2015-08-14 19:22:53 +02:00

130 lines
11 KiB

// //
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(function () {
/* Imports */
var Meteor = Package.meteor.Meteor;
var _ = Package.underscore._;
var Blaze = Package.blaze.Blaze;
var UI = Package.blaze.UI;
var Handlebars = Package.blaze.Handlebars;
var HTML = Package.htmljs.HTML;
/* Package-scope variables */
var Template;
(function () {
// //
// packages/templating/templating.js //
// //
// 1
// Packages and apps add templates on to this object. // 2
// 3
/** // 4
* @summary The class for defining templates // 5
* @class // 6
* @instanceName Template.myTemplate // 7
*/ // 8
Template = Blaze.Template; // 9
// 10
var RESERVED_TEMPLATE_NAMES = "__proto__ name".split(" "); // 11
// 12
// Check for duplicate template names and illegal names that won't work. // 13
Template.__checkName = function (name) { // 14
// Some names can't be used for Templates. These include: // 15
// - Properties Blaze sets on the Template object. // 16
// - Properties that some browsers don't let the code to set. // 17
// These are specified in RESERVED_TEMPLATE_NAMES. // 18
if (name in Template || _.contains(RESERVED_TEMPLATE_NAMES, name)) { // 19
if ((Template[name] instanceof Template) && name !== "body") // 20
throw new Error("There are multiple templates named '" + name + "'. Each template needs a unique name."); // 21
throw new Error("This template name is reserved: " + name); // 22
} // 23
}; // 24
// 25
// XXX COMPAT WITH 0.8.3 // 26
Template.__define__ = function (name, renderFunc) { // 27
Template.__checkName(name); // 28
Template[name] = new Template("Template." + name, renderFunc); // 29
// Exempt packages built pre-0.9.0 from warnings about using old // 30
// helper syntax, because we can. It's not very useful to get a // 31
// warning about someone else's code (like a package on Atmosphere), // 32
// and this should at least put a bit of a dent in number of warnings // 33
// that come from packages that haven't been updated lately. // 34
Template[name]._NOWARN_OLDSTYLE_HELPERS = true; // 35
}; // 36
// 37
// Define a template `Template.body` that renders its // 38
// `contentRenderFuncs`. `<body>` tags (of which there may be // 39
// multiple) will have their contents added to it. // 40
// 41
/** // 42
* @summary The [template object](#templates_api) representing your `<body>` // 43
* tag. // 44
* @locus Client // 45
*/ // 46
Template.body = new Template('body', function () { // 47
var view = this; // 48
return, function (func) { // 49
return func.apply(view); // 50
}); // 51
}); // 52
Template.body.contentRenderFuncs = []; // array of Blaze.Views // 53
Template.body.view = null; // 54
// 55
Template.body.addContent = function (renderFunc) { // 56
Template.body.contentRenderFuncs.push(renderFunc); // 57
}; // 58
// 59
// This function does not use `this` and so it may be called // 60
// as `Meteor.startup(Template.body.renderIntoDocument)`. // 61
Template.body.renderToDocument = function () { // 62
// Only do it once. // 63
if (Template.body.view) // 64
return; // 65
// 66
var view = Blaze.render(Template.body, document.body); // 67
Template.body.view = view; // 68
}; // 69
// 70
// XXX COMPAT WITH 0.9.0 // 71
UI.body = Template.body; // 72
// 73
// XXX COMPAT WITH 0.9.0 // 74
// (<body> tags in packages built with 0.9.0) // 75
Template.__body__ = Template.body; // 76
Template.__body__.__contentParts = Template.body.contentViews; // 77
Template.__body__.__instantiate = Template.body.renderToDocument; // 78
// 79
/* Exports */
if (typeof Package === 'undefined') Package = {};
Package.templating = {
Template: Template