2015-08-14 19:22:53 +02:00

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// //
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(function () {
/* Imports */
var Meteor = Package.meteor.Meteor;
var _ = Package.underscore._;
var Random = Package.random.Random;
/* Package-scope variables */
var Retry;
(function () {
// //
// packages/retry/retry.js //
// //
// Retry logic with an exponential backoff. // 1
// // 2
// options: // 3
// baseTimeout: time for initial reconnect attempt (ms). // 4
// exponent: exponential factor to increase timeout each attempt. // 5
// maxTimeout: maximum time between retries (ms). // 6
// minCount: how many times to reconnect "instantly". // 7
// minTimeout: time to wait for the first `minCount` retries (ms). // 8
// fuzz: factor to randomize retry times by (to avoid retry storms). // 9
// 10
Retry = function (options) { // 11
var self = this; // 12
_.extend(self, _.defaults(_.clone(options || {}), { // 13
baseTimeout: 1000, // 1 second // 14
exponent: 2.2, // 15
// The default is high-ish to ensure a server can recover from a // 16
// failure caused by load. // 17
maxTimeout: 5 * 60000, // 5 minutes // 18
minTimeout: 10, // 19
minCount: 2, // 20
fuzz: 0.5 // +- 25% // 21
})); // 22
self.retryTimer = null; // 23
}; // 24
// 25
_.extend(Retry.prototype, { // 26
// 27
// Reset a pending retry, if any. // 28
clear: function () { // 29
var self = this; // 30
if (self.retryTimer) // 31
clearTimeout(self.retryTimer); // 32
self.retryTimer = null; // 33
}, // 34
// 35
// Calculate how long to wait in milliseconds to retry, based on the // 36
// `count` of which retry this is. // 37
_timeout: function (count) { // 38
var self = this; // 39
// 40
if (count < self.minCount) // 41
return self.minTimeout; // 42
// 43
var timeout = Math.min( // 44
self.maxTimeout, // 45
self.baseTimeout * Math.pow(self.exponent, count)); // 46
// fuzz the timeout randomly, to avoid reconnect storms when a // 47
// server goes down. // 48
timeout = timeout * ((Random.fraction() * self.fuzz) + // 49
(1 - self.fuzz/2)); // 50
return timeout; // 51
}, // 52
// 53
// Call `fn` after a delay, based on the `count` of which retry this is. // 54
retryLater: function (count, fn) { // 55
var self = this; // 56
var timeout = self._timeout(count); // 57
if (self.retryTimer) // 58
clearTimeout(self.retryTimer); // 59
self.retryTimer = Meteor.setTimeout(fn, timeout); // 60
return timeout; // 61
} // 62
// 63
}); // 64
// 65
/* Exports */
if (typeof Package === 'undefined') Package = {};
Package.retry = {
Retry: Retry