2015-08-14 19:22:53 +02:00

438 lines
41 KiB

// //
// This is a generated file. You can view the original //
// source in your browser if your browser supports source maps. //
// //
// If you are using Chrome, open the Developer Tools and click the gear //
// icon in its lower right corner. In the General Settings panel, turn //
// on 'Enable source maps'. //
// //
// If you are using Firefox 23, go to `about:config` and set the //
// `devtools.debugger.source-maps-enabled` preference to true. //
// (The preference should be on by default in Firefox 24; versions //
// older than 23 do not support source maps.) //
// //
(function () {
/* Imports */
var Meteor = Package.meteor.Meteor;
var HTML = Package.htmljs.HTML;
var Tracker = Package.tracker.Tracker;
var Deps = Package.tracker.Deps;
var Blaze = Package.blaze.Blaze;
var UI = Package.blaze.UI;
var Handlebars = Package.blaze.Handlebars;
var ObserveSequence = Package['observe-sequence'].ObserveSequence;
var Template = Package.templating.Template;
var _ = Package.underscore._;
/* Package-scope variables */
var Spacebars;
(function () {
// //
// packages/spacebars/spacebars-runtime.js //
// //
Spacebars = {}; // 1
// 2
var tripleEquals = function (a, b) { return a === b; }; // 3
// 4
Spacebars.include = function (templateOrFunction, contentFunc, elseFunc) { // 5
if (! templateOrFunction) // 6
return null; // 7
// 8
if (typeof templateOrFunction !== 'function') { // 9
var template = templateOrFunction; // 10
if (! Blaze.isTemplate(template)) // 11
throw new Error("Expected template or null, found: " + template); // 12
return templateOrFunction.constructView(contentFunc, elseFunc); // 13
} // 14
// 15
var templateVar = Blaze.ReactiveVar(null, tripleEquals); // 16
var view = Blaze.View('Spacebars.include', function () { // 17
var template = templateVar.get(); // 18
if (template === null) // 19
return null; // 20
// 21
if (! Blaze.isTemplate(template)) // 22
throw new Error("Expected template or null, found: " + template); // 23
// 24
return template.constructView(contentFunc, elseFunc); // 25
}); // 26
view.__templateVar = templateVar; // 27
view.onViewCreated(function () { // 28
this.autorun(function () { // 29
templateVar.set(templateOrFunction()); // 30
}); // 31
}); // 32
// 33
return view; // 34
}; // 35
// 36
// Executes `{{foo bar baz}}` when called on `(foo, bar, baz)`. // 37
// If `bar` and `baz` are functions, they are called before // 38
// `foo` is called on them. // 39
// // 40
// This is the shared part of Spacebars.mustache and // 41
// Spacebars.attrMustache, which differ in how they post-process the // 42
// result. // 43
Spacebars.mustacheImpl = function (value/*, args*/) { // 44
var args = arguments; // 45
// if we have any arguments (pos or kw), add an options argument // 46
// if there isn't one. // 47
if (args.length > 1) { // 48
var kw = args[args.length - 1]; // 49
if (! (kw instanceof { // 50
kw =; // 51
// clone arguments into an actual array, then push // 52
// the empty kw object. // 53
args =; // 54
args.push(kw); // 55
} else { // 56
// For each keyword arg, call it if it's a function // 57
var newHash = {}; // 58
for (var k in kw.hash) { // 59
var v = kw.hash[k]; // 60
newHash[k] = (typeof v === 'function' ? v() : v); // 61
} // 62
args[args.length - 1] =; // 63
} // 64
} // 65
// 66
return, args); // 67
}; // 68
// 69
Spacebars.mustache = function (value/*, args*/) { // 70
var result = Spacebars.mustacheImpl.apply(null, arguments); // 71
// 72
if (result instanceof Spacebars.SafeString) // 73
return HTML.Raw(result.toString()); // 74
else // 75
// map `null`, `undefined`, and `false` to null, which is important // 76
// so that attributes with nully values are considered absent. // 77
// stringify anything else (e.g. strings, booleans, numbers including 0). // 78
return (result == null || result === false) ? null : String(result); // 79
}; // 80
// 81
Spacebars.attrMustache = function (value/*, args*/) { // 82
var result = Spacebars.mustacheImpl.apply(null, arguments); // 83
// 84
if (result == null || result === '') { // 85
return null; // 86
} else if (typeof result === 'object') { // 87
return result; // 88
} else if (typeof result === 'string' && HTML.isValidAttributeName(result)) { // 89
var obj = {}; // 90
obj[result] = ''; // 91
return obj; // 92
} else { // 93
throw new Error("Expected valid attribute name, '', null, or object"); // 94
} // 95
}; // 96
// 97
Spacebars.dataMustache = function (value/*, args*/) { // 98
var result = Spacebars.mustacheImpl.apply(null, arguments); // 99
// 100
return result; // 101
}; // 102
// 103
// Idempotently wrap in `HTML.Raw`. // 104
// // 105
// Called on the return value from `Spacebars.mustache` in case the // 106
// template uses triple-stache (`{{{foo bar baz}}}`). // 107
Spacebars.makeRaw = function (value) { // 108
if (value == null) // null or undefined // 109
return null; // 110
else if (value instanceof HTML.Raw) // 111
return value; // 112
else // 113
return HTML.Raw(value); // 114
}; // 115
// 116
// If `value` is a function, called it on the `args`, after // 117
// evaluating the args themselves (by calling them if they are // 118
// functions). Otherwise, simply return `value` (and assert that // 119
// there are no args). // 120 = function (value/*, args*/) { // 121
if (typeof value === 'function') { // 122
// evaluate arguments if they are functions (by calling them) // 123
var newArgs = []; // 124
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { // 125
var arg = arguments[i]; // 126
newArgs[i-1] = (typeof arg === 'function' ? arg() : arg); // 127
} // 128
// 129
return value.apply(null, newArgs); // 130
} else { // 131
if (arguments.length > 1) // 132
throw new Error("Can't call non-function: " + value); // 133
// 134
return value; // 135
} // 136
}; // 137
// 138
// Call this as `{ ... })`. The return value // 139
// is `instanceof`. // 140 = function (hash) { // 141
if (! (this instanceof // 142
// called without new; call with new // 143
return new; // 144
// 145
this.hash = hash || {}; // 146
}; // 147
// 148
// Call this as `Spacebars.SafeString("some HTML")`. The return value // 149
// is `instanceof Spacebars.SafeString` (and `instanceof Handlebars.SafeString). // 150
Spacebars.SafeString = function (html) { // 151
if (! (this instanceof Spacebars.SafeString)) // 152
// called without new; call with new // 153
return new Spacebars.SafeString(html); // 154
// 155
return new Handlebars.SafeString(html); // 156
}; // 157
Spacebars.SafeString.prototype = Handlebars.SafeString.prototype; // 158
// 159
// `, "bar", "baz")` performs a special kind // 160
// of `` that allows safe indexing of `null` and // 161
// indexing of functions (which calls the function). If the // 162
// result is a function, it is always a bound function (e.g. // 163
// a wrapped version of `baz` that always uses `` as // 164
// `this`). // 165
// // 166
// In `, "bar")`, `foo` is assumed to be either // 167
// a non-function value or a "fully-bound" function wrapping a value, // 168
// where fully-bound means it takes no arguments and ignores `this`. // 169
// // 170
// `, "bar")` performs the following steps: // 171
// // 172
// * If `foo` is falsy, return `foo`. // 173
// // 174
// * If `foo` is a function, call it (set `foo` to `foo()`). // 175
// // 176
// * If `foo` is falsy now, return `foo`. // 177
// // 178
// * Return ``, binding it to `foo` if it's a function. // 179 = function (value, id1/*, id2, ...*/) { // 180
if (arguments.length > 2) { // 181
// Note: doing this recursively is probably less efficient than // 182
// doing it in an iterative loop. // 183
var argsForRecurse = []; // 184
argsForRecurse.push(, id1)); // 185
argsForRecurse.push.apply(argsForRecurse, // 186, 2)); // 187
return, argsForRecurse); // 188
} // 189
// 190
if (typeof value === 'function') // 191
value = value(); // 192
// 193
if (! value) // 194
return value; // falsy, don't index, pass through // 195
// 196
var result = value[id1]; // 197
if (typeof result !== 'function') // 198
return result; // 199
// `value[id1]` (or `value()[id1]`) is a function. // 200
// Bind it so that when called, `value` will be placed in `this`. // 201
return function (/*arguments*/) { // 202
return result.apply(value, arguments); // 203
}; // 204
}; // 205
// 206
// Spacebars.With implements the conditional logic of rendering // 207
// the `{{else}}` block if the argument is falsy. It combines // 208
// a Blaze.If with a Blaze.With (the latter only in the truthy // 209
// case, since the else block is evaluated without entering // 210
// a new data context). // 211
Spacebars.With = function (argFunc, contentFunc, elseFunc) { // 212
var argVar = new Blaze.ReactiveVar; // 213
var view = Blaze.View('Spacebars_with', function () { // 214
return Blaze.If(function () { return argVar.get(); }, // 215
function () { return Blaze.With(function () { // 216
return argVar.get(); }, contentFunc); }, // 217
elseFunc); // 218
}); // 219
view.onViewCreated(function () { // 220
this.autorun(function () { // 221
argVar.set(argFunc()); // 222
// 223
// This is a hack so that autoruns inside the body // 224
// of the #with get stopped sooner. It reaches inside // 225
// our ReactiveVar to access its dep. // 226
// 227
Tracker.onInvalidate(function () { // 228
argVar.dep.changed(); // 229
}); // 230
// 231
// Take the case of `{{#with A}}{{B}}{{/with}}`. The goal // 232
// is to not re-render `B` if `A` changes to become falsy // 233
// and `B` is simultaneously invalidated. // 234
// // 235
// A series of autoruns are involved: // 236
// // 237
// 1. This autorun (argument to Spacebars.With) // 238
// 2. Argument to Blaze.If // 239
// 3. Blaze.If view re-render // 240
// 4. Argument to Blaze.With // 241
// 5. The template tag `{{B}}` // 242
// // 243
// When (3) is invalidated, it immediately stops (4) and (5) // 244
// because of a Tracker.onInvalidate built into materializeView. // 245
// (When a View's render method is invalidated, it immediately // 246
// tears down all the subviews, via a Tracker.onInvalidate much // 247
// like this one. // 248
// // 249
// Suppose `A` changes to become falsy, and `B` changes at the // 250
// same time (i.e. without an intervening flush). // 251
// Without the code above, this happens: // 252
// // 253
// - (1) and (5) are invalidated. // 254
// - (1) runs, invalidating (2) and (4). // 255
// - (5) runs. // 256
// - (2) runs, invalidating (3), stopping (4) and (5). // 257
// // 258
// With the code above: // 259
// // 260
// - (1) and (5) are invalidated, invalidating (2) and (4). // 261
// - (1) runs. // 262
// - (2) runs, invalidating (3), stopping (4) and (5). // 263
// // 264
// If the re-run of (5) is originally enqueued before (1), all // 265
// bets are off, but typically that doesn't seem to be the // 266
// case. Anyway, doing this is always better than not doing it, // 267
// because it might save a bunch of DOM from being updated // 268
// needlessly. // 269
}); // 270
}); // 271
// 272
return view; // 273
}; // 274
// 275
// XXX COMPAT WITH 0.9.0 // 276
Spacebars.TemplateWith = Blaze._TemplateWith; // 277
// 278
(function () {
// //
// packages/spacebars/template.dynamic.js //
// //
// 1
Template.__checkName("__dynamic"); // 2
Template["__dynamic"] = new Template("Template.__dynamic", (function() { // 3
var view = this; // 4
return [ Blaze.View("lookup:checkContext", function() { // 5
return Spacebars.mustache(view.lookup("checkContext")); // 6
}), "\n ", Blaze.If(function() { // 7
return"dataContextPresent")); // 8
}, function() { // 9
return [ "\n ", Spacebars.include(view.lookupTemplate("__dynamicWithDataContext")), "\n " ]; // 10
}, function() { // 11
return [ "\n \n ", Blaze._TemplateWith(function() { // 12
return { // 13
template:"template")), // 14
data:"..")) // 15
}; // 16
}, function() { // 17
return Spacebars.include(view.lookupTemplate("__dynamicWithDataContext")); // 18
}), "\n " ]; // 19
}) ]; // 20
})); // 21
// 22
Template.__checkName("__dynamicWithDataContext"); // 23
Template["__dynamicWithDataContext"] = new Template("Template.__dynamicWithDataContext", (function() { // 24
var view = this; // 25
return Spacebars.With(function() { // 26
return Spacebars.dataMustache(view.lookup("chooseTemplate"), view.lookup("template")); // 27
}, function() { // 28
return [ "\n ", Blaze._TemplateWith(function() { // 29
return".."), "data")); // 30
}, function() { // 31
return Spacebars.include(view.lookupTemplate("..")); // 32
}), " \n " ]; // 33
}); // 34
})); // 35
// 36
(function () {
// //
// packages/spacebars/dynamic.js //
// //
/** // 1
* @isTemplate true // 2
* @memberOf Template // 3
* @function dynamic // 4
* @summary Choose a template to include dynamically, by name. // 5
* @locus Templates // 6
* @param {String} template The name of the template to include. // 7
* @param {Object} [data] Optional. The data context in which to include the template. // 8
*/ // 9
// 10
Template.__dynamicWithDataContext.helpers({ // 11
chooseTemplate: function (name) { // 12
return Template[name] || null; // 13
} // 14
}); // 15
// 16
Template.__dynamic.helpers({ // 17
dataContextPresent: function () { // 18
return _.has(this, "data"); // 19
}, // 20
checkContext: function () { // 21
if (! _.has(this, "template")) { // 22
throw new Error("Must specify name in the 'template' argument " + // 23
"to {{> Template.dynamic}}."); // 24
} // 25
// 26
_.each(this, function (v, k) { // 27
if (k !== "template" && k !== "data") { // 28
throw new Error("Invalid argument to {{> Template.dynamic}}: " + // 29
k); // 30
} // 31
}); // 32
} // 33
}); // 34
// 35
/* Exports */
if (typeof Package === 'undefined') Package = {};
Package.spacebars = {
Spacebars: Spacebars