### openethereum-node-status A tiny stateless service to return health status and useful metrics from OpenEthereum/Parity nodes. Requires the [following API's](https://openethereum.github.io/JSONRPC) to be enabled: - eth - parity #### Usage Default config: ```bash RPC_ENDPOINT=https://core.bloxberg.org SERVER_POINT=80 DEBUG_ENABLED=false ``` Build and run: ```bash make build docker build -t node-status:latest . docker run --rm -p 5555:80 node-status:latest ``` Pre-build Docker image is available at `docker.grassecon.net/devops/node-status:latest` Use with any uptime tracker and/or metrics scrapper. #### Endpoints - `/health`: ```json { "chainName": "bloxberg", "syncComplete": true } ``` - `/metrics`: ```json { "blockNumber": 13421262, "enode": "enode://0fb17be7e259fee00d0c123c82dfd9cde74763683b7773a1d764a472436362c3031eac591721c02f754ba22140bb654f69261a7dc79143419a3ff8aff1298cce@", "gasPrice": 0, "peerCount": 5, "pendingTransactions": [ { "hash": "0x04b39537eaed56bdab1309d6f2dd6a2618f1725db3709d345a15cc967bb4481f", "from": "0xfc6771c7bd523403327d8fe84b63c3262c2007d6", "to": "0x105e668e389620d5588847c35fb91ea096f465ca" } ], "pendingTransactionsCount": 1 } ``` In-case of any issues, the endpoints return a `503` error #### Development `DEBUG_ENABLED=true go run cmd/node-status/main.go`