2020-12-05 09:29:59 +03:00

220 lines
10 KiB

import {HTTP_INTERCEPTORS, HttpEvent, HttpHandler, HttpInterceptor, HttpRequest, HttpResponse} from '@angular/common/http';
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {Observable, of, throwError} from 'rxjs';
import {delay, dematerialize, materialize, mergeMap} from 'rxjs/operators';
const accounts = [
{id: 1, name: 'John Doe', phone: '+25412345678', address: '0xc86ff893ac40d3950b4d5f94a9b837258b0a9865', type: 'user', created: '08/16/2020', balance: '12987', failedPinAttempts: 1, status: 'approved', bio: 'Bodaboda', category: 'transport', gender: 'male', location: 'Bofu', token: 'RSV', referrer: 'Jane Buck'},
{id: 2, name: 'Jane Buck', phone: '+25412341234', address: '0xc86ff893ac40d3950b4d5f94a9b837258b0a9865', type: 'vendor', created: '04/02/2020', balance: '56281', failedPinAttempts: 0, status: 'approved', bio: 'Groceries', category: 'food/water', gender: 'female', location: 'Lindi', token: 'ERN', referrer: ''},
{id: 3, name: 'Mc Donald', phone: '+25498765432', address: '0xc86ff893ac40d3950b4d5f94a9b837258b0a9865', type: 'group', created: '11/16/2020', balance: '450', failedPinAttempts: 2, status: 'unapproved', bio: 'Food', category: 'food/water', gender: 'male', location: 'Miyani', token: 'RSV', referrer: 'Hera Cles'},
{id: 4, name: 'Hera Cles', phone: '+25498769876', address: '0xc86ff893ac40d3950b4d5f94a9b837258b0a9865', type: 'user', created: '05/28/2020', balance: '5621', failedPinAttempts: 3, status: 'approved', bio: 'Shop', category: 'shop', gender: 'female', location: 'Kayaba', token: 'BRT', referrer: 'Jane Buck'},
{id: 5, name: 'Silver Fia', phone: '+25462518374', address: '0xc86ff893ac40d3950b4d5f94a9b837258b0a9865', type: 'tokenAgent', created: '10/10/2020', balance: '817', failedPinAttempts: 0, status: 'unapproved', bio: 'Electronics', category: 'shop', gender: 'male', location: 'Mkanyeni', token: 'RSV', referrer: 'John Doe'},
const actions = [
{ id: 1, user: 'Tom', role: 'enroller', action: 'Disburse RSV 100', approval: false },
{ id: 2, user: 'Christine', role: 'admin', action: 'Change user phone number', approval: true },
{ id: 3, user: 'Will', role: 'superadmin', action: 'Reclaim RSV 1000', approval: true },
{ id: 4, user: 'Vivian', role: 'enroller', action: 'Complete user profile', approval: true },
{ id: 5, user: 'Jack', role: 'enroller', action: 'Reclaim RSV 200', approval: false },
{ id: 6, user: 'Patience', role: 'enroller', action: 'Change user information', approval: false }
const histories = [
{ id: 1, userId: 3, userName: 'Mc Donald', action: 'Receive RSV 100', staff: 'Tom', timestamp: },
{ id: 2, userId: 5, userName: 'Silver Fia', action: 'Change phone number from +25412345678 to +25498765432', staff: 'Christine', timestamp:},
{ id: 3, userId: 4, userName: 'Hera Cles', action: 'Completed user profile', staff: 'Vivian', timestamp: },
const locations: any = [
{ name: 'Kwale',
districts: [
{ name: 'Kinango',
locations: [
{ name: 'Bofu', villages: ['Bofu', 'Chidzuvini', 'Mkanyeni']},
{ name: 'Mnyenzeni', villages: ['Miloeni', 'Miyani', 'Mnyenzeni', 'Vikolani', 'Vitangani']}
{ name: 'Nairobi',
districts: [
{ name: 'Dagorreti',
locations: [
{ name: 'Kawangware', villages: ['Congo']},
{ name: 'Ngong',
locations: [
{ name: 'Kibera', villages: ['Kibera', 'Lindi']},
{ name: 'South B',
locations: [
{ name: 'Mukuru', villages: ['Kayaba']},
{ name: 'South B', villages: ['South B']},
const staffMembers = [
{ id: 1, name: '', accountType: 'Admin', created: '17/11/2020', status: 'activated'},
{ id: 2, name: '', accountType: 'SuperAdmin', created: '17/11/2020', status: 'activated'},
{ id: 3, name: '', accountType: 'Enroller', created: '17/11/2020', status: 'activated'},
{ id: 4, name: '', accountType: 'View', created: '17/11/2020', status: 'activated'}
const tokens = [
{name: 'Giftable Reserve', symbol: 'GRZ', address: '0xa686005CE37Dce7738436256982C3903f2E4ea8E', supply: '1000000001000000000000000000', decimals: '18', reserves: {}},
{name: 'Demo Token', symbol: 'DEMO', address: '0xc80D6aFF8194114c52AEcD84c9f15fd5c8abb187', supply: '99999999999999998976', decimals: '18', reserves: {'0xa686005CE37Dce7738436256982C3903f2E4ea8E': {weight: '1000000', balance: '99999999999999998976'}}, reserveRatio: '1000000', owner: '0x3Da99AAD2D9CA01D131eFc3B17444b832B31Ff4a'},
{name: 'Foo Token', symbol: 'FOO', address: '0x9ceD86089f7aBB5A97B40eb0E7521e7aa308d354', supply: '1000000000000000001014', decimals: '18', reserves: {'0xa686005CE37Dce7738436256982C3903f2E4ea8E': {weight: '1000000', balance: '1000000000000000001014'}}, reserveRatio: '1000000', owner: '0x3Da99AAD2D9CA01D131eFc3B17444b832B31Ff4a'},
{name: 'testb', symbol: 'tstb', address: '0xC63cFA91A3BFf41cE31Ff436f67D3ACBC977DB95', supply: '99000', decimals: '18', reserves: {'0xa686005CE37Dce7738436256982C3903f2E4ea8E': {weight: '1000000', balance: '99000'}}, reserveRatio: '1000000', owner: '0x3Da99AAD2D9CA01D131eFc3B17444b832B31Ff4a'},
{name: 'testa', symbol: 'tsta', address: '0x8fA4101ef19D0a078239d035659e92b278bD083C', supply: '9981', decimals: '18', reserves: {'0xa686005CE37Dce7738436256982C3903f2E4ea8E': {weight: '1000000', balance: '9981'}}, reserveRatio: '1000000', owner: '0x3Da99AAD2D9CA01D131eFc3B17444b832B31Ff4a'},
{name: 'testc', symbol: 'tstc', address: '0x4A6fA6bc3BfE4C9661bC692D9798425350C9e3D4', supply: '100990', decimals: '18', reserves: {'0xa686005CE37Dce7738436256982C3903f2E4ea8E': {weight: '1000000', balance: '100990'}}, reserveRatio: '1000000', owner: '0x3Da99AAD2D9CA01D131eFc3B17444b832B31Ff4a'}
export class MockBackendInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {
intercept(request: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
const { url, method, headers, body } = request;
// wrap in delayed observable to simulate server api call\
// call materialize and dematerialize to ensure delay even is thrown
return of(null)
function handleRoute(): Observable<any> {
switch (true) {
case url.endsWith('/accounts') && method === 'GET':
return getAccounts();
case url.match(/\/accounts\/\d+$/) && method === 'GET':
return getAccountById();
case url.endsWith('/actions') && method === 'GET':
return getActions();
case url.match(/\/actions\/\d+$/) && method === 'GET':
return getActionById();
case url.match(/\/actions\/\d+$/) && method === 'POST':
return approveAction();
case url.match(/\/history\/\d+$/) && method === 'GET':
return getHistoryByUser();
case url.endsWith('/locations') && method === 'GET':
return getLocations();
case url.endsWith('/staff') && method === 'GET':
return getStaff();
case url.match(/\/staff\/\d+$/) && method === 'GET':
return getStaffById();
case url.match(/\/staff\/\d+$/) && method === 'POST' && body.status !== undefined:
return changeStaffStatus();
case url.match(/\/staff\/\d+$/) && method === 'POST' && body.accountType !== undefined:
return changeStaffType();
case url.endsWith('/tokens') && method === 'GET':
return getTokens();
case url.match(/\/tokens\/\w+$/) && method === 'GET':
return getTokenBySymbol();
// pass through any requests not handled above
return next.handle(request);
// route functions
function getAccounts(): Observable<any> {
return ok(accounts);
function getAccountById(): Observable<any> {
const queriedAccount = accounts.find(account => === idFromUrl());
return ok(queriedAccount);
function getActions(): Observable<any> {
return ok(actions);
function getActionById(): Observable<any> {
const queriedAction = actions.find(action => === idFromUrl());
return ok(queriedAction);
function approveAction(): Observable<any> {
const queriedAction = actions.find(action => === idFromUrl());
queriedAction.approval = body.approval;
const message = `Action approval status set to ${body.approval} successfully!`;
return ok(message);
function getHistoryByUser(): Observable<any> {
const queriedUserHistory = histories.filter(history => history.userId === idFromUrl());
return ok(queriedUserHistory);
function getLocations(): Observable<any> {
return ok(locations);
function getStaff(): Observable<any> {
return ok(staffMembers);
function getStaffById(): Observable<any> {
const queriedStaff = staffMembers.find(staff => === idFromUrl());
return ok(queriedStaff);
function changeStaffStatus(): Observable<any> {
const queriedStaff = staffMembers.find(staff => === idFromUrl());
queriedStaff.status = body.status;
const message = `Staff account status changed to ${body.status} successfully!`;
return ok(message);
function changeStaffType(): Observable<any> {
const queriedStaff = staffMembers.find(staff => === idFromUrl());
queriedStaff.accountType = body.accountType;
const message = `Staff account type changed to ${body.accountType} successfully!`;
return ok(message);
function getTokens(): Observable<any> {
return ok(tokens);
function getTokenBySymbol(): Observable<any> {
const queriedToken = tokens.find(token => token.symbol === stringFromUrl());
return ok(queriedToken);
// helper functions
function ok(body): Observable<any> {
return of(new HttpResponse({ status: 200, body }));
function error(message): Observable<any> {
return throwError({ status: 400, error: { message } });
function idFromUrl(): number {
const urlParts = url.split('/');
return parseInt(urlParts[urlParts.length - 1], 10);
function stringFromUrl(): string {
const urlParts = url.split('/');
return urlParts[urlParts.length - 1];
export const MockBackendProvider = {
useClass: MockBackendInterceptor,
multi: true