Fabian Vogelsteller c1f1a0989d add gas limit chart
2015-08-06 12:22:47 +02:00

642 lines
14 KiB

var _ = require('lodash');
var d3 = require('d3');
var MAX_HISTORY = 2000;
var MAX_UNCLES = 1000;
var MAX_BINS = 40;
var History = function History(data)
this._items = [];
this._callback = null;
History.prototype.add = function(block, id, trusted, addingHistory)
var changed = false;
if( !_.isUndefined(block) && !_.isUndefined(block.number) && !_.isUndefined(block.uncles) && !_.isUndefined(block.transactions) && !_.isUndefined(block.difficulty) && block.number > 0 )
trusted = (process.env.LITE === 'true' ? true : trusted);
var historyBlock =;
var forkIndex = -1;
var now =;
block.trusted = trusted;
block.arrived = now;
block.received = now;
block.propagation = 0;
block.fork = 0;
if( historyBlock )
// We already have a block with this height in collection
// Check if node already checked this block height
var propIndex = _.findIndex( historyBlock.propagTimes, { node: id } );
// Check if node already check a fork with this height
forkIndex = compareForks(historyBlock, block);
if( propIndex === -1 )
// Node didn't submit this block before
if( forkIndex >= 0 && !_.isUndefined(historyBlock.forks[forkIndex]) )
// Found fork => update data
block.arrived = historyBlock.forks[forkIndex].arrived;
block.propagation = now - historyBlock.forks[forkIndex].received;
// No fork found => add a new one
var prevBlock = this.prevMaxBlock(block.number);
if( prevBlock )
block.time = Math.max(block.arrived - prevBlock.block.arrived, 0);
if(block.number < this.bestBlock().height)
block.time = Math.max((block.timestamp - prevBlock.block.timestamp) * 1000, 0);
block.time = 0;
forkIndex = historyBlock.forks.push(block) - 1;
historyBlock.forks[forkIndex].fork = forkIndex;
// Push propagation time
node: id,
trusted: trusted,
fork: forkIndex,
received: now,
propagation: block.propagation
// Node submited the block before
if( forkIndex >= 0 && !_.isUndefined(historyBlock.forks[forkIndex]) )
// Matching fork found => update data
block.arrived = historyBlock.forks[forkIndex].arrived;
if( forkIndex === historyBlock.propagTimes[propIndex].fork )
// Fork index is the same
block.received = historyBlock.propagTimes[propIndex].received;
block.propagation = historyBlock.propagTimes[propIndex].propagation;
// Fork index is different
historyBlock.propagTimes[propIndex].fork = forkIndex;
historyBlock.propagTimes[propIndex].propagation = block.propagation = now - historyBlock.forks[forkIndex].received;
// No matching fork found => replace old one
block.received = historyBlock.propagTimes[propIndex].received;
block.propagation = historyBlock.propagTimes[propIndex].propagation;
var prevBlock = this.prevMaxBlock(block.number);
if( prevBlock )
block.time = Math.max(block.arrived - prevBlock.block.arrived, 0);
if(block.number < this.bestBlock().height)
block.time = Math.max((block.timestamp - prevBlock.block.timestamp) * 1000, 0);
block.time = 0;
forkIndex = historyBlock.forks.push(block) - 1;
historyBlock.forks[forkIndex].fork = forkIndex;
if( trusted && !compareBlocks(historyBlock.block, historyBlock.forks[forkIndex]) )
// If source is trusted update the main block
historyBlock.forks[forkIndex].trusted = trusted;
historyBlock.block = historyBlock.forks[forkIndex];
block.fork = forkIndex;
changed = true;
// Couldn't find block with this height
// Getting previous max block
var prevBlock = this.prevMaxBlock(block.number);
if( prevBlock )
block.time = Math.max(block.arrived - prevBlock.block.arrived, 0);
if(block.number < this.bestBlock().height)
block.time = Math.max((block.timestamp - prevBlock.block.timestamp) * 1000, 0);
block.time = 0;
var item = {
height: block.number,
block: block,
forks: [block],
propagTimes: []
if( this._items.length === 0 || (this._items.length === MAX_HISTORY && block.number > this.worstBlockNumber() && !addingHistory) || (this._items.length < MAX_HISTORY && block.number < this.bestBlockNumber()) )
node: id,
trusted: trusted,
fork: 0,
received: now,
propagation: block.propagation
changed = true;
return {
block: block,
changed: changed
return false;
function compareBlocks(block1, block2)
if( block1.hash !== block2.hash ||
block1.parentHash !== block2.parentHash ||
block1.sha3Uncles !== block2.sha3Uncles ||
block1.transactionsRoot !== block2.transactionsRoot ||
block1.stateRoot !== block2.stateRoot ||
block1.miner !== block2.miner ||
block1.difficulty !== block2.difficulty ||
block1.totalDifficulty !== block2.totalDifficulty)
return false;
return true;
function compareForks(historyBlock, block2)
if( _.isUndefined(historyBlock) )
return -1;
if( _.isUndefined(historyBlock.forks) || historyBlock.forks.length === 0 )
return -1;
for(var x = 0; x < historyBlock.forks.length; x++)
if(compareBlocks(historyBlock.forks[x], block2))
return x;
return -1;
History.prototype._save = function(block)
this._items = _.sortByOrder( this._items, 'height', false );
if(this._items.length > MAX_HISTORY)
History.prototype.clean = function(max)
if(max > 0 && this._items.length > 0 && max < this.bestBlockNumber())
console.log("MAX:", max);
console.log("History items before:", this._items.length);
this._items = _(this._items).filter(function(item) {
return (item.height <= max && item.block.trusted === false);
console.log("History items after:", this._items.length);
} = function(number)
var index = _.findIndex( this._items, { height: number } );
if(index < 0)
return false;
return this._items[index];
History.prototype.prevMaxBlock = function(number)
var index = _.findIndex(this._items, function (item) {
return item.height < number;
if(index < 0)
return false;
return this._items[index];
History.prototype.bestBlock = function()
return _.max(this._items, 'height');
History.prototype.bestBlockNumber = function()
var best = this.bestBlock();
if( !_.isUndefined(best.height) )
return best.height;
return 0;
History.prototype.worstBlock = function()
return _.min(this._items, 'height');
History.prototype.worstBlockNumber = function(trusted)
var worst = this.worstBlock();
if( !_.isUndefined(worst.height) )
return worst.height;
return 0;
History.prototype.getNodePropagation = function(id)
var propagation = new Array( MAX_PEER_PROPAGATION );
var bestBlock = this.bestBlockNumber();
var lastBlocktime =;
_.fill(propagation, -1);
var sorted = _( this._items )
.sortByOrder( 'height', false )
.forEach(function (item, key)
var index = MAX_PEER_PROPAGATION - 1 - bestBlock + item.height;
if(index >= 0)
var tmpPropagation = _.result(_.find(item.propagTimes, 'node', id), 'propagation', false);
if (_.result(_.find(item.propagTimes, 'node', id), 'propagation', false) !== false)
propagation[index] = tmpPropagation;
lastBlocktime = item.block.arrived;
propagation[index] = Math.max(0, lastBlocktime - item.block.arrived);
return propagation;
History.prototype.getBlockPropagation = function()
var propagation = [];
var avgPropagation = 0;
_.forEach(this._items, function (n, key)
_.forEach(n.propagTimes, function (p, i)
var prop = Math.min(MAX_PROPAGATION_RANGE, _.result(p, 'propagation', -1));
if(prop >= 0)
if(propagation.length > 0)
var avgPropagation = Math.round( _.sum(propagation) / propagation.length );
var data = d3.layout.histogram()
.frequency( false )
.bins( MAX_BINS )
( propagation );
var freqCum = 0;
var histogram = (val) {
freqCum += val.length;
var cumPercent = ( freqCum / Math.max(1, propagation.length) );
return {
x: val.x,
dx: val.dx,
y: val.y,
frequency: val.length,
cumulative: freqCum,
cumpercent: cumPercent
return {
histogram: histogram,
avg: avgPropagation
History.prototype.getUncleCount = function()
var uncles = _( this._items )
.sortByOrder( 'height', false )
// .filter(function (item)
// {
// return item.block.trusted;
// })
.slice(0, MAX_UNCLES)
.map(function (item)
return item.block.uncles.length;
var uncleBins = _.fill( Array(MAX_BINS), 0 );
var sumMapper = function (array, key)
uncleBins[key] = _.sum(array);
return _.sum(array);
}; uncles, MAX_UNCLES_PER_BIN ), sumMapper);
return uncleBins;
History.prototype.getBlockTimes = function()
var blockTimes = _( this._items )
.sortByOrder( 'height', false )
// .filter(function (item)
// {
// return item.block.trusted;
// })
.slice(0, MAX_BINS)
.map(function (item)
return item.block.time;
return blockTimes;
History.prototype.getGasLimit = function()
var gasLimitHistory = _( this._items )
.sortByOrder( 'height', false )
.filter(function (item)
return item.block.trusted;
.slice(0, MAX_BINS)
.map(function (item)
return item.block.gasLimit;
return gasLimitHistory;
History.prototype.getDifficulty = function()
var difficultyHistory = _( this._items )
.sortByOrder( 'height', false )
.filter(function (item)
return item.block.trusted;
.slice(0, MAX_BINS)
.map(function (item)
return item.block.difficulty;
return difficultyHistory;
History.prototype.getTransactionsCount = function()
var txCount = _( this._items )
.sortByOrder( 'height', false )
.filter(function (item)
return item.block.trusted;
.slice(0, MAX_BINS)
.map(function (item)
return item.block.transactions.length;
return txCount;
History.prototype.getGasSpending = function()
var gasSpending = _( this._items )
.sortByOrder( 'height', false )
.filter(function (item)
return item.block.trusted;
.slice(0, MAX_BINS)
.map(function (item)
return item.block.gasUsed;
return gasSpending;
History.prototype.getAvgHashrate = function()
if( _.isEmpty(this._items) )
return 0;
var blocktimeHistory = _( this._items )
.sortByOrder( 'height', false )
// .filter(function (item)
// {
// return item.block.trusted;
// })
.slice(0, 64)
.map(function (item)
return item.block.time;
var avgBlocktime = (_.sum(blocktimeHistory) / blocktimeHistory.length)/1000;
return this.bestBlock().block.difficulty / avgBlocktime;
History.prototype.getMinersCount = function()
var miners = _( this._items )
.sortByOrder( 'height', false )
// .filter(function (item)
// {
// return item.block.trusted;
// })
.slice(0, MAX_BINS)
.map(function (item)
return item.block.miner;
var minerCount = [];
_.forEach( _.countBy(miners), function (cnt, miner)
minerCount.push({ miner: miner, name: false, blocks: cnt });
return _(minerCount)
.sortByOrder( 'blocks', false )
.slice(0, 5)
History.prototype.setCallback = function(callback)
this._callback = callback;
History.prototype.getCharts = function()
if(this._callback !== null)
var chartHistory = _( this._items )
.sortByOrder( 'height', false )
// .filter(function (item)
// {
// return item.block.trusted;
// })
.slice(0, MAX_BINS)
.map(function (item)
return {
height: item.height,
blocktime: item.block.time / 1000,
difficulty: item.block.difficulty,
uncles: item.block.uncles.length,
transactions: item.block.transactions.length,
gasSpending: item.block.gasUsed,
gasLimit: item.block.gasLimit,
miner: item.block.miner
this._callback(null, {
height : _.pluck( chartHistory, 'height' ),
blocktime : _.pluck( chartHistory, 'blocktime' ),
avgBlocktime : _.sum(_.pluck( chartHistory, 'blocktime' )) / (chartHistory.length === 0 ? 1 : chartHistory.length),
difficulty : _.pluck( chartHistory, 'difficulty' ),
uncles : _.pluck( chartHistory, 'uncles' ),
transactions : _.pluck( chartHistory, 'transactions' ),
gasSpending : _.pluck( chartHistory, 'gasSpending' ),
gasLimit : _.pluck( chartHistory, 'gasLimit' ),
miners : this.getMinersCount(),
propagation : this.getBlockPropagation(),
uncleCount : this.getUncleCount(),
avgHashrate : this.getAvgHashrate()
History.prototype.requiresUpdate = function()
return ( this._items.length < MAX_HISTORY && !_.isEmpty(this._items) );
History.prototype.getHistoryRequestRange = function()
if( _.isEmpty(this._items) )
return false;
var blocks = _.pluck( this._items, 'height' );
var best = _.max( blocks );
var range = _.range( _.max([ 0, best - MAX_HISTORY ]), best + 1);
var missing = _.difference( range, blocks );
var max = _.max(missing);
var min = max - Math.min( 50, (MAX_HISTORY - this._items.length + 1) ) + 1;
return {
max: max,
min: min,
list: _( missing ).reverse().slice(0, 50).reverse().value()
module.exports = History;