


Provides an instance of the token registry contract. Allows querying of tokens that have been registered as valid tokens in the network.





constructor(contractAddress: string, signerAddress?: string)

Create a connection to the deployed token registry contract.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
contractAddress string No
  • The deployed token registry contract's address.
signerAddress string Yes
  • The account address of the account that deployed the token registry contract.


Type : any

The instance of the token registry contract.

Type : string

The deployed token registry contract's address.

Type : string

The account address of the account that deployed the token registry contract.


Public Async addressOf
addressOf(identifier: string)

Returns the address of the token with a given identifier.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
identifier string No
  • The name or identifier of the token to be fetched from the token registry.
Example :
Prints the address of the token with the identifier &#39;sarafu&#39;:</p>
<li>console.log(await addressOf(&#39;sarafu&#39;));</li>
Returns : Promise<string>

The address of the token assigned the specified identifier in the token registry.

Public Async entry
entry(serial: number)

Returns the address of a token with the given serial in the token registry.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
serial number No
  • The serial number of the token to be fetched.
Example :
Prints the address of the token with the serial &#39;2&#39;:</p>
<li>console.log(await entry(2));</li>
Returns : Promise<string>

The address of the token with the specified serial number.

Public Async totalTokens

Returns the total number of tokens that have been registered in the network.

Example :
Prints the total number of registered tokens:</p>
<li>console.log(await totalTokens());</li>
Returns : Promise<number>

The total number of registered tokens.

import Web3 from 'web3';

// Application imports
import {environment} from '@src/environments/environment';

/** Fetch the token registry contract's ABI. */
const abi: Array<any> = require('@src/assets/js/block-sync/data/TokenUniqueSymbolIndex.json');
/** Establish a connection to the blockchain network. */
const web3: Web3 = new Web3(environment.web3Provider);

 * Provides an instance of the token registry contract.
 * Allows querying of tokens that have been registered as valid tokens in the network.
 * @remarks
 * This is our interface to the token registry contract.
export class TokenRegistry {
  /** The instance of the token registry contract. */
  contract: any;
  /** The deployed token registry contract's address. */
  contractAddress: string;
  /** The account address of the account that deployed the token registry contract. */
  signerAddress: string;

   * Create a connection to the deployed token registry contract.
   * @param contractAddress - The deployed token registry contract's address.
   * @param signerAddress - The account address of the account that deployed the token registry contract.
  constructor(contractAddress: string, signerAddress?: string) {
    this.contractAddress = contractAddress;
    this.contract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, this.contractAddress);
    if (signerAddress) {
      this.signerAddress = signerAddress;
    } else {
      this.signerAddress = web3.eth.accounts[0];

   * Returns the address of the token with a given identifier.
   * @async
   * @example
   * Prints the address of the token with the identifier 'sarafu':
   * ```typescript
   * console.log(await addressOf('sarafu'));
   * ```
   * @param identifier - The name or identifier of the token to be fetched from the token registry.
   * @returns The address of the token assigned the specified identifier in the token registry.
  public async addressOf(identifier: string): Promise<string> {
    const id: string = web3.eth.abi.encodeParameter('bytes32', web3.utils.toHex(identifier));
    return await this.contract.methods.addressOf(id).call();

   * Returns the address of a token with the given serial in the token registry.
   * @async
   * @example
   * Prints the address of the token with the serial '2':
   * ```typescript
   * console.log(await entry(2));
   * ```
   * @param serial - The serial number of the token to be fetched.
   * @return The address of the token with the specified serial number.
  public async entry(serial: number): Promise<string> {
    return await this.contract.methods.entry(serial).call();

   * Returns the total number of tokens that have been registered in the network.
   * @async
   * @example
   * Prints the total number of registered tokens:
   * ```typescript
   * console.log(await totalTokens());
   * ```
   * @returns The total number of registered tokens.
  public async totalTokens(): Promise<number> {
    return await this.contract.methods.entryCount().call();

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