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// Copyright 2015-2018 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
/// Validator set maintained in a contract, updated using `getValidators` method.
use std::sync::{Weak, Arc};
use bytes::Bytes;
use ethabi::FunctionOutputDecoder;
use ethereum_types::{H256, U256, Address, Bloom};
use hash::keccak;
use kvdb::DBValue;
use memory_cache::MemoryLruCache;
use parking_lot::RwLock;
use rlp::{Rlp, RlpStream};
use types::header::Header;
use types::ids::BlockId;
use types::log_entry::LogEntry;
use types::receipt::Receipt;
use unexpected::Mismatch;
use client::EngineClient;
use machine::{AuxiliaryData, Call, EthereumMachine, AuxiliaryRequest};
use super::{SystemCall, ValidatorSet};
use super::simple_list::SimpleList;
use_contract!(validator_set, "res/contracts/validator_set.json");
const MEMOIZE_CAPACITY: usize = 500;
2017-04-12 22:10:18 +02:00
// TODO: ethabi should be able to generate this.
const EVENT_NAME: &'static [u8] = &*b"InitiateChange(bytes32,address[])";
2017-04-12 22:10:18 +02:00
lazy_static! {
static ref EVENT_NAME_HASH: H256 = keccak(EVENT_NAME);
2017-04-12 22:10:18 +02:00
// state-dependent proofs for the safe contract:
// only "first" proofs are such.
struct StateProof {
contract_address: Address,
header: Header,
impl ::engines::StateDependentProof<EthereumMachine> for StateProof {
fn generate_proof(&self, caller: &Call) -> Result<Vec<u8>, String> {
prove_initial(self.contract_address, &self.header, caller)
fn check_proof(&self, machine: &EthereumMachine, proof: &[u8]) -> Result<(), String> {
let (header, state_items) = decode_first_proof(&Rlp::new(proof))
.map_err(|e| format!("proof incorrectly encoded: {}", e))?;
if &header != &self.header {
return Err("wrong header in proof".into());
check_first_proof(machine, self.contract_address, header, &state_items).map(|_| ())
/// The validator contract should have the following interface:
pub struct ValidatorSafeContract {
contract_address: Address,
validators: RwLock<MemoryLruCache<H256, SimpleList>>,
client: RwLock<Option<Weak<EngineClient>>>, // TODO [keorn]: remove
// first proof is just a state proof call of `getValidators` at header's state.
fn encode_first_proof(header: &Header, state_items: &[Vec<u8>]) -> Bytes {
let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(2);
for item in state_items {
// check a first proof: fetch the validator set at the given block.
fn check_first_proof(machine: &EthereumMachine, contract_address: Address, old_header: Header, state_items: &[DBValue])
-> Result<Vec<Address>, String>
use types::transaction::{Action, Transaction};
// TODO: match client contract_call_tx more cleanly without duplication.
const PROVIDED_GAS: u64 = 50_000_000;
let env_info = ::vm::EnvInfo {
number: old_header.number(),
author: *,
difficulty: *old_header.difficulty(),
gas_limit: PROVIDED_GAS.into(),
timestamp: old_header.timestamp(),
last_hashes: {
// this will break if we don't inclue all 256 last hashes.
let mut last_hashes: Vec<_> = (0..256).map(|_| H256::default()).collect();
last_hashes[255] = *old_header.parent_hash();
gas_used: 0.into(),
// check state proof using given machine.
let number = old_header.number();
let (data, decoder) = validator_set::functions::get_validators::call();
let from = Address::default();
let tx = Transaction {
nonce: machine.account_start_nonce(number),
action: Action::Call(contract_address),
gas: PROVIDED_GAS.into(),
gas_price: U256::default(),
value: U256::default(),
let res = ::state::check_proof(
match res {
::state::ProvedExecution::BadProof => Err("Bad proof".into()),
::state::ProvedExecution::Failed(e) => Err(format!("Failed call: {}", e)),
::state::ProvedExecution::Complete(e) => decoder.decode(&e.output).map_err(|e| e.to_string()),
fn decode_first_proof(rlp: &Rlp) -> Result<(Header, Vec<DBValue>), ::error::Error> {
let header = rlp.val_at(0)?;
let state_items =|x| {
let mut val = DBValue::new();
}).collect::<Result<_, ::error::Error>>()?;
2017-04-12 22:10:18 +02:00
Ok((header, state_items))
// inter-contract proofs are a header and receipts.
// checking will involve ensuring that the receipts match the header and
// extracting the validator set from the receipts.
fn encode_proof(header: &Header, receipts: &[Receipt]) -> Bytes {
2017-04-12 22:10:18 +02:00
let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(2);
2017-04-12 22:10:18 +02:00
fn decode_proof(rlp: &Rlp) -> Result<(Header, Vec<Receipt>), ::error::Error> {
Ok((rlp.val_at(0)?, rlp.list_at(1)?))
// given a provider and caller, generate proof. this will just be a state proof
// of `getValidators`.
fn prove_initial(contract_address: Address, header: &Header, caller: &Call) -> Result<Vec<u8>, String> {
use std::cell::RefCell;
let epoch_proof = RefCell::new(None);
let validators = {
let (data, decoder) = validator_set::functions::get_validators::call();
let (value, proof) = caller(contract_address, data)?;
*epoch_proof.borrow_mut() = Some(encode_first_proof(header, &proof));
decoder.decode(&value).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?
let proof = epoch_proof.into_inner().expect("epoch_proof always set after call; qed");
trace!(target: "engine", "obtained proof for initial set: {} validators, {} bytes",
validators.len(), proof.len());
info!(target: "engine", "Signal for switch to contract-based validator set.");
info!(target: "engine", "Initial contract validators: {:?}", validators);
impl ValidatorSafeContract {
pub fn new(contract_address: Address) -> Self {
ValidatorSafeContract {
validators: RwLock::new(MemoryLruCache::new(MEMOIZE_CAPACITY)),
2017-04-12 16:15:35 +02:00
client: RwLock::new(None),
/// Queries the state and gets the set of validators.
fn get_list(&self, caller: &Call) -> Option<SimpleList> {
let contract_address = self.contract_address;
let (data, decoder) = validator_set::functions::get_validators::call();
let value = caller(contract_address, data).and_then(|x| decoder.decode(&x.0).map_err(|e| e.to_string()));
match value {
2017-04-12 16:15:35 +02:00
Ok(new) => {
debug!(target: "engine", "Set of validators obtained: {:?}", new);
Err(s) => {
debug!(target: "engine", "Set of validators could not be updated: {}", s);
2017-04-12 22:10:18 +02:00
// Whether the header matches the expected bloom.
// The expected log should have 3 topics:
// 1. ETHABI-encoded log name.
// 2. the block's parent hash.
// 3. the "nonce": n for the nth transition in history.
// We can only search for the first 2, since we don't have the third
// just yet.
// The parent hash is included to prevent
// malicious actors from brute forcing other logs that would
// produce the same bloom.
// The log data is an array of all new validator addresses.
fn expected_bloom(&self, header: &Header) -> Bloom {
let topics = vec![*EVENT_NAME_HASH, *header.parent_hash()];
debug!(target: "engine", "Expected topics for header {}: {:?}",
header.hash(), topics);
2017-04-12 22:10:18 +02:00
LogEntry {
address: self.contract_address,
topics: topics,
2017-04-12 22:10:18 +02:00
data: Vec::new(), // irrelevant for bloom.
// check receipts for log event. bloom should be `expected_bloom` for the
// header the receipts correspond to.
fn extract_from_event(&self, bloom: Bloom, header: &Header, receipts: &[Receipt]) -> Option<SimpleList> {
let check_log = |log: &LogEntry| {
log.address == self.contract_address &&
log.topics.len() == 2 &&
log.topics[0] == *EVENT_NAME_HASH &&
log.topics[1] == *header.parent_hash()
//// iterate in reverse because only the _last_ change in a given
//// block actually has any effect.
//// the contract should only increment the nonce once.
let mut decoded_events = receipts.iter()
.filter(|r| r.log_bloom.contains_bloom(&bloom))
.flat_map(|r| r.logs.iter())
.filter(move |l| check_log(l))
.filter_map(|log| {
// only last log is taken into account
match {
None => None,
Some(matched_event) => Some(SimpleList::new(matched_event.new_set))
impl ValidatorSet for ValidatorSafeContract {
fn default_caller(&self, id: BlockId) -> Box<Call> {
let client =;
Box::new(move |addr, data| client.as_ref()
2017-12-21 14:50:58 +01:00
.ok_or_else(|| "No client!".into())
.and_then(|c| {
match c.as_full_client() {
Some(c) => c.call_contract(id, addr, data),
None => Err("No full client!".into()),
.map(|out| (out, Vec::new()))) // generate no proofs in general
fn on_epoch_begin(&self, _first: bool, _header: &Header, caller: &mut SystemCall) -> Result<(), ::error::Error> {
let data = validator_set::functions::finalize_change::encode_input();
caller(self.contract_address, data)
.map(|_| ())
fn genesis_epoch_data(&self, header: &Header, call: &Call) -> Result<Vec<u8>, String> {
prove_initial(self.contract_address, header, call)
fn is_epoch_end(&self, _first: bool, _chain_head: &Header) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
None // no immediate transitions to contract.
fn signals_epoch_end(&self, first: bool, header: &Header, aux: AuxiliaryData)
-> ::engines::EpochChange<EthereumMachine>
2017-04-12 18:55:38 +02:00
let receipts = aux.receipts;
// transition to the first block of a contract requires finality but has no log event.
if first {
debug!(target: "engine", "signalling transition to fresh contract.");
let state_proof = Arc::new(StateProof {
contract_address: self.contract_address,
header: header.clone(),
return ::engines::EpochChange::Yes(::engines::Proof::WithState(state_proof as Arc<_>));
// otherwise, we're checking for logs.
2017-04-12 22:10:18 +02:00
let bloom = self.expected_bloom(header);
let header_bloom = header.log_bloom();
2017-04-18 14:19:10 +02:00
if &bloom & header_bloom != bloom { return ::engines::EpochChange::No }
2017-04-12 22:10:18 +02:00
trace!(target: "engine", "detected epoch change event bloom");
2017-04-12 22:10:18 +02:00
match receipts {
None => ::engines::EpochChange::Unsure(AuxiliaryRequest::Receipts),
Some(receipts) => match self.extract_from_event(bloom, header, receipts) {
None => ::engines::EpochChange::No,
Some(list) => {
info!(target: "engine", "Signal for transition within contract. New list: {:?}",
2017-04-12 18:55:38 +02:00
let proof = encode_proof(&header, receipts);
2017-04-12 22:10:18 +02:00
2017-04-12 18:55:38 +02:00
fn epoch_set(&self, first: bool, machine: &EthereumMachine, _number: ::types::BlockNumber, proof: &[u8])
-> Result<(SimpleList, Option<H256>), ::error::Error>
let rlp = Rlp::new(proof);
if first {
trace!(target: "engine", "Recovering initial epoch set");
let (old_header, state_items) = decode_first_proof(&rlp)?;
let number = old_header.number();
let old_hash = old_header.hash();
let addresses = check_first_proof(machine, self.contract_address, old_header, &state_items)
trace!(target: "engine", "extracted epoch set at #{}: {} addresses",
number, addresses.len());
Ok((SimpleList::new(addresses), Some(old_hash)))
} else {
let (old_header, receipts) = decode_proof(&rlp)?;
// ensure receipts match header.
// TODO: optimize? these were just decoded.
let found_root = ::triehash::ordered_trie_root(
2018-02-16 20:24:16 +01:00
if found_root != *old_header.receipts_root() {
return Err(::error::BlockError::InvalidReceiptsRoot(
Mismatch { expected: *old_header.receipts_root(), found: found_root }
let bloom = self.expected_bloom(&old_header);
match self.extract_from_event(bloom, &old_header, &receipts) {
Some(list) => Ok((list, Some(old_header.hash()))),
None => Err(::engines::EngineError::InsufficientProof("No log event in proof.".into()).into()),
fn contains_with_caller(&self, block_hash: &H256, address: &Address, caller: &Call) -> bool {
let mut guard = self.validators.write();
let maybe_existing = guard
.map(|list| list.contains(block_hash, address));
.unwrap_or_else(|| self
.map_or(false, |list| {
let contains = list.contains(block_hash, address);
guard.insert(block_hash.clone(), list);
fn get_with_caller(&self, block_hash: &H256, nonce: usize, caller: &Call) -> Address {
let mut guard = self.validators.write();
let maybe_existing = guard
.map(|list| list.get(block_hash, nonce));
.unwrap_or_else(|| self
.map_or_else(Default::default, |list| {
let address = list.get(block_hash, nonce);
guard.insert(block_hash.clone(), list);
fn count_with_caller(&self, block_hash: &H256, caller: &Call) -> usize {
let mut guard = self.validators.write();
let maybe_existing = guard
.map(|list| list.count(block_hash));
.unwrap_or_else(|| self
.map_or_else(usize::max_value, |list| {
let address = list.count(block_hash);
guard.insert(block_hash.clone(), list);
fn register_client(&self, client: Weak<EngineClient>) {
trace!(target: "engine", "Setting up contract caller.");
2017-04-12 16:15:35 +02:00
*self.client.write() = Some(client);
mod tests {
2017-07-29 21:56:42 +02:00
use std::sync::Arc;
2017-07-06 11:36:15 +02:00
use rustc_hex::FromHex;
use hash::keccak;
use ethereum_types::Address;
use types::ids::BlockId;
use spec::Spec;
use account_provider::AccountProvider;
use types::transaction::{Transaction, Action};
`Client` refactoring (#7038) * Improves `BestBlock` comment * Improves `TraceDB` comment * Improves `journaldb::Algorithm` comment. Probably the whole enum should be renamed to `Strategy` or something alike. * Comments some of the `Client`'s fields * Deglobs client imports * Fixes comments * Extracts `import_lock` to `Importer` struct * Extracts `verifier` to `Importer` struct * Extracts `block_queue` to `Importer` struct * Extracts `miner` to `Importer` struct * Extracts `ancient_verifier` to `Importer` struct * Extracts `rng` to `Importer` struct * Extracts `import_old_block` to `Importer` struct * Adds `Nonce` trait * Adds `Balance` trait * Adds `ChainInfo` trait * Fixes imports for tests using `chain_info` method * Adds `BlockInfo` trait * Adds more `ChainInfo` imports * Adds `BlockInfo` imports * Adds `ReopenBlock` trait * Adds `PrepareOpenBlock` trait * Fixes import in tests * Adds `CallContract` trait * Fixes imports in tests using `call_contract` method * Adds `TransactionInfo` trait * Adds `RegistryInfo` trait * Fixes imports in tests using `registry_address` method * Adds `ScheduleInfo` trait * Adds `ImportSealedBlock` trait * Fixes imports in test using `import_sealed_block` method * Adds `BroadcastProposalBlock` trait * Migrates `Miner` to static dispatch * Fixes tests * Moves `calculate_enacted_retracted` to `Importer` * Moves import-related methods to `Importer` * Removes redundant `import_old_block` wrapper * Extracts `import_block*` into separate trait * Fixes tests * Handles `Pending` in `LightFetch` * Handles `Pending` in filters * Handles `Pending` in `ParityClient` * Handles `Pending` in `EthClient` * Removes `BlockId::Pending`, partly refactors dependent code * Adds `StateInfo` trait * Exports `StateOrBlock` and `BlockChain` types from `client` module * Refactors `balance` RPC using generic API * Refactors `storage_at` RPC using generic API * Makes `MinerService::pending_state`'s return type dynamic * Adds `StateOrBlock` and `BlockChain` types * Adds impl of `client::BlockChain` for `Client` * Exports `StateInfo` trait from `client` module * Missing `self` use To be fixed up to "Adds impl of `client::BlockChain` for `Client`" * Adds `number_to_id` and refactors dependent RPC methods * Refactors `code_at` using generic API * Adds `StateClient` trait * Refactors RPC to use `StateClient` trait * Reverts `client::BlockChain` trait stuff, refactors methods to accept `StateOrBlock` * Refactors TestClient * Adds helper function `block_number_to_id` * Uses `block_number_to_id` instead of local function * Handles `Pending` in `list_accounts` and `list_storage_keys` * Attempt to use associated types for state instead of trait objects * Simplifies `state_at_beginning` * Extracts `call` and `call_many` into separate trait * Refactors `build_last_hashes` to accept reference * Exports `Call` type from the module * Refactors `call` and `call_many` to accept state and header * Exports `state_at` in `StateClient` * Exports `pending_block_header` from `MinerService` * Refactors RPC `call` method using new API * Adds missing parentheses * Refactors `parity::call` to use new call API * Update .gitlab-ci.yml fix gitlab lint * Fixes error handling * Refactors `traces::call` and `call_many` to use new call API * Refactors `call_contract` * Refactors `block_header` * Refactors internal RPC method `block` * Moves `estimate_gas` to `Call` trait, refactors parameters * Refactors `estimate_gas` in RPC * Refactors `uncle` * Refactors RPC `transaction` * Covers missing branches * Makes it all compile, fixes compiler grumbles * Adds casts in `blockchain` module * Fixes `PendingBlock` tests, work on `MinerService` * Adds test stubs for StateClient and EngineInfo * Makes `state_db` public * Adds missing impls for `TestBlockChainClient` * Adds trait documentation * Adds missing docs to the `state_db` module * Fixes trivial compilation errors * Moves `code_hash` method to a `BlockInfo` trait * Refactors `Verifier` to be generic over client * Refactors `TransactionFilter` to be generic over client * Refactors `Miner` and `Client` to reflect changes in verifier and txfilter API * Moves `ServiceTransactionChecker` back to `ethcore` * Fixes trait bounds in `Miner` API * Fixes `Client` * Fixes lifetime bound in `FullFamilyParams` * Adds comments to `FullFamilyParams` * Fixes imports in `ethcore` * Fixes BlockNumber handling in `code_at` and `replay_block_transactions` * fix compile issues * First step to redundant trait merge * Fixes compilation error in RPC tests * Adds mock `State` as a stub for `TestClient` * Handles `StateOrBlock::State` in `TestBlockChainClient::balance` * Fixes `transaction_count` RPC * Fixes `transaction_count` * Moves `service_transaction.json` to the `contracts` subfolder * Fixes compilation errors in tests * Refactors client to use `AccountData` * Refactors client to use `BlockChain` * Refactors miner to use aggregate traits * Adds `SealedBlockImporter` trait * Refactors miner to use `SealedBlockImporter` trait * Removes unused imports * Simplifies `RegistryInfo::registry_address` * Fixes indentation * Removes commented out trait bound
2018-03-03 18:42:13 +01:00
use client::{ChainInfo, BlockInfo, ImportBlock};
use ethkey::Secret;
use miner::MinerService;
Private transactions integration pr (#6422) * Private transaction message added * Empty line removed * Private transactions logic removed from client into the separate module * Fixed compilation after merge with head * Signed private transaction message added as well * Comments after the review fixed * Private tx execution * Test update * Renamed some methods * Fixed some tests * Reverted submodules * Fixed build * Private transaction message added * Empty line removed * Private transactions logic removed from client into the separate module * Fixed compilation after merge with head * Signed private transaction message added as well * Comments after the review fixed * Encrypted private transaction message and signed reply added * Private tx execution * Test update * Main scenario completed * Merged with the latest head * Private transactions API * Comments after review fixed * Parameters for private transactions added to parity arguments * New files added * New API methods added * Do not process packets from unconfirmed peers * Merge with ptm_ss branch * Encryption and permissioning with key server added * Fixed compilation after merge * Version of Parity protocol incremented in order to support private transactions * Doc strings for constants added * Proper format for doc string added * fixed some grumbles * Private transactions functionality moved to the separate crate * Refactoring in order to remove late initialisation * Tests fixed after moving to the separate crate * Fetch method removed * Sync test helpers refactored * Interaction with encryptor refactored * Contract address retrieving via substate removed * Sensible gas limit for private transactions implemented * New private contract with nonces added * Parsing of the response from key server fixed * Build fixed after the merge, native contracts removed * Crate renamed * Tests moved to the separate directory * Handling of errors reworked in order to use error chain * Encodable macro added, new constructor replaced with default * Native ethabi usage removed * Couple conversions optimized * Interactions with client reworked * Errors omitting removed * Fix after merge * Fix after the merge * private transactions improvements in progress * private_transactions -> ethcore/private-tx * making private transactions more idiomatic * private-tx encryptor uses shared FetchClient and is more idiomatic * removed redundant tests, moved integration tests to tests/ dir * fixed failing service test * reenable add_notify on private tx provider * removed private_tx tests from sync module * removed commented out code * Use plain password instead of unlocking account manager * remove dead code * Link to the contract changed * Transaction signature chain replay protection module created * Redundant type conversion removed * Contract address returned by private provider * Test fixed * Addressing grumbles in PrivateTransactions (#8249) * Tiny fixes part 1. * A bunch of additional comments and todos. * Fix ethsync tests. * resolved merge conflicts * final private tx pr (#8318) * added cli option that enables private transactions * fixed failing test * fixed failing test * fixed failing test * fixed failing test
2018-04-09 16:14:33 +02:00
use test_helpers::{generate_dummy_client_with_spec_and_accounts, generate_dummy_client_with_spec_and_data};
use super::super::ValidatorSet;
2017-04-20 16:09:43 +02:00
use super::{ValidatorSafeContract, EVENT_NAME_HASH};
use verification::queue::kind::blocks::Unverified;
fn fetches_validators() {
let client = generate_dummy_client_with_spec_and_accounts(Spec::new_validator_safe_contract, None);
2017-07-29 17:12:07 +02:00
let vc = Arc::new(ValidatorSafeContract::new("0000000000000000000000000000000000000005".parse::<Address>().unwrap()));
vc.register_client(Arc::downgrade(&client) as _);
let last_hash = client.best_block_header().hash();
2017-07-29 17:12:07 +02:00
assert!(vc.contains(&last_hash, &"7d577a597b2742b498cb5cf0c26cdcd726d39e6e".parse::<Address>().unwrap()));
assert!(vc.contains(&last_hash, &"82a978b3f5962a5b0957d9ee9eef472ee55b42f1".parse::<Address>().unwrap()));
fn knows_validators() {
let tap = Arc::new(AccountProvider::transient_provider());
let s0: Secret = keccak("1").into();
let v0 = tap.insert_account(s0.clone(), &"".into()).unwrap();
let v1 = tap.insert_account(keccak("0").into(), &"".into()).unwrap();
let chain_id = Spec::new_validator_safe_contract().chain_id();
let client = generate_dummy_client_with_spec_and_accounts(Spec::new_validator_safe_contract, Some(tap));
client.engine().register_client(Arc::downgrade(&client) as _);
2017-07-29 17:12:07 +02:00
let validator_contract = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000005".parse::<Address>().unwrap();
New Transaction Queue implementation (#8074) * Implementation of Verifier, Scoring and Ready. * Queue in progress. * TransactionPool. * Prepare for txpool release. * Miner refactor [WiP] * WiP reworking miner. * Make it compile. * Add some docs. * Split blockchain access to a separate file. * Work on miner API. * Fix ethcore tests. * Refactor miner interface for sealing/work packages. * Implement next nonce. * RPC compiles. * Implement couple of missing methdods for RPC. * Add transaction queue listeners. * Compiles! * Clean-up and parallelize. * Get rid of RefCell in header. * Revert "Get rid of RefCell in header." This reverts commit 0f2424c9b7319a786e1565ea2a8a6d801a21b4fb. * Override Sync requirement. * Fix status display. * Unify logging. * Extract some cheap checks. * Measurements and optimizations. * Fix scoring bug, heap size of bug and add cache * Disable tx queueing and parallel verification. * Make ethcore and ethcore-miner compile again. * Make RPC compile again. * Bunch of txpool tests. * Migrate transaction queue tests. * Nonce Cap * Nonce cap cache and tests. * Remove stale future transactions from the queue. * Optimize scoring and write some tests. * Simple penalization. * Clean up and support for different scoring algorithms. * Add CLI parameters for the new queue. * Remove banning queue. * Disable debug build. * Change per_sender limit to be 1% instead of 5% * Avoid cloning when propagating transactions. * Remove old todo. * Post-review fixes. * Fix miner options default. * Implement back ready transactions for light client. * Get rid of from_pending_block * Pass rejection reason. * Add more details to drop. * Rollback heap size of. * Avoid cloning hashes when propagating and include more details on rejection. * Fix tests. * Introduce nonces cache. * Remove uneccessary hashes allocation. * Lower the mem limit. * Re-enable parallel verification. * Add miner log. Don't check the type if not below min_gas_price. * Add more traces, fix disabling miner. * Fix creating pending blocks twice on AuRa authorities. * Fix tests. * re-use pending blocks in AuRa * Use reseal_min_period to prevent too frequent update_sealing. * Fix log to contain hash not sender. * Optimize local transactions. * Fix aura tests. * Update locks comments. * Get rid of unsafe Sync impl. * Review fixes. * Remove excessive matches. * Fix compilation errors. * Use new pool in private transactions. * Fix private-tx test. * Fix secret store tests. * Actually use gas_floor_target * Fix config tests. * Fix pool tests. * Address grumbles.
2018-04-13 17:34:27 +02:00
client.miner().set_author(v1, Some("".into())).unwrap();
// Remove "1" validator.
let tx = Transaction {
nonce: 0.into(),
gas_price: 0.into(),
gas: 500_000.into(),
action: Action::Call(validator_contract),
value: 0.into(),
data: "bfc708a000000000000000000000000082a978b3f5962a5b0957d9ee9eef472ee55b42f1".from_hex().unwrap(),
}.sign(&s0, Some(chain_id));
client.miner().import_own_transaction(client.as_ref(), tx.into()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(client.chain_info().best_block_number, 1);
// Add "1" validator back in.
let tx = Transaction {
nonce: 1.into(),
gas_price: 0.into(),
gas: 500_000.into(),
action: Action::Call(validator_contract),
value: 0.into(),
data: "4d238c8e00000000000000000000000082a978b3f5962a5b0957d9ee9eef472ee55b42f1".from_hex().unwrap(),
}.sign(&s0, Some(chain_id));
client.miner().import_own_transaction(client.as_ref(), tx.into()).unwrap();
// The transaction is not yet included so still unable to seal.
assert_eq!(client.chain_info().best_block_number, 1);
// Switch to the validator that is still there.
New Transaction Queue implementation (#8074) * Implementation of Verifier, Scoring and Ready. * Queue in progress. * TransactionPool. * Prepare for txpool release. * Miner refactor [WiP] * WiP reworking miner. * Make it compile. * Add some docs. * Split blockchain access to a separate file. * Work on miner API. * Fix ethcore tests. * Refactor miner interface for sealing/work packages. * Implement next nonce. * RPC compiles. * Implement couple of missing methdods for RPC. * Add transaction queue listeners. * Compiles! * Clean-up and parallelize. * Get rid of RefCell in header. * Revert "Get rid of RefCell in header." This reverts commit 0f2424c9b7319a786e1565ea2a8a6d801a21b4fb. * Override Sync requirement. * Fix status display. * Unify logging. * Extract some cheap checks. * Measurements and optimizations. * Fix scoring bug, heap size of bug and add cache * Disable tx queueing and parallel verification. * Make ethcore and ethcore-miner compile again. * Make RPC compile again. * Bunch of txpool tests. * Migrate transaction queue tests. * Nonce Cap * Nonce cap cache and tests. * Remove stale future transactions from the queue. * Optimize scoring and write some tests. * Simple penalization. * Clean up and support for different scoring algorithms. * Add CLI parameters for the new queue. * Remove banning queue. * Disable debug build. * Change per_sender limit to be 1% instead of 5% * Avoid cloning when propagating transactions. * Remove old todo. * Post-review fixes. * Fix miner options default. * Implement back ready transactions for light client. * Get rid of from_pending_block * Pass rejection reason. * Add more details to drop. * Rollback heap size of. * Avoid cloning hashes when propagating and include more details on rejection. * Fix tests. * Introduce nonces cache. * Remove uneccessary hashes allocation. * Lower the mem limit. * Re-enable parallel verification. * Add miner log. Don't check the type if not below min_gas_price. * Add more traces, fix disabling miner. * Fix creating pending blocks twice on AuRa authorities. * Fix tests. * re-use pending blocks in AuRa * Use reseal_min_period to prevent too frequent update_sealing. * Fix log to contain hash not sender. * Optimize local transactions. * Fix aura tests. * Update locks comments. * Get rid of unsafe Sync impl. * Review fixes. * Remove excessive matches. * Fix compilation errors. * Use new pool in private transactions. * Fix private-tx test. * Fix secret store tests. * Actually use gas_floor_target * Fix config tests. * Fix pool tests. * Address grumbles.
2018-04-13 17:34:27 +02:00
client.miner().set_author(v0, Some("".into())).unwrap();
assert_eq!(client.chain_info().best_block_number, 2);
// Switch back to the added validator, since the state is updated.
New Transaction Queue implementation (#8074) * Implementation of Verifier, Scoring and Ready. * Queue in progress. * TransactionPool. * Prepare for txpool release. * Miner refactor [WiP] * WiP reworking miner. * Make it compile. * Add some docs. * Split blockchain access to a separate file. * Work on miner API. * Fix ethcore tests. * Refactor miner interface for sealing/work packages. * Implement next nonce. * RPC compiles. * Implement couple of missing methdods for RPC. * Add transaction queue listeners. * Compiles! * Clean-up and parallelize. * Get rid of RefCell in header. * Revert "Get rid of RefCell in header." This reverts commit 0f2424c9b7319a786e1565ea2a8a6d801a21b4fb. * Override Sync requirement. * Fix status display. * Unify logging. * Extract some cheap checks. * Measurements and optimizations. * Fix scoring bug, heap size of bug and add cache * Disable tx queueing and parallel verification. * Make ethcore and ethcore-miner compile again. * Make RPC compile again. * Bunch of txpool tests. * Migrate transaction queue tests. * Nonce Cap * Nonce cap cache and tests. * Remove stale future transactions from the queue. * Optimize scoring and write some tests. * Simple penalization. * Clean up and support for different scoring algorithms. * Add CLI parameters for the new queue. * Remove banning queue. * Disable debug build. * Change per_sender limit to be 1% instead of 5% * Avoid cloning when propagating transactions. * Remove old todo. * Post-review fixes. * Fix miner options default. * Implement back ready transactions for light client. * Get rid of from_pending_block * Pass rejection reason. * Add more details to drop. * Rollback heap size of. * Avoid cloning hashes when propagating and include more details on rejection. * Fix tests. * Introduce nonces cache. * Remove uneccessary hashes allocation. * Lower the mem limit. * Re-enable parallel verification. * Add miner log. Don't check the type if not below min_gas_price. * Add more traces, fix disabling miner. * Fix creating pending blocks twice on AuRa authorities. * Fix tests. * re-use pending blocks in AuRa * Use reseal_min_period to prevent too frequent update_sealing. * Fix log to contain hash not sender. * Optimize local transactions. * Fix aura tests. * Update locks comments. * Get rid of unsafe Sync impl. * Review fixes. * Remove excessive matches. * Fix compilation errors. * Use new pool in private transactions. * Fix private-tx test. * Fix secret store tests. * Actually use gas_floor_target * Fix config tests. * Fix pool tests. * Address grumbles.
2018-04-13 17:34:27 +02:00
client.miner().set_author(v1, Some("".into())).unwrap();
let tx = Transaction {
nonce: 2.into(),
gas_price: 0.into(),
gas: 21000.into(),
action: Action::Call(Address::default()),
value: 0.into(),
data: Vec::new(),
}.sign(&s0, Some(chain_id));
client.miner().import_own_transaction(client.as_ref(), tx.into()).unwrap();
// Able to seal again.
assert_eq!(client.chain_info().best_block_number, 3);
// Check syncing.
let sync_client = generate_dummy_client_with_spec_and_data(Spec::new_validator_safe_contract, 0, 0, &[]);
sync_client.engine().register_client(Arc::downgrade(&sync_client) as _);
for i in 1..4 {
assert_eq!(sync_client.chain_info().best_block_number, 3);
2017-04-20 16:09:43 +02:00
fn detects_bloom() {
use engines::EpochChange;
use machine::AuxiliaryRequest;
use types::header::Header;
use types::log_entry::LogEntry;
2017-04-20 16:09:43 +02:00
let client = generate_dummy_client_with_spec_and_accounts(Spec::new_validator_safe_contract, None);
let engine = client.engine().clone();
2017-07-29 17:12:07 +02:00
let validator_contract = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000005".parse::<Address>().unwrap();
2017-04-20 16:09:43 +02:00
let last_hash = client.best_block_header().hash();
let mut new_header = Header::default();
new_header.set_number(1); // so the validator set looks for a log.
2017-04-20 16:09:43 +02:00
// first, try without the parent hash.
let mut event = LogEntry {
address: validator_contract,
topics: vec![*EVENT_NAME_HASH],
data: Vec::new(),
match engine.signals_epoch_end(&new_header, Default::default()) {
EpochChange::No => {},
_ => panic!("Expected bloom to be unrecognized."),
2017-04-20 16:09:43 +02:00
// with the last hash, it should need the receipts.
match engine.signals_epoch_end(&new_header, Default::default()) {
EpochChange::Unsure(AuxiliaryRequest::Receipts) => {},
_ => panic!("Expected bloom to be recognized."),
fn initial_contract_is_signal() {
use types::header::Header;
use engines::{EpochChange, Proof};
let client = generate_dummy_client_with_spec_and_accounts(Spec::new_validator_safe_contract, None);
let engine = client.engine().clone();
let mut new_header = Header::default();
new_header.set_number(0); // so the validator set doesn't look for a log
match engine.signals_epoch_end(&new_header, Default::default()) {
EpochChange::Yes(Proof::WithState(_)) => {},
_ => panic!("Expected state to be required to prove initial signal"),
2017-04-20 16:09:43 +02:00