2015-08-14 19:22:53 +02:00

303 lines
25 KiB

// //
// This is a generated file. You can view the original //
// source in your browser if your browser supports source maps. //
// //
// If you are using Chrome, open the Developer Tools and click the gear //
// icon in its lower right corner. In the General Settings panel, turn //
// on 'Enable source maps'. //
// //
// If you are using Firefox 23, go to `about:config` and set the //
// `devtools.debugger.source-maps-enabled` preference to true. //
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// //
(function () {
/* Imports */
var Meteor = Package.meteor.Meteor;
var _ = Package.underscore._;
var Log = Package.logging.Log;
var JSON = Package.json.JSON;
/* Package-scope variables */
var Reload;
(function () {
// //
// packages/reload/reload.js //
// //
/** // 1
* This code does _NOT_ support hot (session-restoring) reloads on // 2
* IE6,7. It only works on browsers with sessionStorage support. // 3
* // 4
* There are a couple approaches to add IE6,7 support: // 5
* // 6
* - use IE's "userData" mechanism in combination with // 7
* This mostly works, however the problem is that it can not get to the // 8
* data until after DOMReady. This is a problem for us since this API // 9
* relies on the data being ready before API users run. We could // 10
* refactor using Meteor.startup in all API users, but that might slow // 11
* page loads as we couldn't start the stream until after DOMReady. // 12
* Here are some resources on this approach: // 13
* // 14
* // 15
* // 16
* // 17
* - POST the data to the server, and have the server send it back on // 18
* page load. This is nice because it sidesteps all the local storage // 19
* compatibility issues, however it is kinda tricky. We can use a unique // 20
* token in the URL, then get rid of it with HTML5 pushstate, but that // 21
* only works on pushstate browsers. // 22
* // 23
* This will all need to be reworked entirely when we add server-side // 24
* HTML rendering. In that case, the server will need to have access to // 25
* the client's session to render properly. // 26
*/ // 27
// 28
// XXX when making this API public, also expose a flag for the app // 29
// developer to know whether a hot code push is happening. This is // 30
// useful for apps using `window.onbeforeunload`. See // 31
// // 32
// 33
Reload = {}; // 34
// 35
var KEY_NAME = 'Meteor_Reload'; // 36
// 37
var old_data = {}; // 38
// read in old data at startup. // 39
var old_json; // 40
// 41
// This logic for sessionStorage detection is based on browserstate/history.js // 42
var safeSessionStorage = null; // 43
try { // 44
// This throws a SecurityError on Chrome if cookies & localStorage are // 45
// explicitly disabled // 46
// // 47
// On Firefox with set to false, sessionStorage is null // 48
// // 49
// We can't even do (typeof sessionStorage) on Chrome, it throws. So we rely // 50
// on the throw if sessionStorage == null; the alternative is browser // 51
// detection, but this seems better. // 52
safeSessionStorage = window.sessionStorage; // 53
// 54
// Check we can actually use it // 55
if (safeSessionStorage) { // 56
safeSessionStorage.setItem('__dummy__', '1'); // 57
safeSessionStorage.removeItem('__dummy__'); // 58
} else { // 59
// Be consistently null, for safety // 60
safeSessionStorage = null; // 61
} // 62
} catch(e) { // 63
// Expected on chrome with strict security, or if sessionStorage not supported // 64
safeSessionStorage = null; // 65
} // 66
// 67
// Exported for test. // 68
Reload._getData = function () { // 69
return safeSessionStorage && safeSessionStorage.getItem(KEY_NAME); // 70
}; // 71
// 72
if (safeSessionStorage) { // 73
old_json = Reload._getData(); // 74
safeSessionStorage.removeItem(KEY_NAME); // 75
} else { // 76
// Unsupported browser (IE 6,7) or locked down security settings. // 77
// No session resumption. // 78
} // 80
// 81
if (!old_json) old_json = '{}'; // 82
var old_parsed = {}; // 83
try { // 84
old_parsed = JSON.parse(old_json); // 85
if (typeof old_parsed !== "object") { // 86
Meteor._debug("Got bad data on reload. Ignoring."); // 87
old_parsed = {}; // 88
} // 89
} catch (err) { // 90
Meteor._debug("Got invalid JSON on reload. Ignoring."); // 91
} // 92
// 93
if (old_parsed.reload && typeof === "object") { // 94
// Meteor._debug("Restoring reload data."); // 95
old_data =; // 96
} // 97
// 98
// 99
var providers = []; // 100
// 101
////////// External API ////////// // 102
// 103
// Packages that support migration should register themselves by calling // 104
// this function. When it's time to migrate, callback will be called // 105
// with one argument, the "retry function," and an optional 'option' // 106
// argument (containing a key 'immediateMigration'). If the package // 107
// is ready to migrate, it should return [true, data], where data is // 108
// its migration data, an arbitrary JSON value (or [true] if it has // 109
// no migration data this time). If the package needs more time // 110
// before it is ready to migrate, it should return false. Then, once // 111
// it is ready to migrating again, it should call the retry // 112
// function. The retry function will return immediately, but will // 113
// schedule the migration to be retried, meaning that every package // 114
// will be polled once again for its migration data. If they are all // 115
// ready this time, then the migration will happen. name must be set if there // 116
// is migration data. If 'immediateMigration' is set in the options // 117
// argument, then it doesn't matter whether the package is ready to // 118
// migrate or not; the reload will happen immediately without waiting // 119
// (used for OAuth redirect login). // 120
// // 121
Reload._onMigrate = function (name, callback) { // 122
if (!callback) { // 123
// name not provided, so first arg is callback. // 124
callback = name; // 125
name = undefined; // 126
} // 127
providers.push({name: name, callback: callback}); // 128
}; // 129
// 130
// Called by packages when they start up. // 131
// Returns the object that was saved, or undefined if none saved. // 132
// // 133
Reload._migrationData = function (name) { // 134
return old_data[name]; // 135
}; // 136
// 137
// Options are the same as for `Reload._migrate`. // 138
var pollProviders = function (tryReload, options) { // 139
tryReload = tryReload || function () {}; // 140
options = options || {}; // 141
// 142
var migrationData = {}; // 143
var remaining = _.clone(providers); // 144
var allReady = true; // 145
while (remaining.length) { // 146
var p = remaining.shift(); // 147
var status = p.callback(tryReload, options); // 148
if (!status[0]) // 149
allReady = false; // 150
if (status.length > 1 && // 151
migrationData[] = status[1]; // 152
}; // 153
if (allReady || options.immediateMigration) // 154
return migrationData; // 155
else // 156
return null; // 157
}; // 158
// 159
// Options are: // 160
// - immediateMigration: true if the page will be reloaded immediately // 161
// regardless of whether packages report that they are ready or not. // 162
Reload._migrate = function (tryReload, options) { // 163
// Make sure each package is ready to go, and collect their // 164
// migration data // 165
var migrationData = pollProviders(tryReload, options); // 166
if (migrationData === null) // 167
return false; // not ready yet.. // 168
// 169
try { // 170
// Persist the migration data // 171
var json = JSON.stringify({ // 172
data: migrationData, reload: true // 173
}); // 174
} catch (err) { // 175
Meteor._debug("Couldn't serialize data for migration", migrationData); // 176
throw err; // 177
} // 178
// 179
if (safeSessionStorage) { // 180
try { // 181
safeSessionStorage.setItem(KEY_NAME, json); // 182
} catch (err) { // 183
// We should have already checked this, but just log - don't throw // 184
Meteor._debug("Couldn't save data for migration to sessionStorage", err); // 185
} // 186
} else { // 187
Meteor._debug("Browser does not support sessionStorage. Not saving migration state."); // 188
} // 189
// 190
return true; // 191
}; // 192
// 193
// Allows tests to isolate the list of providers. // 194
Reload._withFreshProvidersForTest = function (f) { // 195
var originalProviders = _.clone(providers); // 196
providers = []; // 197
try { // 198
f(); // 199
} finally { // 200
providers = originalProviders; // 201
} // 202
}; // 203
// 204
// Migrating reload: reload this page (presumably to pick up a new // 205
// version of the code or assets), but save the program state and // 206
// migrate it over. This function returns immediately. The reload // 207
// will happen at some point in the future once all of the packages // 208
// are ready to migrate. // 209
// // 210
var reloading = false; // 211
Reload._reload = function (options) { // 212
options = options || {}; // 213
// 214
if (reloading) // 215
return; // 216
reloading = true; // 217
// 218
var tryReload = function () { _.defer(function () { // 219
if (Reload._migrate(tryReload, options)) { // 220
// Tell the browser to shut down this VM and make a new one // 221
window.location.reload(); // 222
} // 223
}); }; // 224
// 225
tryReload(); // 226
}; // 227
// 228
(function () {
// //
// packages/reload/deprecated.js //
// //
// Reload functionality used to live on Meteor._reload. Be nice and try not to // 1
// break code that uses it, even though it's internal. // 2
// XXX COMPAT WITH 0.6.4 // 3
Meteor._reload = { // 4
onMigrate: Reload._onMigrate, // 5
migrationData: Reload._migrationData, // 6
reload: Reload._reload // 7
}; // 8
// 9
/* Exports */
if (typeof Package === 'undefined') Package = {};
Package.reload = {
Reload: Reload