }), o = Object(n.h)(t, r, i); return o; }) ), m(r, Object(i.h)()), m(u, Object(i.h)(d, p)), m( f, Object(i.h)(function (e) { return function (t) { var r = e(t); return !0 === r ? Object(i.g)(t) : r; }; }) ), function (e) { throw Error('"' + e + '" could not be tokenised'); } ); function v(e, t) { return t; } function g(e, t) { return y(e, t, e ? g : v); } return function (e) { try { return g(e, n.a); } catch (t) { throw Error('Could not compile "' + e + '" because ' + t.message); } }; }); }, function (e, t, r) { r.d(t, 'a', function () { return b; }); var n, i, o, a, s, u, f, c, h, d, l, p = r(0), b = ((n = Object(p.k)(function (e) { return ( e.unshift(/^/), (t = RegExp(e.map(Object(p.c)('source')).join(''))).exec.bind(t) ); var t; })), (a = n((i = /(\$?)/), /([\w-_]+|\*)/, (o = /(?:{([\w ]*?)})?/))), (s = n(i, /\["([^"]+)"\]/, o)), (u = n(i, /\[(\d+|\*)\]/, o)), (f = n(i, /()/, /{([\w ]*?)}/)), (c = n(/\.\./)), (h = n(/\./)), (d = n(i, /!/)), (l = n(/$/)), function (e) { return e(Object(p.h)(a, s, u, f), c, h, d, l); }); }, function (e, t, r) { r.d(t, 'a', function () { return s; }); var n = r(3), i = r(0), o = r(2), a = r(5); function s(e, t) { var r, s = /^(node|path):./, u = e(n.h), f = e(n.e).emit, c = e(n.g).emit, h = Object(i.k)(function (t, n) { if (r[t]) Object(i.b)(n, r[t]); else { var o = e(t), a = n[0]; s.test(t) ? d(o, p(a)) : o.on(a); } return r; }); function d(e, t, n) { n = n || t; var o = l(t); return ( e.on(function () { var t = !1; (r.forget = function () { t = !0; }), Object(i.b)(arguments, o), delete r.forget, t && e.un(n); }, n), r ); } function l(e) { return function () { try { return e.apply(r, arguments); } catch (e) { setTimeout(function () { throw new Error(e.message); }); } }; } function p(e) { return function () { var t = e.apply(this, arguments); Object(o.a)(t) && (t === a.a.drop ? f() : c(t)); }; } function b(t, r, n) { var i; (i = 'node' === t ? p(n) : n), d( (function (t, r) { return e(t + ':' + r); })(t, r), i, n ); } function m(e, t, n) { return ( Object(o.d)(t) ? b(e, t, n) : (function (e, t) { for (var r in t) b(e, r, t[r]); })(e, t), r ); } return ( e(n.i).on(function (e) { r.root = Object(i.f)(e); }), e(n.c).on(function (e, t) { r.header = function (e) { return e ? t[e] : t; }; }), (r = { on: h, addListener: h, removeListener: function (t, n, i) { if ('done' === t) u.un(n); else if ('node' === t || 'path' === t) e.un(t + ':' + n, i); else { var o = n; e(t).un(o); } return r; }, emit: e.emit, node: Object(i.j)(m, 'node'), path: Object(i.j)(m, 'path'), done: Object(i.j)(d, u), start: Object(i.j)(function (t, n) { return e(t).on(l(n), n), r; }, n.c), fail: e(n.b).on, abort: e(n.a).emit, header: i.i, root: i.i, source: t, }) ); } }, function (e, t, r) { r.d(t, 'a', function () { return i; }); var n = r(3); function i(e) { var t, r, i, o, a = e(n.j).emit, s = e(n.l).emit, u = e(n.k).emit, f = e(n.b).emit, c = /[\\"\n]/g, h = 0, d = h++, l = h++, p = h++, b = h++, m = h++, y = h++, v = h++, g = h++, w = h++, _ = h++, k = h++, A = h++, S = h++, E = h++, x = h++, M = h++, I = h++, O = h++, C = h++, P = h++, T = 65536, U = '', B = !1, R = !1, N = d, j = [], L = null, F = 0, D = 0, q = 0, z = 0, H = 1; function K(e) { void 0 !== o && (s(o), u(), (o = void 0)), (t = Error(e + '\nLn: ' + H + '\nCol: ' + z + '\nChr: ' + r)), f(Object(n.o)(void 0, void 0, t)); } function V(e) { return '\r' === e || '\n' === e || ' ' === e || '\t' === e; } e(n.m).on(function (e) { if (!t) { if (R) return K('Cannot write after close'); var n, f = 0; for (r = e[0]; r && (f > 0 && (i = r), (r = e[f++])); ) switch ((q++, '\n' === r ? (H++, (z = 0)) : z++, N)) { case d: if ('{' === r) N = p; else if ('[' === r) N = m; else if (!V(r)) return K('Non-whitespace before {[.'); continue; case g: case p: if (V(r)) continue; if (N === g) j.push(w); else { if ('}' === r) { s({}), u(), (N = j.pop() || l); continue; } j.push(b); } if ('"' !== r) return K('Malformed object key should start with " '); N = v; continue; case w: case b: if (V(r)) continue; if (':' === r) N === b ? (j.push(b), void 0 !== o && (s({}), a(o), (o = void 0)), D++) : void 0 !== o && (a(o), (o = void 0)), (N = l); else if ('}' === r) void 0 !== o && (s(o), u(), (o = void 0)), u(), D--, (N = j.pop() || l); else { if (',' !== r) return K('Bad object'); N === b && j.push(b), void 0 !== o && (s(o), u(), (o = void 0)), (N = g); } continue; case m: case l: if (V(r)) continue; if (N === m) { if ((s([]), D++, (N = l), ']' === r)) { u(), D--, (N = j.pop() || l); continue; } j.push(y); } if ('"' === r) N = v; else if ('{' === r) N = p; else if ('[' === r) N = m; else if ('t' === r) N = _; else if ('f' === r) N = S; else if ('n' === r) N = I; else if ('-' === r) U += r; else if ('0' === r) (U += r), (N = 20); else { if (-1 === '123456789'.indexOf(r)) return K('Bad value'); (U += r), (N = 20); } continue; case y: if (',' === r) j.push(y), void 0 !== o && (s(o), u(), (o = void 0)), (N = l); else { if (']' !== r) { if (V(r)) continue; return K('Bad array'); } void 0 !== o && (s(o), u(), (o = void 0)), u(), D--, (N = j.pop() || l); } continue; case v: void 0 === o && (o = ''); var h = f - 1; e: for (;;) { for (; F > 0; ) if ( ((L += r), (r = e.charAt(f++)), 4 === F ? ((o += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(L, 16))), (F = 0), (h = f - 1)) : F++, !r) ) break e; if ('"' === r && !B) { (N = j.pop() || l), (o += e.substring(h, f - 1)); break; } if ( !( '\\' !== r || B || ((B = !0), (o += e.substring(h, f - 1)), (r = e.charAt(f++))) ) ) break; if (B) { if ( ((B = !1), 'n' === r ? (o += '\n') : 'r' === r ? (o += '\r') : 't' === r ? (o += '\t') : 'f' === r ? (o += '\f') : 'b' === r ? (o += '\b') : 'u' === r ? ((F = 1), (L = '')) : (o += r), (r = e.charAt(f++)), (h = f - 1), r) ) continue; break; } c.lastIndex = f; var G = c.exec(e); if (!G) { (f = e.length + 1), (o += e.substring(h, f - 1)); break; } if (((f = G.index + 1), !(r = e.charAt(G.index)))) { o += e.substring(h, f - 1); break; } } continue; case _: if (!r) continue; if ('r' !== r) return K('Invalid true started with t' + r); N = k; continue; case k: if (!r) continue; if ('u' !== r) return K('Invalid true started with tr' + r); N = A; continue; case A: if (!r) continue; if ('e' !== r) return K('Invalid true started with tru' + r); s(!0), u(), (N = j.pop() || l); continue; case S: if (!r) continue; if ('a' !== r) return K('Invalid false started with f' + r); N = E; continue; case E: if (!r) continue; if ('l' !== r) return K('Invalid false started with fa' + r); N = x; continue; case x: if (!r) continue; if ('s' !== r) return K('Invalid false started with fal' + r); N = M; continue; case M: if (!r) continue; if ('e' !== r) return K('Invalid false started with fals' + r); s(!1), u(), (N = j.pop() || l); continue; case I: if (!r) continue; if ('u' !== r) return K('Invalid null started with n' + r); N = O; continue; case O: if (!r) continue; if ('l' !== r) return K('Invalid null started with nu' + r); N = C; continue; case C: if (!r) continue; if ('l' !== r) return K('Invalid null started with nul' + r); s(null), u(), (N = j.pop() || l); continue; case P: if ('.' !== r) return K('Leading zero not followed by .'); (U += r), (N = 20); continue; case 20: if (-1 !== '0123456789'.indexOf(r)) U += r; else if ('.' === r) { if (-1 !== U.indexOf('.')) return K('Invalid number has two dots'); U += r; } else if ('e' === r || 'E' === r) { if (-1 !== U.indexOf('e') || -1 !== U.indexOf('E')) return K('Invalid number has two exponential'); U += r; } else if ('+' === r || '-' === r) { if ('e' !== i && 'E' !== i) return K('Invalid symbol in number'); U += r; } else U && (s(parseFloat(U)), u(), (U = '')), f--, (N = j.pop() || l); continue; default: return K('Unknown state: ' + N); } q >= T && ((n = 0), void 0 !== o && o.length > 65536 && (K('Max buffer length exceeded: textNode'), (n = Math.max(n, o.length))), U.length > 65536 && (K('Max buffer length exceeded: numberNode'), (n = Math.max(n, U.length))), (T = 65536 - n + q)); } }), e(n.n).on(function () { if (N === d) return s({}), u(), void (R = !0); (N === l && 0 === D) || K('Unexpected end'), void 0 !== o && (s(o), u(), (o = void 0)), (R = !0); }); } }, function (e, t, r) { r.d(t, 'a', function () { return u; }), r.d(t, 'b', function () { return f; }); var n = r(19), i = r(3), o = r(2), a = r(20), s = r(0); function u() { return new XMLHttpRequest(); } function f(e, t, r, u, f, c, h) { var d = e(i.m).emit, l = e(i.b).emit, p = 0, b = !0; function m() { if ('2' === String(t.status)[0]) { var e = t.responseText, r = (' ' + e.substr(p)).substr(1); r && d(r), (p = Object(o.e)(e)); } } function y(t) { try { b && e(i.c).emit(t.status, Object(a.a)(t.getAllResponseHeaders())), (b = !1); } catch (e) {} } e(i.a).on(function () { (t.onreadystatechange = null), t.abort(); }), 'onprogress' in t && (t.onprogress = m), (t.onreadystatechange = function () { switch (t.readyState) { case 2: case 3: return y(t); case 4: y(t), '2' === String(t.status)[0] ? (m(), e(i.n).emit()) : l(Object(i.o)(t.status, t.responseText)); } }); try { for (var v in (t.open(r, u, !0), c)) t.setRequestHeader(v, c[v]); Object(n.a)(window.location, Object(n.b)(u)) || t.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest'), (t.withCredentials = h), t.send(f); } catch (e) { window.setTimeout(Object(s.j)(l, Object(i.o)(void 0, void 0, e)), 0); } } }, function (e, t, r) { function n(e, t) { function r(t) { return String( t.port || { 'http:': 80, 'https:': 443 }[t.protocol || e.protocol] ); } return !!( (t.protocol && t.protocol !== e.protocol) || (t.host && t.host !== e.host) || (t.host && r(t) !== r(e)) ); } function i(e) { var t = /(\w+:)?(?:\/\/)([\w.-]+)?(?::(\d+))?\/?/.exec(e) || []; return { protocol: t[1] || '', host: t[2] || '', port: t[3] || '' }; } r.d(t, 'a', function () { return n; }), r.d(t, 'b', function () { return i; }); }, function (e, t, r) { function n(e) { var t = {}; return ( e && e.split('\r\n').forEach(function (e) { var r = e.indexOf(': '); t[e.substring(0, r)] = e.substring(r + 2); }), t ); } r.d(t, 'a', function () { return n; }); }, ]).default; }), 'object' === (0, s.default)(t) && 'object' === (0, s.default)(e) ? (e.exports = a()) : ((i = []), void 0 === (o = 'function' == typeof (n = a) ? n.apply(t, i) : n) || (e.exports = o)); }.call(this, r(22)(e))); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(9).formatters, i = r(28), o = r(16); e.exports = function (e) { var t = function (t) { var r; return ( t.property ? (e[t.property] || (e[t.property] = {}), (r = e[t.property])) : (r = e), t.methods && t.methods.forEach(function (t) { t instanceof i || (t = new i(t)), t.attachToObject(r), t.setRequestManager(e._requestManager); }), e ); }; return (t.formatters = n), (t.utils = o), (t.Method = i), t; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (e) { var t = r(0)(r(1)), n = (function (e) { var r = Object.prototype, n = r.hasOwnProperty, i = 'function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol : {}, o = i.iterator || '@@iterator', a = i.asyncIterator || '@@asyncIterator', s = i.toStringTag || '@@toStringTag'; function u(e, t, r, n) { var i = t && t.prototype instanceof h ? t : h, o = Object.create(i.prototype), a = new A(n || []); return ( (o._invoke = (function (e, t, r) { var n = 'suspendedStart'; return function (i, o) { if ('executing' === n) throw new Error('Generator is already running'); if ('completed' === n) { if ('throw' === i) throw o; return E(); } for (r.method = i, r.arg = o; ; ) { var a = r.delegate; if (a) { var s = w(a, r); if (s) { if (s === c) continue; return s; } } if ('next' === r.method) r.sent = r._sent = r.arg; else if ('throw' === r.method) { if ('suspendedStart' === n) throw ((n = 'completed'), r.arg); r.dispatchException(r.arg); } else 'return' === r.method && r.abrupt('return', r.arg); n = 'executing'; var u = f(e, t, r); if ('normal' === u.type) { if (((n = r.done ? 'completed' : 'suspendedYield'), u.arg === c)) continue; return { value: u.arg, done: r.done }; } 'throw' === u.type && ((n = 'completed'), (r.method = 'throw'), (r.arg = u.arg)); } }; })(e, r, a)), o ); } function f(e, t, r) { try { return { type: 'normal', arg: e.call(t, r) }; } catch (e) { return { type: 'throw', arg: e }; } } e.wrap = u; var c = {}; function h() {} function d() {} function l() {} var p = {}; p[o] = function () { return this; }; var b = Object.getPrototypeOf, m = b && b(b(S([]))); m && m !== r && n.call(m, o) && (p = m); var y = (l.prototype = h.prototype = Object.create(p)); function v(e) { ['next', 'throw', 'return'].forEach(function (t) { e[t] = function (e) { return this._invoke(t, e); }; }); } function g(e, r) { var i; this._invoke = function (o, a) { function s() { return new r(function (i, s) { !(function i(o, a, s, u) { var c = f(e[o], e, a); if ('throw' !== c.type) { var h = c.arg, d = h.value; return d && 'object' === (0, t.default)(d) && n.call(d, '__await') ? r.resolve(d.__await).then( function (e) { i('next', e, s, u); }, function (e) { i('throw', e, s, u); } ) : r.resolve(d).then( function (e) { (h.value = e), s(h); }, function (e) { return i('throw', e, s, u); } ); } u(c.arg); })(o, a, i, s); }); } return (i = i ? i.then(s, s) : s()); }; } function w(e, t) { var r = e.iterator[t.method]; if (void 0 === r) { if (((t.delegate = null), 'throw' === t.method)) { if ( e.iterator.return && ((t.method = 'return'), (t.arg = void 0), w(e, t), 'throw' === t.method) ) return c; (t.method = 'throw'), (t.arg = new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method")); } return c; } var n = f(r, e.iterator, t.arg); if ('throw' === n.type) return (t.method = 'throw'), (t.arg = n.arg), (t.delegate = null), c; var i = n.arg; return i ? i.done ? ((t[e.resultName] = i.value), (t.next = e.nextLoc), 'return' !== t.method && ((t.method = 'next'), (t.arg = void 0)), (t.delegate = null), c) : i : ((t.method = 'throw'), (t.arg = new TypeError('iterator result is not an object')), (t.delegate = null), c); } function _(e) { var t = { tryLoc: e[0] }; 1 in e && (t.catchLoc = e[1]), 2 in e && ((t.finallyLoc = e[2]), (t.afterLoc = e[3])), this.tryEntries.push(t); } function k(e) { var t = e.completion || {}; (t.type = 'normal'), delete t.arg, (e.completion = t); } function A(e) { (this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: 'root' }]), e.forEach(_, this), this.reset(!0); } function S(e) { if (e) { var t = e[o]; if (t) return t.call(e); if ('function' == typeof e.next) return e; if (!isNaN(e.length)) { var r = -1, i = function t() { for (; ++r < e.length; ) if (n.call(e, r)) return (t.value = e[r]), (t.done = !1), t; return (t.value = void 0), (t.done = !0), t; }; return (i.next = i); } } return { next: E }; } function E() { return { value: void 0, done: !0 }; } return ( (d.prototype = y.constructor = l), (l.constructor = d), (l[s] = d.displayName = 'GeneratorFunction'), (e.isGeneratorFunction = function (e) { var t = 'function' == typeof e && e.constructor; return !!t && (t === d || 'GeneratorFunction' === (t.displayName || t.name)); }), (e.mark = function (e) { return ( Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, l) : ((e.__proto__ = l), s in e || (e[s] = 'GeneratorFunction')), (e.prototype = Object.create(y)), e ); }), (e.awrap = function (e) { return { __await: e }; }), v(g.prototype), (g.prototype[a] = function () { return this; }), (e.AsyncIterator = g), (e.async = function (t, r, n, i, o) { void 0 === o && (o = Promise); var a = new g(u(t, r, n, i), o); return e.isGeneratorFunction(r) ? a : a.next().then(function (e) { return e.done ? e.value : a.next(); }); }), v(y), (y[s] = 'Generator'), (y[o] = function () { return this; }), (y.toString = function () { return '[object Generator]'; }), (e.keys = function (e) { var t = []; for (var r in e) t.push(r); return ( t.reverse(), function r() { for (; t.length; ) { var n = t.pop(); if (n in e) return (r.value = n), (r.done = !1), r; } return (r.done = !0), r; } ); }), (e.values = S), (A.prototype = { constructor: A, reset: function (e) { if ( ((this.prev = 0), (this.next = 0), (this.sent = this._sent = void 0), (this.done = !1), (this.delegate = null), (this.method = 'next'), (this.arg = void 0), this.tryEntries.forEach(k), !e) ) for (var t in this) 't' === t.charAt(0) && n.call(this, t) && !isNaN(+t.slice(1)) && (this[t] = void 0); }, stop: function () { this.done = !0; var e = this.tryEntries[0].completion; if ('throw' === e.type) throw e.arg; return this.rval; }, dispatchException: function (e) { if (this.done) throw e; var t = this; function r(r, n) { return ( (a.type = 'throw'), (a.arg = e), (t.next = r), n && ((t.method = 'next'), (t.arg = void 0)), !!n ); } for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var o = this.tryEntries[i], a = o.completion; if ('root' === o.tryLoc) return r('end'); if (o.tryLoc <= this.prev) { var s = n.call(o, 'catchLoc'), u = n.call(o, 'finallyLoc'); if (s && u) { if (this.prev < o.catchLoc) return r(o.catchLoc, !0); if (this.prev < o.finallyLoc) return r(o.finallyLoc); } else if (s) { if (this.prev < o.catchLoc) return r(o.catchLoc, !0); } else { if (!u) throw new Error('try statement without catch or finally'); if (this.prev < o.finallyLoc) return r(o.finallyLoc); } } } }, abrupt: function (e, t) { for (var r = this.tryEntries.length - 1; r >= 0; --r) { var i = this.tryEntries[r]; if ( i.tryLoc <= this.prev && n.call(i, 'finallyLoc') && this.prev < i.finallyLoc ) { var o = i; break; } } o && ('break' === e || 'continue' === e) && o.tryLoc <= t && t <= o.finallyLoc && (o = null); var a = o ? o.completion : {}; return ( (a.type = e), (a.arg = t), o ? ((this.method = 'next'), (this.next = o.finallyLoc), c) : this.complete(a) ); }, complete: function (e, t) { if ('throw' === e.type) throw e.arg; return ( 'break' === e.type || 'continue' === e.type ? (this.next = e.arg) : 'return' === e.type ? ((this.rval = this.arg = e.arg), (this.method = 'return'), (this.next = 'end')) : 'normal' === e.type && t && (this.next = t), c ); }, finish: function (e) { for (var t = this.tryEntries.length - 1; t >= 0; --t) { var r = this.tryEntries[t]; if (r.finallyLoc === e) return this.complete(r.completion, r.afterLoc), k(r), c; } }, catch: function (e) { for (var t = this.tryEntries.length - 1; t >= 0; --t) { var r = this.tryEntries[t]; if (r.tryLoc === e) { var n = r.completion; if ('throw' === n.type) { var i = n.arg; k(r); } return i; } } throw new Error('illegal catch attempt'); }, delegateYield: function (e, t, r) { return ( (this.delegate = { iterator: S(e), resultName: t, nextLoc: r }), 'next' === this.method && (this.arg = void 0), c ); }, }), e ); })('object' === (0, t.default)(e) ? e.exports : {}); try { regeneratorRuntime = n; } catch (e) { Function('r', 'regeneratorRuntime = r')(n); } }.call(this, r(22)(e))); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = r(10), o = r(9).errors, a = r(63), s = r(9).formatters; function u(e) { a.call(this), (this.id = null), (this.callback = i.identity), (this.arguments = null), (this.lastBlock = null), (this.options = { subscription: e.subscription, type: e.type, requestManager: e.requestManager, }); } (u.prototype = Object.create(a.prototype)), (u.prototype.constructor = u), (u.prototype._extractCallback = function (e) { if (i.isFunction(e[e.length - 1])) return e.pop(); }), (u.prototype._validateArgs = function (e) { var t = this.options.subscription; if ((t || (t = {}), t.params || (t.params = 0), e.length !== t.params)) throw o.InvalidNumberOfParams(e.length, t.params, t.subscriptionName); }), (u.prototype._formatInput = function (e) { var t = this.options.subscription; return t && t.inputFormatter ? t.inputFormatter.map(function (t, r) { return t ? t(e[r]) : e[r]; }) : e; }), (u.prototype._formatOutput = function (e) { var t = this.options.subscription; return t && t.outputFormatter && e ? t.outputFormatter(e) : e; }), (u.prototype._toPayload = function (e) { var t = []; if ( ((this.callback = this._extractCallback(e) || i.identity), this.subscriptionMethod || ((this.subscriptionMethod = e.shift()), this.options.subscription.subscriptionName && (this.subscriptionMethod = this.options.subscription.subscriptionName)), this.arguments || ((this.arguments = this._formatInput(e)), this._validateArgs(this.arguments), (e = [])), t.push(this.subscriptionMethod), (t = t.concat(this.arguments)), e.length) ) throw new Error( 'Only a callback is allowed as parameter on an already instantiated subscription.' ); return { method: this.options.type + '_subscribe', params: t }; }), (u.prototype.unsubscribe = function (e) { this.options.requestManager.removeSubscription(this.id, e), (this.id = null), (this.lastBlock = null), this.removeAllListeners(); }), (u.prototype.subscribe = function () { var e = this, t = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), r = this._toPayload(t); if (!r) return this; if (!this.options.requestManager.provider) return ( setTimeout(function () { var t = new Error('No provider set.'); e.callback(t, null, e), e.emit('error', t); }, 0), this ); if (!this.options.requestManager.provider.on) return ( setTimeout(function () { var t = new Error( "The current provider doesn't support subscriptions: " + e.options.requestManager.provider.constructor.name ); e.callback(t, null, e), e.emit('error', t); }, 0), this ); if ( (this.lastBlock && i.isObject(this.options.params) && ((r.params[1] = this.options.params), (r.params[1].fromBlock = s.inputBlockNumberFormatter(this.lastBlock + 1))), this.id && this.unsubscribe(), (this.options.params = r.params[1]), 'logs' === r.params[0] && i.isObject(r.params[1]) && r.params[1].hasOwnProperty('fromBlock') && isFinite(r.params[1].fromBlock)) ) { var o = Object.assign({}, r.params[1]); this.options.requestManager.send( { method: 'eth_getLogs', params: [o] }, function (t, r) { t ? setTimeout(function () { e.callback(t, null, e), e.emit('error', t); }, 0) : r.forEach(function (t) { var r = e._formatOutput(t); e.callback(null, r, e), e.emit('data', r); }); } ); } return ( 'object' === (0, n.default)(r.params[1]) && delete r.params[1].fromBlock, this.options.requestManager.send(r, function (t, n) { !t && n ? ((e.id = n), (e.method = r.params[0]), e.emit('connected', n), e.options.requestManager.addSubscription(e, function (t, r) { t ? (e.callback(t, !1, e), e.emit('error', t)) : (i.isArray(r) || (r = [r]), r.forEach(function (t) { var r = e._formatOutput(t); if ( ((e.lastBlock = i.isObject(r) ? r.blockNumber : null), i.isFunction(e.options.subscription.subscriptionHandler)) ) return e.options.subscription.subscriptionHandler.call(e, r); e.emit('data', r), e.callback(null, r, e); })); })) : setTimeout(function () { e.callback(t, !1, e), e.emit('error', t); }, 0); }), this ); }), (u.prototype.resubscribe = function () { this.options.requestManager.removeSubscription(this.id), (this.id = null), this.subscribe(this.callback); }), (e.exports = u); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(225); Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.computeAddress = g), (t.recoverAddress = w), (t.serialize = function (e, t) { (0, f.checkProperties)(e, v); var r = []; y.forEach(function (t) { var n = e[t.name] || [], i = {}; t.numeric && (i.hexPad = 'left'), (n = (0, a.arrayify)((0, a.hexlify)(n, i))), t.length && n.length !== t.length && n.length > 0 && p.throwArgumentError('invalid length for ' + t.name, 'transaction:' + t.name, n), t.maxLength && (n = (0, a.stripZeros)(n)).length > t.maxLength && p.throwArgumentError('invalid length for ' + t.name, 'transaction:' + t.name, n), r.push((0, a.hexlify)(n)); }); var n = 0; null != e.chainId ? 'number' != typeof (n = e.chainId) && p.throwArgumentError('invalid transaction.chainId', 'transaction', e) : t && !(0, a.isBytesLike)(t) && t.v > 28 && (n = Math.floor((t.v - 35) / 2)); 0 !== n && (r.push((0, a.hexlify)(n)), r.push('0x'), r.push('0x')); if (!t) return c.encode(r); var i = (0, a.splitSignature)(t), o = 27 + i.recoveryParam; 0 !== n ? (r.pop(), r.pop(), r.pop(), (o += 2 * n + 8), i.v > 28 && i.v !== o && p.throwArgumentError('transaction.chainId/signature.v mismatch', 'signature', t)) : i.v !== o && p.throwArgumentError('transaction.chainId/signature.v mismatch', 'signature', t); return ( r.push((0, a.hexlify)(o)), r.push((0, a.stripZeros)((0, a.arrayify)(i.r))), r.push((0, a.stripZeros)((0, a.arrayify)(i.s))), c.encode(r) ); }), (t.parse = function (e) { var t = c.decode(e); 9 !== t.length && 6 !== t.length && p.throwArgumentError('invalid raw transaction', 'rawTransaction', e); var r = { nonce: m(t[0]).toNumber(), gasPrice: m(t[1]), gasLimit: m(t[2]), to: b(t[3]), value: m(t[4]), data: t[5], chainId: 0, }; if (6 === t.length) return r; try { r.v = o.BigNumber.from(t[6]).toNumber(); } catch (e) { return console.log(e), r; } if ( ((r.r = (0, a.hexZeroPad)(t[7], 32)), (r.s = (0, a.hexZeroPad)(t[8], 32)), o.BigNumber.from(r.r).isZero() && o.BigNumber.from(r.s).isZero()) ) (r.chainId = r.v), (r.v = 0); else { (r.chainId = Math.floor((r.v - 35) / 2)), r.chainId < 0 && (r.chainId = 0); var n = r.v - 27, i = t.slice(0, 6); 0 !== r.chainId && (i.push((0, a.hexlify)(r.chainId)), i.push('0x'), i.push('0x'), (n -= 2 * r.chainId + 8)); var s = (0, u.keccak256)(c.encode(i)); try { r.from = w(s, { r: (0, a.hexlify)(r.r), s: (0, a.hexlify)(r.s), recoveryParam: n }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } r.hash = (0, u.keccak256)(e); } return r; }); var i = r(70), o = r(29), a = r(12), s = r(71), u = r(50), f = r(31), c = n(r(107)), h = r(233), d = r(14), l = r(254), p = new d.Logger(l.version); function b(e) { return '0x' === e ? null : (0, i.getAddress)(e); } function m(e) { return '0x' === e ? s.Zero : o.BigNumber.from(e); } var y = [ { name: 'nonce', maxLength: 32, numeric: !0 }, { name: 'gasPrice', maxLength: 32, numeric: !0 }, { name: 'gasLimit', maxLength: 32, numeric: !0 }, { name: 'to', length: 20 }, { name: 'value', maxLength: 32, numeric: !0 }, { name: 'data' }, ], v = { chainId: !0, data: !0, gasLimit: !0, gasPrice: !0, nonce: !0, to: !0, value: !0 }; function g(e) { var t = (0, h.computePublicKey)(e); return (0, i.getAddress)( (0, a.hexDataSlice)((0, u.keccak256)((0, a.hexDataSlice)(t, 1)), 12) ); } function w(e, t) { return g((0, h.recoverPublicKey)((0, a.arrayify)(e), t)); } }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(1); function i() { if ('function' != typeof WeakMap) return null; var e = new WeakMap(); return ( (i = function () { return e; }), e ); } e.exports = function (e) { if (e && e.__esModule) return e; if (null === e || ('object' !== n(e) && 'function' != typeof e)) return { default: e }; var t = i(); if (t && t.has(e)) return t.get(e); var r = {}, o = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var a in e) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, a)) { var s = o ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, a) : null; s && (s.get || s.set) ? Object.defineProperty(r, a, s) : (r[a] = e[a]); } return (r.default = e), t && t.set(e, r), r; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.version = void 0); t.version = 'logger/5.0.4'; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.version = void 0); t.version = 'bytes/5.0.3'; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0); Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.formatFixed = v), (t.parseFixed = g), (t.FixedNumber = t.FixedFormat = void 0); var i = n(r(1)), o = n(r(6)), a = n(r(7)), s = r(12), u = r(14), f = r(106), c = r(105), h = new u.Logger(f.version), d = {}, l = c.BigNumber.from(0), p = c.BigNumber.from(-1); function b(e, t, r, n) { var i = { fault: t, operation: r }; return void 0 !== n && (i.value = n), h.throwError(e, u.Logger.errors.NUMERIC_FAULT, i); } for (var m = '0'; m.length < 256; ) m += m; function y(e) { if ('number' != typeof e) try { e = c.BigNumber.from(e).toNumber(); } catch (e) {} return 'number' == typeof e && e >= 0 && e <= 256 && !(e % 1) ? '1' + m.substring(0, e) : h.throwArgumentError('invalid decimal size', 'decimals', e); } function v(e, t) { null == t && (t = 0); var r = y(t), n = (e = c.BigNumber.from(e)).lt(l); n && (e = e.mul(p)); for (var i = e.mod(r).toString(); i.length < r.length - 1; ) i = '0' + i; i = i.match(/^([0-9]*[1-9]|0)(0*)/)[1]; var o = e.div(r).toString(); return (e = o + '.' + i), n && (e = '-' + e), e; } function g(e, t) { null == t && (t = 0); var r = y(t); if ( (('string' == typeof e && e.match(/^-?[0-9.,]+$/)) || h.throwArgumentError('invalid decimal value', 'value', e), r.length - 1 == 0) ) return c.BigNumber.from(e); var n = '-' === e.substring(0, 1); n && (e = e.substring(1)), '.' === e && h.throwArgumentError('missing value', 'value', e); var i = e.split('.'); i.length > 2 && h.throwArgumentError('too many decimal points', 'value', e); var o = i[0], a = i[1]; for ( o || (o = '0'), a || (a = '0'), a.length > r.length - 1 && b('fractional component exceeds decimals', 'underflow', 'parseFixed'); a.length < r.length - 1; ) a += '0'; var s = c.BigNumber.from(o), u = c.BigNumber.from(a), f = s.mul(r).add(u); return n && (f = f.mul(p)), f; } var w = (function () { function e(t, r, n, i) { (0, o.default)(this, e), t !== d && h.throwError( 'cannot use FixedFormat constructor; use FixedFormat.from', u.Logger.errors.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, { operation: 'new FixedFormat' } ), (this.signed = r), (this.width = n), (this.decimals = i), (this.name = (r ? '' : 'u') + 'fixed' + String(n) + 'x' + String(i)), (this._multiplier = y(i)), Object.freeze(this); } return ( (0, a.default)(e, null, [ { key: 'from', value: function (t) { if (t instanceof e) return t; var r = !0, n = 128, o = 18; if ('string' == typeof t) { if ('fixed' === t); else if ('ufixed' === t) r = !1; else if (null != t) { var a = t.match(/^(u?)fixed([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)$/); a || h.throwArgumentError('invalid fixed format', 'format', t), (r = 'u' !== a[1]), (n = parseInt(a[2])), (o = parseInt(a[3])); } } else if (t) { var s = function (e, r, n) { return null == t[e] ? n : ((0, i.default)(t[e]) !== r && h.throwArgumentError( 'invalid fixed format (' + e + ' not ' + r + ')', 'format.' + e, t[e] ), t[e]); }; (r = s('signed', 'boolean', r)), (n = s('width', 'number', n)), (o = s('decimals', 'number', o)); } return ( n % 8 && h.throwArgumentError( 'invalid fixed format width (not byte aligned)', 'format.width', n ), o > 80 && h.throwArgumentError( 'invalid fixed format (decimals too large)', 'format.decimals', o ), new e(d, r, n, o) ); }, }, ]), e ); })(); t.FixedFormat = w; var _ = (function () { function e(t, r, n, i) { (0, o.default)(this, e), h.checkNew(this instanceof e ? this.constructor : void 0, e), t !== d && h.throwError( 'cannot use FixedNumber constructor; use FixedNumber.from', u.Logger.errors.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, { operation: 'new FixedFormat' } ), (this.format = i), (this._hex = r), (this._value = n), (this._isFixedNumber = !0), Object.freeze(this); } return ( (0, a.default)( e, [ { key: '_checkFormat', value: function (e) { this.format.name !== e.format.name && h.throwArgumentError( 'incompatible format; use fixedNumber.toFormat', 'other', e ); }, }, { key: 'addUnsafe', value: function (t) { this._checkFormat(t); var r = g(this._value, this.format.decimals), n = g(t._value, t.format.decimals); return e.fromValue(r.add(n), this.format.decimals, this.format); }, }, { key: 'subUnsafe', value: function (t) { this._checkFormat(t); var r = g(this._value, this.format.decimals), n = g(t._value, t.format.decimals); return e.fromValue(r.sub(n), this.format.decimals, this.format); }, }, { key: 'mulUnsafe', value: function (t) { this._checkFormat(t); var r = g(this._value, this.format.decimals), n = g(t._value, t.format.decimals); return e.fromValue( r.mul(n).div(this.format._multiplier), this.format.decimals, this.format ); }, }, { key: 'divUnsafe', value: function (t) { this._checkFormat(t); var r = g(this._value, this.format.decimals), n = g(t._value, t.format.decimals); return e.fromValue( r.mul(this.format._multiplier).div(n), this.format.decimals, this.format ); }, }, { key: 'round', value: function (t) { null == t && (t = 0), (t < 0 || t > 80 || t % 1) && h.throwArgumentError('invalid decimal count', 'decimals', t); var r = this.toString().split('.'); if (r[1].length <= t) return this; var n = '0.' + m.substring(0, t) + '5'; return ( (r = this.addUnsafe(e.fromString(n, this.format))._value.split('.')), e.fromString(r[0] + '.' + r[1].substring(0, t)) ); }, }, { key: 'isZero', value: function () { return '0.0' === this._value; }, }, { key: 'toString', value: function () { return this._value; }, }, { key: 'toHexString', value: function (e) { if (null == e) return this._hex; e % 8 && h.throwArgumentError('invalid byte width', 'width', e); var t = c.BigNumber.from(this._hex) .fromTwos(this.format.width) .toTwos(e) .toHexString(); return (0, s.hexZeroPad)(t, e / 8); }, }, { key: 'toUnsafeFloat', value: function () { return parseFloat(this.toString()); }, }, { key: 'toFormat', value: function (t) { return e.fromString(this._value, t); }, }, ], [ { key: 'fromValue', value: function (t, r, n) { return ( null != n || null == r || (0, c.isBigNumberish)(r) || ((n = r), (r = null)), null == r && (r = 0), null == n && (n = 'fixed'), e.fromString(v(t, r), w.from(n)) ); }, }, { key: 'fromString', value: function (t, r) { null == r && (r = 'fixed'); var n = w.from(r), i = g(t, n.decimals); !n.signed && i.lt(l) && b('unsigned value cannot be negative', 'overflow', 'value', t); var o = null; n.signed ? (o = i.toTwos(n.width).toHexString()) : ((o = i.toHexString()), (o = (0, s.hexZeroPad)(o, n.width / 8))); var a = v(i, n.decimals); return new e(d, o, a, n); }, }, { key: 'fromBytes', value: function (t, r) { null == r && (r = 'fixed'); var n = w.from(r); if ((0, s.arrayify)(t).length > n.width / 8) throw new Error('overflow'); var i = c.BigNumber.from(t); n.signed && (i = i.fromTwos(n.width)); var o = i.toTwos((n.signed ? 0 : 1) + n.width).toHexString(), a = v(i, n.decimals); return new e(d, o, a, n); }, }, { key: 'from', value: function (t, r) { if ('string' == typeof t) return e.fromString(t, r); if ((0, s.isBytes)(t)) return e.fromBytes(t, r); try { return e.fromValue(t, 0, r); } catch (e) { if (e.code !== u.Logger.errors.INVALID_ARGUMENT) throw e; } return h.throwArgumentError('invalid FixedNumber value', 'value', t); }, }, { key: 'isFixedNumber', value: function (e) { return !(!e || !e._isFixedNumber); }, }, ] ), e ); })(); t.FixedNumber = _; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (e, t, n) { var i = r(0)(r(1)); /** * [js-sha3]{@link https://github.com/emn178/js-sha3} * * @version 0.5.7 * @author Chen, Yi-Cyuan [emn178@gmail.com] * @copyright Chen, Yi-Cyuan 2015-2016 * @license MIT */ !(function () { var r = 'object' === ('undefined' == typeof window ? 'undefined' : (0, i.default)(window)) ? window : {}; !r.JS_SHA3_NO_NODE_JS && 'object' === (void 0 === e ? 'undefined' : (0, i.default)(e)) && e.versions && e.versions.node && (r = t); for ( var o = !r.JS_SHA3_NO_COMMON_JS && 'object' === (0, i.default)(n) && n.exports, a = '0123456789abcdef'.split(''), s = [0, 8, 16, 24], u = [ 1, 0, 32898, 0, 32906, 2147483648, 2147516416, 2147483648, 32907, 0, 2147483649, 0, 2147516545, 2147483648, 32777, 2147483648, 138, 0, 136, 0, 2147516425, 0, 2147483658, 0, 2147516555, 0, 139, 2147483648, 32905, 2147483648, 32771, 2147483648, 32770, 2147483648, 128, 2147483648, 32778, 0, 2147483658, 2147483648, 2147516545, 2147483648, 32896, 2147483648, 2147483649, 0, 2147516424, 2147483648, ], f = [224, 256, 384, 512], c = ['hex', 'buffer', 'arrayBuffer', 'array'], h = function (e, t, r) { return function (n) { return new k(e, t, e).update(n)[r](); }; }, d = function (e, t, r) { return function (n, i) { return new k(e, t, i).update(n)[r](); }; }, l = function (e, t) { var r = h(e, t, 'hex'); (r.create = function () { return new k(e, t, e); }), (r.update = function (e) { return r.create().update(e); }); for (var n = 0; n < c.length; ++n) { var i = c[n]; r[i] = h(e, t, i); } return r; }, p = [ { name: 'keccak', padding: [1, 256, 65536, 16777216], bits: f, createMethod: l }, { name: 'sha3', padding: [6, 1536, 393216, 100663296], bits: f, createMethod: l }, { name: 'shake', padding: [31, 7936, 2031616, 520093696], bits: [128, 256], createMethod: function (e, t) { var r = d(e, t, 'hex'); (r.create = function (r) { return new k(e, t, r); }), (r.update = function (e, t) { return r.create(t).update(e); }); for (var n = 0; n < c.length; ++n) { var i = c[n]; r[i] = d(e, t, i); } return r; }, }, ], b = {}, m = [], y = 0; y < p.length; ++y ) for (var v = p[y], g = v.bits, w = 0; w < g.length; ++w) { var _ = v.name + '_' + g[w]; m.push(_), (b[_] = v.createMethod(g[w], v.padding)); } function k(e, t, r) { (this.blocks = []), (this.s = []), (this.padding = t), (this.outputBits = r), (this.reset = !0), (this.block = 0), (this.start = 0), (this.blockCount = (1600 - (e << 1)) >> 5), (this.byteCount = this.blockCount << 2), (this.outputBlocks = r >> 5), (this.extraBytes = (31 & r) >> 3); for (var n = 0; n < 50; ++n) this.s[n] = 0; } (k.prototype.update = function (e) { var t = 'string' != typeof e; t && e.constructor === ArrayBuffer && (e = new Uint8Array(e)); for ( var r, n, i = e.length, o = this.blocks, a = this.byteCount, u = this.blockCount, f = 0, c = this.s; f < i; ) { if (this.reset) for (this.reset = !1, o[0] = this.block, r = 1; r < u + 1; ++r) o[r] = 0; if (t) for (r = this.start; f < i && r < a; ++f) o[r >> 2] |= e[f] << s[3 & r++]; else for (r = this.start; f < i && r < a; ++f) (n = e.charCodeAt(f)) < 128 ? (o[r >> 2] |= n << s[3 & r++]) : n < 2048 ? ((o[r >> 2] |= (192 | (n >> 6)) << s[3 & r++]), (o[r >> 2] |= (128 | (63 & n)) << s[3 & r++])) : n < 55296 || n >= 57344 ? ((o[r >> 2] |= (224 | (n >> 12)) << s[3 & r++]), (o[r >> 2] |= (128 | ((n >> 6) & 63)) << s[3 & r++]), (o[r >> 2] |= (128 | (63 & n)) << s[3 & r++])) : ((n = 65536 + (((1023 & n) << 10) | (1023 & e.charCodeAt(++f)))), (o[r >> 2] |= (240 | (n >> 18)) << s[3 & r++]), (o[r >> 2] |= (128 | ((n >> 12) & 63)) << s[3 & r++]), (o[r >> 2] |= (128 | ((n >> 6) & 63)) << s[3 & r++]), (o[r >> 2] |= (128 | (63 & n)) << s[3 & r++])); if (((this.lastByteIndex = r), r >= a)) { for (this.start = r - a, this.block = o[u], r = 0; r < u; ++r) c[r] ^= o[r]; A(c), (this.reset = !0); } else this.start = r; } return this; }), (k.prototype.finalize = function () { var e = this.blocks, t = this.lastByteIndex, r = this.blockCount, n = this.s; if (((e[t >> 2] |= this.padding[3 & t]), this.lastByteIndex === this.byteCount)) for (e[0] = e[r], t = 1; t < r + 1; ++t) e[t] = 0; for (e[r - 1] |= 2147483648, t = 0; t < r; ++t) n[t] ^= e[t]; A(n); }), (k.prototype.toString = k.prototype.hex = function () { this.finalize(); for ( var e, t = this.blockCount, r = this.s, n = this.outputBlocks, i = this.extraBytes, o = 0, s = 0, u = ''; s < n; ) { for (o = 0; o < t && s < n; ++o, ++s) (e = r[o]), (u += a[(e >> 4) & 15] + a[15 & e] + a[(e >> 12) & 15] + a[(e >> 8) & 15] + a[(e >> 20) & 15] + a[(e >> 16) & 15] + a[(e >> 28) & 15] + a[(e >> 24) & 15]); s % t == 0 && (A(r), (o = 0)); } return ( i && ((e = r[o]), i > 0 && (u += a[(e >> 4) & 15] + a[15 & e]), i > 1 && (u += a[(e >> 12) & 15] + a[(e >> 8) & 15]), i > 2 && (u += a[(e >> 20) & 15] + a[(e >> 16) & 15])), u ); }), (k.prototype.arrayBuffer = function () { this.finalize(); var e, t = this.blockCount, r = this.s, n = this.outputBlocks, i = this.extraBytes, o = 0, a = 0, s = this.outputBits >> 3; e = i ? new ArrayBuffer((n + 1) << 2) : new ArrayBuffer(s); for (var u = new Uint32Array(e); a < n; ) { for (o = 0; o < t && a < n; ++o, ++a) u[a] = r[o]; a % t == 0 && A(r); } return i && ((u[o] = r[o]), (e = e.slice(0, s))), e; }), (k.prototype.buffer = k.prototype.arrayBuffer), (k.prototype.digest = k.prototype.array = function () { this.finalize(); for ( var e, t, r = this.blockCount, n = this.s, i = this.outputBlocks, o = this.extraBytes, a = 0, s = 0, u = []; s < i; ) { for (a = 0; a < r && s < i; ++a, ++s) (e = s << 2), (t = n[a]), (u[e] = 255 & t), (u[e + 1] = (t >> 8) & 255), (u[e + 2] = (t >> 16) & 255), (u[e + 3] = (t >> 24) & 255); s % r == 0 && A(n); } return ( o && ((e = s << 2), (t = n[a]), o > 0 && (u[e] = 255 & t), o > 1 && (u[e + 1] = (t >> 8) & 255), o > 2 && (u[e + 2] = (t >> 16) & 255)), u ); }); var A = function (e) { var t, r, n, i, o, a, s, f, c, h, d, l, p, b, m, y, v, g, w, _, k, A, S, E, x, M, I, O, C, P, T, U, B, R, N, j, L, F, D, q, z, H, K, V, G, W, Y, $, J, Z, X, Q, ee, te, re, ne, ie, oe, ae, se, ue, fe, ce; for (n = 0; n < 48; n += 2) (i = e[0] ^ e[10] ^ e[20] ^ e[30] ^ e[40]), (o = e[1] ^ e[11] ^ e[21] ^ e[31] ^ e[41]), (a = e[2] ^ e[12] ^ e[22] ^ e[32] ^ e[42]), (s = e[3] ^ e[13] ^ e[23] ^ e[33] ^ e[43]), (f = e[4] ^ e[14] ^ e[24] ^ e[34] ^ e[44]), (c = e[5] ^ e[15] ^ e[25] ^ e[35] ^ e[45]), (h = e[6] ^ e[16] ^ e[26] ^ e[36] ^ e[46]), (d = e[7] ^ e[17] ^ e[27] ^ e[37] ^ e[47]), (t = (l = e[8] ^ e[18] ^ e[28] ^ e[38] ^ e[48]) ^ ((a << 1) | (s >>> 31))), (r = (p = e[9] ^ e[19] ^ e[29] ^ e[39] ^ e[49]) ^ ((s << 1) | (a >>> 31))), (e[0] ^= t), (e[1] ^= r), (e[10] ^= t), (e[11] ^= r), (e[20] ^= t), (e[21] ^= r), (e[30] ^= t), (e[31] ^= r), (e[40] ^= t), (e[41] ^= r), (t = i ^ ((f << 1) | (c >>> 31))), (r = o ^ ((c << 1) | (f >>> 31))), (e[2] ^= t), (e[3] ^= r), (e[12] ^= t), (e[13] ^= r), (e[22] ^= t), (e[23] ^= r), (e[32] ^= t), (e[33] ^= r), (e[42] ^= t), (e[43] ^= r), (t = a ^ ((h << 1) | (d >>> 31))), (r = s ^ ((d << 1) | (h >>> 31))), (e[4] ^= t), (e[5] ^= r), (e[14] ^= t), (e[15] ^= r), (e[24] ^= t), (e[25] ^= r), (e[34] ^= t), (e[35] ^= r), (e[44] ^= t), (e[45] ^= r), (t = f ^ ((l << 1) | (p >>> 31))), (r = c ^ ((p << 1) | (l >>> 31))), (e[6] ^= t), (e[7] ^= r), (e[16] ^= t), (e[17] ^= r), (e[26] ^= t), (e[27] ^= r), (e[36] ^= t), (e[37] ^= r), (e[46] ^= t), (e[47] ^= r), (t = h ^ ((i << 1) | (o >>> 31))), (r = d ^ ((o << 1) | (i >>> 31))), (e[8] ^= t), (e[9] ^= r), (e[18] ^= t), (e[19] ^= r), (e[28] ^= t), (e[29] ^= r), (e[38] ^= t), (e[39] ^= r), (e[48] ^= t), (e[49] ^= r), (b = e[0]), (m = e[1]), (W = (e[11] << 4) | (e[10] >>> 28)), (Y = (e[10] << 4) | (e[11] >>> 28)), (O = (e[20] << 3) | (e[21] >>> 29)), (C = (e[21] << 3) | (e[20] >>> 29)), (se = (e[31] << 9) | (e[30] >>> 23)), (ue = (e[30] << 9) | (e[31] >>> 23)), (H = (e[40] << 18) | (e[41] >>> 14)), (K = (e[41] << 18) | (e[40] >>> 14)), (R = (e[2] << 1) | (e[3] >>> 31)), (N = (e[3] << 1) | (e[2] >>> 31)), (y = (e[13] << 12) | (e[12] >>> 20)), (v = (e[12] << 12) | (e[13] >>> 20)), ($ = (e[22] << 10) | (e[23] >>> 22)), (J = (e[23] << 10) | (e[22] >>> 22)), (P = (e[33] << 13) | (e[32] >>> 19)), (T = (e[32] << 13) | (e[33] >>> 19)), (fe = (e[42] << 2) | (e[43] >>> 30)), (ce = (e[43] << 2) | (e[42] >>> 30)), (te = (e[5] << 30) | (e[4] >>> 2)), (re = (e[4] << 30) | (e[5] >>> 2)), (j = (e[14] << 6) | (e[15] >>> 26)), (L = (e[15] << 6) | (e[14] >>> 26)), (g = (e[25] << 11) | (e[24] >>> 21)), (w = (e[24] << 11) | (e[25] >>> 21)), (Z = (e[34] << 15) | (e[35] >>> 17)), (X = (e[35] << 15) | (e[34] >>> 17)), (U = (e[45] << 29) | (e[44] >>> 3)), (B = (e[44] << 29) | (e[45] >>> 3)), (E = (e[6] << 28) | (e[7] >>> 4)), (x = (e[7] << 28) | (e[6] >>> 4)), (ne = (e[17] << 23) | (e[16] >>> 9)), (ie = (e[16] << 23) | (e[17] >>> 9)), (F = (e[26] << 25) | (e[27] >>> 7)), (D = (e[27] << 25) | (e[26] >>> 7)), (_ = (e[36] << 21) | (e[37] >>> 11)), (k = (e[37] << 21) | (e[36] >>> 11)), (Q = (e[47] << 24) | (e[46] >>> 8)), (ee = (e[46] << 24) | (e[47] >>> 8)), (V = (e[8] << 27) | (e[9] >>> 5)), (G = (e[9] << 27) | (e[8] >>> 5)), (M = (e[18] << 20) | (e[19] >>> 12)), (I = (e[19] << 20) | (e[18] >>> 12)), (oe = (e[29] << 7) | (e[28] >>> 25)), (ae = (e[28] << 7) | (e[29] >>> 25)), (q = (e[38] << 8) | (e[39] >>> 24)), (z = (e[39] << 8) | (e[38] >>> 24)), (A = (e[48] << 14) | (e[49] >>> 18)), (S = (e[49] << 14) | (e[48] >>> 18)), (e[0] = b ^ (~y & g)), (e[1] = m ^ (~v & w)), (e[10] = E ^ (~M & O)), (e[11] = x ^ (~I & C)), (e[20] = R ^ (~j & F)), (e[21] = N ^ (~L & D)), (e[30] = V ^ (~W & $)), (e[31] = G ^ (~Y & J)), (e[40] = te ^ (~ne & oe)), (e[41] = re ^ (~ie & ae)), (e[2] = y ^ (~g & _)), (e[3] = v ^ (~w & k)), (e[12] = M ^ (~O & P)), (e[13] = I ^ (~C & T)), (e[22] = j ^ (~F & q)), (e[23] = L ^ (~D & z)), (e[32] = W ^ (~$ & Z)), (e[33] = Y ^ (~J & X)), (e[42] = ne ^ (~oe & se)), (e[43] = ie ^ (~ae & ue)), (e[4] = g ^ (~_ & A)), (e[5] = w ^ (~k & S)), (e[14] = O ^ (~P & U)), (e[15] = C ^ (~T & B)), (e[24] = F ^ (~q & H)), (e[25] = D ^ (~z & K)), (e[34] = $ ^ (~Z & Q)), (e[35] = J ^ (~X & ee)), (e[44] = oe ^ (~se & fe)), (e[45] = ae ^ (~ue & ce)), (e[6] = _ ^ (~A & b)), (e[7] = k ^ (~S & m)), (e[16] = P ^ (~U & E)), (e[17] = T ^ (~B & x)), (e[26] = q ^ (~H & R)), (e[27] = z ^ (~K & N)), (e[36] = Z ^ (~Q & V)), (e[37] = X ^ (~ee & G)), (e[46] = se ^ (~fe & te)), (e[47] = ue ^ (~ce & re)), (e[8] = A ^ (~b & y)), (e[9] = S ^ (~m & v)), (e[18] = U ^ (~E & M)), (e[19] = B ^ (~x & I)), (e[28] = H ^ (~R & j)), (e[29] = K ^ (~N & L)), (e[38] = Q ^ (~V & W)), (e[39] = ee ^ (~G & Y)), (e[48] = fe ^ (~te & ne)), (e[49] = ce ^ (~re & ie)), (e[0] ^= u[n]), (e[1] ^= u[n + 1]); }; if (o) n.exports = b; else for (y = 0; y < m.length; ++y) r[m[y]] = b[m[y]]; })(); }.call(this, r(11), r(8), r(22)(e))); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.version = void 0); t.version = 'rlp/5.0.2'; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.version = void 0); t.version = 'address/5.0.2'; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.version = void 0); t.version = 'properties/5.0.2'; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0); Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.recoverPublicKey = function (e, t) { var r = (0, s.splitSignature)(t), n = { r: (0, s.arrayify)(r.r), s: (0, s.arrayify)(r.s) }; return ( '0x' + l() .recoverPubKey((0, s.arrayify)(e), n, r.recoveryParam) .encode('hex', !1) ); }), (t.computePublicKey = b), (t.SigningKey = void 0); var i = n(r(6)), o = n(r(7)), a = r(234), s = r(12), u = r(31), f = r(14), c = r(253), h = new f.Logger(c.version), d = null; function l() { return d || (d = new a.ec('secp256k1')), d; } var p = (function () { function e(t) { (0, i.default)(this, e), (0, u.defineReadOnly)(this, 'curve', 'secp256k1'), (0, u.defineReadOnly)(this, 'privateKey', (0, s.hexlify)(t)); var r = l().keyFromPrivate((0, s.arrayify)(this.privateKey)); (0, u.defineReadOnly)(this, 'publicKey', '0x' + r.getPublic(!1, 'hex')), (0, u.defineReadOnly)(this, 'compressedPublicKey', '0x' + r.getPublic(!0, 'hex')), (0, u.defineReadOnly)(this, '_isSigningKey', !0); } return ( (0, o.default)( e, [ { key: '_addPoint', value: function (e) { var t = l().keyFromPublic((0, s.arrayify)(this.publicKey)), r = l().keyFromPublic((0, s.arrayify)(e)); return '0x' + t.pub.add(r.pub).encodeCompressed('hex'); }, }, { key: 'signDigest', value: function (e) { var t = l() .keyFromPrivate((0, s.arrayify)(this.privateKey)) .sign((0, s.arrayify)(e), { canonical: !0 }); return (0, s.splitSignature)({ recoveryParam: t.recoveryParam, r: (0, s.hexZeroPad)('0x' + t.r.toString(16), 32), s: (0, s.hexZeroPad)('0x' + t.s.toString(16), 32), }); }, }, { key: 'computeSharedSecret', value: function (e) { var t = l().keyFromPrivate((0, s.arrayify)(this.privateKey)), r = l().keyFromPublic((0, s.arrayify)(b(e))); return (0, s.hexZeroPad)('0x' + t.derive(r.getPublic()).toString(16), 32); }, }, ], [ { key: 'isSigningKey', value: function (e) { return !(!e || !e._isSigningKey); }, }, ] ), e ); })(); function b(e, t) { var r = (0, s.arrayify)(e); if (32 === r.length) { var n = new p(r); return t ? '0x' + l().keyFromPrivate(r).getPublic(!0, 'hex') : n.publicKey; } return 33 === r.length ? t ? (0, s.hexlify)(r) : '0x' + l().keyFromPublic(r).getPublic(!1, 'hex') : 65 === r.length ? t ? '0x' + l().keyFromPublic(r).getPublic(!0, 'hex') : (0, s.hexlify)(r) : h.throwArgumentError('invalid public or private key', 'key', '[REDACTED]'); } t.SigningKey = p; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = t; (n.version = r(235).version), (n.utils = r(20)), (n.rand = r(51)), (n.curve = r(108)), (n.curves = r(73)), (n.ec = r(247)), (n.eddsa = r(250)); }, function (e) { e.exports = JSON.parse( '{"_from":"elliptic@6.5.3","_id":"elliptic@6.5.3","_inBundle":false,"_integrity":"sha512-IMqzv5wNQf+E6aHeIqATs0tOLeOTwj1QKbRcS3jBbYkl5oLAserA8yJTT7/VyHUYG91PRmPyeQDObKLPpeS4dw==","_location":"/@ethersproject/signing-key/elliptic","_phantomChildren":{},"_requested":{"type":"version","registry":true,"raw":"elliptic@6.5.3","name":"elliptic","escapedName":"elliptic","rawSpec":"6.5.3","saveSpec":null,"fetchSpec":"6.5.3"},"_requiredBy":["/@ethersproject/signing-key"],"_resolved":"https://registry.npmjs.org/elliptic/-/elliptic-6.5.3.tgz","_shasum":"cb59eb2efdaf73a0bd78ccd7015a62ad6e0f93d6","_spec":"elliptic@6.5.3","_where":"/home/greg/code/github.com/ethereum/web3.js/node_modules/@ethersproject/signing-key","author":{"name":"Fedor Indutny","email":"fedor@indutny.com"},"bugs":{"url":"https://github.com/indutny/elliptic/issues"},"bundleDependencies":false,"dependencies":{"bn.js":"^4.4.0","brorand":"^1.0.1","hash.js":"^1.0.0","hmac-drbg":"^1.0.0","inherits":"^2.0.1","minimalistic-assert":"^1.0.0","minimalistic-crypto-utils":"^1.0.0"},"deprecated":false,"description":"EC cryptography","devDependencies":{"brfs":"^1.4.3","coveralls":"^3.0.8","grunt":"^1.0.4","grunt-browserify":"^5.0.0","grunt-cli":"^1.2.0","grunt-contrib-connect":"^1.0.0","grunt-contrib-copy":"^1.0.0","grunt-contrib-uglify":"^1.0.1","grunt-mocha-istanbul":"^3.0.1","grunt-saucelabs":"^9.0.1","istanbul":"^0.4.2","jscs":"^3.0.7","jshint":"^2.10.3","mocha":"^6.2.2"},"files":["lib"],"homepage":"https://github.com/indutny/elliptic","keywords":["EC","Elliptic","curve","Cryptography"],"license":"MIT","main":"lib/elliptic.js","name":"elliptic","repository":{"type":"git","url":"git+ssh://git@github.com/indutny/elliptic.git"},"scripts":{"jscs":"jscs benchmarks/*.js lib/*.js lib/**/*.js lib/**/**/*.js test/index.js","jshint":"jscs benchmarks/*.js lib/*.js lib/**/*.js lib/**/**/*.js test/index.js","lint":"npm run jscs && npm run jshint","test":"npm run lint && npm run unit","unit":"istanbul test _mocha --reporter=spec test/index.js","version":"grunt dist && git add dist/"},"version":"6.5.3"}' ); }, function (e, t) {}, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(20), i = r(5), o = r(3), a = r(52), s = n.assert; function u(e) { a.call(this, 'short', e), (this.a = new i(e.a, 16).toRed(this.red)), (this.b = new i(e.b, 16).toRed(this.red)), (this.tinv = this.two.redInvm()), (this.zeroA = 0 === this.a.fromRed().cmpn(0)), (this.threeA = 0 === this.a.fromRed().sub(this.p).cmpn(-3)), (this.endo = this._getEndomorphism(e)), (this._endoWnafT1 = new Array(4)), (this._endoWnafT2 = new Array(4)); } function f(e, t, r, n) { a.BasePoint.call(this, e, 'affine'), null === t && null === r ? ((this.x = null), (this.y = null), (this.inf = !0)) : ((this.x = new i(t, 16)), (this.y = new i(r, 16)), n && (this.x.forceRed(this.curve.red), this.y.forceRed(this.curve.red)), this.x.red || (this.x = this.x.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.y.red || (this.y = this.y.toRed(this.curve.red)), (this.inf = !1)); } function c(e, t, r, n) { a.BasePoint.call(this, e, 'jacobian'), null === t && null === r && null === n ? ((this.x = this.curve.one), (this.y = this.curve.one), (this.z = new i(0))) : ((this.x = new i(t, 16)), (this.y = new i(r, 16)), (this.z = new i(n, 16))), this.x.red || (this.x = this.x.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.y.red || (this.y = this.y.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.z.red || (this.z = this.z.toRed(this.curve.red)), (this.zOne = this.z === this.curve.one); } o(u, a), (e.exports = u), (u.prototype._getEndomorphism = function (e) { if (this.zeroA && this.g && this.n && 1 === this.p.modn(3)) { var t, r; if (e.beta) t = new i(e.beta, 16).toRed(this.red); else { var n = this._getEndoRoots(this.p); t = (t = n[0].cmp(n[1]) < 0 ? n[0] : n[1]).toRed(this.red); } if (e.lambda) r = new i(e.lambda, 16); else { var o = this._getEndoRoots(this.n); 0 === this.g.mul(o[0]).x.cmp(this.g.x.redMul(t)) ? (r = o[0]) : ((r = o[1]), s(0 === this.g.mul(r).x.cmp(this.g.x.redMul(t)))); } return { beta: t, lambda: r, basis: e.basis ? e.basis.map(function (e) { return { a: new i(e.a, 16), b: new i(e.b, 16) }; }) : this._getEndoBasis(r), }; } }), (u.prototype._getEndoRoots = function (e) { var t = e === this.p ? this.red : i.mont(e), r = new i(2).toRed(t).redInvm(), n = r.redNeg(), o = new i(3).toRed(t).redNeg().redSqrt().redMul(r); return [n.redAdd(o).fromRed(), n.redSub(o).fromRed()]; }), (u.prototype._getEndoBasis = function (e) { for ( var t, r, n, o, a, s, u, f, c, h = this.n.ushrn(Math.floor(this.n.bitLength() / 2)), d = e, l = this.n.clone(), p = new i(1), b = new i(0), m = new i(0), y = new i(1), v = 0; 0 !== d.cmpn(0); ) { var g = l.div(d); (f = l.sub(g.mul(d))), (c = m.sub(g.mul(p))); var w = y.sub(g.mul(b)); if (!n && f.cmp(h) < 0) (t = u.neg()), (r = p), (n = f.neg()), (o = c); else if (n && 2 == ++v) break; (u = f), (l = d), (d = f), (m = p), (p = c), (y = b), (b = w); } (a = f.neg()), (s = c); var _ = n.sqr().add(o.sqr()); return ( a.sqr().add(s.sqr()).cmp(_) >= 0 && ((a = t), (s = r)), n.negative && ((n = n.neg()), (o = o.neg())), a.negative && ((a = a.neg()), (s = s.neg())), [ { a: n, b: o }, { a: a, b: s }, ] ); }), (u.prototype._endoSplit = function (e) { var t = this.endo.basis, r = t[0], n = t[1], i = n.b.mul(e).divRound(this.n), o = r.b.neg().mul(e).divRound(this.n), a = i.mul(r.a), s = o.mul(n.a), u = i.mul(r.b), f = o.mul(n.b); return { k1: e.sub(a).sub(s), k2: u.add(f).neg() }; }), (u.prototype.pointFromX = function (e, t) { (e = new i(e, 16)).red || (e = e.toRed(this.red)); var r = e.redSqr().redMul(e).redIAdd(e.redMul(this.a)).redIAdd(this.b), n = r.redSqrt(); if (0 !== n.redSqr().redSub(r).cmp(this.zero)) throw new Error('invalid point'); var o = n.fromRed().isOdd(); return ((t && !o) || (!t && o)) && (n = n.redNeg()), this.point(e, n); }), (u.prototype.validate = function (e) { if (e.inf) return !0; var t = e.x, r = e.y, n = this.a.redMul(t), i = t.redSqr().redMul(t).redIAdd(n).redIAdd(this.b); return 0 === r.redSqr().redISub(i).cmpn(0); }), (u.prototype._endoWnafMulAdd = function (e, t, r) { for (var n = this._endoWnafT1, i = this._endoWnafT2, o = 0; o < e.length; o++) { var a = this._endoSplit(t[o]), s = e[o], u = s._getBeta(); a.k1.negative && (a.k1.ineg(), (s = s.neg(!0))), a.k2.negative && (a.k2.ineg(), (u = u.neg(!0))), (n[2 * o] = s), (n[2 * o + 1] = u), (i[2 * o] = a.k1), (i[2 * o + 1] = a.k2); } for (var f = this._wnafMulAdd(1, n, i, 2 * o, r), c = 0; c < 2 * o; c++) (n[c] = null), (i[c] = null); return f; }), o(f, a.BasePoint), (u.prototype.point = function (e, t, r) { return new f(this, e, t, r); }), (u.prototype.pointFromJSON = function (e, t) { return f.fromJSON(this, e, t); }), (f.prototype._getBeta = function () { if (this.curve.endo) { var e = this.precomputed; if (e && e.beta) return e.beta; var t = this.curve.point(this.x.redMul(this.curve.endo.beta), this.y); if (e) { var r = this.curve, n = function (e) { return r.point(e.x.redMul(r.endo.beta), e.y); }; (e.beta = t), (t.precomputed = { beta: null, naf: e.naf && { wnd: e.naf.wnd, points: e.naf.points.map(n) }, doubles: e.doubles && { step: e.doubles.step, points: e.doubles.points.map(n) }, }); } return t; } }), (f.prototype.toJSON = function () { return this.precomputed ? [ this.x, this.y, this.precomputed && { doubles: this.precomputed.doubles && { step: this.precomputed.doubles.step, points: this.precomputed.doubles.points.slice(1), }, naf: this.precomputed.naf && { wnd: this.precomputed.naf.wnd, points: this.precomputed.naf.points.slice(1), }, }, ] : [this.x, this.y]; }), (f.fromJSON = function (e, t, r) { 'string' == typeof t && (t = JSON.parse(t)); var n = e.point(t[0], t[1], r); if (!t[2]) return n; function i(t) { return e.point(t[0], t[1], r); } var o = t[2]; return ( (n.precomputed = { beta: null, doubles: o.doubles && { step: o.doubles.step, points: [n].concat(o.doubles.points.map(i)), }, naf: o.naf && { wnd: o.naf.wnd, points: [n].concat(o.naf.points.map(i)) }, }), n ); }), (f.prototype.inspect = function () { return this.isInfinity() ? '' : ''; }), (f.prototype.isInfinity = function () { return this.inf; }), (f.prototype.add = function (e) { if (this.inf) return e; if (e.inf) return this; if (this.eq(e)) return this.dbl(); if (this.neg().eq(e)) return this.curve.point(null, null); if (0 === this.x.cmp(e.x)) return this.curve.point(null, null); var t = this.y.redSub(e.y); 0 !== t.cmpn(0) && (t = t.redMul(this.x.redSub(e.x).redInvm())); var r = t.redSqr().redISub(this.x).redISub(e.x), n = t.redMul(this.x.redSub(r)).redISub(this.y); return this.curve.point(r, n); }), (f.prototype.dbl = function () { if (this.inf) return this; var e = this.y.redAdd(this.y); if (0 === e.cmpn(0)) return this.curve.point(null, null); var t = this.curve.a, r = this.x.redSqr(), n = e.redInvm(), i = r.redAdd(r).redIAdd(r).redIAdd(t).redMul(n), o = i.redSqr().redISub(this.x.redAdd(this.x)), a = i.redMul(this.x.redSub(o)).redISub(this.y); return this.curve.point(o, a); }), (f.prototype.getX = function () { return this.x.fromRed(); }), (f.prototype.getY = function () { return this.y.fromRed(); }), (f.prototype.mul = function (e) { return ( (e = new i(e, 16)), this.isInfinity() ? this : this._hasDoubles(e) ? this.curve._fixedNafMul(this, e) : this.curve.endo ? this.curve._endoWnafMulAdd([this], [e]) : this.curve._wnafMul(this, e) ); }), (f.prototype.mulAdd = function (e, t, r) { var n = [this, t], i = [e, r]; return this.curve.endo ? this.curve._endoWnafMulAdd(n, i) : this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1, n, i, 2); }), (f.prototype.jmulAdd = function (e, t, r) { var n = [this, t], i = [e, r]; return this.curve.endo ? this.curve._endoWnafMulAdd(n, i, !0) : this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1, n, i, 2, !0); }), (f.prototype.eq = function (e) { return ( this === e || (this.inf === e.inf && (this.inf || (0 === this.x.cmp(e.x) && 0 === this.y.cmp(e.y)))) ); }), (f.prototype.neg = function (e) { if (this.inf) return this; var t = this.curve.point(this.x, this.y.redNeg()); if (e && this.precomputed) { var r = this.precomputed, n = function (e) { return e.neg(); }; t.precomputed = { naf: r.naf && { wnd: r.naf.wnd, points: r.naf.points.map(n) }, doubles: r.doubles && { step: r.doubles.step, points: r.doubles.points.map(n) }, }; } return t; }), (f.prototype.toJ = function () { return this.inf ? this.curve.jpoint(null, null, null) : this.curve.jpoint(this.x, this.y, this.curve.one); }), o(c, a.BasePoint), (u.prototype.jpoint = function (e, t, r) { return new c(this, e, t, r); }), (c.prototype.toP = function () { if (this.isInfinity()) return this.curve.point(null, null); var e = this.z.redInvm(), t = e.redSqr(), r = this.x.redMul(t), n = this.y.redMul(t).redMul(e); return this.curve.point(r, n); }), (c.prototype.neg = function () { return this.curve.jpoint(this.x, this.y.redNeg(), this.z); }), (c.prototype.add = function (e) { if (this.isInfinity()) return e; if (e.isInfinity()) return this; var t = e.z.redSqr(), r = this.z.redSqr(), n = this.x.redMul(t), i = e.x.redMul(r), o = this.y.redMul(t.redMul(e.z)), a = e.y.redMul(r.redMul(this.z)), s = n.redSub(i), u = o.redSub(a); if (0 === s.cmpn(0)) return 0 !== u.cmpn(0) ? this.curve.jpoint(null, null, null) : this.dbl(); var f = s.redSqr(), c = f.redMul(s), h = n.redMul(f), d = u.redSqr().redIAdd(c).redISub(h).redISub(h), l = u.redMul(h.redISub(d)).redISub(o.redMul(c)), p = this.z.redMul(e.z).redMul(s); return this.curve.jpoint(d, l, p); }), (c.prototype.mixedAdd = function (e) { if (this.isInfinity()) return e.toJ(); if (e.isInfinity()) return this; var t = this.z.redSqr(), r = this.x, n = e.x.redMul(t), i = this.y, o = e.y.redMul(t).redMul(this.z), a = r.redSub(n), s = i.redSub(o); if (0 === a.cmpn(0)) return 0 !== s.cmpn(0) ? this.curve.jpoint(null, null, null) : this.dbl(); var u = a.redSqr(), f = u.redMul(a), c = r.redMul(u), h = s.redSqr().redIAdd(f).redISub(c).redISub(c), d = s.redMul(c.redISub(h)).redISub(i.redMul(f)), l = this.z.redMul(a); return this.curve.jpoint(h, d, l); }), (c.prototype.dblp = function (e) { if (0 === e) return this; if (this.isInfinity()) return this; if (!e) return this.dbl(); if (this.curve.zeroA || this.curve.threeA) { for (var t = this, r = 0; r < e; r++) t = t.dbl(); return t; } var n = this.curve.a, i = this.curve.tinv, o = this.x, a = this.y, s = this.z, u = s.redSqr().redSqr(), f = a.redAdd(a); for (r = 0; r < e; r++) { var c = o.redSqr(), h = f.redSqr(), d = h.redSqr(), l = c.redAdd(c).redIAdd(c).redIAdd(n.redMul(u)), p = o.redMul(h), b = l.redSqr().redISub(p.redAdd(p)), m = p.redISub(b), y = l.redMul(m); y = y.redIAdd(y).redISub(d); var v = f.redMul(s); r + 1 < e && (u = u.redMul(d)), (o = b), (s = v), (f = y); } return this.curve.jpoint(o, f.redMul(i), s); }), (c.prototype.dbl = function () { return this.isInfinity() ? this : this.curve.zeroA ? this._zeroDbl() : this.curve.threeA ? this._threeDbl() : this._dbl(); }), (c.prototype._zeroDbl = function () { var e, t, r; if (this.zOne) { var n = this.x.redSqr(), i = this.y.redSqr(), o = i.redSqr(), a = this.x.redAdd(i).redSqr().redISub(n).redISub(o); a = a.redIAdd(a); var s = n.redAdd(n).redIAdd(n), u = s.redSqr().redISub(a).redISub(a), f = o.redIAdd(o); (f = (f = f.redIAdd(f)).redIAdd(f)), (e = u), (t = s.redMul(a.redISub(u)).redISub(f)), (r = this.y.redAdd(this.y)); } else { var c = this.x.redSqr(), h = this.y.redSqr(), d = h.redSqr(), l = this.x.redAdd(h).redSqr().redISub(c).redISub(d); l = l.redIAdd(l); var p = c.redAdd(c).redIAdd(c), b = p.redSqr(), m = d.redIAdd(d); (m = (m = m.redIAdd(m)).redIAdd(m)), (e = b.redISub(l).redISub(l)), (t = p.redMul(l.redISub(e)).redISub(m)), (r = (r = this.y.redMul(this.z)).redIAdd(r)); } return this.curve.jpoint(e, t, r); }), (c.prototype._threeDbl = function () { var e, t, r; if (this.zOne) { var n = this.x.redSqr(), i = this.y.redSqr(), o = i.redSqr(), a = this.x.redAdd(i).redSqr().redISub(n).redISub(o); a = a.redIAdd(a); var s = n.redAdd(n).redIAdd(n).redIAdd(this.curve.a), u = s.redSqr().redISub(a).redISub(a); e = u; var f = o.redIAdd(o); (f = (f = f.redIAdd(f)).redIAdd(f)), (t = s.redMul(a.redISub(u)).redISub(f)), (r = this.y.redAdd(this.y)); } else { var c = this.z.redSqr(), h = this.y.redSqr(), d = this.x.redMul(h), l = this.x.redSub(c).redMul(this.x.redAdd(c)); l = l.redAdd(l).redIAdd(l); var p = d.redIAdd(d), b = (p = p.redIAdd(p)).redAdd(p); (e = l.redSqr().redISub(b)), (r = this.y.redAdd(this.z).redSqr().redISub(h).redISub(c)); var m = h.redSqr(); (m = (m = (m = m.redIAdd(m)).redIAdd(m)).redIAdd(m)), (t = l.redMul(p.redISub(e)).redISub(m)); } return this.curve.jpoint(e, t, r); }), (c.prototype._dbl = function () { var e = this.curve.a, t = this.x, r = this.y, n = this.z, i = n.redSqr().redSqr(), o = t.redSqr(), a = r.redSqr(), s = o.redAdd(o).redIAdd(o).redIAdd(e.redMul(i)), u = t.redAdd(t), f = (u = u.redIAdd(u)).redMul(a), c = s.redSqr().redISub(f.redAdd(f)), h = f.redISub(c), d = a.redSqr(); d = (d = (d = d.redIAdd(d)).redIAdd(d)).redIAdd(d); var l = s.redMul(h).redISub(d), p = r.redAdd(r).redMul(n); return this.curve.jpoint(c, l, p); }), (c.prototype.trpl = function () { if (!this.curve.zeroA) return this.dbl().add(this); var e = this.x.redSqr(), t = this.y.redSqr(), r = this.z.redSqr(), n = t.redSqr(), i = e.redAdd(e).redIAdd(e), o = i.redSqr(), a = this.x.redAdd(t).redSqr().redISub(e).redISub(n), s = (a = (a = (a = a.redIAdd(a)).redAdd(a).redIAdd(a)).redISub(o)).redSqr(), u = n.redIAdd(n); u = (u = (u = u.redIAdd(u)).redIAdd(u)).redIAdd(u); var f = i.redIAdd(a).redSqr().redISub(o).redISub(s).redISub(u), c = t.redMul(f); c = (c = c.redIAdd(c)).redIAdd(c); var h = this.x.redMul(s).redISub(c); h = (h = h.redIAdd(h)).redIAdd(h); var d = this.y.redMul(f.redMul(u.redISub(f)).redISub(a.redMul(s))); d = (d = (d = d.redIAdd(d)).redIAdd(d)).redIAdd(d); var l = this.z.redAdd(a).redSqr().redISub(r).redISub(s); return this.curve.jpoint(h, d, l); }), (c.prototype.mul = function (e, t) { return (e = new i(e, t)), this.curve._wnafMul(this, e); }), (c.prototype.eq = function (e) { if ('affine' === e.type) return this.eq(e.toJ()); if (this === e) return !0; var t = this.z.redSqr(), r = e.z.redSqr(); if (0 !== this.x.redMul(r).redISub(e.x.redMul(t)).cmpn(0)) return !1; var n = t.redMul(this.z), i = r.redMul(e.z); return 0 === this.y.redMul(i).redISub(e.y.redMul(n)).cmpn(0); }), (c.prototype.eqXToP = function (e) { var t = this.z.redSqr(), r = e.toRed(this.curve.red).redMul(t); if (0 === this.x.cmp(r)) return !0; for (var n = e.clone(), i = this.curve.redN.redMul(t); ; ) { if ((n.iadd(this.curve.n), n.cmp(this.curve.p) >= 0)) return !1; if ((r.redIAdd(i), 0 === this.x.cmp(r))) return !0; } }), (c.prototype.inspect = function () { return this.isInfinity() ? '' : ''; }), (c.prototype.isInfinity = function () { return 0 === this.z.cmpn(0); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(5), i = r(3), o = r(52), a = r(20); function s(e) { o.call(this, 'mont', e), (this.a = new n(e.a, 16).toRed(this.red)), (this.b = new n(e.b, 16).toRed(this.red)), (this.i4 = new n(4).toRed(this.red).redInvm()), (this.two = new n(2).toRed(this.red)), (this.a24 = this.i4.redMul(this.a.redAdd(this.two))); } function u(e, t, r) { o.BasePoint.call(this, e, 'projective'), null === t && null === r ? ((this.x = this.curve.one), (this.z = this.curve.zero)) : ((this.x = new n(t, 16)), (this.z = new n(r, 16)), this.x.red || (this.x = this.x.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.z.red || (this.z = this.z.toRed(this.curve.red))); } i(s, o), (e.exports = s), (s.prototype.validate = function (e) { var t = e.normalize().x, r = t.redSqr(), n = r.redMul(t).redAdd(r.redMul(this.a)).redAdd(t); return 0 === n.redSqrt().redSqr().cmp(n); }), i(u, o.BasePoint), (s.prototype.decodePoint = function (e, t) { return this.point(a.toArray(e, t), 1); }), (s.prototype.point = function (e, t) { return new u(this, e, t); }), (s.prototype.pointFromJSON = function (e) { return u.fromJSON(this, e); }), (u.prototype.precompute = function () {}), (u.prototype._encode = function () { return this.getX().toArray('be', this.curve.p.byteLength()); }), (u.fromJSON = function (e, t) { return new u(e, t[0], t[1] || e.one); }), (u.prototype.inspect = function () { return this.isInfinity() ? '' : ''; }), (u.prototype.isInfinity = function () { return 0 === this.z.cmpn(0); }), (u.prototype.dbl = function () { var e = this.x.redAdd(this.z).redSqr(), t = this.x.redSub(this.z).redSqr(), r = e.redSub(t), n = e.redMul(t), i = r.redMul(t.redAdd(this.curve.a24.redMul(r))); return this.curve.point(n, i); }), (u.prototype.add = function () { throw new Error('Not supported on Montgomery curve'); }), (u.prototype.diffAdd = function (e, t) { var r = this.x.redAdd(this.z), n = this.x.redSub(this.z), i = e.x.redAdd(e.z), o = e.x.redSub(e.z).redMul(r), a = i.redMul(n), s = t.z.redMul(o.redAdd(a).redSqr()), u = t.x.redMul(o.redISub(a).redSqr()); return this.curve.point(s, u); }), (u.prototype.mul = function (e) { for ( var t = e.clone(), r = this, n = this.curve.point(null, null), i = []; 0 !== t.cmpn(0); t.iushrn(1) ) i.push(t.andln(1)); for (var o = i.length - 1; o >= 0; o--) 0 === i[o] ? ((r = r.diffAdd(n, this)), (n = n.dbl())) : ((n = r.diffAdd(n, this)), (r = r.dbl())); return n; }), (u.prototype.mulAdd = function () { throw new Error('Not supported on Montgomery curve'); }), (u.prototype.jumlAdd = function () { throw new Error('Not supported on Montgomery curve'); }), (u.prototype.eq = function (e) { return 0 === this.getX().cmp(e.getX()); }), (u.prototype.normalize = function () { return (this.x = this.x.redMul(this.z.redInvm())), (this.z = this.curve.one), this; }), (u.prototype.getX = function () { return this.normalize(), this.x.fromRed(); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(20), i = r(5), o = r(3), a = r(52), s = n.assert; function u(e) { (this.twisted = 1 != (0 | e.a)), (this.mOneA = this.twisted && -1 == (0 | e.a)), (this.extended = this.mOneA), a.call(this, 'edwards', e), (this.a = new i(e.a, 16).umod(this.red.m)), (this.a = this.a.toRed(this.red)), (this.c = new i(e.c, 16).toRed(this.red)), (this.c2 = this.c.redSqr()), (this.d = new i(e.d, 16).toRed(this.red)), (this.dd = this.d.redAdd(this.d)), s(!this.twisted || 0 === this.c.fromRed().cmpn(1)), (this.oneC = 1 == (0 | e.c)); } function f(e, t, r, n, o) { a.BasePoint.call(this, e, 'projective'), null === t && null === r && null === n ? ((this.x = this.curve.zero), (this.y = this.curve.one), (this.z = this.curve.one), (this.t = this.curve.zero), (this.zOne = !0)) : ((this.x = new i(t, 16)), (this.y = new i(r, 16)), (this.z = n ? new i(n, 16) : this.curve.one), (this.t = o && new i(o, 16)), this.x.red || (this.x = this.x.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.y.red || (this.y = this.y.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.z.red || (this.z = this.z.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.t && !this.t.red && (this.t = this.t.toRed(this.curve.red)), (this.zOne = this.z === this.curve.one), this.curve.extended && !this.t && ((this.t = this.x.redMul(this.y)), this.zOne || (this.t = this.t.redMul(this.z.redInvm())))); } o(u, a), (e.exports = u), (u.prototype._mulA = function (e) { return this.mOneA ? e.redNeg() : this.a.redMul(e); }), (u.prototype._mulC = function (e) { return this.oneC ? e : this.c.redMul(e); }), (u.prototype.jpoint = function (e, t, r, n) { return this.point(e, t, r, n); }), (u.prototype.pointFromX = function (e, t) { (e = new i(e, 16)).red || (e = e.toRed(this.red)); var r = e.redSqr(), n = this.c2.redSub(this.a.redMul(r)), o = this.one.redSub(this.c2.redMul(this.d).redMul(r)), a = n.redMul(o.redInvm()), s = a.redSqrt(); if (0 !== s.redSqr().redSub(a).cmp(this.zero)) throw new Error('invalid point'); var u = s.fromRed().isOdd(); return ((t && !u) || (!t && u)) && (s = s.redNeg()), this.point(e, s); }), (u.prototype.pointFromY = function (e, t) { (e = new i(e, 16)).red || (e = e.toRed(this.red)); var r = e.redSqr(), n = r.redSub(this.c2), o = r.redMul(this.d).redMul(this.c2).redSub(this.a), a = n.redMul(o.redInvm()); if (0 === a.cmp(this.zero)) { if (t) throw new Error('invalid point'); return this.point(this.zero, e); } var s = a.redSqrt(); if (0 !== s.redSqr().redSub(a).cmp(this.zero)) throw new Error('invalid point'); return s.fromRed().isOdd() !== t && (s = s.redNeg()), this.point(s, e); }), (u.prototype.validate = function (e) { if (e.isInfinity()) return !0; e.normalize(); var t = e.x.redSqr(), r = e.y.redSqr(), n = t.redMul(this.a).redAdd(r), i = this.c2.redMul(this.one.redAdd(this.d.redMul(t).redMul(r))); return 0 === n.cmp(i); }), o(f, a.BasePoint), (u.prototype.pointFromJSON = function (e) { return f.fromJSON(this, e); }), (u.prototype.point = function (e, t, r, n) { return new f(this, e, t, r, n); }), (f.fromJSON = function (e, t) { return new f(e, t[0], t[1], t[2]); }), (f.prototype.inspect = function () { return this.isInfinity() ? '' : ''; }), (f.prototype.isInfinity = function () { return ( 0 === this.x.cmpn(0) && (0 === this.y.cmp(this.z) || (this.zOne && 0 === this.y.cmp(this.curve.c))) ); }), (f.prototype._extDbl = function () { var e = this.x.redSqr(), t = this.y.redSqr(), r = this.z.redSqr(); r = r.redIAdd(r); var n = this.curve._mulA(e), i = this.x.redAdd(this.y).redSqr().redISub(e).redISub(t), o = n.redAdd(t), a = o.redSub(r), s = n.redSub(t), u = i.redMul(a), f = o.redMul(s), c = i.redMul(s), h = a.redMul(o); return this.curve.point(u, f, h, c); }), (f.prototype._projDbl = function () { var e, t, r, n = this.x.redAdd(this.y).redSqr(), i = this.x.redSqr(), o = this.y.redSqr(); if (this.curve.twisted) { var a = (f = this.curve._mulA(i)).redAdd(o); if (this.zOne) (e = n.redSub(i).redSub(o).redMul(a.redSub(this.curve.two))), (t = a.redMul(f.redSub(o))), (r = a.redSqr().redSub(a).redSub(a)); else { var s = this.z.redSqr(), u = a.redSub(s).redISub(s); (e = n.redSub(i).redISub(o).redMul(u)), (t = a.redMul(f.redSub(o))), (r = a.redMul(u)); } } else { var f = i.redAdd(o); (s = this.curve._mulC(this.z).redSqr()), (u = f.redSub(s).redSub(s)); (e = this.curve._mulC(n.redISub(f)).redMul(u)), (t = this.curve._mulC(f).redMul(i.redISub(o))), (r = f.redMul(u)); } return this.curve.point(e, t, r); }), (f.prototype.dbl = function () { return this.isInfinity() ? this : this.curve.extended ? this._extDbl() : this._projDbl(); }), (f.prototype._extAdd = function (e) { var t = this.y.redSub(this.x).redMul(e.y.redSub(e.x)), r = this.y.redAdd(this.x).redMul(e.y.redAdd(e.x)), n = this.t.redMul(this.curve.dd).redMul(e.t), i = this.z.redMul(e.z.redAdd(e.z)), o = r.redSub(t), a = i.redSub(n), s = i.redAdd(n), u = r.redAdd(t), f = o.redMul(a), c = s.redMul(u), h = o.redMul(u), d = a.redMul(s); return this.curve.point(f, c, d, h); }), (f.prototype._projAdd = function (e) { var t, r, n = this.z.redMul(e.z), i = n.redSqr(), o = this.x.redMul(e.x), a = this.y.redMul(e.y), s = this.curve.d.redMul(o).redMul(a), u = i.redSub(s), f = i.redAdd(s), c = this.x.redAdd(this.y).redMul(e.x.redAdd(e.y)).redISub(o).redISub(a), h = n.redMul(u).redMul(c); return ( this.curve.twisted ? ((t = n.redMul(f).redMul(a.redSub(this.curve._mulA(o)))), (r = u.redMul(f))) : ((t = n.redMul(f).redMul(a.redSub(o))), (r = this.curve._mulC(u).redMul(f))), this.curve.point(h, t, r) ); }), (f.prototype.add = function (e) { return this.isInfinity() ? e : e.isInfinity() ? this : this.curve.extended ? this._extAdd(e) : this._projAdd(e); }), (f.prototype.mul = function (e) { return this._hasDoubles(e) ? this.curve._fixedNafMul(this, e) : this.curve._wnafMul(this, e); }), (f.prototype.mulAdd = function (e, t, r) { return this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1, [this, t], [e, r], 2, !1); }), (f.prototype.jmulAdd = function (e, t, r) { return this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1, [this, t], [e, r], 2, !0); }), (f.prototype.normalize = function () { if (this.zOne) return this; var e = this.z.redInvm(); return ( (this.x = this.x.redMul(e)), (this.y = this.y.redMul(e)), this.t && (this.t = this.t.redMul(e)), (this.z = this.curve.one), (this.zOne = !0), this ); }), (f.prototype.neg = function () { return this.curve.point(this.x.redNeg(), this.y, this.z, this.t && this.t.redNeg()); }), (f.prototype.getX = function () { return this.normalize(), this.x.fromRed(); }), (f.prototype.getY = function () { return this.normalize(), this.y.fromRed(); }), (f.prototype.eq = function (e) { return this === e || (0 === this.getX().cmp(e.getX()) && 0 === this.getY().cmp(e.getY())); }), (f.prototype.eqXToP = function (e) { var t = e.toRed(this.curve.red).redMul(this.z); if (0 === this.x.cmp(t)) return !0; for (var r = e.clone(), n = this.curve.redN.redMul(this.z); ; ) { if ((r.iadd(this.curve.n), r.cmp(this.curve.p) >= 0)) return !1; if ((t.redIAdd(n), 0 === this.x.cmp(t))) return !0; } }), (f.prototype.toP = f.prototype.normalize), (f.prototype.mixedAdd = f.prototype.add); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (t.sha1 = r(241)), (t.sha224 = r(242)), (t.sha256 = r(110)), (t.sha384 = r(243)), (t.sha512 = r(111)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(23), i = r(37), o = r(109), a = n.rotl32, s = n.sum32, u = n.sum32_5, f = o.ft_1, c = i.BlockHash, h = [1518500249, 1859775393, 2400959708, 3395469782]; function d() { if (!(this instanceof d)) return new d(); c.call(this), (this.h = [1732584193, 4023233417, 2562383102, 271733878, 3285377520]), (this.W = new Array(80)); } n.inherits(d, c), (e.exports = d), (d.blockSize = 512), (d.outSize = 160), (d.hmacStrength = 80), (d.padLength = 64), (d.prototype._update = function (e, t) { for (var r = this.W, n = 0; n < 16; n++) r[n] = e[t + n]; for (; n < r.length; n++) r[n] = a(r[n - 3] ^ r[n - 8] ^ r[n - 14] ^ r[n - 16], 1); var i = this.h[0], o = this.h[1], c = this.h[2], d = this.h[3], l = this.h[4]; for (n = 0; n < r.length; n++) { var p = ~~(n / 20), b = u(a(i, 5), f(p, o, c, d), l, r[n], h[p]); (l = d), (d = c), (c = a(o, 30)), (o = i), (i = b); } (this.h[0] = s(this.h[0], i)), (this.h[1] = s(this.h[1], o)), (this.h[2] = s(this.h[2], c)), (this.h[3] = s(this.h[3], d)), (this.h[4] = s(this.h[4], l)); }), (d.prototype._digest = function (e) { return 'hex' === e ? n.toHex32(this.h, 'big') : n.split32(this.h, 'big'); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(23), i = r(110); function o() { if (!(this instanceof o)) return new o(); i.call(this), (this.h = [ 3238371032, 914150663, 812702999, 4144912697, 4290775857, 1750603025, 1694076839, 3204075428, ]); } n.inherits(o, i), (e.exports = o), (o.blockSize = 512), (o.outSize = 224), (o.hmacStrength = 192), (o.padLength = 64), (o.prototype._digest = function (e) { return 'hex' === e ? n.toHex32(this.h.slice(0, 7), 'big') : n.split32(this.h.slice(0, 7), 'big'); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(23), i = r(111); function o() { if (!(this instanceof o)) return new o(); i.call(this), (this.h = [ 3418070365, 3238371032, 1654270250, 914150663, 2438529370, 812702999, 355462360, 4144912697, 1731405415, 4290775857, 2394180231, 1750603025, 3675008525, 1694076839, 1203062813, 3204075428, ]); } n.inherits(o, i), (e.exports = o), (o.blockSize = 1024), (o.outSize = 384), (o.hmacStrength = 192), (o.padLength = 128), (o.prototype._digest = function (e) { return 'hex' === e ? n.toHex32(this.h.slice(0, 12), 'big') : n.split32(this.h.slice(0, 12), 'big'); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(23), i = r(37), o = n.rotl32, a = n.sum32, s = n.sum32_3, u = n.sum32_4, f = i.BlockHash; function c() { if (!(this instanceof c)) return new c(); f.call(this), (this.h = [1732584193, 4023233417, 2562383102, 271733878, 3285377520]), (this.endian = 'little'); } function h(e, t, r, n) { return e <= 15 ? t ^ r ^ n : e <= 31 ? (t & r) | (~t & n) : e <= 47 ? (t | ~r) ^ n : e <= 63 ? (t & n) | (r & ~n) : t ^ (r | ~n); } function d(e) { return e <= 15 ? 0 : e <= 31 ? 1518500249 : e <= 47 ? 1859775393 : e <= 63 ? 2400959708 : 2840853838; } function l(e) { return e <= 15 ? 1352829926 : e <= 31 ? 1548603684 : e <= 47 ? 1836072691 : e <= 63 ? 2053994217 : 0; } n.inherits(c, f), (t.ripemd160 = c), (c.blockSize = 512), (c.outSize = 160), (c.hmacStrength = 192), (c.padLength = 64), (c.prototype._update = function (e, t) { for ( var r = this.h[0], n = this.h[1], i = this.h[2], f = this.h[3], c = this.h[4], v = r, g = n, w = i, _ = f, k = c, A = 0; A < 80; A++ ) { var S = a(o(u(r, h(A, n, i, f), e[p[A] + t], d(A)), m[A]), c); (r = c), (c = f), (f = o(i, 10)), (i = n), (n = S), (S = a(o(u(v, h(79 - A, g, w, _), e[b[A] + t], l(A)), y[A]), k)), (v = k), (k = _), (_ = o(w, 10)), (w = g), (g = S); } (S = s(this.h[1], i, _)), (this.h[1] = s(this.h[2], f, k)), (this.h[2] = s(this.h[3], c, v)), (this.h[3] = s(this.h[4], r, g)), (this.h[4] = s(this.h[0], n, w)), (this.h[0] = S); }), (c.prototype._digest = function (e) { return 'hex' === e ? n.toHex32(this.h, 'little') : n.split32(this.h, 'little'); }); var p = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 7, 4, 13, 1, 10, 6, 15, 3, 12, 0, 9, 5, 2, 14, 11, 8, 3, 10, 14, 4, 9, 15, 8, 1, 2, 7, 0, 6, 13, 11, 5, 12, 1, 9, 11, 10, 0, 8, 12, 4, 13, 3, 7, 15, 14, 5, 6, 2, 4, 0, 5, 9, 7, 12, 2, 10, 14, 1, 3, 8, 11, 6, 15, 13, ], b = [ 5, 14, 7, 0, 9, 2, 11, 4, 13, 6, 15, 8, 1, 10, 3, 12, 6, 11, 3, 7, 0, 13, 5, 10, 14, 15, 8, 12, 4, 9, 1, 2, 15, 5, 1, 3, 7, 14, 6, 9, 11, 8, 12, 2, 10, 0, 4, 13, 8, 6, 4, 1, 3, 11, 15, 0, 5, 12, 2, 13, 9, 7, 10, 14, 12, 15, 10, 4, 1, 5, 8, 7, 6, 2, 13, 14, 0, 3, 9, 11, ], m = [ 11, 14, 15, 12, 5, 8, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 6, 7, 9, 8, 7, 6, 8, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 7, 12, 15, 9, 11, 7, 13, 12, 11, 13, 6, 7, 14, 9, 13, 15, 14, 8, 13, 6, 5, 12, 7, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 14, 15, 9, 8, 9, 14, 5, 6, 8, 6, 5, 12, 9, 15, 5, 11, 6, 8, 13, 12, 5, 12, 13, 14, 11, 8, 5, 6, ], y = [ 8, 9, 9, 11, 13, 15, 15, 5, 7, 7, 8, 11, 14, 14, 12, 6, 9, 13, 15, 7, 12, 8, 9, 11, 7, 7, 12, 7, 6, 15, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 11, 8, 6, 6, 14, 12, 13, 5, 14, 13, 13, 7, 5, 15, 5, 8, 11, 14, 14, 6, 14, 6, 9, 12, 9, 12, 5, 15, 8, 8, 5, 12, 9, 12, 5, 14, 6, 8, 13, 6, 5, 15, 13, 11, 11, ]; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(23), i = r(17); function o(e, t, r) { if (!(this instanceof o)) return new o(e, t, r); (this.Hash = e), (this.blockSize = e.blockSize / 8), (this.outSize = e.outSize / 8), (this.inner = null), (this.outer = null), this._init(n.toArray(t, r)); } (e.exports = o), (o.prototype._init = function (e) { e.length > this.blockSize && (e = new this.Hash().update(e).digest()), i(e.length <= this.blockSize); for (var t = e.length; t < this.blockSize; t++) e.push(0); for (t = 0; t < e.length; t++) e[t] ^= 54; for (this.inner = new this.Hash().update(e), t = 0; t < e.length; t++) e[t] ^= 106; this.outer = new this.Hash().update(e); }), (o.prototype.update = function (e, t) { return this.inner.update(e, t), this; }), (o.prototype.digest = function (e) { return this.outer.update(this.inner.digest()), this.outer.digest(e); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = { doubles: { step: 4, points: [ [ 'e60fce93b59e9ec53011aabc21c23e97b2a31369b87a5ae9c44ee89e2a6dec0a', 'f7e3507399e595929db99f34f57937101296891e44d23f0be1f32cce69616821', ], [ '8282263212c609d9ea2a6e3e172de238d8c39cabd5ac1ca10646e23fd5f51508', '11f8a8098557dfe45e8256e830b60ace62d613ac2f7b17bed31b6eaff6e26caf', ], [ '175e159f728b865a72f99cc6c6fc846de0b93833fd2222ed73fce5b551e5b739', 'd3506e0d9e3c79eba4ef97a51ff71f5eacb5955add24345c6efa6ffee9fed695', ], [ '363d90d447b00c9c99ceac05b6262ee053441c7e55552ffe526bad8f83ff4640', '4e273adfc732221953b445397f3363145b9a89008199ecb62003c7f3bee9de9', ], [ '8b4b5f165df3c2be8c6244b5b745638843e4a781a15bcd1b69f79a55dffdf80c', '4aad0a6f68d308b4b3fbd7813ab0da04f9e336546162ee56b3eff0c65fd4fd36', ], [ '723cbaa6e5db996d6bf771c00bd548c7b700dbffa6c0e77bcb6115925232fcda', '96e867b5595cc498a921137488824d6e2660a0653779494801dc069d9eb39f5f', ], [ 'eebfa4d493bebf98ba5feec812c2d3b50947961237a919839a533eca0e7dd7fa', '5d9a8ca3970ef0f269ee7edaf178089d9ae4cdc3a711f712ddfd4fdae1de8999', ], [ '100f44da696e71672791d0a09b7bde459f1215a29b3c03bfefd7835b39a48db0', 'cdd9e13192a00b772ec8f3300c090666b7ff4a18ff5195ac0fbd5cd62bc65a09', ], [ 'e1031be262c7ed1b1dc9227a4a04c017a77f8d4464f3b3852c8acde6e534fd2d', '9d7061928940405e6bb6a4176597535af292dd419e1ced79a44f18f29456a00d', ], [ 'feea6cae46d55b530ac2839f143bd7ec5cf8b266a41d6af52d5e688d9094696d', 'e57c6b6c97dce1bab06e4e12bf3ecd5c981c8957cc41442d3155debf18090088', ], [ 'da67a91d91049cdcb367be4be6ffca3cfeed657d808583de33fa978bc1ec6cb1', '9bacaa35481642bc41f463f7ec9780e5dec7adc508f740a17e9ea8e27a68be1d', ], [ '53904faa0b334cdda6e000935ef22151ec08d0f7bb11069f57545ccc1a37b7c0', '5bc087d0bc80106d88c9eccac20d3c1c13999981e14434699dcb096b022771c8', ], [ '8e7bcd0bd35983a7719cca7764ca906779b53a043a9b8bcaeff959f43ad86047', '10b7770b2a3da4b3940310420ca9514579e88e2e47fd68b3ea10047e8460372a', ], [ '385eed34c1cdff21e6d0818689b81bde71a7f4f18397e6690a841e1599c43862', '283bebc3e8ea23f56701de19e9ebf4576b304eec2086dc8cc0458fe5542e5453', ], [ '6f9d9b803ecf191637c73a4413dfa180fddf84a5947fbc9c606ed86c3fac3a7', '7c80c68e603059ba69b8e2a30e45c4d47ea4dd2f5c281002d86890603a842160', ], [ '3322d401243c4e2582a2147c104d6ecbf774d163db0f5e5313b7e0e742d0e6bd', '56e70797e9664ef5bfb019bc4ddaf9b72805f63ea2873af624f3a2e96c28b2a0', ], [ '85672c7d2de0b7da2bd1770d89665868741b3f9af7643397721d74d28134ab83', '7c481b9b5b43b2eb6374049bfa62c2e5e77f17fcc5298f44c8e3094f790313a6', ], [ '948bf809b1988a46b06c9f1919413b10f9226c60f668832ffd959af60c82a0a', '53a562856dcb6646dc6b74c5d1c3418c6d4dff08c97cd2bed4cb7f88d8c8e589', ], [ '6260ce7f461801c34f067ce0f02873a8f1b0e44dfc69752accecd819f38fd8e8', 'bc2da82b6fa5b571a7f09049776a1ef7ecd292238051c198c1a84e95b2b4ae17', ], [ 'e5037de0afc1d8d43d8348414bbf4103043ec8f575bfdc432953cc8d2037fa2d', '4571534baa94d3b5f9f98d09fb990bddbd5f5b03ec481f10e0e5dc841d755bda', ], [ 'e06372b0f4a207adf5ea905e8f1771b4e7e8dbd1c6a6c5b725866a0ae4fce725', '7a908974bce18cfe12a27bb2ad5a488cd7484a7787104870b27034f94eee31dd', ], [ '213c7a715cd5d45358d0bbf9dc0ce02204b10bdde2a3f58540ad6908d0559754', '4b6dad0b5ae462507013ad06245ba190bb4850f5f36a7eeddff2c27534b458f2', ], [ '4e7c272a7af4b34e8dbb9352a5419a87e2838c70adc62cddf0cc3a3b08fbd53c', '17749c766c9d0b18e16fd09f6def681b530b9614bff7dd33e0b3941817dcaae6', ], [ 'fea74e3dbe778b1b10f238ad61686aa5c76e3db2be43057632427e2840fb27b6', '6e0568db9b0b13297cf674deccb6af93126b596b973f7b77701d3db7f23cb96f', ], [ '76e64113f677cf0e10a2570d599968d31544e179b760432952c02a4417bdde39', 'c90ddf8dee4e95cf577066d70681f0d35e2a33d2b56d2032b4b1752d1901ac01', ], [ 'c738c56b03b2abe1e8281baa743f8f9a8f7cc643df26cbee3ab150242bcbb891', '893fb578951ad2537f718f2eacbfbbbb82314eef7880cfe917e735d9699a84c3', ], [ 'd895626548b65b81e264c7637c972877d1d72e5f3a925014372e9f6588f6c14b', 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'b015f8044f5fcbdcf21ca26d6c34fb8197829205c7b7d2a7cb66418c157b112c', 'ab8c1e086d04e813744a655b2df8d5f83b3cdc6faa3088c1d3aea1454e3a1d5f', ], [ 'd5e9e1da649d97d89e4868117a465a3a4f8a18de57a140d36b3f2af341a21b52', '4cb04437f391ed73111a13cc1d4dd0db1693465c2240480d8955e8592f27447a', ], [ 'd3ae41047dd7ca065dbf8ed77b992439983005cd72e16d6f996a5316d36966bb', 'bd1aeb21ad22ebb22a10f0303417c6d964f8cdd7df0aca614b10dc14d125ac46', ], [ '463e2763d885f958fc66cdd22800f0a487197d0a82e377b49f80af87c897b065', 'bfefacdb0e5d0fd7df3a311a94de062b26b80c61fbc97508b79992671ef7ca7f', ], [ '7985fdfd127c0567c6f53ec1bb63ec3158e597c40bfe747c83cddfc910641917', '603c12daf3d9862ef2b25fe1de289aed24ed291e0ec6708703a5bd567f32ed03', ], [ '74a1ad6b5f76e39db2dd249410eac7f99e74c59cb83d2d0ed5ff1543da7703e9', 'cc6157ef18c9c63cd6193d83631bbea0093e0968942e8c33d5737fd790e0db08', ], [ '30682a50703375f602d416664ba19b7fc9bab42c72747463a71d0896b22f6da3', '553e04f6b018b4fa6c8f39e7f311d3176290d0e0f19ca73f17714d9977a22ff8', ], [ '9e2158f0d7c0d5f26c3791efefa79597654e7a2b2464f52b1ee6c1347769ef57', '712fcdd1b9053f09003a3481fa7762e9ffd7c8ef35a38509e2fbf2629008373', ], [ '176e26989a43c9cfeba4029c202538c28172e566e3c4fce7322857f3be327d66', 'ed8cc9d04b29eb877d270b4878dc43c19aefd31f4eee09ee7b47834c1fa4b1c3', ], [ '75d46efea3771e6e68abb89a13ad747ecf1892393dfc4f1b7004788c50374da8', '9852390a99507679fd0b86fd2b39a868d7efc22151346e1a3ca4726586a6bed8', ], [ '809a20c67d64900ffb698c4c825f6d5f2310fb0451c869345b7319f645605721', '9e994980d9917e22b76b061927fa04143d096ccc54963e6a5ebfa5f3f8e286c1', ], [ '1b38903a43f7f114ed4500b4eac7083fdefece1cf29c63528d563446f972c180', '4036edc931a60ae889353f77fd53de4a2708b26b6f5da72ad3394119daf408f9', ], ], }, }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = r(5), o = r(112), a = r(20), s = r(73), u = r(51), f = a.assert, c = r(248), h = r(249); function d(e) { if (!(this instanceof d)) return new d(e); 'string' == typeof e && (f(s.hasOwnProperty(e), 'Unknown curve ' + e), (e = s[e])), e instanceof s.PresetCurve && (e = { curve: e }), (this.curve = e.curve.curve), (this.n = this.curve.n), (this.nh = this.n.ushrn(1)), (this.g = this.curve.g), (this.g = e.curve.g), this.g.precompute(e.curve.n.bitLength() + 1), (this.hash = e.hash || e.curve.hash); } (e.exports = d), (d.prototype.keyPair = function (e) { return new c(this, e); }), (d.prototype.keyFromPrivate = function (e, t) { return c.fromPrivate(this, e, t); }), (d.prototype.keyFromPublic = function (e, t) { return c.fromPublic(this, e, t); }), (d.prototype.genKeyPair = function (e) { e || (e = {}); for ( var t = new o({ hash: this.hash, pers: e.pers, persEnc: e.persEnc || 'utf8', entropy: e.entropy || u(this.hash.hmacStrength), entropyEnc: (e.entropy && e.entropyEnc) || 'utf8', nonce: this.n.toArray(), }), r = this.n.byteLength(), n = this.n.sub(new i(2)); ; ) { var a = new i(t.generate(r)); if (!(a.cmp(n) > 0)) return a.iaddn(1), this.keyFromPrivate(a); } }), (d.prototype._truncateToN = function (e, t) { var r = 8 * e.byteLength() - this.n.bitLength(); return r > 0 && (e = e.ushrn(r)), !t && e.cmp(this.n) >= 0 ? e.sub(this.n) : e; }), (d.prototype.sign = function (e, t, r, a) { 'object' === (0, n.default)(r) && ((a = r), (r = null)), a || (a = {}), (t = this.keyFromPrivate(t, r)), (e = this._truncateToN(new i(e, 16))); for ( var s = this.n.byteLength(), u = t.getPrivate().toArray('be', s), f = e.toArray('be', s), c = new o({ hash: this.hash, entropy: u, nonce: f, pers: a.pers, persEnc: a.persEnc || 'utf8', }), d = this.n.sub(new i(1)), l = 0; ; l++ ) { var p = a.k ? a.k(l) : new i(c.generate(this.n.byteLength())); if (!((p = this._truncateToN(p, !0)).cmpn(1) <= 0 || p.cmp(d) >= 0)) { var b = this.g.mul(p); if (!b.isInfinity()) { var m = b.getX(), y = m.umod(this.n); if (0 !== y.cmpn(0)) { var v = p.invm(this.n).mul(y.mul(t.getPrivate()).iadd(e)); if (0 !== (v = v.umod(this.n)).cmpn(0)) { var g = (b.getY().isOdd() ? 1 : 0) | (0 !== m.cmp(y) ? 2 : 0); return ( a.canonical && v.cmp(this.nh) > 0 && ((v = this.n.sub(v)), (g ^= 1)), new h({ r: y, s: v, recoveryParam: g }) ); } } } } } }), (d.prototype.verify = function (e, t, r, n) { (e = this._truncateToN(new i(e, 16))), (r = this.keyFromPublic(r, n)); var o = (t = new h(t, 'hex')).r, a = t.s; if (o.cmpn(1) < 0 || o.cmp(this.n) >= 0) return !1; if (a.cmpn(1) < 0 || a.cmp(this.n) >= 0) return !1; var s, u = a.invm(this.n), f = u.mul(e).umod(this.n), c = u.mul(o).umod(this.n); return this.curve._maxwellTrick ? !(s = this.g.jmulAdd(f, r.getPublic(), c)).isInfinity() && s.eqXToP(o) : !(s = this.g.mulAdd(f, r.getPublic(), c)).isInfinity() && 0 === s.getX().umod(this.n).cmp(o); }), (d.prototype.recoverPubKey = function (e, t, r, n) { f((3 & r) === r, 'The recovery param is more than two bits'), (t = new h(t, n)); var o = this.n, a = new i(e), s = t.r, u = t.s, c = 1 & r, d = r >> 1; if (s.cmp(this.curve.p.umod(this.curve.n)) >= 0 && d) throw new Error('Unable to find sencond key candinate'); s = d ? this.curve.pointFromX(s.add(this.curve.n), c) : this.curve.pointFromX(s, c); var l = t.r.invm(o), p = o.sub(a).mul(l).umod(o), b = u.mul(l).umod(o); return this.g.mulAdd(p, s, b); }), (d.prototype.getKeyRecoveryParam = function (e, t, r, n) { if (null !== (t = new h(t, n)).recoveryParam) return t.recoveryParam; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var o; try { o = this.recoverPubKey(e, t, i); } catch (e) { continue; } if (o.eq(r)) return i; } throw new Error('Unable to find valid recovery factor'); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(5), i = r(20).assert; function o(e, t) { (this.ec = e), (this.priv = null), (this.pub = null), t.priv && this._importPrivate(t.priv, t.privEnc), t.pub && this._importPublic(t.pub, t.pubEnc); } (e.exports = o), (o.fromPublic = function (e, t, r) { return t instanceof o ? t : new o(e, { pub: t, pubEnc: r }); }), (o.fromPrivate = function (e, t, r) { return t instanceof o ? t : new o(e, { priv: t, privEnc: r }); }), (o.prototype.validate = function () { var e = this.getPublic(); return e.isInfinity() ? { result: !1, reason: 'Invalid public key' } : e.validate() ? e.mul(this.ec.curve.n).isInfinity() ? { result: !0, reason: null } : { result: !1, reason: 'Public key * N != O' } : { result: !1, reason: 'Public key is not a point' }; }), (o.prototype.getPublic = function (e, t) { return ( 'string' == typeof e && ((t = e), (e = null)), this.pub || (this.pub = this.ec.g.mul(this.priv)), t ? this.pub.encode(t, e) : this.pub ); }), (o.prototype.getPrivate = function (e) { return 'hex' === e ? this.priv.toString(16, 2) : this.priv; }), (o.prototype._importPrivate = function (e, t) { (this.priv = new n(e, t || 16)), (this.priv = this.priv.umod(this.ec.curve.n)); }), (o.prototype._importPublic = function (e, t) { if (e.x || e.y) return ( 'mont' === this.ec.curve.type ? i(e.x, 'Need x coordinate') : ('short' !== this.ec.curve.type && 'edwards' !== this.ec.curve.type) || i(e.x && e.y, 'Need both x and y coordinate'), void (this.pub = this.ec.curve.point(e.x, e.y)) ); this.pub = this.ec.curve.decodePoint(e, t); }), (o.prototype.derive = function (e) { return e.mul(this.priv).getX(); }), (o.prototype.sign = function (e, t, r) { return this.ec.sign(e, this, t, r); }), (o.prototype.verify = function (e, t) { return this.ec.verify(e, t, this); }), (o.prototype.inspect = function () { return ( '' ); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(5), i = r(20), o = i.assert; function a(e, t) { if (e instanceof a) return e; this._importDER(e, t) || (o(e.r && e.s, 'Signature without r or s'), (this.r = new n(e.r, 16)), (this.s = new n(e.s, 16)), void 0 === e.recoveryParam ? (this.recoveryParam = null) : (this.recoveryParam = e.recoveryParam)); } function s() { this.place = 0; } function u(e, t) { var r = e[t.place++]; if (!(128 & r)) return r; var n = 15 & r; if (0 === n || n > 4) return !1; for (var i = 0, o = 0, a = t.place; o < n; o++, a++) (i <<= 8), (i |= e[a]), (i >>>= 0); return !(i <= 127) && ((t.place = a), i); } function f(e) { for (var t = 0, r = e.length - 1; !e[t] && !(128 & e[t + 1]) && t < r; ) t++; return 0 === t ? e : e.slice(t); } function c(e, t) { if (t < 128) e.push(t); else { var r = 1 + ((Math.log(t) / Math.LN2) >>> 3); for (e.push(128 | r); --r; ) e.push((t >>> (r << 3)) & 255); e.push(t); } } (e.exports = a), (a.prototype._importDER = function (e, t) { e = i.toArray(e, t); var r = new s(); if (48 !== e[r.place++]) return !1; var o = u(e, r); if (!1 === o) return !1; if (o + r.place !== e.length) return !1; if (2 !== e[r.place++]) return !1; var a = u(e, r); if (!1 === a) return !1; var f = e.slice(r.place, a + r.place); if (((r.place += a), 2 !== e[r.place++])) return !1; var c = u(e, r); if (!1 === c) return !1; if (e.length !== c + r.place) return !1; var h = e.slice(r.place, c + r.place); if (0 === f[0]) { if (!(128 & f[1])) return !1; f = f.slice(1); } if (0 === h[0]) { if (!(128 & h[1])) return !1; h = h.slice(1); } return (this.r = new n(f)), (this.s = new n(h)), (this.recoveryParam = null), !0; }), (a.prototype.toDER = function (e) { var t = this.r.toArray(), r = this.s.toArray(); for ( 128 & t[0] && (t = [0].concat(t)), 128 & r[0] && (r = [0].concat(r)), t = f(t), r = f(r); !(r[0] || 128 & r[1]); ) r = r.slice(1); var n = [2]; c(n, t.length), (n = n.concat(t)).push(2), c(n, r.length); var o = n.concat(r), a = [48]; return c(a, o.length), (a = a.concat(o)), i.encode(a, e); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(36), i = r(73), o = r(20), a = o.assert, s = o.parseBytes, u = r(251), f = r(252); function c(e) { if ((a('ed25519' === e, 'only tested with ed25519 so far'), !(this instanceof c))) return new c(e); e = i[e].curve; (this.curve = e), (this.g = e.g), this.g.precompute(e.n.bitLength() + 1), (this.pointClass = e.point().constructor), (this.encodingLength = Math.ceil(e.n.bitLength() / 8)), (this.hash = n.sha512); } (e.exports = c), (c.prototype.sign = function (e, t) { e = s(e); var r = this.keyFromSecret(t), n = this.hashInt(r.messagePrefix(), e), i = this.g.mul(n), o = this.encodePoint(i), a = this.hashInt(o, r.pubBytes(), e).mul(r.priv()), u = n.add(a).umod(this.curve.n); return this.makeSignature({ R: i, S: u, Rencoded: o }); }), (c.prototype.verify = function (e, t, r) { (e = s(e)), (t = this.makeSignature(t)); var n = this.keyFromPublic(r), i = this.hashInt(t.Rencoded(), n.pubBytes(), e), o = this.g.mul(t.S()); return t.R().add(n.pub().mul(i)).eq(o); }), (c.prototype.hashInt = function () { for (var e = this.hash(), t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e.update(arguments[t]); return o.intFromLE(e.digest()).umod(this.curve.n); }), (c.prototype.keyFromPublic = function (e) { return u.fromPublic(this, e); }), (c.prototype.keyFromSecret = function (e) { return u.fromSecret(this, e); }), (c.prototype.makeSignature = function (e) { return e instanceof f ? e : new f(this, e); }), (c.prototype.encodePoint = function (e) { var t = e.getY().toArray('le', this.encodingLength); return (t[this.encodingLength - 1] |= e.getX().isOdd() ? 128 : 0), t; }), (c.prototype.decodePoint = function (e) { var t = (e = o.parseBytes(e)).length - 1, r = e.slice(0, t).concat(-129 & e[t]), n = 0 != (128 & e[t]), i = o.intFromLE(r); return this.curve.pointFromY(i, n); }), (c.prototype.encodeInt = function (e) { return e.toArray('le', this.encodingLength); }), (c.prototype.decodeInt = function (e) { return o.intFromLE(e); }), (c.prototype.isPoint = function (e) { return e instanceof this.pointClass; }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(20), i = n.assert, o = n.parseBytes, a = n.cachedProperty; function s(e, t) { (this.eddsa = e), (this._secret = o(t.secret)), e.isPoint(t.pub) ? (this._pub = t.pub) : (this._pubBytes = o(t.pub)); } (s.fromPublic = function (e, t) { return t instanceof s ? t : new s(e, { pub: t }); }), (s.fromSecret = function (e, t) { return t instanceof s ? t : new s(e, { secret: t }); }), (s.prototype.secret = function () { return this._secret; }), a(s, 'pubBytes', function () { return this.eddsa.encodePoint(this.pub()); }), a(s, 'pub', function () { return this._pubBytes ? this.eddsa.decodePoint(this._pubBytes) : this.eddsa.g.mul(this.priv()); }), a(s, 'privBytes', function () { var e = this.eddsa, t = this.hash(), r = e.encodingLength - 1, n = t.slice(0, e.encodingLength); return (n[0] &= 248), (n[r] &= 127), (n[r] |= 64), n; }), a(s, 'priv', function () { return this.eddsa.decodeInt(this.privBytes()); }), a(s, 'hash', function () { return this.eddsa.hash().update(this.secret()).digest(); }), a(s, 'messagePrefix', function () { return this.hash().slice(this.eddsa.encodingLength); }), (s.prototype.sign = function (e) { return i(this._secret, 'KeyPair can only verify'), this.eddsa.sign(e, this); }), (s.prototype.verify = function (e, t) { return this.eddsa.verify(e, t, this); }), (s.prototype.getSecret = function (e) { return i(this._secret, 'KeyPair is public only'), n.encode(this.secret(), e); }), (s.prototype.getPublic = function (e) { return n.encode(this.pubBytes(), e); }), (e.exports = s); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = r(5), o = r(20), a = o.assert, s = o.cachedProperty, u = o.parseBytes; function f(e, t) { (this.eddsa = e), 'object' !== (0, n.default)(t) && (t = u(t)), Array.isArray(t) && (t = { R: t.slice(0, e.encodingLength), S: t.slice(e.encodingLength) }), a(t.R && t.S, 'Signature without R or S'), e.isPoint(t.R) && (this._R = t.R), t.S instanceof i && (this._S = t.S), (this._Rencoded = Array.isArray(t.R) ? t.R : t.Rencoded), (this._Sencoded = Array.isArray(t.S) ? t.S : t.Sencoded); } s(f, 'S', function () { return this.eddsa.decodeInt(this.Sencoded()); }), s(f, 'R', function () { return this.eddsa.decodePoint(this.Rencoded()); }), s(f, 'Rencoded', function () { return this.eddsa.encodePoint(this.R()); }), s(f, 'Sencoded', function () { return this.eddsa.encodeInt(this.S()); }), (f.prototype.toBytes = function () { return this.Rencoded().concat(this.Sencoded()); }), (f.prototype.toHex = function () { return o.encode(this.toBytes(), 'hex').toUpperCase(); }), (e.exports = f); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.version = void 0); t.version = 'signing-key/5.0.3'; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.version = void 0); t.version = 'transactions/5.0.2'; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(10), i = r(25), o = r(9), a = r(49).subscriptions, s = r(28), u = r(16), f = r(53), c = r(256), h = r(131), d = r(114), l = r(93), p = r(318), b = r(115), m = r(429), y = o.formatters, v = function (e) { return n.isString(e[0]) && 0 === e[0].indexOf('0x') ? 'eth_getBlockByHash' : 'eth_getBlockByNumber'; }, g = function (e) { return n.isString(e[0]) && 0 === e[0].indexOf('0x') ? 'eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex' : 'eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex'; }, w = function (e) { return n.isString(e[0]) && 0 === e[0].indexOf('0x') ? 'eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex' : 'eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex'; }, _ = function (e) { return n.isString(e[0]) && 0 === e[0].indexOf('0x') ? 'eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash' : 'eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber'; }, k = function (e) { return n.isString(e[0]) && 0 === e[0].indexOf('0x') ? 'eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash' : 'eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber'; }, A = function () { var e = this; i.packageInit(this, arguments); var t = this.setRequestManager; this.setRequestManager = function (r) { return ( t(r), e.net.setRequestManager(r), e.personal.setRequestManager(r), e.accounts.setRequestManager(r), (e.Contract._requestManager = e._requestManager), (e.Contract.currentProvider = e._provider), !0 ); }; var r = this.setProvider; this.setProvider = function () { r.apply(e, arguments), e.setRequestManager(e._requestManager), (e.ens._detectedAddress = null), (e.ens._lastSyncCheck = null); }; var o, A, S, E = !1, x = null, M = 'latest', I = 50, O = 24, C = 750, P = 100; Object.defineProperty(this, 'handleRevert', { get: function () { return E; }, set: function (t) { (E = t), (e.Contract.handleRevert = E), B.forEach(function (e) { e.handleRevert = E; }); }, enumerable: !0, }), Object.defineProperty(this, 'defaultCommon', { get: function () { return S; }, set: function (t) { (S = t), (e.Contract.defaultCommon = S), B.forEach(function (e) { e.defaultCommon = S; }); }, enumerable: !0, }), Object.defineProperty(this, 'defaultHardfork', { get: function () { return A; }, set: function (t) { (A = t), (e.Contract.defaultHardfork = A), B.forEach(function (e) { e.defaultHardfork = A; }); }, enumerable: !0, }), Object.defineProperty(this, 'defaultChain', { get: function () { return o; }, set: function (t) { (o = t), (e.Contract.defaultChain = o), B.forEach(function (e) { e.defaultChain = o; }); }, enumerable: !0, }), Object.defineProperty(this, 'transactionPollingTimeout', { get: function () { return C; }, set: function (t) { (C = t), (e.Contract.transactionPollingTimeout = C), B.forEach(function (e) { e.transactionPollingTimeout = C; }); }, enumerable: !0, }), Object.defineProperty(this, 'transactionConfirmationBlocks', { get: function () { return O; }, set: function (t) { (O = t), (e.Contract.transactionConfirmationBlocks = O), B.forEach(function (e) { e.transactionConfirmationBlocks = O; }); }, enumerable: !0, }), Object.defineProperty(this, 'transactionBlockTimeout', { get: function () { return I; }, set: function (t) { (I = t), (e.Contract.transactionBlockTimeout = I), B.forEach(function (e) { e.transactionBlockTimeout = I; }); }, enumerable: !0, }), Object.defineProperty(this, 'defaultAccount', { get: function () { return x; }, set: function (t) { return ( t && (x = u.toChecksumAddress(y.inputAddressFormatter(t))), (e.Contract.defaultAccount = x), (e.personal.defaultAccount = x), B.forEach(function (e) { e.defaultAccount = x; }), t ); }, enumerable: !0, }), Object.defineProperty(this, 'defaultBlock', { get: function () { return M; }, set: function (t) { return ( (M = t), (e.Contract.defaultBlock = M), (e.personal.defaultBlock = M), B.forEach(function (e) { e.defaultBlock = M; }), t ); }, enumerable: !0, }), Object.defineProperty(this, 'maxListenersWarningThreshold', { get: function () { return P; }, set: function (t) { e.currentProvider && e.currentProvider.setMaxListeners && ((P = t), e.currentProvider.setMaxListeners(t)); }, enumerable: !0, }), (this.clearSubscriptions = e._requestManager.clearSubscriptions.bind( e._requestManager )), (this.net = new f(this)), (this.net.getNetworkType = m.bind(this)), (this.accounts = new p(this)), (this.personal = new h(this)), (this.personal.defaultAccount = this.defaultAccount), (this.maxListenersWarningThreshold = P); var T = this, U = function () { d.apply(this, arguments); var e = this, t = T.setProvider; T.setProvider = function () { t.apply(T, arguments), i.packageInit(e, [T]); }; }; (U.setProvider = function () { d.setProvider.apply(this, arguments); }), (U.prototype = Object.create(d.prototype)), (U.prototype.constructor = U), (this.Contract = U), (this.Contract.defaultAccount = this.defaultAccount), (this.Contract.defaultBlock = this.defaultBlock), (this.Contract.transactionBlockTimeout = this.transactionBlockTimeout), (this.Contract.transactionConfirmationBlocks = this.transactionConfirmationBlocks), (this.Contract.transactionPollingTimeout = this.transactionPollingTimeout), (this.Contract.handleRevert = this.handleRevert), (this.Contract._requestManager = this._requestManager), (this.Contract._ethAccounts = this.accounts), (this.Contract.currentProvider = this._requestManager.provider), (this.Iban = l), (this.abi = b), (this.ens = new c(this)); var B = [ new s({ name: 'getNodeInfo', call: 'web3_clientVersion' }), new s({ name: 'getProtocolVersion', call: 'eth_protocolVersion', params: 0 }), new s({ name: 'getCoinbase', call: 'eth_coinbase', params: 0 }), new s({ name: 'isMining', call: 'eth_mining', params: 0 }), new s({ name: 'getHashrate', call: 'eth_hashrate', params: 0, outputFormatter: u.hexToNumber, }), new s({ name: 'isSyncing', call: 'eth_syncing', params: 0, outputFormatter: y.outputSyncingFormatter, }), new s({ name: 'getGasPrice', call: 'eth_gasPrice', params: 0, outputFormatter: y.outputBigNumberFormatter, }), new s({ name: 'getAccounts', call: 'eth_accounts', params: 0, outputFormatter: u.toChecksumAddress, }), new s({ name: 'getBlockNumber', call: 'eth_blockNumber', params: 0, outputFormatter: u.hexToNumber, }), new s({ name: 'getBalance', call: 'eth_getBalance', params: 2, inputFormatter: [y.inputAddressFormatter, y.inputDefaultBlockNumberFormatter], outputFormatter: y.outputBigNumberFormatter, }), new s({ name: 'getStorageAt', call: 'eth_getStorageAt', params: 3, inputFormatter: [ y.inputAddressFormatter, u.numberToHex, y.inputDefaultBlockNumberFormatter, ], }), new s({ name: 'getCode', call: 'eth_getCode', params: 2, inputFormatter: [y.inputAddressFormatter, y.inputDefaultBlockNumberFormatter], }), new s({ name: 'getBlock', call: v, params: 2, inputFormatter: [ y.inputBlockNumberFormatter, function (e) { return !!e; }, ], outputFormatter: y.outputBlockFormatter, }), new s({ name: 'getUncle', call: w, params: 2, inputFormatter: [y.inputBlockNumberFormatter, u.numberToHex], outputFormatter: y.outputBlockFormatter, }), new s({ name: 'getBlockTransactionCount', call: _, params: 1, inputFormatter: [y.inputBlockNumberFormatter], outputFormatter: u.hexToNumber, }), new s({ name: 'getBlockUncleCount', call: k, params: 1, inputFormatter: [y.inputBlockNumberFormatter], outputFormatter: u.hexToNumber, }), new s({ name: 'getTransaction', call: 'eth_getTransactionByHash', params: 1, inputFormatter: [null], outputFormatter: y.outputTransactionFormatter, }), new s({ name: 'getTransactionFromBlock', call: g, params: 2, inputFormatter: [y.inputBlockNumberFormatter, u.numberToHex], outputFormatter: y.outputTransactionFormatter, }), new s({ name: 'getTransactionReceipt', call: 'eth_getTransactionReceipt', params: 1, inputFormatter: [null], outputFormatter: y.outputTransactionReceiptFormatter, }), new s({ name: 'getTransactionCount', call: 'eth_getTransactionCount', params: 2, inputFormatter: [y.inputAddressFormatter, y.inputDefaultBlockNumberFormatter], outputFormatter: u.hexToNumber, }), new s({ name: 'sendSignedTransaction', call: 'eth_sendRawTransaction', params: 1, inputFormatter: [null], abiCoder: b, }), new s({ name: 'signTransaction', call: 'eth_signTransaction', params: 1, inputFormatter: [y.inputTransactionFormatter], }), new s({ name: 'sendTransaction', call: 'eth_sendTransaction', params: 1, inputFormatter: [y.inputTransactionFormatter], abiCoder: b, }), new s({ name: 'sign', call: 'eth_sign', params: 2, inputFormatter: [y.inputSignFormatter, y.inputAddressFormatter], transformPayload: function (e) { return e.params.reverse(), e; }, }), new s({ name: 'call', call: 'eth_call', params: 2, inputFormatter: [y.inputCallFormatter, y.inputDefaultBlockNumberFormatter], abiCoder: b, }), new s({ name: 'estimateGas', call: 'eth_estimateGas', params: 1, inputFormatter: [y.inputCallFormatter], outputFormatter: u.hexToNumber, }), new s({ name: 'submitWork', call: 'eth_submitWork', params: 3 }), new s({ name: 'getWork', call: 'eth_getWork', params: 0 }), new s({ name: 'getPastLogs', call: 'eth_getLogs', params: 1, inputFormatter: [y.inputLogFormatter], outputFormatter: y.outputLogFormatter, }), new s({ name: 'getChainId', call: 'eth_chainId', params: 0, outputFormatter: u.hexToNumber, }), new s({ name: 'requestAccounts', call: 'eth_requestAccounts', params: 0, outputFormatter: u.toChecksumAddress, }), new s({ name: 'getProof', call: 'eth_getProof', params: 3, inputFormatter: [ y.inputAddressFormatter, y.inputStorageKeysFormatter, y.inputDefaultBlockNumberFormatter, ], outputFormatter: y.outputProofFormatter, }), new s({ name: 'getPendingTransactions', call: 'eth_pendingTransactions', params: 0, outputFormatter: y.outputTransactionFormatter, }), new a({ name: 'subscribe', type: 'eth', subscriptions: { newBlockHeaders: { subscriptionName: 'newHeads', params: 0, outputFormatter: y.outputBlockFormatter, }, pendingTransactions: { subscriptionName: 'newPendingTransactions', params: 0 }, logs: { params: 1, inputFormatter: [y.inputLogFormatter], outputFormatter: y.outputLogFormatter, subscriptionHandler: function (e) { e.removed ? this.emit('changed', e) : this.emit('data', e), n.isFunction(this.callback) && this.callback(null, e, this); }, }, syncing: { params: 0, outputFormatter: y.outputSyncingFormatter, subscriptionHandler: function (e) { var t = this; !0 !== this._isSyncing ? ((this._isSyncing = !0), this.emit('changed', t._isSyncing), n.isFunction(this.callback) && this.callback(null, t._isSyncing, this), setTimeout(function () { t.emit('data', e), n.isFunction(t.callback) && t.callback(null, e, t); }, 0)) : (this.emit('data', e), n.isFunction(t.callback) && this.callback(null, e, this), clearTimeout(this._isSyncingTimeout), (this._isSyncingTimeout = setTimeout(function () { e.currentBlock > e.highestBlock - 200 && ((t._isSyncing = !1), t.emit('changed', t._isSyncing), n.isFunction(t.callback) && t.callback(null, t._isSyncing, t)); }, 500))); }, }, }, }), ]; B.forEach(function (t) { t.attachToObject(e), t.setRequestManager(e._requestManager, e.accounts), (t.defaultBlock = e.defaultBlock), (t.defaultAccount = e.defaultAccount), (t.transactionBlockTimeout = e.transactionBlockTimeout), (t.transactionConfirmationBlocks = e.transactionConfirmationBlocks), (t.transactionPollingTimeout = e.transactionPollingTimeout), (t.handleRevert = e.handleRevert); }); }; i.addProviders(A), (e.exports = A); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(257); e.exports = n; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0), i = n(r(47)), o = n(r(69)), a = r(10), s = r(113), u = r(9).formatters, f = r(16), c = r(258), h = r(279), d = r(280); function l(e) { this.eth = e; var t = null; (this._detectedAddress = null), (this._lastSyncCheck = null), Object.defineProperty(this, 'registry', { get: function () { return new c(this); }, enumerable: !0, }), Object.defineProperty(this, 'resolverMethodHandler', { get: function () { return new h(this.registry); }, enumerable: !0, }), Object.defineProperty(this, 'registryAddress', { get: function () { return t; }, set: function (e) { t = null !== e ? u.inputAddressFormatter(e) : e; }, enumerable: !0, }); } (l.prototype.supportsInterface = function (e, t, r) { return this.getResolver(e) .then(function (e) { return ( f.isHexStrict(t) || (t = f.sha3(t).slice(0, 10)), e.methods.supportsInterface(t).call(r) ); }) .catch(function (e) { if (!a.isFunction(r)) throw e; r(e, null); }); }), (l.prototype.resolver = function (e, t) { return this.registry.resolver(e, t); }), (l.prototype.getResolver = function (e, t) { return this.registry.getResolver(e, t); }), (l.prototype.setResolver = function (e, t, r, n) { return this.registry.setResolver(e, t, r, n); }), (l.prototype.setRecord = function (e, t, r, n, i, o) { return this.registry.setRecord(e, t, r, n, i, o); }), (l.prototype.setSubnodeRecord = function (e, t, r, n, i, o, a) { return this.registry.setSubnodeRecord(e, t, r, n, i, o, a); }), (l.prototype.setApprovalForAll = function (e, t, r, n) { return this.registry.setApprovalForAll(e, t, r, n); }), (l.prototype.isApprovedForAll = function (e, t, r) { return this.registry.isApprovedForAll(e, t, r); }), (l.prototype.recordExists = function (e, t) { return this.registry.recordExists(e, t); }), (l.prototype.setSubnodeOwner = function (e, t, r, n, i) { return this.registry.setSubnodeOwner(e, t, r, n, i); }), (l.prototype.getTTL = function (e, t) { return this.registry.getTTL(e, t); }), (l.prototype.setTTL = function (e, t, r, n) { return this.registry.setTTL(e, t, r, n); }), (l.prototype.getOwner = function (e, t) { return this.registry.getOwner(e, t); }), (l.prototype.setOwner = function (e, t, r, n) { return this.registry.setOwner(e, t, r, n); }), (l.prototype.getAddress = function (e, t) { return this.resolverMethodHandler.method(e, 'addr', []).call(t); }), (l.prototype.setAddress = function (e, t, r, n) { return this.resolverMethodHandler.method(e, 'setAddr', [t]).send(r, n); }), (l.prototype.getPubkey = function (e, t) { return this.resolverMethodHandler.method(e, 'pubkey', [], null, t).call(t); }), (l.prototype.setPubkey = function (e, t, r, n, i) { return this.resolverMethodHandler.method(e, 'setPubkey', [t, r]).send(n, i); }), (l.prototype.getContent = function (e, t) { return this.resolverMethodHandler.method(e, 'content', []).call(t); }), (l.prototype.setContent = function (e, t, r, n) { return this.resolverMethodHandler.method(e, 'setContent', [t]).send(r, n); }), (l.prototype.getContenthash = function (e, t) { return this.resolverMethodHandler.method(e, 'contenthash', [], d.decode).call(t); }), (l.prototype.setContenthash = function (e, t, r, n) { var i; try { i = d.encode(t); } catch (e) { var o = new Error('Could not encode ' + t + '. See docs for supported hash protocols.'); if (a.isFunction(n)) return void n(o, null); throw o; } return this.resolverMethodHandler.method(e, 'setContenthash', [i]).send(r, n); }), (l.prototype.getMultihash = function (e, t) { return this.resolverMethodHandler.method(e, 'multihash', []).call(t); }), (l.prototype.setMultihash = function (e, t, r, n) { return this.resolverMethodHandler.method(e, 'multihash', [t]).send(r, n); }), (l.prototype.checkNetwork = (0, o.default)( i.default.mark(function e() { var t, r, n, o, a; return i.default.wrap( function (e) { for (;;) switch ((e.prev = e.next)) { case 0: if ( ((t = new Date() / 1e3), this._lastSyncCheck && !(t - this._lastSyncCheck > 3600)) ) { e.next = 9; break; } return (e.next = 4), this.eth.getBlock('latest'); case 4: if (((r = e.sent), !((n = t - r.timestamp) > 3600))) { e.next = 8; break; } throw new Error('Network not synced; last block was ' + n + ' seconds ago'); case 8: this._lastSyncCheck = t; case 9: if (!this.registryAddress) { e.next = 11; break; } return e.abrupt('return', this.registryAddress); case 11: if (this._detectedAddress) { e.next = 20; break; } return (e.next = 14), this.eth.net.getNetworkType(); case 14: if (((o = e.sent), void 0 !== (a = s.addresses[o]))) { e.next = 18; break; } throw new Error('ENS is not supported on network ' + o); case 18: return (this._detectedAddress = a), e.abrupt('return', this._detectedAddress); case 20: return e.abrupt('return', this._detectedAddress); case 21: case 'end': return e.stop(); } }, e, this ); }) )), (e.exports = l); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(10), i = r(114), o = r(124), a = r(48), s = r(9).formatters, u = r(16), f = r(277), c = r(278); function h(e) { var t = this; (this.ens = e), (this.contract = e.checkNetwork().then(function (e) { var r = new i(f, e); return r.setProvider(t.ens.eth.currentProvider), r; })); } (h.prototype.owner = function (e, t) { return ( console.warn('Deprecated: Please use the "getOwner" method instead of "owner".'), this.getOwner(e, t) ); }), (h.prototype.getOwner = function (e, t) { var r = new a(!0); return ( this.contract .then(function (t) { return t.methods.owner(o.hash(e)).call(); }) .then(function (e) { n.isFunction(t) ? t(e, e) : r.resolve(e); }) .catch(function (e) { n.isFunction(t) ? t(e, null) : r.reject(e); }), r.eventEmitter ); }), (h.prototype.setOwner = function (e, t, r, i) { var u = new a(!0); return ( this.contract .then(function (n) { return n.methods.setOwner(o.hash(e), s.inputAddressFormatter(t)).send(r); }) .then(function (e) { n.isFunction(i) ? i(e, e) : u.resolve(e); }) .catch(function (e) { n.isFunction(i) ? i(e, null) : u.reject(e); }), u.eventEmitter ); }), (h.prototype.getTTL = function (e, t) { var r = new a(!0); return ( this.contract .then(function (t) { return t.methods.ttl(o.hash(e)).call(); }) .then(function (e) { n.isFunction(t) ? t(e, e) : r.resolve(e); }) .catch(function (e) { n.isFunction(t) ? t(e, null) : r.reject(e); }), r.eventEmitter ); }), (h.prototype.setTTL = function (e, t, r, i) { var s = new a(!0); return ( this.contract .then(function (n) { return n.methods.setTTL(o.hash(e), t).send(r); }) .then(function (e) { n.isFunction(i) ? i(e, e) : s.resolve(e); }) .catch(function (e) { n.isFunction(i) ? i(e, null) : s.reject(e); }), s.eventEmitter ); }), (h.prototype.setSubnodeOwner = function (e, t, r, i, f) { var c = new a(!0); return ( u.isHexStrict(t) || (t = u.sha3(t)), this.contract .then(function (n) { return n.methods.setSubnodeOwner(o.hash(e), t, s.inputAddressFormatter(r)).send(i); }) .then(function (e) { n.isFunction(f) ? f(e, e) : c.resolve(e); }) .catch(function (e) { n.isFunction(f) ? f(e, null) : c.reject(e); }), c.eventEmitter ); }), (h.prototype.setRecord = function (e, t, r, i, u, f) { var c = new a(!0); return ( this.contract .then(function (n) { return n.methods .setRecord(o.hash(e), s.inputAddressFormatter(t), s.inputAddressFormatter(r), i) .send(u); }) .then(function (e) { n.isFunction(f) ? f(e, e) : c.resolve(e); }) .catch(function (e) { n.isFunction(f) ? f(e, null) : c.reject(e); }), c.eventEmitter ); }), (h.prototype.setSubnodeRecord = function (e, t, r, i, f, c, h) { var d = new a(!0); return ( u.isHexStrict(t) || (t = u.sha3(t)), this.contract .then(function (n) { return n.methods .setSubnodeRecord( o.hash(e), t, s.inputAddressFormatter(r), s.inputAddressFormatter(i), f ) .send(c); }) .then(function (e) { n.isFunction(h) ? h(e, e) : d.resolve(e); }) .catch(function (e) { n.isFunction(h) ? h(e, null) : d.reject(e); }), d.eventEmitter ); }), (h.prototype.setApprovalForAll = function (e, t, r, i) { var o = new a(!0); return ( this.contract .then(function (n) { return n.methods.setApprovalForAll(s.inputAddressFormatter(e), t).send(r); }) .then(function (e) { n.isFunction(i) ? i(e, e) : o.resolve(e); }) .catch(function (e) { n.isFunction(i) ? i(e, null) : o.reject(e); }), o.eventEmitter ); }), (h.prototype.isApprovedForAll = function (e, t, r) { var i = new a(!0); return ( this.contract .then(function (r) { return r.methods .isApprovedForAll(s.inputAddressFormatter(e), s.inputAddressFormatter(t)) .call(); }) .then(function (e) { n.isFunction(r) ? r(e, e) : i.resolve(e); }) .catch(function (e) { n.isFunction(r) ? r(e, null) : i.reject(e); }), i.eventEmitter ); }), (h.prototype.recordExists = function (e, t) { var r = new a(!0); return ( this.contract .then(function (t) { return t.methods.recordExists(o.hash(e)).call(); }) .then(function (e) { n.isFunction(t) ? t(e, e) : r.resolve(e); }) .catch(function (e) { n.isFunction(t) ? t(e, null) : r.reject(e); }), r.eventEmitter ); }), (h.prototype.resolver = function (e, t) { return ( console.warn('Deprecated: Please use the "getResolver" method instead of "resolver".'), this.getResolver(e, t) ); }), (h.prototype.getResolver = function (e, t) { var r = this; return this.contract .then(function (t) { return t.methods.resolver(o.hash(e)).call(); }) .then(function (e) { var o = new i(c, e); if ((o.setProvider(r.ens.eth.currentProvider), !n.isFunction(t))) return o; t(o, o); }) .catch(function (e) { if (!n.isFunction(t)) throw e; t(e, null); }); }), (h.prototype.setResolver = function (e, t, r, i) { var u = new a(!0); return ( this.contract .then(function (n) { return n.methods.setResolver(o.hash(e), s.inputAddressFormatter(t)).send(r); }) .then(function (e) { n.isFunction(i) ? i(e, e) : u.resolve(e); }) .catch(function (e) { n.isFunction(i) ? i(e, null) : u.reject(e); }), u.eventEmitter ); }), (e.exports = h); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0); Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.AddressCoder = void 0); var i = n(r(6)), o = n(r(7)), a = n(r(18)), s = n(r(19)), u = n(r(15)), f = r(70), c = r(12); function h(e) { var t = (function () { if ('undefined' == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ('function' == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return Date.prototype.toString.call(Reflect.construct(Date, [], function () {})), !0; } catch (e) { return !1; } })(); return function () { var r, n = (0, u.default)(e); if (t) { var i = (0, u.default)(this).constructor; r = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, i); } else r = n.apply(this, arguments); return (0, s.default)(this, r); }; } var d = (function (e) { (0, a.default)(r, e); var t = h(r); function r(e) { return (0, i.default)(this, r), t.call(this, 'address', 'address', e, !1); } return ( (0, o.default)(r, [ { key: 'encode', value: function (e, t) { try { (0, f.getAddress)(t); } catch (e) { this._throwError(e.message, t); } return e.writeValue(t); }, }, { key: 'decode', value: function (e) { return (0, f.getAddress)((0, c.hexZeroPad)(e.readValue().toHexString(), 20)); }, }, ]), r ); })(r(21).Coder); t.AddressCoder = d; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0); Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.AnonymousCoder = void 0); var i = n(r(6)), o = n(r(7)), a = n(r(18)), s = n(r(19)), u = n(r(15)); function f(e) { var t = (function () { if ('undefined' == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ('function' == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return Date.prototype.toString.call(Reflect.construct(Date, [], function () {})), !0; } catch (e) { return !1; } })(); return function () { var r, n = (0, u.default)(e); if (t) { var i = (0, u.default)(this).constructor; r = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, i); } else r = n.apply(this, arguments); return (0, s.default)(this, r); }; } var c = (function (e) { (0, a.default)(r, e); var t = f(r); function r(e) { var n; return ( (0, i.default)(this, r), ((n = t.call(this, e.name, e.type, void 0, e.dynamic)).coder = e), n ); } return ( (0, o.default)(r, [ { key: 'encode', value: function (e, t) { return this.coder.encode(e, t); }, }, { key: 'decode', value: function (e) { return this.coder.decode(e); }, }, ]), r ); })(r(21).Coder); t.AnonymousCoder = c; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0); Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.BooleanCoder = void 0); var i = n(r(6)), o = n(r(7)), a = n(r(18)), s = n(r(19)), u = n(r(15)); function f(e) { var t = (function () { if ('undefined' == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ('function' == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return Date.prototype.toString.call(Reflect.construct(Date, [], function () {})), !0; } catch (e) { return !1; } })(); return function () { var r, n = (0, u.default)(e); if (t) { var i = (0, u.default)(this).constructor; r = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, i); } else r = n.apply(this, arguments); return (0, s.default)(this, r); }; } var c = (function (e) { (0, a.default)(r, e); var t = f(r); function r(e) { return (0, i.default)(this, r), t.call(this, 'bool', 'bool', e, !1); } return ( (0, o.default)(r, [ { key: 'encode', value: function (e, t) { return e.writeValue(t ? 1 : 0); }, }, { key: 'decode', value: function (e) { return e.coerce(this.type, !e.readValue().isZero()); }, }, ]), r ); })(r(21).Coder); t.BooleanCoder = c; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(15); e.exports = function (e, t) { for (; !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t) && null !== (e = n(e)); ); return e; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0); Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.FixedBytesCoder = void 0); var i = n(r(6)), o = n(r(7)), a = n(r(18)), s = n(r(19)), u = n(r(15)), f = r(12); function c(e) { var t = (function () { if ('undefined' == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ('function' == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return Date.prototype.toString.call(Reflect.construct(Date, [], function () {})), !0; } catch (e) { return !1; } })(); return function () { var r, n = (0, u.default)(e); if (t) { var i = (0, u.default)(this).constructor; r = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, i); } else r = n.apply(this, arguments); return (0, s.default)(this, r); }; } var h = (function (e) { (0, a.default)(r, e); var t = c(r); function r(e, n) { var o; (0, i.default)(this, r); var a = 'bytes' + String(e); return ((o = t.call(this, a, a, n, !1)).size = e), o; } return ( (0, o.default)(r, [ { key: 'encode', value: function (e, t) { var r = (0, f.arrayify)(t); return ( r.length !== this.size && this._throwError('incorrect data length', t), e.writeBytes(r) ); }, }, { key: 'decode', value: function (e) { return e.coerce(this.name, (0, f.hexlify)(e.readBytes(this.size))); }, }, ]), r ); })(r(21).Coder); t.FixedBytesCoder = h; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0); Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.NullCoder = void 0); var i = n(r(6)), o = n(r(7)), a = n(r(18)), s = n(r(19)), u = n(r(15)); function f(e) { var t = (function () { if ('undefined' == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ('function' == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return Date.prototype.toString.call(Reflect.construct(Date, [], function () {})), !0; } catch (e) { return !1; } })(); return function () { var r, n = (0, u.default)(e); if (t) { var i = (0, u.default)(this).constructor; r = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, i); } else r = n.apply(this, arguments); return (0, s.default)(this, r); }; } var c = (function (e) { (0, a.default)(r, e); var t = f(r); function r(e) { return (0, i.default)(this, r), t.call(this, 'null', '', e, !1); } return ( (0, o.default)(r, [ { key: 'encode', value: function (e, t) { return null != t && this._throwError('not null', t), e.writeBytes([]); }, }, { key: 'decode', value: function (e) { return e.readBytes(0), e.coerce(this.name, null); }, }, ]), r ); })(r(21).Coder); t.NullCoder = c; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0); Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.NumberCoder = void 0); var i = n(r(6)), o = n(r(7)), a = n(r(18)), s = n(r(19)), u = n(r(15)), f = r(29), c = r(71); function h(e) { var t = (function () { if ('undefined' == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ('function' == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return Date.prototype.toString.call(Reflect.construct(Date, [], function () {})), !0; } catch (e) { return !1; } })(); return function () { var r, n = (0, u.default)(e); if (t) { var i = (0, u.default)(this).constructor; r = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, i); } else r = n.apply(this, arguments); return (0, s.default)(this, r); }; } var d = (function (e) { (0, a.default)(r, e); var t = h(r); function r(e, n, o) { var a; (0, i.default)(this, r); var s = (n ? 'int' : 'uint') + 8 * e; return ((a = t.call(this, s, s, o, !1)).size = e), (a.signed = n), a; } return ( (0, o.default)(r, [ { key: 'encode', value: function (e, t) { var r = f.BigNumber.from(t), n = c.MaxUint256.mask(8 * e.wordSize); if (this.signed) { var i = n.mask(8 * this.size - 1); (r.gt(i) || r.lt(i.add(c.One).mul(c.NegativeOne))) && this._throwError('value out-of-bounds', t); } else (r.lt(c.Zero) || r.gt(n.mask(8 * this.size))) && this._throwError('value out-of-bounds', t); return ( (r = r.toTwos(8 * this.size).mask(8 * this.size)), this.signed && (r = r.fromTwos(8 * this.size).toTwos(8 * e.wordSize)), e.writeValue(r) ); }, }, { key: 'decode', value: function (e) { var t = e.readValue().mask(8 * this.size); return this.signed && (t = t.fromTwos(8 * this.size)), e.coerce(this.name, t); }, }, ]), r ); })(r(21).Coder); t.NumberCoder = d; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0); Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.StringCoder = void 0); var i = n(r(6)), o = n(r(7)), a = n(r(122)), s = n(r(18)), u = n(r(19)), f = n(r(15)), c = r(123); function h(e) { var t = (function () { if ('undefined' == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ('function' == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return Date.prototype.toString.call(Reflect.construct(Date, [], function () {})), !0; } catch (e) { return !1; } })(); return function () { var r, n = (0, f.default)(e); if (t) { var i = (0, f.default)(this).constructor; r = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, i); } else r = n.apply(this, arguments); return (0, u.default)(this, r); }; } var d = (function (e) { (0, s.default)(r, e); var t = h(r); function r(e) { return (0, i.default)(this, r), t.call(this, 'string', e); } return ( (0, o.default)(r, [ { key: 'encode', value: function (e, t) { return (0, a.default)((0, f.default)(r.prototype), 'encode', this).call( this, e, (0, c.toUtf8Bytes)(t) ); }, }, { key: 'decode', value: function (e) { return (0, c.toUtf8String)( (0, a.default)((0, f.default)(r.prototype), 'decode', this).call(this, e) ); }, }, ]), r ); })(r(121).DynamicBytesCoder); t.StringCoder = d; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.formatBytes32String = function (e) { var t = (0, o.toUtf8Bytes)(e); if (t.length > 31) throw new Error('bytes32 string must be less than 32 bytes'); return (0, i.hexlify)((0, i.concat)([t, n.HashZero]).slice(0, 32)); }), (t.parseBytes32String = function (e) { var t = (0, i.arrayify)(e); if (32 !== t.length) throw new Error('invalid bytes32 - not 32 bytes long'); if (0 !== t[31]) throw new Error('invalid bytes32 string - no null terminator'); var r = 31; for (; 0 === t[r - 1]; ) r--; return (0, o.toUtf8String)(t.slice(0, r)); }); var n = r(71), i = r(12), o = r(75); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.version = void 0); t.version = 'strings/5.0.2'; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t._nameprepTableA1 = p), (t._nameprepTableB2 = b), (t._nameprepTableC = m), (t.nameprep = function (e) { if (e.match(/^[a-z0-9-]*$/i) && e.length <= 59) return e.toLowerCase(); var t = (0, n.toUtf8CodePoints)(e); (r = t.map(function (e) { if (u.indexOf(e) >= 0) return []; if (e >= 65024 && e <= 65039) return []; var t = b(e); return t || [e]; })), (t = r.reduce(function (e, t) { return ( t.forEach(function (t) { e.push(t); }), e ); }, [])), (t = (0, n.toUtf8CodePoints)( (0, n._toUtf8String)(t), n.UnicodeNormalizationForm.NFKC )).forEach(function (e) { if (m(e)) throw new Error('STRINGPREP_CONTAINS_PROHIBITED'); }), t.forEach(function (e) { if (p(e)) throw new Error('STRINGPREP_CONTAINS_UNASSIGNED'); }); var r; var i = (0, n._toUtf8String)(t); if ( '-' === i.substring(0, 1) || '--' === i.substring(2, 4) || '-' === i.substring(i.length - 1) ) throw new Error('invalid hyphen'); if (i.length > 63) throw new Error('too long'); return i; }); var n = r(75); function i(e, t) { t || (t = function (e) { return [parseInt(e, 16)]; }); var r = 0, n = {}; return ( e.split(',').forEach(function (e) { var i = e.split(':'); (r += parseInt(i[0], 16)), (n[r] = t(i[1])); }), n ); } function o(e) { var t = 0; return e.split(',').map(function (e) { var r = e.split('-'); return ( 1 === r.length ? (r[1] = '0') : '' === r[1] && (r[1] = '1'), { l: t + parseInt(r[0], 16), h: (t = parseInt(r[1], 16)) } ); }); } function a(e, t) { for (var r = 0, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var i = t[n]; if (e >= (r += i.l) && e <= r + i.h && (e - r) % (i.d || 1) == 0) { if (i.e && -1 !== i.e.indexOf(e - r)) continue; return i; } } return null; } var s = o( '221,13-1b,5f-,40-10,51-f,11-3,3-3,2-2,2-4,8,2,15,2d,28-8,88,48,27-,3-5,11-20,27-,8,28,3-5,12,18,b-a,1c-4,6-16,2-d,2-2,2,1b-4,17-9,8f-,10,f,1f-2,1c-34,33-14e,4,36-,13-,6-2,1a-f,4,9-,3-,17,8,2-2,5-,2,8-,3-,4-8,2-3,3,6-,16-6,2-,7-3,3-,17,8,3,3,3-,2,6-3,3-,4-a,5,2-6,10-b,4,8,2,4,17,8,3,6-,b,4,4-,2-e,2-4,b-10,4,9-,3-,17,8,3-,5-,9-2,3-,4-7,3-3,3,4-3,c-10,3,7-2,4,5-2,3,2,3-2,3-2,4-2,9,4-3,6-2,4,5-8,2-e,d-d,4,9,4,18,b,6-3,8,4,5-6,3-8,3-3,b-11,3,9,4,18,b,6-3,8,4,5-6,3-6,2,3-3,b-11,3,9,4,18,11-3,7-,4,5-8,2-7,3-3,b-11,3,13-2,19,a,2-,8-2,2-3,7,2,9-11,4-b,3b-3,1e-24,3,2-,3,2-,2-5,5,8,4,2,2-,3,e,4-,6,2,7-,b-,3-21,49,23-5,1c-3,9,25,10-,2-2f,23,6,3,8-2,5-5,1b-45,27-9,2a-,2-3,5b-4,45-4,53-5,8,40,2,5-,8,2,5-,28,2,5-,20,2,5-,8,2,5-,8,8,18,20,2,5-,8,28,14-5,1d-22,56-b,277-8,1e-2,52-e,e,8-a,18-8,15-b,e,4,3-b,5e-2,b-15,10,b-5,59-7,2b-555,9d-3,5b-5,17-,7-,27-,7-,9,2,2,2,20-,36,10,f-,7,14-,4,a,54-3,2-6,6-5,9-,1c-10,13-1d,1c-14,3c-,10-6,32-b,240-30,28-18,c-14,a0,115-,3,66-,b-76,5,5-,1d,24,2,5-2,2,8-,35-2,19,f-10,1d-3,311-37f,1b,5a-b,d7-19,d-3,41,57-,68-4,29-3,5f,29-37,2e-2,25-c,2c-2,4e-3,30,78-3,64-,20,19b7-49,51a7-59,48e-2,38-738,2ba5-5b,222f-,3c-94,8-b,6-4,1b,6,2,3,3,6d-20,16e-f,41-,37-7,2e-2,11-f,5-b,18-,b,14,5-3,6,88-,2,bf-2,7-,7-,7-,4-2,8,8-9,8-2ff,20,5-b,1c-b4,27-,27-cbb1,f7-9,28-2,b5-221,56,48,3-,2-,3-,5,d,2,5,3,42,5-,9,8,1d,5,6,2-2,8,153-3,123-3,33-27fd,a6da-5128,21f-5df,3-fffd,3-fffd,3-fffd,3-fffd,3-fffd,3-fffd,3-fffd,3-fffd,3-fffd,3-fffd,3-fffd,3,2-1d,61-ff7d' ), u = 'ad,34f,1806,180b,180c,180d,200b,200c,200d,2060,feff'.split(',').map(function (e) { return parseInt(e, 16); }), f = [ { h: 25, s: 32, l: 65 }, { h: 30, s: 32, e: [23], l: 127 }, { h: 54, s: 1, e: [48], l: 64, d: 2 }, { h: 14, s: 1, l: 57, d: 2 }, { h: 44, s: 1, l: 17, d: 2 }, { h: 10, s: 1, e: [2, 6, 8], l: 61, d: 2 }, { h: 16, s: 1, l: 68, d: 2 }, { h: 84, s: 1, e: [18, 24, 66], l: 19, d: 2 }, { h: 26, s: 32, e: [17], l: 435 }, { h: 22, s: 1, l: 71, d: 2 }, { h: 15, s: 80, l: 40 }, { h: 31, s: 32, l: 16 }, { h: 32, s: 1, l: 80, d: 2 }, { h: 52, s: 1, l: 42, d: 2 }, { h: 12, s: 1, l: 55, d: 2 }, { h: 40, s: 1, e: [38], l: 15, d: 2 }, { h: 14, s: 1, l: 48, d: 2 }, { h: 37, s: 48, l: 49 }, { h: 148, s: 1, l: 6351, d: 2 }, { h: 88, s: 1, l: 160, d: 2 }, { h: 15, s: 16, l: 704 }, { h: 25, s: 26, l: 854 }, { h: 25, s: 32, l: 55915 }, { h: 37, s: 40, l: 1247 }, { h: 25, s: -119711, l: 53248 }, { h: 25, s: -119763, l: 52 }, { h: 25, s: -119815, l: 52 }, { h: 25, s: -119867, e: [1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 17], l: 52 }, { h: 25, s: -119919, l: 52 }, { h: 24, s: -119971, e: [2, 7, 8, 17], l: 52 }, { h: 24, s: -120023, e: [2, 7, 13, 15, 16, 17], l: 52 }, { h: 25, s: -120075, l: 52 }, { h: 25, s: -120127, l: 52 }, { h: 25, s: -120179, l: 52 }, { h: 25, s: -120231, l: 52 }, { h: 25, s: -120283, l: 52 }, { h: 25, s: -120335, l: 52 }, { h: 24, s: -119543, e: [17], l: 56 }, { h: 24, s: -119601, e: [17], l: 58 }, { h: 24, s: -119659, e: [17], l: 58 }, { h: 24, s: -119717, e: [17], l: 58 }, { h: 24, s: -119775, e: [17], l: 58 }, ], c = i( 'b5:3bc,c3:ff,7:73,2:253,5:254,3:256,1:257,5:259,1:25b,3:260,1:263,2:269,1:268,5:26f,1:272,2:275,7:280,3:283,5:288,3:28a,1:28b,5:292,3f:195,1:1bf,29:19e,125:3b9,8b:3b2,1:3b8,1:3c5,3:3c6,1:3c0,1a:3ba,1:3c1,1:3c3,2:3b8,1:3b5,1bc9:3b9,1c:1f76,1:1f77,f:1f7a,1:1f7b,d:1f78,1:1f79,1:1f7c,1:1f7d,107:63,5:25b,4:68,1:68,1:68,3:69,1:69,1:6c,3:6e,4:70,1:71,1:72,1:72,1:72,7:7a,2:3c9,2:7a,2:6b,1:e5,1:62,1:63,3:65,1:66,2:6d,b:3b3,1:3c0,6:64,1b574:3b8,1a:3c3,20:3b8,1a:3c3,20:3b8,1a:3c3,20:3b8,1a:3c3,20:3b8,1a:3c3' ), h = i( '179:1,2:1,2:1,5:1,2:1,a:4f,a:1,8:1,2:1,2:1,3:1,5:1,3:1,4:1,2:1,3:1,4:1,8:2,1:1,2:2,1:1,2:2,27:2,195:26,2:25,1:25,1:25,2:40,2:3f,1:3f,33:1,11:-6,1:-9,1ac7:-3a,6d:-8,1:-8,1:-8,1:-8,1:-8,1:-8,1:-8,1:-8,9:-8,1:-8,1:-8,1:-8,1:-8,1:-8,b:-8,1:-8,1:-8,1:-8,1:-8,1:-8,1:-8,1:-8,9:-8,1:-8,1:-8,1:-8,1:-8,1:-8,1:-8,1:-8,9:-8,1:-8,1:-8,1:-8,1:-8,1:-8,c:-8,2:-8,2:-8,2:-8,9:-8,1:-8,1:-8,1:-8,1:-8,1:-8,1:-8,1:-8,49:-8,1:-8,1:-4a,1:-4a,d:-56,1:-56,1:-56,1:-56,d:-8,1:-8,f:-8,1:-8,3:-7' ), d = i( 'df:00730073,51:00690307,19:02BC006E,a7:006A030C,18a:002003B9,16:03B903080301,20:03C503080301,1d7:05650582,190f:00680331,1:00740308,1:0077030A,1:0079030A,1:006102BE,b6:03C50313,2:03C503130300,2:03C503130301,2:03C503130342,2a:1F0003B9,1:1F0103B9,1:1F0203B9,1:1F0303B9,1:1F0403B9,1:1F0503B9,1:1F0603B9,1:1F0703B9,1:1F0003B9,1:1F0103B9,1:1F0203B9,1:1F0303B9,1:1F0403B9,1:1F0503B9,1:1F0603B9,1:1F0703B9,1:1F2003B9,1:1F2103B9,1:1F2203B9,1:1F2303B9,1:1F2403B9,1:1F2503B9,1:1F2603B9,1:1F2703B9,1:1F2003B9,1:1F2103B9,1:1F2203B9,1:1F2303B9,1:1F2403B9,1:1F2503B9,1:1F2603B9,1:1F2703B9,1:1F6003B9,1:1F6103B9,1:1F6203B9,1:1F6303B9,1:1F6403B9,1:1F6503B9,1:1F6603B9,1:1F6703B9,1:1F6003B9,1:1F6103B9,1:1F6203B9,1:1F6303B9,1:1F6403B9,1:1F6503B9,1:1F6603B9,1:1F6703B9,3:1F7003B9,1:03B103B9,1:03AC03B9,2:03B10342,1:03B1034203B9,5:03B103B9,6:1F7403B9,1:03B703B9,1:03AE03B9,2:03B70342,1:03B7034203B9,5:03B703B9,6:03B903080300,1:03B903080301,3:03B90342,1:03B903080342,b:03C503080300,1:03C503080301,1:03C10313,2:03C50342,1:03C503080342,b:1F7C03B9,1:03C903B9,1:03CE03B9,2:03C90342,1:03C9034203B9,5:03C903B9,ac:00720073,5b:00B00063,6:00B00066,d:006E006F,a:0073006D,1:00740065006C,1:0074006D,124f:006800700061,2:00610075,2:006F0076,b:00700061,1:006E0061,1:03BC0061,1:006D0061,1:006B0061,1:006B0062,1:006D0062,1:00670062,3:00700066,1:006E0066,1:03BC0066,4:0068007A,1:006B0068007A,1:006D0068007A,1:00670068007A,1:00740068007A,15:00700061,1:006B00700061,1:006D00700061,1:006700700061,8:00700076,1:006E0076,1:03BC0076,1:006D0076,1:006B0076,1:006D0076,1:00700077,1:006E0077,1:03BC0077,1:006D0077,1:006B0077,1:006D0077,1:006B03C9,1:006D03C9,2:00620071,3:00632215006B0067,1:0063006F002E,1:00640062,1:00670079,2:00680070,2:006B006B,1:006B006D,9:00700068,2:00700070006D,1:00700072,2:00730076,1:00770062,c723:00660066,1:00660069,1:0066006C,1:006600660069,1:00660066006C,1:00730074,1:00730074,d:05740576,1:05740565,1:0574056B,1:057E0576,1:0574056D', function (e) { if (e.length % 4 != 0) throw new Error('bad data'); for (var t = [], r = 0; r < e.length; r += 4) t.push(parseInt(e.substring(r, r + 4), 16)); return t; } ), l = o( '80-20,2a0-,39c,32,f71,18e,7f2-f,19-7,30-4,7-5,f81-b,5,a800-20ff,4d1-1f,110,fa-6,d174-7,2e84-,ffff-,ffff-,ffff-,ffff-,ffff-,ffff-,ffff-,ffff-,ffff-,ffff-,ffff-,ffff-,2,1f-5f,ff7f-20001' ); function p(e) { return !!a(e, s); } function b(e) { var t = a(e, f); if (t) return [e + t.s]; var r = c[e]; if (r) return r; var n = h[e]; if (n) return [e + n[0]]; var i = d[e]; return i || null; } function m(e) { return !!a(e, l); } }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0); Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.TupleCoder = void 0); var i = n(r(6)), o = n(r(7)), a = n(r(18)), s = n(r(19)), u = n(r(15)), f = r(21), c = r(120); function h(e) { var t = (function () { if ('undefined' == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ('function' == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return Date.prototype.toString.call(Reflect.construct(Date, [], function () {})), !0; } catch (e) { return !1; } })(); return function () { var r, n = (0, u.default)(e); if (t) { var i = (0, u.default)(this).constructor; r = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, i); } else r = n.apply(this, arguments); return (0, s.default)(this, r); }; } var d = (function (e) { (0, a.default)(r, e); var t = h(r); function r(e, n) { var o; (0, i.default)(this, r); var a = !1, s = []; e.forEach(function (e) { e.dynamic && (a = !0), s.push(e.type); }); var u = 'tuple(' + s.join(',') + ')'; return ((o = t.call(this, 'tuple', u, n, a)).coders = e), o; } return ( (0, o.default)(r, [ { key: 'encode', value: function (e, t) { return (0, c.pack)(e, this.coders, t); }, }, { key: 'decode', value: function (e) { return e.coerce(this.name, (0, c.unpack)(e, this.coders)); }, }, ]), r ); })(f.Coder); t.TupleCoder = d; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0); Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t, 'checkResultErrors', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return m.checkResultErrors; }, }), (t.Interface = t.Indexed = t.TransactionDescription = t.LogDescription = void 0); var i = n(r(7)), o = n(r(6)), a = n(r(18)), s = n(r(19)), u = n(r(15)), f = r(70), c = r(29), h = r(12), d = r(272), l = r(50), p = r(31), b = r(119), m = r(21), y = r(74), v = r(14), g = r(38); function w(e) { var t = (function () { if ('undefined' == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ('function' == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return Date.prototype.toString.call(Reflect.construct(Date, [], function () {})), !0; } catch (e) { return !1; } })(); return function () { var r, n = (0, u.default)(e); if (t) { var i = (0, u.default)(this).constructor; r = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, i); } else r = n.apply(this, arguments); return (0, s.default)(this, r); }; } var _ = new v.Logger(g.version), k = (function (e) { (0, a.default)(r, e); var t = w(r); function r() { return (0, o.default)(this, r), t.apply(this, arguments); } return r; })(p.Description); t.LogDescription = k; var A = (function (e) { (0, a.default)(r, e); var t = w(r); function r() { return (0, o.default)(this, r), t.apply(this, arguments); } return r; })(p.Description); t.TransactionDescription = A; var S = (function (e) { (0, a.default)(r, e); var t = w(r); function r() { return (0, o.default)(this, r), t.apply(this, arguments); } return ( (0, i.default)(r, null, [ { key: 'isIndexed', value: function (e) { return !(!e || !e._isIndexed); }, }, ]), r ); })(p.Description); function E(e, t) { var r = new Error('deferred error during ABI decoding triggered accessing '.concat(e)); return (r.error = t), r; } function x(e, t, r) { r.reduce(function (r, n) { return ( n.name && (r[n.name] && _.throwArgumentError( 'duplicate ' .concat(t, ' parameter ') .concat(JSON.stringify(n.name), ' in ') .concat(e.format('full')), 'fragment', e ), (r[n.name] = !0)), r ); }, {}); } t.Indexed = S; var M = (function () { function e(t) { var r = this; (0, o.default)(this, e), _.checkNew(this instanceof e ? this.constructor : void 0, e); var n = []; (n = 'string' == typeof t ? JSON.parse(t) : t), (0, p.defineReadOnly)( this, 'fragments', n .map(function (e) { return y.Fragment.from(e); }) .filter(function (e) { return null != e; }) ), (0, p.defineReadOnly)( this, '_abiCoder', (0, p.getStatic)(this instanceof e ? this.constructor : void 0, 'getAbiCoder')() ), (0, p.defineReadOnly)(this, 'functions', {}), (0, p.defineReadOnly)(this, 'errors', {}), (0, p.defineReadOnly)(this, 'events', {}), (0, p.defineReadOnly)(this, 'structs', {}), this.fragments.forEach(function (e) { var t = null; switch (e.type) { case 'constructor': return r.deploy ? void _.warn('duplicate definition - constructor') : (x(e, 'input', e.inputs), void (0, p.defineReadOnly)(r, 'deploy', e)); case 'function': x(e, 'input', e.inputs), x(e, 'output', e.outputs), (t = r.functions); break; case 'event': x(e, 'input', e.inputs), (t = r.events); break; default: return; } var n = e.format(); t[n] ? _.warn('duplicate definition - ' + n) : (t[n] = e); }), this.deploy || (0, p.defineReadOnly)( this, 'deploy', y.ConstructorFragment.from({ payable: !1, type: 'constructor' }) ), (0, p.defineReadOnly)(this, '_isInterface', !0); } return ( (0, i.default)( e, [ { key: 'format', value: function (e) { e || (e = y.FormatTypes.full), e === y.FormatTypes.sighash && _.throwArgumentError( 'interface does not support formatting sighash', 'format', e ); var t = this.fragments.map(function (t) { return t.format(e); }); return e === y.FormatTypes.json ? JSON.stringify( t.map(function (e) { return JSON.parse(e); }) ) : t; }, }, { key: 'getFunction', value: function (e) { if ((0, h.isHexString)(e)) { for (var t in this.functions) if (e === this.getSighash(t)) return this.functions[t]; _.throwArgumentError('no matching function', 'sighash', e); } if (-1 === e.indexOf('(')) { var r = e.trim(), n = Object.keys(this.functions).filter(function (e) { return e.split('(')[0] === r; }); return ( 0 === n.length ? _.throwArgumentError('no matching function', 'name', r) : n.length > 1 && _.throwArgumentError('multiple matching functions', 'name', r), this.functions[n[0]] ); } var i = this.functions[y.FunctionFragment.fromString(e).format()]; return i || _.throwArgumentError('no matching function', 'signature', e), i; }, }, { key: 'getEvent', value: function (e) { if ((0, h.isHexString)(e)) { var t = e.toLowerCase(); for (var r in this.events) if (t === this.getEventTopic(r)) return this.events[r]; _.throwArgumentError('no matching event', 'topichash', t); } if (-1 === e.indexOf('(')) { var n = e.trim(), i = Object.keys(this.events).filter(function (e) { return e.split('(')[0] === n; }); return ( 0 === i.length ? _.throwArgumentError('no matching event', 'name', n) : i.length > 1 && _.throwArgumentError('multiple matching events', 'name', n), this.events[i[0]] ); } var o = this.events[y.EventFragment.fromString(e).format()]; return o || _.throwArgumentError('no matching event', 'signature', e), o; }, }, { key: 'getSighash', value: function (e) { return ( 'string' == typeof e && (e = this.getFunction(e)), (0, p.getStatic)(this.constructor, 'getSighash')(e) ); }, }, { key: 'getEventTopic', value: function (e) { return ( 'string' == typeof e && (e = this.getEvent(e)), (0, p.getStatic)(this.constructor, 'getEventTopic')(e) ); }, }, { key: '_decodeParams', value: function (e, t) { return this._abiCoder.decode(e, t); }, }, { key: '_encodeParams', value: function (e, t) { return this._abiCoder.encode(e, t); }, }, { key: 'encodeDeploy', value: function (e) { return this._encodeParams(this.deploy.inputs, e || []); }, }, { key: 'decodeFunctionData', value: function (e, t) { 'string' == typeof e && (e = this.getFunction(e)); var r = (0, h.arrayify)(t); return ( (0, h.hexlify)(r.slice(0, 4)) !== this.getSighash(e) && _.throwArgumentError( 'data signature does not match function '.concat(e.name, '.'), 'data', (0, h.hexlify)(r) ), this._decodeParams(e.inputs, r.slice(4)) ); }, }, { key: 'encodeFunctionData', value: function (e, t) { return ( 'string' == typeof e && (e = this.getFunction(e)), (0, h.hexlify)( (0, h.concat)([this.getSighash(e), this._encodeParams(e.inputs, t || [])]) ) ); }, }, { key: 'decodeFunctionResult', value: function (e, t) { 'string' == typeof e && (e = this.getFunction(e)); var r = (0, h.arrayify)(t), n = null, i = null; switch (r.length % this._abiCoder._getWordSize()) { case 0: try { return this._abiCoder.decode(e.outputs, r); } catch (e) {} break; case 4: '0x08c379a0' === (0, h.hexlify)(r.slice(0, 4)) && ((i = 'Error(string)'), (n = this._abiCoder.decode(['string'], r.slice(4))[0])); } return _.throwError('call revert exception', v.Logger.errors.CALL_EXCEPTION, { method: e.format(), errorSignature: i, errorArgs: [n], reason: n, }); }, }, { key: 'encodeFunctionResult', value: function (e, t) { return ( 'string' == typeof e && (e = this.getFunction(e)), (0, h.hexlify)(this._abiCoder.encode(e.outputs, t || [])) ); }, }, { key: 'encodeFilterTopics', value: function (e, t) { var r = this; 'string' == typeof e && (e = this.getEvent(e)), t.length > e.inputs.length && _.throwError( 'too many arguments for ' + e.format(), v.Logger.errors.UNEXPECTED_ARGUMENT, { argument: 'values', value: t } ); var n = []; e.anonymous || n.push(this.getEventTopic(e)); var i = function (e, t) { return 'string' === e.type ? (0, d.id)(t) : 'bytes' === e.type ? (0, l.keccak256)((0, h.hexlify)(t)) : ('address' === e.type && r._abiCoder.encode(['address'], [t]), (0, h.hexZeroPad)((0, h.hexlify)(t), 32)); }; for ( t.forEach(function (t, r) { var o = e.inputs[r]; o.indexed ? null == t ? n.push(null) : 'array' === o.baseType || 'tuple' === o.baseType ? _.throwArgumentError( 'filtering with tuples or arrays not supported', 'contract.' + o.name, t ) : Array.isArray(t) ? n.push( t.map(function (e) { return i(o, e); }) ) : n.push(i(o, t)) : null != t && _.throwArgumentError( 'cannot filter non-indexed parameters; must be null', 'contract.' + o.name, t ); }); n.length && null === n[n.length - 1]; ) n.pop(); return n; }, }, { key: 'encodeEventLog', value: function (e, t) { var r = this; 'string' == typeof e && (e = this.getEvent(e)); var n = [], i = [], o = []; return ( e.anonymous || n.push(this.getEventTopic(e)), t.length !== e.inputs.length && _.throwArgumentError('event arguments/values mismatch', 'values', t), e.inputs.forEach(function (e, a) { var s = t[a]; if (e.indexed) if ('string' === e.type) n.push((0, d.id)(s)); else if ('bytes' === e.type) n.push((0, l.keccak256)(s)); else { if ('tuple' === e.baseType || 'array' === e.baseType) throw new Error('not implemented'); n.push(r._abiCoder.encode([e.type], [s])); } else i.push(e), o.push(s); }), { data: this._abiCoder.encode(i, o), topics: n } ); }, }, { key: 'decodeEventLog', value: function (e, t, r) { if (('string' == typeof e && (e = this.getEvent(e)), null != r && !e.anonymous)) { var n = this.getEventTopic(e); ((0, h.isHexString)(r[0], 32) && r[0].toLowerCase() === n) || _.throwError('fragment/topic mismatch', v.Logger.errors.INVALID_ARGUMENT, { argument: 'topics[0]', expected: n, value: r[0], }), (r = r.slice(1)); } var i = [], o = [], a = []; e.inputs.forEach(function (e, t) { e.indexed ? 'string' === e.type || 'bytes' === e.type || 'tuple' === e.baseType || 'array' === e.baseType ? (i.push(y.ParamType.fromObject({ type: 'bytes32', name: e.name })), a.push(!0)) : (i.push(e), a.push(!1)) : (o.push(e), a.push(!1)); }); var s = null != r ? this._abiCoder.decode(i, (0, h.concat)(r)) : null, u = this._abiCoder.decode(o, t), f = [], c = 0, d = 0; e.inputs.forEach(function (e, t) { if (e.indexed) if (null == s) f[t] = new S({ _isIndexed: !0, hash: null }); else if (a[t]) f[t] = new S({ _isIndexed: !0, hash: s[d++] }); else try { f[t] = s[d++]; } catch (e) { f[t] = e; } else try { f[t] = u[c++]; } catch (e) { f[t] = e; } if (e.name && null == f[e.name]) { var r = f[t]; r instanceof Error ? Object.defineProperty(f, e.name, { get: function () { throw E('property '.concat(JSON.stringify(e.name)), r); }, }) : (f[e.name] = r); } }); for ( var l = function (e) { var t = f[e]; t instanceof Error && Object.defineProperty(f, e, { get: function () { throw E('index '.concat(e), t); }, }); }, p = 0; p < f.length; p++ ) l(p); return Object.freeze(f); }, }, { key: 'parseTransaction', value: function (e) { var t = this.getFunction(e.data.substring(0, 10).toLowerCase()); return t ? new A({ args: this._abiCoder.decode(t.inputs, '0x' + e.data.substring(10)), functionFragment: t, name: t.name, signature: t.format(), sighash: this.getSighash(t), value: c.BigNumber.from(e.value || '0'), }) : null; }, }, { key: 'parseLog', value: function (e) { var t = this.getEvent(e.topics[0]); return !t || t.anonymous ? null : new k({ eventFragment: t, name: t.name, signature: t.format(), topic: this.getEventTopic(t), args: this.decodeEventLog(t, e.data, e.topics), }); }, }, ], [ { key: 'getAbiCoder', value: function () { return b.defaultAbiCoder; }, }, { key: 'getAddress', value: function (e) { return (0, f.getAddress)(e); }, }, { key: 'getSighash', value: function (e) { return (0, h.hexDataSlice)((0, d.id)(e.format()), 0, 4); }, }, { key: 'getEventTopic', value: function (e) { return (0, d.id)(e.format()); }, }, { key: 'isInterface', value: function (e) { return !(!e || !e._isInterface); }, }, ] ), e ); })(); t.Interface = M; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.isValidName = function (e) { try { for (var t = e.split('.'), r = 0; r < t.length; r++) if (0 === (0, i.nameprep)(t[r]).length) throw new Error('empty'); return !0; } catch (e) {} return !1; }), (t.namehash = function (e) { 'string' != typeof e && u.throwArgumentError('invalid address - ' + String(e), 'name', e); var t = f; for (; e.length; ) { var r = e.match(c), a = (0, i.toUtf8Bytes)((0, i.nameprep)(r[3])); (t = (0, o.keccak256)((0, n.concat)([t, (0, o.keccak256)(a)]))), (e = r[2] || ''); } return (0, n.hexlify)(t); }), (t.id = function (e) { return (0, o.keccak256)((0, i.toUtf8Bytes)(e)); }), (t.hashMessage = function (e) { 'string' == typeof e && (e = (0, i.toUtf8Bytes)(e)); return (0, o.keccak256)( (0, n.concat)([ (0, i.toUtf8Bytes)('Ethereum Signed Message:\n'), (0, i.toUtf8Bytes)(String(e.length)), e, ]) ); }), (t.messagePrefix = void 0); var n = r(12), i = r(123), o = r(50), a = r(14), s = r(273), u = new a.Logger(s.version), f = new Uint8Array([ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ]), c = new RegExp('^((.*)\\.)?([^.]+)$'); t.messagePrefix = 'Ethereum Signed Message:\n'; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.version = void 0); t.version = 'hash/5.0.2'; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (e, t, n) { var i = r(0)(r(1)); /** * [js-sha3]{@link https://github.com/emn178/js-sha3} * * @version 0.5.7 * @author Chen, Yi-Cyuan [emn178@gmail.com] * @copyright Chen, Yi-Cyuan 2015-2016 * @license MIT */ !(function () { var r = 'object' === ('undefined' == typeof window ? 'undefined' : (0, i.default)(window)) ? window : {}; !r.JS_SHA3_NO_NODE_JS && 'object' === (void 0 === e ? 'undefined' : (0, i.default)(e)) && e.versions && e.versions.node && (r = t); for ( var o = !r.JS_SHA3_NO_COMMON_JS && 'object' === (0, i.default)(n) && n.exports, a = '0123456789abcdef'.split(''), s = [0, 8, 16, 24], u = [ 1, 0, 32898, 0, 32906, 2147483648, 2147516416, 2147483648, 32907, 0, 2147483649, 0, 2147516545, 2147483648, 32777, 2147483648, 138, 0, 136, 0, 2147516425, 0, 2147483658, 0, 2147516555, 0, 139, 2147483648, 32905, 2147483648, 32771, 2147483648, 32770, 2147483648, 128, 2147483648, 32778, 0, 2147483658, 2147483648, 2147516545, 2147483648, 32896, 2147483648, 2147483649, 0, 2147516424, 2147483648, ], f = [224, 256, 384, 512], c = ['hex', 'buffer', 'arrayBuffer', 'array'], h = function (e, t, r) { return function (n) { return new k(e, t, e).update(n)[r](); }; }, d = function (e, t, r) { return function (n, i) { return new k(e, t, i).update(n)[r](); }; }, l = function (e, t) { var r = h(e, t, 'hex'); (r.create = function () { return new k(e, t, e); }), (r.update = function (e) { return r.create().update(e); }); for (var n = 0; n < c.length; ++n) { var i = c[n]; r[i] = h(e, t, i); } return r; }, p = [ { name: 'keccak', padding: [1, 256, 65536, 16777216], bits: f, createMethod: l }, { name: 'sha3', padding: [6, 1536, 393216, 100663296], bits: f, createMethod: l }, { name: 'shake', padding: [31, 7936, 2031616, 520093696], bits: [128, 256], createMethod: function (e, t) { var r = d(e, t, 'hex'); (r.create = function (r) { return new k(e, t, r); }), (r.update = function (e, t) { return r.create(t).update(e); }); for (var n = 0; n < c.length; ++n) { var i = c[n]; r[i] = d(e, t, i); } return r; }, }, ], b = {}, m = [], y = 0; y < p.length; ++y ) for (var v = p[y], g = v.bits, w = 0; w < g.length; ++w) { var _ = v.name + '_' + g[w]; m.push(_), (b[_] = v.createMethod(g[w], v.padding)); } function k(e, t, r) { (this.blocks = []), (this.s = []), (this.padding = t), (this.outputBits = r), (this.reset = !0), (this.block = 0), (this.start = 0), (this.blockCount = (1600 - (e << 1)) >> 5), (this.byteCount = this.blockCount << 2), (this.outputBlocks = r >> 5), (this.extraBytes = (31 & r) >> 3); for (var n = 0; n < 50; ++n) this.s[n] = 0; } (k.prototype.update = function (e) { var t = 'string' != typeof e; t && e.constructor === ArrayBuffer && (e = new Uint8Array(e)); for ( var r, n, i = e.length, o = this.blocks, a = this.byteCount, u = this.blockCount, f = 0, c = this.s; f < i; ) { if (this.reset) for (this.reset = !1, o[0] = this.block, r = 1; r < u + 1; ++r) o[r] = 0; if (t) for (r = this.start; f < i && r < a; ++f) o[r >> 2] |= e[f] << s[3 & r++]; else for (r = this.start; f < i && r < a; ++f) (n = e.charCodeAt(f)) < 128 ? (o[r >> 2] |= n << s[3 & r++]) : n < 2048 ? ((o[r >> 2] |= (192 | (n >> 6)) << s[3 & r++]), (o[r >> 2] |= (128 | (63 & n)) << s[3 & r++])) : n < 55296 || n >= 57344 ? ((o[r >> 2] |= (224 | (n >> 12)) << s[3 & r++]), (o[r >> 2] |= (128 | ((n >> 6) & 63)) << s[3 & r++]), (o[r >> 2] |= (128 | (63 & n)) << s[3 & r++])) : ((n = 65536 + (((1023 & n) << 10) | (1023 & e.charCodeAt(++f)))), (o[r >> 2] |= (240 | (n >> 18)) << s[3 & r++]), (o[r >> 2] |= (128 | ((n >> 12) & 63)) << s[3 & r++]), (o[r >> 2] |= (128 | ((n >> 6) & 63)) << s[3 & r++]), (o[r >> 2] |= (128 | (63 & n)) << s[3 & r++])); if (((this.lastByteIndex = r), r >= a)) { for (this.start = r - a, this.block = o[u], r = 0; r < u; ++r) c[r] ^= o[r]; A(c), (this.reset = !0); } else this.start = r; } return this; }), (k.prototype.finalize = function () { var e = this.blocks, t = this.lastByteIndex, r = this.blockCount, n = this.s; if (((e[t >> 2] |= this.padding[3 & t]), this.lastByteIndex === this.byteCount)) for (e[0] = e[r], t = 1; t < r + 1; ++t) e[t] = 0; for (e[r - 1] |= 2147483648, t = 0; t < r; ++t) n[t] ^= e[t]; A(n); }), (k.prototype.toString = k.prototype.hex = function () { this.finalize(); for ( var e, t = this.blockCount, r = this.s, n = this.outputBlocks, i = this.extraBytes, o = 0, s = 0, u = ''; s < n; ) { for (o = 0; o < t && s < n; ++o, ++s) (e = r[o]), (u += a[(e >> 4) & 15] + a[15 & e] + a[(e >> 12) & 15] + a[(e >> 8) & 15] + a[(e >> 20) & 15] + a[(e >> 16) & 15] + a[(e >> 28) & 15] + a[(e >> 24) & 15]); s % t == 0 && (A(r), (o = 0)); } return ( i && ((e = r[o]), i > 0 && (u += a[(e >> 4) & 15] + a[15 & e]), i > 1 && (u += a[(e >> 12) & 15] + a[(e >> 8) & 15]), i > 2 && (u += a[(e >> 20) & 15] + a[(e >> 16) & 15])), u ); }), (k.prototype.arrayBuffer = function () { this.finalize(); var e, t = this.blockCount, r = this.s, n = this.outputBlocks, i = this.extraBytes, o = 0, a = 0, s = this.outputBits >> 3; e = i ? new ArrayBuffer((n + 1) << 2) : new ArrayBuffer(s); for (var u = new Uint32Array(e); a < n; ) { for (o = 0; o < t && a < n; ++o, ++a) u[a] = r[o]; a % t == 0 && A(r); } return i && ((u[o] = r[o]), (e = e.slice(0, s))), e; }), (k.prototype.buffer = k.prototype.arrayBuffer), (k.prototype.digest = k.prototype.array = function () { this.finalize(); for ( var e, t, r = this.blockCount, n = this.s, i = this.outputBlocks, o = this.extraBytes, a = 0, s = 0, u = []; s < i; ) { for (a = 0; a < r && s < i; ++a, ++s) (e = s << 2), (t = n[a]), (u[e] = 255 & t), (u[e + 1] = (t >> 8) & 255), (u[e + 2] = (t >> 16) & 255), (u[e + 3] = (t >> 24) & 255); s % r == 0 && A(n); } return ( o && ((e = s << 2), (t = n[a]), o > 0 && (u[e] = 255 & t), o > 1 && (u[e + 1] = (t >> 8) & 255), o > 2 && (u[e + 2] = (t >> 16) & 255)), u ); }); var A = function (e) { var t, r, n, i, o, a, s, f, c, h, d, l, p, b, m, y, v, g, w, _, k, A, S, E, x, M, I, O, C, P, T, U, B, R, N, j, L, F, D, q, z, H, K, V, G, W, Y, $, J, Z, X, Q, ee, te, re, ne, ie, oe, ae, se, ue, fe, ce; for (n = 0; n < 48; n += 2) (i = e[0] ^ e[10] ^ e[20] ^ e[30] ^ e[40]), (o = e[1] ^ e[11] ^ e[21] ^ e[31] ^ e[41]), (a = e[2] ^ e[12] ^ e[22] ^ e[32] ^ e[42]), (s = e[3] ^ e[13] ^ e[23] ^ e[33] ^ e[43]), (f = e[4] ^ e[14] ^ e[24] ^ e[34] ^ e[44]), (c = e[5] ^ e[15] ^ e[25] ^ e[35] ^ e[45]), (h = e[6] ^ e[16] ^ e[26] ^ e[36] ^ e[46]), (d = e[7] ^ e[17] ^ e[27] ^ e[37] ^ e[47]), (t = (l = e[8] ^ e[18] ^ e[28] ^ e[38] ^ e[48]) ^ ((a << 1) | (s >>> 31))), (r = (p = e[9] ^ e[19] ^ e[29] ^ e[39] ^ e[49]) ^ ((s << 1) | (a >>> 31))), (e[0] ^= t), (e[1] ^= r), (e[10] ^= t), (e[11] ^= r), (e[20] ^= t), (e[21] ^= r), (e[30] ^= t), (e[31] ^= r), (e[40] ^= t), (e[41] ^= r), (t = i ^ ((f << 1) | (c >>> 31))), (r = o ^ ((c << 1) | (f >>> 31))), (e[2] ^= t), (e[3] ^= r), (e[12] ^= t), (e[13] ^= r), (e[22] ^= t), (e[23] ^= r), (e[32] ^= t), (e[33] ^= r), (e[42] ^= t), (e[43] ^= r), (t = a ^ ((h << 1) | (d >>> 31))), (r = s ^ ((d << 1) | (h >>> 31))), (e[4] ^= t), (e[5] ^= r), (e[14] ^= t), (e[15] ^= r), (e[24] ^= t), (e[25] ^= r), (e[34] ^= t), (e[35] ^= r), (e[44] ^= t), (e[45] ^= r), (t = f ^ ((l << 1) | (p >>> 31))), (r = c ^ ((p << 1) | (l >>> 31))), (e[6] ^= t), (e[7] ^= r), (e[16] ^= t), (e[17] ^= r), (e[26] ^= t), (e[27] ^= r), (e[36] ^= t), (e[37] ^= r), (e[46] ^= t), (e[47] ^= r), (t = h ^ ((i << 1) | (o >>> 31))), (r = d ^ ((o << 1) | (i >>> 31))), (e[8] ^= t), (e[9] ^= r), (e[18] ^= t), (e[19] ^= r), (e[28] ^= t), (e[29] ^= r), (e[38] ^= t), (e[39] ^= r), (e[48] ^= t), (e[49] ^= r), (b = e[0]), (m = e[1]), (W = (e[11] << 4) | (e[10] >>> 28)), (Y = (e[10] << 4) | (e[11] >>> 28)), (O = (e[20] << 3) | (e[21] >>> 29)), (C = (e[21] << 3) | (e[20] >>> 29)), (se = (e[31] << 9) | (e[30] >>> 23)), (ue = (e[30] << 9) | (e[31] >>> 23)), (H = (e[40] << 18) | (e[41] >>> 14)), (K = (e[41] << 18) | (e[40] >>> 14)), (R = (e[2] << 1) | (e[3] >>> 31)), (N = (e[3] << 1) | (e[2] >>> 31)), (y = (e[13] << 12) | (e[12] >>> 20)), (v = (e[12] << 12) | (e[13] >>> 20)), ($ = (e[22] << 10) | (e[23] >>> 22)), (J = (e[23] << 10) | (e[22] >>> 22)), (P = (e[33] << 13) | (e[32] >>> 19)), (T = (e[32] << 13) | (e[33] >>> 19)), (fe = (e[42] << 2) | (e[43] >>> 30)), (ce = (e[43] << 2) | (e[42] >>> 30)), (te = (e[5] << 30) | (e[4] >>> 2)), (re = (e[4] << 30) | (e[5] >>> 2)), (j = (e[14] << 6) | (e[15] >>> 26)), (L = (e[15] << 6) | (e[14] >>> 26)), (g = (e[25] << 11) | (e[24] >>> 21)), (w = (e[24] << 11) | (e[25] >>> 21)), (Z = (e[34] << 15) | (e[35] >>> 17)), (X = (e[35] << 15) | (e[34] >>> 17)), (U = (e[45] << 29) | (e[44] >>> 3)), (B = (e[44] << 29) | (e[45] >>> 3)), (E = (e[6] << 28) | (e[7] >>> 4)), (x = (e[7] << 28) | (e[6] >>> 4)), (ne = (e[17] << 23) | (e[16] >>> 9)), (ie = (e[16] << 23) | (e[17] >>> 9)), (F = (e[26] << 25) | (e[27] >>> 7)), (D = (e[27] << 25) | (e[26] >>> 7)), (_ = (e[36] << 21) | (e[37] >>> 11)), (k = (e[37] << 21) | (e[36] >>> 11)), (Q = (e[47] << 24) | (e[46] >>> 8)), (ee = (e[46] << 24) | (e[47] >>> 8)), (V = (e[8] << 27) | (e[9] >>> 5)), (G = (e[9] << 27) | (e[8] >>> 5)), (M = (e[18] << 20) | (e[19] >>> 12)), (I = (e[19] << 20) | (e[18] >>> 12)), (oe = (e[29] << 7) | (e[28] >>> 25)), (ae = (e[28] << 7) | (e[29] >>> 25)), (q = (e[38] << 8) | (e[39] >>> 24)), (z = (e[39] << 8) | (e[38] >>> 24)), (A = (e[48] << 14) | (e[49] >>> 18)), (S = (e[49] << 14) | (e[48] >>> 18)), (e[0] = b ^ (~y & g)), (e[1] = m ^ (~v & w)), (e[10] = E ^ (~M & O)), (e[11] = x ^ (~I & C)), (e[20] = R ^ (~j & F)), (e[21] = N ^ (~L & D)), (e[30] = V ^ (~W & $)), (e[31] = G ^ (~Y & J)), (e[40] = te ^ (~ne & oe)), (e[41] = re ^ (~ie & ae)), (e[2] = y ^ (~g & _)), (e[3] = v ^ (~w & k)), (e[12] = M ^ (~O & P)), (e[13] = I ^ (~C & T)), (e[22] = j ^ (~F & q)), (e[23] = L ^ (~D & z)), (e[32] = W ^ (~$ & Z)), (e[33] = Y ^ (~J & X)), (e[42] = ne ^ (~oe & se)), (e[43] = ie ^ (~ae & ue)), (e[4] = g ^ (~_ & A)), (e[5] = w ^ (~k & S)), (e[14] = O ^ (~P & U)), (e[15] = C ^ (~T & B)), (e[24] = F ^ (~q & H)), (e[25] = D ^ (~z & K)), (e[34] = $ ^ (~Z & Q)), (e[35] = J ^ (~X & ee)), (e[44] = oe ^ (~se & fe)), (e[45] = ae ^ (~ue & ce)), (e[6] = _ ^ (~A & b)), (e[7] = k ^ (~S & m)), (e[16] = P ^ (~U & E)), (e[17] = T ^ (~B & x)), (e[26] = q ^ (~H & R)), (e[27] = z ^ (~K & N)), (e[36] = Z ^ (~Q & V)), (e[37] = X ^ (~ee & G)), (e[46] = se ^ (~fe & te)), (e[47] = ue ^ (~ce & re)), (e[8] = A ^ (~b & y)), (e[9] = S ^ (~m & v)), (e[18] = U ^ (~E & M)), (e[19] = B ^ (~x & I)), (e[28] = H ^ (~R & j)), (e[29] = K ^ (~N & L)), (e[38] = Q ^ (~V & W)), (e[39] = ee ^ (~G & Y)), (e[48] = fe ^ (~te & ne)), (e[49] = ce ^ (~re & ie)), (e[0] ^= u[n]), (e[1] ^= u[n + 1]); }; if (o) n.exports = b; else for (y = 0; y < m.length; ++y) r[m[y]] = b[m[y]]; })(); }.call(this, r(11), r(8), r(22)(e))); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n, i; r(0)(r(1)); (n = [r(95), r(276)]), void 0 === (i = function (e, t) { return (function (e, t) { function r(r, n, i) { for (var o = [], a = e.ucs2.decode(r), s = 0; s < a.length; s++) { var u = a[s], f = e.ucs2.encode([a[s]]), c = t.mapChar(u), h = c >> 23, d = (c >> 21) & 3, l = (c >> 5) & 65535, p = 31 & c, b = t.mapStr.substr(l, p); if (0 === d || (n && 1 & h)) throw new Error('Illegal char ' + f); 1 === d ? o.push(b) : 2 === d ? o.push(i ? b : f) : 3 === d && o.push(f); } return o.join('').normalize('NFC'); } function n(t, n, o) { void 0 === o && (o = !1); var a = r(t, o, n).split('.'); return (a = a.map(function (t) { return ( t.startsWith('xn--') ? i((t = e.decode(t.substring(4))), o, !1) : i(t, o, n), t ); })).join('.'); } function i(e, n, i) { if ('-' === e[2] && '-' === e[3]) throw new Error('Failed to validate ' + e); if (e.startsWith('-') || e.endsWith('-')) throw new Error('Failed to validate ' + e); if (e.includes('.')) throw new Error('Failed to validate ' + e); if (r(e, n, i) !== e) throw new Error('Failed to validate ' + e); var o = e.codePointAt(0); if (t.mapChar(o) & (2 << 23)) throw new Error('Label contains illegal character: ' + o); } return { toUnicode: function (e, t) { return void 0 === t && (t = {}), n(e, !1, 'useStd3ASCII' in t && t.useStd3ASCII); }, toAscii: function (t, r) { void 0 === r && (r = {}); var i, o = !('transitional' in r) || r.transitional, a = 'useStd3ASCII' in r && r.useStd3ASCII, s = 'verifyDnsLength' in r && r.verifyDnsLength, u = n(t, o, a).split('.').map(e.toASCII), f = u.join('.'); if (s) { if (f.length < 1 || f.length > 253) throw new Error('DNS name has wrong length: ' + f); for (i = 0; i < u.length; i++) { var c = u[i]; if (c.length < 1 || c.length > 63) throw new Error('DNS label has wrong length: ' + c); } } return f; }, }; })(e, t); }.apply(t, n)) || (e.exports = i); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n; r(0)(r(1)); void 0 === (n = function () { return ( (e = [ new Uint32Array([ 2157250, 2157314, 2157378, 2157442, 2157506, 2157570, 2157634, 0, 2157698, 2157762, 2157826, 2157890, 2157954, 0, 2158018, 0, ]), new Uint32Array([ 2179041, 6291456, 2179073, 6291456, 2179105, 6291456, 2179137, 6291456, 2179169, 6291456, 2179201, 6291456, 2179233, 6291456, 2179265, 6291456, ]), new Uint32Array([ 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 14680064, 14680064, 14680064, 14680064, 14680064, ]), new Uint32Array([ 0, 2113729, 2197345, 2197377, 2113825, 2197409, 2197441, 2113921, 2197473, 2114017, 2197505, 2197537, 2197569, 2197601, 2197633, 2197665, ]), new Uint32Array([ 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 6291456, 23068672, 23068672, 0, 0, ]), new Uint32Array([ 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 0, 0, 0, 0, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 0, 0, 0, 0, 23068672, ]), new Uint32Array([ 14680064, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 14680064, 14680064, ]), new Uint32Array([ 2196001, 2196033, 2196065, 2196097, 2196129, 2196161, 2196193, 2196225, 2196257, 2196289, 2196321, 2196353, 2196385, 2196417, 2196449, 2196481, ]), new Uint32Array([ 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 23068672, 6291456, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ]), new Uint32Array([ 2097281, 2105921, 2097729, 2106081, 0, 2097601, 2162337, 2106017, 2133281, 2097505, 2105889, 2097185, 2097697, 2135777, 2097633, 2097441, ]), new Uint32Array([ 2177025, 6291456, 2177057, 6291456, 2177089, 6291456, 2177121, 6291456, 2177153, 6291456, 2177185, 6291456, 2177217, 6291456, 2177249, 6291456, ]), new Uint32Array([ 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 0, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, ]), new Uint32Array([ 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 0, 6291456, 6291456, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, ]), new Uint32Array([ 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 0, 0, 0, 6291456, ]), new Uint32Array([ 0, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 0, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6291456, ]), new Uint32Array([ 2134435, 2134531, 2134627, 2134723, 2134723, 2134819, 2134819, 2134915, 2134915, 2135011, 2105987, 2135107, 2135203, 2135299, 2131587, 2135395, ]), new Uint32Array([ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6291456, 2168673, 2169249, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, ]), new Uint32Array([ 2147906, 2147970, 2148034, 2148098, 2148162, 2148226, 2148290, 2148354, 2147906, 2147970, 2148034, 2148098, 2148162, 2148226, 2148290, 2148354, ]), new Uint32Array([ 2125219, 2125315, 2152834, 2152898, 2125411, 2152962, 2153026, 2125506, 2125507, 2125603, 2153090, 2153154, 2153218, 2153282, 2153346, 2105348, ]), new Uint32Array([ 2203393, 6291456, 2203425, 6291456, 2203457, 6291456, 2203489, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 2203521, 6291456, 2181281, 6291456, 6291456, ]), new Uint32Array([ 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 23068672, 23068672, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, ]), new Uint32Array([ 6291456, 23068672, 6291456, 2145538, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6291456, ]), new Uint32Array([ 2139426, 2160834, 2160898, 2160962, 2134242, 2161026, 2161090, 2161154, 2161218, 2161282, 2161346, 2161410, 2138658, 2161474, 2161538, 2134722, ]), new Uint32Array([ 2119939, 2124930, 2125026, 2106658, 2125218, 2128962, 2129058, 2129154, 2129250, 2129346, 2129442, 2108866, 2108770, 2150466, 2150530, 2150594, ]), new Uint32Array([ 2201601, 6291456, 2201633, 6291456, 2201665, 6291456, 2201697, 6291456, 2201729, 6291456, 2201761, 6291456, 2201793, 6291456, 2201825, 6291456, ]), new Uint32Array([ 2193537, 2193569, 2193601, 2193633, 2193665, 2193697, 2193729, 2193761, 2193793, 2193825, 2193857, 2193889, 2193921, 2193953, 2193985, 2194017, ]), new Uint32Array([ 6291456, 23068672, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, ]), new Uint32Array([0, 6291456, 6291456, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), new Uint32Array([ 2190561, 6291456, 2190593, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 2190625, 6291456, 2190657, 6291456, 23068672, ]), new Uint32Array([ 2215905, 2215937, 2215969, 2216001, 2216033, 2216065, 2216097, 2216129, 2216161, 2216193, 2216225, 2216257, 2105441, 2216289, 2216321, 2216353, ]), new Uint32Array([ 23068672, 18884130, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 6291456, 23068672, 23068672, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, ]), new Uint32Array([ 23068672, 23068672, 0, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, ]), new Uint32Array([ 6291456, 6291456, 23068672, 23068672, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ]), new Uint32Array([ 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, ]), new Uint32Array([ 2191233, 2191265, 2191297, 2191329, 2191361, 2191393, 2191425, 2117377, 2191457, 2191489, 2191521, 2191553, 2191585, 2191617, 2191649, 2117953, ]), new Uint32Array([ 2132227, 2132323, 2132419, 2132419, 2132515, 2132515, 2132611, 2132707, 2132707, 2132803, 2132899, 2132899, 2132995, 2132995, 2133091, 2133187, ]), new Uint32Array([ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, ]), new Uint32Array([ 23068672, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 6291456, 0, 0, ]), new Uint32Array([ 2112481, 2112577, 2098177, 2098305, 2108321, 2108289, 2100865, 2113153, 2108481, 2113345, 2113441, 10609889, 10610785, 10609921, 10610817, 2222241, ]), new Uint32Array([ 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 23068672, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 23068672, 23068672, 0, 0, ]), new Uint32Array([ 2219969, 2157121, 2157441, 2157505, 2157889, 2157953, 2220001, 2158465, 2158529, 10575617, 2156994, 2157058, 2129923, 2130019, 2157122, 2157186, ]), new Uint32Array([ 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ]), new Uint32Array([ 2185249, 6291456, 2185281, 6291456, 2185313, 6291456, 2185345, 6291456, 2185377, 6291456, 2185409, 6291456, 2185441, 6291456, 2185473, 6291456, ]), new Uint32Array([ 0, 0, 0, 0, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 0, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, 6291456, ]), new Uint32Array([ 6291456, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, ]), new Uint32Array([ 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 0, 0, 23068672, 23068672, 0, 0, 23068672, 23068672, 23068672, 6291456, 0, ]), new Uint32Array([ 2183361, 6291456, 2183393, 6291456, 2183425, 6291456, 2183457, 6291456, 2183489, 6291456, 2183521, 6291456, 2183553, 6291456, 2183585, 6291456, ]), new Uint32Array([ 2192161, 2192193, 2192225, 2192257, 2192289, 2192321, 2192353, 2192385, 2192417, 2192449, 2192481, 2192513, 2192545, 2192577, 2192609, 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mapChar: function (r) { return r >= 196608 ? r >= 917760 && r <= 917999 ? 18874368 : 0 : e[t[r >> 4]][15 & r]; }, } ); var e, t; }.apply(t, [])) || (e.exports = n); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = [ { constant: !0, inputs: [{ name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }], name: 'resolver', outputs: [{ name: '', type: 'address' }], payable: !1, type: 'function', }, { constant: !0, inputs: [{ name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }], name: 'owner', outputs: [{ name: '', type: 'address' }], payable: !1, type: 'function', }, { constant: !1, inputs: [ { name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }, { name: 'label', type: 'bytes32' }, { name: 'owner', type: 'address' }, ], name: 'setSubnodeOwner', outputs: [], payable: !1, type: 'function', }, { constant: !1, inputs: [ { name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }, { name: 'ttl', type: 'uint64' }, ], name: 'setTTL', outputs: [], payable: !1, type: 'function', }, { constant: !0, inputs: [{ name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }], name: 'ttl', outputs: [{ name: '', type: 'uint64' }], payable: !1, type: 'function', }, { constant: !1, inputs: [ { name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }, { name: 'resolver', type: 'address' }, ], name: 'setResolver', outputs: [], payable: !1, type: 'function', }, { constant: !1, inputs: [ { name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }, { name: 'owner', type: 'address' }, ], name: 'setOwner', outputs: [], payable: !1, type: 'function', }, { anonymous: !1, inputs: [ { indexed: !0, name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }, { indexed: !1, name: 'owner', type: 'address' }, ], name: 'Transfer', type: 'event', }, { anonymous: !1, inputs: [ { indexed: !0, name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }, { indexed: !0, name: 'label', type: 'bytes32' }, { indexed: !1, name: 'owner', type: 'address' }, ], name: 'NewOwner', type: 'event', }, { anonymous: !1, inputs: [ { indexed: !0, name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }, { indexed: !1, name: 'resolver', type: 'address' }, ], name: 'NewResolver', type: 'event', }, { anonymous: !1, inputs: [ { indexed: !0, name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }, { indexed: !1, name: 'ttl', type: 'uint64' }, ], name: 'NewTTL', type: 'event', }, { constant: !1, inputs: [ { internalType: 'bytes32', name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }, { internalType: 'address', name: 'owner', type: 'address' }, { internalType: 'address', name: 'resolver', type: 'address' }, { internalType: 'uint64', name: 'ttl', type: 'uint64' }, ], name: 'setRecord', outputs: [], payable: !1, stateMutability: 'nonpayable', type: 'function', }, { constant: !1, inputs: [ { internalType: 'address', name: 'operator', type: 'address' }, { internalType: 'bool', name: 'approved', type: 'bool' }, ], name: 'setApprovalForAll', outputs: [], payable: !1, stateMutability: 'nonpayable', type: 'function', }, { anonymous: !1, inputs: [ { indexed: !0, internalType: 'address', name: 'owner', type: 'address' }, { indexed: !0, internalType: 'address', name: 'operator', type: 'address' }, { indexed: !1, internalType: 'bool', name: 'approved', type: 'bool' }, ], name: 'ApprovalForAll', type: 'event', }, { constant: !0, inputs: [ { internalType: 'address', name: 'owner', type: 'address' }, { internalType: 'address', name: 'operator', type: 'address' }, ], name: 'isApprovedForAll', outputs: [{ internalType: 'bool', name: '', type: 'bool' }], payable: !1, stateMutability: 'view', type: 'function', }, { constant: !0, inputs: [{ internalType: 'bytes32', name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }], name: 'recordExists', outputs: [{ internalType: 'bool', name: '', type: 'bool' }], payable: !1, stateMutability: 'view', type: 'function', }, { constant: !1, inputs: [ { internalType: 'bytes32', name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }, { internalType: 'bytes32', name: 'label', type: 'bytes32' }, { internalType: 'address', name: 'owner', type: 'address' }, { internalType: 'address', name: 'resolver', type: 'address' }, { internalType: 'uint64', name: 'ttl', type: 'uint64' }, ], name: 'setSubnodeRecord', outputs: [], payable: !1, stateMutability: 'nonpayable', type: 'function', }, ]; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = [ { constant: !0, inputs: [{ name: 'interfaceID', type: 'bytes4' }], name: 'supportsInterface', outputs: [{ name: '', type: 'bool' }], payable: !1, type: 'function', }, { constant: !0, inputs: [ { name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }, { name: 'contentTypes', type: 'uint256' }, ], name: 'ABI', outputs: [ { name: 'contentType', type: 'uint256' }, { name: 'data', type: 'bytes' }, ], payable: !1, type: 'function', }, { constant: !1, inputs: [ { name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }, { name: 'hash', type: 'bytes' }, ], name: 'setMultihash', outputs: [], payable: !1, stateMutability: 'nonpayable', type: 'function', }, { constant: !0, inputs: [{ name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }], name: 'multihash', outputs: [{ name: '', type: 'bytes' }], payable: !1, stateMutability: 'view', type: 'function', }, { constant: !1, inputs: [ { name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }, { name: 'x', type: 'bytes32' }, { name: 'y', type: 'bytes32' }, ], name: 'setPubkey', outputs: [], payable: !1, type: 'function', }, { constant: !0, inputs: [{ name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }], name: 'content', outputs: [{ name: 'ret', type: 'bytes32' }], payable: !1, type: 'function', }, { constant: !0, inputs: [{ name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }], name: 'addr', outputs: [{ name: 'ret', type: 'address' }], payable: !1, type: 'function', }, { constant: !1, inputs: [ { name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }, { name: 'contentType', type: 'uint256' }, { name: 'data', type: 'bytes' }, ], name: 'setABI', outputs: [], payable: !1, type: 'function', }, { constant: !0, inputs: [{ name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }], name: 'name', outputs: [{ name: 'ret', type: 'string' }], payable: !1, type: 'function', }, { constant: !1, inputs: [ { name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }, { name: 'name', type: 'string' }, ], name: 'setName', outputs: [], payable: !1, type: 'function', }, { constant: !1, inputs: [ { name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }, { name: 'hash', type: 'bytes32' }, ], name: 'setContent', outputs: [], payable: !1, type: 'function', }, { constant: !0, inputs: [{ name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }], name: 'pubkey', outputs: [ { name: 'x', type: 'bytes32' }, { name: 'y', type: 'bytes32' }, ], payable: !1, type: 'function', }, { constant: !1, inputs: [ { name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }, { name: 'addr', type: 'address' }, ], name: 'setAddr', outputs: [], payable: !1, type: 'function', }, { inputs: [{ name: 'ensAddr', type: 'address' }], payable: !1, type: 'constructor' }, { anonymous: !1, inputs: [ { indexed: !0, name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }, { indexed: !1, name: 'a', type: 'address' }, ], name: 'AddrChanged', type: 'event', }, { anonymous: !1, inputs: [ { indexed: !0, name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }, { indexed: !1, name: 'hash', type: 'bytes32' }, ], name: 'ContentChanged', type: 'event', }, { anonymous: !1, inputs: [ { indexed: !0, name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }, { indexed: !1, name: 'name', type: 'string' }, ], name: 'NameChanged', type: 'event', }, { anonymous: !1, inputs: [ { indexed: !0, name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }, { indexed: !0, name: 'contentType', type: 'uint256' }, ], name: 'ABIChanged', type: 'event', }, { anonymous: !1, inputs: [ { indexed: !0, name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }, { indexed: !1, name: 'x', type: 'bytes32' }, { indexed: !1, name: 'y', type: 'bytes32' }, ], name: 'PubkeyChanged', type: 'event', }, { anonymous: !1, inputs: [ { indexed: !0, name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }, { indexed: !1, name: 'hash', type: 'bytes' }, ], name: 'ContenthashChanged', type: 'event', }, { constant: !0, inputs: [{ name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }], name: 'contenthash', outputs: [{ name: '', type: 'bytes' }], payable: !1, stateMutability: 'view', type: 'function', }, { constant: !1, inputs: [ { name: 'node', type: 'bytes32' }, { name: 'hash', type: 'bytes' }, ], name: 'setContenthash', outputs: [], payable: !1, stateMutability: 'nonpayable', type: 'function', }, ]; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0), i = n(r(47)), o = n(r(69)), a = r(48), s = r(124), u = r(9).errors, f = r(10), c = r(113).interfaceIds; function h(e) { this.registry = e; } (h.prototype.method = function (e, t, r, n, i) { return { call: this.call.bind({ ensName: e, methodName: t, methodArguments: r, callback: i, parent: this, outputFormatter: n, }), send: this.send.bind({ ensName: e, methodName: t, methodArguments: r, callback: i, parent: this, }), }; }), (h.prototype.call = function (e) { var t = this, r = new a(), n = this.parent.prepareArguments(this.ensName, this.methodArguments), s = this.outputFormatter || null; return ( this.parent.registry .getResolver(this.ensName) .then( (function () { var a = (0, o.default)( i.default.mark(function o(a) { return i.default.wrap(function (i) { for (;;) switch ((i.prev = i.next)) { case 0: return (i.next = 2), t.parent.checkInterfaceSupport(a, t.methodName); case 2: t.parent.handleCall(r, a.methods[t.methodName], n, s, e); case 3: case 'end': return i.stop(); } }, o); }) ); return function (e) { return a.apply(this, arguments); }; })() ) .catch(function (t) { f.isFunction(e) ? e(t, null) : r.reject(t); }), r.eventEmitter ); }), (h.prototype.send = function (e, t) { var r = this, n = new a(), s = this.parent.prepareArguments(this.ensName, this.methodArguments); return ( this.parent.registry .getResolver(this.ensName) .then( (function () { var a = (0, o.default)( i.default.mark(function o(a) { return i.default.wrap(function (i) { for (;;) switch ((i.prev = i.next)) { case 0: return (i.next = 2), r.parent.checkInterfaceSupport(a, r.methodName); case 2: r.parent.handleSend(n, a.methods[r.methodName], s, e, t); case 3: case 'end': return i.stop(); } }, o); }) ); return function (e) { return a.apply(this, arguments); }; })() ) .catch(function (e) { f.isFunction(t) ? t(e, null) : n.reject(e); }), n.eventEmitter ); }), (h.prototype.handleCall = function (e, t, r, n, i) { return ( t .apply(this, r) .call() .then(function (t) { n && (t = n(t)), f.isFunction(i) ? i(t, t) : e.resolve(t); }) .catch(function (t) { f.isFunction(i) ? i(t, null) : e.reject(t); }), e ); }), (h.prototype.handleSend = function (e, t, r, n, i) { return ( t .apply(this, r) .send(n) .on('sending', function () { e.eventEmitter.emit('sending'); }) .on('sent', function () { e.eventEmitter.emit('sent'); }) .on('transactionHash', function (t) { e.eventEmitter.emit('transactionHash', t); }) .on('confirmation', function (t, r) { e.eventEmitter.emit('confirmation', t, r); }) .on('receipt', function (t) { e.eventEmitter.emit('receipt', t), e.resolve(t), f.isFunction(i) && i(t, t); }) .on('error', function (t) { e.eventEmitter.emit('error', t), f.isFunction(i) ? i(t, null) : e.reject(t); }), e ); }), (h.prototype.prepareArguments = function (e, t) { var r = s.hash(e); return t.length > 0 ? (t.unshift(r), t) : [r]; }), (h.prototype.checkInterfaceSupport = (function () { var e = (0, o.default)( i.default.mark(function e(t, r) { var n; return i.default.wrap( function (e) { for (;;) switch ((e.prev = e.next)) { case 0: if (c[r]) { e.next = 2; break; } return e.abrupt('return'); case 2: return ( (n = !1), (e.prev = 3), (e.next = 6), t.methods.supportsInterface(c[r]).call() ); case 6: (n = e.sent), (e.next = 12); break; case 9: (e.prev = 9), (e.t0 = e.catch(3)), console.warn( 'Could not verify interface of resolver contract at "' + t.options.address + '". ' ); case 12: if (n) { e.next = 14; break; } throw u.ResolverMethodMissingError(t.options.address, r); case 14: case 'end': return e.stop(); } }, e, null, [[3, 9]] ); }) ); return function (t, r) { return e.apply(this, arguments); }; })()), (e.exports = h); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(281); e.exports = { decode: function (e) { var t = null, r = null, i = null; if (e && e.error) return { protocolType: null, decoded: e.error }; if (e) try { t = n.decode(e); var o = n.getCodec(e); 'ipfs-ns' === o ? (r = 'ipfs') : 'swarm-ns' === o ? (r = 'bzz') : 'onion' === o ? (r = 'onion') : 'onion3' === o ? (r = 'onion3') : (t = e); } catch (e) { i = e.message; } return { protocolType: r, decoded: t, error: i }; }, encode: function (e) { var t, r, i = !1; if (e) { var o = e.match(/^(ipfs|bzz|onion|onion3):\/\/(.*)/) || e.match(/\/(ipfs)\/(.*)/); o && ((r = o[1]), (t = o[2])); try { if ('ipfs' === r) t.length >= 4 && (i = '0x' + n.fromIpfs(t)); else if ('bzz' === r) t.length >= 4 && (i = '0x' + n.fromSwarm(t)); else if ('onion' === r) 16 === t.length && (i = '0x' + n.encode('onion', t)); else { if ('onion3' !== r) throw new Error('Could not encode content hash: unsupported content type'); 56 === t.length && (i = '0x' + n.encode('onion3', t)); } } catch (e) { throw e; } } return i; }, }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(282), i = r(293), o = i.hexStringToBuffer, a = i.profiles, s = r(317).cidV0ToV1Base32; e.exports = { helpers: { cidV0ToV1Base32: s }, decode: function (e) { var t = o(e), r = n.getCodec(t), i = n.rmPrefix(t), s = a[r]; return s || (s = a.default), s.decode(i); }, fromIpfs: function (e) { return this.encode('ipfs-ns', e); }, fromSwarm: function (e) { return this.encode('swarm-ns', e); }, encode: function (e, t) { var r = a[e]; r || (r = a.default); var i = r.encode(t); return n.addPrefix(e, i).toString('hex'); }, getCodec: function (e) { var t = o(e); return n.getCodec(t); }, }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (n) { var i = r(39), o = r(286), a = r(287), s = r(125); ((t = e.exports).addPrefix = function (e, t) { var r; if (n.isBuffer(e)) r = s.varintBufferEncode(e); else { if (!a[e]) throw new Error('multicodec not recognized'); r = a[e]; } return n.concat([r, t]); }), (t.rmPrefix = function (e) { return i.decode(e), e.slice(i.decode.bytes); }), (t.getCodec = function (e) { var t = i.decode(e), r = o.get(t); if (void 0 === r) throw new Error('Code '.concat(t, ' not found')); return r; }), (t.getName = function (e) { return o.get(e); }), (t.getNumber = function (e) { var t = a[e]; if (void 0 === t) throw new Error('Codec `' + e + '` not found'); return s.varintBufferDecode(t)[0]; }), (t.getCode = function (e) { return i.decode(e); }), (t.getCodeVarint = function (e) { var t = a[e]; if (void 0 === t) throw new Error('Codec `' + e + '` not found'); return t; }), (t.getVarint = function (e) { return i.encode(e); }); var u = r(288); Object.assign(t, u), (t.print = r(292)); }.call(this, r(2).Buffer)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = function e(t, r, i) { r = r || []; var o = (i = i || 0); for (; t >= n; ) (r[i++] = (255 & t) | 128), (t /= 128); for (; -128 & t; ) (r[i++] = (255 & t) | 128), (t >>>= 7); return (r[i] = 0 | t), (e.bytes = i - o + 1), r; }; var n = Math.pow(2, 31); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = function e(t, r) { var n, i = 0, o = 0, a = (r = r || 0), s = t.length; do { if (a >= s) throw ((e.bytes = 0), new RangeError('Could not decode varint')); (n = t[a++]), (i += o < 28 ? (127 & n) << o : (127 & n) * Math.pow(2, o)), (o += 7); } while (n >= 128); return (e.bytes = a - r), i; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = Math.pow(2, 7), i = Math.pow(2, 14), o = Math.pow(2, 21), a = Math.pow(2, 28), s = Math.pow(2, 35), u = Math.pow(2, 42), f = Math.pow(2, 49), c = Math.pow(2, 56), h = Math.pow(2, 63); e.exports = function (e) { return e < n ? 1 : e < i ? 2 : e < o ? 3 : e < a ? 4 : e < s ? 5 : e < u ? 6 : e < f ? 7 : e < c ? 8 : e < h ? 9 : 10; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(54), i = new Map(); for (var o in n) { var a = n[o]; i.set(a, o); } e.exports = Object.freeze(i); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(54), i = r(125).varintEncode, o = {}; for (var a in n) { var s = n[a]; o[a] = i(s); } e.exports = Object.freeze(o); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; for ( var n = r(0)(r(40)), i = r(54), o = {}, a = 0, s = Object.entries(i); a < s.length; a++ ) { var u = (0, n.default)(s[a], 2), f = u[0], c = u[1]; o[f.toUpperCase().replace(/-/g, '_')] = c; } e.exports = Object.freeze(o); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = function (e) { if (Array.isArray(e)) return e; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = function (e, t) { if ('undefined' != typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator in Object(e)) { var r = [], n = !0, i = !1, o = void 0; try { for ( var a, s = e[Symbol.iterator](); !(n = (a = s.next()).done) && (r.push(a.value), !t || r.length !== t); n = !0 ); } catch (e) { (i = !0), (o = e); } finally { try { n || null == s.return || s.return(); } finally { if (i) throw o; } } return r; } }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = function () { throw new TypeError( 'Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.' ); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; for ( var n = r(0)(r(40)), i = r(54), o = {}, a = 0, s = Object.entries(i); a < s.length; a++ ) { var u = (0, n.default)(s[a], 2), f = u[0], c = u[1]; void 0 === o[c] && (o[c] = f); } e.exports = Object.freeze(o); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (e) { var n = r(128), i = r(76), o = function (e) { var t = e.slice(0, 2), r = e.slice(2), n = ''; return (n = '0x' === t ? r : e), i.fromHexString(n); }, a = { swarm: function (e) { var t = i.encode(o(e), 'keccak-256'); return new n(1, 'swarm-manifest', t).buffer; }, ipfs: function (e) { var t = i.fromB58String(e); return new n(1, 'dag-pb', t).buffer; }, utf8: function (t) { return e.from(t, 'utf8'); }, }, s = { hexMultiHash: function (e) { var t = new n(e); return i.decode(t.multihash).digest.toString('hex'); }, b58MultiHash: function (e) { var t = new n(e); return i.toB58String(t.multihash); }, utf8: function (e) { return e.toString('utf8'); }, }, u = { 'swarm-ns': { encode: a.swarm, decode: s.hexMultiHash }, 'ipfs-ns': { encode: a.ipfs, decode: s.b58MultiHash }, 'ipns-ns': { encode: a.ipfs, decode: s.b58MultiHash }, default: { encode: a.utf8, decode: s.utf8 }, }; (t.hexStringToBuffer = o), (t.profiles = u); }.call(this, r(2).Buffer)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(2).Buffer, i = r(295); function o(e, t) { if (!t) throw new Error('requires an encoded buffer'); var r = a(e), i = n.from(r.code); return ( (function (e, t) { a(e).decode(t.toString()); })(r.name, t), n.concat([i, t]) ); } function a(e) { var t; if (i.names[e]) t = i.names[e]; else { if (!i.codes[e]) throw new Error('Unsupported encoding'); t = i.codes[e]; } if (!t.isImplemented()) throw new Error('Base ' + e + ' is not implemented yet'); return t; } ((t = e.exports = o).encode = function (e, t) { var r = a(e); return o(r.name, n.from(r.encode(t))); }), (t.decode = function (e) { n.isBuffer(e) && (e = e.toString()); var t = e.substring(0, 1); 'string' == typeof (e = e.substring(1, e.length)) && (e = n.from(e)); var r = a(t); return n.from(r.decode(e.toString())); }), (t.isEncoded = function (e) { n.isBuffer(e) && (e = e.toString()); if ('[object String]' !== Object.prototype.toString.call(e)) return !1; var t = e.substring(0, 1); try { return a(t).name; } catch (e) { return !1; } }), (t.names = Object.freeze(Object.keys(i.names))), (t.codes = Object.freeze(Object.keys(i.codes))); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(296), i = r(129), o = r(297), a = r(298), s = r(299), u = [ ['base1', '1', '', '1'], ['base2', '0', i, '01'], ['base8', '7', i, '01234567'], ['base10', '9', i, '0123456789'], ['base16', 'f', o, '0123456789abcdef'], ['base32', 'b', a, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567'], ['base32pad', 'c', a, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567='], ['base32hex', 'v', a, '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv'], ['base32hexpad', 't', a, '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv='], ['base32z', 'h', a, 'ybndrfg8ejkmcpqxot1uwisza345h769'], ['base58flickr', 'Z', i, '123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ'], ['base58btc', 'z', i, '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz'], ['base64', 'm', s, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'], [ 'base64pad', 'M', s, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=', ], ['base64url', 'u', s, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_'], [ 'base64urlpad', 'U', s, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_=', ], ], f = u.reduce(function (e, t) { return (e[t[0]] = new n(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3])), e; }, {}), c = u.reduce(function (e, t) { return (e[t[1]] = f[t[0]]), e; }, {}); e.exports = { names: f, codes: c }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0), i = n(r(6)), o = n(r(7)), a = (function () { function e(t, r, n, o) { (0, i.default)(this, e), (this.name = t), (this.code = r), (this.alphabet = o), n && o && (this.engine = n(o)); } return ( (0, o.default)(e, [ { key: 'encode', value: function (e) { return this.engine.encode(e); }, }, { key: 'decode', value: function (e) { return this.engine.decode(e); }, }, { key: 'isImplemented', value: function () { return this.engine; }, }, ]), e ); })(); e.exports = a; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; function n(e, t) { var r; if ('undefined' == typeof Symbol || null == e[Symbol.iterator]) { if ( Array.isArray(e) || (r = (function (e, t) { if (!e) return; if ('string' == typeof e) return i(e, t); var r = Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8, -1); 'Object' === r && e.constructor && (r = e.constructor.name); if ('Map' === r || 'Set' === r) return Array.from(e); if ('Arguments' === r || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(r)) return i(e, t); })(e)) || (t && e && 'number' == typeof e.length) ) { r && (e = r); var n = 0, o = function () {}; return { s: o, n: function () { return n >= e.length ? { done: !0 } : { done: !1, value: e[n++] }; }, e: function (e) { throw e; }, f: o, }; } throw new TypeError( 'Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.' ); } var a, s = !0, u = !1; return { s: function () { r = e[Symbol.iterator](); }, n: function () { var e = r.next(); return (s = e.done), e; }, e: function (e) { (u = !0), (a = e); }, f: function () { try { s || null == r.return || r.return(); } finally { if (u) throw a; } }, }; } function i(e, t) { (null == t || t > e.length) && (t = e.length); for (var r = 0, n = new Array(t); r < t; r++) n[r] = e[r]; return n; } var o = r(2).Buffer; e.exports = function (e) { return { encode: function (e) { return 'string' == typeof e ? o.from(e).toString('hex') : e.toString('hex'); }, decode: function (t) { var r, i = n(t); try { for (i.s(); !(r = i.n()).done; ) { var a = r.value; if (e.indexOf(a) < 0) throw new Error('invalid base16 character'); } } catch (e) { i.e(e); } finally { i.f(); } return o.from(t, 'hex'); }, }; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; function n(e, t) { var r; if ('undefined' == typeof Symbol || null == e[Symbol.iterator]) { if ( Array.isArray(e) || (r = (function (e, t) { if (!e) return; if ('string' == typeof e) return i(e, t); var r = Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8, -1); 'Object' === r && e.constructor && (r = e.constructor.name); if ('Map' === r || 'Set' === r) return Array.from(e); if ('Arguments' === r || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(r)) return i(e, t); })(e)) || (t && e && 'number' == typeof e.length) ) { r && (e = r); var n = 0, o = function () {}; return { s: o, n: function () { return n >= e.length ? { done: !0 } : { done: !1, value: e[n++] }; }, e: function (e) { throw e; }, f: o, }; } throw new TypeError( 'Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.' ); } var a, s = !0, u = !1; return { s: function () { r = e[Symbol.iterator](); }, n: function () { var e = r.next(); return (s = e.done), e; }, e: function (e) { (u = !0), (a = e); }, f: function () { try { s || null == r.return || r.return(); } finally { if (u) throw a; } }, }; } function i(e, t) { (null == t || t > e.length) && (t = e.length); for (var r = 0, n = new Array(t); r < t; r++) n[r] = e[r]; return n; } function o(e, t) { var r = e.byteLength, n = new Uint8Array(e), i = t.indexOf('=') === t.length - 1; i && (t = t.substring(0, t.length - 1)); for (var o = 0, a = 0, s = '', u = 0; u < r; u++) for (a = (a << 8) | n[u], o += 8; o >= 5; ) (s += t[(a >>> (o - 5)) & 31]), (o -= 5); if ((o > 0 && (s += t[(a << (5 - o)) & 31]), i)) for (; s.length % 8 != 0; ) s += '='; return s; } e.exports = function (e) { return { encode: function (t) { return o('string' == typeof t ? Uint8Array.from(t) : t, e); }, decode: function (t) { var r, i = n(t); try { for (i.s(); !(r = i.n()).done; ) { var o = r.value; if (e.indexOf(o) < 0) throw new Error('invalid base32 character'); } } catch (e) { i.e(e); } finally { i.f(); } return (function (e, t) { for ( var r = (e = e.replace(new RegExp('=', 'g'), '')).length, n = 0, i = 0, o = 0, a = new Uint8Array(((5 * r) / 8) | 0), s = 0; s < r; s++ ) (i = (i << 5) | t.indexOf(e[s])), (n += 5) >= 8 && ((a[o++] = (i >>> (n - 8)) & 255), (n -= 8)); return a.buffer; })(t, e); }, }; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; function n(e, t) { var r; if ('undefined' == typeof Symbol || null == e[Symbol.iterator]) { if ( Array.isArray(e) || (r = (function (e, t) { if (!e) return; if ('string' == typeof e) return i(e, t); var r = Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8, -1); 'Object' === r && e.constructor && (r = e.constructor.name); if ('Map' === r || 'Set' === r) return Array.from(e); if ('Arguments' === r || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(r)) return i(e, t); })(e)) || (t && e && 'number' == typeof e.length) ) { r && (e = r); var n = 0, o = function () {}; return { s: o, n: function () { return n >= e.length ? { done: !0 } : { done: !1, value: e[n++] }; }, e: function (e) { throw e; }, f: o, }; } throw new TypeError( 'Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.' ); } var a, s = !0, u = !1; return { s: function () { r = e[Symbol.iterator](); }, n: function () { var e = r.next(); return (s = e.done), e; }, e: function (e) { (u = !0), (a = e); }, f: function () { try { s || null == r.return || r.return(); } finally { if (u) throw a; } }, }; } function i(e, t) { (null == t || t > e.length) && (t = e.length); for (var r = 0, n = new Array(t); r < t; r++) n[r] = e[r]; return n; } var o = r(2).Buffer; e.exports = function (e) { var t = e.indexOf('=') > -1, r = e.indexOf('-') > -1 && e.indexOf('_') > -1; return { encode: function (e) { var n = ''; (n = 'string' == typeof e ? o.from(e).toString('base64') : e.toString('base64')), r && (n = n.replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_')); var i = n.indexOf('='); return i > 0 && !t && (n = n.substring(0, i)), n; }, decode: function (t) { var r, i = n(t); try { for (i.s(); !(r = i.n()).done; ) { var a = r.value; if (e.indexOf(a) < 0) throw new Error('invalid base64 character'); } } catch (e) { i.e(e); } finally { i.f(); } return o.from(t, 'base64'); }, }; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (t.names = Object.freeze({ identity: 0, sha1: 17, 'sha2-256': 18, 'sha2-512': 19, 'dbl-sha2-256': 86, 'sha3-224': 23, 'sha3-256': 22, 'sha3-384': 21, 'sha3-512': 20, 'shake-128': 24, 'shake-256': 25, 'keccak-224': 26, 'keccak-256': 27, 'keccak-384': 28, 'keccak-512': 29, 'murmur3-128': 34, 'murmur3-32': 35, md4: 212, md5: 213, 'blake2b-8': 45569, 'blake2b-16': 45570, 'blake2b-24': 45571, 'blake2b-32': 45572, 'blake2b-40': 45573, 'blake2b-48': 45574, 'blake2b-56': 45575, 'blake2b-64': 45576, 'blake2b-72': 45577, 'blake2b-80': 45578, 'blake2b-88': 45579, 'blake2b-96': 45580, 'blake2b-104': 45581, 'blake2b-112': 45582, 'blake2b-120': 45583, 'blake2b-128': 45584, 'blake2b-136': 45585, 'blake2b-144': 45586, 'blake2b-152': 45587, 'blake2b-160': 45588, 'blake2b-168': 45589, 'blake2b-176': 45590, 'blake2b-184': 45591, 'blake2b-192': 45592, 'blake2b-200': 45593, 'blake2b-208': 45594, 'blake2b-216': 45595, 'blake2b-224': 45596, 'blake2b-232': 45597, 'blake2b-240': 45598, 'blake2b-248': 45599, 'blake2b-256': 45600, 'blake2b-264': 45601, 'blake2b-272': 45602, 'blake2b-280': 45603, 'blake2b-288': 45604, 'blake2b-296': 45605, 'blake2b-304': 45606, 'blake2b-312': 45607, 'blake2b-320': 45608, 'blake2b-328': 45609, 'blake2b-336': 45610, 'blake2b-344': 45611, 'blake2b-352': 45612, 'blake2b-360': 45613, 'blake2b-368': 45614, 'blake2b-376': 45615, 'blake2b-384': 45616, 'blake2b-392': 45617, 'blake2b-400': 45618, 'blake2b-408': 45619, 'blake2b-416': 45620, 'blake2b-424': 45621, 'blake2b-432': 45622, 'blake2b-440': 45623, 'blake2b-448': 45624, 'blake2b-456': 45625, 'blake2b-464': 45626, 'blake2b-472': 45627, 'blake2b-480': 45628, 'blake2b-488': 45629, 'blake2b-496': 45630, 'blake2b-504': 45631, 'blake2b-512': 45632, 'blake2s-8': 45633, 'blake2s-16': 45634, 'blake2s-24': 45635, 'blake2s-32': 45636, 'blake2s-40': 45637, 'blake2s-48': 45638, 'blake2s-56': 45639, 'blake2s-64': 45640, 'blake2s-72': 45641, 'blake2s-80': 45642, 'blake2s-88': 45643, 'blake2s-96': 45644, 'blake2s-104': 45645, 'blake2s-112': 45646, 'blake2s-120': 45647, 'blake2s-128': 45648, 'blake2s-136': 45649, 'blake2s-144': 45650, 'blake2s-152': 45651, 'blake2s-160': 45652, 'blake2s-168': 45653, 'blake2s-176': 45654, 'blake2s-184': 45655, 'blake2s-192': 45656, 'blake2s-200': 45657, 'blake2s-208': 45658, 'blake2s-216': 45659, 'blake2s-224': 45660, 'blake2s-232': 45661, 'blake2s-240': 45662, 'blake2s-248': 45663, 'blake2s-256': 45664, 'Skein256-8': 45825, 'Skein256-16': 45826, 'Skein256-24': 45827, 'Skein256-32': 45828, 'Skein256-40': 45829, 'Skein256-48': 45830, 'Skein256-56': 45831, 'Skein256-64': 45832, 'Skein256-72': 45833, 'Skein256-80': 45834, 'Skein256-88': 45835, 'Skein256-96': 45836, 'Skein256-104': 45837, 'Skein256-112': 45838, 'Skein256-120': 45839, 'Skein256-128': 45840, 'Skein256-136': 45841, 'Skein256-144': 45842, 'Skein256-152': 45843, 'Skein256-160': 45844, 'Skein256-168': 45845, 'Skein256-176': 45846, 'Skein256-184': 45847, 'Skein256-192': 45848, 'Skein256-200': 45849, 'Skein256-208': 45850, 'Skein256-216': 45851, 'Skein256-224': 45852, 'Skein256-232': 45853, 'Skein256-240': 45854, 'Skein256-248': 45855, 'Skein256-256': 45856, 'Skein512-8': 45857, 'Skein512-16': 45858, 'Skein512-24': 45859, 'Skein512-32': 45860, 'Skein512-40': 45861, 'Skein512-48': 45862, 'Skein512-56': 45863, 'Skein512-64': 45864, 'Skein512-72': 45865, 'Skein512-80': 45866, 'Skein512-88': 45867, 'Skein512-96': 45868, 'Skein512-104': 45869, 'Skein512-112': 45870, 'Skein512-120': 45871, 'Skein512-128': 45872, 'Skein512-136': 45873, 'Skein512-144': 45874, 'Skein512-152': 45875, 'Skein512-160': 45876, 'Skein512-168': 45877, 'Skein512-176': 45878, 'Skein512-184': 45879, 'Skein512-192': 45880, 'Skein512-200': 45881, 'Skein512-208': 45882, 'Skein512-216': 45883, 'Skein512-224': 45884, 'Skein512-232': 45885, 'Skein512-240': 45886, 'Skein512-248': 45887, 'Skein512-256': 45888, 'Skein512-264': 45889, 'Skein512-272': 45890, 'Skein512-280': 45891, 'Skein512-288': 45892, 'Skein512-296': 45893, 'Skein512-304': 45894, 'Skein512-312': 45895, 'Skein512-320': 45896, 'Skein512-328': 45897, 'Skein512-336': 45898, 'Skein512-344': 45899, 'Skein512-352': 45900, 'Skein512-360': 45901, 'Skein512-368': 45902, 'Skein512-376': 45903, 'Skein512-384': 45904, 'Skein512-392': 45905, 'Skein512-400': 45906, 'Skein512-408': 45907, 'Skein512-416': 45908, 'Skein512-424': 45909, 'Skein512-432': 45910, 'Skein512-440': 45911, 'Skein512-448': 45912, 'Skein512-456': 45913, 'Skein512-464': 45914, 'Skein512-472': 45915, 'Skein512-480': 45916, 'Skein512-488': 45917, 'Skein512-496': 45918, 'Skein512-504': 45919, 'Skein512-512': 45920, 'Skein1024-8': 45921, 'Skein1024-16': 45922, 'Skein1024-24': 45923, 'Skein1024-32': 45924, 'Skein1024-40': 45925, 'Skein1024-48': 45926, 'Skein1024-56': 45927, 'Skein1024-64': 45928, 'Skein1024-72': 45929, 'Skein1024-80': 45930, 'Skein1024-88': 45931, 'Skein1024-96': 45932, 'Skein1024-104': 45933, 'Skein1024-112': 45934, 'Skein1024-120': 45935, 'Skein1024-128': 45936, 'Skein1024-136': 45937, 'Skein1024-144': 45938, 'Skein1024-152': 45939, 'Skein1024-160': 45940, 'Skein1024-168': 45941, 'Skein1024-176': 45942, 'Skein1024-184': 45943, 'Skein1024-192': 45944, 'Skein1024-200': 45945, 'Skein1024-208': 45946, 'Skein1024-216': 45947, 'Skein1024-224': 45948, 'Skein1024-232': 45949, 'Skein1024-240': 45950, 'Skein1024-248': 45951, 'Skein1024-256': 45952, 'Skein1024-264': 45953, 'Skein1024-272': 45954, 'Skein1024-280': 45955, 'Skein1024-288': 45956, 'Skein1024-296': 45957, 'Skein1024-304': 45958, 'Skein1024-312': 45959, 'Skein1024-320': 45960, 'Skein1024-328': 45961, 'Skein1024-336': 45962, 'Skein1024-344': 45963, 'Skein1024-352': 45964, 'Skein1024-360': 45965, 'Skein1024-368': 45966, 'Skein1024-376': 45967, 'Skein1024-384': 45968, 'Skein1024-392': 45969, 'Skein1024-400': 45970, 'Skein1024-408': 45971, 'Skein1024-416': 45972, 'Skein1024-424': 45973, 'Skein1024-432': 45974, 'Skein1024-440': 45975, 'Skein1024-448': 45976, 'Skein1024-456': 45977, 'Skein1024-464': 45978, 'Skein1024-472': 45979, 'Skein1024-480': 45980, 'Skein1024-488': 45981, 'Skein1024-496': 45982, 'Skein1024-504': 45983, 'Skein1024-512': 45984, 'Skein1024-520': 45985, 'Skein1024-528': 45986, 'Skein1024-536': 45987, 'Skein1024-544': 45988, 'Skein1024-552': 45989, 'Skein1024-560': 45990, 'Skein1024-568': 45991, 'Skein1024-576': 45992, 'Skein1024-584': 45993, 'Skein1024-592': 45994, 'Skein1024-600': 45995, 'Skein1024-608': 45996, 'Skein1024-616': 45997, 'Skein1024-624': 45998, 'Skein1024-632': 45999, 'Skein1024-640': 46e3, 'Skein1024-648': 46001, 'Skein1024-656': 46002, 'Skein1024-664': 46003, 'Skein1024-672': 46004, 'Skein1024-680': 46005, 'Skein1024-688': 46006, 'Skein1024-696': 46007, 'Skein1024-704': 46008, 'Skein1024-712': 46009, 'Skein1024-720': 46010, 'Skein1024-728': 46011, 'Skein1024-736': 46012, 'Skein1024-744': 46013, 'Skein1024-752': 46014, 'Skein1024-760': 46015, 'Skein1024-768': 46016, 'Skein1024-776': 46017, 'Skein1024-784': 46018, 'Skein1024-792': 46019, 'Skein1024-800': 46020, 'Skein1024-808': 46021, 'Skein1024-816': 46022, 'Skein1024-824': 46023, 'Skein1024-832': 46024, 'Skein1024-840': 46025, 'Skein1024-848': 46026, 'Skein1024-856': 46027, 'Skein1024-864': 46028, 'Skein1024-872': 46029, 'Skein1024-880': 46030, 'Skein1024-888': 46031, 'Skein1024-896': 46032, 'Skein1024-904': 46033, 'Skein1024-912': 46034, 'Skein1024-920': 46035, 'Skein1024-928': 46036, 'Skein1024-936': 46037, 'Skein1024-944': 46038, 'Skein1024-952': 46039, 'Skein1024-960': 46040, 'Skein1024-968': 46041, 'Skein1024-976': 46042, 'Skein1024-984': 46043, 'Skein1024-992': 46044, 'Skein1024-1000': 46045, 'Skein1024-1008': 46046, 'Skein1024-1016': 46047, 'Skein1024-1024': 46048, })), (t.codes = Object.freeze({ 0: 'identity', 17: 'sha1', 18: 'sha2-256', 19: 'sha2-512', 86: 'dbl-sha2-256', 23: 'sha3-224', 22: 'sha3-256', 21: 'sha3-384', 20: 'sha3-512', 24: 'shake-128', 25: 'shake-256', 26: 'keccak-224', 27: 'keccak-256', 28: 'keccak-384', 29: 'keccak-512', 34: 'murmur3-128', 35: 'murmur3-32', 212: 'md4', 213: 'md5', 45569: 'blake2b-8', 45570: 'blake2b-16', 45571: 'blake2b-24', 45572: 'blake2b-32', 45573: 'blake2b-40', 45574: 'blake2b-48', 45575: 'blake2b-56', 45576: 'blake2b-64', 45577: 'blake2b-72', 45578: 'blake2b-80', 45579: 'blake2b-88', 45580: 'blake2b-96', 45581: 'blake2b-104', 45582: 'blake2b-112', 45583: 'blake2b-120', 45584: 'blake2b-128', 45585: 'blake2b-136', 45586: 'blake2b-144', 45587: 'blake2b-152', 45588: 'blake2b-160', 45589: 'blake2b-168', 45590: 'blake2b-176', 45591: 'blake2b-184', 45592: 'blake2b-192', 45593: 'blake2b-200', 45594: 'blake2b-208', 45595: 'blake2b-216', 45596: 'blake2b-224', 45597: 'blake2b-232', 45598: 'blake2b-240', 45599: 'blake2b-248', 45600: 'blake2b-256', 45601: 'blake2b-264', 45602: 'blake2b-272', 45603: 'blake2b-280', 45604: 'blake2b-288', 45605: 'blake2b-296', 45606: 'blake2b-304', 45607: 'blake2b-312', 45608: 'blake2b-320', 45609: 'blake2b-328', 45610: 'blake2b-336', 45611: 'blake2b-344', 45612: 'blake2b-352', 45613: 'blake2b-360', 45614: 'blake2b-368', 45615: 'blake2b-376', 45616: 'blake2b-384', 45617: 'blake2b-392', 45618: 'blake2b-400', 45619: 'blake2b-408', 45620: 'blake2b-416', 45621: 'blake2b-424', 45622: 'blake2b-432', 45623: 'blake2b-440', 45624: 'blake2b-448', 45625: 'blake2b-456', 45626: 'blake2b-464', 45627: 'blake2b-472', 45628: 'blake2b-480', 45629: 'blake2b-488', 45630: 'blake2b-496', 45631: 'blake2b-504', 45632: 'blake2b-512', 45633: 'blake2s-8', 45634: 'blake2s-16', 45635: 'blake2s-24', 45636: 'blake2s-32', 45637: 'blake2s-40', 45638: 'blake2s-48', 45639: 'blake2s-56', 45640: 'blake2s-64', 45641: 'blake2s-72', 45642: 'blake2s-80', 45643: 'blake2s-88', 45644: 'blake2s-96', 45645: 'blake2s-104', 45646: 'blake2s-112', 45647: 'blake2s-120', 45648: 'blake2s-128', 45649: 'blake2s-136', 45650: 'blake2s-144', 45651: 'blake2s-152', 45652: 'blake2s-160', 45653: 'blake2s-168', 45654: 'blake2s-176', 45655: 'blake2s-184', 45656: 'blake2s-192', 45657: 'blake2s-200', 45658: 'blake2s-208', 45659: 'blake2s-216', 45660: 'blake2s-224', 45661: 'blake2s-232', 45662: 'blake2s-240', 45663: 'blake2s-248', 45664: 'blake2s-256', 45825: 'Skein256-8', 45826: 'Skein256-16', 45827: 'Skein256-24', 45828: 'Skein256-32', 45829: 'Skein256-40', 45830: 'Skein256-48', 45831: 'Skein256-56', 45832: 'Skein256-64', 45833: 'Skein256-72', 45834: 'Skein256-80', 45835: 'Skein256-88', 45836: 'Skein256-96', 45837: 'Skein256-104', 45838: 'Skein256-112', 45839: 'Skein256-120', 45840: 'Skein256-128', 45841: 'Skein256-136', 45842: 'Skein256-144', 45843: 'Skein256-152', 45844: 'Skein256-160', 45845: 'Skein256-168', 45846: 'Skein256-176', 45847: 'Skein256-184', 45848: 'Skein256-192', 45849: 'Skein256-200', 45850: 'Skein256-208', 45851: 'Skein256-216', 45852: 'Skein256-224', 45853: 'Skein256-232', 45854: 'Skein256-240', 45855: 'Skein256-248', 45856: 'Skein256-256', 45857: 'Skein512-8', 45858: 'Skein512-16', 45859: 'Skein512-24', 45860: 'Skein512-32', 45861: 'Skein512-40', 45862: 'Skein512-48', 45863: 'Skein512-56', 45864: 'Skein512-64', 45865: 'Skein512-72', 45866: 'Skein512-80', 45867: 'Skein512-88', 45868: 'Skein512-96', 45869: 'Skein512-104', 45870: 'Skein512-112', 45871: 'Skein512-120', 45872: 'Skein512-128', 45873: 'Skein512-136', 45874: 'Skein512-144', 45875: 'Skein512-152', 45876: 'Skein512-160', 45877: 'Skein512-168', 45878: 'Skein512-176', 45879: 'Skein512-184', 45880: 'Skein512-192', 45881: 'Skein512-200', 45882: 'Skein512-208', 45883: 'Skein512-216', 45884: 'Skein512-224', 45885: 'Skein512-232', 45886: 'Skein512-240', 45887: 'Skein512-248', 45888: 'Skein512-256', 45889: 'Skein512-264', 45890: 'Skein512-272', 45891: 'Skein512-280', 45892: 'Skein512-288', 45893: 'Skein512-296', 45894: 'Skein512-304', 45895: 'Skein512-312', 45896: 'Skein512-320', 45897: 'Skein512-328', 45898: 'Skein512-336', 45899: 'Skein512-344', 45900: 'Skein512-352', 45901: 'Skein512-360', 45902: 'Skein512-368', 45903: 'Skein512-376', 45904: 'Skein512-384', 45905: 'Skein512-392', 45906: 'Skein512-400', 45907: 'Skein512-408', 45908: 'Skein512-416', 45909: 'Skein512-424', 45910: 'Skein512-432', 45911: 'Skein512-440', 45912: 'Skein512-448', 45913: 'Skein512-456', 45914: 'Skein512-464', 45915: 'Skein512-472', 45916: 'Skein512-480', 45917: 'Skein512-488', 45918: 'Skein512-496', 45919: 'Skein512-504', 45920: 'Skein512-512', 45921: 'Skein1024-8', 45922: 'Skein1024-16', 45923: 'Skein1024-24', 45924: 'Skein1024-32', 45925: 'Skein1024-40', 45926: 'Skein1024-48', 45927: 'Skein1024-56', 45928: 'Skein1024-64', 45929: 'Skein1024-72', 45930: 'Skein1024-80', 45931: 'Skein1024-88', 45932: 'Skein1024-96', 45933: 'Skein1024-104', 45934: 'Skein1024-112', 45935: 'Skein1024-120', 45936: 'Skein1024-128', 45937: 'Skein1024-136', 45938: 'Skein1024-144', 45939: 'Skein1024-152', 45940: 'Skein1024-160', 45941: 'Skein1024-168', 45942: 'Skein1024-176', 45943: 'Skein1024-184', 45944: 'Skein1024-192', 45945: 'Skein1024-200', 45946: 'Skein1024-208', 45947: 'Skein1024-216', 45948: 'Skein1024-224', 45949: 'Skein1024-232', 45950: 'Skein1024-240', 45951: 'Skein1024-248', 45952: 'Skein1024-256', 45953: 'Skein1024-264', 45954: 'Skein1024-272', 45955: 'Skein1024-280', 45956: 'Skein1024-288', 45957: 'Skein1024-296', 45958: 'Skein1024-304', 45959: 'Skein1024-312', 45960: 'Skein1024-320', 45961: 'Skein1024-328', 45962: 'Skein1024-336', 45963: 'Skein1024-344', 45964: 'Skein1024-352', 45965: 'Skein1024-360', 45966: 'Skein1024-368', 45967: 'Skein1024-376', 45968: 'Skein1024-384', 45969: 'Skein1024-392', 45970: 'Skein1024-400', 45971: 'Skein1024-408', 45972: 'Skein1024-416', 45973: 'Skein1024-424', 45974: 'Skein1024-432', 45975: 'Skein1024-440', 45976: 'Skein1024-448', 45977: 'Skein1024-456', 45978: 'Skein1024-464', 45979: 'Skein1024-472', 45980: 'Skein1024-480', 45981: 'Skein1024-488', 45982: 'Skein1024-496', 45983: 'Skein1024-504', 45984: 'Skein1024-512', 45985: 'Skein1024-520', 45986: 'Skein1024-528', 45987: 'Skein1024-536', 45988: 'Skein1024-544', 45989: 'Skein1024-552', 45990: 'Skein1024-560', 45991: 'Skein1024-568', 45992: 'Skein1024-576', 45993: 'Skein1024-584', 45994: 'Skein1024-592', 45995: 'Skein1024-600', 45996: 'Skein1024-608', 45997: 'Skein1024-616', 45998: 'Skein1024-624', 45999: 'Skein1024-632', 46e3: 'Skein1024-640', 46001: 'Skein1024-648', 46002: 'Skein1024-656', 46003: 'Skein1024-664', 46004: 'Skein1024-672', 46005: 'Skein1024-680', 46006: 'Skein1024-688', 46007: 'Skein1024-696', 46008: 'Skein1024-704', 46009: 'Skein1024-712', 46010: 'Skein1024-720', 46011: 'Skein1024-728', 46012: 'Skein1024-736', 46013: 'Skein1024-744', 46014: 'Skein1024-752', 46015: 'Skein1024-760', 46016: 'Skein1024-768', 46017: 'Skein1024-776', 46018: 'Skein1024-784', 46019: 'Skein1024-792', 46020: 'Skein1024-800', 46021: 'Skein1024-808', 46022: 'Skein1024-816', 46023: 'Skein1024-824', 46024: 'Skein1024-832', 46025: 'Skein1024-840', 46026: 'Skein1024-848', 46027: 'Skein1024-856', 46028: 'Skein1024-864', 46029: 'Skein1024-872', 46030: 'Skein1024-880', 46031: 'Skein1024-888', 46032: 'Skein1024-896', 46033: 'Skein1024-904', 46034: 'Skein1024-912', 46035: 'Skein1024-920', 46036: 'Skein1024-928', 46037: 'Skein1024-936', 46038: 'Skein1024-944', 46039: 'Skein1024-952', 46040: 'Skein1024-960', 46041: 'Skein1024-968', 46042: 'Skein1024-976', 46043: 'Skein1024-984', 46044: 'Skein1024-992', 46045: 'Skein1024-1000', 46046: 'Skein1024-1008', 46047: 'Skein1024-1016', 46048: 'Skein1024-1024', })), (t.defaultLengths = Object.freeze({ 17: 20, 18: 32, 19: 64, 86: 32, 23: 28, 22: 32, 21: 48, 20: 64, 24: 32, 25: 64, 26: 28, 27: 32, 28: 48, 29: 64, 34: 32, 45569: 1, 45570: 2, 45571: 3, 45572: 4, 45573: 5, 45574: 6, 45575: 7, 45576: 8, 45577: 9, 45578: 10, 45579: 11, 45580: 12, 45581: 13, 45582: 14, 45583: 15, 45584: 16, 45585: 17, 45586: 18, 45587: 19, 45588: 20, 45589: 21, 45590: 22, 45591: 23, 45592: 24, 45593: 25, 45594: 26, 45595: 27, 45596: 28, 45597: 29, 45598: 30, 45599: 31, 45600: 32, 45601: 33, 45602: 34, 45603: 35, 45604: 36, 45605: 37, 45606: 38, 45607: 39, 45608: 40, 45609: 41, 45610: 42, 45611: 43, 45612: 44, 45613: 45, 45614: 46, 45615: 47, 45616: 48, 45617: 49, 45618: 50, 45619: 51, 45620: 52, 45621: 53, 45622: 54, 45623: 55, 45624: 56, 45625: 57, 45626: 58, 45627: 59, 45628: 60, 45629: 61, 45630: 62, 45631: 63, 45632: 64, 45633: 1, 45634: 2, 45635: 3, 45636: 4, 45637: 5, 45638: 6, 45639: 7, 45640: 8, 45641: 9, 45642: 10, 45643: 11, 45644: 12, 45645: 13, 45646: 14, 45647: 15, 45648: 16, 45649: 17, 45650: 18, 45651: 19, 45652: 20, 45653: 21, 45654: 22, 45655: 23, 45656: 24, 45657: 25, 45658: 26, 45659: 27, 45660: 28, 45661: 29, 45662: 30, 45663: 31, 45664: 32, 45825: 1, 45826: 2, 45827: 3, 45828: 4, 45829: 5, 45830: 6, 45831: 7, 45832: 8, 45833: 9, 45834: 10, 45835: 11, 45836: 12, 45837: 13, 45838: 14, 45839: 15, 45840: 16, 45841: 17, 45842: 18, 45843: 19, 45844: 20, 45845: 21, 45846: 22, 45847: 23, 45848: 24, 45849: 25, 45850: 26, 45851: 27, 45852: 28, 45853: 29, 45854: 30, 45855: 31, 45856: 32, 45857: 1, 45858: 2, 45859: 3, 45860: 4, 45861: 5, 45862: 6, 45863: 7, 45864: 8, 45865: 9, 45866: 10, 45867: 11, 45868: 12, 45869: 13, 45870: 14, 45871: 15, 45872: 16, 45873: 17, 45874: 18, 45875: 19, 45876: 20, 45877: 21, 45878: 22, 45879: 23, 45880: 24, 45881: 25, 45882: 26, 45883: 27, 45884: 28, 45885: 29, 45886: 30, 45887: 31, 45888: 32, 45889: 33, 45890: 34, 45891: 35, 45892: 36, 45893: 37, 45894: 38, 45895: 39, 45896: 40, 45897: 41, 45898: 42, 45899: 43, 45900: 44, 45901: 45, 45902: 46, 45903: 47, 45904: 48, 45905: 49, 45906: 50, 45907: 51, 45908: 52, 45909: 53, 45910: 54, 45911: 55, 45912: 56, 45913: 57, 45914: 58, 45915: 59, 45916: 60, 45917: 61, 45918: 62, 45919: 63, 45920: 64, 45921: 1, 45922: 2, 45923: 3, 45924: 4, 45925: 5, 45926: 6, 45927: 7, 45928: 8, 45929: 9, 45930: 10, 45931: 11, 45932: 12, 45933: 13, 45934: 14, 45935: 15, 45936: 16, 45937: 17, 45938: 18, 45939: 19, 45940: 20, 45941: 21, 45942: 22, 45943: 23, 45944: 24, 45945: 25, 45946: 26, 45947: 27, 45948: 28, 45949: 29, 45950: 30, 45951: 31, 45952: 32, 45953: 33, 45954: 34, 45955: 35, 45956: 36, 45957: 37, 45958: 38, 45959: 39, 45960: 40, 45961: 41, 45962: 42, 45963: 43, 45964: 44, 45965: 45, 45966: 46, 45967: 47, 45968: 48, 45969: 49, 45970: 50, 45971: 51, 45972: 52, 45973: 53, 45974: 54, 45975: 55, 45976: 56, 45977: 57, 45978: 58, 45979: 59, 45980: 60, 45981: 61, 45982: 62, 45983: 63, 45984: 64, 45985: 65, 45986: 66, 45987: 67, 45988: 68, 45989: 69, 45990: 70, 45991: 71, 45992: 72, 45993: 73, 45994: 74, 45995: 75, 45996: 76, 45997: 77, 45998: 78, 45999: 79, 46e3: 80, 46001: 81, 46002: 82, 46003: 83, 46004: 84, 46005: 85, 46006: 86, 46007: 87, 46008: 88, 46009: 89, 46010: 90, 46011: 91, 46012: 92, 46013: 93, 46014: 94, 46015: 95, 46016: 96, 46017: 97, 46018: 98, 46019: 99, 46020: 100, 46021: 101, 46022: 102, 46023: 103, 46024: 104, 46025: 105, 46026: 106, 46027: 107, 46028: 108, 46029: 109, 46030: 110, 46031: 111, 46032: 112, 46033: 113, 46034: 114, 46035: 115, 46036: 116, 46037: 117, 46038: 118, 46039: 119, 46040: 120, 46041: 121, 46042: 122, 46043: 123, 46044: 124, 46045: 125, 46046: 126, 46047: 127, 46048: 128, })); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(2).Buffer, i = r(302); ((t = e.exports = a).encode = function (e, t) { var r = s(e); return a(r.name, n.from(r.encode(t))); }), (t.decode = function (e) { n.isBuffer(e) && (e = e.toString()); var t = e.substring(0, 1); 'string' == typeof (e = e.substring(1, e.length)) && (e = n.from(e)); var r = s(t); return n.from(r.decode(e.toString())); }), (t.isEncoded = function (e) { n.isBuffer(e) && (e = e.toString()); if ('[object String]' !== Object.prototype.toString.call(e)) return !1; var t = e.substring(0, 1); try { return s(t).name; } catch (e) { return !1; } }), (t.names = Object.freeze(Object.keys(i.names))), (t.codes = Object.freeze(Object.keys(i.codes))); var o = new Error('Unsupported encoding'); function a(e, t) { if (!t) throw new Error('requires an encoded buffer'); var r = s(e), i = n.from(r.code); return ( (function (e, t) { s(e).decode(t.toString()); })(r.name, t), n.concat([i, t]) ); } function s(e) { var t; if (i.names[e]) t = i.names[e]; else { if (!i.codes[e]) throw o; t = i.codes[e]; } if (!t.isImplemented()) throw new Error('Base ' + e + ' is not implemented yet'); return t; } }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(303), i = r(129), o = r(304), a = r(305), s = r(306), u = [ ['base1', '1', '', '1'], ['base2', '0', i, '01'], ['base8', '7', i, '01234567'], ['base10', '9', i, '0123456789'], ['base16', 'f', o, '0123456789abcdef'], ['base32', 'b', a, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567'], ['base32pad', 'c', a, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567='], ['base32hex', 'v', a, '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv'], ['base32hexpad', 't', a, '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv='], ['base32z', 'h', a, 'ybndrfg8ejkmcpqxot1uwisza345h769'], ['base58flickr', 'Z', i, '123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ'], ['base58btc', 'z', i, '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz'], ['base64', 'm', s, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'], [ 'base64pad', 'M', s, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=', ], ['base64url', 'u', s, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_'], [ 'base64urlpad', 'U', s, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_=', ], ], f = u.reduce(function (e, t) { return (e[t[0]] = new n(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3])), e; }, {}), c = u.reduce(function (e, t) { return (e[t[1]] = f[t[0]]), e; }, {}); e.exports = { names: f, codes: c }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0), i = n(r(6)), o = n(r(7)), a = (function () { function e(t, r, n, o) { (0, i.default)(this, e), (this.name = t), (this.code = r), (this.alphabet = o), n && o && (this.engine = n(o)); } return ( (0, o.default)(e, [ { key: 'encode', value: function (e) { return this.engine.encode(e); }, }, { key: 'decode', value: function (e) { return this.engine.decode(e); }, }, { key: 'isImplemented', value: function () { return this.engine; }, }, ]), e ); })(); e.exports = a; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; function n(e, t) { var r; if ('undefined' == typeof Symbol || null == e[Symbol.iterator]) { if ( Array.isArray(e) || (r = (function (e, t) { if (!e) return; if ('string' == typeof e) return i(e, t); var r = Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8, -1); 'Object' === r && e.constructor && (r = e.constructor.name); if ('Map' === r || 'Set' === r) return Array.from(e); if ('Arguments' === r || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(r)) return i(e, t); })(e)) || (t && e && 'number' == typeof e.length) ) { r && (e = r); var n = 0, o = function () {}; return { s: o, n: function () { return n >= e.length ? { done: !0 } : { done: !1, value: e[n++] }; }, e: function (e) { throw e; }, f: o, }; } throw new TypeError( 'Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.' ); } var a, s = !0, u = !1; return { s: function () { r = e[Symbol.iterator](); }, n: function () { var e = r.next(); return (s = e.done), e; }, e: function (e) { (u = !0), (a = e); }, f: function () { try { s || null == r.return || r.return(); } finally { if (u) throw a; } }, }; } function i(e, t) { (null == t || t > e.length) && (t = e.length); for (var r = 0, n = new Array(t); r < t; r++) n[r] = e[r]; return n; } var o = r(2).Buffer; e.exports = function (e) { return { encode: function (e) { return 'string' == typeof e ? o.from(e).toString('hex') : e.toString('hex'); }, decode: function (t) { var r, i = n(t); try { for (i.s(); !(r = i.n()).done; ) { var a = r.value; if (e.indexOf(a) < 0) throw new Error('invalid base16 character'); } } catch (e) { i.e(e); } finally { i.f(); } return o.from(t, 'hex'); }, }; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; function n(e, t) { var r; if ('undefined' == typeof Symbol || null == e[Symbol.iterator]) { if ( Array.isArray(e) || (r = (function (e, t) { if (!e) return; if ('string' == typeof e) return i(e, t); var r = Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8, -1); 'Object' === r && e.constructor && (r = e.constructor.name); if ('Map' === r || 'Set' === r) return Array.from(e); if ('Arguments' === r || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(r)) return i(e, t); })(e)) || (t && e && 'number' == typeof e.length) ) { r && (e = r); var n = 0, o = function () {}; return { s: o, n: function () { return n >= e.length ? { done: !0 } : { done: !1, value: e[n++] }; }, e: function (e) { throw e; }, f: o, }; } throw new TypeError( 'Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.' ); } var a, s = !0, u = !1; return { s: function () { r = e[Symbol.iterator](); }, n: function () { var e = r.next(); return (s = e.done), e; }, e: function (e) { (u = !0), (a = e); }, f: function () { try { s || null == r.return || r.return(); } finally { if (u) throw a; } }, }; } function i(e, t) { (null == t || t > e.length) && (t = e.length); for (var r = 0, n = new Array(t); r < t; r++) n[r] = e[r]; return n; } function o(e, t) { var r = e.byteLength, n = new Uint8Array(e), i = t.indexOf('=') === t.length - 1; i && (t = t.substring(0, t.length - 1)); for (var o = 0, a = 0, s = '', u = 0; u < r; u++) for (a = (a << 8) | n[u], o += 8; o >= 5; ) (s += t[(a >>> (o - 5)) & 31]), (o -= 5); if ((o > 0 && (s += t[(a << (5 - o)) & 31]), i)) for (; s.length % 8 != 0; ) s += '='; return s; } e.exports = function (e) { return { encode: function (t) { return o('string' == typeof t ? Uint8Array.from(t) : t, e); }, decode: function (t) { var r, i = n(t); try { for (i.s(); !(r = i.n()).done; ) { var o = r.value; if (e.indexOf(o) < 0) throw new Error('invalid base32 character'); } } catch (e) { i.e(e); } finally { i.f(); } return (function (e, t) { for ( var r = (e = e.replace(new RegExp('=', 'g'), '')).length, n = 0, i = 0, o = 0, a = new Uint8Array(((5 * r) / 8) | 0), s = 0; s < r; s++ ) (i = (i << 5) | t.indexOf(e[s])), (n += 5) >= 8 && ((a[o++] = (i >>> (n - 8)) & 255), (n -= 8)); return a.buffer; })(t, e); }, }; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; function n(e, t) { var r; if ('undefined' == typeof Symbol || null == e[Symbol.iterator]) { if ( Array.isArray(e) || (r = (function (e, t) { if (!e) return; if ('string' == typeof e) return i(e, t); var r = Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8, -1); 'Object' === r && e.constructor && (r = e.constructor.name); if ('Map' === r || 'Set' === r) return Array.from(e); if ('Arguments' === r || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(r)) return i(e, t); })(e)) || (t && e && 'number' == typeof e.length) ) { r && (e = r); var n = 0, o = function () {}; return { s: o, n: function () { return n >= e.length ? { done: !0 } : { done: !1, value: e[n++] }; }, e: function (e) { throw e; }, f: o, }; } throw new TypeError( 'Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.' ); } var a, s = !0, u = !1; return { s: function () { r = e[Symbol.iterator](); }, n: function () { var e = r.next(); return (s = e.done), e; }, e: function (e) { (u = !0), (a = e); }, f: function () { try { s || null == r.return || r.return(); } finally { if (u) throw a; } }, }; } function i(e, t) { (null == t || t > e.length) && (t = e.length); for (var r = 0, n = new Array(t); r < t; r++) n[r] = e[r]; return n; } var o = r(2).Buffer; e.exports = function (e) { var t = e.indexOf('=') > -1, r = e.indexOf('-') > -1 && e.indexOf('_') > -1; return { encode: function (e) { var n = ''; (n = 'string' == typeof e ? o.from(e).toString('base64') : e.toString('base64')), r && (n = n.replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_')); var i = n.indexOf('='); return i > 0 && !t && (n = n.substring(0, i)), n; }, decode: function (t) { var r, i = n(t); try { for (i.s(); !(r = i.n()).done; ) { var a = r.value; if (e.indexOf(a) < 0) throw new Error('invalid base64 character'); } } catch (e) { i.e(e); } finally { i.f(); } return o.from(t, 'base64'); }, }; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(2).Buffer, i = r(39), o = r(308), a = r(309), s = r(130); ((t = e.exports).addPrefix = function (e, t) { var r; if (n.isBuffer(e)) r = s.varintBufferEncode(e); else { if (!a[e]) throw new Error('multicodec not recognized'); r = a[e]; } return n.concat([r, t]); }), (t.rmPrefix = function (e) { return i.decode(e), e.slice(i.decode.bytes); }), (t.getCodec = function (e) { var t = i.decode(e), r = o.get(t); if (void 0 === r) throw new Error('Code '.concat(t, ' not found')); return r; }), (t.getName = function (e) { return o.get(e); }), (t.getNumber = function (e) { var t = a[e]; if (void 0 === t) throw new Error('Codec `' + e + '` not found'); return s.varintBufferDecode(t)[0]; }), (t.getCode = function (e) { return i.decode(e); }), (t.getCodeVarint = function (e) { var t = a[e]; if (void 0 === t) throw new Error('Codec `' + e + '` not found'); return t; }), (t.getVarint = function (e) { return i.encode(e); }); var u = r(310); Object.assign(t, u), (t.print = r(311)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(41), i = new Map(); for (var o in n) { var a = n[o]; i.set(a, o); } e.exports = Object.freeze(i); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(41), i = r(130).varintEncode, o = {}; for (var a in n) { var s = n[a]; o[a] = i(s); } e.exports = Object.freeze(o); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; for ( var n = r(0)(r(40)), i = r(41), o = {}, a = 0, s = Object.entries(i); a < s.length; a++ ) { var u = (0, n.default)(s[a], 2), f = u[0], c = u[1]; o[f.toUpperCase().replace(/-/g, '_')] = c; } e.exports = Object.freeze(o); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; for ( var n = r(0)(r(40)), i = r(41), o = {}, a = 0, s = Object.entries(i); a < s.length; a++ ) { var u = (0, n.default)(s[a], 2), f = u[0], c = u[1]; void 0 === o[c] && (o[c] = f); } e.exports = Object.freeze(o); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(76), i = r(2).Buffer, o = { checkCIDComponents: function (e) { if (null == e) return 'null values are not valid CIDs'; if (0 !== e.version && 1 !== e.version) return 'Invalid version, must be a number equal to 1 or 0'; if ('string' != typeof e.codec) return 'codec must be string'; if (0 === e.version) { if ('dag-pb' !== e.codec) return "codec must be 'dag-pb' for CIDv0"; if ('base58btc' !== e.multibaseName) return "multibaseName must be 'base58btc' for CIDv0"; } if (!i.isBuffer(e.multihash)) return 'multihash must be a Buffer'; try { n.validate(e.multihash); } catch (e) { var t = e.message; return t || (t = 'Multihash validation failed'), t; } }, }; e.exports = o; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0), i = n(r(314)), o = n(r(316)), a = n(r(6)), s = n(r(7)), u = n(r(118)), f = n(r(18)), c = n(r(19)), h = n(r(15)); function d(e) { var t = (function () { if ('undefined' == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ('function' == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return Date.prototype.toString.call(Reflect.construct(Date, [], function () {})), !0; } catch (e) { return !1; } })(); return function () { var r, n = (0, h.default)(e); if (t) { var i = (0, h.default)(this).constructor; r = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, i); } else r = n.apply(this, arguments); return (0, c.default)(this, r); }; } (e.exports = function (e, t) { var r = t.className, n = t.symbolName, i = Symbol.for(n), c = (0, o.default)( {}, r, (function (e) { (0, f.default)(n, e); var t = d(n); function n() { var e; (0, a.default)(this, n); for (var r = arguments.length, o = new Array(r), s = 0; s < r; s++) o[s] = arguments[s]; return ( (e = t.call.apply(t, [this].concat(o))), Object.defineProperty((0, u.default)(e), i, { value: !0 }), e ); } return ( (0, s.default)(n, [ { key: Symbol.toStringTag, get: function () { return r; }, }, ]), n ); })(e) )[r]; return ( (c['is'.concat(r)] = function (e) { return !(!e || !e[i]); }), c ); }), (e.exports.proto = function (e, t) { var r = t.className, n = t.symbolName, a = t.withoutNew, s = Symbol.for(n), u = (0, o.default)({}, r, function () { for (var t = arguments.length, r = new Array(t), n = 0; n < t; n++) r[n] = arguments[n]; if (a && !(this instanceof u)) return (0, i.default)(u, r); var o = e.call.apply(e, [this].concat(r)) || this; return o && !o[s] && Object.defineProperty(o, s, { value: !0 }), o; })[r]; return ( (u.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype)), (u.prototype.constructor = u), Object.defineProperty(u.prototype, Symbol.toStringTag, { get: function () { return r; }, }), (u['is'.concat(r)] = function (e) { return !(!e || !e[s]); }), u ); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(117), i = r(315); function o(t, r, a) { return ( i() ? (e.exports = o = Reflect.construct) : (e.exports = o = function (e, t, r) { var i = [null]; i.push.apply(i, t); var o = new (Function.bind.apply(e, i))(); return r && n(o, r.prototype), o; }), o.apply(null, arguments) ); } e.exports = o; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = function () { if ('undefined' == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ('function' == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return Date.prototype.toString.call(Reflect.construct(Date, [], function () {})), !0; } catch (e) { return !1; } }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = function (e, t, r) { return ( t in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: r, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, }) : (e[t] = r), e ); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(128); t.cidV0ToV1Base32 = function (e) { var t = new n(e); return 0 === t.version && (t = t.toV1()), t.toString('base32'); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (t, n) { var i = r(0)(r(319)), o = r(10), a = r(25), s = r(28), u = r(323), f = r(61), c = r(157), h = r(77), d = r(55), l = r(392), p = r(393), b = r(16), m = r(9), y = r(396).Transaction, v = r(163).default, g = function (e) { return o.isUndefined(e) || o.isNull(e); }, w = function () { var e = this; a.packageInit(this, arguments), delete this.BatchRequest, delete this.extend; var t = [ new s({ name: 'getNetworkId', call: 'net_version', params: 0, outputFormatter: parseInt, }), new s({ name: 'getChainId', call: 'eth_chainId', params: 0, outputFormatter: b.hexToNumber, }), new s({ name: 'getGasPrice', call: 'eth_gasPrice', params: 0 }), new s({ name: 'getTransactionCount', call: 'eth_getTransactionCount', params: 2, inputFormatter: [ function (e) { if (b.isAddress(e)) return e; throw new Error( 'Address ' + e + ' is not a valid address to get the "transactionCount".' ); }, function () { return 'latest'; }, ], }), ]; (this._ethereumCall = {}), o.each(t, function (t) { t.attachToObject(e._ethereumCall), t.setRequestManager(e._requestManager); }), (this.wallet = new _(this)); }; function _(e) { (this._accounts = e), (this.length = 0), (this.defaultKeyName = 'web3js_wallet'); } (w.prototype._addAccountFunctions = function (e) { var t = this; return ( (e.signTransaction = function (r, n) { return t.signTransaction(r, e.privateKey, n); }), (e.sign = function (r) { return t.sign(r, e.privateKey); }), (e.encrypt = function (r, n) { return t.encrypt(e.privateKey, r, n); }), e ); }), (w.prototype.create = function (e) { return this._addAccountFunctions(u.create(e || b.randomHex(32))); }), (w.prototype.privateKeyToAccount = function (e, t) { if ((e.startsWith('0x') || (e = '0x' + e), !t && 66 !== e.length)) throw new Error('Private key must be 32 bytes long'); return this._addAccountFunctions(u.fromPrivate(e)); }), (w.prototype.signTransaction = function (e, t, r) { var i = !1, a = {}, s = !(!e || !((e.chain && e.hardfork) || e.common)); if (((r = r || function () {}), !e)) return (i = new Error('No transaction object given!')), r(i), Promise.reject(i); function u(e) { var i = (function (e) { if (e.common && e.chain && e.hardfork) return new Error( 'Please provide the ethereumjs-common object or the chain and hardfork property but not all together.' ); if ((e.chain && !e.hardfork) || (e.hardfork && !e.chain)) return new Error( 'When specifying chain and hardfork, both values must be defined. Received "chain": ' + e.chain + ', "hardfork": ' + e.hardfork ); if (!e.gas && !e.gasLimit) return new Error('"gas" is missing'); if (e.nonce < 0 || e.gas < 0 || e.gasPrice < 0 || e.chainId < 0) return new Error('Gas, gasPrice, nonce or chainId is lower than 0'); return; })(e); if (i) return r(i), Promise.reject(i); try { var u = m.formatters.inputCallFormatter(o.clone(e)); (u.to = u.to || '0x'), (u.data = u.data || '0x'), (u.value = u.value || '0x'), (u.chainId = b.numberToHex(u.chainId)), s ? (u.common && ((a.common = v.forCustomChain( u.common.baseChain || 'mainnet', { name: u.common.customChain.name || 'custom-network', networkId: u.common.customChain.networkId, chainId: u.common.customChain.chainId, }, u.common.hardfork || 'petersburg' )), delete u.common), u.chain && ((a.chain = u.chain), delete u.chain), u.hardfork && ((a.hardfork = u.hardfork), delete u.hardfork)) : ((a.common = v.forCustomChain( 'mainnet', { name: 'custom-network', networkId: u.networkId, chainId: u.chainId }, 'petersburg' )), delete u.networkId), t.startsWith('0x') && (t = t.substring(2)); var f = new y(u, a); f.sign(n.from(t, 'hex')); var c = f.validate(!0); if ('' !== c) throw new Error('Signer Error: ' + c); var h = '0x' + f.serialize().toString('hex'), d = b.keccak256(h), l = { messageHash: '0x' + n.from(f.hash(!1)).toString('hex'), v: '0x' + n.from(f.v).toString('hex'), r: '0x' + n.from(f.r).toString('hex'), s: '0x' + n.from(f.s).toString('hex'), rawTransaction: h, transactionHash: d, }; return r(null, l), l; } catch (e) { return r(e), Promise.reject(e); } } return void 0 !== e.nonce && void 0 !== e.chainId && void 0 !== e.gasPrice && s ? Promise.resolve(u(e)) : Promise.all([ g(e.chainId) ? this._ethereumCall.getChainId() : e.chainId, g(e.gasPrice) ? this._ethereumCall.getGasPrice() : e.gasPrice, g(e.nonce) ? this._ethereumCall.getTransactionCount(this.privateKeyToAccount(t).address) : e.nonce, g(s) ? this._ethereumCall.getNetworkId() : 1, ]).then(function (t) { if (g(t[0]) || g(t[1]) || g(t[2]) || g(t[3])) throw new Error( 'One of the values "chainId", "networkId", "gasPrice", or "nonce" couldn\'t be fetched: ' + JSON.stringify(t) ); return u( o.extend(e, { chainId: t[0], gasPrice: t[1], nonce: t[2], networkId: t[3] }) ); }); }), (w.prototype.recoverTransaction = function (e) { var t = c.decode(e), r = u.encodeSignature(t.slice(6, 9)), n = h.toNumber(t[6]), i = n < 35 ? [] : [h.fromNumber((n - 35) >> 1), '0x', '0x'], o = t.slice(0, 6).concat(i), a = c.encode(o); return u.recover(f.keccak256(a), r); }), (w.prototype.hashMessage = function (e) { var t = b.isHexStrict(e) ? e : b.utf8ToHex(e), r = b.hexToBytes(t), i = n.from(r), o = 'Ethereum Signed Message:\n' + r.length, a = n.from(o), s = n.concat([a, i]); return f.keccak256s(s); }), (w.prototype.sign = function (e, t) { if ((t.startsWith('0x') || (t = '0x' + t), 66 !== t.length)) throw new Error('Private key must be 32 bytes long'); var r = this.hashMessage(e), n = u.sign(r, t), i = u.decodeSignature(n); return { message: e, messageHash: r, v: i[0], r: i[1], s: i[2], signature: n }; }), (w.prototype.recover = function (e, t, r) { var n = [].slice.apply(arguments); return o.isObject(e) ? this.recover(e.messageHash, u.encodeSignature([e.v, e.r, e.s]), !0) : (r || (e = this.hashMessage(e)), n.length >= 4 ? ((r = n.slice(-1)[0]), (r = !!o.isBoolean(r) && !!r), this.recover(e, u.encodeSignature(n.slice(1, 4)), r)) : u.recover(e, t)); }), (w.prototype.decrypt = function (e, t, r) { if (!o.isString(t)) throw new Error('No password given.'); var a, s, u = o.isObject(e) ? e : JSON.parse(r ? e.toLowerCase() : e); if (3 !== u.version) throw new Error('Not a valid V3 wallet'); if ('scrypt' === u.crypto.kdf) (s = u.crypto.kdfparams), (a = l.syncScrypt(n.from(t), n.from(s.salt, 'hex'), s.n, s.r, s.p, s.dklen)); else { if ('pbkdf2' !== u.crypto.kdf) throw new Error('Unsupported key derivation scheme'); if ('hmac-sha256' !== (s = u.crypto.kdfparams).prf) throw new Error('Unsupported parameters to PBKDF2'); a = d.pbkdf2Sync(n.from(t), n.from(s.salt, 'hex'), s.c, s.dklen, 'sha256'); } var f = n.from(u.crypto.ciphertext, 'hex'); if ( b .sha3(n.from([].concat((0, i.default)(a.slice(16, 32)), (0, i.default)(f)))) .replace('0x', '') !== u.crypto.mac ) throw new Error('Key derivation failed - possibly wrong password'); var c = d.createDecipheriv( u.crypto.cipher, a.slice(0, 16), n.from(u.crypto.cipherparams.iv, 'hex') ), h = '0x' + n .from([].concat((0, i.default)(c.update(f)), (0, i.default)(c.final()))) .toString('hex'); return this.privateKeyToAccount(h, !0); }), (w.prototype.encrypt = function (e, t, r) { var o, a = this.privateKeyToAccount(e, !0), s = (r = r || {}).salt || d.randomBytes(32), u = r.iv || d.randomBytes(16), f = r.kdf || 'scrypt', c = { dklen: r.dklen || 32, salt: s.toString('hex') }; if ('pbkdf2' === f) (c.c = r.c || 262144), (c.prf = 'hmac-sha256'), (o = d.pbkdf2Sync(n.from(t), n.from(c.salt, 'hex'), c.c, c.dklen, 'sha256')); else { if ('scrypt' !== f) throw new Error('Unsupported kdf'); (c.n = r.n || 8192), (c.r = r.r || 8), (c.p = r.p || 1), (o = l.syncScrypt(n.from(t), n.from(c.salt, 'hex'), c.n, c.r, c.p, c.dklen)); } var h = d.createCipheriv(r.cipher || 'aes-128-ctr', o.slice(0, 16), u); if (!h) throw new Error('Unsupported cipher'); var m = n.from( [].concat( (0, i.default)(h.update(n.from(a.privateKey.replace('0x', ''), 'hex'))), (0, i.default)(h.final()) ) ), y = b .sha3(n.from([].concat((0, i.default)(o.slice(16, 32)), (0, i.default)(m)))) .replace('0x', ''); return { version: 3, id: p.v4({ random: r.uuid || d.randomBytes(16) }), address: a.address.toLowerCase().replace('0x', ''), crypto: { ciphertext: m.toString('hex'), cipherparams: { iv: u.toString('hex') }, cipher: r.cipher || 'aes-128-ctr', kdf: f, kdfparams: c, mac: y.toString('hex'), }, }; }), (_.prototype._findSafeIndex = function (e) { return (e = e || 0), o.has(this, e) ? this._findSafeIndex(e + 1) : e; }), (_.prototype._currentIndexes = function () { return Object.keys(this) .map(function (e) { return parseInt(e); }) .filter(function (e) { return e < 9e20; }); }), (_.prototype.create = function (e, t) { for (var r = 0; r < e; ++r) this.add(this._accounts.create(t).privateKey); return this; }), (_.prototype.add = function (e) { return ( o.isString(e) && (e = this._accounts.privateKeyToAccount(e)), this[e.address] ? this[e.address] : (((e = this._accounts.privateKeyToAccount(e.privateKey)).index = this._findSafeIndex()), (this[e.index] = e), (this[e.address] = e), (this[e.address.toLowerCase()] = e), this.length++, e) ); }), (_.prototype.remove = function (e) { var t = this[e]; return ( !(!t || !t.address) && ((this[t.address].privateKey = null), delete this[t.address], (this[t.address.toLowerCase()].privateKey = null), delete this[t.address.toLowerCase()], (this[t.index].privateKey = null), delete this[t.index], this.length--, !0) ); }), (_.prototype.clear = function () { var e = this; return ( this._currentIndexes().forEach(function (t) { e.remove(t); }), this ); }), (_.prototype.encrypt = function (e, t) { var r = this; return this._currentIndexes().map(function (n) { return r[n].encrypt(e, t); }); }), (_.prototype.decrypt = function (e, t) { var r = this; return ( e.forEach(function (e) { var n = r._accounts.decrypt(e, t); if (!n) throw new Error("Couldn't decrypt accounts. Password wrong?"); r.add(n); }), this ); }), (_.prototype.save = function (e, t) { return ( localStorage.setItem(t || this.defaultKeyName, JSON.stringify(this.encrypt(e))), !0 ); }), (_.prototype.load = function (e, t) { var r = localStorage.getItem(t || this.defaultKeyName); if (r) try { r = JSON.parse(r); } catch (e) {} return this.decrypt(r || [], e); }), (function (e) { var t; try { t = window[e]; var r = '__storage_test__'; return t.setItem(r, r), t.removeItem(r), !0; } catch (e) { return ( e && (22 === e.code || 1014 === e.code || 'QuotaExceededError' === e.name || 'NS_ERROR_DOM_QUOTA_REACHED' === e.name) && t && 0 !== t.length ); } })('localStorage') || (delete _.prototype.save, delete _.prototype.load), (e.exports = w); }.call(this, r(8), r(2).Buffer)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(320), i = r(321), o = r(126), a = r(322); e.exports = function (e) { return n(e) || i(e) || o(e) || a(); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(127); e.exports = function (e) { if (Array.isArray(e)) return n(e); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = function (e) { if ('undefined' != typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator in Object(e)) return Array.from(e); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = function () { throw new TypeError( 'Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.' ); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (t) { var n = r(0)(r(40)), i = r(77), o = r(391), a = r(13), s = (r(157), new a.ec('secp256k1')), u = r(61), f = u.keccak256, c = u.keccak256s, h = function (e) { for (var t = c(e.slice(2)), r = '0x', n = 0; n < 40; n++) r += parseInt(t[n + 2], 16) > 7 ? e[n + 2].toUpperCase() : e[n + 2]; return r; }, d = function (e) { var r = new t(e.slice(2), 'hex'), n = '0x' + s.keyFromPrivate(r).getPublic(!1, 'hex').slice(2), i = f(n); return { address: h('0x' + i.slice(-40)), privateKey: e }; }, l = function (e) { var t = (0, n.default)(e, 3), r = t[0], o = t[1], a = t[2]; return i.flatten([o, a, r]); }, p = function (e) { return [i.slice(64, i.length(e), e), i.slice(0, 32, e), i.slice(32, 64, e)]; }, b = function (e) { return function (r, n) { var a = s .keyFromPrivate(new t(n.slice(2), 'hex')) .sign(new t(r.slice(2), 'hex'), { canonical: !0 }); return l([ o.fromString(i.fromNumber(e + a.recoveryParam)), i.pad(32, i.fromNat('0x' + a.r.toString(16))), i.pad(32, i.fromNat('0x' + a.s.toString(16))), ]); }; }, m = b(27); e.exports = { create: function (e) { var t = f(i.concat(i.random(32), e || i.random(32))), r = i.concat(i.concat(i.random(32), t), i.random(32)), n = f(r); return d(n); }, toChecksum: h, fromPrivate: d, sign: m, makeSigner: b, recover: function (e, r) { var n = p(r), o = { v: i.toNumber(n[0]), r: n[1].slice(2), s: n[2].slice(2) }, a = '0x' + s .recoverPubKey(new t(e.slice(2), 'hex'), o, o.v < 2 ? o.v : 1 - (o.v % 2)) .encode('hex', !1) .slice(2), u = f(a); return h('0x' + u.slice(-40)); }, encodeSignature: l, decodeSignature: p, }; }.call(this, r(2).Buffer)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = function (e, t) { for (var r = [], n = 0; n < e; ++n) r.push(t(n)); return r; }; e.exports = { generate: n, replicate: function (e, t) { return n(e, function () { return t; }); }, concat: function (e, t) { return e.concat(t); }, flatten: function (e) { for (var t = [], r = 0, n = e.length; r < n; ++r) for (var i = 0, o = e[r].length; i < o; ++i) t.push(e[r][i]); return t; }, chunksOf: function (e, t) { for (var r = [], n = 0, i = t.length; n < i; n += e) r.push(t.slice(n, n + e)); return r; }, }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = r(66); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = r(27); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = r(34).Transform; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = r(34).PassThrough; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(3), i = r(32), o = r(4).Buffer, a = [1518500249, 1859775393, -1894007588, -899497514], s = new Array(80); function u() { this.init(), (this._w = s), i.call(this, 64, 56); } function f(e) { return (e << 30) | (e >>> 2); } function c(e, t, r, n) { return 0 === e ? (t & r) | (~t & n) : 2 === e ? (t & r) | (t & n) | (r & n) : t ^ r ^ n; } n(u, i), (u.prototype.init = function () { return ( (this._a = 1732584193), (this._b = 4023233417), (this._c = 2562383102), (this._d = 271733878), (this._e = 3285377520), this ); }), (u.prototype._update = function (e) { for ( var t, r = this._w, n = 0 | this._a, i = 0 | this._b, o = 0 | this._c, s = 0 | this._d, u = 0 | this._e, h = 0; h < 16; ++h ) r[h] = e.readInt32BE(4 * h); for (; h < 80; ++h) r[h] = r[h - 3] ^ r[h - 8] ^ r[h - 14] ^ r[h - 16]; for (var d = 0; d < 80; ++d) { var l = ~~(d / 20), p = 0 | ((((t = n) << 5) | (t >>> 27)) + c(l, i, o, s) + u + r[d] + a[l]); (u = s), (s = o), (o = f(i)), (i = n), (n = p); } (this._a = (n + this._a) | 0), (this._b = (i + this._b) | 0), (this._c = (o + this._c) | 0), (this._d = (s + this._d) | 0), (this._e = (u + this._e) | 0); }), (u.prototype._hash = function () { var e = o.allocUnsafe(20); return ( e.writeInt32BE(0 | this._a, 0), e.writeInt32BE(0 | this._b, 4), e.writeInt32BE(0 | this._c, 8), e.writeInt32BE(0 | this._d, 12), e.writeInt32BE(0 | this._e, 16), e ); }), (e.exports = u); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(3), i = r(32), o = r(4).Buffer, a = [1518500249, 1859775393, -1894007588, -899497514], s = new Array(80); function u() { this.init(), (this._w = s), i.call(this, 64, 56); } function f(e) { return (e << 5) | (e >>> 27); } function c(e) { return (e << 30) | (e >>> 2); } function h(e, t, r, n) { return 0 === e ? (t & r) | (~t & n) : 2 === e ? (t & r) | (t & n) | (r & n) : t ^ r ^ n; } n(u, i), (u.prototype.init = function () { return ( (this._a = 1732584193), (this._b = 4023233417), (this._c = 2562383102), (this._d = 271733878), (this._e = 3285377520), this ); }), (u.prototype._update = function (e) { for ( var t, r = this._w, n = 0 | this._a, i = 0 | this._b, o = 0 | this._c, s = 0 | this._d, u = 0 | this._e, d = 0; d < 16; ++d ) r[d] = e.readInt32BE(4 * d); for (; d < 80; ++d) r[d] = ((t = r[d - 3] ^ r[d - 8] ^ r[d - 14] ^ r[d - 16]) << 1) | (t >>> 31); for (var l = 0; l < 80; ++l) { var p = ~~(l / 20), b = (f(n) + h(p, i, o, s) + u + r[l] + a[p]) | 0; (u = s), (s = o), (o = c(i)), (i = n), (n = b); } (this._a = (n + this._a) | 0), (this._b = (i + this._b) | 0), (this._c = (o + this._c) | 0), (this._d = (s + this._d) | 0), (this._e = (u + this._e) | 0); }), (u.prototype._hash = function () { var e = o.allocUnsafe(20); return ( e.writeInt32BE(0 | this._a, 0), e.writeInt32BE(0 | this._b, 4), e.writeInt32BE(0 | this._c, 8), e.writeInt32BE(0 | this._d, 12), e.writeInt32BE(0 | this._e, 16), e ); }), (e.exports = u); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(3), i = r(133), o = r(32), a = r(4).Buffer, s = new Array(64); function u() { this.init(), (this._w = s), o.call(this, 64, 56); } n(u, i), (u.prototype.init = function () { return ( (this._a = 3238371032), (this._b = 914150663), (this._c = 812702999), (this._d = 4144912697), (this._e = 4290775857), (this._f = 1750603025), (this._g = 1694076839), (this._h = 3204075428), this ); }), (u.prototype._hash = function () { var e = a.allocUnsafe(28); return ( e.writeInt32BE(this._a, 0), e.writeInt32BE(this._b, 4), e.writeInt32BE(this._c, 8), e.writeInt32BE(this._d, 12), e.writeInt32BE(this._e, 16), e.writeInt32BE(this._f, 20), e.writeInt32BE(this._g, 24), e ); }), (e.exports = u); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(3), i = r(134), o = r(32), a = r(4).Buffer, s = new Array(160); function u() { this.init(), (this._w = s), o.call(this, 128, 112); } n(u, i), (u.prototype.init = function () { return ( (this._ah = 3418070365), (this._bh = 1654270250), (this._ch = 2438529370), (this._dh = 355462360), (this._eh = 1731405415), (this._fh = 2394180231), (this._gh = 3675008525), (this._hh = 1203062813), (this._al = 3238371032), (this._bl = 914150663), (this._cl = 812702999), (this._dl = 4144912697), (this._el = 4290775857), (this._fl = 1750603025), (this._gl = 1694076839), (this._hl = 3204075428), this ); }), (u.prototype._hash = function () { var e = a.allocUnsafe(48); function t(t, r, n) { e.writeInt32BE(t, n), e.writeInt32BE(r, n + 4); } return ( t(this._ah, this._al, 0), t(this._bh, this._bl, 8), t(this._ch, this._cl, 16), t(this._dh, this._dl, 24), t(this._eh, this._el, 32), t(this._fh, this._fl, 40), e ); }), (e.exports = u); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(3), i = r(4).Buffer, o = r(24), a = i.alloc(128); function s(e, t) { o.call(this, 'digest'), 'string' == typeof t && (t = i.from(t)), (this._alg = e), (this._key = t), t.length > 64 ? (t = e(t)) : t.length < 64 && (t = i.concat([t, a], 64)); for ( var r = (this._ipad = i.allocUnsafe(64)), n = (this._opad = i.allocUnsafe(64)), s = 0; s < 64; s++ ) (r[s] = 54 ^ t[s]), (n[s] = 92 ^ t[s]); this._hash = [r]; } n(s, o), (s.prototype._update = function (e) { this._hash.push(e); }), (s.prototype._final = function () { var e = this._alg(i.concat(this._hash)); return this._alg(i.concat([this._opad, e])); }), (e.exports = s); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = r(137); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (t, n) { var i, o = r(139), a = r(140), s = r(141), u = r(4).Buffer, f = t.crypto && t.crypto.subtle, c = { sha: 'SHA-1', 'sha-1': 'SHA-1', sha1: 'SHA-1', sha256: 'SHA-256', 'sha-256': 'SHA-256', sha384: 'SHA-384', 'sha-384': 'SHA-384', 'sha-512': 'SHA-512', sha512: 'SHA-512', }, h = []; function d(e, t, r, n, i) { return f .importKey('raw', e, { name: 'PBKDF2' }, !1, ['deriveBits']) .then(function (e) { return f.deriveBits( { name: 'PBKDF2', salt: t, iterations: r, hash: { name: i } }, e, n << 3 ); }) .then(function (e) { return u.from(e); }); } e.exports = function (e, r, l, p, b, m) { 'function' == typeof b && ((m = b), (b = void 0)); var y = c[(b = b || 'sha1').toLowerCase()]; if (!y || 'function' != typeof t.Promise) return n.nextTick(function () { var t; try { t = s(e, r, l, p, b); } catch (e) { return m(e); } m(null, t); }); if ((o(e, r, l, p), 'function' != typeof m)) throw new Error('No callback provided to pbkdf2'); u.isBuffer(e) || (e = u.from(e, a)), u.isBuffer(r) || (r = u.from(r, a)), (function (e, t) { e.then( function (e) { n.nextTick(function () { t(null, e); }); }, function (e) { n.nextTick(function () { t(e); }); } ); })( (function (e) { if (t.process && !t.process.browser) return Promise.resolve(!1); if (!f || !f.importKey || !f.deriveBits) return Promise.resolve(!1); if (void 0 !== h[e]) return h[e]; var r = d((i = i || u.alloc(8)), i, 10, 128, e) .then(function () { return !0; }) .catch(function () { return !1; }); return (h[e] = r), r; })(y).then(function (t) { return t ? d(e, r, l, p, y) : s(e, r, l, p, b); }), m ); }; }.call(this, r(8), r(11))); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(337), i = r(82), o = r(83), a = r(352), s = r(57); function u(e, t, r) { if (((e = e.toLowerCase()), o[e])) return i.createCipheriv(e, t, r); if (a[e]) return new n({ key: t, iv: r, mode: e }); throw new TypeError('invalid suite type'); } function f(e, t, r) { if (((e = e.toLowerCase()), o[e])) return i.createDecipheriv(e, t, r); if (a[e]) return new n({ key: t, iv: r, mode: e, decrypt: !0 }); throw new TypeError('invalid suite type'); } (t.createCipher = t.Cipher = function (e, t) { var r, n; if (((e = e.toLowerCase()), o[e])) (r = o[e].key), (n = o[e].iv); else { if (!a[e]) throw new TypeError('invalid suite type'); (r = 8 * a[e].key), (n = a[e].iv); } var i = s(t, !1, r, n); return u(e, i.key, i.iv); }), (t.createCipheriv = t.Cipheriv = u), (t.createDecipher = t.Decipher = function (e, t) { var r, n; if (((e = e.toLowerCase()), o[e])) (r = o[e].key), (n = o[e].iv); else { if (!a[e]) throw new TypeError('invalid suite type'); (r = 8 * a[e].key), (n = a[e].iv); } var i = s(t, !1, r, n); return f(e, i.key, i.iv); }), (t.createDecipheriv = t.Decipheriv = f), (t.listCiphers = t.getCiphers = function () { return Object.keys(a).concat(i.getCiphers()); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(24), i = r(81), o = r(3), a = r(4).Buffer, s = { 'des-ede3-cbc': i.CBC.instantiate(i.EDE), 'des-ede3': i.EDE, 'des-ede-cbc': i.CBC.instantiate(i.EDE), 'des-ede': i.EDE, 'des-cbc': i.CBC.instantiate(i.DES), 'des-ecb': i.DES, }; function u(e) { n.call(this); var t, r = e.mode.toLowerCase(), i = s[r]; t = e.decrypt ? 'decrypt' : 'encrypt'; var o = e.key; a.isBuffer(o) || (o = a.from(o)), ('des-ede' !== r && 'des-ede-cbc' !== r) || (o = a.concat([o, o.slice(0, 8)])); var u = e.iv; a.isBuffer(u) || (u = a.from(u)), (this._des = i.create({ key: o, iv: u, type: t })); } (s.des = s['des-cbc']), (s.des3 = s['des-ede3-cbc']), (e.exports = u), o(u, n), (u.prototype._update = function (e) { return a.from(this._des.update(e)); }), (u.prototype._final = function () { return a.from(this._des.final()); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (t.readUInt32BE = function (e, t) { return ((e[0 + t] << 24) | (e[1 + t] << 16) | (e[2 + t] << 8) | e[3 + t]) >>> 0; }), (t.writeUInt32BE = function (e, t, r) { (e[0 + r] = t >>> 24), (e[1 + r] = (t >>> 16) & 255), (e[2 + r] = (t >>> 8) & 255), (e[3 + r] = 255 & t); }), (t.ip = function (e, t, r, n) { for (var i = 0, o = 0, a = 6; a >= 0; a -= 2) { for (var s = 0; s <= 24; s += 8) (i <<= 1), (i |= (t >>> (s + a)) & 1); for (s = 0; s <= 24; s += 8) (i <<= 1), (i |= (e >>> (s + a)) & 1); } for (a = 6; a >= 0; a -= 2) { for (s = 1; s <= 25; s += 8) (o <<= 1), (o |= (t >>> (s + a)) & 1); for (s = 1; s <= 25; s += 8) (o <<= 1), (o |= (e >>> (s + a)) & 1); } (r[n + 0] = i >>> 0), (r[n + 1] = o >>> 0); }), (t.rip = function (e, t, r, n) { for (var i = 0, o = 0, a = 0; a < 4; a++) for (var s = 24; s >= 0; s -= 8) (i <<= 1), (i |= (t >>> (s + a)) & 1), (i <<= 1), (i |= (e >>> (s + a)) & 1); for (a = 4; a < 8; a++) for (s = 24; s >= 0; s -= 8) (o <<= 1), (o |= (t >>> (s + a)) & 1), (o <<= 1), (o |= (e >>> (s + a)) & 1); (r[n + 0] = i >>> 0), (r[n + 1] = o >>> 0); }), (t.pc1 = function (e, t, r, n) { for (var i = 0, o = 0, a = 7; a >= 5; a--) { for (var s = 0; s <= 24; s += 8) (i <<= 1), (i |= (t >> (s + a)) & 1); for (s = 0; s <= 24; s += 8) (i <<= 1), (i |= (e >> (s + a)) & 1); } for (s = 0; s <= 24; s += 8) (i <<= 1), (i |= (t >> (s + a)) & 1); for (a = 1; a <= 3; a++) { for (s = 0; s <= 24; s += 8) (o <<= 1), (o |= (t >> (s + a)) & 1); for (s = 0; s <= 24; s += 8) (o <<= 1), (o |= (e >> (s + a)) & 1); } for (s = 0; s <= 24; s += 8) (o <<= 1), (o |= (e >> (s + a)) & 1); (r[n + 0] = i >>> 0), (r[n + 1] = o >>> 0); }), (t.r28shl = function (e, t) { return ((e << t) & 268435455) | (e >>> (28 - t)); }); var n = [ 14, 11, 17, 4, 27, 23, 25, 0, 13, 22, 7, 18, 5, 9, 16, 24, 2, 20, 12, 21, 1, 8, 15, 26, 15, 4, 25, 19, 9, 1, 26, 16, 5, 11, 23, 8, 12, 7, 17, 0, 22, 3, 10, 14, 6, 20, 27, 24, ]; (t.pc2 = function (e, t, r, i) { for (var o = 0, a = 0, s = n.length >>> 1, u = 0; u < s; u++) (o <<= 1), (o |= (e >>> n[u]) & 1); for (u = s; u < n.length; u++) (a <<= 1), (a |= (t >>> n[u]) & 1); (r[i + 0] = o >>> 0), (r[i + 1] = a >>> 0); }), (t.expand = function (e, t, r) { var n = 0, i = 0; n = ((1 & e) << 5) | (e >>> 27); for (var o = 23; o >= 15; o -= 4) (n <<= 6), (n |= (e >>> o) & 63); for (o = 11; o >= 3; o -= 4) (i |= (e >>> o) & 63), (i <<= 6); (i |= ((31 & e) << 1) | (e >>> 31)), (t[r + 0] = n >>> 0), (t[r + 1] = i >>> 0); }); var i = [ 14, 0, 4, 15, 13, 7, 1, 4, 2, 14, 15, 2, 11, 13, 8, 1, 3, 10, 10, 6, 6, 12, 12, 11, 5, 9, 9, 5, 0, 3, 7, 8, 4, 15, 1, 12, 14, 8, 8, 2, 13, 4, 6, 9, 2, 1, 11, 7, 15, 5, 12, 11, 9, 3, 7, 14, 3, 10, 10, 0, 5, 6, 0, 13, 15, 3, 1, 13, 8, 4, 14, 7, 6, 15, 11, 2, 3, 8, 4, 14, 9, 12, 7, 0, 2, 1, 13, 10, 12, 6, 0, 9, 5, 11, 10, 5, 0, 13, 14, 8, 7, 10, 11, 1, 10, 3, 4, 15, 13, 4, 1, 2, 5, 11, 8, 6, 12, 7, 6, 12, 9, 0, 3, 5, 2, 14, 15, 9, 10, 13, 0, 7, 9, 0, 14, 9, 6, 3, 3, 4, 15, 6, 5, 10, 1, 2, 13, 8, 12, 5, 7, 14, 11, 12, 4, 11, 2, 15, 8, 1, 13, 1, 6, 10, 4, 13, 9, 0, 8, 6, 15, 9, 3, 8, 0, 7, 11, 4, 1, 15, 2, 14, 12, 3, 5, 11, 10, 5, 14, 2, 7, 12, 7, 13, 13, 8, 14, 11, 3, 5, 0, 6, 6, 15, 9, 0, 10, 3, 1, 4, 2, 7, 8, 2, 5, 12, 11, 1, 12, 10, 4, 14, 15, 9, 10, 3, 6, 15, 9, 0, 0, 6, 12, 10, 11, 1, 7, 13, 13, 8, 15, 9, 1, 4, 3, 5, 14, 11, 5, 12, 2, 7, 8, 2, 4, 14, 2, 14, 12, 11, 4, 2, 1, 12, 7, 4, 10, 7, 11, 13, 6, 1, 8, 5, 5, 0, 3, 15, 15, 10, 13, 3, 0, 9, 14, 8, 9, 6, 4, 11, 2, 8, 1, 12, 11, 7, 10, 1, 13, 14, 7, 2, 8, 13, 15, 6, 9, 15, 12, 0, 5, 9, 6, 10, 3, 4, 0, 5, 14, 3, 12, 10, 1, 15, 10, 4, 15, 2, 9, 7, 2, 12, 6, 9, 8, 5, 0, 6, 13, 1, 3, 13, 4, 14, 14, 0, 7, 11, 5, 3, 11, 8, 9, 4, 14, 3, 15, 2, 5, 12, 2, 9, 8, 5, 12, 15, 3, 10, 7, 11, 0, 14, 4, 1, 10, 7, 1, 6, 13, 0, 11, 8, 6, 13, 4, 13, 11, 0, 2, 11, 14, 7, 15, 4, 0, 9, 8, 1, 13, 10, 3, 14, 12, 3, 9, 5, 7, 12, 5, 2, 10, 15, 6, 8, 1, 6, 1, 6, 4, 11, 11, 13, 13, 8, 12, 1, 3, 4, 7, 10, 14, 7, 10, 9, 15, 5, 6, 0, 8, 15, 0, 14, 5, 2, 9, 3, 2, 12, 13, 1, 2, 15, 8, 13, 4, 8, 6, 10, 15, 3, 11, 7, 1, 4, 10, 12, 9, 5, 3, 6, 14, 11, 5, 0, 0, 14, 12, 9, 7, 2, 7, 2, 11, 1, 4, 14, 1, 7, 9, 4, 12, 10, 14, 8, 2, 13, 0, 15, 6, 12, 10, 9, 13, 0, 15, 3, 3, 5, 5, 6, 8, 11, ]; t.substitute = function (e, t) { for (var r = 0, n = 0; n < 4; n++) { (r <<= 4), (r |= i[64 * n + ((e >>> (18 - 6 * n)) & 63)]); } for (n = 0; n < 4; n++) { (r <<= 4), (r |= i[256 + 64 * n + ((t >>> (18 - 6 * n)) & 63)]); } return r >>> 0; }; var o = [ 16, 25, 12, 11, 3, 20, 4, 15, 31, 17, 9, 6, 27, 14, 1, 22, 30, 24, 8, 18, 0, 5, 29, 23, 13, 19, 2, 26, 10, 21, 28, 7, ]; (t.permute = function (e) { for (var t = 0, r = 0; r < o.length; r++) (t <<= 1), (t |= (e >>> o[r]) & 1); return t >>> 0; }), (t.padSplit = function (e, t, r) { for (var n = e.toString(2); n.length < t; ) n = '0' + n; for (var i = [], o = 0; o < t; o += r) i.push(n.slice(o, o + r)); return i.join(' '); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(17); function i(e) { (this.options = e), (this.type = this.options.type), (this.blockSize = 8), this._init(), (this.buffer = new Array(this.blockSize)), (this.bufferOff = 0); } (e.exports = i), (i.prototype._init = function () {}), (i.prototype.update = function (e) { return 0 === e.length ? [] : 'decrypt' === this.type ? this._updateDecrypt(e) : this._updateEncrypt(e); }), (i.prototype._buffer = function (e, t) { for ( var r = Math.min(this.buffer.length - this.bufferOff, e.length - t), n = 0; n < r; n++ ) this.buffer[this.bufferOff + n] = e[t + n]; return (this.bufferOff += r), r; }), (i.prototype._flushBuffer = function (e, t) { return this._update(this.buffer, 0, e, t), (this.bufferOff = 0), this.blockSize; }), (i.prototype._updateEncrypt = function (e) { var t = 0, r = 0, n = ((this.bufferOff + e.length) / this.blockSize) | 0, i = new Array(n * this.blockSize); 0 !== this.bufferOff && ((t += this._buffer(e, t)), this.bufferOff === this.buffer.length && (r += this._flushBuffer(i, r))); for (var o = e.length - ((e.length - t) % this.blockSize); t < o; t += this.blockSize) this._update(e, t, i, r), (r += this.blockSize); for (; t < e.length; t++, this.bufferOff++) this.buffer[this.bufferOff] = e[t]; return i; }), (i.prototype._updateDecrypt = function (e) { for ( var t = 0, r = 0, n = Math.ceil((this.bufferOff + e.length) / this.blockSize) - 1, i = new Array(n * this.blockSize); n > 0; n-- ) (t += this._buffer(e, t)), (r += this._flushBuffer(i, r)); return (t += this._buffer(e, t)), i; }), (i.prototype.final = function (e) { var t, r; return ( e && (t = this.update(e)), (r = 'encrypt' === this.type ? this._finalEncrypt() : this._finalDecrypt()), t ? t.concat(r) : r ); }), (i.prototype._pad = function (e, t) { if (0 === t) return !1; for (; t < e.length; ) e[t++] = 0; return !0; }), (i.prototype._finalEncrypt = function () { if (!this._pad(this.buffer, this.bufferOff)) return []; var e = new Array(this.blockSize); return this._update(this.buffer, 0, e, 0), e; }), (i.prototype._unpad = function (e) { return e; }), (i.prototype._finalDecrypt = function () { n.equal(this.bufferOff, this.blockSize, 'Not enough data to decrypt'); var e = new Array(this.blockSize); return this._flushBuffer(e, 0), this._unpad(e); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(17), i = r(3), o = r(81), a = o.utils, s = o.Cipher; function u() { (this.tmp = new Array(2)), (this.keys = null); } function f(e) { s.call(this, e); var t = new u(); (this._desState = t), this.deriveKeys(t, e.key); } i(f, s), (e.exports = f), (f.create = function (e) { return new f(e); }); var c = [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1]; (f.prototype.deriveKeys = function (e, t) { (e.keys = new Array(32)), n.equal(t.length, this.blockSize, 'Invalid key length'); var r = a.readUInt32BE(t, 0), i = a.readUInt32BE(t, 4); a.pc1(r, i, e.tmp, 0), (r = e.tmp[0]), (i = e.tmp[1]); for (var o = 0; o < e.keys.length; o += 2) { var s = c[o >>> 1]; (r = a.r28shl(r, s)), (i = a.r28shl(i, s)), a.pc2(r, i, e.keys, o); } }), (f.prototype._update = function (e, t, r, n) { var i = this._desState, o = a.readUInt32BE(e, t), s = a.readUInt32BE(e, t + 4); a.ip(o, s, i.tmp, 0), (o = i.tmp[0]), (s = i.tmp[1]), 'encrypt' === this.type ? this._encrypt(i, o, s, i.tmp, 0) : this._decrypt(i, o, s, i.tmp, 0), (o = i.tmp[0]), (s = i.tmp[1]), a.writeUInt32BE(r, o, n), a.writeUInt32BE(r, s, n + 4); }), (f.prototype._pad = function (e, t) { for (var r = e.length - t, n = t; n < e.length; n++) e[n] = r; return !0; }), (f.prototype._unpad = function (e) { for (var t = e[e.length - 1], r = e.length - t; r < e.length; r++) n.equal(e[r], t); return e.slice(0, e.length - t); }), (f.prototype._encrypt = function (e, t, r, n, i) { for (var o = t, s = r, u = 0; u < e.keys.length; u += 2) { var f = e.keys[u], c = e.keys[u + 1]; a.expand(s, e.tmp, 0), (f ^= e.tmp[0]), (c ^= e.tmp[1]); var h = a.substitute(f, c), d = s; (s = (o ^ a.permute(h)) >>> 0), (o = d); } a.rip(s, o, n, i); }), (f.prototype._decrypt = function (e, t, r, n, i) { for (var o = r, s = t, u = e.keys.length - 2; u >= 0; u -= 2) { var f = e.keys[u], c = e.keys[u + 1]; a.expand(o, e.tmp, 0), (f ^= e.tmp[0]), (c ^= e.tmp[1]); var h = a.substitute(f, c), d = o; (o = (s ^ a.permute(h)) >>> 0), (s = d); } a.rip(o, s, n, i); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(17), i = r(3), o = {}; function a(e) { n.equal(e.length, 8, 'Invalid IV length'), (this.iv = new Array(8)); for (var t = 0; t < this.iv.length; t++) this.iv[t] = e[t]; } (t.instantiate = function (e) { function t(t) { e.call(this, t), this._cbcInit(); } i(t, e); for (var r = Object.keys(o), n = 0; n < r.length; n++) { var a = r[n]; t.prototype[a] = o[a]; } return ( (t.create = function (e) { return new t(e); }), t ); }), (o._cbcInit = function () { var e = new a(this.options.iv); this._cbcState = e; }), (o._update = function (e, t, r, n) { var i = this._cbcState, o = this.constructor.super_.prototype, a = i.iv; if ('encrypt' === this.type) { for (var s = 0; s < this.blockSize; s++) a[s] ^= e[t + s]; o._update.call(this, a, 0, r, n); for (s = 0; s < this.blockSize; s++) a[s] = r[n + s]; } else { o._update.call(this, e, t, r, n); for (s = 0; s < this.blockSize; s++) r[n + s] ^= a[s]; for (s = 0; s < this.blockSize; s++) a[s] = e[t + s]; } }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(17), i = r(3), o = r(81), a = o.Cipher, s = o.DES; function u(e, t) { n.equal(t.length, 24, 'Invalid key length'); var r = t.slice(0, 8), i = t.slice(8, 16), o = t.slice(16, 24); this.ciphers = 'encrypt' === e ? [ s.create({ type: 'encrypt', key: r }), s.create({ type: 'decrypt', key: i }), s.create({ type: 'encrypt', key: o }), ] : [ s.create({ type: 'decrypt', key: o }), s.create({ type: 'encrypt', key: i }), s.create({ type: 'decrypt', key: r }), ]; } function f(e) { a.call(this, e); var t = new u(this.type, this.options.key); this._edeState = t; } i(f, a), (e.exports = f), (f.create = function (e) { return new f(e); }), (f.prototype._update = function (e, t, r, n) { var i = this._edeState; i.ciphers[0]._update(e, t, r, n), i.ciphers[1]._update(r, n, r, n), i.ciphers[2]._update(r, n, r, n); }), (f.prototype._pad = s.prototype._pad), (f.prototype._unpad = s.prototype._unpad); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(83), i = r(145), o = r(4).Buffer, a = r(146), s = r(24), u = r(56), f = r(57); function c(e, t, r) { s.call(this), (this._cache = new d()), (this._cipher = new u.AES(t)), (this._prev = o.from(r)), (this._mode = e), (this._autopadding = !0); } r(3)(c, s), (c.prototype._update = function (e) { var t, r; this._cache.add(e); for (var n = []; (t = this._cache.get()); ) (r = this._mode.encrypt(this, t)), n.push(r); return o.concat(n); }); var h = o.alloc(16, 16); function d() { this.cache = o.allocUnsafe(0); } function l(e, t, r) { var s = n[e.toLowerCase()]; if (!s) throw new TypeError('invalid suite type'); if (('string' == typeof t && (t = o.from(t)), t.length !== s.key / 8)) throw new TypeError('invalid key length ' + t.length); if (('string' == typeof r && (r = o.from(r)), 'GCM' !== s.mode && r.length !== s.iv)) throw new TypeError('invalid iv length ' + r.length); return 'stream' === s.type ? new a(s.module, t, r) : 'auth' === s.type ? new i(s.module, t, r) : new c(s.module, t, r); } (c.prototype._final = function () { var e = this._cache.flush(); if (this._autopadding) return (e = this._mode.encrypt(this, e)), this._cipher.scrub(), e; if (!e.equals(h)) throw (this._cipher.scrub(), new Error('data not multiple of block length')); }), (c.prototype.setAutoPadding = function (e) { return (this._autopadding = !!e), this; }), (d.prototype.add = function (e) { this.cache = o.concat([this.cache, e]); }), (d.prototype.get = function () { if (this.cache.length > 15) { var e = this.cache.slice(0, 16); return (this.cache = this.cache.slice(16)), e; } return null; }), (d.prototype.flush = function () { for (var e = 16 - this.cache.length, t = o.allocUnsafe(e), r = -1; ++r < e; ) t.writeUInt8(e, r); return o.concat([this.cache, t]); }), (t.createCipheriv = l), (t.createCipher = function (e, t) { var r = n[e.toLowerCase()]; if (!r) throw new TypeError('invalid suite type'); var i = f(t, !1, r.key, r.iv); return l(e, i.key, i.iv); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (t.encrypt = function (e, t) { return e._cipher.encryptBlock(t); }), (t.decrypt = function (e, t) { return e._cipher.decryptBlock(t); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(43); (t.encrypt = function (e, t) { var r = n(t, e._prev); return (e._prev = e._cipher.encryptBlock(r)), e._prev; }), (t.decrypt = function (e, t) { var r = e._prev; e._prev = t; var i = e._cipher.decryptBlock(t); return n(i, r); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(4).Buffer, i = r(43); function o(e, t, r) { var o = t.length, a = i(t, e._cache); return (e._cache = e._cache.slice(o)), (e._prev = n.concat([e._prev, r ? t : a])), a; } t.encrypt = function (e, t, r) { for (var i, a = n.allocUnsafe(0); t.length; ) { if ( (0 === e._cache.length && ((e._cache = e._cipher.encryptBlock(e._prev)), (e._prev = n.allocUnsafe(0))), !(e._cache.length <= t.length)) ) { a = n.concat([a, o(e, t, r)]); break; } (i = e._cache.length), (a = n.concat([a, o(e, t.slice(0, i), r)])), (t = t.slice(i)); } return a; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(4).Buffer; function i(e, t, r) { var i = e._cipher.encryptBlock(e._prev)[0] ^ t; return (e._prev = n.concat([e._prev.slice(1), n.from([r ? t : i])])), i; } t.encrypt = function (e, t, r) { for (var o = t.length, a = n.allocUnsafe(o), s = -1; ++s < o; ) a[s] = i(e, t[s], r); return a; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(4).Buffer; function i(e, t, r) { for (var n, i, a = -1, s = 0; ++a < 8; ) (n = t & (1 << (7 - a)) ? 128 : 0), (s += (128 & (i = e._cipher.encryptBlock(e._prev)[0] ^ n)) >> a % 8), (e._prev = o(e._prev, r ? n : i)); return s; } function o(e, t) { var r = e.length, i = -1, o = n.allocUnsafe(e.length); for (e = n.concat([e, n.from([t])]); ++i < r; ) o[i] = (e[i] << 1) | (e[i + 1] >> 7); return o; } t.encrypt = function (e, t, r) { for (var o = t.length, a = n.allocUnsafe(o), s = -1; ++s < o; ) a[s] = i(e, t[s], r); return a; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (e) { var n = r(43); function i(e) { return (e._prev = e._cipher.encryptBlock(e._prev)), e._prev; } t.encrypt = function (t, r) { for (; t._cache.length < r.length; ) t._cache = e.concat([t._cache, i(t)]); var o = t._cache.slice(0, r.length); return (t._cache = t._cache.slice(r.length)), n(r, o); }; }.call(this, r(2).Buffer)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(4).Buffer, i = n.alloc(16, 0); function o(e) { var t = n.allocUnsafe(16); return ( t.writeUInt32BE(e[0] >>> 0, 0), t.writeUInt32BE(e[1] >>> 0, 4), t.writeUInt32BE(e[2] >>> 0, 8), t.writeUInt32BE(e[3] >>> 0, 12), t ); } function a(e) { (this.h = e), (this.state = n.alloc(16, 0)), (this.cache = n.allocUnsafe(0)); } (a.prototype.ghash = function (e) { for (var t = -1; ++t < e.length; ) this.state[t] ^= e[t]; this._multiply(); }), (a.prototype._multiply = function () { for ( var e, t, r, n = [ (e = this.h).readUInt32BE(0), e.readUInt32BE(4), e.readUInt32BE(8), e.readUInt32BE(12), ], i = [0, 0, 0, 0], a = -1; ++a < 128; ) { for ( 0 != (this.state[~~(a / 8)] & (1 << (7 - (a % 8)))) && ((i[0] ^= n[0]), (i[1] ^= n[1]), (i[2] ^= n[2]), (i[3] ^= n[3])), r = 0 != (1 & n[3]), t = 3; t > 0; t-- ) n[t] = (n[t] >>> 1) | ((1 & n[t - 1]) << 31); (n[0] = n[0] >>> 1), r && (n[0] = n[0] ^ (225 << 24)); } this.state = o(i); }), (a.prototype.update = function (e) { var t; for (this.cache = n.concat([this.cache, e]); this.cache.length >= 16; ) (t = this.cache.slice(0, 16)), (this.cache = this.cache.slice(16)), this.ghash(t); }), (a.prototype.final = function (e, t) { return ( this.cache.length && this.ghash(n.concat([this.cache, i], 16)), this.ghash(o([0, e, 0, t])), this.state ); }), (e.exports = a); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(145), i = r(4).Buffer, o = r(83), a = r(146), s = r(24), u = r(56), f = r(57); function c(e, t, r) { s.call(this), (this._cache = new h()), (this._last = void 0), (this._cipher = new u.AES(t)), (this._prev = i.from(r)), (this._mode = e), (this._autopadding = !0); } function h() { this.cache = i.allocUnsafe(0); } function d(e, t, r) { var s = o[e.toLowerCase()]; if (!s) throw new TypeError('invalid suite type'); if (('string' == typeof r && (r = i.from(r)), 'GCM' !== s.mode && r.length !== s.iv)) throw new TypeError('invalid iv length ' + r.length); if (('string' == typeof t && (t = i.from(t)), t.length !== s.key / 8)) throw new TypeError('invalid key length ' + t.length); return 'stream' === s.type ? new a(s.module, t, r, !0) : 'auth' === s.type ? new n(s.module, t, r, !0) : new c(s.module, t, r); } r(3)(c, s), (c.prototype._update = function (e) { var t, r; this._cache.add(e); for (var n = []; (t = this._cache.get(this._autopadding)); ) (r = this._mode.decrypt(this, t)), n.push(r); return i.concat(n); }), (c.prototype._final = function () { var e = this._cache.flush(); if (this._autopadding) return (function (e) { var t = e[15]; if (t < 1 || t > 16) throw new Error('unable to decrypt data'); var r = -1; for (; ++r < t; ) if (e[r + (16 - t)] !== t) throw new Error('unable to decrypt data'); if (16 === t) return; return e.slice(0, 16 - t); })(this._mode.decrypt(this, e)); if (e) throw new Error('data not multiple of block length'); }), (c.prototype.setAutoPadding = function (e) { return (this._autopadding = !!e), this; }), (h.prototype.add = function (e) { this.cache = i.concat([this.cache, e]); }), (h.prototype.get = function (e) { var t; if (e) { if (this.cache.length > 16) return (t = this.cache.slice(0, 16)), (this.cache = this.cache.slice(16)), t; } else if (this.cache.length >= 16) return (t = this.cache.slice(0, 16)), (this.cache = this.cache.slice(16)), t; return null; }), (h.prototype.flush = function () { if (this.cache.length) return this.cache; }), (t.createDecipher = function (e, t) { var r = o[e.toLowerCase()]; if (!r) throw new TypeError('invalid suite type'); var n = f(t, !1, r.key, r.iv); return d(e, n.key, n.iv); }), (t.createDecipheriv = d); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (t['des-ecb'] = { key: 8, iv: 0 }), (t['des-cbc'] = t.des = { key: 8, iv: 8 }), (t['des-ede3-cbc'] = t.des3 = { key: 24, iv: 8 }), (t['des-ede3'] = { key: 24, iv: 0 }), (t['des-ede-cbc'] = { key: 16, iv: 8 }), (t['des-ede'] = { key: 16, iv: 0 }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (e) { var n = r(147), i = r(354), o = r(355); var a = { binary: !0, hex: !0, base64: !0 }; (t.DiffieHellmanGroup = t.createDiffieHellmanGroup = t.getDiffieHellman = function (t) { var r = new e(i[t].prime, 'hex'), n = new e(i[t].gen, 'hex'); return new o(r, n); }), (t.createDiffieHellman = t.DiffieHellman = function t(r, i, s, u) { return e.isBuffer(i) || void 0 === a[i] ? t(r, 'binary', i, s) : ((i = i || 'binary'), (u = u || 'binary'), (s = s || new e([2])), e.isBuffer(s) || (s = new e(s, u)), 'number' == typeof r ? new o(n(r, s), s, !0) : (e.isBuffer(r) || (r = new e(r, i)), new o(r, s, !0))); }); }.call(this, r(2).Buffer)); }, function (e) { e.exports = JSON.parse( '{"modp1":{"gen":"02","prime":"ffffffffffffffffc90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dc1cd129024e088a67cc74020bbea63b139b22514a08798e3404ddef9519b3cd3a431b302b0a6df25f14374fe1356d6d51c245e485b576625e7ec6f44c42e9a63a3620ffffffffffffffff"},"modp2":{"gen":"02","prime":"ffffffffffffffffc90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dc1cd129024e088a67cc74020bbea63b139b22514a08798e3404ddef9519b3cd3a431b302b0a6df25f14374fe1356d6d51c245e485b576625e7ec6f44c42e9a637ed6b0bff5cb6f406b7edee386bfb5a899fa5ae9f24117c4b1fe649286651ece65381ffffffffffffffff"},"modp5":{"gen":"02","prime":"ffffffffffffffffc90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dc1cd129024e088a67cc74020bbea63b139b22514a08798e3404ddef9519b3cd3a431b302b0a6df25f14374fe1356d6d51c245e485b576625e7ec6f44c42e9a637ed6b0bff5cb6f406b7edee386bfb5a899fa5ae9f24117c4b1fe649286651ece45b3dc2007cb8a163bf0598da48361c55d39a69163fa8fd24cf5f83655d23dca3ad961c62f356208552bb9ed529077096966d670c354e4abc9804f1746c08ca237327ffffffffffffffff"},"modp14":{"gen":"02","prime":"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"},"modp15":{"gen":"02","prime":"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"},"modp16":{"gen":"02","prime":"ffffffffffffffffc90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dc1cd129024e088a67cc74020bbea63b139b22514a08798e3404ddef9519b3cd3a431b302b0a6df25f14374fe1356d6d51c245e485b576625e7ec6f44c42e9a637ed6b0bff5cb6f406b7edee386bfb5a899fa5ae9f24117c4b1fe649286651ece45b3dc2007cb8a163bf0598da48361c55d39a69163fa8fd24cf5f83655d23dca3ad961c62f356208552bb9ed529077096966d670c354e4abc9804f1746c08ca18217c32905e462e36ce3be39e772c180e86039b2783a2ec07a28fb5c55df06f4c52c9de2bcbf6955817183995497cea956ae515d2261898fa051015728e5a8aaac42dad33170d04507a33a85521abdf1cba64ecfb850458dbef0a8aea71575d060c7db3970f85a6e1e4c7abf5ae8cdb0933d71e8c94e04a25619dcee3d2261ad2ee6bf12ffa06d98a0864d87602733ec86a64521f2b18177b200cbbe117577a615d6c770988c0bad946e208e24fa074e5ab3143db5bfce0fd108e4b82d120a92108011a723c12a787e6d788719a10bdba5b2699c327186af4e23c1a946834b6150bda2583e9ca2ad44ce8dbbbc2db04de8ef92e8efc141fbecaa6287c59474e6bc05d99b2964fa090c3a2233ba186515be7ed1f612970cee2d7afb81bdd762170481cd0069127d5b05aa993b4ea988d8fddc186ffb7dc90a6c08f4df435c934063199ffffffffffffffff"},"modp17":{"gen":"02","prime":"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"},"modp18":{"gen":"02","prime":"ffffffffffffffffc90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dc1cd129024e088a67cc74020b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); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (t) { var n = r(5), i = new (r(148))(), o = new n(24), a = new n(11), s = new n(10), u = new n(3), f = new n(7), c = r(147), h = r(26); function d(e, r) { return ( (r = r || 'utf8'), t.isBuffer(e) || (e = new t(e, r)), (this._pub = new n(e)), this ); } function l(e, r) { return ( (r = r || 'utf8'), t.isBuffer(e) || (e = new t(e, r)), (this._priv = new n(e)), this ); } e.exports = b; var p = {}; function b(e, t, r) { this.setGenerator(t), (this.__prime = new n(e)), (this._prime = n.mont(this.__prime)), (this._primeLen = e.length), (this._pub = void 0), (this._priv = void 0), (this._primeCode = void 0), r ? ((this.setPublicKey = d), (this.setPrivateKey = l)) : (this._primeCode = 8); } function m(e, r) { var n = new t(e.toArray()); return r ? n.toString(r) : n; } Object.defineProperty(b.prototype, 'verifyError', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return ( 'number' != typeof this._primeCode && (this._primeCode = (function (e, t) { var r = t.toString('hex'), n = [r, e.toString(16)].join('_'); if (n in p) return p[n]; var h, d = 0; if (e.isEven() || !c.simpleSieve || !c.fermatTest(e) || !i.test(e)) return (d += 1), (d += '02' === r || '05' === r ? 8 : 4), (p[n] = d), d; switch ((i.test(e.shrn(1)) || (d += 2), r)) { case '02': e.mod(o).cmp(a) && (d += 8); break; case '05': (h = e.mod(s)).cmp(u) && h.cmp(f) && (d += 8); break; default: d += 4; } return (p[n] = d), d; })(this.__prime, this.__gen)), this._primeCode ); }, }), (b.prototype.generateKeys = function () { return ( this._priv || (this._priv = new n(h(this._primeLen))), (this._pub = this._gen.toRed(this._prime).redPow(this._priv).fromRed()), this.getPublicKey() ); }), (b.prototype.computeSecret = function (e) { var r = (e = (e = new n(e)).toRed(this._prime)).redPow(this._priv).fromRed(), i = new t(r.toArray()), o = this.getPrime(); if (i.length < o.length) { var a = new t(o.length - i.length); a.fill(0), (i = t.concat([a, i])); } return i; }), (b.prototype.getPublicKey = function (e) { return m(this._pub, e); }), (b.prototype.getPrivateKey = function (e) { return m(this._priv, e); }), (b.prototype.getPrime = function (e) { return m(this.__prime, e); }), (b.prototype.getGenerator = function (e) { return m(this._gen, e); }), (b.prototype.setGenerator = function (e, r) { return ( (r = r || 'utf8'), t.isBuffer(e) || (e = new t(e, r)), (this.__gen = e), (this._gen = new n(e)), this ); }); }.call(this, r(2).Buffer)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (t) { var n = r(30), i = r(42), o = r(3), a = r(357), s = r(385), u = r(137); function f(e) { i.Writable.call(this); var t = u[e]; if (!t) throw new Error('Unknown message digest'); (this._hashType = t.hash), (this._hash = n(t.hash)), (this._tag = t.id), (this._signType = t.sign); } function c(e) { i.Writable.call(this); var t = u[e]; if (!t) throw new Error('Unknown message digest'); (this._hash = n(t.hash)), (this._tag = t.id), (this._signType = t.sign); } function h(e) { return new f(e); } function d(e) { return new c(e); } Object.keys(u).forEach(function (e) { (u[e].id = new t(u[e].id, 'hex')), (u[e.toLowerCase()] = u[e]); }), o(f, i.Writable), (f.prototype._write = function (e, t, r) { this._hash.update(e), r(); }), (f.prototype.update = function (e, r) { return 'string' == typeof e && (e = new t(e, r)), this._hash.update(e), this; }), (f.prototype.sign = function (e, t) { this.end(); var r = this._hash.digest(), n = a(r, e, this._hashType, this._signType, this._tag); return t ? n.toString(t) : n; }), o(c, i.Writable), (c.prototype._write = function (e, t, r) { this._hash.update(e), r(); }), (c.prototype.update = function (e, r) { return 'string' == typeof e && (e = new t(e, r)), this._hash.update(e), this; }), (c.prototype.verify = function (e, r, n) { 'string' == typeof r && (r = new t(r, n)), this.end(); var i = this._hash.digest(); return s(r, i, e, this._signType, this._tag); }), (e.exports = { Sign: h, Verify: d, createSign: h, createVerify: d }); }.call(this, r(2).Buffer)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (t) { var n = r(135), i = r(84), o = r(13).ec, a = r(5), s = r(59), u = r(153); function f(e, r, i, o) { if ((e = new t(e.toArray())).length < r.byteLength()) { var a = new t(r.byteLength() - e.length); a.fill(0), (e = t.concat([a, e])); } var s = i.length, u = (function (e, r) { e = (e = c(e, r)).mod(r); var n = new t(e.toArray()); if (n.length < r.byteLength()) { var i = new t(r.byteLength() - n.length); i.fill(0), (n = t.concat([i, n])); } return n; })(i, r), f = new t(s); f.fill(1); var h = new t(s); return ( h.fill(0), (h = n(o, h) .update(f) .update(new t([0])) .update(e) .update(u) .digest()), (f = n(o, h).update(f).digest()), { k: (h = n(o, h) .update(f) .update(new t([1])) .update(e) .update(u) .digest()), v: (f = n(o, h).update(f).digest()), } ); } function c(e, t) { var r = new a(e), n = (e.length << 3) - t.bitLength(); return n > 0 && r.ishrn(n), r; } function h(e, r, i) { var o, a; do { for (o = new t(0); 8 * o.length < e.bitLength(); ) (r.v = n(i, r.k).update(r.v).digest()), (o = t.concat([o, r.v])); (a = c(o, e)), (r.k = n(i, r.k) .update(r.v) .update(new t([0])) .digest()), (r.v = n(i, r.k).update(r.v).digest()); } while (-1 !== a.cmp(e)); return a; } function d(e, t, r, n) { return e.toRed(a.mont(r)).redPow(t).fromRed().mod(n); } (e.exports = function (e, r, n, l, p) { var b = s(r); if (b.curve) { if ('ecdsa' !== l && 'ecdsa/rsa' !== l) throw new Error('wrong private key type'); return (function (e, r) { var n = u[r.curve.join('.')]; if (!n) throw new Error('unknown curve ' + r.curve.join('.')); var i = new o(n).keyFromPrivate(r.privateKey).sign(e); return new t(i.toDER()); })(e, b); } if ('dsa' === b.type) { if ('dsa' !== l) throw new Error('wrong private key type'); return (function (e, r, n) { var i, o = r.params.priv_key, s = r.params.p, u = r.params.q, l = r.params.g, p = new a(0), b = c(e, u).mod(u), m = !1, y = f(o, u, e, n); for (; !1 === m; ) (i = h(u, y, n)), (p = d(l, i, s, u)), 0 === (m = i .invm(u) .imul(b.add(o.mul(p))) .mod(u)).cmpn(0) && ((m = !1), (p = new a(0))); return (function (e, r) { (e = e.toArray()), (r = r.toArray()), 128 & e[0] && (e = [0].concat(e)); 128 & r[0] && (r = [0].concat(r)); var n = [48, e.length + r.length + 4, 2, e.length]; return (n = n.concat(e, [2, r.length], r)), new t(n); })(p, m); })(e, b, n); } if ('rsa' !== l && 'ecdsa/rsa' !== l) throw new Error('wrong private key type'); e = t.concat([p, e]); for (var m = b.modulus.byteLength(), y = [0, 1]; e.length + y.length + 1 < m; ) y.push(255); y.push(0); for (var v = -1; ++v < e.length; ) y.push(e[v]); return i(y, b); }), (e.exports.getKey = f), (e.exports.makeKey = h); }.call(this, r(2).Buffer)); }, function (e) { e.exports = JSON.parse( '{"_args":[["elliptic@6.4.1","/home/greg/code/github.com/ethereum/web3.js"]],"_from":"elliptic@6.4.1","_id":"elliptic@6.4.1","_inBundle":false,"_integrity":"sha512-BsXLz5sqX8OHcsh7CqBMztyXARmGQ3LWPtGjJi6DiJHq5C/qvi9P3OqgswKSDftbu8+IoI/QDTAm2fFnQ9SZSQ==","_location":"/elliptic","_phantomChildren":{},"_requested":{"type":"version","registry":true,"raw":"elliptic@6.4.1","name":"elliptic","escapedName":"elliptic","rawSpec":"6.4.1","saveSpec":null,"fetchSpec":"6.4.1"},"_requiredBy":["/browserify-sign","/create-ecdh","/eth-lib","/secp256k1","/swarm-js/eth-lib","/web3-core-helpers/eth-lib","/web3-core-method/eth-lib","/web3-core/eth-lib","/web3-eth-accounts/eth-lib","/web3-eth-accounts/web3-utils/eth-lib","/web3-eth-contract/eth-lib","/web3-eth-ens/eth-lib","/web3-eth-iban/eth-lib","/web3-eth-personal/eth-lib","/web3-eth/eth-lib","/web3-net/eth-lib","/web3-utils/eth-lib","/web3/eth-lib"],"_resolved":"https://registry.npmjs.org/elliptic/-/elliptic-6.4.1.tgz","_spec":"6.4.1","_where":"/home/greg/code/github.com/ethereum/web3.js","author":{"name":"Fedor Indutny","email":"fedor@indutny.com"},"bugs":{"url":"https://github.com/indutny/elliptic/issues"},"dependencies":{"bn.js":"^4.4.0","brorand":"^1.0.1","hash.js":"^1.0.0","hmac-drbg":"^1.0.0","inherits":"^2.0.1","minimalistic-assert":"^1.0.0","minimalistic-crypto-utils":"^1.0.0"},"description":"EC cryptography","devDependencies":{"brfs":"^1.4.3","coveralls":"^2.11.3","grunt":"^0.4.5","grunt-browserify":"^5.0.0","grunt-cli":"^1.2.0","grunt-contrib-connect":"^1.0.0","grunt-contrib-copy":"^1.0.0","grunt-contrib-uglify":"^1.0.1","grunt-mocha-istanbul":"^3.0.1","grunt-saucelabs":"^8.6.2","istanbul":"^0.4.2","jscs":"^2.9.0","jshint":"^2.6.0","mocha":"^2.1.0"},"files":["lib"],"homepage":"https://github.com/indutny/elliptic","keywords":["EC","Elliptic","curve","Cryptography"],"license":"MIT","main":"lib/elliptic.js","name":"elliptic","repository":{"type":"git","url":"git+ssh://git@github.com/indutny/elliptic.git"},"scripts":{"jscs":"jscs benchmarks/*.js lib/*.js lib/**/*.js lib/**/**/*.js test/index.js","jshint":"jscs benchmarks/*.js lib/*.js lib/**/*.js lib/**/**/*.js test/index.js","lint":"npm run jscs && npm run jshint","test":"npm run lint && npm run unit","unit":"istanbul test _mocha --reporter=spec test/index.js","version":"grunt dist && git add dist/"},"version":"6.4.1"}' ); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = t, i = r(5), o = r(17), a = r(72); (n.assert = o), (n.toArray = a.toArray), (n.zero2 = a.zero2), (n.toHex = a.toHex), (n.encode = a.encode), (n.getNAF = function (e, t) { for (var r = [], n = 1 << (t + 1), i = e.clone(); i.cmpn(1) >= 0; ) { var o; if (i.isOdd()) { var a = i.andln(n - 1); (o = a > (n >> 1) - 1 ? (n >> 1) - a : a), i.isubn(o); } else o = 0; r.push(o); for (var s = 0 !== i.cmpn(0) && 0 === i.andln(n - 1) ? t + 1 : 1, u = 1; u < s; u++) r.push(0); i.iushrn(s); } return r; }), (n.getJSF = function (e, t) { var r = [[], []]; (e = e.clone()), (t = t.clone()); for (var n = 0, i = 0; e.cmpn(-n) > 0 || t.cmpn(-i) > 0; ) { var o, a, s, u = (e.andln(3) + n) & 3, f = (t.andln(3) + i) & 3; if ((3 === u && (u = -1), 3 === f && (f = -1), 0 == (1 & u))) o = 0; else o = (3 !== (s = (e.andln(7) + n) & 7) && 5 !== s) || 2 !== f ? u : -u; if ((r[0].push(o), 0 == (1 & f))) a = 0; else a = (3 !== (s = (t.andln(7) + i) & 7) && 5 !== s) || 2 !== u ? f : -f; r[1].push(a), 2 * n === o + 1 && (n = 1 - n), 2 * i === a + 1 && (i = 1 - i), e.iushrn(1), t.iushrn(1); } return r; }), (n.cachedProperty = function (e, t, r) { var n = '_' + t; e.prototype[t] = function () { return void 0 !== this[n] ? this[n] : (this[n] = r.call(this)); }; }), (n.parseBytes = function (e) { return 'string' == typeof e ? n.toArray(e, 'hex') : e; }), (n.intFromLE = function (e) { return new i(e, 'hex', 'le'); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(5), i = r(13).utils, o = i.getNAF, a = i.getJSF, s = i.assert; function u(e, t) { (this.type = e), (this.p = new n(t.p, 16)), (this.red = t.prime ? n.red(t.prime) : n.mont(this.p)), (this.zero = new n(0).toRed(this.red)), (this.one = new n(1).toRed(this.red)), (this.two = new n(2).toRed(this.red)), (this.n = t.n && new n(t.n, 16)), (this.g = t.g && this.pointFromJSON(t.g, t.gRed)), (this._wnafT1 = new Array(4)), (this._wnafT2 = new Array(4)), (this._wnafT3 = new Array(4)), (this._wnafT4 = new Array(4)); var r = this.n && this.p.div(this.n); !r || r.cmpn(100) > 0 ? (this.redN = null) : ((this._maxwellTrick = !0), (this.redN = this.n.toRed(this.red))); } function f(e, t) { (this.curve = e), (this.type = t), (this.precomputed = null); } (e.exports = u), (u.prototype.point = function () { throw new Error('Not implemented'); }), (u.prototype.validate = function () { throw new Error('Not implemented'); }), (u.prototype._fixedNafMul = function (e, t) { s(e.precomputed); var r = e._getDoubles(), n = o(t, 1), i = (1 << (r.step + 1)) - (r.step % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 1); i /= 3; for (var a = [], u = 0; u < n.length; u += r.step) { var f = 0; for (t = u + r.step - 1; t >= u; t--) f = (f << 1) + n[t]; a.push(f); } for ( var c = this.jpoint(null, null, null), h = this.jpoint(null, null, null), d = i; d > 0; d-- ) { for (u = 0; u < a.length; u++) { (f = a[u]) === d ? (h = h.mixedAdd(r.points[u])) : f === -d && (h = h.mixedAdd(r.points[u].neg())); } c = c.add(h); } return c.toP(); }), (u.prototype._wnafMul = function (e, t) { var r = 4, n = e._getNAFPoints(r); r = n.wnd; for ( var i = n.points, a = o(t, r), u = this.jpoint(null, null, null), f = a.length - 1; f >= 0; f-- ) { for (t = 0; f >= 0 && 0 === a[f]; f--) t++; if ((f >= 0 && t++, (u = u.dblp(t)), f < 0)) break; var c = a[f]; s(0 !== c), (u = 'affine' === e.type ? c > 0 ? u.mixedAdd(i[(c - 1) >> 1]) : u.mixedAdd(i[(-c - 1) >> 1].neg()) : c > 0 ? u.add(i[(c - 1) >> 1]) : u.add(i[(-c - 1) >> 1].neg())); } return 'affine' === e.type ? u.toP() : u; }), (u.prototype._wnafMulAdd = function (e, t, r, n, i) { for (var s = this._wnafT1, u = this._wnafT2, f = this._wnafT3, c = 0, h = 0; h < n; h++) { var d = (E = t[h])._getNAFPoints(e); (s[h] = d.wnd), (u[h] = d.points); } for (h = n - 1; h >= 1; h -= 2) { var l = h - 1, p = h; if (1 === s[l] && 1 === s[p]) { var b = [t[l], null, null, t[p]]; 0 === t[l].y.cmp(t[p].y) ? ((b[1] = t[l].add(t[p])), (b[2] = t[l].toJ().mixedAdd(t[p].neg()))) : 0 === t[l].y.cmp(t[p].y.redNeg()) ? ((b[1] = t[l].toJ().mixedAdd(t[p])), (b[2] = t[l].add(t[p].neg()))) : ((b[1] = t[l].toJ().mixedAdd(t[p])), (b[2] = t[l].toJ().mixedAdd(t[p].neg()))); var m = [-3, -1, -5, -7, 0, 7, 5, 1, 3], y = a(r[l], r[p]); (c = Math.max(y[0].length, c)), (f[l] = new Array(c)), (f[p] = new Array(c)); for (var v = 0; v < c; v++) { var g = 0 | y[0][v], w = 0 | y[1][v]; (f[l][v] = m[3 * (g + 1) + (w + 1)]), (f[p][v] = 0), (u[l] = b); } } else (f[l] = o(r[l], s[l])), (f[p] = o(r[p], s[p])), (c = Math.max(f[l].length, c)), (c = Math.max(f[p].length, c)); } var _ = this.jpoint(null, null, null), k = this._wnafT4; for (h = c; h >= 0; h--) { for (var A = 0; h >= 0; ) { var S = !0; for (v = 0; v < n; v++) (k[v] = 0 | f[v][h]), 0 !== k[v] && (S = !1); if (!S) break; A++, h--; } if ((h >= 0 && A++, (_ = _.dblp(A)), h < 0)) break; for (v = 0; v < n; v++) { var E, x = k[v]; 0 !== x && (x > 0 ? (E = u[v][(x - 1) >> 1]) : x < 0 && (E = u[v][(-x - 1) >> 1].neg()), (_ = 'affine' === E.type ? _.mixedAdd(E) : _.add(E))); } } for (h = 0; h < n; h++) u[h] = null; return i ? _ : _.toP(); }), (u.BasePoint = f), (f.prototype.eq = function () { throw new Error('Not implemented'); }), (f.prototype.validate = function () { return this.curve.validate(this); }), (u.prototype.decodePoint = function (e, t) { e = i.toArray(e, t); var r = this.p.byteLength(); if ((4 === e[0] || 6 === e[0] || 7 === e[0]) && e.length - 1 == 2 * r) return ( 6 === e[0] ? s(e[e.length - 1] % 2 == 0) : 7 === e[0] && s(e[e.length - 1] % 2 == 1), this.point(e.slice(1, 1 + r), e.slice(1 + r, 1 + 2 * r)) ); if ((2 === e[0] || 3 === e[0]) && e.length - 1 === r) return this.pointFromX(e.slice(1, 1 + r), 3 === e[0]); throw new Error('Unknown point format'); }), (f.prototype.encodeCompressed = function (e) { return this.encode(e, !0); }), (f.prototype._encode = function (e) { var t = this.curve.p.byteLength(), r = this.getX().toArray('be', t); return e ? [this.getY().isEven() ? 2 : 3].concat(r) : [4].concat(r, this.getY().toArray('be', t)); }), (f.prototype.encode = function (e, t) { return i.encode(this._encode(t), e); }), (f.prototype.precompute = function (e) { if (this.precomputed) return this; var t = { doubles: null, naf: null, beta: null }; return ( (t.naf = this._getNAFPoints(8)), (t.doubles = this._getDoubles(4, e)), (t.beta = this._getBeta()), (this.precomputed = t), this ); }), (f.prototype._hasDoubles = function (e) { if (!this.precomputed) return !1; var t = this.precomputed.doubles; return !!t && t.points.length >= Math.ceil((e.bitLength() + 1) / t.step); }), (f.prototype._getDoubles = function (e, t) { if (this.precomputed && this.precomputed.doubles) return this.precomputed.doubles; for (var r = [this], n = this, i = 0; i < t; i += e) { for (var o = 0; o < e; o++) n = n.dbl(); r.push(n); } return { step: e, points: r }; }), (f.prototype._getNAFPoints = function (e) { if (this.precomputed && this.precomputed.naf) return this.precomputed.naf; for (var t = [this], r = (1 << e) - 1, n = 1 === r ? null : this.dbl(), i = 1; i < r; i++) t[i] = t[i - 1].add(n); return { wnd: e, points: t }; }), (f.prototype._getBeta = function () { return null; }), (f.prototype.dblp = function (e) { for (var t = this, r = 0; r < e; r++) t = t.dbl(); return t; }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(58), i = r(13), o = r(5), a = r(3), s = n.base, u = i.utils.assert; function f(e) { s.call(this, 'short', e), (this.a = new o(e.a, 16).toRed(this.red)), (this.b = new o(e.b, 16).toRed(this.red)), (this.tinv = this.two.redInvm()), (this.zeroA = 0 === this.a.fromRed().cmpn(0)), (this.threeA = 0 === this.a.fromRed().sub(this.p).cmpn(-3)), (this.endo = this._getEndomorphism(e)), (this._endoWnafT1 = new Array(4)), (this._endoWnafT2 = new Array(4)); } function c(e, t, r, n) { s.BasePoint.call(this, e, 'affine'), null === t && null === r ? ((this.x = null), (this.y = null), (this.inf = !0)) : ((this.x = new o(t, 16)), (this.y = new o(r, 16)), n && (this.x.forceRed(this.curve.red), this.y.forceRed(this.curve.red)), this.x.red || (this.x = this.x.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.y.red || (this.y = this.y.toRed(this.curve.red)), (this.inf = !1)); } function h(e, t, r, n) { s.BasePoint.call(this, e, 'jacobian'), null === t && null === r && null === n ? ((this.x = this.curve.one), (this.y = this.curve.one), (this.z = new o(0))) : ((this.x = new o(t, 16)), (this.y = new o(r, 16)), (this.z = new o(n, 16))), this.x.red || (this.x = this.x.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.y.red || (this.y = this.y.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.z.red || (this.z = this.z.toRed(this.curve.red)), (this.zOne = this.z === this.curve.one); } a(f, s), (e.exports = f), (f.prototype._getEndomorphism = function (e) { if (this.zeroA && this.g && this.n && 1 === this.p.modn(3)) { var t, r; if (e.beta) t = new o(e.beta, 16).toRed(this.red); else { var n = this._getEndoRoots(this.p); t = (t = n[0].cmp(n[1]) < 0 ? n[0] : n[1]).toRed(this.red); } if (e.lambda) r = new o(e.lambda, 16); else { var i = this._getEndoRoots(this.n); 0 === this.g.mul(i[0]).x.cmp(this.g.x.redMul(t)) ? (r = i[0]) : ((r = i[1]), u(0 === this.g.mul(r).x.cmp(this.g.x.redMul(t)))); } return { beta: t, lambda: r, basis: e.basis ? e.basis.map(function (e) { return { a: new o(e.a, 16), b: new o(e.b, 16) }; }) : this._getEndoBasis(r), }; } }), (f.prototype._getEndoRoots = function (e) { var t = e === this.p ? this.red : o.mont(e), r = new o(2).toRed(t).redInvm(), n = r.redNeg(), i = new o(3).toRed(t).redNeg().redSqrt().redMul(r); return [n.redAdd(i).fromRed(), n.redSub(i).fromRed()]; }), (f.prototype._getEndoBasis = function (e) { for ( var t, r, n, i, a, s, u, f, c, h = this.n.ushrn(Math.floor(this.n.bitLength() / 2)), d = e, l = this.n.clone(), p = new o(1), b = new o(0), m = new o(0), y = new o(1), v = 0; 0 !== d.cmpn(0); ) { var g = l.div(d); (f = l.sub(g.mul(d))), (c = m.sub(g.mul(p))); var w = y.sub(g.mul(b)); if (!n && f.cmp(h) < 0) (t = u.neg()), (r = p), (n = f.neg()), (i = c); else if (n && 2 == ++v) break; (u = f), (l = d), (d = f), (m = p), (p = c), (y = b), (b = w); } (a = f.neg()), (s = c); var _ = n.sqr().add(i.sqr()); return ( a.sqr().add(s.sqr()).cmp(_) >= 0 && ((a = t), (s = r)), n.negative && ((n = n.neg()), (i = i.neg())), a.negative && ((a = a.neg()), (s = s.neg())), [ { a: n, b: i }, { a: a, b: s }, ] ); }), (f.prototype._endoSplit = function (e) { var t = this.endo.basis, r = t[0], n = t[1], i = n.b.mul(e).divRound(this.n), o = r.b.neg().mul(e).divRound(this.n), a = i.mul(r.a), s = o.mul(n.a), u = i.mul(r.b), f = o.mul(n.b); return { k1: e.sub(a).sub(s), k2: u.add(f).neg() }; }), (f.prototype.pointFromX = function (e, t) { (e = new o(e, 16)).red || (e = e.toRed(this.red)); var r = e.redSqr().redMul(e).redIAdd(e.redMul(this.a)).redIAdd(this.b), n = r.redSqrt(); if (0 !== n.redSqr().redSub(r).cmp(this.zero)) throw new Error('invalid point'); var i = n.fromRed().isOdd(); return ((t && !i) || (!t && i)) && (n = n.redNeg()), this.point(e, n); }), (f.prototype.validate = function (e) { if (e.inf) return !0; var t = e.x, r = e.y, n = this.a.redMul(t), i = t.redSqr().redMul(t).redIAdd(n).redIAdd(this.b); return 0 === r.redSqr().redISub(i).cmpn(0); }), (f.prototype._endoWnafMulAdd = function (e, t, r) { for (var n = this._endoWnafT1, i = this._endoWnafT2, o = 0; o < e.length; o++) { var a = this._endoSplit(t[o]), s = e[o], u = s._getBeta(); a.k1.negative && (a.k1.ineg(), (s = s.neg(!0))), a.k2.negative && (a.k2.ineg(), (u = u.neg(!0))), (n[2 * o] = s), (n[2 * o + 1] = u), (i[2 * o] = a.k1), (i[2 * o + 1] = a.k2); } for (var f = this._wnafMulAdd(1, n, i, 2 * o, r), c = 0; c < 2 * o; c++) (n[c] = null), (i[c] = null); return f; }), a(c, s.BasePoint), (f.prototype.point = function (e, t, r) { return new c(this, e, t, r); }), (f.prototype.pointFromJSON = function (e, t) { return c.fromJSON(this, e, t); }), (c.prototype._getBeta = function () { if (this.curve.endo) { var e = this.precomputed; if (e && e.beta) return e.beta; var t = this.curve.point(this.x.redMul(this.curve.endo.beta), this.y); if (e) { var r = this.curve, n = function (e) { return r.point(e.x.redMul(r.endo.beta), e.y); }; (e.beta = t), (t.precomputed = { beta: null, naf: e.naf && { wnd: e.naf.wnd, points: e.naf.points.map(n) }, doubles: e.doubles && { step: e.doubles.step, points: e.doubles.points.map(n) }, }); } return t; } }), (c.prototype.toJSON = function () { return this.precomputed ? [ this.x, this.y, this.precomputed && { doubles: this.precomputed.doubles && { step: this.precomputed.doubles.step, points: this.precomputed.doubles.points.slice(1), }, naf: this.precomputed.naf && { wnd: this.precomputed.naf.wnd, points: this.precomputed.naf.points.slice(1), }, }, ] : [this.x, this.y]; }), (c.fromJSON = function (e, t, r) { 'string' == typeof t && (t = JSON.parse(t)); var n = e.point(t[0], t[1], r); if (!t[2]) return n; function i(t) { return e.point(t[0], t[1], r); } var o = t[2]; return ( (n.precomputed = { beta: null, doubles: o.doubles && { step: o.doubles.step, points: [n].concat(o.doubles.points.map(i)), }, naf: o.naf && { wnd: o.naf.wnd, points: [n].concat(o.naf.points.map(i)) }, }), n ); }), (c.prototype.inspect = function () { return this.isInfinity() ? '' : ''; }), (c.prototype.isInfinity = function () { return this.inf; }), (c.prototype.add = function (e) { if (this.inf) return e; if (e.inf) return this; if (this.eq(e)) return this.dbl(); if (this.neg().eq(e)) return this.curve.point(null, null); if (0 === this.x.cmp(e.x)) return this.curve.point(null, null); var t = this.y.redSub(e.y); 0 !== t.cmpn(0) && (t = t.redMul(this.x.redSub(e.x).redInvm())); var r = t.redSqr().redISub(this.x).redISub(e.x), n = t.redMul(this.x.redSub(r)).redISub(this.y); return this.curve.point(r, n); }), (c.prototype.dbl = function () { if (this.inf) return this; var e = this.y.redAdd(this.y); if (0 === e.cmpn(0)) return this.curve.point(null, null); var t = this.curve.a, r = this.x.redSqr(), n = e.redInvm(), i = r.redAdd(r).redIAdd(r).redIAdd(t).redMul(n), o = i.redSqr().redISub(this.x.redAdd(this.x)), a = i.redMul(this.x.redSub(o)).redISub(this.y); return this.curve.point(o, a); }), (c.prototype.getX = function () { return this.x.fromRed(); }), (c.prototype.getY = function () { return this.y.fromRed(); }), (c.prototype.mul = function (e) { return ( (e = new o(e, 16)), this._hasDoubles(e) ? this.curve._fixedNafMul(this, e) : this.curve.endo ? this.curve._endoWnafMulAdd([this], [e]) : this.curve._wnafMul(this, e) ); }), (c.prototype.mulAdd = function (e, t, r) { var n = [this, t], i = [e, r]; return this.curve.endo ? this.curve._endoWnafMulAdd(n, i) : this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1, n, i, 2); }), (c.prototype.jmulAdd = function (e, t, r) { var n = [this, t], i = [e, r]; return this.curve.endo ? this.curve._endoWnafMulAdd(n, i, !0) : this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1, n, i, 2, !0); }), (c.prototype.eq = function (e) { return ( this === e || (this.inf === e.inf && (this.inf || (0 === this.x.cmp(e.x) && 0 === this.y.cmp(e.y)))) ); }), (c.prototype.neg = function (e) { if (this.inf) return this; var t = this.curve.point(this.x, this.y.redNeg()); if (e && this.precomputed) { var r = this.precomputed, n = function (e) { return e.neg(); }; t.precomputed = { naf: r.naf && { wnd: r.naf.wnd, points: r.naf.points.map(n) }, doubles: r.doubles && { step: r.doubles.step, points: r.doubles.points.map(n) }, }; } return t; }), (c.prototype.toJ = function () { return this.inf ? this.curve.jpoint(null, null, null) : this.curve.jpoint(this.x, this.y, this.curve.one); }), a(h, s.BasePoint), (f.prototype.jpoint = function (e, t, r) { return new h(this, e, t, r); }), (h.prototype.toP = function () { if (this.isInfinity()) return this.curve.point(null, null); var e = this.z.redInvm(), t = e.redSqr(), r = this.x.redMul(t), n = this.y.redMul(t).redMul(e); return this.curve.point(r, n); }), (h.prototype.neg = function () { return this.curve.jpoint(this.x, this.y.redNeg(), this.z); }), (h.prototype.add = function (e) { if (this.isInfinity()) return e; if (e.isInfinity()) return this; var t = e.z.redSqr(), r = this.z.redSqr(), n = this.x.redMul(t), i = e.x.redMul(r), o = this.y.redMul(t.redMul(e.z)), a = e.y.redMul(r.redMul(this.z)), s = n.redSub(i), u = o.redSub(a); if (0 === s.cmpn(0)) return 0 !== u.cmpn(0) ? this.curve.jpoint(null, null, null) : this.dbl(); var f = s.redSqr(), c = f.redMul(s), h = n.redMul(f), d = u.redSqr().redIAdd(c).redISub(h).redISub(h), l = u.redMul(h.redISub(d)).redISub(o.redMul(c)), p = this.z.redMul(e.z).redMul(s); return this.curve.jpoint(d, l, p); }), (h.prototype.mixedAdd = function (e) { if (this.isInfinity()) return e.toJ(); if (e.isInfinity()) return this; var t = this.z.redSqr(), r = this.x, n = e.x.redMul(t), i = this.y, o = e.y.redMul(t).redMul(this.z), a = r.redSub(n), s = i.redSub(o); if (0 === a.cmpn(0)) return 0 !== s.cmpn(0) ? this.curve.jpoint(null, null, null) : this.dbl(); var u = a.redSqr(), f = u.redMul(a), c = r.redMul(u), h = s.redSqr().redIAdd(f).redISub(c).redISub(c), d = s.redMul(c.redISub(h)).redISub(i.redMul(f)), l = this.z.redMul(a); return this.curve.jpoint(h, d, l); }), (h.prototype.dblp = function (e) { if (0 === e) return this; if (this.isInfinity()) return this; if (!e) return this.dbl(); if (this.curve.zeroA || this.curve.threeA) { for (var t = this, r = 0; r < e; r++) t = t.dbl(); return t; } var n = this.curve.a, i = this.curve.tinv, o = this.x, a = this.y, s = this.z, u = s.redSqr().redSqr(), f = a.redAdd(a); for (r = 0; r < e; r++) { var c = o.redSqr(), h = f.redSqr(), d = h.redSqr(), l = c.redAdd(c).redIAdd(c).redIAdd(n.redMul(u)), p = o.redMul(h), b = l.redSqr().redISub(p.redAdd(p)), m = p.redISub(b), y = l.redMul(m); y = y.redIAdd(y).redISub(d); var v = f.redMul(s); r + 1 < e && (u = u.redMul(d)), (o = b), (s = v), (f = y); } return this.curve.jpoint(o, f.redMul(i), s); }), (h.prototype.dbl = function () { return this.isInfinity() ? this : this.curve.zeroA ? this._zeroDbl() : this.curve.threeA ? this._threeDbl() : this._dbl(); }), (h.prototype._zeroDbl = function () { var e, t, r; if (this.zOne) { var n = this.x.redSqr(), i = this.y.redSqr(), o = i.redSqr(), a = this.x.redAdd(i).redSqr().redISub(n).redISub(o); a = a.redIAdd(a); var s = n.redAdd(n).redIAdd(n), u = s.redSqr().redISub(a).redISub(a), f = o.redIAdd(o); (f = (f = f.redIAdd(f)).redIAdd(f)), (e = u), (t = s.redMul(a.redISub(u)).redISub(f)), (r = this.y.redAdd(this.y)); } else { var c = this.x.redSqr(), h = this.y.redSqr(), d = h.redSqr(), l = this.x.redAdd(h).redSqr().redISub(c).redISub(d); l = l.redIAdd(l); var p = c.redAdd(c).redIAdd(c), b = p.redSqr(), m = d.redIAdd(d); (m = (m = m.redIAdd(m)).redIAdd(m)), (e = b.redISub(l).redISub(l)), (t = p.redMul(l.redISub(e)).redISub(m)), (r = (r = this.y.redMul(this.z)).redIAdd(r)); } return this.curve.jpoint(e, t, r); }), (h.prototype._threeDbl = function () { var e, t, r; if (this.zOne) { var n = this.x.redSqr(), i = this.y.redSqr(), o = i.redSqr(), a = this.x.redAdd(i).redSqr().redISub(n).redISub(o); a = a.redIAdd(a); var s = n.redAdd(n).redIAdd(n).redIAdd(this.curve.a), u = s.redSqr().redISub(a).redISub(a); e = u; var f = o.redIAdd(o); (f = (f = f.redIAdd(f)).redIAdd(f)), (t = s.redMul(a.redISub(u)).redISub(f)), (r = this.y.redAdd(this.y)); } else { var c = this.z.redSqr(), h = this.y.redSqr(), d = this.x.redMul(h), l = this.x.redSub(c).redMul(this.x.redAdd(c)); l = l.redAdd(l).redIAdd(l); var p = d.redIAdd(d), b = (p = p.redIAdd(p)).redAdd(p); (e = l.redSqr().redISub(b)), (r = this.y.redAdd(this.z).redSqr().redISub(h).redISub(c)); var m = h.redSqr(); (m = (m = (m = m.redIAdd(m)).redIAdd(m)).redIAdd(m)), (t = l.redMul(p.redISub(e)).redISub(m)); } return this.curve.jpoint(e, t, r); }), (h.prototype._dbl = function () { var e = this.curve.a, t = this.x, r = this.y, n = this.z, i = n.redSqr().redSqr(), o = t.redSqr(), a = r.redSqr(), s = o.redAdd(o).redIAdd(o).redIAdd(e.redMul(i)), u = t.redAdd(t), f = (u = u.redIAdd(u)).redMul(a), c = s.redSqr().redISub(f.redAdd(f)), h = f.redISub(c), d = a.redSqr(); d = (d = (d = d.redIAdd(d)).redIAdd(d)).redIAdd(d); var l = s.redMul(h).redISub(d), p = r.redAdd(r).redMul(n); return this.curve.jpoint(c, l, p); }), (h.prototype.trpl = function () { if (!this.curve.zeroA) return this.dbl().add(this); var e = this.x.redSqr(), t = this.y.redSqr(), r = this.z.redSqr(), n = t.redSqr(), i = e.redAdd(e).redIAdd(e), o = i.redSqr(), a = this.x.redAdd(t).redSqr().redISub(e).redISub(n), s = (a = (a = (a = a.redIAdd(a)).redAdd(a).redIAdd(a)).redISub(o)).redSqr(), u = n.redIAdd(n); u = (u = (u = u.redIAdd(u)).redIAdd(u)).redIAdd(u); var f = i.redIAdd(a).redSqr().redISub(o).redISub(s).redISub(u), c = t.redMul(f); c = (c = c.redIAdd(c)).redIAdd(c); var h = this.x.redMul(s).redISub(c); h = (h = h.redIAdd(h)).redIAdd(h); var d = this.y.redMul(f.redMul(u.redISub(f)).redISub(a.redMul(s))); d = (d = (d = d.redIAdd(d)).redIAdd(d)).redIAdd(d); var l = this.z.redAdd(a).redSqr().redISub(r).redISub(s); return this.curve.jpoint(h, d, l); }), (h.prototype.mul = function (e, t) { return (e = new o(e, t)), this.curve._wnafMul(this, e); }), (h.prototype.eq = function (e) { if ('affine' === e.type) return this.eq(e.toJ()); if (this === e) return !0; var t = this.z.redSqr(), r = e.z.redSqr(); if (0 !== this.x.redMul(r).redISub(e.x.redMul(t)).cmpn(0)) return !1; var n = t.redMul(this.z), i = r.redMul(e.z); return 0 === this.y.redMul(i).redISub(e.y.redMul(n)).cmpn(0); }), (h.prototype.eqXToP = function (e) { var t = this.z.redSqr(), r = e.toRed(this.curve.red).redMul(t); if (0 === this.x.cmp(r)) return !0; for (var n = e.clone(), i = this.curve.redN.redMul(t); ; ) { if ((n.iadd(this.curve.n), n.cmp(this.curve.p) >= 0)) return !1; if ((r.redIAdd(i), 0 === this.x.cmp(r))) return !0; } }), (h.prototype.inspect = function () { return this.isInfinity() ? '' : ''; }), (h.prototype.isInfinity = function () { return 0 === this.z.cmpn(0); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(58), i = r(5), o = r(3), a = n.base, s = r(13).utils; function u(e) { a.call(this, 'mont', e), (this.a = new i(e.a, 16).toRed(this.red)), (this.b = new i(e.b, 16).toRed(this.red)), (this.i4 = new i(4).toRed(this.red).redInvm()), (this.two = new i(2).toRed(this.red)), (this.a24 = this.i4.redMul(this.a.redAdd(this.two))); } function f(e, t, r) { a.BasePoint.call(this, e, 'projective'), null === t && null === r ? ((this.x = this.curve.one), (this.z = this.curve.zero)) : ((this.x = new i(t, 16)), (this.z = new i(r, 16)), this.x.red || (this.x = this.x.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.z.red || (this.z = this.z.toRed(this.curve.red))); } o(u, a), (e.exports = u), (u.prototype.validate = function (e) { var t = e.normalize().x, r = t.redSqr(), n = r.redMul(t).redAdd(r.redMul(this.a)).redAdd(t); return 0 === n.redSqrt().redSqr().cmp(n); }), o(f, a.BasePoint), (u.prototype.decodePoint = function (e, t) { return this.point(s.toArray(e, t), 1); }), (u.prototype.point = function (e, t) { return new f(this, e, t); }), (u.prototype.pointFromJSON = function (e) { return f.fromJSON(this, e); }), (f.prototype.precompute = function () {}), (f.prototype._encode = function () { return this.getX().toArray('be', this.curve.p.byteLength()); }), (f.fromJSON = function (e, t) { return new f(e, t[0], t[1] || e.one); }), (f.prototype.inspect = function () { return this.isInfinity() ? '' : ''; }), (f.prototype.isInfinity = function () { return 0 === this.z.cmpn(0); }), (f.prototype.dbl = function () { var e = this.x.redAdd(this.z).redSqr(), t = this.x.redSub(this.z).redSqr(), r = e.redSub(t), n = e.redMul(t), i = r.redMul(t.redAdd(this.curve.a24.redMul(r))); return this.curve.point(n, i); }), (f.prototype.add = function () { throw new Error('Not supported on Montgomery curve'); }), (f.prototype.diffAdd = function (e, t) { var r = this.x.redAdd(this.z), n = this.x.redSub(this.z), i = e.x.redAdd(e.z), o = e.x.redSub(e.z).redMul(r), a = i.redMul(n), s = t.z.redMul(o.redAdd(a).redSqr()), u = t.x.redMul(o.redISub(a).redSqr()); return this.curve.point(s, u); }), (f.prototype.mul = function (e) { for ( var t = e.clone(), r = this, n = this.curve.point(null, null), i = []; 0 !== t.cmpn(0); t.iushrn(1) ) i.push(t.andln(1)); for (var o = i.length - 1; o >= 0; o--) 0 === i[o] ? ((r = r.diffAdd(n, this)), (n = n.dbl())) : ((n = r.diffAdd(n, this)), (r = r.dbl())); return n; }), (f.prototype.mulAdd = function () { throw new Error('Not supported on Montgomery curve'); }), (f.prototype.jumlAdd = function () { throw new Error('Not supported on Montgomery curve'); }), (f.prototype.eq = function (e) { return 0 === this.getX().cmp(e.getX()); }), (f.prototype.normalize = function () { return (this.x = this.x.redMul(this.z.redInvm())), (this.z = this.curve.one), this; }), (f.prototype.getX = function () { return this.normalize(), this.x.fromRed(); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(58), i = r(13), o = r(5), a = r(3), s = n.base, u = i.utils.assert; function f(e) { (this.twisted = 1 != (0 | e.a)), (this.mOneA = this.twisted && -1 == (0 | e.a)), (this.extended = this.mOneA), s.call(this, 'edwards', e), (this.a = new o(e.a, 16).umod(this.red.m)), (this.a = this.a.toRed(this.red)), (this.c = new o(e.c, 16).toRed(this.red)), (this.c2 = this.c.redSqr()), (this.d = new o(e.d, 16).toRed(this.red)), (this.dd = this.d.redAdd(this.d)), u(!this.twisted || 0 === this.c.fromRed().cmpn(1)), (this.oneC = 1 == (0 | e.c)); } function c(e, t, r, n, i) { s.BasePoint.call(this, e, 'projective'), null === t && null === r && null === n ? ((this.x = this.curve.zero), (this.y = this.curve.one), (this.z = this.curve.one), (this.t = this.curve.zero), (this.zOne = !0)) : ((this.x = new o(t, 16)), (this.y = new o(r, 16)), (this.z = n ? new o(n, 16) : this.curve.one), (this.t = i && new o(i, 16)), this.x.red || (this.x = this.x.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.y.red || (this.y = this.y.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.z.red || (this.z = this.z.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.t && !this.t.red && (this.t = this.t.toRed(this.curve.red)), (this.zOne = this.z === this.curve.one), this.curve.extended && !this.t && ((this.t = this.x.redMul(this.y)), this.zOne || (this.t = this.t.redMul(this.z.redInvm())))); } a(f, s), (e.exports = f), (f.prototype._mulA = function (e) { return this.mOneA ? e.redNeg() : this.a.redMul(e); }), (f.prototype._mulC = function (e) { return this.oneC ? e : this.c.redMul(e); }), (f.prototype.jpoint = function (e, t, r, n) { return this.point(e, t, r, n); }), (f.prototype.pointFromX = function (e, t) { (e = new o(e, 16)).red || (e = e.toRed(this.red)); var r = e.redSqr(), n = this.c2.redSub(this.a.redMul(r)), i = this.one.redSub(this.c2.redMul(this.d).redMul(r)), a = n.redMul(i.redInvm()), s = a.redSqrt(); if (0 !== s.redSqr().redSub(a).cmp(this.zero)) throw new Error('invalid point'); var u = s.fromRed().isOdd(); return ((t && !u) || (!t && u)) && (s = s.redNeg()), this.point(e, s); }), (f.prototype.pointFromY = function (e, t) { (e = new o(e, 16)).red || (e = e.toRed(this.red)); var r = e.redSqr(), n = r.redSub(this.c2), i = r.redMul(this.d).redMul(this.c2).redSub(this.a), a = n.redMul(i.redInvm()); if (0 === a.cmp(this.zero)) { if (t) throw new Error('invalid point'); return this.point(this.zero, e); } var s = a.redSqrt(); if (0 !== s.redSqr().redSub(a).cmp(this.zero)) throw new Error('invalid point'); return s.fromRed().isOdd() !== t && (s = s.redNeg()), this.point(s, e); }), (f.prototype.validate = function (e) { if (e.isInfinity()) return !0; e.normalize(); var t = e.x.redSqr(), r = e.y.redSqr(), n = t.redMul(this.a).redAdd(r), i = this.c2.redMul(this.one.redAdd(this.d.redMul(t).redMul(r))); return 0 === n.cmp(i); }), a(c, s.BasePoint), (f.prototype.pointFromJSON = function (e) { return c.fromJSON(this, e); }), (f.prototype.point = function (e, t, r, n) { return new c(this, e, t, r, n); }), (c.fromJSON = function (e, t) { return new c(e, t[0], t[1], t[2]); }), (c.prototype.inspect = function () { return this.isInfinity() ? '' : ''; }), (c.prototype.isInfinity = function () { return ( 0 === this.x.cmpn(0) && (0 === this.y.cmp(this.z) || (this.zOne && 0 === this.y.cmp(this.curve.c))) ); }), (c.prototype._extDbl = function () { var e = this.x.redSqr(), t = this.y.redSqr(), r = this.z.redSqr(); r = r.redIAdd(r); var n = this.curve._mulA(e), i = this.x.redAdd(this.y).redSqr().redISub(e).redISub(t), o = n.redAdd(t), a = o.redSub(r), s = n.redSub(t), u = i.redMul(a), f = o.redMul(s), c = i.redMul(s), h = a.redMul(o); return this.curve.point(u, f, h, c); }), (c.prototype._projDbl = function () { var e, t, r, n = this.x.redAdd(this.y).redSqr(), i = this.x.redSqr(), o = this.y.redSqr(); if (this.curve.twisted) { var a = (f = this.curve._mulA(i)).redAdd(o); if (this.zOne) (e = n.redSub(i).redSub(o).redMul(a.redSub(this.curve.two))), (t = a.redMul(f.redSub(o))), (r = a.redSqr().redSub(a).redSub(a)); else { var s = this.z.redSqr(), u = a.redSub(s).redISub(s); (e = n.redSub(i).redISub(o).redMul(u)), (t = a.redMul(f.redSub(o))), (r = a.redMul(u)); } } else { var f = i.redAdd(o); (s = this.curve._mulC(this.z).redSqr()), (u = f.redSub(s).redSub(s)); (e = this.curve._mulC(n.redISub(f)).redMul(u)), (t = this.curve._mulC(f).redMul(i.redISub(o))), (r = f.redMul(u)); } return this.curve.point(e, t, r); }), (c.prototype.dbl = function () { return this.isInfinity() ? this : this.curve.extended ? this._extDbl() : this._projDbl(); }), (c.prototype._extAdd = function (e) { var t = this.y.redSub(this.x).redMul(e.y.redSub(e.x)), r = this.y.redAdd(this.x).redMul(e.y.redAdd(e.x)), n = this.t.redMul(this.curve.dd).redMul(e.t), i = this.z.redMul(e.z.redAdd(e.z)), o = r.redSub(t), a = i.redSub(n), s = i.redAdd(n), u = r.redAdd(t), f = o.redMul(a), c = s.redMul(u), h = o.redMul(u), d = a.redMul(s); return this.curve.point(f, c, d, h); }), (c.prototype._projAdd = function (e) { var t, r, n = this.z.redMul(e.z), i = n.redSqr(), o = this.x.redMul(e.x), a = this.y.redMul(e.y), s = this.curve.d.redMul(o).redMul(a), u = i.redSub(s), f = i.redAdd(s), c = this.x.redAdd(this.y).redMul(e.x.redAdd(e.y)).redISub(o).redISub(a), h = n.redMul(u).redMul(c); return ( this.curve.twisted ? ((t = n.redMul(f).redMul(a.redSub(this.curve._mulA(o)))), (r = u.redMul(f))) : ((t = n.redMul(f).redMul(a.redSub(o))), (r = this.curve._mulC(u).redMul(f))), this.curve.point(h, t, r) ); }), (c.prototype.add = function (e) { return this.isInfinity() ? e : e.isInfinity() ? this : this.curve.extended ? this._extAdd(e) : this._projAdd(e); }), (c.prototype.mul = function (e) { return this._hasDoubles(e) ? this.curve._fixedNafMul(this, e) : this.curve._wnafMul(this, e); }), (c.prototype.mulAdd = function (e, t, r) { return this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1, [this, t], [e, r], 2, !1); }), (c.prototype.jmulAdd = function (e, t, r) { return this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1, [this, t], [e, r], 2, !0); }), (c.prototype.normalize = function () { if (this.zOne) return this; var e = this.z.redInvm(); return ( (this.x = this.x.redMul(e)), (this.y = this.y.redMul(e)), this.t && (this.t = this.t.redMul(e)), (this.z = this.curve.one), (this.zOne = !0), this ); }), (c.prototype.neg = function () { return this.curve.point(this.x.redNeg(), this.y, this.z, this.t && this.t.redNeg()); }), (c.prototype.getX = function () { return this.normalize(), this.x.fromRed(); }), (c.prototype.getY = function () { return this.normalize(), this.y.fromRed(); }), (c.prototype.eq = function (e) { return this === e || (0 === this.getX().cmp(e.getX()) && 0 === this.getY().cmp(e.getY())); }), (c.prototype.eqXToP = function (e) { var t = e.toRed(this.curve.red).redMul(this.z); if (0 === this.x.cmp(t)) return !0; for (var r = e.clone(), n = this.curve.redN.redMul(this.z); ; ) { if ((r.iadd(this.curve.n), r.cmp(this.curve.p) >= 0)) return !1; if ((t.redIAdd(n), 0 === this.x.cmp(t))) return !0; } }), (c.prototype.toP = c.prototype.normalize), (c.prototype.mixedAdd = c.prototype.add); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n, i = t, o = r(36), a = r(13), s = a.utils.assert; function u(e) { 'short' === e.type ? (this.curve = new a.curve.short(e)) : 'edwards' === e.type ? (this.curve = new a.curve.edwards(e)) : (this.curve = new a.curve.mont(e)), (this.g = this.curve.g), (this.n = this.curve.n), (this.hash = e.hash), s(this.g.validate(), 'Invalid curve'), s(this.g.mul(this.n).isInfinity(), 'Invalid curve, G*N != O'); } function f(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(i, e, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, get: function () { var r = new u(t); return Object.defineProperty(i, e, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, value: r }), r; }, }); } (i.PresetCurve = u), f('p192', { type: 'short', prime: 'p192', p: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff', a: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff fffffffc', b: '64210519 e59c80e7 0fa7e9ab 72243049 feb8deec c146b9b1', n: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 99def836 146bc9b1 b4d22831', hash: o.sha256, gRed: !1, g: [ '188da80e b03090f6 7cbf20eb 43a18800 f4ff0afd 82ff1012', '07192b95 ffc8da78 631011ed 6b24cdd5 73f977a1 1e794811', ], }), f('p224', { type: 'short', prime: 'p224', p: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001', a: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe', b: 'b4050a85 0c04b3ab f5413256 5044b0b7 d7bfd8ba 270b3943 2355ffb4', n: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffff16a2 e0b8f03e 13dd2945 5c5c2a3d', hash: o.sha256, gRed: !1, g: [ 'b70e0cbd 6bb4bf7f 321390b9 4a03c1d3 56c21122 343280d6 115c1d21', 'bd376388 b5f723fb 4c22dfe6 cd4375a0 5a074764 44d58199 85007e34', ], }), f('p256', { type: 'short', prime: null, p: 'ffffffff 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff', a: 'ffffffff 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff fffffffc', b: '5ac635d8 aa3a93e7 b3ebbd55 769886bc 651d06b0 cc53b0f6 3bce3c3e 27d2604b', n: 'ffffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff bce6faad a7179e84 f3b9cac2 fc632551', hash: o.sha256, gRed: !1, g: [ '6b17d1f2 e12c4247 f8bce6e5 63a440f2 77037d81 2deb33a0 f4a13945 d898c296', '4fe342e2 fe1a7f9b 8ee7eb4a 7c0f9e16 2bce3357 6b315ece cbb64068 37bf51f5', ], }), f('p384', { type: 'short', prime: null, p: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff 00000000 00000000 ffffffff', a: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff 00000000 00000000 fffffffc', b: 'b3312fa7 e23ee7e4 988e056b e3f82d19 181d9c6e fe814112 0314088f 5013875a c656398d 8a2ed19d 2a85c8ed d3ec2aef', n: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff c7634d81 f4372ddf 581a0db2 48b0a77a ecec196a ccc52973', hash: o.sha384, gRed: !1, g: [ 'aa87ca22 be8b0537 8eb1c71e f320ad74 6e1d3b62 8ba79b98 59f741e0 82542a38 5502f25d bf55296c 3a545e38 72760ab7', '3617de4a 96262c6f 5d9e98bf 9292dc29 f8f41dbd 289a147c e9da3113 b5f0b8c0 0a60b1ce 1d7e819d 7a431d7c 90ea0e5f', ], }), f('p521', { type: 'short', prime: null, p: '000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff', a: '000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffc', b: '00000051 953eb961 8e1c9a1f 929a21a0 b68540ee a2da725b 99b315f3 b8b48991 8ef109e1 56193951 ec7e937b 1652c0bd 3bb1bf07 3573df88 3d2c34f1 ef451fd4 6b503f00', n: '000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffa 51868783 bf2f966b 7fcc0148 f709a5d0 3bb5c9b8 899c47ae bb6fb71e 91386409', hash: o.sha512, gRed: !1, g: [ '000000c6 858e06b7 0404e9cd 9e3ecb66 2395b442 9c648139 053fb521 f828af60 6b4d3dba a14b5e77 efe75928 fe1dc127 a2ffa8de 3348b3c1 856a429b f97e7e31 c2e5bd66', '00000118 39296a78 9a3bc004 5c8a5fb4 2c7d1bd9 98f54449 579b4468 17afbd17 273e662c 97ee7299 5ef42640 c550b901 3fad0761 353c7086 a272c240 88be9476 9fd16650', ], }), f('curve25519', { type: 'mont', prime: 'p25519', p: '7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed', a: '76d06', b: '1', n: '1000000000000000 0000000000000000 14def9dea2f79cd6 5812631a5cf5d3ed', hash: o.sha256, gRed: !1, g: ['9'], }), f('ed25519', { type: 'edwards', prime: 'p25519', p: '7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed', a: '-1', c: '1', d: '52036cee2b6ffe73 8cc740797779e898 00700a4d4141d8ab 75eb4dca135978a3', n: '1000000000000000 0000000000000000 14def9dea2f79cd6 5812631a5cf5d3ed', hash: o.sha256, gRed: !1, g: [ '216936d3cd6e53fec0a4e231fdd6dc5c692cc7609525a7b2c9562d608f25d51a', '6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666658', ], }); try { n = r(365); } catch (e) { n = void 0; } f('secp256k1', { type: 'short', prime: 'k256', p: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f', a: '0', b: '7', n: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe baaedce6 af48a03b bfd25e8c d0364141', h: '1', hash: o.sha256, beta: '7ae96a2b657c07106e64479eac3434e99cf0497512f58995c1396c28719501ee', lambda: '5363ad4cc05c30e0a5261c028812645a122e22ea20816678df02967c1b23bd72', basis: [ { a: '3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15', b: '-e4437ed6010e88286f547fa90abfe4c3' }, { a: '114ca50f7a8e2f3f657c1108d9d44cfd8', b: '3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15' }, ], gRed: !1, g: [ '79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798', '483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8', n, ], }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = { doubles: { step: 4, points: [ [ 'e60fce93b59e9ec53011aabc21c23e97b2a31369b87a5ae9c44ee89e2a6dec0a', 'f7e3507399e595929db99f34f57937101296891e44d23f0be1f32cce69616821', ], [ '8282263212c609d9ea2a6e3e172de238d8c39cabd5ac1ca10646e23fd5f51508', '11f8a8098557dfe45e8256e830b60ace62d613ac2f7b17bed31b6eaff6e26caf', ], [ '175e159f728b865a72f99cc6c6fc846de0b93833fd2222ed73fce5b551e5b739', 'd3506e0d9e3c79eba4ef97a51ff71f5eacb5955add24345c6efa6ffee9fed695', ], [ '363d90d447b00c9c99ceac05b6262ee053441c7e55552ffe526bad8f83ff4640', '4e273adfc732221953b445397f3363145b9a89008199ecb62003c7f3bee9de9', ], [ '8b4b5f165df3c2be8c6244b5b745638843e4a781a15bcd1b69f79a55dffdf80c', '4aad0a6f68d308b4b3fbd7813ab0da04f9e336546162ee56b3eff0c65fd4fd36', ], [ '723cbaa6e5db996d6bf771c00bd548c7b700dbffa6c0e77bcb6115925232fcda', '96e867b5595cc498a921137488824d6e2660a0653779494801dc069d9eb39f5f', ], [ 'eebfa4d493bebf98ba5feec812c2d3b50947961237a919839a533eca0e7dd7fa', '5d9a8ca3970ef0f269ee7edaf178089d9ae4cdc3a711f712ddfd4fdae1de8999', ], [ '100f44da696e71672791d0a09b7bde459f1215a29b3c03bfefd7835b39a48db0', 'cdd9e13192a00b772ec8f3300c090666b7ff4a18ff5195ac0fbd5cd62bc65a09', ], [ 'e1031be262c7ed1b1dc9227a4a04c017a77f8d4464f3b3852c8acde6e534fd2d', '9d7061928940405e6bb6a4176597535af292dd419e1ced79a44f18f29456a00d', ], [ 'feea6cae46d55b530ac2839f143bd7ec5cf8b266a41d6af52d5e688d9094696d', 'e57c6b6c97dce1bab06e4e12bf3ecd5c981c8957cc41442d3155debf18090088', ], [ 'da67a91d91049cdcb367be4be6ffca3cfeed657d808583de33fa978bc1ec6cb1', '9bacaa35481642bc41f463f7ec9780e5dec7adc508f740a17e9ea8e27a68be1d', ], [ '53904faa0b334cdda6e000935ef22151ec08d0f7bb11069f57545ccc1a37b7c0', '5bc087d0bc80106d88c9eccac20d3c1c13999981e14434699dcb096b022771c8', ], [ '8e7bcd0bd35983a7719cca7764ca906779b53a043a9b8bcaeff959f43ad86047', '10b7770b2a3da4b3940310420ca9514579e88e2e47fd68b3ea10047e8460372a', ], [ '385eed34c1cdff21e6d0818689b81bde71a7f4f18397e6690a841e1599c43862', '283bebc3e8ea23f56701de19e9ebf4576b304eec2086dc8cc0458fe5542e5453', ], [ '6f9d9b803ecf191637c73a4413dfa180fddf84a5947fbc9c606ed86c3fac3a7', '7c80c68e603059ba69b8e2a30e45c4d47ea4dd2f5c281002d86890603a842160', ], [ '3322d401243c4e2582a2147c104d6ecbf774d163db0f5e5313b7e0e742d0e6bd', '56e70797e9664ef5bfb019bc4ddaf9b72805f63ea2873af624f3a2e96c28b2a0', ], [ '85672c7d2de0b7da2bd1770d89665868741b3f9af7643397721d74d28134ab83', '7c481b9b5b43b2eb6374049bfa62c2e5e77f17fcc5298f44c8e3094f790313a6', ], [ '948bf809b1988a46b06c9f1919413b10f9226c60f668832ffd959af60c82a0a', '53a562856dcb6646dc6b74c5d1c3418c6d4dff08c97cd2bed4cb7f88d8c8e589', ], [ '6260ce7f461801c34f067ce0f02873a8f1b0e44dfc69752accecd819f38fd8e8', 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'93144423ace3451ed29e0fb9ac2af211cb6e84a601df5993c419859fff5df04a', '7c10dfb164c3425f5c71a3f9d7992038f1065224f72bb9d1d902a6d13037b47c', ], [ 'b015f8044f5fcbdcf21ca26d6c34fb8197829205c7b7d2a7cb66418c157b112c', 'ab8c1e086d04e813744a655b2df8d5f83b3cdc6faa3088c1d3aea1454e3a1d5f', ], [ 'd5e9e1da649d97d89e4868117a465a3a4f8a18de57a140d36b3f2af341a21b52', '4cb04437f391ed73111a13cc1d4dd0db1693465c2240480d8955e8592f27447a', ], [ 'd3ae41047dd7ca065dbf8ed77b992439983005cd72e16d6f996a5316d36966bb', 'bd1aeb21ad22ebb22a10f0303417c6d964f8cdd7df0aca614b10dc14d125ac46', ], [ '463e2763d885f958fc66cdd22800f0a487197d0a82e377b49f80af87c897b065', 'bfefacdb0e5d0fd7df3a311a94de062b26b80c61fbc97508b79992671ef7ca7f', ], [ '7985fdfd127c0567c6f53ec1bb63ec3158e597c40bfe747c83cddfc910641917', '603c12daf3d9862ef2b25fe1de289aed24ed291e0ec6708703a5bd567f32ed03', ], [ '74a1ad6b5f76e39db2dd249410eac7f99e74c59cb83d2d0ed5ff1543da7703e9', 'cc6157ef18c9c63cd6193d83631bbea0093e0968942e8c33d5737fd790e0db08', ], [ '30682a50703375f602d416664ba19b7fc9bab42c72747463a71d0896b22f6da3', '553e04f6b018b4fa6c8f39e7f311d3176290d0e0f19ca73f17714d9977a22ff8', ], [ '9e2158f0d7c0d5f26c3791efefa79597654e7a2b2464f52b1ee6c1347769ef57', '712fcdd1b9053f09003a3481fa7762e9ffd7c8ef35a38509e2fbf2629008373', ], [ '176e26989a43c9cfeba4029c202538c28172e566e3c4fce7322857f3be327d66', 'ed8cc9d04b29eb877d270b4878dc43c19aefd31f4eee09ee7b47834c1fa4b1c3', ], [ '75d46efea3771e6e68abb89a13ad747ecf1892393dfc4f1b7004788c50374da8', '9852390a99507679fd0b86fd2b39a868d7efc22151346e1a3ca4726586a6bed8', ], [ '809a20c67d64900ffb698c4c825f6d5f2310fb0451c869345b7319f645605721', '9e994980d9917e22b76b061927fa04143d096ccc54963e6a5ebfa5f3f8e286c1', ], [ '1b38903a43f7f114ed4500b4eac7083fdefece1cf29c63528d563446f972c180', '4036edc931a60ae889353f77fd53de4a2708b26b6f5da72ad3394119daf408f9', ], ], }, }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = r(5), o = r(112), a = r(13), s = a.utils.assert, u = r(367), f = r(368); function c(e) { if (!(this instanceof c)) return new c(e); 'string' == typeof e && (s(a.curves.hasOwnProperty(e), 'Unknown curve ' + e), (e = a.curves[e])), e instanceof a.curves.PresetCurve && (e = { curve: e }), (this.curve = e.curve.curve), (this.n = this.curve.n), (this.nh = this.n.ushrn(1)), (this.g = this.curve.g), (this.g = e.curve.g), this.g.precompute(e.curve.n.bitLength() + 1), (this.hash = e.hash || e.curve.hash); } (e.exports = c), (c.prototype.keyPair = function (e) { return new u(this, e); }), (c.prototype.keyFromPrivate = function (e, t) { return u.fromPrivate(this, e, t); }), (c.prototype.keyFromPublic = function (e, t) { return u.fromPublic(this, e, t); }), (c.prototype.genKeyPair = function (e) { e || (e = {}); for ( var t = new o({ hash: this.hash, pers: e.pers, persEnc: e.persEnc || 'utf8', entropy: e.entropy || a.rand(this.hash.hmacStrength), entropyEnc: (e.entropy && e.entropyEnc) || 'utf8', nonce: this.n.toArray(), }), r = this.n.byteLength(), n = this.n.sub(new i(2)); ; ) { var s = new i(t.generate(r)); if (!(s.cmp(n) > 0)) return s.iaddn(1), this.keyFromPrivate(s); } }), (c.prototype._truncateToN = function (e, t) { var r = 8 * e.byteLength() - this.n.bitLength(); return r > 0 && (e = e.ushrn(r)), !t && e.cmp(this.n) >= 0 ? e.sub(this.n) : e; }), (c.prototype.sign = function (e, t, r, a) { 'object' === (0, n.default)(r) && ((a = r), (r = null)), a || (a = {}), (t = this.keyFromPrivate(t, r)), (e = this._truncateToN(new i(e, 16))); for ( var s = this.n.byteLength(), u = t.getPrivate().toArray('be', s), c = e.toArray('be', s), h = new o({ hash: this.hash, entropy: u, nonce: c, pers: a.pers, persEnc: a.persEnc || 'utf8', }), d = this.n.sub(new i(1)), l = 0; ; l++ ) { var p = a.k ? a.k(l) : new i(h.generate(this.n.byteLength())); if (!((p = this._truncateToN(p, !0)).cmpn(1) <= 0 || p.cmp(d) >= 0)) { var b = this.g.mul(p); if (!b.isInfinity()) { var m = b.getX(), y = m.umod(this.n); if (0 !== y.cmpn(0)) { var v = p.invm(this.n).mul(y.mul(t.getPrivate()).iadd(e)); if (0 !== (v = v.umod(this.n)).cmpn(0)) { var g = (b.getY().isOdd() ? 1 : 0) | (0 !== m.cmp(y) ? 2 : 0); return ( a.canonical && v.cmp(this.nh) > 0 && ((v = this.n.sub(v)), (g ^= 1)), new f({ r: y, s: v, recoveryParam: g }) ); } } } } } }), (c.prototype.verify = function (e, t, r, n) { (e = this._truncateToN(new i(e, 16))), (r = this.keyFromPublic(r, n)); var o = (t = new f(t, 'hex')).r, a = t.s; if (o.cmpn(1) < 0 || o.cmp(this.n) >= 0) return !1; if (a.cmpn(1) < 0 || a.cmp(this.n) >= 0) return !1; var s, u = a.invm(this.n), c = u.mul(e).umod(this.n), h = u.mul(o).umod(this.n); return this.curve._maxwellTrick ? !(s = this.g.jmulAdd(c, r.getPublic(), h)).isInfinity() && s.eqXToP(o) : !(s = this.g.mulAdd(c, r.getPublic(), h)).isInfinity() && 0 === s.getX().umod(this.n).cmp(o); }), (c.prototype.recoverPubKey = function (e, t, r, n) { s((3 & r) === r, 'The recovery param is more than two bits'), (t = new f(t, n)); var o = this.n, a = new i(e), u = t.r, c = t.s, h = 1 & r, d = r >> 1; if (u.cmp(this.curve.p.umod(this.curve.n)) >= 0 && d) throw new Error('Unable to find sencond key candinate'); u = d ? this.curve.pointFromX(u.add(this.curve.n), h) : this.curve.pointFromX(u, h); var l = t.r.invm(o), p = o.sub(a).mul(l).umod(o), b = c.mul(l).umod(o); return this.g.mulAdd(p, u, b); }), (c.prototype.getKeyRecoveryParam = function (e, t, r, n) { if (null !== (t = new f(t, n)).recoveryParam) return t.recoveryParam; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var o; try { o = this.recoverPubKey(e, t, i); } catch (e) { continue; } if (o.eq(r)) return i; } throw new Error('Unable to find valid recovery factor'); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(5), i = r(13).utils.assert; function o(e, t) { (this.ec = e), (this.priv = null), (this.pub = null), t.priv && this._importPrivate(t.priv, t.privEnc), t.pub && this._importPublic(t.pub, t.pubEnc); } (e.exports = o), (o.fromPublic = function (e, t, r) { return t instanceof o ? t : new o(e, { pub: t, pubEnc: r }); }), (o.fromPrivate = function (e, t, r) { return t instanceof o ? t : new o(e, { priv: t, privEnc: r }); }), (o.prototype.validate = function () { var e = this.getPublic(); return e.isInfinity() ? { result: !1, reason: 'Invalid public key' } : e.validate() ? e.mul(this.ec.curve.n).isInfinity() ? { result: !0, reason: null } : { result: !1, reason: 'Public key * N != O' } : { result: !1, reason: 'Public key is not a point' }; }), (o.prototype.getPublic = function (e, t) { return ( 'string' == typeof e && ((t = e), (e = null)), this.pub || (this.pub = this.ec.g.mul(this.priv)), t ? this.pub.encode(t, e) : this.pub ); }), (o.prototype.getPrivate = function (e) { return 'hex' === e ? this.priv.toString(16, 2) : this.priv; }), (o.prototype._importPrivate = function (e, t) { (this.priv = new n(e, t || 16)), (this.priv = this.priv.umod(this.ec.curve.n)); }), (o.prototype._importPublic = function (e, t) { if (e.x || e.y) return ( 'mont' === this.ec.curve.type ? i(e.x, 'Need x coordinate') : ('short' !== this.ec.curve.type && 'edwards' !== this.ec.curve.type) || i(e.x && e.y, 'Need both x and y coordinate'), void (this.pub = this.ec.curve.point(e.x, e.y)) ); this.pub = this.ec.curve.decodePoint(e, t); }), (o.prototype.derive = function (e) { return e.mul(this.priv).getX(); }), (o.prototype.sign = function (e, t, r) { return this.ec.sign(e, this, t, r); }), (o.prototype.verify = function (e, t) { return this.ec.verify(e, t, this); }), (o.prototype.inspect = function () { return ( '' ); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(5), i = r(13).utils, o = i.assert; function a(e, t) { if (e instanceof a) return e; this._importDER(e, t) || (o(e.r && e.s, 'Signature without r or s'), (this.r = new n(e.r, 16)), (this.s = new n(e.s, 16)), void 0 === e.recoveryParam ? (this.recoveryParam = null) : (this.recoveryParam = e.recoveryParam)); } function s() { this.place = 0; } function u(e, t) { var r = e[t.place++]; if (!(128 & r)) return r; for (var n = 15 & r, i = 0, o = 0, a = t.place; o < n; o++, a++) (i <<= 8), (i |= e[a]); return (t.place = a), i; } function f(e) { for (var t = 0, r = e.length - 1; !e[t] && !(128 & e[t + 1]) && t < r; ) t++; return 0 === t ? e : e.slice(t); } function c(e, t) { if (t < 128) e.push(t); else { var r = 1 + ((Math.log(t) / Math.LN2) >>> 3); for (e.push(128 | r); --r; ) e.push((t >>> (r << 3)) & 255); e.push(t); } } (e.exports = a), (a.prototype._importDER = function (e, t) { e = i.toArray(e, t); var r = new s(); if (48 !== e[r.place++]) return !1; if (u(e, r) + r.place !== e.length) return !1; if (2 !== e[r.place++]) return !1; var o = u(e, r), a = e.slice(r.place, o + r.place); if (((r.place += o), 2 !== e[r.place++])) return !1; var f = u(e, r); if (e.length !== f + r.place) return !1; var c = e.slice(r.place, f + r.place); return ( 0 === a[0] && 128 & a[1] && (a = a.slice(1)), 0 === c[0] && 128 & c[1] && (c = c.slice(1)), (this.r = new n(a)), (this.s = new n(c)), (this.recoveryParam = null), !0 ); }), (a.prototype.toDER = function (e) { var t = this.r.toArray(), r = this.s.toArray(); for ( 128 & t[0] && (t = [0].concat(t)), 128 & r[0] && (r = [0].concat(r)), t = f(t), r = f(r); !(r[0] || 128 & r[1]); ) r = r.slice(1); var n = [2]; c(n, t.length), (n = n.concat(t)).push(2), c(n, r.length); var o = n.concat(r), a = [48]; return c(a, o.length), (a = a.concat(o)), i.encode(a, e); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(36), i = r(13), o = i.utils, a = o.assert, s = o.parseBytes, u = r(370), f = r(371); function c(e) { if ((a('ed25519' === e, 'only tested with ed25519 so far'), !(this instanceof c))) return new c(e); e = i.curves[e].curve; (this.curve = e), (this.g = e.g), this.g.precompute(e.n.bitLength() + 1), (this.pointClass = e.point().constructor), (this.encodingLength = Math.ceil(e.n.bitLength() / 8)), (this.hash = n.sha512); } (e.exports = c), (c.prototype.sign = function (e, t) { e = s(e); var r = this.keyFromSecret(t), n = this.hashInt(r.messagePrefix(), e), i = this.g.mul(n), o = this.encodePoint(i), a = this.hashInt(o, r.pubBytes(), e).mul(r.priv()), u = n.add(a).umod(this.curve.n); return this.makeSignature({ R: i, S: u, Rencoded: o }); }), (c.prototype.verify = function (e, t, r) { (e = s(e)), (t = this.makeSignature(t)); var n = this.keyFromPublic(r), i = this.hashInt(t.Rencoded(), n.pubBytes(), e), o = this.g.mul(t.S()); return t.R().add(n.pub().mul(i)).eq(o); }), (c.prototype.hashInt = function () { for (var e = this.hash(), t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e.update(arguments[t]); return o.intFromLE(e.digest()).umod(this.curve.n); }), (c.prototype.keyFromPublic = function (e) { return u.fromPublic(this, e); }), (c.prototype.keyFromSecret = function (e) { return u.fromSecret(this, e); }), (c.prototype.makeSignature = function (e) { return e instanceof f ? e : new f(this, e); }), (c.prototype.encodePoint = function (e) { var t = e.getY().toArray('le', this.encodingLength); return (t[this.encodingLength - 1] |= e.getX().isOdd() ? 128 : 0), t; }), (c.prototype.decodePoint = function (e) { var t = (e = o.parseBytes(e)).length - 1, r = e.slice(0, t).concat(-129 & e[t]), n = 0 != (128 & e[t]), i = o.intFromLE(r); return this.curve.pointFromY(i, n); }), (c.prototype.encodeInt = function (e) { return e.toArray('le', this.encodingLength); }), (c.prototype.decodeInt = function (e) { return o.intFromLE(e); }), (c.prototype.isPoint = function (e) { return e instanceof this.pointClass; }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(13).utils, i = n.assert, o = n.parseBytes, a = n.cachedProperty; function s(e, t) { (this.eddsa = e), (this._secret = o(t.secret)), e.isPoint(t.pub) ? (this._pub = t.pub) : (this._pubBytes = o(t.pub)); } (s.fromPublic = function (e, t) { return t instanceof s ? t : new s(e, { pub: t }); }), (s.fromSecret = function (e, t) { return t instanceof s ? t : new s(e, { secret: t }); }), (s.prototype.secret = function () { return this._secret; }), a(s, 'pubBytes', function () { return this.eddsa.encodePoint(this.pub()); }), a(s, 'pub', function () { return this._pubBytes ? this.eddsa.decodePoint(this._pubBytes) : this.eddsa.g.mul(this.priv()); }), a(s, 'privBytes', function () { var e = this.eddsa, t = this.hash(), r = e.encodingLength - 1, n = t.slice(0, e.encodingLength); return (n[0] &= 248), (n[r] &= 127), (n[r] |= 64), n; }), a(s, 'priv', function () { return this.eddsa.decodeInt(this.privBytes()); }), a(s, 'hash', function () { return this.eddsa.hash().update(this.secret()).digest(); }), a(s, 'messagePrefix', function () { return this.hash().slice(this.eddsa.encodingLength); }), (s.prototype.sign = function (e) { return i(this._secret, 'KeyPair can only verify'), this.eddsa.sign(e, this); }), (s.prototype.verify = function (e, t) { return this.eddsa.verify(e, t, this); }), (s.prototype.getSecret = function (e) { return i(this._secret, 'KeyPair is public only'), n.encode(this.secret(), e); }), (s.prototype.getPublic = function (e) { return n.encode(this.pubBytes(), e); }), (e.exports = s); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = r(5), o = r(13).utils, a = o.assert, s = o.cachedProperty, u = o.parseBytes; function f(e, t) { (this.eddsa = e), 'object' !== (0, n.default)(t) && (t = u(t)), Array.isArray(t) && (t = { R: t.slice(0, e.encodingLength), S: t.slice(e.encodingLength) }), a(t.R && t.S, 'Signature without R or S'), e.isPoint(t.R) && (this._R = t.R), t.S instanceof i && (this._S = t.S), (this._Rencoded = Array.isArray(t.R) ? t.R : t.Rencoded), (this._Sencoded = Array.isArray(t.S) ? t.S : t.Sencoded); } s(f, 'S', function () { return this.eddsa.decodeInt(this.Sencoded()); }), s(f, 'R', function () { return this.eddsa.decodePoint(this.Rencoded()); }), s(f, 'Rencoded', function () { return this.eddsa.encodePoint(this.R()); }), s(f, 'Sencoded', function () { return this.eddsa.encodeInt(this.S()); }), (f.prototype.toBytes = function () { return this.Rencoded().concat(this.Sencoded()); }), (f.prototype.toHex = function () { return o.encode(this.toBytes(), 'hex').toUpperCase(); }), (e.exports = f); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(44); t.certificate = r(382); var i = n.define('RSAPrivateKey', function () { this.seq().obj( this.key('version').int(), this.key('modulus').int(), this.key('publicExponent').int(), this.key('privateExponent').int(), this.key('prime1').int(), this.key('prime2').int(), this.key('exponent1').int(), this.key('exponent2').int(), this.key('coefficient').int() ); }); t.RSAPrivateKey = i; var o = n.define('RSAPublicKey', function () { this.seq().obj(this.key('modulus').int(), this.key('publicExponent').int()); }); t.RSAPublicKey = o; var a = n.define('SubjectPublicKeyInfo', function () { this.seq().obj(this.key('algorithm').use(s), this.key('subjectPublicKey').bitstr()); }); t.PublicKey = a; var s = n.define('AlgorithmIdentifier', function () { this.seq().obj( this.key('algorithm').objid(), this.key('none').null_().optional(), this.key('curve').objid().optional(), this.key('params') .seq() .obj(this.key('p').int(), this.key('q').int(), this.key('g').int()) .optional() ); }), u = n.define('PrivateKeyInfo', function () { this.seq().obj( this.key('version').int(), this.key('algorithm').use(s), this.key('subjectPrivateKey').octstr() ); }); t.PrivateKey = u; var f = n.define('EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo', function () { this.seq().obj( this.key('algorithm') .seq() .obj( this.key('id').objid(), this.key('decrypt') .seq() .obj( this.key('kde') .seq() .obj( this.key('id').objid(), this.key('kdeparams') .seq() .obj(this.key('salt').octstr(), this.key('iters').int()) ), this.key('cipher').seq().obj(this.key('algo').objid(), this.key('iv').octstr()) ) ), this.key('subjectPrivateKey').octstr() ); }); t.EncryptedPrivateKey = f; var c = n.define('DSAPrivateKey', function () { this.seq().obj( this.key('version').int(), this.key('p').int(), this.key('q').int(), this.key('g').int(), this.key('pub_key').int(), this.key('priv_key').int() ); }); (t.DSAPrivateKey = c), (t.DSAparam = n.define('DSAparam', function () { this.int(); })); var h = n.define('ECPrivateKey', function () { this.seq().obj( this.key('version').int(), this.key('privateKey').octstr(), this.key('parameters').optional().explicit(0).use(d), this.key('publicKey').optional().explicit(1).bitstr() ); }); t.ECPrivateKey = h; var d = n.define('ECParameters', function () { this.choice({ namedCurve: this.objid() }); }); t.signature = n.define('signature', function () { this.seq().obj(this.key('r').int(), this.key('s').int()); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(44), i = r(3); function o(e, t) { (this.name = e), (this.body = t), (this.decoders = {}), (this.encoders = {}); } (t.define = function (e, t) { return new o(e, t); }), (o.prototype._createNamed = function (e) { var t; try { t = r(374).runInThisContext( '(function ' + this.name + '(entity) {\n this._initNamed(entity);\n})' ); } catch (e) { t = function (e) { this._initNamed(e); }; } return ( i(t, e), (t.prototype._initNamed = function (t) { e.call(this, t); }), new t(this) ); }), (o.prototype._getDecoder = function (e) { return ( (e = e || 'der'), this.decoders.hasOwnProperty(e) || (this.decoders[e] = this._createNamed(n.decoders[e])), this.decoders[e] ); }), (o.prototype.decode = function (e, t, r) { return this._getDecoder(t).decode(e, r); }), (o.prototype._getEncoder = function (e) { return ( (e = e || 'der'), this.encoders.hasOwnProperty(e) || (this.encoders[e] = this._createNamed(n.encoders[e])), this.encoders[e] ); }), (o.prototype.encode = function (e, t, r) { return this._getEncoder(t).encode(e, r); }); }, function (module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; var _interopRequireDefault = __webpack_require__(0), _typeof2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(1)), indexOf = function (e, t) { if (e.indexOf) return e.indexOf(t); for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) if (e[r] === t) return r; return -1; }, Object_keys = function (e) { if (Object.keys) return Object.keys(e); var t = []; for (var r in e) t.push(r); return t; }, forEach = function (e, t) { if (e.forEach) return e.forEach(t); for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) t(e[r], r, e); }, defineProp = (function () { try { return ( Object.defineProperty({}, '_', {}), function (e, t, r) { Object.defineProperty(e, t, { writable: !0, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0, value: r, }); } ); } catch (e) { return function (e, t, r) { e[t] = r; }; } })(), globals = [ 'Array', 'Boolean', 'Date', 'Error', 'EvalError', 'Function', 'Infinity', 'JSON', 'Math', 'NaN', 'Number', 'Object', 'RangeError', 'ReferenceError', 'RegExp', 'String', 'SyntaxError', 'TypeError', 'URIError', 'decodeURI', 'decodeURIComponent', 'encodeURI', 'encodeURIComponent', 'escape', 'eval', 'isFinite', 'isNaN', 'parseFloat', 'parseInt', 'undefined', 'unescape', ]; function Context() {} Context.prototype = {}; var Script = (exports.Script = function (e) { if (!(this instanceof Script)) return new Script(e); this.code = e; }); (Script.prototype.runInContext = function (e) { if (!(e instanceof Context)) throw new TypeError("needs a 'context' argument."); var t = document.createElement('iframe'); t.style || (t.style = {}), (t.style.display = 'none'), document.body.appendChild(t); var r = t.contentWindow, n = r.eval, i = r.execScript; !n && i && (i.call(r, 'null'), (n = r.eval)), forEach(Object_keys(e), function (t) { r[t] = e[t]; }), forEach(globals, function (t) { e[t] && (r[t] = e[t]); }); var o = Object_keys(r), a = n.call(r, this.code); return ( forEach(Object_keys(r), function (t) { (t in e || -1 === indexOf(o, t)) && (e[t] = r[t]); }), forEach(globals, function (t) { t in e || defineProp(e, t, r[t]); }), document.body.removeChild(t), a ); }), (Script.prototype.runInThisContext = function () { return eval(this.code); }), (Script.prototype.runInNewContext = function (e) { var t = Script.createContext(e), r = this.runInContext(t); return ( e && forEach(Object_keys(t), function (r) { e[r] = t[r]; }), r ); }), forEach(Object_keys(Script.prototype), function (e) { exports[e] = Script[e] = function (t) { var r = Script(t); return r[e].apply(r, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)); }; }), (exports.isContext = function (e) { return e instanceof Context; }), (exports.createScript = function (e) { return exports.Script(e); }), (exports.createContext = Script.createContext = function (e) { var t = new Context(); return ( 'object' === (0, _typeof2.default)(e) && forEach(Object_keys(e), function (r) { t[r] = e[r]; }), t ); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(3); function i(e) { this._reporterState = { obj: null, path: [], options: e || {}, errors: [] }; } function o(e, t) { (this.path = e), this.rethrow(t); } (t.Reporter = i), (i.prototype.isError = function (e) { return e instanceof o; }), (i.prototype.save = function () { var e = this._reporterState; return { obj: e.obj, pathLen: e.path.length }; }), (i.prototype.restore = function (e) { var t = this._reporterState; (t.obj = e.obj), (t.path = t.path.slice(0, e.pathLen)); }), (i.prototype.enterKey = function (e) { return this._reporterState.path.push(e); }), (i.prototype.exitKey = function (e) { var t = this._reporterState; t.path = t.path.slice(0, e - 1); }), (i.prototype.leaveKey = function (e, t, r) { var n = this._reporterState; this.exitKey(e), null !== n.obj && (n.obj[t] = r); }), (i.prototype.path = function () { return this._reporterState.path.join('/'); }), (i.prototype.enterObject = function () { var e = this._reporterState, t = e.obj; return (e.obj = {}), t; }), (i.prototype.leaveObject = function (e) { var t = this._reporterState, r = t.obj; return (t.obj = e), r; }), (i.prototype.error = function (e) { var t, r = this._reporterState, n = e instanceof o; if ( ((t = n ? e : new o( r.path .map(function (e) { return '[' + JSON.stringify(e) + ']'; }) .join(''), e.message || e, e.stack )), !r.options.partial) ) throw t; return n || r.errors.push(t), t; }), (i.prototype.wrapResult = function (e) { var t = this._reporterState; return t.options.partial ? { result: this.isError(e) ? null : e, errors: t.errors } : e; }), n(o, Error), (o.prototype.rethrow = function (e) { if ( ((this.message = e + ' at: ' + (this.path || '(shallow)')), Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(this, o), !this.stack) ) try { throw new Error(this.message); } catch (e) { this.stack = e.stack; } return this; }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = r(45).Reporter, o = r(45).EncoderBuffer, a = r(45).DecoderBuffer, s = r(17), u = [ 'seq', 'seqof', 'set', 'setof', 'objid', 'bool', 'gentime', 'utctime', 'null_', 'enum', 'int', 'objDesc', 'bitstr', 'bmpstr', 'charstr', 'genstr', 'graphstr', 'ia5str', 'iso646str', 'numstr', 'octstr', 'printstr', 't61str', 'unistr', 'utf8str', 'videostr', ], f = [ 'key', 'obj', 'use', 'optional', 'explicit', 'implicit', 'def', 'choice', 'any', 'contains', ].concat(u); function c(e, t) { var r = {}; (this._baseState = r), (r.enc = e), (r.parent = t || null), (r.children = null), (r.tag = null), (r.args = null), (r.reverseArgs = null), (r.choice = null), (r.optional = !1), (r.any = !1), (r.obj = !1), (r.use = null), (r.useDecoder = null), (r.key = null), (r.default = null), (r.explicit = null), (r.implicit = null), (r.contains = null), r.parent || ((r.children = []), this._wrap()); } e.exports = c; var h = [ 'enc', 'parent', 'children', 'tag', 'args', 'reverseArgs', 'choice', 'optional', 'any', 'obj', 'use', 'alteredUse', 'key', 'default', 'explicit', 'implicit', 'contains', ]; (c.prototype.clone = function () { var e = this._baseState, t = {}; h.forEach(function (r) { t[r] = e[r]; }); var r = new this.constructor(t.parent); return (r._baseState = t), r; }), (c.prototype._wrap = function () { var e = this._baseState; f.forEach(function (t) { this[t] = function () { var r = new this.constructor(this); return e.children.push(r), r[t].apply(r, arguments); }; }, this); }), (c.prototype._init = function (e) { var t = this._baseState; s(null === t.parent), e.call(this), (t.children = t.children.filter(function (e) { return e._baseState.parent === this; }, this)), s.equal(t.children.length, 1, 'Root node can have only one child'); }), (c.prototype._useArgs = function (e) { var t = this._baseState, r = e.filter(function (e) { return e instanceof this.constructor; }, this); (e = e.filter(function (e) { return !(e instanceof this.constructor); }, this)), 0 !== r.length && (s(null === t.children), (t.children = r), r.forEach(function (e) { e._baseState.parent = this; }, this)), 0 !== e.length && (s(null === t.args), (t.args = e), (t.reverseArgs = e.map(function (e) { if ('object' !== (0, n.default)(e) || e.constructor !== Object) return e; var t = {}; return ( Object.keys(e).forEach(function (r) { r == (0 | r) && (r |= 0); var n = e[r]; t[n] = r; }), t ); }))); }), [ '_peekTag', '_decodeTag', '_use', '_decodeStr', '_decodeObjid', '_decodeTime', '_decodeNull', '_decodeInt', '_decodeBool', '_decodeList', '_encodeComposite', '_encodeStr', '_encodeObjid', '_encodeTime', '_encodeNull', '_encodeInt', '_encodeBool', ].forEach(function (e) { c.prototype[e] = function () { var t = this._baseState; throw new Error(e + ' not implemented for encoding: ' + t.enc); }; }), u.forEach(function (e) { c.prototype[e] = function () { var t = this._baseState, r = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); return s(null === t.tag), (t.tag = e), this._useArgs(r), this; }; }), (c.prototype.use = function (e) { s(e); var t = this._baseState; return s(null === t.use), (t.use = e), this; }), (c.prototype.optional = function () { return (this._baseState.optional = !0), this; }), (c.prototype.def = function (e) { var t = this._baseState; return s(null === t.default), (t.default = e), (t.optional = !0), this; }), (c.prototype.explicit = function (e) { var t = this._baseState; return s(null === t.explicit && null === t.implicit), (t.explicit = e), this; }), (c.prototype.implicit = function (e) { var t = this._baseState; return s(null === t.explicit && null === t.implicit), (t.implicit = e), this; }), (c.prototype.obj = function () { var e = this._baseState, t = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); return (e.obj = !0), 0 !== t.length && this._useArgs(t), this; }), (c.prototype.key = function (e) { var t = this._baseState; return s(null === t.key), (t.key = e), this; }), (c.prototype.any = function () { return (this._baseState.any = !0), this; }), (c.prototype.choice = function (e) { var t = this._baseState; return ( s(null === t.choice), (t.choice = e), this._useArgs( Object.keys(e).map(function (t) { return e[t]; }) ), this ); }), (c.prototype.contains = function (e) { var t = this._baseState; return s(null === t.use), (t.contains = e), this; }), (c.prototype._decode = function (e, t) { var r = this._baseState; if (null === r.parent) return e.wrapResult(r.children[0]._decode(e, t)); var n, i = r.default, o = !0, s = null; if ((null !== r.key && (s = e.enterKey(r.key)), r.optional)) { var u = null; if ( (null !== r.explicit ? (u = r.explicit) : null !== r.implicit ? (u = r.implicit) : null !== r.tag && (u = r.tag), null !== u || r.any) ) { if (((o = this._peekTag(e, u, r.any)), e.isError(o))) return o; } else { var f = e.save(); try { null === r.choice ? this._decodeGeneric(r.tag, e, t) : this._decodeChoice(e, t), (o = !0); } catch (e) { o = !1; } e.restore(f); } } if ((r.obj && o && (n = e.enterObject()), o)) { if (null !== r.explicit) { var c = this._decodeTag(e, r.explicit); if (e.isError(c)) return c; e = c; } var h = e.offset; if (null === r.use && null === r.choice) { if (r.any) f = e.save(); var d = this._decodeTag(e, null !== r.implicit ? r.implicit : r.tag, r.any); if (e.isError(d)) return d; r.any ? (i = e.raw(f)) : (e = d); } if ( (t && t.track && null !== r.tag && t.track(e.path(), h, e.length, 'tagged'), t && t.track && null !== r.tag && t.track(e.path(), e.offset, e.length, 'content'), (i = r.any ? i : null === r.choice ? this._decodeGeneric(r.tag, e, t) : this._decodeChoice(e, t)), e.isError(i)) ) return i; if ( (r.any || null !== r.choice || null === r.children || r.children.forEach(function (r) { r._decode(e, t); }), r.contains && ('octstr' === r.tag || 'bitstr' === r.tag)) ) { var l = new a(i); i = this._getUse(r.contains, e._reporterState.obj)._decode(l, t); } } return ( r.obj && o && (i = e.leaveObject(n)), null === r.key || (null === i && !0 !== o) ? null !== s && e.exitKey(s) : e.leaveKey(s, r.key, i), i ); }), (c.prototype._decodeGeneric = function (e, t, r) { var n = this._baseState; return 'seq' === e || 'set' === e ? null : 'seqof' === e || 'setof' === e ? this._decodeList(t, e, n.args[0], r) : /str$/.test(e) ? this._decodeStr(t, e, r) : 'objid' === e && n.args ? this._decodeObjid(t, n.args[0], n.args[1], r) : 'objid' === e ? this._decodeObjid(t, null, null, r) : 'gentime' === e || 'utctime' === e ? this._decodeTime(t, e, r) : 'null_' === e ? this._decodeNull(t, r) : 'bool' === e ? this._decodeBool(t, r) : 'objDesc' === e ? this._decodeStr(t, e, r) : 'int' === e || 'enum' === e ? this._decodeInt(t, n.args && n.args[0], r) : null !== n.use ? this._getUse(n.use, t._reporterState.obj)._decode(t, r) : t.error('unknown tag: ' + e); }), (c.prototype._getUse = function (e, t) { var r = this._baseState; return ( (r.useDecoder = this._use(e, t)), s(null === r.useDecoder._baseState.parent), (r.useDecoder = r.useDecoder._baseState.children[0]), r.implicit !== r.useDecoder._baseState.implicit && ((r.useDecoder = r.useDecoder.clone()), (r.useDecoder._baseState.implicit = r.implicit)), r.useDecoder ); }), (c.prototype._decodeChoice = function (e, t) { var r = this._baseState, n = null, i = !1; return ( Object.keys(r.choice).some(function (o) { var a = e.save(), s = r.choice[o]; try { var u = s._decode(e, t); if (e.isError(u)) return !1; (n = { type: o, value: u }), (i = !0); } catch (t) { return e.restore(a), !1; } return !0; }, this), i ? n : e.error('Choice not matched') ); }), (c.prototype._createEncoderBuffer = function (e) { return new o(e, this.reporter); }), (c.prototype._encode = function (e, t, r) { var n = this._baseState; if (null === n.default || n.default !== e) { var i = this._encodeValue(e, t, r); if (void 0 !== i && !this._skipDefault(i, t, r)) return i; } }), (c.prototype._encodeValue = function (e, t, r) { var o = this._baseState; if (null === o.parent) return o.children[0]._encode(e, t || new i()); var a = null; if (((this.reporter = t), o.optional && void 0 === e)) { if (null === o.default) return; e = o.default; } var s = null, u = !1; if (o.any) a = this._createEncoderBuffer(e); else if (o.choice) a = this._encodeChoice(e, t); else if (o.contains) (s = this._getUse(o.contains, r)._encode(e, t)), (u = !0); else if (o.children) (s = o.children .map(function (r) { if ('null_' === r._baseState.tag) return r._encode(null, t, e); if (null === r._baseState.key) return t.error('Child should have a key'); var i = t.enterKey(r._baseState.key); if ('object' !== (0, n.default)(e)) return t.error('Child expected, but input is not object'); var o = r._encode(e[r._baseState.key], t, e); return t.leaveKey(i), o; }, this) .filter(function (e) { return e; })), (s = this._createEncoderBuffer(s)); else if ('seqof' === o.tag || 'setof' === o.tag) { if (!o.args || 1 !== o.args.length) return t.error('Too many args for : ' + o.tag); if (!Array.isArray(e)) return t.error('seqof/setof, but data is not Array'); var f = this.clone(); (f._baseState.implicit = null), (s = this._createEncoderBuffer( e.map(function (r) { var n = this._baseState; return this._getUse(n.args[0], e)._encode(r, t); }, f) )); } else null !== o.use ? (a = this._getUse(o.use, r)._encode(e, t)) : ((s = this._encodePrimitive(o.tag, e)), (u = !0)); if (!o.any && null === o.choice) { var c = null !== o.implicit ? o.implicit : o.tag, h = null === o.implicit ? 'universal' : 'context'; null === c ? null === o.use && t.error('Tag could be omitted only for .use()') : null === o.use && (a = this._encodeComposite(c, u, h, s)); } return ( null !== o.explicit && (a = this._encodeComposite(o.explicit, !1, 'context', a)), a ); }), (c.prototype._encodeChoice = function (e, t) { var r = this._baseState, n = r.choice[e.type]; return ( n || s(!1, e.type + ' not found in ' + JSON.stringify(Object.keys(r.choice))), n._encode(e.value, t) ); }), (c.prototype._encodePrimitive = function (e, t) { var r = this._baseState; if (/str$/.test(e)) return this._encodeStr(t, e); if ('objid' === e && r.args) return this._encodeObjid(t, r.reverseArgs[0], r.args[1]); if ('objid' === e) return this._encodeObjid(t, null, null); if ('gentime' === e || 'utctime' === e) return this._encodeTime(t, e); if ('null_' === e) return this._encodeNull(); if ('int' === e || 'enum' === e) return this._encodeInt(t, r.args && r.reverseArgs[0]); if ('bool' === e) return this._encodeBool(t); if ('objDesc' === e) return this._encodeStr(t, e); throw new Error('Unsupported tag: ' + e); }), (c.prototype._isNumstr = function (e) { return /^[0-9 ]*$/.test(e); }), (c.prototype._isPrintstr = function (e) { return /^[A-Za-z0-9 '\(\)\+,\-\.\/:=\?]*$/.test(e); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(150); (t.tagClass = { 0: 'universal', 1: 'application', 2: 'context', 3: 'private' }), (t.tagClassByName = n._reverse(t.tagClass)), (t.tag = { 0: 'end', 1: 'bool', 2: 'int', 3: 'bitstr', 4: 'octstr', 5: 'null_', 6: 'objid', 7: 'objDesc', 8: 'external', 9: 'real', 10: 'enum', 11: 'embed', 12: 'utf8str', 13: 'relativeOid', 16: 'seq', 17: 'set', 18: 'numstr', 19: 'printstr', 20: 't61str', 21: 'videostr', 22: 'ia5str', 23: 'utctime', 24: 'gentime', 25: 'graphstr', 26: 'iso646str', 27: 'genstr', 28: 'unistr', 29: 'charstr', 30: 'bmpstr', }), (t.tagByName = n._reverse(t.tag)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = t; (n.der = r(151)), (n.pem = r(379)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(3), i = r(2).Buffer, o = r(151); function a(e) { o.call(this, e), (this.enc = 'pem'); } n(a, o), (e.exports = a), (a.prototype.decode = function (e, t) { for ( var r = e.toString().split(/[\r\n]+/g), n = t.label.toUpperCase(), a = /^-----(BEGIN|END) ([^-]+)-----$/, s = -1, u = -1, f = 0; f < r.length; f++ ) { var c = r[f].match(a); if (null !== c && c[2] === n) { if (-1 !== s) { if ('END' !== c[1]) break; u = f; break; } if ('BEGIN' !== c[1]) break; s = f; } } if (-1 === s || -1 === u) throw new Error('PEM section not found for: ' + n); var h = r.slice(s + 1, u).join(''); h.replace(/[^a-z0-9\+\/=]+/gi, ''); var d = new i(h, 'base64'); return o.prototype.decode.call(this, d, t); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = t; (n.der = r(152)), (n.pem = r(381)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(3), i = r(152); function o(e) { i.call(this, e), (this.enc = 'pem'); } n(o, i), (e.exports = o), (o.prototype.encode = function (e, t) { for ( var r = i.prototype.encode.call(this, e).toString('base64'), n = ['-----BEGIN ' + t.label + '-----'], o = 0; o < r.length; o += 64 ) n.push(r.slice(o, o + 64)); return n.push('-----END ' + t.label + '-----'), n.join('\n'); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(44), i = n.define('Time', function () { this.choice({ utcTime: this.utctime(), generalTime: this.gentime() }); }), o = n.define('AttributeTypeValue', function () { this.seq().obj(this.key('type').objid(), this.key('value').any()); }), a = n.define('AlgorithmIdentifier', function () { this.seq().obj( this.key('algorithm').objid(), this.key('parameters').optional(), this.key('curve').objid().optional() ); }), s = n.define('SubjectPublicKeyInfo', function () { this.seq().obj(this.key('algorithm').use(a), this.key('subjectPublicKey').bitstr()); }), u = n.define('RelativeDistinguishedName', function () { this.setof(o); }), f = n.define('RDNSequence', function () { this.seqof(u); }), c = n.define('Name', function () { this.choice({ rdnSequence: this.use(f) }); }), h = n.define('Validity', function () { this.seq().obj(this.key('notBefore').use(i), this.key('notAfter').use(i)); }), d = n.define('Extension', function () { this.seq().obj( this.key('extnID').objid(), this.key('critical').bool().def(!1), this.key('extnValue').octstr() ); }), l = n.define('TBSCertificate', function () { this.seq().obj( this.key('version').explicit(0).int().optional(), this.key('serialNumber').int(), this.key('signature').use(a), this.key('issuer').use(c), this.key('validity').use(h), this.key('subject').use(c), this.key('subjectPublicKeyInfo').use(s), this.key('issuerUniqueID').implicit(1).bitstr().optional(), this.key('subjectUniqueID').implicit(2).bitstr().optional(), this.key('extensions').explicit(3).seqof(d).optional() ); }), p = n.define('X509Certificate', function () { this.seq().obj( this.key('tbsCertificate').use(l), this.key('signatureAlgorithm').use(a), this.key('signatureValue').bitstr() ); }); e.exports = p; }, function (e) { e.exports = JSON.parse( '{"2.16.840.":"aes-128-ecb","2.16.840.":"aes-128-cbc","2.16.840.":"aes-128-ofb","2.16.840.":"aes-128-cfb","2.16.840.":"aes-192-ecb","2.16.840.":"aes-192-cbc","2.16.840.":"aes-192-ofb","2.16.840.":"aes-192-cfb","2.16.840.":"aes-256-ecb","2.16.840.":"aes-256-cbc","2.16.840.":"aes-256-ofb","2.16.840.":"aes-256-cfb"}' ); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = /Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED[\n\r]+DEK-Info: AES-((?:128)|(?:192)|(?:256))-CBC,([0-9A-H]+)[\n\r]+([0-9A-z\n\r\+\/\=]+)[\n\r]+/m, i = /^-----BEGIN ((?:.*? KEY)|CERTIFICATE)-----/m, o = /^-----BEGIN ((?:.*? KEY)|CERTIFICATE)-----([0-9A-z\n\r\+\/\=]+)-----END \1-----$/m, a = r(57), s = r(82), u = r(4).Buffer; e.exports = function (e, t) { var r, f = e.toString(), c = f.match(n); if (c) { var h = 'aes' + c[1], d = u.from(c[2], 'hex'), l = u.from(c[3].replace(/[\r\n]/g, ''), 'base64'), p = a(t, d.slice(0, 8), parseInt(c[1], 10)).key, b = [], m = s.createDecipheriv(h, p, d); b.push(m.update(l)), b.push(m.final()), (r = u.concat(b)); } else { var y = f.match(o); r = new u(y[2].replace(/[\r\n]/g, ''), 'base64'); } return { tag: f.match(i)[1], data: r }; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (t) { var n = r(5), i = r(13).ec, o = r(59), a = r(153); function s(e, t) { if (e.cmpn(0) <= 0) throw new Error('invalid sig'); if (e.cmp(t) >= t) throw new Error('invalid sig'); } e.exports = function (e, r, u, f, c) { var h = o(u); if ('ec' === h.type) { if ('ecdsa' !== f && 'ecdsa/rsa' !== f) throw new Error('wrong public key type'); return (function (e, t, r) { var n = a[r.data.algorithm.curve.join('.')]; if (!n) throw new Error('unknown curve ' + r.data.algorithm.curve.join('.')); var o = new i(n), s = r.data.subjectPrivateKey.data; return o.verify(t, e, s); })(e, r, h); } if ('dsa' === h.type) { if ('dsa' !== f) throw new Error('wrong public key type'); return (function (e, t, r) { var i = r.data.p, a = r.data.q, u = r.data.g, f = r.data.pub_key, c = o.signature.decode(e, 'der'), h = c.s, d = c.r; s(h, a), s(d, a); var l = n.mont(i), p = h.invm(a); return ( 0 === u .toRed(l) .redPow(new n(t).mul(p).mod(a)) .fromRed() .mul(f.toRed(l).redPow(d.mul(p).mod(a)).fromRed()) .mod(i) .mod(a) .cmp(d) ); })(e, r, h); } if ('rsa' !== f && 'ecdsa/rsa' !== f) throw new Error('wrong public key type'); r = t.concat([c, r]); for (var d = h.modulus.byteLength(), l = [1], p = 0; r.length + l.length + 2 < d; ) l.push(255), p++; l.push(0); for (var b = -1; ++b < r.length; ) l.push(r[b]); l = new t(l); var m = n.mont(h.modulus); (e = (e = new n(e).toRed(m)).redPow(new n(h.publicExponent))), (e = new t(e.fromRed().toArray())); var y = p < 8 ? 1 : 0; for ( d = Math.min(e.length, l.length), e.length !== l.length && (y = 1), b = -1; ++b < d; ) y |= e[b] ^ l[b]; return 0 === y; }; }.call(this, r(2).Buffer)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (t) { var n = r(13), i = r(5); e.exports = function (e) { return new a(e); }; var o = { secp256k1: { name: 'secp256k1', byteLength: 32 }, secp224r1: { name: 'p224', byteLength: 28 }, prime256v1: { name: 'p256', byteLength: 32 }, prime192v1: { name: 'p192', byteLength: 24 }, ed25519: { name: 'ed25519', byteLength: 32 }, secp384r1: { name: 'p384', byteLength: 48 }, secp521r1: { name: 'p521', byteLength: 66 }, }; function a(e) { (this.curveType = o[e]), this.curveType || (this.curveType = { name: e }), (this.curve = new n.ec(this.curveType.name)), (this.keys = void 0); } function s(e, r, n) { Array.isArray(e) || (e = e.toArray()); var i = new t(e); if (n && i.length < n) { var o = new t(n - i.length); o.fill(0), (i = t.concat([o, i])); } return r ? i.toString(r) : i; } (o.p224 = o.secp224r1), (o.p256 = o.secp256r1 = o.prime256v1), (o.p192 = o.secp192r1 = o.prime192v1), (o.p384 = o.secp384r1), (o.p521 = o.secp521r1), (a.prototype.generateKeys = function (e, t) { return (this.keys = this.curve.genKeyPair()), this.getPublicKey(e, t); }), (a.prototype.computeSecret = function (e, r, n) { return ( (r = r || 'utf8'), t.isBuffer(e) || (e = new t(e, r)), s( this.curve.keyFromPublic(e).getPublic().mul(this.keys.getPrivate()).getX(), n, this.curveType.byteLength ) ); }), (a.prototype.getPublicKey = function (e, t) { var r = this.keys.getPublic('compressed' === t, !0); return 'hybrid' === t && (r[r.length - 1] % 2 ? (r[0] = 7) : (r[0] = 6)), s(r, e); }), (a.prototype.getPrivateKey = function (e) { return s(this.keys.getPrivate(), e); }), (a.prototype.setPublicKey = function (e, r) { return ( (r = r || 'utf8'), t.isBuffer(e) || (e = new t(e, r)), this.keys._importPublic(e), this ); }), (a.prototype.setPrivateKey = function (e, r) { (r = r || 'utf8'), t.isBuffer(e) || (e = new t(e, r)); var n = new i(e); return ( (n = n.toString(16)), (this.keys = this.curve.genKeyPair()), this.keys._importPrivate(n), this ); }); }.call(this, r(2).Buffer)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (t.publicEncrypt = r(388)), (t.privateDecrypt = r(389)), (t.privateEncrypt = function (e, r) { return t.publicEncrypt(e, r, !0); }), (t.publicDecrypt = function (e, r) { return t.privateDecrypt(e, r, !0); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(59), i = r(26), o = r(30), a = r(154), s = r(155), u = r(5), f = r(156), c = r(84), h = r(4).Buffer; e.exports = function (e, t, r) { var d; d = e.padding ? e.padding : r ? 1 : 4; var l, p = n(e); if (4 === d) l = (function (e, t) { var r = e.modulus.byteLength(), n = t.length, f = o('sha1').update(h.alloc(0)).digest(), c = f.length, d = 2 * c; if (n > r - d - 2) throw new Error('message too long'); var l = h.alloc(r - n - d - 2), p = r - c - 1, b = i(c), m = s(h.concat([f, l, h.alloc(1, 1), t], p), a(b, p)), y = s(b, a(m, c)); return new u(h.concat([h.alloc(1), y, m], r)); })(p, t); else if (1 === d) l = (function (e, t, r) { var n, o = t.length, a = e.modulus.byteLength(); if (o > a - 11) throw new Error('message too long'); n = r ? h.alloc(a - o - 3, 255) : (function (e) { var t, r = h.allocUnsafe(e), n = 0, o = i(2 * e), a = 0; for (; n < e; ) a === o.length && ((o = i(2 * e)), (a = 0)), (t = o[a++]) && (r[n++] = t); return r; })(a - o - 3); return new u(h.concat([h.from([0, r ? 1 : 2]), n, h.alloc(1), t], a)); })(p, t, r); else { if (3 !== d) throw new Error('unknown padding'); if ((l = new u(t)).cmp(p.modulus) >= 0) throw new Error('data too long for modulus'); } return r ? c(l, p) : f(l, p); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(59), i = r(154), o = r(155), a = r(5), s = r(84), u = r(30), f = r(156), c = r(4).Buffer; e.exports = function (e, t, r) { var h; h = e.padding ? e.padding : r ? 1 : 4; var d, l = n(e), p = l.modulus.byteLength(); if (t.length > p || new a(t).cmp(l.modulus) >= 0) throw new Error('decryption error'); d = r ? f(new a(t), l) : s(t, l); var b = c.alloc(p - d.length); if (((d = c.concat([b, d], p)), 4 === h)) return (function (e, t) { var r = e.modulus.byteLength(), n = u('sha1').update(c.alloc(0)).digest(), a = n.length; if (0 !== t[0]) throw new Error('decryption error'); var s = t.slice(1, a + 1), f = t.slice(a + 1), h = o(s, i(f, a)), d = o(f, i(h, r - a - 1)); if ( (function (e, t) { (e = c.from(e)), (t = c.from(t)); var r = 0, n = e.length; e.length !== t.length && (r++, (n = Math.min(e.length, t.length))); var i = -1; for (; ++i < n; ) r += e[i] ^ t[i]; return r; })(n, d.slice(0, a)) ) throw new Error('decryption error'); var l = a; for (; 0 === d[l]; ) l++; if (1 !== d[l++]) throw new Error('decryption error'); return d.slice(l); })(l, d); if (1 === h) return (function (e, t, r) { var n = t.slice(0, 2), i = 2, o = 0; for (; 0 !== t[i++]; ) if (i >= t.length) { o++; break; } var a = t.slice(2, i - 1); (('0002' !== n.toString('hex') && !r) || ('0001' !== n.toString('hex') && r)) && o++; a.length < 8 && o++; if (o) throw new Error('decryption error'); return t.slice(i); })(0, d, r); if (3 === h) return d; throw new Error('unknown padding'); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (e, n) { function i() { throw new Error( 'secure random number generation not supported by this browser\nuse chrome, FireFox or Internet Explorer 11' ); } var o = r(4), a = r(26), s = o.Buffer, u = o.kMaxLength, f = e.crypto || e.msCrypto, c = Math.pow(2, 32) - 1; function h(e, t) { if ('number' != typeof e || e != e) throw new TypeError('offset must be a number'); if (e > c || e < 0) throw new TypeError('offset must be a uint32'); if (e > u || e > t) throw new RangeError('offset out of range'); } function d(e, t, r) { if ('number' != typeof e || e != e) throw new TypeError('size must be a number'); if (e > c || e < 0) throw new TypeError('size must be a uint32'); if (e + t > r || e > u) throw new RangeError('buffer too small'); } function l(e, t, r, i) { if (n.browser) { var o = e.buffer, s = new Uint8Array(o, t, r); return ( f.getRandomValues(s), i ? void n.nextTick(function () { i(null, e); }) : e ); } if (!i) return a(r).copy(e, t), e; a(r, function (r, n) { if (r) return i(r); n.copy(e, t), i(null, e); }); } (f && f.getRandomValues) || !n.browser ? ((t.randomFill = function (t, r, n, i) { if (!(s.isBuffer(t) || t instanceof e.Uint8Array)) throw new TypeError('"buf" argument must be a Buffer or Uint8Array'); if ('function' == typeof r) (i = r), (r = 0), (n = t.length); else if ('function' == typeof n) (i = n), (n = t.length - r); else if ('function' != typeof i) throw new TypeError('"cb" argument must be a function'); return h(r, t.length), d(n, r, t.length), l(t, r, n, i); }), (t.randomFillSync = function (t, r, n) { void 0 === r && (r = 0); if (!(s.isBuffer(t) || t instanceof e.Uint8Array)) throw new TypeError('"buf" argument must be a Buffer or Uint8Array'); h(r, t.length), void 0 === n && (n = t.length - r); return d(n, r, t.length), l(t, r, n); })) : ((t.randomFill = i), (t.randomFillSync = i)); }.call(this, r(8), r(11))); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(5), i = r(77), o = function (e) { return new n(e.slice(2), 16); }, a = function (e) { var t = '0x' + ('0x' === e.slice(0, 2) ? new n(e.slice(2), 16) : new n(e, 10)).toString('hex'); return '0x0' === t ? '0x' : t; }, s = function (e) { return 'string' == typeof e ? /^0x/.test(e) ? e : '0x' + e : '0x' + new n(e).toString('hex'); }, u = function (e) { return o(e).toNumber(); }, f = function (e) { return function (t, r) { return '0x' + o(t)[e](o(r)).toString('hex'); }; }, c = f('add'), h = f('mul'), d = f('div'), l = f('sub'); e.exports = { toString: function (e) { return o(e).toString(10); }, fromString: a, toNumber: u, fromNumber: s, toEther: function (e) { return u(d(e, a('10000000000'))) / 1e8; }, fromEther: function (e) { return h(s(Math.floor(1e8 * e)), a('10000000000')); }, toUint256: function (e) { return i.pad(32, e); }, add: c, mul: h, div: d, sub: l, }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (t) { !(function (r) { function n(e) { var t = new Uint32Array([ 1116352408, 1899447441, 3049323471, 3921009573, 961987163, 1508970993, 2453635748, 2870763221, 3624381080, 310598401, 607225278, 1426881987, 1925078388, 2162078206, 2614888103, 3248222580, 3835390401, 4022224774, 264347078, 604807628, 770255983, 1249150122, 1555081692, 1996064986, 2554220882, 2821834349, 2952996808, 3210313671, 3336571891, 3584528711, 113926993, 338241895, 666307205, 773529912, 1294757372, 1396182291, 1695183700, 1986661051, 2177026350, 2456956037, 2730485921, 2820302411, 3259730800, 3345764771, 3516065817, 3600352804, 4094571909, 275423344, 430227734, 506948616, 659060556, 883997877, 958139571, 1322822218, 1537002063, 1747873779, 1955562222, 2024104815, 2227730452, 2361852424, 2428436474, 2756734187, 3204031479, 3329325298, ]), r = 1779033703, n = 3144134277, i = 1013904242, o = 2773480762, a = 1359893119, s = 2600822924, u = 528734635, f = 1541459225, c = new Uint32Array(64); function h(e) { for (var h = 0, d = e.length; d >= 64; ) { var l = r, p = n, b = i, m = o, y = a, v = s, g = u, w = f, _ = void 0, k = void 0, A = void 0, S = void 0, E = void 0; for (k = 0; k < 16; k++) (A = h + 4 * k), (c[k] = ((255 & e[A]) << 24) | ((255 & e[A + 1]) << 16) | ((255 & e[A + 2]) << 8) | (255 & e[A + 3])); for (k = 16; k < 64; k++) (S = (((_ = c[k - 2]) >>> 17) | (_ << 15)) ^ ((_ >>> 19) | (_ << 13)) ^ (_ >>> 10)), (E = (((_ = c[k - 15]) >>> 7) | (_ << 25)) ^ ((_ >>> 18) | (_ << 14)) ^ (_ >>> 3)), (c[k] = (((S + c[k - 7]) | 0) + ((E + c[k - 16]) | 0)) | 0); for (k = 0; k < 64; k++) (S = ((((((y >>> 6) | (y << 26)) ^ ((y >>> 11) | (y << 21)) ^ ((y >>> 25) | (y << 7))) + ((y & v) ^ (~y & g))) | 0) + ((w + ((t[k] + c[k]) | 0)) | 0)) | 0), (E = ((((l >>> 2) | (l << 30)) ^ ((l >>> 13) | (l << 19)) ^ ((l >>> 22) | (l << 10))) + ((l & p) ^ (l & b) ^ (p & b))) | 0), (w = g), (g = v), (v = y), (y = (m + S) | 0), (m = b), (b = p), (p = l), (l = (S + E) | 0); (r = (r + l) | 0), (n = (n + p) | 0), (i = (i + b) | 0), (o = (o + m) | 0), (a = (a + y) | 0), (s = (s + v) | 0), (u = (u + g) | 0), (f = (f + w) | 0), (h += 64), (d -= 64); } } h(e); var d, l = e.length % 64, p = (e.length / 536870912) | 0, b = e.length << 3, m = l < 56 ? 56 : 120, y = e.slice(e.length - l, e.length); for (y.push(128), d = l + 1; d < m; d++) y.push(0); return ( y.push((p >>> 24) & 255), y.push((p >>> 16) & 255), y.push((p >>> 8) & 255), y.push((p >>> 0) & 255), y.push((b >>> 24) & 255), y.push((b >>> 16) & 255), y.push((b >>> 8) & 255), y.push((b >>> 0) & 255), h(y), [ (r >>> 24) & 255, (r >>> 16) & 255, (r >>> 8) & 255, (r >>> 0) & 255, (n >>> 24) & 255, (n >>> 16) & 255, (n >>> 8) & 255, (n >>> 0) & 255, (i >>> 24) & 255, (i >>> 16) & 255, (i >>> 8) & 255, (i >>> 0) & 255, (o >>> 24) & 255, (o >>> 16) & 255, (o >>> 8) & 255, (o >>> 0) & 255, (a >>> 24) & 255, (a >>> 16) & 255, (a >>> 8) & 255, (a >>> 0) & 255, (s >>> 24) & 255, (s >>> 16) & 255, (s >>> 8) & 255, (s >>> 0) & 255, (u >>> 24) & 255, (u >>> 16) & 255, (u >>> 8) & 255, (u >>> 0) & 255, (f >>> 24) & 255, (f >>> 16) & 255, (f >>> 8) & 255, (f >>> 0) & 255, ] ); } function i(e, t, r) { e = e.length <= 64 ? e : n(e); var i, o = 64 + t.length + 4, a = new Array(o), s = new Array(64), u = []; for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) a[i] = 54; for (i = 0; i < e.length; i++) a[i] ^= e[i]; for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++) a[64 + i] = t[i]; for (i = o - 4; i < o; i++) a[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) s[i] = 92; for (i = 0; i < e.length; i++) s[i] ^= e[i]; function f() { for (var e = o - 1; e >= o - 4; e--) { if ((a[e]++, a[e] <= 255)) return; a[e] = 0; } } for (; r >= 32; ) f(), (u = u.concat(n(s.concat(n(a))))), (r -= 32); return r > 0 && (f(), (u = u.concat(n(s.concat(n(a))).slice(0, r)))), u; } function o(e, t, r, n, i) { var o; for (f(e, 16 * (2 * r - 1), i, 0, 16), o = 0; o < 2 * r; o++) u(e, 16 * o, i, 16), s(i, n), f(i, 0, e, t + 16 * o, 16); for (o = 0; o < r; o++) f(e, t + 2 * o * 16, e, 16 * o, 16); for (o = 0; o < r; o++) f(e, t + 16 * (2 * o + 1), e, 16 * (o + r), 16); } function a(e, t) { return (e << t) | (e >>> (32 - t)); } function s(e, t) { f(e, 0, t, 0, 16); for (var r = 8; r > 0; r -= 2) (t[4] ^= a(t[0] + t[12], 7)), (t[8] ^= a(t[4] + t[0], 9)), (t[12] ^= a(t[8] + t[4], 13)), (t[0] ^= a(t[12] + t[8], 18)), (t[9] ^= a(t[5] + t[1], 7)), (t[13] ^= a(t[9] + t[5], 9)), (t[1] ^= a(t[13] + t[9], 13)), (t[5] ^= a(t[1] + t[13], 18)), (t[14] ^= a(t[10] + t[6], 7)), (t[2] ^= a(t[14] + t[10], 9)), (t[6] ^= a(t[2] + t[14], 13)), (t[10] ^= a(t[6] + t[2], 18)), (t[3] ^= a(t[15] + t[11], 7)), (t[7] ^= a(t[3] + t[15], 9)), (t[11] ^= a(t[7] + t[3], 13)), (t[15] ^= a(t[11] + t[7], 18)), (t[1] ^= a(t[0] + t[3], 7)), (t[2] ^= a(t[1] + t[0], 9)), (t[3] ^= a(t[2] + t[1], 13)), (t[0] ^= a(t[3] + t[2], 18)), (t[6] ^= a(t[5] + t[4], 7)), (t[7] ^= a(t[6] + t[5], 9)), (t[4] ^= a(t[7] + t[6], 13)), (t[5] ^= a(t[4] + t[7], 18)), (t[11] ^= a(t[10] + t[9], 7)), (t[8] ^= a(t[11] + t[10], 9)), (t[9] ^= a(t[8] + t[11], 13)), (t[10] ^= a(t[9] + t[8], 18)), (t[12] ^= a(t[15] + t[14], 7)), (t[13] ^= a(t[12] + t[15], 9)), (t[14] ^= a(t[13] + t[12], 13)), (t[15] ^= a(t[14] + t[13], 18)); for (var n = 0; n < 16; ++n) e[n] += t[n]; } function u(e, t, r, n) { for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) r[i] ^= e[t + i]; } function f(e, t, r, n, i) { for (; i--; ) r[n++] = e[t++]; } function c(e) { if (!e || 'number' != typeof e.length) return !1; for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) { var r = e[t]; if ('number' != typeof r || r % 1 || r < 0 || r >= 256) return !1; } return !0; } function h(e, t) { if ('number' != typeof e || e % 1) throw new Error('invalid ' + t); return e; } function d(e, r, n, a, s, d, l) { if ( ((n = h(n, 'N')), (a = h(a, 'r')), (s = h(s, 'p')), (d = h(d, 'dkLen')), 0 === n || 0 != (n & (n - 1))) ) throw new Error('N must be power of 2'); if (n > 2147483647 / 128 / a) throw new Error('N too large'); if (a > 2147483647 / 128 / s) throw new Error('r too large'); if (!c(e)) throw new Error('password must be an array or buffer'); if (((e = Array.prototype.slice.call(e)), !c(r))) throw new Error('salt must be an array or buffer'); r = Array.prototype.slice.call(r); for ( var p = i(e, r, 128 * s * a), b = new Uint32Array(32 * s * a), m = 0; m < b.length; m++ ) { var y = 4 * m; b[m] = ((255 & p[y + 3]) << 24) | ((255 & p[y + 2]) << 16) | ((255 & p[y + 1]) << 8) | ((255 & p[y + 0]) << 0); } var v, g, w = new Uint32Array(64 * a), _ = new Uint32Array(32 * a * n), k = 32 * a, A = new Uint32Array(16), S = new Uint32Array(16), E = s * n * 2, x = 0, M = null, I = !1, O = 0, C = 0, P = l ? parseInt(1e3 / a) : 4294967295, T = void 0 !== t ? t : setTimeout, U = function t() { if (I) return l(new Error('cancelled'), x / E); var r; switch (O) { case 0: f(b, (g = 32 * C * a), w, 0, k), (O = 1), (v = 0); case 1: (r = n - v) > P && (r = P); for (var c = 0; c < r; c++) f(w, 0, _, (v + c) * k, k), o(w, k, a, A, S); if (((v += r), (x += r), l)) { var h = parseInt((1e3 * x) / E); if (h !== M) { if ((I = l(null, x / E))) break; M = h; } } if (v < n) break; (v = 0), (O = 2); case 2: (r = n - v) > P && (r = P); for (var m = 0; m < r; m++) { var y = w[16 * (2 * a - 1)] & (n - 1); u(_, y * k, w, k), o(w, k, a, A, S); } if (((v += r), (x += r), l)) { var U = parseInt((1e3 * x) / E); if (U !== M) { if ((I = l(null, x / E))) break; M = U; } } if (v < n) break; if ((f(w, 0, b, g, k), ++C < s)) { O = 0; break; } p = []; for (var B = 0; B < b.length; B++) p.push((b[B] >> 0) & 255), p.push((b[B] >> 8) & 255), p.push((b[B] >> 16) & 255), p.push((b[B] >> 24) & 255); var R = i(e, p, d); return l && l(null, 1, R), R; } l && T(t); }; if (!l) for (;;) { var B = U(); if (null != B) return B; } U(); } var l = { scrypt: function (e, t, r, n, i, o, a) { return new Promise(function (s, u) { var f = 0; a && a(0), d(e, t, r, n, i, o, function (e, t, r) { if (e) u(e); else if (r) a && 1 !== f && a(1), s(new Uint8Array(r)); else if (a && t !== f) return (f = t), a(t); }); }); }, syncScrypt: function (e, t, r, n, i, o) { return new Uint8Array(d(e, t, r, n, i, o)); }, }; e.exports = l; })(); }.call(this, r(101).setImmediate)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(394), i = r(395), o = i; (o.v1 = n), (o.v4 = i), (e.exports = o); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n, i, o = r(158), a = r(159), s = 0, u = 0; e.exports = function (e, t, r) { var f = (t && r) || 0, c = t || [], h = (e = e || {}).node || n, d = void 0 !== e.clockseq ? e.clockseq : i; if (null == h || null == d) { var l = o(); null == h && (h = n = [1 | l[0], l[1], l[2], l[3], l[4], l[5]]), null == d && (d = i = 16383 & ((l[6] << 8) | l[7])); } var p = void 0 !== e.msecs ? e.msecs : new Date().getTime(), b = void 0 !== e.nsecs ? e.nsecs : u + 1, m = p - s + (b - u) / 1e4; if ( (m < 0 && void 0 === e.clockseq && (d = (d + 1) & 16383), (m < 0 || p > s) && void 0 === e.nsecs && (b = 0), b >= 1e4) ) throw new Error("uuid.v1(): Can't create more than 10M uuids/sec"); (s = p), (u = b), (i = d); var y = (1e4 * (268435455 & (p += 122192928e5)) + b) % 4294967296; (c[f++] = (y >>> 24) & 255), (c[f++] = (y >>> 16) & 255), (c[f++] = (y >>> 8) & 255), (c[f++] = 255 & y); var v = ((p / 4294967296) * 1e4) & 268435455; (c[f++] = (v >>> 8) & 255), (c[f++] = 255 & v), (c[f++] = ((v >>> 24) & 15) | 16), (c[f++] = (v >>> 16) & 255), (c[f++] = (d >>> 8) | 128), (c[f++] = 255 & d); for (var g = 0; g < 6; ++g) c[f + g] = h[g]; return t || a(c); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(158), i = r(159); e.exports = function (e, t, r) { var o = (t && r) || 0; 'string' == typeof e && ((t = 'binary' === e ? new Array(16) : null), (e = null)); var a = (e = e || {}).random || (e.rng || n)(); if (((a[6] = (15 & a[6]) | 64), (a[8] = (63 & a[8]) | 128), t)) for (var s = 0; s < 16; ++s) t[o + s] = a[s]; return t || i(a); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); var n = r(160); t.Transaction = n.default; var i = r(428); t.FakeTransaction = i.default; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (e) { Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); var n = r(5); function i(e, t) { if ('00' === e.slice(0, 2)) throw new Error('invalid RLP: extra zeros'); return parseInt(e, t); } function o(t, r) { if (t < 56) return e.from([t + r]); var n = s(t), i = s(r + 55 + n.length / 2); return e.from(i + n, 'hex'); } function a(e) { return '0x' === e.slice(0, 2); } function s(e) { if (e < 0) throw new Error('Invalid integer as argument, must be unsigned!'); var t = e.toString(16); return t.length % 2 ? '0' + t : t; } function u(t) { if (!e.isBuffer(t)) { if ('string' == typeof t) return a(t) ? e.from( (i = 'string' != typeof (o = t) ? o : a(o) ? o.slice(2) : o).length % 2 ? '0' + i : i, 'hex' ) : e.from(t); if ('number' == typeof t) return t ? ((r = s(t)), e.from(r, 'hex')) : e.from([]); if (null == t) return e.from([]); if (t instanceof Uint8Array) return e.from(t); if (n.isBN(t)) return e.from(t.toArray()); throw new Error('invalid type'); } var r, i, o; return t; } (t.encode = function t(r) { if (Array.isArray(r)) { for (var n = [], i = 0; i < r.length; i++) n.push(t(r[i])); var a = e.concat(n); return e.concat([o(a.length, 192), a]); } var s = u(r); return 1 === s.length && s[0] < 128 ? s : e.concat([o(s.length, 128), s]); }), (t.decode = function (t, r) { if ((void 0 === r && (r = !1), !t || 0 === t.length)) return e.from([]); var n = (function t(r) { var n, o, a, s, u, f = [], c = r[0]; if (c <= 127) return { data: r.slice(0, 1), remainder: r.slice(1) }; if (c <= 183) { if ( ((n = c - 127), (a = 128 === c ? e.from([]) : r.slice(1, n)), 2 === n && a[0] < 128) ) throw new Error('invalid rlp encoding: byte must be less 0x80'); return { data: a, remainder: r.slice(n) }; } if (c <= 191) { if ( ((o = c - 182), (n = i(r.slice(1, o).toString('hex'), 16)), (a = r.slice(o, n + o)).length < n) ) throw new Error('invalid RLP'); return { data: a, remainder: r.slice(n + o) }; } if (c <= 247) { for (n = c - 191, s = r.slice(1, n); s.length; ) (u = t(s)), f.push(u.data), (s = u.remainder); return { data: f, remainder: r.slice(n) }; } (o = c - 246), (n = i(r.slice(1, o).toString('hex'), 16)); var h = o + n; if (h > r.length) throw new Error('invalid rlp: total length is larger than the data'); if (0 === (s = r.slice(o, h)).length) throw new Error('invalid rlp, List has a invalid length'); for (; s.length; ) (u = t(s)), f.push(u.data), (s = u.remainder); return { data: f, remainder: r.slice(h) }; })(u(t)); if (r) return n; if (0 !== n.remainder.length) throw new Error('invalid remainder'); return n.data; }), (t.getLength = function (t) { if (!t || 0 === t.length) return e.from([]); var r = u(t), n = r[0]; if (n <= 127) return r.length; if (n <= 183) return n - 127; if (n <= 191) return n - 182; if (n <= 247) return n - 191; var o = n - 246; return o + i(r.slice(1, o).toString('hex'), 16); }); }.call(this, r(2).Buffer)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = r(399)(r(402)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(400), i = r(401); e.exports = function (e) { var t = n(e), r = i(e); return function (e, n) { switch ('string' == typeof e ? e.toLowerCase() : e) { case 'keccak224': return new t(1152, 448, null, 224, n); case 'keccak256': return new t(1088, 512, null, 256, n); case 'keccak384': return new t(832, 768, null, 384, n); case 'keccak512': return new t(576, 1024, null, 512, n); case 'sha3-224': return new t(1152, 448, 6, 224, n); case 'sha3-256': return new t(1088, 512, 6, 256, n); case 'sha3-384': return new t(832, 768, 6, 384, n); case 'sha3-512': return new t(576, 1024, 6, 512, n); case 'shake128': return new r(1344, 256, 31, n); case 'shake256': return new r(1088, 512, 31, n); default: throw new Error('Invald algorithm: ' + e); } }; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(4).Buffer, i = r(42).Transform, o = r(3); e.exports = function (e) { function t(t, r, n, o, a) { i.call(this, a), (this._rate = t), (this._capacity = r), (this._delimitedSuffix = n), (this._hashBitLength = o), (this._options = a), (this._state = new e()), this._state.initialize(t, r), (this._finalized = !1); } return ( o(t, i), (t.prototype._transform = function (e, t, r) { var n = null; try { this.update(e, t); } catch (e) { n = e; } r(n); }), (t.prototype._flush = function (e) { var t = null; try { this.push(this.digest()); } catch (e) { t = e; } e(t); }), (t.prototype.update = function (e, t) { if (!n.isBuffer(e) && 'string' != typeof e) throw new TypeError('Data must be a string or a buffer'); if (this._finalized) throw new Error('Digest already called'); return n.isBuffer(e) || (e = n.from(e, t)), this._state.absorb(e), this; }), (t.prototype.digest = function (e) { if (this._finalized) throw new Error('Digest already called'); (this._finalized = !0), this._delimitedSuffix && this._state.absorbLastFewBits(this._delimitedSuffix); var t = this._state.squeeze(this._hashBitLength / 8); return void 0 !== e && (t = t.toString(e)), this._resetState(), t; }), (t.prototype._resetState = function () { return this._state.initialize(this._rate, this._capacity), this; }), (t.prototype._clone = function () { var e = new t( this._rate, this._capacity, this._delimitedSuffix, this._hashBitLength, this._options ); return this._state.copy(e._state), (e._finalized = this._finalized), e; }), t ); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(4).Buffer, i = r(42).Transform, o = r(3); e.exports = function (e) { function t(t, r, n, o) { i.call(this, o), (this._rate = t), (this._capacity = r), (this._delimitedSuffix = n), (this._options = o), (this._state = new e()), this._state.initialize(t, r), (this._finalized = !1); } return ( o(t, i), (t.prototype._transform = function (e, t, r) { var n = null; try { this.update(e, t); } catch (e) { n = e; } r(n); }), (t.prototype._flush = function () {}), (t.prototype._read = function (e) { this.push(this.squeeze(e)); }), (t.prototype.update = function (e, t) { if (!n.isBuffer(e) && 'string' != typeof e) throw new TypeError('Data must be a string or a buffer'); if (this._finalized) throw new Error('Squeeze already called'); return n.isBuffer(e) || (e = n.from(e, t)), this._state.absorb(e), this; }), (t.prototype.squeeze = function (e, t) { this._finalized || ((this._finalized = !0), this._state.absorbLastFewBits(this._delimitedSuffix)); var r = this._state.squeeze(e); return void 0 !== t && (r = r.toString(t)), r; }), (t.prototype._resetState = function () { return this._state.initialize(this._rate, this._capacity), this; }), (t.prototype._clone = function () { var e = new t(this._rate, this._capacity, this._delimitedSuffix, this._options); return this._state.copy(e._state), (e._finalized = this._finalized), e; }), t ); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(4).Buffer, i = r(403); function o() { (this.state = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), (this.blockSize = null), (this.count = 0), (this.squeezing = !1); } (o.prototype.initialize = function (e, t) { for (var r = 0; r < 50; ++r) this.state[r] = 0; (this.blockSize = e / 8), (this.count = 0), (this.squeezing = !1); }), (o.prototype.absorb = function (e) { for (var t = 0; t < e.length; ++t) (this.state[~~(this.count / 4)] ^= e[t] << ((this.count % 4) * 8)), (this.count += 1), this.count === this.blockSize && (i.p1600(this.state), (this.count = 0)); }), (o.prototype.absorbLastFewBits = function (e) { (this.state[~~(this.count / 4)] ^= e << ((this.count % 4) * 8)), 0 != (128 & e) && this.count === this.blockSize - 1 && i.p1600(this.state), (this.state[~~((this.blockSize - 1) / 4)] ^= 128 << (((this.blockSize - 1) % 4) * 8)), i.p1600(this.state), (this.count = 0), (this.squeezing = !0); }), (o.prototype.squeeze = function (e) { this.squeezing || this.absorbLastFewBits(1); for (var t = n.alloc(e), r = 0; r < e; ++r) (t[r] = (this.state[~~(this.count / 4)] >>> ((this.count % 4) * 8)) & 255), (this.count += 1), this.count === this.blockSize && (i.p1600(this.state), (this.count = 0)); return t; }), (o.prototype.copy = function (e) { for (var t = 0; t < 50; ++t) e.state[t] = this.state[t]; (e.blockSize = this.blockSize), (e.count = this.count), (e.squeezing = this.squeezing); }), (e.exports = o); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = [ 1, 0, 32898, 0, 32906, 2147483648, 2147516416, 2147483648, 32907, 0, 2147483649, 0, 2147516545, 2147483648, 32777, 2147483648, 138, 0, 136, 0, 2147516425, 0, 2147483658, 0, 2147516555, 0, 139, 2147483648, 32905, 2147483648, 32771, 2147483648, 32770, 2147483648, 128, 2147483648, 32778, 0, 2147483658, 2147483648, 2147516545, 2147483648, 32896, 2147483648, 2147483649, 0, 2147516424, 2147483648, ]; t.p1600 = function (e) { for (var t = 0; t < 24; ++t) { var r = e[0] ^ e[10] ^ e[20] ^ e[30] ^ e[40], i = e[1] ^ e[11] ^ e[21] ^ e[31] ^ e[41], o = e[2] ^ e[12] ^ e[22] ^ e[32] ^ e[42], a = e[3] ^ e[13] ^ e[23] ^ e[33] ^ e[43], s = e[4] ^ e[14] ^ e[24] ^ e[34] ^ e[44], u = e[5] ^ e[15] ^ e[25] ^ e[35] ^ e[45], f = e[6] ^ e[16] ^ e[26] ^ e[36] ^ e[46], c = e[7] ^ e[17] ^ e[27] ^ e[37] ^ e[47], h = e[8] ^ e[18] ^ e[28] ^ e[38] ^ e[48], d = e[9] ^ e[19] ^ e[29] ^ e[39] ^ e[49], l = h ^ ((o << 1) | (a >>> 31)), p = d ^ ((a << 1) | (o >>> 31)), b = e[0] ^ l, m = e[1] ^ p, y = e[10] ^ l, v = e[11] ^ p, g = e[20] ^ l, w = e[21] ^ p, _ = e[30] ^ l, k = e[31] ^ p, A = e[40] ^ l, S = e[41] ^ p; (l = r ^ ((s << 1) | (u >>> 31))), (p = i ^ ((u << 1) | (s >>> 31))); var E = e[2] ^ l, x = e[3] ^ p, M = e[12] ^ l, I = e[13] ^ p, O = e[22] ^ l, C = e[23] ^ p, P = e[32] ^ l, T = e[33] ^ p, U = e[42] ^ l, B = e[43] ^ p; (l = o ^ ((f << 1) | (c >>> 31))), (p = a ^ ((c << 1) | (f >>> 31))); var R = e[4] ^ l, N = e[5] ^ p, j = e[14] ^ l, L = e[15] ^ p, F = e[24] ^ l, D = e[25] ^ p, q = e[34] ^ l, z = e[35] ^ p, H = e[44] ^ l, K = e[45] ^ p; (l = s ^ ((h << 1) | (d >>> 31))), (p = u ^ ((d << 1) | (h >>> 31))); var V = e[6] ^ l, G = e[7] ^ p, W = e[16] ^ l, Y = e[17] ^ p, $ = e[26] ^ l, J = e[27] ^ p, Z = e[36] ^ l, X = e[37] ^ p, Q = e[46] ^ l, ee = e[47] ^ p; (l = f ^ ((r << 1) | (i >>> 31))), (p = c ^ ((i << 1) | (r >>> 31))); var te = e[8] ^ l, re = e[9] ^ p, ne = e[18] ^ l, ie = e[19] ^ p, oe = e[28] ^ l, ae = e[29] ^ p, se = e[38] ^ l, ue = e[39] ^ p, fe = e[48] ^ l, ce = e[49] ^ p, he = b, de = m, le = (v << 4) | (y >>> 28), pe = (y << 4) | (v >>> 28), be = (g << 3) | (w >>> 29), me = (w << 3) | (g >>> 29), ye = (k << 9) | (_ >>> 23), ve = (_ << 9) | (k >>> 23), ge = (A << 18) | (S >>> 14), we = (S << 18) | (A >>> 14), _e = (E << 1) | (x >>> 31), ke = (x << 1) | (E >>> 31), Ae = (I << 12) | (M >>> 20), Se = (M << 12) | (I >>> 20), Ee = (O << 10) | (C >>> 22), xe = (C << 10) | (O >>> 22), Me = (T << 13) | (P >>> 19), Ie = (P << 13) | (T >>> 19), Oe = (U << 2) | (B >>> 30), Ce = (B << 2) | (U >>> 30), Pe = (N << 30) | (R >>> 2), Te = (R << 30) | (N >>> 2), Ue = (j << 6) | (L >>> 26), Be = (L << 6) | (j >>> 26), Re = (D << 11) | (F >>> 21), Ne = (F << 11) | (D >>> 21), je = (q << 15) | (z >>> 17), Le = (z << 15) | (q >>> 17), Fe = (K << 29) | (H >>> 3), De = (H << 29) | (K >>> 3), qe = (V << 28) | (G >>> 4), ze = (G << 28) | (V >>> 4), He = (Y << 23) | (W >>> 9), Ke = (W << 23) | (Y >>> 9), Ve = ($ << 25) | (J >>> 7), Ge = (J << 25) | ($ >>> 7), We = (Z << 21) | (X >>> 11), Ye = (X << 21) | (Z >>> 11), $e = (ee << 24) | (Q >>> 8), Je = (Q << 24) | (ee >>> 8), Ze = (te << 27) | (re >>> 5), Xe = (re << 27) | (te >>> 5), Qe = (ne << 20) | (ie >>> 12), et = (ie << 20) | (ne >>> 12), tt = (ae << 7) | (oe >>> 25), rt = (oe << 7) | (ae >>> 25), nt = (se << 8) | (ue >>> 24), it = (ue << 8) | (se >>> 24), ot = (fe << 14) | (ce >>> 18), at = (ce << 14) | (fe >>> 18); (e[0] = he ^ (~Ae & Re)), (e[1] = de ^ (~Se & Ne)), (e[10] = qe ^ (~Qe & be)), (e[11] = ze ^ (~et & me)), (e[20] = _e ^ (~Ue & Ve)), (e[21] = ke ^ (~Be & Ge)), (e[30] = Ze ^ (~le & Ee)), (e[31] = Xe ^ (~pe & xe)), (e[40] = Pe ^ (~He & tt)), (e[41] = Te ^ (~Ke & rt)), (e[2] = Ae ^ (~Re & We)), (e[3] = Se ^ (~Ne & Ye)), (e[12] = Qe ^ (~be & Me)), (e[13] = et ^ (~me & Ie)), (e[22] = Ue ^ (~Ve & nt)), (e[23] = Be ^ (~Ge & it)), (e[32] = le ^ (~Ee & je)), (e[33] = pe ^ (~xe & Le)), (e[42] = He ^ (~tt & ye)), (e[43] = Ke ^ (~rt & ve)), (e[4] = Re ^ (~We & ot)), (e[5] = Ne ^ (~Ye & at)), (e[14] = be ^ (~Me & Fe)), (e[15] = me ^ (~Ie & De)), (e[24] = Ve ^ (~nt & ge)), (e[25] = Ge ^ (~it & we)), (e[34] = Ee ^ (~je & $e)), (e[35] = xe ^ (~Le & Je)), (e[44] = tt ^ (~ye & Oe)), (e[45] = rt ^ (~ve & Ce)), (e[6] = We ^ (~ot & he)), (e[7] = Ye ^ (~at & de)), (e[16] = Me ^ (~Fe & qe)), (e[17] = Ie ^ (~De & ze)), (e[26] = nt ^ (~ge & _e)), (e[27] = it ^ (~we & ke)), (e[36] = je ^ (~$e & Ze)), (e[37] = Le ^ (~Je & Xe)), (e[46] = ye ^ (~Oe & Pe)), (e[47] = ve ^ (~Ce & Te)), (e[8] = ot ^ (~he & Ae)), (e[9] = at ^ (~de & Se)), (e[18] = Fe ^ (~qe & Qe)), (e[19] = De ^ (~ze & et)), (e[28] = ge ^ (~_e & Ue)), (e[29] = we ^ (~ke & Be)), (e[38] = $e ^ (~Ze & le)), (e[39] = Je ^ (~Xe & pe)), (e[48] = Oe ^ (~Pe & He)), (e[49] = Ce ^ (~Te & Ke)), (e[0] ^= n[2 * t]), (e[1] ^= n[2 * t + 1]); } }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = r(405)(r(409)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(406), i = r(407), o = r(162); function a(e, t) { return void 0 === e ? t : (n.isBoolean(e, o.COMPRESSED_TYPE_INVALID), e); } e.exports = function (e) { return { privateKeyVerify: function (t) { return ( n.isBuffer(t, o.EC_PRIVATE_KEY_TYPE_INVALID), 32 === t.length && e.privateKeyVerify(t) ); }, privateKeyExport: function (t, r) { n.isBuffer(t, o.EC_PRIVATE_KEY_TYPE_INVALID), n.isBufferLength(t, 32, o.EC_PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH_INVALID), (r = a(r, !0)); var s = e.privateKeyExport(t, r); return i.privateKeyExport(t, s, r); }, privateKeyImport: function (t) { if ( (n.isBuffer(t, o.EC_PRIVATE_KEY_TYPE_INVALID), (t = i.privateKeyImport(t)) && 32 === t.length && e.privateKeyVerify(t)) ) return t; throw new Error(o.EC_PRIVATE_KEY_IMPORT_DER_FAIL); }, privateKeyNegate: function (t) { return ( n.isBuffer(t, o.EC_PRIVATE_KEY_TYPE_INVALID), n.isBufferLength(t, 32, o.EC_PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH_INVALID), e.privateKeyNegate(t) ); }, privateKeyModInverse: function (t) { return ( n.isBuffer(t, o.EC_PRIVATE_KEY_TYPE_INVALID), n.isBufferLength(t, 32, o.EC_PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH_INVALID), e.privateKeyModInverse(t) ); }, privateKeyTweakAdd: function (t, r) { return ( n.isBuffer(t, o.EC_PRIVATE_KEY_TYPE_INVALID), n.isBufferLength(t, 32, o.EC_PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH_INVALID), n.isBuffer(r, o.TWEAK_TYPE_INVALID), n.isBufferLength(r, 32, o.TWEAK_LENGTH_INVALID), e.privateKeyTweakAdd(t, r) ); }, privateKeyTweakMul: function (t, r) { return ( n.isBuffer(t, o.EC_PRIVATE_KEY_TYPE_INVALID), n.isBufferLength(t, 32, o.EC_PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH_INVALID), n.isBuffer(r, o.TWEAK_TYPE_INVALID), n.isBufferLength(r, 32, o.TWEAK_LENGTH_INVALID), e.privateKeyTweakMul(t, r) ); }, publicKeyCreate: function (t, r) { return ( n.isBuffer(t, o.EC_PRIVATE_KEY_TYPE_INVALID), n.isBufferLength(t, 32, o.EC_PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH_INVALID), (r = a(r, !0)), e.publicKeyCreate(t, r) ); }, publicKeyConvert: function (t, r) { return ( n.isBuffer(t, o.EC_PUBLIC_KEY_TYPE_INVALID), n.isBufferLength2(t, 33, 65, o.EC_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH_INVALID), (r = a(r, !0)), e.publicKeyConvert(t, r) ); }, publicKeyVerify: function (t) { return n.isBuffer(t, o.EC_PUBLIC_KEY_TYPE_INVALID), e.publicKeyVerify(t); }, publicKeyTweakAdd: function (t, r, i) { return ( n.isBuffer(t, o.EC_PUBLIC_KEY_TYPE_INVALID), n.isBufferLength2(t, 33, 65, o.EC_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH_INVALID), n.isBuffer(r, o.TWEAK_TYPE_INVALID), n.isBufferLength(r, 32, o.TWEAK_LENGTH_INVALID), (i = a(i, !0)), e.publicKeyTweakAdd(t, r, i) ); }, publicKeyTweakMul: function (t, r, i) { return ( n.isBuffer(t, o.EC_PUBLIC_KEY_TYPE_INVALID), n.isBufferLength2(t, 33, 65, o.EC_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH_INVALID), n.isBuffer(r, o.TWEAK_TYPE_INVALID), n.isBufferLength(r, 32, o.TWEAK_LENGTH_INVALID), (i = a(i, !0)), e.publicKeyTweakMul(t, r, i) ); }, publicKeyCombine: function (t, r) { n.isArray(t, o.EC_PUBLIC_KEYS_TYPE_INVALID), n.isLengthGTZero(t, o.EC_PUBLIC_KEYS_LENGTH_INVALID); for (var i = 0; i < t.length; ++i) n.isBuffer(t[i], o.EC_PUBLIC_KEY_TYPE_INVALID), n.isBufferLength2(t[i], 33, 65, o.EC_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH_INVALID); return (r = a(r, !0)), e.publicKeyCombine(t, r); }, signatureNormalize: function (t) { return ( n.isBuffer(t, o.ECDSA_SIGNATURE_TYPE_INVALID), n.isBufferLength(t, 64, o.ECDSA_SIGNATURE_LENGTH_INVALID), e.signatureNormalize(t) ); }, signatureExport: function (t) { n.isBuffer(t, o.ECDSA_SIGNATURE_TYPE_INVALID), n.isBufferLength(t, 64, o.ECDSA_SIGNATURE_LENGTH_INVALID); var r = e.signatureExport(t); return i.signatureExport(r); }, signatureImport: function (t) { n.isBuffer(t, o.ECDSA_SIGNATURE_TYPE_INVALID), n.isLengthGTZero(t, o.ECDSA_SIGNATURE_LENGTH_INVALID); var r = i.signatureImport(t); if (r) return e.signatureImport(r); throw new Error(o.ECDSA_SIGNATURE_PARSE_DER_FAIL); }, signatureImportLax: function (t) { n.isBuffer(t, o.ECDSA_SIGNATURE_TYPE_INVALID), n.isLengthGTZero(t, o.ECDSA_SIGNATURE_LENGTH_INVALID); var r = i.signatureImportLax(t); if (r) return e.signatureImport(r); throw new Error(o.ECDSA_SIGNATURE_PARSE_DER_FAIL); }, sign: function (t, r, i) { n.isBuffer(t, o.MSG32_TYPE_INVALID), n.isBufferLength(t, 32, o.MSG32_LENGTH_INVALID), n.isBuffer(r, o.EC_PRIVATE_KEY_TYPE_INVALID), n.isBufferLength(r, 32, o.EC_PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH_INVALID); var a = null, s = null; return ( void 0 !== i && (n.isObject(i, o.OPTIONS_TYPE_INVALID), void 0 !== i.data && (n.isBuffer(i.data, o.OPTIONS_DATA_TYPE_INVALID), n.isBufferLength(i.data, 32, o.OPTIONS_DATA_LENGTH_INVALID), (a = i.data)), void 0 !== i.noncefn && (n.isFunction(i.noncefn, o.OPTIONS_NONCEFN_TYPE_INVALID), (s = i.noncefn))), e.sign(t, r, s, a) ); }, verify: function (t, r, i) { return ( n.isBuffer(t, o.MSG32_TYPE_INVALID), n.isBufferLength(t, 32, o.MSG32_LENGTH_INVALID), n.isBuffer(r, o.ECDSA_SIGNATURE_TYPE_INVALID), n.isBufferLength(r, 64, o.ECDSA_SIGNATURE_LENGTH_INVALID), n.isBuffer(i, o.EC_PUBLIC_KEY_TYPE_INVALID), n.isBufferLength2(i, 33, 65, o.EC_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH_INVALID), e.verify(t, r, i) ); }, recover: function (t, r, i, s) { return ( n.isBuffer(t, o.MSG32_TYPE_INVALID), n.isBufferLength(t, 32, o.MSG32_LENGTH_INVALID), n.isBuffer(r, o.ECDSA_SIGNATURE_TYPE_INVALID), n.isBufferLength(r, 64, o.ECDSA_SIGNATURE_LENGTH_INVALID), n.isNumber(i, o.RECOVERY_ID_TYPE_INVALID), n.isNumberInInterval(i, -1, 4, o.RECOVERY_ID_VALUE_INVALID), (s = a(s, !0)), e.recover(t, r, i, s) ); }, ecdh: function (t, r) { return ( n.isBuffer(t, o.EC_PUBLIC_KEY_TYPE_INVALID), n.isBufferLength2(t, 33, 65, o.EC_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH_INVALID), n.isBuffer(r, o.EC_PRIVATE_KEY_TYPE_INVALID), n.isBufferLength(r, 32, o.EC_PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH_INVALID), e.ecdh(t, r) ); }, ecdhUnsafe: function (t, r, i) { return ( n.isBuffer(t, o.EC_PUBLIC_KEY_TYPE_INVALID), n.isBufferLength2(t, 33, 65, o.EC_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH_INVALID), n.isBuffer(r, o.EC_PRIVATE_KEY_TYPE_INVALID), n.isBufferLength(r, 32, o.EC_PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH_INVALID), (i = a(i, !0)), e.ecdhUnsafe(t, r, i) ); }, }; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (e) { var r = Object.prototype.toString; (t.isArray = function (e, t) { if (!Array.isArray(e)) throw TypeError(t); }), (t.isBoolean = function (e, t) { if ('[object Boolean]' !== r.call(e)) throw TypeError(t); }), (t.isBuffer = function (t, r) { if (!e.isBuffer(t)) throw TypeError(r); }), (t.isFunction = function (e, t) { if ('[object Function]' !== r.call(e)) throw TypeError(t); }), (t.isNumber = function (e, t) { if ('[object Number]' !== r.call(e)) throw TypeError(t); }), (t.isObject = function (e, t) { if ('[object Object]' !== r.call(e)) throw TypeError(t); }), (t.isBufferLength = function (e, t, r) { if (e.length !== t) throw RangeError(r); }), (t.isBufferLength2 = function (e, t, r, n) { if (e.length !== t && e.length !== r) throw RangeError(n); }), (t.isLengthGTZero = function (e, t) { if (0 === e.length) throw RangeError(t); }), (t.isNumberInInterval = function (e, t, r, n) { if (e <= t || e >= r) throw RangeError(n); }); }.call(this, r(2).Buffer)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(4).Buffer, i = r(408), o = n.from([ 48, 129, 211, 2, 1, 1, 4, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 160, 129, 133, 48, 129, 130, 2, 1, 1, 48, 44, 6, 7, 42, 134, 72, 206, 61, 1, 1, 2, 33, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 254, 255, 255, 252, 47, 48, 6, 4, 1, 0, 4, 1, 7, 4, 33, 2, 121, 190, 102, 126, 249, 220, 187, 172, 85, 160, 98, 149, 206, 135, 11, 7, 2, 155, 252, 219, 45, 206, 40, 217, 89, 242, 129, 91, 22, 248, 23, 152, 2, 33, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 254, 186, 174, 220, 230, 175, 72, 160, 59, 191, 210, 94, 140, 208, 54, 65, 65, 2, 1, 1, 161, 36, 3, 34, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ]), a = n.from([ 48, 130, 1, 19, 2, 1, 1, 4, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 160, 129, 165, 48, 129, 162, 2, 1, 1, 48, 44, 6, 7, 42, 134, 72, 206, 61, 1, 1, 2, 33, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 254, 255, 255, 252, 47, 48, 6, 4, 1, 0, 4, 1, 7, 4, 65, 4, 121, 190, 102, 126, 249, 220, 187, 172, 85, 160, 98, 149, 206, 135, 11, 7, 2, 155, 252, 219, 45, 206, 40, 217, 89, 242, 129, 91, 22, 248, 23, 152, 72, 58, 218, 119, 38, 163, 196, 101, 93, 164, 251, 252, 14, 17, 8, 168, 253, 23, 180, 72, 166, 133, 84, 25, 156, 71, 208, 143, 251, 16, 212, 184, 2, 33, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 254, 186, 174, 220, 230, 175, 72, 160, 59, 191, 210, 94, 140, 208, 54, 65, 65, 2, 1, 1, 161, 68, 3, 66, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ]); (t.privateKeyExport = function (e, t, r) { var i = n.from(r ? o : a); return e.copy(i, r ? 8 : 9), t.copy(i, r ? 181 : 214), i; }), (t.privateKeyImport = function (e) { var t = e.length, r = 0; if (!(t < r + 1 || 48 !== e[r]) && !(t < (r += 1) + 1) && 128 & e[r]) { var n = 127 & e[r]; if (((r += 1), !(n < 1 || n > 2 || t < r + n))) { var i = e[r + n - 1] | (n > 1 ? e[r + n - 2] << 8 : 0); if ( !( t < (r += n) + i || t < r + 3 || 2 !== e[r] || 1 !== e[r + 1] || 1 !== e[r + 2] || t < (r += 3) + 2 || 4 !== e[r] || e[r + 1] > 32 || t < r + 2 + e[r + 1] ) ) return e.slice(r + 2, r + 2 + e[r + 1]); } } }), (t.signatureExport = function (e) { for ( var t = n.concat([n.from([0]), e.r]), r = 33, o = 0; r > 1 && 0 === t[o] && !(128 & t[o + 1]); --r, ++o ); for ( var a = n.concat([n.from([0]), e.s]), s = 33, u = 0; s > 1 && 0 === a[u] && !(128 & a[u + 1]); --s, ++u ); return i.encode(t.slice(o), a.slice(u)); }), (t.signatureImport = function (e) { var t = n.alloc(32, 0), r = n.alloc(32, 0); try { var o = i.decode(e); if ((33 === o.r.length && 0 === o.r[0] && (o.r = o.r.slice(1)), o.r.length > 32)) throw new Error('R length is too long'); if ((33 === o.s.length && 0 === o.s[0] && (o.s = o.s.slice(1)), o.s.length > 32)) throw new Error('S length is too long'); } catch (e) { return; } return o.r.copy(t, 32 - o.r.length), o.s.copy(r, 32 - o.s.length), { r: t, s: r }; }), (t.signatureImportLax = function (e) { var t = n.alloc(32, 0), r = n.alloc(32, 0), i = e.length, o = 0; if (48 === e[o++]) { var a = e[o++]; if (!(128 & a && (o += a - 128) > i) && 2 === e[o++]) { var s = e[o++]; if (128 & s) { if (o + (a = s - 128) > i) return; for (; a > 0 && 0 === e[o]; o += 1, a -= 1); for (s = 0; a > 0; o += 1, a -= 1) s = (s << 8) + e[o]; } if (!(s > i - o)) { var u = o; if (((o += s), 2 === e[o++])) { var f = e[o++]; if (128 & f) { if (o + (a = f - 128) > i) return; for (; a > 0 && 0 === e[o]; o += 1, a -= 1); for (f = 0; a > 0; o += 1, a -= 1) f = (f << 8) + e[o]; } if (!(f > i - o)) { var c = o; for (o += f; s > 0 && 0 === e[u]; s -= 1, u += 1); if (!(s > 32)) { var h = e.slice(u, u + s); for (h.copy(t, 32 - h.length); f > 0 && 0 === e[c]; f -= 1, c += 1); if (!(f > 32)) { var d = e.slice(c, c + f); return d.copy(r, 32 - d.length), { r: t, s: r }; } } } } } } } }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(4).Buffer; e.exports = { check: function (e) { if (e.length < 8) return !1; if (e.length > 72) return !1; if (48 !== e[0]) return !1; if (e[1] !== e.length - 2) return !1; if (2 !== e[2]) return !1; var t = e[3]; if (0 === t) return !1; if (5 + t >= e.length) return !1; if (2 !== e[4 + t]) return !1; var r = e[5 + t]; return ( 0 !== r && 6 + t + r === e.length && !(128 & e[4]) && !(t > 1 && 0 === e[4] && !(128 & e[5])) && !(128 & e[t + 6]) && !(r > 1 && 0 === e[t + 6] && !(128 & e[t + 7])) ); }, decode: function (e) { if (e.length < 8) throw new Error('DER sequence length is too short'); if (e.length > 72) throw new Error('DER sequence length is too long'); if (48 !== e[0]) throw new Error('Expected DER sequence'); if (e[1] !== e.length - 2) throw new Error('DER sequence length is invalid'); if (2 !== e[2]) throw new Error('Expected DER integer'); var t = e[3]; if (0 === t) throw new Error('R length is zero'); if (5 + t >= e.length) throw new Error('R length is too long'); if (2 !== e[4 + t]) throw new Error('Expected DER integer (2)'); var r = e[5 + t]; if (0 === r) throw new Error('S length is zero'); if (6 + t + r !== e.length) throw new Error('S length is invalid'); if (128 & e[4]) throw new Error('R value is negative'); if (t > 1 && 0 === e[4] && !(128 & e[5])) throw new Error('R value excessively padded'); if (128 & e[t + 6]) throw new Error('S value is negative'); if (r > 1 && 0 === e[t + 6] && !(128 & e[t + 7])) throw new Error('S value excessively padded'); return { r: e.slice(4, 4 + t), s: e.slice(6 + t) }; }, encode: function (e, t) { var r = e.length, i = t.length; if (0 === r) throw new Error('R length is zero'); if (0 === i) throw new Error('S length is zero'); if (r > 33) throw new Error('R length is too long'); if (i > 33) throw new Error('S length is too long'); if (128 & e[0]) throw new Error('R value is negative'); if (128 & t[0]) throw new Error('S value is negative'); if (r > 1 && 0 === e[0] && !(128 & e[1])) throw new Error('R value excessively padded'); if (i > 1 && 0 === t[0] && !(128 & t[1])) throw new Error('S value excessively padded'); var o = n.allocUnsafe(6 + r + i); return ( (o[0] = 48), (o[1] = o.length - 2), (o[2] = 2), (o[3] = e.length), e.copy(o, 4), (o[4 + r] = 2), (o[5 + r] = t.length), t.copy(o, 6 + r), o ); }, }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(4).Buffer, i = r(30), o = r(5), a = r(13).ec, s = r(162), u = new a('secp256k1'), f = u.curve; function c(e) { var t = e[0]; switch (t) { case 2: case 3: return 33 !== e.length ? null : (function (e, t) { var r = new o(t); if (r.cmp(f.p) >= 0) return null; var n = (r = r.toRed(f.red)).redSqr().redIMul(r).redIAdd(f.b).redSqrt(); return ( (3 === e) !== n.isOdd() && (n = n.redNeg()), u.keyPair({ pub: { x: r, y: n } }) ); })(t, e.slice(1, 33)); case 4: case 6: case 7: return 65 !== e.length ? null : (function (e, t, r) { var n = new o(t), i = new o(r); if (n.cmp(f.p) >= 0 || i.cmp(f.p) >= 0) return null; if ( ((n = n.toRed(f.red)), (i = i.toRed(f.red)), (6 === e || 7 === e) && i.isOdd() !== (7 === e)) ) return null; var a = n.redSqr().redIMul(n); return i.redSqr().redISub(a.redIAdd(f.b)).isZero() ? u.keyPair({ pub: { x: n, y: i } }) : null; })(t, e.slice(1, 33), e.slice(33, 65)); default: return null; } } (t.privateKeyVerify = function (e) { var t = new o(e); return t.cmp(f.n) < 0 && !t.isZero(); }), (t.privateKeyExport = function (e, t) { var r = new o(e); if (r.cmp(f.n) >= 0 || r.isZero()) throw new Error(s.EC_PRIVATE_KEY_EXPORT_DER_FAIL); return n.from(u.keyFromPrivate(e).getPublic(t, !0)); }), (t.privateKeyNegate = function (e) { var t = new o(e); return t.isZero() ? n.alloc(32) : f.n.sub(t).umod(f.n).toArrayLike(n, 'be', 32); }), (t.privateKeyModInverse = function (e) { var t = new o(e); if (t.cmp(f.n) >= 0 || t.isZero()) throw new Error(s.EC_PRIVATE_KEY_RANGE_INVALID); return t.invm(f.n).toArrayLike(n, 'be', 32); }), (t.privateKeyTweakAdd = function (e, t) { var r = new o(t); if (r.cmp(f.n) >= 0) throw new Error(s.EC_PRIVATE_KEY_TWEAK_ADD_FAIL); if ((r.iadd(new o(e)), r.cmp(f.n) >= 0 && r.isub(f.n), r.isZero())) throw new Error(s.EC_PRIVATE_KEY_TWEAK_ADD_FAIL); return r.toArrayLike(n, 'be', 32); }), (t.privateKeyTweakMul = function (e, t) { var r = new o(t); if (r.cmp(f.n) >= 0 || r.isZero()) throw new Error(s.EC_PRIVATE_KEY_TWEAK_MUL_FAIL); return r.imul(new o(e)), r.cmp(f.n) && (r = r.umod(f.n)), r.toArrayLike(n, 'be', 32); }), (t.publicKeyCreate = function (e, t) { var r = new o(e); if (r.cmp(f.n) >= 0 || r.isZero()) throw new Error(s.EC_PUBLIC_KEY_CREATE_FAIL); return n.from(u.keyFromPrivate(e).getPublic(t, !0)); }), (t.publicKeyConvert = function (e, t) { var r = c(e); if (null === r) throw new Error(s.EC_PUBLIC_KEY_PARSE_FAIL); return n.from(r.getPublic(t, !0)); }), (t.publicKeyVerify = function (e) { return null !== c(e); }), (t.publicKeyTweakAdd = function (e, t, r) { var i = c(e); if (null === i) throw new Error(s.EC_PUBLIC_KEY_PARSE_FAIL); if ((t = new o(t)).cmp(f.n) >= 0) throw new Error(s.EC_PUBLIC_KEY_TWEAK_ADD_FAIL); var a = f.g.mul(t).add(i.pub); if (a.isInfinity()) throw new Error(s.EC_PUBLIC_KEY_TWEAK_ADD_FAIL); return n.from(a.encode(!0, r)); }), (t.publicKeyTweakMul = function (e, t, r) { var i = c(e); if (null === i) throw new Error(s.EC_PUBLIC_KEY_PARSE_FAIL); if ((t = new o(t)).cmp(f.n) >= 0 || t.isZero()) throw new Error(s.EC_PUBLIC_KEY_TWEAK_MUL_FAIL); return n.from(i.pub.mul(t).encode(!0, r)); }), (t.publicKeyCombine = function (e, t) { for (var r = new Array(e.length), i = 0; i < e.length; ++i) if (((r[i] = c(e[i])), null === r[i])) throw new Error(s.EC_PUBLIC_KEY_PARSE_FAIL); for (var o = r[0].pub, a = 1; a < r.length; ++a) o = o.add(r[a].pub); if (o.isInfinity()) throw new Error(s.EC_PUBLIC_KEY_COMBINE_FAIL); return n.from(o.encode(!0, t)); }), (t.signatureNormalize = function (e) { var t = new o(e.slice(0, 32)), r = new o(e.slice(32, 64)); if (t.cmp(f.n) >= 0 || r.cmp(f.n) >= 0) throw new Error(s.ECDSA_SIGNATURE_PARSE_FAIL); var i = n.from(e); return 1 === r.cmp(u.nh) && f.n.sub(r).toArrayLike(n, 'be', 32).copy(i, 32), i; }), (t.signatureExport = function (e) { var t = e.slice(0, 32), r = e.slice(32, 64); if (new o(t).cmp(f.n) >= 0 || new o(r).cmp(f.n) >= 0) throw new Error(s.ECDSA_SIGNATURE_PARSE_FAIL); return { r: t, s: r }; }), (t.signatureImport = function (e) { var t = new o(e.r); t.cmp(f.n) >= 0 && (t = new o(0)); var r = new o(e.s); return ( r.cmp(f.n) >= 0 && (r = new o(0)), n.concat([t.toArrayLike(n, 'be', 32), r.toArrayLike(n, 'be', 32)]) ); }), (t.sign = function (e, t, r, i) { if ('function' == typeof r) { var a = r; r = function (r) { var u = a(e, t, null, i, r); if (!n.isBuffer(u) || 32 !== u.length) throw new Error(s.ECDSA_SIGN_FAIL); return new o(u); }; } var c = new o(t); if (c.cmp(f.n) >= 0 || c.isZero()) throw new Error(s.ECDSA_SIGN_FAIL); var h = u.sign(e, t, { canonical: !0, k: r, pers: i }); return { signature: n.concat([h.r.toArrayLike(n, 'be', 32), h.s.toArrayLike(n, 'be', 32)]), recovery: h.recoveryParam, }; }), (t.verify = function (e, t, r) { var n = { r: t.slice(0, 32), s: t.slice(32, 64) }, i = new o(n.r), a = new o(n.s); if (i.cmp(f.n) >= 0 || a.cmp(f.n) >= 0) throw new Error(s.ECDSA_SIGNATURE_PARSE_FAIL); if (1 === a.cmp(u.nh) || i.isZero() || a.isZero()) return !1; var h = c(r); if (null === h) throw new Error(s.EC_PUBLIC_KEY_PARSE_FAIL); return u.verify(e, n, { x: h.pub.x, y: h.pub.y }); }), (t.recover = function (e, t, r, i) { var a = { r: t.slice(0, 32), s: t.slice(32, 64) }, c = new o(a.r), h = new o(a.s); if (c.cmp(f.n) >= 0 || h.cmp(f.n) >= 0) throw new Error(s.ECDSA_SIGNATURE_PARSE_FAIL); try { if (c.isZero() || h.isZero()) throw new Error(); var d = u.recoverPubKey(e, a, r); return n.from(d.encode(!0, i)); } catch (e) { throw new Error(s.ECDSA_RECOVER_FAIL); } }), (t.ecdh = function (e, r) { var n = t.ecdhUnsafe(e, r, !0); return i('sha256').update(n).digest(); }), (t.ecdhUnsafe = function (e, t, r) { var i = c(e); if (null === i) throw new Error(s.EC_PUBLIC_KEY_PARSE_FAIL); var a = new o(t); if (a.cmp(f.n) >= 0 || a.isZero()) throw new Error(s.ECDH_FAIL); return n.from(i.pub.mul(a).encode(!0, r)); }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (t) { var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = r(85); /*! * The buffer module from node.js, for the browser. * * @author Feross Aboukhadijeh * @license MIT */ function o(e, t) { if (e === t) return 0; for (var r = e.length, n = t.length, i = 0, o = Math.min(r, n); i < o; ++i) if (e[i] !== t[i]) { (r = e[i]), (n = t[i]); break; } return r < n ? -1 : n < r ? 1 : 0; } function a(e) { return t.Buffer && 'function' == typeof t.Buffer.isBuffer ? t.Buffer.isBuffer(e) : !(null == e || !e._isBuffer); } var s = r(88), u = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, f = Array.prototype.slice, c = 'foo' === function () {}.name; function h(e) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(e); } function d(e) { return ( !a(e) && 'function' == typeof t.ArrayBuffer && ('function' == typeof ArrayBuffer.isView ? ArrayBuffer.isView(e) : !!e && (e instanceof DataView || !!(e.buffer && e.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer))) ); } var l = (e.exports = g), p = /\s*function\s+([^\(\s]*)\s*/; function b(e) { if (s.isFunction(e)) { if (c) return e.name; var t = e.toString().match(p); return t && t[1]; } } function m(e, t) { return 'string' == typeof e ? (e.length < t ? e : e.slice(0, t)) : e; } function y(e) { if (c || !s.isFunction(e)) return s.inspect(e); var t = b(e); return '[Function' + (t ? ': ' + t : '') + ']'; } function v(e, t, r, n, i) { throw new l.AssertionError({ message: r, actual: e, expected: t, operator: n, stackStartFunction: i, }); } function g(e, t) { e || v(e, !0, t, '==', l.ok); } function w(e, t, r, i) { if (e === t) return !0; if (a(e) && a(t)) return 0 === o(e, t); if (s.isDate(e) && s.isDate(t)) return e.getTime() === t.getTime(); if (s.isRegExp(e) && s.isRegExp(t)) return ( e.source === t.source && e.global === t.global && e.multiline === t.multiline && e.lastIndex === t.lastIndex && e.ignoreCase === t.ignoreCase ); if ( (null !== e && 'object' === (0, n.default)(e)) || (null !== t && 'object' === (0, n.default)(t)) ) { if ( d(e) && d(t) && h(e) === h(t) && !(e instanceof Float32Array || e instanceof Float64Array) ) return 0 === o(new Uint8Array(e.buffer), new Uint8Array(t.buffer)); if (a(e) !== a(t)) return !1; var u = (i = i || { actual: [], expected: [] }).actual.indexOf(e); return ( (-1 !== u && u === i.expected.indexOf(t)) || (i.actual.push(e), i.expected.push(t), (function (e, t, r, n) { if (null == e || null == t) return !1; if (s.isPrimitive(e) || s.isPrimitive(t)) return e === t; if (r && Object.getPrototypeOf(e) !== Object.getPrototypeOf(t)) return !1; var i = _(e), o = _(t); if ((i && !o) || (!i && o)) return !1; if (i) return (e = f.call(e)), (t = f.call(t)), w(e, t, r); var a, u, c = S(e), h = S(t); if (c.length !== h.length) return !1; for (c.sort(), h.sort(), u = c.length - 1; u >= 0; u--) if (c[u] !== h[u]) return !1; for (u = c.length - 1; u >= 0; u--) if (((a = c[u]), !w(e[a], t[a], r, n))) return !1; return !0; })(e, t, r, i)) ); } return r ? e === t : e == t; } function _(e) { return '[object Arguments]' == Object.prototype.toString.call(e); } function k(e, t) { if (!e || !t) return !1; if ('[object RegExp]' == Object.prototype.toString.call(t)) return t.test(e); try { if (e instanceof t) return !0; } catch (e) {} return !Error.isPrototypeOf(t) && !0 === t.call({}, e); } function A(e, t, r, n) { var i; if ('function' != typeof t) throw new TypeError('"block" argument must be a function'); 'string' == typeof r && ((n = r), (r = null)), (i = (function (e) { var t; try { e(); } catch (e) { t = e; } return t; })(t)), (n = (r && r.name ? ' (' + r.name + ').' : '.') + (n ? ' ' + n : '.')), e && !i && v(i, r, 'Missing expected exception' + n); var o = 'string' == typeof n, a = !e && i && !r; if ( (((!e && s.isError(i) && o && k(i, r)) || a) && v(i, r, 'Got unwanted exception' + n), (e && i && r && !k(i, r)) || (!e && i)) ) throw i; } (l.AssertionError = function (e) { (this.name = 'AssertionError'), (this.actual = e.actual), (this.expected = e.expected), (this.operator = e.operator), e.message ? ((this.message = e.message), (this.generatedMessage = !1)) : ((this.message = (function (e) { return m(y(e.actual), 128) + ' ' + e.operator + ' ' + m(y(e.expected), 128); })(this)), (this.generatedMessage = !0)); var t = e.stackStartFunction || v; if (Error.captureStackTrace) Error.captureStackTrace(this, t); else { var r = new Error(); if (r.stack) { var n = r.stack, i = b(t), o = n.indexOf('\n' + i); if (o >= 0) { var a = n.indexOf('\n', o + 1); n = n.substring(a + 1); } this.stack = n; } } }), s.inherits(l.AssertionError, Error), (l.fail = v), (l.ok = g), (l.equal = function (e, t, r) { e != t && v(e, t, r, '==', l.equal); }), (l.notEqual = function (e, t, r) { e == t && v(e, t, r, '!=', l.notEqual); }), (l.deepEqual = function (e, t, r) { w(e, t, !1) || v(e, t, r, 'deepEqual', l.deepEqual); }), (l.deepStrictEqual = function (e, t, r) { w(e, t, !0) || v(e, t, r, 'deepStrictEqual', l.deepStrictEqual); }), (l.notDeepEqual = function (e, t, r) { w(e, t, !1) && v(e, t, r, 'notDeepEqual', l.notDeepEqual); }), (l.notDeepStrictEqual = function e(t, r, n) { w(t, r, !0) && v(t, r, n, 'notDeepStrictEqual', e); }), (l.strictEqual = function (e, t, r) { e !== t && v(e, t, r, '===', l.strictEqual); }), (l.notStrictEqual = function (e, t, r) { e === t && v(e, t, r, '!==', l.notStrictEqual); }), (l.throws = function (e, t, r) { A(!0, e, t, r); }), (l.doesNotThrow = function (e, t, r) { A(!1, e, t, r); }), (l.ifError = function (e) { if (e) throw e; }), (l.strict = i( function e(t, r) { t || v(t, !0, r, '==', e); }, l, { equal: l.strictEqual, deepEqual: l.deepStrictEqual, notEqual: l.notStrictEqual, notDeepEqual: l.notDeepStrictEqual, } )), (l.strict.strict = l.strict); var S = Object.keys || function (e) { var t = []; for (var r in e) u.call(e, r) && t.push(r); return t; }; }.call(this, r(8))); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (t) { var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = r(91), o = r(60); function a(e) { var t = e; if ('string' != typeof t) throw new Error( '[ethjs-util] while padding to even, value must be string, is currently ' + (0, n.default)(t) + ', while padToEven.' ); return t.length % 2 && (t = '0' + t), t; } function s(e) { return '0x' + e.toString(16); } e.exports = { arrayContainsArray: function (e, t, r) { if (!0 !== Array.isArray(e)) throw new Error( "[ethjs-util] method arrayContainsArray requires input 'superset' to be an array got type '" + (0, n.default)(e) + "'" ); if (!0 !== Array.isArray(t)) throw new Error( "[ethjs-util] method arrayContainsArray requires input 'subset' to be an array got type '" + (0, n.default)(t) + "'" ); return t[Boolean(r) ? 'some' : 'every'](function (t) { return e.indexOf(t) >= 0; }); }, intToBuffer: function (e) { var r = s(e); return new t(a(r.slice(2)), 'hex'); }, getBinarySize: function (e) { if ('string' != typeof e) throw new Error( "[ethjs-util] while getting binary size, method getBinarySize requires input 'str' to be type String, got '" + (0, n.default)(e) + "'." ); return t.byteLength(e, 'utf8'); }, isHexPrefixed: i, stripHexPrefix: o, padToEven: a, intToHex: s, fromAscii: function (e) { for (var t = '', r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { var n = e.charCodeAt(r).toString(16); t += n.length < 2 ? '0' + n : n; } return '0x' + t; }, fromUtf8: function (e) { return '0x' + a(new t(e, 'utf8').toString('hex')).replace(/^0+|0+$/g, ''); }, toAscii: function (e) { var t = '', r = 0, n = e.length; for ('0x' === e.substring(0, 2) && (r = 2); r < n; r += 2) { var i = parseInt(e.substr(r, 2), 16); t += String.fromCharCode(i); } return t; }, toUtf8: function (e) { return new t(a(o(e).replace(/^0+|0+$/g, '')), 'hex').toString('utf8'); }, getKeys: function (e, t, r) { if (!Array.isArray(e)) throw new Error( "[ethjs-util] method getKeys expecting type Array as 'params' input, got '" + (0, n.default)(e) + "'" ); if ('string' != typeof t) throw new Error( "[ethjs-util] method getKeys expecting type String for input 'key' got '" + (0, n.default)(t) + "'." ); for (var i = [], o = 0; o < e.length; o++) { var a = e[o][t]; if (r && !a) a = ''; else if ('string' != typeof a) throw new Error('invalid abi'); i.push(a); } return i; }, isHexString: function (e, t) { return ( !('string' != typeof e || !e.match(/^0x[0-9A-Fa-f]*$/)) && (!t || e.length === 2 + 2 * t) ); }, }; }.call(this, r(2).Buffer)); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.chains = { names: { 1: 'mainnet', 3: 'ropsten', 4: 'rinkeby', 42: 'kovan', 6284: 'goerli' }, mainnet: r(413), ropsten: r(414), rinkeby: r(415), kovan: r(416), goerli: r(417), }); }, function (e) { e.exports = JSON.parse( '{"name":"mainnet","chainId":1,"networkId":1,"comment":"The Ethereum main chain","url":"https://ethstats.net/","genesis":{"hash":"0xd4e56740f876aef8c010b86a40d5f56745a118d0906a34e69aec8c0db1cb8fa3","timestamp":null,"gasLimit":5000,"difficulty":17179869184,"nonce":"0x0000000000000042","extraData":"0x11bbe8db4e347b4e8c937c1c8370e4b5ed33adb3db69cbdb7a38e1e50b1b82fa","stateRoot":"0xd7f8974fb5ac78d9ac099b9ad5018bedc2ce0a72dad1827a1709da30580f0544"},"hardforks":[{"name":"chainstart","block":0,"consensus":"pow","finality":null},{"name":"homestead","block":1150000,"consensus":"pow","finality":null},{"name":"dao","block":1920000,"consensus":"pow","finality":null},{"name":"tangerineWhistle","block":2463000,"consensus":"pow","finality":null},{"name":"spuriousDragon","block":2675000,"consensus":"pow","finality":null},{"name":"byzantium","block":4370000,"consensus":"pow","finality":null},{"name":"constantinople","block":7280000,"consensus":"pow","finality":null},{"name":"petersburg","block":7280000,"consensus":"pow","finality":null},{"name":"istanbul","block":null,"consensus":"pow","finality":null}],"bootstrapNodes":[{"ip":"","port":30303,"id":"3f1d12044546b76342d59d4a05532c14b85aa669704bfe1f864fe079415aa2c02d743e03218e57a33fb94523adb54032871a6c51b2cc5514cb7c7e35b3ed0a99","location":"US-WEST","comment":"Go Bootnode"},{"ip":"","port":30303,"id":"78de8a0916848093c73790ead81d1928bec737d565119932b98c6b100d944b7a95e94f847f689fc723399d2e31129d182f7ef3863f2b4c820abbf3ab2722344d","location":"BR","comment":"Go Bootnode"},{"ip":"","port":30303,"id":"158f8aab45f6d19c6cbf4a089c2670541a8da11978a2f90dbf6a502a4a3bab80d288afdbeb7ec0ef6d92de563767f3b1ea9e8e334ca711e9f8e2df5a0385e8e6","location":"AU","comment":"Go Bootnode"},{"ip":"","port":30303,"id":"1118980bf48b0a3640bdba04e0fe78b1add18e1cd99bf22d53daac1fd9972ad650df52176e7c7d89d1114cfef2bc23a2959aa54998a46afcf7d91809f0855082","location":"SG","comment":"Go Bootnode"}]}' ); 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}, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (t.hardforks = [ ['chainstart', r(419)], ['homestead', r(420)], ['dao', r(421)], ['tangerineWhistle', r(422)], ['spuriousDragon', r(423)], ['byzantium', r(424)], ['constantinople', r(425)], ['petersburg', r(426)], ['istanbul', r(427)], ]); }, function (e) { e.exports = JSON.parse( '{"name":"chainstart","comment":"Start of the Ethereum main chain","eip":{"url":"","status":""},"status":"","gasConfig":{"minGasLimit":{"v":5000,"d":"Minimum the gas limit may ever be"},"gasLimitBoundDivisor":{"v":1024,"d":"The bound divisor of the gas limit, used in update calculations"}},"gasPrices":{"base":{"v":2,"d":"Gas base cost, used e.g. for ChainID opcode (Istanbul)"},"tierStep":{"v":[0,2,3,5,8,10,20],"d":"Once per operation, for a selection of them"},"exp":{"v":10,"d":"Once per EXP instuction"},"expByte":{"v":10,"d":"Times ceil(log256(exponent)) for the EXP instruction"},"sha3":{"v":30,"d":"Once per SHA3 operation"},"sha3Word":{"v":6,"d":"Once per word of the SHA3 operation\'s data"},"sload":{"v":50,"d":"Once per SLOAD operation"},"sstoreSet":{"v":20000,"d":"Once per SSTORE operation if the zeroness changes from zero"},"sstoreReset":{"v":5000,"d":"Once per SSTORE operation if the zeroness does not change from zero"},"sstoreRefund":{"v":15000,"d":"Once per SSTORE operation if the zeroness changes to zero"},"jumpdest":{"v":1,"d":"Refunded gas, once per SSTORE operation if the zeroness changes to zero"},"log":{"v":375,"d":"Per LOG* operation"},"logData":{"v":8,"d":"Per byte in a LOG* operation\'s data"},"logTopic":{"v":375,"d":"Multiplied by the * of the LOG*, per LOG transaction. e.g. LOG0 incurs 0 * c_txLogTopicGas, LOG4 incurs 4 * c_txLogTopicGas"},"create":{"v":32000,"d":"Once per CREATE operation & contract-creation transaction"},"call":{"v":40,"d":"Once per CALL operation & message call transaction"},"callStipend":{"v":2300,"d":"Free gas given at beginning of call"},"callValueTransfer":{"v":9000,"d":"Paid for CALL when the value transfor is non-zero"},"callNewAccount":{"v":25000,"d":"Paid for CALL when the destination address didn\'t exist prior"},"selfdestructRefund":{"v":24000,"d":"Refunded following a selfdestruct operation"},"memory":{"v":3,"d":"Times the address of the (highest referenced byte in memory + 1). NOTE: referencing happens on read, write and in instructions such as RETURN and CALL"},"quadCoeffDiv":{"v":512,"d":"Divisor for the quadratic particle of the memory cost equation"},"createData":{"v":200,"d":""},"tx":{"v":21000,"d":"Per transaction. NOTE: Not payable on data of calls between transactions"},"txCreation":{"v":32000,"d":"The cost of creating a contract via tx"},"txDataZero":{"v":4,"d":"Per byte of data attached to a transaction that equals zero. NOTE: Not payable on data of calls between transactions"},"txDataNonZero":{"v":68,"d":"Per byte of data attached to a transaction that is not equal to zero. NOTE: Not payable on data of calls between transactions"},"copy":{"v":3,"d":"Multiplied by the number of 32-byte words that are copied (round up) for any *COPY operation and added"},"ecRecover":{"v":3000,"d":""},"sha256":{"v":60,"d":""},"sha256Word":{"v":12,"d":""},"ripemd160":{"v":600,"d":""},"ripemd160Word":{"v":120,"d":""},"identity":{"v":15,"d":""},"identityWord":{"v":3,"d":""}},"vm":{"stackLimit":{"v":1024,"d":"Maximum size of VM stack allowed"},"callCreateDepth":{"v":1024,"d":"Maximum depth of call/create stack"},"maxExtraDataSize":{"v":32,"d":"Maximum size extra data may be after Genesis"}},"pow":{"minimumDifficulty":{"v":131072,"d":"The minimum that the difficulty may ever be"},"difficultyBoundDivisor":{"v":2048,"d":"The bound divisor of the difficulty, used in the update calculations"},"durationLimit":{"v":13,"d":"The decision boundary on the blocktime duration used to determine whether difficulty should go up or not"},"epochDuration":{"v":30000,"d":"Duration between proof-of-work epochs"},"timebombPeriod":{"v":100000,"d":"Exponential difficulty timebomb period"},"minerReward":{"v":"5000000000000000000","d":"the amount a miner get rewarded for mining a block"}},"casper":{},"sharding":{}}' ); }, function (e) { e.exports = JSON.parse( '{"name":"homestead","comment":"Homestead hardfork with protocol and network changes","eip":{"url":"https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-606","status":"Final"},"gasConfig":{},"gasPrices":{},"vm":{},"pow":{},"casper":{},"sharding":{}}' ); }, function (e) { e.exports = JSON.parse( '{"name":"dao","comment":"DAO rescue hardfork","eip":{"url":"https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-779","status":"Final"},"gasConfig":{},"gasPrices":{},"vm":{},"pow":{},"casper":{},"sharding":{}}' ); }, function (e) { e.exports = JSON.parse( '{"name":"tangerineWhistle","comment":"Hardfork with gas cost changes for IO-heavy operations","eip":{"url":"https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-608","status":"Final"},"gasConfig":{},"gasPrices":{"sload":{"v":200,"d":"Once per SLOAD operation"},"call":{"v":700,"d":"Once per CALL operation & message call transaction"}},"vm":{},"pow":{},"casper":{},"sharding":{}}' ); }, function (e) { e.exports = JSON.parse( '{"name":"spuriousDragon","comment":"HF with EIPs for simple replay attack protection, EXP cost increase, state trie clearing, contract code size limit","eip":{"url":"https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-607","status":"Final"},"gasConfig":{},"gasPrices":{"expByte":{"v":50,"d":"Times ceil(log256(exponent)) for the EXP instruction"}},"vm":{"maxCodeSize":{"v":24576,"d":"Maximum length of contract code"}},"pow":{},"casper":{},"sharding":{}}' ); }, function (e) { e.exports = JSON.parse( '{"name":"byzantium","comment":"Hardfork with new precompiles, instructions and other protocol changes","eip":{"url":"https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-609","status":"Final"},"gasConfig":{},"gasPrices":{"modexpGquaddivisor":{"v":20,"d":"Gquaddivisor from modexp precompile for gas calculation"},"ecAdd":{"v":500,"d":"Gas costs for curve addition precompile"},"ecMul":{"v":40000,"d":"Gas costs for curve multiplication precompile"},"ecPairing":{"v":100000,"d":"Base gas costs for curve pairing precompile"},"ecPairingWord":{"v":80000,"d":"Gas costs regarding curve pairing precompile input length"}},"vm":{},"pow":{"minerReward":{"v":"3000000000000000000","d":"the amount a miner get rewarded for mining a block"}},"casper":{},"sharding":{}}' ); }, function (e) { e.exports = JSON.parse( '{"name":"constantinople","comment":"Postponed hardfork including EIP-1283 (SSTORE gas metering changes)","eip":{"url":"https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-1013","status":"Final"},"gasConfig":{},"gasPrices":{"netSstoreNoopGas":{"v":200,"d":"Once per SSTORE operation if the value doesn\'t change"},"netSstoreInitGas":{"v":20000,"d":"Once per SSTORE operation from clean zero"},"netSstoreCleanGas":{"v":5000,"d":"Once per SSTORE operation from clean non-zero"},"netSstoreDirtyGas":{"v":200,"d":"Once per SSTORE operation from dirty"},"netSstoreClearRefund":{"v":15000,"d":"Once per SSTORE operation for clearing an originally existing storage slot"},"netSstoreResetRefund":{"v":4800,"d":"Once per SSTORE operation for resetting to the original non-zero value"},"netSstoreResetClearRefund":{"v":19800,"d":"Once per SSTORE operation for resetting to the original zero value"}},"vm":{},"pow":{"minerReward":{"v":"2000000000000000000","d":"The amount a miner gets rewarded for mining a block"}},"casper":{},"sharding":{}}' ); }, function (e) { e.exports = JSON.parse( '{"name":"petersburg","comment":"Aka constantinopleFix, removes EIP-1283, activate together with or after constantinople","eip":{"url":"https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/pull/1716","status":"Draft"},"gasConfig":{},"gasPrices":{"netSstoreNoopGas":{"v":null,"d":"Removed along EIP-1283"},"netSstoreInitGas":{"v":null,"d":"Removed along EIP-1283"},"netSstoreCleanGas":{"v":null,"d":"Removed along EIP-1283"},"netSstoreDirtyGas":{"v":null,"d":"Removed along EIP-1283"},"netSstoreClearRefund":{"v":null,"d":"Removed along EIP-1283"},"netSstoreResetRefund":{"v":null,"d":"Removed along EIP-1283"},"netSstoreResetClearRefund":{"v":null,"d":"Removed along EIP-1283"}},"vm":{},"pow":{},"casper":{},"sharding":{}}' ); }, function (e) { e.exports = JSON.parse( '{"name":"istanbul","comment":"HF targeted for October 2019 following the Constantinople/Petersburg HF","eip":{"url":"https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-1679","status":"Draft"},"gasConfig":{},"gasPrices":{"blake2Round":{"v":1,"d":"Gas cost per round for the Blake2 F precompile"},"ecAdd":{"v":150,"d":"Gas costs for curve addition precompile"},"ecMul":{"v":6000,"d":"Gas costs for curve multiplication precompile"},"ecPairing":{"v":45000,"d":"Base gas costs for curve pairing precompile"},"ecPairingWord":{"v":34000,"d":"Gas costs regarding curve pairing precompile input length"},"txDataNonZero":{"v":16,"d":"Per byte of data attached to a transaction that is not equal to zero. NOTE: Not payable on data of calls between transactions"},"sstoreSentryGasEIP2200":{"v":2300,"d":"Minimum gas required to be present for an SSTORE call, not consumed"},"sstoreNoopGasEIP2200":{"v":800,"d":"Once per SSTORE operation if the value doesn\'t change"},"sstoreDirtyGasEIP2200":{"v":800,"d":"Once per SSTORE operation if a dirty value is changed"},"sstoreInitGasEIP2200":{"v":20000,"d":"Once per SSTORE operation from clean zero to non-zero"},"sstoreInitRefundEIP2200":{"v":19200,"d":"Once per SSTORE operation for resetting to the original zero value"},"sstoreCleanGasEIP2200":{"v":5000,"d":"Once per SSTORE operation from clean non-zero to something else"},"sstoreCleanRefundEIP2200":{"v":4200,"d":"Once per SSTORE operation for resetting to the original non-zero value"},"sstoreClearRefundEIP2200":{"v":15000,"d":"Once per SSTORE operation for clearing an originally existing storage slot"}},"vm":{},"pow":{},"casper":{},"sharding":{}}' ); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n, i = ((n = function (e, t) { return (n = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (e, t) { e.__proto__ = t; }) || function (e, t) { for (var r in t) t.hasOwnProperty(r) && (e[r] = t[r]); })(e, t); }), function (e, t) { function r() { this.constructor = e; } n(e, t), (e.prototype = null === t ? Object.create(t) : ((r.prototype = t.prototype), new r())); }); Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); var o = r(161), a = r(2), s = (function (e) { function t(t, r) { void 0 === t && (t = {}), void 0 === r && (r = {}); var n = e.call(this, t, r) || this; Object.defineProperty(n, 'from', { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, get: function () { return n.getSenderAddress(); }, set: function (e) { e && (n._from = o.toBuffer(e)); }, }); var i = t; return i.from && (n.from = o.toBuffer(i.from)), n; } return ( i(t, e), (t.prototype.hash = function (t) { if ( (void 0 === t && (t = !0), t && this._from && '' !== this._from.toString('hex')) ) { var r = a.Buffer.concat([this._from, this._from.slice(0, 12)]); this.sign(r); } return e.prototype.hash.call(this, t); }), t ); })(r(160).default); t.default = s; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(10); e.exports = function (e) { var t, r = this; return this.net .getId() .then(function (e) { return (t = e), r.getBlock(0); }) .then(function (r) { var i = 'private'; return ( '0xd4e56740f876aef8c010b86a40d5f56745a118d0906a34e69aec8c0db1cb8fa3' === r.hash && 1 === t && (i = 'main'), '0cd786a2425d16f152c658316c423e6ce1181e15c3295826d7c9904cba9ce303' === r.hash && 2 === t && (i = 'morden'), '0x41941023680923e0fe4d74a34bdac8141f2540e3ae90623718e47d66d1ca4a2d' === r.hash && 3 === t && (i = 'ropsten'), '0x6341fd3daf94b748c72ced5a5b26028f2474f5f00d824504e4fa37a75767e177' === r.hash && 4 === t && (i = 'rinkeby'), '0xbf7e331f7f7c1dd2e05159666b3bf8bc7a8a3a9eb1d518969eab529dd9b88c1a' === r.hash && 5 === t && (i = 'goerli'), '0xa3c565fc15c7478862d50ccd6561e3c06b24cc509bf388941c25ea985ce32cb9' === r.hash && 42 === t && (i = 'kovan'), n.isFunction(e) && e(null, i), i ); }) .catch(function (t) { if (!n.isFunction(e)) throw t; e(t); }); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(25), i = r(49).subscriptions, o = r(28), a = r(53), s = function () { var e = this; n.packageInit(this, arguments); var t = this.setRequestManager; this.setRequestManager = function (r) { return t(r), e.net.setRequestManager(r), !0; }; var r = this.setProvider; (this.setProvider = function () { r.apply(e, arguments), e.setRequestManager(e._requestManager); }), (this.net = new a(this)), [ new i({ name: 'subscribe', type: 'shh', subscriptions: { messages: { params: 1 } } }), new o({ name: 'getVersion', call: 'shh_version', params: 0 }), new o({ name: 'getInfo', call: 'shh_info', params: 0 }), new o({ name: 'setMaxMessageSize', call: 'shh_setMaxMessageSize', params: 1 }), new o({ name: 'setMinPoW', call: 'shh_setMinPoW', params: 1 }), new o({ name: 'markTrustedPeer', call: 'shh_markTrustedPeer', params: 1 }), new o({ name: 'newKeyPair', call: 'shh_newKeyPair', params: 0 }), new o({ name: 'addPrivateKey', call: 'shh_addPrivateKey', params: 1 }), new o({ name: 'deleteKeyPair', call: 'shh_deleteKeyPair', params: 1 }), new o({ name: 'hasKeyPair', call: 'shh_hasKeyPair', params: 1 }), new o({ name: 'getPublicKey', call: 'shh_getPublicKey', params: 1 }), new o({ name: 'getPrivateKey', call: 'shh_getPrivateKey', params: 1 }), new o({ name: 'newSymKey', call: 'shh_newSymKey', params: 0 }), new o({ name: 'addSymKey', call: 'shh_addSymKey', params: 1 }), new o({ name: 'generateSymKeyFromPassword', call: 'shh_generateSymKeyFromPassword', params: 1, }), new o({ name: 'hasSymKey', call: 'shh_hasSymKey', params: 1 }), new o({ name: 'getSymKey', call: 'shh_getSymKey', params: 1 }), new o({ name: 'deleteSymKey', call: 'shh_deleteSymKey', params: 1 }), new o({ name: 'newMessageFilter', call: 'shh_newMessageFilter', params: 1 }), new o({ name: 'getFilterMessages', call: 'shh_getFilterMessages', params: 1 }), new o({ name: 'deleteMessageFilter', call: 'shh_deleteMessageFilter', params: 1 }), new o({ name: 'post', call: 'shh_post', params: 1, inputFormatter: [null] }), new o({ name: 'unsubscribe', call: 'shh_unsubscribe', params: 1 }), ].forEach(function (t) { t.attachToObject(e), t.setRequestManager(e._requestManager); }); }; (s.prototype.clearSubscriptions = function () { this._requestManager.clearSubscriptions(); }), n.addProviders(s), (e.exports = s); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(10), i = r(432), o = function e(t) { (this.givenProvider = e.givenProvider), t && t._requestManager && (t = t.currentProvider), 'undefined' != typeof document && (this.pick = i.pick), this.setProvider(t); }; (o.givenProvider = null), 'undefined' != typeof ethereum && ethereum.bzz && (o.givenProvider = ethereum.bzz), (o.prototype.setProvider = function (e) { if ((n.isObject(e) && n.isString(e.bzz) && (e = e.bzz), !n.isString(e))) { this.currentProvider = null; var t = new Error('No provider set, please set one using bzz.setProvider().'); return ( (this.download = this.upload = this.isAvailable = function () { throw t; }), !1 ); } return ( (this.currentProvider = e), (this.download = i.at(e).download), (this.upload = i.at(e).upload), (this.isAvailable = i.at(e).isAvailable), !0 ); }), (e.exports = o); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = function () { throw "This swarm.js function isn't available on the browser."; }, i = { readFile: n }, o = { download: n, safeDownloadArchived: n, directoryTree: n }, a = { platform: n, arch: n }, s = { join: n, slice: n }, u = { spawn: n }, f = { lookup: n }, c = r(433), h = r(170), d = r(460), l = r(462), p = r(463); e.exports = p({ fs: i, files: o, os: a, path: s, child_process: u, defaultArchives: {}, mimetype: f, request: c, downloadUrl: null, bytes: h, hash: d, pick: l, }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(434), i = r(437), o = r(85), a = r(438), s = r(439), u = function () {}; e.exports = function (e, t, r) { if (!e || 'string' != typeof e) throw new TypeError('must specify a URL'); 'function' == typeof t && ((r = t), (t = {})); if (r && 'function' != typeof r) throw new TypeError('expected cb to be undefined or a function'); r = r || u; var f = (t = t || {}).json ? 'json' : 'text', c = (t = o({ responseType: f }, t)).headers || {}, h = (t.method || 'GET').toUpperCase(), d = t.query; d && ('string' != typeof d && (d = n.stringify(d)), (e = i(e, d))); 'json' === t.responseType && a(c, 'Accept', 'application/json'); t.json && 'GET' !== h && 'HEAD' !== h && (a(c, 'Content-Type', 'application/json'), (t.body = JSON.stringify(t.body))); return (t.method = h), (t.url = e), (t.headers = c), delete t.query, delete t.json, s(t, r); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = r(435), o = r(85), a = r(436); function s(e, t) { return t.encode ? (t.strict ? i(e) : encodeURIComponent(e)) : e; } function u(e) { var t = e.indexOf('?'); return -1 === t ? '' : e.slice(t + 1); } function f(e, t) { var r = (function (e) { var t; switch (e.arrayFormat) { case 'index': return function (e, r, n) { (t = /\[(\d*)\]$/.exec(e)), (e = e.replace(/\[\d*\]$/, '')), t ? (void 0 === n[e] && (n[e] = {}), (n[e][t[1]] = r)) : (n[e] = r); }; case 'bracket': return function (e, r, n) { (t = /(\[\])$/.exec(e)), (e = e.replace(/\[\]$/, '')), t ? (void 0 !== n[e] ? (n[e] = [].concat(n[e], r)) : (n[e] = [r])) : (n[e] = r); }; default: return function (e, t, r) { void 0 !== r[e] ? (r[e] = [].concat(r[e], t)) : (r[e] = t); }; } })((t = o({ arrayFormat: 'none' }, t))), i = Object.create(null); return 'string' != typeof e ? i : (e = e.trim().replace(/^[?#&]/, '')) ? (e.split('&').forEach(function (e) { var t = e.replace(/\+/g, ' ').split('='), n = t.shift(), o = t.length > 0 ? t.join('=') : void 0; (o = void 0 === o ? null : a(o)), r(a(n), o, i); }), Object.keys(i) .sort() .reduce(function (e, t) { var r = i[t]; return ( Boolean(r) && 'object' === (0, n.default)(r) && !Array.isArray(r) ? (e[t] = (function e(t) { return Array.isArray(t) ? t.sort() : 'object' === (0, n.default)(t) ? e(Object.keys(t)) .sort(function (e, t) { return Number(e) - Number(t); }) .map(function (e) { return t[e]; }) : t; })(r)) : (e[t] = r), e ); }, Object.create(null))) : i; } (t.extract = u), (t.parse = f), (t.stringify = function (e, t) { !1 === (t = o({ encode: !0, strict: !0, arrayFormat: 'none' }, t)).sort && (t.sort = function () {}); var r = (function (e) { switch (e.arrayFormat) { case 'index': return function (t, r, n) { return null === r ? [s(t, e), '[', n, ']'].join('') : [s(t, e), '[', s(n, e), ']=', s(r, e)].join(''); }; case 'bracket': return function (t, r) { return null === r ? s(t, e) : [s(t, e), '[]=', s(r, e)].join(''); }; default: return function (t, r) { return null === r ? s(t, e) : [s(t, e), '=', s(r, e)].join(''); }; } })(t); return e ? Object.keys(e) .sort(t.sort) .map(function (n) { var i = e[n]; if (void 0 === i) return ''; if (null === i) return s(n, t); if (Array.isArray(i)) { var o = []; return ( i.slice().forEach(function (e) { void 0 !== e && o.push(r(n, e, o.length)); }), o.join('&') ); } return s(n, t) + '=' + s(i, t); }) .filter(function (e) { return e.length > 0; }) .join('&') : ''; }), (t.parseUrl = function (e, t) { return { url: e.split('?')[0] || '', query: f(u(e), t) }; }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = function (e) { return encodeURIComponent(e).replace(/[!'()*]/g, function (e) { return '%' + e.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase(); }); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = new RegExp('%[a-f0-9]{2}', 'gi'), o = new RegExp('(%[a-f0-9]{2})+', 'gi'); function a(e, t) { try { return decodeURIComponent(e.join('')); } catch (e) {} if (1 === e.length) return e; t = t || 1; var r = e.slice(0, t), n = e.slice(t); return Array.prototype.concat.call([], a(r), a(n)); } function s(e) { try { return decodeURIComponent(e); } catch (n) { for (var t = e.match(i), r = 1; r < t.length; r++) t = (e = a(t, r).join('')).match(i); return e; } } e.exports = function (e) { if ('string' != typeof e) throw new TypeError( 'Expected `encodedURI` to be of type `string`, got `' + (0, n.default)(e) + '`' ); try { return (e = e.replace(/\+/g, ' ')), decodeURIComponent(e); } catch (t) { return (function (e) { for (var t = { '%FE%FF': '��', '%FF%FE': '��' }, r = o.exec(e); r; ) { try { t[r[0]] = decodeURIComponent(r[0]); } catch (e) { var n = s(r[0]); n !== r[0] && (t[r[0]] = n); } r = o.exec(e); } t['%C2'] = '�'; for (var i = Object.keys(t), a = 0; a < i.length; a++) { var u = i[a]; e = e.replace(new RegExp(u, 'g'), t[u]); } return e; })(e); } }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = function (e, t) { if (t) { t = (t = t.trim().replace(/^(\?|#|&)/, '')) ? '?' + t : t; var r = e.split(/[\?\#]/)[0]; t && /\:\/\/[^\/]*$/.test(r) && (r += '/'); var n = e.match(/(\#.*)$/); (e = r + t), n && (e += n[0]); } return e; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = function (e, t, r) { var n = t.toLowerCase(); e[t] || e[n] || (e[t] = r); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(440), i = r(458), o = function () {}; e.exports = function (e, t) { delete e.uri; var r = !1; 'json' === e.responseType && ((e.responseType = 'text'), (r = !0)); var a = n(e, function (n, a, s) { if (r && !n) try { var u = a.rawRequest.responseText; s = JSON.parse(u); } catch (e) { n = e; } (a = i(e, a)), t(n, n ? null : s, a), (t = o); }), s = a.onabort; return ( (a.onabort = function () { var e = s.apply(a, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); return t(new Error('XHR Aborted')), (t = o), e; }), a ); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(441), i = r(442), o = r(443), a = r(103); function s(e, t, r) { var n = e; return ( i(t) ? ((r = t), 'string' == typeof e && (n = { uri: e })) : (n = a(t, { uri: e })), (n.callback = r), n ); } function u(e, t, r) { return f((t = s(e, t, r))); } function f(e) { if (void 0 === e.callback) throw new Error('callback argument missing'); var t = !1, r = function (r, n, i) { t || ((t = !0), e.callback(r, n, i)); }; function n() { var e = void 0; if ( ((e = c.response ? c.response : c.responseText || (function (e) { try { if ('document' === e.responseType) return e.responseXML; var t = e.responseXML && 'parsererror' === e.responseXML.documentElement.nodeName; if ('' === e.responseType && !t) return e.responseXML; } catch (e) {} return null; })(c)), y) ) try { e = JSON.parse(e); } catch (e) {} return e; } function i(e) { return ( clearTimeout(h), e instanceof Error || (e = new Error('' + (e || 'Unknown XMLHttpRequest Error'))), (e.statusCode = 0), r(e, v) ); } function a() { if (!f) { var t; clearTimeout(h), (t = e.useXDR && void 0 === c.status ? 200 : 1223 === c.status ? 204 : c.status); var i = v, a = null; return ( 0 !== t ? ((i = { body: n(), statusCode: t, method: l, headers: {}, url: d, rawRequest: c, }), c.getAllResponseHeaders && (i.headers = o(c.getAllResponseHeaders()))) : (a = new Error('Internal XMLHttpRequest Error')), r(a, i, i.body) ); } } var s, f, c = e.xhr || null; c || (c = e.cors || e.useXDR ? new u.XDomainRequest() : new u.XMLHttpRequest()); var h, d = (c.url = e.uri || e.url), l = (c.method = e.method || 'GET'), p = e.body || e.data, b = (c.headers = e.headers || {}), m = !!e.sync, y = !1, v = { body: void 0, headers: {}, statusCode: 0, method: l, url: d, rawRequest: c }; if ( ('json' in e && !1 !== e.json && ((y = !0), b.accept || b.Accept || (b.Accept = 'application/json'), 'GET' !== l && 'HEAD' !== l && (b['content-type'] || b['Content-Type'] || (b['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'), (p = JSON.stringify(!0 === e.json ? p : e.json)))), (c.onreadystatechange = function () { 4 === c.readyState && setTimeout(a, 0); }), (c.onload = a), (c.onerror = i), (c.onprogress = function () {}), (c.onabort = function () { f = !0; }), (c.ontimeout = i), c.open(l, d, !m, e.username, e.password), m || (c.withCredentials = !!e.withCredentials), !m && e.timeout > 0 && (h = setTimeout(function () { if (!f) { (f = !0), c.abort('timeout'); var e = new Error('XMLHttpRequest timeout'); (e.code = 'ETIMEDOUT'), i(e); } }, e.timeout)), c.setRequestHeader) ) for (s in b) b.hasOwnProperty(s) && c.setRequestHeader(s, b[s]); else if ( e.headers && !(function (e) { for (var t in e) if (e.hasOwnProperty(t)) return !1; return !0; })(e.headers) ) throw new Error('Headers cannot be set on an XDomainRequest object'); return ( 'responseType' in e && (c.responseType = e.responseType), 'beforeSend' in e && 'function' == typeof e.beforeSend && e.beforeSend(c), c.send(p || null), c ); } (e.exports = u), (e.exports.default = u), (u.XMLHttpRequest = n.XMLHttpRequest || function () {}), (u.XDomainRequest = 'withCredentials' in new u.XMLHttpRequest() ? u.XMLHttpRequest : n.XDomainRequest), (function (e, t) { for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) t(e[r]); })(['get', 'put', 'post', 'patch', 'head', 'delete'], function (e) { u['delete' === e ? 'del' : e] = function (t, r, n) { return ((r = s(t, r, n)).method = e.toUpperCase()), f(r); }; }); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; (function (t) { var r; (r = 'undefined' != typeof window ? window : void 0 !== t ? t : 'undefined' != typeof self ? self : {}), (e.exports = r); }.call(this, r(8))); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = function (e) { var t = n.call(e); return ( '[object Function]' === t || ('function' == typeof e && '[object RegExp]' !== t) || ('undefined' != typeof window && (e === window.setTimeout || e === window.alert || e === window.confirm || e === window.prompt)) ); }; var n = Object.prototype.toString; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(444), i = r(457); e.exports = function (e) { if (!e) return {}; var t = {}; return ( i(n(e).split('\n'), function (e) { var r, i = e.indexOf(':'), o = n(e.slice(0, i)).toLowerCase(), a = n(e.slice(i + 1)); void 0 === t[o] ? (t[o] = a) : ((r = t[o]), '[object Array]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(r) ? t[o].push(a) : (t[o] = [t[o], a])); }), t ); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(86), i = r(164), o = r(166), a = r(169), s = r(456), u = n.call(Function.call, a()); i(u, { getPolyfill: a, implementation: o, shim: s }), (e.exports = u); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = 'Function.prototype.bind called on incompatible ', i = Array.prototype.slice, o = Object.prototype.toString; e.exports = function (e) { var t = this; if ('function' != typeof t || '[object Function]' !== o.call(t)) throw new TypeError(n + t); for ( var r, a = i.call(arguments, 1), s = function () { if (this instanceof r) { var n = t.apply(this, a.concat(i.call(arguments))); return Object(n) === n ? n : this; } return t.apply(e, a.concat(i.call(arguments))); }, u = Math.max(0, t.length - a.length), f = [], c = 0; c < u; c++ ) f.push('$' + c); if ( ((r = Function( 'binder', 'return function (' + f.join(',') + '){ return binder.apply(this,arguments); }' )(s)), t.prototype) ) { var h = function () {}; (h.prototype = t.prototype), (r.prototype = new h()), (h.prototype = null); } return r; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = Array.prototype.slice, i = r(165), o = Object.keys, a = o ? function (e) { return o(e); } : r(447), s = Object.keys; (a.shim = function () { Object.keys ? (function () { var e = Object.keys(arguments); return e && e.length === arguments.length; })(1, 2) || (Object.keys = function (e) { return i(e) ? s(n.call(e)) : s(e); }) : (Object.keys = a); return Object.keys || a; }), (e.exports = a); }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n, i = r(0)(r(1)); if (!Object.keys) { var o = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, a = Object.prototype.toString, s = r(165), u = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable, f = !u.call({ toString: null }, 'toString'), c = u.call(function () {}, 'prototype'), h = [ 'toString', 'toLocaleString', 'valueOf', 'hasOwnProperty', 'isPrototypeOf', 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'constructor', ], d = function (e) { var t = e.constructor; return t && t.prototype === e; }, l = { $applicationCache: !0, $console: !0, $external: !0, $frame: !0, $frameElement: !0, $frames: !0, $innerHeight: !0, $innerWidth: !0, $onmozfullscreenchange: !0, $onmozfullscreenerror: !0, $outerHeight: !0, $outerWidth: !0, $pageXOffset: !0, $pageYOffset: !0, $parent: !0, $scrollLeft: !0, $scrollTop: !0, $scrollX: !0, $scrollY: !0, $self: !0, $webkitIndexedDB: !0, $webkitStorageInfo: !0, $window: !0, }, p = (function () { if ('undefined' == typeof window) return !1; for (var e in window) try { if ( !l['$' + e] && o.call(window, e) && null !== window[e] && 'object' === (0, i.default)(window[e]) ) try { d(window[e]); } catch (e) { return !0; } } catch (e) { return !0; } return !1; })(); n = function (e) { var t = null !== e && 'object' === (0, i.default)(e), r = '[object Function]' === a.call(e), n = s(e), u = t && '[object String]' === a.call(e), l = []; if (!t && !r && !n) throw new TypeError('Object.keys called on a non-object'); var b = c && r; if (u && e.length > 0 && !o.call(e, 0)) for (var m = 0; m < e.length; ++m) l.push(String(m)); if (n && e.length > 0) for (var y = 0; y < e.length; ++y) l.push(String(y)); else for (var v in e) (b && 'prototype' === v) || !o.call(e, v) || l.push(String(v)); if (f) for ( var g = (function (e) { if ('undefined' == typeof window || !p) return d(e); try { return d(e); } catch (e) { return !1; } })(e), w = 0; w < h.length; ++w ) (g && 'constructor' === h[w]) || !o.call(e, h[w]) || l.push(h[w]); return l; }; } e.exports = n; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)), i = r(167), o = i('%Object%'), a = i('%TypeError%'), s = i('%String%'), u = r(449), f = r(450), c = r(451), h = r(452), d = r(453), l = r(87), p = r(454), b = r(168), m = { ToPrimitive: p, ToBoolean: function (e) { return !!e; }, ToNumber: function (e) { return +e; }, ToInteger: function (e) { var t = this.ToNumber(e); return f(t) ? 0 : 0 !== t && c(t) ? h(t) * Math.floor(Math.abs(t)) : t; }, ToInt32: function (e) { return this.ToNumber(e) >> 0; }, ToUint32: function (e) { return this.ToNumber(e) >>> 0; }, ToUint16: function (e) { var t = this.ToNumber(e); if (f(t) || 0 === t || !c(t)) return 0; var r = h(t) * Math.floor(Math.abs(t)); return d(r, 65536); }, ToString: function (e) { return s(e); }, ToObject: function (e) { return this.CheckObjectCoercible(e), o(e); }, CheckObjectCoercible: function (e, t) { if (null == e) throw new a(t || 'Cannot call method on ' + e); return e; }, IsCallable: l, SameValue: function (e, t) { return e === t ? 0 !== e || 1 / e == 1 / t : f(e) && f(t); }, Type: function (e) { return null === e ? 'Null' : void 0 === e ? 'Undefined' : 'function' == typeof e || 'object' === (0, n.default)(e) ? 'Object' : 'number' == typeof e ? 'Number' : 'boolean' == typeof e ? 'Boolean' : 'string' == typeof e ? 'String' : void 0; }, IsPropertyDescriptor: function (e) { if ('Object' !== this.Type(e)) return !1; var t = { '[[Configurable]]': !0, '[[Enumerable]]': !0, '[[Get]]': !0, '[[Set]]': !0, '[[Value]]': !0, '[[Writable]]': !0, }; for (var r in e) if (b(e, r) && !t[r]) return !1; var n = b(e, '[[Value]]'), i = b(e, '[[Get]]') || b(e, '[[Set]]'); if (n && i) throw new a('Property Descriptors may not be both accessor and data descriptors'); return !0; }, IsAccessorDescriptor: function (e) { return ( void 0 !== e && (u(this, 'Property Descriptor', 'Desc', e), !(!b(e, '[[Get]]') && !b(e, '[[Set]]'))) ); }, IsDataDescriptor: function (e) { return ( void 0 !== e && (u(this, 'Property Descriptor', 'Desc', e), !(!b(e, '[[Value]]') && !b(e, '[[Writable]]'))) ); }, IsGenericDescriptor: function (e) { return ( void 0 !== e && (u(this, 'Property Descriptor', 'Desc', e), !this.IsAccessorDescriptor(e) && !this.IsDataDescriptor(e)) ); }, FromPropertyDescriptor: function (e) { if (void 0 === e) return e; if ((u(this, 'Property Descriptor', 'Desc', e), this.IsDataDescriptor(e))) return { value: e['[[Value]]'], writable: !!e['[[Writable]]'], enumerable: !!e['[[Enumerable]]'], configurable: !!e['[[Configurable]]'], }; if (this.IsAccessorDescriptor(e)) return { get: e['[[Get]]'], set: e['[[Set]]'], enumerable: !!e['[[Enumerable]]'], configurable: !!e['[[Configurable]]'], }; throw new a( 'FromPropertyDescriptor must be called with a fully populated Property Descriptor' ); }, ToPropertyDescriptor: function (e) { if ('Object' !== this.Type(e)) throw new a('ToPropertyDescriptor requires an object'); var t = {}; if ( (b(e, 'enumerable') && (t['[[Enumerable]]'] = this.ToBoolean(e.enumerable)), b(e, 'configurable') && (t['[[Configurable]]'] = this.ToBoolean(e.configurable)), b(e, 'value') && (t['[[Value]]'] = e.value), b(e, 'writable') && (t['[[Writable]]'] = this.ToBoolean(e.writable)), b(e, 'get')) ) { var r = e.get; if (void 0 !== r && !this.IsCallable(r)) throw new TypeError('getter must be a function'); t['[[Get]]'] = r; } if (b(e, 'set')) { var n = e.set; if (void 0 !== n && !this.IsCallable(n)) throw new a('setter must be a function'); t['[[Set]]'] = n; } if ((b(t, '[[Get]]') || b(t, '[[Set]]')) && (b(t, '[[Value]]') || b(t, '[[Writable]]'))) throw new a( 'Invalid property descriptor. Cannot both specify accessors and a value or writable attribute' ); return t; }, }; e.exports = m; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(167), i = n('%TypeError%'), o = n('%SyntaxError%'), a = r(168), s = { 'Property Descriptor': function (e, t) { if ('Object' !== e.Type(t)) return !1; var r = { '[[Configurable]]': !0, '[[Enumerable]]': !0, '[[Get]]': !0, '[[Set]]': !0, '[[Value]]': !0, '[[Writable]]': !0, }; for (var n in t) if (a(t, n) && !r[n]) return !1; var o = a(t, '[[Value]]'), s = a(t, '[[Get]]') || a(t, '[[Set]]'); if (o && s) throw new i('Property Descriptors may not be both accessor and data descriptors'); return !0; }, }; e.exports = function (e, t, r, n) { var a = s[t]; if ('function' != typeof a) throw new o('unknown record type: ' + t); if (!a(e, n)) throw new i(r + ' must be a ' + t); console.log(a(e, n), n); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = Number.isNaN || function (e) { return e != e; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = Number.isNaN || function (e) { return e != e; }; e.exports = Number.isFinite || function (e) { return 'number' == typeof e && !n(e) && e !== 1 / 0 && e !== -1 / 0; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = function (e) { return e >= 0 ? 1 : -1; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = function (e, t) { var r = e % t; return Math.floor(r >= 0 ? r : r + t); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = Object.prototype.toString, i = r(455), o = r(87), a = function (e) { var t; if ( (t = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : '[object Date]' === n.call(e) ? String : Number) === String || t === Number ) { var r, a, s = t === String ? ['toString', 'valueOf'] : ['valueOf', 'toString']; for (a = 0; a < s.length; ++a) if (o(e[s[a]]) && ((r = e[s[a]]()), i(r))) return r; throw new TypeError('No default value'); } throw new TypeError('invalid [[DefaultValue]] hint supplied'); }; e.exports = function (e) { return i(e) ? e : arguments.length > 1 ? a(e, arguments[1]) : a(e); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(0)(r(1)); e.exports = function (e) { return null === e || ('function' != typeof e && 'object' !== (0, n.default)(e)); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(164), i = r(169); e.exports = function () { var e = i(); return ( n( String.prototype, { trim: e }, { trim: function () { return String.prototype.trim !== e; }, } ), e ); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(87), i = Object.prototype.toString, o = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, a = function (e, t, r) { for (var n = 0, i = e.length; n < i; n++) o.call(e, n) && (null == r ? t(e[n], n, e) : t.call(r, e[n], n, e)); }, s = function (e, t, r) { for (var n = 0, i = e.length; n < i; n++) null == r ? t(e.charAt(n), n, e) : t.call(r, e.charAt(n), n, e); }, u = function (e, t, r) { for (var n in e) o.call(e, n) && (null == r ? t(e[n], n, e) : t.call(r, e[n], n, e)); }; e.exports = function (e, t, r) { if (!n(t)) throw new TypeError('iterator must be a function'); var o; arguments.length >= 3 && (o = r), '[object Array]' === i.call(e) ? a(e, t, o) : 'string' == typeof e ? s(e, t, o) : u(e, t, o); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = function (e, t) { return t ? { statusCode: t.statusCode, headers: t.headers, method: e.method, url: e.url, rawRequest: t.rawRequest ? t.rawRequest : t, } : null; }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = function (e, t) { for (var r = [], n = 0; n < e; ++n) r.push(t(n)); return r; }; e.exports = { generate: n, replicate: function (e, t) { return n(e, function () { return t; }); }, concat: function (e, t) { return e.concat(t); }, flatten: function (e) { for (var t = [], r = 0, n = e.length; r < n; ++r) for (var i = 0, o = e[r].length; i < o; ++i) t.push(e[r][i]); return t; }, chunksOf: function (e, t) { for (var r = [], n = 0, i = t.length; n < i; n += e) r.push(t.slice(n, n + e)); return r; }, }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = r(461).keccak256, i = r(170), o = function (e, t) { var r = i.reverse(i.pad(6, i.fromNumber(e))), o = i.flatten([r, '0x0000', t]); return n(o).slice(2); }; e.exports = function e(t) { 'string' == typeof t && '0x' !== t.slice(0, 2) ? (t = i.fromString(t)) : 'string' != typeof t && void 0 !== t.length && (t = i.fromUint8Array(t)); var r = i.length(t); if (r <= 4096) return o(r, t); for (var n = 4096; 128 * n < r; ) n *= 128; for (var a = [], s = 0; s < r; s += n) { var u = n < r - s ? n : r - s; a.push(e(i.slice(t, s, s + u))); } return o(r, i.flatten(a)); }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = '0123456789abcdef'.split(''), i = [1, 256, 65536, 16777216], o = [0, 8, 16, 24], a = [ 1, 0, 32898, 0, 32906, 2147483648, 2147516416, 2147483648, 32907, 0, 2147483649, 0, 2147516545, 2147483648, 32777, 2147483648, 138, 0, 136, 0, 2147516425, 0, 2147483658, 0, 2147516555, 0, 139, 2147483648, 32905, 2147483648, 32771, 2147483648, 32770, 2147483648, 128, 2147483648, 32778, 0, 2147483658, 2147483648, 2147516545, 2147483648, 32896, 2147483648, 2147483649, 0, 2147516424, 2147483648, ], s = function (e) { var t, r, n, i, o, s, u, f, c, h, d, l, p, b, m, y, v, g, w, _, k, A, S, E, x, M, I, O, C, P, T, U, B, R, N, j, L, F, D, q, z, H, K, V, G, W, Y, $, J, Z, X, Q, ee, te, re, ne, ie, oe, ae, se, ue, fe, ce; for (n = 0; n < 48; n += 2) (i = e[0] ^ e[10] ^ e[20] ^ e[30] ^ e[40]), (o = e[1] ^ e[11] ^ e[21] ^ e[31] ^ e[41]), (s = e[2] ^ e[12] ^ e[22] ^ e[32] ^ e[42]), (u = e[3] ^ e[13] ^ e[23] ^ e[33] ^ e[43]), (f = e[4] ^ e[14] ^ e[24] ^ e[34] ^ e[44]), (c = e[5] ^ e[15] ^ e[25] ^ e[35] ^ e[45]), (h = e[6] ^ e[16] ^ e[26] ^ e[36] ^ e[46]), (d = e[7] ^ e[17] ^ e[27] ^ e[37] ^ e[47]), (t = (l = e[8] ^ e[18] ^ e[28] ^ e[38] ^ e[48]) ^ ((s << 1) | (u >>> 31))), (r = (p = e[9] ^ e[19] ^ e[29] ^ e[39] ^ e[49]) ^ ((u << 1) | (s >>> 31))), (e[0] ^= t), (e[1] ^= r), (e[10] ^= t), (e[11] ^= r), (e[20] ^= t), (e[21] ^= r), (e[30] ^= t), (e[31] ^= r), (e[40] ^= t), (e[41] ^= r), (t = i ^ ((f << 1) | (c >>> 31))), (r = o ^ ((c << 1) | (f >>> 31))), (e[2] ^= t), (e[3] ^= r), (e[12] ^= t), (e[13] ^= r), (e[22] ^= t), (e[23] ^= r), (e[32] ^= t), (e[33] ^= r), (e[42] ^= t), (e[43] ^= r), (t = s ^ ((h << 1) | (d >>> 31))), (r = u ^ ((d << 1) | (h >>> 31))), (e[4] ^= t), (e[5] ^= r), (e[14] ^= t), (e[15] ^= r), (e[24] ^= t), (e[25] ^= r), (e[34] ^= t), (e[35] ^= r), (e[44] ^= t), (e[45] ^= r), (t = f ^ ((l << 1) | (p >>> 31))), (r = c ^ ((p << 1) | (l >>> 31))), (e[6] ^= t), (e[7] ^= r), (e[16] ^= t), (e[17] ^= r), (e[26] ^= t), (e[27] ^= r), (e[36] ^= t), (e[37] ^= r), (e[46] ^= t), (e[47] ^= r), (t = h ^ ((i << 1) | (o >>> 31))), (r = d ^ ((o << 1) | (i >>> 31))), (e[8] ^= t), (e[9] ^= r), (e[18] ^= t), (e[19] ^= r), (e[28] ^= t), (e[29] ^= r), (e[38] ^= t), (e[39] ^= r), (e[48] ^= t), (e[49] ^= r), (b = e[0]), (m = e[1]), (W = (e[11] << 4) | (e[10] >>> 28)), (Y = (e[10] << 4) | (e[11] >>> 28)), (O = (e[20] << 3) | (e[21] >>> 29)), (C = (e[21] << 3) | (e[20] >>> 29)), (se = (e[31] << 9) | (e[30] >>> 23)), (ue = (e[30] << 9) | (e[31] >>> 23)), (H = (e[40] << 18) | (e[41] >>> 14)), (K = (e[41] << 18) | (e[40] >>> 14)), (R = (e[2] << 1) | (e[3] >>> 31)), (N = (e[3] << 1) | (e[2] >>> 31)), (y = (e[13] << 12) | (e[12] >>> 20)), (v = (e[12] << 12) | (e[13] >>> 20)), ($ = (e[22] << 10) | (e[23] >>> 22)), (J = (e[23] << 10) | (e[22] >>> 22)), (P = (e[33] << 13) | (e[32] >>> 19)), (T = (e[32] << 13) | (e[33] >>> 19)), (fe = (e[42] << 2) | (e[43] >>> 30)), (ce = (e[43] << 2) | (e[42] >>> 30)), (te = (e[5] << 30) | (e[4] >>> 2)), (re = (e[4] << 30) | (e[5] >>> 2)), (j = (e[14] << 6) | (e[15] >>> 26)), (L = (e[15] << 6) | (e[14] >>> 26)), (g = (e[25] << 11) | (e[24] >>> 21)), (w = (e[24] << 11) | (e[25] >>> 21)), (Z = (e[34] << 15) | (e[35] >>> 17)), (X = (e[35] << 15) | (e[34] >>> 17)), (U = (e[45] << 29) | (e[44] >>> 3)), (B = (e[44] << 29) | (e[45] >>> 3)), (E = (e[6] << 28) | (e[7] >>> 4)), (x = (e[7] << 28) | (e[6] >>> 4)), (ne = (e[17] << 23) | (e[16] >>> 9)), (ie = (e[16] << 23) | (e[17] >>> 9)), (F = (e[26] << 25) | (e[27] >>> 7)), (D = (e[27] << 25) | (e[26] >>> 7)), (_ = (e[36] << 21) | (e[37] >>> 11)), (k = (e[37] << 21) | (e[36] >>> 11)), (Q = (e[47] << 24) | (e[46] >>> 8)), (ee = (e[46] << 24) | (e[47] >>> 8)), (V = (e[8] << 27) | (e[9] >>> 5)), (G = (e[9] << 27) | (e[8] >>> 5)), (M = (e[18] << 20) | (e[19] >>> 12)), (I = (e[19] << 20) | (e[18] >>> 12)), (oe = (e[29] << 7) | (e[28] >>> 25)), (ae = (e[28] << 7) | (e[29] >>> 25)), (q = (e[38] << 8) | (e[39] >>> 24)), (z = (e[39] << 8) | (e[38] >>> 24)), (A = (e[48] << 14) | (e[49] >>> 18)), (S = (e[49] << 14) | (e[48] >>> 18)), (e[0] = b ^ (~y & g)), (e[1] = m ^ (~v & w)), (e[10] = E ^ (~M & O)), (e[11] = x ^ (~I & C)), (e[20] = R ^ (~j & F)), (e[21] = N ^ (~L & D)), (e[30] = V ^ (~W & $)), (e[31] = G ^ (~Y & J)), (e[40] = te ^ (~ne & oe)), (e[41] = re ^ (~ie & ae)), (e[2] = y ^ (~g & _)), (e[3] = v ^ (~w & k)), (e[12] = M ^ (~O & P)), (e[13] = I ^ (~C & T)), (e[22] = j ^ (~F & q)), (e[23] = L ^ (~D & z)), (e[32] = W ^ (~$ & Z)), (e[33] = Y ^ (~J & X)), (e[42] = ne ^ (~oe & se)), (e[43] = ie ^ (~ae & ue)), (e[4] = g ^ (~_ & A)), (e[5] = w ^ (~k & S)), (e[14] = O ^ (~P & U)), (e[15] = C ^ (~T & B)), (e[24] = F ^ (~q & H)), (e[25] = D ^ (~z & K)), (e[34] = $ ^ (~Z & Q)), (e[35] = J ^ (~X & ee)), (e[44] = oe ^ (~se & fe)), (e[45] = ae ^ (~ue & ce)), (e[6] = _ ^ (~A & b)), (e[7] = k ^ (~S & m)), (e[16] = P ^ (~U & E)), (e[17] = T ^ (~B & x)), (e[26] = q ^ (~H & R)), (e[27] = z ^ (~K & N)), (e[36] = Z ^ (~Q & V)), (e[37] = X ^ (~ee & G)), (e[46] = se ^ (~fe & te)), (e[47] = ue ^ (~ce & re)), (e[8] = A ^ (~b & y)), (e[9] = S ^ (~m & v)), (e[18] = U ^ (~E & M)), (e[19] = B ^ (~x & I)), (e[28] = H ^ (~R & j)), (e[29] = K ^ (~N & L)), (e[38] = Q ^ (~V & W)), (e[39] = ee ^ (~G & Y)), (e[48] = fe ^ (~te & ne)), (e[49] = ce ^ (~re & ie)), (e[0] ^= a[n]), (e[1] ^= a[n + 1]); }, u = function (e) { return function (t) { var r; if ('0x' === t.slice(0, 2)) { r = []; for (var a = 2, u = t.length; a < u; a += 2) r.push(parseInt(t.slice(a, a + 2), 16)); } else r = t; return (function (e, t) { for ( var r, a = t.length, u = e.blocks, f = e.blockCount << 2, c = e.blockCount, h = e.outputBlocks, d = e.s, l = 0; l < a; ) { if (e.reset) for (e.reset = !1, u[0] = e.block, m = 1; m < c + 1; ++m) u[m] = 0; if ('string' != typeof t) for (m = e.start; l < a && m < f; ++l) u[m >> 2] |= t[l] << o[3 & m++]; else for (m = e.start; l < a && m < f; ++l) (r = t.charCodeAt(l)) < 128 ? (u[m >> 2] |= r << o[3 & m++]) : r < 2048 ? ((u[m >> 2] |= (192 | (r >> 6)) << o[3 & m++]), (u[m >> 2] |= (128 | (63 & r)) << o[3 & m++])) : r < 55296 || r >= 57344 ? ((u[m >> 2] |= (224 | (r >> 12)) << o[3 & m++]), (u[m >> 2] |= (128 | ((r >> 6) & 63)) << o[3 & m++]), (u[m >> 2] |= (128 | (63 & r)) << o[3 & m++])) : ((r = 65536 + (((1023 & r) << 10) | (1023 & t.charCodeAt(++l)))), (u[m >> 2] |= (240 | (r >> 18)) << o[3 & m++]), (u[m >> 2] |= (128 | ((r >> 12) & 63)) << o[3 & m++]), (u[m >> 2] |= (128 | ((r >> 6) & 63)) << o[3 & m++]), (u[m >> 2] |= (128 | (63 & r)) << o[3 & m++])); if (((e.lastByteIndex = m), m >= f)) { for (e.start = m - f, e.block = u[c], m = 0; m < c; ++m) d[m] ^= u[m]; s(d), (e.reset = !0); } else e.start = m; } if (((u[(m = e.lastByteIndex) >> 2] |= i[3 & m]), e.lastByteIndex === f)) for (u[0] = u[c], m = 1; m < c + 1; ++m) u[m] = 0; for (u[c - 1] |= 2147483648, m = 0; m < c; ++m) d[m] ^= u[m]; s(d); for (var p, b = '', m = 0, y = 0; y < h; ) { for (m = 0; m < c && y < h; ++m, ++y) (p = d[m]), (b += n[(p >> 4) & 15] + n[15 & p] + n[(p >> 12) & 15] + n[(p >> 8) & 15] + n[(p >> 20) & 15] + n[(p >> 16) & 15] + n[(p >> 28) & 15] + n[(p >> 24) & 15]); y % c == 0 && (s(d), (m = 0)); } return '0x' + b; })( (function (e) { return { blocks: [], reset: !0, block: 0, start: 0, blockCount: (1600 - (e << 1)) >> 5, outputBlocks: e >> 5, s: ((t = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), [].concat(t, t, t, t, t)), }; var t; })(e), r ); }; }; e.exports = { keccak256: u(256), keccak512: u(512), keccak256s: u(256), keccak512s: u(512) }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; var n = function (e) { return function () { return new Promise(function (t, r) { var n, i = function (r) { var n = {}, i = r.target.files.length, o = 0; [].map.call(r.target.files, function (r) { var a = new FileReader(); (a.onload = function (a) { var s = new Uint8Array(a.target.result); if ('directory' === e) { var u = r.webkitRelativePath; (n[u.slice(u.indexOf('/') + 1)] = { type: 'text/plain', data: s }), ++o === i && t(n); } else if ('file' === e) { var f = r.webkitRelativePath; t({ type: mimetype.lookup(f), data: s }); } else t(s); }), a.readAsArrayBuffer(r); }); }; 'directory' === e ? ((n = document.createElement('input')).addEventListener('change', i), (n.type = 'file'), (n.webkitdirectory = !0), (n.mozdirectory = !0), (n.msdirectory = !0), (n.odirectory = !0), (n.directory = !0)) : ((n = document.createElement('input')).addEventListener('change', i), (n.type = 'file')); var o = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); o.initEvent('click', !0, !1), n.dispatchEvent(o); }); }; }; e.exports = { data: n('data'), file: n('file'), directory: n('directory') }; }, function (e, t, r) { 'use strict'; e.exports = function (e) { var t = e.fs, r = e.files, n = e.os, i = e.path, o = e.child_process, a = e.mimetype, s = e.defaultArchives, u = e.request, f = e.downloadUrl, c = e.bytes, h = e.hash, d = e.pick, l = function (e) { return function (t) { for (var r = {}, n = 0, i = e.length; n < i; ++n) r[e[n]] = t[n]; return r; }; }, p = function (e) { return function (t) { return ''.concat(e, '/bzz-raw:/').concat(t); }; }, b = function (e) { return function (t) { return new Promise(function (r, n) { u(p(e)(t), { responseType: 'arraybuffer' }, function (e, t, i) { return e ? n(e) : i.statusCode >= 400 ? n(new Error('Error '.concat(i.statusCode, '.'))) : r(new Uint8Array(t)); }); }); }; }, m = function (e) { return function (t) { return (function t(r) { return function (n) { return function (i) { var o = function (e) { return void 0 === e.path ? Promise.resolve() : 'application/bzz-manifest+json' === e.contentType ? t(e.hash)(n + e.path)(i) : Promise.resolve( ((r = n + e.path), function (e) { return function (t) { return (t[r] = e), t; }; })( (function (e) { return { type: e.contentType, hash: e.hash }; })(e) )(i) ); var r; }; return b(e)(r) .then(function (e) { return JSON.parse(N(e)).entries; }) .then(function (e) { return Promise.all(e.map(o)); }) .then(function () { return i; }); }; }; })(t)('')({}); }; }, y = function (e) { return function (t) { return m(e)(t).then(function (e) { return l(Object.keys(e))( Object.keys(e).map(function (t) { return e[t].hash; }) ); }); }; }, v = function (e) { return function (t) { return m(e)(t).then(function (t) { var r = Object.keys(t), n = r.map(function (e) { return t[e].hash; }), i = r.map(function (e) { return t[e].type; }), o = n.map(b(e)); return Promise.all(o).then(function (e) { return l(r)( (function (e) { return e.map(function (e, t) { return { type: i[t], data: e }; }); })(e) ); }); }); }; }, g = function (e) { return function (t) { return function (n) { return r.download(p(e)(t))(n); }; }; }, w = function (e) { return function (t) { return function (r) { return y(e)(t).then(function (t) { var n = []; for (var o in t) if (o.length > 0) { var a = i.join(r, o); n.push(g(e)(t[o])(a)); } return Promise.all(n).then(function () { return r; }); }); }; }; }, _ = function (e) { return function (t) { return new Promise(function (r, n) { var i = { body: 'string' == typeof t ? j(t) : t, method: 'POST' }; u(''.concat(e, '/bzz-raw:/'), i, function (e, t) { return e ? n(e) : r(t); }); }); }; }, k = function (e) { return function (t) { return function (r) { return function (n) { return (function i(o) { var a = '/' === r[0] ? r : '/' + r, s = ''.concat(e, '/bzz:/').concat(t).concat(a), f = { method: 'PUT', headers: { 'Content-Type': n.type }, body: n.data }; return new Promise(function (e, t) { u(s, f, function (r, n) { return r ? t(r) : -1 !== n.indexOf('error') ? t(n) : e(n); }); }).catch(function (e) { return o > 0 && i(o - 1); }); })(3); }; }; }; }, A = function (e) { return function (t) { return E(e)({ '': t }); }; }, S = function (e) { return function (r) { return t.readFile(r).then(function (t) { return A(e)({ type: a.lookup(r), data: t }); }); }; }, E = function (e) { return function (t) { return _(e)('{}').then(function (r) { return Object.keys(t).reduce(function (r, n) { return r.then( (function (r) { return function (n) { return k(e)(n)(r)(t[r]); }; })(n) ); }, Promise.resolve(r)); }); }; }, x = function (e) { return function (r) { return t.readFile(r).then(_(e)); }; }, M = function (e) { return function (n) { return function (i) { return r .directoryTree(i) .then(function (e) { return Promise.all( e.map(function (e) { return t.readFile(e); }) ).then(function (t) { var r = e.map(function (e) { return e.slice(i.length); }), n = e.map(function (e) { return a.lookup(e) || 'text/plain'; }); return l(r)( t.map(function (e, t) { return { type: n[t], data: e }; }) ); }); }) .then(function (e) { return ((t = n ? { '': e[n] } : {}), function (e) { var r = {}; for (var n in t) r[n] = t[n]; for (var i in e) r[i] = e[i]; return r; })(e); var t; }) .then(E(e)); }; }; }, I = function (e) { return function (t) { if ('data' === t.pick) return d.data().then(_(e)); if ('file' === t.pick) return d.file().then(A(e)); if ('directory' === t.pick) return d.directory().then(E(e)); if (t.path) switch (t.kind) { case 'data': return x(e)(t.path); case 'file': return S(e)(t.path); case 'directory': return M(e)(t.defaultFile)(t.path); } else { if (t.length || 'string' == typeof t) return _(e)(t); if (t instanceof Object) return E(e)(t); } return Promise.reject(new Error('Bad arguments')); }; }, O = function (e) { return function (t) { return function (r) { return B(e)(t).then(function (n) { return n ? (r ? w(e)(t)(r) : v(e)(t)) : r ? g(e)(t)(r) : b(e)(t); }); }; }; }, C = function (e, t) { var i = n.platform().replace('win32', 'windows') + '-' + ('x64' === n.arch() ? 'amd64' : '386'), o = (t || s)[i], a = f + o.archive + '.tar.gz', u = o.archiveMD5, c = o.binaryMD5; return r.safeDownloadArchived(a)(u)(c)(e); }, P = function (e) { return new Promise(function (t, r) { var n = o.spawn, i = function (e) { return function (t) { return -1 !== ('' + t).indexOf(e); }; }, a = e.account, s = e.password, u = e.dataDir, f = e.ensApi, c = e.privateKey, h = 0, d = n(e.binPath, ['--bzzaccount', a || c, '--datadir', u, '--ens-api', f]), l = function (e) { 0 === h && i('Passphrase')(e) ? setTimeout(function () { (h = 1), d.stdin.write(s + '\n'); }, 500) : i('Swarm http proxy started')(e) && ((h = 2), clearTimeout(p), t(d)); }; d.stdout.on('data', l), d.stderr.on('data', l); var p = setTimeout(function () { return r(new Error("Couldn't start swarm process.")); }, 2e4); }); }, T = function (e) { return new Promise(function (t, r) { e.stderr.removeAllListeners('data'), e.stdout.removeAllListeners('data'), e.stdin.removeAllListeners('error'), e.removeAllListeners('error'), e.removeAllListeners('exit'), e.kill('SIGINT'); var n = setTimeout(function () { return e.kill('SIGKILL'); }, 8e3); e.once('close', function () { clearTimeout(n), t(); }); }); }, U = function (e) { return _(e)('test') .then(function (e) { return 'c9a99c7d326dcc6316f32fe2625b311f6dc49a175e6877681ded93137d3569e7' === e; }) .catch(function () { return !1; }); }, B = function (e) { return function (t) { return b(e)(t).then(function (e) { try { return !!JSON.parse(N(e)).entries; } catch (e) { return !1; } }); }; }, R = function (e) { return function (t, r, n, i, o) { var a; return ( void 0 !== t && (a = e(t)), void 0 !== r && (a = e(r)), void 0 !== n && (a = e(n)), void 0 !== i && (a = e(i)), void 0 !== o && (a = e(o)), a ); }; }, N = function (e) { return c.toString(c.fromUint8Array(e)); }, j = function (e) { return c.toUint8Array(c.fromString(e)); }, L = function (e) { return { download: function (t, r) { return O(e)(t)(r); }, downloadData: R(b(e)), downloadDataToDisk: R(g(e)), downloadDirectory: R(v(e)), downloadDirectoryToDisk: R(w(e)), downloadEntries: R(m(e)), downloadRoutes: R(y(e)), isAvailable: function () { return U(e); }, upload: function (t) { return I(e)(t); }, uploadData: R(_(e)), uploadFile: R(A(e)), uploadFileFromDisk: R(A(e)), uploadDataFromDisk: R(x(e)), uploadDirectory: R(E(e)), uploadDirectoryFromDisk: R(M(e)), uploadToManifest: R(k(e)), pick: d, hash: h, fromString: j, toString: N, }; }; return { at: L, local: function (e) { return function (t) { return U('http://localhost:8500').then(function (r) { return r ? t(L('http://localhost:8500')).then(function () {}) : C(e.binPath, e.archives) .onData(function (t) { return (e.onProgress || function () {})(t.length); }) .then(function () { return P(e); }) .then(function (e) { return t(L('http://localhost:8500')).then(function () { return e; }); }) .then(T); }); }; }, download: O, downloadBinary: C, downloadData: b, downloadDataToDisk: g, downloadDirectory: v, downloadDirectoryToDisk: w, downloadEntries: m, downloadRoutes: y, isAvailable: U, startProcess: P, stopProcess: T, upload: I, uploadData: _, uploadDataFromDisk: x, uploadFile: A, uploadFileFromDisk: S, uploadDirectory: E, uploadDirectoryFromDisk: M, uploadToManifest: k, pick: d, hash: h, fromString: j, toString: N, }; }; }, ]); }); //# sourceMappingURL=web3.min.js.map