extends layout block content div.container-fluid(ng-controller='StatsCtrl') div.row div.col-lg-6 div.col-sm-12 h1= title p Welcome to #{title} div.clearfix div.col-xs-6.stat-holder div.row.big-info.nodesactive.text-success div.pull-left.icon-full-width i.icon-bulb div.pull-left span.small-title nodes active span.big-details {{nodesActive}}/{{nodesTotal}} div.clearfix div.col-xs-6.stat-holder div.row.big-info.bestblock.text-info div.pull-left.icon-full-width i.icon-block div.pull-left span.small-title best block span.big-details {{"#" + bestBlock}} div.clearfix div.col-xs-6.stat-holder div.row.big-info.blocktime.text-success div.pull-left.icon-full-width i.icon-time div.pull-left span.small-title last block span.big-details(am-time-ago="lastBlock", am-preprocess="unix") div.clearfix div.col-xs-6.stat-holder div.row.big-info.uptime.text-info div.pull-left.icon-full-width i.icon-clock div.pull-left span.small-title up-time span.big-details 100% div.clearfix div.clearfix div.col-lg-6 div.col-xs-12 div#mapHolder div.clearfix div.col-sm-12 h1= title p Welcome to #{title} table.table.table-striped thead tr.text-info th i.icon-node th i.icon-laptop th i.icon-group th i.icon-mining th i.icon-block th.hidden-sm.hidden-xs   th i.icon-time th i.icon-clock tbody tr(ng-repeat='node in nodes', class="{{ node.stats.active ? 'text-success' : 'text-danger' }}") td(rel="{{node.id}}") {{node.name}} td {{node.type}} td {{node.stats.peers}} td(class="{{(node.stats.mining === false) ? 'text-danger' : 'text-success'}}") i(class="{{(node.stats.mining === false) ? 'icon-cancel' : 'icon-check'}}") td {{'#' + node.stats.block.height}} td.hidden-sm.hidden-xs span.small {{node.stats.block.hash}} td(am-time-ago="node.stats.block.timestamp", am-preprocess="unix") td 100% //- tr.text-success //- td poc-7.ethdev.com //- td C++ //- td 7 //- td //- i.icon-check //- td #8196 //- td.hidden-sm.hidden-xs //- span.small 06d1a2c709f23678e716ae8bea400161815a37a16aeced3a4ffed79b96f63566 //- td 16 sec //- td 98.3% //- tr.text-warning //- td poc-6.ethdev.com //- td C++ //- td 4 //- td //- i.icon-warning-o //- td #8186 //- td.hidden-sm.hidden-xs //- span.small 1545f88598e54e56ec5570b08c592f8c8403e3e1c9ec0eec2f9ba619729ec85e //- td 3 min //- td 94.1% //- tr.text-danger //- td poc-5.ethdev.com //- td C++ //- td 0 //- td //- i.icon-cancel //- td #3196 //- td.hidden-sm.hidden-xs //- span.small 45f4e588bf9a03ba0d7146dd83a6a8faf00df471d7484b92d904b77014d10e01 //- td 2 days //- td 79.4% //- tr.text-danger //- td poc-4.ethdev.com //- td C++ //- td 0 //- td //- i.icon-cancel //- td #1196 //- td.hidden-sm.hidden-xs //- span.small 36d6fe290d52da4518f9017fa7b5dd407007053e345463e7a6fdc905b8d9b2a3 //- td 1 mon //- td 21.8%