////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // This is a generated file. You can view the original // // source in your browser if your browser supports source maps. // // // // If you are using Chrome, open the Developer Tools and click the gear // // icon in its lower right corner. In the General Settings panel, turn // // on 'Enable source maps'. // // // // If you are using Firefox 23, go to `about:config` and set the // // `devtools.debugger.source-maps-enabled` preference to true. // // (The preference should be on by default in Firefox 24; versions // // older than 23 do not support source maps.) // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (function () { /* Imports */ var Meteor = Package.meteor.Meteor; var _ = Package.underscore._; var ReactiveDict = Package['reactive-dict'].ReactiveDict; var EJSON = Package.ejson.EJSON; /* Package-scope variables */ var Session; (function () { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // packages/session/session.js // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Session = new ReactiveDict('session'); // 1 // 2 // Documentation here is really awkward because the methods are defined // 3 // elsewhere // 4 // 5 /** // 6 * @memberOf Session // 7 * @method set // 8 * @summary Set a variable in the session. Notify any listeners that the value // 9 * has changed (eg: redraw templates, and rerun any // 10 * [`Tracker.autorun`](#tracker_autorun) computations, that called // 11 * [`Session.get`](#session_get) on this `key`.) // 12 * @locus Client // 13 * @param {String} key The key to set, eg, `selectedItem` // 14 * @param {EJSONable | undefined} value The new value for `key` // 15 */ // 16 // 17 /** // 18 * @memberOf Session // 19 * @method setDefault // 20 * @summary Set a variable in the session if it hasn't been set before. // 21 * Otherwise works exactly the same as [`Session.set`](#session_set). // 22 * @locus Client // 23 * @param {String} key The key to set, eg, `selectedItem` // 24 * @param {EJSONable | undefined} value The new value for `key` // 25 */ // 26 // 27 /** // 28 * @memberOf Session // 29 * @method get // 30 * @summary Get the value of a session variable. If inside a [reactive // 31 * computation](#reactivity), invalidate the computation the next time the // 32 * value of the variable is changed by [`Session.set`](#session_set). This // 33 * returns a clone of the session value, so if it's an object or an array, // 34 * mutating the returned value has no effect on the value stored in the // 35 * session. // 36 * @locus Client // 37 * @param {String} key The name of the session variable to return // 38 */ // 39 // 40 /** // 41 * @memberOf Session // 42 * @method equals // 43 * @summary Test if a session variable is equal to a value. If inside a // 44 * [reactive computation](#reactivity), invalidate the computation the next // 45 * time the variable changes to or from the value. // 46 * @locus Client // 47 * @param {String} key The name of the session variable to test // 48 * @param {String | Number | Boolean | null | undefined} value The value to // 49 * test against // 50 */ // 51 // 52 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// }).call(this); /* Exports */ if (typeof Package === 'undefined') Package = {}; Package.session = { Session: Session }; })();