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// Copyright 2015-2018 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
use ethkey::{self, KeyPair, sign, Address, Password, Signature, Message, Public, Secret};
use ethkey::crypto::ecdh::agree;
use {json, Error};
use account::Version;
use crypto;
use super::crypto::Crypto;
/// Account representation.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub struct SafeAccount {
/// Account ID
pub id: [u8; 16],
/// Account version
pub version: Version,
/// Account address
pub address: Address,
/// Account private key derivation definition.
pub crypto: Crypto,
/// Account filename
pub filename: Option<String>,
/// Account name
pub name: String,
/// Account metadata
pub meta: String,
impl Into<json::KeyFile> for SafeAccount {
fn into(self) -> json::KeyFile {
json::KeyFile {
id: From::from(,
version: self.version.into(),
address: Some(self.address.into()),
crypto: self.crypto.into(),
name: Some(,
meta: Some(self.meta.into()),
impl SafeAccount {
/// Create a new account
pub fn create(
keypair: &KeyPair,
id: [u8; 16],
password: &Password,
iterations: u32,
name: String,
meta: String
) -> Result<Self, crypto::Error> {
Ok(SafeAccount {
id: id,
version: Version::V3,
crypto: Crypto::with_secret(keypair.secret(), password, iterations)?,
address: keypair.address(),
filename: None,
name: name,
meta: meta,
/// Create a new `SafeAccount` from the given `json`; if it was read from a
/// file, the `filename` should be `Some` name. If it is as yet anonymous, then it
/// can be left `None`.
/// In case `password` is provided, we will attempt to read the secret from the keyfile
/// and derive the address from it instead of reading it directly.
/// Providing password is required for `json::KeyFile`s with no address.
pub fn from_file(json: json::KeyFile, filename: Option<String>, password: &Option<Password>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let crypto = Crypto::from(json.crypto);
let address = match (password, &json.address) {
(None, Some(json_address)) => json_address.into(),
(None, None) => Err(Error::Custom(
"This keystore does not contain address. You need to provide password to import it".into()))?,
(Some(password), json_address) => {
let derived_address = KeyPair::from_secret(
crypto.secret(&password).map_err(|_| Error::InvalidPassword)?
match json_address {
Some(json_address) => {
let json_address = json_address.into();
if derived_address != json_address {
warn!("Detected address mismatch when opening an account. Derived: {:?}, in json got: {:?}",
derived_address, json_address);
_ => {},
Ok(SafeAccount {
version: json.version.into(),
meta: json.meta.unwrap_or("{}".to_owned()),
/// Create a new `SafeAccount` from the given vault `json`; if it was read from a
/// file, the `filename` should be `Some` name. If it is as yet anonymous, then it
/// can be left `None`.
pub fn from_vault_file(password: &Password, json: json::VaultKeyFile, filename: Option<String>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let meta_crypto: Crypto = json.metacrypto.into();
let meta_plain = meta_crypto.decrypt(password)?;
let meta_plain = json::VaultKeyMeta::load(&meta_plain).map_err(|e| Error::Custom(format!("{:?}", e)))?;
SafeAccount::from_file(json::KeyFile {
version: json.version,
crypto: json.crypto,
address: Some(meta_plain.address),
meta: meta_plain.meta,
}, filename, &None)
/// Create a new `VaultKeyFile` from the given `self`
pub fn into_vault_file(self, iterations: u32, password: &Password) -> Result<json::VaultKeyFile, Error> {
let meta_plain = json::VaultKeyMeta {
address: self.address.into(),
name: Some(,
meta: Some(self.meta),
let meta_plain = meta_plain.write().map_err(|e| Error::Custom(format!("{:?}", e)))?;
let meta_crypto = Crypto::with_plain(&meta_plain, password, iterations)?;
Ok(json::VaultKeyFile {
version: self.version.into(),
crypto: self.crypto.into(),
metacrypto: meta_crypto.into(),
/// Sign a message.
pub fn sign(&self, password: &Password, message: &Message) -> Result<Signature, Error> {
let secret = self.crypto.secret(password)?;
sign(&secret, message).map_err(From::from)
/// Decrypt a message.
pub fn decrypt(&self, password: &Password, shared_mac: &[u8], message: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
let secret = self.crypto.secret(password)?;
ethkey::crypto::ecies::decrypt(&secret, shared_mac, message).map_err(From::from)
/// Agree on shared key.
pub fn agree(&self, password: &Password, other: &Public) -> Result<Secret, Error> {
let secret = self.crypto.secret(password)?;
agree(&secret, other).map_err(From::from)
/// Derive public key.
pub fn public(&self, password: &Password) -> Result<Public, Error> {
let secret = self.crypto.secret(password)?;
/// Change account's password.
pub fn change_password(&self, old_password: &Password, new_password: &Password, iterations: u32) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let secret = self.crypto.secret(old_password)?;
let result = SafeAccount {
version: self.version.clone(),
crypto: Crypto::with_secret(&secret, new_password, iterations)?,
address: self.address.clone(),
filename: self.filename.clone(),
meta: self.meta.clone(),
/// Check if password matches the account.
pub fn check_password(&self, password: &Password) -> bool {
mod tests {
2016-06-20 10:02:02 +02:00
use ethkey::{Generator, Random, verify_public, Message};
use super::SafeAccount;
2016-06-20 10:02:02 +02:00
fn sign_and_verify_public() {
let keypair = Random.generate().unwrap();
let password = "hello world".into();
let message = Message::default();
let account = SafeAccount::create(&keypair, [0u8; 16], &password, 10240, "Test".to_owned(), "{}".to_owned());
let signature = account.unwrap().sign(&password, &message).unwrap();
2016-06-20 10:02:02 +02:00
assert!(verify_public(keypair.public(), &signature, &message).unwrap());
fn change_password() {
let keypair = Random.generate().unwrap();
let first_password = "hello world".into();
let sec_password = "this is sparta".into();
let i = 10240;
let message = Message::default();
let account = SafeAccount::create(&keypair, [0u8; 16], &first_password, i, "Test".to_owned(), "{}".to_owned()).unwrap();
let new_account = account.change_password(&first_password, &sec_password, i).unwrap();
assert!(account.sign(&first_password, &message).is_ok());
assert!(account.sign(&sec_password, &message).is_err());
assert!(new_account.sign(&first_password, &message).is_err());
assert!(new_account.sign(&sec_password, &message).is_ok());