var _ = require("underscore"); var os = require("os"); var path = require("path"); // All of these functions are attached to files.js for the tool; // they live here because we need them in boot.js as well to avoid duplicating // a lot of the code. // // Note that this file does NOT contain any of the "perform I/O maybe // synchronously" functions from files.js; this is intentional, because we want // to make it very hard to accidentally use fs.*Sync functions in the app server // after bootup (since they block all concurrency!) var files = module.exports; var toPosixPath = function (p, partialPath) { // Sometimes, you can have a path like \Users\IEUser on windows, and this // actually means you want C:\Users\IEUser if (p[0] === "\\" && (! partialPath)) { p = process.env.SystemDrive + p; } p = p.replace(/\\/g, '/'); if (p[1] === ':' && ! partialPath) { // transform "C:/bla/bla" to "/c/bla/bla" p = '/' + p[0] + p.slice(2); } return p; }; var toDosPath = function (p, partialPath) { if (p[0] === '/' && ! partialPath) { if (! /^\/[A-Za-z](\/|$)/.test(p)) throw new Error("Surprising path: " + p); // transform a previously windows path back // "/C/something" to "c:/something" p = p[1] + ":" + p.slice(2); } p = p.replace(/\//g, '\\'); return p; }; var convertToOSPath = function (standardPath, partialPath) { if (process.platform === "win32") { return toDosPath(standardPath, partialPath); } return standardPath; }; var convertToStandardPath = function (osPath, partialPath) { if (process.platform === "win32") { return toPosixPath(osPath, partialPath); } return osPath; } var convertToOSLineEndings = function (fileContents) { return fileContents.replace(/\n/g, os.EOL); }; var convertToStandardLineEndings = function (fileContents) { // Convert all kinds of end-of-line chars to linuxy "\n". return fileContents.replace(new RegExp("\r\n", "g"), "\n") .replace(new RegExp("\r", "g"), "\n"); }; // wrappings for path functions that always run as they were on unix (using // forward slashes) var wrapPathFunction = function (name, partialPaths) { var f = path[name]; return function (/* args */) { if (process.platform === 'win32') { var args = _.toArray(arguments); args =, function (p, i) { // if partialPaths is turned on (for path.join mostly) // forget about conversion of absolute paths for Windows return toDosPath(p, partialPaths); }); return toPosixPath(f.apply(path, args), partialPaths); } else { return f.apply(path, arguments); } }; }; files.pathJoin = wrapPathFunction("join", true); files.pathNormalize = wrapPathFunction("normalize"); files.pathRelative = wrapPathFunction("relative"); files.pathResolve = wrapPathFunction("resolve"); files.pathDirname = wrapPathFunction("dirname"); files.pathBasename = wrapPathFunction("basename"); files.pathExtname = wrapPathFunction("extname"); files.pathSep = '/'; files.pathDelimiter = ':'; files.pathOsDelimiter = path.delimiter; files.convertToStandardPath = convertToStandardPath; files.convertToOSPath = convertToOSPath; files.convertToWindowsPath = toDosPath; files.convertToPosixPath = toPosixPath; files.convertToStandardLineEndings = convertToStandardLineEndings; files.convertToOSLineEndings = convertToOSLineEndings;