var assert = require("assert"); var path = require("path"); var stream = require("stream"); var fs = require("fs"); var net = require("net"); var tty = require("tty"); var vm = require("vm"); var Fiber = require("fibers"); var _ = require("underscore"); var INFO_FILE_MODE = 0600; // Only the owner can read or write. var EXITING_MESSAGE = // Exported so that ./client.js can know what to expect. exports.EXITING_MESSAGE = "Shell exiting..."; // Invoked by the server process to listen for incoming connections from // shell clients. Each connection gets its own REPL instance. exports.listen = function listen(shellDir) { new Server(shellDir).listen(); }; // Disabling the shell causes all attached clients to disconnect and exit. exports.disable = function disable(shellDir) { try { // Replace info.json with a file that says the shell server is // disabled, so that any connected shell clients will fail to // reconnect after the server process closes their sockets. fs.writeFileSync( getInfoFile(shellDir), JSON.stringify({ status: "disabled", reason: "Shell server has shut down." }) + "\n", { mode: INFO_FILE_MODE } ); } catch (ignored) {} }; function Server(shellDir) { var self = this; assert.ok(self instanceof Server); self.shellDir = shellDir; self.key = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2); self.server = net.createServer(function(socket) { self.onConnection(socket); }).on("error", function(err) { console.error(err.stack); }); } var Sp = Server.prototype; Sp.listen = function listen() { var self = this; var infoFile = getInfoFile(self.shellDir); fs.unlink(infoFile, function() { self.server.listen(0, "", function() { fs.writeFileSync(infoFile, JSON.stringify({ status: "enabled", port: self.server.address().port, key: self.key }) + "\n", { mode: INFO_FILE_MODE }); }); }); }; Sp.onConnection = function onConnection(socket) { var self = this; var dataSoFar = ""; // Make sure this function doesn't try to write anything to the socket // after it has been closed. socket.on("close", function() { socket = null; }); // If communication is not established within 1000ms of the first // connection, forcibly close the socket. var timeout = setTimeout(function() { if (socket) { socket.removeAllListeners("data"); socket.end(EXITING_MESSAGE + "\n"); } }, 1000); // Let connecting clients configure certain REPL options by sending a // JSON object over the socket. For example, only the client knows // whether it's running a TTY or an Emacs subshell or some other kind of // terminal, so the client must decide the value of options.terminal. socket.on("data", function onData(buffer) { // Just in case the options JSON comes in fragments. dataSoFar += buffer.toString("utf8"); try { var options = JSON.parse(dataSoFar); } finally { if (! _.isObject(options)) { return; // Silence any parsing exceptions. } } if (socket) { socket.removeListener("data", onData); } if (options.key !== self.key) { if (socket) { socket.end(EXITING_MESSAGE + "\n"); } return; } delete options.key; clearTimeout(timeout); // Immutable options. _.extend(options, { input: socket, output: socket, eval: evalCommand }); // Overridable options. _.defaults(options, { prompt: "> ", terminal: true, useColors: true, useGlobal: true, ignoreUndefined: true, }); self.startREPL(options); }); }; Sp.startREPL = function startREPL(options) { var self = this; if (! options.output.columns) { // The REPL's tab completion logic assumes process.stdout is a TTY, // and while that isn't technically true here, we can get tab // completion to behave correctly if we fake the .columns property. options.output.columns = getTerminalWidth(); } // Make sure this function doesn't try to write anything to the output // stream after it has been closed. options.output.on("close", function() { options.output = null; }); var repl = self.repl = require("repl").start(options); // History persists across shell sessions! self.initializeHistory(); Object.defineProperty(repl.context, "_", { // Force the global _ variable to remain bound to underscore. get: function () { return _; }, // Expose the last REPL result as __ instead of _. set: function(lastResult) { repl.context.__ = lastResult; }, enumerable: true, // Allow this property to be (re)defined more than once (e.g. each // time the server restarts). configurable: true }); // Use the same `require` function and `module` object visible to the // shell.js module. repl.context.require = require; repl.context.module = module; repl.context.repl = repl; // Some improvements to the existing help messages. repl.commands[".break"].help = "Terminate current command input and display new prompt"; repl.commands[".exit"].help = "Disconnect from server and leave shell"; repl.commands[".help"].help = "Show this help information"; // When the REPL exits, signal the attached client to exit by sending it // the special EXITING_MESSAGE. repl.on("exit", function() { if (options.output) { options.output.write(EXITING_MESSAGE + "\n"); options.output.end(); } }); // When the server process exits, end the output stream but do not // signal the attached client to exit. process.on("exit", function() { if (options.output) { options.output.end(); } }); // This Meteor-specific shell command rebuilds the application as if a // change was made to server code. repl.defineCommand("reload", { help: "Restart the server and the shell", action: function() { process.exit(0); } }); }; function getInfoFile(shellDir) { return path.join(shellDir, "info.json"); } exports.getInfoFile = getInfoFile; function getHistoryFile(shellDir) { return path.join(shellDir, "history"); } function getTerminalWidth() { try { // Inspired by var fd = fs.openSync("/dev/tty", "r"); assert.ok(tty.isatty(fd)); var ws = new tty.WriteStream(fd); ws.end(); return ws.columns; } catch (fancyApproachWasTooFancy) { return 80; } } // Shell commands need to be executed in fibers in case they call into // code that yields. function evalCommand(command, context, filename, callback) { Fiber(function() { try { var result = vm.runInThisContext(command, filename); } catch (error) { if (process.domain) { process.domain.emit("error", error); process.domain.exit(); } else { callback(error); } return; } callback(null, result); }).run(); } // This function allows a persistent history of shell commands to be saved // to and loaded from .meteor/local/shell-history. Sp.initializeHistory = function initializeHistory() { var self = this; var rli = self.repl.rli; var historyFile = getHistoryFile(self.shellDir); var historyFd = fs.openSync(historyFile, "a+"); var historyLines = fs.readFileSync(historyFile, "utf8").split("\n"); var seenLines = Object.create(null); if (! rli.history) { rli.history = []; rli.historyIndex = -1; } while (rli.history && historyLines.length > 0) { var line = historyLines.pop(); if (line && /\S/.test(line) && ! seenLines[line]) { rli.history.push(line); seenLines[line] = true; } } rli.addListener("line", function(line) { if (historyFd >= 0 && /\S/.test(line)) { fs.writeSync(historyFd, line + "\n"); } }); self.repl.on("exit", function() { fs.closeSync(historyFd); historyFd = -1; }); };