[metadata] name = ge-capped-token version = 0.1.0 description = ERC20 token that can be minted, capped and expired. author = Louis Holbrook author_email = dev@holbrook.no url = https://git.grassecon.net/grassrootseconomics/ge-capped-token keywords = dlt ethereum token blockchain cryptocurrency classifiers = Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Operating System :: OS Independent Development Status :: 4 - Beta Environment :: Console Intended Audience :: Developers License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Affero General Public License v3 or later (AGPLv3+) Topic :: Internet Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries #Topic :: Blockchain :: EVM license = AGPLv3+ licence_files = LICENSE [options] include_package_data = True python_requires = >= 3.8 packages = ge_capped_token ge_capped_token.runnable ge_capped_token.unittest ge_capped_token.data [options.package_data] * = data/GiftableToken.json data/GiftableToken.bin data/StaticToken.json data/StaticToken.bin data/ERC20.json [options.entry_points] console_scripts = ge-capped-token-publish = ge_capped_token.runnable.publish:main